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John Crouse


Differentia Press Santa Maria, CA

UNIVERSES John Crouse Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved. Published by Differentia Press Book Design by Felino A. Soriano Cover Art, courtesy of Duane Locke Except for the sole purpose for use in reviews, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, without the written permission from the publisher. Differentia Press Santa Maria, CA 93458 differentiapress.com

Differentia Press Poetic Collections of the │Experimental Spectrum│ differentiapress.com


A Universes one freedom attained. B It is merged cycles ripe here reaches C Giving up, getting splurged as one goal D Isolating thirst pure & purring perfect. E Taken away impressions takes away thirst. E An attained going out to finer notions, F This game of bigger speaks reconciles G Dawning absurditys as introduces H Snowfalls to midnight. I Once upon a time J You are not supposed to look each other K In the mouths. L Counting down chatter M Means its time to prop hidden N Behind breakdowns skulls ringing hollow O Celebration marking amounts creates. P Syntax substitutes theft as pooling Q Launched poppys remedy crammed R Clouds wetted sizzled huffs via S Sonic tummys unearths musics T Recombinations galaxys mew shakers U Upon rhyme V Stalling universes in

W Mouths fast as enlarges. X Rosy red turgid profits tuned thighs Y Packing pleasure lessons aloof maydays. Z Remember what seawall is? A Puts triggers on high tides B After voices play for open eyes. C Stuffing innovative screws altitudes out loud D Self pleasure popping off. E Foggy sonnets headnotes target. F Cessation repairs chronic articulation G Ranges as essential blasts glottal H Taps on smokestacks. I Are waves & nipples swerving nucleus despairs J Only acts to injure blames fetches K Baubles convictions @ last impresses. L Jetty finds degrees the ancient annoyed M Combines sound growing rules N To rubrics or locks asunder. O Maps arrivals P Chicken did once hover. Q Fattened hasps as resultant lurched @ R Edges as sentences fake own tones S As crotches in silence twice over affirm.

T Thundering lengthways trouble born of water. U Seals blots, renews hoarfrost volcano napes V Coherced pudding bushes provide shushed W Strengthening rapidly despite precisely taints X Venereal midst additionally. Birds rented Y Orchards sank alleluias paragraphs drakes. Z Casketing befriends miniscule icebergs, steams A Extraordinary antlers episodes humming books B Aground, almost like vulva collapses elk. C Monolith statements from blessed fishing D Midwinter napkins quake right jogs contours E Relies. Ropes princes pines shaggy hatches F Indulgences fees seafloor awls leaf surfaces. G Every single thing a lovely curtain, golden hinds. H Frequently antibodies swimming. Heads numb I Nuts premium fragility squats. Liberates choppers J Carefree might be screwballs erased dali. No K Puzzling revolves hugely romancey. Underwent L Chic, yet dimunition as deliverance reveals M Under bamboo trees. Blind control, even happily N Pep, be confined wellsprings collective elicits. O Censors gazes relative lyrics landfall fuckers P Artistic streaks. Unfit declinations bungees humps

Q Conventions. Drifting correlations vipers whisper R Elation dear hearts only fleshy parts. Recomposes S Swerves seaming some bucking hallucinating T Particular divisions freshens to according scales raises. U Questions comparisons gavels, rancorous answers V Showing completions delight per countdowns. W Underfoot womb plus feathers lips courage X Pitchforks glasses. Detective sheep flags plowshares Y To candy repairmen truce rookie supervision. Z Hummingbirds propensity mangrove depends A Troops uvulas tempos underclothing teaspoons, B Grammars generations grapefruits handwringing C Eyelets kingdoms leaks crowned accident leagues. D Spawn mastodon massachusets pimples blow E Raggedy cancer mantis electric beans. Containment F Rooks tarantulas candles classics, tempers tricky G Waylays, stencils the sounds footsteps takes H Unsteady aim. Ditches corsets reactive sheets I Steps toward epilogues secret manners enslaved J Head saves wings that might someday be metallic. K Toward the beginning of a stream turns aortas to L Upper adores, dictionarys, tempests playbooks massages M Cartoons iterations thefts stencils than mammary glades

N Reboots. Prepositions hinges than braless endows. O Heavy freedom beefs plainsong jelly amasses, P Disintegrates dragonfly battleships toothaches interpretive Q Umbrellas ventriloquists whitecap. Graffiti velvets pedigree R Sighs. Valor throbs handcuff ventilator clown meridian S Vestiges sty. Pro musk postscript litterbugs retch hatchways T Handlebars revivals steamships lisps. Masterpiece ambulance U Gin chowder quiz mousetrap, jug pushover aliments V Manatee. Pretty about ghoul, pranks liver juniper preschool W Astronaut sugar purposes runways purr. Thesaurus puppet X Thickets steals thermal law goat theories. Loin macron flowers loll. Y Sumac wheel pocketknife romp. Uncle shoal, who else? Extract Z Exact spunk. Spleen decals glockenspiel flipper. Hyena past A Hydrogen lathe. Lebanon nasal nacho outshone. Batter phonics. B Art bombing theft smelly sermon layer reached antonyms gearwheel C Transplants. Gauntlet speeches jelly noble dusk illness, tunnels D Darling database courage cartwheel bark. Saltwater moonlight, ambulance E Bullfrog, buckwheat amidships. Election joystick. Hemlock jukebox F Deeds jumpsuit larynx hooves. Language dewlap clue muzzle, G Ownership porridge. Vascular taboo granite elf pastry H Longitude. Spit knockers. Ago were might missed. From the neon I Attack the thrill water would ripple. Hopper interjection. J Mayor hook minuet laboratory. Ironed children hazard idol

K Landlocked horsepower, practically. Hourglass L Rivalry. Celery hash puck goalkeeper dawn. Chuckle, M deacon, one universe maintains. Deft syringe entertains pillow. N Tugboat proper tattoos charity piers. Rawhide O Semicircle slot broth. Seasoning ashamed urchins propeller P Odds prom. Missouri skim pregnancy shewer. Postmark Q Mummy. Lovebird jubilee, counterclockwise, backfires. R Abacus musket. Leopard opera, lumberjack mumps. S Soapsuds couch slingshot juice sapphire porthole, T No mustache. Dinosaur chipmunk carburetor? U Mauritania fuzz. Blackmail wheezes qualm planetariums V Ostrich printout. Accomodates horror, aspires homophone W Humankind gelding, billet dreams mount swarming X Unity shockproof ambition strays. Palaces yells. Y Prone humus. Hairless aurora coagulates Z Recur. Habitat gay. Adamant havoc, headlong A Book. Halves dangles fatherlands valves. Dismays B Suet, felony lather. Squat worry faces fallacious C Honey cheat. Knowledge personnel titmouse D Exhilarated. Ostracism listlessness, except E Nightfall. Cause & effect excel juice. Rash balances F Waywardness wisdom as dishcloths pain G Regimentation. Pity rebellion differ starve. Crown

H Pus. Yearning hole bulk nick. Dear molder, I Postpone closure. Surroundings acids. Iron J Poet invokes eggs. Gags blur fawn kindness K Explosion abbreviations others. Please pass L The salt, youngest fax, turkey metropolitan. M Microscope grandson fritters geophysics waters N Rage. Frontiers made squirrels add eyelashes. O Dew chortle unison chute. Pallor eats P Poverty yellows shook pincers puberty opera. Q Ocean ribs phrase casseroles, howl pickerels R Buckskin surfboards steam vassals. Indentation S Nutmeg, mailbox theater. Tailspin phonics T Transmitting shaves headstones wolves massages U Glitch phylum ran. Earshot departures. Barley V Paragraphs multivalences glockenspiel cud. Joust W Amount. Bang mime menstruation pickax, knothole X Commotion summarizing pulp, tempo liveried. Y Joystick confessional nomenclature jersey Z Tamale physique. Kitty hums freckles adverbial. A Haunch risks longhorn powwow explores B Croquette rapids nutshell. Sissy ramrod. Mama C Optic contagion datum haversack flooring D Coconut teens. Property shrill scrimmage

E Beans, harpoon swap. Nylons taxonomy sire F Cluck sonar praise. Healed coachman hawks G Numberless lynch teases enzymes paint. Union H Navel. Spry unlocks sanity cones puddle sash I Piebald sustain. Utah wristband, weasel J Indentation, rebus smear. Statehouse lizard K Stoplights teats mutts jars interracial L Heroine expressways undressing. Tractor M Dendrite poppy riches vim deputize lesion N Mulch. Hopi internets schoolgirls waffles. O Admiral zoom baas rapt panorama P Trimmings stutter trod harmonica shotgun. Q Contralto windsocks backhand acids. R Stockings horsepower wildflower horoscope S Neuter vapid sentences taxpayers T Skunks. Slander oboe, bondage skyscraper. U Ass phylum tuna blooms a walking clods V Allotment. Roadrunner maracas. Ejaculate mud, W Not parsnip. Curfew banner manhole circumlocution X Cumulus adder slobs. Nuthatch linoleum. It is Y Merged, cycles right here.candles sounds mastodons Z Did once hover. Liturgy jaguar fruit jargon. Breaks kidnaps. A Helicopter crust dogsled castigate. Anemone

B Bedspread, ocelot cunnilingus. Numeral pus, mister fiction. C Counting down chatter endpoints dole donkey crashes D Cataracts intercoms. Prey teardrop, please. Naphtha primp, E Minus lipstick. Teeter narrate. Rupee stairway, disfigurement F Must. Platoon stool. Nude chatter. Yea wee. Tropic yank. Suet G Truly. Pisces resin. Fuselage placekicks bighorns H Prodigal oilcloth speaks reconciles pacify thatch, tramp I Mitt, jalopy turtledove neon rebuff surfs prose. Rape J Mailbox. Litmus geyser naturalization hen. Pattern swan. K Knuckle eggnog mourning blow, gigabyte vampire, family L Clod herb swab, pig magnesium crayfish bagpipes. Gerbil M Label leafstalk partnership scum vane hazelnut N Registry, scepter quadruped. Poppy mull, diaper O Jackdaw, staircase mincemeat raptor. Nay, minded P Skylark foible, namely tutu. Popcorn pawpaw. Q Timorous cleavage lips gemini hawser gingham R Tidings. Hostility ensign chocolate fetus cursive S Beak perturbs breadth. Qualm nylon, bulldozer T Planetarium. Tinfoil simpleton yolks nurses U Shingles runts rancid presto etiquette hardens. V Quail reverses ingot. Pants nougat sonic dopey W Smarting children palomino rusts. Horoscope X Gambols chariots bias urinary abyss very

Y Beep. Servile morose. Kickball liturgy vernal Z Bedspreads presage strikeouts wigwams A Horsewhips windbreak implant. Sunshine patty B Ibis motherboard. Celestial smaller honeycomb C Hieroglyphics, irreconcilable backbone, hypertext D Gravestone. Due gravel firecracker exertion. E Disjointed calm soot flavors omnibus losses F Olfactory glass moss untrue. Presidential mote. G Mosaic affliction resembling dim ladle decrescendo H Conch regurgitation prisoner kiosk data oppose. I Overseas welcomes bowlegged fashionable J Spout. Brag rickets parry rather. Makeshift K Insertion ether tether deign blunder. Pancake L Aircraft moots waddles usually sonic slowly M Glands pass inviolable choices folks N Majorette dapple proof splash banish ruinous O Bed challenge tailgate seeps. Outdoor crackers P Spotted gymnastics arkansas shiner, or Q Repaired surroundings acids. Combat toast. R Zeal, sweet chin renegade. Celestial taller hunchback S Writings. Irreconcilable backbone honeycomb crotch T Hypertext gravestone. True mumbles uncles perversions U Disjoints calm soot, flavors omnibus lesser olfactory

V Glass mosses untrue. Responsorial dope. Mosaic W Affliction resembling dim ladle decrescendo conch X Regulation. Prisoner knock. Data oppose. Oversees Y Overseas welcomes hotels excludes bowlegged Z Respected fashionable bout. Brag rickets. Parry A Rather. Makeshift insertion ether tethers, deign B Blunder. Pancake gyroscope. Shoots handles usually C Sonic slowly glands pass inviolable choices folks D Majorette dapple. Proof splash. Banish rune. Bed E Challenge tailgate seeps. Outdoor crackers. Spotted F Gymnastics arkansas shiner, or repaired. A pole a G Township a ships a inaccessibility a firsthand. A curtsy. H A bounce a boxing a freely a politeness. A harvest a I Given. A determined a limits a resign a ditch a apart a or. A J Honest a dissection a water a pervade. A museum a hats K A mime. A written. A tasting a millipede. A erase a L Dimensional a cusp a frozen a behave. A ulterior M A chirping. A tumbledown a sweatshirt a jury a N Garbage a kick a collar a separately. Leaf cop parabola O Rooster coma. Unite, cosmos, oath water ascribe. P Harridan bib. Windlass forklift corn indent. Emporium heels. Q Slur odor. Bee seclusion welfare prance. Defloration R Philanthropize bargain ebb subalpine lollipop molder

S Bandying. Mustard tease. Pretty craters illegal shade. Plasma T Tightrope tomahawk backstop almost like grease kiss. Scorcher U Middle, tidal skip. Tessellation agog. Be execration. Wolfishly V As. Sin motion measures newspapers pity ciphers anarchy W Burlesques bisect aftermath. Telephone cool. Trauma slates X Candy thoughtless. Pledge muffle steamroller beset. Seaworthy Y Interject. Corona smelter. Supervision sperm weakened prayer. Z Overdose verbs. Tonal grist. Suspicion microcircuit. Urbanity A Lynch. Kimono erases actual evergreen. Unrefinement B Heartlands donnybrook phlegm. Tougher breath perfect C Eardrums refreshment gingerly. Gasoline sequence. Chalet D Lumps. Cadaver blondes, no macerate. Glide error. Shoemaker E Petunia. Genuflection scandalmonger. Concrete teacup. Differently F Bordello, lady script. Starstruck offshoot butt requirement G Repulses perpendicular beanpole dumps astrophysical taproots. H Doorstep beavers tornado sham. Cherub gunshot. Moat I Narcotized. Brother parboil. Rocket fetlock bayonet nonesuch J Mortgagee puffing doubletalk tuxedo guts agnostic. Antifreeze K Dragnet radar lore demotes fender. Conical hours. Harmony yew. L Drone enigmatic droppings ticks overalls decodes slang M Accordances labor housebreaking groundhog diagnosis. Firefighter N Handwringing flowers splats. Everywhere sponge. Splendor O Postmark. Government lovebird. Hayride fractures fallacys

P Synonyms. Crutch preview. Lemonade impertinent. Handcuff Q Gatecrasher exceeds robotics winnipeg oyster. Frown mound R Jaywalk fillet. Communicable bowels. Adjacent rice. Ours S Hernia. Garter parsley. Porterhouse devout. Outbound genocide T Raindrops feign endorphin windowpane composes motionless. U Coat bellows. Pumpkin fists. Pariah soccer. Doctorate gas. V Erect athletics orifice atlas guideword flee. Marijuana scapegoat. W Faith retch. Denmark sorghum. As semiprecious as testicles as X Duplication as disfavor as loving as lubricant as lowdown Y As worms as authority as fundamentalism as effeminate as detoxify Z As investigates as sequences as denotes as overwhelms as A Checkmate as frozen as reverses as gelatinous as elbowroom B As dashboard as beer as daybreak as adjectives as shadows as C Relationship as handy as as puppetry as offing as omnipresent D As ointment as domesticating as dosage as territory as cringes E As hoarse as blueprint as apron as monument as omnipresent as F Interplanetary as mesquite. Photocopied nightmare. Romp, G Lotioning nickname, conquers subverted heyday pikes riposte. H Immovable lubricates assails bias underpinning parody I Boisterousness lumbers cheers. Lesions turret bubbles J Accordances rigging hostilitys sleek booms entitlements K Resents. Toast profession drinking title gloom tinsel unplugs L Praise wig furloughs dollars faith. Dented parents. Installments

M Derby memphis gland. Chrysanthemum oatmeal. Obelisk N Pesticide. Oil vows earthquake pretzel be successful rhyme O Savior. Themselves sarcophagus semiprecious burrito day skin. P Birmingham ox collisions dearly death crayons swallowed Q Lyrics nouns damage. Mired pallette. Gun ever. Pollution R Rehearsal. Satin mathematics. Fiji choices. Inkling frog jigsaw S Sideburns. Wow, differentiate squad newborns diabetes T Knockers. Breath ticking. Zipper schedule. Modernity U Flywheel. Hiccups poltergeist. Cavalcade hookworm. Oratory V Cocklebur. Regatta menthol. Breakneck slowmo. Foible newsreel. W Provision quarries sacrament hopscotch brainstorm sewage. X Delaware calyx. Canary adages thumbtack eggnog. Y Pharynx, homey. Confetti rut shin nuptials. Remember what Z Seawall is? Javelin sex paradise handstand, tidbit respire. A Liquid tortilla certificate. Minivan clitoris, asparagus B Brandish niche foghorn freestyle turd. Twinkletoes C Cursives tangerine landfill. Roadkill styrofoam. Clodhopper D Keystrokes skylark qualification. Nibble prefix, prefect E Quibble. Perfect nipple lampreys caveman jackpot F Calamine curriculum beef thugs staccato. Curdle G Bray. Bedbug abdominal. Pampas lisp. Hackles H Abut thundercloud sled. Cough, unicorn. Tetanus hotcakes I Palomino mustache. Esteem goblets stovepipe runts.

J Swine null. Recompense solo. Deformity cadence, once K Upon a time. Hourglass transcript sage reflex. Shingle L Headgear beard juice. Rote bedspread. Hatching M Rosin shatters implys destiny wartime babyhood cleat. N Engine dirk gingersnaps nasal claw hawser cowboy O Betters. Bawl derrick. Lint mustard excretion heel. Caliper P Lapdog. Radios plaits rivals skylines goofs cliques nuts icons. Q Thou stagger. Rudder poplar, aircraft casserole. Lordship cactus. R Indulgent alacrity. Ewe diary diamond ibex saps gesticulate. S Sisal flintlock vowel truck. Goatherd icing. Cashmere T Vomit. Lease, menfolk, derby extol. Octopus U Lob. Husk galore dander endpoint dimple gallows bicker V Afoot. Stag ingot, scuff phobia. Hymen jewelers possession W Anguish. Ibex margarine. Commode regatta, makeshift fat. X Gorilla skillets bowels windmill, coitus locksmith keystroke Y Wingspan cruller. Trapdoor diaper torture, horseshoe Z Pantys flamethrower, baby. Jellybean stirfry. Buttock A Butter. Casket furniture jackpot belly kidney weeps B Sternum jelly. Gibbon honeycombs songbird integers C Hostility pelvis. Fetus workbench. Blunderbuss D Gubernatorial, sonata throttle. Cinnamon E Espionage. Rejoice soot. Dung ourselves, deodorant F Kiln. Viola endocrine. Citron dirk, reincarnation dustpan.

G Plaster regret, city bayonet. Palindrome telegraphs H Silversmiths narcotics. Ripple catbird. Minnesota tweezers I Vireo offshoot, yam weld. Tiger plasma. Nationalism J Mispronunciation bedbug abacus fiasco mink. Dyslexia K Tinfoil fibula ousters marmalade stepladders chrysanthemum L Tempo, yummy vespers twins ibis. Viscountess thresher. M Rip fetter cipher mizzenmast, apache conquistador, cradle N Discus. Teardrop whalebone bodhisattva prism panda O Scavenge, guppy astringent. Eiderberry undervalue. Woof P Tongs. Harsh archway porcupine girder. Parenthesis Q Oath. Idaho squid mustards andiron sequoia fetches R Yucca idiosyncrasy, sledgehammer outshine. Teak rappers S Betrothal spyglass crayfishes downturn bicuspid tricycles. T Adder intake. Ramadan sheepfold. wisdom tiff. Clockwise U Excrete, each other in the eyes, plover shellac. Timberline V Shoplift, figurehead ghetto. Mouth poodle. Tightwad waltzes W Goners jawbones doobie ponchos, mirrors giblets weaponry X Tacos buoy coagulates licorice stool, roadrunner prevail. Y Furlong vim. Ganglion zero sheiks bulkheads indentation mirth. Z Tadpole chrome. Cowgirl blowtorch. Rape pretzel. Bobber A Smack. Floodwater brindled, ranch pucker zwiebacks glad B Imaginings Paw. Pollination turtleneck, prick scarab seeming C Reaper. Wad voter, purring perfect snowfalls to midnight,

D Stuffing trends salary reefs olive pause. Mucilage twill. E Truly carp. Smallpox tuba. Cop deign. Fever ethics. F Inflorescence gooseflesh ovations nightgowns venison G Whir. Koran goalpost, racketeer syllabification, aqua backfire. H Panther stethoscopes gettysburgs wringers. Propensity I Myrtle. Gemini welter. Rickshaw coagulate. Thence J Stiffen algeria leashes, typhoon veejay, rigmarole ankle. K Clothespin maim, bonnet palpitate, gabardine crossbows L Thaw, weed sedan, oahu yolk. rostrum helmet splatter M Trawls nazareth wrangles sterling pith. Sup uncle enigma N Gad, hark bless. Seedpod rebate, narrative bloodsucker. O Trying pistol, bangladesh physiological thrift vapors lactose P Commerces sleek vex. Zinnia welt, moth whence. Bismark Q Motorboat lung stew. Sermon detergent rebirth verges R Naked treasure wads unsettled taxable density ultra S Dew king incline hindu crowbars kickstand moss. Drub T Hater oriole seer. Pork runner. Eyeball funnel searchlights U Werewolf vanilla equador thereafter. Seaweed rummy. V Petroleum ladyship tabernacle shoo. Guise hemlock solo ram W Crater spices guam popping jackrabbit ice raptors sonnet X Occupational throats. The money, the repose, the sorrel, the Y Encampment, the suffering, the geography, the fence, the burst Z The cheat, the strikeout, the fiesta, the canary, the archipelago,

A The butterfat, the lame, the its, the hiccup, the stank, the revert, the B Once, the upon, the time, the demure, the compassionate, the soon, C The onslaught, the jargon, the gangway, the archer, the wrestle, the D Backslide, the tattle, the shorebird, the another, the miscalculate, E The coffin, the clot, the antagonistic, the getup, the lithosphere, the F The squalid, the proofreading, the sorry napkin teethes eyelet G Kingdom accident leagues. Lawn mastodons massachusets pimple H Blow mantis raggedy cancer electric beans. Containment rook I Tarantula candles albino transom ringer marsh lips eclipse. Knob J Thunderhead. Stingray cork rumbles dorks backflow chitlin K Saliva hydrant parachute review spatula bulldozer glucose chin L Hardon. Hearth eunich lockjaw recognition picnic horoscopes M Octopus saddlebags versus immunity voices butterfly community N Indices buck welled petals rhombus wasp known thumb sawmill O Butthole. Ago were polychromatic malarial might miss is still treasured P Concrete river caverns from the neon attract & thrill. Afterimages is Q Elsewhere. Ironing poet invokes scattered sewage baubles gags. R Blurred fawn kindness explosion always of crime handball, pastrami S Natty. Fast lactic poverty yellows extra into suddenly words. Bomb T Value instructions anger. Subject, breathe. Mood scheme gains singing U Cerebrum mannered aircraft greeting. Alaska sag. Popular trachea V Saints lizards capricorn sailboats, sauce metal providing cow, heaven W Misery. Brandy nerves. Chlorophyll reimburse. Mussel pixie grouse

X Decibel. Feral demo compassion, caboose juggle chowder, joystick Y Onomatopoeia streetcar. Oversleep sword institute, reformatory Z Sparrow publication redwood. Drummer sack sonar tickle throb A Orlop, parakeet triceps. Videocassette narcissus spawns nanny python B Shame pulley limerick armadillo earphones cameo. Aristocrat spacewalk C Soundboard topples ignores, consciousness chipmunk philippic. D Whorehouse stopwatch rigatoni calliope insemination torques E Inguinal beatitudes turkey speed reconnoiters stevedores propane F Wicca. Shamrock quaalude knickers canticles purr verbal G Eyes nouns plurals as verbs sycamore starchild lipstick porridge H serviceberry houndstooth cogitates, enchilada wildfire. Electroshock I Bobsled parable. Pimple freebases primrose. principles cellphone J Mortuary gangplank tachometer sundials moratorium ridgeback K Pipet. Grassroots volcano semaphore heatstrokes groundswell L Phonebook plankton cavalcade whippet appendages hero M Boomerangs. Dracula tuba eclair. Eelskin formica. Pooch reindeer N Cocaine, lazybones tampon. Moron transfusion sneeze, testicle O Accident. Bordello marshmallow stingray, eggplant pharynx saltine P Pistachio goiter sinsemilla. Loser quacks orgasm, pudding trenches Q Tweets barnacles fanzines clots prepared. Inky muffler stings R Breakfast, rancid blimp karma, spanking celebratory urinal S Quits tits quarantines underground punk reaches, debt lobbing T Cancer speech hassles profunditys archive pooped unicycle

U Crafting bedazzled panting goodbyes. Friends whoosh librarys. V Thanks, obsession. Anaesthetic editorial arcade syndicate dope W Samples clambake expansion bibliography. Television farts X Hoax. Pneumatic brain skateboarder sickness muffles naughty Y Blitzkrieg homeboy knuckles porthole butterscotch. Syllabic Z Estrogen gesticulates ornate birthday orthopedics bullwhip A Creeds. Hitch, usually. Breastbone flashlights cherubic B Nosedive graveyard discography. Thoughtlessness elephants C Tattletale shaman tupperware, crackpot blockbuster tapdance, D Motivational snowcone abalone rolltop carburator nonstop E Stopgap hardtack chinstrap. Bucktoothed fountainhead blackbelt F Blackberry hyena lungfish, cumin hillbilly cunnilingus, friendship pelican G Askance. Platypus treeline, bumblebee midshipman gravy. Baby H Strikes angola forward. Older hailing been adverb. Simple watch is I Racetracks, blame unchanged continuity. Typewriters pay. Poetry J Dictatorship. Hardball uterus theory. Ornate existence, fastidious K Destruction. Fever wardrobe. Tortilla transcriptions. Halitosis L Foreplay. Destiny floods. Request skewers. Between health. M Weather skinflint. Assignment sump. Collars whine. Chatterbox N Devotion contraceptives emphasis reindeer never O Sofa. Social eke students geld magazine baste oligarch P Locks. Scandal ether gelatin footage celestial joins. Iceland Q Deodorant counting down chatter. In blubber. Out spectrum. In

R Lying. Out lips. In enlargement. Out between. In color. Out S Shame. in bluffing. Out exasperation. In blowup. Out T Tapioca. in unknown. Out whether. In tusks. Out moon. In U Violet. Out blinders. In outburst. Out champion. In V Bobsled. Out minutes. In courage. Out falsify. In paint. Out W Commander. In spittle. Out parenthesis. In fungal. Out X Kitten. In fundraiser. Out furrowed. In superlative. Out falsetto. In Y Debonair. Out stopper. In bastards. Out artillery. In possum. Out Z Documents. In mumps. Out commonly. In genesis. Out A Jelly. venom jalopy trident. Checkered julep xylophone seams B Tumbleweed corncobs simpleton paradise, revamps algebraic C Snowman tombstone, porcine vibrato, bitchy windfall, gangrene D Chopstick tetherball rhinestone cricket billyclub fornicates E Tracheotomy checkmate. Spindrift fugal hairnet incorporeal. Fullbore F Smelt keepsakes tarantula tambourine mildew gypsy G Kumquat copycats. Barf talus rejoinder. Raygun antiquity harlequin H Crossbeam. Alas, guttersnipe. Stamina halo. Cinquefoil I Rubberneck wainscoting practicalitys mothball innertube J Bullseye deuteronomy blowjobs facelift sunshine pipeline. Abomination K Entitlement underwear. Spacecraft applesauce, gringo. Flyswatter L Appearances monster. Peppermint stinkbug. Socialism meatballs M Stroked chocolate handheld chokehold, unaffiliated withers N reconciled. Warfare salami worry. Nutshell circumnavigates

O Snake saddle. Warthog camping. Cop udder. Bipolar caterpillar P Nunchuk. Manatee bandstand headwind downplays Q Wristwatch hairspray rewound autopsy dreamscapes R Sausages namesakes accordion starship powderhorn, dodgeball S Granola freefall. Salmonella curlicues outhouse triplane canticles T Sandblasting arapaho tsunami transgender chickadee velocipede U Centigrade intuition, professional transitional provisional V Tenderfoot greenback halftrack devotional halfback W Vocational, greenstick hippopotamus trigonometry X Confessional. Fullback fruitcake clubfoot institutionalizes Y Ptomaine dipstick yardsale constitution yardarm Z Fruition yardsticks microtonal hippodrome liturgical A Transvestite centipedes. Fantasys rollerderby militaristic B Moonbeam seltzer mohawk skin, prisoner kelp. Proud C Toxin leaping boredom interludes stylistic banana depression D Exploits sherbet robot girlfriend. Switchblade ambitions leopard E Ligature reggae cheerleader stencil riots miniskirts F Counterparts. Gigs skinhead liberated ass apple G Amplification, unread ezine blowback. Stingy cloud ricochet H Messiah butterflys acoustic bigmouth adventures slits, unplugged I Beaks scathing flypaper vagrancy semen vernacular J Stooge zippers nihilism confidential cornrow swatter K Toothache serum, plethora swab. Baptismal whisker

L Coronation, pocket sardonic synthesis chalice, labial M Bobolink. Standby mistletoe, entropic dismissal, subculture N Astrolabe. Coaxial nosebleed. Mislabeled sprocket clutters O Bathhouse ethics tonic ethos rebus, tonal bathos thesis. P Remember what seawall is? Q Once upon a time R Snowfalls to midnight S Dawning absurditys as introduces T This game of bigger speaks reconciles U An attained going out to finer notions, V Taken away impressions takes away thirst. W Isolating thirst pure and purring perfect. X Giving up, getting splurged as one goal Y It is merged cycles ripe here reaches Z Universes one freedom attained.

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