Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh: Spring 2022

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Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh CHILD EYE HEALTH


Seeing Clearly on Myopia

Nutrition and Supplements For Mother and Baby


Quick Care for Bumps and Bruises

SAFE SLEEP The Secure Ways to Put Them to Bed

Bab y Gea r


From c stroll ar-seats to ers, safety all the facts

From Teaching Toys to Sensory Pods




HC01 Cover.indd 1

SPRING 2022 | £3.99

Discussing the Essentials for Kids’ Health With the TV Doctor

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15/02/2022 16:15

Discover Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries For over thirty years Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries have been working closely with parents, staff and Ofsted to deliver childcare of the highest quality, providing children aged 3 months to 5 years with unlimited opportunities to play, learn and grow within a safe, secure and caring environment. Our nursery settings are specifically designed to meet the needs of babies and young children. We provide our nursery children with a stimulating environment where they can thrive, with large, bright open plan rooms, creative outdoor play areas and a variety of modern equipment. Our aim is for every child to be happy and healthy, enjoying their early years at the nursery and for parents to have peace of mind that their children are in excellent hands with Monkey Puzzle.

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07/02/2022 14:44



Our environment enables your child to explore, develop and learn through spaces designed and equipped especially with them in mind. You’ll see many familiar homely items like bookcases, tables, chairs, and sofas – just much smaller than you are used to!

We know that a healthy balanced diet is essential to your child’s growth and development. Every day is an opportunity to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals and snacks, we have formed menus to broaden your child’s food experiences, created with your child’s needs in mind. We love to see children’s excitement when presented with a selection of colour, shape, texture, and taste at mealtimes.

We consider the indoor and outdoor environment to be your child’s third teacher, it joins you as parents and us as educators in guiding your child through their learning.

Curriculum At Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries our curriculum and approach to children’s development starts at the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Then it develops further, helping your child thrive during their time at nursery whilst preparing them for their journey ahead. Your child will learn through the magic of play whilst being supported by trained staff who have a passion for providing memorable learning experiences. During this time they are constantly carrying out observations spotting those developmental milestones and subtle changes in a child’s interests.

Care At our nurseries, your child will benefit from a whole team of caring passionate staff with the benefit of their very own key person who works closely with you to provide the very best care for your child just as you’d provide yourself. Your child’s key person will keep a learning journey up to date with all the great things your child has achieved both great and small.

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07/02/2022 14:44

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19/11/2021 12:06



And welcome to the latest issue of Healthy Child, with me, Dr Ranj Singh.

Images: Courtesy of Talent4Media


e’ve been through troubling times for parents and children – hopefully there is now light at the end of the tunnel and we can look forward to getting back to more normal post-pandemic lives. But even though coronavirus hasn’t taken as much of a physical health toll on children as other groups, the disruption to their lives and education hasn’t been without its mental health implications. That’s why Healthy Child and the website at aim to give you all the latest news about both physical and mental health for prospective parents and growing kids. Whether you are planning on a first child, adding to your family or raising children, there are many issues

to tackle such as providing a healthy environment, monitoring nutrition and exercise, understanding the essentials of education and being aware of the key stages of development. Moreover, all parents should be aware of long-term health risks such as obesity, and lifestyle decisions around areas such as smoking and exercise, all subjects we’ll tackle in this fact-packed issue. My day job in the NHS is all about helping people to live better and healthier lives, and my role here is exactly the same – to spread healthier living messages out to children, young people and their families. It’s an essential job and I’m thrilled you’re here to share it in Healthy Child! hc

Dr Ranj Singh

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11/02/2022 16:19


10 Special Features 10 Interview Celebrity Editor Dr Ranj Singh talks to us about the mental health implications of coronavirus for children, the value of sensory play and his new book Health


16 HEALTH TODAY All the latest news on issues affecting child health, including life expectancy, short-sightedness and the pandemic 20 Water Way to Go! The importance of hydration for everyone from kids to professional athletes 6 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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22 The Sea Food Diet The old joke goes, if I see food, I eat it – but there are plenty of good nutritional reasons why you should get your kids into eating fish 24 Why Kids Should Kick Vaping E-cigarettes may be safer than smoking, but are they a ‘ gateway drug’ to health issues in later life? Pregnancy

Early Years


26 Pregnancy & Early Years The latest developments and product news, from the world’s most expensive gene therapy drug, to concerns for pregnant black women

29 The Right Balance What part do dietary supplements play in pre-pregnancy planning? 31 Safe Sleep Essentials Secure and healthy sleep is an essential to a baby’s development – what’s the best advice to make sure they sleep soundly and safely? 32 A Cure for Colic? One of the challenges of weaning a baby is the possibility of colic. But there are some new ideas about the causes and possible solutions 36 Start As You Mean To Go On Lifelong health can be affected by nutrition in pregnancy and early years. So what are the essentials for mother and baby diet?

14/02/2022 16:17

Contents 40 The Weight of the World Are weighted blankets the key to better sleep for you and your kids? There’s an intriguing scientific argument that they are an invaluable aid to health

50 Treat With Care If you are pregnant you have to be concerned for your baby’s health as well as your own, which means taking care that you don’t use any potentially harmful medication

42 Drinking for Two? There’s an old saw that when you pregnant you are eating for two, but what about drinking? It’s vital to keep hydrated in pregnancy and here’s why

52 Play and Learn Choosing a nursery can seem like an impossible challenge – how do you know what’s best for your children? We’re here to give you some guidance

44 Second Time Around Is the problem of secondary infertility – difficulty getting pregnant a second time – insufficiently discussed? 46 Feed ‘Em Right! Healthy eating is an essential for childhood development – but how do you steer the kids away from sweets and snacks and towards healthy fare?


Health Check 54 Health Check The latest developments and product news, from the risks of the respiratory infection RSV to the definition of ‘long Covid’ 56 Brushing Decay Away There’s a healthcare crisis with children’s teeth – what can we do to stop them being attacked?

Images: Talent4Media; Dreamstime

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15/02/2022 15:51

Contents 59 Sleeping Through Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult for kids, and that makes life hard for parents. What are the problems and solutions? 60 Can Gummies Be Good For You? They may look like sweets, but gummies are an increasingly popular way of getting kids to take vitamins, minerals and other supplements 62 Getting Kids Jabbed Getting children vaccinations is more important than ever, but how do you get them used to the procedure? 65 Healthy Swaps to Beat Obesity Getting kids to eat more healthily is the first step to preventing obesity in later life. What are some of the easy swaps you can make to improve their diet? 70 Sharper Sight Myopia is a growing problem, but there are some ingenious technical solutions starting to address the issue 74 Supplements for Health Children don’t always get the right balance of vitamins and minerals in their diet, so are supplements essential for their health and development? 78 Is No Meat Good News? Can you live healthily on a vegetarian or vegan diet? Giving up meat is good for the planet, but will it benefit your family’s health? 80 Something Fishy For the Kids How should you prepare and present healthy fish meals to give kids the maximum incentive to try them? 8 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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46 83 The Bees Know Best It’s more than a tasty way to start your day - the health benefits of natural organic honey shouldn’t be overlooked


84 Cutting Out Dairy People choose to cut dairy products from their diet for lots of reasons, but is it a good move for your kids’ health? 86 Vitamin B-Happy! Vitamin B is an essential in kids’ diet, so if they are deficient, it’s worth considering a supplement. But why is Vitamin B so important?


Growing Up 90 Growing Up The latest developments and product news, from concerns about kids' consumption of energy drinks, to the effects of pollution on health and the genetic causes of febrile convulsions 92 Sitting in Style and Safety It’s essential to think about safety when choosing and using a baby or child car seat, but the choices can be complicated. Fear not with our guide there’s no reason why your kids can’t be safe and travel in style too

15/02/2022 15:38



96 Heat it to Beat it Insect bites can be painful and dangerous and there are lots of old wives' tales about treating them – but there are new nonmedicinal approaches offering an alternative to the old remedies

112 Parenting The latest developments and product news, from vaccination rates to warning about antichoking devices

101 The First Cut Children are prone to bumps, bruises, scrapes and cuts, so it’s important to know when and how to apply First Aid, and when things look more serious and require professional help 102 Teaching Kids About Recycling Learning them about the importance of recycling is the first step to making your children responsible future citizens. But how do you get them interested in sustainability? Here a few tips that put the fun into it 104 A Touch of Class What is the importance of sensory play for child development, and how can we help children develop life skills using a range of education tools? 107 Reading for Pleasure Reading is an essential life skill and one you can’t start teaching too early. But it has to be taught. Find out more about its benefits and why we should encourage all kids to read

116 Health and Fatness Childhood obesity is a growing problem, but the whole family could benefit from some healthy diet swaps


120 Sustain to Maintain We all know the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and cutting waste, but how can you put it into practice in your choice of child products? 124 At A Push… Choosing a pushchair can be tricky – there are so many different types and makes. We give you a few tips to get you strolling and rolling… 127 Clean and Healthy Cleaning your home might set off a raft of allergies – is there a way to do it without mucking up your health? 129 Keep it Covered We all want to protect the family against unexpected problems, but what are the best family insurance options?

120 130 The Thai Way Thai medical beliefs call on a long tradition of study and spirituality, based on the four elements. Along with the delicious food of the region they are growing in popularity. What can we learn from this ancient system of balance and harmony?

PUBLISHER & CEO Kevin Harrington

Images: Dreamstime

EDITOR Chris Jenkins

Healthy Child Celebrity Angels 143 Caledonian Road, London, N1 0SL Tel: 020 7871 1000 For sales enquiries call: 020 7871 1000

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PUBLISHED BY Celebrity Angels © 2022 All rights reserved

Cover photograph of Dr Ranj Singh courtesy of Talent4Media

All material in Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh magazine is wholly copyright and reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is strictly forbidden. The views expressed in this publication are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Celebrity Angels. The information in this publication is carefully researched and produced in good faith, however, neither the publisher nor the editors accept responsibility for any errors. The Celebrity Angels Series is published in the UK under licence by Damson Media Limited. Damson Media Limited is registered in England and Wales under registration no. 07869300.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 9

15/02/2022 15:51


Pregnancy, Pandemics and Parenting Q. A recent report on hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) suggested that it’s hard to find treatment for the condition. Is it sufficiently understood by the medical establishment? RS. It’s not unusual to get nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Many women will experience a degree of so-called ‘morning sickness’. However, HG is something else entirely. It is severe and prolonged nausea and vomiting that could require hospital treatment. Unlike regular pregnancy sickness it may not get better by 16-20 weeks, and can be debilitating for some. Although awareness of HG is pretty good, the reason it happens is not well understood, which also makes treatment difficult. There are some options available and if you are suffering please don’t do so in silence. Speak to your midwife or medical team who will explain what you could try. The charity Pregnancy Sickness Support is also a great source of information and advice. There have been reports that pregnant women should avoid taking paracetamol. Is this a cause for concern? RS. There was a recent study (a consensus statement) published in the scientific journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology which suggested that using paracetamol in pregnancy could be harmful to the baby’s development. 10 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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There has been a mental health crisis for children and young people in the UK for a long time – even before the pandemic and any lockdowns. Children can experience mental health issues just like anyone else. In fact, many of the mental health problems we see in adulthood start in younger life

However, as many experts have pointed out, this study does not present anything new and calls for more research into this area. Important things to remember: paracetamol has been used in pregnancy for a very long time and has a good safety record when used appropriately. There is no epidemic of problems that we have seen as a result of its use. And sometimes the risks of not using a medication can outweigh the risks of the medication itself, so the pros and cons need to be weighed up. It’s true that using any medication in pregnancy could potentially have side effects, which is why we always

Images: Talent4Media; Dreamstime

Chris Jenkins talks to Dr Ranj Singh about pregnancy health issues, child mental health, exciting medical advances and the joys of pantomime

15/02/2022 15:35

Interview recommend speaking to a healthcare professional and only using it for the shortest time possible. But in reality, there are times when medication is necessary. Is there a children’s mental health crisis due to the pandemic and lockdown? RS. The reality is that there has been a mental health crisis for children and young people in the UK for a long time – even before the pandemic and any lockdowns. Children can experience mental health issues just like anyone else. In fact, many of the mental health problems we see in adulthood start in younger life. If we don’t address them early then they can become even worse and have a much greater impact on their lives. This is where the issue lies: we haven’t had enough support or services for mental health in general, but especially for children and young people. During the pandemic, this problem was amplified as many struggled with their mental health because of the disruption to their lives and because it was even harder to access help. The NHS and various charities are doing their best to address this situation, but we need some serious and long-term investment in mental health support right now. Should we go back to asking children to wear masks in school? RS. School is vital for children and getting them back as quickly and safely as possible has always been a priority. That has meant making the school environment as safe as possible for both students and staff with appropriate mitigations – whilst minimising any more harmful disruption to their lives. Whilst coronavirus poses a relatively low risk to children compared to other groups, it is not no risk and it can have a major impact on their wider lives. So if numbers of cases start to rise, and we

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are seeing an impact on their wellbeing, it might be appropriate to bring back masks (especially for older children). This should be alongside other measures too, such as vaccination, ventilation, hygiene and distancing. We must remember that the pandemic is dynamic and so our response to it must be too. What’s the value of sensory play for children generally, and specifically for those with special needs? RS. Play is hugely important for children in general as it stimulates their brain development as well as social skills, communication, learning and wellbeing. We actually use play in hospital settings – especially for younger children – because we recognise the benefits it has and it can be used therapeutically.

For children with special needs, their ability to take part in regular tasks may be limited, but that does not mean they don’t have a need for and enjoyment of sensory stimulation. In fact, you could argue that it is even more important for them. Having seen it in action, it is amazing to see how good it is for them and the joy it brings them! Has there been any recent progress in dealing with obesity and diabetes in children? RS. There has been constant work from various organisations and charities in terms of increasing awareness of and dealing with overweight, obesity and diabetes in children (and we must remember that obesity and diabetes may be completely unrelated). Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 11

11/02/2022 16:25

Interview However, much like other conditions, during the pandemic the focus has been on other things and attention has been diverted or people have found it harder to get the help and support they need. In addition, we know that lifestyles, eating patterns and even ability to access food and exercise changed significantly which has also had an effect. As we start to enter this new phase of the pandemic, it’s important that we mustn’t lose sight of these longer terms issues that we have been dealing with. Perhaps it’s time to refocus on those again. Is the announcement of a malaria vaccine for children in Africa a sign that we might eliminate the disease? RS. Malaria remains a main cause of childhood illness and death in subSaharan Africa. More than 260,000 African children under the age of five die from malaria annually. Research into treatments and vaccines has been ongoing for many decades, but we’ve not been able to successfully roll out a vaccine programme to date. Fortunately, it seems that we now finally have a vaccine that could make a massive difference. To date, more that 2.3 million doses of the RTS,S malaria vaccine have been given across three African countries. It was found to significantly reduce cases of deadly malaria (30%), had a good safety profile, was feasible to deliver to those who needed it, and it was cost-effective. It also secondarily protected children who hadn’t been vaccinated. This is great news and it has now been recommended by the WHO for consideration of a broader roll-out. We may be a long way off eliminating the disease yet, but this is a huge step forward.

for prolonged periods of time isn’t good for you. It can have a negative effect on your posture, on your joints, and the reduced physical activity associated with it has long term health effects. Prolonged sitting also affects the flow of blood to various parts of the body, and some small studies have been done to suggest that it can also reduce the flow of blood to the brain. However, these studies are tiny and we don’t know if the reduction in blood flow to the brain actually has a real-life effect (it’s been suggested that reduced blood flow could contribute to neurodegenerative conditions like dementia). Also, the effect was negated by taking breaks and getting up and doing some activity. So the message here is actually to

avoid sitting for long periods of time, and if you have to, try to break it up every now and again and move about! Children’s screen use time has shot up during lockdown – some reports say to three times recommended levels. Why is this a problem and how can we deal with it? RS. As with any kind of technology, it has benefits and potential disadvantages. We know that screens can be used positively: socially, for communication and learning, and for play. Naturally, screen time increased during lockdown because children were unable to do some of the other things they were used to, and they used screens for education and to communicate with others. However, screen time can have its

12 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

There are reports that poor posture can restrict blood flow to the brain. Should we really be telling our kids to ‘sit up straight and don’t slouch!”? RS. It goes without saying that sitting

11/02/2022 16:25

Interview What other child health issues have you been concerned with recently? RS. The coronavirus pandemic and consequent lockdowns have affected children and young people in so many different ways. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest concerns is mental health and the need to dramatically increase services to cope with the rise in need. Secondly, now that we are entering a new phase of the pandemic, we are seeing a rise in other infections which children were not exposed to as much. Infections like RSV (which causes bronchiolitis) and flu are on the rise and not in the same way as before. It’s imperative that we encourage parents to protect their children where possible (e.g. through flu vaccination) and recognise how to manage at home and when to seek help. Finally, the most significant thing that has been highlighted for me is the impact of poverty on health, especially for children. Numerous reports have shown how this must be addressed if we are serious about improving child health – and now is the time to do it.

drawbacks. For instance, increased use of screens is associated with lower levels of physical activity. It may reduce face-to-face interaction which could affect social skills and emotional development. If used late at night, the light from these screens can also cause sleep problems. The evidence for harm isn’t clear-cut, but it stands to reason that children shouldn’t spend so much time using screens that it affects other parts of their lives. Setting limits on use, being supervised or even sharing screen time with your child, and making sure that they have enough time to do other activities is really important. Do you think that social media companies should take more responsibility for their content and how kids use them?

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RS. Social media is a relatively recent development, but has exploded since it came in to our lives – especially for young people. We can’t really imagine how life would be without it now, and it definitely has its positives, but there are a number of downsides. The content isn’t anywhere near as regulated as other media and can have a seriously negative effect on young people. Sadly the regulation and safeguards have not kept up with the exponential rise of social media, and there are calls from many people for social media companies to do more. It’s quite possible that we may have to introduce specific legislation to compel them to do this, and I would agree that more needs to be done to protect young people.

What’s in your diary for the rest of the year and into 2022? RS. The year was really busy for me - I continued my work as an Emergency Paediatrician, right up until the end of the year when I headed up north to Bradford to do pantomime! This year I played the part of the Royal Doctor in Sleeping Beauty at the Alhambra Theatre - I can't wait to do panto every year! The panto experience is truly wonderful and the joy it brings to children is priceless! Early in 2022 will see the release of my next children’s book: Brain Power! It’s a guide on understanding how your brain works, how it makes you so special, how to train it to be better, and how to look after your mental wellbeing. I feel like that’s hugely important given the last two years or so! hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 13

11/02/2022 16:25

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13/01/2022 11:17

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At FOCO, we control the product from picking, processing and packaging. Every batch undergoes a careful Ultra High Temperature (UHT) process to ensure freshness and shelf stability. We also pack our coconut water in a dedicated production facility (currently, FOCO is the only brand produced in its own dedicated facility), and we never overstock (so every batch retains maximum freshness). All this means you’ll enjoy the same delicious flavour every time you drink FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water.

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For generations locals have enjoyed this sweet, refreshing heavenly water – and benefited from its all-natural goodness. Now everyone who loves coconut water can get the very best tasting coconut water in the world – FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water. Superior taste. Low in calories. Nutrient rich with 5 essential electrolytes. Awesome hydration. Drink FOCO and live life to the fullest!

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13/01/2022 11:17

Health Today

Campaign Launched to Help Parents Boost Children's Diet Families will be provided support to help to improve children's diets through a new campaign as statistics show the number of parents giving unhealthy snacks to their children has increased during the pandemic. The multimedia Better Health campaign, launched in January, aims to encourage families to eat better and includes a new ‘scan, swipe and swap’ feature for the NHS Food Scanner App, which gives an easy solution to help families sustain a healthier diet. The campaign follows record rises in obesity levels.

What’s New?

Kids' Health Soon A Quarter of Newborns Will Live to 100 Figures unveiled by the Office for National Statistics forecast that approximately a quarter of British boys and girls born in 20 years’ time will live to at least 100 years of age. The UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics published national population projections and past and projected lifetables that provide an indication of the potential future size and structure of the UK. This included estimates claiming that 19 percent of girls and 13.6 percent of boys born in 2020 are predicted to live beyond 100. This is forecast to grow to 27percent of girls and 20.9 percent of boys in 2045.

Images: Dreamstime

According to the ONS data, boys that were born in the UK in 2020 can expect to live on average to 87 years while girls can expect to live on average to 90 years. Despite estimates showing a possible rise in average age for those born today, experts warn that improvements may have been hindered by the coronavirus pandemic.

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14/02/2022 17:17

Health Today

Short-Sightedness On the Rise

Worst Month of Pandemic for Children January 2022 was the worst month of the coronavirus pandemic for children as six died in hospitals, the highest figure for children’s deaths of the virus in the UK since the pandemic began, government data has revealed. Four of those who died were babies and toddlers under the age of four, and eight were teenagers between the ages of 15 to 19. The data from the NHS also indicates this figure rose from the previous record high in December, which saw 14 children die with Covid in England, three of which were in the youngest category.

Researchers have found that rates of short-sightedness in the UK have grown by around 50% during the past 30 years. The study of more than 100,000 Britons, conducted by researchers at University College London illustrated that there were a higher number of people diagnosed with myopia – the medical name for short-sightedness – within the younger population than those born between 1939 and 1944. Short-sightedness is an eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred.

The figures also showed that 904 children were hospitalised in England in just a week up to January 28th, another record for the pandemic. 519 of the 904 were under the aged of five. In contrast, the same week just a month earlier in December saw less than half of the January figure. The numbers were released as part of the government's daily coronavirus data and show a significant rise in admissions in children.

The UCL researchers indicated more time spent reading books could be to blame for the upward trend. This could be attributed to educaiton becoming more intensive or more people attending university.

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14/02/2022 17:17

Health Today

Child Wellbeing Improving The wellbeing of thousands of children and young people across England has seen great improvements as new research reveals a better picture in their recovery from the pandemic. The Department for Education published its third annual State of the Nation report, providing an in-depth picture of the experiences of children and young people aged 5 to 24 throughout the pandemic during the 2020/21 academic year. To mark Children’s Mental Health Week, the report illustrates that children and young people’s wellbeing is gradually improving, in spite of the challenges that remain.

Funding for the online platform Student Space, led by Student Minds, will also be extended to July 2022 to support university students’ mental health and wellbeing in England and Wales. Minister for Higher and Further Education, Michelle Donelan said: “University is without doubt an unforgettable experience but even at the best of times it is not without its challenges. Throughout the pandemic, protecting students’ mental health and wellbeing has therefore been of the utmost importance to me.”

Images: Dreamstime

There is a link between regular attendance at school and college and positive wellbeing throughout all groups of children and young people, underlining the positive impact of face-to-face learning.

Will Quince, the minister for children and families, said: “The resilience of children and young people should never be underestimated. Though they have coped remarkably well over the last few years, this report once again highlights that school is often the very best place for their education and wellbeing.”

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14/02/2022 17:18

Health Today

NHS Unveils New Treatment to Help Reduce Effects of Peanut Allergy on Children Thousands of children in England will benefit from pioneering treatment for peanut allergy after NHS chiefs secured the first deal of its kind in Europe. The oral immunotherapy treatment, known as Palforzia, helps to reduce the severity of reactions to peanuts including anaphylaxis, and children and young people in England will be the first in Europe to benefit from the treatment. Peanut allergy is one of the most common allergies in children. It is estimated that around two percent of the nation’s children are affected. According to the NHS, up to 600 aged four to 17 are expected to be treated this year, rising to as many as 2,000 each year

Develop and Grow Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries works closely with parents, staff teams and Ofsted to deliver childcare of the highest quality, providing children with unlimited opportunities to learn, develop and grow within a safe, secure and caring environment.

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14/02/2022 17:18

Health Today

Water Way to Go! Athletes know all about the importance of hydration, but it’s vital for kids too. What’s the science behind keeping our water levels up?


Water makes up about 60 percent of your bodyweight, and though you can survive without food for weeks, dehydration can kill within days or even hours, depending on the temperature and environment. When you are dehydrated, it means that more water is moving out of your body's cells than into them, but with the water you also lose electrolytes critical to cell functions and energy, such as sodium and potassium. A certain amount is lost naturally through breathing, sweating, and excretion, so you can’t afford to lose additional water as it will quickly affect your digestive and other systems, with symptoms such as constipation, headaches and inability to concentrate. Of course the major group to suffer from dehydration is athletes, whose physical

exertions mean that they lose a great deal of water and electrolytes through sweating. Often, they will top up their water levels with sports drinks, designed to restore electrolytic balance as well as water levels; but some of these also include sugar and other additives. Needless to say, the worst thing you or your kids could drink to try to restore hydration is sugary fizzy drinks. Keeping hydrated with plenty of water has the benefit of reducing hunger, so it’s helpful if you are trying to lose weight. Being well hydrated is also thought to improve sleep patterns, cognition and mood. Symptoms of dehydration in babies and children can include:lethargy and irritabillity, while in adults you can add dizziness and confusion. A top tip is to watch your wee in the morning - if it's dark, more like apple juice than lemonade, then you’re dehydrated! hc

Images: Dreamstime

ater is sometimes known as ‘Adam’s ale’, the only thing the mythical first man had to drink, and there are good reasons why it’s vital to practically every bodily function. But it’s important to know just how much water you should take in, and where you should get it. There’s a rule of thumb that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. Few of us will do that, getting a lot of our liquid intake from tea, coffee or fizzy drinks. But this isn’t at all the best way to take in water. "Water regulates our body temperature, keeps our joints lubricated, helps prevent infections and delivers nutrients to our cells," said dietitian Lisa Drayer. "Additionally, our kidneys and liver work hard to get rid of toxins in our bodies, and they depend on water."

20 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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15/02/2022 11:16

The Importance of Kids’ Hydration For Health

Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water per day can be especially difficult for kids. Supplementing with an electrolyte beverage like SOS Kids Hydration x PAW Patrol is an easy way to help kids stay hydrated and healthy. Adding one stick of SOS Kids Hydration to 12 oz of water helps speed hydration absorption by 3x compared to drinking water alone.

Kids are particularly vulnerable to dehydration given their active lifestyles and fast metabolisms.

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11/01/2022 11:02

Health Today

The Sea Food Diet There’s an old joke about the seafood diet – “If I see food, I eat it”. But fish can do you lots of good, and it’s particularly vital in kids’ diets

22 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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It’s always a good trick to get the kids to help out with preparation in the kitchen – if they have aided the cook in the preparation of the meal, they’re much more likely to take to it. hc

Which fish? Not all fish are equal when it comes to nutritional value – the ones with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids are red fish including sardines, herring, mackerel, pilchards and salmon. Those with medium levels include tuna, bass, and whiting, and lower levels can be found in white fish such as cod, haddock, halibut and trout.

Images: Dreamstime


t’s sometimes hard to get children to eat fish – in the early years they may find the taste, texture, or the presence of small bones off-putting. But it’s worth persevering with serving them seafood, as it has plenty of health benefits, and most will come to enjoy eating it – even if you have to trick them into it to start with. Fish is a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, calcium and selenium, all important in supporting the healthy development of your baby during pregnancy, and in promoting heart health and other aspects of child development. It’s not a bad idea to introduce children to eating fish using easy-to-eat processed products such as fish fingers or fishcakes. Nutritionist say it could take 10 to 15 attempts to get a child to take to a new food, so stick with it, offering fish a couple of times a week until they get used to the taste and texture. Gradually you should aim to get them to eat fresh fish. There are loads of techniques you can try as an easy introduction, such as using fish to make burgers by cooking and flaking with potato and a binder such as egg, coating in breadcrumbs and frying. Alternatively you can try making your own fish sticks which can be eaten with the fingers, using a dipping sauce such as Greek yogurt. To add a bit more variety and flavour once the kids have got used to eating fish, try marinating with lime juice and stuffing into a taco shell, with toppings of fresh cut vegetables or sour cream and salsa, or mix up the dipping options with chutney, salsas, pesto, honey, ketchup, mustard, or nacho cheese.

15/02/2022 11:10

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08/10/2021 12:48

Health Today

Why Kids Should

Kick Vaping H

ealth researchers agree that vaping – using electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes – is safer than smoking tobacco. But they also agree that a lot more research is needed before we understand the possible long-term health implications of vaping. After all, e-cigarettes are an invention of the 2000s, while tobacco smoking has been researched since the 1920s. The supposed advantage of e-cigarettes over smoking tobacco is that they deliver 24 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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‘pure’ nicotine directly to the lungs by heating and vapourising a liquid, without the associated carbon monoxide and 7,000 or so other chemicals produced by burning tobacco, at least 69 of which are known to be toxic.

GATEWAY DRUG The e-cigarette industry, which is estimated to be worth $30b by 2022, argues that e-cigarettes are a good way for smokers to wean themselves off tobacco,

delivering the chemical satisfaction and the ritual of smoking without the health consequences; but even though they agree that vaping is less dangerous than smoking, health activists argue that for the young, vaping can act as a ‘gateway drug’ into smoking tobacco. So is there any truth to this? Whether by fostering nicotine addiction or merely by imitating the rituals of smoking, the ‘gateway effect’ of vaping may well lead to smoking, but the ‘common

Images: Dreamstime

It may be safer than smoking tobacco, but we don’t know enough about the long-term health effects of vaping to say it’s safe – and kids need to be aware of the risks

14/02/2022 14:45

Health Today causes’ effect argues that teenagers more inclined to take risks will be equally attracted to vaping and smoking anyway. In an attempt to answer these questions, researchers from the University of Bristol, funded by the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK among others, compared 17 studies of vaping and smoking in under-30s from the US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Germany and the Netherlands, taking into account factors that might have influenced the results, such as whether the participants' friends smoked, and the use of alcohol and other drugs. Of the 57,514 people in the 17 studies, 4,787 had used e-cigarettes and 52,727 had not. Of those who went on to smoke tobacco, 30 percent were vapers and 8 percent were non-vapers. Non-smokers who had tried e-cigarettes were 2.9 times more likely to go on to smoke tobacco.

STRONGER LINKS While all the study results pointed in the same direction, some showed stronger links between vaping and smoking than others. The researchers found that the links were strongest when they included studies looking at people under 18. The link also seemed stronger in studies done in the UK than the US. The researchers concluded that there is strong evidence that young people who vape are more likely to go on to smoke, but couldn’t prove a causal connection; so it could just be that more risk-inclined youngsters are more likely to take up both vaping and smoking. An NHS analysis cast doubt on some of the findings, pointing out that they relied on self-reporting, and that not all studies accounted for other factors such as attitudes to risk-taking behaviour. So, like previous studies, this summary of research does not really answer the question of why young people who vape go on to smoke. It could be that young people who would have smoked anyway try vaping first, or it could be that young people who would never have smoked are

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more likely do so after they try vaping. Certainly there is no evidence so far that vaping causes harm to other people around you. This is in contrast to smoking, where exposure to second-hand smoke is known to be very harmful to health. Unlike cigarettes, e-cigarettes release no side-stream vapour into the atmosphere, just the exhaled aerosol – and unlike tobacco smoke, e-cigarette vapour dissipates quickly in the atmosphere. Public Health England’s 2018 independent evidence review found that to date, there have been no identified health risks of 'passive vaping' to bystanders. But the NHS’s response to this report is an interesting one - it concludes that because we do not know the answer to this question, it’s important that young people are protected from advertising about e-cigarettes and are not encouraged to vape. The NHS says “E-cigarettes should be used only by people who smoke and are trying to stop.” You can read the study in the journal Tobacco Control at hc

UK E-Cigarette laws The UK has one of the most comprehensive systems of regulation for e-cigarette products in the world. This includes: ✤ M inimum standards of

safety and quality ✤ D etailed notification of

ingredients ✤ P ackaging and labelling

requirements ✤ A ban on advertising in

print, broadcast, online and other electronic media ✤ A ban on the sale of E-cigarette products to under-18s, and on purchase by adults on behalf of under-18s

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 25

14/02/2022 14:45

Pregnancy & Early Years

NHS to Offer World’s Most Expensive Drug Children in England with a fatal genetic condition are set to be given what is said to be the world’s most expensive drug after NHS England struck a deal with its manufacturer. The gene therapy treatment, known as Libmeldy, is used to treat children who suffer from metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), a rare condition that severely damages a child’s nervous system and organs and affects life expectancy, with children usually only living for five to eight years. Around five babies in England are born with MLD each year.

Concerns For Pregnant Black Women Black women in the UK are still four times more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than white women according to data between 2017-2019. The MBRACE report also found that women from Asian ethnic backgrounds are twice as likely to die compared to white women. Heart disease, epilepsy and stroke remained the most common causes of death. Overall, deaths are still statistically low.

The single-dose treatment has a list price of £2.8 million, making it the most expensive drug in the world, however it will be available for young patients on the NHS after NHS England negotiated a significant cut in the price. Amanda Pritchard, NHS chief executive, said: "This revolutionary drug is a life-saver for the babies and young children who suffer from this devastating hereditary disorder and will spare their families untold heartache and grief." Professor Simon Jones, Paediatric Consultant at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT), said: “This is enormously welcome news for all families affected by MLD, a progressive, life-limiting condition for which there were previously no approved treatment options."

Some 495 individuals died during pregnancy or up to a year after birth, out of 2,173,810 having a child. Prof Marian Knight, the lead author of the MBRACEUK report, said: “The drop to a fourfold difference should not be a reason to lessen our efforts at a time when addressing these inequalities among pregnant women and new mothers should be a priority.“

26 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

Prof Maggie Rae, president of the Faculty of Public Health, said: “This year’s coronavirus pandemic has brought this disparity even more starkly to the fore, and we must not lose sight of the actions that are required to address systemic biases that impact on the care we provide for ethnic minority women.”

15/02/2022 10:44

Pregnancy & Early Years

Babies in Hospital with Omicron "Only as a Precaution" More babies are going into hospital with Omicron compared to previous waves of the pandemic - however, they are not very sick with the virus according to health experts. Early findings are “incredibly” encouraged according to health professionals, with the virus remaining low risk. In the wave caused by the Delta variant, approximately 20 percent of children under the age of one admitted to hospital needed supplementary oxygen compared to around 12 percent for the recent Omicron wave. Prof Calum Semple of the University of Liverpool, who also advises the government as part of SAGE, said: "Our study has shown that there has been an increased proportion of children being admitted in the last four weeks associated with the onset of Omicron and this

has been particularly driven by children under the age of one. "The striking feature is that we're now seeing essentially 42 percent of the children are under the age of one, whereas previously it was around about 30 percent."

Perfect Booster

Children across the UK can now enjoy SOS Hydration’s healthier and more effective alternative to the mass-market sugary drinks targeted at children. The company’s new childspecific, low-sugar electrolyte, mineral and vitamin drink mix formula, is a perfect immune and hydration booster.

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Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 27

15/02/2022 11:15


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BBJ&K_Cytoplan.indd 1

08/10/2021 17:01

Pregnancy & Early Years

The Right Balance Pre-pregnancy planning is essential for easier conception, gestation and birth, but what part do dietary supplements play?


ating a healthy, balanced diet is an essential for a smooth pregnancy, but sometimes it’s just not possible to get everything we need from our diet. What do doctors recommend we should do to make sure that we’re getting all the vitamins and minerals we need when pregnant, or in fact pre-pregnancy?

FOLIC ACID One of the essentials is folic acid, which can prevent developmental problems in babies such as neural tube defects and spina bifida. You should try to eat green leafy vegetables which contain folate (the natural form of folic acid) and breakfast cereals and fat spreads with folic acid added to them, but it’s difficult to get the amount of folate recommended for a healthy pregnancy from food alone, which is why it's important to take a folic acid supplement. Before pregnancy and until you are 12 weeks pregnant, you should take 400 micrograms

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stay away NHS advice is to avoid taking cod liver oil or any supplements containing vitamin A (retinol) when you're pregnant. Too much vitamin A could harm your baby. Always check the label. Foods you should avoid include mould-ripened soft cheeses, cold cured meats, raw eggs, tuna, oily fish, shellfish, alcohol and excessive caffeine.

of folic acid every day. If you take your folic acid in a multivitamin, make sure it does not include Vitamin A or retinol.

VITAMINS You should be able to get all the vitamin C you need from a healthy diet, but it is recommended that you take 10 micrograms of vitamin D each day, and should in any case consider taking a supplement

containing this amount between September and March. Vitamin D is found in some foods, including oily fish (such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines), eggs and red meat, and is added to some breakfast cereals, fat spreads and non-dairy milk alternatives, but it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food so a supplement is often recommended in pregnancy. You should not take more than 100 micrograms (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day as it could be harmful. You can get vitamin supplements containing vitamin D free of charge if you're pregnant or breastfeeding and qualify for the Healthy Start scheme; find out more at Cytoplan have supported parents for over 30 years with their nutritionist-approved range of supplements. Their wholefood pregnancy multivitamin, Pregna-Plan, has been expertly formulated to support you from preconception, to pregnancy and breastfeeding. hc

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 29

11/02/2022 16:31

the safest way to sleep At MORI, we’re dedicated to helping the whole family sleep better which is why we created the Clever Sleeping Bag. Made from our naturally breathable, thermoregulating & moisture-wicking signature fabric, to keep little ones at the perfect temperature as they sleep. A fitted neck opening and adjustable armholes ensure they won’t slip down and the sleeping bag is available in 3 TOGs to safely suit every climate.

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Baby Mori.indd 1

19/10/2021 16:02

Pregnancy & Early Years

Safe Sleep Essentials Secure and healthy sleep is an essential to a baby’s development – what’s the best advice to make sure they sleep soundly and safely?


ne of the greatest fears for any new parent is of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), or cot death. The causes are imperfectly understood, but years of study have led to some good solid advice on safer sleeping. Although SIDS is rare, for the avoidance of major risks there are seven key precautions you should always take.

✎ Always place your baby on their back to sleep, in a cot in the same room as you, for the first six months. Healthy babies sleeping on their backs are not more likely to choke, and sleeping on their side or front is not as safe. Once they’re older and will roll themselves over, there’s no need to worry.

✎ Keep baby's head uncovered – their blanket should be tucked in, no higher than their shoulders, to stop them slipping down the bed. your partner smoke at any time, have recently drunk alcohol, or have taken medicine or drugs that make you sleep more heavily. The risks of co-sleeping are also increased if your baby was premature or had a low birth weight.

✎ Place your baby in the "feet to foot" position, with their feet at the end of the cot or moses basket. Use a baby mattress that's firm, flat, well-fitting, clean and waterproof on the outside – cover the mattress with a single sheet.


✎ Never sleep with your baby on a sofa or ✎ Do not let your baby get too hot or cold. Don’t use duvets, quilts, baby nests, wedges, bedding rolls or pillows, and don’t let the room temperature get too high or low. About 18C (65F) is ideal.

✎ Do not share a bed with your baby. This is particularly important if you or

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✎ Do not smoke during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and do not let anyone smoke in the same room as your baby. Finally it’s been noted that breastfeeding your baby reduces the risk of SIDS. hc

Hat Tricks Babies lose excess heat through their heads, so make sure their heads cannot be covered by bedclothes while they're asleep. Remove hats and extra clothing as soon as you come indoors or enter a warm car, bus or train, even if it means waking your baby.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 31

14/02/2022 10:46

Pregnancy & Early Years

NCT National Childbirth Trust (NCT) is a charity that provides information and support on all aspects of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood, including breastfeeding.

bottle and back can be seamless. Once your baby becomes acquainted with their bottle, mums can take a muchneeded break and have other family members help with the feedings".

A Cure for Colic? One of the challenges of feeding your baby can be the problem of colic. There are some new ideas of how this can be avoided


nfantile colic usually shows itself as excessive, frequent crying in a baby who appears to be otherwise healthy. It's a common problem experienced by around half of babies, and can be distressing for baby and parents – but it often cures itself and has no long-term consequences. But what are the causes and can anything be done to prevent it? Colic often affects babies until the age of about 12 weeks, and can be very stressful and bad for your sleep. The most common cause is thought to be trapped wind, so preventing a baby

32 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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from swallowing air can be a major step towards relieving colic. Often this can be a matter of choosing the right feeding bottle. What’s needed is a bottle design which is ventilated to release the negative air pressure caused by the baby's sucking. Nanobébé bottles have a one-of-akind triple-vented system that releases air pressure and are designed to help everything from gas and colic, to upset stomachs and ear infections. And the experts from Nanobébé say: "Thanks to the unique shape of the Nanobébé teat and bottle the transition from breast to

A standard non-ventilated bottle is simply an enclosure with a teat, and the baby has to create a high negative pressure by sucking to get any liquid out. This is the exact opposite of the positive pressure which occurs during breast feeding. In an under-vented feeding bottle, a slit in the flange of the teat allows air to be drawn into the feeding vessel once a sufficient vacuum has formed in the bottle. This is an improvement on non-vented designs, but can still lead to swallowing of air. In a fully vented bottle, an open pathway for air leads from the threads between the bottle neck and the teat collar to an internal reservoir, resulting in positive teat pressure while feeding, and a noted reduction in the swallowing of air. The Nanobébé bottle's breast shape encourages a smooth transition between breast and bottle, and a quick-cooling feature reduces bacterial growth and prevents nutrient-damaging temperatures. Most importantly for the prevention of colic there’s a 360°, triplevented teat designed for perfect latching, and no post-feeding fussiness, gassiness, or discomfort. hc

Images: Dreamstime


11/02/2022 16:55

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31/01/2022 12:20

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27/10/2021 15:46

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27/10/2021 15:46

Pregnancy & Early Years

Start as You Mean to Go On


xperts agree that the first three years of life – the months of pregnancy and the first couple of years of childhood – have an enormous impact on health throughout life. Because of the high prevalence of low birth weight and undernutrition in childhood in developing countries, the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals include the health of mothers, on the principle that during pregnancy and lactation, the child is completely dependent upon the mother for nutrients. There are all sorts of myths around eating during pregnancy – the most commonly heard one is that you have to ‘eat for two’. But there is some truth in this. Weight gain during pregnancy is natural, and though it has its own health risks, it’s a mistake to starve oneself during pregnancy - instead the dietary changes of pregnancy should be met with tailored solutions.

WEIGHT GAIN Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can impact maternal health, pregnancy outcomes such as preterm delivery or low birth weight, and child health after delivery. While all women require increased calories during pregnancy, recommended weight gain will differ depending on pre-pregnancy weight status; underweight women should gain more weight than normal weight women 36 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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while overweight, and obese women should gain less. It’s important to realise that inadequate maternal weight gain could potentially harm the health of both mother and child, since calories are required to support proper development in the womb. Conversely, obesity and excess weight gain can increase the risk of stillbirth, preterm birth, birth defects, a large baby, and childhood obesity. The vitamin and mineral needs of a pregnant woman can vary greatly between pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and lactation, but a carefully chosen diet can meet recommendations for most nutrients, though supplements such as folic acid are usually prescribed. Other frequently supplemented nutrients include the fatty acids DHA and EPA, vitamin D, and iodine, so supplying foods rich in these can have positive health outcomes.

INTAKE For optimal infant health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, but this means that the required intake for many nutrients becomes even greater than during pregnancy. The concentration of nutrients in breast milk will vary depending on how much the mother is eating in her diet. For instance vitamins, minerals such as iodine, and salts such as choline,

which are essential for infant cognitive development, may not be delivered in sufficient quantities to the baby if the mother’s diet is inadequate. The lesson is that the importance of proper nutrition does not stop after birth. Complementary (non-breastfeeding) feeding practices after the first six months support the health of the young child and convey long-term health benefits. For example, adequate calories can help manage weight gain during the first years of life, while lowering the risk of childhood obesity from overfeeding. It’s a good idea to choose foods rich in Vitamin A and iron, which will help support proper development of the child’s vision, immune system, and physical growth. In developing countries, WHO, UNICEF, and others also recommend supplementation or

Images: Dreamstime

Lifelong health can be affected by nutrition in pregnancy and early years. So what are the essentials for mother and baby diet?

11/02/2022 16:57

Pregnancy & Early Years

So what should you eat? A recommended balanced diet for when you are pregnant or breastfeeding includes: ✤ One portion a week of oily

fish (140g/5oz) such as salmon, fresh tuna or sardines for omega 3 LCP fatty acids, vitamins A and D, and iodine. ✤ Five portions a day of fruit

and green vegetables like broccoli, peas, spring greens and spinach for folate, vitamins and minerals ✤ Hard (not soft) cheeses for

calcium ✤ Lean read meat for iron and

protein ✤ Dried fruit including prunes,

raisins and apricots for iron, calcium and fibre ✤ Nuts and seeds for omega 3

fatty acids, vitamin E and iron. ✤ Wholegrain breakfast cereals

with no sugar for fibre, and fortified cereals for folic acid and iron fortification with multiple micronutrient powders and individual nutrients to reduce infant and child mortality and improve growth and development.

OMEGA 3 One essential for both mothers and babies is the fatty acid Omega 3. The expert nutritionists from MINAMI say: "The NHS recommends that adults consume at least two portions of fish per week, one of which should be oily. This equates to around 250mg of EPA and DHA per day. However, if you are

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pregnant you will need an extra 200mg of DHA per day, to support foetal development, which you may wish to consume via supplements. This is because too much oily fish can contain dangerous amounts of pollutants which could harm a developing foetus. MINAMI offers products tailored to the needs of expecting mothers, and children at all ages." Pregnancy and child-rearing can be some of the most stressful stages of life, but with proper dietary planning, you can take some of the worry out of the process and ensure a healthy future. hc

✤ Eggs, thoroughly cooked so

both white and yolk are solid, are a source of protein, iron and vitamin D ✤ Water, skimmed or semi-

skimmed milk, fruit juice or herbal teas to about 6-8 glasses a day. ✤ Baked beans are surprisingly

full of fibre, protein and iron, and three heaped tablespoons on wholemeal toast counts towards your five-a-day.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 37

11/02/2022 16:58

4.7 out of 5

The UK's favourite weighted blanket made especially for kids. Keeping your child feeling cuddled and protected! Remy's Junior is a premium Weighted Blanket designed specifically for kids. Remy recommend choosing a weighted blanket 10% of your child's body weight. The gentle pressure applied from this weight delivers an extra comforting and secure hug. Helping ease bedtime tensions to give your child a calm and peaceful sleep. Find their range of weighted blankets in various colours and sizes at...

Remy.indd 1

31/01/2022 11:49

Sweeter dreams for them and you!

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Remy.indd 2

31/01/2022 11:49

Pregnancy & Early Years

The Weight of the World

Images: Dreamstime

Are weighted blankets the key to better sleep for you and your kids? There’s an intriguing scientific argument that they are

40 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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11/02/2022 17:05

Pregnancy & Early Years


ealthy sleep is undoubtedly key to overall health, and it’s particularly important for children, where sleep is an essential element in development. But how can you ensure restful and healthy sleep for your kids, and can the same principles be applied to grown-ups? One idea which is gaining a lot of ground is the weighted blanket, originally developed to recreate the sensation of swaddling for babies, but now increasingly popular with adults too. The theory behind weighted blankets is Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT), which is designed to evenly distribute a gentle weight and pressure on the body to mimic the sensation of being swaddled. This sensation stimulates the production of serotonin (the ‘happiness hormone’), reduces cortisol (a stress hormone) and increases melatonin (the sleep hormone).

HUGS If this all sounds a bit magical, there is a sound scientific principle behind it. When you experience sensations of anxiety, the autonomic nervous system which regulates bodily functions like heart rate, respiratory rate and digestion can activate either the 'fight or flight' response, which causes stress, or a rest mode. The idea is that the application of gentle pressure therapy activates the desirable 'rest' mode, reducing the symptoms of anxiety such as higher heart rate and breathing rate. There’s a good reason why we’re encouraged to hug children who are upset – the same stresslowering principle is at work. A weighted blanket is “like having the best hug for a long period of time,” says American sleep specialist Raj Dasgupta, MD. The gentle pressure of a weighted blanket can also reduce small involuntary movements which disturb sleep. The effect helps children and adults to get to sleep faster, and to stay asleep for longer. In one study, participants used a Sleep Cycle app which uses sound analysis to identify sleep states and track movements in bed. The app can display three key sleep

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metrics: sleep quality, time to sleep, and total time asleep. One participant reported that before using a weighted blanket it took him an average of 28 minutes to fall asleep, while with the weighted blanket he consistently fell asleep in under 15 minutes. He also slept for longer, for 8.5 hours with the blanket as opposed to 7 hours with a duvet. Sleep ‘quality’ also improved from around the 52 percent mark, to 90 percent. Overall, 83 percent of participants in the study said that they slept better with a weighted blanket, 90 percent said that they felt less stress, and 75 percent said that they fell asleep faster.

CONSTRUCTION Most weighted blankets have small glass or synthetic beads sewn into pockets to give them their weight. Anxiety specialist Katie Higgins says that she tried weighted blankets herself and with her children, and ‘I can definitely see how this would help bring anxiety down’ – ‘my daughter has difficulty sleeping and falling asleep, she’s a very active child and her brain sort of whirrs – this has helped hugely and she now goes to sleep in minutes. In fact she’s stolen the blanket from me and it’s now on her bed every night!” Katie gives these tips when looking for a weighted blanket:

✎ W eight should be determined by your own weight; perhaps 5kg for an adult, less for a child. (Though weighted blankets can weight up to 10kg or more). ✎ S hould be machine washable ✎ B lanket should use BPA-free, non-toxic glass beads Katie recommends a weighted blanket as part of a treatment course for anxiety, and also says that her blanket stopped her ‘restless legs’ which she experiences at night when sitting on the sofa – “I’m highly impressed” she says – “my recommendation is a big fat ‘yes’ for weighted blankets!” Weighted blankets come in two common types, ‘all in one’ which are easiest to machine wash, and those with separate covers, attached with ties or zips.

Inside is usually a soft cotton layer, with gridded squares to hold the weighting beads in place. The beads allow cooling airflow around them, which can be helpful for pregnant women. Though weighted blankets are perfectly safe for them to use, pregnant women may prefer to use lighter weights. hc

Choosing and using The weight of the blanket you choose can be calculated according to your weight, height, the size of your bed, whether you are hot or cold at night, and whether you share a bed. Common weights are between 5kg and 10kg. You are advised not to share a weighted blanket, but to choose separate blankets for each sleeper. Different types of cover are often available, such as bamboo fabric covers for a cooling effect, or plush for warming, and of course you usually have a choice of colours and matching pillowcases.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 41

11/02/2022 17:06

Pregnancy & Early Years

Drinking for Two? There’s an old saw that when you are pregnant you are eating for two, but what about drinking? It’s vital to keep hydrated in pregnancy - and here’s why


Dehydration defects

Dehydration during pregnancy can result in very serious complications, including: ✎ Low amniotic fluid ✎ Neural tube defects ✎ Premature labour ✎ Poor production of breast milk ✎ Birth defects Source: Healthline

tea and coffee can be valuable though you should keep your caffeine intake below 200mg per day during pregnancy. As a guide, a mug of instant coffee has about 100mg of caffeine, filter coffee about 140mg, and tea about 75mg. Intake of herbal and green teas should be limited to around four cups a day during pregnancy, and you should seek advice from a midwife on which herbal teas are safe. Remember that even green teas contain a certain amount of caffeine. Also bear in mind that juices and smoothies do have a high calorie content and naturally occurring sugars, and fizzy drinks are of course packed with sugar, so for the sake of your dental health, a better choice may be a hydrating drink which restores electrolytes as well as providing water. If you are being sick or have diarrhoea, check with your midwife or GP or ask your pharmacist about oral rehydration sachets that you mix with water and then drink. These can help replace the sugar, salts and minerals that your body has lost. hc

Images: Dreamstime

lthough the amount of water we need will vary from person to person, and certainly according to whether you are, for instance, doing strenuous exercise, it’s vital that pregnant women should stay hydrated, both for their own health and for that of their babies. So there’s no standard advice on how much pregnant women should drink, though of course it’s standard to advise them to drink water rather than tea, coffee or alcohol – and though increased water intake may lead to some weight gain, this is not thought to be as much of a problem as the risks of being dehydrated. One of the main reasons pregnant women need to be well hydrated, of course, is that water is needed to produce the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Being well hydrated also increases blood volume, and can help ward off morning sickness. Though plain water is the best way to stay hydrated, milk, fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies all count. Even

42 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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11/02/2022 17:09

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SOS Rehydrate_Adults.indd 1

11/01/2022 11:09

Pregnancy & Early Years

Second Time Around Is it time we paid more attention to the problem of secondary infertility - difficulty in conceiving for a second time?

44 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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second child. According to recent research, it’s on the rise and accounts for six out of 10 infertility cases. It isn’t always possible to determine the exact cause of cases of secondary infertility, but one certain contributing factor is age. Nowadays, women are having their first child later on in life, which means conceiving a second happens a few years later. Simple tiredness may also play a part. When you already have a young child, it can be hard to spend enough time with your partner to try to conceive, as well as this having a physical effect on your health. However, there are also certain medical conditions that can cause problems

with conception. Thyroid problems are a common cause of infertility, as well as premature ovarian failure, which is where a woman’s ovaries stop working before the age of 40.

MISUNDERSTOOD The lack of wide understanding of the causes and the psychological problems surrounding secondary infertility can make the problem worse. Well-intentioned comments such as queries about when your child is going to have a younger sibling can be unintentionally distressing. In some cases, the desire to have a second child, and feeling like you are unable to, can be overwhelming.

Images: Dreamstime


or many couples, secondary infertility is a very difficult problem not only to deal with, but even to raise in discussion. They have to deal with the worry of the medical situation – being unable to get pregnant a second time after a successful first pregnancy – but they can also feel misunderstood by their peers and by the medical profession. All too often their concerns are dismissed by the thought that ‘At least you already have one’. But more recognition of the situation is coming, and there are things you can do to get the help and support you need. Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry to term a

14/02/2022 15:02

Pregnancy & Early Years

When to Seek Help So when is it time to think about fertility treatment? The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence suggests it is time to consult your doctor if you have been having regular, unprotected sex with your partner for one year without a successful conception and the woman is aged up to 35. Some fertility clinics suggest that for women or couples where the woman is over 35, a six-month timescale is a more practical proposition. These timescales apply equally to cases of either primary and secondary infertility. Your first port of call should be your GP who will be able to refer you for further tests.

Fortunately, infertility specialists are becoming more aware of the problems of secondary infertility and are learning to deal with the stresses it can create. If you’re suffering, or suspect you might be, the first step is to visit your doctor to get an official diagnosis. This should make it easier to find emotional support from your parents, family, and friends. Support can be found at charities such as The Fertility Network (fertilitynetworkuk. org), and specialist clinics where you can find out more about IVF, egg and sperm donation, fertility preservation, and other reproductive health and fertility issues.

HELP AND ADVICE If it turns out that you need to seek fertility treatments, you may be able to access these through the NHS in certain circumstances. However, this can be something of a ‘postcode lottery’, with eligibility criteria and fertility treatments

funded by the NHS varying across the UK, and waiting lists for treatment very long in some areas. For some people in some areas, the best course of action could be to seek private fertility treatment. Whether through GP referral or a visit to a fertility clinic, the first step would be to take a full medical history of both partner, and to carry out some initial tests to see whether the female partner is producing enough eggs, and the male partner is producing sperm of sufficient quality and quantity. In the case of secondary infertility, your consultant will consider whether there are any underlying causes, possibly connected to complications during previous pregnancies.

TREATMENTS Once your current fertility status and medical history have been established, there are four main types of assisted fertility treatment that could be appropriate. These are:

✎ I ntrauterine Insemination (IUI), or ✎ I n Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), either; ✎ W ith or without an Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) procedure;

✎ A nd with egg and/or sperm donation. Fertillity treatment can be a long and complicated process, but Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one of the simplest forms; sperm is prepared in the laboratory and placed directly into the woman’s uterus, increasing the chances that the sperm will reach and fertilise the egg. It is recommended for couples whose reasons for subfertility or secondary infertility are unknown, or those who have ovulation problems or an abnormality of the cervix or where the sperm count or motility is reduced. IVF creates embryos by fertilizing eggs with sperm inside a laboratory. In either case egg or sperm donation are also options, a carefully regulated process overseen by the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority. hc

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14/02/2022 15:02

Pregnancy & Early Years

Feed ‘Em Right! F

balanced meals containing foods from each of the main groups, which are:

orming healthy eating habits for your kids when they are growing up will pay dividends in their later life, so though it can be hard to make the time to shop for and prepare healthy meals, you shouldn’t allow yourself to go the easy route and stuff them with processed, prepackaged fare.

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So what are the essentials for a growing child’s diet? The trick is to give them

A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from each of the five food groups,

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B reads, cereals, rice, pasta, and noodles V egetables and legumes F ruit M ilk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives L ean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and nuts.

and offers a range of different tastes and textures. It is important to choose most of the foods we eat each day from these food groups. What dieticians call ‘Sometimes foods’ have little nutritional value, are not essential good health and should be limited. They are things like:

✎ C hocolate and confectionary ✎ S weet biscuits, high-fat savoury biscuits and crisps

Images: Dreamstime

Healthy eating is an essential for childhood development – but how do you steer the kids away from sweets and snacks and towards healthy fare?

11/02/2022 17:12

Pregnancy & Early Years ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

F ried foods P astries such as pies and pasties F ast food and takeaway foods C akes and ice cream S oft drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, fizzy drinks and flavoured milk

Together with this principle of balanced meals of healthy foods, the idea of portion control is essential. While children’s appetites will vary depending on age, growth spurts, and amount of activity, a good general principle is to offer small portions initially, and if the child asks for more, then offer it to them.

VARIETY It may sound difficult to feed children from the five essential food groups, but there’s plenty of variety available to keep them interested. For instance potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates all provide energy and fibre, and you should include one of these with each meal. But there are plenty of varieties available including wholemeal, granary, tortilla, pitta and potato bread, wholegrain breakfast cereals and whole oats, brown rice and wholewheat pasta. Meat is a good source of protein, vitamin B12 and iron, but processed meats such as sausages, bacon, cured meat and reformed meat products should be limited, as they are high in fat and salt. Beans, pulses, fish, and eggs are a good alternative to white meat, and can be added to casseroles, chilli or pasta sauces to add colour and flavour. Eggs are also a convenient alternative to meat and can be scrambled, boiled, poached or made into an omelette for variety. Children should eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish, for example, salmon, sardines, mackerel or trout.

milk may be given. If you are looking for alternatives such as almond or soya, go for the unsweetened, calcium-fortified varieties. Limit drinks such as fruit juice or squash to mealtimes, and encourage children to drink water or milk in between meals.

FUSSY EATERS Many children go through a phase of fussy eating, but with persistence they will usually take to new foods - according to the British Dietetic Association’s paediatric group, new tastes or textures may need to be offered perhaps 16 or 17 times before your child will take them, so don’t give up too soon. There’s no reason why a vegetarian or vegan diets can’t be healthy, providing that a wide variety of foods are eaten, but when all meat and animal products are avoided, particularly if following a vegan diet, extra care will be needed to make sure that your child gets all the protein, vitamins, iron and other minerals needed, for instance by giving supplements of vitamin B12 and riboflavin, and replacing meat protein with pulses such as lentils and chickpeas, bean curd (tofu), soya protein, and nuts. hc

Snacking Snacking between meals is often at the root of dietary problems such as obesity and tooth decay, but snacks needn’t be bad for kids. Try offering these instead of sweets, biscuits or fizzy drinks: ✤ Milk or water ✤ Chopped fruit and vegetables,

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✤ ✤

for example, apple, pear, banana, orange, carrot, peppers or cucumber Wholemeal bread or toast Plain breadsticks or plain unsalted rice cakes Pitta bread or plain bagels with low-fat spread or soft cheese Natural yoghurt or plain fromage frais Unsugared wholegrain cereals

DAIRY Milk and dairy foods are an essential source of calcium, vitamins A and D, protein and fat, and whole milk should be given to children up to the age of two. If a child is eating a varied diet from two years, semi-skimmed

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11/02/2022 17:12

Nestle.indd 1

29/10/2021 12:00

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29/10/2021 12:00

Pregnancy & Early Years

Treat With Care

If you are pregnant you have to be concerned for your baby’s health as well as your own, which means taking care that you don’t use any potentially harmful medication

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Even some familiar over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen can cause harm to a growing baby, so your first step when you know you are pregnant, and ideally before you get pregnant, is to ask your doctor whether it is safe to stay on any medicines you are using regularly. If you suffer from a condition such as asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, or mental health issues, it is usually safer to stay on the drugs rather than to let the condition go untreated. But your doctor may advise a change in prescription to a

different drug which is known to be safe in pregnancy. Let’s look at some of the treatments for common conditions and discuss which are safe during pregnancy.

ACNE AND PSORIASIS Treatments such as Isotretinon (Roaccutane) and Co-cyprindiol can cause malformations, and Vitamin A gel or cream should be avoided. But topical gels and creams such as benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic creams are safe.

Images: Dreamstime


hile you should always talk to a health professional about any concerns you have about taking medicines during pregnancy, there are some simple guidelines you should bear in mind to make sure that you don’t expose your baby to any drugs with harmful side-effects. Don’t assume just because a familiar drug is available over the counter that it is necessarily safe to use while pregnant. Take advice from your doctor, midwife, pharmacist, or dentist where relevant.

15/02/2022 11:22

Pregnancy & Early Years ANTI-COAGULANTS Oral anticoagulants such as Warfarin taken to thin the blood when treating heart disease or blood clots can cause developmental problems in the foetus if taken during early pregnancy, and taken later on can raise the risk of uncontrolled bleeding.

ANTI-DEPRESSANTS If you are taking any anti-depressant or anti-psychotic medicine, it’s important that you do not stop taking it without discussing it with your doctor. If it’s necessary to change your treatment during pregnancy, alternatives such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) can be discussed.

CONSTIPATION The best treatment for this condition is to increase your fluid intake to around eight 200ml glasses of water per day. Adding fibre from fruit and vegetables to your diet can also help. The stool softener lactulose is safe, as are the laxatives senna or cascara. You can also try bulk-forming laxatives containing ispaghula, methylcellulose, bran, or sterculia, along with plenty of water intake.

COUGHS AND COLDS Cough and cold remedies often contain a mixture of ingredients, so always check what is included. Paracetamol is safe if taken within the recommended doses. Simple cough linctus or lozenges with honey of glycerol are safe, as are honey and lemon drinks. Steam inhalations for a blocked nose are also safe.


For more advice and information contact the pregnancy advice charity, the Pregnancy and Baby Guide and Start4Life pages at, and the UKTIS (UK Teratology Information Service) website, BUMPS (Best Use of Medicines in Pregnancy) at such as beclomethasone (for a short time only), chlorphenamine (for limited use only, particularly in third trimester), or steam inhalations. Avoid anti-allergy products containing antihistamines (brompheniramine, meclozine, diphenhydramine, doxylamine, cetirizine and loratadine), and nasal decongestants with ingredients such as pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, xylometazoline, and oxymetazoline.

HEADACHE OR BACKACHE Pain is common in pregnancy, but a prime cause of headaches can be dehydration, so try drinking more water before taking headache medication. Paracetamol should be taken only within the dose recommended dose on the packet. Codeine and dihydrocodeine can be

obtained on prescription when necessary, but they should only be taken for short periods. If overused, particularly towards the end of pregnancy, they can cause withdrawal symptoms or possibly breathing problems in your baby. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can interfere with blood clotting, and if used in the last few weeks of pregnancy could cause problems with the baby’s heart and lungs. Ibuprofen may interfere with labour or cause oligohydramnios (reduced amniotic fluid). Anti-migraine drugs, such as ergotamine and methysergide, raise the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth, and triptans may also be unsafe.

HEARTBURN AND INDIGESTION Your first step should be to make dietary changes such as cutting out fizzy drinks and spicy or acidic foods. Otherwise you can try alginates, ranitidine and omeprazole, but avoid medicines containing aspirin (salicylate or acetylsalicylic acid), and sodium bicarbonate. Finally, remember that even some alternative medicines can carry risks – aromatherapy oils, for instance, may be natural, but they are still strong chemicals and some are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Always check with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner and with your doctor before use. hc

EPILEPSY Sodium valproate (Epilim) used to prevent seizures can cause problems with foetal development. If your doctor says you should continue taking sodium valproate, a folic acid supplement may be prescribed.

ALLERGIES For a blocked, stuffy nose, try sodium cromoglicate nasal spray or eye drops, nasal sprays containing corticosteroids

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14/02/2022 15:05

Pregnancy & Early Years

Play and Learn Choosing a nursery can seem like an impossible challenge – how do you know what’s best for your children? We’re here to give you some guidance


our first decision is what age your child should start nursery, and there’s no right or wrong answer to that; it depends on your circumstances and family situation. But it is important that you spend enough time planning so that you are sure the nursery is the right one for you. You should visit the nurseries in your local area, meet the staff, and get opinions from local parents. Make sure you are armed with a list of questions to ask yourself for each visit, such as:

✎ What training do the staff have? ✎ D o the children seem occupied, happy

Help and advice Don’t forget that some twoyear-olds and all three- and four-year-olds in England can get 570 hours of free childcare, the equivalent of 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year. There are different schemes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Find out more at

to provide it, what are its requirements? Will you have to provide nappies for younger children? Needless to say there are legal requirements for nurseries to operate. Any organisation taking care of children under the age of eight has to be registered with Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills). Ofsted will carry out visits to all registered childcare services and make sure that standards are being met and that children are safe. You can check Ofsted's grades and reports for the childcare providers you are considering at hc

and relaxed?

✎ A re the premises safe, clean and welcoming?

✎ D o the staff show that they are mindful of cultural and ethnic requirements?

✎ I s there a schedule of daily events? ✎ A re there planned exercise and quiet times?

✎ A re you given a good welcome?

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Images: Dreamstime

While these are the major points, there are lots of other factors to consider, such as staff-to-child ratio and whether there is a key worker scheme by which each child has an assigned member of staff. Also check whether the nursery has a safe and well maintained outside play area. You might also like to ask the nursery about its policies on managing children’s behaviour, and whether the intake of children is stable so your child will have a chance to make a group of friends. Another essential, of course, is what you are required to supply – does the nursery provide food, and if you have

15/02/2022 11:23

Discover Monkey Puzzle & Kide Science Providing a safe, caring environment for children aged 3 months to 5 years

Our Partnership with Kide Science Play is the highest form of research

For over thirty years Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries have been working closely with parents, staff and Ofsted to deliver childcare of the highest quality, providing children aged 3 months to 5 years with unlimited opportunities to play, learn and grow within a safe, secure and caring environment. Our nursery settings are specifically designed to meet the needs of babies and young children. We provide our nursery children with a stimulating environment where they can thrive, with large, bright open plan rooms, creative outdoor play areas and a variety of modern equipment.

Being the first UK early years provider to partner with Kide Science, we offer unique opportunities to our nursery children, getting them excited about how the world around them works. To get there, the activities and experiments are based on the powerful world of stories – An engaging narrative with a kooky cast of characters making it easy for young children to follow along because only through imagination can we see beyond what we already know.

Our aim is for every child to be happy and healthy, enjoying their early years at the nursery and for parents to have peace of mind that their children are in excellent hands with Monkey Puzzle.

We love our children to grow up understanding, evaluating, and producing scientific knowledge. Kide Science is here to help children become active producers of knowledge and meaning, helping them to play, learn and grow into the problem solvers and creative thinkers of tomorrow. Find out more about the amazing learning experience at your nearest Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery.

Visit Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries_single.indd 1

07/02/2022 14:36

Health Check

Long Covid Defined A panel of 120 scientists has agreed on a research definition for the term ‘long Covid’ in children to aid reporting and research. “Post-Covid-19 condition occurs in young people with a history of confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection with at least one persisting physical symptom for a minimum duration of 12 weeks after initial testing that cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. The symptoms have an impact on everyday functioning, may continue or develop after Covid-19 infection, and may fluctuate or relapse over time.”

Bed Nets Save Lives Bed nets save lives in malaria-prone countries, researchers have found, following a study which showed that those who slept under them as a child were more likely to survive into adulthood than those who did not.

The results illustrated that survival of children who habitually slept under nets was over 40% higher in comparison with survival in those who slept under nets less frequently in their early childhood. 54 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Can Food Pics Fight Obesity? A first study in a laboratory 'mini mart' showed that pictorial warnings lowered parental purchases of sugary drinks like juice and fizzy drinks, say researchers in the journal PLOS Medicine. They found that warnings reduced parental purchases of sugary drinks for their kids by 17%. Senior author and assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Gillings School and a member of UNC's Carolina Population Center (CPC), Lindsey Smith Taillie, said: “Kids in the US consume too many sugary drinks, increasing their risk of a variety of health problems, from dental caries to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. We know from tobacco control research that warnings that include images are effective for reducing consumption.”

Images: Dreamstime

The study, led by researchers from Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) , the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), published in the New England Journal of Medicine, followed more than 6,700 children from 1998, tracking them again in 2019 to find out what happened to them.

15/02/2022 11:26

Health Check

Eat More Fish

Diet experts all agree that you should eat more fish, a great source of protein, vitamins, calcium and other minerals. Try Brunswick tinned sardines, available in the following flavours; Soya Oil, Hot Peppers, Louisiana Hot Sauce and Tomato.


Happy Monkey Smoothies come in three mouthwatering flavours and are the perfect way for children to get one of their five-a-day. They're made with pure fruit and containing no added sugar, and the cartons are ready to drink and designed to fit snugly into a child's lunchbox and taken on days out.

Filling the Gaps Nuzest Kids Good Stuff is a childfriendly blend fortified with pea protein, probiotics, calcium, providing 20 vitamins and minerals to fill any nutritional gaps from fussy eating or food intolerances – all in 1 daily serve. No added sugar, fillers, or preservatives.

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15/02/2022 10:49

Health Check

Brushing Decay Away There’s a healthcare crisis with children’s teeth – what can we do to stop them being attacked from all sides?

THE DENTIST You should first take your child to the dentist when their first milk teeth appear, so that they can identify any oral health problems at an early stage. It’s also helpful for the child to get used to the routine of visiting the dentist so they don’t worry about it in later life. 56 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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fluoride facts

"Using a fluoride toothpaste helps to strengthen teeth making them more resistant to acid attack. BioMin F for Kids toothpaste is unique because it provides fluoride for up to 12 hours after brushing, while fluoride in ordinary toothpastes washes away within 90 minutes. Used twice daily it gives up to 24 hours fluoride protection."

Since around the 1970s, dentists have offered fluoride varnishes and fissure sealants once the child's permanent back teeth have started to come through, usually at the age of about six or seven. The chewing surfaces of the back teeth are covered with a special thin plastic coating to keep germs and food particles out of the grooves. This sealant can last for as long as five to 10 years. It works by strengthening tooth enamel and making it more resistant to decay, but of course it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to then eat loads of sweets! hc

Images: Dreamstime


hildren’s teeth require constant care from the time the first milk tooth shows, and the dangers of sugary foods and sweets are all around us. If there are two things that are vital in keeping their gnashers in tiptop condition, they are regular trips to the dentist, and establishing a regular teethcleaning routine. You should start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as the first milk tooth breaks through (usually at around six months, but it can be earlier or later). Brush teeth twice daily for about two minutes with fluoride toothpaste, including last thing at night before bed. Carry on supervising tooth-brushing until the age of around seven. You can use a children's fluoride toothpaste containing no less than 1,000ppm of fluoride or family toothpaste containing between 1,350ppm and 1,500ppm fluoride, but use only a smear and don’t let children eat or lick toothpaste from the tube. Children should spit after brushing, but don’t rinse, as this stops the fluoride working. After the age of about seven children should be able to brush their own teeth unaided, but it’s still a good idea to supervise them to make sure that they brush for the recommended two minutes. Use an egg timer to make it a bit more fun.

14/02/2022 10:50

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TryCare.indd 1


06/10/2021 11:24






Precision Marketing Group.indd 1

15/11/2021 14:29

Health Check

Sleeping Through Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult for kids, and that makes life hard for parents. What are the problems and solutions?


everal conditions can cause interrupted sleep for children – some are serious, others less so. But all can lead to a tired and fractious child, and hence a worried and irritated parent. A common cause of sleeplessness is breathing difficulties caused by the 'sniffles', and the popular solution for this condition is a decongestant containing natural oils such as pine, menthol and thyme. Often sold in capsules and applied to a cloth or handkerchief, these essential oils are suitable for use with babies over three months of age, and indeed with adults, but should not be used if you are pregnant or if you or your child suffer from epilepsy or skin allergies.

APNEA But between seven and 11 percent of children have a more serious night-time sleep disorder, and around 90 percent of them may be undiagnosed.

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Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that causes children to have pauses in their breathing while they sleep. There are two main types; obstructive, and central. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by a blockage in the back of the throat or nose, and often starts between the ages of two and eight. Symptoms are loud snoring, breathing through the mouth and sleeping in odd positions, and the main result is chronic daytime fatigue, and symptoms similar to Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder. Children often grow out of obstructive sleep apnea, but if the underlying cause is obesity, diet and exercise can help; otherwise, topical nasal steroid sprays can help, or in extreme cases, surgery to remove the tonsils or adenoids. Central apnea occurs when the part of the brain responsible for breathing doesn’t function properly. Having a low birth weight is one of the risk factors. Tests such as a sleep study, brain wave activity

Back to sleep How do you get your child back to sleep once they’ve woken? Action for Children recommends: ✎ M oving around a little, before going back to bed. ✎ Listening to calming music. ✎ Reading a book or listening to an audiobook. ✎ For older children, making a warm drink. monitoring or an electrocardiogram can help to diagnose the condition, and in severe cases of apnea an oral appliance or a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mask may be used - though these are uncomfortable to wear, and do not present a cure. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 59

15/02/2022 10:27

Health Check

Can Gummies be Good For You?

They may look like sweets, but gummies are an increasingly popular way of getting kids to take vitamins, minerals and other supplements.


ummie sweets have a long and interesting history – the first were sold as ‘Unclaimed Babies’ by Fryers of Lancashire in 1894, and became more popular as Jelly Babies. The name ‘gummi’ originated in Germany where Gummibärs (bears) were sold from the 1920s, and of course there are all sorts of other gummy sweets such as snakes and cola bottles, as well as regional variations such as Australian red frogs. The common ingredients of gummie sweets, which give them their chewiness, are gelatin, sucrose, and pectin, while flavours are provided by citric or malic acid and artificial or natural flavourings. Of course, these sweets aren’t at all to be recommended for child health; they’re normally full of sugar, and even worse, they stick to the teeth. But there are healthy versions of gummies, designed to deliver vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements in a way that children (and some adults) find more palatable than tablets, capsules or liquids.

forget our fruity vitamin chews. So what should you look out for in a supplement gummie? One common type is the vitamin supplement; this can contain a single essential nutrient like Vitamin C or D3. Then there are multinutrient gummies aiming to deliver particular health benefits, such as a combination of vitamins and minerals designed to boost the immune system – Vitamin C and zinc, for instance. Another type of gummie might be aimed at hair health, including vitamins A, B, C, D and E, along with zinc, iodine, folic

acid and pantothenic acid; or at improving sleep. Other types include ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, aimed at improving skin, nail, hair, heart and immune system health, with or without the ‘mother’, unfiltered bits said to be full of gut-friendly bacteria. Two good tips to bear in mind when buying nutritional gummies; if you’re vegan or vegetarian, look for types made without animal gelatin; and control how the kids eat them, don’t let them treat them like sweets. Some things can taste just too nice! hc


60 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

If a child has a limited diet, or needs certain nutritional supplements, gummies may be the solution to getting them to accept the dosage, and women who are pregnant or trying to conceive may also find gummies more acceptable. Gummy vitamins come in a variety of fun, chewable shapes, and flavours that are as easy to eat as they are enjoyable. So while many of us will "forget" to take a massive multivitamin pill, we're far less likely to

15/02/2022 11:29

Don’t Let Winter Slow You Down

Boost Your Bounce With Nutrigums Immune Support

It’s Official—Winter is Definitely Here With a Vengeance

The Immune product range includes active ingredients that contribute to the normal function of the immune system. A great way to offer extra protection for both adults and children through the winter and beyond.

What we all need at this time of year is a bit of a boost. Many of us turn to traditional vitamin supplements to get that extra winter get up and go, but bulky hard to swallow tablets can be a big barrier for most. Gummy nutrition is changing all that. In fact, gummy nutrition is the fastest growing sector in the global nutrition market. Nutrigums are fast making a name for themselves as the popular choice for health conscious consumers who want to avoid animal derived gelatine, but still enjoy a tasty nutritional gummy treat on the go.

Helpful Gummies to Help You Fly Through Winter In winter, shorter days, longer working hours, and reduced sun exposure can lead to a lack of vitamin D, or a rise in viruses like the common cold which vitamin C can help fight off. It’s imperative our bodies get the right nourishment So taking vitamins is a great way to give your body the extra support it needs. Nutrigums offer a variety of immunity-boosting, delicious tasting gummies suitable from Age 5+.

source of fibre. The fibre is combined with ten renowned bedtime use ingredients to provide optimum results and they are absolutely delicious! For additional ZZZ’s why not add in the DOZYBEARS Pillow Spray which will send you off to sleep with a unique blend of soothing scents including Lavender, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Lemon Balm and Chamomile essential oils that’ll help you to rest and rejuvenate.

Snuggle Down To a Cosy Winter’s Bedtime Getting a good night’s sleep is a vital part of your body’s repair system DOZYBEARS by Nutrigums are the sleep supplements specially designed to support cognitive rest and general mood at bedtime. Containing no added sugar, both adults and children aged 12+ can take these supplements and its plant-based fibre technology means they are suitable for vegans as well as offering a fantastic

Our Nutrigums are all free from artificial colourings, artificial flavours, and contain no animal-derived gelatine. The gummies are suitable for vegetarians or vegans. So if you want to boost your bounce this winter simply find them at your local Lloyds Pharmacy online, Poundland, Superdrug, Morrisons, ASDA and Amazon. Or visit us online at

Order online at: Welcome to the softer side of nutrition.

Nutrigums.indd 1

04/01/2022 15:56

Health Check

Getting Kids


Getting children vaccinations is more important than ever, but how do you get them used to the procedure?

Painkiller If your kids are worried about the discomfort of a vaccination, ask about topical anaesthetics, or numbing creams, which can be applied around an hour before the injection, and contain the anaesthetics lidocaine or prilocaine. The amount to use varies according to the age of the child and the procedure being undertaken. Numbing creams can be bought without prescription from pharmacies.

IMMUNITY “Your child will have been offered vaccinations at 8, 12 and 16 weeks old to 62 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC20b Vaccination.indd 62

give them early protection from diseases that can kill or make small babies very poorly. As they get older, they will be offered boosters and additional vaccines to ensure they are ready for nursery and school and to continue to protect them as they become young people and move into adulthood. “In addition, if enough children and people are vaccinated, it's harder for the disease to spread to those people who cannot have vaccines, such as children who have a weakened immune system. This means that successful vaccination programmes can benefit the whole community through ‘herd immunity’.

All vaccines are thoroughly tested to make sure they are safe before they can be rolled out. The vast majority of vaccine side effects such as soreness or high temperature are very mild and resolve in a day or two on their own.” In addition to MMR vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella, 12 and 13-year-olds in school Year 8 are now being offered the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for free to protect them from a number of cancers. More information about HPV vaccination for parents and their children is available online from hc

Images: Dreamstime


etting your children vaccinated is more important than ever – since the coronavirus pandemic, it’s been brought home to us all how important it is to protect the whole of society against infectious disease, not just the particularly vulnerable. But noone enjoys a jab, so how do you get kids used to the idea of the needle? First, explain to them why it’s important. Dr Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunisation at Public Health England (PHE) says: “Vaccines teach your children’s immune system how to create antibodies that protect them from diseases. Vaccination is the safest way to protect your child against serious infectious disease and give them a good start in life. Vaccines prevent up to three million deaths worldwide every year. “Since vaccines were introduced in the UK, diseases like smallpox, polio and tetanus that used to kill or disable millions of people are either gone or seen very rarely. “Other diseases like measles and diphtheria have been reduced by up to 99.9% since their vaccination programmes were introduced. “However, if people stop taking up vaccines, infectious diseases can quickly spread again.

14/02/2022 11:00

Emla cream.

To avoid the

OUCH! of needles

Mum’s magic cream

If your child is among the many who have a fear of needles, Emla cream is here to help! Try Emla before your child’s next vaccination, blood test or other needle procedure. Emla is a topical anaesthetic cream, which can be used to help numb your child’s skin before the needle goes in. By reducing needle pain, Emla may in turn ease your child’s stress and fear. There’s a reason why they call it Mum’s magic cream.

Here are three occasions Emla could be helpful… 1



Blood tests


Other injections or cannula / IV insertion

Vaccinations are a hot topic of late, but they are not just for COVID-19. Children have regular vaccinations from infancy continuing through their school years. Applying Emla in advance is one way to make these procedures more comfortable.

Blood tests might be needed. Emla can be used to numb the skin before blood tests too.

Some medicines may need to be given to your child by injection and, depending on the situation, this may require your child to have an IV (intravenous) drip/cannula inserted. In these situations, Emla can also be used to numb the area.

Emla is available without prescription. You can pick up a tube from leading high street pharmacies or order online from UK-registered pharmacies. Go to for links to UK-registered online pharmacies or for more information about Emla.

Buy Emla without prescription at

Emla cream. For topical anaesthesia of the skin. Always read the label. Aspen Pharmacare UK Limited. UK-LIDP-01-22-00001. January 2022.

Aspen Pharmacare UK.indd 1

26/01/2022 16:30

LOOKING TO CUT DOWN ON SUGAR? IT’S TIME TO TRY HILLTOP HONEY! Did you know honey is a perfect substitute and a healthier alternative to sugar? Honey is sweeter than sugar, so you will likely need less of it than sugar to sweeten up your dish! Plus, honey is packed full of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities.

Hilltop’s ‘bee-rilliant’ honey started its journey in 2011. Our Blossom Honey is totally pure and natural. It’s about as close as you can get to eating it straight from the hive. What more could you want?

Enter at | @hilltop_honey T&C’s: UK, 18+ only. Enter at between 01/02/2022 and 30/04/2022. Main prize = 1 short break at Watergate Bay Hotel, Cornwall plus 1 Joules x Pelham suitcase collection; 100 runner-up prizes = £100 Joules gift card. No purchase necessary. One entry per person. Internet access required. Visit for full T&C’s and prize details.

Hilltop Honey.indd 1

25/01/2022 12:27

Health Check

Healthy Swaps to Beat Obesity

Getting kids to eat more healthily is the first step to preventing obesity in later life. What are some of the easy swaps you can make to improve their diet?


hoosing healthier foods for our kids is easier than you may think, and making a few small changes could make a big difference to the healthiness of their diet. The basic principle is to eat fewer foods high in calories, fat, salt and sugars and swap them for something healthier. Another important principle is to include more fruit and vegetables. Find out more from the NHS Eatwell Guide about which foods you should be eating – and in what amounts – to achieve a balanced diet. Try these small changes when you prepare your kids’ next meal, and see the recipes over page - remember, these changes will work for you too!



✎ S wap whole milk for semi-skimmed,

✎ S wap creamy or cheesy sauces for

1% fat or even skimmed milk ✎ S wap a sugar-coated breakfast cereal for a wholegrain breakfast cereal such as porridge ✎ S wap sugar on your breakfast cereal for a topping of fresh or dried fruit

tomato- or vegetable-based sauces on pasta, meat or fish dishes ✎ S wap mashed potato made with butter and whole milk for mash with low-fat spread ✎ C hoose leaner cuts of meat – for example, swap streaky bacon for back bacon ✎ S wap the frying pan for the grill when cooking meat

LUNCH ✎ S wap white breads, bagels and muffins for wholegrain varieties ✎ S wap butter and cheese in your baked potato for reduced-fat spread and reduced salt and sugar baked beans ✎ S wap a cheddar cheese filling in your sandwich for reduced-fat hard cheese

HC20c Healthy Swaps.indd 65

DRINKS ✎ S wap coffee with whole milk for a "skinny" coffee made with semiskimmed or skimmed milk

✎ S wap squashes for reduced sugar drinks

✎ S wap sugary drinks for a glass of water

✎ S wap fizzy drinks for low-sugar fruit juice mixed with soda water

✎ S wap whole milk in hot chocolate for skimmed milk

BREAKFAST ✎ S wap a blueberry muffin for a currant bun

✎ S wap yoghurt-coated raisins for plain raisins

✎ S wap salted nuts for unsalted nuts ✎ S wap cheese straws for rice cakes with low-fat cream cheese hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 65

14/02/2022 11:03

Health Check

Mediterranean potato tray bake

Tasty veggie chilli Hot and spicy, easy to make in big batches and freezes brilliantly! Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 30 mins | Serves 4

INGREDIENTS ✎ 800g salad potatoes, thickly sliced ✎ 50g pine nuts, chopped ✎ 1 teaspoon olive oil Swappable or optional 1 courgette, sliced 1 aubergine, sliced 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced 1 tablespoon red pesto (optional)

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎


INGREDIENTS 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 300g vegetarian mince 1 tin red kidney beans, in water (420g) 1 tin chopped tomatoes (400g) 200g rice (easy-cook long grain brown rice, if possible) Swappable or optional ✎ 1 medium onion, chopped ✎ 1 carrot, finely chopped ✎ 2 peppers, any colour, deseeded and chopped

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

METHOD ✎ Heat the vegetable oil in a large saucepan and add the onion. Fry gently for 2 to 3 minutes.

✎ Add the carrot, garlic, red chilli and peppers and fry for 2 to 3 more minutes, stirring often.

✎ Preheat the oven to 200C (180C fan, gas mark 6). ✎ Put the potatoes, chopped vegetables and pine nuts in a

✎ Add the frozen mince, beans, tomatoes, tomato purée and

large roasting tin. Drizzle with the oil and toss to coat. Bake for 20 minutes, or until tender. ✎ Add the pesto, if using, and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve immediately.

✎ Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, partially

SWAP TIP Swap in veg like chopped broccoli, a few mushrooms or whatever you have! Remember, you can always swap fresh vegetables for tinned or frozen. You can swap the fresh veg for 400g of frozen Mediterranean vegetables to speed up the prep.

66 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC20c Healthy Swaps.indd 66

stock. covered, for 25 to 30 minutes.

✎ At the same time, put the rice on to cook in plenty of gently boiling water – it will take 25 to 30 minutes.

✎ Season the chilli with pepper, then serve in warm bowls with the cooked, drained rice. Images: Dreamstime

A simple tray bake mix of Mediterranean vegetables and potatoes makes an easy, delicious, vibrant dinner – with minimal washing up! Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 25 mins | Serves 4

SWAP TIP If you don't have all the ingredients, you can still just use the basics for a great family meal! hc

15/02/2022 11:33

- the healthy choice for parents and kids

Conscientious parents are always searching for ways to provide their kids with filling, healthy snacks that not only taste good, but do good. In the UK recent surveys have shown that less than one in 10 children are getting their recommended 5-a-day intake of fruit and vegetables. It’s comforting to know therefore that Happy Monkey have made it easy for kids to get some much-needed goodness inside them through their tasty smoothie range with each carton containing 1 of your 5-a-day.

Key features: • No added sugar (contains naturally occurring sugars) • Contains 1 of your 5 a day • No sweeteners or preservatives • No bits • 100% pure fruit and vegetables • 100% of a kids RDA of Vitamin C • Great for lunch boxes

Good Natured (Happy Monkey).indd 1

Made for kids Happy Monkey Smoothies are available in three mouth-watering flavours and made using 100% pure fruit, free from sweeteners and preservatives. They are packed full of essential nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium and pleasingly contain no added sugar. Ready to drink straight from the pack kids can enjoy them any time of the day from breakfast to evening. Designed to fit snugly into a children’s lunch box they’re also the perfect size to be taken on picnics and family days out. If that wasn’t enough reason to give them a try all of their bananas come from Rainforest Alliance Certified farm so are produced You can find Happy Monkey Smoothies and in a way that Milkshakes online and in-store at your local doesn’t harm the Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda, environment and rewards Iceland & Ocado. the people who grow Pick them up and them. A case of good put a little goodness things coming from good in your kid’s day. For further information: things!

24/01/2022 12:59

MiYOSMART: The smart way to treat short-sightedness in children. Millions of children have never had an eye test, with parents more likely to get their child’s shoe size checked than their eyesight. 1 A study of 2,000 parents found a quarter of children don’t get regular eye examinations, with one in 10 never having been to the opticians, which means they are missing out on expert care and identification of underlying vision problems. 2 Despite this, almost a third (29 per cent) of parents said they would be more likely to check their child’s shoe size than their sight. Yet 93 per cent go for regular check ups at the dentist. It also emerged that 55 per cent have a school-aged child who has eyesight problems, with short-sightedness the most common (25 per cent).

But 21 per cent didn’t know myopia (commonly known as short-sightedness) could lead to serious vision problems if left undiagnosed and untreated, while 81 per cent were unaware of what myopia was. The study, commissioned by vision lens manufacturer HOYA Lens UK, also found 81 per cent of parents think children should get their vision tested at least once a year, while two thirds have been worried about their own child’s sight at some point. The top concern about eyesight problems was the negative impact it could have on their child’s education.

Andrew Sanders, Professional Services Director at HOYA Lens UK and Ireland, makers of the MiYOSMART lens which helps reduce the progression of myopia, said: “It is a shock to us that more children go for regular dental check-ups than eye examinations, and it is a real concern, especially as regular eye examinations can detect all sorts of other issues and early diagnosis of serious eye issues is vital.

“This includes eye conditions, such as myopia, which can worsen with time and have a detrimental impact on a child’s education when they can’t see what the teacher has written on the board or other material, they need to consume which is further away. 1 2 4 5

HOYA data on file. Study carried out by OnePoll on 28th July 2021. (assessed on 1st July 2018) (assessed on August 15th 2019) Holden B.A., Fricke T.R., Wilson D.A., Jong M., Naidoo K.S., Sankaridurg P., Wong T.Y., Naduvilath T.J., Resnikoff, Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050. American Academy of Ophthalmology. 05/2016, vol.123, no. 5, p.1036–1042. 6 Lam CSY, Tang WC, Tse DY, Lee RPK, Chun RKM, Hasegawa K, Qi H, Hatanaka T, To CH. Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-year randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Ophthalmology. Published Online First: 29 May 2019. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-313739

Hoya Vision Care.indd 1

16/12/2021 15:51

Optometrists are able to provide advice, expert care and solutions to support children and even slow down the progression of some conditions, including myopia. Myopia, or short-sightedness, is a common vision problem 2 that often begins between the ages of 6 and 14. 2 But it seems there is a widespread gap in the knowledge of eyesight issues, with many parents unaware what to look out for and why regular check-ups are so important for children.” The study also found two thirds of parents admitted to ignoring their children’s complaints of not being able to see properly.

A safe, easy to use, effective non-invasive method to manage myopia. MiYOSMART lenses are innovative spectacle lenses for myopia management. HOYA has developed an innovative spectacle lens option, called MiYOSMART. Using cutting edge technology, that both corrects vision whilst simultaneously offering a treatment function to manage the myopia progression. Beyond correcting myopic refractive error, a twoyear clinical trial shows that MiYOSMART spectacle lenses with D.I.M.S. (Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments) technology work with slowing down myopia progression on average by 60% and halt

myopia progression by 21.5%, 6 going a long way toward protecting your child’s vision and wellbeing in the long-term. By slowing down the progression of myopia and its associated eyesight deterioration, children can enjoy their lives more by seeing clearly. A non-invasive solution that corrects short sightedness while effectively slowing down myopia progression by 60% 6 at the same time. Andrew continued: “If left untreated, myopia can lead to other potentially much more serious problems including glaucoma, cataracts and retinal detachment. These conditions are all ones that can eventually lead to a significant loss of vision and even blindness. That is why early detection of myopia is key. 4 We are urging parents to put a strong focus on their child’s eye care, take it seriously and treat it with the utmost importance”.

Eyesight is crucial for so many careers such as pilots, doctors and scientists, so acting now and undertaking regular screenings could prevent serious problems in the future. An estimated 5 billion people, or half of the global population could be affected by short-sightedness by 2050 5. With this in mind, we are on a mission to curb myopia. To help parents get to grips with spotting potential vision problems in their children, we have put together a hub of information on our website. For more information on MiYOSMART spectacle lenses, speak to your local eye care professional today or visit

Hoya Vision Care.indd 2

16/12/2021 15:51

Health Check

Sharper Sight Myopia is a growing problem, but there are some ingenious technical solutions starting to address the condition


vision is significantly affected it can require treatment. Signs of childhood myopia include:

✎ N eeding to sit near the front of the class at school because they find it difficult to read the whiteboard ✎ S itting close to the TV ✎ R egularly rubbing their eyes ✎ C omplaining of headaches or tired eyes

Of course the problem with undiagnosed myopia in school-age children is that inability to see the board clearly may cause difficulties with learning, so it’s important to arrange an eye test if there are any symptoms. In any case it's worth having an eye exam (not just a sight test but a full medical examination) every two years. Eye tests for children under 16 or those under 19 and in full-time education are available free of charge on the NHS.

Images: Dreamstime

hort-sightedness, or myopia, is a very common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly. It affects up to one in three people in the UK, and for reasons which aren’t clearly understood, is becoming more common. Mild cases of short-sightedness require no treatment other than the prescription of suitable glasses, but in severe cases where

70 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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14/02/2022 11:05

Health Check

CAUSES The main cause of myopia is when the eyes grow slightly too long, for reasons that aren't entirely clear, meaning that light is not properly focussed on the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye. The result is that distant objects appear blurred. It seems probable that there is a genetic component in the causes of myopia, as the condition tends to run in familes, but it can be made worse by focusing on nearby objects such as books or computer screens during childhood. One simple exercise to reduce the likelihood of myopia is to encourage more outdoor play.

TREATMENTS Short-sightedness can usually be corrected with either glasses or contact lenses, or for adults, laser eye surgery to alter the shape of the eye (not normally available on the NHS). In some cases, artificial lenses can be surgically inserted into the eye, though again this isn’t normally available on the NHS. Some recent innovations in myopia treatment include Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (D.I.M.S.) spectacle lens technology. Manufacturer Hoya Lens UK says: "The MiYOSMART spectacle lens has a special structure, incorporating a clear central zone giving the full myopic correction surrounded by a D.I.M.S (Defocus Incorporated Multi Segment) treatment zone. The unique dual structure of the treatment zone ensures light is focused in front of the peripheral retina, removing the growth trigger whilst supporting clear vision. "The beauty of this lens is that all the technology is hidden so the lens looks like a standard single vision spectacle lens." A two-year randomised clinical trial in Hong Kong reported that myopia progressed 60 percent more slowly for children in the D.I.M.S. group compared with those using single vision lenses, and a three-year follow-up study suggested continuing effectiveness. hc

HC21 Myopia.indd 71

Other conditions

Other eye conditions associated with severe short-sightedness can develop in children or adults, such as: ✤ Squint – a common childhood condition where the eyes point in

different directions ✤ Lazy eye – a childhood condition where the vision in one eye

doesn't develop properly ✤ Glaucoma – increased pressure inside the eyes ✤ Cataracts – where cloudy patches develop inside the lens of the eye ✤ Retinal detachment – where the retina pulls away from the blood

vessels that supply it with oxygen and nutrients

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 71

14/02/2022 11:05

Fuss free supplements

Helping Your Little Ones Thrive Designed for children aged 0-5 years. Mini Drops is made from naturally sourced ingredients, contains no added sugar and no artificial sweeteners, with no artificial flavourings or colours. Our fuss free range can be easily added to food or drinks.

Supporting your little ones during their first years.


#NoFilterFeeding Natures Aid.indd 1

07/12/2021 11:27

Sugar Free

No Choke Risk

100% Natural Flavours

Contains No Lactose or Gluten

0-5 years Natures Aid.indd 2

07/12/2021 11:27

Health Check

Supplements for Health

Children don’t always get the right balance of vitamins and minerals in their diet, so are supplements essential for their health and development?


Minerals The main minerals required for child development are calcium, found in dairy foods, iron, from red meat and beans, and iodine, from fish, as well as trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc. These can often be found as multi-mineral supplements, or in combination with multivitamin supplements.

don’t get enough of the right vitamins and minerals in their food, dietary supplements are the ideal way to top them up. But which are the vital vitamins and minerals, what role do they play and how can you make sure your children get enough of them?

VITAMIN D Vitamin D is found naturally in only a few foods, such as oily fish and eggs, though it’s often added to foods such as fat spreads and breakfast cereals. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. This reacts

Images: Dreamstime

roper nutrition is essential to give children a good start in life, but all too often they don’t get what they need from their daily diet. Particularly at an early age, some will refuse to eat certain types of food, and there can be other causes of nutritional deficiencies, such as disease or being on certain types of medication. To ensure your children develop properly both physically and mentally, you must make sure that their diet contains sufficient amounts of nutritional elements such as vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. In many cases, if they

74 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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14/02/2022 15:40

Health Check with a vitamin in the skin called 7-DHC, converting it into vitamin D. Vitamin D promotes healthy teeth and bone development in children, so it’s vital they get enough at an early age. The problem is that it’s not always possible to get enough sunlight, particularly in the winter months, so it’s advisable to supply young children with Vitamin D supplements. Low levels of vitamin D are common in children in the UK, particularly during the winter. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to the bone deficiency disease rickets, and abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood (hypocalcaemia) - conditions that can be prevented by taking vitamin D supplements. The Department of Health recommends that babies from birth to 1 year of age who are being breastfed should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10 micrograms (µg) of vitamin D to make sure they get enough. This is whether or not you're taking a supplement containing vitamin D yourself. Children aged 1 to 4 years old should be given a daily supplement containing 10µg of vitamin D.

VITAMIN A Vitamin A is vital for babies and young children, to strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy vision, and keep skin and membranes healthy. Serious vitamin A deficiency is common in developing countries, but rare in the UK. Good sources of vitamin A include dairy products, fortified fat spreads, carrots, sweet potatoes, swede, mangoes, and dark green vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage and broccoli. Vitamin supplements containing vitamins A and C are recommended for babies and children aged 6 months to 5 years old, unless they're getting more than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day.

VITAMIN C Vitamin C is very important for the general health of a child and their immune system.

HC22 Supplements for children.indd 75

Stuck indoors The pandemic has meant that it's more important than ever to take vitamin D as you may have been indoors more than usual this year. You should take 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day between October and early March to keep your bones and muscles healthy. Additionally, it can help their body absorb iron. Good sources of vitamin C include but are not limited to oranges, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, and kiwi fruit. If you are serving a healthy diet, it can still be difficult to make sure that your children are getting all they need. Dietary supplements can be a remedy for this problem, as they can provide missing vitamins and minerals in an easy-to-manage bundle. To make them

more palatable, diet supplements are often supplied in fun forms such as gummy bears.

MINERALS You might normally expect minerals like iron and magnesium to be found in the ground, but of course they are also an essential part of our body chemistry. In fact there are 18 essential minerals, some of them needed only in minute quantities. The more familiar ones are calcium, iron, potassium and zinc, but others include magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chloride, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium.

CALCIUM Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. Food rich in calcium include:

✎ D airy products ✎ C anned salmon and sardines Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 75

15/02/2022 11:38

Health Check POTASSIUM Potassium is essential in the functioning of the heart and nervous system, and symptoms of deficiency (hypokalemia) include weakness, cramps, twitching or paralysis. Foods rich in potassium include: B ananas T omatoes P otatoes with skins G reen vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli ✎ C itrus fruits, like oranges ✎ M ilk and yogurt ✎ B eans, split peas, and lentils

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

ZINC Zinc is essential in the immune system and helps in cell growth and healing wounds. Symptoms of deficiency include growth retardation, loss of appetite, and impaired immune function. Foods rich in zinc include:

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

broccoli ✎ C alcium-fortified foods, like soy milk, orange juice, and cereals

the rest of your body, so it’s essential to keep levels healthy. Iron-rich foods include:

✎ M eat, such as beef, chicken, and Calcium levels in the blood of an adult can be moderately low without causing any symptoms, but symptoms of longlasting calcium deficiency include dry scaly skin, brittle nails, coarse hair, muscle cramps in the back and legs, numbness and tingling in the extremities, abnormal heart rhythms, and in older people, osteoporosis (brittle bones).

IRON The main function of iron in the body is as a component of haemoglobin in the blood. This compound in the red blood cells carries oxygen from your lungs to 76 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC22 Supplements for children.indd 76

turkey F ish such as tuna and salmon E ggs B eans B aked potato with skins D ried fruits, like raisins L eafy green vegetables, such as broccoli ✎ W hole and enriched grains, like whole-wheat bread or oatmeal

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

Symptoms of iron deficiency (anaemia) include fatigue and weakness, pale skin, chest pains, fast heartbeat or shortness of breath, headache, and dizziness.

SUPPLEMENTS Dietary supplements can be aimed at particular areas of health; for instance an immune system booster containing vitamin C, iron, zinc and selenium, or an omega-3 fatty acid supplement aimed at supporting brain development and memory. One advantage of getting your omega-3 from a supplement is that it will not contain any of the ocean pollutants sometimes found in fish. And if you feel that the kids are getting all the benefits, remember that diet supplements are suitable for all the family. Some such as Vitamin D supplements are vital at times of year when we aren’t getting enough sunlight, and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may also want to top up on folic acid, choline or omega-3. hc

Images: Dreamstime

✎ L eafy green vegetables, such as

B eef, pork, and dark meat chicken M ilk, yogurt, and cheese N uts L egumes, such as beans, split peas, and lentils

14/02/2022 15:13



A delicious multi-nutrient smoothie to kickstart your child’s nutrition for life. IMPROVED IMMUNITY Fill in the nutrient blanks in your child’s diet with over 20 vitamins and minerals. HYPOALLERGENIC Free from all common allergens, for your peace of mind. NURTURED LEARNING A blend of brain-supportive nutrients to help nurture your child’s learning and focus.

Strawberry and Peanut Butter Smoothie

1 banana 250ml milk of choice 150g fresh or frozen strawberries 15 g Wild Strawberry Kids Good Stuff 1 tbsp smooth runny peanut butter 1 tbsp milled flaxseed

“My son can’t get enough of the Kids Good Stuff flavours. It’s a family thing.” - Reggie

1. Add all the smoothie ingredients to a blender and blitz until smooth. 2. Swirl a tsp of peanut butter around the edge of a glass and pour in the blended smoothie mixture.

Shop now at Nuzest Europe_inside.indd 1

07/02/2022 12:47

Health Check

Is No Meat Good News?


ith society becoming more educated on the realities of the meat and dairy industry, many people are realising that the impact on the environment and taking an ethical approach to diet are just two reasons for considering plant-based nutrition. But how does a meat-free diet affect a growing child’s health? According to the NHS, vegetarian and vegan babies can still get most of the 78 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC24 Going Veggie.indd 78

nutrients required to grow up and lead a healthy lifestyle as their omnivorous counterparts. However, there are a few things that need to be considered.

DEFICIENCIES Since babies and young children have high energy needs and a small stomach, a strict vegetarian diet is not recommended for them. Though still possible, these diets are prone to vitamin and protein

deficiencies so additional supplements and careful dietary monitoring must be taken in order to meet nutritional needs. Although fibre is recommended, be careful of feeding your child a diet that is too fibre-rich. Fibre is filling, so it may prevent your child from eating other high-energy foods. Additionally, too much fibre can lead to poor absorption of other nutrients like iron, zinc, and calcium. In addition to the higher fibre

Images: Dreamstime

Can you live healthily on a vegetarian or vegan diet? Giving up meat is good for the planet, but will it benefit your family’s health?

14/02/2022 15:44

Health Check wholegrain and wholemeal versions, your child should have some lower fibre foods, such as white bread and rice, until they are around five years old. Bring in high calorie foods like nut butters or vegetable oils to ensure that they are getting enough energy. If you are adamant about having your child adopt a vegetarian diet, you should consult a health professional to seek advice regarding obtaining the necessary supplements.

PROTEINS One of the main concerns of eating a vegetarian or vegan diet is whether or not it includes enough protein. Fortunately, there are still a lot of non-meat protein options available. Beans, lentils, and nuts are good sources of protein, and for lactoovo vegetarians (those who don’t exclude dairy products or eggs), they are also good sources of protein. Since beans and lentils are a couple of the main protein options available for vegetarians, it is important to note that these foods need to be cooked thoroughly in order to destroy toxins and to aid with digestion. If not, undercooked beans and lentils may lead to vomiting and diarrhoea.

Snack On This

Tired of feeding your kids carrot sticks and hummus? Try these fun meat-free options: ✤ Veggie chips. Although potato chips are already vegetarian, try other types of veggie chips like kale, quinoa, or okra chips. ✤ Trail mix. A great high-energy snack filled with nuts, chocolate, pretzels, and dried fruit. ✤ Nachos. Nachos don’t have to be topped with chicken, beef or pork – try layering your tortilla chips with vegetarian cheese, pinto beans, red peppers, jalapenos, green onion, cilantro, radishes, and of course salsa.

HC24 Going Veggie.indd 79

Veg Facts ✤ The first Vegetarian Society

was formed in England in 1847. Its goal was to teach people that it is possible to be healthy without eating meat. ✤ According to the Vegan Society, in 2018, the UK launched more vegan products than any nation, and the best area to be a vegan is Brighton ✤ The British Takeaway Campaign says that orders of vegan meals grew by 388 percent between 2016 and 2018 and they are now the UK’s fastest growing takeaway choice. ✤ Celebrity vegetarians include Pamela Anderson, Alicia Silverstone, Paul McCartney, Miley Cyrus, Lewis Hamilton, Will.I.Am and Benedict Cumberbatch

VITAMINS Vitamin B12 is found in animal products, and is essential for nerve and blood development. Fatigue is just one of the symptom of B12 deficiency. Though vegetarians will be able to find it in dairy products, strict vegans are out of luck. Vitamin B12 is not found in plant-based foods, so vegans will need to find B12 supplements to consume for themselves and for their children. This is especially crucial for mothers that are breastfeeding, as a lack of vitamin B12 can cause both anaemia in the mother and brain damage in the baby. Getting enough vitamin D and calcium is also crucial for growing children. This will help them prevent bone disease. Other minerals and nutrients that may be hard to obtain in a vegetarian diet include iodine, omega 3, iron, and calcium, so again it’s important to look for supplements. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 79

14/02/2022 15:44

Health Check

Something Fishy for the Kids

Fish is a great diet element for children, but sometimes it can be hard to get them to eat it. Here are few ideas that will get them hooked


ish in general tends to be a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, calcium and selenium. These nutrients, including omega-3, are important for heart health, so they’re essential parts of children’s diets (they’re also essential in supporting the healthy development of your baby during pregnancy). But it can be hard to get children to eat fish, even if they’re not naturally picky eaters. The smell, taste, and the fact that fish can have small bones, might put them off, though you can introduce them to fish with an easy-to-eat processed product such as fish fingers. Of course it’s much better for them if they eat fresh fish, so how do you go about reeling them in? Here are a few tips.

Treat fish as you would a patty meat, whipping up a tasty burger from white or red fish. Cook, flake, and mix with mashed potato and a binder such as egg or breadcrumbs, then pan fry to crispness. White fish is the best choice for a milder flavour.



Cutting fish into strips, then coating in an egg wash and breadcrumbs, gives the fish a crunchy exterior, and means that kids can eat it with their fingers. For a dipping sauce, try something healthy like a Greek yogurt.

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Fish can be stuffed into a taco shell once you have marinated it with fresh lime juice, seasoned with your favourite tortilla spice blend and fried or baked off. For a creative finish, try toppings of fresh cut vegetables or sour cream and salsa.



Some children will respond better to fish if they have a range of flavours to try with it. Give them dipping options such as chutney, salsas, pesto, honey, ketchup, mustard, or nacho cheese



Nutritionists say it could take 10 to 15 attempts to get a child to accept fish in his or her diet, so you have to stick with it. Offer fish consistently once or twice a week, and they will soon get used to the taste, texture and smell. The last tip is to get your children used to the idea of fish by letting them help out in preparation. Make them part of the meal preparation by getting them to read the recipe or help add the herbs or spices. Chefs’ hats are optional but always add to the fun! hc

Images: Dreamstime



14/02/2022 11:07

Brunswick Seafood.indd 1

08/10/2021 12:48

Honey Heaven.indd 1

25/01/2022 12:15

Health Check

The Bees Know Best It’s more than a tasty way to start your day - the health benefits of natural organic honey shouldn’t be overlooked

honey to pasteurise it will make it more transparent and increase its shelf-life, but may affect its taste and reduce its nutritional value. Raw honey has become more popular in recent years, and is widely available in supermarkets, health food stores and farmers’ markets. Raw honey may crystallize after a few months of storage, taking on a grainy or sugar-like texture. It’s still safe to eat and should taste the same.



hen you spread honey on your toast for breakfast, you probably do it just because you like the taste – but did you know that honey, and particularly natural organic honey, also has all sorts of potential health benefits? Honey has been used as a health aid for hundreds of years – apart from its great nutritional value, it’s thought to have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Raw honey straight from the bee-hive, as opposed to processed, pasteurised honey, will also contain pollen and the substance called bee propolis which is used to build the hive – for this reason, natural, organic honey is regarded as more health-giving than processed honey.

HC28 Honey.indd 83

Medical studies on honey report that bee propolis and bee pollen can offer anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. Honey contains antioxidants including phytochemicals, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid, which reduce oxidative stress in the body by mopping up free radicals. Oxidative stress is linked to a range of chronic health conditions, including many cancers, so an antioxidant-rich diet is recommended.

NUTRITION Raw honey comes straight from the hexagonal storage cups in a beehive – in fact some of the honeycomb may be included in the jar. Though filtered, it may contain pollen, wax, and even bits of dead bees – but these are all harmless. Heating

Natural honey also contains nutritional compounds including niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Of course it also contains a large amount of sugars in the form of fructose, and though we must monitor sugar intake, it is regarded as a healthier alternative to processed table sugar. In fact it’s suggested that honey may offer a protective effect against diabetes and that some types of honey may help improve cholesterol levels. However, raw honey shouldn't be given to infants under the age of 12 months as it can cause a rare but serious gastrointestinal condition, infant botulism. Honey is a natural antibacterial and antimicrobial agent, containing hydrogen peroxide and glucose oxidase, with a low pH level, which means it can kill harmful bacteria and fungi while preventing the growth of yeast and bacteria. Honey has even been used as a wound-healing dressing, as it is thought to kill pathogens including E. coli and staphylococcus aureus, which cause skin infections, and H. pylori bacteria which causes stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 83

15/02/2022 11:41

Health Check

Cutting Out Dairy People choose to cut dairy products from their diet for lots of reasons, but is it a good move for your kids’ health?


f you think of all the familiar dairy foods, the list is pretty long – starting with milk, which most of us consume every day, then taking in cheese, butter, yoghurt, cream, ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese, custard… all stuff most of us love. And there are good reasons to eat dairy products – they’re full of calcium, protein, carbohydrates, energy-giving fats minerals including zinc, iodine and phosphorus, and vitamins including A, B12 and riboflavin. For these reason, milk and other dairy products are particularly essential in the diet of growing children, particularly for the development of their bones and teeth. So why would some people want to give up dairy?


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Lactose intolerance is normally not so serious, though it can affect the amount of dairy product you consume. Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk, but there is less of it in yoghurt and cheese so these are usually well tolerated, and in fact you can buy lactose-free milks and other dairy products.


✤ D airy causes acne – there’s no real evidence for this, and adolescents, who often suffer acne, need the bone

and strength-building functions of dairy ✤ M ilk makes mucus – a bit of an old wives’ tale suggesting you shouldn’t drink milk if you have a cold. But if you think that dairy products are causing a child’s respiratory issues, discuss it with your GP as it could be a sign of cow’s milk protein allergy. ✤ Cutting dairy aids ASD – some studies suggest a gluten and casein-

Images: Dreamstime

There are a variety of reasons for wanting to give up dairy – you may have an intolerance or allergy, you may have ethical or religious concerns about farmed products, or you may believe for some reason that dairy is bad for you. Certainly whether you are considering cutting out dairy for yourself or a child, you should consult your GP or a nutritionist first. Certainly there are some good reasons for wanting to avoid dairy, such as if you have an allergy to the whey or casein proteins in milk. These allergies can cause hives, vomiting, diarrhoea, eczema and respiratory problems, ranging up to life-threatening anaphylaxis. Around 85 percent of children with a milk allergy will grow out of it by the age of three, but may suffer asthma, eczema or other allergies.

14/02/2022 15:47

Health Check free diet can improve symptomsin some children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), particularly in those children who have gastrointestinal disorders and associated symptoms. But there are ways to plan a gluten and casein-free diet without cutting out dairy. While it is possible to follow a healthy dairy-free or vegan diet, it can be a challenge to get enough calcium and Vitamin D into a child’s system. We lose calcium from our bodies every day, and unless this is replaced, it is leached from bones and teeth. Children and adolescents’ calcium needs to increase as they grow, from 500mg per day from ages 1-3, to 1300mg per day at 12-18. Most non-dairy milk alternatives are fortified with calcium, but you should check the ingredients to make sure that they are supplying the RDI (Recommended Daily Intake). Soy milk contains similar levels of energy, fat and protein to standard cow’s milk, so is a good choice for under-fives while rice milk and other cereal-based milks contain lower energy and protein levels compared with cow’s milk, so these are not recommended as a cow’s milk replacement for this age group.

HC25 Dairy.indd 85

You might also make up for lack of calcium in a dairy-free diet by trying the following:

✎ C alcium-fortified non-dairy milk ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

alternatives S ardines T ofu D ried figs T ahini B roccoli A lmonds M ixed grain bread C hickpeas

It is though very difficult to meet the calcium requirements of a young person’s diet without dairy foods or calcium fortified milk alternatives. Calcium supplements are available, though you should talk to your GP or a nutritionist before making any decision about giving up dairy. hc

Milk and babies

According to the NHS, cows' milk should not be given as a drink until a baby is one year old. This is because it does not contain the balance of nutrients babies need. But babies who are around six months old can eat foods that use full-fat cows' milk as an ingredient, such as cheese sauce and custard. Babies under one year old should not be given condensed, evaporated or dried milk, or any other drinks referred to as "milk", such as rice, oat or almond drinks, and between the ages of one and two years, children should be given whole milk and dairy products because they may not get the calories or essential vitamins they need from lower fat alternatives.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 85

14/02/2022 15:47

Health Check

Vitamin B-Happy! Vitamin B is an essential in kids’ diet, so if they are deficient, it’s worth considering a supplement. But why is Vitamin B so important?


roper nutrition is essential to give children a good start in life, but all too often they don’t get what they need from their daily diet. Particularly at an early age, some will refuse to eat certain types of food - almost always the types that are good for them! and there can be other causes of nutritional deficiencies, such as disease or being on certain types of medication. To ensure your children develop properly both physically and mentally, you must make sure that their diet contains sufficient amounts of nutritional elements such as vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. One of the most vital vitamins is Vitamin B, but it’s not often understood that B is actually a ‘complex’ vitamin with eight different varieties. So what roles does it play and how can you make sure your kids get enough of it?

The Eight B-Vitamins B-1 – T hiamin. Essential in the healthy growth and function of organs, including the brain and heart. B-2 – Riboflavin. Needed to break down fat and complex chemicals. B-3 – Niacin. Functions to maintain healthy skin, nerves, and digestion, and is sometimes prescribed to improve cholesterol levels. B-5 – Pantothenic acid. Essential for the health of the brain and nervous system. B-6 – P yridoxine. Assists in the manufacture of new blood cells and maintains the immune system. B-7 – Biotin. An essential factor in healthy hair, nails, and nerve function. B-9 – Folic acid. Otherwise known as folate, and found in DNA and genetic material. Often prescribed to pregnant women. B-12 – Cobalamin. Required by the nerves and blood cells, it prevents pernicious anaemia.


86 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

The term ‘Vitamin B’ actually refers to not one, but eight different vitamins. You should be able to get enough Vitamin B from a healthy omnivorous diet, but a vegan or vegetarian diet may be deficient in some B vitamins. Good sources of include beef and pork, fish, offal, avocado, leafy greens, nuts, legumes, grains, milk, cheese and yogurt, enriched and fortified breads & cereals and mushrooms. B-vitamins are water-soluble, so most of the time the body will excrete extra B vitamins in the urine. But excessively high doses can be harmful, so stick to recommended doses. If you take a ‘Vitamin B complex’ supplement to boost your vitamin B intake, it will normally include all eight vitamins in the B complex. hc

15/02/2022 11:44


NEW & Exciting Vitamin Range for Kids

Multivitamin Fizzy Drinks are a fun way for kids to get their essential daily vitamins. Easy to prepare, this delicious Apple & Blackcurrant flavour drink can be mixed up at home or on-the-go. ©&TM Spin Master Ltd. All rights reserved.

Tasty Vitamin Chewables expertly developed to support the


all-round health of kids. All vegan approved and no added sugar.


Park Acre.indd 1

07/02/2022 12:24

Chadha Oriental Foods.indd 1

13/01/2022 11:17

Not all Coconuts are created equal – Why FOCO uses only single source Coconuts.

Wondering why FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water is the best tasting coconut water in the world? Because the most delicious and refreshing coconut water comes from young green coconuts grown in Southeast Asia.

Today, many brands source coconuts from all over the world, blending and mixing coconuts from various countries, compromising the quality and taste and distorting the natural flavour. But FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water is harvested exclusively from dedicated plantations that enable us to keep the taste, quality and supply consistent.

Dedicated Coconut Plantations. Dedicated Production Facilities. Dedicated to Great Taste!

At FOCO, we control the product from picking, processing and packaging. Every batch undergoes a careful Ultra High Temperature (UHT) process to ensure freshness and shelf stability. We also pack our coconut water in a dedicated production facility (currently, FOCO is the only brand produced in its own dedicated facility), and we never overstock (so every batch retains maximum freshness). All this means you’ll enjoy the same delicious flavour every time you drink FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water.

Chadha Oriental Foods.indd 2

For generations locals have enjoyed this sweet, refreshing heavenly water – and benefited from its all-natural goodness. Now everyone who loves coconut water can get the very best tasting coconut water in the world – FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water. Superior taste. Low in calories. Nutrient rich with 5 essential electrolytes. Awesome hydration. Drink FOCO and live life to the fullest!

FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water is available in 330ml and 1 litre cartons Available in Sainsburys and Morrisons stores and leading Oriental Supermarkets.

13/01/2022 11:17

Growing up

Merseyside Spends least on CMH NHS Halton, located in Merseyside, spends the lowest amount of money on children’s mental health in England according to a national study. The report, constructed by Children's Commissioner for England Dame Rachel de Souza, said NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) spent only £16 per child on children’s and young people’s mental health service (CYPMHS) in 2020-21 - or equivalent to 0.21% of its budget. This was down from £59 in 2018-19, and down from £25 in 2019-20, when it spent 0.33% of its budget on child mental health.

Pollution Impacts Child Health

The record high spend on CMH is £165 per person, set by the Isle of Wight.

A study has illustrated that air pollution is a major risk factor for respiratory infection – the leading cause of death among children under the age of five. The study, led by researchers at Stanford University and published in Environmental Pollution, unveiled a link between miniscule airborne particles and child health in the area of South Asia, a region plagued with air pollution and more than 40 percent of global pneumonia cases.

90 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

The analysis gauges the effect of rising particulate on child pneumonia hospitalizations is about twice as much as originally thought and suggests particular industries may play a significant role in the problem.

15/02/2022 10:49

Growing up

Energy Drinks Concern Around a third of children in the UK consume at least one energy drink a week, with some drinking them every day, a study has found. The report published in the BMJ Open says that children who drink a large amount of these energy drinks may suffer from headaches, sleeping problems and educational issues. The study analysed data on children from the UK, USA, Canada and other countries, and says that some energy drinks contain higher levels of caffeine than an espresso coffee, but also contain high levels of sugar and other stimulants.

COVID Vaccinations Don’t Lessen Fertility According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, COVID-19 vaccination will not affect the chances of conceiving a child. The study funded by the US National Institute of Health was conducted on more than 2,000 couples, and found that there were no differences in the prospects of conception if either male or female partner had been vaccinated, compared to unvaccinated couples. But the study also discovered that couples had slightly lower chances of conception if the male partner had been infected with the coronavirus within 60 days. One of the researchers who conducted the study, Amelia Wesselink, said: "These findings indicate that male SARSCoV-2 infection may be associated with a short-term decline in fertility and that COVID-19 vaccination does not impair fertility in either partner." Diana Bianchi, M.D., director of NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, said: “The findings provide reassurance that vaccination for couples seeking pregnancy does not appear to impair fertility.”

HC31 Growing Up intro.indd 91

Reading Fun

Learning to read is one of the most important skills children can learn. Reading Eggs makes the learning to read journey fun, interactive, and highly rewarding for ages 2-13 – and it’s based on solid scientific research.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 91

15/02/2022 10:50

Growing up

Sitting in

Style and Safety It’s essential to think about safety when choosing and using a baby or child car seat, but there’s no reason why your kids can’t travel in style too

92 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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"So what are the main things to think about when buying a car seat? It is the law that all babies and children must use a car seat to travel in the car until they’re 12 years old or up to 135cm tall – whichever comes first. "In the UK, the car seat must comply to the R44 or R129 standard, it must be suitable for your child’s weight and size, be compatible with the vehicle it will be fitted in, and lastly be correctly fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions." All that is helpful - indeed you can

DESIGNS Baby car seats are rearward facing car seats that will usually go in the back of the car. When they get older, they will move on to a toddler seat, designed for kids who have outgrown the baby seats but aren't quite

Images: Dreamstime, Graco


lthough modern safety measures in cars and seatbelt legislation mean that the number of child injuries in vehicles is on the decline, it’s still essential that you fit an approved car seat for your baby or toddler so they can travel safely. But there's plenty of room for confusion about the requirements. The child car safety expert brand Graco says: "Becoming a parent can be pretty overwhelming. There is so much information everywhere. Car seats is a particular area where it can feel confusing.

choose a child car seat based on your child’s height or weight - but there's still plenty of room for confusion. It can be complicated choosing the right type of seat – there are so many different designs on the market, and considerations such as whether you want the seat to be compatible with a baby buggy or ‘travel system’. Choosing seats based on height is perhaps easiest, because you will be looking at so-called ‘i-Size’ seats. They must be rear-facing until your child is over 15 months old. Your child can use a forwardfacing child car seat when they’re over 15 months old. Only EU-approved heightbased child car seats can be used in the UK. These have a label showing a capital ‘E’ in a circle and ‘R129’. When it comes to fitting the seat in the car, you must only use a child car seat if your car’s seat belt has a diagonal strap, unless the seat is either specifically designed for use with a lap seat belt or fitted using ISOFIX anchor points. It is imperative to deactivate any front airbags before fitting a rear-facing baby seat in a front seat, and you must not fit a child car seat in side-facing seats.

14/02/2022 11:13

Growing up big enough for a child car seat or booster seat. Finally, there’s the child booster seat, for when your little one needs a 'boost' so they can safely use an adult seatbelt. Strict regulations govern the seat back height, buckle release pressure, type of impact-absorbing foam, the wording of some labels, and much more. The seat must be able to withstand a crash test of either two cars each traveling at 30 mph hitting each other head-on or a car crashing into a parked car at 60mph. After the crash test, the seat must still meet certain performance criteria like buckle release pressure.

Weight-based seats WEIGHT



0kg to 10kg


Lie-flat or ‘lateral’ baby carrier, rearfacing baby carrier, or rear-facing baby seat using a harness

0kg to 13kg


Rear- or forward-facing baby seat using a harness or safety shield

9kg to 18kg


Rear- or forward-facing baby seat using a harness or safety shield

15kg to 25kg


Rear- or forward-facing child car seat (high-backed booster seat or booster cushion) using a seat belt, harness or safety shield


Rear- or forward-facing child car seat (high-backed booster seat or booster cushion) using a seat belt, harness or safety shield


Here are some handy tips to keep in mind when purchasing any car seat:

✎ A void buying a used car seat as you

22kg to 36kg

cannot be sure of its history.

✎ D o your research and prioritise safety.

✎ ✎

All seats must pass minimum standards of safety. G et independent advice from your local authority road safety team. Many have been through the IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) course. I n stores, ask for the car seat expert and ask what qualifications they have. If they are IOSH approved, they should be able to provide you with their accreditation number. M ake sure your IOSH expert shows you how to fit the seat correctly in your car. C ar seat fitting clinics occur across the country. Check with https:// for your local one.

CHOICES There are a huge range of car seats to suit all ages available from any competent motoring store, from newborn right up to pre-teen, alongside car seat adapters, accessories and Isofix car seat bases. As you’d expect, booster seats are the cheapest - with the least expensive likely to set you back around £10. A standard nine months-12 years seat may cost you around £40, but you can spend up to £300. hc

HC27 Car seats.indd 93

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 93

14/02/2022 11:13


CAR SEAT SAFETY WITH GRACO Graco in partnership with Halfords are on a mission to make parents’ lives easier when it comes to car seat safety and happy car journeys with kids. Consulting its 18k strong social media following, Graco posed key questions to its online community and discovered safety, along with entertainment and cleanliness as the top focus for parents when travelling with their children in the car.


ocusing on safety, the poll alarmingly revealed this aspect is often overlooked, with 56% of Graco’s followers admitting to rushing to get out and not always prioritising safety, and 52% were unaware that letting their child play with a handheld electronical device in the car could pose a danger in the unfortunate event of a crash as the gadget can become an innocent missile. With an overwhelming 98% of parents and caregivers confirming safety as their highest priority, Graco decided to partner with Halfords as its trusted car seat and safety partner. Lending a helping hand to families, they created a simple five-step ‘H.A.P.P.Y’ car seat safety checker serving as a quick sanity checklist before setting off, and a dedicated Car Seat and Safety Advice Hub. “I am very proud of Graco’s ongoing partnership with Halfords”, said David Welsh, Managing Director of Allison

Baby UK. “Graco’s hallmark for offering exceptional value with no compromise on safety or quality, coupled with Halfords enduring recognition as the High Streets go-to trusted car seat and safety provider, makes for a powerful combination for parents and caregivers seeking advice and reassurance when purchasing a car seat. They can feel reassured that we put safety first and what’s more, our simple five-step safety checker helps ensure little ones are well looked after when travelling in cars.”

YOUR CAR SEAT SOLUTIONS SOLVED BY GRACO In the last 12 months, Graco has added four brand new car seats to its enviable car seat portfolio. Here we introduce two of its latest hero car seat solutions that best represent Graco’s flexible family-centric solutions, whether you’re after a car seat for newborn’s, or older children alike – Graco has your car journey covered.

TURN2ME 360° ROTATING ISOFIX CAR SEAT BEST FOR BABIES AND EASE OF USE Turn2Me, Graco’s newest addition Isofix rotating car seat that swivel’s 360° was a sell-out success in 2021 with parents in a spin for its high spec safety features and superb comfort. Set to continue this success this year, the car seat smoothly turns in all directions with one hand, and in one smooth motion. Offering extended rearward facing from 0-18kg (birth to approx. 4 years) the car seat grows from baby to child. Turn2Me top 5 features and benefits: 1. Rearward facing (from birth to approx. 4 years, 0-18kg) and forward-facing (from 1 to approx. 4 years, 9-18kg). 2. 360° rotation allows you to swivel the car seat rearfacing, forward-facing, and towards you 3. ISOFIX connectors for quick and easy installation - no seat belt required 4. 10 recline positions (5 rearward and 5 forward-facing) 5. Base included RRP: £170 Available to buy online at

Allison Baby UK_r3.indd 1

02/02/2022 12:06


Keeping it safe: Graco’s H.A.P.P.Y safety checker Follow this simple car seat safety checklist before setting off for a safe and happy car journey.


Harness & Handlebar The harness should always be equal/level with the child’s shoulders. 1 in 10 of Graco’s followers travel with the harness/headrest too high. For Group 0+/i-Size infant carriers the handlebar must be upright, as it acts as a secondary safety measure in the event of an accident. 35% of Graco’s social media followers admit to travelling with the handle down.

EVERSURE I-SIZE HIGHBACK BOOSTER BEST FOR LONGEVITY AND OLDER CHILDREN The i-Size regulation has been welcomed by parents looking for high standards in safety and a simplified ‘height’ category system. Graco brings EverSure to the i-Size market to provide an extended choice for savvy consumers who put their child’s safety first but don’t want to pay for extras. This forward-facing car seat is suitable for children who are 100-150cm tall (approx. 3.5 to 12 years) and offers an affordable solution with the highest safety standards at a super keen price tag. EverSures top 5 features and benefits: 1. Lightweight at only 5kg 2. Safety Surround Side Impact protection 3. TrueShield Side Impact Protection 4. Memory foam for extra comfort 5. One-hand, 10 position height adjustable headrest RRP: £100.00 Available to buy online at IN PARTNERSHIP WITH

For more information about Graco’s baby gear please visit

Allison Baby UK_r3.indd 2


Airbag 6% of Graco’s followers do not deactivate the front passenger seat airbag when travelling with a child rear-facing in an infant carrier. It is a legal requirement to deactivate the airbag when rear-facing for your child’s safety. You must always check the car vehicle manual and the car seat instruction manual. Graco recommends children under the age of 12 do not travel in the front passenger seat.


Pinch test (you might know it as the two-finger rule) To ensure the 5-point harness is secure, and not too loose, try to pinch the belt strap; if you can pinch it so the fabric bunches in your fingers, the harness is too loose. 60% of Graco’s followers do not know about this simple test.


Passenger Side Always position the youngest passenger behind the passenger seat. In the event of an accident, breakdown or simply just parking your car, you are safer leaning in to remove the little one from the car while standing on the other side.


Years, height, or weight? Keep checking your child is in the right seat for their height and weight – the age measure is only a suggested guide. There are two regulations in current use: R44 and R129. R44 regulated seats are grouped based on weight while R129 (i-Size) seats are defined on height.

02/02/2022 12:06

Growing up

Heat it to Beat It? Insect bites can be painful and dangerous – but there are new treatments offering an alternative to the old remedies


nsect bites are something we normally expect to experience on holiday in warm climates, but in fact they can be a problem any time of the year and in any climate. Part of the problem in dealing with insect bites is that there are different methods for different types of bite or sting, and sometimes you don’t know exactly what’s bitten you. Traditional methods of treating bites or stings, such as vinegar or bicarbonate of soda, can cause more harm than good, so don’t be tempted to try them. The NHS recommendations for treating insect bites are:

Caterpillars The hairs of the oak processionary moth caterpillar can be irritating, so caterpillars should be removed gently with tweezers or a pen, without squeezing. Left-over hairs can be removed with sticky tape, and calamine, ice packs or a pharmacy remedy containing 3.5% ammonia used to relieve the itch. Contaminated clothes should be washed at as a high a temperature as the fabric allows.

depends on the nature of the sting or bite. If you've been stung by a bee or wasp, and the sting has been left in your skin, you should remove it as soon as possible to prevent any more venom being released. Scrape it out sideways with something with a hard edge, such as a bank card, or your fingernails if you don't have anything else to hand. Don't pinch the sting with your fingers or tweezers because you may spread the venom.

TICKS If you have been bitten by a tick and it's still attached to your skin, remove it as soon as possible to reduce your risk of picking up illnesses such as Lyme disease.

✎ R emove the sting, tick or hairs if still in the skin.

✎ W ash the affected area with soap and water.

✎ A pply a cold compress (such as a

Images: Dreamstime

flannel or cloth cooled with cold water) or an ice pack to any swelling for at least 10 minutes. ✎ R aise or elevate the affected area if possible, as this can help reduce swelling. ✎ A void scratching the area or bursting any blisters, to reduce the risk of infection – if your child has been bitten or stung, it may help to keep their fingernails short and clean. ✎ A void traditional home remedies, such as vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, as they're unlikely to help. The problem is that the pain, swelling and itchiness can sometimes last a few days, so is there a need for a more modern approach to treatment? That partly 96 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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14/02/2022 11:19

Growing up

Use a pair of tweezers that will not squash the tick (such as fine-tipped tweezers) or a tick removal tool (available from pet shops or vets). Do not use a lit cigarette end, a match head or substances such as alcohol or petroleum jelly to force the tick out. Paracetamol or ibuprofen should be used to treat pain, and for itching, try crotamiton cream or lotion, hydrocortisone cream or ointment and antihistamine tablets. A cold compress or ice pack will help swelling. You should see your doctor if your symptoms worsen, you have been stung or bitten in your mouth or throat or near your eyes, you have symptoms of infection such as fever or difficulty breathing, or you develop large swollen patches around the bite.

HC30 Insect Bites.indd 97

HYPERTHERMIA An increasingly popular method for instant relief from the pain and irritation of insect stings or bites is hyperthermic treatment. As its name implies, this involves applying heat to the site of the bite. One version is heat_it, a product developed in Karlsruhe, Germany. It consists of a small ‘dongle’ which connects to an Apple or Android mobile phone. After briefly heating up, the contact surface of the heat_it is placed on the affected area of the skin, and in a few seconds, the heat_it treats your sting and can relieve the itching and pain. An app on the phone gives you feedback as soon as the treatment has been successfully completed. The heat-it device is suitable for use

on children from the age of four, and unsupervised from the age of 12. There are some limitations on its use: it is not suitable for treating allergic reactions, the same area of skin must not be treated more than five times an hour, and there must be a break of at least 2 minutes between repeated treatments on the same skin area. You should not press the heat_it on the skin during the heating process and never for longer than 10 seconds, and excessive use can lead to skin injuries or persistent discoloration of the skin (caloric hyperpigmentation). The heat_it is designed exclusively for use on the outer skin, so you should not use the device in body orifices, on mucous membranes, on the gums, nail bed, on the eyes or on the external auditory canal. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 97

14/02/2022 11:19

Kamedi.indd 1

16/12/2021 16:02

Kamedi.indd 2

16/12/2021 16:02

No sting, “ouch-less” liquid bandage Waterproof barrier against dirt & germs Flexible, breathable & strong

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21/05/2021 13:08

Growing up

The First Cut

Children are prone to bumps, bruises, scrapes and cuts, so it’s important to know how to apply First Aid, and when things look more serious small, straight cuts. It’s quick to apply, good at keeping wounds clean, and waterproof. It is suitable for use on active areas, but not in areas of major muscle usage. Larger cuts may require sterile strips or ‘butterfly’ closures, and scalp wounds are often closed with staples. Cuts over half an inch long or deep enough to show muscle or fat may well require stitches. Keep the wound moist with gauze pads until stitches can be applied.

✎ Major Bleeding Heavy bleeding requires a swift response to save life until emergency services arrive. First make sure that you and the injured person are moved to an area of safety, then apply firm pressure with hands to the exposed wound. Expose the entire wound to find where the bleeding is coming and replace hand pressure with firm, steady pressure to the bleeding site with bandages or clothing. Then apply a tourniquet if the wound is on a leg or arm, as high as possible on the limb.


mall cuts, scrapes, bruises and scratches are the inevitable result of children playing, particularly outdoors, and while we shouldn’t worry too much about minor incidents, it’s important to know how to treat them to prevent any further damage, and when an injury is more serious and requires professional attention. Here are a few top tips.

using a clean cloth or gauze. Keep it up for five to ten minutes – don’t be tempted to remove the pressure to examine the wound.

✎ Cleaning Once the bleeding has stopped, clean the wound with soap and water to prevent infection. Then apply a small amount of antibacterial ointment and cover it with dry gauze or a bandage.

✎ Treating small cuts and scrapes If there’s active bleeding, stop it by applying direct pressure to the wound

HC32 Cuts and bruises.indd 101

✎ Stitches and strips ‘Skin glue’ is now a popular option for

✎ Scars You may worry about scarring, particularly if the wound is on a child’s face. Facial cuts usually heal very well with minimal scarring, particularly if they are closed using interrupted sutures (with separate stitches) of a size and needle type specifically designed for the delicate skin of the face. To minimise the visibility of scars, avoid sun damage (use sunblock after the wound is about two weeks old), and if a thick and raised hypertrophic or keloid scar arises, consult a paediatric plastic surgeon to see if treatment could be helpful. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 101

15/02/2022 11:48

Growing up

Teaching Kids About Recycling Learning about the importance of recycling is the first step to making your children responsible future citizens. But how do you get them into sustainability?


veryone knows that caring for the environment is no fad, it’s a necessity if we want our children to enjoy a safe and sustainable future. Teaching them the basics of ecological awareness can start with areas such as recycling, where there are sound examples, such as plastic pollution, of how things can go wrong if we don’t learn to work with the natural world. The target set by the EU for the UK was to recycle at least 50 percent of our household waste by 2020. The latest figures, from 2016, show that so far we have managed a 45.2 percent recycling rate, up from 44.6 percent in 2015, so we’re nearly there. But we still produced 22.8 million tonnes of rubbish in 2016, which ended up in landfill. That can’t go on. There are three basics of waste management that we should all teach our kids, and the good thing is that they can be encouraged to make important contributions to the process:

✎ R educe ✎ R euse ✎ R ecycle

Images: Dreamstime

Recycling waste reduces our environmental impact and reduces the amount of rubbish in landfill or incinerators, but even recycling takes up energy and resources, so it’s better to reduce waste or to reuse items first.

✎ U se everything as long as possible and reduce the amount you buy. 102 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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14/02/2022 11:16

Growing up ✎ Don’t fall for Buy One Get One Free ‘bargains’ if you know you’re not going to use the second item. ✎ Consider everything you buy and ask yourself if you really need it. Teaching kids the importance of re-use by example can include re-using clothes once they grow out of them, or giving them to charity. Even worn-out clothes can be recycled as cleaning cloths. In the kitchen, eliminating food waste is one of the most important skills to teach. “Eyes bigger than your belly” might be an old saying, but it now has meaning. Eliminating food waste through saving leftovers for the following day, or composting in the garden, is an obvious instance of reducing wastage. In the bathroom, using bars of soap instead of plastic bottles of liquid soap will reduce plastic waste, and when you do have plastic waste, clean it out and make sure it goes into your recycling bin. Saving water is another form of sustainable practice – remind the kids not to leave the tap running while they clean their teeth, and install a water butt in your garden to save rainwater for watering plants.

ZERO WASTE Aim to take goods you don’t want to charity shops or sell them at car bot sales rather than throwing them away. Even large items such as furniture can be found a new home through local free use websites such as Freegle. Teach kids which items will not decompose and will hang around for hundreds of years if put in landfill. Take your own bags to the supermarket, and get kids to help choose loose vegetables instead of pre-packaged. Refill jars of cleaning products (in some places you can even refill jars with loose food items such as rice and beans). Explain to children how use of plastic carrier bags has dropped by 85 percent now that we have to pay for them – our behaviour can make a difference, and it all adds up. hc

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Jars of Fun Food canning Make your own jams, sauces and pickles, and you can keep them for years in airtight jars Spice shakers Punch holes in the tops of small jars and you can reuse them as herb or spice shakers Tree lights Put a tealight in a jar, tie twine around the neck and hang from tree branches for a magical outdoor experience Snow globes Insert some Christmas decorations, add fake snow, glitter, water and baby oil, screw the cap on tight and you have your own decorative seasonal snow globe Terrarium Fill a jar with sand or soil, garden cuttings and garden bugs, punch ventilation holes in the lid and you have an educational terrarium Candle holder Fill the base of a jar with sand or small pebbles, insert a tapered candle and decorate with lace or ribbon for a table centrepiece Lamp base Fill a large jar with pebbles or coloured sand to make a base for a lamp Time Capsules Get the kids to collect cuttings, letters, photos and knick-knacks, seal them in a jar and bury them for 20 years – make sure you remember where they’re buried! Bathroom organisers Large jars are great for storing loose items like cotton wool pads, bath salts and toothpicks Scent jars Simmer ingredients such as oranges, cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, vanilla or pine in water, and pour into a jar with a pierced lid for natural, safe room fragrances. Sit the jar on a tea warmer with a tea light inside for a stronger effect.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 103

14/02/2022 11:17

Growing up

A Touch of Class What is the importance of sensory play and how can we help children develop life skills using a range of education tools?


104 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Montessori The Montessori education system, developed by Maria Montessori in the 1910s, is based on a model of human development involving environmental interactions, and a belief in an innate path of psychological development. The system includes elements of sensory play (which it calls sensorial exercises) grouped into eight areas: Visual, Tactile, Baric, Thermic, Auditory, Olfactory, Gustatory, and Stereognostic. Find out more at

Images: Dreamstime, PodsPlay

orking in the 1930s, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget was among the first to develop theories of developmental stages in child development and the importance of sensory play. His ideas can be applied to any child, very often to help those with developmental problems, but also for any child who finds it difficult to relax and concentrate on learning – a situation many parents had to cope when home teaching during lockdown. Research shows that the brain develops more with use in response to a more complex and stimulating environment – the theory is called ‘experience dependent plasticity’. Studies show animals raised in a complex and engaging environment have more dendrite (brain cell connector) development and more overall brain synapses (nerve messaging gaps) than do those raised in one with no stimulation. The same is true for humans; violinists and Braille readers have been shown to have increased cortical development in the section of the brain that corresponds to the fingers of the left hand (which is used predominantly when playing the violin or reading Braille). So, stimulation of the senses through sensory play leads to increased brain development, and can also help when developmental difficulties require attention be paid to a particular aspect of development. Sensory play achieves this by stimulating the five main senses - sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell – as well as the functions of balance and proprioception (body position

14/02/2022 11:26

Growing up multifunctional - they help families through a range of situations as children grow and develop. PODS (see picture, left) encourage imaginative play for children, as the bright colours and exciting themes inspires creativity. We provide a safe 360-degree surrounding combined with colourful lights, thematic audio and imagery, which is perfect to stimulate sensory play. “PODS help children to explore a new way of interactive learning as children can feel immersed in a unique, different environment where they can read or complete their school work. PODS can also be utilised as calming spaces; the changing lights and closed space provides a relaxation environment for nap or winddown time.” Here are some ideas for sensory play for your toddler or pre-schooler – bearing in mind safety concerns, so for instance you should not use items which could be a choking hazard, and children should always be supervised when playing around water. awareness). This improves a child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks, and supports cognitive growth, language development, gross motor skills, social interaction and problem-solving skills.

ENVIRONMENT Any child can benefit from a sensory play environment, though they are particularly helpful for children with developmental disorders such as autism or sensory processing disorders. For instance, a child may find it difficult to play appropriately with a peer when there are conflicting noises in the background; through sensory play exploring sounds and tasks, the child learns to adapt to being able to block out the irrelevant noise, and focus on the task at hand. In another example, some children who don’t take to new food experiences can be helped through sensory play with substitutes using the same texture, consistency or odour.

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It's very easy to create sensory play activities at home, using household items such as water, sand and cardboard tubes. Play using different colours of sand and a range of containers can develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, creativity and imagination, use of language and vocabulary, sense of touch, problem solving and socialization. Sensory play equipment ranges from outdoor installations such as playhouses, tunnels and sandpits, to indoor items including special light and sound installations. Increasingly popular as a home relaxation or teaching environment are inflatable ‘pods’ – sensory play tents with interchangeable themes, each with its own audiobook, e-book and sound effects to create a controllable environment for relaxation or learning.


Alex Ford, founder of PodsPlay (www., says: “Our PODS are

✎ S andbox A good standard for outdoor play involving sand toys, shovels and cups.

✎ S ensory bin Fill a small tub or container with natural objects with different textures such as leaves, rocks, sand, and food like pasta or beans that have different textures for your child to explore using spoons and scoops

✎ Food play It can get messy, but playing with foods has been shown to encourage preschoolers to try new foods

✎ Sound tubes Create sound tubes using carboard tubes filled with items such as rice or beads, and plugged with paper towels or duct tape. The fun and learning comes from the contrast between the sounds from different tubes. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 105

14/02/2022 11:26


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31/01/2022 12:04

Growing up

Reading for Pleasure

Reading is an essential life skill and one you can’t start teaching too early. Find out more about its benefits and why we should encourage all kids to get reading


n 2016, Save the Children published a report stating that every year in England, thousands of children leave primary school without the confidence and fluency in reading that they need. The impact on their learning, life chances and engagement with reading is significant. With the National Literacy Trust, a campaign called Read On, Get On was founded to make sure that every child can read well by the age of 11. You can read more about the campaign’s work at The report pointed out that specific groups are far more likely to fail at reading development. Multiple studies have found a correlation between reading

HC34 Education.indd 107

for pleasure and higher academic achievement in every subject, not just English. For some children, reading difficulties will be related to additional educational needs, but for many children the reason is less clear. For instance the reading gap between boys and girls in England is one of the widest in the developed world, and children from poorer backgrounds are also more likely to fall behind. These problems are reinforcing social and ethnic inequality and holding up the economy, which requires more high-skilled workers. Getting children reading is a job for all of us - school is vital, but so are the home and wider community. It isn’t easy to learn to read, and the work starts at birth.

PHONICS Educationalists agree that creating readers starts with talking and reading to babies – we shouldn’t wait until a child starts school. Though the importance of teaching phonics (matching sounds to letters) and comprehension in schools is vital, approaches have to be developed that add the element of enjoyment to reading, so children learn to do it for their own pleasure. Literacy development, the process of learning words, sounds, and language, can vary depending on a child’s comprehension levels, but generally include the same key concepts along the way. Children with confident skills generally struggle less with their studies, Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 107

14/02/2022 11:39

Healthy & Affordable Family Food Boxes £35

£1.75 per person per day Ingredients for evening meals for four for 5 days Includes breakfast & fruit for the kids Choose from vegan & vegetarian boxes Designed by nutritionists Includes recipe booklet and meal planner

Venner Nutrition boxes are full of fresh fruit and vegetables, pulses, grains, spices and herbs, plus a few store-cupboard essentials. Plus, with every box purchased, you receive one month's free access to Venner's Kitchen, with 100's of healthy, affordable recipes, nutrition facts and cooking videos.

A Box with a Conscience Every box purchased helps to support a vulnerable family. You eat well and so do they. We Believe Healthy Food at Home Belongs to Everyone.

Venner Nutrition.indd 1

10/02/2022 11:10

Growing up and progress to independent learning and consistent growth in and out of the classroom, including abilities such as problem solving and cognitive ability. Of course, reading is not just about developing work skills; reading helps us make social interactions and engage with the world, assisting in cognitive development, reasoning, and information processing. Starting off children by reading to them helps them to acquire background knowledge and develop empathy – when we read a book, we put ourselves in the story, identifying with how the characters are feeling. This helps children to empathise in the real world with other people, gain a greater understanding of their own emotions, and relate to others. Reading to a child also builds stronger relationships and provides children with feelings of attention, love, and reassurance which are key for nurturing and wellbeing.

Reading Stages

SKILLS If you or your child find old-fashioned books a bit dull, it’s now possible to get interactive online reading lessons with songs and animations to keep them absorbed. These lessons will be aligned to the national curriculum, and based around the five essential reading skills; phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, reading comprehension and fluency. Lessons are usually divided into age groups; first steps for ages 2–4 will include fun games to build alphabet knowledge and ready-to-read skills; learning to read from ages 3–7 includes more structured one-on-one lessons in phonics, sight words and reading skills; from ages 5-10 the emphasis is on mastering phonics and spelling; and from ages 7-13 it’s about building confidence and literacy skills to aid success in school. Whichever way you choose to help your children to learn to read, the skills they learn early in life will bring them a world of pleasure, and have endless benefits in later years. hc

HC34 Education.indd 109

There are five basic stages of literacy development: 1. Emergent Literacy - Age Range: 4-6. At this stage the child first begins to understand letters and words, recognising the first letter of their name and singing their ABCs 2. Alphabetic Fluency - Age Range: 6-7. In the alphabetic fluency stage a child will read out loud, pointing to words while reading them and signalling ones they cannot. 3. Words and Patterns - Age Range: 7-9. In this transitional stage children rely less on sound-by-sound reading, and recognize complex consonant groups like “-tch”. 4. Intermediate Reading - Age Range: 9-11 In this stage more fluency develops, children are able to write out sentences, read longer passages and develop new vocabulary. 5: Advanced Reading - Age Range: 11-14 In this last stage children become fully fluent, with the ability to use reading and writing as daily tools for learning, and a strong understanding of meaning and complex materials.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 109

14/02/2022 11:39

Reading Eggs, the multi-award winning online reading programme for kids aged 2-13. Trusted by teachers and parents alike, watch your child’s confidence, motivation and progress skyrocket in just 15 minutes a day with Reading Eggs. With access to all 5 programmes, including Mathseeds, for up to FOUR children, it’s the perfect way to fit in some positive screen time.

Ages 2–4

Ages 3–7

Ages 5–10

Ages 7–13

Ages 3–9

First Steps Delight your toddler with fun games and activities that build alphabet knowledge and ready-to-read skills.

Learning to Read Children follow structured, one-on-one lessons that teach phonics, sight words and reading skills.

Mastering Phonics Fast-paced lessons cover key phonics skills, perfect for both emergent and struggling readers.

Building Confidence Older children can continue building key literacy skills that will help them succeed in school.

Learning Maths Nurture an early love of maths with structured lessons and activities that build essential maths skills.

Reading Eggs.indd 1

16/12/2021 15:03

FREE 30-DAY TRIAL Scan QR code for 30-Day FREE trial

*30-day free trial offer allows you to add up to 4 children. You will be charged at the end of your trial period unless you cancel before this time. You can cancel at any time by selecting the ‘Cancel Subscription’ option located on the ‘Manage My Subscription’ page in your family dashboard. Offer is valid for new UK customers only.

Reading Eggs.indd 2

16/12/2021 15:03


Parents Warned Against AntiChoking Devices Parents have been warned against using suction devices promoted online for saving children’s lives when they are choking. Resuscitation Council UK, a leading medical charity, has warned that there is “insufficient evidence” for the use of the £70 airway suction devices.

Measles Vaccinations Lowest for 10 years Measles vaccination rates in England have dropped to the lowest in 10 years with more than one in 10 earlyage children at risk of the disease, data has revealed. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the NHS have launched a campaign urging parents to ensure that children receive their measles vaccinations as well as mumps and rubella (MMR) jabs prior to beginning school.

The devices are already used in care homes and there is a campaign for them to be made more available, but some specialist doctors are concerned that families may be misled by some of the promotional material. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have stated that the devices should only be used by healthcare professionals or people with advanced life support training. Resuscitation Council UK say: “There is insufficient evidence on the safety or effectiveness of these devices for us to recommend their use, and we are concerned that the use of these devices could delay established treatments for choking.”

112 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

Figures show that between July and September 2021, 88.6 percent of children in England were administered with their first MMR dose by the age of two with 88.5 percent receiving their second dose by the age of five. This is well below the 95 percent target recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to prevent the re-emergence of the disease. Health experts have warned that the spotlight on COVID-19 pandemic has meant that measles is now “waiting in the wings” to stage a comeback.

15/02/2022 11:50


Any Light Can Disturb Sleep Even slight exposure to light can prompt levels of the critical sleep-promoting hormone melatonin to fall by up to 90 percent in the hour before bedtime, potentially disrupting a child’s sleep, says a recent study. The study published in January by the University of Boulder Colorado examined how the body clock works within a young child and suggested that pre-schoolers particularly are highly susceptible to the physiological impacts of light at night, with some children more sensitive than others. “We were very surprised to find high melatonin suppression across all intensities of light, even dim ones” said the researchers.

Happy Families Children who have positive interactions with their mothers are less likely to become obese later in life, a study has suggested. The findings illustrated in Paediatrics show that when children aged four and younger receive warmth and “positive parenting” from their mothers, it builds on their ability to self-regulate their behaviour. The findings indicate that positive parenting, even at infancy, can have beneficial long-term effects on their children. Showing positive attention through smiles, eye contact, gentle physical touch, the use of kind words that celebrate and lift others, and by showing an interest in the interests, activities, and achievements of others can help significantly and the importance carries throughout childhood and into adulthood. Children who have positive interactions with their mothers are less likely to become obese later in their lives and the interactions also build a positive personality and reduce the likelihood of negative behaviours.

HC35 Parenting intro.indd 113

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 113

15/02/2022 10:51

Seriously Low Carb

Maybe a happy Low Carb life is as easy as making a sandwich


Seriously LOW IN CARBS

Just 6g of carbs per 100g

Over recent decades our children’s diets are drawn towards eye popping, mouthwatering, stomach-satisfying snacks and meals. Unfortunately we are often unaware and unguided on how many carbs our well-deserved treats or supermarket meals are over providing.

Before we continue let’s be clear, wholesome nutritious food including carbohydrates are important for the development of little bodies*. Today we’re talking about the overloading of nonnutritious fast sugar-spiking carbohydrates found in so many children’s meals throughout the day.

Seriously Low Carb.indd 1

The Low Carb food industry now offers great tasting alternatives

10/02/2022 10:32

Yummy packed lunch? Take a lovely looking lunch box. Sandwich, vegetables, yoghurt, orange juice, grapes and a crispy treat. You could well be on your way to 170 grams of carbohydrates in one lunch and – pending age – that’s close to the daily recommended amount for a child’s entire daily consumption. Does the day also start with high carb toast or cereal, crisps after school and pizza, pasta or chips for dinner? It’s easy to see how unintentional carb loading can often occur.

But more carbs is more energy, right? Maybe if you’re a gym bunny or an athlete then carb loading has its place. All those carbohydrates are turned to sugar (glucose) for energy but the sudden spike means the child’s pancreas has to cope with a lot of sugar. A surplus of these sugars are also converted and stored as fat. Not ending there, the higher the original spike in blood sugars the stronger the next round of hunger pains will be, and so the cycle starts again. • 1 in 3 children leaving primary school are overweight with 1 in 5 living with obesity • In 2021 the NHS launched 15 new clinics to directly support obese children and their families • Children are consuming up to 10 times the recommended amount of sugar in a single school day Whilst the short term damage impacts weight gain, obesity and mental health, the longer term risks include Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and increased mortality. The good news is a lower carb diet is now a relatively easy and rewarding way for children and parents to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. With a global celebrity following and a wealth of medical benefits it’s no surprise that tasty and convenient Low Carb foods have begun to

emerge making it possible to swap to low carb alternatives that your child will enjoy again and again. MEET THE CELEBS Professional athletes, politicians, Doctors and celebs. Most influentially the NHS has endorsed and invested in Low Carb Nutrition. A few advocates include Dr Ranj, Dr Michael Mosley, Dancer & TV personality Oti Mabuse, Olympian Michael Andrew, Politicians Tom Watson & Matt Hancock, NBA Lebron James, Sports Presenter Adam Smith and other TV stars including Katie Couric, Kourtney Kardashian, Halle Berry & Gwyneth Paltrow

Moving to a lower carb diet There are many times when a strict low carb managed diet is medically important, from Type 1 Diabetes, GLUT 1 and children with drug resistant epilepsy, but luckily for the majority of families, moving to a lower carb diet can be a much easier and gradual journey. Something to share, experience and enjoy together. Discover the excellent resources on the internet designed for families interested in lower carb diets. Some common rules of thumb you’ll read again and again include; processed versions tend to be higher in carbs, above ground vegetables tend to have much lower carbs than their underground friends, and ask for advice - you are not alone. There are now over 2000 schools signed up to the charity Sugarwise, an amazing charity focusing on driving down sugar and unnecessary carbs in school meals. The NHS has their own Low Carb plans and over 40 specialised clinics, and at last you can now buy Tasty, Nutritious Convenient Low Carb food. Who knew a lower carb diet could be as easy as making a sandwich.

MEDICAL MARVELS OF LOW CARB & KETO The study of Low Carb and Keto is appearing in studies for so many diverse problems. Mental health, weight loss, endurance performance, reduced blood pressure, suppressed appetite, and the further role it may play in disease prevention and treatment. There are small, but fruitful studies treating metabolic syndrome, Bipolar disorder, Dementia and Alzheimer. But it is probably the studies of children with drug resistant epilepsy – a study since 1920 – and the more recent work on the epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes that has seen the greatest rewards of Keto & Low Carb nutrition *Speaking with Sara Garland, Founder and CEO of The Daisy Garland, an amazing charity helping families and children with drug resistant epilepsy: “The ketogenic diet is a medical-led, low-carb dietary therapy used to treat drug-resistant epilepsy. This very clever diet works by switching the body’s metabolism to burn fat for energy rather than utilizing glucose. When fat is used as energy ketones are produced. These ketone bodies build up in the blood and when they reach a certain level, seizures are frequently controlled. Statistics show over half the children on a low-carb diet will see a 50% seizure improvement, approximately one-third will see more than 90% improvement. About 10-15% will be seizure-free. Other benefits include improved cognition, energy levels and better sleep.” Head to: to learn more

Article author:

I’m Andy Welch, a very lucky dad of two, a husband of a wonderful primary school teacher, and I’m treasurer for the local Scout group. Two years ago I started Seriously Low Carb, we’ve served over two million equivalent meals, won the 2021 food innovation award and our products are #1 & #2 on Amazon Fresh Bake. That said the biggest rewards are the low carb families who send us thank you messages every day. You are our Low Carb Legends! Andy Welch Founder of Keeto Life Ltd and

Seriously Low Carb.indd 2

10/02/2022 10:32


Health and Fatness

Childhood obesity is a growing problem, but the whole family could benefit from some healthy diet swaps


besity is defined by the World Health Organisation as ''abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health''. In the last few years, mainly because of changes in dietary habits, it has become a particular problem in children – and obesity in childhood can persist throughout life and lead to long-term health problems. But overweight and obesity, as well as their related diseases, are largely preventable, particularly if you consider some simple dietary swaps. The fundamental cause of childhood

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overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. There has been a global shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals and other healthy micronutrients. There is also a trend towards decreased physical activity due to the sedentary nature of many forms of recreation, changing modes of transport, increasing urbanization and the pandemic lockdown. England’s children are consuming too

many calories - and, in particular, too much sugar. Teenagers in England are the biggest consumers of sugar-sweetened drinks in Europe. The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recently concluded that sugar consumption increases the risk of tooth decay, and that consumption of sugar sweetened beverages is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes and higher weight. A single 330ml can of a soft drink with added sugar (which can contain as much as 35g of sugar), may instantly take a child over their sugar RDI.

14/02/2022 15:52

Parenting As a first step towards tackling childhood obesity, the Government introduced a soft drinks industry levy, or sugar tax, designed to encourage producers to reduce the amount of sugar in their products. This is effective, as slowly changing the balance of ingredients in everyday products does not rely on individual behaviour change and takes the onus off the individual. The food and drinks industry have been challenged to reduce overall sugar across a range of products that contribute to children’s sugar intakes, and it has decreased by at least 20 percent between 2017 and 2020.

ROLE MODELS Be active and eat well yourself to set a good example for your child. Go for a walk or bike ride instead of watching TV. Playing in the park or swimming with your children shows them being active is fun. Changes you make to your child's diet and lifestyle are more likely to be accepted if they are small and involve the whole family. Very overweight children don't need to do more exercise than slimmer children. Their extra body weight means they'll naturally burn more calories. All children need about 60 minutes of physical activity a day for good health, but it doesn't need to be all at once. Several short 10-minute, or even five-minute, bursts of activity throughout the day can be just as good exercise as an hour-long stretch. For younger children it can take the form of active play, such as ball games, chasing games, riding a scooter, and using playground equipment. For older children it could include riding a bike, skateboarding, walking to school, skipping, swimming, dancing and martial arts. Simply encourage them to start with what they can do and build up to 60 minutes a day. Try to avoid feeding your child large portions. A good rule of thumb is to start meals with small servings and let

HC35b Healthy Swaps.indd 117

your child ask for more if they're still hungry. Try not to make your child finish everything on the plate or eat more than they want to.

PORTIONS Beware of high-calorie foods. Calories are a measure of the energy in food. Knowing how many calories your child consumes each day, and balancing that with the amount of energy they use up in activity, will help them reach and stay at a healthy weight. Children, just like adults, should aim to eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables every day. They're a great source of fibre and vitamins and minerals. Getting “Five A Day” shouldn't be too difficult. Almost all fruit and vegetables count towards your child's five a day, including fresh, tinned, frozen and dried. Juices, smoothies, beans and pulses can

Diseases Globally in 2016, the number of overweight children under the age of five is estimated to have been over 41 million. Overweight and obese children are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more likely to develop noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a younger age.

also count towards the total. Be aware that unsweetened 100 percent fruit juice, vegetable juice and smoothies can only count as one portion of their five a day - so two glasses of fruit juice and a smoothie in a day still only counts as one portion. hc

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 117

14/02/2022 15:54

Vegan & Vegetarian Low Fat Low Sugar Low Salt

Eat well, feel well with Rakusen’s Proudly vegan since 1900

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RECIPE Cherry tomato , and pesto Ma cheese tzo pizza Ingredients

(To make four Matzo pizzas) 4 Traditional Ma tz 200g of cherry o Crackers to 200g of grated matoes cheddar or mo 4 tsp of green zzarella pesto 4 tsp of olive oil Black pepper Balsamic glaze (optional)


1. Preheat ov en to Matzos on a ba 200ºC, while placing four king tray, drizz of green pesto le a teaspoon ov add a few slice er each Matzo pizza and d a teaspoon of cherry tomatoes, sprinkling ol cheese over ea ive oil and 50g of grated ch. 2. Place the to pped Matzos into the oven around 20 mi for nutes. 3. Remove th e Matzo pizzas from th and sprinkle wi th chopped ba e oven cracked black sil leaves and pepper. 4. Serve fresh from the oven , or dr little balsamic glaze for an ex izzle with a tra tang.

Rakusens.indd 045_RAK_Healthy_Child_Advert_spread_AG07.indd 1 All Pages

01/02/2022 12:40

Healthy snacks for the whole family RECIPE

Vegan & Vegetarian

Snacker canapes

Low Fat


ers A handful of Snack diced all 1 plum tomato, sm , small diced ion ½ medium red on oots, small diced etr 2 baby pickled be o, minced ntr 2 tablespoons cila diced ¼ avocado small Smoked salmon Cream cheese Plain houmous finely chopped 1 tsp of fresh dill, ped nder, finely chop ria co sh fre of tsp 1 orite) eddar or your fav (ch se ee ch p cu ½ sired Black pepper if de

Low Sugar Low Salt Dairy Free Nut Free


and Smoked salmon apes cream cheese can eese on cracker Spread cream ch l. ed salmon and dil and top with smok es oot canap Mushroom & beetr to cracker on Spread houmous ried mushroom and top with pan-f beetroot. d kle pic of s and cube es ap can le mo aca Gu chopped Top crackers with red onion and o, cad avo , ato tom er. chopped coriand

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Rakusens.indd 2

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01/02/2022 31/01/2022 12:40 12:55


Sustain to Maintain We all know the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and cutting waste, but how can you put it into practice in your choice of child products?


report in 2017 stated that having one fewer child (in a developed country) could save 58.6 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year. Coupled with the sheer volume of stuff you seem to need to buy for your newest family member, that could be enough to induce a climate-guilt headache. So what can you do to make your baby choices more eco-friendly? With approximately eight million pieces of plastic pollution finding their way into our oceans every single day, it's a good time to join the anti-plastic crusade. But if you’re trying to go plasticfree, where does that leave you if you decide to bottle-feed your baby? Baby bottles are not a single-use item, so this may not be a major issue, but if buying plastic baby bottles, buy new and ensure they are certified BPA-free. Glass bottles are more durable, guaranteed to be chemical free, and are easier to clean.

your conscience may not be happy with you purchasing a wardrobe full of cheap new garments for your little one, so try to re-use existing clothes from family and friends. Disposable nappies, though, are the worst. The average baby goes through 2,000 nappies per year, and the standard disposable nappy takes between 200-500 years to decompose, so opt for reusable nappies to direct waste

away from landfill. Reuseables are also economical: a set will generally set you back £250. Compare that with the £600 it’s estimated most families spend on disposables for one child, and it’s a clear win-win situation. There are loads of different types of reusable nappies out there, so check out your options, such as pocket, one-part and two-part nappies to see which suits you and baby best. hc

BABY WIPES Baby wipes can cause environmental havoc, clogging sewers, washing up on beaches and killing marine life. Your best bet is to use washable, reusable wipes – great for your baby’s skin and kinder to the environment. For emergency wipes to pop in your changing bag, opt for the biodegradable variety to ease the impact on landfill.

CLOTHES It pays to have a decent-sized stock of baby vests and baby-grows lined up ready for use – but as the clothing industry is the second-largest polluter in the world (behind the oil industry), 120 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC36b Sustainability.indd 120

14/02/2022 15:55

Bye Bye Disposable,

Hello Reusable! If you are a parent then you know a few things about little ones; they are messy and expensive. They also really don’t like cold wet wipes and will often do anything to avoid being cleaned up. Your baby’s skin is delicate and can react to even mild chemicals found in wet wipes and what’s more, they are really bad for the world we live in. We all want to do our best as parents to create a better world for our children in the future and switching to reusable wipes is a really positive change that we can make to help. The perfect alternative to disposable wet wipes, reusable cloth wipes are natural, eco-friendly, super soft, perfect for sensitive skin, long lasting and will definitely save you money in the long run. Our range of reusable wipes cover all cleaning scenarios throughout your day from messy mealtimes, nappy changing, days out and bath time.

Microfibre Baby Wipes Our award winning super absorbent Microfibre wipe is perfect for families who wish to switch to reusables to clean hands, faces and surfaces. The unique properties of microfibre make it extremely efficient at removing dirt and germs and can remove up to 99% of bacteria. Certified AZO free you can be sure they contain no harsh chemicals making them perfect for sensitive skin. And being super soft they won’t cause your little ones to run away when it comes to cleaning time!

Cotton Terry Wipes

Bamboo Washcloths

Bamboo Cotton Wipes

Essentials Kit

A firm family favourite these 100% cotton terry wipes are a perfect all-natural cleaning solution for your little ones. Particularly great for dirty bottoms!

Our 100% bamboo wash cloths have been lovingly created to bring your baby nothing but pure comfort. Ultra-absorbent and fast drying you can treat your little one to true luxury every bath time.

Made from 70% bamboo 30% cotton these gentle, breathable, and naturally anti-bacterial wipes are an everyday essential from birth.

Perfect for on the go, our essentials kit consists of a combination of microfibre and cotton reusable wipes, spray bottle and wet bag for when you are out and about.

Full range available from Amazon and

Little Gubbins.indd 1

11/02/2022 15:30

Baby Gear.indd 1

28/01/2021 12:54

Baby Gear.indd 2

28/01/2021 12:54


At a Push...

Choosing a pushchair can be tricky – there are so many different types and makes. We give you a few tips to get you strolling and rolling…


hether you call them strollers, pushchairs, or buggies, the whole field of baby transport can sound unnecessarily complicated – and that’s even before you start on the idea of car seats or modular travel systems. But we have a few general principles which should make it easier for you to make an informed choice. A Which? Survey suggests that while pushchairs vary enormously in terms of cost, from less than £100 to more than £1,000, if you spend a lot of money you are more likely spending it on the name or the fancy fabric than on any special features. The 2020 survey of 1,500 parents with children under the age of five showed that the average spend was £378, with the majority (39%) spending between £101 to £450. Some of Which? ’s Best Buy buggies were as little as £150, so the conclusion is that you don't necessarily have to spend a large amount to get a good product.

SYSTEMS When browsing for pushchairs, you will likely be faced with the choice between a two-piece and three-piece travel system. Most often, a 2-in-1 travel system 124 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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will come with a frame, seat unit and carrycot. A 3-in-1 system will contain these parts, plus an additional car seat. It's helpful to have a 3-in1 system when travelling as it means you can move the baby between the car and the pushchair with ease - you won’t even need to move them from their seat. Choosing the right car seat can be particularly difficult, as there appear to be lots of variations, but in fact the most important factor is of course that the seat complies with safety regulations, and is compatible with your pushchair. It can make matters more complicated when you buy a pushchair then have to attempt to match up a car seat afterwards. The best option in this scenario could be to get the 3-in-1 travel system. This is the quickest, easiest way to ensure that the car seat will to fit within the frame.

STROLLERS When looking at strollers (lightweight pushchairs), you should look for one that is lightweight and portable, but also strong and sturdy. Ideally a stroller would weigh around six kilograms, usually accompanied by a nylon carry-bag for travelling, and would fold compactly for easy storage. These kinds of stroller are suitable for children from birth up until they reach a weight of fifteen kilograms, approximately three years old. One of the best things about modern strollers is that they can be accessorised according to your needs and the weather. In chilly parts of the year, a universal

15/02/2022 11:53


Standards Before making any purchase, make sure the product has passed the UK and European Standards EN 1888 for carrycots and strollers, and either the ECE R44 or ECE R129 standards for car seats.

HEAVY QUESTIONS If you are buying a double buggy, weight may be the main factor; pushing two children can be hard enough without the additional weight of a bulky buggy. You have a choice of side-by-side or tandem models, where one child is seated in front of the other. Your choice may boil down to which type is easiest to fit into your car. But there are a few other basic questions you may want to ask yourself,

largely referring to how easy the pushchair is to use, such as;

✎ Reversible seat There’s an argument that babies should be facing you when they’re younger, but facing the world when they’re older. So a reversible seat is a popular option.

✎ A djustable handles If you and your partner take turns pushing the pram, it may be useful to have adjustable height handles if there’s a significant height difference between you. Handle bars vary in design, so make sure it is one you would feel comfortable pushing for long periods.

✎ S hopping basket Most pushchairs have some form of shopping basket, but capacity varies widely from around 1kg to as much as 15kg, with the average being around 4-5kg. Make sure you choose one with adequate capacity and sturdy sides, and look out for additional storage pockets for items such as umbrellas. hc

footmuff is an incredibly useful attachment. Easy to install, they are designed to provide your little one with maximum comfort while also keeping them nice and warm as you move around. In sunnier weather, a parasol can be the perfect addition. Most travel systems also have the option of a ride-on seat that can be attached to the back of easy-to-use attachment clips. In fact the range of accessories available is huge, from changing bags and organisers to sun shades, snack trays, toy hangers, and hand muffs – even designs that can hold your mobile phone, so you can watch a movie as you push!

HC36 Pushchairs.indd 125

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 125

14/02/2022 11:57

Products with plant-based & biodegradable ingredients Eco friendly & sustainable Suitable for sensitive skin & allergies

Discover Allergy UK approved products from Ecozone Ideal for sensitive skin & allergies

About Allergy UK Allergy UK are proudly the leading national patient charity for those living with allergies, and having been supporting and raising awareness for allergy sufferers for 30 years. Our Allergy UK endorsed products ensure that they’re safe to be used by and around those with allergies and sensitive skin. In the UK, 40% of children have been diagnosed with an allergy, the four most common being food, eczema, asthma and hay fever.

About Ecozone Ecozone are a British brand that have been innovating eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products for over 20 years. Made by a family for families, with the belief that effective and powerful cleaning should be accessible to all, Ecozone now have a range of over 100 products for many different domestic & workplace uses that include a wide range of Allergy UK approved items that caters to those with allergies and sensitivities as much as they can.






Ecozone.indd 1

13/10/2021 15:17


Clean and Healthy Cleaning your home might set off a raft of allergies – is there a way to do it without mucking up your health? cleaning; get rid of surplus items and ty to live clutter-free.

WEAR A MASK They’re not just good for Covid – a standard face mask, or even better a medical grade N95 mask, will cut down on the allergens you inhale as you clean. Even an old T-shirt will do if nothing else is available, so long as you cover your nose and mouth. Don’t touch your face while cleaning, and shower afterwards.

DUST PROPERLY ‘Dry dusting’ just spreads dust around – use an anti-allergenic surface cleaner and a microfibre cloth, wiping in a 'Z' pattern.


Images: Dreamstime


ommon cleaning products are often the source of annoying and possibly dangerous allergic reactions, from runny noses to breathing difficulties and skin reactions. Research by the American Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology determined that 99 percent of homes had at least one detectable allergen – and nearly 75 percent had between three and six. So is there a way to clean the house without these risks? With help of a few simple tips and a new breed of allergy-free cleaning products, you should soon have everything shiny.

SWITCH TO ALLERGEN FREE CLEANING PRODUCTS Conventional cleaning products such

HC37 Allergies and Cleaning.indd 127

as soaps, glass cleaners, disinfectants, shampoos and detergents often include allergenic substances such as synthetic fragrances, ammonia, bleach, formaldehyde, and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, which can cause irritation to the skin, respiratory tract, and throat. Some cleaning products even include nut or dairy by-products, which if you are allergic to them can cause symptoms such as rashes, itching, blisters, dry skin or swelling. Cut these out of your cleaning routine by going for allergy-free products instead.

Vacuum cleaning is your friend – once or twice a week, clean the whole house, including curtains, blinds and difficult corners. Look for a vacuum cleaner with a dust bag, not a bagless model, and a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA), which will remove at least 99.7% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns.

BEDS Don’t forget to clean the bed too – clean the mattress with a vacuum cleaner, and used zipped allergen-proof pillow protectors and mattress protectors. Wash blankets, sheets, and pillow/mattress covers in hot water once a week, and control humidity in the bedroom to make it less habitable for dust mites.



Surfaces collect allergens, and some, such as carpets and upholstery, attract dust mites. So reduce clutter for easier surface

Deep-clean carpets to remove pollen, dust, and grime, not forgetting to use a nonallergenic carpet cleaner! hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 127

14/02/2022 11:51

THE PROTECTION PARENT I’m Karla Edwards the owner of The Protection Parent; an insurance brokerage which mainly specialises in making sure parents are protecting what matters most; their children. We do this through life insurance, critical illness cover for both the adults & children, income protection and mortgage protection. There are a vast variety of products available to protect your family, but unfortunately not many people are aware of them; which is where we can help you.

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The Protection Parent_r3.indd 1

@theprotectionparent 31/01/2022 12:46


Keep it Covered We all want to make sure our family is protected against unexpected problems, but what are the best family insurance options to make sure you’re covered?


ost of us will have property insurance, personal effects insurance and car insurance – but do you insure against problems affecting your family? There are many forms of insurance available to help cope with these difficulties. One of the most popular is private health insurance: this will cover medical fees should you choose to have private treatment, rather than joining the ever-lengthening NHS waiting lists. You can also get medical insurance to cover the whole family, for instance to cover specialist paediatric services that might not be available on the NHS. Karla Edwards from The Protection Parent (www.theprotectionparent. says: " I’m very passionate about creating awareness about the importance of insurance, not just for adults but for children. If your child was critically ill you would be by their side. If you are at hospital with your child this may affect you

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Trusts If you’re considering Family Life Insurance, it’s important to write your Life Insurance policy into trust so the payout isn’t added to your estate and doesn’t have to go through probate, meaning your loved ones get the money faster and there are no inheritance tax implications.

financially, which is why people need to be insured to ensure that if you are going through such an emotionally devastating time you do not have to have the added pressure of financial stress." What if you died unexpectedly - could your family cope with the costs and would they be left with financial difficulties? If you are unable to work due to illness or injury, Income Protection Insurance (sometimes

known as Occupation Cover) could cover you, either until retirement or for a shorter fixed term; and should you pass away, Life Insurance will pay out a lump sum, perhaps helping your family to pay off a mortgage and other debts, and avoiding financial stress at a difficult time.

POLICIES Couples can get joint life insurance cheaper than individual policies, and there is also the option of Family Income Benefit insurance, which pays a monthly income to your family in the event of your death rather than a lump sum. Mortgage Protection Insurance will cover the mortgage if you die, while Mortgage Payment Protection will cover your monthly repayments against the risk of accident, sickness and unemployment. Whatever cover you may need, speak to a specialist insurer and you’ll soon have that warm glow of knowing that your family is financially protected. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 129

15/02/2022 11:54


The Thai Way Thai medical beliefs call on a long tradition of study and spirituality, and along with the delicious food of the region are growing in popularity


he Kingdom of Thailand, the only Southeast Asian country to not be ruled by Western colonial powers, nestles between Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Malaysia, and is populated mainly by Tai peoples who emigrated from China around the 11th century. They brought with them traditional foods and health practices, many of which are still popular today. The country has a good reputation for healthcare, with almost complete coverage of the population and free services. It has a high life expectancy for the region of around 70 years. The Thai government incorporates ethno-medicine into its plans for economic and social programs, so traditional medicine practices and diets are high in popularity.

TRADITION Thai Medicine begins with the elements earth (din), water (nam), wind (lom), and fire (fai), emanating from Indian Brahmin 130 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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and Buddhist traditions. From the third century BCE, Avuryedic medicine from India was introduced into the country, and traditional Chinese medicine principles came to the Thai people from visiting Chinese monks. Though popular in the 18th Century and the 1920s, the current resurgence of interest in Thai medicine is probably the most successful. Traditional Thai Medicine practices comprise of four branches: medicine, midwifery, orthopaedic, and massage. The traditional doctor masters all four disciplines. Doctors study under the tutelage of a seasoned doctor for many years, and through this apprenticeship becomes a physician. These disciplines tie into the belief in the four elements, with herbal medicine and midwifery managing issues related to the physical body, Thai massage and yoga focusing the energy systems, and Thai spiritual healing working on the mind and emotions.

Each of the four elements is believed to manage specific body parts and bodily functions, with the earth element governing 20 organs, water containing 12 fluid types, air with six wind types, and the element fire holding four kinds of heat. This aids the traditional Thai Medicine doctor in diagnosing and providing treatments for each issue with a combination of herbal remedies, massage, nutritional guidance, acupressure/acupuncture, meditation and physical exercises. With the traditional Thai medicine focus on massage, acupuncture and acupressure, even reiki, there are many options for using these various wellness modalities to maintain your health, and medicines such as lavender oil and Tiger Balm (no tigers involved – it’s made of camphor and menthol) being promoted to ease aches and pains. And a relaxing Thai spa treatment is just the thing to put you in the mood for a delicious Thai meal! hc

14/02/2022 16:06

Chadha Oriental Foods_IBC.indd 1

08/02/2022 09:58






























A multi-nutrient smoothie mix designed to fill any nutritional gaps in a child’s diet. Nuzest Europe_OBC.indd 1

07/02/2022 12:40

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