5 Ways to Improve Mental Health There is much more awareness today when it comes to mental health, than there was a decade ago. But that is partially due to the fact that incidences of mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder etc. have also risen exponentially.
A study reported in WHO, conducted for the NCMH (National Care Of Medical Health), states that at least 6.5 per cent of the Indian population suffers from some form of the serious mental disorder, with no discernible rural-urban differences. India is also the “most depressed” country in the world! It is also estimated that in 2017, there were about 284 million people, across the globe, living with anxiety disorder. These numbers have only increased since. So, it takes no special talent to realise that there is a need to take care of your mental healthtoday more than ever! Here are 5 ways to do it: 1. Take care of your body: Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to: a. Eat nutritious meals b. Drink plenty of water c. Exercise, which helps decrease depression and anxiety and improve moods d. Get enough sleep. 2. Surround yourself with good people. Your company determines your mental health to a huge extent. If people around you are negative and toxic, then naturally your confidence, happiness and mental health will take a dip. But if you’re surrounded by supportive people, then naturally, you’ll feel happier. Therefore, make plans with supportive family members
and friends, or seek out activities where you can meet new people, such as a club, class or support group.
3. Meditate, for it is like gym for the mind. Relaxation exercises and prayer can improve your state of mind and outlook on life. In fact, research shows that meditation may help you feel calm and enhance the effects of therapy. 4. Keep things spontaneous. While on one hand, routine helps the mind by reinstating a sense of security and stability, too much routine can just kill inspiration. The key is to strike your own unique balance. You don’t have to make drastic changes. Instead, make small onesAlter your jogging route, plan a road-trip, take a walk in a different park, hang some new pictures or try a new restaurant. 5. Talk about mental health: You know what adds to the stress that people with mental illnesses anyway face? The stigma around it. If you suffer from anxiety or depression or another form of mental illness, don’t be ashamed. Be open about it and bring it up in conversations whenever possible. You never know how many closeted anxious or depressed souls you would be inspiring to come out and live their lives openly, instead of hiding in the shadows. For more health, wellness and fitness articles visit- healthhunt.in