Weekly News Villager Edition 2013 07

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Weekly News VILLAGER Edition

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J;35?<(34(K=7;85LM=5($5H5;546(N53<=(,74?04( M=5($5H5;546(N53<=(,74?04( for the churches of St Andrew Denton, St Mary & St PeterJ;35?<(34(K=7;85L Harlaxton, M=5($5K<0;GB(,7;@7A<04( M=5($5K<0;GB(,7;@7A<04( M5@5>=045O((./PQR(STPR.U( M5@5>=045O((./PQR(STPR.U( All Saints Stroxton, St James Woolsthorpe and St Catherine Wyville

Welcome to our worship today 30 June 2013, 5th Sunday after Trinity Children are welcome at all our services 10:30am Group Holy Communion at Stroxton All Saints Group Holy Communion Service with Hymns 70, 170, 683, 116, 503 (Hymns from the Orange “Complete Anglican Hymn Old & New” Book)

6:00pm Confirmation Service in St Wulfram’s church Please note that there is no Taizé Prayer service this evening

Sunday’s Readings 2 Kings 2.1-2,6-14; Psalm 77.1-2,11-20*; Galatians 5.1,13-25; Luke 9.51-62

Collect (Prayer for today) Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion Prayer Grant, O Lord, we beseech you, that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by your governance, that your Church may joyfully serve you in all godly quietness; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

BCP Collect GRANT, O Lord, we beseech thee, that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy governance, that thy Church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1

Group Ministers Rev’d Keith Hanson: Rector (594608) hanson.keith@sky.com Rev’d John Bruce: Hon Asst Priest (561546) office@john-bruce.co.uk Mrs Sheila Finch: Licensed Reader (565086) sheilafinch@googlemail.com Mrs Lesley Devine: Licensed Reader (870795) lesley.devine@tiscali.co.uk Mrs Petula Codd: Licensed Reader (578404) petuladawn@hotmail.com

Group Churchwardens DENTON Mr Keith Hiley (870501), Second position vacant

HARLAXTON Mrs Sue Taylor (574040), Peter Chalk! (07880 745814)

HUNGERTON w WYVILLE Sir Francis Le Marchant (870244), Marion Webb (870374)

STROXTON Mrs Betty Madge (530296), Simon Embley (530481)

WOOLSTHORPE Both positions vacant

Other Contacts Sunday School Mrs Liz Carter (568097), Mrs Allison Rowley (590128) Prayer Circle Mrs Frances Warner (566988), Mrs Sheila Finch (565086) Choir (Harlaxton) Mrs Merle Thomas (573359) Bell Ringing Mrs Catherine Stewart (404868) Church Flowers (Harl’xn) Mrs Frances Warner (566988) Mothers’ Union Mrs Christine Bruce (561546) Tea & Chat Mrs Carole Pearson (560782) Villager Publisher Rev’d John Bruce (561546) ! Email: harlaxton.church@gmail.com

Pastoral Care Team Mrs Sheila Finch (565086) Mrs Lesley Devine (870795) Mrs Barbara Lawry (563272) Mrs Sue Taylor (574040)

Baptism Visiting Team Mrs Sheila Marsh (594330) Mrs Petula Codd (578404) Mrs Christine Bruce (561546)

Every first Saturday of the month in Harlaxton Church from 10am ‘till 12 noon Just come along for a drink and a chat £1.50 for Coffee & Cake or Tea & Cake (with free drinks refills) The last two months are 6th July and 3rd August 2013


From the Rectory - July 2013 Weeding It’s annoying how weeds grow no ma2er what the condi4ons are and we have to spend 4me pulling them up to prevent them choking the plants we want to grow in the flower-­‐bed or the vegetable plot. A few minutes work while the weeds are young soon gets rid of them -­‐ even if there will be more in a couple of days' 4me. But if you leave them, the problem quite quickly becomes much more 4me consuming to sort out. Anyone who has ever tried to eradicate ne2les, or couch grass, or ground elder knows the problem! It soon becomes a job for spade and fork, not just a trowel or a hoe. Jesus used pictures from the world of gardening and farming to draw our a2en4on to the reali4es of being human. It is so easy for us to start developing bad habits -­‐ just like weeds springing up. We may become selfish among our loved ones, or greedy, or angry or irritable; we may begin taking short-­‐cuts which jeopardize the quality of our work, or gossiping about neighbours or colleagues -­‐ the list can go on and on -­‐ but if we don't weed them out quickly, they soon become entangled in the pa2ern of our lives. Then we have a real ba2le on our hands to get rid of them. Bad habits are like weeds, a real chore and difficult to get rid of. During the summer most have us have a bit more 4me to play with: the pressures ease up a bit, and we have our holidays and 4me to relax. Might it be a good idea to do a bit of necessary weeding in our own lives while we have the chance? Get rid of some of the bad habits that are beginning to put down roots in our own conduct and aStudes? Think how much be2er life would be, not just for ourselves but for all the folk around us, if we could each eradicate even a few of our bad habits. How about it? Some summer-­‐4me weeding in our own lives? Have a nice summer. May God bless you all. Keith Hanson 3

Services and Events for July 2013 Sunday service times are as advertised in the weekly news sheet:

Wed 3rd July at 10:00am Holy Communion at Denton Church Wed 3rd July at 2:15pm Mothers’ Union meeting at 35 Rectory Lane Thu 4th July at 7:00pm Julian Prayer at Wyville Church Sat 6th July at 10:00am Kafé Klub at Harlaxton Church

Week commencing Sunday 7th July 9:30am Holy Communion at Denton church 11:00am Harlac’s Song at Harlaxton church 12:30pm for 1:00pm Denton Summer Lunch at Grantham Cricket Club 6:00pm Evensong at Stroxton church Sat 13th July at 7:00pm Melton Mowbray Brass Band in Harlaxton church

Week commencing Sunday 14th July 9:30am Holy Communion at Harlaxton church 11:00am Open House at Denton church 6:00pm Evensong at Wyville church Tue 16th July at 2:00pm School Leavers’ Service at Harlaxton church Wed 17th July at 10:00am Holy Communion at Harlaxton church Wed 17th July at 10:45am Staff Meeting at The Rectory, Harlaxton Wed 17th July at 2:00pm School Leavers’ Service at Denton church

Week commencing Sunday 21st July 9:30am Holy Communion at Denton church 11:00am Holy Communion at Harlaxton church 4:00pm Family Service at Woolsthorpe church Thu 25th July at 2:00pm Afternoon Tea at Harlaxton Rectory (Note that this is different to the date advertised in the Events Guide)

Week commencing Sunday 28th July 9:30am Holy Communion at Harlaxton church 11:00am Holy Communion at Wyville church 6:00pm Evensong at Denton church Wed 31st July at 10:00am Holy Communion at Harlaxton church Thu 1st Aug at 7:00pm Julian Prayer at Wyville Church 4

After an experiment of trying to encourage a monthly couple of hours on a Saturday morning to meet together for coffee and chat I’m disappointed to say that the last two monthly events will be on 6th July and 3rd August 2013. We’ve had some support from a faithful few but it’s obviously not meeting any need, so come the autumn we’re hanging up the milk jugs! Thanks to those who have supported it.

Deadlines Dates August “Villager” Weekly News (published on 28 July)

the Deadline is Sunday 21st July September/October/November Events & Service Guide,

the Deadline is 23rd July harlaxton.church@gmail.com or - 5 Welwyn Close, Grantham, NG31 7JU - 561546

just harvest the fruits of the land but also the sea, the shore and the mines, there is the harvest of science and skills, and we need to remember those who have nothing to harvest year after year.

Hymns for Harvest Festival Last year there were some issues raised over the choice of hymns we had at Harvest Time, so I thought that this year I would ask you to pick your favourite ‘Harvest Hymn’ so that we get perhaps a different selection.

Wyville and Harlaxton ... Your choice to me by 18th August

Stroxton and Denton ...

But, please remember that we are in the 21st century and so we do not

Your choice to me by 15th September

Many thanks, Christine Bruce

Woolsthorpe Church Many exciting things are happening to Woolsthorpe Church take a look this website for more details

h2p://woolsthorpechurch.weebly.com/index.html 5

Our Bishop’s Le2er for July 2013 July is traditionally the time when we go on – or are just about to go on – holiday; and if you are fortunate enough to be going away on a break I hope you have a lovely time and come back refreshed and restored. Our word “holidays” comes, of course, from “Holy Days”. Before the industrial revolution and the Factory Acts of the 19th century, the only time off fromwork was on a Holy Day (Sunday, Christmas Day and Good Friday). I think the linking of “Holy Days” and “holidays” is more than mere coincidence. I think we can learn from what those early holy days meant to show us how to enjoy our holidays. First of all a Holy Day meant rest: rest from the daily round of chores and looking after animals and crops. Each village had its own special holy days of celebration (usually to do with the patron saint of the parish church) so that travelling entertainment could plan an itinerary and arrive to liven up proceedings in the form of a fair or a troupe of players. And we all need rest. Secondly, on a Holy Day God connects with us through a church service: God touches and refreshes us through Word and Sacrament. Similarly, on our holidays we are refreshed again. No longer tired and worn out we are refreshed and ready to return to our usual daily way of being. Thirdly, and Sinally, on a Holy Day we remember how God in Jesus brought into being a new creation. So on our holidays we enjoy re-­‐creation – doing something different, something enjoyable and fun, so that we are renewed. This moves beyond refreshment to seeing things differently and from a new perspective. And we are often enabled to see new ways of tackling the opportunities and challenges of daily life. Sunday is our primary “Holy” day, of course, so I hope that even if you are not able to go away on holiday this summer, you will Sind a time each week for rest, refreshment and recreation, so that you can engage with the warp and weft of normal daily life afresh. With every good wish, +Christopher Lincoln 6

Sunday LunchLme 7th July -­‐ 12:30pm for 1:00pm

Denton St Andrew Summer Lunch

At the Grantham Cricket Pavilion, Gorse Lane MAKE SURE YOU’RE NOT LEFT EMPTY LIKE THIS PLATE

GET YOUR TICKET NOW FOR THIS SUPER SUMMER LUNCH! Tickets available at £12.50 from PCC members or Jil Hiley

On the evening of Saturday 13th July at 7:00pm


The band will be in Harlaxton Church to provide a wonderful evening of entertainment. Tickets now on sale at £10.00 (Conc. £8.00) which includes the usual very tasty Harlaxton Finger Buffet and a glass of wine. Tickets from Sue Taylor, Peter Chalk and John Bruce 7

News and Events for week commencing 30th June 2013 Wed 3rd July at 10:00am Holy Communion at Denton Church Wed 3rd July at 2:15pm Mothers’ Union meeting at 35 Rectory Lane Thu 4th July at 7:00pm Julian Prayer at Wyville Church Sat 6th July at 10:00am Kafé Klub at Harlaxton Church

Next Sunday 7 July ! 9:30am! Holy Communion at Denton ! ! !


11:00am! Harlac’s Song at Harlaxton 12:30pm! Denton Summer Lunch at Grantham Cricket Club ! (See elsewhere for more details)

6:00pm! Evensong at Stroxton

Next Sunday’s Readings 2 Kings 5.1-14; Psalm 30; Galatians 6.[1-6]7-16; Luke 10.1-11,16-20

Advance Notices Sat 13th July at 7:00pm Melton Mowbray Brass Band at Harlaxton church Tue 16th July at 2:00pm School Leavers’ Service at Harlaxton church Wed 17th July at 10:00am Holy Communion at Harlaxton church Wed 17th July at 10:45am Staff Meeting at The Rectory, Harlaxton Wed 17th July at 2:00pm School Leavers’ Service at Denton church Thu 25th July at 2:00pm Afternoon Tea at the Rectory, Harlaxton ! (Note - this is different to the date advertised in the Events Guide)

Please support our sponsors who include

Chandlers Oil - 08456 202010 Chris Ward Carpets - 01476 565202 ~ Grantham Preparatory School - 01476 593293 Rowley’s Commercial Energy Assessment Ltd 05602 937642 or 07595 024610 Plumb-Tree Property Services 07745 473727 or 01476 579186 Sing-a-Rainbow 01476 574978 ~ Marx Maintenance 01476 820280, 07833 438862 Hairy Hounds Dog Grooming 01476 577452 ~ Mark Hodson - Property Improver 01476 570800


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