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Promotional Merchandise Solutions edition 12

Energising Brands... through innovative merchandise

Energising Brands...

since 1981

Welcome to our 2016-17 promotional merchandise catalogue, your handy ideas guide containing hundreds of products and ways to energise your brand. Promotional Merchandise is gaining increased recognition as a truly powerful marketing tool. In fact, industry research has shown that promotional products are 4 times more likely to make the recipients feel appreciated than the media of web and TV. Innovative branded products can reach ‘hard to access’ demographics, set you and your business apart and create lasting memories and brand awareness with your clients. We aren’t just experts on promotional products, our amazing team has vast experience in producing and supplying corporate print, bespoke sign solutions and industrial print – in fact virtually anywhere you want to project your brand or communicate vital information.

So, to energise your brand today, please get in touch and we’ll be very glad to help!

How to use this catalogue Use this catalogue as an ideas book as to how branded merchandise can work for your business. However, it is only a guide and an introduction to the countless branding and communication possibilities available. This is why we would like to discuss your projects and goals, face to face or on the phone, so we can give you new ideas and advise best branding methods for \RX UHVXOWLQJ LQ D WDLORUHG VROXWLRQ VSHFLĆF to your needs. 024 7667 3415















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Source BPMA & Two Sides



DISCLAIMER The colours listed against products throughout the catalogue are examples only and are not to be taken as exact colour matches. If the product is only available in the colour shown no colour swatch will be shown. White and clear may be outlined for purposes of clarity, (or) silver may be denoted by a grey swatch. Quantities shown are just examples, please ask for details and prices on your required quantity if it is not shown in the catalogue. All products in the brochure are inclusive of a 1 colour print in 1 position unless stated otherwise. Artwork and origination extra. Due to the current economic climate and fluctuations in currency it is recommended that a firm quote is requested from your distributor prior to ordering. For full details, please contact your distributor.


senator® Challenger Mix & Match plastic ballpen

00201V There’s nothing like it! Mix & Match polished and frosted finish components, in 16 winning colours. Ballpen with distinctive barrel and curved clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

1000 £0.86

2500 £0.82

5000 £0.79

Frosted finishes

Polished finishes






00302V senator® Challenger Polished Ballpen with HD Digital Print

00301V senator Challenger Polished Plastic Ballpen ®

There’s nothing like it! Opaque high-gloss finish ballpen with distinctive barrel and curved clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Now available with our HD Digital print for unlimited colours and gradients (white barrel only). Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

A worldwide exclusive to senator®. High definition print delivers three-dimensional images and text on a pen, with unlimited colours and gradients. Supplied on the opaque high-gloss finish Challenger polished ballpen in white. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 70mmW x 35mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.67 1000 £0.57 2500 £0.49

00303V senator® Challenger Frosted Plastic Ballpen There’s nothing like it! Translucent shine-free finish ballpen with distinctive barrel and curved clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.41 1000 £0.39 2500 £0.37

500 £0.39 1000 £0.37 2500 £0.35



senator® Challenger Clear Plastic Ballpen

senator® Challenger Clear Plastic Ballpen with Soft Grip

There’s nothing like it! Transparent high-gloss finish ballpen with distinctive barrel and curved clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 149 x 15 x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.41 1000 £0.39 2500 £0.37

There’s nothing like it! Transparent high-gloss finish ballpen with distinctive barrel, curved clip and soft-feel, satin-finish grip section. Fitted with large capacity refill.

00306V senator® Challenger Clear Plastic Ballpen with Metal Nose Cone There’s nothing like it! Transparent high-gloss finish ballpen with distinctive barrel, curved clip and high-shine chrome nose cone. Fitted with large capacity refill.

Dimensions: 149 x 15 x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 30mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 149 x 15 x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.58 1000 £0.55 2500 £0.52

500 £0.85 1000 £0.81 2500 £0.78

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.










senator® Challenger Basic with Soft Grip

senator® Challenger Soft Touch Ballpen

senator® Point Polished Plastic Ballpen

There's nothing like it! Opaque high gloss finish ballpen with white barrel and matching curved clip and soft-feel, satin finish grip section in one of 7 popular colours. Fitted with large capacity refill. Also available without soft grip.

There's nothing like it! Ballpen with soft feel, satin finish barrel and matching transparent high gloss finish curved clip. Fitted with large capacity refill.

The timeless classic pen. Opaque high gloss finish ballpen with high shine chrome clip and accents. Fitted with large capacity refill.

Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 10mmH. In Line with Clip - 30mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

500 £1.21 1000 £1.16 2500 £1.12

Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Clip - 40mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 9mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 30mmW x 10mmH.

500 £0.38 1000 £0.35 2500 £0.34

500 £0.50 1000 £0.47 2500 £0.45




senator® Nature Plus Ballpen

senator® Hattrix Clear Plastic Ballpen with Soft Grip

Environmental awareness hand in hand with good design. Genuinely biodegradable ballpen made from renewable resources (DIN certified no.7U 0006). Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 150mm x 15mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.64 1000 £0.61 2500 £0.58


A cool look with a strong grip. Transparent high gloss finish ballpen with matching soft feel, satin finish grip section and curved clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 148mm x 18mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 40mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 20mmW x 7mmH.

500 £0.57 1000 £0.54 2500 £0.52

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

00406V senator® Hattrix Clear Plastic Ballpen With Metal Clip & Soft Grip A cool look with a strong grip. Transparent high gloss finish ballpen with matching soft feel, satin finish grip section and curved metal clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 148mm x 18mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 40mmW x 13mmH.

500 £0.59 1000 £0.56 2500 £0.53

00503V senator® Super Hit Mix & Match Plastic Ballpen



senator® Super Hit Clear Plastic Ballpen with Soft Grip

senator® Super Hit Polished with Soft Grip Plastic Ballpen with Xtreme Branding

Evergreen and million seller. Ballpen with transparent high gloss finish barrel. Featuring matching opaque high gloss clip and soft feel, satin finish grip section. Fitted with large capacity refill. Also available without soft grip. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 60mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

Evergreen and million seller. Opaque high gloss finish ballpen with white barrel. Featuring striking push clip and matching soft grip in one of 8 popular colours. Fitted with large capacity refill. Available with full colour digital wrap to the barrel - photo quality print up to a maximum of 1200dpi to give your brand maximum impact. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 101mmW x 33.8mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.37 1000 £0.35 2500 £0.33

Evergreen and million seller. Plastic ballpen fitted with large capacity refill. Available to mix and match in polished and frosted finish, in our 16 most popular colours. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

1000 £0.36 2500 £0.34 5000 £0.32

500 £0.68 1000 £0.57 2500 £0.54




senator® Super Hit Recycled Ballpen

senator® Super Hit Clear Plastic Ballpen

Evergreen and million seller. Ballpen with opaque high gloss finish black barrel made from 95% recycled material and coloured clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.29

1000 £0.27

Evergreen and million seller. Ballpen with transparent high gloss finish barrel and matching opaque high gloss clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.31

1000 £0.29

2500 £0.27

2500 £0.25

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









senator® Super Hit Frosted Plastic Ballpen Evergreen and million seller. Ballpen with translucent shine free finish barrel and matching opaque high gloss clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.


senator® Super Hit Basic Plastic Ballpen with Soft Grip

senator® Super Hit Matt Plastic Ballpen Evergreen and million seller. Ballpen with opaque shine free finish barrel and matching opaque high gloss clip. Fitted with large capacity refill.

Evergreen and million seller. Ballpen with opaque high gloss finish white barrel, featuring matching clip and soft feel, satin-finish grip section in one of 8 popular colours. Fitted with large capacity refill.

Dimensions: 149 x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 60mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.31 1000 £0.29 2500 £0.27

500 £0.29 1000 £0.27 2500 £0.25

500 £0.34 1000 £0.32 2500 £0.30



senator® Super Hit Polished Plastic Ballpen

senator® Super Hit Polished Plastic Ballpen with Xtreme Branding

Evergreen and million seller. Opaque high gloss finish ballpen fitted with large capacity refill. Now available with our HD Digital print for unlimited colours and gradients (white barrel only).

Evergreen and million seller. Opaque high-gloss finish ballpen with white barrel, featuring striking push clip in one of 16 popular colours. Fitted with large capacity refill. Available with full colour digital wrap to the barrel - photo-quality print up to a maximum of 1200dpi to give your brand maximum impact. Also available as standard pen.

Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.29

1000 £0.27

2500 £0.25

Dimensions: 149mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 104mmW x 33.4mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.62


1000 £0.51

2500 £0.48

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

00703V senator® Liberty Varnished Plastic Ballpen Long live the freedom of your advertising message! Metallic finish ballpen and matching transparent high gloss finish clip. Fitted with large capacity refill.

senator® Liberty Clear Plastic Ballpen

Dimensions: 145mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Clip 40mmW x 6mmH.

Long live the freedom of your advertising message! Transparent high gloss finish ballpen, fitted with large capacity refill.

500 £0.71 1000 £0.68 2500 £0.65

00701V senator® Liberty Soft Touch Plastic Ballpen Long live the freedom of your advertising message! Ballpen with soft feel, satin finish barrel and matching transparent high gloss finish clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 145mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Clip - 40mmW x 6mmH.


Dimensions: 145mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.41

1000 £0.39

2500 £0.37

500 £0.85 1000 £0.81 2500 £0.78

00706V senator® Liberty Polished Plastic Ballpen with HD Digital Print



senator® Liberty Basic Plastic Ballpen

senator® Liberty Polished Plastic Ballpen

Long live the freedom of your advertising message! Opaque high gloss finish barrel and clip in white, with transparent high gloss mid in one of 9 popular colours. Ballpen fitted with large capacity refill. Now available with our HD Digital print for unlimited colours and gradients.

Long live the freedom of your advertising message! Opaque high gloss finish ballpen, fitted with large capacity refill. Now available with our HD Digital print for unlimited colours and gradients (white barrel only). Dimensions: 145mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.37

1000 £0.35

A worldwide exclusive to senator®. High definition print delivers three dimensional images and text on a pen, with unlimited colours and gradients. Supplied on the opaque high gloss finish Liberty polished ballpen in white. Dimensions: 145mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 70mmW x 33mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.64 1000 £0.54 2500 £0.47

2500 £0.33

Dimensions: 145mm x 15mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.37 1000 £0.35 2500 £0.33

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.










senator® Dart Basic Plastic Ballpen

senator® Dart Polished Plastic Ballpen

senator® Dart Clear Plastic Ballpen

This ticks all the boxes! Opaque high gloss finish ballpen with white barrel, and clip in one of 8 popular colours. Fitted with large capacity refill.

This ticks all the boxes! Opaque high gloss finish ballpen fitted with large capacity refill.

This ticks all the boxes! Ballpen with transparent high gloss finish barrel and opaque high gloss finish clip. Fitted with large capacity refill.

Dimensions: 143mm x 14mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 4mmH.

Dimensions: 143mm x 14mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 4mmH.

500 £0.25 1000 £0.24 2500 £0.22

500 £0.25 1000 £0.24 2500 £0.22

00804V senator® New Spring Polished Plastic Ballpen with Metal Clip A fresh push for your promotion. Opaque high gloss finish ballpen with matching high shine chrome push mechanism and clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 148mm x 12mm x 17mm. MPA: Barrel 40mmW x 20mmH.

Dimensions: 143mm x 14mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 65mmW x 12mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 4mmH.

500 £0.27 1000 £0.25 2500 £0.24

00805V senator® New Spring Clear Plastic Ballpen with Metal Clip A fresh push for your promotion. Transparent high gloss finish ballpen with matching high shine chrome push mechanism and clip. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 148mm x 12mm x 17mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH.

500 £1.00 1000 £0.95 2500 £0.92

00806V senator® New Spring Clear Plastic Ballpen A fresh push for your promotion. Transparent high gloss finish ballpen with striking high shine chrome push mechanism. Fitted with large capacity refill. Dimensions: 148mm x 12mm x 17mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 40mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.83 1000 £0.79 2500 £0.76

500 £0.91 1000 £0.87 2500 £0.84


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Chalk Matt

Chalk Bio

Chalk Fluo 00901V Chalk Matt Modern Swiss ballpen with extra large clip for great visibility. Available in 12 trendy colours. Also mix and match combinations are available. Equipped with floating ball writing system with blue or black ink. Dimensions: 139mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 6mmW x 43mmH. Clip - 7mmW x 35mmH.

1000 £0.53 2000 £0.47 5000 £0.30

00902V Chalk Bio Chalk ballpen, simple and sophisticated design. Produced from PLA, a plastic material of vegetable origin, obtained from non edible resources. PLA is recognised as biodegradable due to the composting process. Available in 5 standard colours. Dimensions: 139mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 43mmW x 6mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH.

1000 £0.70

2000 £0.64

5000 £0.46

00903V Chalk Fluo Modern Swiss ballpen with extra large clip for great visibility. Available in 4 neon colours. Equipped with floating ball writing system with blue or black ink. Dimensions: 139mm x 14mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 28mmW x 4mmH. Barrel - 43mmW x 6mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH. Side of Cap - 28mmW x 4mmH.

1000 £0.54

Chalk Matt

Chalk Bio

ONE PEN, PLENTY OF POSSIBILITIES. CHALK turns heads with its harmonious proportions and sophisticated details. The award-winning ballpoint, designed in Munich by the BMW Group Designworks USA, is completely manufactured in Switzerland and especially convinces with its diversity of colours.

2000 £0.49

5000 £0.31

Chalk Fluo

For example, the colour of the push button, clip and barrel can be freely combined with each other. Combined with a white clip that is printed with colour of the barrel is particularly stylish. Swiss consistency and precision are true values of this new line. Available in a variety of writing systems, materials and finishings for additional personalisation options.

Chalk Soft 01001V Chalk Soft Modern Swiss ballpen with a soft touch coating for a velvety touch. An extra large clip for great visibility. Available in 11 trendy colours. Also mix and match combinations are available. Equipped with floating ball writing system with blue or black ink. Dimensions: 139mm x 14mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 28mmW x 4mmH. Barrel - 43mmW x 6mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH. Side of Cap - 28mmW x 4mmH.

1000 £0.70

2000 £0.64

5000 £0.46

01002V Chalk Digital Printing 360º Wrap CHALK Ballpen with 360° digital hot foil printing. This technique offers vast possibilities thanks to its unique features such as reproduction of photos, multi coloured logos and complex colour gradients.

Chalk Digital Printing 360º Wrap

Dimensions: 139mm x 14mm x 11.7mm. MPA: Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH. Wrap around - 121.5mmW x 36.7mmH.

1000 £0.75 2000 £0.69 5000 £0.54

Chalk Soft

Chalk Digital Printing 360º Wrap






01103V 01101V





Only the DS1 features the dot with its eye-catching combination options. In total, up to six areas can be printed on the DS1 – the side cap, back cap, barrel, clip and both dot surfaces. Printing on the dot is an optional extra and is not included in the prices stated below.

The high-quality writing instrument makes its impact through the contrast of its well-designed metal clip to the velvety soft touch surface. Selective, contemporary colours and a chrome or satin finish push button round out the very high quality profile. Honoured with the IF Product Design Award for outstanding design.

Dimensions: 141mm x 9.9mm x 31.09mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 23mmW x 4mmH. Barrel - 50mmW x 25mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH. Disc - 8mmW x 8mmH. Side of Cap - 18mmW x 4mmH.

The slim push button with its long side wings and elegantly contoured clip give the DS2 an unmistakable look. The sides of the body surface are designed with maximum strength in mind. This ensures vivid colours and gives the ballpoint a pleasant weight for writing. Dimensions: 148.5mm x 11.3mm x 35.48mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 40mmW x 5mmH. Barrel - 30mmW x 28mmH. Button - 30mmW x 4mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 8mmH.

500 £1.17 1000 £1.01 3000 £0.89

Dimensions: 140.9mm x 10.9mm. MPA: Barrel - 37mmW x 4mmH. Clip - 28mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.88 1000 £0.71 3000 £0.64

500 £2.40 1000 £2.15 3000 £2.02







Available in four velvety soft colours orange, dark red, classic blue and black. The DS3 Soft Touch is a treat for both your eyes and your fingertips.

True design classics are rare. They retain their fascination above and beyond short-term fashions and trends. The DS3 is one such icon. Its timeless high quality is synonymous with sustainably credible brand communications – with an impact only offered by truly original items.

An icon cannot be improved on, only developed further. Designers refer to this as ‘evolution’. In the case of the DS3.1, the clip has been enlarged and the twist mechanism redeveloped. Its predecessor is, however, still clearly recognisable.

Dimensions: 137.5mm x 9.9mm x 31.09mm. MPA: Clip - 40mmW x 8mmH. Side of Cap 28mmW x 4mmH.

500 £1.35 1000 £1.17 3000 £1.08

Dimensions: 137.5mm x 9.9mm x 31.09mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 25mmW x 4mmH. Barrel - 50mmW x 25mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 8mmH. Side of Cap - 28mmW x 4mmH.

500 £0.91 1000 £0.71 3000 £0.66

Dimensions: 140.9mm x 10.6mm x 33.28mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 28mmW x 4mmH. Barrel - 40mmW x 28mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 8mmH. Side of Cap - 25mmW x 4mmH.

500 £1.09 1000 £0.91 3000 £0.82

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







01203V DS7 PAA Hidden within its elegant body surface, there is an innovative mechanism with a push button in the middle of the body surface. The best place to include eye-catching colour highlights.

01201V DS5 TFF


If you look at the DS5 carefully from behind, you will discover, reflected within its form, the number that gave it its name: 5. This pen keeps its promise, making it an ideal personalisable communication medium.

With the DS8, Prodir gives the classical triangular pen shape a contemporary interpretation.

Dimensions: 143mm x 11.2mm x 35.7mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 23mmW x 5mmH. Barrel - 35mmW x 30mmH. Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH. Side of Cap - 23mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.91 1000 £0.78 3000 £0.69


Dimensions: 147.8mm x 12.5mm x 39.25mm. MPA: Back of Cap 30mmW x 7mmH. Barrel - 30mmW x 33mmH. Clip - 45mmW x 8mmH. Side of Cap - 30mmW x 5mmH.


500 £1.47 1000 £1.27 3000 £1.16

Dimensions: 140.9mm x 10mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 36mmW x 5mmH. Clip - 36mmW x 7mmH. Side of Cap - 38mmW x 5mmH.

500 £1.30 1000 £1.08 3000 £0.97






The consciously added highlights catch the eye. Viewing the DS9 from different angles is an exciting experience. The rounded end gradually evolves into the oval shape of the push button, while its surfaces are mixed – with matt body surfaces clip and button are polished. Also available in frosted finish with transparent clip and button.

A fine, rhythmic triangular structure characterises the casing surface of the QS01. The pattern is introduced during the injection moulding into the surface of the casing and is a real part of the writing instrument. The clip is located above the casing and in combination with the three-dimensional surface, strongly draws attention to the logo.

The QS20 converts the principle of three-dimensional design of the casing surface into an object with sculptural effect. The look and feel are in perfect harmony, characterised by its bold form and perfect functionality. The smooth, minimalistic clip creates an attractive contrast to the casing.

Dimensions: 147.6mm x 15.8mm x 11.4mm. MPA: Back of Cap - 40mmW x 5mmH. Barrel - 40mmW x 28mmH. Clip - 43mmW x 8mmH. Side of Cap - 35mmW x 4mmH.

500 £1.26


1000 £1.08

3000 £0.97

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm x 35.48mm. MPA: Clip - 36mmW x 7mmH.

500 £1.89 1000 £1.61 3000 £1.41

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 140.7mm x 15.9mm x 31.09mm. MPA: Clip - 36mmW x 7mmH.

500 £1.96 1000 £1.67 3000 £1.48

01303V BIC® Super Clip Advance



BIC® Media Clic Ballpen

500 £0.79 1000 £0.71 2500 £0.64


500 £0.87 1000 £0.80 2500 £0.75

£1.00 £0.91 £0.84

Dimensions: 13mm x 147mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 85.3mmW x 32.5mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 4mmH.

500 £0.38 1000 £0.33 2500 £0.30

Dimensions: 12mm x 144mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 70mmW x 31mmH. Clip - 39mmW x 9mmH.

250 500 1000

Reliable plunger action mechanism with soft touch gripping section and 360º full colour imprint available on all frosted and opaque barrel colours!

Dimensions: 13mm x 147mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 55mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 55mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 4mmH.

Top brand exposure thanks to the large communication surface with 360º photo-quality full-colour imprint on the barrel.

Dimensions: 12mm x 144mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 39.3mmW x 9mmH.

BIC® Media Clic Grip Digital Ballpen

The promotional writing instrument of excellence, our number one, the original. Multiple printing possibilities on the barrel and on the clip in up to 4 colours and thousands of colour combinations for maximum personalisation!

BIC® Super Clip Digital Ballpen

The best selling Super Clip with large branding areas, now available with a chrome plated metal section for a premium look.



BIC® 4 Colours Ballpen

BIC® 4 Colours Fashion

Simple, inventive, reliable. Four different ink colours in one. An icon that's always in fashion! Breakaway lanyard also available.

The trendy version of the iconic ballpen features four fashion ink colours: ultramarine blue, deep purple, acid green and pink.

Dimensions: 144mm x 16mm. MPA: Barrel - 43mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 144mm x 16mm. MPA: Barrel - 43mmW x 30mmH.

250 500 1000

250 500 1000

£1.91 £1.66 £1.49

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£1.91 £1.66 £1.49





01401V Bic® Grip Roller Enjoy a smooth writing experience. Glide across the paper easily without smudging, thanks to the quick drying ink Ideal for both left and right handed people. Dimensions: 16mm x 139mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 25mmH. Rear Clip - 25mmW x 15mmH.

250 500 1000

£1.16 £1.01 £0.90





BIC® Rondo Evo Soft Ballpen

BIC® Wide Body™ Digital Ballpen

The soft-touch version of the new BIC® Rondo is a true evolution: all-metal barrel with soft rubberised finish, metallic ink refill and a wide range of colours!

Wide profile and large 360º print area, with full colour imprint available on all frosted and opaque barrel colours!

Dimensions: 13mm x 140mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 30mmW x 6mmH. Left/Right Side - 45mmW x 6mmH. Rear Clip - 45mmW x 6mmH .

50 100 250

£4.90 £4.32 £3.87


Dimensions: 15mm x 142mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 107mmW x 35.5mmH. Clip - 17mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.93 1000 £0.83 2500 £0.75


BIC® Round Stic Digital

BIC® Clic Stic Digital Ballpen

BIC® Clic Stic Softfeel™ Ballpen

The classic ballpen from BIC. Hundreds of colour combinations and large 360º full colour printing area.

Combine Mix & Match colour components with a 360º photo quality full colour imprint to maximise your message!

The Softfeel™ rubberised barrel upgrades the writing experience by adding a warm and pleasant soft touch.

Dimensions: 12mm x 150mm x 8mm. MPA: Barrel 80mmW x 25.2mmH.

Dimensions: 12mm x 140mm x 8mm. MPA: Wrap around 112mmW x 26.9mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 3mmH.

Dimensions: 12mm x 140mm x 7mm. MPA: Barrel - 20mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 3mmH.

500 £0.47 1000 £0.44 2500 £0.40



500 £0.68 1000 £0.61 2500 £0.55

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £0.59 1000 £0.52 2500 £0.48

01501V PromoMate® Curve® Ballpen Have fun with the PromoMate® Curve® ballpen! Curve® is available in a choice of cheerful translucent colours, designed to suit the demands of the promotional gift market. Its comfortable rubber grip and modern design ensure a quality writing experience, with large branding areas offering versatility for creative corporate designs. A high quality black refill is supplied as standard. Dimensions: 142mm x 12mm. MPA: In Line with Clip - 15mmW x 7mmH. Opposite Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH. Side of Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH.

250 £0.93

500 £0.74



1000 £0.46

PromoMate® Plunge® Ballpen

PromoMate® Element® Ballpen

The PromoMate® Plunge® is a plastic push button ballpen with metal trim. Its style, combined with a large branding area, ensures both value for money and quality. The wave grip section guarantees a comfortable writing experience. Go on; take the Plunge for your next promotion! A high quality black refill is supplied as standard.

The PromoMate® Element® is a modern and popular push button ball pen. Its wide barrel allows for a large print area with a choice of three trim colours. Element® will easily complement any corporate identity. Its design includes a soft grip for a precise and comfortable writing experience. A high quality black refill is supplied as standard.

Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: Opposite Clip - 40mmW x 10mmH. Side of Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH.

250 £1.23

Dimensions: 146mm x 13mm. MPA: Opposite Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH. Side of Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH.

250 500 1000

500 £1.03

1000 £0.67

£1.21 £1.01 £0.67

01504V PromoMate® PromoGrip® Gel Pen Enjoy a pleasurable writing experience with PromoMate® PromoGrip® Gel Pen. Its design is a modern classic, available in a large selection of trim colours to enable you to co-ordinate your campaign with ease. The rubber grip makes it comfortable to use; along with large branding areas, the PromoGrip® Gel will provide outstanding writing quality. A smooth black gel ink refill is supplied as standard. Dimensions: 135mm x 12mm. MPA: In Line with Clip - 12mmW x 7mmH. Opposite Clip - 35mmW x 11mmH. Side of Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH.

250 £1.19

500 £1.00

1000 £0.64



Astaire Full-Colour Ballpen

Hepburn Full-Colour Ballpen

This best-selling retractable is quite possibly the best value full-colour pen in Europe. Now in an incredible fifteen trim colours to choose from. Branded with a full-colour-wraparound print to the barrel and available with a choice of blue or black writing ink.

This classic, best selling retractable ballpoint offers a large full colour branding area with 11 bright trim colours to choose from. Featuring a soft rubber grip for comfort it is available with a choice of blue or black writing ink.

Dimensions: 140mm. MPA: Wrap around - 100mmW x 28.6mmH.

250 £0.37

500 £0.34

1000 £0.31

Dimensions: 140mm. MPA: Wrap - 77mmW x 38mmH.

250 £0.46

500 £0.42

1000 £0.39

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







01602V ICO Antibacterial Round Clip Pen

01601V ICO Apollo Ballpen Plastic barrel ballpen with metal clip and push button. Stylish yet cost effective with large print area. Pen parts available in 9 solid colours. Change any component at no extra cost. Writes for 2.5km. The ICO Apollo is sure to get your brand noticed. Dimensions: 140mm x 15mm. MPA: Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 20mmH. Below Clip - 20mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.64 1000 £0.58 2500 £0.53

While you write, your fingers will remain bacteria-free with the ICO antibacterial nano-silver technology. Ideal for hospitals, clinics and schools where hygiene is a top priority, this Antibacterial round clip ball pen will continue to market your message, especially if kept with the Antibacterial Partner Pen holder. The blue, black, red and green ink refills write for a huge 2.5km and with the massive 60mm x 12mm print area next to and behind the clip, not to mention 13mm on the uniquely round clip, your branding won't be missed. Dimensions: 15mm x 140mm. MPA: Clip - 13mmD. Next to Clip 60mmW x 12mmH. Below the Clip 45mmW x 25mmH

500 £0.53 1000 £0.48 2500 £0.43

01604V ICO Rainbow Colouring Pen

Recycled eco-friendly paper with 30% recycled plastic colour trims plus a huge print area. This is really the perfect promotional pen to put your logo on.

Individual colouring pens with ventilated cap. Available in 15 different colours. Great for schools, universities and colleges. Practical and fun.

Dimensions: 147mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel 60mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 100mmW x 25mmH.

500 £0.47 1000 £0.39 2500 £0.35

500 £0.19 1000 £0.17 2500 £0.16




01603V ICO Paper Pen



ICO Star Ring Ballpen

ICO Sunny Ballpen

ICO Xpen Ballpen

One of our most popular pens and it's easy to see why. A huge print area, distinctive coloured rings to match your logo, combined with the ICO long life refill as standard and options of blue, red, black or green ink at no extra cost make this the perfect everyday promotional pen.

Distinctive coloured grip. Pen parts available in 10 solid colours. Change any component at no extra cost. Writes for 2.5km. The ICO Sunny is sure to get your brand noticed.

Quality stylish part metal pen assembled with ICO long life refill (replacements available in all good stationery shops). 17 colour trim options to choose from.

Dimensions: 150mm x 10mm. MPA: Clip - 40mmW x 6mmH. Under Clip - 60mmW x 12mmH. Next to Clip - 50mmW x 25mmH. Top of Clip - 8mm Diam.

Dimensions: 140mm x 15mm. MPA: Clip - 20mmW x 6mmH. Under Clip - 50mmW x 20mmH. Next to Clip – 25mmW X 20mmH.

250 £0.88

500 £0.26


1000 £0.24

2500 £0.21

Dimensions: 138mm x 10mm. MPA: Side of Clip – 35mmW x 50mmH.

500 £0.46 1000 £0.41 2500 £0.37

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £0.80

1000 £0.69

01703V Calico Arctic Frost



Twisty Ballpen

Solid Calico Ballpen

The perfect promotional pen. Vibrant colours, simple lines, ideal for any message and cost effective. Black ink refill.

The perfect promotional pen. Vibrant colours, simple lines, ideal for any message and cost effective. Has 2 great print areas. Black ink.

Dimensions: 145mm x 11mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 17mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 3mmH.

Dimensions: 148mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 25mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.21 1000 £0.20 2500 £0.19

Bright, contemporary utility pen. Frosted colours with silver nose cone perfect for any message. Black ink refill. Dimensions: 148mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 25mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 5mmH.

500 £0.28 1000 £0.27 2500 £0.26

500 £0.28 1000 £0.27 2500 £0.26

01704V Vogue Ballpen Plastic barrel pen with push-button and metal clip, silver tip and trim. Stylish yet cost effective with large print area. Black ink refill. Dimensions: 128mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Side of Clip - 50mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.39

1000 £0.37

2500 £0.36



Ovale Ballpen

Torino Ballpen

Eiger Ballpen

Slightly oval shaped with a fabulous print area alongside the clip. Vivid silicone coloured finger grip. Plunger action and black ink refill.

White plastic ballpen with a novel bellow plunger. Large print area for logo or message. Black ink refill.

Plastic ballpen in metallic colours with a useful stylus tip on end.

Dimensions: 140mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 25mmH.

Dimensions: 133mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH. Cap - 30mmW x 7mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 15mm. MPA: Side of Barrel 40mmW x 10mmH.

500 £0.23 1000 £0.22 2500 £0.21

250 500 1000

500 £0.35 1000 £0.34 2500 £0.33

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


£0.49 £0.47 £0.46










Glacier Ballpen

Olaf Plastic Ballpen

Chunky Pen

Super white ballpen with a great print area. Choice of subtle coloured trims add a dash to your company logo or message. Black Ink.

Super white barrels for printing your company name or message. Twist action cap with coloured contrasting clips. Super pen for low cost.

Large promotional pen with a large print area for big promotional messages. Sure to be a popular pen at this price.

Dimensions: 140mm x 30mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 25mmH.

Dimensions: 144mm x 7mm. MPA: Barrel - 55mmW x 25mmH.

500 £0.19 1000 £0.18 2500 £0.17

500 £0.27 1000 £0.26 2500 £0.25


Dimensions: 146mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 40mmH.

500 £0.42 1000 £0.41 2500 £0.39



Big Clip Pen

Popsicle Ballpen

Houston Ballpen

You can choose a print on either the barrel or the big clip. A small charge for a print in both positions. This will become a big promotional pen.

Bright, fun, light and the perfect promotional pen to put your logo on. Transparent clip and barrel. Large print area on barrel. Black ink.

Big plastic ballpen with large print area and wow! Coloured finger grips - get your name on a winner! Black ink.

Dimensions: 125mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 146mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 30mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 3mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 15mmH.

500 £0.23 1000 £0.22 2500 £0.21

500 £0.30 1000 £0.29 2500 £0.28


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 500 1000

£0.63 £0.61 £0.59


01903V Alaska™ Eco Ballpen



Albion Grip Ballpen

Albion Ballpen

Designed to take full advantage of photographic-quality digital printing technology. This pen can be printed in photographic full colour over the entire barrel area.

Designed to take full advantage of the latest photographicquality digital printing technology. Screen printing is available over most of the barrel.

Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: 35mmW x 22mmH.

500 £0.21 1000 £0.19 2000 £0.18


Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: 1 Position - 50mmW x 22mmH.

Twist-action ballpen made from recycled plastic. Generous print areas available on both barrel and clip. Available in five popular colours. Dimensions: 143mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 22mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.32 1000 £0.24 2000 £0.21

500 £0.19 1000 £0.19 2000 £0.18



Alaska™ Frost Ballpen

Absolute™ Extra Ballpen

Absolute™ Frost Ballpen

Twist-action retractable ballpen in frosted finish with satin silver trim. Generous print areas on both barrel and clip. Black ink refill as standard.

The Absolute™ Extra Ballpen provides uncluttered elegance and sophisticated construction which offers both form and function at an unrivalled price point. Also available with full colour printing at an additional charge.

The uncluttered elegance and sophisticated construction ensure you will have both form and function driving your advertising message. There are extensive print areas available on both the barrel and clip and a quick printing service is also available.

Dimensions: 140mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 22mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.34 1000 £0.26 2000 £0.22

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.21 1000 £0.20 2000 £0.20

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 30mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.21 1000 £0.20 2000 £0.20










Contour™ Digital Ballpen

Contour™ Extra Ballpen

Contour™ Metal Ballpen

The world's best selling promotional pen redesigned for the digital age. The patented barrel has been designed to exploit the full potential of the digital printing process.

Attractive push-button retractable ballpen with white body, chrome trim and a comfortable coloured rubber grip. Colour range includes ten popular colours. Black ink refill as standard.

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.

Stylish executive metal ballpen with soft rubber grip. The lightweight aluminium base metal appears silver when engraved. Laser engraving at extra charge. Black ink refill as standard.

500 £0.40 1000 £0.38 2000 £0.37

500 £0.26 1000 £0.21 2000 £0.21

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.

250 500 1000

£1.14 £1.00 £0.92

02004V Electra Enterprise Ballpen Complementing the Electra range, this attractive ballpen is made from composite material to give the feel and appearance of a metal pen. The Electra Enterprise Ballpen is even more budget-friendly than the aluminium Electra. Dimensions: 138mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH. Side - 50mmW x 18mmH.

500 £0.41

1000 £0.34

2000 £0.31




Contour™ Ballpen

Contour™ Wrap Ballpen

Electra Ballpen

Attractive push-button retractable ballpen with translucent body, chrome fitments and a comfortable rubber grip. Colour range includes ten popular colours. Black ink refill as standard.

The classic Contour™ Ballpen has been redesigned to allow a 360° wrap in photographic full colour. The pen retains its original aesthetics but its printing options provide a greater appeal.

Attractive aluminium ballpen with anodised finish and chrome trim. The unique positioning of the chrome rings give this pen a much larger print area than standard. Black ink refill.

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 8mmH.

500 £0.26 1000 £0.21 2000 £0.21


Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Wrap around - 72mmW x 37.1mmH.

Dimensions: 141mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH. Side - 55mmW x 18mmH.

500 £0.58 1000 £0.52 2000 £0.48

250 500 1000

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£0.71 £0.56 £0.50

02103V Supersaver™ Extra Ballpen



Spectrum™ Max Ballpen

Panther™ Plus Ballpen

This profile on the Spectrum™ Max ballpen offers a 25% larger print area than the standard Spectrum.

Retractable ballpen with white body and translucent trim. The Panther™ range has a registered design and trademark.

Dimensions: 136mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 10mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 20mmW x 4mmH.

500 £0.47 1000 £0.36 2000 £0.35

Retractable ballpen with a large print area. The Supersaver™ Extra Ballpen is suitable for any promotional campaign. Dimensions: 148mm x 9.5mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH.

1000 £0.13 2000 £0.12 5000 £0.12

500 £0.33 1000 £0.24 2000 £0.21

02104V System™ 060 Ballpen The System™ 060 Ballpen has been designed specifically to cater for the full colour wrap on the barrel. With a stylish design, metal body and metal trim. Includes full colour wrap to barrel. Dimensions: 145mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 73mmW x 30.2mmH.

250 £0.90

500 £0.81

1000 £0.77




Spectrum™ Ballpen

Sparta Argent Ballpen

Sparta Ballpen

Stylish retractable ballpen with rectangular barrel, chrome trim and comfortable rubber grip in a choice of 8 colours. Full colour printing available at an extra cost. Black ink refill as standard. All-white version has a solid plastic grip.

Using the same double injection moulding technique as the standard Sparta Ballpen, the Sparta Argent is a variation on this theme. The addition of silver accents beneath the clip to match the nose cone gives this writing instrument a touch of luxury. The Sparta range is a registered design.

Exploiting the latest manufacturing technology of double injection moulding, the Sparta Ballpen is a spectacular design-led writing instrument. Suitable for promotions where a relatively high perceived value is required at a competitive price. The Sparta range is a registered design.

Dimensions: 143mm x 15mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 8mmH.

500 £0.33 1000 £0.32 2000 £0.31

Dimensions: 146mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 25mmH.

500 £0.45 1000 £0.37 2000 £0.32

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 146mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 25mmH.

500 £0.45 1000 £0.37 2000 £0.32









El Primero The El Primero ballpen allows you to combine colours in an unprecedented way. It comes in three different varieties (Solid, White, Colour) and in 16 basic colours where different clip colours can be added or mixed. Minimalistic, cool design, straight body and large clip will assure more print options. Dimensions: 139mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 6mmH. Clip - 45mmW x 7mmH.

500 £0.23 1000 £0.22 5000 £0.20


Supersaver™ Twist Frost Ballpen

Supersaver™ Fine Roller

The Supersaver™ Range has been specifically designed to offer incredible value, meaning the most competitive range of promotional pens in Europe. The Supersaver™ Twist Frost is a twist-action ballpen with a frosted barrel in a wide range of colours.

For an ultra smooth writing experience at a budget-friendly price, the Supersaver™ Fine Roller is an exciting addition to the best selling Supersaver™ range. The Supersaver™ Fine Roller feels like a rollerball but does not require a cap. It utilises our smooth flow Inkredible™ technology. Dimensions: 140.8mm x 8.6mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 20mmW x 4mmH.

500 £0.34 1000 £0.26 2000 £0.22

1000 £0.16 2000 £0.15 5000 £0.15

02204V BambooWrite pen Blue ink ballpoint pen with bamboo holder, metal clip, turn-click system and coloured rubber non-slip grip. For an ecological impression. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 6mmH.

500 £0.82



1000 £0.76

2000 £0.74


Banner Pen

Bendy Dude Pen

Style 4 Banner Pen with retractable paper flag banner is our most popular style. Rubber grip, barrel, clip and button in plastic. Full colour print to both sides of the banner. Large choice of pen colours available. Typical size of the banner 180mm x 68mm. Price includes FREE Set Up and FREE Delivery to 1 UK Mainland Address. Dimensions: 15mm x 146mm. MPA: Front/Back - 180mmW x 68mmH.

Your promotions will be sure to get the thumbs up from your customers with our Bendy Dude Pen! This novelty pen has a tactile design and moveable arms for a great way to keep your brand in your customers' hands! We've extended our colour range for 2016 to give you even more choice for your promotions. Pen is supplied with black ink and is BS7272 approved.

500 £0.58

Dimensions: 175mm x 65mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 5mmH.

1000 £0.49

2500 £0.39

250 £1.10

500 £1.06

1000 £1.03

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.




Baron Color


Ducal Transparent

Hugely popular push button ballpen made from REACH compliant materials and manufactured in an ISO 9001 and IS0 14001 certified factory. The Baron pen features a solid white barrel, with a choice of coloured clip and nose cone. Blue ink refills as standard, Black ink refills available on request.

The iProtect is our antibacterial push button plastic ballpen made from REACH compliant materials and manufactured in an ISO 9001 and IS0 14001 certified factory. The iProtect offers 99.9% protection against viruses and germs. This protection is guaranteed to last the lifetime of the pen as the ABS plastic is made with an antibacterial additive. The iProtect has a solid white barrel with a choice of coloured clips, features a very good print area. Black ink refills available as standard.

Classically designed push button ballpen made from REACH compliant materials and manufactured in an ISO 9001 and IS0 14001 certified factory. The Ducal Transparent is available in a wide range of colours. Black ink refills as standard.

Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel 45mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.33 1000 £0.26 5000 £0.25

02304V Raja Color Classically designed push button ballpen made from REACH compliant materials and manufactured in an ISO 9001 and IS0 14001 certified factory. The Raja Colour features plastic barrel, push button and tip with silver metal clip and rings. Blue ink jumbo refill.

Dimensions: 137mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel 45mmW x 20mmH.

Dimensions: 130mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.66 1000 £0.57 5000 £0.55

500 £0.38 1000 £0.30 5000 £0.29

Dimensions: 10mm x 135mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.35 1000 £0.28 5000 £0.27

02305V Oasis Frost Exceptionally good value twist action frosted ballpen, available in a variety of colours with a generous print area on barrel and clip. Blue or black ink refills available as standard. Dimensions: 134mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.20

1000 £0.14

5000 £0.13




Pier Ft

Legacy Extra Silver

Zink Extra

Excellent value push button plastic ballpen made from REACH compliant materials and manufactured in an ISO 9001 and IS0 14001 certified factory. The Pier FT features a solid white barrel with a wide choice of coloured clips available and a good print area on barrel and clip. Blue or black ink refills available as standard.

Eye-catching twist action ballpen made from REACH compliant materials. The Legacy Extra Silver is available in an extensive range of 18 striking colours and features an attractive silver nose cone. Black ink refills as standard.

Slimline solid plastic twist action ballpen made from REACH compliant materials. The Zink Extra is available in an extensive range of colours and features a good print area on barrel and clip. Black ink refills as standard.

Dimensions: 130mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.27

1000 £0.20

5000 £0.20

Dimensions: 137mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.61

1000 £0.53

5000 £0.51

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 10mm x 146mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.45

1000 £0.42

5000 £0.41









senator® Carbon Line Metal Rollerball

senator® Image Black Metal Rollerball

senator® Image Brilliant Rollerball

Storyteller in hightech material. Rollerball with carbon barrel and brushed chrome trim. Fitted with large capacity metal refill.

Visionary design, terrific effects. Rollerball with black barrel, coated with soft-feel satin-finish and brushed gunmetal trim. Fitted with a large capacity metal refill.

Puristic metal rollerball in gloss white finish with high-shine chrome trim. Fitted with a large capacity blue ink refill.

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm x 14mm. MPA: Upper Side 30mmW x 12mmH.

25 50 100


Dimensions: 140mm x 12mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 30mmW x 20mmH. Side of Clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm x 12mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 30mmW x 20mmH. Upper Side - 35mmW x 5mmH.

£11.17 £10.78 £10.38

25 50 100

25 50 100

£8.89 £8.59 £8.25

£8.21 £7.93 £7.61

02404V senator® Nautic Metal Ballpen A winning combination of design and function. Ballpen with high-shine chrome barrel and clip, and soft-feel, satin-finish upper. Fitted with large capacity metal refill. Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm x 15mm. MPA: Barrel – 35mmW x 20mmH. Upper Side – 25mmW x 10mmH.

25 £4.73

50 £4.56

100 £4.35



senator® Image Black Metal Ballpen

senator® Image Brilliant Metal Ballpen

Exceptionally arranged in design and material. Award winning brushed metal ballpen with a plastic clip that offers a large area for digital prints. Fitted with a large capacity metal refill.

Visionary design, terrific effects. Ballpen with black barrel, coated with soft feel satin finish and brushed gunmetal trim. Fitted with a large capacity metal refill.

Visionary design, terrific effects. Ballpen with opaque high-gloss finish barrel and chrome trim. Fitted with a large capacity metal refill.

Dimensions: 142mm x 10mm x 13mm. MPA: Clip 48.5mmW x 8mmH.

100 150 250



senator® Signer Liner Metal Ballpen

£6.23 £6.02 £5.79

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 30mmW x 20mmH. Upper Side - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 50 100

£6.21 £6.00 £5.74

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm x 14mm. MPA: Barrel - 30mmW x 20mmH. Upper Side - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 50 100

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£6.16 £5.95 £5.69

02502V senator® Delgado Steel Metal Ballpen

02501V senator® Point Metal Ballpen Retro retractable ballpen with solid metal upper and clip in a range of colour finishes. Fitted with a blue metal G2 super large capacity refill.

Slim silhouette, strong branding. Classic styled push cap mechanism ballpen with metal barrel and high shine chrome trim. Fitted with large capacity metal refill. Dimensions: 135mm x 10mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 12mmH.

100 150 250

£2.17 £2.10 £1.98

02503V senator® Scrivo Metal Ballpen Cool look for trendy results. Aluminium ballpen with a matt lacquered barrel and high shine chrome trim. Fitted with large capacity metal refill. Dimensions: 140mm x 13mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 30mmW x 15mmH.

100 £2.96

150 £2.86

250 £2.72

Dimensions: 140mm x 9mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.95 1000 £0.90 2500 £0.87

02504V Franklin Covey Freemont Ballpoint Pen Great value ballpoint pen, designed by CROSS. Contemporary silhouette with high gloss chrome appointments. Black ink. Supplied in a gift box. Lifetime mechanical guarantee. Dimensions: 140mm x 44mm x 40mm. MPA: Cap - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 50 100

£6.98 £6.51 £5.99

02505V Franklin Covey Greenwich Twist-action ballpoint pen in a selection of colour options. Designed and engineered by CROSS. Accompanied by a lifetime mechanical guarantee, Fitted with a black ink refill. Supplied in a gift box. Dimensions: 135mm x 14mm. MPA: Cap - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 50 100

£6.98 £6.51 £5.99

02506V Franklin Covey Lexington Ballpoint Pen Sleek and impressive silhouette in a range of chrome finishes, Designed and engineered by CROSS. Supported by a lifetime mechanical guarantee, Fitted with a black ink refill. Supplied in a gift box. Dimensions: 140mm x 44mm x 40mm. MPA: Cap - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 50 100

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£7.12 £6.69 £6.17







02601V Sheaffer Intensity Rollerball Sleek design with streamlined cylindrical profile offered in contemporary finishes, light carbon fibre or onyx barrel. Presented in a luxury gift box. Sheaffer Limited 3 Year Warranty. Dimensions: 145mm x 44mm x 40mm. MPA: Upper Part 25mmW x 20mmH.


25 £46.46 50 £43.97 100 £41.72

Cross Edge Gel Ink Rollerball Capless, gel ink pen for a flawless writing experience! Unique, patented, slide open, snap shut technology. Vibrant metallic finishes with polished chrome appointments. Lifetime mechanical guarantee. Supplied in a gift box. Dimensions: 126mm x 44mm x 66mm. MPA: Cap side of clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 £40.25 50 £38.24 100 £36.49




Lamy Studio Ballpen

Lamy Scala Ballpen

Lamy Pico Ballpen

An appealing shape with refined details – for a subtle brand statement. Winner of both the Product Design and Good Design awards, the Lamy Studio is stainless steel coated with matt lacquer and a shiny chrome-plated clip in an unusual propeller shape.

Multi award winning design – harmonious proportions for strong brand statements. Cylindrical barrel made from stainless steel with matt black lacquer and highly polished chrome plated ends. Solid metal clip with a reliable spring mechanism, also with highly polished chrome plating.

Perfect for every pocket and every kind of meeting. Designed with an innovative push mechanism. The ultimate pocket pen – compact, handy design without compromising on performance.

MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 6mmH.

25 £32.94 50 £31.67 100 £29.96


MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 5.5mmH.

25 £63.56 50 £59.98 100 £56.20

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 7mmH.

50 £29.12 100 £27.53 250 £25.90

02702V NEW! Sheaffer Award Ballpoint Pen Robust ballpoint pen features rubberised grip for the ultimate in writing comfort. Presented in a standard gift box. Fitted with a black ink 'K' refill for a superior write out. Complete with 1 Year Warranty.

02701V Sheaffer 100 Ballpoint Pen Twist action ballpoint pen with bold profile and striking translucent colour accents. Fitted with a black ink 'K' refill for a superior write out. Presented in a luxury Sheaffer gift box. Complete with 1 Year Warranty.

Dimensions: 138mm x 48mm x 38mm. MPA: Next to Clip 25mmW x 20mmH.

25 £14.00 50 £13.32 100 £12.55

02703V Sheaffer VFM Ballpoint Pen Great value, click action ballpoint pen in a range of tactile finishes and colours. Fitted with a black ink 'K' refill for a superior write out. Presented in a stylish gift box, Complete with 1 Year Warranty.

Dimensions: 140mm x 46mm x 40mm. MPA: Upper Part - 30mmW x 6mmH.

Dimensions: 138mm x 42mm x 38mm. MPA: Barrel - 25mmW x 20mmH.

25 £17.99 50 £16.93 100 £15.92

25 £7.09

50 £6.59

100 £6.22

02704V Jupiter Ballpen Elegant lightweight metal ballpen with plunger action. Black ink refill. Dimensions: 140mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 20mmH.

100 £1.66

250 £1.44

500 £1.31

02705V Sheaffer Sentinel Ballpoint Pen The best seller from Sheaffer. Precision ballpoint pen in a range of classic colour options with chrome. Fitted with a black ink 'K' refill for a superior write-out. Presented in a stylish gift box, The ideal promotional solution for corporate events and exhibitions. Dimensions: 140mm x 38mm x 38mm. MPA: Barrel - 37mmW x 7mmH.

25 £5.29 50 £5.10 100 £4.51

02706V Zebra® F-701 Retractable Pen Zebra® F-701 Retractable ballpoint pen with black coloured ink and a 0.7-mm stainless steel tip features an easy-to-hold knurled metal grip to provide writing stability. This pen is designed to prevent corrosion and features quiet plunger mechanism. Can be printed and engraved. Dimensions: 10mm x 133mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 15mmH.

02707V Cuba Metal Ballpen Twist action ballpen. An elegant metal pen with a high gloss finish. Can be printed and engraved. Dimensions: 12mm x 137mm. MPA: 1 Position 20mmW x 30mmH.

100 £2.89 250 £1.95 500 £1.79

100 £5.55 250 £4.67 500 £4.00

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.





02801V The iconic Century II Ballpoint Pen offers the ultimate in luxury, crafted from precious metals with lustrous chrome appointments. Also available as a Rollerball and Fountain Pen. Presented in a gift box complete with Lifetime mechanical guarantee. Pricing detailed is for the Lustrous Chrome finish.

Our most celebrated writing instrument, crafted from precious metal with lacquer or metal appointments. Each is perfectly balanced and engineered for a lifetime of smooth effortless writing. Available in Ballpoint Pen, Roller Ball and Fountain Pen. Presented in a gift box complete with a Lifetime mechanical guarantee. Pricing detailed is for the Lustrous Chrome finish.

Distinctive design with streamlined and ergonomic silhouette available in metal finishes and rich lacquers. Backed by a lifetime mechanical guarantee. Supplied in a gift box.

25 £71.40

02804V Sleek ballpen with chrome accents and a bold profile backed by a lifetime mechanical guarantee. Supplied in a gift box. Dimensions: 138mm x 44mm. MPA: Cap side of clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.


Cross ATX Ballpoint Pen

50 £67.65

100 £64.32

Dimensions: 171mm x 44mm x 66mm. MPA: Cap side of clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 £45.15 50 £42.72 100 £40.54

100 £40.54


Cross Calais Ballpoint Pen

25 £11.88 50 £11.31 100 £10.73


Cross Townsend Ballpoint Pen

Dimensions: 146mm x 10.9mm. MPA: Next to clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 170mm x 63mm x 40mm. MPA: Next to clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

50 £42.72



Cross Century II Ballpoint Pen

25 £45.15


Cross Stratford Ballpoint Pen

02806V Cross Bailey Ballpoint Pen

Entry level twist action ballpoint pen with unmistakable classic Cross styling, wide centre band with polished chrome accents. Presented in a gift box complete with a Lifetime mechanical guarantee.

Delivering executive quality at exceptional value. Robust silhouette with engraved centre band in a selection of rich lacquer finishes. Available in Ballpen, Roller Ball and Fountain Pen. Presented in a gift box complete with Lifetime mechanical guarantee.

Dimensions: 171mm x 44mm x 67mm. MPA: Cap - 35mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 171mm x 44mm x 66mm. MPA: Next to clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 £17.15 50 £12.59 100 £12.22

25 £32.03 50 £30.27 100 £28.65

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

02902V Parker Jotter Steel Ballpen The Parker icon, Jotter is the preferred choice for active writers who need pens wherever they go. Stainless steel.


Dimensions: 120mm x 10mm. MPA: Cap below clip 30mmW x 5mmH.

Parker Jotter Special Ballpen

25 £7.28 100 £7.03 250 £6.82

The Parker icon, Jotter is the preferred choice for active writers who need pens wherever they go. Plastic barrel with stainless steel trim. Dimensions: 120mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 22mmH.

02903V Parker I.M Ballpen Parker IM’s modern design offers 7 timeless finishes successfully combining classic and contemporary styles. The finest grades of lustrous lacquer and chrome and a highly engineered manufacturing process, ensure the Parker quality known worldwide. Metal. Dimensions: 126mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel A - 70mmW x 5mmH.

25 £7.16 100 £4.72 250 £4.58

25 £11.32 100 £10.93 250 £10.61

02904V Parker I.M Rollerball Parker IM’s modern design offers 6 timeless finishes successfully combining classic and contemporary styles. The finest grades of lustrous lacquer and chrome, and a highly engineered manufacturing process, ensure the Parker quality known worldwide. Metal. Dimensions: 138mm x 12mm. MPA: Cap below clip - 40mmW x 6mmH.

25 £16.84

100 £16.26

250 £15.78




Parker Urban Ballpen

Parker Urban Rollerball

Parker Sonnet Ballpen

Cool, new generation pen that redefines modern writing and reinvents the rules. It combines ergonomics with art, to give an unconventional bullet shape with perfect weight and balance. Metal.

Cool, new generation pen that redefines modern writing and reinvents the rules. It combines ergonomics with art, to give an unconventional bullet shape with perfect weight and balance. Incl. Parker gift box. Delivered with one rollerball refill. Exclusive design. Metal.

The Parker Sonnet is modern pen design at its best - the definitive Parker style. Precision engineered reliability and smooth performance combined with sumptuous finishes and exquisite details. Metal.

Dimensions: 136mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 5mmH.

10 25 50

£17.94 £17.32 £16.81

Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Under Clip - 35mmW x 7mmH.

10 25 50

£21.28 £20.55 £19.94

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 132mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 6mmH.

10 25 50

£52.27 £50.48 £48.99







03001V Waterman Graduate Chrome Ballpen Based on a classic design, Graduate is resolutely functional and modern. Graduate is ideal for everyday use or for gift giving occasions. Stainless steel.


Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 6mmH.

10 £11.99

25 £11.58

Parker Sonnet Expectations Ballpoint

50 £11.23

Sonnet Expectations ballpoint pen. Metal. Dimensions: 134mm x 10mm. MPA: 35mmW x 7mmH.

2 £83.83

5 £80.95

25 £69.89

03004V 03002V

Parker Sonnet Expectations Rollerball

Waterman Graduate Chrome Rollerball

Sonnet Expectations rollerball pen. Metal.

Based on a classic design, Graduate is resolutely functional and modern. Graduate is ideal for everyday use or for gift giving occasions. Stainless steel.

Dimensions: 133mm x 130mm. MPA: 35mmW x 7mmH.

2 5 25

Dimensions: 134mm x 11mm MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 6mmH.

10 £12.36

50 £11.93


100 £11.58



Waterman Hemisphere Fountain Pen

Waterman Hemisphere Rollerball

Waterman Hemisphere Steel Ballpen

Hemisphere – both highly practical and discreet – slides, unnoticed, into a pocket, bag or diary. A design that combines natural, seductive elegance with true magnetism. Includes Waterman gift box and one cartridge. Exclusive design. Stainless steel.

Hemisphere – both highly practical and discreet – slides, unnoticed, into a pocket, bag or diary. A design that combines natural, seductive elegance with true magnetism. Includes Waterman gift box. Supplied with one rollerball refill. Exclusive design.

A pure, simple, timeless line. Hemisphere, both highly practical and discreet, slides, unnoticed, into a pocket, bag or diary. A design that combines natural, seductive elegance with true magnetism. Including Waterman gift box. Delivered with one ballpoint refill. Exclusive design. Stainless steel.

Dimensions: 176mm x 10mm. Print Area: Under Clip 40mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 176mm x 10mm. MPA: Under Clip 40mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 131mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel 35mmW x 5mmH.

10 25 50

10 25 50

10 25 50

£51.61 £46.49 £44.03


£98.56 £95.18 £83.71

£46.74 £41.79 £39.48

£34.39 £33.21 £32.23

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

03008V Waterman Expert Ballpoint Pen The Expert collection is the perfect bold accomplice for the spirit of self-expression. In this collection both classic and daring colours meet iconic design to create the ultimate sophisticated business style with a highly personalised twist. Includes Waterman gift box. Delivered with one ballpoint refill. Exclusive design. Stainless Steel. Dimensions: 142mm x 11mm. MPA: Under Clip 35mmW x 6mmH.

10 25 50

£54.25 £52.39 £50.84

03103V 03101V

Valencia Ballpen


Serina Ballpen

Latina Ballpen

A superb all metal push action ballpen in four gloss lacquered colours with bright chrome styling. Fitted with a metal Parker style black ink refill. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are also available at an additional cost.

A stylish twist action ballpen in five gloss lacquered colours with a bright chrome cap. Fitted with a metal Parker style black ink refill. Laser engraving to the pen cap and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost.

Dimensions: 132mm x 9.6mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 25mmW x 10mmH.

Dimensions: 135mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 6mmW x 30mmH. Engraving to Cap 6mmW x 30mmH.

250 £1.59 500 £1.47 1000 £1.38

100 250 500

A contemporary styled twist action ballpen in brushed stainless steel or three gloss lacquered colours with bright nickel fittings and a metal Cross style black ink refill. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost. Dimensions: 130mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 6.5mmW x 30mmH.

100 250 500

£2.21 £2.06 £1.95

£2.45 £2.30 £2.18

03104V Rio Ballpen A superb value all metal push action ballpen in matt metallic silver or two gloss lacquered colours with bright chrome styling. Fitted with a quality metal Parker style black ink refill. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost. Dimensions: 133mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip - 30mmW x 5mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 9mmH.

250 £1.33

500 £1.23

1000 £1.16



Estella Ballpen

Santorini Ballpen

A superb value twist action ball pen in metallic gun metal grey or four gloss lacquered colours with bright chrome fittings and a metal Cross style refill. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are also available at an additional cost.

A best selling all metal push action ballpen in five matt lacquered colours with bright chrome fittings and a metal Parker style black ink refill. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost.

Dimensions: 139mm x 10.5mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 10mmW x 32mmH. Barrel side of clip 6.5mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 137mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 10mmW x 40mmH. Barrel reverse of Clip 10mmW x 40mmH.

250 £1.42 500 £1.32 1000 £1.25

250 £1.31 500 £1.22 1000 £1.15

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.










Espada C Ballpen

New Sakhir Ballpen

Siena Ballpen

A high quality twist action ballpen in genuine carbon fibre with gun metal fittings and a German made Super Smooth Parker style black ink refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Presentation boxes are available at an additional cost.

A creatively designed high quality twist action ballpen in gloss lacquered midnight blue, white or black with a unique cut out barrel. Fitted with a high quality German made Super Smooth Parker style black ink refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Laser engraved to the clip and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost.

A premium quality twist action ballpen beautifully crafted in matt anodised aluminium with bright chrome styling. Fitted with a German made Super Smooth Parker style black ink refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at additional cost.

Dimensions: 127mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 40mmW x 10mmH.

50 100 250

£6.21 £5.92 £5.67

Dimensions: 128mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 26mmW x 10mmH.

Dimensions: 125mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel reverse of Clip 10mmW x 32mmH. Clip - 3.5mmW x 20mmH. Engraving: Clip - 3.5mmW x 20mmH.

50 100 250


50 100 250

£6.67 £6.35 £6.10


£5.99 £5.70 £5.46


Santos Ballpen

Evora Rollerball

Savoy Ballpen

A high quality twist action ballpen in gloss lacquered white, black, midnight blue or red with bright chrome styling. Fitted with a German made Super Smooth Parker style black ink refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Laser engraving to the clip and presentation boxes are available at additional cost.

Stylish rollerball in a unique conical shape in matt black or gloss red, dark blue and white. Fitted with a German made Roller Writer black ink refill with a write out length of 1,000 metres. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost.

Dimensions: 139mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 32mmW x 10mmH. Clip - 35mmW x 3mmH.

Dimensions: 138mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 10mmW x 32mmH. Barrel side of clip 6mmW x 30mmH.

An elegant high quality ballpen with a self-return twist mechanism in brushed stainless steel and black or blue gloss lacquer. Fitted with a high quality German made Super Smooth Parker style black ink refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost.

50 100 250


£4.73 £4.48 £4.28

50 100 250

£6.34 £6.03 £5.79

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 134mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 10mmW x 32mmH. Barrel side of clip 6.5mmW x 32mmH.

50 100 250

£5.20 £4.93 £4.72

03303V 03301V

Savannah Ballpen


Sinatra Metal Ballpen

Olivier 360 Metal Ballpen

Our wonderful Sinatra Pen comes in a vibrant matte finish with polished chrome trims and a selection of nine different colours to choose from. Perfect for laser engraving and available with a choice of blue or black ink refill.

This contemporary metal pen is available in 10 beautiful matte colours with polished chrome accents and a unique textured grip section. It has a click action mechanism and comes with a choice of blue or black ink refill. With 360º rotary laser engraving it's perfect for larger or more intricate logos.

Dimensions: 135mm. MPA: 1 Side - 50.8mmW x 5mmH.

Dimensions: 140mm. MPA: Rotary - 57.5mmW x 31.4mmH.

100 £0.68 250 £0.64 500 £0.61

100 £1.23 250 £1.13 500 £1.08

Beautifully styled aluminium ballpen in a metallic finish with shiny chrome trim. Unique push clip action. Large area for a company logo or message. 5 popular colours to choose from. Black ink. Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 25mmH.

100 £1.02 250 £0.98 500 £0.95

03304V Davis Metal Ballpen This push action ballpen features a rubberised soft touch barrel and shiny chrome trims. Laser engraved for a long-lasting, quality finish. Available with blue or black writing ink. Dimensions: 142mm. MPA: Side of Barrel - 75mmW x 5mmH.

100 £1.02

250 £0.93

500 £0.87

03306V Buckingham Metal Ballpen

03305V Crosby Soft Touch Metal Ballpen Your customers will love the tactile feel of our rubberised Crosby soft touch metal pen. Now with a fantastic selection of fourteen colours this bestselling ballpen is perfect for laser engraving and comes with a choice of blue or black ink refill. Dimensions: 135mm. MPA: 1 Side - 50.8mmW x 5mmH.

100 £0.96

250 £0.90

Quality twist-action metal ballpen with a unique clip mechanism. Suitable for both screen printing and laser engraving. Laser engraving available at an extra cost. Black ink refill as standard. Dimensions: 135mm x 12.7mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 25mmH

250 £8.06 500 £7.41 1000 £7.04

03307V Cheviot Steel Ballpen Slimline twist-action stainless steel ballpen. Can be supplied with presentation pouch at an additional charge. Available for screen printing or laser engraving. Dimensions: 13.5mm x 6mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 18mmH.

250 £1.01 500 £0.87 1000 £0.81

500 £0.84

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.










Nostra Metal Ballpen

Oxford Ballpen

Stylish retractable aluminium ballpen with coloured barrel and chrome trim. Suitable for both screen printing and laser engraving. Black ink refill as standard.

Twist-action ballpen made from aluminium. The stylus is compatible with both resistive and capacitive touch screen phones and tablets. Blue ink as standard. Dimensions: 124mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 20mmW x 20mmH.

Dimensions: 142mm x 13mm. MPA: Opposite Clip 40mmW x 26mmH.

500 £1.19 1000 £1.06 2000 £0.98

250 £1.10 500 £0.96 1000 £0.89

Symphony Aluminium Ballpen Retractable metal ballpen with highly lacquered finish. Available with presentation box at extra cost. Dimensions: 143mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel 45mmW x 20mmH.

250 £0.96 500 £0.82 1000 £0.76

03404V Atlanta Ballpen Stunning designed aluminium ballpen with shiny chrome trim. Funky push clip. Available in 3 popular colours and offers a large print area. Will make your company logo shout out! Dimensions: 147mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 22mmH.

100 £1.03

250 £1.00

500 £0.97

03405V Vogue Metal Ballpen Retractable metal ballpen with satin silver barrel and chrome trim. Black ink refill as standard. Suitable for both screen printing and laser engraving. Laser engraving available at an extra cost. Matching rollerball also available.

Black ballpoint pen

Slotted screwdriver

Dimensions: 144mm x 11.5mm. MPA: Barrel 45mmW x 25mmH.

250 £1.68 500 £1.51 1000 £1.40

Phillips screwdriver Stylus

Centimetre and inch ruler

03406V Micro Construction Pen Keyring with micro multitasking ballpoint pen, centimetre and inch ruler, slotted and Phillips screwdriver held by magnet, stylus, aluminium/brass/steel, with black refill.


Dimensions: 35mm x 117mm x 9mm. MPA: 3mmW x 35mmH.

25 £9.26

50 £8.42

100 £7.40

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

03407V Bergman Full-Colour Highlighter Pen Unique twist action ballpen with long lasting highlighter and soft rubber comfort grip. A clear protective cap prevents the highlighter ink from drying out. *NEW* for 2016: highlighter now available in yellow, pink, green or blue. Writing ink of ballpoint is black. Dimensions: 150mm. MPA: Wrap around 71mmW x 34.5mmH.

250 £0.74 500 £0.69 1000 £0.66


03501V Markie® Fine Permanent Marker


Markie® Dry Wipe Pen

Markie® Matt Permanent Marker

Markie® Dry is a white board or dry wipe marker. With quick drying, non-toxic, alcohol based ink; it writes smoothly without scratching and wipes off easily with a dry cloth. Bullet tip, crush resistant fibre tip and safety cap.

The budget Markie® Matt permanent marker writes on many surfaces including glass, metal, plastic and foil. Supplied with black permanent water resistant ink, its large branding area can be printed in one or two* spot colours. *subject to sight of artwork.

Dimensions: 138mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel 45mmW x 22mmH.

Dimensions: 130mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel 45mmW x 22mmH.

250 £0.96 500 £0.79 1000 £0.69

250 £1.03 500 £0.90 1000 £0.80

Markie® Fine permanent marker writes on many surfaces including glass, metal, plastic and foil. Supplied with either blue or black permanent water resistant ink, its large branding area can be printed in up to five spot colours. Dimensions: 140mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 22mmH.

250 £1.58 500 £1.37 1000 £0.95

03504V Markie® Mini Permanent Marker Markie® Mini permanent marker writes on many surfaces including glass, metal, plastic and foil, supplied with either blue or black permanent water resistant ink. The convenient clip-cap attaches to lanyards, golf bags, backpacks and key chains and can be personalised in up to five spot colours. Dimensions: 90mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 25mmW x 20mmH.

250 £1.33

500 £1.13

1000 £0.77

03507V ICO Whiteboard Multifunctional Magnetic Marker with Eraser The ICO Multifunctional Whiteboard Magnetic Marker & Eraser is a high quality long-lasting marker with a bullet nib. Available in four ink colours; red, blue, green and black. This high quality marker has a huge print area of 55mm x 45mm. Unique to ICO is the fact that it offers an eraser on the end and a magnetic lid giving easy storage options. 3 day cap off time.


Dimensions: 20mm x 133mm x 20mm. MPA: Barrel - 20mmW x 133mmH.

Hi-Cap Ballpen Stylish double-ended pen with a twistaction ballpen and capped highlighter. The stylus is compatible with both resistive and capacitive touch screen phones. Dimensions: 150mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel 88mmW x 36.2mmH.

500 £0.85 1000 £0.81 2000 £0.74

500 £0.95

1000 £0.86

2500 £0.78

03506V senator® Duo Pen Polished Plastic Multifunction Ballpen & Highlighter Ballpen and highlighter in one! Opaque high-gloss finish ballpen featuring matching colour highlighter in cap. Dimensions: 141 x 14 x 9mm. MPA: Barrel 50mmW x 15mmH.

500 £0.78 1000 £0.74 2500 £0.71

03508V Ico Focus Highlighter Quality fluorescent highlighter also suitable for fax use. 5 colour choices and large print area, plus an ergonomic moulded shape make this the ideal business gift. Ink colours shown. Dimensions: 115mm x 30mm. MPA: Body - 30mmW x 15mmH. Reverse - 30mmW x 15mmH. Side of Barrel - 30mmW x 8.5mmW.

500 £0.53

1000 £0.48

2500 £0.44

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









Trio Highlighter

Triple Highlighter in Wax

A popular item, the triangular pen holds three different highlighters in one 'funky' shape.

New wax colours in popular shape. Highlighter wax will not smear on or bleed through paper.

Dimensions: 79mm x 79mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back 30mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 90mm x 90mm x 15mm. MPA: Front 30mmW x 30mmW.

250 £0.63 500 £0.61 1000 £0.59

100 250 500

£0.77 £0.74 £0.72

03604V 03603V

Hand Shape Highlighter

Splat Highlighter Groovy, highlighter pen. Five vibrant colours in a splat shaped case, practical and fun. Dimensions: 85mm x 100mm x 14mm. MPA: Front/Back - 20mmW x 10mmH.

250 £0.88

500 £0.81

Hand shape highlighter pen. Five vibrant colours, practical and fun. Dimensions: 95mm x 75mm x 18mm. MPA: Front/Back - 45mmW x 35mmH.

250 £1.30

500 £1.25

1000 £1.21

1000 £0.75

03605V Highlighters Case of 3 Lid flips down to present the highlighters at an angle on a desk. Great way of presenting a logo or message. Dimensions: 140mm x 40mm x 10mm. MPA: Front/Back - 90mmW x 20mmH.

250 £1.17


500 £1.13

1000 £1.10

03606V Clover Highlighter Promotional wax highlighter with an original design. Five vibrant colours to choose from. Dimensions: 100mm x 95mm. MPA: Back - 40mmW x 40mmH.

100 £1.28

250 £1.23

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £1.20

03703V 6 Half Length Pencils 6 half length colouring pencils in a clear re-useable acetate pouch, with your promotional message printed in full colour. Dimensions: 120mm x 58mm. MPA: Front - 45mmW x 72mmH.

100 £0.68


250 £0.54

500 £0.49


BIC® Matic® Mechanical Pencil

BIC® Rondo Evo Mechanical Pencil

Stay sharp with this first-class mechanical pencil! It is solid and resistant, writes 2 1/2 times more than a graphite pencil, and never needs sharpening.

The new BIC® Rondo Evo with an all-metal barrel and chrome trim, available in a wide range of colours!


Dimensions: 140mm x 13mm. MPA: In Line With Clip 40mmW x 25mmH.

Dimensions: 150mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 42mmW x 20mmH.

50 100 250

500 £0.53 1000 £0.48 2500 £0.43

Pack of 5 Half Length Colouring Pencil

£4.66 £4.17 £3.76

Pack of 5 half length chunky colouring pencils in acetate pouch. MPA: 1 Position 45mmW x 55mmH.

288 576 1152

£0.72 £0.63 £0.59



Standard NE Pencil

Standard WE Pencil

Hi Line WE Pencil


Hi Line NE Pencil

Wooden pencil with gloss paint finish with no eraser. Multi-colour printing is available on all colours in the range.

Wooden pencil with gloss paint finish, silver ferrule and pink eraser. Multi-colour printing service available on most colours in the range.

White wooden pencil. Can be printed in full photographic quality digital colour 360° around the barrel of the pencil.

Dimensions: 175mm x 7mm. MPA: Barrel 60mmW x 16mmH.

Dimensions: 186mm x 7mm. MPA: Barrel 60mmW x 16mmH.

White wooden pencil with silver ferrule and pink eraser. Can be printed in full photographic quality digital colour 360° around the barrel of the pencil.

500 £0.18 1000 £0.11 2000 £0.10

500 £0.19 1000 £0.12 2000 £0.11

Dimensions: 186mm x 7mm. MPA: Barrel 157mmW x 24.5mmH.

500 £0.38 1000 £0.33 2000 £0.32

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


Dimensions: 175mm x 7mm. MPA: Wrap around 162mmW x 24.5mmH.

500 £0.56 1000 £0.46 2000 £0.43


Brite-Mat® Mouse Mat

03801V The original Brite-Mat® Mouse Mat has been a proven bestseller for many years, thanks to its superb quality and value for money. It offers stunning colour reproduction for your design and our in-mould labelling process ensures that your details will be on customers’ desks for a long time to come! It’s made in Britain using in-house recycled plastics, for a perfect eco-friendly promotional product. Plus, it offers 100% perfect tracking for both standard balled and optical mice. Available in rectangular or round shapes. The Brite-Mat is made from 97% in-house recycled plastics. This also offers a low carbon footprint, ideal for eco-friendly promotions. Dimensions: 240mm x 190mm or 200mm Diam. MPA: Front - 240mmW x 190mmH or 200mmD.

125 £2.33


250 £1.43 500 £0.98








03901V DuraTough Counter Mat A2 The DuraTough Counter Mat shows stunning print quality in either spot or full colour graphics. A much larger version of the DuraTough Mouse Mat is available as standard in A3 and A2 size, constructed using an everlasting undersurface print bonded to a high quality foam base. Dimensions: 595mm x 420mm. MPA: Top Face - 595mmW x 420mmH.

100 £8.38

250 £6.81

500 £6.18

03902V PVC Coaster 2D soft PVC coaster. 90mm diameter or square. Up to 4 soft PVC spot colours. Dimensions: 90mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Side - 90mmW x 90mmH.

250 £0.84

500 £0.81

1000 £0.79

03903V Precision Softmat™ Precision SoftMats™ are high quality, low cost mouse mats providing 100% optical performance with superb lay-flat qualities and user comfort. Choose from a selection of standard shapes. Coasters and matching sets also available. Mouse mats are useful and long lasting; why not gain extra life by adding a calendar to the design? High quality low cost counter mat also available in a selection of colours. A much larger version of the Precision SoftMat™, available as standard in A3.

03904V Brite-mat® Coasters

Dimensions: 200mm x 2mm x 235mm. MPA: Top - 235mmW x 200mmH.

250 £1.52

500 £1.23

Our Brite-Mat® Coaster offers you stunning colour reproduction on a low profile, non-slip base. It offers fantastic durability and is made from recycled materials for an eco-friendly product. Available in round or square shapes.

750 £1.08

Dimensions: 95mm x 95mm or 95mm Diam. MPA: Front - 95mmW x 95mmH or 95mmD.

250 £1.37


500 £0.79


1000 £0.52


03906V Non-Slip Coaster

03905V Gnalvic Coaster The most durable of full-colour coasters, that is flexible and subsurface printed. Twelve standard shapes to select from. Dimensions: 97mm x 97mm x 97mm. MPA: Top - 97mmW x 97mmH.

250 500 1000

Plastic coaster with rubber contour, available with black or blue trim, ensuring a non-slip base. Dimensions: 95mmD. MPA: Front - 78mmD.

100 250 500

£0.79 £0.76 £0.74

£0.79 £0.74 £0.71

UK MADE 03907V Melamine Coaster High quality heat and stain resistant with cork or baize non slip base. Standard shapes square, rectangular or round. Bespoke shapes available. All colours available, Pantone. Print areas vary to shape - please ask for details. Dimensions: 100mm x 100mm. MPA: All Over - 95mmW x 95mmH.

100 £3.20

250 £2.37

500 £1.94

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







04001V Darwin Coasters Made in high quality PU, these coasters are available in round or square. Available in 5 colours. Dimensions: 90mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Side - 70mmW x 40mmH.

100 £1.76

500 £1.16

1000 £1.04





Real Metal Coasters

4 Piece Puzzle Coaster

UK manufactured real metal coasters in a choice of 4 shapes and sizes with high quality felt backing. Full colour digital print included. 89mm square and round, 94mm hexagon and 90mm octagon.

A functional 4 piece desk accessory that keeps your advertisement always to hand. Flexible and full-colour subsurface printed. Each puzzle is supplied in a cello bag. Available in round, square, barrel, octagonal, arch or oval shape, printed on one side only.

Dimensions: 89mm x 89mm x 1mm. MPA: Front - 89mmW x 89mmH.

50 £2.98

100 £1.71

Dimensions: 97mm x 97mm x 3mm. MPA: Front - 97mmW x 97mmH.

250 £1.26

250 £0.88

500 £0.83

1000 £0.79

UK MADE 04004V Recycled Glass Coaster Tempered glass coaster made from recycled glass. British made. Printed 1 colour - full colour process. Supplied with feet. Dishwasher proof. Dimensions: 100mm x 100mm x 100mm. MPA: Any Position - 95mmW x 95mmH.

50 £5.64

100 £3.75

250 £2.79

04005V Vinyl Coaster Coaster in smooth grain welded PVC. Standard shapes are round, square and octagonal. Choice of 18 colours and printed from one colour up to full colour.


Dimensions: 110mm x 110mm x 2mm. MPA: All Over - 110mmW x 110mmH.

100 £1.14


250 £0.52

500 £0.43

Mug n Message Coaster


Mug and message coaster. High quality heat and stain resistant with cork or baize non slip base. British made. Dimensions: 190mm x 95mm. MPA: All Over - 180mmW x 90mmH.

100 £5.95

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £4.38

500 £3.59

04101V Bianco World Time Clock / Calculator Bianco foldable world time clock / calculator in gloss white finish. Comes complete with world times, temperature in centigrade and fahrenheit, alarm, snooze function. Neat black rubber keys. Takes 2 x LR1130 batteries included. Dimensions: 100mm x 100mm x 16mm. MPA: Bottom - 80mmW x 10mmH.

25 £8.58

50 £8.33

100 £7.99


04102V Empire Clock Empire clock with alarm. Black base with silver front and great print area below clock face. Takes 1 x AA battery (not included). Dimensions: 119mm x 90mm x 30mm. MPA: Front - 50mmW x 35mmH.

100 £1.91

250 £1.84

500 £1.79

04103V Domino Desk Clock Plastic desk / table clock with large white surround and black style fascia. Uses 1 x AA battery (not included). Dimensions: 177mm x 120mm x 47mm. MPA: Bottom Central - 130mmW x 15mmH.

100 £3.85

250 £3.72

500 £3.61

04104V Ceramic Coaster High quality corkback ceramic coasters. Dimensions: 5mm x 103mm. MPA: 1 Position - 103mmW x 103mmH.

100 £2.45

250 £2.11

500 £1.97



Ultimat Coaster

World Puzzle Globe

A transparent coaster which allows the reverse printing to give a dome effect at a budget cost. Available with full colour digital print at an additional cost.

High quality stainless steel desk top jigsaw puzzle. Excellent desk top item that can be used as a paper weight, equally it can be taken home to enjoy.

Dimensions: 90mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Side - 84mmW x 84mmH.

Dimensions: 75mm x 75mm. MPA: Base - 40mmW x 20mmH.

250 500 1000

25 £29.35

£0.67 £0.55 £0.51

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

50 £25.99

100 £24.78









Flex A5 Ruled Paper Notebook Matra

The Lanybook Flex System offers a variety of branding options: select from a variety of cover colours, cover branding options, coloured closure bands and button shapes available in two branding finishes, gel dome or laser engraving. Price includes branded Lanybutton, can be sold without. (A discount will apply.) Each format includes brilliant white FSC certified ruled pages, and to complement the design the notebook features a silver ribbon marker. A variety of cover colours available in soft touch durable Tucson and matt finish Matra material.

Flex A5 Ruled Paper Notebook Tucson

Matra Dimensions: 145mm x 205mm. MPA: 1 Position - 73mmW x 183mmH.

100 £10.34

250 £9.51

500 £8.99

Tucson Dimensions: 145mm x 205mm. MPA: 1 Position - 73mmW x 186mmH.

100 £10.75

250 £9.90

500 £9.48

04203V Medium Notebook Ruled Paper Matra Matra notebooks are available in a variety of colours in ruled, plain and graph formats on beautiful ivory coloured pages (240 pages in total) with crafted rounded corners, gold ribbon marker, expandable storage pocket with a coordinating closure band and pen loop. The Matra medium notebook from the Ivory collection offers a wealth of beautifully crafted features for a practical and durable companion. Ideal for notations or sketches, at work, travelling or in your free time. Dimensions: 130mm x 210mm. MPA: 1 Position - 88mmW x 179mmH.

50 £7.05

100 £6.05

250 £5.40

04204V Medium Notebook Ruled Paper Tucson Flexible The soft touch design of the Tucson Flexible medium notebook from the Ivory collection offers a wealth of beautifully crafted features for a practical and durable companion ideal for notations or sketches at work, travelling or in your free time. The Tucson Flexible notebooks are available in a range of colours with a coordinating coloured closure band and are available in a flexible cover ideal to take with you on your travels. Tucson Flexible notebooks are available in ruled paper on beautiful ivory coloured pages (240 in total) with crafted rounded corners for an elegant look with a gold ribbon marker to complement the design. Dimensions: 130mm x 210mm. MPA: 1 Position - 88mmW x 179mmH.

50 £5.55

100 £4.92

250 £4.33

04205V Medium Notebook Ruled Paper Tucson Tucson notebooks are available in a variety of colours in ruled and plain formats on beautiful ivory coloured pages (240 pages in total) with crafted rounded corners, gold ribbon marker, expandable storage pocket with a coordinating closure band and pen loop. The Tucson medium notebook from the Ivory collection offers a wealth of beautifully crafted features for a practical and durable companion ideal for notations or sketches, at work, travelling or in your free time. Dimensions: 130mm x 210mm. MPA: 1 Position - 88mmW x 179mmH.

50 £8.42


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £7.44

250 £6.72



Accent A5 Case Bound Notebook With Elastic Strap

A5 Case Bound Notebook

A5 Casebound Notebook finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Choice of 8 accent colour combinations each with a black cover contrast edge stitching, contrast edge stained pages, coloured elastic and coloured ribbon page marker. Product features include 96 sheets, 192 pages of 70 gsm lined cream paper. Hundreds of other colour combinations available with plain checked or executive paper.

Soft touch Belluno Notebook made to order in a choice of 22 colours. This material has a unique colour change when embossed, making your branding distinctive and accurate even on fine detail. Choose your paper type from white lined or cream lined plain or squared. Printed and full colour personalisation also available.

Dimensions: 143mm x 215mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover - 120mmW x 90mmH.

Dimensions: 233mm x 318mm x 21mm.

50 £7.62

50 £6.42

100 £6.51

250 £6.01

100 £5.33

250 £4.91

04303V A5 CaseBound Notebook Create your own bespoke notebook with a choice of 20 Colours of Belluno leatherette for the outer cover. Choose a contrasting or matching elastic colour, then select from lined, plain or squared paper complete with ribbon page marker. Add a handy envelope to rear cover then choose your personalisation method. Select from distinctive colour change emboss, foil block, print to Pantone, alternatively choose vibrant digital print to represent any full colour logo or graphic. The end result will be totally unique. Also available in real leather. Dimensions: 143mm x 215mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £8.10

100 £6.89


250 £6.34


Houghton A5 Notebook

Houghton A5 Notebook with Pen in Gift Box

Houghton A5 Casebound Notebook with business card pocket to front, 95 cream lined pages, black page marker, black elastic strap and pen loop, rear envelope pocket. Finished in a man-made leather look which has an excellent emboss quality but can equally be printed in one or full colour. Pen additional extra. Dimensions: 143mm x 210mm x 21mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover - 120mmW x 90mmH.

Houghton A5 Casebound Notebook with business card pocket to front, 95 cream lined pages, black page marker, black elastic strap and pen loop, rear envelope pocket. Complete with a quality black and silver ball point pen and matt black gift box. Finished in a man-made leather look which has an excellent emboss quality but can equally be printed in one or full colour. The box can also be branded.

50 £4.51

Dimensions: 160mm x 220mm x 23mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover - 120mmW x 90mmH.

100 £3.66

250 £3.29

50 £6.95

100 £5.89

250 £5.43

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







04401V Medium Notebook Ruled Tucson Edge


The Tucson medium edge notebook from the Ivory collection offers a wealth of beautifully crafted features for a practical and durable companion ideal for notations or sketches at work, travelling or in your free time. The Tucson "Edge" notebook revolutionises a classic format by incorporating unique colour paged edges alongside a coordinating elastic band, pen loop and ribbon marker for the ultimate wow factor! Consisting of ruled paper on beautiful ivory coloured pages (240 in total) with crafted rounded corners for an elegant look with a coordinating ribbon marker to complement the design. The Ivory notebook also include a practical expandable pocket on the inside back cover, ideal for holding tickets, receipts or any other useful paper items. This product features ecological paper sourced from sustainable forests.

Large Notebook Ruled Paper Tucson The Tucson large notebook from the Ivory collection offers a wealth of beautifully crafted features for a practical and durable companion ideal for notations or sketches at work, travelling or in your free time. The Tucson notebooks are available in a range of colours with a coordinating coloured closure band and also feature a pen loop. Choose from either plain or ruled beautiful ivory coloured pages (240 in total) with crafted rounded corners for an elegant look with a gold ribbon marker to complement the design. The Ivory notebooks also include a practical expandable pocket on the inside back cover, ideal for holding tickets, receipts or any other useful paper items.

Dimensions: 130mm x 210mm. MPA: 1 Position - 88mmW x 179mmH.

50 £9.43

100 £8.50

Dimensions: 190mm x 250mm. MPA: 1 Position -147mmW x 216mmH.

250 £7.72

50 £9.91


100 £8.87

250 £8.25



Executive G2 Notebook

Bromham Flexi Notebook

Frosted Executive Pad and Pen Set

A5 case-bound journal notebook with soft touch cover, lined pages, elastic strap, pen loop and rear envelope pocket. Available in a range of different colours, you can also mix and match elastic and ribbon markers. Can be embossed and printed.

Bromham Flexi Notebook with 48 pages of lined ivory paper, an elastic strap to close. Soft black flexible cover with an excellent emboss quality, can equally be foil blocked, printed one or full colour to suit your branding.

Assorted colour frosted pads with matching pen attached. 80 pages of plain paper.

Dimensions: 143mm x 250mm x 7mm. MPA: Front Cover - 100mmW x 100mmH.

150 £2.22

Dimensions: 150mm x 220mm. MPA: 1 Position - 110mmW x 75mmH.

100 £4.83


250 £4.31

500 £3.79

50 £2.97

100 £2.23

Dimensions: 135mm x 155mm. MPA: Cover -70mmW x 120mmH. Barrel: 45mmW x 8mmH.

250 £1.92

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

288 £1.84

576 £1.69

04501V 04502V

A5 Journal Notebook 100 page lined paper A5 note pad, matching elastic closure and page marker. Soft touch PU cover.

Argento Handy Notebook Handy size, with a silver coloured hardback cover for a good imprint of a company logo or message.

Dimensions: 210mm x 145mm x 13mm. MPA: Front - 85mmW x 170mmH.

100 £2.10

250 £2.03

Dimensions: 90mm x 140mm. MPA: Front - 50mmW x 120mmH.

500 £1.97

250 £1.09

500 £1.05

1000 £1.02

04503V Lautrec Notebook Handy sized velvet feel note book in colour edge paper and matching elastic closure. A quality give away suitable for most industries. Dimensions: 90mm x 140mm x 13mm. MPA: Front - 50mmW x 120mmH.

100 £1.84

250 £1.77

500 £1.72

04505V Noir Edge Notebook We’ve given our bestselling Noir Notebook an injection of colour, with the Noir Edge! It offers the same great benefits of the original Noir Notebook; modern styling, great branding opportunities and fantastic value for money. Plus the Noir Edge features coloured edging to the cream lined sheets, giving the notebook an eye-catching look. The notebook is supplied with 96 sheets of 70gsm paper and is supplied with a plain black stylus ballpen adding value to your promotional gift. Dimensions: 90mm x 141mm x 5mm. MPA: Front Cover - 80mmW x 130mmH.


100 £1.96

Liberty Soft-Feel Notebook A5

250 £1.89

500 £1.84

New for 2016, our Liberty Soft-Feel Notebook is sure to become a popular promotional gift! It has a tactile soft-feel flexible cover, which looks amazing with both standard screen print and embossing for your company logo. The cover is available in a great choice of colours and features a useful pocket to the back cover. The notebook contains 80 sheets of 100gsm cream lined paper. Dimensions: 144mm x 203mm x 14mm. MPA: Front Cover - 110mmW x 170mmH.

100 £3.34

250 £3.23

500 £3.13

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







04601V Ludlow Notebook


Undersized A5 soft feel note book with cream coloured lined pages, ribbon page marker, elasticated closure and inside pocket.

Notebook and Stylus Pen Gift Set 2 piece gift set: handy notebook in A6 format, up to 96 sheets of lined cream paper, convenient closing elastic and ribbon marker. Incl. matching, black ink touch screen pen. Each set in a box.

Dimensions: 139mm x 210mm. MPA: Front - 50mmW x 30mmH.

100 £2.63

250 £2.18

500 £2.10

Dimensions: 185mm x 135mm x 18mm. MPA: Notebook - Print to the Front – 50mm x 40mm. Pen - Engraved to the Side of Barrel – 45mm x 4mm.

50 £3.50

100 £3.30

250 £3.15

04603V Warwick Genuine Leather A5 Book and Cover This luxurious addition to any desk with a high perceived value is made from high quality genuine leather and features a clasp closure and a quality bound book with recycled pages. Available in both black and tan. Dimensions: 160mm x 242mm. MPA: 1 Position - 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £22.73

100 £21.38

250 £20.09

04604V Dartford A5 Notebooks Black notebooks made from Reach compliant imitation leather. Elastic closure and ribbon page marker. Contains 100 sheets of 70gsm lined paper. Dimensions: 215mm x 149mm x 18mm. MPA: Front/Back - 90mmW x 125mmH.

50 100 500

£4.03 £3.30 £3.07


Malvern A5 Genuine Leather Note Book Malvern soft smooth water resistant A5 leather bound note book with 100 lined pages. Dimensions: 160mm x 216mm. MPA: 1 Position - 65mmW x 40mmH.

50 £12.58


100 £11.81

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £10.99

04701V 100 X 75 Sticky Note with Cover and Pen Repositionable notepad with 50 sheets on white 80gsm. Covers on white 300gsm card printed in up to 4 colours and gloss laminated and die cut. Pen included. Dimensions: 100mm x 75mm. MPA: Each Sheet - 95mmW x 70mmH.

250 £2.20

500 £2.00 1000 £1.90

04702V Sticky Note Pad Magnets Shaped Promotional Magnet printed full colour with gloss laminate finish and 25 sheet Sticky Note Pad. Individually bagged. Dimensions: 86mm x 54mm. MPA: 1 Side - 86mmW x 45mmH.


100 £0.75

250 £0.66

500 £0.62

100 X 75 Plain Sticky Note Repositionable note pad with 50 sheets on white 80gsm. Dimensions: 100mm x 75mm. MPA: Each Sheet 95mmW x 70mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.66 £0.48 £0.36



Tubby Pad

2 in 1 Combi Set 100 x 75 STK100PM

Desk pad with tough wearing rigid welded vinyl cover. Plain paper jotting pad inside measures 95 x 125mm and contains around 80 pages. Two print positions included in the basic price. Available in 18 colours.

Repositionable sticky notepad with 50 sheets. Covers on white 300gsm card. Printed in up to 4 colours and gloss laminated. All printed on FSC stock plus page markers.

Dimensions: 108mm x 129mm x 25mm. MPA: Front Cover - 87mmW x 110mmH. Inside Cover - 87mmW x 110mmH.

100 £1.40

250 £0.93

Dimensions: 100mm x 75mm x 5mm. MPA: 1 Position - 100mmW x 75mmH.

250 £2.15

500 £1.85

1000 £1.50

500 £0.80

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







04801V Nylon Pencil Case PVC backed 70D nylon pencil case with contrasting zip. Dimensions: 210mm x 110mm. MPA: Front - 100mmW x 45mmH.

50 100 250

£2.36 £1.59 £1.26



PVC Pencil Case

Full Colour Pencil Case

0.3mm thick clear PVC pencil case with coloured zip. Suitable for student exams. Pens not included.

Durable neoprene pencil case printed in full colour dye sublimation to both sides. Incredible print area as the entire surface of the product is available for printing. Price includes print to the front and reverse sides of the product.

Dimensions: 210mm x 110mm. MPA: Front - 100mmW x 45mmH.

50 £2.31

100 £1.55

250 £1.23

Dimensions: 213mm x 115mm. MPA: All Over - 213mmW x 115mmH.

250 £2.79


500 £2.31

1000 £1.89

Lexicon Pencil Case See-thru pencil case with coloured nylon zip fastener. Generous size to hold pens, pencils, erasers and other essentials. Available in great range of colours: red, black, white and blue. Dimensions: 212mm x 110mm. MPA: Front - 130mmW x 58mmH.

100 250 500

£0.86 £0.83 £0.80

04806V 15cm Ruler 15cm ruler made from durable plastic. Ideal for souvenirs, personalised office stationery suitable for large volume promotional campaigns. Also available with full colour digital print at additional cost (white colour only).

04805V UK 5 Day Transparent Pencil Case

Dimensions: 32mm x 155mm. MPA: Front - 145mmW x 18mmH.

250 £0.48

500 £0.29

1000 £0.26

Transparent pencil case made from PVC in five vibrant trim colours. Ideal for student exam use. Dimensions: 213mm x 115mm. MPA: 1 Side - 140mmW x 50mmH.

250 £1.08

500 £0.95

1000 £0.88

04807V 30cm/12 inch Ruler Durable plastic ruler with cm markings along one side and inch markings along the other. Full Colour Digital Printing available only on the White colour ruler at an additional cost. Available in a variety of bright colours. Dimensions: 312mm x 42mm. MPA: Face - 300mmW x 22.5mmH.

250 £0.68


500 £0.42

1000 £0.40

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

04901V Ruler Calculator with Sticky Notes Very useful solar calculator with ruler function and sticky notes under the lid. Dimensions: 210mm x 65mm x 18mm. MPA: Top - 40mmW x 30mmH.

100 250 500

£3.33 £3.21 £3.12

04902V ICO Stapler 300 New for 2016 are the ICO 100 and 300 Staplers, complete in 4 new colours and shapes. The ergonomic design will ensure comfortable use and a large branding area keeps your message in constant view. The larger sized ICO 300 Stapler will staple up to 25 sheets in one go and takes 24/6 and 26/6 staple sizes. Print area: 45 x 18mm to top of stapler. Dimensions: 45mm x 150mm. MPA: 1 Position - 45mmW x 18mmH.

500 £2.43

04903V Squares Calculator Modern stylish calculator with all rubber wrap around keys. Neat and compact, the ideal giveaway. 1 x LR1130 battery included. Dimensions: 92mm x 48mm x 10mm. MPA: Bottom 35mmW x 6mmH.

100 250 500

£2.80 £2.70 £2.62

1000 £2.19

2500 £1.98

04904V Bianco Pocket Calculator Modern 10 digit pocket Calculator. A must for any desk. Gloss finish. Complete in plain white box. Takes 1 x LR44 battery included. Dimensions: 115mm x 58mm x 8mm. MPA: Top 40mmW x 12mmH.

50 100 250

£5.08 £4.90 £4.76

04906V Collegio Pocket Calculator 8 digit display, solar panel, ideal size for school, college and office use. Dimensions: 120mm x 65mm x 12mm. MPA: Side of Display 15mmW x 10mmH.

04905V Collegio Large Calculator 12 digit display, solar panel with large angled display for easy use. Quality calculator suitable for commerce and college use.

100 250 500

£3.41 £3.30 £3.20

Dimensions: 180mm x 110mm x 18mm. MPA: Below Display - 40mmW x 10mmH.

50 £5.16

100 £4.99

250 £4.84

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



Round Office Set

We are proud to offer these fantastic value for money executive office and meeting room sets. Suitable for small companies and large blue-chip organisations. All of these bundles include free origination and branding to each item with your company logo etched to 1 position. We will resize your artwork to fit each item perfectly and you can add extra units on to your bundle price with no extra set up costs. Bring your office or meeting room to life with quality branding on executive items to make the right impression with your customers and employees. Perfect for any business out there no matter which industry you operate within, 2 great bundles to choose from, Round or Square. Set consists of the following items: 2 x water bottles (CORKBOT0) 1 x biscuit jar 6 x crystal drinking glasses (ROCKSHI) 6 x coasters (COA3) MPA: 50mmW x 60mmH.

1 £138.25






05102V 10cm Jade Glass Square Coaster The 10cm Jade glass coaster gives you the ideal opportunity to get your contact details and telephone number onto your customers desk with a product that will be used everyday. Dimensions: 100mm x 6mm. MPA: 70mmW x 70mmH.

6 £5.78

24 £5.32

200 £5.00

05101V 10cm x 14.5cm x 5mm Jade Glass Bevelled Crescent The jade glass crescent makes an ideal inexpensive recognition award. It has a polished edge, bevel on all 4 sides and a large engraving area that can be personalised with any logo, crest or wording to mark a sales achievement, sporting success or just to acknowledge a job well done.

05103V Dimple Base O/F Whisky Tumbler The simple contemporary design of the Dimple Base Whisky Tumbler lends itself to make an ideal display item, or it can be used on a daily basis. The tumbler can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording to create a gift that is sure to be well received.

Dimensions: 145mm x 100mm. MPA: 110mmW x 65mmH.

6 £7.70

24 £7.18

200 £6.72

Dimensions: 95mm x 80mm. MPA: 60mmW x 60mmH.

6 £7.18

48 £6.68

200 £6.23

05104V 15cm x 12.5cm x 12mm Jade Glass Rectangle Award The original and still the most popular of the flat glass awards. This is mainly due to the great value and wide variety of uses it is suitable for and the large engraving area that can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording to create an award that is sure to take pride of place when put on display at home or at work. Dimensions: 175mm x 162mm. MPA: 90mmW x 110mmH.

4 £20.13 24 £18.67 200 £17.38

05105V 0.67ltr Large Plain Straight Sided Tankard Simple yet elegant in design the large plain straight sided tankard has plenty of room for engraving. It can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording to create a gift that is sure to take pride of place when put on display at work or at home. Dimensions: 154mm x 102mm. MPA: 70mmW x 85mmH.

6 24 200


£8.31 £7.69 £7.22

15cm x 15mm Jade Glass Facetted Ice Peak Award The sleek and stylish facetted Ice Peak award is crafted out of 15mm thick jade glass and is mounted on a rectangular base. The modern facetted shape of the award looks great when engraved with any crest, logo or wording to create an award that is sure to take pride of place when put on display at home or at work. It is supplied in an individual gift box. Dimensions: 125mm x 165mm. MPA: 70mmW x 75mmH.

2 £22.31

24 £20.70

200 £19.27

05107V 18cm Optical Crystal Star Rectangle Award The modern looking Star Rectangle award is hand crafted out of perfectly clear optical crystal. There is a large engraving area that can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording to create an award that is sure to take pride of place when put on display at home or at work. It is an ideal recognition, achievement or incentive gift and is supplied in a black foam lined presentation box. Dimensions: 70mm x 180mm. MPA: 55mmW x 90mmH.

4 £32.29

24 £29.91

200 £27.86

05108V 0.15ltr Handmade Round Mini Decanter and 2 Shot Glasses Gift Set The gift set includes a round Mini Decanter with stopper and 2 Hot Shot Tot glasses which are presented in a satin lined presentation box. The mini decanter and tot glasses can be engraved with any crest, logo or wording to create a gift that is sure to take pride of place when put on display. Dimensions: 140mm x 53mm. MPA: 40mmW x 70mmH.

2 £31.85

24 £29.83

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

200 £28.21









05201V Acrylic Pillar Awards UK manufactured free standing or wall mounted acrylic awards with a metal sheet suspended on chromed pillars between 2 layers of acrylic. High quality digital print on both the surface acrylic sheet and the metal plate. 6 x 8”.Other sizes available at varying costs.. Dimensions: 152.4mm x 203.2mm. MPA: 122mmW x 173mmH.

5 10 25

£45.80 £36.44 £31.14

05202V Metal Faced Plaques UK Manufactured real metal faced plaques with quality veneered bases and full colour digital print, size 6”X8”. Choice of metal face and base colours / finishes. Wide choice of larger sizes and different shapes available at additional cost.

05203V Dallas Pen Pot

Dimensions: 152.4mm x 203.2mm. MPA: 122mmW x 173mmH.

5 £16.26

10 £14.48

25 £13.64

Heavyweight pen holder in brushed finish. Matching card holder also available. Dimensions: 85mm x 70mm. MPA: 25mmW x 25mmH.

25 £12.50 50 £11.88 100 £11.36

05204V Lexington Clock Contemporary design in shiny and matt nickel with Quartz analogue movement. Matching paper tray and card holder also available. This can also be supplied as a set in a deluxe gift box. Dimensions: 45mm x 101mm. MPA: 35mmW x 25mmH.

25 £13.77 50 £13.12 100 £12.48

05205V Brent Card Case Metal card case in matt finish with shiny trim. Dimensions: 95mm x 64mm. MPA: 50mmW x 20mmH.

50 £5.27 100 £4.87 250 £4.62



Round Vanity Mirror

Geneva Card Case

Polished silver finish with 2 mirrors. Dimensions: 57mm. MPA: 30mmD.

Grained black PU with white stitched line and shiny metal base. Suedette lined.

25 £8.93

Dimensions: 97mm x 63mm. MPA: 50mmW x 7mmH.

50 £8.36

100 £7.95

100 £3.91


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £3.55

500 £3.28

05301V Le Mans Keyring Stylish Leather rectangular fob with shiny metal plates on each side. Supplied in gift box. Dimensions: 65mm x 30mm. MPA: 40mmW x 12mmH.

100 £2.98 250 £2.62 500 £2.39

05303V Torso Keyring Metal keyring with matt silver finish. Quality piece with nice area for engraved logo. Dimensions: 85mm x 35mm x 8mm. MPA: 35mmW x 7mmH.

50 £2.10 100 £2.03 250 £1.97

05302V Ascot Keyring Shiny metal keyring with matt nickel insert on front. Large engraving area and gift boxed. Dimensions: 44mm x 28mm. MPA: 25mmW x 14mmH.

100 £2.55 250 £2.30 500 £2.07

05305V Elite Hide Leather Keyring Elite hide leather keyring in genuine pebble grain black hide with a brushed stainless steel plate and a flat split ring fitting. Laser engraved and supplied in a silver card gift box.

05304V Eilte Rectangular Keyring

Dimensions: 33mm x 104mm. MPA: 1 Position - 17mmW x 25mmH. Opposite Side - 17mmW x 25mmH.

High quality keyring in bright chrome with a flat split ring. Fitted with a process printed Polycrown emblem and supplied in a silver card gift box.

100 £4.29 250 £4.06 500 £3.85

Dimensions: 33mm x 90mm. MPA: 40mmW x 14mmH.

250 £4.29 500 £4.06 1000 £3.85

05307V i -Zu i -Zu keyring with a genuine leather strap and bright chrome plated medallion and a flat split ring fitting. Fitted with a process printed Polycrown emblem and supplied in a silver card gift box.

05306V Templar Keyring Shield shaped keyring in high quality genuine leather in four colours with either a silver nickel or black nickel plated metal insert and split ring. Fitted with a process printed Polycrown emblem.

Dimensions: 32mm x 85mm. MPA: Opposite Side - 26mmD. Round Area - 25mmD.

Dimensions: 42mm x 80mm. MPA: Block - 28mmW x 36mmH. Front - 20mmW x 28mmH.

250 £2.66

500 £2.48

250 £2.61 500 £2.43 1000 £2.30

1000 £2.35

05309V Novelty Metal Key Ring Metal shaped key ring. Choose from a polished chrome heart, polished chrome star or a matt finished star. Dimensions: Star - 50mm x 50mm + Fob. Heart - 38mm x 35mm + Fob. MPA: 15mm Diam.


100 £2.05 250 £1.71 500 £1.48

Tulsa Keyring A superb keyring with a simple to use padlock style mechanism in matt nickel with a high quality genuine leather strap in three colours. Laser engraved and supplied in a poly bag. A silver card gift box is available at an additional cost. Dimensions: 18mm x 87mm. MPA:1 Position - 13mmW x 18mmH. Opposite Side - 13mmW x 16mmH.

100 £2.66

250 £2.50

5000 £2.38

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


TwoTone Duraglaze PhotoMug

05401V TwoTone Duraglaze PhotoMug Looking for something a little different? Our TwoTone mugs are available in 12 different colours and can be branded with a full colour photographic print. We offer an exclusive collection of patent protected Duraglaze PhotoMugs, which have been independently tested to BS EN 12875-4 to over 2000 washes and confirmed 100% dishwasher proof. They simply will not fade. Furthermore, the Duraglaze PhotoMugs come in various body styles which are printed in full colour by dye sublimation, some of them right from top to bottom, for photo quality print unobtainable by any other means. Dimensions: 97mm x 82mm. MPA: Wrap around - 216mmW x 98mmH.

72 £5.51

144 £4.43

216 £4.10








Deco Dye Sublimation

Opal Bone China Mug

The stylish Deco ceramic mug gets the full colour treatment. Dye sublimation allows full colour photographic designs with the most vivid colours.

A bone china counterpart to the earthenware Lincoln, the Opal is a tall thin mug with a broad ranging appeal. This mug fits any promotion perfectly. 320ml capacity.

Dimensions: 95mm x 90mm. MPA: Wrap around - 220mmW x 95mmH.

72 £4.34

108 £4.02

252 £3.49

Dimensions: 77mm x 104mm x 77mm. MPA: Wrap around - 180mmW x 85mmH.

72 £3.69

108 £3.23

252 £2.84

05503V Corporate Mug The Corporate Mug holds the core shape of the stylish marrow whilst attaining the angular lines of the Sparta mug handle. Ideal for offices and businesses it’s a promotional mug that will stand out on any desk. Also available in black glaze at extra cost. Dimensions: 116mm x 70mm. MPA: All Over - 160mmW x 65mmH.

72 £2.73

108 £2.30

252 £1.94

05504V Paris Porcelain Mug The Paris mug is a wonderfully versatile mug which can be customised with either a red, blue, green or black silicone rubber base. Not only does this add a splash of colour to your promotional mug, it also provides extra grip to help keep the mug stable on all surfaces. Fits perfectly under coffee machines. Dimensions: 85mm x 85mm x 85mm. MPA: Front/Back 190mmW x 35mmH.

72 £3.52 108 £3.06 252 £2.67

05505V NewWave Cup 34cl Porcelain Villeroy & Boch This fantastic mug boasts a delightful sweeping handle that looks great from all angles. A quality product from Villeroy & Boch. Dimensions: 113mm x 95mm. MPA: All Over 40mmW x 40mmH.

12 48 72

£14.67 £13.99 £13.42

05506V Darwin Mug The Darwin has a larger curved handle and a stylish curved body which is a perfect size for any hot drink. Also available in black glaze at extra cost. Dimensions: 75mm x 90mm x 75mm. MPA: All Over - 215mmW x 40mmH.

72 £2.78

108 £2.35

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

252 £1.98







05603V Prado Prado Ceramic Pottery Mug in white. Trendy contemporary promotional mug. Straight in as a classic. This can also be used with the office coffee machine as it’s small in height but large in capacity. Available at an extra cost in black. Size: 82mm x 87mm. Capacity: 270ml, 9fl oz. Minimum Quantity: 72.



Balmoral China


Balmoral Bone China Mug in White. Stylish promotional mug combining elegant design with a large print area. Size: 89mm x 72mm. Capacity: 240ml, 8fl oz. Minimum quantity: 72.

Metro Ceramic Pottery Mug in White. Best selling promotional mug with clean lines & a trendy shape. Available at an extra cost in black. Size: 104mm x 88mm. Capacity: 350ml, 11 & a half fl oz. Minimum quantity: 72.

Dimensions: 89mm x 72mm. MPA: 1 Position - 175mmW x 50mmH.

72 £3.50

108 £3.04

252 £2.62

05604V Balmoral China Dyesub 72 £4.87

108 £4.36

252 £3.99

Dimensions: 87mm x 82mm. MPA: 190mmW x 45mmH.

72 £2.71

108 £2.52

Dimensions: 104mm x 88mm. MPA: 1 Position - 185mmW x 60mmH.

72 £2.71

108 £2.52

252 £2.15

05605V Metro Dyesub 72 £4.34

108 £3.85

252 £3.49

05606V Cambridge Cambridge Ceramic Pottery Mug in White. Best selling classic mug, a perfect choice to carry your promotional message. Size: 90mm x 80mm. Capacity: 300ml, 10fl oz. Print area: 185 x 65mm. Available in White and for an extra cost in Black, Yellow, Red and White, Reflex Blue, Cobalt Blue, Orange,Dark Green, Grey. Minimum Quantity: 72. Dimensions: 80mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Position - 185mmW x 70mmH.

72 £2.45

05607V Sparta

Windsor Bone China Mug in white. Popular promotional mug, with a simple but impressive design. Size: 105mm x 80mm. Capacity: 270ml, 9fl oz. Minimum Quantity: 72.

Sparta Ceramic Pottery Mug in White. One of the best selling classic mug, a perfect choice to carry your promotional message. Size: 93mm x 80mm. Capacity: 310ml, 10.25Fl oz. Print area: 185 x 70mm. Available for an extra cost in Yellow, Red & White, Reflex Blue, Cobalt Blue, Purple, Dark Green & Grey, Cranberry. Minimum quantity: 72.

72 £3.50

108 £3.04

252 £2.62

05609V Windsor China Dyesub 72 £4.87

108 £4.36

252 £3.99

Dimensions: 93mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Position - 185mmW x 70mmH.

72 £2.45

108 £2.26

252 £1.90

05610V White Dye Sublimation Sparta 72 £3.82


252 £1.90



Dimensions: 105mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Position - 188mmW x 70mmH.

108 £2.26

108 £3.35

252 £3.00

05611V Horta Horta Ceramic Mug in White. Shape mug with non slip silicone base. Great for maximising brand colours plus that all important unique non slip base! Capacity 330ml. Base available in 5 colours. Additional cost for coloured inner. Dimensions: 88mm x 104mm. MPA: 182mmW x 35mmH.

72 £3.33

108 £3.11

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

252 £2.72

05701V Dinky Durham The Dinky Durham is a mini version of the best selling Durham mug and is available with direct screen print. 100% dishwasher proof. A promotional product that is sure to be kept. Also available with AntiBug® treatment, please call for details. QR Codes - Please note that the print process and substrates used in the production of this item may not always allow QR codes, if present on your artwork, to function correctly. When approving your proof, you are accepting that this may be the case and as such accept full liability for any malfunction of the QR code. Dimensions: 80mm x 72mm. MPA: 1 Position - 135mmW x 60mmH.

72 £2.59

144 £2.32

216 £2.12



Budget Buster Durham Mug

Little Latte Mug Our popular Latte mug is now available in miniature, and branded with a cost effective screen print. You can print 1-2 spot colours all the way around the mug, even if you have a tight registration design. Printed using our revolutionary TruColour® system at no extra cost. Engineered by and exclusive to us, TruColour® enables us to ensure that you can meet the Pantone requirement rather than compromising on colour; even on dark glazes!

If your budget is key, then our Budget Buster Mugs could be the answer! The Durham mug is available printed in one colour, in one position at an exceptional price. What’s more it’s 100% dishwasher proof too. Dimensions: 92mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Position - 70mmW x 57mmH.

72 £1.93

144 £1.67

216 £1.61

Dimensions: 89mm x 80mm. MPA: Wrap around - 170mmW x 30mmH.

72 £2.64

144 £2.32

216 £2.20

05704V Mini Marrow Mug The Mini Marrow is a smaller version of one of the most popular earthenware mug styles and comes in white. The Mini Marrow is ideal for Espresso machines and is 100% dishwasher proof. Also available with AntiBug® treatment, please call for details. Printed using our revolutionary TruColour® system at no extra cost. Engineered by and exclusive to us, TruColour® enables us to ensure that you can meet the Pantone requirement rather than compromising on colour; even on dark glazes! Dimensions: 85mm x 76mm. MPA: Outside of Mug - 160mmW x 30mmH.

72 £2.59

144 £2.32

216 £2.12

05706V Latte Mug

05705V Milan Mug The earthenware Milan mug is ideal for coffee machines. Decorated by screen print, this mug is 100% dishwasher proof. Printed using our revolutionary TruColour® system at no extra cost. Engineered by and exclusive to us, TruColour® enables us to ensure that you can meet the Pantone requirement rather than compromising on colour; even on dark glazes!

This best selling white mug is available with direct screen print. 100% dishwasher proof. A promotional product that is sure to be kept. Also available with AntiBug™ treatment, clinically proven to kill 99.99% of harmful bacteria, please call for details. Printed using our revolutionary TruColour® system at no extra cost. Engineered by and exclusive to us, TruColour® enables us to ensure that you can meet the Pantone requirement rather than compromising on colour; even on dark glazes! Dimensions: 102mm x 90mm. MPA: Wrap around - 170mmW x 30mmH.

72 £3.71

144 £3.30

216 £3.03

Dimensions: 82mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Position - 185mmW x 35mmH.

72 £2.68

144 £2.40

288 £2.08

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







05801V Stackable ColourCoat Mug Stackable style mug with intense Pantone matched body colour that will not fade during the printing process, the inside of the mug remains white. Your design is screen overprinted. The mug base can also be printed in 1 colour, extra charges apply. Available with gloss, matt or neon finish. For a metallic finish please see our Medal Mug. Also available with our AntiBug® treatment, please call for details. Dimensions: 93mm x 81mm. MPA: Wrap - 170mmW x 70mmH.

288 £4.01

504 £3.63

720 £3.31

05803V SatinSub® Durham Photomug Innovative, exclusive and fashionable SatinSub® PhotoMugs are now 100% dishwasher proof. SatinSub® mugs do not reflect light like traditional gloss mugs; resulting in crisper, sharper images on a tactile finish that lets your design really stand out. SatinSub® is especially effective with designs printed straight from top to bottom.

05802V Sparta ColourCoat Mug Sparta style mug with intense Pantone matched body colour that will not fade during the printing process, the inside of the mug remains white. Your design is screen overprinted. The mug base can also be printed in 1 colour, extra charges apply. Available with gloss, matt or neon finish. For a metallic finish please see our Medal Mug. Also available with our AntiBug® treatment, please call for details.

Dimensions: 92mm x 81mm. MPA: Wrap around - 216mmW x 92mmH.

72 £4.92

144 £3.85

216 £3.53

Dimensions: 93mm x 80mm. MPA: Wrap around - 170mmW x 60mmH.

288 £3.48

504 £3.13

720 £2.82

05804V Spoon Duraglaze PhotoMug Our exclusive mug style comes complete with its very own spoon which fits neatly into the handle. The mug body is decorated with a photo quality print giving stunning visual results of your image. We offer an exclusive collection of patent protected Duraglaze PhotoMugs, which have been independently tested to over 2000 washes and confirmed 100% dishwasher proof. They simply will not fade. Dimensions: 94mm x 81mm. MPA: Wrap around - 216mmW x 94mmH.

72 £5.60

144 £4.53

216 £4.18

05805V Budget Durham Style PhotoMug A low cost budget mug printed by dye sublimation; providing high print quality and bright colourful images. The average person has 6 hot drinks a day - make sure your brand is on their mug! Dimensions: 92mm x 80mm. MPA: Wrap around - 216mmW x 92mmH.

72 £3.75

05806V Dinky Durham Duraglaze PhotoMug The Dinky Durham mug is a small version of the popular Durham style mug with a photo quality print giving stunning visual results of your image. Our Duraglaze PhotoMugs are 100% dishwasher proof; independently tested to over 2,000 washes! Dimensions: 80mm x 73mm. MPA: Wrap around - 170mmW x 82mmH.

72 £4.92


144 £3.85

216 £3.53

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

144 £3.28

216 £3.02

05901V Vienna Coffee Mug 300ml earthenware mug, specifically manufactured for full colour dishwasher proof prints. Full colour dye sublimated to your design. Dimensions: 115mm x 95mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Position 220mmW x 92mmH.

100 £3.47 250 £2.97 500 £2.77

05902V Duraglaze Ayton PhotoMug

05903V Durham Gloss ColourCoat Mug Durham style mug with intense Pantone matched body colour that will not fade during the printing process, the inside of the mug remains white. Your design is screen overprinted. The mug base can also be printed in 1 colour, extra charges apply. Available with gloss, matt or neon finish. For a metallic finish please see our Medal Mug. Also available with our AntiBug® treatment, please call for details.

Straight sided earthenware mug with an elegant large handle. Photo quality print giving stunning visual results of your image. 100% dishwasher proof, independently tested to over 2000 washes. Also available with AntiBug™ treatment, clinically proven to kill 99.99% of harmful bacteria. Dimensions: 108mm x 75mm. MPA: Wrap around - 196mmW x 105mmH.

72 £5.27

144 £4.19

216 £3.99

Dimensions: 94mm x 81mm. MPA: Wrap around 170mmW x 70mmH.

288 £3.48 504 £3.13 720 £2.82

05904V Malabar Photo Travelmug The Malabar Photo TravelMug has a double skinned body, that traps air between, helping to maintain a hot drink for longer. A screw on lid is supplied to avoid spills and further retain heat. Decorated by dye sublimation for a photo quality print giving stunning visual results of your image. Dimensions: 179mm x 83mm. MPA: 1 Position 240mmW x 137mmH.

48 96 144

£6.30 £5.92 £5.54

05905V Triangle Aluminium Bottle Unique 3 sided bottle with screw on spill resistant top and split ring attachment. Aluminium and BPA free. Hand wash recommended. Dimensions: 228mm x 90mm. MPA: Front 40mmW x 40mmH.

50 £3.48 100 £3.36 250 £3.26

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









Folding Water Bottle

Torino Tumbler

The Folding Bottle is a reusable water bottle that is flexible enough to stand upright when full and when empty can be rolled, folded or flattened. The bottle is supplied with a pre-attached Carabiner Hook which can be attached to belts or bags. 12 stock colours to choose from. Full colour print option also available. Price includes free set up and free delivery to 1 UK mainland address. ** Dishwasher safe ** Freezer Safe ** BPA Free **

Double-walled tumbler with attractive geometric design and twist-on slide-lock lid. Volume capacity is 450 ml.

Dimensions: 260mm x 120mm x 33mm. MPA: 1 Side - 70mmW x 150mmH.

250 £1.38

500 £1.18

Dimensions: 216mm x 70mm. MPA: Wrap - 130mmW x 40mmH.

50 100 250

£7.89 £7.08 £6.87

1000 £1.08

∙ Widely recognised as an excellent vehicle for enhancing corporate branding. ∙ Essential promotional merchandise for sporting, music & entertainment events and charity walks. ∙ Cost effective & environment friendly. ∙ One size fits all. ∙ Easy to carry design. ∙ It can carry different size bottles in a hands-free manner. ∙ No interruption during outdoor activities. ∙ You can wear it across the shoulder or over the shoulder.



Dimensions: 2000mmW x 25mmH. MPA: Front Face - 50mmW x 20mmH.

250 £1.99

Tempo Sports Bottle Our Tempo® Sports Bottle has a modern and slimline design that your customers will love! It’s made in Britain for a high quality and customisable promotional sports bottle. Choose your preferred bottle colour, from our range of vibrant translucent colours, or glossy white. Then select your lid option from our pull-up domed lid or flip top lid. Finally, choose your lid component colours to suit your brand. The bottle is made from recyclable PET material and is BPA free. 700ml capacity. Dimensions: 239mm x 73.5mm. MPA: Wrap around - 210mmW x 80mmH.

1000 £1.55

Bottle Lanyards (Heat Transfer) Dimensions: 2000mmW x 25mmH. MPA: Front Face - 50mmW x 20mmH.

250 £2.09

500 £1.99

1000 £1.65

06006V Shoulder Strap Bottle Carrier (Embroidery) Dimensions: 2000mmW x 25mmH. MPA: Front Face - 50mmW x 20mmH.

240 £2.52 480 £2.44

250 £2.99


500 £1.89


06003V ®

120 £2.61

Hands Free Bottle Carrier (Screen Print)

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £2.89

1000 £2.45

06102V Thermo Insulated Travel Mug

06101V Thermo-mug Brushed chrome thermo mug, with black plastic handle, lid and base, ideal for in-vehicle use. 14oz capacity approximately 350ml. Dimensions: 160mm x 85mm. MPA: Wrap around - 155mmW x 35mmH.

100 £3.31

250 £3.19

500 £3.10

Great range of colours. Easy grip handle and sip through lid. With a large print area for a company logo or message, A great item for leisure, travel and college promotions. Dimensions: 85mm x 160mm x 85mm. MPA: Wrap around 160mmW x 45mmH.

50 100 250

£2.54 £2.45 £2.38

06103V Stainless Steel Thermal Mug 14oz stainless steel thermal travel mug. The insulated interior keeps your drink warm or cool and comes with a secure screw lid. Suitable for home, office or travel. Dimensions: 80mm x 172mm x 80mm. MPA: Wrap around 185mmW x 40mmH.

48 96 240

£3.94 £2.79 £2.38

06104V Robusta ColourCoat Travel Mug The handleless Robusta Pantone matched Colourcoat TravelMug has a double skinned body, that traps air between, helping a drink retain heat for longer. Comes with a screw on lid to avoid spills. This can be supplied in a gloss or matt finish. Designs are screen printed. Dimensions: 178mm x 83mm. MPA: 1 Position - 170mmW x 40mmH.

288 £5.11

504 £4.43

720 £4.31

06106V SatinSub® Rio Photo Travelmug

UK MADE 06105V The Universal Mug Cup New to the range. The Universal is perfect for any hot or cold drink and can be used any day of the year. It’s unique lid design means you can drink directly from the secure cap or use a straw. BPA free, dishwasher & microwave safe. UK manufactured. Dimensions: 90mm x 155mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Position - 80mmW x 70mmH. Wrap around 240mmW x 80mmH.

50 £4.55

100 £3.06

250 £2.87

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

The stylish, high quality Rio Photo TravelMug is now available with our SatinSub® finish. The mug has a double skinned body, that traps air between, helping to maintain a hot drink for longer. A screw on lid is supplied to avoid spills and further retain heat. Decorated by dye-sublimation for a photo quality print giving stunning visual results of your image. SatinSub® mugs do not reflect light like traditional gloss mugs; resulting in crisper, sharper images on a tactile finish that lets your design really stand out. Dimensions: 155mm x 80mm. MPA: Wrap around - 260mmW x 130mmH.

48 £8.38

96 £7.98

144 £7.69









Oregon Drinking Bottle with Carabiner

Sky Bottle Single wall bottle with twist-on lid. Volume is 650ml. BPA free Tritan®.

Single wall bottle with twist-on lid. Carabiner is not suitable for climbing. Volume capacity is 350ml. Aluminium.

Dimensions: 257mm x 67mm. MPA: Central Front - 180mmW x 130mmH.

Dimensions: 175mm x 65mm. MPA: Wrap around - 150mmW x 90mmH.

100 £2.64

250 £2.47

50 £4.66

100 £3.96

250 £3.84

500 £2.39

06203V Thermal Photoflask Our Thermal PhotoFlasks are printed by dye sublimation for a photo quality print giving stunning visual results of your image. The flasks come complete with black lid which can be used as a cup and secure push button lid for easy dispensing of the contents.


Dimensions: 193mm x 68mmD. MPA: 1 Position - 125mmW x 214mmH.

ThermoBag Thermo Flask & Cup

96 £8.58 144 £8.20 240 £7.94

Stainless steel thermo flask (500 ml) with screw cap/drink cup and handy press and pour system and 2 thermo cups (175 ml). In a 600 D polyester carry case. Each set in a box. Dimensions: 270mm x 170mm x 90mm. MPA: Carry Case – 90mm x 60mm.

36 £11.87

06206V Neo Thermo Cup

06205V Nassau Bottle Single-walled bottle with twist-on lid. Centre rubberised grip. Volume capacity is 750 ml. Aluminium.

Sleekly styled Neo Thermo cup with screw top lid, promotional cup for leisure and office use. Makes your logo and drink hot!! Dimensions: 70mm x 170mm. MPA: Wrap - 220mmW x 85mmH.

50 £5.60

100 £5.41

250 £5.25

Dimensions: 263mmH x 73mmD. MPA: 170mmW x 60mmH.

50 £5.20


100 £4.48

250 £4.35

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

72 £11.41

144 £11.04




06303V 06301V


Brite-Americano® Thermal Mug

Brite-Americano® Medio Mug

Our Brite-Americano gives the bestselling Americano Thermal Mug a full colour makeover! It offers all of the great benefits of the original Americano; double-walled design, exceptional durability and modern-styling, but with your full colour design wrapped all the way around the mug! Our incredible Brite technology means that your design is moulded into the product, creating a long lasting way to display your message. Choose from our great selection of lid colours to complement your design. It has a 350ml capacity and is BPA free.

The Medio Mug is a versatile and budget-friendly alternative to the original Americano Mug. It has a single walled design and is supplied with a clip on lid with a matt finish and a soft feel silicone grip. The mug is top rack dishwasher safe, BPA free and has a 300ml capacity. Our Brite version benefits from our in mould labelling process, so your full colour design will wrap all the way around the mug. Then choose from our range of popular lid and grip colours to suit your design.

Dimensions: 155mm x 95mm MPA: Wrap around - 236mmW x 132mmH.

240 £6.16

480 £4.01

960 £3.56


Brite-Americano® Primo Mug The compact size of our Primo mug has been designed to fit within standard vending machines, for a practical yet stylish way to promote your brand. It offers great British quality meaning that you will have a promotional item that will last and last. Our Brite version allows you to have your design wrapped all the way around the mug itself, for an eye-catching product. Then choose from our range of popular lid and grip colours to complement your design. 250ml capacity. BPA free. Dimensions: 100mm x 86mm. MPA: Grip - 50mmW x 20mmH. Mug - 230mmW x 80mmH.

240 £3.99

480 £2.82

960 £2.35

Dimensions: 124mm x 86mm. MPA: Wrap around - 222mmW x 105mmH.

240 £4.22

480 £3.04

960 £2.56


Inner Layer & Handle



Outer Layer



Americano® Thermal Mug

Americano® Grande Thermal Mug

Stadium Cup

The Americano Thermal Mug is made in Britain, giving you a high quality, ultra durable product with a low carbon footprint. It has a double walled design, to keep drinks warm for long periods, without getting too hot on the outside. It’s available in a huge range of colour combinations, for the mug, grip and lid, which can be mixed and matched to suit your brand. The mug is top-rack dishwasher safe, microwave safe and BPA free. 350ml capacity.

For a modern alternative to traditional thermal mugs, look no further than our Americano Grande. This versatile mug has an integrated handle and double walled design, to keep drinks warm for long periods. What makes the Americano Grande really special, is the fantastic choice of colour options. Choose from a white or black inner and handle, then the outer layer of the mug is available in translucent and solid colour options. The mug is BPA free, top rack dishwasher safe and microwave safe. 350ml capacity.

Dimensions: 155mm x 95mm. MPA: Grip - 50mmW x 50mmH. Wrap around - 228mmW x 73mmH.

Dimensions: 95mm x 165mm. MPA: Wrap around - 228mmW x 73mmH.

Our British made Stadium Cup is a popular choice for promotions and with good reason! Its hardwearing double walled manufacture ensures that it’s an item that will really last, while its stylish design means that it’s a promotional product that customers will love to keep! As with all of our British products, it’s designed to offer you superb value for money and a huge branding area for your message. It has a 350ml capacity and comes in a choice of eight vibrant translucent colours. It’s supplied with a solid clear plastic straw (as standard), or you can now choose our flexible straw, at no extra cost.

120 £3.48

240 £3.36

480 £3.26

120 £3.87

240 £3.73

480 £3.62

Dimensions: 140mm x 95mm. MPA: Wrap around - 228mmW x 73mmH.

120 £3.50

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

240 £3.38

480 £3.28







06401V Soft Finish Sports Bottle


Soft finish sports bottle with stainless steel twist off lid, made from BPA-free Tritan®. Dimensions: 232mm x 67mm. MPA: Front Centre - 80mmW x 80mmH.

75 £4.78

100 £4.39

250 £4.09

Water Bottle With Infuser

06402V Single wall mason tumbler with colour twist on lid and matching straw. Volume capacity is 750 ml.

800ml Tritan bottle with fruit infuser compartment. Infuse your water with a load of vitamins and flavour by adding fresh fruits into the infuser compartment. The infuser compartment can also be used to chill your water by adding ice cubes.

Dimensions: 151mm x 90mm. MPA: Body - 25mmW x 70mmH.

Dimensions: 278mm x 80mm. MPA: Front - 25mmW x 80mmH.

50 £4.73

50 £8.14

Binx Mason Jar

100 £4.02

250 £3.90

100 £7.11




250 £6.67

Flip Top Drinks Bottle

Bopp Sport Activity Bottle

650ml Collapsible Bottle

560ml carbonate drinks bottle with flip top lid.

Bopp Sport is a remarkable sports bottle. The iconic shape gives multiple solutions to carrying the 550ml bottle. The leakproof closure can be easily opened and closed for immediate use. Made of durable Tritan®. material. Registered design®.

Collapses flat when empty. Versatile, compact and easy to carry. Features a push / pull lid. Material BPA free. Hand wash recommended. Available in solid white translucent blue, red and yellow.

Dimensions: 190mm x 70mm. MPA: 1 Position -50mmW 45mmH.

288 £3.33

576 £2.96

1152 £2.80

Dimensions: 68mm x 241mm. MPA: Top - 31mmW x 15mmH.

50 £12.18


100 £11.22

250 £10.55

Dimensions: 255mm x 100mm. MPA: Front - 75mmW x 75mmH.

100 £0.95

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £0.92

500 £0.89


06502V 500ml Glow in the Dark Lumo Jogger Sports Bottle UK manufactured, premium drinking sports bottle with handle grip. Specially manufactured so it glows in the dark. This is particularly useful for anyone exercising at night. Dimensions: 205mm. MPA: 1 Position 85mmW x 80mmH.


50 100 250

500ml Premium Sports Bottle 500ml sports bottle. UK manufactured, premium drinking sports bottle with finger grip. Mix and match lids. push pull, valve, flip and clip available. Also available in 300ml and 750ml sizes.

£3.15 £2.33 £1.89


Dimensions: 71mm x 191mm. MPA: 1 Position - 140mmW x 75mmH.

50 £2.45

100 £1.45

250 £1.10





750ml Tear Drop Sports Bottle

500ml Viz Cycle Sports Bottle

UK manufactured, premium drinking sports bottle. With teardrop design and space for upper and lower print positions. 750ml capacity.

New to the range. The Viz Cycle Bottle is available in clear, blue and red. The specially designed translucent viz strip allows you to see the drink level. The bottle is designed to clip safely and securely into the bracket attached to a bike. Larger 750ml Lumo viz bottle also available at extra cost.

Dimensions: 240mm x 72mm. MPA: 1 Position 95mmW x 85mmH.

50 100 250

£2.63 £1.83 £1.48

Dimensions: 175mm. MPA: 1 Position 70mmW x 70mmH.

50 100 250

£2.45 £1.66 £1.23

06505V 500ml Baseline Bottle This UK manufactured bottle has a wide range of standard colours and caps, and can be wraparound printed. The 500ml is also available in recycled plastic in a range of colours and also a finger grip. 300ml and 750ml sizes are also available in this range and in recycled. Carriage is included to one UK mainland address. Valve and standard caps are available for all sizes. It is BPA free. Dimensions: 190mm x 75mm. MPA: Wrap around - 220mmW x 70mmH.

100 £1.51

250 £1.13


500 £1.03

06506V Baseline 450ml Running Bottle The UK manufactured Baseline 450ml handle bottle is available in a wide range of colours and can be supplied with standard or valve caps. The bottle is BPA free and can be printed in up to 4 spot colours. Dimensions: 210mm x 75mm. MPA: Front Face - 60mmW x 100mmH.

50 £2.36

100 £1.66

250 £1.28

UK MADE Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







UK MADE ACTIV 500ml Non-Spill Sports Water Bottle ACTIV is a high quality and unique reusable water bottle, made from up to 35% recycled material. It features a flip-top valved non-spill cap, making it very practical for use in schools and workplaces and it features a large wraparound print area. It can be customised in up to 4 colours and offers excellent value for money. BPA free.

ACTIV-Mini is a unique water bottle, designed specifically for children and younger users, due to its smaller 350ml capacity, easy to open flip-top valved lid and non-spill design. It offers a wraparound print area and can be fully customised in up to 4 colours. A choice of lid colours are available. BPA free. Dimensions: 165mm x 60mm. MPA: Wrap around - 180mmW x 60mmH.

250 £1.59

500 £1.39

1000 £1.23

06603V ACTIV- Plus 500ml Sports Bottle ACTIV-Plus, a UK made high quality sports bottle with a wide easy fill neck. Manufactured to the highest levels of quality to provide one of the sturdiest and clearest bottles on the market. A choice of lid colours available. BPA free. Dimensions: 185mm x 70mm. MPA: Wrap around - 200mmW x 90mmH.

Dimensions: 180mm x 65mm. MPA: Wrap around - 190mmW x 70mmH.

500 £1.27


ACTIV-Mini 350ml Sports Water Bottle


250 £1.42


250 £1.80

1000 £1.07

500 £1.57

1000 £1.39



GO Bottle 500ml Sports Water Bottle The ergonomic eco friendly sports bottle. This bottle has been designed specifically for users with an easy grip design, that doesn’t sacrifice the print area so you can still get your powerful message across. Available with red or black caps. BPA free. Dimensions: 200mm x 70mm. MPA: Wrap around - 140mmW x 80mmH.

250 £1.66

500 £1.45

1000 £1.28

06605V GO Bottle 750ml Sports Water Bottle Dimensions: 240mm x 75mm. MPA: Bottle Body - 145mmW x 105mmH.

250 £1.86


500 £1.66

1000 £1.46

06606V Base® Sports Bottle The Base Sports Bottle is a proven bestseller for the promotional market, thanks to its ergonomic shape and large branding area. It’s made in Britain, so you’re assured of high quality and durability. The bottle is available in a range of stylish translucent colours, plus glossy white. Simply choose your preferred bottle colour, then select your lid style from our pull-up domed lid or flip top lid. The lid components can then be mixed and matched to create your perfect bottle. The bottle is made from recyclable PET material and is BPA free. 650ml capacity. Dimensions: 224mm x 73.5mm. MPA: Wrap around - 210mmW x 75mmH.

120 £2.61

240 £2.52





480 £2.44

06607V ACTIV-R Sustainable Eco-Friendly 500ml Sports Water Bottle ACTIV-R is a uniquely sustainable and environmentally friendly sports water bottle. It is made from sustainably sourced sugar cane ethanol, and because of this, it comes from a sustainable source (unlike other crude oil-based plastic bottles), is fully recyclable, and even has a negative carbon footprint. It features a flip-top, valved non-spill lid, a wraparound print area and can be customised in up to 4 spot colours. BPA free. Dimensions: 180mm x 65mm. MPA: Wrap around - 190mmW x 70mmH.

250 £1.98

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £1.55

1000 £1.39





Drinks Stirrer - UK Made - Recycled

Neoprene Wine Bottle Cooler

Drink stirrer, 175mm in length, available in heart, square or circle shapes. Made in the UK from recycled plastic. Digitally printed up to full colour on one or both sides. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost.

This promotional wine bottle holder is made in smooth, soft feel neoprene. The insulating properties of neoprene means that a cold bottle of wine will be kept cooler for much longer. Bespoke made, this product can be made in a variety of factory standard colours.

Dimensions: 35mm x 175mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 33mmD.

250 £0.45

500 £0.37

1000 £0.29

Dimensions: 380mm x 150mm. MPA: 1 Side 200mmW x 100mmH.

250 £5.36 500 £4.55 1000 £3.87


06705V ColourCoat High Ball 10oz Glass



Can Cup

Classic Mug

For a modern and eye-catching way to promote your brand, we offer our cool Can Cup! This funky item is styled to look like a fizzy drinks can, with a sliding closure mechanism on the lid. It’s double walled design has a clear outer layer and a translucent inner layer, in an extended range of colours for 2016. 330ml capacity.

Don’t take the risk of your brand vanishing when a mug gets broken! Choose one of our long-lasting, hardwearing and virtually indestructible British made plastic mugs. The Classic Mug has a popular rounded design. Our mugs are made from high quality, food safe plastics and have a 300ml capacity. We offer fantastic branding areas to each of our mugs, and they’re all available in a striking colour palette to suit your brand.

Dimensions: 145mm x 75mm. MPA: Wrap around - 200mmW x 60mmH.

Dimensions: 85mm x 90mm. MPA: Wrap around - 189mmW x 56mmH.

100 £2.36

250 £2.28

500 £2.21

120 £3.36

240 £2.43

480 £2.26

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Reinforce your brand with our exciting Pantone matched glassware from just 288 pieces. The High Ball Glass is available in 3 sizes and is ideal for a large range of soft drinks and cocktails. Your design can be etched or screen printed. Dimensions: 126mm x 65mm. MPA: 1 Position - 170mmW x 90mmH.

288 £4.10

504 £3.68

720 £3.54


Pro-Brella FG or Classic

06801V 75cm rib length stormproof golf umbrella with 16mm diameter fibre glass shaft. Fibre glass or solid steel ribs. Standard components include black tips and point, polypropylene tip cup and ferrule and exclusive standard handle with soft touch finger grips. Polyester canopy and tie wrap. Assorted colours. Dimensions: 1070mm x 180mm x 240mm. MPA: 300mmW x 210mmH.

25 £20.48

50 £19.77

100 £19.19








Sheffield Sports Soft Feel

Sheffield Sports

75cm rib length lightweight stormproof golf umbrella with fibreglass 14mm diameter shaft and 3.5mm diameter ribs. Choice of 10 different pole and pistol grip handle colours. Polyester canopy and tie wrap. Pantone matched canopy.

75cm rib length lightweight stormproof golf umbrella with fibreglass 14mm diameter shaft and 3.5mm diameter ribs. Choice of 10 different pole and pistol grip handle colours and 30 different panel colours. Polyester canopy and tie wrap. Soft Feel printing is also available.

Dimensions: 1070mm x 240mm x 180mm. MPA: Panel - 300mmW x 210mmH.

25 £17.50

50 £16.90

Dimensions: 1070mm x 240mm x 180mm. MPA: Panel - 300mmW x 210mmH.

100 £16.40

25 £15.75

50 £15.21

100 £14.76

06903V Pro-Brella Silk Screen The stormproof Pro-Brella has been improved to offer more benefits and colourways. The only decision you need to make is whether to use the ‘Classic’ solid steel ribs or the lightweight and durable performance of the ‘FG’ fibreglass rib technology. 75cm rib length, 16mm fibreglass pole in 11 colours, with many different handle options. Dimensions: 75cm rib length. MPA: Panel - 300mmW x 210mmH.

25 £17.33

50 £16.73

100 £16.24

06905V Pro-Brella Vented

06904V Promo Matic Deluxe Umbrella Stylish black folding umbrella with 60cms rib length for a larger opening canopy. 3 section frame with fibreglass ribs and steel pole. Express delivery and Soft Feel printing is also available. Dimensions: 310mm x 300mm x 560mm. MPA: Panel - 210mmW x 150mmH.

25 £17.24

50 £16.56

The stormproof Pro Brella has been improved to offer more benefits and colourways. The only decision you need to make is whether to use the ‘Classic’ solid steel ribs or the lightweight and durable performance of the ‘FG’ fibreglass rib technology. 75cm rib length, 16mm fibreglass pole in 11 colours, with many different handle options. 6 colourways available from the UK. Dimensions: 1070mm x 240mm x 180mm. MPA: Panel - 200mmW x 100mmH.

25 £19.95

50 £19.27

100 £18.70

100 £15.91 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









Promo Light Umbrella 53cm rib length light (250gr) 3 stage manual folding unisex umbrella. Aluminium and fibreglass ribs, steel pole. 24cm long when closed, polyester canopy and sleeve. Wooden handle, silver gift tubes and Soft Feel printing is also available. Dimensions: 53cm Rib length. MPA: Panel - 210mmW x 297mmH.

25 £13.13

50 £12.59

Promo Matic Umbrella 53cm rib length (400gr) 3 stage automatic open and close folding unisex umbrella. 28cm long when closed. Polyester canopy and sleeve. Colour co-ordinated handle, carry strap and ferrule. Soft Feel printing, wooden handles and silver gift tubes are also available. Dimensions: 310mm x 300mm x 560mm. MPA: Panel - 210mmW x 297mmH.

100 £12.05

25 £14.44

50 £13.86

100 £13.28

07003V Susino Folding Umbrella Compact mini umbrella. 55cm rib length. 3 stage, 8 ribs. Manual opening. Zinc frame, plastic handle. Black polyester fabric. Dimensions: 370mm x 530mm x 490mm. MPA: Panel - 210mmW x 150mmH.

25 £5.69

50 £5.49

100 £5.33


Susino Golf Fibreplus Vented Umbrella

76cm, 8 rib golf umbrella. Metal frame, fibre glass solid ribs, nylon panels. Black plastic pistol grip handle.

86cm, 8 rib golf umbrella. Black fibre glass frame and ribs, polyester / nylon panels. Plastic pistol grip handle. Special twin polyester canopy with air vent.

Dimensions: 1000mm x 750mm. MPA: Panel - 230mmW x 230mmH.

25 £8.49



Susino Golf Fibre Light

50 £8.20

100 £7.95

Dimensions: 1070mm x 240mm x 360mm. MPA: Panel - 300mmW x 100mmH.

25 £11.81

50 £11.41

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £11.07

07102V Metro Umbrella

07101V Corporate Gents Walking Walking length umbrella features automatic opening 70cm black fibreglass ribs with 14mm black steel pole and polyester canopy. Wood crook handle and gunmetal fittings. Dimensions: 70cm. MPA: Panel - 230mmW x 230mmH.

25 £14.18

50 £13.69

70cm, automatic open walking length umbrella. 12mm fibreglass pole, 8 ribs, elegant soft feel curved handle features recessed automatic opening release. Dimensions: 70cm rib length. MPA: Panel - 210mmW x 150mmH.

25 £17.76

50 £16.90

100 £16.07

100 £13.28

07103V Krazy Kids Children’s Umbrella Children’s umbrella with a 50cm rib length, fibreglass ribs and steel pole. PVC panels and reflective tape also available. Name decal in handle and pinch proof easy open runner for extra safety. Dimensions: 1070mm x 240mm x 360mm. MPA: Panel 210mmW x 150mmH.

25 £12.86 50 £12.00 100 £11.15



Auto Opening Vented Umbrella 30 inch vented golf umbrella with fibreglass shaft and thick fibreglass ribs. Automatic opening mechanism. Black rubber golf grip handle. Soft feel polypongee canopy. Suitable for screen printing up to 4 spot colours (subject to sight of artwork).

Bedford Max

Dimensions: 76cm rib length. MPA: All 8 Panels - 250mmW x 150mmH.

Dimensions: 1070mm x 240mm x 180mm. MPA: Panel - 300mmW x 210mmH.

25 £18.48

50 £16.41

100 £14.96

Twin rib 80cm golf umbrella, chrome shaft and a choice of 3 handles. Polypropylene tip cup, polyester cover. Soft Feel printing is also available.

25 £14.44

50 £13.52

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £12.71





Spectrum Sport® Golf Umbrella

Fibrestorm Storm proof fibreglass frame with flexible ribs. Fully customisable. Supplied with a black plastic handle as standard but other options available at extra cost. Ideal golf umbrella that represents true value for money. Dimensions: 1300mm x 1000mm. MPA: 1 Position - 230mmW x 230mmH.

50 £14.28




25 £14.79


100 £13.86

The ultimate in fully customisable sports umbrellas. Black standard handle (other handles also available), tip cup, stem and spike in 12 standard colours offer fully interchangeable colour options to choose from. The tempered 75cm carbon steel rib ensures the frame is storm proof. Over 50 panel colours plus the option of full canopy digital print (dyesublimation). The large printing area and the high perceived value of the Spectrum Sport® along with the fully bespoke manufacture option ensure that this product delivers total customer satisfaction. UK made. Express delivery available. A smaller 67cm ribs (ladies golf) size is also an option. M.O.Q only 25 pieces on either the standard or smaller version of the Spectrum Sport® (Smaller quantities available on application). Dimensions: 1300mm x 1000mm. MPA: 1 Position - 220mmW x 220mmH.

25 £15.23

50 £14.70

100 £14.27

07203V Fare Aoc Mini FARE® AOC mini-topless-collapsible umbrella, 53cm / 8 ribs, automatic opening / closing and 3 section frame with chromed metal shaft. Special coated plastic handle in colour matching to cover, push button and top of handle in silver, elastic tassel, cover 100% polyester pongee, colour matching special case, “windproof” execution, closed approx. 28cm long, open approx 97cm.


Dimensions: 970mm x 280mm. MPA: 1 Position - 150mmW x 130mmH.

25 £13.13

50 £12.51

100 £11.89

Classic Wood Crook Traditional walking umbrella with wooden stem, crooked handle and finished with wooden tips. Available in a choice of stock colours. Dimensions: 1050mm x 880mm. MPA: 1 Position - 180mmW x 180mmH.

25 £7.53

50 £7.27

100 £7.05

07205V Budget Golf Umbrella Best selling budget golf promotional umbrella. Steel stem with twin fluted ribs. Wooden handle. Large range of stock colours available. Full colour “LOGO SUB” now available on ready made stock items. Dimensions: 1300mm x 1000mm. MPA: 1 Position - 220mmW x 220mmH.

25 £7.88


50 £7.61

100 £7.38

07206V Supervent Golf Umbrella Widely used on the professional circuit, Supervent golf umbrellas have two canopies that incorporate a vent to allow gusts of wind to simply pass through the umbrella. Fibreglass frame with Storm-proof ribs. Rubber golf grip handle as standard. Various colour ways to choose from stock. Full colour “LOGO SUB” now available on ready made stock items. Dimensions: 1280mm x 1000mm. MPA: 1 Position - 220mmW x 200mmH.

25 £13.30

50 £12.84

100 £12.46

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



Florida Tee Bar

Vermont Gift pack

One silver metal fork and one silver metal marker both printed to your design in a rubber tee bar with a plain black pencil and twelve plain white wooden tees.

Great pack containing Wilson Ultra golf balls and tees. Acetate tube containing nine wooden tees and two golf balls all printed to your design. Tee colours available: white, black, blue, red, natural, light green, orange and yellow. One colour print only on to golf tees.

Dimensions: 54mm x 110mm x 15mm. MPA: Pitchfork/Marker - 22mmD.

50 £5.25

100 £4.97

250 £4.69

Dimensions: 115mm x 45mm. MPA: Golf Ball - 24mmD. Tee Stem - 30mmW x 3mmH.

75 £6.93

150 £6.32

250 £6.02

07303V Stirling Goody Bag Great value bag! Golfer’s quality nylon goody bag printed to your design, with a drawstring top and a clip for attachment to golf bag. Dimensions: 220mm x 195mm. MPA: 1 Position - 100mmW x 100mmH.

50 £4.60

100 £3.90

250 £3.54

07305V Crown Poker Chip Markers Crown Poker Chip! High quality poker chip with a removable metal magnetic ball marker printed full colour to your design and domed.


Dimensions: 40mm. MPA: Marker - 22mmD.

Oxford Tri-Fold Golf Towel

50 £2.01

100 £1.88

250 £1.77

The best towel! Top quality luxury 650 grams tri-fold velour golf towel embroidered to your design, with a silver eyelet and a silver clip for attachment to golf bag. Embroidered: 7,000 Stitches. Dimensions: 1300mm x 500mm. MPA: Front - 70mmD.

50 £7.09

100 £6.56

250 £6.07

07307V Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls

07306V Fenton Flick Fork Deluxe plastic flick fork with a comfortable thumb recess and retractable fork legs for ease of use. Accommodates a removable magnetic metal ball marker printed and domed to your design. Dimensions: 73mm x 71mm x 12mm. MPA: Ball Marker - 22mmD.

50 £3.94

100 £3.63

250 £3.44

Titleist golf ball that the pros play. The Titleist Pro V1 golf ball is designed for serious golfers of all levels that demand tour-validated technology and performance. The Pro V1 golf ball provides long, consistent distance with the driver and long irons, whilst maintaining soft feel and high performance into and around the green with Drop-And-Stop control. Costs shown are per dozen. Dimensions: 42.67mm. MPA: 1 Side - 24mmD.

12 £55.91

24 £53.66

48 £51.66

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


Custom designed scarves, squares and ties

07401V Ladies’ scarves and squares, custom designed to your requirements. Available in printed polyester or silk and in a range of quality finishes. Most popular sizes are 23cm x 137cm or 80cm x 80cm. Free design service available. Dimensions: Various sizes available on request. MPA: Various.


07402V Woven and printed ties, custom designed to your requirements. Available in polyester or silk and in a range of finishes. Most popular size is 9cm blade x 142cm long. Free design service available. Dimensions: Various sizes available on request. MPA: Various.










Slazenger Advantage Polo Shirt

Slazenger Advantage Ladies Polo Shirt

Advantage short sleeve Polo. 1x1 flat knit rib collar. Engraved buttons. Two coloured necktape. Slazenger print on the backside. 100% Cotton pique knit. 160 g/m2.

Advantage short sleeve ladies Polo. 1x1 flat knit rib collar. Engraved buttons. Two coloured necktape. Slazenger print on the backside. Pique knit of 100% Cotton. 160 g/m2.

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large, XXX-Large. MPA: 78mmW x 78mmH.

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. MPA: Left Chest - 78mmW x 78mmH.

25 £9.26

50 £7.88

100 £7.63

25 £9.26

50 £7.88

100 £7.63

07505V Calgary Polo Pre-shrunk. 1 x 1 rib collar and cuffs. Satin neck tape. Side slit with satin tape on inside. Forwarded shoulder seam with chain stitching. Tonal logo print at back. Men’s and childrens 2 button placket with engraved buttons. Ladies 3 button placket with engraved buttons. Corporate yet casual polo. Pick-Stitch details. Sizes: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large, XXX-Large. MPA: Left Chest - 78mmW x 78mmH.

50 £13.53

100 £12.13

250 £11.76

07506V Ladies Calgary Polo Pre-shrunk. 1 x 1 rib collar and cuffs. Satin neck tape. Side slit with satin tape on inside. Forwarded shoulder seam with chain stitching. Tonal logo print at back. Men’s and kids 2 button placket with engraved buttons. Ladies 3 button placket with engraved buttons. Corporate yet casual polo. Pick-Stitch details. Also available in a men’s and kids option. Sizes: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. MPA: Left Breast - 57mmW x 57mmH.

50 £13.53


100 £12.13


250 £11.76


Slazenger Deuce Polo Shirt

Slazenger Deuce Ladies Polo Shirt

Kids Calgary Polo

Deuce short sleeve polo. 1x1 flat knit rib collar and cuffs with contrast coloured tipping. Engraved buttons. Two coloured necktape. Flag label at side seam. 100% combed Cotton pique knit. 180 g/m2.

Deuce short sleeve ladies polo. 1x1 flat knit rib collar and cuffs with contrast coloured tipping. Engraved buttons. Two coloured necktape. Flag label at side seam. Pique of 100% combed Cotton. 180 g/m2.

Pre-shrunk. 1 x 1 rib collar and cuffs. Satin neck tape. Side slit with satin tape on inside. Forwarded shoulder seam with chain stitching. Tonal logo print at back. Men’s and kids 2 button placket with engraved buttons. Ladies 3 button placket with engraved buttons. Corporate yet casual polo. Pick-Stitch details.

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large, XXX-Large. MPA: Left Breast - 78mmW x 78mmH.

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. MPA: Left Breast - 57mmW x 57mmH.

Sizes: 3-4 Years, 5-6 Years, 7-8 Years, 9-10 Years, 11-12 Years. MPA: Left Breast - 57mmW x 57mmH.

25 £12.95

50 £12.64

25 £12.95

50 £11.44

100 £11.09

50 £11.44

100 £11.09

100 £11.14

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £10.79









Slazenger Top Spin Jacket

Slazenger Under Spin Parka

Top Spin jacket. Water resistant. Foldaway hood in collar with drawstring and stoppers. Two front pockets. Adjustable cuff with flap and velcro closure. Halfmoon. Locker loop. Inside pockets. Slazenger print on the backside. 100% Polyester Taslon with AC coating. 100% Polyester Taffeta lining.

Under Spin insulated jacket. Water resistant. Foldaway hood in collar with drawstring and stoppers. Two front pockets with velcro closure. Adjustable cuff with flap and velcro closure. Fleece lining inside collar. Halfmoon. Locker loop. Inside pocket and mobile phone pocket. Slazenger print on the backside. 100% Polyester Taslon with AC coating. 100% Quilted Polyester Taffeta lining. 100% Polyester padding.

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large, XXX-Large. MPA: Left Breast 100mmW x 100mmH.


Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large, XXX-Large. MPA: Left Breast 100mmW x 100mmH.

10 £38.17 25 £33.51 50 £31.70

10 £48.34 25 £43.33 50 £41.23

07602V Slazenger Top Spin Ladies Jacket

07604V Slazenger Under Spin Ladies Parka

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. MPA: Left Breast 90mmW x 100mmH.

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. MPA: Left Breast 100mmW x 100mmH.

10 £38.17 25 £33.51 50 £31.70

10 £48.34 25 £43.33 50 £41.23

07605V Zip Buddy Classic Classic Zip Buddy, the clever way to promote your brand. The Zip Buddy can be used on a variety of everyday items such as rucksacks, jackets, schoolbags, suitcases and tents. It can even replace a broken zip pull. Dimensions: 49mm x 15mm x 5mm. MPA: 2 Sides - Front/Back - 14mmW x 29mmH.

100 £1.35

250 £1.25

500 £1.16



Elevate Maxson Soft Shell Jacket

Elevate Maple Knit Jacket

Maxson softshell jacket. Global fit. Front closure with reversed zipper. Inner placket. Hand pockets with zipper. Articulated elbows. Easy grip zipper pullers. Mechanical stretch woven of 100% Polyester bonded to micro fleece of 100% Polyester with waterproof, breathable membrane and water-repellent finish. 270 g/m2.

Maple knit jacket. Global Fit. Hand pockets with zippers. Inner placket. Decorative contrast stitching at front and back. Interior media exit port with cord guide. Contrast colour stripes at sleeves. Jersey knit of 100% Polyester with brushed back. 195 g/m2.

Sizes: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large. MPA: Left Breast 120mmW x 120mmH.

10 £38.17 25 £33.51 50 £31.70

10 £42.72 25 £37.91 50 £35.97

07607V Elevate Maxson Ladies Soft Shell Jacket Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large. MPA: Left Breast 100mmW x 100mmH.

10 £42.72 25 £37.91 50 £35.97


Sizes: Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large. MPA: Left Breast - 110mmW x 110mmH.

07609V Elevate Maple Knit Ladies Jacket Sizes: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, X-Large. MPA: Left Breast 80mmW x 80mmH.

10 £38.17 25 £33.51 50 £31.70

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

07702V 4011 5 Panel breathable poly twill baseball cap. MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

50 £3.22

100 £2.33

250 £2.10





6 panel heavy brushed cotton, inserts on peak & crown.

Mesh back baseball cap. MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

50 £3.89

50 £4.22

100 £2.97

250 £2.72

100 £3.92

500 £3.69

07705V 4199 6 panel heavy brushed cotton baseball cap. MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

50 £3.66

100 £3.38

500 £3.17





6 panel heavy brushed cotton baseball cap with sandwich trim.

6 Panel American flat peak cap, two tone. MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

50 £4.32

100 £4.02

MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

500 £3.79

50 £3.80

100 £3.52

500 £3.30

07708V 4243 Knitted acrylic beanie. MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

50 £3.22



Knitted acrylic beanie with pom pom.

Roll down acrylic beanie. MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

100 £2.69

500 £2.76



50 £2.94

100 £2.96

500 £2.49

MPA: Front Centre - 120mmW x 55mmH.

50 £3.89

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £3.60

500 £3.38


Foldable Shopping Bags

07801V Bag folds into pouch, perfect to keep in hand bags to avoid buying a plastic bag at the till! 420mm x 380mm 190T Nylon with large print area. Bags are colour matched. Dimensions: 420mm x 380mm x 5mm. MPA: 280mmW x 200mmH. Pouch - 280mmW x 200mmH.

250 £2.54

500 £2.26

1000 £2.15

07802V Folding Shopper Bag. Shopping bag which folds into pouch with clip. Size: Bag 40x41cm, Handle: 6x12cm. Material: 190T Nylon. Bags are colour matched. Dimensions: 400mm x 410mm MPA: 280mmW x 200mmH. Pouch - 280mmW x 200mmH.

250 500 1000

£2.54 £2.26 £2.15









07901V Large Tote / Sports Bag Nylon 210D tote / sports bag with drawstring and black simulated leather reinforced corners. A fabulous range of colours and a large print area. Suitable for schools, colleges, travel and leisure industries. This is one of the most popular promotional products in the UK. Dimensions: 345mm x 430mm x 5mm. MPA: Front/Back - 240mmW x 240mmH.

250 £1.05

500 £1.01

1000 £0.96

07902V Rio Sports Pack with Front Zipper New design perfect for promotions in schools, colleges, sports and leisure companies. Features large front zipped pocket, with slot for head phones. 1 colour subject to sight of artwork. Made from 210D polyester. Dimensions: 460mm x 360mm. MPA: Front - 160mmW x 100mmH.

100 £1.56


250 £1.50

500 £1.46

Colorado Duo Sports Pack Made of 210D polyester, drawstring closure and front / back reversible. Colours available are grey with royal blue or grey with red. Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front - 200mmW x 240mmH.

100 £1.21

250 £1.17

500 £1.05

07904V Drawstring Rucksack Polyester Rucksack with drawstring handles. 210D. Dimensions: 340mm x 450mm. MPA: 2 Positions - 280mmW x 230mmH.

200 £0.96

2001 £0.91

07905V Enviro Sports Bag Environmentally friendly, 110g non-woven, coated water resistant polypropylene drawstring sports bag with contrasting black trims in bottom corners. Dimensions: 340mm x 425mm x 5mm. MPA: Front/Back - 200mmW x 225mmH.

250 £1.09

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £1.05

1000 £0.99









08001V Maxton Tote Bag REACH compliant* tote bag made from 600d polyester. Complete with internal handy pocket, external side pocket & shoulder strap. A fun versatile bag in a variety of fun colours. This bag is REACH compliant, which means it has been tested for nasty chemicals and the certificates are available. Dimensions: 360mm x 310mm x 170mm. MPA: Front - 225mmW x 200mmH.

50 £4.99

100 £4.23

500 £3.97



08002V Knockholt Reflective Drawstring Bag Good quality drawstring bag made from REACH compliant* 210D (nylon look) polyester with PU backing. Complete with reflective panel and corners & metal eyelets. This fabric is fully tested for dangerous chemicals and all certificates are available. Dimensions: 345mm x 445mm. MPA: Front - 225mmW x 260mmH.

100 £1.86

500 £1.62 1000 £1.56

08003V Cudham Drawstring Bag Versatile drawstring backsack. In a variety of colours. Made from Reach compliant 210D polyester. Dimensions: 345mm x 420mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 250mmW x 220mmH.

100 £1.24

500 £1.17

1000 £1.12

08004V Eynsford Drawstring Back Sack


Useful, compact back sack with drawstring closure, made from REACH compliant 210d polyester with reinforced black PU corners. REACH compliant means that they have been tested for nasty chemicals in the fabrics.


£1.51 £1.42 £1.36


08005V Rainham Drawstring Bag

Dimensions: 470mm x 380mm. MPA: Front/Back 230mmW x 260mmH.

100 500 1000



Environmentally friendly drawstring bag. Made from partly recycled REACH compliant* 80 gsm non-woven polypropylene. Dimensions: 370mm x 455mm. MPA: Front/Back 225mmW x 260mmH.

100 500 1000

£1.16 £1.08 £1.03

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


08102V Verve Drawstring Bag Drawstring back pack made from 210D polyester with reinforced black PVC corners. Available in blue, red & white. Digital Transfer printing available at an additional cost.


Dimensions: 380mm x 485mm. MPA: Front - 220mmW x 300mmH.

Burton Drawstring Rucksack

250 £1.43

210D polyester drawstring rucksack bag with black drawstring and metal eyelets. Eco friendly. Also available for kids. Sizes 34 x 43cm and 31 x 34cm.

500 £1.29

1000 £1.18

Dimensions: 340mm x 430mm. MPA: 1 Side - 225mmW x 225mmH.

100 £1.09

250 £1.01

500 £0.95

08103V Kima Foldable Bag Folding shopping bag made from 190T polyester. Dimensions: 400mm x 370mm. MPA: Front - 265mmW x 170mmH.

250 £2.63 500 £2.38 2000 £2.20

08104V Luxury Presentation Bag Velvet lined luxury drawstring bag. Available in Black or White from stock and colour matched from 2500 pcs. Branding available as print, embossing or embroidery all subject to extra cost. Dimensions: 230mm x 170mm. MPA: 80mmW x 80mmH.

100 £4.29

250 £3.79

500 £3.38


08106V The Peek Drawstring Cinch Backpack Open main compartment with drawstring rope closure. Zipped front pocket with earbud port. Earbuds not included. 210D Polyester

08105V Yelsted Fold Up Shopper Bag Lightweight fold up shopper bag in ‘T shirt’ style. Made from REACH compliant* 190T polyester, this bag folds into its own integral pouch. Available in four colours.

Dimensions: 431mmH x 355mmW. MPA: Front – 150mmW x 120mmH.

100 250 500

£2.52 £2.28 £2.20

Dimensions: 410mm x 315mm x 180mm. MPA: Front - 265mmW x 220mmH.

100 500 1000

£2.07 £1.96 £1.89 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.










08201V Non-woven Convention Tote-Bag

08202V Big Shopper

Made of 80gsm non-woven material (from recycled plastic bottles). This eco friendly budget bag offers lots of uses to the leisure, travel and retail industries.

Environmentally friendly, 110g non-woven, coated water resistant polypropylene shopper tote with a Velcro® closure. Reinforced cross stitching on handle attachment with 750mm handles.

Dimensions: 380mm x 400mm x 160mm. MPA: Front/Back 210mmW x 150mmH.

100 250 500

Dimensions: 170mm x 410mm x 530mm. MPA: Both Sides 250mmW x 250mmH.

£0.95 £0.91 £0.89

250 500 1000

£1.30 £1.25 £1.19






Rochester Tote


Made from 80 gsm non woven polypropylene, this large tote bag with long handles has a variety of trim colours to match your corporate logo.

08203V Rainham Tote Environmentally friendly tote/shopper bag - ideal for shows & exhibitions. Made from partly recycled REACH compliant* 80 gsm non woven polypropylene.

Dimensions: 400mm x 380mm x 95mm. MPA: 2 Sides 200mmW x 250mmH.

Dimensions: 390mm x 450mm x 120mm. MPA: Front/Back - 225mmW x 260mmH.

100 £1.26

500 £1.18

100 500 1000

1000 £1.13

08205V Zeus Non Woven Convention Tote


Slim design tote with open main compartment. Reinforced handles for added durability. Drop down height handles 29.2 CM. Bag is recyclable. Non woven 80 g/m polypropylene.

Non Woven Carrier Bag

Dimensions: 400mm x 381mm. MPA: 290mmW x 250mmH.

Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: 2 Positions 280mmW x 280mmH.

100 £1.10


250 £0.91

500 £0.87

Non woven bag coloured non woven carrier bag with long handles. Durable bright coloured bag with large print area.

200 2001

£0.75 £0.71

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£1.28 £1.20 £1.15

08303V Cypress Jute Bag



Oak Jute Bag

Sycamore Jute Bag

Oak large laminated jute shopper. With 40CM cotton corded padded handle.

Sycamore medium laminated jute shopper. With 40CM cotton corded padded handle.

Dimensions: 430mm x 340mm. MPA: Front Panels - 271mmW x 270mmH.

Dimensions: 400mm x 300mm. MPA: Front Panels - 270mmW x 270mmH.

250 £2.28 500 £2.13 1000 £1.92

250 £2.14

500 £1.99

Cypress small laminated jute shopper. With 40CM cotton corded padded handle. Dimensions: 300mm x 300mm. MPA: Front Panels - 272mmW x 270mmH.

250 £1.98

500 £1.84

1000 £1.66

1000 £1.79

08306V Aspen Jute Bag Aspen standard laminated jute shopper. With 340X25MM short self handle

08304V Dargate Jute Tote - Natural

Dimensions: 300mm x 350mm. MPA: Front Panels 273mmW x 270mmH.

14x15 natural Jute tote with LDPE backing and a large gusset. A handy side pocket and cotton webbing handles. In a range of lovely colours.

250 500 1000

Dimensions: 380mm x 370mm x 130mm. MPA: 2 Positions - 250mmW x 225mmH.

100 £2.89

500 £2.65

£2.03 £1.89 £1.69

1000 £2.56

08305V Dargate Jute Tote - Colours 100 £3.33

500 £2.91 1000 £2.72

08307V Davington Jute Tote - Natural A versatile and stylish jute tote with white piping. This 14x15 Jute comes with a LDPE backing, long handles and a generous gusset. Dimensions: 385mm x 330mm x 130mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 220mmW x 225mmH.

100 £2.79

500 £2.53

1000 £2.45

08308V Davington Jute Tote Colours 100 £2.96 500 £2.69 1000 £2.61

08309V Claygate Juco Tote A juco tote with cotton webbing handles in a natural colour. Juco is a mix of cotton and Jute and has a softer texture than Jute. This makes it ideal for full colour logos. The bag has a LDPE backing which makes it more sturdy. The fabric has been tested for chemicals and all certification is available. Dimensions: 300mm x 460mm x 100mm. MPA: Both Sides 250mmW x 225mmH.

100 500 1000

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£3.50 £3.24 £3.13








ECO 08401V 10oz Dunham Landscape Natural Cotton Canvas Bag with Gusset 100% 10oz natural cotton canvas, long handled bag ( 60cm). Landscape Size 42 x 38 x 10cm. Also available in portrait size 38 x 42 x 10cm. Bespoke available! Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front - 280mmW x 280mmH.

100 £2.01

250 £1.88

500 £1.75

08402V Large Natural Jute Shopping Bag Made from 100% natural Jute with inside PP lamination and 40cms web handle. Available in a range of different colours. Dimensions: 410mm x 370mm x 150mm. MPA: Front - 280mmW x 280mmH.

08403V 100% Natural Eco Green Cotton Shoppers

100 £2.28

250 £2.10

500 £1.98

100% natural 5oz cotton shopper with long handles. 38 x 41cm. Eco friendly and re-usable shopper tote bag. Also available in other weights and sizes. Dimensions: 380mm x 410mm. MPA: 1 Position - 280mmW x 280mmH.

100 250 500

£0.89 £0.83 £0.77

08404V 100% Natural Luxury Jutco Shopper Bag 100% Natural Luxury Jutco Shopper Bag with 40cm natural cotton web handles. Eco friendly and re-usable shopper bag. Cotton / Jute mix. Dimensions: 390mm x 350mm x 200mm. MPA: 1 Side - 280mmW x 270mmH.

100 £2.57

08407V 08405V

Canvas Shopper Bottom Gusset


Canvas Shopper

Canvas Shopper 3 Sided Gusset

Luxury 10oz natural canvas shopper tote bag with 580 x 30mm wide cotton handle.

Luxury 10oz natural canvas shopper tote bag with 580 x 30mm wide cotton handle. 10cm 3-sided gusset.

Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front Panels - 274mmW x 270mmH.

250 £1.84

500 £1.71

1000 £1.51

Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front Panels - 276mmW x 270mmH.

250 £2.08


500 £1.94

1000 £1.74

Luxury 10oz natural canvas shopper tote bag with 580 x 30mm wide cotton handle. 10cm bottom gusset. Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front Panels 275mmW x 270mmH.

250 £1.96 500 £1.83 1000 £1.62

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £2.33

500 £2.20



08503V Groombridge 10oz Cotton Canvas Tote Natural Long handled cotton bag with gusset. Ideal for shows and exhibitions. Made from all natural environmentally friendly 10oz cotton canvas. Full colour process print available. All of our products are tested and all certificates are available to show compliance. Dimensions: 395mm x 310mm x 110mm. MPA: 1 Side 220mmW x 220mmH.

100 £2.30 500 £2.20 1000 £2.14

08501V Cranbrook 10oz Cotton Canvas Tote - Natural Canvas Tote shopper, with long handles and a large gusset. Made from natural cotton canvas with a handy side pocket. Also available in Black. Dimensions: 310mm x 360mm x 130mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 225mmW x 225mmH.

50 £2.96

100 £2.13

500 £2.03


100 £2.85 500 £2.72 1000 £2.62

Cranbrook 10oz Cotton Canvas Tote - Black 50 £3.33

08504V Groombridge 10oz Cotton Canvas Tote Bag - White/Black

100 £2.48 500 £2.38

ECO 08505V Broomfield Cotton Tote Bag - Black Durable Cotton Canvas bag complete with rope handles. With LDPE laminate backing. Cotton Mill and factory certificates available. Dimensions: 390mm x 355mm x 150mm. MPA: Front/Back - 250mmW x 225mmH.

100 £3.45

250 £3.31

500 £3.20

08506V Broomfield Cotton Tote Bag - Natural

08507V Sandgate 7oz Cotton Canvas Tote Bag - White/Black/Blue

100 £3.10

250 £2.97

500 £2.87

225gsm (7oz) cotton canvas tote shopper bag with long handles. Full colour process print available. All of our products are tested and all certificates are available to show compliance. Dimensions: 420mm x 380mm. MPA: Front/Back - 225mmW x 260mmH.

100 £2.01

500 £1.92

1000 £1.87


08508V Sandgate 7oz Cotton Canvas Tote Bag - Natural 100 £1.76

500 £1.67

1000 £1.63

ECO 08509V Eastwell 4.5oz Cotton Tote Bag


140gsm natural cotton tote complete with contrast colour 105gsm long cotton handles and contrast print in a choice of five colours.

Snowdown Premium Colour Cotton Tote Bag

Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front/Back - 225mmW x 260mmH.

Dimensions: 420mm x 380mm. MPA: Front/Back - 225mmW x 260mmH.

100 £1.23

100 £1.51

500 £1.15

1000 £1.10

105gsm Natural Cotton Tote/Shopper bag with long handles.

500 £1.42

1000 £1.36

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








08601V Dubu Stylish Jute bag with long cotton webbing handles and contrast dyed base. Strong and reusable. Dimensions: 470mm x 340mm x 150mm. MPA: 1 Position - 280mmW x 150mmH.

100 £3.15

250 £2.79

500 £2.62

08602V Kanu Premium cotton shopper with long cotton handles. Lightweight and durable. Now available in 20 colours. Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: 1 Side - 280mmW x 280mmH.

100 £1.93

250 £1.69

500 £1.56

08604V Fisi

08603V Paa Luxury Laminated 10oz Canvas Bag with a gusset and long cotton webbing handles. Dimensions: 390mm x 350mm x 150mm. MPA: 1 Position 280mmW x 250mmH.

100 250 500

10oz Canvas Bag with a gusset and medium cotton webbing handles. Dimensions: 320mm x 340mm x 100mm. MPA: 1 Position 220mmW x 240mmH.

100 250 500

£2.54 £2.28 £2.13

£3.50 £3.21 £3.03

08605V 08606V

Tandu 10oz canvas shopper with jute gussets and short cotton cord handle.

Komba Premium canvas bag with Inner zipped pocket, antique rivets and medium cotton webbing handles.

Dimensions: 390mm x 350mm x 150mm. MPA: 1 Position - 280mmW x 250mmH.

100 £2.80

250 £2.54

500 £2.38

Dimensions: 370mm x 370mm x 100mm. MPA: 1 Position - 280mmW x 200mmH.

100 £5.25

08607V Tembo CT Jute Bag Natural jute bag with coloured trim, coloured gusset and short coloured cotton cord handles. Dimensions: 390mm x 350mm x 150mm. MPA: Centre 280mmW x 250mmH.

100 250 500


£3.06 £2.70 £2.54

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £4.90

500 £4.59

08703V 100% Cotton Shopper



5oz Coloured Cotton Shopper

5oz Natural Cotton Shopper

5oz Coloured Cotton Shopper 420 x380mm.

5oz natural cotton shopper 420 x 380mm.

Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: 2 Positions - 280mmW x 280mmH.

Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: 2 Positions - 280mmW x 280mmH.

200 £1.19

200 £0.79

2001 £1.13

This premium quality shopper is made from 5oz 100% woven cotton. This durable bag is perfect for the weekly shop. Just think how many people will see your company name, week after week! It has a huge branding area for your company logo, in up to six spot colours, and it offers exceptional green credentials for your promotions. Dimensions: 390mm x 420mm x 110mm. MPA: Front - 250mmW x 250mmH.

250 £0.79

500 £0.76

1000 £0.74

08705V Kingsbridge 5oz Cotton Tote Bag Cotton Tote Bag made from 140gsm cotton. Available for Full Colour Digital Transfer printing or Direct to Garment at an additional cost. Dimensions: 420mm x 380mm. MPA: Front 280mmW x 280mmH.

08704V Premium 5oz 100% Cotton Shoppers Also available in canvas, jute or NWPP and accommodating 100% coverage, digital print, screen printing, embroidery, full colour options, long or short handles (in a selection of materials), these environmentally friendly bags gives so many options to make your bag stand out from the crowd!

250 500 1000

£0.79 £0.76 £0.74

250 £7.61

500 £5.49

1000 £4.64


Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: Front - 250mmW x 250mmH.

08707V Greenfieldbags Ongar Premium Cotton Shopper Greenfieldbags Premium 5oz Cotton Shopper long or short handle. 17 PMS/ Pantone matched colours and natural. Price quoted is natural not coloured.


Dimensions: 380mm x 420mm. MPA: 1 Side 290mmW x 290mmH.

Nevada Cotton Tote Tote with open main compartment. Drop down height of handles are 30cm in length. 100g/m Cotton.

250 500 1000

Dimensions: 420mm x 380mm MPA: 280mmW x 280mmH

100 £1.52

250 £1.32

500 £1.26 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£0.74 £0.69 £0.66













08801V Westcliffe Business Bag

Bickley Exhibition Bag

An attractive business bag suitable for men and women in a choice of three different zip colours. Made from REACH compliant 300 x 250D polyester complete with carry handles, shoulder strap and a padded section for laptops and tablets.

REACH compliant* conference & meeting bag made from 300 x 250D polyester. Complete with zipped front pocket, carry handle and shoulder strap.

500 £5.54

08803V Swale Delegate Bag Made from REACH compliant (all certificates available) 250 x 300D polyester. A classic bag that comes in a variety of colour flashes.

Dimensions: 400mm x 325mm x 80mm. MPA: Front - 225mmW x 120mmH.

100 £5.25

Dimensions: 360mm x 290mm x 65mm. MPA: Front - 200mmW x 100mmH.

100 £5.78


500 £4.93

Dimensions: 380mm x 290mm x 75mm. MPA: 1 Side - 225mmW x 180mmH.

1000 £4.77

50 £3.06

1000 £5.26

100 £2.37

500 £2.26


08804V Knowlton Delegate Bag Practical budget bag-ideal for conferences, meetings and exhibition. Made from Reach compliant 300 x 250D polyester complete with shoulder strap and organiser section. Dimensions: 380mm x 290mm x 75mm. MPA: Front - 240mmW x 160mmH.

50 £4.73

100 £3.97

500 £3.72




Tunstall Business Bag A stylish business bag for men and women, which can be worn over the shoulder or held by the comfortable handles. There is a front pocket and an internal padded section for laptops and tablets and a zip around closure. The fabric is REACH compliant 600 x 300D polyester, which has been tested for nasty chemicals. Dimensions: 365mm x 330mm x 105mm. MPA: Front - 150mmW x 150mmH.

50 £8.49


100 £7.52

500 £7.25

08806V Tunstall Business Backpack A versatile, stylish back pack in grey. Made from REACH compliant 600D polyester. It has a padded inner section for laptops and tablets, a front pocket, carry handle and comfortable, adjustable shoulder straps Dimensions: 390mm x 420mm x 115mm. MPA: Front Pocket - 120mmW x 150mmH.

50 £10.85

100 £9.89

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £9.46

08902V Arcano Backpack

08901V Gatcombe Business Case Executive organiser briefcase style bag made from long lasting black dura-tuff material, a tightly woven 600 x 600 denier Polyester with PVC backing, giving durability and style. Has integral padding for computer protection. Features include - zipped main compartment with expandable gusset, organiser section with zip pocket under front flap, quick release buckles, triple filing section in rear pocket, detachable shoulder strap and sturdy ABS handle.

600D Nylon laptop rucksack with zipped, padded main compartment, 3 zipped front pockets, padded back, carry handle and padded shoulder straps. Dimensions: 325mm x 440mm. MPA: Pocket - 90mmW x 80mmH.

10 25 50

£31.62 £25.98 £23.73

Dimensions: 400mm x 280mm. MPA: 1 Position - 200mmW x 100mmH.

50 £13.49

100 £11.96

250 £11.34







Brooksend Promo Backpack

Halstead Backpack

A versatile and practical sports and leisure backpack. Made from REACH compliant 300 x 250D polyester, which means there are no dangerous chemicals in the fabrics, in a choice of three colour options. There is a reflective strip on the front pocket, a drinks bottle and adjustable back straps.

Durable promotional backpack made from REACH compliant* 600D polyester. Complete with zipped front pocket and two zipped compartments. Carry handle and padded, adjustable back straps.

Dimensions: 410mm x 310mm x 130mm. MPA: Front Pocket - 200mmW x 150mmH.

50 £6.83

50 £6.30

100 £5.49

Dimensions: 470mm x 300mm x 140mm. MPA: Front - 150mmW x 120mmH.

100 £6.00

500 £5.69



08905V Elleven Lunar Lightweight Backpack Lunar Lightweight 15.6” laptop backpack. The bag is constructed from a nylon box dobby with a water resistant coating including subtle reflective accent materials and reflective Elleven logo print for increased visibility at night. The design efficiently features a front vertical zip pocket with a waterproof zipper. The large main compartment has a multi-layered storage panel on the front wall and the back wall has a padded tablet pocket. The zipped, fully padded laptop compartment in the back will hold up to a 15.6” laptop. A combination of lightweight mesh and fabric straps paired with a soft mesh padded back panel keep the bag comfortable, while keeping the bag as light as a feather. The back includes the trolley band. Two exterior mesh pockets can easily hold larger water bottles or extra gear. 420D Ripstop Polyester.

Faversham Laptop Backpack Sturdy Reach compliant 600 polyester laptop backpack. Complete with many pockets and an organiser section. Dimensions: 340mm x 450mm x 270mm. MPA: Front Large Pocket 180mmW x 130mmH.

50 100 500

£17.68 £16.48 £15.86

Dimensions: 114mm x 432mm x 266mm. MPA: 120mmW x 160mmH.

10 £33.25

25 £28.76

50 £26.83 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








09002V Soft Tech Tablet Messenger Functional and fashionable! This tablet messenger bag includes a front silicone pocket to store your earphones. Padded all around to protect your devices. Back zipped pocket and adjustable strap.

09001V Atchison Asymmetric Messenger Exclusive messenger briefcase with easy hook and loop closure, organiser panel, headphone port and side mesh pocket. Available in 5 contrasting colours. Dimensions: 340mm x 300mm x 80mm. MPA: Upper front section - 140mmW x 90mmH.

75 £5.98

100 £5.50

Dimensions: 230mm x 260mm x 20mm. MPA: Upper Front Section 120mmW x 80mmH.

75 £6.69

100 £6.17

250 £5.74

250 £5.12

09004V Soft Tech Laptop Briefcase Functional and fashionable! This briefcase includes a front silicone pocket to store your mobile phone. Main zipped compartment is padded all around to protect your devices. Front zipped pocket and hand carry strap. Dimensions: 350mm x 305mm x 20mm. MPA: Front - 120mmW x 120mmH.

75 £7.91

09003V Basic Laptop Briefcase Zipped main compartment with padded laptop compartment, front slip pocket and adjustable strap. Dimensions: 400mm x 315mm x 80mm. MPA: Front Centre - 160mmW x 120mmH.

75 £5.06

100 £4.66

250 £4.34

09005V Borden Tablet PC Bag Vertical ‘cross-body’ bag made from REACH compliant* 600D polyester complete with front slip pocket. Bag has a padded section that can accommodate most tablet PC’s with dimensions up to 24 x 18.6 x 0.88cm. Dimensions: 260mm x 200mm x 40mmD. MPA: Front 140mmW x 120mmH.

100 500 1000


£5.34 £5.02 £4.85


09006V Rainham Show Bag




Environmentally friendly meeting bag -ideal for shows & exhibitions. Made from partly recycled REACH compliant* 100 gsm Non Woven Polypropylene. Dimensions: 300mm x 370mm x 90mm. MPA: Front - 210mmW x 200mmH.

100 £1.70

500 £1.61

1000 £1.54

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £7.29

250 £6.79



09102V Benenden Sports Holdall


A stylish, versatile holdall in a choice of three colours. Made from 300 x 250D REACH compliant polyester, which means the fabric has been tested for harmful chemicals.

Hever Sports Holdall Durable sports/travel bag made from REACH compliant* 600D polyester, which means the fabric is tested for poisonous chemical. All certificates are available. Complete with zipped front pocket and shoulder strap. Choose from 5 colours.

Dimensions: 500mm x 300mm x 240mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 130mmW x 200mmH.

Dimensions: 600mm x 350mm x 260mm. MPA: Pocket - 200mmW x 130mmH.

50 £8.14

100 £7.27

500 £6.92

50 100 500

£7.09 £6.25 £5.94


09103V Barham Welly Boot Bag The boot shaped bag is made from REACH compliant 600D polyester. It has a handle on the top and zipped closure.

09104V Shoe / Boot Bag

Dimensions: 255mm x 450mm. MPA: 1 Side 130mmW x 180mmH.

100 500 1000

Nylon shoe / boot bag with full length zip and padded nylon handle. Dimensions: 180mm x 360mm x 150mm. MPA: Front - 100mmW x 200mmH.

£5.78 £5.44 £5.26

50 £3.85

100 £3.01

250 £2.76

09106V RetroSports Sports Bag

09105V Chalford Laptop Bag Quality black laptop bag in 600 x 600 denier polyester with PVC backing giving durability and style. Features include – zipped main compartment with expandable gusset, solid and ergonomic plastic handle, shoulder strap, internal A4 document holder and an organiser section with zip pocket under the front flap. Has a integral fully padded laptop sleeve with elastic clasp which is suitable for 17” Laptops. Dimensions: 430mm x 320mm. MPA: 1 Position - 200mmW x 100mmH.

50 £10.35

100 £8.94

PVC/PU sports bag with a classic 70’s look with lined inner, roomy main compartment and zipped pocket, sturdy handles, base inlay and studs. Made from quality materials and superbly finished, it’s a bag that’s made to last. Capacity 21.5 litres. Dimensions: 480mm x 280mm x 250mm. MPA: Front – 260mmW x 120mmH.

25 £12.15

50 £11.68

100 £11.30

250 £8.42

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









09201V Budget Exhibition Tote Made of 80gsm non-woven eco friendly material. Die-cut handles. Great budget bag suitable for handouts, literature, sample and lots more. Dimensions: 370mm x 400mm. MPA: Front/Back - 235mmW x 200mmH.

250 £0.56

500 £0.54

1000 £0.52

09202V Laminated Non-Woven or Woven Shopping Bag with Gusset Laminated Non-Woven or Woven Shopping “Bag for Life” with long handles and gloss lamination. Any print details, Pantone® matched colours and custom sizes available. Dimensions: 410mm x 330mm x 180mm. MPA: 1 Side - 410mmW x 330mmH.

1000 £1.61

2500 £1.17

5000 £1.00

ECO 09203V Non Woven Event Tote Bag Made from eco friendly non woven material. Features 30” carry handles and die cut handles. Has a plastic ring for attaching carabiners, passes etc. 2 pen holder on the side, 6” gusset. Available in a lime green colour only, signifying eco friendly. Dimensions: 355mm x 380mm x 152mm. MPA: Front - 200mmW x 200mmH.

100 £1.38

250 £1.34 500 £1.30

09204V A4 Laminated Paper Carrier Bag A4 Gloss or Matte White Laminated paper carrier bag with 32cm white rope handles. Eco friendly. White bag only. Dimensions: 240mm x 330mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Side - 179mmW x 120mmH.


100 £1.35

250 £1.27

500 £1.15

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



Stuff It! Silicon Bag Carrier

PP Bag Large

How many times do you go to the shops and forget your bags at home or in the car? Well you are not alone - Stuff It! is a unique product to carry your bags in one Pouch. Stuff It! can hold up to 3 or 4 plastic carrier bags depending on the size of the bag. It is made of eco friendly silicon and can be pantone matched on all quantities.

PP BAG LARGE Plastic PP stylish bag with rope handles (thickness 0.18mm). Large bag in transparent colours, ideal for the retail and gift market. Gusset: 115mm. Weight: 89g. Dimensions: 280mm x 380mm x 115mm. MPA: 2 Position - 270mmW x 220mmH.

200 £1.58

Dimensions: 70mm x 100mm x 15mm. Print Area: 1 Position - 85mmW x 55mmH.

500 £1.45

1000 £1.30

2001 £1.50

2500 £1.20

09303V Luxury Laminate Bag Rope handled luxury bags, price includes CMYK 100% coverage to ensure that your bag stands out from the crowd! With many options available, starting at 1 colour to a full coverage print with added extras (foiling, embossing, spot UV, ribbon handles, custom papers etc). This robust bag is perfect for the retail and promotional market! Dimensions: 240mm x 350mm. MPA: Top - 230mmW x 380mmH.

100 £5.22


250 £2.75

500 £1.94


Flexi Loop Handle Polythene Carrier Bag

Digital Print Patch Handle Polythene Carrier Bag

Soft flexi loop handle polythene carrier bag. Based on a one colour print to both sides with up to 50% ink coverage.

Polythene carrier bag - 200 gauge. Printed full colour CMYK digital print and average ink coverage. Plate charge: inclusive.

Dimensions: 380mm x 450mm x 75mm. MPA: 1 Side 300mmW x 300mmH.

Dimensions: 400mm x 457mm x 100mm. MPA: 2 Positions 300mmW x 300mmH.

1000 £0.24 3000 £0.21 5000 £0.16

100 250 500

£3.89 £2.62 £1.99

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









Polythene Carrier Bags

Duffle Style Polythene Carrier Bag

White patch handle 180g polythene carrier bag (quantities below 3000 are made from 180 / 360 vary gauge with a punch handle). Details are based on a one colour print to both sides with up to 50% ink coverage.

Duffel style polythene carrier bag with rope handles. Based on a one colour print to both sides with up to 50% ink coverage.

Dimensions: 380mm x 450mm x 75mm. MPA: 1 Side - 300mmW x 300mmH.

1000 £1.03

1000 £0.20

3000 £0.17


5000 £0.12

Dimensions: 405mm x 450mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Side - 300mmW x 300mmH.

3000 £0.74


5000 £0.65

SOS Flat Carrier Bag Paper carrier bag with flat tape external handles, manufactured from brown or white kraft paper. Based on a one colour print to one side with up to 50% ink coverage. Dimensions: 180mm x 230mm x 100mm. MPA: 1 Side - 150mmW x 150mmH.

1000 £0.47

3000 £0.23

5000 £0.17

09404V Rope Handle Luxury Carrier Bag Rope handle luxury paper carrier bag with a gloss or matt lamination. Based on a one colour print to both sides with up to 50% ink coverage. Dimensions: 230mm x 340mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Side - 200mmW x 250mmH.

250 £3.34

09405V Twisted Paper Handle Carrier Bag Paper carrier bag with twisted paper handles. Manufactured from brown or white kraft paper. Based on a one colour print to both sides with up to 50% ink coverage. Dimensions: 260mm x 350mm x 130mm. MPA: 1 Side - 200mmW x 250mmH.

1000 £0.51


3000 £0.31

5000 £0.25

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £1.93

1000 £1.38



09502V Frosty Cool Bag


Mini Cool bag with cover made from recycled material. Great item for schools, colleges and travel promotions.

Rainham Six Can Cooler

Dimensions: 270mm x 200mm x 120mm. MPA: Front - 100mmW x 100mmH.

Budget 6 can cooler bag made from partly recycled REACH compliant* 80 gsm non woven polypropylene complete with a front slip pocket and carry strap. Food safety test certificates available.

100 £1.84

250 £1.77

500 £1.72

Dimensions: 150mm x 230mm x 145mm. MPA: Front/Back - 100mmW x 60mmH.

100 £2.03

500 £1.93

1000 £1.85

09503V Rainham Twelve Can Cooler



Budget 12 can cooler bag made from partly recycled REACH compliant* 80 gsm non woven polypropylene complete with a front slip pocket and carry strap. Food safety test reports available on request. Dimensions: 200mm x 390mm x 220mm. MPA: Front/Back - 100mmW x 100mmH.

100 £3.10

500 £2.96

1000 £2.85

09504V Asleep Travel Eye Mask Travel eye mask. Dimensions: 185mm x 90mm. MPA: Front - 80mmW x 30mmH.

500 £1.07

2000 £0.91

5000 £0.80


09506V Traveller Pillow


Inflatable neck pillow for travelers.

Chilham 6 can cooler

Dimensions: 430mm x 265mm. MPA: Corner - 150mmW x 60mmH.

A great little cooler in a variety of colours. Made from 300x250d polyester. These coolers have certificates for food safety and REACH certification. Zip around closure and a carry handle on the lid. When not in use they fold down flat for easy storage.

250 £1.89

500 £1.62

Dimensions: 190mm x 125mm x 130mm. MPA: Front Pocket - 100mmW x 50mmH.

100 £2.36

500 £2.15

1000 £2.07

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

2000 £1.51








09601V PVC Luggage Tag (Large)


2D soft PVC luggage tag with upto 4 soft PVC spot colours. Dimensions: 104mm x 64mm. MPA: 1 Side - 95mmW x 59mmH.

300 £1.66

500 £1.44

Luggage Tag

1000 £1.31

Small Luggage Tag finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Contrast stitching and contrast strap available to give a bespoke look at no additional cost. Dimensions: 89mm x 54mm x 4mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 51mmW x 30mmH.

50 £3.80

100 £2.90

250 £2.51

09604V Luggage Tag Tough pvc luggage tag with a clear pocket to take your address card. Integral strap for attaching to luggage handles.

09603V Printed Luggage Strap Luggage strap for use when travelling to secure suitcases and bags.

Dimensions: 241mm x 70mm x 1mm. MPA: Back 75mmW x 55mmH.

Dimensions: 40mm x 2000mm. MPA: All Over - 36mmW x 2000mmH.

250 £2.84

500 £2.65

1000 £2.49

100 250 500


£1.00 £0.49 £0.41

Printed Luggage Tag Luggage tags with a full colour print on both sides, with sturdy strap and buckle, or silicone loop strap for secure attachment. Dimensions: 86mm x 54mm x 0.76mm. MPA: Both Sides - 86mmW x 54mmH.

1000 £0.39

09607V Toothbrush Kit Travel toothbrush complete with small tube of toothpaste packed in a handy plastic travel case. Perfect for the travel and hotel industries.

09606V Travel Toothbrush Kit Travel toothbrush complete with small tube of Colgate toothpaste packed in a handy plastic travel case. Perfect for the travel and hotel industries. Dimensions: 110mm x 20mm x 18mm. MPA: Front/Back - 60mmW x 15mmH.

250 £1.05


500 £1.01

Dimensions: 30mm x 17mm x 92mm. MPA: Top/Bottom 60mmW x 15mmH.

250 £0.70 500 £0.68 1000 £0.66

1000 £0.98

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

2500 £0.34

5000 £0.28

09701V Folding Hair Brush Folding hair brush with mirror and great print area. Dimensions: 100mm x 25mm x 25mm. MPA: Through Centre - 65mmW x 17mmH.

288 £1.19

576 £1.12

1152 £1.05

09702V Tribox Plug Adapter World travel adapter with USB port. Socket compatibility: USA, Europe, Asia and UK. Dimensions: 111mm x 48mm. MPA: Opposite side 20mmW x 10mmH.

25 50 100


09703V Universal Travel Adapter

S-Kross Pro World Adaptor

Universal World Travel Adaptor that can be used in over 150 countries. This unique, user friendly, stylish Travel Adaptor comes complete with sliding pins to allow for easy selection required for the correct country option. Quantities under 200 pieces are only available in Black, for quantities over 200 pieces there are four different colours to choose from.

World’s first 3-pole adaptor, suitable for earthed products. Truly universal - covers over 150 countries. Europe (Schuko) compatible. Extremely high quality. Comes with a lifetime replacement warranty. Set of sliding buttons allows easy selection of pins. Selected pins then secured by lock button. Removable adaptor to convert socket end. Multi-lingual Instruction Leaflet. Adheres to all European safety regulations.

Dimensions: 55mm x 58mm x 60mm. MPA: 1 Position - 20mmW x 13mmH.

50 £13.39

100 £11.80

£11.13 £9.57 £8.71

09705V Shoe Shine Kit Shoe shine kit in a round white case. A perfect item for the travel and hotel industry. Dimensions: 60mm x 15mm x 60mm. MPA: Top/Bottom - 30mmD.

250 £0.68

500 £0.66

1000 £0.64

Dimensions: 57mm x 65mm x 64mm. MPA: Top - 30mmW x 30mmH.

250 £10.48


09707V Digital Luggage Scale Luggage scales with digital display for precise weight in kg and lb up to 40 kg/88 lb. With sturdy nylon cord and metal mounting brackets. Incl. battery. Each piece in a box.


Dimensions: 133mm x 34mm x 55mm. MPA: Print on Top – 56mmW x 20mmH.

Mr Universe Travel Adaptor

25 £5.50

50 £5.27

100 £5.07

Universal travel adaptor that fits into a compact plastic case allowing generous branding area. Suitable for 150 countries. RoHS compliant. Dimensions: 40mm x 50mm x 66mm. MPA: 1 Side - 52mmW x 28mmH.

50 £5.20

100 £4.78

250 £4.56

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








09802V 09801V Ashbourne Full Hide Genuine Leather Luggage Tag Made in high quality, aged look, full hide, Ashbourne leather, this product is of high quality, featuring a security cover. Dimensions: 110mm x 68mm. MPA: Both Sides - 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £8.38

100 £7.55


Darwin Oyster Card Made in high quality PU, this Oyster Card Case has rounded corners and 2 clear pockets. Available in 5 colours.

Darwin PU Passport Wallet

Dimensions: 102mm x 72mm. MPA: Cover - 60mmW x 40mmH.

Dimensions: 100mm x 140mm. MPA: Cover - 70mmW x 40mmH.

100 £2.07 500 £1.60

100 £4.16

Made in high quality PU with credit card pockets. Available in 5 colours.

1000 £1.49

250 £3.69

500 £3.33

250 £6.97

09805V Warwick Genuine Leather Oyster Card Holder

09804V Melbourne Full Hide Genuine Leather Black Luggage Tag

The WBOC range has been redesigned to feature radius corners to enhance the appearance and perceived value of the item. Please note that the design will be introduced as stock are replenished. Available in black blue green and red.

Made from soft grained nappa leather and incorporating security cover, below which is a clear window and address card.

Dimensions: 100mm x 72mm. MPA: Front Centre - 50mmW x 40mmH.

Dimensions: 110mm x 65mm. MPA: 1 Position 50mmW x 30mmH.

50 £5.53 100 £5.05 250 £4.58

50 £6.28 100 £5.92 250 £4.90


09806V Malvern Genuine Leather Travel Wallet Made from upgraded soft smooth water resistant leather with more tactile feel, there is a pocket for every type of ticket, currency or credit card you may require for your journey, including a useful boarding card pocket on the back and pockets for your sim cards. Its lightly padded cover and magnetic closure add to the feel of quality.


Melbourne Full Hide Genuine Leather Black Passport Case Manufactured in luxurious soft grained nappa leather, this item has an internal leather spine and a scooped pocket for easier access to your passport. Additional pockets for credit cards, sim cards and currency make this item a must for all travellers. Available in black and pale pink.

Dimensions: 225mm x 115mm. MPA: Front Bottom - 70mmW x 40mmH.

Dimensions: 98mm x 140mm. MPA: 1 Position - 55mmW x 40mmH.

50 £19.23

50 £11.81

100 £16.88

250 £16.06

100 £10.12

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £9.50

09902V 09901V

Oyster Or Travel Card Holder


Oyster Travel Card Case finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Contrast stitching and / or contrast interiors available at no additional cost to give a bespoke look.

Belluno Card Case Credit or travel card case finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Two clear interior pockets. Ideal for travel, credit, season or identity cards. Ideal for embossing with a distinctive colour change, screen printing or vibrant full colour branding also available.

Belluno Passport Cover Passport wallet finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Contrast stitching or interior for a bespoke look, at no additional cost. Belluno has a colour change emboss, ensuring that your branding is crisp and distinctive, alternatively choose from foil blocking, screen printing or vibrant full colour digital print.

Dimensions: 70mm x 99mm x 6mm. MPA: 1 Position - 60mmW x 30mmH.

50 £5.27

100 £4.33

250 £3.82

Dimensions: 99mm x 66mm x 5mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 78mmW x 42mmH.

50 £2.84

100 £2.10

Dimensions: 137mm x 100mm x 9mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover - 100mmW x 78mmH.

250 £1.74

50 £4.87

100 £3.94

250 £3.54

09904V Belluno Deluxe Travel Wallet Deluxe Travel Wallet finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Contrast stitching or interiors available at no additional cost for a bespoke look. Belluno has a unique colour change when embossed, making your branding distinctive and accurate even on fine detail.

09905V Oyster Card Wallet Oyster Card Wallet in flexible high quality vinyl with a wide choice of material colours and branding options from single colour to full colour. Many other shapes and sizes of wallet are also available.

Dimensions: 121mm x 230mm x 5mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover 86mmW x 100mmH.

Dimensions: 210mm x 72mm. MPA: All Over 210mmW x 72mmH.

100 £0.96 250 £0.44 500 £0.38

50 £9.16 100 £7.92 250 £7.31




Travel Card Wallet (Spot)

Travel Card Wallet (Full Colour)

Travel Card Wallet (Premium)

Travel Card Wallet, made from 350mic smoothcalf PVC with clear 180mic internal side pockets. Landscape or portrait layout available.

Travel Card Wallet, made from 330mic white litho PVC with clear 180mic internal side pockets. Landscape or portrait layout available.

Dimensions: 210mm x 70mm.

Dimensions: 210mm x 70mm.

Travel Card Wallet, made from 1.2mm expanded PVC with pinseal inner lining and clear 180mic internal side pockets and Nickel or Gold coloured metal corners. Landscape or portrait layout available.

250 £0.70

500 £0.39

1000 £0.31

250 £3.57

500 £1.79

1000 £0.93

Dimensions: 210mm x 70mm.

50 £2.87

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £1.77

250 £1.15


Malvern Genuine Leather Folders

10001V Malvern Genuine Leather A4 Non-Zipped Conference Folder Made from soft smooth water resistant leather, the clean front and internal features include document, business card, credit card, CD, USB and pen pockets (pen not included). Dimensions: 250mm x 330mm x 20mm. MPA: Front Cover - 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £31.48

100 £29.56

250 £27.86

10002V Malvern Genuine Leather A4 Zipped Folder Dimensions: 250mm x 310mm x 20mm. MPA: 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £34.98

100 £32.94

250 £31.14








10101V Balmoral Leather Zipped Ring Binder & Pad

Balmoral Leather A4 Deluxe Zipped Conference Folder With Calculator

High quality bonded leather zipped ring binder with a lightly padded and stitched cover. Includes a lined pad and multiple pockets, including a large pocket for brochures, tablets or notes. Supplied boxed. Branding options include embossing, screen printing or vibrant full colour digital images.

A4 deluxe zipped conference folder with multiple handy internal pockets, a fitted calculator and lined pad. Finished in Balmoral bonded leather and supplied in a box. Your branding can be embossed, screen printed or represented digitally printed in full colour. Dimensions: 260mm x 345mm x 30mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 120mmW x 90mmH.

Dimensions: 255mm x 345mm x 40mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 100mmW x 100mmH.

50 £25.47

100 £22.98

50 £24.66

100 £22.24

250 £20.90

250 £21.57

10103V Warwick Genuine Leather A4 NonZipped Folder This folder features document, business card and CD pockets plus a pen pocket (pen not included). Padded covers and nylon/leather contrast pockets add to the quality. Non Zipped. Dimensions: 245mm x 310mm x 20mm. MPA: Front/Back - 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £20.28

100 £19.18

250 £18.02

10104V Warwick Genuine Leather A4 Zipped Folder This folder features document, business card and CD pockets plus a pen pocket (pen not included). Padded covers and nylon/leather contrast pockets add to the quality. Zipped. Dimensions: 245mm x 325mm. MPA: Front/Back - 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £23.78

100 £22.39

250 £21.30

10105V Balmoral Leather A4 Conference Folder A4 deluxe conference folder made in Balmoral bonded leather including internal pockets; pen loop and lined pad; supplied in a box. Ideal for embossing, printing or full colour graphics. Dimensions: 235mm x 320mm x 20mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 100mmW x 100mmH.

50 £17.34

100 £15.40

250 £14.38

10106V Balmoral Leather A4 Zipped Conference Folder High quality bonded zipped leather folder with a lightly padded and stitched cover, complete with a lined pad and a box. Branding options include embossing, screen printing or vibrant full colour digital images. Dimensions: 260mm x 345mm x 30mm. MPA: Cover - 100mmW x 100mmH.

50 £17.34

100 £15.40

250 £14.38

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








10202V Melbourne Full Hide Genuine Leather Business Card Wallet High quality multi pocket business/credit card holder in soft grained nappa leather with leather spine and stitched clear window pocket. Dimensions: 100mm x 70mm x 10mm. MPA: Front - 70mmW x 30mmH.

10201V Ashbourne Full Hide Genuine Leather Envelope Case

50 £11.36

100 £10.12

250 £9.00

Made in high quality, aged look, full hide, Ashbourne leather, this product features a large A4 Document pocket and a smaller zipped compartment on the inside. With a leather strap and button closure this product is a cross between vintage style and modern functionality. Packed in black lift off lid boxes. Dimensions: 340nn x 340mm. MPA: Various - 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 £46.71

100 £44.36

250 £42.46

10204V Melbourne Full Hide Genuine Leather Hip Wallet

10203V Houghton A5 Zipped Conference Folder High quality leather look folder with a padded and stitched cover. Product features include a business card pocket, pen loop, lined pad, flash stick loop. Ideal for emboss, printed or full colour personalisation. Dimensions: 185mm x 248mm x 25mm. MPA: Any of the Sides -120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £8.48

100 £7.22

The wallet is manufactured in soft grained nappa leather and has padded cover, 9 credit card slots, 2 note sections and a clear driving licence pocket. Dimensions: 115mm x 95mm. MPA: 1 Position - 50mmW x 40mmH.

50 £14.96

250 £6.62

100 £13.77

250 £12.87

10205V Houghton A4 Zipped Conference Folder High quality leather look padded and stitched cover, with stitching detail to the spine. Interior includes business card pocket, pen loop, USB flash stick loop, fitted lined pad, slot to accommodate side loading pad or notebook. Ideal for embossing, printing or full colour personalisation. Dimensions: 253mm x 340mm x 25mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £10.92


100 £9.46

250 £8.90

10206V Houghton A4 Zipped Conference Folder With Calculator High quality leather look padded and stitched cover, with stitching detail to the spine. Interior has pockets for business cards and notes, a zipped pocket, pen loop and flash stick holder. Includes a calculator and lined pad. Ideal for a embossed, printed or full colour personalisation. Dimensions: 250mm x 340mm x 30mm. MPA: Any Position - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £15.11

100 £13.40

250 £12.51

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



10302V Dartford A4 Zipped Folder

10301V Dartford A4 Folder Budget A4 conference folder. Made from REACH compliant leather look PVC material, complete with USB holder and 20 page recycled paper notepad. Dimensions: 242mm x 328mm x 12mm. MPA: Flap - 125mmW x 170mmH.

50 £6.39

100 £5.58

500 £5.28

Budget A4 zipped conference folder. Made from REACH compliant leather look semi-PU material, complete with USB holder and 20 page recycled paper notepad. Dimensions: 240mm x 330mm x 20mm. MPA: Front - 130mmW x 170mmH.

50 £7.53

100 £6.68

500 £6.35



10303V Dartford A5 Zipped Folio Zipped budget imitation leather A5 folder made from lightly grained REACH compliant PVC. Complete with USB holder and 20 page recycled paper notepad. Dimensions: 260mm x 210mm x 12mm. MPA: Front Cover - 110mmW x 160mmH.

50 £5.43

100 £4.65

500 £4.38

10304V Dartford A4 Zipped Calculator Folder Budget A4 zipped calcufolder. Made from REACH compliant leather look PVC material, complete with 8 digit calculator, USB holder and 20 page recycled paper notepad. Dimensions: 240mm x 330mm x 20mm. MPA: Front - 130mmW x 170mmH.


50 £10.15

100 £9.21

10305V Pembury Zipped Conference Folder

Dimensions: 270mm x 350mm x 30mm. MPA: Front - 150mmW x 150mmH.

100 £9.38

10306V Bourton Conference Folder

Quality padded PU zip around folder with internal document sleeve, a USB holder, and an array of practical pockets plus a 20 page lined recycled notepad.

50 £10.33

500 £8.81

500 £8.97

A best seller. Black leather look PU zip around conference folder. Features include inside pockets, credit card pockets, pen loop and a USB Loop. A4 lined notepad included. All folders can printed and embossed. Dimensions: 250mm x 330mm. MPA: 1 Position - 160mmW x 250mmH.

50 £7.85

100 £6.44

250 £6.04

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








10402V Eclipse A4 Folder Stylish PVC folder ideal for conferences and events. Black and grey PVC cover with contrast stitching. Elastic pen loops on front and inside. 2 large pockets for notes,leaflets etc. Includes A4 lined pad and ballpen.


Dimensions: 320mm x 255mm. MPA: Front - 220mmW x 160mmH.

Clio Conference Folder Smart, well made and cost effective, tactile black PU folder with stylish nylon trim. Supplied with both pen and pad.

50 £5.95

100 £5.75

250 £5.58

Dimensions: 245mm x 330mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back - 100mmW x 200mmH.

50 £5.34

100 £5.15

250 £5.00

10404V Bromham A4 Folder Bromham A4 folder with elastic closure finished in a leather look embossable PU. The interior has a pad slot with a fitted lined pad. A black elastic pen loop, a slot pocket for a business card, a CD and an angled pocket for notes. Ideal for embossing, foil blocking, screen or full colour printing.

10403V Xenon A4 Conference Folder Exclusively designed folder holding an A4 paper pad and ballpen. Make a mark in your next conference or business meeting. Dimensions: 245mm x 310mm x 15mm. MPA: Front - 140mmW x 270mmH.

50 £7.18

100 £6.93

Dimensions: 245mm x 325mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £5.00

100 £4.02

250 £3.64


250 £6.72

Bromham A5 Folder Dimensions: 170mm x 235mm x 18mm. MPA: Front/Back - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £4.07

100 £3.17

250 £2.82

10406V Bedford A4 Conference Folder Finished in leather look smooth grain embossable PVC with a business card pocket, pen loop, flash stick loop and additional pockets for notes. Supplied with a lined A4 pad. Ideal for embossed, printed or full colour personalisation. Dimensions: 245mm x 320mm x 30mm. MPA: Cover - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £8.18


100 £6.94

250 £6.36

10407V Bedford A4 Folder Quality zipped folder finished in PVC with a light leather look grain. Interior includes angled pocket for notes, business card holder, pen loop, fitted lined pad, USB flash stick loop, zip to secure. Ideal for embossed printed or full colour personalisation. Dimensions: 250mm x 340mm x 35mm. MPA: Front/Back - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £9.72

100 £8.38

250 £7.73

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

10502V senator® Skuba A5 Folder


Versatile folder for stylish multi purpose storage solution. Made from flexible, hard-wearing vinyl. Ideal for use as a travel document holder and includes a Dart Clear ballpen in smoke grey.

senator® Skuba A4 Zipper Folder Versatile zipper case for stylish multipurpose storage solution. Made from flexible, hard-wearing vinyl with a sturdy Senator metal zipper. Ideal for use as a travel document holder and includes a Dart Clear ballpen in smoke grey.

Dimensions: 180mm x 240mm x 20mm. MPA: Front - 125mmW x 60mmH.

50 100 250

Dimensions: 260mm x 360mm x 30mm. MPA: Front - 190mmW x 60mmH.

50 £23.22

100 £21.06

250 £19.61

£10.87 £10.06 £9.33

10504V 10503V

Houghton A5 Zipped Portfolio Tablet Holder

Houghton PU A4 Zipped Ring Binder High quality leather look padded and stitched cover, with stitching detail to the spine. Interior includes a business card pocket, pen loop, flash stick loop, ring mechanism and a lined pad. Ideal for embossing, printing or full colour personalisation.

Zipped A5 portfolio with lined pad, pen loop and multi positional tablet holder. Finished in a classic leather look with an excellent emboss quality. Fits a variety of iPads and Tablets. Also available in leather. Dimensions: 220mm x 270mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back Cover - 100mmW x 100mmH.

50 £19.42

100 £17.42

250 £16.36

Dimensions: 277mm x 354mm x 49mm. MPA: Any Position - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £13.00

100 £11.37

250 £10.55

10506V Chargrove Folder Black A4 leather look PU zip around folder with contrasting spine material. Various inside pockets, USB loop and pen loop. A4 lined pad included. All folders can be printed and embossed.

10505V Houghton A4 Zipped Ring Binder

Dimensions: 245mm x 330mm. MPA: 1 Position - 80mmW x 250mmH.

Houghton A4 zipped ring binder with calculator with a lightly padded cover, finished in a quality leather look PU with stitching detail to the spine. Interior includes a large pocket ideal for notes catalogues or to hold your iPad or tablet. Includes a calculator and lined pad.

50 £8.02

100 £6.92

250 £6.58

Dimensions: 280mm x 345mm x 30mm. MPA: Any of the Sides - 120mmW x 90mmH.

50 £18.57

100 £16.55

250 £15.47



Bourton A4 Tablet Folder

Bourton A5 Ring Binder Quality A5 zipped ring binder in black padded PU material. Features include removable and replaceable ring binder mechanism, inside zipped pocket and gusseted pocket, credit card pockets, pen loop and A5 lined writing pad. All folders can be printed and embossed. Dimensions: 212mm x 266mm. MPA: 1 Position - 130mmW x 220mmH.

50 £8.60

100 £7.33

Leather look PU folder with gusseted tablet pocket, internal zip pocket and multiple credit/business card holders, pen and USB loop. Includes an A4 lined writing pad. All folders can be printed and embossed. Dimensions: 250mm x 330mm. MPA: 1 Position - 160mmW x 250mmH.

50 £9.27

100 £7.81

250 £7.29

250 £6.88 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








10601V A4 Box Wallet (Full Colour) A4 box wallet, made from 800mic white polyprop with cut-lock fastenings, spine width from 5-70mm in 5mm increments. Dimensions: 230mm x 322mm x 25mm. MPA: All Over.

5 10 25

£12.23 £10.87 £9.36

10602V A4B25/2 Ring Binder (Spot) A4B25/2 ring binder, made from 350mic smoothcalf PVC over 2250mic greyboard, fitted with a 2 ring D or O mech with 25mm capacity. Dimensions: 539mm x 315mm x 3mm. MPA: All Over.

25 £6.95

50 £4.72

100 £3.61

10603V A4B25/2 Ring Binder (Full Colour) 10 £12.62

25 £10.17

50 £8.02

10604V A4 Clipboard (Spot) A4 clipboard (either normal or foolscap) made from 350mic smoothcalf PVC over 2250mic greyboard, fitted with an economy clip with rubber grips and a hanger. Dimensions: 314mm x 224mm x 3mm. MPA: All Over.

50 £3.97

100 £2.96

250 £2.48


10605V A4 Clipboard (Full Colour)

A4 Clipboard Folder (Spot)

100 £10.78

A4 clipboard folder, made from 350mic smoothcalf PVC over 2250mic greyboard, with a diagonal clear 180mic PVC pocket on inside front cover. Fitted with an economy clip with rubber grips and a hanger.

250 £5.46

500 £3.69

Dimensions: 460mm x 322mm x 3mm. MPA: All Over.

25 £6.70

50 £4.53

100 £3.41

10607V A4 Clipboard Folder (Full Colour) 50 £19.86

100 £10.85

250 £5.67

10608V Tri-Fold Wallet (Spot) Trifold travel wallet, made from 350mic smoothcalf PVC with three clear 180mic PVC internal pockets. Dimensions: 210mm x 100mm x 0.5mm. MPA: All over.

250 £0.68

500 £0.44

1000 £0.38

10609V Tri-Fold Wallet (Full Colour)


250 £3.64

500 £1.86

1000 £0.97

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

10702V A4 PVC Document Holder Document holder with fold-over flap in flexible pvc. Oversized A4 to hold various documents. Dimensions: 350mm x 260mm x 1mm. MPA: Flap - 344mmW x 155mmH.


100 £1.66

250 £1.18

500 £0.95

A4 Folder Clipboard A4 sized clipboard folder with front cover and transparent inside pocket. Dimensions: 235mm x 320mm. MPA: Front - 160mmW x 210mmH.

50 £3.66

100 £2.82

250 £2.59

10703V Business Gift Deluxe


3-piece gift set made of polished metal and imitation leather: metal credit card/business card holder, key ring with spring mechanism and twist-action blue ink ballpoint pen. Each set in a box. Dimensions: 185mm x 165mm x 32mm. MPA: Keyring - 30mmW x 8mmH. Pen - 40mmW x 4mmH. Card Holder - 50mmW x 40mmH.

60 £9.12

120 £8.62

250 £8.23

Business Card Case Business card dispenser finished in soft touch Belluno PU with a real leather look and feel. Contrast stitching or interiors available at no additional cost for a bespoke look. Belluno has a colour change emboss, ensuring that your branding is crisp and distinctive. Alternatively choose from foil blocking, screen printing or vibrant full colour digital print. Dimensions: 69mm x 105mm x 13mm. MPA: 1 Position - 85mmW x 44mmH.

50 £5.78

100 £4.81

250 £4.23

10706V Credit Card Wallet High quality and economical vinyl credit card wallet for 6 cards, supplied either portrait or landscape. Available in a wide choice of material colours with branding options from single colour to full colour.

10705V Executive Credit Card Case Executive business card case with hydrodynamic opening mechanism, with embossed world map on lid, aluminium, Also to be used as business card stand on your desk.

Dimensions: 210mm x 73mm. MPA: All Over - 210mmW x 73mmH.

Dimensions: 102mm x 72mm x 9mm. MPA: 45mmW x 30mmH.

25 £12.57

50 £11.42

100 250 500

£1.73 £0.83 £0.61

100 £10.04 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








10801V UK Printed Dye Sublimation Lanyard 20mm flat polyester lanyard available with a dye sublimation print for a stunning, highly detailed finish. UK decorated for fast lead-times. Comes with lobster claw fitting and plastic safety buckle as standard. Dimensions: 20mm x 900mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 20mmW x 380mmH.

50 £1.66

100 £1.49

250 £1.41


10802V 15mm Flat Ribbed Polyester Lanyard Ribbed lanyards have a flat, fine weave and are most suitable for printing intricate logos involving close registration or those with a wide range of colours. Pantone matched colours from 500 pcs. Choice of widths. Selection of fitments available. Dimensions: 15mm x 900mm. MPA: All Over - 15mmW x 900mmH.

100 £0.60

250 £0.49

500 £0.46

Dye sublimation full colour print double sided trigger clip fitment safety break as standard. Choice of widths. Dimensions: 900mm x 15mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 900mmW x 15mmH.

50 £2.24


100 £1.49

200 £1.38

15mm flat or tube lanyard. Choose from a wide selection of standard colour or Pantone match for an additional charge. Price includes a standard metal swivel hook and a safety break. A wide range of alternative fittings are available on request.

20mm flat lanyard, available in over 40 standard colours or Pantone matched for an additional charge. Price includes a 1 colour print on 1 side, metal trigger clip and safety break. Various other sizes, print options and fittings are available on request.

Dimensions: 900mm x 15mm. MPA: 1 Side 800mmW x 13mmH.

Dimensions: 900mm x 20mm. MPA: 1 Side 800mmW x 17mmH.

Dimensions: 900mm x 20mm. MPA: All Over 900mmW x 20mmH.

300 £0.58 500 £0.56 1000 £0.54

250 £0.63 500 £0.61 1000 £0.59

250 £0.91 500 £0.88 1000 £0.85

Our flat polyester lanyards as standard are Pantone matched. Includes a choice of 4 fittings; Thumb trigger, J-hook, split ring or bulldog/crocodile clip. Available in a choice of sizes with the option to have a print on one or both sides. Optional extras are available at an additional cost and other styles of lanyards also available. Price also includes safety break free set up and free delivery to 1 UK mainland address. Dimensions: 15mm x 900mm. MPA: Screen - 15mmW x 900mmH.

500 £0.61

1000 £0.51

20mm Heat Transfer Lanyard 20mm flat lanyard with an all over heat transfer, full colour print. Price includes a wide metal alloy hook. Various other fittings and sizes are available on request.


10807V 15mm Flat Polyester Lanyard

250 £0.81


20mm Lanyard

10806V UK 5 Day Dye Sublimation Lanyards


15mm Lanyard

Dye Sublimation Heat Transfer Lanyard Slippery polyester dye sub lanyard 20mm x 900mm. Single layer slippery polyester lanyard with a dye sublimation print in four colour process to both sides. Metal trigger clip and safety breakaway as standard. Different sizes and fittings are available along with a range of card holders. Dimensions: 20mm x 900mm. MPA: 450mmW x 20mmH to both sides.

100 £0.96

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £0.81

500 £0.72




10902V Laser Cut Acrylic Name Window Badges

10901V ID Card Holder - UK Made Recycled Rigid ID card holders manufactured in the UK from 100% recycled plastic. Large MPA on the reverse. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost.

UK manufactured laser cut clear acrylic name window badges, reverse printed to give a high gloss finish. Size 66 x 42mm, 66 x 33mm or 74 x 33mm with variable name window depths. The top edge and sides can be laser cut to your unique shape. Card inserts on A4 sheets included. Pin or pin / clip fittings included. Dimensions: 66mm x 42mm. MPA: Surface - 66mmW x 42mmH.

25 £6.06

50 £3.43

100 £2.31

Dimensions: 96mm x 65mm. MPA: Back - 65mmW x 40mmH.

250 £0.50

500 £0.46

1000 £0.42

UK MADE 10903V Event Wristbands Event wristbands with a full colour heat transfer print on 1 side. Supplied with a plastic non adjustable bead fitting. Dimensions: 350mm x 15mm. MPA: 1 Side - 15mmW x 350mmH.

300 £0.53

500 £0.47

1000 £0.41

10904V Metal Framed Name Badges UK manufactured personalised name badges with high gloss real metal frames and domed centres. Corporate logos and individual details printed in full colour on white, silver or gold backgrounds. 3 standard sizes and choice of metal finishes for frames. Pin or pin / clip fittings included. Dimensions: 73mm x 35mm. MPA: Surface - 66mmW x 27.5mmH.

25 £6.04

50 £4.51

100 £3.44




10906V 10905V Metal Faced Name Window Badges Metal faced name window badges, size 73 x 44mm or 73 x 35mm with either 12 or 19mm deep name windows. Print can bleed off all sides. Clear acetate window covers and card inserts on A4 sheets included. Pin or pin / clip fittings included.

Digitally Printed Metal Name Badges UK manufactured real metal name badges with a clear dome finish. Very high quality digital print of corporate logos and individuals details. 12 standard sizes and choice of metal finishes. MPA can bleed off all sides. Pin or pin / clip fittings included.

Plastic Name Badges UK manufactured plastic name badges with printed logos and individuals details applied. Choice of 12 standard shapes / sizes, special shapes possible for an extra cost. Available in a wide choice of colours including metallics. Pin or pin / clip fittings included.

Dimensions: 73mm x 35mm. MPA: Surface - 73mmW x 35mmH.

Dimensions: 73mm x 35mm. MPA: Surface - 73mmW x 35mmH.

25 £5.27

25 £5.27

50 £3.90

100 £2.80

50 £3.52

100 £2.43

Dimensions: 73mm x 44mm or 35mm. MPA: Face - 73mmW x 35mmH.

25 £5.41

50 £2.94

100 £1.85

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



The USB People

Award winning highly personalizable memory sticks in the shape of people. Rip their heads off and away you go! Choose from standard designs (businessman, doctor, nurse, surgeon, construction worker, pilot, hostess and delivery courier) from 50pcs or go bespoke from 250pcs to totally reflect your own corporate logo/uniform or create your own basic design on Also available are mini people, micro people and rubber headed people (all pictured). Patented exclusive design. All colours available. Dimensions: 37mm x 82mm x 16mm. MPA: Back - 16mmW x 16mmH.







11101V UK Stock Twister Popular Twister flash drive is now available from UK stock. Available in a range of colours. 24hr despatch for plain stock and 72hr despatch for printed orders. Why not extend your promotional message with data loading? Please contact us for details. Dimensions: 43mm x 18mm x 10mm. MPA: 1 Side - 25mmW x 13mmH.


11103V Chain Flash USB flash drive with silicon top part. Comes with a keyring. Dimensions: 30mm x 20mm x 10mm. MPA: Side - 12mmW x 9mmH.


11102V Crystal USB This high quality USB flash drive is too attractive to put it in your pocket. With a hand polished glass body and aluminium cover in gold, silver or elegant black, it‘s almost a little gem. The glass body and internally 3D engraved image is illuminated when connected to the PC. Different LED colours available. Available from 1GB to 32GB. Dimensions: Dimensions 60mm x 20mm x 15mm. MPA: 1 Position - 19mmW x 28mmH.


11104V UK 24 Hour Kingston USB Small form executive USB flash drive with stylish metal case and large sturdy ring enabling easy attachment to keyrings. Kingston branding is on the reverse side of the product with a generous area for laser engraving on the front. The DataTraveler SE9 is covered by a 5 year warranty. Supports Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and Mac. Dimensions: 39mm x 13mm. MPA: Front - 22mmW x 7mmH.

100 250 500

£5.78 £5.49 £5.25

11106V Cylinder Power Bank

11105V Bianco Power Bank Plastic power bank compatible with most smart phones and tablets. USB cable included or use your own devices cable. Price includes 1 colour print 1 position. Comes in plain white box. Capacity 2300mAh. Input 5v = 800mAh (max).

Our Power Banks are ideal for use as emergency phone chargers while on the move. They are fully rechargeable by connecting to your PC's USB port and come with multiple adaptors for use on different phones. Suitable for charging the iPhone and other similar smart phones. Your design can be pad printed or engraved. Dimensions: 91mm x 21mm. MPA: 1 Side - 60mmW x 11mmH.


Dimensions: 56mm x 92mm x 9.5mm. MPA: Both Sides - 75mmW x 40mmH.

25 £11.11

50 £10.73

100 £10.41

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







11201V PowerCharger 4000 Trendy, plastic emergency charger in metallic look with glowing battery indicator, flashlight function and built-in lithium battery (4000mAh/3.7V). Input: 5V-1A. Output: 5V-1A. The PowerCharger can be charged with USB cable. Suitable for charging of the most popular mobile devices (including smartphones and music players). Incl. instructions. When you divide the power of the PowerCharger (mAh) by the capacity of the battery in your mobile device (mAh), you know approximately how many percent or how often you can charge your mobile device. Each piece in a gift box with magnetic closure.

11202V PowerCharger 5200

Dimensions: 95mm x 45mm x 23mm. MPA: Front - 30mmW x 35mmH.

25 50 100

Powerful, plastic design emergency charger with flashing battery indicator Built-in lithium battery (5200mAh/3.7V) Input: 5V-1A Output: 5V-1A USB Suitable for charging of the most popular mobile devices (eg smartphones, music players and tablets). incl. instructions. When you divide the power of the PowerCharger (mAh) by the capacity of the battery in your mobile device (mAh), you know approximately how many percent or how often you can charge your mobile device. Each piece in a gift box with magnetic closure.

£10.76 £10.36 £10.00

Dimensions: 90mm x 47mm x 22mm. MPA: Front - 55mmW x 40mmH.

25 £13.49


50 £13.00

100 £12.56

PowerCharger 6600 Very powerful, high-capacity plastic emergency charger with flashing battery indicator, flashlight function, two output ports to simultaneously charge multiple mobile devices and built-in lithium battery (6600mAh/3.7V) Input: 5V-1A Output: Port 1: 5V 1A Port 2: 5V-2.1A the PowerCharger can be done via USB with USB cable, Suitable for charging of the most popular mobile devices (eg smartphones, music players and tablets) Including manual. When you share the power of the PowerCharger (mAh) by the capacity of the battery in your mobile device (mAh), do you know approximately how many percent or how often you can recharge. Each piece in a gift box with magnetic closure.

11204V Volt Power Bank

Dimensions: 97mm x 64mm x 23mm. MPA: Front - 45mmW x 40mmH.

The 2200 mAh battery capacity on this power bank is enough to charge a mobile device or tablet once. Power bank charges via included USB cable and green light indicator turns on when fully charged.

25 50 100

Dimensions: 22mm x 21mm x 95mm. MPA: Panel 70mmW x 12mmH.

£14.96 £14.42 £13.94

50 100 250

11205V Austin 4000mAh Power Bank Austin Power Bank 4000 mAh. This 4000 mAh rechargeable lithium polymer Grade A battery is enough to charge smartphones, MP3 players and more. Reusable power bank charges via USB cable (included) which can recharge the battery backup or be used to charge devices with micro-USB input like Android smartphones from Samsung, Motorola, HTC, Nokia, and others. Four blue LED lights illuminate to indicate charging level. Input: 5V 1000mA. Output: 5V 1000mA. Packed in a white carton box. Plastic. Dimensions: 67mm x 0.6mm x 114mm. MPA: 70mmW x 30mmH.

25 £14.88

50 £13.25

100 £12.32

11206V Sticky Twist Design meets function in a power bank. Simply twist and turn this power bank in a phone stand using the suction cups. The grade A lithium-ion battery capacity of 2600 mAh, combined with an input and output of 5V/1A enables the Sticky Twist to charge most devices. Including micro USB cable. Dimensions: 120mm x 29mm x 26mm. MPA: Side - 20mmW x 20mmH.

50 £10.31


100 £9.41

250 £8.64

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

£7.00 £6.20 £5.79

11301V Credit Card Slim Power Bank Phone Charger Super ultra slim card design is flat in your pocket and even fits your wallet. Capacity 2200mAh. Full colour print available on both sides. Li-Polymer battery. Input: DC 5V / 1A, output DC5V / 1A. Charging time approximately 3 hours. Battery life < 500 times. Available in white. Bespoke colours on request. Choose your own cable from 1,000 pieces. Additional features: built-in cable, LED indicator light, micro USB charging cable and Apple 5 / 6 adapter. Dimensions: 99mm x 62mm x 6.6mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 99mmW x 62mmH.

50 £14.88

100 £8.43

250 £8.02

11302V Pano Print Metallic Power Bank 100% print coverage Pano print. Ultra-compact block style metallic power bank - Capacity: 2200mAh - Upgradable to 2600mAh - With micro USB charging cable - Comes in a white gift box - Optional extra iPhone adaptors and multi charge cable - Optional accessories: 3 in one cable and presentation pouch. Dimensions: 91mm x 25mm x 25mm. MPA: Wrap around - 91mmW x 25mmH.

100 £8.33

250 £6.74

500 £6.25

11303V Light Up Power Bank Light up your brand - Highly innovative light up logo phone charger with a capacity of 2,200 mAh in a gift box with a micro USB phone charger. Rechargeable lithium battery. 5.0 V 1A output. Optional extra iPhone adaptors and multi charge cable. Dimensions: 97mm x 27mm x 31mm. MPA: 1 Position - 25mmW x 25mmH.

100 £13.04

250 £12.08

500 £11.40

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








PowerPort Power Bank



11402V Crystal Power Bank

PowerPort power banks. Full colour print with free setup and available in just 7 Days. Minimum only 10pcs. Convenient small size. 2,200mAh with 80cm micro USB cable and keyring fitment included. A-Grade rechargeable Lithium-ion power packs. Blister packing as standard. Available in 4 standard colours. Full 1 year warranty. Compatible with all mobile devices that support USB charging.

Crystal Powerbank. 2D engraved image in crystal at top which is illuminated when charging and connected to phone. PAD printing also possible on front of powerbank. Available in a range of colours. Charging cable included. 3000mAh. Size: 120 x 70 x 10mm.

Dimensions: 95mm x 24mm x 23mm. MPA: 1 Position - 50mmW x 15mmH.

Dimensions: 22mm x 70mm x 44mm. MPA: 20mmW x 55mmH.

25 50 100

50 POA

£9.72 £8.20 £7.57


100 POA

250 POA

11404V Stromkonserve to Go External battery and keyring, 1000 mAh capacity, charger for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and other smartphones with Lightning or Micro USB connection, lithium polymer battery, including Micro USB cable for charging the battery, with LED torch function (white light), with grey-black carabiner, black.

11403V Hydra Power Bank Aluminium power bank available in a range of popular colours designed to charge your smart phone and other devices on the go. The Hydra Power Bank has a capacity of 2200mAh, capable of providing a full single charge to most iPhones and is supplied with a Micro SD-USB cable to recharge via USB port or a mains adapter, taking 3-5 hours to fully recharge depending on the power source. The Hydra is equipped with a grade A lithium ion battery suitable for recharging over 500 times and comes ROHS, CE and FCC certified (available on request) as well as having three levels of hardware protection from over charging. Limited one year warranty. Product not supplied with cable to charge your phone or device. Instruction manual included. Dimensions: 95mm x 22mm x 21mm. MPA: 1 Position - 75mmW x 15mmH.

100 £5.51

250 £5.24

500 £5.00

Dimensions: 38mm x 158mm x 13mm. MPA: 40mmW x 20mmH.

25 £29.09

50 £26.43

11405V Slimline Power Bank Ultra slim power bank designed for convenience and large branding possibilities. The Slimline Power Bank has a capacity of 1800 mAh, capable of providing a full single charge to various phone models (60-90% for some models) and comes complete with an integrated Micro SD-USB cable and lightning fitting for the iPhone 5 and 6, taking 3-5 hours to fully recharge the power bank depending on the power source. The Slimline is equipped with a high quality lithium ion battery suitable for recharging over 500 times and comes ROHS, CE and FCC certified along with a limited one year warranty. Instruction manual included. Suitable for printing on both sides. Dimensions: 96mm x 92mm x 7mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 92mmW x 92mmH.

100 £10.22

250 £9.37

11406V Pulsar Power Bank The Pulsar Power Bank is a portable charger designed to charge your smart phone and other devices while on the go. Features: Capacity of 2200 mAh (milliamps per hour). Capable of charging mobile phones, tablets, cameras, bluetooth speakers, headphones etc. High quality lithium ion battery suitable for recharging over 500 times. Capable of fully charging most smart phones once, such as the iPhone range. Supplied with Micro SD-USB cable to recharge the power bank via USB port or mains adapter. Not supplied with cable to charge device. Perfect size to fit in a handbag or pocket. 1 year warranty. Dimensions: 96mm x 24mm x 24mm. MPA: Top - 91mmW x 13mmH.

100 £5.51


250 £5.24

100 £23.26

500 £5.00

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £8.78



Super Slim Jupiter Power Bank Long lasting, lightweight super slim portable power bank. Aluminium casing suitable for smartphones, tablet , PC and other digital products. Perfect power supply for travel and business trips. Dimensions: 105mm x 40mm. MPA: Front - 90mmW x 30mmH.

25 £8.23

50 £7.94

100 £7.71

Jive Power Bank Jive Power Bank 2000mAh. 2000 mAh battery capacity with LED indicator for charging process. Reusable power bank charges via included USB cable in about 2 hours. Includes split metal key ring and white carton box. ABS plastic. Dimensions: 250mm x 220mm x 970mm. MPA: 70mmW x 17mmH.

50 £7.00

100 £6.20

250 £5.79

11503V SLIM 5000 Power Bank Light weight and ultra-thin design power bank with power indicator. Including a high capacity (5000 mAh) lithium-ion polymer battery. Dimensions: 136mm x 70mm. MPA: Top - 120mmW x 40mmH.

50 £16.68 100 £15.19 250 £13.94

11505V Squid Bubble Bang 5000 High quality soft touch gadget charger for tablets and smart phones (2.1A) with FastCharge feature. 5000 mAh battery and LED logo branding make this for a power bank with true class. Contains built in cable for all smart phones. MPA: Top - 78mmW x 42mmH.

100 £28.88

250 £27.04

500 £25.83

11504V Clip USB Flashdrive Memory stick, No-lid. Dimensions: 67mm x 20mm x 15mm. MPA: Zone 1 - 40mmW x 17mmH. Zone 2 - 15mmW x 17mmH. Zone 3 - 22mmW x 17mmH. Zone 4 - 21mmW x 17mmH.


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







11602V Magic Bean Mobile device amplifier Dimensions: 80mm x 107mm x 80mm. MPA: Front - 35mmW x 20mmH.

50 £3.75

100 £3.36

250 £3.05

11601V Power Port Thanks to cutting-edge inductive technology, charging your device is as simple as setting it on the pad. Minimalistic and buttonless, this charger fits perfectly on a desk or nightstand. The Power Port is only compatible with Android devices, and if your smart device has no built-in receiver you need to add the Wireless Charger Receiver (MB5067). Dimensions: 51mm x 51mm x 25mm. MPA: Top - 35mmW x 40mmH.

50 £25.55

100 £23.46

250 £21.75

11604V Kanlep Power Bank 2000mA power bank with keyring attachment. Cable not included. Recharge by PC or USB port. Supplied in a box. Suitable for mobile phones. Dimensions: 26mm x 97mm. MPA: Side - 60mmW x 15mmH.

50 £6.37

100 £5.39

250 £4.82

11603V SlideShare Presenter Professional wireless presenter for comfortable control of presentations. With USB plug, page up/down function, red laser pointer and a reach of about 10 metres. Usable in the most common operating systems. Incl. batteries and instructions. Each piece in a box. Dimensions: 115mm x 37mm x 26mm. MPA: Print on Top - 40mmW x 15mmH.

25 £16.87

50 £16.24

100 £15.71

11605V Khatim Power Bank 2200mA silicone power bank with suction cup for use as a phone stand. Micro USB cable included for charging. Recharge by PC or USB port. Dimensions: 96mm x 32mm. MPA: Top - 45mmW x 6mmH.

50 £7.89

100 £7.03

250 £6.59

11606V Travel Charger Set Comprehensive and luxurious travel kit consisting of: PowerCharger (1800mAh - Output 0.5-1A), USB CarCharger and 3-in-1 charging cable for iPhone 4, 5, 6 and micro-USB. Ideal standard equipment to have energy everywhere. Each piece in a gift box with magnetic closure.


Dimensions: 140mm x 175mm x 35mm. MPA: Top of Charger – 80mmW x 15mmH. Side of Car Charger – 18mmW x 8mmH.

25 £9.22

50 £8.84

100 £8.48

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



Xoopar Squid Mini Power Bank (4000 mAh)

Pluto Power Bank Slimline power bank with 2600 mAh battery and carabiner clip for easy attachment to bags, rucksacks, etc. Good branding area for engraving to add a touch of class. 1A output for smart phones.

Stylish soft touch charger with twin USB port for maximum speed and power. Allows for the charging of two devices simultaneously with a rapid charge (2.4A) of smart phones and tablets. Power indicator shows remaining battery power in the unit and illuminates your logo. Available in 4000 mAh battery capacity. Larger battery capacities available on request.

Dimensions: 120mm x 20mm. MPA: On request.


Dimensions: 85mm x 43mm x 23mm. MPA: Top - 52mmW x 19mmH.

100 250 500

£20.13 £18.59 £17.22

11703V 4600 mAh Thin Power Bank 4600 mAh thin Power Bank with high quality lithium polymer battery. Including on/off button to switch of the power current and battery capacity indicator. Output 5V/2.1A, input 5V/1A. Packed in transparent gift box. Dimensions: 125mm x 70mm x 8mm. MPA: Back - 90mmW x 45mmH. Front - 90mmW x 60mmH.

50 £29.98

100 £27.60

250 £26.21

11705V Tokyo Power Bank We're delighted to introduce our Tokyo Power Bank! It has a tactile design thanks to its smooth rubberised finish and looks stunning with our high quality mirror engraving. This powerful device has a large 4000mAh capacity and is supplied within a gift box (connector lead included).


Dimensions: 58mm x 113mm x 10mm. MPA: Top - 45mmW x 90mmH.

Rectangular Power Bank

25 50 100

4000 mAh power bank with full colour, digital print. Suitable for charging most smartphones. Includes strap and micro USB cable.

£15.84 £15.29 £14.84

Dimensions: 65mm x 123mm x 8mm. MPA: Back Centre - 55mmW x 90mmH. Front Centre - 55mmW x 85mmH.

75 100 250

£16.14 £14.96 £13.94

11706V Square Power Bank 2000 mAh power bank with a full colour, digital print. Suitable for charging most smartphones. Includes strap and micro USB cable. Dimensions: 64.5mm x 56mm x 18mm. MPA: Front - 40mmW x 44mmH.

75 100 250

£9.91 £9.19 £8.56

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









MAX Brand Bluetooth Speaker

Xstream Bluetooth Speaker

Powerful Bluetooth speaker (5W) with large branding area. Rugged looks, water resistant (IPX5) and good bass. 10 hours play time, includes MIC for hands-free calling and line in for non BT devices.

NEW wireless / Bluetooth speaker. Small size but big sound (3W) Brushed aluminium finish for true style. Built in rechargeable battery up to 4 hours playtime and line in port for non BT music devices.

Dimensions: 95mm x 95mm x 22mm. MPA: Side - 95mmW x 95mmH.

25 £36.75

Dimensions: 45mm x 45mm x 38mm. MPA: Front - 20mmW x 20mmH.

50 £33.80

100 £31.16

25 £25.38 50 £22.82 100 £20.50



Greedo Bluetooth Speaker

Kubus Bluetooth and NFC Speaker

Enjoy music and movies anywhere by pairing your Bluetooth compatible device like iPhone, iPad or Android OS devices with this portable aluminium Bluetooth speaker (10 metre range). With the built-in microphone, the speaker allows you to conference call on-the-go through your smartphone or by video chat programs like Skype. Incl. USB power supply and 3.5mm line-in cable. Packed in an Avenue gift box. Aluminium. 195.

Kubus Bluetooth and NFC speaker. Portable square shape Bluetooth speaker with 3W output power and NFC function. The NFC allows you to pair NFC enabled devices by simply tapping the device to the speaker. Incl. 3.5mm aux cable and charging cable. Playing time up to 3 hours. Packed in a black gift box. ABS Plastic. 90. Dimensions: 50mm x 51mm x 50mm. MPA: 30mmW x 34mmH.

Dimensions: 59mmH x 56mmD. MPA: 110mmW x 18mmH.

25 £23.85 50 £21.92 100 £20.73

25 £21.81 50 £19.94 100 £18.81

11805V Spartacus Music Splitter/Phone Stand The Spartacus music splitter phone stand allows two people to listen to the same audio device at the same time with their own set of earbuds. The item can also be used as a phone stand by pressing the suction cup at the back of the stand. Plastic. Dimensions: 30mm x 48mm. MPA: Front - 20mmW x 10mmH.

100 £2.01


250 £1.74

500 £1.69

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

11901V Nomia Mini BT Speaker Portable Bluetooth speaker which provides up to 4 hours of non stop music. Includes 3.5mm audio cable. Plastic. Dimensions: 55mm x 55mm x 40mm. MPA: Panel 30mmW x 34mmH.

25 £13.88 50 £12.29 100 £11.38

11902V 2-in-1 Music Splitter Keychain


2-In-1 Music splitter keychain with stylus. Universal 3.5mm audio splitter allows two people to listen to the same media device at the same time with their own set of earbuds. The key chain keeps the product handy at all times. Mini-stylus is included for touchscreen devices. Plastic.

Trace it Series 1 - Track and Find, track the location of the module 2 Remote shutter, remote control for your camera 3 Anti lost alarm, when the module goes out of range an alarm goes off 4 - Phone finder, press the button on the module to find your phone 5 - Lost location history, if the connection is broken a pushpin will appear on the map 6 - UV indicator, will show you when it is time to either cover up or shelter from the sun light.

Dimensions: 30mm x 14mm x 54mm. MPA: 20mmW x 15mmH.

100 £2.17

250 £1.78

500 £ 1.71

Dimensions: 228mm x 45mm x 16mm. MPA: Front - 10mmW x 10mmH.


11903V Midas Bluetooth Headphones Midas Touch Bluetooth headphones. Who needs buttons when you have a touchscreen? By simply touching the earpiece you can control your music. When connected via Bluetooth you can enjoy up to 12 hours of music. Includes micro USB to USB charging cable and auxiliary cord. Bluetooth working range is 10 metres. ABS Plastic. Dimensions: 66mm x 210mm x 150mm. MPA: 40mmD.

10 £43.49

25 £38.65

50 £36.42



11905V PowerVibe Premium Bluetooth Speaker We’ve got the vibe with our PowerVibe Premium Bluetooth Speaker with up to 10m range and NFC pairing. Delivering a rich flawless sound quality with built in Bass enhancer while remaining a convenient portable size with grip base. With up to 10 hour battery life and pairing memory for up to 4 devices. Full colour print on large 70mm diameter resin dome as standard with free setup. Stylish sleek design with sturdy build quality soft touch matt finish with silver trim. Supplied in silver card box. Speakerphone function and 3.5mm AUX audio input Includes micro-USB and AUX multi-cable and user guide.

11906V Braiss Speaker Bluetooth speaker, USB rechargeable. Dimensions: 75mm x 60mm. MPA: Side - 25mmW x 12mmH.

25 £17.31

50 £15.53

Dimensions: 80mm x 63mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Position - 70mmD.

25 £25.35

50 £22.96

100 £21.74 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

100 £14.50







12001V Octopus Charging adapter with multiple connectors for most smart phones (iPhone4 / 5 / 6 and Android, Windows, Blackberry, etc) Good MPA up to 4 colour process. Dimensions: 40mm x 130mm x 9mm. MPA: Front - 20mmD.

50 £6.91


100 £4.99

250 £4.67



12002V Bluetooth Keyboard Universal Keyboard leather-look case for 9/10 inch tablets. With removable, wireless QWERTY keyboard for tablets with bluetooth support. The keyboard includes hard keys for a nice touch and is easily removable thanks to the magnetic attachment. In no time you click the tablet into the case and you have a full-fledged workstation. The wireless Bluetooth connection is working and typing anywhere possible. Standby time: 60 days. Effective working time: 30 hours. Incl. lithium polymer battery (200mAh), USB charging cable and user manual. Each piece in a box. Dimensions: 275mm x 195mm x 30mm. MPA: Front/Below - 100mmW x 35mmH.

25 £24.90

50 £24.01

100 £23.26

12003V PowerLink Multi Cable Our PowerLink Multi Cable is perfect for connecting all of your devices to any USB Product, whether it will be one of our PowerPort/PowerBlock Power banks or just the computer. The leads have a iPhone 5/6 Lightning cable, iPhone 4 30-Pin cable, Micro-USB cable & USB cable. Supplied with a Printed Header card & poly bag as standard.

12004V Mobile Rest and Phone Charger Grippy phone holder suitable for all mobiles - with charging adaptors for most mobile phones; including some: iPhone 4 & 5 / Blackberry / Samsung / Sony Ericsson models.

Dimensions: 45mm x 22mm x 10mm. MPA: 1 Position 30mmW x 18mmH.

25 50 100

£5.83 £5.17 £4.67

Dimensions: 50mm x 110mm x 100mm. MPA: 1 Position 40mmW x 14mmH.

50 100 250

£9.52 £7.84 £7.21

12006V Mobile and Tablet USB Car Charger



Twin USB Charger for charging 2 mobiles and / or tablets “on the go”. Printed in full colour under a domed emblem. Square / round / oblong options. Other cols minimum 3K. Output DC 5V 2.1A

Laptop Travel Set

Dimensions: 60mm x 32mm. MPA: Front Face 20mmW x 20mmH.

Invaluable set of connections and accessories, featuring mouse, hub, mic, earphone, USB extension leads and other network connectors. All in neat 600d polyester case.

100 250 500

Dimensions: 125mm x 150mm x 48mm. MPA: Front Centre - 60mmW x 60mmH.

50 £12.45

100 £10.82

£5.81 £4.77 £4.43

250 £9.97 Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

12101V 12103V

Martin Dual Car Charger This adapter has dual ports and a LED ring that illuminates white light when plugged into accessory power outlet to charge personal devices. Compatible with smartphones and personal devices that provide USB cable for charging (including iPad and tablet devices). Input: 12-24 Volts. Two USB Ports(5V/1 Amp & 2.1 Amp), Max Output: 2.1Amp. USB cable not included. Plastic.

Hikal USB Car Charger USB Car Charger with one USB port. Dimensions: 54mm x 23mm. MPA: Side - 20mmW x 10mmH.

250 £1.49 500 £1.28 2000 £1.12

Dimensions: 38mm x 50mm x 70mm. MPA: 15mmW x 15mmH.

50 £4.73

100 £4.01

250 £3.66

12102V USB CAR CHARGER Car charger with 5V/1A output that allows you to quickly charge your mobile device on the road. Small and compact design to fit in every car and can be used to charge any mobile phone. Dimensions: 35mm x 74mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back - 20mmW x 18mmH.

50 £2.47

100 £2.21

250 £1.98

12104V Cort Earphones In ear earphones in cord tidy clear case with spare ear buds. Ideal for MP3 players, iPods and smart phones. Dimensions: 70mm x 70mm x 20mm. MPA: Front - 40mmW x 40mmH.

250 £1.42

500 £1.18

2000 £1.08

12105V Sargas Earbuds Super lightweight stylish earbuds. Can be used on smartphones, tablets and all music players with a 3.5mm audio jack. Includes a handy storage box. Plastic. Dimensions: 72mm x 22mm x 72mm. MPA: Bottom 63mmW x 41mmH.

50 100 250

£3.86 £3.19 £2.95

12107V 12106V Mini Earphones Mini earphones in triangular case, neat box with quality earphones. Dimensions: 64mm x 64mm x 13mm. MPA: Front/Back 40mmW x 40mmH.

100 250 500

£1.38 £1.34 £1.30

Headphone On ear headphone that allows you to listen to all your favourite songs wherever you go. With comfortable headband and 1.5m audio cable. Dimensions: 150mm x 180mm x 70mm. MPA: Side - 40mmD.

50 100 250

£11.29 £10.36 £9.73

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







12201V Neoprene Tablet Cover Neoprene Tablet covers can be branded Spot Colours or full colour dye sublimation. This is the best way for your customer to promote their brand whilst carrying their laptop with the design always on view. Dimensions: 250mm x 220mm. MPA: All Over 250mmW x 220mmH.

200 500 1000

12202V Computer Cleaner Oval shaped computer cleaner, with a brush for the simple and effective cleaning of your keyboard and a velveteen screen / monitor cleaner. A must have for every desk.

£4.64 £3.63 £3.20

Dimensions: 62mm x 80mm. MPA: Front/Back - 30mmW x 25mmH.

100 £1.23

250 £1.18

12203V 360 Ipad Case 360 degree rotation ipad case that allows the screen to be viewed in landscape or portrait by simply turning the ipad whilst still inserted in the back cover. This case offers protection to the front and back and is finished in a grained high quality PU cover that is lined with suedette. A wide elastic fastening keeps the cover securely closed. The cover is ideal for either embossing or printing. Dimensions: 250mm x 200mm x 250mm. MPA: Front Cover 70mmW x 40mmH.

50 100 250

£11.80 £10.19 £9.53

12204V Dual Sided Microfibre Cloth 16cm x 22cm dual sided microfibre screen cleaning cloth. Ideal for removing dust, dirt and smudges from mobiles, laptops, tablets and spectacles. Digitally printed in full colour. The plain plush surface is for dusting and cleaning. The silky smooth printed surface is for polishing. Each cloth is presented folded and packed in a reusable clear PVC zipper pouch. Dimensions: 190mm x 100mm x 15mm. MPA: 1 Side - 210mmW x 150mmH.

500 £2.87

1000 £2.44

2000 £2.13

12206V Sticky Mobile Screen Cleaner Microfibre mobile phone screen cleaner with sticky plastic gel back. Simply peel from the back of the mobile, wipe the screen clean, then stick back on the phone. Printed in full colour. The size and shape can be customised. Packed on a 9cm x 5cm backing card printed in full colour on both sides. All colours available. Dimensions: 50mm x 90mm x 2mm. MPA: Top - 30mmW x 30mmH. Whole Card - 90mmW x 50mmH.

500 £0.77 1000 £0.56 2000 £0.46

12205V Screen Saver Cloth Lens cloth with a soft, cling base. Can be used as a screen cleaner, protector and mouse mat all in one. Decorated by dye sublimation for full colour results. Dimensions: 235mm x 200mm. MPA: Front 235mmW x 200mmH.

100 250 500

12207V Microfibre Lens Cloth 15 x 18cm The Microfibre Lens Cloth is a portable and versatile promotional product that can be used in the car, home or office. Can be printed full colour on one or two sides and is available in other sizes. Price includes free set up and free delivery to 1 UK mainland address. Dimensions: 180mm x 150mm. MPA: 1 Side - 180mmW x 150mmH.

250 500 1000


£3.27 £2.89 £2.21

£0.91 £0.81 £0.59

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £1.15

12303V 12301V

Moby Pad Unique mobile phone holder, non slip tactile rubber surface and sleek design allows for a huge MPA. A top quality item, one of the best designed models on the market.

iPad Presenter New model! Our popular executive iPad Presenter has been upgraded and now offers extra functions such as a 360 degree twist; you can use it in portrait or landscape position. What’s more, it can be used as a stand whilst presenting information. Secure your iPad with the handy Velcro fastening. It still offers a very large branding area and is made from high quality materials with an exceptional finish. Ideal for corporate events or will make a premium gift. Suitable for use with the iPad 2 and 3.

Dimensions: 117mm x 57mm x 55mm. MPA: Top/Bottom - 50mmW x 20mmH.

100 £4.11

250 £3.97

500 £3.85

Dimensions: 203mm x 257mm. MPA: 1 Position - 180mmW x 260mmH.

25 £23.73

50 £22.60

100 £19.45

12302V V Fold Tablet Stand Fold out V stand with black rubber tip, to hold tablets or similar products. Good budget item which folds flat for easy printing. Dimensions: 135mm x 40mm x 5mm. MPA: Front/Back - 50mmW x 20mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.79 £0.76 £0.74



Laxo Holder

Toddy Wedge

Mobile phone and tablet stand.

The Toddy Wedge is your mobile device's best friend. Your logo will be full colour digitally printed on to the surface. The premium microfibre plush panel on the bottom of the product is perfect for cleaning your screen. It includes antimicrobial protection to prevent build up of mould and mildew.

Dimensions: 85mm x 30mm. MPA: Side - 40mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.79 2000 £0.69 5000 £0.61

Dimensions: 76mm x 89mm. MPA: All Over - 76mmW x 89mmH.

125 £7.61

250 £6.67

500 £5.86

12306V Tile Help your customers and clients find their keys and your brand in the process with the Tile bluetooth key finder. Think of it as a big little canvas they'll always have with them. Dimensions: 37mm x 37mm. MPA: Front - 20mmW x 9mmH.


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







12401V Cross Tech 2 Stylus and Ballpen in 1! Contemporary design of the classic Cross silhouette. Available in a range of vibrant finishes, crafted from the highest quality materials. Lifetime mechanical guarantee for guaranteed return on investment. Gift boxed.

A winning combination of design and function. Ballpen with high-shine chrome barrel and clip, and soft-feel, satin-finish upper. Features a touchpad compatible tip for use with tablets and smartphones. Fitted with large capacity metal refill.

Dimensions: 132.8mm x 9.906mm. MPA: Cap side of clip - 35mmW x 5mmH.

25 £22.75

50 £21.62

12402V senator® Nautic Touch Pad Ballpen

100 £20.63

Dimensions: . MPA: Barrel – 35mmW x 20mmH. Upper Side – 25mmW x 10mmH.

25 £5.64

50 £5.44

100 £5.20

12403V Mirage-Touch Stylus Ballpen A superb quality hybrid ballpen with a soft rubber stylus tip. In anodised silver or black aluminium with bright chrome fittings. Fitted with a German made easyFlow black ink refill with a write out length of 2,000 metres. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost. Dimensions: 10mm x 136mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip - 10mmW x 25mmH. Barrel side of clip - 6.5mmW x 32mmH.

50 £6.42

100 £6.12

250 £5.87

12405V Monza-Touch Stylus Ballpen Twist action stylus ballpen in matt black anodised aluminium with gun metal fittings and a soft rubber stylus tip. Fitted with a high quality German made Super Smooth Parker style black ink refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost. Dimensions: 10mm x 136mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip 10mmW x 32mmH. Barrel side of clip - 6mmW x 32mmH.

12404V Athena-Touch Stylus Ballpen Slimline stylus ballpen in matt black or gloss white and midnight blue lacquer with bright chrome fittings and a high quality German made Super Smooth Parker style refill with a write out length of 7,000 metres. Laser engraving and presentation boxes are available at an additional cost. Dimensions: 8.6mm x 135mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip - 10mmW x 40mmH. Barrel side of clip - 4mmW x 35mmH.

50 £4.24


100 £4.01

250 £3.82

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

50 100 250

£5.55 £5.27 £5.05

12501V Cheviot Touch Ballpen Slimline twist-action metal ballpen with chrome trim and a capacitive stylus. Compatible with both capacitive and resistive touch screen phones and tablets. Dimensions: 133mm x 7mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 18mmH.

250 £1.09

500 £0.95

1000 £0.88

12504V Brando LED Light Pen with Stylus

12502V BIC® Clic Stic Stylus Ballpen BIC® Clic Stic now with a stylus. A qualitative multi-function ballpen produced in Europe under the BIC® brand! Dimensions: 12mm x 140mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip - 50mmW x 20mmH. Barrel Rear - 50mmW x 13mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 3mmH.

500 £0.61

1000 £0.55

2500 £0.50

Stylish stylus pen with LED light on the opposite end. Shiny anodised finish. Silicone nib on the top of the cap useful for all touch pads and smartphones. Supplied with black writing ink. Dimensions: 125mm. MPA: Side of Pen 44.5mmW x 6mmH.

100 250 500

£1.66 £1.57 £1.48

12503V Sleek Stylus Matte Pen Metal slim profile ballpen with matte colour barrel featuring shiny chrome trim. Dimensions: 11mm x 138mm. MPA: Barrel in line with clip - 38mmW x 15mmH. Barrel Rear - 25mmW x 10mmH.

300 £1.22

500 £1.13

1000 £1.06

12505V Sleek Stylus Pen Multi-function slim profile ballpoint pen with stylus on top for capacitive touchscreen devices. Glossy finish barrel and metal trim. Dimensions: 11mm x 138mm. MPA Barrel - 40mmW x 4mmH (Laser Engraving). 38mmW x 15mmH (Screen Print). Cap side of clip - 30mmW x 4mmH (Laser Engraving). Rear Clip - 30mmW x 4mmH (Laser Engraving). 25mmW x 10mmH (Screen Print).

300 £1.15

500 £1.07

1000 £1.00

12507V Byzar Stylus Touch Ballpen Slim twist action aluminium ballpoint pen with solid coloured barrel and chrome effect fittings. Includes stylus colour matched to barrel. Suitable for use with smart phones, tablets, iPhones and iPads. Blue ink. Dimensions: 136mm x 8mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 18mmH.

250 £1.12 500 £0.90 2000 £0.79

12506V Nilf Stylus Touch Ball Pen Twist action plastic ballpoint pen with coloured barrel and chrome effect fittings. Includes stylus colour matched to barrel, suitable for use with smart phones, tablets, iPhones and iPads. Dimensions: 125mm x 9mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 12mmH.

250 £1.05

500 £0.54

2000 £0.39

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







12601V Splitter and Touch Pen Universal ABS 3.5mm audio splitter that allows two people to listen to the same music at the same time with their own set of ear buds. The splitter has a touch pen suitable for all mobile devices to navigate on your screen. Dimensions: 37mm x 64mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 20mmW x 3mmH.

50 £2.38

100 £2.13

250 £1.92

12603V Electra-i Ballpen Attractive aluminium ballpen. The stylus is compatible with both resistive and capacitive touch screen phones and tablets. Available for screen printing and laser engraving.

12602V Mop Head Stylus Pen The Mop Head Pen is a fun and functional way to promote your company. This quirky looking pen boasts lots of fantastic features; the hair works as a screen cleaner and the base of the pen has a soft feel stylus tip, making it a great choice for users of mobile devices. The bottom part of the barrel is available in a brilliant range of colours and the clip is designed to look like a striped tie in matching colours. Pen is supplied with black ink.

Dimensions: 141mm x 10mm. MPA: Barrel - 50mmW x 7.2mmH.

500 £0.86 1000 £0.77 2000 £0.74

Dimensions: 19mm x 159mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 8mmH.

250 £1.01

500 £0.98

1000 £0.95

12604V Quad-i Ballpen Retractable multi-function ballpen with a capacitive stylus and 4 colour refills: black, blue, red and green. Dimensions: 151mm x 12mm. MPA: Barrel - 63mmW x 37.4mmH.

250 £1.09

500 £1.00

1000 £0.95

12606V Grade USB Pen


2 in 1 twist metal ballpen and USB drive. Available in various sizes.

Wave USB Pen 2 in 1 Twist Metal Ball Pen and USB Drive.

Dimensions: 144mm x 12mm. MPA: 2 Positions - 35mmW x 7mmH.

Dimensions: 144mm x 12mm. MPA: 2 Positions - 35mmW x 7mmH.




Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

12701V Contour™-i Argent Ballpen The Contour™-i Argent is a retractable ballpen with a satin silver finish, chrome trim and a comfortable rubber grip. Maintaining the sleek aesthetics of the Contour™ Ballpen Range with the addition of a stylus compatible with both capacitive and resistive touch screen phones and tablets. The Contour™-i is highly relevant for the technology-driven generation. Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.

500 £0.49

1000 £0.42

12703V Contour™-i Extra Ballpen

2000 £0.40

The Contour™-i Extra is a retractable ballpen with a solid white barrel, chrome trim and a comfortable, coloured rubber grip, maintaining the sleek aesthetics of the Contour™ Ballpen Range with the addition of a capacitive stylus. Compatible with both capacitive and resistive touch screen phones and tablets the Contour™-i is highly relevant for the technology-driven generation.


Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel 60mmW x 10mmH.

Contour™-i Metal Ballpen

500 £0.49 1000 £0.42 2000 £0.40

Stylish aluminium metal ballpen with a soft rubberised grip. Ideal for a more executive option from our extensive Contour™-i range. Compatible with both capacitive and resistive touch screen phones and tablets, the Contour™-i is highly relevant for the technology-driven generation. Also available laser engraved. Dimensions: 140mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 60mmW x 10mmH.

250 £1.47

500 £1.31

1000 £1.21

12705V Supersaver™-i Ballpen Low-cost twist-action ballpen with capacitive stylus. The plastic body has an attractive, almost metallic look to make a great impression at an incredibly competitive price. Available in choice of six colours. Dimensions: 136.3mm x 7.6mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 18mmH.

500 £0.36

1000 £0.28

2000 £0.24

12704V Electra Touch Ballpen Stylish aluminium ballpen with a touch nib, available in 8 colours. When the refill is retracted, the tip of the pen can be used as a stylus on both capacitive and resistive touch screen phones and tablets. Laser engraving also available at an extra cost. Dimensions: 138mm x 9mm. MPA: 1 Position - 40mmW x 20mmH.

500 £0.72 1000 £0.65 2000 £0.61

12706V Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen Twist-action aluminium ballpen with highly lacquered finish. Available with screen printing. The Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen can also be laser engraved at an extra cost. Dimensions: 143mm x 11mm. MPA: Barrel - 15mmW x 20mmH. Beside Clip - 40mmW x 7mmH.

250 £1.10

500 £0.95

1000 £0.89

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


Maglite LED Solitaire Torch

12801V Enhanced brighter whiter light. Extended battery life. High strength anodised aluminium casing. Corrosion, water and shock resistant. Focussing spot to flood beam. Individually boxed with battery, lanyard and life-time guarantee. Dimensions: 81mm x 13mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel - 35mmW x 7mmH.

50 £18.40

100 £17.20

250 £16.44





12903V Pen Torch Great promotional tool. Item comes complete with 2 x AAA batteries and comes packaged in a protective clear wallet.


Dimensions: 14mm x 140mm. MPA: Barrel - 45mmW x 20mmH. Clip - 25mmW x 5mmH.

Mini Maglite LED AA Torch

100 £1.58 250 £1.52 500 £1.48

Enhanced brighter whiter light. 4 function modes (100%, 25%, blink and SOS). Extended battery life. High strength anodised aluminium casing. Corrosion, water and shock resistant. Focussing spot to flood beam. Individually boxed with batteries and life-time guarantee. Dimensions: 167mm x 18mm. MPA: Barrel - 56mmW x 10mmH.

50 £28.96

100 £27.33

250 £25.64

12902V Mini Maglite LED AAA Torch Enhanced brighter whiter light. Extended battery life. High strength anodised aluminium casing. Corrosion, water and shock resistant. Focussing spot to flood beam. Individually boxed with batteries. Removable clip and life-time guarantee. Dimensions: 127mm x 13mm x 13mm. MPA: Barrel - 46mmW x 7mmH.

50 £22.13

100 £20.78

250 £19.67

12905V Lilly Torch

12904V Classique Black Torch in a Gift Box

LED aluminium torch. Complete with 2 x AAA batteries and strap.

9 LED aluminium torch. Complete with 3 x AAA batteries and strap, in a presentation box.

Dimensions: 90mm x 18mm x 15mm. MPA: Front/Back - 40mmW x 6mmH.

Dimensions: 85mm x 23mm x 23mm. MPA: Front/Back - 20mmW x 25mmH.

100 £2.22

100 £2.54

250 £2.45

250 £2.15

500 £2.08

500 £2.38

12907V Led Grip Torch LED Grip Torch printed in one colour, one side. Assorted colours. Dimensions: 15mm x 90mm. MPA: 25mmW x 15mmH.

144 £1.98 288 £1.84 576 £1.75

12906V Blanca Aluminium Torch Great promotional tool. Aluminium torch with brilliant white body. Packed in plain white carton. Takes 3 x AAA battery not included. Dimensions: 122mm x 30mm x 35mm. MPA: Barrel - 40mmW x 12mmH.

100 £3.34

250 £3.23

500 £3.13

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.






13001V Led Camping Light We’ve called it a camping light, but it can make any promotion shine with your company message. Neat design, easy to use. Batteries included. Dimensions: 160mm x 23mm x 15mm. MPA: Side 40mmW x 10mmH.


100 £1.84 250 £1.77 500 £1.72

Twist lamp Light up your table, garden or party with this easy to use twist lamp. Simply twist the lamp to turn on the light and you can enjoy it for many hours. Dimensions: 82mm x 45mm. MPA: Front - 20mmW x 15mmH.

50 £5.06

100 £4.24

250 £4.05



LED Torch Keyring McQueen

Duvall LED Torch Keyring This multifunction keyring consists of a 3 LED torch and silver bottle opener. The torch sleeve slides forward to focus the light. A great twist on a bestseller! It has an aluminium anodized barrel with chrome coloured plastic ends. Batteries included. “New for 2016”

Europe’s best selling key ring torch! The McQueen torch comes with a key ring attachment and is made from aluminium with a lacquer finish and silver accents. Available in a range of matte and shiny finishes there’s 9 colours to choose from and with 3 LEDs it produces a powerful light for its compact size. Batteries included.

Dimensions: 75mm. MPA: 32mmW x 8mmH.

100 £2.03

Dimensions: 60mm. MPA: Side 32mmW x 8mmH.

100 £1.12 250 £1.06 500 £0.98

13005V Lumo USB Light USB powered oval shaped foldable USB light. TPU and ABS plastic. Dimensions: 175mm x 11mm x 25mm. MPA: 35mmW x 8mmH

100 £2.36 250 £1.96 500 £1.89

13006V Helper Illuminator Single white LED bulb-shaped light with pull on/off power switch. Convenient lamp creating light whenever and wherever you want, such as your garage, cupboard or outdoor, camp site. Includes 3 x AAA batteries. ABS and PC plastic. Dimensions: 157mm x 550mm. MPA: 50mmW x 15mmH

50 £6.16

100 £5.39

250 £5.00

13007V Silicone Attachable LED Torch Mini silicone lights available with white or red LEDs. 3 operational modes. The lights are small and flexible with a soft silicone cover and hook. Ideal for attaching to bike handlebars and saddle post for front and rear visibility. Can also be attached to bags for safety at night. Costs are per light (not pair of lights). Dimensions: 50mm x 30mm x 20mm. MPA: Top - 15mmW x 15mmH.

250 £1.91


500 £1.76

1000 £1.62

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £1.91

500 £1.80

13101V 5M Chrome Tape Measure 5M / 16ft silver chrome colour tape measure with belt clip and stylish tear drop shape label on the front to personalise.

13102V 3M Tape Measure 3m/10ft professional quality tape measure with an ergonomic grip and shock proof case. Trim colours available: Black/Blue/Red/ Yellow/White. Full colour branding opportunity onto a deluxe dome label.

Dimensions: 65mm x 68mm. MPA: 35mmW x 40mmH.

100 £3.64

250 £2.84

500 £2.54

Dimensions: 60mm x 65mm. MPA: 30mmW x 30mmH.

100 £2.80 250 £2.20 500 £2.05


13104V 5M Tape Measure 5m/16ft professional quality tape measure with an ergonomic rubber grip and shock proof case. Trim available in Black/Blue/ Green/Red/Yellow. Full colour branding opportunity onto a deluxe dome label. Dimensions: 68mm x 72mm. MPA: 40mmW x 40mmH.

100 £3.94

250 £2.96

500 £2.79

13103V Magnetic Combi Key Message center plus radiator bleed tool and meter box key attached to boiler, radiator or fridge it's always to hand. Tough acetal is used to create this handy Magnetic Combi Key. Available in black as standard but most custom colours can be manufactured. Your advertisement printed in up to full colour and protected with an attractive acrylic dome. Dimensions: 60mm x 39mm x 18mm. MPA: 35mmW x 16mmH.

100 £0.88

250 £0.76

500 £0.71

13105V 3m Tape Measure Heavy duty, durable tape measure 3m in length in both imperial and metric. Comes in robust yellow case with black trim, with metal belt clip on back. Dimensions: 58mm x 20mm x 58mm. MPA: Front - 40mmW x 30mmH.

250 £1.56

500 £1.42

1000 £1.33

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








Autoflip Tool Kit

MaxiStar Gift Set

5 in 1 promotional tool kit. Great cover for a logo or message. Simply press a button for the cover to flip up. Useful promotional gift for lots of industries.

Functional and complete gift set: 9-piece stainless steel multi tool with 12 functions (tongs, wire stripper, saw, 2 screwdrivers, can opener, cap lifter, file, knife, phillips screwdriver, fish scraper, hook removal tool) and aluminium handle and metallic look. Aluminium flashlight (2sag,.7 x 9 cm) with 9 bright white energy-efficient LED lights and detachable loop. Includes batteries. Each set in box.

Dimensions: 130mm x 75mm x 20mm. MPA: Lid - 40mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 134mm x 122mm x 34mm. MPA: Torch - Engraved to Side - 20mmW x 10mmH. Engraved to 1 Handgrip - 26mmW x 6mmH.

25 £9.14

50 £8.72

100 £2.96

100 £8.43

13204V Talon Opener

13203V Crusader Survival Set Gift set: 9-piece stainless steel multi tool with 13 functions (tongs, wire cutter, 3 screwdrivers, reamer, file, can opener, cap lifter, fish scraper, hook remover tool, knife, phillips screwdriver) and a stainless steel pocket knife with carabiner and lock. Both with aluminium handle and metallic look. Incl. nylon case. Each set in a box. Dimensions: 155mm x 145mm. MPA: Matching Print to Both Handgrips on Tool – 26mmW x 6mmH.

36 £9.49

72 £9.08

Neat metal bottle opener key ring, great for drinks, leisure and travel industries. Popular gifts for student promotions. Amazing price includes engraving which shows through in silver. Dimensions: 65mm x 11mm x 14mm. MPA: Top - 40mmW x 7mmH.

500 £0.95 1000 £0.91 2500 £0.89

144 £8.81

13206V Tyre Tread Gauge Keyring

13205V Fat Talon Bottle Opener Wider than the best selling talon aluminium bottle opener. Allows a larger space for the laser engraved message included in the price. Dimensions: 20mm x 60mm x 15mm. MPA: Front - 25mmW x 15mmH.

100 £1.03


250 £1.00

500 £0.97

Checks that your tread depth is legal and complete with a keyring fitting. Can be printed on both sides in up to 4 spot colours, or digitally printed for full colour options. Dimensions: 30mm x 60mm x 8mm. MPA: Back - 24mmW x 45mmH. Front - 24mmW x 15mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.89 £0.69 £0.56

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £2.86

500 £2.77

UK MADE 13301V 150mm Oval Scale Ruler Architects/Engineers Architects or Engineers oval scale ruler in white. Professional quality tool with 8 different scales on each ruler. Also available in 300mm. Dimensions: 150mm. MPA: 150mmW x 14mmH.

250 £0.82

500 £0.70

1000 £0.65

13302V Professional Quality 6-in-1 Screwdriver 6-in-1 screwdriver with soft grip handle. Double ended shaft with 2 x slotted bits, 2 x crosshead bits and the shaft doubling as a nut driver. Dimensions: 180mm x 35mm. MPA: Handle - 42mmW x 13mmH.

100 £3.07

250 £2.82

500 £2.67

13303V Architects Scale Ruler 150mm Professional oval architects ruler in 150mm length with eight different scale rule measurements. Available for full colour digital print at an additional cost. Both sides of the ruler are available for printing. Dimensions: 170mm x 30mm. MPA: 2 Sides 150mmW x 10mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.83 £0.70 £0.66

13304V Architects Scale Ruler - 300mm Professional oval architects ruler in 300mm length with eight different scale rule measurements. Full colour digital print available at an additional cost. Both sides can be printed at an additional charge. Dimensions: 345mm x 35mm. MPA: 2 Sides 300mmW x 14mmH.

250 500 1000

£1.24 £1.05 £0.98

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


Activity Tracker Premium

13401V Water resistant soft touch TPU Bluetooth Activity band worn around the wrist with OLED display. Allows the user to monitor activity levels and overall lifestyle. Includes features to track, monitor and set goals for steps, activity, speed, sleep patterns. Includes UV rays alarm and vibrating alarm with incoming messages. Free download APP (available for Android or iOS) Good branding area and gift packaging included. Dimensions: 75mm x 75mm x 18mm. MPA: Strap - 55mmW x 10mmH.

25 £63.88

50 £60.00

100 £56.58





13501V Top View Multi Function Pedometer Multi function, easy to read display. Counts steps, distance and calories. Records from 1 to 99,999 steps. Faces up for easy viewing. Clip on the back for belt attachment. Dimensions: 51mm x 51mm x 20mm. MPA: Top 21mmW x 8mmH.

50 100 250

£4.38 £4.23 £4.10

13503V Neiva Pedometer Digital pedometer which counts steps, distance covered and calories burned. Belt clip and batteries included. Dimensions: 36mm x 56mm. MPA: Below Display - 30mmW x 10mmH.

100 £3.64

250 £3.28

500 £2.97

13502V Multi Function Pedometer New 2016 model with multi-function, easy to read display. Counts steps, distance and calories. Clip on belt attachment. Make your next promotion count! Battery included. Dimensions: 65mm x 45mm x 40mm. MPA: Top - 20mmW x 20mmH.

50 £4.64

100 £4.48

250 £4.35

13505V Fit Brace

13504V Activity Tracker Black Track your activity, sleep, and calories burned with this activity tracker. Get insights into your achievements and set goals with the free APP (Android and IOS compatible). This activity tracker is the next step towards a healthier life style! Dimensions: 68mm x 50mm x 16mm. MPA: Clasp - 12mmW x 4mmH. Strap - 15mmW x 10mmH.

50 £31.05

100 £29.44

A slim, stylish device that tracks all-day activity like steps, distance and calories burned. Wear it at night to measure your sleep quality and wake with the built in alarm clock. Day or night, the Fit Brace fits comfortably around your wrist, has a 5-day battery life. It syncs to smart devices (iOS and Android). Including charging cable. Dimensions: 228mm x 50mm x 75mm. MPA: 1 Side - 50mmW x 10mmH.

50 £23.00

100 £21.13

250 £19.76

250 £28.50

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.






13601V 13602V

Sun Ray Sunglasses Retro design sunglasses with category 3 lenses. Compliant with EN1836 & UV 400. PC plastic.

Sun Ray Crystal Sunglasses Sun Ray sunglasses - crystal lens. Retro design sunglasses with category 1 crystal lenses and matching colour frame. Compliant with EN ISO 12312-1 and UV400. PC plastic.

Dimensions: 145mm x 49mm x 150mm. MPA: Arms – 65mmW x 7mmH.

100 £1.63

250 £1.25

500 £1.20

Dimensions: 140mm x 50mm. MPA: Arms – 65mmW x 7mmH.

100 £1.93

250 £1.62

500 £1.59

13604V Eye Mask Eye Masks are an ideal and practical promotional giveaway for travel & leisure, hospitality or corporate promotions to name but a few! The Eye Masks can be colour matched and printed either spot or full colour. Price includes Free set up and Free delivery to 1 UK mainland address.

13603V Malter Sunglasses Sunglasses UV400 protection. Dimensions: On Application. MPA: Arms - 6mmW x 40mmH.

250 £1.05 500 £0.98 2000 £0.92

Dimensions: 185mm x 85mm. MPA: 1 Side - 175mmW x 70mmH.

250 £1.05

13605V California Heat Pack Reusable rectangle shaped heat pack available in a variety of colours. Dimensions: 95mm x 62mm. MPA: Front - 50mmW x 30mmH.

100 250 500

£1.86 £1.34 £1.20

13606V Fun In The Sun Bag Take the heat out :: Ultra-sheer sunscreen factor 20 spray plus a rehydrating facial mist. Presented in Cotton drawstring bag which can be printed or branded with full colour hangtag. Also availabe in foil pouch or PU mesh bag. Dimensions: 130mm x 90mm. MPA: On Application.

50 £5.36


100 £5.04 250 £4.77

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £0.78

1000 £0.64

13701V Large Temperature Gauge Card Large Temperature Gauge Card - Great for mailing and high street give away campaigns to highlight temperature control as a way of saving money and the planet. Size: 125 x 85mm with fixings of 2 magnets and 2 self adhesive pads so can be displayed in any office or home. Printed in full colour. Dimensions: 85mm x 125mm. MPA: 1 Side - 85mmW x 125mmH.

250 £0.70

500 £0.66

1000 £0.62

13702V 13703V

Stress Ball - Cube This cube shaped Stress Ball is perfect to sit on office desks and display your brand.

Ad Monitor Computer Ad Monitor - the perfect way to keep your latest sales message in front of your customer! Great for call centres. Fits onto the corner of your computer monitor with removable adhesive pads. Applies easily to all screens surrounds and leaves no residue when removed. Printed in full colour. Also printed on the reverse so it can be partially viewed from behind the monitor.

Dimensions: 54mm x 54mm x 54mm. MPA: 1 Side - 46mmD.

100 £1.77

250 £1.39

500 £1.33

Dimensions: 140mm x 210mm x 55mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 140mmW x 210mmH.

250 £0.44

500 £0.41

1000 £0.38

13704V Stress Ball - Round Round shaped stress ball made from PU, full colour digitally printed to your design. Dimensions: 90mm x 63mm x 68mm. MPA: 1 Position - 30mmD.

100 £1.61

250 £1.20

500 £1.15



Stress Ball This is our bestselling stress item and with good reason! The Stress Ball has it all, great branding opportunities, huge choice of colours and amazing value for money. Plus, it’s an item that your customers will not want to put down. Available with standard pad print in up to 4 colours or full colour transfer print to the white version (at extra cost).

Stress Mop Head

Dimensions: 70mm Diam. MPA: 1 Side - 40mmW x 40mmH.

Dimensions: 60mm x 70mm. MPA: Reverse - 40mmW x 20mmH.

250 £0.79

250 £1.42

500 £0.76

1000 £0.74

We love our Mop Head stress buddy and we're sure your customers will too! It has a smiley face and features a mop of hair which doubles up as a screen cleaner too. Your company logo is printed to the reverse, to get your message seen.

500 £1.37

1000 £1.33

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.






13801V Winter Driving Pack Clear Vision :: Stay frost-free this winter automotive de-icer spray, chamois cloth and wave ice scraper, presented in a velvet lined luxury gift bag. Full colour label on the de-icer, 1 colour print on the ice scraper or full digital at extra cost. Bag print / embroidery / embossing also available. Dimensions: 230mm x 170mm. MPA: On Application.

100 250 500

£8.21 £7.77 £7.44

13802V Eleganza Lighter Electronic, refillable lighter with practical hanging eye and fixed grip holder. Equipped with child protection. Combined with a bottle opener. Incl. instructions. A quality product with a stylish look. Per piece in a box. Dimensions: 190mm x 42mm x 20mm. MPA: Engraved on Back - 50mmW x 8mmH.

80 £4.34

160 £4.17

320 £4.02

13803V Silicon Bike Lights Silicon Bike Lights are the perfect safety product for the huge popularity of cycling. 2 super bright high intensity LEDs in each light with 3 light functions and choice of LED colours. Printed up to 4 spot colour (subject to artwork). Can be supplied individually or as a pair. Batteries included. These are produced from a flexible silicon which are quick to fit and perfect for attaching to bikes, as well as bags, tools and other products.


Dimensions: 50mm x 30mm. MPA: 1 Side - 20mmW x 10mmH.

Salti Flip Flops

250 £2.01

Promotional flip flops made from EVA/PVC. Available in sizes 4-5 and 8-10.

500 £1.66

1000 £1.38

Sizes: 4-5 and 8-10. MPA: Heel - 50mmW x 50mmH.

100 £3.36

13805V Weather Snooze Weather Station Plastic weather station featuring: digital display with light, thermometer (C/F), hygrometer, barometer with bar chart in colour, weather forecast with weather symbols, alarm with snooze function, time (12/24-hour clock) and date. Batteries and user manual included. Each piece in a gift box. Dimensions: 120mm x 40mm x 85mm. MPA: Front - 90mmW x 15mmH.

25 £8.28


50 £7.94

100 £7.66

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £3.24

500 £3.03


13901V Rucksack Bag Cover

Hand Sanitiser

Rucksack Cover. Backpack Cover with reflective strips and mesh pouch. A one size fits all solution for keeping a rucksack clean can help keep the user safe. Material: 210D Polyester. Covers are colour matched.

Credit card size Hand Sanitser with spray action. Printed with spot colour print and fully compliant to British Standards EN 1276. Full colour printing is available at an extra cost. Dimensions: 54mm x 85mm x 10mm. MPA: Front - 60mmW x 40mmH.

100 250 500

Dimensions: 480mm x 350mm. MPA: 120mmW x 100mmH.

500 £2.91 1000 £2.67 2500 £2.49

£1.58 £1.16 £1.01

13903V Bike Seat Cover Water-resistant polyester bike seat cover. Made in colour matched material. One size fits all. Great for fitness and cycling and outdoor marketing campaigns. All colours available. Covers are colour matched. Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm x 80mm. MPA: All Over - 260mmW x 260mmH.

500 £1.30 1000 £1.08 2500 £0.97

13904V Stuff It! Silicon Bag Carrier How many times do you go to the shops and forget your bags at home or in the car? Well you are not alone - Stuff It! is a unique product to carry your bags in one pouch. Stuff It! can hold up to 3 or 4 plastic carrier bags depending on the size of the bag. It is made of eco friendly silicon and can be pantone matched on all quantities. Dimensions: 70mm x 100mm x 15mm. MPA: 1 Position - 85mmW x 55mmH.

500 £1.45

1000 £1.30

2500 £1.20

13905V Slimmer's Tape Measure Handy pocket sized 1.5m Tailors / Slimmers Retractable Tape Measure printed full colour on 1 side. Inches and cms increments. Dimensions: 50mm. MPA: 1 Side - 38mmD.

250 £0.82

500 £0.78

1000 £0.74

13906V Air Fresheners Car air freshener. Cut to any shape within 90mm and printed up to full colour both sides. Additional print colours available on request. Various fragrances available. Dimensions: 90mm x 90mm. MPA: All Over - 90mmW x 90mmH.

300 £0.86

500 £0.66

1000 £0.48

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.


Mini Mint It Cube®

14001V Mini Mint It Cube® Fully brand up to 5 sides using seamless digital 360° Panoprint. Up to five different messages per cube. MiniMint it Cube® - innovative promotional tool great for all multi media message campaigns. Filled with approx 18 grams of sugar free mints. Includes a digital print on one side. Dimensions: 30mm x 30mm x 30mm. MPA: 1 Position - 29mmW x 29mmH.

100 £1.73

200 £1.44

500 £0.90






14101V Mint Twister Mint Twister - A fun high fidget factor product with cool tasting mints. Filled with approximately 18 grams of sugar free mints. Includes digital print. Dimensions: 50mm x 50mm x 25mm. MPA: Top - 49mmW x 49mmH.

100 £2.10

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £1.44

500 £1.18







14201V New Dinky Mini Pot Mix and match your own corporate colours with delicious origination Jelly Belly beans. Lid with digitally printed dome sticker. Additional fills mint imperials or chocolate beans. Dimensions: 55mm x 45mm. MPA: Dome Top - 27mmD.

134 £2.43

268 £2.18

536 £1.95

14202V Star Tins - Hinge Tins


Hinged tin filled with approximately 25 grams of sugar free mints.

Mint Tower Tins

Dimensions: 46mm x 59mm x 14.5mm. MPA: Lid - 45mmW x 35mmH.

500 £1.09

1000 £1.03

2000 £0.98

Silver Tower tin filled with approx. 30 grams sugar free mints. Dimensions: 32mm x 80mm. MPA: 1 Position - 15mmW x 60mmH.

250 £1.16


500 £0.95

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

1000 £0.89

14301V Circle Shaped Mint Cards EU Manufactured Mints Classic mint cards, a circle shaped plastic container with sugar free mints. Contains approximately 50 mints. Dimensions: 65mm. MPA: Front - 55mmD.

250 £0.70

500 £0.68

1000 £0.66

14302V Mint Drops


An oval shaped plastic container with oval shaped sugar free mints.

Click Clack Mint Tins EU Manufactured Mints

Dimensions: 45mm x 15mm x 60mm. MPA: Top - 30mmW x 20mmH.

250 £0.74

500 £0.71

Silver click clack tins with sugar free mints.

1000 £0.69

Dimensions: 45mm x 45mm x 15mm. MPA: Top - 30mmD.

250 £0.91

500 £0.88

1000 £0.85

14304V Sugar Free Mini Mints Fresh & minty :: Freshly made in Wales and 100% sugar free. Presented in a London made recycled aluminium pot perfect for your pocket. Approx 8g. Full colour digital label 25mm disc or resin dome at extra cost. Dimensions: 36mm x 12mm. MPA: 25mm Disc.

250 £0.97 500 £0.87

1000 £0.82




Mint Cards - EU Manufactured Classic mint cards, a credit card shaped plastic container with sugar free mints. Dimensions: 48mm x 5mm x 78mm. MPA: Front - 60mmW x 30mmH.

250 £0.58

500 £0.56

1000 £0.54

Credit Card Shaped Mint Containers Plastic credit card sized container filled with sugar free mints. Available with full colour print at an extra cost. Dimensions: 79mm x 48mm. MPA: 1 Side - 67mmW x 38mmH.

250 £0.53

500 £0.42

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

1000 £0.38







14402V Jellybeans Assorted coloured beans in a frosted white case, perfect for those with a sweet tooth. Dimensions: 80mm x 50mm x 15mm. MPA: Lid 30mmW x 15mmH.

250 500 1000

£1.44 £1.39 £1.34

14401V Jelly Beans in Clear Container Bean shaped plastic container with assorted coloured beans total 20gms. Dimensions: 42mm x 26mm x 56mm. MPA: Top - 30mmW x 15mmH.

250 £1.02

500 £0.98


1000 £0.95

Beans For One Treat for one :: A delicious sweet sensation of jellybeans. Also available - retro mix, mint imperials, cherry lips or whatever you fancy. Served in a tamper sealed, clear bucket. 55mm x 65mm with full colour 55mm disc label. Approx 90g. Dimensions: 55mm x 65mm. MPA: 55mm Disc.

250 £1.18

500 £1.05

1000 £0.99

14404V Mini Pocket Perfect pick me up: These sweet treats are presented in a sealed cello packet perfect for your pocket. Available as Jelly Beans, Retro Mix, Candy Canes, Mini Eggs, Red Lips or Jelly Hearts. Full colour digital label 50 x 30mm. Approx 20g. Dimensions: 70mm x 40mm. MPA: 50mmW x 30mmH.

250 £0.77

500 £0.69

14405V Hug In A Mug Everyone needs one: Luxury Hot Chocolate mix with a handful of sweet mini marshmallows. Perfect for that warming moment. Aluminium laminate pouch. 80 x 130mm with full colour 50 x 30mm label or fully printed from 10k pcs.

1000 £0.66

Dimensions: 80mm x 130mm. MPA: Front/Back - 80mmW x 130mmH.

250 £1.13

500 £1.00

1000 £0.94

14407V Tea/Coffee Pouch Coffee/Tea pouch: Coffee or tea for two. Fair Trade tea bags, or coffee plus milk, sugar and sweet Lotus biscuit. Perfect for moving day. Fully printed pouch available from 10k pcs. Dimensions: 80mm x 130mm. MPA: 45mm Disc.

14406V Fun For One Pouch With Jelly Beans A personalised sweet treat. Also available - mint imperials, cherry lips or a little of whatever you fancy. Aluminium laminate pouch. 80 x 130mm pouch with full colour 50 x 30mm label or fully printed from 10k pcs. Dimensions: 80mm x 130mm. MPA: Front/Back - 80mmW x 130mmH.

1000 £1.05


5000 £0.99

10000 £0.96

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

250 £0.78

500 £0.71

1000 £0.69

14502V ARTÉ CHOCOLAT PECARE ASSORTMENT Decadent and rich in flavour, a delicious combination of luxurious chocolates. Presented in a quality tin, size 195 x 290 x 10mm - ideal to have ready in your briefcase or slip in with your business presentation. Dimensions: 195mm x 290mm x 10mm. MPA: Can be branded on sleeve or tin at a small extra cost. Enquire for details.

8 £18.75

14501V ARTÉ BUTTER SALTED TRUFFLES CUBE The renowned Arté Chocolate brand now brings you its signature cocoa-dusted French truffles, in a cube that you can customise with your own details. Dimensions: Available on request. MPA: Available on request.

18 £3.00

14503V PETITE UNIQUE The ever popular Unique hamper in miniature version. Customise the lid of this box with your own unique design - there is no minimum order quantity and full-colour branding is available at no extra cost. Dimensions: 295mm x 295mm x 140mm. MPA: 220mmW x 220mmH.

1 £45.00

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







14601V CHANCELLOR’S RESERVE From the finest nibbles to the most perfect liquor, you will find all these presented in a luxurious extra-large aluminium trunk with leather-effect edging and studded wooden trim. Dimensions: 650mm x 400mm. MPA: Enquire for Details.

1 £710.37

14602V THE LUXURY SELECTION CHEST Carefully selected wines from around the globe, with flavours and aromas influenced by where they were grown. Dimensions: Enquire for Details. MPA: Enquire for Details.

1 £104.39


A wonderful range of wines accompanied with the finest selection of nibbles. All presented in a seagrass open basket.

This wine gift box can be branded at no extra cost and there is no minimum order quantity. Simply send us a pdf or jpeg of your design, within a print area of 28cm x 18cm, with your order.

Dimensions: Enquire for Details. MPA: Enquire for Details.

1 £39.66




Dimensions: 280mm x 180mm. MPA: 280mmW x 180mmH.

1 £33.60

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

14701V Flow Wrap Malt Biscuits Malt Biscuits - Flow wrapped in a clear wrap with a one colour print. Dimensions: 40mm x 45mm x 8mm. MPA: Front - 30mmW x 50mmH.

500 £0.30

1000 £0.27

2000 £0.21

14702V Flow Wrap Shortbread Biscuits Shortbread Biscuits - Flow wrapped in a clear wrap with a 1 colour print. Dimensions: 36mm x 12mm. MPA: Front - 30mmW x 50mmH.

500 £0.33

1000 £0.30

2000 £0.26

14704V Branded Biscuit Tins - Standard Size

14703V Fruit Mix Sweets Fruit Mix Sweets - Flow packed in a variety of colours and a 1 colour print. Dimensions: 25mm x 58mm x 12mm. MPA: Front - 20mmW x 35mmH.

1 £196.88

2 £316.88

3 £398.52

A very popular and cost-effective promotional gift filled with delicious hand-baked biscuits. The tins can be filled with your choice of contents, from a selection of 10 different options. Perfect for sending out with goods despatched, taking on customer visits, exhibitions, or a wide variety of other applications. The standard-sized tin holds approximately 200g of biscuits. Dimensions: 164mm x 81mm. MPA: Wrap around - 248mmW x 163mmH.

64 £3.85

112 £3.41

256 £2.83

14705V Branded Biscuit Tins - Mini Size The smaller counterpart to the standard tubes, the mini branded tubes hold 100g of contents of your choice, from the 6 options shown. The smaller size has a charming appeal and is ideal for posting. Dimensions: 130mm x 67mm. MPA: Wrap around - 207mmW x 125mmH.

60 £2.75

100 £2.31

260 £1.93

14706V Flow Wrap Mint Imperials Mint Imperials - Flow packed in a variety of colours and 1 colour print. Dimensions: 25mm x 58mm x 12mm. MPA: Front - 20mmW x 35mmH.

1 £175.00

2 £295.75

3 £360.80

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









Natural Spring Water - 330ml

Energy Drink Energy Drink branded with a full colour label. Supplied in a 250ml slim aluminium can. Dimensions: 52mm x 132mm. MPA: 1 Position - 145mmW x 140mmH.

240 £2.36

504 £1.67

Natural Spring Water - 330ml branded with full colour labels. Supplied in PET bottles with sports or screw cap in a choice of colours. Dimensions: 60mm x 156mm. MPA: 1 Position - 180mmW x 58mmH.

144 £2.11

1008 £1.43

252 £1.07

516 £0.64

∙ Widely recognised as an excellent vehicle for enhancing corporate branding. ∙ Essential promotional merchandise for sporting, music & entertainment events and charity walks. ∙ Cost effective & environment friendly. ∙ One size fits all. ∙ Easy to carry design. ∙ It can carry different size bottles in a hands-free manner. ∙ No interruption during outdoor activities. ∙ You can wear it across the shoulder or over the shoulder.

14803V Hands Free Bottle Carrier (Screen Print) Dimensions: 2000mmW x 25mmH. MPA: Front Face - 50mmW x 20mmH.

250 £1.99

500 £1.89

1000 £1.55

14804V Bottle Lanyards (Heat Transfer) Dimensions: 2000mmW x 25mmH. MPA: Front Face - 50mmW x 20mmH.

250 £2.09

500 £1.99

1000 £1.65

14805V Shoulder Strap Bottle Carrier (Embroidery) Dimensions: 2000mmW x 25mmH. MPA: Front Face - 50mmW x 20mmH.

250 £2.99

500 £2.89

1000 £2.45


ECO 14808V Desktop Garden

14806V Fork Spoon Combi The UK manufactured Fork Spoon Combi combines a fork and spoon in one handy tool and also has a serrated cutting edge. Dimensions: 35mm x 170mm. MPA: Front - 50mmW x 12mmH.

250 £1.17


500 £0.95

1000 £0.72

14807V Yo-Yo An old favourite. The perfect surface for your brand logo. Dimensions: 25mm x 55mm. MPA: Front/Back - 30mmD.

500 £0.64 1000 £0.63 2500 £0.61

All about growth :: Grow your own garden. Get green fingers with this grow kit of Cottage Garden, Mixed Herbs, Sunflower or Christmas Tree. Recycled aluminium corked pod, filled with soil coins, seeds and growing instructions. 45mm x 115mm with 22mm x 135mm full colour label. Dimensions: 45mm x 115mm. MPA: 22mmW x 135mmH.

250 500 1000

£2.80 £2.50 £2.36

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

14901V Paper Bunting Triangular paper bunting pennants sewn on white polyester webbing suitable for indoor and temporary outdoor use. Sold in 10m lengths with 24 pennants.


Dimensions: 200mm x 300mm. MPA: Both Sides - 200mmW x 300mmH.

5 £31.69

10 £21.13


15” Helium Saver Foil Balloons 15” foil balloons with a float time the same as 18” foils, but with a saving on helium of about 35%.

20 £15.91

Dimensions: 380mm x 380mm. MPA: Front/Back - 200mmD.

100 £1.10

250 £1.01

500 £0.95

Paper Hand Waver Flag 130gsm silk paper. Child safe stick 320mm. Dimensions: 170mm x 130mm. MPA: 1 Position - 170mmW x 130mmH.

500 £0.56

1000 £0.37

2500 £0.26

14904V Multi Colour Print Latex Balloon Multi colour printed latex balloons. Screen print up to 8 colours and CMYK. Dimensions: 28mm x 28mm x 38mm. MPA: 1 Side 125mmW x 125mmH.



Latex Balloon 12 Inch Standard 1 colour screen printed balloons available in various colours also available in 10”. Dimensions: 28mm x 28mm x 38mm. MPA: All Over 125mmW x 125mmH.

1000 £0.10 5000 £0.09 10000 £0.09

14907V 14906V Foil Balloons 18 Inch Screen printed foil balloons with self sealing valve. Printed up to 4 colours available in a variety of colours and shapes. Digital print and bespoke foil balloons also available. Dimensions: 28mm x 28mm x 38mm. MPA: 1 Side - 250mmW x 250mmH.

100 £1.84

500 £1.52

1000 £1.39

Balloon Accessories All balloon accessories available including cups and sticks, hand pumps, helium, weights and ribbon valves. Dimensions: 28mm x 28mm x 38mm. MPA: 1 Position - 10mmW x 10mmH.


Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









5” Chester Bear with T-Shirt 5” tall teddy bear with white T-Shirt. Dimensions: 120mm. MPA: 1 Side - 35mmW x 25mmH.

144 £4.24

288 £3.99

576 £3.84

5” Dexter Bear With Bow. 5” tall teddy bear with bow printed one colour. Dimensions: 120mm. MPA: 1 Position - 30mmW x 9mmH.

144 £3.54

288 £3.31

576 £3.18

15001V 15” Dexter Bear With T-Shirt 15” tall teddy bear with white T-Shirt. Dimensions: 360mm. MPA: 1 Side - 100mmW x 80mmH.

48 £10.36

96 £9.90

144 £9.58

15004V 5” Rusty Bear & T-Shirt 5” inch tall teddy bear with white T-Shirt. Dimensions: 125mm. MPA: 1 Position - 35mmW x 25mmH.

144 £3.34

288 £3.13

576 £3.00

15005V 9” Scraggy Bear With T-Shirt” 9” tall with white T-Shirt printed one colour one position. Dimensions: 225mm. MPA: Body - 50mmW x 30mmH.

144 £4.10

288 £3.85

576 £3.71


Buster Bear Keyring and T-Shirt

8” tall when standing (5.5” when sitting) teddy bear with white T-Shirt.

3” tall brown bear with white T-Shirt.

Dimensions: 203mm. MPA: 1 Position - 50mmW x 30mmH.

144 £4.71



8’’ Korky Bear With White T-Shirt

288 £4.44

576 £4.28

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

Dimensions: 100mm. MPA: 1 Position - 20mmW x 15mmH.

144 £2.82

288 £2.62

576 £2.51

15102V Windmills Promotional windmill with large 2 sided print area. Great for outdoor promotional events and for children.

15101V Promotional Model Vehicles

Dimensions: 136mm x 380mm. Print Area: 2 Sides - 136mmD.

Use the proven appeal of diecast miniature vehicles to deliver your message, exclusive stock models from trucks and vans to cars, bus and taxi models, to deliver your message with style and impact.

250 £0.68

500 £0.54

1000 £0.48

Dimensions: Various. MPA: Various.

300 £3.15

500 £2.87

1000 £2.54

15103V Rubik’s Cube For a promotional gift that customers will love to keep, it has to be the original Rubik’s Cube! An iconic product for over 40 years, the Rubik’s Cube is a proven bestseller for the promotional market. With your branding to all six sides, it will keep your brand in your customers’ hands (and minds) for even longer! We can even add a metallic finish, contact us for details. Dimensions: 58mm x 58mm x 58mm. MPA: Each Side - 54mmW x 54mmH.

100 £9.38

250 £6.32

500 £5.59



Mini Football or Rugby Ball 2 ply PVC - Promotional Quality

Size 5 - Football or Rugby Ball in 2 ply PVC - Promotional Quality

Custom made footballs or rugby balls printed in up to 10 spot colours to all panels (up to 4 spot cols included). Includes free design visual. We can offer many templates that can all be customised in colours to suit you. Stock PVC colours: navy, light blue, green, yellow, orange, black. We can also offer other sizes and qualities.

Hand stitched footballs or rugby balls printed in up to 5 spot colours to all panels. Inclusive free design visual. We can offer many templates that can all be customised in colours to suit you. Stock PVC colours: navy, light blue, green, yellow, orange, black. We can also offer other sizes and qualities.

Dimensions: 139.7mm. MPA: Various.

50 £3.76

100 £3.36

Dimensions: 230mm. MPA: Please Refer to Supplier.

50 £7.95

100 £7.10

250 £6.23

250 £2.82

15104V Bang Bang Sticks Our Bang Bang Sticks, also referred to as “Cheering Sticks” or “Thunder Sticks,” are Pantone matched on all quantities. Each set contains 2 Inflatable Sticks and a Plastic Pipe to inflate. The Bang Bang Sticks can be printed up to 4 spot colours or full colour on both sides as standard. Price includes Free set up and Free delivery to 1 UK mainland address. Dimensions: 100mm x 600mm. MPA: Both Sides - 80mmW x 500mmH.

500 £0.84 1000 £0.59 2500 £0.46

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







15201V Bubble Blower Assorted primary and neon coloured containers of liquid bubble. Dimensions: 60mm. MPA: 45mD.

288 576 1152

£0.75 £0.69 £0.66

15203V Rainbow Spring Rainbow coloured. Printed one colour. 60mm dia. Individually boxed.

15202V Playing Cards

Dimensions: 65mm 55mm. MPA: 40mmW x 50mmH.

Playing cards in rigid case (case printed).

288 £0.84

Dimensions: 70mm x 100mm x 20mm. MPA: 1 Position - 50mmW x 32mmH.

150 £1.72

288 £1.40

576 £0.76

1152 £0.72

576 £1.30

UK MADE 15204V Large Flying Disc Gloss Finish A UK manufactured large flying disc in a gloss finished plastic that has two print areas included in one price that is available in a wide range of colours.


Dimensions: 25mm x 220mm. MPA: All Way Around Circle - 220mmD. Central Front - 110mmD.

Kids Bubbles

100 £1.37

Tub of Fun Bubbles ideal for childrens promotions indoors and outdoors with full colour print.

250 £0.93

500 £0.79

Dimensions: On Application. MPA: Ribbon - On Application.

100 £0.88


Turbo Pro - Flying Disc - UK Made - Recycled Flying Disc, made in the UK from recycled plastic. Lightweight design and flies exceptionally well. Digitally printed sticker up to full colour. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost.

250 £1.15


500 £1.08

ECO 1000 £1.02

500 £0.72



Dimensions: 25mm x 220mm. MPA: 1 Position - 152mmD.

250 £0.78


Sweet Chariot Car Fresheners See and smell the difference. Latest printing technology delivers an unrivalled combination of vibrant colour and environmental advantages. With the ability to print brilliant whites heralds bench mark in car freshener production. Manufactured in the UK using 1500 micron thickness purpose made pulp board certified from sustainable forests and fragrances containing essential oils. Car fresheners are fitted with choice of plastic hanger / elastic cord, packaged in clear barrier coated polyester film with instructions. Price includes full colour print + white, die cut special shape, both sides can be printed same or different. Dimensions: 74mm x 90mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 74mmW x 90mmH.

500 £0.70

1000 £0.51

2500 £0.43

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



Original Advertising Logobug

Healthy Eating Logobug

The Original Advertising Logobug - with your promotional message printed in full colour on the ribbon attachment. Comes in a range of pom pom and feet colours to suit your campaign themes. Logobugs are less likely to be thrown away, keeping your message in view for longer. Great for charity or fund raising events.

Logobug holding a selection of fruit and vegetables - with your promotional message printed in full colour on ribbon. Part of our extensive Hand Holder Logobug Range - this Logobug is ideal to highlight a healthy eating campaign in schools . Choose from our large selection of pom colours and feet to suit your branding.

Dimensions: 140mm x 19mm. MPA: Ribbon - 95mmW x 17mmH.

100 £0.40

250 £0.30

Dimensions: On Application. MPA: Ribbon - 95mmW x 17mmH.

500 £0.26

100 £0.49

250 £0.41

500 £0.36

15303V Bee Logobug Bee Advertising Logobug with your promotional message printed on the ribbon style attachment. One of our extensive Animal Logobug range - makes a perfect give-away for an environmental or nature campaign or a ‘thank-you’ for a charity or fund raiser.

15304V Nurse Logobug Nurse Logobug with your promotional message printed in full colour on a ribbon style attachment. An ideal give-away for a medical campaign. Choose from a large selection on pom pom and feet colours to suit your branding. One of our extensive Hatter Logobugs Range for all vocations.

Dimensions: On Application. MPA: Ribbon - 95mmW x 17mmH.

100 £0.58

250 £0.46

500 £0.41

Dimensions: On Application. MPA: Ribbon - 95mmW x 17mmH.

100 £0.49

250 £0.41

500 £0.36

15305V Folding Magnetic Bookmark Folding Magnetic Bookmark 92.5mm x 45mm folded size printed full colour both sides with gloss laminate finish. Ideal for student promotions in schools, colleges, libraries and universities. Easily attached to any paperwork making these an ideal give away with a practical use. Dimensions: 45mm x 185mm. MPA: Each Side 40mmW x 85mmH.

100 £0.46 250 £0.34 500 £0.26

15307V 15306V Activity Packs for Children Activity Pack containing A5 size activity booklet with personalised full colour cover with 3 activity / colouring pages. A personalised A7 sticker sheet, a pack of 4 colouring pencils unbranded and a foam animal puzzle. Choice of animal and foam colour. All packed in a biothene, biodegradable clear carrier bag. Dimensions: 210mm x 148mm. MPA: Cover - 210mmW x 148mmH.

100 £1.23

250 £1.08

500 £1.02

A6 Size 12 Piece Jigsaw 12 Piece Card jigsaw printed in full colour. Supplied unassembled in a poly bag. Dimensions: 148mm x 105mm. MPA: 1 Side of Card 148mmW x 105mmH.

100 250 500

£1.03 £0.90 £0.82

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







15403V Window Stickers and Promotional Vinyl Stickers Window stickers available with self cling or adhesive application, and promotional vinyl stickers. Printed from one colour up to full colour. Dimensions: 225mm x 50mm. MPA: All Over - 225mmW x 50mmH.

100 £0.61


15401V MagPen Magnet A5

250 £0.27

500 £0.21

MagPen Magnets - British made rectangle flexible fridge magnet, printed full colour with gloss laminate finish supplied with dry wipe pen attached. We offer a variety of shapes and sizes as standard. Bespoke shapes available on request. Dimensions: 148mm x 210mm x 0.75mm. MPA: 1 Side - 148mmW x 210mmH.

250 £1.33

500 £1.04

1000 £0.92

15402V MagPen Magnet A6 Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm. MPA: 1 Side - 105mmW x 148mmH.

250 £1.02

500 £0.79

1000 £0.64

15404V Commemorative Coins Zinc alloy injection moulded coin with design on both sides. Supplied encapsulated on a full colour card presenter. 105mm x 140mm (when folded). Dimensions: 140mm x 105mm. MPA: All Sides - 140mmW x 105mmH.

300 £2.28

500 £2.03

1000 £1.84

15405V Fridge Magnets 0.4mm Get your promotional message into the homes of your customers. The average fridge door is visited over 20 times a day and fridge magnets act as a reminder of your product or service. We offer a variety of shapes and sizes as standard; for extra impact why not design your very own bespoke shaped magnet? Dimensions: 45mm x 45mm x 0.4mm. MPA: Top - 45mmW x 45mmH.

250 £0.42

500 £0.24

750 £0.18

15406V A7 Size Sheet of Bespoke Shaped Stickers A7 size sheet of random shaped kiss cut child friendly vinyl stickers to your own design, printed in full colour. Dimensions: 72mm x 105mm. MPA: 1 Side - 72mmW x 105mmH.

250 500 1000


£0.32 £0.27 £0.25

15407V Memo Clip Magnets Shaped Promotional Magnet with strong handy memo clip to hold your important papers. Magnet printed full colour. Choose from a range of promotional shapes e.g. House, Telephone, Recycle Bin, 90mm Square or Star. Dimensions: 90mm x 90mm. MPA: 1 Side - 90mmW x 90mmH.

100 £0.67

250 £0.59

500 £0.56

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.




15502V Fridge Magnet



High quality melamine fridge magnet. British made. 4mm thickness. Fully magnetised rear, digitally printed, a market first in this material.


Fridge Magnet

Dimensions: 50mm x 70mm x 4mm. MPA: All Over - 50mmW x 70mmH.

High quality melamine fridge magnet. British made. 4mm thickness. Fully magnetised rear, digitally printed, a market first in this material. Bespoke shapes available,

100 £1.93

250 £1.69

500 £1.56

Dimensions: 40mm x 40mm x 4mm. MPA: All Over - 40mmW x 40mmH.

100 £1.05

250 £0.98

500 £0.90


15503V Fridge Magnet


High quality melamine fridge magnet. British made. 4mm thickness. Fully magnetised rear, digitally printed, a market first in this material.


Dimensions: 50mm x 50mm x 4mm. MPA: All Over - 50mmD.

100 £1.40

250 £1.32

500 £1.23

15505V Fridge Magnet High quality melamine fridge magnet. British made. 4mm thickness. Fully magnetised rear, digitally printed, a market first in this material.


Dimensions: 60mm x 30mm x 4mm. MPA: All Over - 60mmW x 30mmH.


100 £1.23

250 £1.15

500 £1.05

Fridge Magnet High quality melamine fridge magnet. British made. 4mm thickness. Fully magnetised rear, digitally printed, a market first in this material. Bespoke shapes available, Dimensions: 50mm x 50mm. MPA: All Over - 50mmW x 50mmH.

100 £1.40

250 £1.32

500 £1.23

15506V Fridge Magnet High quality melamine fridge magnet. British made. 4mm thickness. Fully magnetised rear, digitally printed, a market first in this material. Dimensions: 85mm x 55mm x 4mm. MPA: All Over - 85mmW x 55mmH.

100 £2.45

250 £2.20

500 £1.97

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.








15601V Printed Metal Badge Cut to any shape within 20mm and printed up to full colour. Epoxy coating and butterfly clutch pin fitting. Other sizes and fittings available on request. Dimensions: 20mm x 20mm. MPA: 1 Side - 20mmW x 20mmH.

250 £0.44

500 £0.42


15602V 32mm Square

Soft Enamel Pin Badge

32mm square button badge is supplied with a plastic pin fitting.

This economical, high quality badge is given more dimension with its infilled areas being slightly recessed. Suitable for larger volume promotions due to its cost effective appeal. Pantone matched colours. Choice of platings. Optional epoxy coating.

Dimensions: 32mm x 32mm. MPA: 1 Position - 32mmW x 32mmH.

1000 £207.29

2000 £173.11

3000 £160.64

15603V Oblong Button Badge (70mm x 43mm) Oblong button badge supplied with safety pin. Dimensions: 43mm x 70mm. MPA: 1 Position - 70mmW x 43mmH.

1000 £362.78

2000 £302.59

1000 £0.41

3000 £285.20

15604V 38mm Button Badge

Dimensions: 20mm x 20mm. MPA: All Over - 19mmW x 19mmH.

100 250 500

£0.93 £0.63 £0.49

38mm button badges supplied with a safety pin fixing or child safe fixing. Dimensions: 38mm x 38mm. MPA: 1 Position - 38mmD.

1000 £189.44

2000 £136.38

3000 £123.33


UK MADE 15607V 45mm Pin Badge UK Made - Recycled

15606V Enamelled Steel Badge Metal badge, cut to any shape within 20mm. Stamped design which can be left for an all metal effect or infilled with up to 4 soft enamel spot colours. Price includes silver nickel plating and butterfly clutch pin fitting. Various other plating colours and fittings available on request. Dimensions: 20mm x 20mm. MPA: 1 Side - 20mmW x 20mmH.

250 £0.53


500 £0.51

1000 £0.49

Button badge, made in the UK from recycled plastic. Digitally printed up to full colour. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost. Badges can be supplied with a safety pin or clip as standard but other fittings available. Dimensions: 45mm. MPA: 1 Position - 43mmD.

250 £0.55

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

500 £0.36

1000 £0.20


UK MADE 15703V 15701V Printed Insert Trolley Coin Trolley coin keyring with insert printed full colour on 1 side. Silver nickel plating. Dimensions: 22.4mm x 3mm. MPA: 1 Side - 21mmD.

300 £0.77

500 £0.63

1000 £0.54

Trolley Coin Keyring - Recycled UK Made - 3 Days

15702V Trolley Coin Keyring (Silver Nickel Plated)

Trolley coin keyring, available in 3 working days, can be printed one or double sided up to full colour print. Made in the UK from 100% recycled plastic. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost. Also available in Euro.

Stamped 1 sided and infilled with up to 4 soft enamel spot colours. Price includes silver nickel plating and trigger clip fitting. £1 or Euro size available. Other plating colours and print options available on request.

Dimensions: 23mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 21mmD.

250 £0.43

500 £0.33

1000 £0.27

Dimensions: 21mm x 21mm. MPA: 1 Side - 20mmW x 20mmH.

250 £0.68

500 £0.54

1000 £0.46


15704V UK 3 Day Trolley Coin Nickel plated unlaminated trolley coin in £1 size, digitally printed full colour onto our, in-house developed, flat resin decal and complete with keychain and lever hook.


Dimensions: 22.5mm. MPA: 1 Side - 19mmW x 15mmH.

250 500 1000


£0.93 £0.74 £0.61

Trolley Coin Stick Keyring - UK Made - Recycled This trolley coin keyring is larger than traditional coins with a greater print area allowing for larger branding to be printed one or double sided. Made in the UK from recycled hard durable plastic. Quality steel / nickel plated lobster style clip. Various print options available. Express delivery available. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost. Also available in Euro. Dimensions: 23mm x 45mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 21mmW x 35mmH.

250 £0.49

500 £0.40

1000 £0.37


15706V Plastic Trolley Coin Keyring


Plastic Trolley Coin Keyring - This white plastic key ring benefits from having the branded area visible when in use, displaying your artwork in full colour to all shoppers. Useful give away. Dimensions: 22mm x 65mm. MPA: 1 Side - 30mmW x 20mmH.

100 £0.68

250 £0.61

500 £0.54

UK 5 Day Trolley Coins UK Trolley Coins can be delivered in 5 days so they make a great option when you need them in a hurry! Nickel plating and available in single or double sided. Spring clip and split ring fitment. Full colour print on decals. Minimum 100. Dimensions: 22.5mm x 22.5mm x 3mm. MPA: 1 Side - 22.5mmW x 22.5mmH.

100 £1.66

250 £1.10

500 £0.82

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.









Deluxe Tyre Tread Depth Gauge Keyring - UK Made - Recycled

2D PVC Keyring 2D soft PVC keyring. Cut to any shape within 40mm. Up to 4 soft PVC spot colours. Other sizes available on request.

Deluxe Tyre Tread Gauge is a simple and practical device that checks whether your tyre tread depth is within the legal limit. This item comes complete with a keyring or ball chain fitting. Made in the UK from 100% recycled plastic. Digitally printed up to full colour. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost.

Dimensions: 40mm x 40mm. MPA: 1 Side - 40mmW x 40mmH.

250 £0.53 500 £0.51 1000 £0.49

Dimensions: 32mm x 66mm x 6mm. MPA: Back - 27mmW x 57mmH. Front Bottom - 27mmW x 15mmH. Front Top - 27mmW x 32mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.87 £0.78 £0.64



15803V Radiator Keyring Metal radiator key with split ring fitting. Full colour printed insert on 1 side. MPA: 1 Side - 15mmD.

300 £1.66

500 £1.50

1000 £1.30

15804V Luxury Key Fobs High quality key fobs available in three different designs: rectangle, square or oval. Branded full colour to one side. Packaging options available. Dimensions: 22mm x 83mm. MPA: 1 Position - 19mmW x 34mmH.

250 £1.25

500 £1.09


1000 £1.00

15806V 45mm Magnet - Round or Square UK Made - Recycled


45mm magnet, available in square or round, made in the UK from recycled plastic. Digitally printed up to full colour. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost. Dimensions: 45mm. MPA: 1 Side - 43mmD.

250 500 1000


£0.60 £0.48 £0.38

45mm Keyring - Round or Square - Recycled - UK Made 45mm round or square keyring made in the UK from 100% recycled plastic. These can be printed up to full colour using a digital process. Keyrings can be supplied with split ring, ball chain or zip clip. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone matched) at additional cost. Dimensions: 45mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 43mmD.

250 £0.62


500 £0.45

1000 £0.34

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.





UK MADE 15901V

F1 Keyring Our British-made plastic keyrings offer a budgetfriendly and practical way to promote your company. The F1 keyring has a modern oblong shape, plus convex sides to really make your graphics come alive. It’s printed to both sides with your design.


50mm Soft PVC Keyring

P5 Keyring

50mm size flexible moulded soft PVC keyring in any bespoke shape. Available in any Pantone colours of your choice, these low cost items make a big impact.

Our P5 is our bestselling British-made plastic keyring thanks to its classic shape and value for money. It’s available in clear, so your design is printed to both sides of the paper insert.

Dimensions: 50mm x 50mm. MPA: 1 Side - 50mmW x 50mmH.

100 £0.61

250 £0.54

500 £0.49

Dimensions: 27mm x 63mm. MPA: Both Sides - 20mmW x 50mmH.

250 £0.83

500 £0.63

1000 £0.49

Dimensions: 35mm x 59mm. MPA: Both Sides - 24mmW x 35mmH.

250 £0.57

500 £0.40

1000 £0.33


UK MADE 15906V 15904V

Shaped Acrylic Keyring

15905V Hard Hat Keyring - Small

3mm Acrylic Keyrings printed in full colour and cut to any shape within 70mm x 30mm or 50mm x 50mm or 60mm x 40mm.

A UK manufactured small hard hat keyring that can be printed in up to 4 spot colours.

Dimensions: 70mm x 30mm. MPA: 1 Side - 70mmW x 30mmH.

Dimensions: 35mm x 20mm x 45mm. MPA: Side - 15mmW x 10mmH.

100 £0.86

Standard Ad-loop® The Ad-Loop is a popular keyring for any promotion and industry. It’s made in Britain, so you’re assured of it’s quality and durability for promoting your business. The tactile, flexible plastic will also protect car paintwork from unwanted scratches, making it a great addition to any recipient’s keys. Available in a great range of colours for you to mix and match to suit your brand.

100 £1.30

250 £0.78

500 £0.71

250 £0.88 500 £0.71

Dimensions: 180mm x 8mm. MPA: 1 Side - 120mmW x 7mmH.

250 £0.47

500 £0.43

1000 £0.39

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.







16002V UK 24 Hour Silicone Wristband Our standard colour range of printed silicone wristbands are available on a quick delivery service with a one colour print. As well as our standard range, Pantone matched, childrens sizes and glow in the dark wristbands are also available, please enquire for more details. Dimensions: 210mm x 12mm. MPA: 1 Side - 185mmW x 9mmH.

500 £0.32


1000 £0.28

2000 £0.25

Silicone Wristband Silicone wristband which can be Pantone matched. Price includes a debossed logo or 1 colour print. Dimensions: 203mm x 12mm x 1.9mm. MPA: 1 Side - 180mmW x 8mmH.

250 £0.35

500 £0.30

1000 £0.28

16004V Printed Silicon Wristbands Printed Silicon Wristbands are a fun promotional accessory that can be used for a wide range of promotions and events. Can be printed single colour up to full colour. Dimensions: 190mm x 12mm. MPA: All Over - 100mmW x 10mmH.

100 £0.40

250 £0.37

500 £0.34

16003V Beer Mats Beer mats made of absorbent 1200 micron pulp board and printed with your artwork in full colour on two sides. Available in either 94mm square of 94mm diameter circle. Dimensions: 98mm x 98mm. MPA: 2 Sides - 94mmD.

250 £0.32

500 £0.27

1000 £0.25



Membership or Business Card

Plastic Card Case Very useful for carrying and protecting any credit card style, bank, membership, security card etc. Good print area on front or back. Dimensions: 90mm x 60mm x 4mm. MPA: Front - 80mmW x 50mmH.

250 £0.56


500 £0.54

1000 £0.52

Printed plastic card with full colour litho printed artwork on both sides. Credit card sized. Options include sequential numbers, signature strips, bar codes & magnetic strips at extra cost. Dimensions: 54mm x 1mm x 86mm. MPA: All Over - 54mmW x 1mmH.

250 £0.52

500 £0.34

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.

1000 £0.24




16101V Curved Ice Scraper UK moulded ice scraper, ergonomically shaped and sturdy in frosted or solid colours, that can be printed in two places in up to 4 spot colours. It can also be digitally printed full colour.


Dimensions: 110mm x 20mm x 225mm. MPA: Front Face - 70mmW x 70mmH. Handle - 10mmW x 50mmH.

250 £1.00

500 £0.81

Vent Scent In-Car Air Freshener

1000 £0.71

The Vent Scent is a fantastic in-car air freshener with a sleek design that fits into your car air vent. It slowly releases a clean, fresh scent that means you will never be embarrassed to give that work colleague a lift home. Made of a rigid 100% recycled plastic. Available in 8 standard colours, or custom coloured (Pantone® matched) at additional cost.


Dimensions: 56mm x 102mm. MPA: 1 Position - 35mmW x 61mmH.

Ice Scraper Credit Card Shape Credit Card shaped good budget Ice Scraper. Ideal for a promotional mailing (it’s very flat). Great giveaway item for shows and events.

100 £1.54

250 £1.30

500 £1.08

Dimensions: 85mm x 53mm. MPA: Front - 70mmW x 45mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.39 £0.37 £0.35

16104V Eco Ice Scraper Heavy duty eco ice scraper with 93mm demister for removing rain etc. Made from recycled high impact styrene. Available in white. Size: Blade width 100mm Demister width 93mm. Dimensions: 165mm x 100mm x 20mm. MPA: Top 80mmW x 135mmH.

250 500 1000

£0.72 £0.68 £0.64

16105V ICO Whiteboard Multifunctional Magnetic Marker with Eraser The ICO Multifunctional Whiteboard Magnetic Marker & Eraser is a high quality long-lasting marker with a bullet nib. Available in four ink colours; red, blue, green and black. This high quality marker has a huge print area of 55mm x 45mm. Unique to ICO is the fact that it offers an eraser on the end and a magnetic lid giving easy storage options. 3 day cap off time.

16106V Plastic Memo Board A5 size 600 micron rigid Plastic Dry Wipe Memo Board printed in full colour with hole for hanging and dry wipe pen and clip. Individually bagged. Dimensions: 148mm x 210mm. MPA: 148mmW x 210mmH.

50 £2.80

100 £2.37

250 £2.13

Dimensions: 20mm x 133mm x 20mm. MPA: Barrel - 20mmW x 133mmH.

500 £0.95 1000 £0.86 2500 £0.78

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



A1 Year Planner

A1 Year Planner Printed full colour on quality 170gsm gloss or matt paper and supplied cut to size, bulk boxed. Option to fold or roll and insert in mailing tubes. Includes full colour personalisation with planners printed to match your company colours. Stock or fully bespoke design. Also available in A3 & A2 sizes. Dimensions: 840mm x 594mm. MPA: 1 Side - 840mmW x 594mmH.

100 £2.98

250 £1.83

500 £1.08





16301V Perspectives Wall Calendar 2017 12 leaves plus cover. Gloss varnish on cover and spot varnish on leaves. White wires. Packed in board envelopes. Also available as Grand Design in Desk Range. Dimensions: 415mm x 460mm. MPA: 1 Position 390mmW x 52mmH.

50 £11.25 100 £9.00 250 £7.76

16302V World Wildlife Memo Wall Calendar 2017

16303V Precious Earth Wall Calendar 2017

6 leaf memo-style wall calendar. White wires. Packed into manilla envelopes. Dimensions: 314mm x 432mm. MPA: 1 Position - 298mmW x 65mmH.

12 leaves plus gloss varnish cover. Spot varnish on leaves. White wire. Packed into board envelopes.

50 £4.62

100 £3.27

250 £2.79

Dimensions: 492mm x 338mm. MPA: Each Leaf 472mmW x 53mmH.

50 £10.72 100 £8.57 250 £7.39

16304V Easel Desk Calendar Easel Desk Calendar with daily tear off motto pad. In board stiffened pvc with wide range of colours. Printed in one colour up to full colour on the front and back. Dimensions: 180mm x 110mm x 30mm. MPA: Front - 94mmW x 98mmH.

100 £4.08

250 £2.92

500 £2.49

16305V World By Night Desk Calendar 2017 13 leaves plus cover, white wire, Wirobound to easel. Packed in board envelope. Dimensions: 280mm x 145mm. MPA: Each Leaf 252mmW x 30mmW.

25 £8.00 50 £6.97 100 £5.20

16307V Touring Britain Wall Calendar 2017

16306V Architectural Innovation Desk Calendar 2017

12 Leaves plus cover, white wire, gloss varnish cover, spot varnish leaves. Packed in board envelope. Also available as Britain in View in Desk Range.

13 leaves plus Cover, white wire, varnish on face, wirobound to easel. Packed in board envelope. Also available in Wall Range.

Dimensions: 338mm x 492mm. MPA: Each Leaf - 314mmW x 65mmH.

Dimensions: 280mm 145mm MPA: Each Leaf - 252mmW x 30mmW.

25 £8.42

50 £7.23

25 £12.41

50 £9.88

100 £7.95

100 £5.89

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.






16401V Strata Week To View Pocket Diary 2017 Week To View Portrait Pocket diary. Bound in Strata. White paper. Ribbon marker. Gold or silver blocked. 6 cover colours: black, blue, burgundy, green, mid-blue, red. Dimensions: 170mm x 90mm MPA: 1 Position 72mmW x 140mmH.

50 £2.40 100 £1.90 250 £1.48

16402V Strata A5 Pagaday Desk Diary 2017 A5 Pagaday desk diary with white pages. Padded cover. Perforated page corners. Ribbon marker. UK and World maps. Gold or silver foil blocked. 6 cover colours: black, blue, burgundy, green, mid-blue, red. Dimensions: 145mm x 205mm x 22mm. MPA: Front Cover - 113mmW x 160mmH.

100 £4.15

250 £3.47

1000 £2.58

16404V Pocket Weekly White Page Tucson Diary Soft touch durable cover with striking embossed date design completed with luxurious silver paper edges, ribbon marker with year date, UK and world maps and padded covers in desk. Dimensions: 80mm x 170mm. MPA: 1 Position - 56mmW x 103mmH.

50 £6.34


100 £5.27

250 £4.61

Strata A4 Pagaday Padded Cover Desk Diary 2017 A4 Pagaday desk diary with white pages and ribbon marker. Padded cover. Foil blocked in gold or silver. 4 cover colours: black, blue, burgundy, green. Dimensions: 210mm x 297mm x 25mm. MPA: Front Cover - 170mmW x 230mmH.

100 £7.24

250 £6.09

500 £5.16

16405V A5 Daily White Peru (Mundior) The Peru A5 daily diary offers a striking grained effect cover, which is complemented perfectly with a discrete blind embossed date design. The Peru diary is ideal for blind embossing of your company logo. The 12 month diary offers a user friendly daily day to a page format featuring timed appointments with white pages and modern blue and grey print. The perforated page corners offer the option of detaching each day by day if desired for the ultimate easy referencing system. To complement the design the diary features a silver ribbon marker with a printed year date. This product features ecological paper sourced from sustainable forests. Dimensions: 145mm x 205mm. MPA: 1 Position 115mmW x 180mmH.

50 £5.53 100 £5.05 250 £4.40

16406V Quarto Weekly White Matra De Luxe White Silver Trim The Matra De Luxe quarto desk diary combines a padded matt cover crowned with a blind embossed pattern design, a foil year date and luxury extras. The smooth cover material offers a luxurious feel whilst maintaining durability and the design is finished with metal corners and matching page edges. The 15 month diary spans from October to December and offers a user friendly week to view page format. The perforated page corners offer the option of detaching each week by week if desired for the ultimate easy referencing system. To complement the design the diary features a ribbon marker with a printed year date. Matra De Luxe desk diaries feature a full colour World map section. White paper diaries feature silver foil date, silver metal corners and silver page edges. This product features ecological paper sourced from sustainable forests.


Dimensions: 210mm x 260mm. MPA: 1 Position - 170mmW x 181mmH.

50 £10.31

100 £9.21

250 £8.43

Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.



A4 Folders ......................................................... 100-105 A5 Folders .............................................. 102-103, 105 Activity Pack ................................................................ 153 Activity Trackers ............................................. 134-135 Air Fresheners ................................................. 152, 161 Alcohol ................................................................ 145-146 Anti Bacterial Goods .......................................... 16, 39 Awards ....................................................................... 51-52

Earphones .................................................................... 121 Eco Friendly ............. 16, 19, 38-39, 60, 61, 66-67 ....................................... 80-82, 84-85, 90, 92, 95, 109 ...................................................120, 148, 152, 156-158 Elevate ...............................................................................76 Enamel Badges ........................................................... 156 Energy Drinks ............................................................. 148 Envelope Files ............................................................. 102 Exhibition Bags ............................................. 88, 90, 92 .................................................................................. 114, 119 Eye Masks ..................................................................... 136




Backpacks ................................................................. 88-89 Badges ............................................................................ 156 Bags .................................................................... 73, 79-95 Balloons ......................................................................... 149 Ballpens ........................................................................ 2-35 Bang Bang Sticks ....................................................... 151 Beanie Hats ......................................................................77 Bears ................................................................................ 150 Beer Mats ..................................................................... 160 Bic ............................................................. 13-14, 37, 124 Bike Accessories ............................................. 138-139 Biscuits ..................................................... 144, 146-147 Bookmarks ................................................................... 153 Bone China ............................................................... 55-56 Bottle Openers .......................................................... 132 Bottled Water ............................................................. 148 Bottles ................................................................................50 Bottle Holders .................................................... 59, 148 Bubble Blowers .......................................................... 152 Bunting ........................................................................... 149 Business Bags ......................................................... 88-89 Business Cards ........................................................... 160 Business Card Holders .................................. 52, 107

C Calculators .............................................................. 41, 49 Calendars ........................................................... 162-163 Caps .....................................................................................77 Car Chargers ................................................... 120-121 Carrier Bags ............................................................ 92-94 Castelli ........................................................... 42, 44, 164 Children’s Items .............................................. 150-153 Clipboards ......................................................... 106-107 Chargers .................................................. 116, 120-121 Chocolates ................................................................... 145 Clocks ............................................................. 41, 52, 138 Clothing ..................................................................... 74-77 Coasters ........................................................... 39-41, 50 Colouring Pencils .............................................. 37, 153 Commemorative Coins .......................................... 152 Compact Mirrors ..........................................................51 Computer Cleaners ................................................. 122 Conference Folders ...................................... 100-104 Cool Bags ..........................................................................95 Counter Mats .................................................................39 Credit Card Holders ................................................ 160 Cross ............................................................... 26, 28, 124

D Decanters .........................................................................51 Desktop Gardens ...................................................... 148 Diaries ............................................................................ 163 Drink Stirrers ..................................................................67 Driving Packs .............................................................. 138 Dry Wipe Boards ........................................... 154, 161

Luggage Straps ...............................................................96 Luggage Tags .......................................................... 96, 98


Flags ................................................................................ 149 Flip Flops ....................................................................... 138 Flying Discs .................................................................. 152 Footballs ........................................................................ 151 Forks ............................................................................... 148 Fountain Pens ..................................................................30 FranklinCovey ...............................................................25 Fridge Magnets .................................... 154-155, 158

Made in UK ............................... 38-40, 52, 60-61, 63 ............................................. 65-67, 109, 114, 119-120 ....................................... 131, 133, 143, 152, 154-159 Maglite ............................................................... 130-131 Magnetic Combi Key ............................................... 131 Marker Pens .....................................................................35 Markie ...............................................................................35 Mechanical Pencils .......................................................37 Memo Boards ............................................................. 161 0LFURĆEUH &ORWKV ..................................................... 122 Mints .................................................................... 140-144 Mirrors ...............................................................................52 Mobile Phone Accessories ........................ 111-128 Model Vehicles ........................................................... 151 Mousemats .............................................................. 38-39 Mugs ................................................... 54-59, 61, 63, 67 Multi-Tools .................................................................... 132 Multi Cable Powerlink ............................................ 120



Gel Pens .............................................................................15 Gift Bags .................................................................... 92-93 Glasses .............................................................. 50-51, 67 Golf Balls ...........................................................................73 Golf Gift Sets ...................................................................73 Golf Pitchmarkers .........................................................73 Golf Tees ............................................................................73 Golf Towels ......................................................................73

H Hairbrushes .....................................................................97 Hampers ............................................................. 145-146 Hand Sanitisers .......................................................... 139 Hats .....................................................................................77 Headphones ..................................................... 119, 121 Helium Foil Balloons ................................................ 149 Highballs ...........................................................................67 Highlighters ............................................................. 34-36 Hot Chocolate ............................................................ 144

I Ice Scrapers ................................................................. 161 ICO ............................................................ 16, 35, 49, 161 ID Card Holders ........................................................ 109 Inovo ....................................................................... 32, 124 Ipad Cases ......................................................... 122-123

J Jackets ................................................................................76 Jellybeans .......................................................... 142, 144 Jelly Belly ..................................................................... 142 Jigsaws ........................................................... 40-41, 153 Jogger Bottles ........................................................ 64-65

Name Badges .............................................................. 109 Notebooks ................................................................ 42-46

O Oyster Card Holders .......................................... 98-99

P Pagemarkers ........................................................... 47, 49 Paper Products ...................................................... 42-47 Parker ........................................................................ 29-30 Passport Cases ...................................................... 98, 99 Passport Wallets ...........................................................98 Pedometers ................................................................. 135 Pen Pots .............................................................................52 Pencil Cases .....................................................................48 Pencils ................................................................................37 Pens .......................................................... 2-37, 124-127 Phone Stands ......................................... 118, 120, 123 Pin Badges .................................................................... 156 Planners ......................................................................... 160 Plaques ...............................................................................52 Playing Cards .............................................................. 152 Polo Shirts ........................................................................75 Powerbanks ...................................................... 111-117 Prodir ......................................................................... 11-12 Promo Mate ...................................................................15 Puzzles ...............................................................................41


Keyboards .................................................................... 120 Keyrings ............................................ 53, 107, 116, 119 ..............................................................130, 132, 157-159

5DGLDWRU NH\V ................................................... 131, 158 5DLQERZ 6SULQJV ........................................................ 152 5($&+ &RPSOLDQW ..... 41, 80-82, 88-91, 95, 103 5LQJ %LQGHUV .......................................... 101, 105-106 5ROOHUEDOOV ..................................14, 24, 26, 29-30, 32 Rubiks ............................................................................ 151 5XFNVDFNV ................................................................. 79-81 5XJE\ %DOOV ................................................................... 151 5XOHUV....................................................................... 48, 133



Lamy ...................................................................................26 Lanyards ........................................................................ 108 Laptop Bags ............................................................. 89-91 Laptop Travel Sets .................................................... 120 Lamps .............................................................................. 130 Logo Bugs ..................................................................... 153 Luggage Scales ...............................................................97

6FDOH 5XOHUV .................................................................. 133 Scarves ...............................................................................74 Screencleaners ........................................................... 122 Senator ............................... 2-8, 24-25, 35, 105, 124 Sheaffer .................................................................... 26-27 Shoe Bags .........................................................................91 Shoe Shine Kits ...............................................................97


TERMS & CONDITIONS TERMS OF PAYMENT: Within 30 days from invoice date, unless special settlement terms have been agreed by us in writing. QUANTITY VARIATION: :H VKDOO EH GHHPHG WR KDYH IXOĆOOHG RXU FRQWUDFW by delivery of a quantity within 10% plus or minus of the quantity ordered. RETENTION OF TITLE: All goods supplied by us remain ours until any outstanding account is paid in full. PRODUCTS: We reserve the right to alter any details or design of products illustrated without notice.

SAMPLES: These will be submitted on approval and may be nonreturnable. If agreed to be returned then samples will only be credited if they are returned in pristine condition. CARRIAGE and DELIVERY: Every effort will be made to deliver on time, but we cannot be held responsible for delays in shipment or late delivery. Carriage is charged extra and packing cases where applicable. CLAIMS: Claims arising from damage, delay or partial loss in transit must be made in writing within 5 days. CANCELLATION CHARGES: A charge will be made on all cancelled orders.

Shopping Bags ............................... 78, 81-82, 84, 87 Shot Glasses ....................................................................51 Speakers .................................................. 116, 118-119 Spoons ............................................................................ 148 Sports Bags ............................................................. 79, 91 Sports Bottles ................................. 59-60, 62, 64-66 Staplers ..............................................................................49 Stickers............................................................................ 154 Sticky Notes ............................................................ 47, 49 Stress Items ................................................................. 137 Stylus ............................................................ 35, 124-127 Sunglasses .................................................................... 136 Sunscreens ................................................................... 136 Sweets ................................................................. 140-147 Swiss Army Knives .................................................... 132

T Tablet Cases ........................................... 105, 122-123 Tankards ............................................................................51 Tape Measures ................................................ 131, 139 Tea/Coffee .................................................................... 144 Teddy Bears ................................................................. 150 Temperature Gauges ............................................... 137 Thermal Mugs ........................................................ 61, 63 Ties .......................................................................................74 Tiles ................................................................................. 123 Titleist ................................................................................73 Tools ..................................................................... 131-133 Toothbrush Kits .............................................................96 Torches ................................................................ 128-130 Tote Bags ....................................80, 82-83, 85, 87, 92 Travel Adaptors ..............................................................97 Travel Mugs ............................................................. 59, 61 Travel Pillows ..................................................................95 Travel Wallets ..................................................................99 Travel Organiser .................................................... 98-99 Trolley Coin Keyrings .............................................. 157 Tumblers ................................................................... 51, 60 Tyre Tread Gauges ................................................... 158

U Umbrellas ................................................................. 68-72 USB Chargers .................................................. 120-121 USB Flashdrives .................................. 110-111, 126

V Vacuum Flasks ................................................................62

W Wallets ..................................................... 102, 106-107 Water .............................................................................. 148 Waterman ........................................................................30 Weather Stations ...................................................... 138 Wellington Boot Bags ..................................................91 Whisky Glasses ..............................................................51 Windmills ...................................................................... 151 Window Stickers ....................................................... 154 Wine ................................................................................ 146 Wine Coolers ..................................................................67 Wine Sets ...................................................................... 146 World Time Clocks .......................................................41 Wristbands ........................................................ 109, 160

Y Yo-Yos ............................................................................. 148

Z Zip Buddies ......................................................................76 Zipped Folders ................................................ 100-105

VAT: All prices shown are subject to VAT at the current rate. PRICES: The prices in the catalogue are in Pounds Sterling DQG DUH VXEMHFW WR ćXFWXDWLRQV LQ WKH ([FKDQJH 5DWH ARTWORK and DESIGN: Artwork and design facilities are available. An extra charge is made dependent on the amount of work involved. CORPORATE LOGOS: The products featured in this catalogue have not necessarily been supplied or endorsed by the companies whose logos have been used. The printing of such is a guide to position and printing effect only. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Energising Brands... through innovative merchandise 024 7667 3415

Welcome House, Falkland Close, Coventry, CV4 8AU

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