Old School by John Frazier

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Old School

Water Cay forgoes Americanized luxury and gets back to the basics — awesome fishing. Water cay Atlantic Ocean

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freeport to miami

By john frazier

efore you read on, I first want to remark that I fully realize that what I’m about to say next could be considered a total cliché. But damn it — there really is something to be said about washing down conch fritters with cold Kaliks while watching a Bahamian sun fall after a day of bonefishing. By and large, fly-fishermen take pleasures in simple things. We are drawn to tradition, and with any lasting tradition a foundation based on authenticity can be found. Each island in the Bahamian chain has its own unique charm, but that classic island vibe that we’ve all come to love has become harder to come by. For those who do want to cap off an outstanding fishing day with a Frenchinspired hors d’oeuvre platter and an aged merlot, the good news is that the Bahamas have plenty of great options. But even better — for those of us who crave that old-school ambience, the small island of Water Cay located off the east side of Grand Bahama’s horn offers that and much more.

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F LY F I S H I N s a lt.c o m

John Frazier


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F LY F I S H I N s a lt.c o m

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