24 April 2015 R1-20/FREE
Baking put on hold after fire incident
Emergency services were called in to combat a fire at Bela-Bela’s SuperSpar during a fire in the bakery section. Photo: TK Mashaba
Bela-Bela SuperSpar’s bakery section caught fire in the afternoon of Monday, 20 April. Photo: Justin Steyn
MashabaJustin / Justin Steyn TK TK Mashaba, Steyn Panic erupted when a large section of the bakery at the Spar Supermarket in Bela-Bela’s was engulfed in flames. The incident ocured in the early afternoon hours of Monday, 20 April, when flames burst from electric appliances in the retailer’s bakery. According to one of the employees, they were waiting for a batch of bread
to bake when the fire broke out. He told The Beat that he immediately noticed the inferno and jumped into combating the blaze while other employees contacted emergency services. Fortunately no-one was injured. “When I saw the flames, I ran to get the fire extinguisher while my colleagues called security and the management,” he said. He said that the fire was powerful and that they initially had difficulty subduing
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the flames. The fire was eventually taken care of after Bela-Bela Emergency services reported to the scene. The emergency services told The BEAT that the Spar fire marshal did a splendid job of halting the spreading flames. The BEAT spoke to Carel Coetzee, the owner of Spar, who said that the fire was caused by a short in one of the oven’s electrical circuits. He said that although the fire was not
large, the bakery would be nonfunctional for a few days. They were expecting technicians to assess the damages on Wednesday. Coetzee expressed his relief for the limited damage, as the incident took place next to the store’s gas storage unit. “There was no need for panic and the situation was dealt with very quickly,” he said. Nobody was hurt in the fire.
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