25 January 2013
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25 January, 2013
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
30 Years for notorious criminal Lizzy Bapela
Lizzy Bapela
Wednesday 16 January A group of 24 people were arrested for incitement to cause public violence in Vaalwater. Police spokesperson, Constable Mafemane Makhubela, said that the arrests followed an incident where the suspects were allegedly forcing one of the local high schools to re-admit a certain number of learners regardless of school policies. He said the suspects incited people to strike and stop lessons from proceeding. The suspects appeared before the Modimolle Mag-
istrate’s Court on Thursday, 17 January. They were released without bail and were warned to appear again in court in February. Police in Vaalwater are looking for suspects in a case of housebreaking which took place at a local Pep-Stores shop. Makhubela said that the suspects broke the roof open to gain entry to the store and stole clothes of an undisclosed value. He said police are following all possible leads to arrest the suspects.
Sunday 20 January A Vaalwater man appeared before the Modimolle Magistrate’s Court after being found in possession of a dangerous weapon. Makhubela said that the police were attending a case of domestic violence in the area and found the angry
man in possession of an axe. He said the police had to move the wife to a place of safety and advised her on measures of protection she can apply for at the court of law. The suspect was arrested on the spot.
A man from Bela Bela was sentenced to 30 years in prison when he was convicted on several charges, including attempted murder and theft. Photo: Supplied.
A Bela Bela criminal was sentenced to 30 years in prison in connection with several cases filed against him. The 42-year-old Casper Jeremias Aucamp was sentenced when he appeared before the Bela Bela Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, 17 January. He was given 15 years for common robbery, six years for theft of a motor vehicle, five years for attempted murder and four years for theft. Constable Glen Manamela, of the Bela Bela police, said that some of the years will run concurrently, adding up to effectively 20 years to serve in jail. Aucamp was arrested in December after being on the run for several weeks, when police in Bela Bela and Modimolle were looking for him in connection with cases including theft of a firearm, attempted murder and use of motor vehicle without owner’s concern. According to the Bela Bela police, the accused stole his girlfriend’s firearm before van-
ishing and she only found out about it when she heard he has shot and robbed a person of his R800 cash and cell phone. The accused also absconded with his brother’s bakkie, which he used for work related duties as he worked for his brother. Police said the brother called to ask about the bakkie as it was not back by the usual time and since the suspect said that he would bring it home. Police further said Aucamp was arrested for theft of motor vehicle back in 2007 and was given a five years sentence as a result. He had only been out of jail for about five months when he started committing the said crimes. Modimolle police were also looking for him in connection with two cases of malicious damage to property and discharging a firearm at the municipal building. Police received information that the suspect was then roaming around Bela Bela, Modimolle, Vaalwater and Lephalale.
Human smugglers jailed
Justice was swift or two Omalayitsha, who were jailed for attempting to smuggle illegal immigrants over the Zimbabwe-SouthAfrican border in Beit Bridge. Photo: Supplied. Two unregistered cross-border drivers, commonly known locally as Omalayitsha, were jailed on Friday, 11 January, for attempting to smuggle eight undocumented people into South Africa through the Beit Bridge border post. Vincent Mukhabela (40), of Nkulumane in Bulawayo, and Machel Magomo (32), of Masvingo, were convicted of contravening a section of the Immigration Act (assisting border jumpers) by Magistrate Gloria Takundwa. Mukhabela was sentenced to 12 months in jail, of which five months were conditionally suspended for five years. Magomo was slapped with six months’
imprisonment but will only serve an effective four months in jail, after two months were conditionally suspended for five years. The prosecutor, Mr Jabulani Mberesi, said that, on 9 January at around 13:00, Mukhabela and Magomo arrived at the Beit Bridge border post, driving their Gauteng-registered cars. The two men were each transporting four passengers, who did not have travel documents. They were intercepted by police officers operating the exit gate, leading to the discovery of the undocumented occupants. The two men were then arrested. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves. Francois De La Rochefoucauld The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. William James You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. Author Unknown
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
25 January, 2013
Page 3
Treasury raps Bela Bela municipality over the knuckles
Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, has taken a bold step by stopping the transfer of equitable shares and all conditional grants allocated for the Bela Bela municipality. Photo: Supplied Lizzy Bapela The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo has asked MEC for Corporate Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Clifford Motsepe, to place Bela Bela Local Municipality under administration. Failure to comply The call comes after the municipality made the headlines recently for numerous negative reasons. For the last three financial years, the municipality failed to comply with Section 126(1) of the
Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). The act requires municipalities to submit their annual financial statements to the auditor general (AG) by the 30th of August annually and failure to meet this deadline is deemed as a non-compliance. Bela Bela municipality had been without a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) as of 1 September 2011 and according to the municipal law, a municipality is not supposed to be without a CFO for more than three months.
Finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, re- comings and indicate that there are adcently wrote to Motsepe, notifying him equate systems to support conversion of the decision to halt the transfer of eq- of the financial system. uitable shares and all conditional grants According to Motsepe, the municipalallocated for the municipality. ity has to demonstrate tangible improveNew CFO to start soon ments in its ability to exercise effective DA provincial spokesperson, Langa financial management and achieve comBodlani, said that what concerns the DA pliance with the legislative framework. regarding problems in the municipality Salary increase for councillors is that the community will suffer the conDespite the financial crisis, councillors sequences and not the still voted that they should management. receive a salary increase. Motsepe confirmed that Chaos erupted at a recent “Chaos he received the letter from council meeting when erupted at a Gordhan and referred the some council members recent counDA back to 2012, where expressed their dissatisMookgophong Local Mufaction in the matter. cil meeting nicipality also faced a situMembers of the public when some ation similar to the one in also reacted heavily when Bela Bela. He said that he executive committee memcouncil memhad meetings with the DA, ber, Lucas Nhlapo, debers excouncillors and officials and fended the salary inpressed their the municipality is now imcrease. Nhlapo said that proving. the councillors were ledissatisfacHe said that he had a few gally elected and were dotion in the meetings in Bela Bela with ing their job well. matter...” Desiree van der Walt and The public, who were repthe DA business commuresented in large numbers nity to discuss problems in at the council meeting, apthe municipality. Motsepe plauded when a suggesalso confirmed that a new CFO has been tion was made that councillors should appointed. The new CFO will start on 1 not get the increase. They were supportFebruary. ing a statement by DA councillor, Kobus Motsepe said that they are now look- van der Merwe, that councillors of the ing to appoint the best candidate for the ruling party are more concerned about municipal manager position as former their own gain, than that of the commumanager, Sam Bambo, was asked to re- nity. sign due to the maladministration in the Van der Merwe said some councillors did municipality. not even attend sub-committee meetings, a Need for an intervention strategy clear indication that they were not exercising He said that he informed Bela Bela their duty in the past year. The meeting broke mayor, Freddy Hlungwane, of the min- down with the public shouting when the deciister’s decision to halt transfer of funds sion for councillors’ salary increase was noted. Municipal speaker Mashadi Monanyane adto the municipality and asked Hlungwane to produce a comprehensive journed the meeting immediately before items intervention strategy. Motsepe told on the agenda including the appointment of Hlungwane that the strategy must out- heads of department (HoDs) could be disline how he plans to remedy the short- cussed.
Government taking AFCON to the people Lizzy Bapela With the AFCON tournament already started, the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) in Waterberg said that it was all systems go ahead of the tournament. The GCIS has plans in place to ensure that fans are mobilised to witness the games and be part of the ‘The Beat at Africa’s Feet’. Spokesperson for the GCIS in the Waterberg region, Maria Ramoshaba, said that the government organised various activities that will take place in all provinces including big screen viewings, mass mobilization campaigns and mobile truck activations. She said that the activities aim to stimulate support for the games, as well as taking AFCON to the people. Community members in Mookgophong were afforded an opportunity by GCIS to view
the AFCON opening on a big screen at the local community hall on Saturday, 19 January. The support programme started with a visit to Mokopane community radio station by the acting executive mayor and member of the mayoral committee (MMC) Khasamula Baloyi. During the interview at the radio, Baloyi encouraged people to pray for Bafana Bafana and support them. Community members were urged to seize the opportunity of the 2013 AFCON to promote nation building and social cohesion as they did during the world cup. The GCIS still urge people to wear their favourite sports shirt on Football Fridays, from now until the end of the tournament, in support of Bafana-Bafana. Dikubu Primary School drum
majorettes, from Mookgophong, and ward councillor, Andries Magowa, led a street parade on Friday, 18 January. The purpose was to create awareness and excitement of AFCON big screen viewing at the Community Hall. The GCIS and stakeholders, including the IEC, Youth Council, municipal officials, ward councillors and ward committees, distributed AFCON flyers and posters to pedestrians and motorists. The community of Mookgophong will be provided with the opportunity to watch all Bafana Bafana games including the closing game. Meanwhile, Eskom Waterberg joined the stakeholders on Thursday, 17 January, to distribute information regarding the tournament and encouraging people to take part and view all the games.
Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. Voltaire
Algemene Praktisyns / General Practitioners Dr. V.G. Emslie MB.Ch.B(Pret) Nr. 0332747 (014) 736-5616 (h) 082 490 6242 ABSA Bosveld Pick ’n Pay Sentrum h/v Marx & Potgieter straat Bela-Bela 0480
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25 January, 2013
Farming sector scrutinized Lizzy Bapela Department of Labour’s public hearings end as the spotlight shifts to the Employment Conditions Commission (ECC) in farm workers minimum wage determination. The ECC, a body that advises Labour Minister on farm workers’ minimum wage determination is expected to have a meeting on Thursday, 24 January. Farm workers wage increase The spokesperson for the department in Limpopo, Johannes Mokou, said that the decisive meeting is to consider the inputs collated from nationwide farm workers public hearings, which will be used to set a new countrywide minimum wage determination. The department’s acting director of Labour Standards, Titus Mtsweni, said that, following the conclusion of weeklong ‘special’ farm workers public hearings, a report would be submitted to Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant, who would consider the recommendations of the ECC. Mtsweni said that barring any unexpected eventualities, the Minister is expected to pronounce on the new minimum wage determination early in February; a move that would calm the situation and create a new and shiny path for the farm workers throughout the country. He said once the Minister had pronounced on the new determination, the new wage adjustments would be published in the Government Gazette on the following day to effect a legislative stamp of approval. Employment Conditions Commission The ECC is an advisory body composed of government representatives, labour unions, and employers. The body ad-
vises Labour Minister on wages and other conditions of employment in the vulnerable sectors including agriculture/ farming sector. The department embarked in nationwide public hearing in November and December 2012 and have recently sealed the recent weeklong public hearings on Sunday, 20 January. Mtsweni said he expects the ECC meeting to be an intensive affair in considering all inputs gathered from all vested parties. The meeting of ECC will consider matters relating to issues of the new minimum wage, status of the farming/agriculture sector, different submissions made by stakeholders and concludes with recommendations. Labour protest action The process currently underway was triggered in 2012 when farm workers in De Doorns embarked on a strike to have their minimum R69 daily wage increased to R150. The strike was called off on December 4 and it resumed early in the year. Mokou said a common theme that emerged in the public hearings from farm workers and their representative organisations was that workers were being paid “slave wage” and need a “living wage.” “On their part, farmers argue that they cannot afford high wages as they are battling to keep their business in the black amid intense competition from highly subsidised imported farm produce, which they say would force them to resort to machinery to replace human capital. The current minimum wage sectorial determination is binding until the end of February. The new minimum wage stipulation will come into effect on 1 March in terms of Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA),” said Mokou.
BELA BELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Private Bag X1609 Bela Bela 0480
ELECTRICAL DIVISION SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TWO 200KVA SOUND PROOF DIESEL GENERATORS WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH AND ONE MOUNTED ON A TRAILER Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of two (2) 200KVA Sound proof Diesel Generator with ATS and One mounted on a trailer at the Main building of Bela-Bela Local Municipality. Preference points for B-BBEE will be scored in accordance with the status level attained by the tenderer in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Base Black Economic Empowerment Act. Tender documents will be obtained as from 25th January 2013, at the offices of Bela Bela Local Municipality, in Bela-Bela, upon payment of a non-refundable amount of R500.00. Only cash or bank guaranteed cheques made out to Bela Bela Local Municipality will be acceptable. A compulsory site inspection will be held on the 30th January 2013 at 10:00. Prospective bidders are expected to meet the representative of the client at the main entrance of the Bela-Bela Local Municipality in Bela Bela, 59 Chris Hani Drive. All bids will remain valid for a period of ninety days after the time and date of opening. Late submissions, telegraphic, telefax or e-mail transmission tenders will not be accepted. Bela Bela Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept a tender as a whole or in part. All tenders and supporting documents must be sealed in a cover clearly marked “Tender no 9/3/1/116: Supply and Delivery of two 200kva Sound proof Diesel Generator with ATS and One mounted on a trailer at the Main Building 59 Chris Hani Drive” and must be deposited in the tender box, at the Bela Bela Local Municipality, 59 Chris Hani Drive, Bela Bela, 1st Floor Records office, not later than 10:00 on the 12th February 2013. Supply Chain Management related enquiries can be directed to the procurement office of Bela Bela Local Municipality on 014 736 8000. Technical related queries may be address to Mike Mkhatshwa at 014 736 8025 D Mafa Acting Municipal Manager
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
How to identify bogus colleges
Young people are so eager to better their education and to build a future that they often fall prey to bogus colleges with unrecognised qualifications. Photo: Supplied
The authorities, including the SAPS and the Department of Higher Education, are issuing warnings for prospective students to avoid bogus colleges and educational swindles. While this is sound advice, it may not be enough to assist young people in identifying such outfits. Additionally, the public may also become unnecessarily wary of all private higher education institutions, limiting their own access to quality education. Dr Felicity Coughlan, director of The Independent Institute of Education, says that, because the private higher education sector is highly regulated in South Africa, with information readily available in prescribed formats, it is in fact easy to identify credible institutions and their campuses if one knows what to look for. “All the key information about the registration of an institution is available in the Register of Private Higher Education Institutions that is kept by the Department of Higher Education and Training, and the information is also readily available from reputable institutions,” she says. “There are also a few key questions to ask, to which there are some simple
answers, and if an institution is able to respond appropriately, it is worth considering.” Coughlan says prospective students can do the following checks: All private higher education institutions need to be registered with the department. Any credible campus must be able to show you a certificate to that effect, which details the campus, provider and qualifications. All higher-education qualifications need to be accredited by the Higher Education Quality Committee of the Council on Higher Education — if they are not accredited, they will not appear on the certificate referred to above. All qualifications must be registered on the NQF by SAQA and students should ask for the SAQA NQF identity numbers. “Once you have established these three things, you can be sure you are dealing with a legitimate institution, and from there you can safely turn your attention to the particular qualification, quality and campus environment issues that meet your aspirations and interests,” Coughlan says. (Issued by Lange 360 on behalf of The Independent Institute of Education) — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
Zim immigration officer in court A 34-year-old Zimbabwean immigration officer at the Beit Bridge Border Post appeared in court for allegedly demanding a R200 bribe from four undocumented travellers, who intended to cross into South Af-
rica illegally. Ian Muhwati, of Cashel Valley, pleaded not guilty to a bribery charge when he appeared before Magistrate Gloria Takundwa. The case was postponed to 23 January and Muhwati was granted bail of US$100. He was ordered to stay at his given address as well and not to interfere with police investigations. The prosecutor, Mr Jabulani Mberesi, said that, on 4 January at around 15:00, Muhwati, who had been deployed to the Beit Bridge Border Post to complement the local immigration staff during the festive period, was operating the southern exit gate when he intercepted a South African-registered vehicle with four undocumented passengers. The court heard that, on discovering that the passengers did not have passports, Muhwati allegedly demanded a R200 bribe from the driver, Durity Themba Ndlovu, before releasing the vehicle. The vehicle was later stopped by alert police officers who were on a routine border surveillance operation, leading to the discovery of the four undocumented occupants. Further investigations by the police revealed that Muhwati had allegedly accepted a bribe from the undocumented travellers before allowing them to proceed, he was arrested, and the bribery money was recovered. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Soccer fever strikes again Once again, South Africa is hosting a major international sporting event. The 2013 Africa Cup of Nations will run from 19 January to 10 February and games will be hosted in stadiums all over the country. The government is doing its best to promote local interest in this tournament. The GCIS and partners, including the IEC, Youth Council, municipal officials, ward councillors and ward committees, distributed AFCON flyers and posters to ensure that people know about the event. The idea is that communities are encouraged to promote nation building and social cohesion, just as they did in 2010 during the world cup. In our readership area, the community of Mookgopong will be provided with the opportunity to watch all Bafana Bafana games including the closing game. Community members already viewed the AFCON opening on a big screen at the local Community Hall. Yes, excitement is definitely in the air and the soccer action should be out of the books. But do these largescale sporting events have any advantages for the larger public, other than nation building and feeling good? Hosting any large event certainly leaves an impact on the local tourism business. People, who would not normally travel to South Africa, now have the incentive to visit the country and make use of the wonderful tourism opportunities on offer. However, it seems that the tourism injection will not make up for the millions that South Africa will fork out to host the tournament. In a briefing to parliament, AFCON local organising committee (LOC) chief executive, Mvuzo Mbebe, told MPs “commercial opportunities are limited.” The costs of the opening and closing ceremonies are an estimated R80 million, according to documents submitted to the portfolio committee on sport and recreation. The Department of Higher Education is to pay R30m towards training stewards and volunteers. The Sport and Recreation Department has been asked to pay more than R52m for, among other costs, the accommodation, international flights and transporting teams. The five host cities will pay for the teams’ and referees’ accommodation and for their transport locally. This will cost the five cities more than R85m in total. Mbebe claims that the event will create 18 600 jobs, but does not mention whether these jobs will be permanent or not. AFCON is almost certain to cost South Africa a lot more than it brings in.
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25 January, 2013
Page 5
Practical obedience through our works Bishop Silas Tlou
Head over heels, sometimes the landing does not work out exactly as we planed it. This athlete from Lekkerbreek Primary School struck the mat face first in the high jump item during the school’s inter-house athletics meet. Photo: TK Mashaba
The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email beateditor@gmail.com or send an SMS to one of our reporters. Lizzy: 076 609 7644 or TK: 076 756 9740. We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!
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• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting • remain unbiased under all circumstances • strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting • support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers
Anyone who is concerned about Bible teaching will be very concerned about the Judgment day and eternal life. There is a profound connection between obedience and the following biblical truths. We will be judged on our works, deeds and obedience. Romans 2:610 – “God will repay everyone based on their works. On the one hand, he will give eternal life to those who look for glory, honour, and immortality based on their patient good work. But on the other hand, there will be wrath and anger for those who obey wickedness instead of the truth because they are acting out of selfishness and disobedience. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. But there will be glory, honour, and peace for everyone who does what is good, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” God judges people according to their works. Those who continue patiently in doing good will receive eternal life. Those who do not obey the truth, but work evil, will receive misery. However, glory and honour await all who work for good. The things we do determine our eternal reward. 2 Corinthians 5:10 – “We all must appear before Christ in court so that each person can be paid back for the things that were done while in the body, whether they were good or bad.” While it is true that only the forgiveness of Jesus and our faith can save us, James says that faith is marked by works. The devil also believes in God, but it is the works of the Christian that brings that faith to life. James 2:14-18 – “My brothers and sisters, what good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Claiming to have faith can’t save anyone, can it? Imagine a brother or sister who is naked and never has enough food to eat. What if one of you said, “Go in peace! Stay warm! Have a nice meal?” What good is it if you don’t actually give them what their body needs? In the same way, faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity. Someone might claim, “You have faith and I have action.” But how can I see your faith apart from your actions? Instead, I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.” Eternal life is for those who obey God. John 5:28, 29 – “Don’t be surprised by this, because the time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice. Those who did good things will come out into the resurrection of life, and those who did wicked things into the resurrection of judgment.”
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25 January, 2013
LEGALS REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 APPLICATION FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE OF REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FARM KLIPHEUVEL NO. 40, K.R., NORTHERN PROVINCE AND REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FARM BUFFELSHOEK NO.41 K.R., NORTHERN PROVINCE Notice is hereby given that application has been made in terms of section 3 (1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, by Kgama Eco-Ranch Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 1989/ 006354/07 (formerly Hartebeestspruit Saamstaan Boerdery Eiendoms Beperk), the registered owner of the abovementioned properties for the removal of the condition. Notarial Tie Agreement No. K3324/2006, which ties Remaining Extent of the Farm Klipheuvel 40, situated at Kgama Eco-Ranch, to Remaining Extent of the Farm Buffelshoek No. 41 K.R., Northern Province, in the following deeds. 1.) T96551/2000 in respect of Remaining Extent of the Farm Klipheuvel No.40 K.R., Northern Province and 2.) T18243/2001 in respect of Remaining Extent of the Farm Buffelshoek No.41 K.R., Northern Province) to perment the sale and transfer of the remaining extent of the farm Klipheuvel no 40 K. R., Northern Province (separately from die Remaining Extent of the Farm Buffelshoek No 41, K.R. norther Province). The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Deputy Director-General, Limpopo Province, Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, Hensa Towers, 3rd Floor, 20 Rabie Street, Polokwane, Limpopo and the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, O.R., Thambo Square, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle until 4 March 2013. (1/2) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (north gauteng high court, pretoria). Case number: 70648/2011. In the matter between:FIRST RAND BANK LIMITED (Registration number: 1929/001225/06). Judgement Creditor and TAPE JONAS RAGOALE: First Judgement Debtor ELIZABETH MONGALO RAGOALE: Second Judgement Debtor. A sale in execution will be held, without a reserve price, by the Sheriff Nylstroom (Modimolle) on 7 February 2013 at 11H00 of the following property: Remaining extent of portion 2 (Portion of portion 1 ) of erf 290 Nylstroom township, registration division K.R., Limpopo Province, measuring: 670 square metres. Held by deed of transfer no T160785/2006. Street address: 113 Von Bakstroom street, Nylstroom/ Modimille, Limpopo Province. Place of sale: The sale will take place in front of the Magistrate Court Van Emmenis street, Nylstroom (Modimolle). Improvements: The property has been improved with the following, although no guarantee is given in this regard: House consisting of entrance hall, lounge, study, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 shower, 2 toilets, 2 garages, laundry. Zoned for residential purposes. Conditions of sale: The conditions of sale will lie for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff Centurion at 50 Leyd street, Nylstroom (Modimolle, where they may be inspected during normal office hours. PETZER, DU TOIT & RAMULIFHO. Attorneys for Judgement Creditor. Ref: NK PETZER/ MAT6480 Tel: 012 342 9895. Fax: 012 342 9790.
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
COGHSTA warns against flood danger Lizzy Bapela
Local and provincial government launched rescue operations and assistance projects after many areas in Limpopo were affected by severe flooding. Photo as illustration
The Limpopo MEC for Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Clifford Motsepe, said that his department aim to save as many lives as possible from floods that swept the province recently. Mookgophong floods Waterberg was among the affected districts, with over 20 families in Mookgophong left with flooded homes due to the rainstorms. The local municipality and the South African Social Service Association (SASSA) in Waterberg worked hand in hand assisting affected families. Reggy Sethosa, of SASSA Waterberg, said that that eleven families received assistance in the form of food vouchers each, which they take to a service provider, a local supermarket, to collect food. Joint Operations Committee The Joint Operations Committee (JOC) of Limpopo, led by Motsepe, the MEC for Agriculture, Jacob Marule, the MEC for Health and Social Development, Norman Mabasa, and other role players continue its work of rescuing and providing relief to people in distress. The committee visited the most affected areas in the province to monitor the situation
and lent a helping hand. The Team distributed food parcels, tents and blankets to people who were left homeless after the heavy rains. Call for vigilance Motsepe called on people to be vigilant at all times and have emergency numbers handy. He warned residents, living close to rivers and streams, that they must evacuate to a safer place or higher spot when the water level rises. “When you cross a flowing river where water reaches above your ankles, turn back and use alternative routes. Never try to walk, swim or drive in swift flowing water as it can sweep you off your feet. Do not drive over a low-water bridge if the water is flowing strong across it.” “Educate your children not to swim in rivers, streams and ponds in open areas. Do not drive during a severe storm — park away from electrical lines, trees, streams and rivers,” he said.Motsepe said that disaster management is everybody’s business and, in case of any disaster, members of the public should report incidents to their district offices or Provincial Disaster Management Centre on the toll free number, 0800 222 111. He said that, when people go missing during a disaster, members of the public should report the incident to their nearest police stations.
Wage increase for all
Doctors needed in Limpopo domestic workers “Limpopo has the highest rate of people living with HIV and Aids...”
Health Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, attributed the shortage of health professionals to many contributing factors. Photo: supplied TK Mashaba Limpopo does not have enough doctors in the public sector to deal with the large demand from the residents of the province. The South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) will publish research next week that paints a bleak picture of health services in Limpopo. Major shortages According to SAIRR, there is an 86% vacancy rate for doctors in the public sector in Limpopo. There is also a 68% vacancy rate for nurses in the same sector in the province. Both these rates are the highest in South Africa and points to a health care crisis. The average vacancy rate for South Africa was measured at 56% for doc-
tors and 46% for nurses. The SAIRR calculated these figures by using data from the health department, looking at the number of known public sector based doctors and nurses. The study also looked at the number of public sector medical vacancies. External factors cause shortages In October 2011, during the launch of the Human Resources for Health Strategy, health minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, attributed the shortage of health professionals to stagnation in training and production. He also blamed the unbalanced distribution between the public and private sectors as well as emigration. Motsoaledi said that the department was working with health sciences faculties and colleges of medicine to increase the intake of medical students. South Africa has entered into bilateral agreements with Cuba to train South African students in medicine. The department was also hiring retired health professionals to fill the vacancy gaps on a short-term basis. Future of the National Health Insurance SAIRR researcher, Lerato Moloi, said that the high health workers vacancy rates were a disturbing development if the objectives of the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme were taken into account. “The three focal points of the NHI scheme, as outlined by the health department are to ensure every South African has access to quality health services, to decrease the burden of disease, and to improve the overall performance of the health system. “ With such vacancy rates, these objectives seem unachievable,” Moloi said. Limpopo has the highest rate of people living with HIV and Aids. According to the department of health’s National Antenatal Sentinel HIV and Syphilis Prevalence Survey in South Africa for 2011, Limpopo is one of several provinces that showed increases in the number of HIV-positive antenatal patients.
The Department of Labour announced a minimum wage increase for all domestic workers across the board. Photo: Supplied Lizzy Bapela While employees from other sectors struggled to make ends meet during the festive season, domestic workers had it a little easier, thanks to the Department of Labour’s announcement for the wage increase, which kicked in from 1 December 2012. Minimum wages for domestic workers who work more than twenty-seven ordinary hours per week and reside in big municipalities increased from R8,34 per hour to R8,95, while the monthly rate grew from R1625.70 to R1746. Deputy Director for Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES) in the department, Phaswane Tladi, said that inspectors are ready to monitor any non-compliance in this regard. He said that non-compliance would not be tolerated. For those employees who reside in smaller municipalities, the hourly rate has jumped from R7,06 to R7,65, while the monthly rate shot up from R1376,25 to R1 491,86. Employees working for 27 or-
dinary hours per week or less, but reside in big municipalities will earn R10,48 per hour where they earned only R9,85 in the past. Their monthly rate was hiked from R1 152,32 to a pleasing R1 237,60. Those residing in smaller municipalities, but working for twenty seven hours, received a increase from R8,33 to R9,03 per hour and their monthly wages have increased from R947,49 to R1 056,35 “The increment will stand until November 2013 whereby the department will go through public briefings to determine another pay hike. The domestic worker sector employs over 200 000 people in South Africa and the sector is considered to have an immense contribution towards the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the country.” “Those facing challenges regarding the minimum wage must approach their nearest labour office to apply for variation or exemption. But until such a variation is in place, employers must continue to pay the minimum wages as per the Sectorial Determination,” said Tladi.
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
25 January, 2013
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District manager presents intervention plan
Waterberg District senior manager, Julia Madela, presented her district’s 2013 intervention plan at Laerskool Modimolle. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Waterberg District senior manager, Julia Madela, released her Literacy and Numeracy Intervention Plan for 2013. District facing challenges Madela said that the purpose of her plan is to outline analysis of the annual national assessment (ANA) results for various learning areas in the district for the year 2012. She said the plan also aims to determine challenges faced in the district and outline the district intervention strategies. Madela said the district is facing a number of challenges where a majority of learners
in schools display certain characteristics when asked to read. She said such characteristics include frequent finger pointing at words, low vocal volume, unnatural head and lip movements, word-by-word reading, vocalising silently and aggression. She said some of the learners show no interest in the text, ask to leave the classroom, present poor reading posture, show signs of fatigue such as rubbing eyes and make comments that are not relevant to the text. Other worrying reading behaviour include turning their hands, swallowing a lot, dry mouths and shedding tears. Intervention and assistance “These are the learners that need to be placed in a group and be assisted during the intervention hours. The major focus of the intervention is the learner in the classroom and the intervention greatly depends on certain important structures of the education system,” Madela said. “These structures include the management of the schools, educators responsible for learning areas, SGBs, parents and the broader community. Curriculum advisors, circuit managers and all officials of the Department of Basic Education can assist in the intervention,” she said. Monitoring the programme She added that officials from head office, districts and circuits would conduct monitoring the intervention. Madela said that the monitoring would include an assessment of learners’ progress in reading, writing and basic mathematics skills in relation to the provided learning programme. She also noted that the district lacks some resources and appealed to the national department to assist in the matter, as they would love to see better improvement in learner results.
Rising above her circumstances
Tshegofatso Mashaba lives with her parents and younger brother in a shack with no electricity or running water. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Tshegofatso Mashaba is no ordinary Grade 5 learner. The hardworking pupil of Mmamakwa Primary School works hard to get the best education available, despite her difficult circumstances. The proud father of Tshegofatso, Peter Mochabang, thanked The BEAT for an article about the hardworking Grade 5 learners of Mmamakwa Primary School. The article was about learners who performed well in their studies and received prizes from the Dear Dad charity organisation. The story was published on Friday, 18 January. Proud parents Mochabang is proud that his daughter managed to achieve so much despite the
fact that she has to live in a shack, in Extension 9, Bela Bela, with no water or electricity. She has just been in Bela Bela for a year, coming from the rural areas of Nokaneng in Mpumalanga. Her mother, Anna, told The BEAT that her former teachers are still calling them to ask if they have not changed their minds about staying in Bela Bela, they still want her back in their school. Hard worker The 10-year-old Tshegofatso started school in 2008 at Nteseng Primary in Nokaneng and has obtained four certificates while attending this school. She performed well in the Read and Speech Festival while in Grade 3 in 2011. She won an award in the Creative Writing category for Setswana and English. She also received a certificate for speech in Setswana and for outstanding performance in Setswana for Grade 3. Her most recent achievement was a certificate of outstanding performance in Grade 4, in 2012, at Mmamakwa. Her parents could not be more proud when neighbours brought them a copy of The BEAT with the article about Tshegofatso in it. The family received calls from relatives and friends congratulating them. Her mother said she also likes playing the educator with other children from her neighbourhood and teaching them at home. She loves reading; drawing and doing her school work on her own. Tshegofatso says she would love to be a newsreader or maybe a pilot when she grows up. Her parents said they intend to give her all the support she needs to become whatever is in her heart. Her younger brother Thato is 3-years-old and attends at Lesedi la Bana Pre-School. Her mother is unemployed and her father works at a local game reserve.
The SAFA Regional League will postpone all games that clash with Bafana Bafana game dates in order to support the national team in their quest for the African Cup of Nations. Photo: Supplied
SAFA suspends fixtures to support Bafana Bafana TK Mashaba The SAFA Regional League, formerly known as the SAB League, postponed some of their fixtures as a token of support for the African Cup op Nations and the national team. All games that fall on the same dates that Bafana Bafana play, will be postponed to a date after the AFCON tournament had ended. All other fixtures will continue as planned. According to Kgomotso Phagadi, SAFA regional representative, the regional leagues were told to postpone all games that coincide with the national team’s games. “This is to show our support for Bafana Bafana,” he said. The 2013 Africa Cup of Nations will be the 29th Africa Cup of Nations, the football championship of Africa organised by
the Confederation of African Football (CAF). The tournament will run from 19 January to 10 February. In the Waterberg region, only Stream B had matches on Sunday, 20 January. No other matches were played in the Waterberg region over the weekend. Maxoma FC lost 3-1 to the mighty Dynasty FC, which is currently leading the log with 19 points. Mosesetjane United FC and Benfica FC played to a 3-all draw. Real Madrid FC beat Mookgopong All Stars 2-1. Yster United is neck in neck with Dynasty FC. Both teams have 19 points on the log, but Yster United still have one game in-hand. Both teams won six games and drew one game. However, Dynasty lost two games while Yster United FC only lost one game so far.
BBEAG funds for top learners
Mike Makhubela, BBEAG corporate coordinator, said that the group wanted to donate R15 000 to local learners to ease their financial burden. Photo: Supplied TK Mashaba Learners in Bela Bela are in the fortunate position of having access to a local charitable organisation that has their success at heart. Influence on young people Young and successful residents of Bela Bela who care about the education of the children pioneered the Bela Bela Education Advocacy Group (BBEAG). The BBEAG had already done so much for education in Bela Bela when they launched their intervention strategy to help learners in need. This strategy is
at the heart of the improved matric pass rates in Bela Bela. However, the BBEAG does not stop there. The group is still pushing forward, helping young people achieve their dreams. Help to get started On Saturday, 26 January, the BBEAG will award BBEAG Kick-start Funds (BFK) to six deserving learners. “This is a donation to learners who excelled in matric and who need a financial boost to help with their tertiary registration,” said Mike Makhubela, BBEAG corporate coordinator. Makhubela said that the donation is meant to help the students in terms of the logistics around the registration process, including travel costs. He said, at the time of going to press, that the BBEAG is still waiting for the local schools to supply them with the names of the six top-performing students. These students will share R15 000 between them, meaning that each learner will receive R2 500. “The BBEAG does not have much in terms of funding, but we strive to secure sponsors to make sure that education does not decline,” said Makhubela. The organisation also runs the BBEAG in Schools (BIS) programme. Members of the group are active in schools by providing extra tutoring sessions and academic help.
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25 January, 2013
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Lekkerbreek Primary athletics day The past week was a busy one with all the schools in the Waterberg hosting their inter-house athletic events. The BEAT attended the Lekkerbreek Primary School athletics day on Friday, 18 January, at the Ephraim Mogale Stadium in Modimolle. Photos: TK Mashaba.
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