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Calvin Pennix

Around/About Calvin Pennix

Differentia Press Santa Maria, CA

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Around/About Calvin Pennix Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved. Published by Differentia Press Book Design by Felino A. Soriano Cover Art, courtesy of McKenzie Stott Except for the sole purpose for use in reviews, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, without the written permission from the publisher. Differentia Press Santa Maria, CA 93458

Differentia Press Poetic Collections of the │Experimental Spectrum│

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thank you to the editors of the following journals for being kind enough to share my work. A Few Lines Magazine o "Touched at the Threshold" o "Sense of Fraudulence" Truck o “A Masking of Elements” o “An Organization of Privilege” Counterexample Poetics o “A Myth of Insight” o “Signified as a Labyrinth” o “Blurbs of Exclusiveness” o “An Air of Stuckness” o “Cultivated From a Shared Instinct” Peacock Online Review o “The Doppelganger” Mad Hatters Review Blog o “Carrying Capacity” Otoliths o “A Lingering” On Barcelona o “Twenty-four Fives (i)” o “Twenty-four Fives (ii)”

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CONTENTS: TRIGGERS: A CONJURING OF CONTEXT ………………………………………………………………..12 TEMPORAL MINUTIA…………………………………………………………………………13 A MOVEMENT………………………………………………………………………………….14 A MYTH OF INSIGHT………………………………………………………………………….15 A MASKING OF ELEMENTS………………………………………………………………….17 SENSE OF FRAUDULENCE…………………………………………………………………...18 PLENTITUDE OF THE LITERAL……………………………………………………………...19 PLACED MISPLACEMENT……………………………………………………………………20 AN ORGANIZATION OF PRIVILEGE………………………………………………………...21 CULTIVATED FROM A SHARED INSTINCT……………………………………………….23 AN ADJUNCT CAPACITY…………………………………………………………………….24 TRIGGERS………………………………………………………………………………………25 A TRENDING ACCESSIBILITY………………………………………………………………28 AN AIR OF STUCKNESS………………………………………………………………………30 THE DOPPLEGANGER………………………………………………………………………...31 BLURBS OF EXCLUSIVENESS………………………………………………………………32 SIGNIFIED AS A LABYRINTH……………………………………………………………….34 TOUCHED AT THE THRESHOLD……………………………………………………………36 A LINGERING………………………………………………………………………………….37 CARRYING CAPACITY……………………………………………………………………….38

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES: i…………………………………………………………………………………………………..40 ii………………………………………………………………………………………………….41 iii…………………………………………………………………………………………………42 iv…………………………………………………………………………………………………43 v………………………………………………………………………………………………….44 vi…………………………………………………………………………………………………45 vii………………………………………………………………………………………………...46 viii………………………………………………………………………………………………..47 ix…………………………………………………………………………………………………48 x………………………………………………………………………………………………….49 xi…………………………………………………………………………………………………50 xii………………………………………………………………………………………………...51 xii………………………………………………………………………………………………...52 xiv………………………………………………………………………………………………..53 xv………………………………………………………………………………………………...54 xvi………………………………………………………………………………………………..55 xvii……………………………………………………………………………………………….56

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I’ve seen dozens of triggering towns − Richard Hugo

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A CONJURING OF CONTEXT A hymn …………………………occult in nature parses with o even distribution o abstract ideation o blatant accumulation while being disjointed in rhythm

Systems of artificial nature carry a tag of irony unpredictable disposition

The imitation of a mote reveals the inherently slippery mystery alongside a listening that conjures some context and references grandiose flourishing

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TEMPORAL MINUTIA Images of peculiarity create topography and a home as a peninsula stirs with knee-length accommodations

A dutiful neglect of substance initiates happenstance under the guise of too complicated to detect

Parallel in its undertakings hermeneutics sustains didactics with revival of temporal minutia

What remains is of skeletal essence multisyllabic motion giving a futile attempt at discerning the humanistic possibilities

Consistent productive value observes a configurative meaning fixes a definable outline and occurs in a deliberately exclusionary tense

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A MOVEMENT Automation moonlighting as weightlessness provides guardians outside of established parameters

True confession resembles improvisation masking the inevitable At best there’s linen equipped with passage for vitals

At times like these we appreciate the blessings (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((and practitioners) averse to taking captives

A resounding resonance adheres to the hearsay {{while gravitating to a transmission of immediate experience deliberately maximizing said device as subtle serialism}}

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A MYTH OF INSIGHT Here there’s an impediment ---------------------though not one of speech because of the silence

The care with which we create noisily construes the exchange

A strategy ---------------------when identified derives from a curious place a bright and eager place

An innovative implementation creates a myth of insight of expressiveness encouraging commitment from a beginning at the bottom which we hope leads to the beyond

An examination ----------------------seldom being deliberate is often lost as we change shapes to hide in this place

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in an act of minute tastelessness

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A MASKING OF ELEMENTS The concrete stands tall [[[domineering]]] only because the bus is late

A slave to the incorporating elements succumbing to each’s demands [[[a requirement for membership all inclusive]]] with the exception of interior elevation

An exhibition of circumstance positions the senses beneath forms of closure masking a contained projection with observation

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SENSE OF FRAUDULENCE A tide reveals the extrasensory […today…] in actuality a sense of fraudulence orchestrates sentiment

In a somber baritone you convey the meaninglessness of a structured


becoming absolutely submerged is a new line of sight which steps outside of the angst-ridden There’s a reliance on texture that comes as a relief to ones who cannot sense it

A peculiar laundering takes place underlining a detachment of less than mere gleaming with sudden greater worth

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PLENTITUDE OF THE LITERAL Correctness’s absence

my presence replaced with hallucinations containing stages of experience

A suggestive devotion stews at posture’s foundation generically wafted by light traffic before its floundering descent to within the reach of underlings

Upon closer examination there’s a synthesis {{of this and that}} visible in plentitude of the literal

Augmented presence develops an expansion precedes an exceeding {{which delves into the hyper}} achieving an inability to retract

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PLACED MISPLACEMENT Simplicity of duty merits management of complication Generic information with sentence-like structure unfolds with parenthetical additions The hunger arranged in a bouquet is not speech it is written and is void of o inflection o integrity o sincerity

Placed as mislaid meaning becomes repellant revealing a system in decline while none of the documentation present is of any necessity to given extremity

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AN ORGANIZATION OF PRIVILEGE A delicate cyclical speculation conditions its surroundings to be readily responsive

With meticulous description of alchemical properties there’s a transformation ---a sudden unveiling and recognition--and now things move in ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]and out of cells which sit quite trite in appearance

There’s a renewal with each successive victory

In awe of dialogue we speak

The constraints have been placed

only to be restored again

and then

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only to be restored A moping ensues due to the floor being within reach of the ceiling

Here ))))))))))as a spectacle(((((((((( is an organization of privilege of surveillance to contemplate attraction and induce wayward wandering

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CULTIVATED FROM A SHARED INSTINCT Once there’s a declaration of community all technicality is lost

The flux approaching peakness is distilled and becomes a staple of the populous alongside the approaching stasis [[so much for the industrious]] There’s skywriting mentioning functionality There was skywriting mentioning functionality

This place is a spoken place cultivated from a shared instinct after a brief period of existential crisis resistant to the o overwhelming o immediate o deafening feeling of separation and the occurrence of disregard

A continual collision floats overhead forging menace punctuating normal usage and swaddling for the purpose of being close-knit

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and then there’s the matter of coverage an adjunct capacity of being numerous subjective An iota of reason deceives with condensed labor ===unpredictable context discerns the term work=== and municipal trust is collected formed becomes a sheen of something amid refuse

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TRIGGERS A changing of the guard – a pulling – into a backward design

Why that particular corner

Small smears of meditative panic call to attention a departure from the departure – a remove from the remove – One must pay close attention to see what’s occurring right in front of him or her or it A relating of the complete experience – the human experience – comes from     

watching hearing tasting touching smelling

Underlining to reach the beginning – to start –

What happens occurs

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takes place What needs to

A woman or man – does it matter – o o o o

barely coherent battered unbathed barely visible

sits – or stands – Shirt white – maybe −

Pants blue – or black – purple maybe

Hair under a hat or maybe he or she is bald but he or she is there. Where Here Where to begin Haven’t we already started 25 | Around/About

Why are you included Are you part of the we Where are you sitting standing Does it matter Why are you – we – still reading

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A TRENDING ACCESSIBILITY A further allegation provides vivacious acknowledgement while meddling in shadows ]amongst divisibility[ sufficiently seducing relevance and qualming faultlessly

A trending accessibility intersects adjacent sentiments fading beyond all earning ]]a less than monetary subjectivity[[ superseding recognition as valueless

There’s a straying into permeable circumstances ]]]spoken in the language of spring[[[ disquieting runs of chords with impatient complexity

Incessant generosity ]]]]under the guise of restlessness[[[[ speaks an inaudible language beginning with a subtle comparison ]]]]]apples and apples[[[[[

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Brilliantly objective the caste disintegrates in its wake o boastings o tendencies o deceptions laden with mishaps of varying proportions being catered to with continuous canter

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AN AIR OF STUCKNESS A synthesis references a relatively reflexive silence as embellishment moves forward identifying coincidences

Through hyperventilation there’s a frank disposition at our disposal with the potential to be anthologized

An air of stuckness [[[with the constance of necessary nourishment intravenous]]] sustains with multiple summits

Height o o o o

relative to height relative to sound relative to stillness relative to words

objective with the nonchalance of retention

At this point a modesty [[[aroused in its tension]]] garners approval earned through effortless fragility [[[but somehow charming]]] and its tactile illusion

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THE DOPPLEGANGER – A collaboration with AP Although opened to itself a residual existence memorizes materiality

The vulnerability rapidly volumizes here to stay nowhere to go but sinkingly inward There’s an implosion with a decreasing ascension disguising its hybridity

Alone pieces pieces

desired like celebrity not left to share

Offshoots of projection molded into moldings by the molder >>a cast masked<< behind the readily available One must be at arm’s length to let you in is to forsake

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BLURBS OF EXCLUSIVENESS Resistant to systems of machinic functioning we live in thirty (30) second blurbs as perspectives of rhizomatic proportions generate questions

Bundling can exceed condensing depending and herein lies the line of inquiry

An orientation of strata signifies the totality of a o low o shaky o pitchy sound of some direct inspiration

The lead [[[concocted of sonar]]] is comprised of bursts [[[bursts leaning toward the kitchy]]] yet still have managed to acquire a following

A cross-pollination of influences induces sprouting all at once

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particling intentions of exclusiveness

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SIGNIFIED AS A LABYRINTH In doorways [[[posed as parenthetical]]] begins the labyrinth Inclusion [[[as well divided]]] depicts a form the makes sense

While meandering one forgoes a passage into indulgence creating passage for non-identity As strange as it may seem stranger […] have happened o have been said o have been written

An iridescent cloak reveals an act of disappearance portrayed in a changing light

Hence the speculation [[[as a response to tradition]]] running parallel [[[with obstruction]]] to naive newness as it exits the parking structure

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o a painting of o a description of o a referent

The weight [[[on the most sensitive of scales]]] reads allusive when actually applied as a signifier

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TOUCHED AT THE THRESHOLD At the expense of alienation there’s a folding (((an accord hashing perforations))) as speech in volumes displays the positivenergy of this osmosis An engagement (((touched at the threshold))) responds with talk in song walk in dance compelled to subvert the sensation in homogenous consciousness a rethinking of expense (((an activation))) of a device of humility Largeness (((inducing shrinking))) explains the forbearance a function of comparison a loss of physical sense

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A LINGERING Why do people look into each other’s eyes? She holds a portfolio folder. Sitting. Staring. People move passed her. Some in real time. Some in slow motion. Her stare is focused. Aimed down. Toward nothing in particular. She sees nothing in particular. Missing the particular. Noise surrounding her is muffled. She can hear the nothing at hand. She hears nothing at hand. She was someone you see. Someone you forget you see. She drops something. Doesn’t realize she dropped it. In the vein of a gadabout there’s a seeking a roaming for a constituting as an individual subject a reality both temporal and temporary

Thought as a form of lingering a turning into an inadvertent direction This place carries the resemblance of […] from this high up

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CARRYING CAPACITY With radical flattening of interest you are a person vacant of person [ [we’ve reached carrying capacity so please don’t tap on the glass]]

Artificially compressed the glass shatters and the light remains green

Consensus summoning derives from conjoinment transfixed with something leprous A tonal limitation [[ceilinged in brazen peril an agnostic fluctuating]] exudes sustainability but at what cost will the floor rise in agreement of disengagement imbibing existence

A shared ideal intensifies as ordeals lengthen providing a counterpoint for person

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Twenty-four Fives

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (i) Sights seen

deliver grossly

obscene dividends

pleasurably stricken

to absorb clinician’s consequences

while abound

we are

all docile in essence

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TWNETY-FOUR FIVES (ii) Quite ill at best as it’s presented to

the masses in upwards

of glory

tending to

be declinators in admission

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (iii) If one might inquire

into the essentials belonging

to an overrun intention

there lies an entity

of structural perceived reaction

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At these times


are the various structures

under which we imply

that resources are enough

to distribute amongst populous

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (v) A concealment is revealing

to the implications of


of communication by

which we view through

given lenses in time

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (vi) You are my center

as I prep to

spin away from this


In an act

causational with freedom


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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (vii) As unguarded

we merit

a belonging

which protrudes

outside the realm of

experiential accomplishment

while gaining

ground on absolute gestures

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (viii) Awakened at an opportune


we seek to

embed with exclusive markings

acknowledging tutorials pristine in

each glistening



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but all at once there’s a weighting down in recognition of placeholders appearing on simultaneous screens

visible through the opaqueness

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (x) A misspelling of inappropriate proportion

of thought

leads to reassessment

of thinking

why is that chair a chair

or not

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (xi) A hunger that lengthens is just as described under weathered conditions for a misinterpretation

allowing of

its only viable defense

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Part of the whole decimalizes the extending changes

undergone under pressurized media while inflicting an identity

of an unforeseen purity

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There is refuge in imagination delusion

an upheaval about

which merits a

colliding of new histories

opposing the discovered effect

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (xiv) The subtlety of conformity disguised as the norm

reflects a sense of


and dictates all

that should not be

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (xv) ‌ This spare place sited minutely

across fragile space

is inherently viable as a holder of dominion

posed as aesthetic freedom

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (xvi) A subject of taught

roles connects through loose

association while drawing from

a constant source of

slightly nuanced interdisciplinary language

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TWENTY-FOUR FIVES (xvii) … … … … … … … Within hand-held space closure responds with confused

articulation amongst use of

ajar dialect that boasts

resistance as its magnet

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