Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh: Summer 2021

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Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh FEEDING THEM RIGHT From weaning to supplements, all you need to know


Doing it by the numbers

Nursery Choice

How you can tell if a nursery is right for you

Bab y Gea r

Keep It Clean

Hygiene from handwashing to oral health SUMMER 2021

In association with

Guest Editor Dr Ranj Singh

From c stroll ar-seats to ers, safety all the facts SUMMER 2021 | £3.99 ISSN 1758-597X

Talking about health issues and child welfare with the TV doctor Pregnancy

HC01 Cover.indd 1


c h i l d h e a lt h


e a r ly y e a r s


e d u c at i o n


g rowing up

21/05/2021 16:48

up to 4 years 02 YEARS 04 MONTHS


LIFE CHANGES, S NEXT2ME FOREVER, BEDSIDE CRIB, STAND-ALONE COT & TODDLER BED ALL IN ONE PRODUCT Chicco’s ever-expanding and much loved Next2Me range now includes Next2Me Forever - the first evolutionary side-sleeping crib that can be used from birth through to four years. The three different configurations offer a longer-lasting sleep space and can be transformed from the side-sleeping crib into a standalone cot and then a toddler bed, from 18 months. The new design with higher sides

Artsana UK & Ireland.indd 1

enables parents to move their little one into a standalone cot when suitable, without being restricted to the six-month age limit on most side-sleeping cribs. And the new patented system for maximum security prevents the side panel from remaining lowered unless it is securely fastened in the correct position. This extended crib provides a familiar sleep-time environment, when the time comes for them to move into their own room. The four swivelling wheels with brakes make it easy to move the Chicco Next2Me Forever into little one’s room as a free-standing cot when the time is right.

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ES, SO DO WE At 18 months, the side panel and legs can be removed, quickly and easily transforming it into a floor-level toddler bed for sleep routine continuity in their own room. With foldable feet, 11 adjustable height settings, a tilt function to help ease reflux and aid digestion, mesh windows for enhanced air flow and improved visibility, and a firm, comfortable, transpirant mattress to keep the correct posture for the baby, the Chicco Next2Me Forever includes all of the popular functions of the original Chicco side-sleeping cribs. Chicco Next2Me Forever is available in two neutral colours

Artsana UK & Ireland.indd 2

[Cool Grey and John Lewis exclusive, Moon Grey] and with a range of sleep-time accessories including bed sheets, mattress cover and the new Chicco Rainbow Sky Bed Arch night light.

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24/05/2021 11:13

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21/05/2021 13:08



And welcome to the latest issue of Healthy Child, with me, Dr Ranj Singh.

Images: Courtesy of Talent4Media


e’ve come through a worrying time, when the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live, work and interact with other families. Fortunately, children have not proved to be as susceptible to the virus, though we have to be aware that a small number have been seriously affected, and there is also the possibility of them being carriers like adults. While adults have had to adjust their lives to cope with the pandemic, children have suffered in other ways, barred from schools, shut off from friends and sometimes experiencing isolation or even abuse at home. Their mental health issues are on the rise, and we must be aware that this aspect of child health is just as important as the physical.

Of course there are still other issues around child health to consider, such as poverty, which I’m pleased to see activists like Marcus Rashford working to publicise, and obesity, which has become a constant and worldwide issue. We look at both areas in this information-packed issue of Healthy Child, and on the website at There’s plenty more to read in this issue, from features on potty training and healthy eating to choosing a nursery and teaching hygiene in the home. So we hope you learn something from this issue of Healthy Child, make use of what you read to bring up your children to be fit and well, and enjoy the post-lockdown Summer with a happy and healthy family! hc

Dr Ranj Singh

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Special Features 8 Interview

Celebrity Editor Dr Ranj Singh talks to us about the mental health implications of coronavirus for children, the continuing problem of childhood obesity and his love of music

16 Health Today

All the latest news on issues affecting child health, including an amazing surgical procedure for spina bifida, and what fat mice can tell us about diet and exercise

20 Playing Against Poverty

What campaigners including footballer Marcus Rashford are doing to publicise the problems of child poverty

Pregnancy & Early Years 24 Bringing Up Baby Organically

How do a baby’s nutritional needs change as they grow, and can an organic diet be the best for them?

6 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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26 The Cotton Club

Why natural materials like cotton are good for your baby, and good for the planet too

29 Planet Baby

There are lots of ways you can make sure the products you buy for your baby are eco-friendly as well as being right for them

40 Keeping It Real

What are the best baby skincare products and how do you make sure they’re safe?

45 Training Day

Teaching your child to use the potty can be a challenge, but our guide will teach you by numbers

49 Your Nursery Choice

Your choice of nursery should be down to a lot more than location, location, location

32 Little Helpers

Probiotics are the little digestive helpers that can improve our children’s gut health

35 The Acid Test

What causes pregnancy heartburn, and what medical and non-medical solutions are there?

37 Baby Tech

From bottle-warmers to video monitors, these are the essential bits of kit for keeping baby safe

38 Lean, Mean, Weaning Machine

You can crush the weaning process with our top tips for getting baby on solid food

Health Check 52 Adding It In

Kids can’t always get all they need from their diet – how can supplements help?

56 A, B, C, D – It’s Vitaminportant!

What are the essential vitamins and how can you make sure your kids get enough to help them grow?

62 Allergic to My House

Do you know how polluted your household air is, and how it contributes to allergies?

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64 Gasping for Air


The perils of indoor pollutants including dangerous chemicals like VOCs

118 Water Carry-on!

70 Say No to Germs

Teach your kids the elements of household hygiene to keep them healthy

We’re all around 75 percent water, so it's no surprise that keeping hydrated is an essential health factor

119 Operation OUCH!

78 Clean is Classy

We offer some simple First Aid tips and antiseptic guidance for the inevitable bumps and bruises kids pick up indoors and out

How you can keep things clean and healthy around the home, and get the kids to help

81 A Weighty Problem

What are the causes and implications of child obesity, and where do we look for solutions?

122 Taking a (Safe) Back Seat

Choosing and fitting a child car seat that's safe and easy to use can be a challenge – but we make it all sit beautifully

87 Reaching the Land of Nod

Why sleep is essential for kids’ health, and how you can help them nod off

127 Dodge the Burn

Why it's important to keep your children protected from the potential damage of sunburn, and how to shield them from ultraviolet rays in any situation

90 Your Bedroom, Your Space

How your children’s bedrooms should keep them safe, happy and healthy

94 On the Nose

Nasal congestion in babies can be a worry, but there are simple solutions

129 Duvet Dreams

Some imaginative design tips for adding decorative fun to childrens’ bedrooms

98 Getting Over Teething Problems

From teething to tooth decay, children’s oral health is an essential element in their wider wellbeing

Growing Up 102 Not Too Posh to Push

Choosing and using the right pushchair for your family, from travel systems to buggies

106 Playing Out

Why encouraging outdoor play is more important than ever before

108 Toys Story

Don’t tell the kids, but with the right toys, play can be educational too

114 The Heel Deal

Why it’s important to choose the right shoes for your children

PUBLISHER & CEO Kevin Harrington EDITOR Chris Jenkins

Healthy Child Celebrity Angels 143 Caledonian Road, London, N1 0SL Tel: 020 7871 1000 For sales enquiries call: 020 7871 1000

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WRITERS Tom Glover, Kent Allard DESIGN Friyan Mehta PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Joanna Harrington OFFICE COORDINATOR Adam Linard-Stevens

PUBLISHED BY Celebrity Angels © 2021 All rights reserved

IMAGES All images courtesy of Dreamstime unless otherwise stated on page Cover photograph of Dr Ranj Singh courtesy of Talent4Media

All material in Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh magazine is wholly copyright and reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is strictly forbidden. The views expressed in this publication are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Celebrity Angels. The information in this publication is carefully researched and produced in good faith, however, neither the publisher nor the editors accept responsibility for any errors. The Celebrity Angels Series is published in the UK under licence by Damson Media Limited. Damson Media Limited is registered in England and Wales under registration no. 07869300.

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Keeping Kids Feeling Amazing

Images: Talent4Media/Dreamstime

Chris Jenkins talks to paediatrician and TV presenter Dr Ranj Singh about child mental health, the issues of poverty and how we can help kids grow up happy and healthy

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Do you think enough is being done to deal with the increase in mental health problems in children during lockdown? RS. Mental health provision and services for young people have been chronically underfunded even before the pandemic struck, and things have sadly become more difficult. We’ve seen a reduction in services being available and an increase in demand for them. So when we’ve started off from a point where things were inadequate, I don’t think enough is being done. However, there has been an announcement from government to increase funding and support in view of the lockdown fall-out, and the hope is that this will translate into real change. But only time will tell. In the meantime, I would encourage anyone who is struggling to seek out every bit of help available – from school, charities, and from the health service. The NHS Every Mind Matters website is a good place to start. What do you say to people who resist having the coronavirus vaccine? RS. Vaccination is voluntary in the UK and when we are deciding on whether to take it up, we must always make sure we are basing it on reliable information. There is so much misinformation out there – some of it deliberately intent on causing harm – that it’s really hard for people to know what to trust. But let’s look at the facts: there is no doubt that vaccines work (look at the history of infectious diseases like meningitis after vaccination was introduced), they save lives and livelihoods, and they are one of the best tools we currently have against coronavirus. Even if the personal risk of COVID to you is small, you may develop long-term complications (e.g. long COVID), you could pass it on to someone vulnerable, and then there is all the other collateral damage (e.g. work, finances, school).

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We have a collective responsibility to end this pandemic and get out of lockdown as soon as possible. We are not safe until everyone is safe and that’s why I would encourage everyone to get the vaccine if they are offered. I’ve had mine and I feel so immensely grateful. Plus I would never recommend something that I wouldn’t have myself! How significant is child poverty in health issues? How important is the work of people like Marcus Rashford in highlighting the problem? RS. We have known for quite some time that poverty is one of the biggest determinants of health. When it comes to child health, it’s probably the biggest factor in terms of its impact on your health over the course of your life. We know that children from less advantaged

backgrounds have much poorer outcomes across the board. Sadly this is nothing new. Unfortunately, very little has actually been done to address this. The pandemic actually made inequalities worse. We saw many more families being plunged into poverty, and a massive increase in reliance on things like food banks. The extent of the issue didn’t really come to light until people like Marcus Rashford highlighted it, but we must let it fall off the radar as other news takes precedence. That’s why the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health issued a statement on the problem and asked the government to take poverty, especially food poverty, more seriously. And that’s exactly why I’ve championed charities like the Trussell Trust who support food banks across the UK. Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 9

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What is your book How to Grow Up and Feel Amazing about and why did you think it was needed? RS. It’s a modern, up-to-date guide on growing up for boys (roughly around the age of 10-14 years) and anyone that might be interested in the challenges that they are facing (like their parents). It covers everything from puberty and biology, through to mental health and dealing with social media, as well as the big questions like: what does it actually mean to be a boy? I wanted to remind young boys that they can be whoever they are and be happy. And if they are struggling in any way, then reaching out for help is not only OK, it’s the best thing to do.

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Now that I’m a qualified doctor, I feel like I have the time to exercise more of my creative side and that’s why I’ve done various things like dancing and singing on TV! It also helps to keep me balanced and deal with my sometimes stressful clinical job. - Dr Ranj Singh

Images: Hachette Children's Group/Dreamstime


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Interview I don’t think boys have ever been given permission to express their feelings or say if they’re not OK, and I want to change that narrative with this book. There are lots of other brilliant books in this space, but they all felt a little out-ofdate – so this is a much-needed update! Also, it’s very much the book that I needed when I was growing up. So I’ve taken my personal and professional experience and learning and poured it all into this book. The response so far has been wonderful and I am proud that people actually find it useful! Is the problem of childhood obesity still on the rise and what can be done about it? Can you give some general diet and exercise tips? RS. Even with everything that has happened over the last year or so, there are some issues that are still important. Childhood obesity is one of them. One in three children finish primary school either overweight or obese and this trend does not show any evidence of getting better. This can lead to problems in the short term around being able to do certain things or self-esteem, as well as longer term problems, like heart disease. I’m a staunch advocate of young people being taught to love themselves, their bodies, and to be healthy rather than thin. I think the focus always needs to be on this. If there is a situation where it is important for a child to lose weight, then they must be supported in doing so as positively as possible. Encourage them to make healthier food choices (the NHS ‘smart swaps’ campaign has some great ideas around reducing sugar intake) without demonising food. Encourage them to be more active, without it being seen as a punishment – so find the activity or exercise that they enjoy. It should be about initiating sustainable life changes rather than quick fixes.

Even with everything that has happened over the last year or so, there are some issues that are still important. Childhood obesity is one of them. One in three children finish primary school either overweight or obese and this trend does not show any evidence of getting better. - Dr Ranj Singh

RS. HIV has never really been out of the news, but the recent renewed interest has been due to the brilliant TV series It’s A Sin, which documented the height of the HIV pandemic. It perfectly illustrated some of the misconceptions around the condition as well as the stigma. Fortunately, things have moved on considerably since then: HIV is not seen as an automatic death sentence, get diagnosed and treated early means that you can lead a normal life, and getting appropriate treatment and reducing your viral levels so that they are undetectable means that you cannot pass it on to your partner either. Also, the provision of PrEP (preexposure prophylaxis) has significantly reduced the risk of transmission too (as well as standard methods of protection like condoms). It is important for children

Why is HIV back in the news and how should we talk to children about it?

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Images: Dreamstime

"Teaching children th e importance of hygien e h as always bee n importa n t, but especia lly since th e coronaviru s pandem ic to ok hold" - Dr Ranj Sing h

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and young people to be aware of this as things have changed so much especially if we are to remove any associated stigma. Anyone can be affected by HIV, so it’s right that we are all more aware of the condition and its implications. What’s the importance of teaching kids basic principles of hygiene? RS. Teaching children the importance of hygiene has always been important, but especially since the coronavirus pandemic took hold. We know that children readily pass infectious conditions like flu and chicken pox to each other, so teaching good hygiene to reduce illness has always been important. Part of tackling COVID is to reduce transmission through good hygiene practices, especially in a school environment. That means treaching them how to wash their hands properly (either with soap and water or hand sanitiser), cleaning them at important times (after leaving/arriving at home, going to the toilet, mealtimes and if they have been in contact with lots of people), and after coughing or sneezing. These are habits that will benefit them for life.

Going to sleep and waking at roughly the same time everyday encourages a good pattern, and having a wind-down period just before bed without any electronic devices is also really helpful. With diabetes diagnoses dropping by a third during lockdown, what signs of the condition should we look out for in kids? RS. There are several types of diabetes, but children tend to develop Type 1. This is primarily due to a deficiency of insulin (which helps to regulate blood sugar levels). This type also has more of a genetic component, so it can run in families or alongside other medical conditions, like thyroid disease. This is different to type 2 which tends to happen later in life and is associated with lifestyle factors like obesity. The classic signs of type 1 diabetes to look out for are: excessive thirst, passing lots of urine, unintentional loss of weight, lack of energy. If you child has these signs they should be checked by a health professional at the earliest opportunity. In extreme cases, type 1 diabetes can present as signs of a serious condition called

diabetic ketoacidosis (abdominal pain, vomiting, drowsiness, abnormal breathing). This is a medical emergency and must be treated as soon as possible. You have been impressing us with your singing skills on ITV’s All Star Musicals – do you have any other hidden talents? RS. I was always a creative child and loved art and music, as well as having a more academic side. Now that I’m a qualified doctor, I feel like I have the time to exercise more of my creative side and that’s why I’ve done various things like dancing and singing on TV! It also helps to keep me balanced and deal with my sometimes stressful clinical job. I’ve always thought of singing as my personal therapy, allowing me time to focus on myself and do something that helps me process my feelings and emotions. Plus, it releases happy hormones, so just like dancing, it makes you feel great! I’m not sure I have any other hidden talents as such, but singing and dancing is something I’d very much like to do more of! hc

Why is sleep so important to child development, and what can we do to create the ideal bedroom environment? RS. Children’s brains are growing and developing rapidly. Much of this is done when they are asleep, which is the main reason why they sleep more than adults. So trying to get them to get enough good quality sleep is vital. In terms of exact requirement, every child is different and it also varies according to how old they are, but a good gauge is to see how they are feeling mid-morning. If they are still tired, they probably need to be getting more sleep! One of the best ways to improve the quality and duration of sleep is better sleep hygiene. Part of this is to create an ideal bedroom environment: it should be cool, quiet, dark, comfortable and dry.

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Chadha Oriental Foods.indd 1

23/04/2020 10:07

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For generations locals have enjoyed this sweet, refreshing heavenly water – and benefited from its all-natural goodness. Now everyone who loves coconut water can get the very best tasting coconut water in the world – FOCO 100% Pure Coconut Water. Superior taste. Low in calories. Nutrient rich with 5 essential electrolytes. Awesome hydration. Drink FOCO and live life to the fullest!

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23/04/2020 10:07

Health Today


percent of five-year-olds have had tooth decay, along with 10.7% of three-year-olds, according to Public Health England figures. The Oral Health Foundation’s (OHF) ( National Smile Month ( (May 17th-June 17th) is aiming to highlight important oral health issues to help prevent tooth decay in both adults and children. Dr Ben Atkins, president of the OHF, says: “It’s really important that as parents we help equip our children with the right tools so they can look after their oral health. By instilling the importance of a healthy smile, as well as the importance of regular dental visits, you can set your child up with a healthy smile for life.” Source: Oral Health Foundation

What’s New?

Kids' Health eight

Images: Dreamstime

years old is the youngest patient doctors in Bradford reported attending A&E after selfharming or taking an overdose. Dr John Wright of Bradford Royal Infirmary says in the Born in Bradford report that the coronavirus pandemic has had a deep impact on children. He describes them as a ‘lost tribe’ in the pandemic, perplexingly immune to the health consequences of Covid-19, but their lives have been turned upside down. “We know that they are anxious, isolated and bored, and we see the tip of this iceberg of mental ill health”, says Dr Wright. Source: 16 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Health Today



sets of twins were studied in research which concludes that childhood exposure to air pollution, such as nitrogen oxides and fine particulate matter, is a risk factor for mental illness at age 18. It is less of a factor than family history, but equal to lead pollution, according to a study of twins born in England and Wales in 1994-1995 and followed to young adulthood. The link between air pollution exposure and young adult mental illness symptoms is modest, according to the study's first-author Aaron Reuben, a graduate student in clinical psychology at Duke University. But "because harmful exposures are so widespread around the world, outdoor air pollutants could be a significant contributor to the global burden of psychiatric disease," he said. Source: JAMA Network Open

weeks is the normal gestation period of mice. A study of exercise, diet, genetics and parenthood suggests that the lifestyles of soon-to-be mothers and fathers could shape the health of their unborn offspring in lasting ways. The study at the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that rodent parents-to-be that fatten on a greasy diet before mating produce offspring with higher later risks for metabolic problems but if the mothers stay active during their pregnancies, those risks are much reduced. Researchers noted multiple metabolic problems in the offspring of fat mice including obesity, insulin resistance and other problems in blood-sugar control. The conditions were most pronounced in male children of obese mothers and both male and female children born to obese fathers. Source: Journal of Applied Physiology

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Health Today


is to be spent on a national centre for child health at Sheffield's Olympic Legacy Park. The National Centre for Child Health Technology is believed to be a world first, focusing on issues such as child obesity and adolescent mental health. The park was created as a legacy to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, to help improve public health. A £200m investment is now being proposed to turn the site into a major research and education complex. The 35-acre park in Attercliffe is a joint venture between Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Sheffield City Council.


minutes of exercise a day may be all it needs for kids to lose weight. The striking new finding is part of a study that shows how children can achieve equivalent physical and mental health benefits by choosing different activity trade-offs across the 24-hour day. Source: University of South Australia.



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Images: Dreamstime/Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park

babies with spina bifida have been spared paralysis and other life-limiting conditions by undergoing surgery in the womb from the NHS. Spina bifida prevents the spine and spinal cord developing properly, leaing to paralysis and bowel, bladder and kidney problems. Rather than after birth, the operation, involving a team of 30 from UCLH and Great Ormond Street Hospital, takes place between 23 and 26 weeks of pregnancy, much improving outcomes. Source: NHS

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Health Today


year olds may get their own social media platform if Facebook gets its way. But in response to recent reports that the company is considering a junior version of the popular visual app, aimed at those under the age of 13, an international coalition of 35 children’s and consumer groups has called for a halt to plans for an 'Instagram for Kids'. The coalition - which includes the Consumer Federation of America and the Parents Television and Media Council - says that research shows that platforms like Instagram are harmful to adolescents’ “privacy and wellbeing." Source: Social Media Today


Percent of mothers initiate breastfeeding, but only 34 percent are breastfeeding at six months and 0.5 percent at 12 months, says a report from the Royal College of paediatrics and Child Health. Breastfeeding is particularly low among very young mothers and those from disadvantaged socioeconomic groups. Source: RCPCH

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Health Today

Playing against Poverty


ampaigners said at the start of the pandemic that without urgent action to help low-income families through the benefits system, the already high levels of child poverty would soar to record levels. The problem hasn’t been solved, but thanks to the efforts of campaigners like Manchester United and England footballer Marcus Rashford, it is often at the forefront

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did you know? Work does not provide a guaranteed route out of poverty in the UK. 75 percent of children growing up in poverty live in a household where at least one person works.

of the news agenda, with the government having to bend to the pressure put on them for not giving this issue its due weight.

FareShare Marcus Rashford has been an ambassador of the food charity FareShare since March 2020. When the pandemic hit the UK, FareShare launched an urgent Covid-19 appeal calling for donations, food and

Images: Dreamstime, FareShare

The pandemic has exposed many fault lines that run through our society, and campaigners like Marcus Rashford have been doing their bit to highlight child poverty.

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Health Today

volunteers, as a way to deal with the inevitable consequences of the pandemic on vulnerable communities, FareShare prepared for an unprecedented crisis, and expectations soon became reality when demand for food almost doubled within the first month of the lockdown. Marcus Rashford heard FareShare’s call for support. FareShare’s work fighting hunger in the nation’s most vulnerable communities, especially their ActiveAte campaign helping vulnerable children at risk of hunger over the summer holidays, is aligned to Marcus’ personal ethos and mission. Raised by mum Melanie Maynard, who was working full time for minimum wage, his family relied on breakfast clubs, free school meals and at times, food banks. These services were rarely enough. As Marcus explains: “The system was not built for families like mine to succeed, regardless of how hard my mum worked.” All too aware of just how vulnerable millions of families were to falling into hardship – and how the crisis and imminent school closures could exacerbate the issue – he acted quickly. Marcus partnered with FareShare and made several significant financial donations to help ensure vulnerable children could continue to access food, calling on his millions of followers to donate and support too.

Strategy and share real-time statistics and stories of those affected by child hunger in the UK ✎ S uccessfully influenced government policy with his #MakeTheUTurn campaign, which saw the voucher scheme – a replacement for free school meals through the lockdown – extended over the summer, ensuring 1.3 million vulnerable children could continue to access food Last November, after campaigning by the Child Food Poverty Taskforce, the Government announced a Winter Package to support the UK’s most vulnerable children through the winter until Easter 2021.

Poverty Facts Better than anything else, these facts and figures show the reality of child poverty in the UK.


There were 4.3 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2019-20.1 That's 31 per cent of children, or nine in a classroom of 30.


49 per cent of children living in loneparent families are in poverty.


Lone parents face a higher risk of poverty due to the lack of an additional earner, low rates of maintenance payments, gender inequality in employment and pay, and childcare costs.


Children in large families are at a far greater risk of living in poverty – 47 per cent of children living in families with 3 or more children live in poverty.


Childcare and housing are two of the costs that take the biggest toll on families’ budgets. Between 1998 and 2003 reducing child poverty was made a priority, with a comprehensive strategy and investment in children, and the number in poverty fell by 600,000. Campaigners say that removing the two-child limit and the benefit cap would help 100,000s more children. Increasing child benefit would substantially reduce child poverty as well as providing support to all families with the extra costs children bring. As a vital element of national health, child poverty is a subject campaigners like Marcus Rashford and FareShare will continue to publicise. hc

Support Marcus’ support of FareShare has been transformational. Since March 2020, Marcus has:

✎ H elped raise enough money to enable FareShare to distribute the equivalent of over 21 million meals for children and families who might not otherwise eat ✎ R aised awareness of child hunger in the UK, driving the issue to the top of the news agenda ✎ L aunched and spearheaded the Child Food Poverty Taskforce, a group of more than 15 organisations that FareShare is a founding member of, which have come together to support the National Food

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20/05/2021 17:13

Tom Pom Organic

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Tom Pom Organic.indd 1

10/02/2021 14:10

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Tom Pom Organic.indd 2

10/02/2021 14:11

Pregnancy & Early Years


The Organic Trade Association re ports consisten t growth in the organic food market ov erall, with US organic sa les alone breaking thro ugh the $55 billion m ark in 2019.

Bringing up Baby

Organically Is an organic diet best for your baby? We look at the advertising hype and the nutritional facts

24 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC06 Organic Food V2.indd 24

and discover new tastes. After pureé introduction and until nine months, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D play an important role in baby’s development. Babies from 10-12 months old need the addition of iron-rich foods for their red blood cells and brain development. In the last stage of weaning, 12 months plus, toddlers need all previous requirements as well as 12g of protein a day which can come from fish, meat, eggs or double portions of vegan protein sources including dahl, chickpeas and lentils.

EATING ORGANIC According to the National Farmers' Union, the organic sector accounts for around 1.4 percent of the UK's multi-billion pound food and drink market. Many parents are looking at using organic baby food to better provide a baby with good nutrition and minimize some of the risks of using today's prepared foods that can contain some unnatural and potentially unhealthy elements. One of the biggest arguments in favour of organic feeding is the lack of chemical

Images: Dreamstime


p until about the age of six months, breastmilk or formula provides a baby with all the nutrition they need, but a baby’s nutritional needs change as they grow. In fact there are four key stages in weaning on to solid food – but once they are on solids, does it make sense to choose organic? From around six months, you can supplement baby’s milk feeds and offer single vegetable or fruit pureés as they master the mechanics of swallowing

20/05/2021 17:14

Pregnancy & Early Years exposure. Toxins in pesticides can cause a host of problems that can affect brain development, growth rate, and overall health. Conventional growers use pesticides to protect their crops from moulds, insects and diseases. When farmers spray pesticides, this can leave residue on produce. Organic produce carries significantly fewer pesticide residues than does conventional produce. Arguably, residues on most products, both organic and nonorganic, wouldn’t exceed government safety thresholds, but some parents might choose organic products to minimise the danger of any exposure. One nutritional study found that twoyear olds who ate exclusively organic dairy products had fewer incidents of eczema and wheezing. This can be very important as more children are being diagnosed with asthma.

ANTIBIOTICS Another major element in the choice between non-organic or traditional foods is the use of antibiotics. Animals in nonorganic farms are often treated extensively with various kinds of antibiotics, and these drugs can also make their way through the food chain in dairy products or meats. Organic baby food will generally have less

of this kind of element. A related issue is that of growth hormones. Cows are often treated with bovine growth hormones, which can be passed through into milk. Despite some concerns over the effect on human health, 20-year studies have been inconclusive, but some parents choose organic milk to reduce exposure to these hormones. Of course the other argument for choosing organic foods is that they are friendlier to the environment. Non-organic foods are sprayed with chemicals, which though they are designed to stay on the plant, will wash off when it rains and be absorbed into the surrounding soil and groundwater, affecting wildlife.

REGULATIONS Most food scientists and consumer advocates agree that organic baby food goes through more regulatory processes than "regular" or non-organic food. In some cases, organic food has become the higher tier of a dual food product system where non-organic is progressively loosely

regulated, less safely produced and its ingredients more obscure to the food shopper. Finally, there are good arguments for making your own organic baby food. A study by the Department of Human Nutrition at the University of Glasgow suggests that babies would have to eat twice the amount of shop-bought food to get the same amount of nutrients as they would get from home-made food. And no matter what research has to say about the advantages of organic foods, a big factor in getting your child to enjoy them is that they just taste better. When starting solids, you’ll want your baby’s palate to enjoy what it experiences from day one. This valuable education in the flavour and value of real food will steer them away from the artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners and additives which could cause health problems in later life. hc

Tom Pom Organic is nutritionally balanced, hand-made, allergy-friendly baby food, that is freshly frozen into convenient rings for babies six months plus. Little ones can have the purée rings frozen as a teether or the meal range defrosted. Visit

HC06 Organic Food V2.indd 25

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 25

20/05/2021 17:14

Pregnancy & Early Years

The Cotton Club Why is cotton, and particularly organic cotton, best for you, your baby and the planet?


here are many benefits to buying cotton baby products, particularly if you insist on organic cotton. Organic cotton farming puts less stress on nature because its systems ensure that farmers detoxify the land that they grow their crops on, use naturally beneficial practices like crop rotation and mechanical removal of weeds and do not treat any of their seeds with fungicides. Since it doesn’t use harmful chemicals, organic cotton farming doesn’t kill the creatures in the ecosphere around the fields. Organic farming also never uses genetically modified (GM) products, which can lead to a restrictive singlespecies monoculture.


Most organic cotton is grown in rain-fed areas, so farmers rely on rain to water their cotton, instead of having to extract water from the ground which can put pressure on water supplies in local communities. (Source – The Soil Association)

great for their skin - soft to the touch and containing no potentially harmful chemicals. Your baby’s skin is much less likely to be irritated when they wear organic cotton, and they’ll also feel more comfortable in your home and while playing outside. It doesn’t matter what the

Images: Dreamstime

Organic cotton cosmetic products such as wipes and pads are biodegradeable, compostable and often Soil Association approved, so you can be sure they are free from any contaminants. Other organic cotton products include baby clothes which are

Water pressure

weather is like - the material will adapt to the conditions and help your child’s body maintain a healthy temperature. Organic cotton material wicks away moisture and ventilates cool air, which makes your baby less likely to bathe in sweat or feel too hot. Its weave will also help retain warmth in the winter. The same small gaps that circulate a breeze into the material will also help retain thermal insulation. The unique properties of cotton make it more convenient to buy baby clothes which will serve in every season. Since your little one grows so fast, the cost of buying baby clothes can be a challenge. Organic cotton is just as strong and durable as regular cotton, without any of the extra chemical treatments added to it, so you can wash shirts and pants again and again without having to worry about them falling apart or looking shabby. Organic cotton not only benefits you and your baby, but also the environment and the world. It’s the win-win choice! hc

26 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC07 Cotton.indd 26

20/05/2021 17:14

Better for your little ones, better for the planet.

MacDonald & Taylor Healthcare.indd 1

22/01/2021 17:52

The world’s most natural and environmentally friendly range to hit the market. Products not just for our kids today but for our planet and kids future tomorrow. Lovingly developed products using 99% naturally derived ingredients from plant or vegetable extract. Our award winning products are perfect for sensitive and eczema prone skin that not only cares for your child but also our environment with our 100%

biodegradable cloth that compost in just 60 days! We can now proudly say that not only is our cloth environmentally friendly but our packaging too, which is 100% recyclable right down to the label! There are so many different factors adding to our planets climate change and by making even slight improvements on how we live and by making ethical purchases we can all help towards a more sustainable future.

That’s why we are Kinder by Nature JacksonReeceUK

Jackson Reece.indd 1

17/05/2021 14:57

Pregnancy & Early Years

Planet Baby Expecting a new baby is a time of excitement and anticipation. But if global warming and the future of the planet is also taking up space in your mind, introducing a little one to the world may be a time of concern too.

Images: Dreamstime


2017 report stated that having one fewer child (in a developed country) could save 58.6 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year. Coupled with the sheer volume of stuff you seem to need to buy for your newest family member, that could be enough to induce a climate-guilt headache. So what can you do to make your baby choices more eco-friendly?

HC7b Eco-friendly Products V2.indd 29

With approximately eight million pieces of plastic pollution finding their way into our oceans every single day, it's a good time to join the anti-plastic crusade. But if you’re trying to go plastic-free, where does that leave you if you decide to bottle-feed your baby? Baby bottles are not a single-use item, so this may not be a major issue, but if buying plastic baby bottles, buy new and

ensure they are certified BPA-free. Glass bottles are more durable, guaranteed to be chemical free, and are easier to clean.

CLOTHES It pays to have a decent-sized stock of baby vests and baby-grows lined up ready for use – but as the clothing industry is the secondlargest polluter in the world (behind the oil industry), your conscience may not be Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 29

20/05/2021 17:15

Pregnancy & Early Years

Toys The most eco-friendly toy option is to purchase second-hand toys and games from charity shops (safety considered), or you can search for a local toy library. Wooden toys make a more safe and

durable alternative to fragile and polluting plastic toys.

Baby wipes Baby wipes can cause environmental havoc, clogging sewers, washing up on beaches and killing marine life. Your best bet is to use washable, reusable wipes – great for your baby’s skin and kinder to the environment. For emergency wipes to pop in your changing bag, opt for the biodegradable variety to ease the impact on landfill. Disposable nappies, though, are the worst. The average baby goes through 2,000 nappies per year, and the standard disposable nappy takes between 200-500 years to decompose, so it is plain to see that this is a big problem for the planet. Reusable nappies are becoming ever more popular and they're super comfy for baby, too, though they need to be washed

(at 60C, according to the Department of Health) and dried, which will increase your energy consumption. But ultimately, reusable cloth nappies help divert an enormous amount of waste away from landfill.

Saving If that's not enough to convince you to switch to reusable nappies, they’re also economical: a set will generally set you back £250. Compare that with the £600 it’s estimated most families spend on disposables for one child, and it’s a clear win-win situation. There are loads of different types of reusable nappies out there, and there’s no ‘best’ option, as what works for one baby may not be so good for another. Check out your options – which include pocket, onepart and two-part nappies – and try a few to see which suits your baby best. hc

pure earth collection

kinder by nature

When young people are exposed to dangerous toxins at crucial stages of development it can cause severe complications for long-term health. That’s why Pure Earth Collection are so passionate about creating natural products which are free from nasty chemicals and safer for babies. The company was started in 2017 when its founder couldn’t find certain baby products made from totally natural and non-toxic materials. It has added to its range over the years, led by customer demand for certain products which people wanted in a natural form. Products are available via 30 stockists or on the website:

Jackson Reese describes its Kinder by Nature products as the world’s most natural and environmentally friendly range, not just for kids today but for our planet and kids' future. Lovingly developed products using 99% naturally derived ingredients from plant or vegetable extract, the award-winning wipes are perfect for sensitive and eczemaprone skin, caring for your child but also our environment, with 100% biodegradable cloth that composts in just 60 days. The company proudly say that not only is its cloth environmentally friendly but its packaging is too, 100% recycleable right down to the label - that why they are Kinder by Nature.

30 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC7b Eco-friendly Products V2.indd 30

Images: Dreamstime

happy with you purchasing a wardrobe full of cheap new garments for your little one. The most environmentally friendly baby clothes are the ones that already exist (though even cotton has a huge environmental impact, with approximately 20,000l of water needed to produce just 1kg of the stuff). This means the most eco-conscious option is to head down the pre-loved route. Friends and relatives with older children may be able to pass on great-condition baby clothes, or try eBay and Facebook Marketplace, where sellers often offer ‘bundles’ of baby clothes.

20/05/2021 17:15


How everyday products can have a big impact on the long term health of your child

Children breath in 50% more air relative to their body weight than adults, which means they are more susceptible to indoor air pollutants. On top of this, their skin is very delicate and easily absorbs chemicals. Being exposed to toxins at crucial stages of development can cause complications for long-term health. Modern life is laden with chemicals, putting a huge strain on our wellbeing. Luckily, there are some simple swaps we can make to ensure we are creating a healthy environment for our kids. Choosing natural materials wherever possible will reduce the risk of nasties coming into contact with the skin and can dramatically increase air quality too. This helps protect kids from immediate reactions, such as allergies and rashes, as well as helping to protect their long-term health. Here are some of the key things to look out for:

Formaldehyde, lead and azo dyes

Formaldehyde is a colourless, strong smelling poisonous gas which is often added to fabrics and clothing items, and is present in many glues and adhesives. It is harmful when in contact with the skin and it also releases easily into the air, adding to indoor air pollution in homes. Azo dyes and lead are also commonly used in conventional fabrics and are very harmful to health. Look out for the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 and GOTS certifications to ensure safer fabrics. Pure Earth Collection is a rising star in the natural children’s products sector. Check out their organic clothing range and pioneering natural fabric sleeping bags.

Polyester and other plastic-based fabrics Polyester, often used to make soft toys, sleeping bag and duvet wadding and children’s clothes, impairs the body’s natural ability to regulate temperature and usually contains high concentrations of chemicals. It’s therefore often advised by health professionals to avoid this fabric for babies and children, particularly those with already sensitive skin. Additionally, most young children like to

chew and suck on anything they can grab, which means they will be directly ingesting thousands of microplastics from the polyester. You can also find a fantastic selection of totally natural and organic soft toys at Pure Earth Collection.

PVC, EVA and synthetic ‘foam’

PVC is one of the most toxic plastics produced. It releases dangerous chemicals into the air each second. It should be avoided wherever possible and kept out of the rooms where children will be. PVC is often used when you see ‘soft’ plastics – including buggy covers, shower curtains, most blackout blinds, and some play mats. Other dangerous soft plastics include EVA and polyurethane, again, commonly used for play mats. It can be hard to find natural alternatives to a lot of these products. We love the tree foam play mats and organic cotton blackout blinds by Pure Earth Collection. They’re made from sustainably harvested materials and won’t leach chemicals into the air. While we appreciate that it’s not practical to avoid synthetic products all together, we would like to encourage you to become more aware of your surroundings and the choices you are making for your babies. Check labels and find out what the fabrics and stuffing are made from.

Pure Earth Collection are offering our readers an exclusive 20% off their natural and non-toxic children’s products. CODE: HEALTHY20

Pure Earth Collection.indd 1

16/04/2021 14:30

Pregnancy & Early Years

Little Helpers


robiotics are beneficial microorganisms that assist and aid the body. They are live bacteria and yeasts which have multiple functions and are essential for absorbing food, maintaining the immune system and the digestive system. For those reasons they are regularly promoted as "good" or "friendly" bacteria, and added to foods such 32 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC08 Probiotics.indd 32

as yoghurts or taken as food supplements. Probiotics are the microorganisms themselves. You may also see mentions of Prebiotics, which are food for the probiotics so that they can live and replicate. Almost all natural, unprocessed, unrefined foods contain probiotics, but food safety regulations mean that they are usually removed from the food we find on

our supermarket shelves. The only place you could find them is directly from the farm, as our ancestors would have done. Nonetheless probiotics serve an important function, restoring the natural balance of bacteria in your gut biome (the colony of bacteria in your stomach and intestines), particularly when it's been disrupted by an illness or treatment.

Images: Dreamstime

What are probiotics and how can they help our kids enjoy better digestive health? We get into the guts of it

20/05/2021 17:15

Pregnancy & Early Years Infection For example, antibiotics kill infectioncausing bacteria, but can also obliterate some of the ‘good bacteria’ that keep the ‘bad bacteria’ in check. This leaves the door open for secondary infections such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and intestinal infections. Without the correct balance of microorganisms, the body is unable to assimilate the nutrients, vitamins and other essential elements that maintain a good and healthy metabolism. This leads to upsets in the system that can cause ailments including stomach pains, bloating, diarrhoea, and heartburn. If you're considering trying probiotics, there are a few issues you need to be aware of. Probiotics are generally classed as food rather than medicine, which means they don't go through the rigorous testing medicines do. Because of the way probiotics are regulated, it is impossible to always be sure that the product actually contains the bacteria stated on the food label, the product contains enough bacteria to have an effect, and the bacteria are able to survive long enough to reach your gut.

Types of Probiotics The two most common types of probiotics are Bifidobacteria, thought to support the immune system, limit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine and help in breaking down lactose into nutrients the body can use; and Lactobacillus, which produces lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, or milk sugar, and lactic acid, which promotes the body’s absorption of minerals.

again you should consult your GP here. In general terms, because there are so many probiotic varieties available, it can be difficult to decide which type will be the most effective for you. The most effective will be a probiotic that is in the most natural state possible.

Some probiotics are freeze-dried to make them into tablet form, and this can reduce effectiveness if the probiotics have passed through the system before they have unfrozen and ‘woken up.’

Immunity It’s often asked whether, as probiotics are alive, they need to be stored in a special way. This depends partly on their required shelf life. Probiotics are called “Mesophilic”, which means that they like living around our body temperature of 37 degrees centigrade. If the probiotic is truly alive, raw and stable, it will not need to be refrigerated. Many though are refrigerated in order to slow down their growth and extend the shelf life, so that they can function better when introduced to the body. The question is also raised as to whether probiotics are safe for children. The answer to this is certainly ‘yes’, as they need probiotics in order to utilize the nutrients in their food during their growing years In addition, probiotics will help them to develop a robust immune system that will set them up for a long, healthy life. hc

Varieties There are many different types of probiotics that may have different effects on the body, and you may have to try a few different types to find out which is most effective for you and your kids. You may find a particular type of probiotic helps with one problem. But this doesn't mean it will help other problems, or that other types of probiotic will work just as well. But provided that they come from a reliable manufacturer, and are in a bioavailable form, there are not any harmful side effects to consuming probiotics. As always, you should consult your doctor if you have any doubts, but most recommend and encourage the use of probiotics, even if you are on drugs such as antibiotics. It’s also generally safe to take probiotics when pregnant or nursing, but

HC08 Probiotics.indd 33

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 33

20/05/2021 17:16

with Pyrocalm Control® 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets Omeprazole can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


One tablet provides relief for up to 24 hours

Pyrocalm Control® was the first branded Omeprazole 20mg Pyrocalm Control® 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets. For the short-term treatment of reflux symptoms in adults. Contains 20 mg Omeprazole. Always read the label. Medicines can affect the unborn baby. Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine in pregnancy.

Cornerstone Design and Marketing.indd 1

17/05/2021 10:27

Pregnancy & Early Years

The Acid Test

One of the most common sources of discomfort in pregnancy is heartburn. But what is it and what can be done about it?


ndigestion, also called heartburn or acid reflux, is common in pregnancy – in fact 20 percent of people suffer acid reflux when they’re not pregnant! But hormonal changes and the growing baby pressing against the stomach make it very common in pregnant women.

✎ Eat small meals more often, rather

✎ The common symptoms are: ✎ A burning sensation or pain in the chest ✎ Feeling full, heavy or bloated ✎ Burping or belching ✎ Feeling or being sick You can experience these symptoms at any point during your pregnancy, but they are more common from 27 weeks onwards, often developing soon after eating or drinking, though there can be a delay between eating and developing indigestion. If you eat too close to going to bed, this could disturb your sleep. So what can you do? Fortunately there are safe medicines, lifestyle changes and support products that can all help.

✎ ✎

than larger meals three times a day, and do not eat within three hours of going to bed at night Cut down on drinks containing caffeine, and on rich, spicy or fatty foods Sit up straight when you eat to take the pressure off your stomach Stop smoking and drinking alcohol Try medicines including antacids to neutralise the acid in your stomach and alginates to relieve indigestion caused by acid reflux

Finally, there are products which will help you to improve your night-time posture by propping your head and shoulders up when you go to bed and stop stomach acid coming up while you sleep. These products, variously described as acid reflux pillows or pregnancy support

pillows, elevate the head of the bed at night and keep your upper body upright to drain your stomach. You can sleep in whatever position is most comfortable for you while also keeping your upper body elevated - sleeping on your left side puts your stomach in the best position to minimize symptoms. Many pregnancy support pillows are filled with memory foam for extra comfort, and some have extra features such as gel-filled cooling panels, arm pockets to relieve pressure on your side, and easyclean covers. And after your pregnancy, some can be used for leg support or sports injury support, so they certainly earn their keep! hc

✎ Eat healthily. You're more likely to get indigestion if you're very full, and while it may be tempting to eat more when you are pregnant, it’s not necessary or healthy

HC09 Pregnancy Heartburn.indd 35

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 35

20/05/2021 17:16

NUPEAA.indd 1

07/05/2021 15:40

Pregnancy & Early Years

Baby Tech There are lots of hi-tech gadgets that can make life easier when you have a baby – here are five of the most essential! BABY MONITOR The traditional nursery audio monitor has been replaced by hi-tech alternatives such as handheld video monitors and smartphone monitors which send video and audio footage of your little one to an app on your smartphone, so that you can watch baby from wherever you are, whether that be a room away or a continent away. Look for: Digital security, night vision, temperature display

BREAST PUMP Even if you plan to exclusively breastfeed, it’s helpful to have a breast pump as it can increase your milk supply, particularly in early days. Pumping for a few minutes after nursing or adding in a pumping session an hour or so after baby finished can up your supply. Choose between manual, single, double or battery-operated types. Look for: Overflow protection, low sound level, hands-free function

Images: Dreamstime

STERILISER A steriliser kills any bacteria found on bottles, teats, breast pumps or anything else that comes into contact with milk and your baby’s mouth. This process can be done using steam, ultraviolet light, or with a chemical solution. UV sterilisers don’t use chemicals or need descaling as steam sterilisers do, and have lower power consumption than other electric sterilisers. Look for: Accessories such as filters, microwavability, compact spacesaving design

HC09b Baby Essentials.indd 37

BATH THERMOMETER It can be hard to judge by touch whether the temperature of bath water is safe for your baby, which is where baby bath thermometers come in. We love the floating rubber duck and swimming turtle thermometers, but there are also useful dual-purpose designs which serve as room temperature thermometers too. Look for: Temperature warning light, audio alarm, auto-off timer

BOTTLE WARMER According to NHS guidelines, we should aim to give baby milk at a temperature of 70 degrees. Microwaving can cause

essential nutrients in the milk to be lost, which is when a baby bottle warmer comes in handy. Some baby bottle warmers double as food warmers, so they'll come in handy during the weaning stage; others are self-heating for when you’re on the go. Look for: Compatibility with different bottles, speed, timer function hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 37

20/05/2021 17:17

Pregnancy & Early Years

Lean, Mean,

Weaning Machine Introducing your baby to solid foods can be a challenge, but with our help it’s one you’ll win!


ntroducing your baby to solid foods starts at the age of around six months. Your baby should be introduced to a varied diet, alongside their usual breast milk or first infant formula. It can be confusing knowing when and how to start introducing solid foods. We’re here to guide you through the weaning journey and explain what it all means. By the time your baby is around six months old, they need more than breast milk or first infant formula to meet their needs. At this stage they need solid foods as well – not as a replacement, but alongside their usual breast milk or first infant formula (which is why it’s also known as ‘complementary feeding’). Weaning teaches your baby how to move solid food around their mouth, chew and swallow solid foods

At six months To start with, your baby only needs a small amount of solid food, once a day, at a time that suits you both. You can start weaning with single vegetables and fruits – try blended, mashed, or soft cooked sticks of parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple or pear. You could also try baby rice mixed with your baby's usual milk. Make sure any cooked food has cooled right down before offering it to your baby, and you’ll soon be eating as a family! hc

The Feed Me Combi from Red Kite is the ultimate 4-in-1 highchair that grows and adapts with your baby from six months of age through to twelve years old. Supplied as the full package, the Feed Me Combi seat is a padded foam-filled wipeable surface that is both comfortable and practical. The large feeding tray can be adjusted to three different positions and includes a removable inset flexi feeding tray, a valuable help for baby led weaning. Visit

The signs There are four clear signs which, when they appear together from around six months of age, show that your baby is ready for their first solid foods, alongside breast milk or first infant formula.

✎ H as gained a healthy weight. Most

38 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC14 Weaning.indd 38

Images: Dreamstime

babies are ready to eat semi-solids when they've doubled their birth weight. ✎ S tays in a sitting position, holding their head steady ✎ C oordinates their eyes, hands and mouth so they can look at their food, pick it up and put it in their mouth ✎ S wallows food rather than spitting it out

20/05/2021 17:20


Feed Me Combi

The versatile 4 in 1 Highchair From 6 months to 12 years

Find out more at For more information and all sales enquiries, please contact Red Kite on 01454 326 555 or email at Helping to make faces smile, big and small

The Red Kite Baby Co.indd 1

23/04/2021 14:57

Images: Dreamstime

Pregnancy & Early Years

40 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC10 Organic Skincare.indd 40

20/05/2021 17:17

Pregnancy & Early Years

Keeping it Real Sales of organic skincare products are booming, and there are good reasons you should want to use these natural helpers on baby skin


avigating the world as a first time mother can be overwhelming to say the least. There is a plethora of information out there about ways to manage birth, what to feed the baby, when to start solids, how to teach the baby, what to put on the baby, and whether your baby is developing appropriately. As mothers and parents, we always want what is best for our baby and in terms of health, life and our baby’s safety, it’s often argued that natural and organic baby products are the best way to go.

HC10 Organic Skincare.indd 41

WHAT IS ORGANIC? It is defined by the National Organic Standards board as “an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on the minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.” Put simply, organic products avoid the use of chemicals such as pesticides in their production. But how does this tie in to skincare? The popularity and demand for natural and organic products has dramatically increased in the past decades, as more and more consumers are recognizing the health benefits of going organic. Organic baby products including foodstuffs and are not just limited to specialty health or organic stores, and most department stores and local grocery stores have sections specifically for organic products and food. Admittedly organic products usually come with a higher price tag compared to non-organic, partly because organic products are held to higher production standards that processed and chemical-filled products.

But what are the actual advantages of organic products in skincare? The first is to the land itself – reducing pesticide use protects wildlife and water quality. The second is to livestock, which is often treated with hormones and antibiotics on non-organic food production. But the most important factor in organic skincare is the good it does us and our children, reducing the use of artificial and potentially dangerous chemicals on our skin. Many of the chemicals normally used in non-organic skincare products are potentially harmful according to some studies – though if the evidence were more conclusive, they probably wouldn’t be used. But sticking to organic follows the principle ‘better safe than sorry’. You should read the ingredients list on skincare products carefully, and understand what some of the terms mean. The label “Fragrance” for instance is high on the list of things to avoid, as it often means the use of chemicals called phthalates. Amongst other things, phthalates are linked to liver and kidney damage and can interfere with the development of reproductive organs and mimic the hormone estrogen in the body. It can be very difficult to avoid phthalates, as they are also used in plastic packaging and tubing and can be absorbed into the products – so look for organic packaging too.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 41

20/05/2021 17:17

Pregnancy & Early Years PARABENS

Did you know?

On an international level, the UK is seventh in the world for organic sales. This is some way behind the US, where 83% of families buy some organic products. (Source: Forbes)

Non-organic baby skincare products often use Parabens, preservatives meant to prevent the growth of mould and bacteria, but known to cause allergic reactions and disruption to the endocrine system. Parabens are believed to disrupt hormone function by mimicking oestrogen. Too much oestrogen can trigger an increase in breast cell division and growth of tumours, which is why paraben use has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues. Baby shampoos, toothpaste, soap, and creams are essentials for skincare, and should all be checked to be free of harmful ingredients. A baby’s skin is very delicate compared to adult skin and more likely to absorb chemicals which end up in the bloodstream. As a newborn baby’s skin is so

sensitive, many medical professionals will recommend only using water for cleaning at bath time in the first few weeks of birth then transitioning to gentle products that minimize the risk of irritation to your baby’s skin. It’s also easier to watch out for reactions if the ingredients list is simple and easy to understand, allowing you to work through a process of elimination for what might irritate your baby’s skin in the event of a reaction. The less complicated the ingredients, the less likely your baby will have a reaction. Keep in mind: some babies that do have strong food allergies might react to food-based substances even if they are natural. You might even like to make your own organic baby skincare products using ingredients such as shea butter, or camellia, rosehip, jojoba or apricot kernel oil. hc

Phthalates, no thanks!

Images: Dreamstime

In the past few years, researchers have linked phthalates to asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, breast cancer, obesity and type II diabetes, low IQ, neurodevelopmental issues, behavioral issues, autism spectrum disorders, altered reproductive development and male fertility issues. (Source: The Guardian)

42 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC10 Organic Skincare.indd 42

20/05/2021 17:17

Bloom and Blossom.indd 1

22/02/2021 13:39

* d e n i ty tra


With simple step-by-step instructions, it’s easy to persevere and succeed! Ask our friendly team any questions and share your experiences on our private Facebook community page.

2 years +

BO Self O S T Conf S iden ce & Zindelijkheidsbox.indd 1

17/03/2021 14:16

Pregnancy & Early Years

Training Day Some parents approach the idea of potty training their toddler with dread – but it’s worth the effort to escape the tyranny of the nappy


ome the time when your toddler has to learn to use the potty, and move out of nappies, it’s up to you to help them master the skills required. The important thing is to let them move at their own pace - being patient with them will help them get it right, even if it can sometimes leave you frustrated with the speed of progress. You can’t force your child to use a potty if they're not ready, but by school age they should certainly have moved beyond the nappy stage. Parents tend to start thinking about potty training when their child is between two and two-and-a-half, but there is no set time. Some parents and carers find it easier to start in the summer, as there are fewer clothes to take off and washed clothes dry more quickly.

Try potty training when there are no great disruptions or changes to your child's or your family's routine. It's important to stay consistent, so you do not confuse your child. If you go out, take the potty with you, so your child understands that you'd like them to wee or poo in the potty every time they need to go. Check that any other people who look after your child can help with potty training in the same way as you.

✎ The gap between wetting is at least an hour (if it's less, potty training may fail, or be harder work). ✎ They show they need to pee by fidgeting or going somewhere quiet or hidden. ✎ Potty training is usually fastest if your child is at the last stage before you start the training. If you start earlier, be prepared for a lot of accidents as your child learns.

There are a number of signs that your child is starting to develop bladder control: ✎ They know when they have a wet or dirty nappy. ✎ They know when they need to pee in advance or may tell you they're doing it.

numbers one and two

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Images: Dreamstime

Most toddlers urinate four to eight times each day, usually about every two hours or so. They often have one or two bowel movements each day, some have three, and others skip a day or two in between movements. (Source – Child Development Institute)

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 45

20/05/2021 17:18

Pregnancy & Early Years They also need to be able to be physically able to sit on the potty and get up from it when they’re done, and follow your instructions.

Motions Teaching a toddler to use the potty isn't an overnight task and can take three to six months. If you start too soon, the process tends to take longer, and it can take months to even years to master staying dry at night. ✤ A good tip is to keep the potty in the bathroom. If that's upstairs, keep another potty downstairs so your child can reach the potty easily wherever they are. The idea is to make sitting on the potty part of everyday life for your child. ✤ E ncourage your child to sit on the potty after meals, because digesting food often leads to an urge to do a poo. Having a book to look at or toys to play with can help your child sit still on the potty. ✤ I f your child regularly does a poo at the same time each day, leave their nappy off and suggest that they go in the potty. If your child is even the slightest bit upset by the idea, just put the nappy back on and leave it a few more weeks before trying again.

✤ A s soon as you see that your child knows when they're going to pee, encourage them to use their potty. If your child slips up, just mop it up and wait for next time. It takes a while for them to get the hang of it.

Rewards If you do not make a fuss when they have an accident, they will not feel anxious 46 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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and worried, and are more likely to be successful the next time. Put them in clothes that are easy to change and avoid tights and clothes with zips or lots of buttons. Your child will be delighted when they succeed. A little praise from you will help a lot, but it can be quite tricky to get the balance right between giving praise and making a big deal out of it. Do not give sweets as a reward, but you could try using some other form of recognition such as a sticker chart to add to the fun! hc

Did you know? The perfect age to begin potty training is different for every child. Your child’s best starting age could be anywhere from eighteen to thirty-two months. Pre-potty training preparation can begin when a child is as young as ten months. (Source – Child Development Institute)

Images: Dreamstime

✤ E ncouraging them to use the potty to wee will help build their confidence for when they are ready to use it to poo.

20/05/2021 17:18


NEW & Exciting Vitamin Range for Kids

Multivitamin Fizzy Drinks are a fun way for kids to get their essential daily vitamins. Easy to prepare, this delicious ©&TM Spin Master Ltd. All rights reserved.

Apple & Blackcurrant flavour drink can be mixed up at home or on-the-go.


Tasty Vitamin Chewables expertly developed to support the all-round health of kids. All vegan approved and no added sugar.


Park Acre.indd 1

17/05/2021 15:43

Give your child the best start in life. A child’s early years are critical. Nobody knows that better than us, and nobody does more to make them count. Busy Bees has more than 350 nurseries located around the UK.

Discover what makes Busy Bees so special. Call 0330 333 8133 or visit Busy Bees Group Statistics correct as of 12 February 2021

Busy Bees Holdings.indd 1

23/04/2021 15:37

Pregnancy & Early Years

Your Nursery Choice How do you choose the right nursery for your child? There’s a lot more to it than location, location, location...


here is no right or wrong time for your child to start at a nursery. It very much depends on the needs of you and your family. What is important is ensuring that you have enough time to prepare your child and yourself for the changes ahead. It's a good idea to visit several nurseries and ask questions in person about the childcare provided. It might help to take a friend and/or your child on the visits to help you decide.

97% of nurseries are judged to be good or outstanding, and 24% of nurseries and pre-schools are judged to be outstanding, compared with 17% of childminders. (Source: Ofsted)

children's interests in mind

✎ P lanned exercise and quiet times to relax

✎ A big welcome for you and your child

Quality Control Nurseries and any other organisations looking after children under the age of eight years usually have to be registered with Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills).

Images: Dreamstime

What to look for: ✎ T rained and experienced staff ✎ B usy, but relaxed, children who seem happy and purposeful ✎ S afe and clean premises - welcoming and friendly with outside play space ✎ C ultural sensitivity and responsiveness to children's home life ✎ A staff team and group of children who reflect local ethnic and cultural groups ✎ F un activities planned each day with

did you know?

Ofsted visits all registered childcare services and makes sure that standards are being met and that children are safe. You can check Ofsted's grade and report for the childcare providers you are considering at Deena Billings, Quality Director at Busy Bees says: “If you plan on visiting a nursery then don’t be afraid to ask more specific questions around the experience and qualifications the team have or their training including first aid and Continuing Professional Development.” “Busy Bees came to being almost 40 years ago, when three families were dissatisfied with the childcare options available to them. Ever since Busy Bees was founded, we’ve always believed in giving children the best start in life. Marg Randles, our co-founder tells the story of Busy Bees beautifully. For more information visit, call our friendly team on 0330 333 8133 or visit” hc

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Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 49

20/05/2021 17:28

Baby Biotic


We are so excited to launch our first probiotic supplement for infants; Baby Biotic. Combining three strains of bacteria known to be present in a healthy baby’s gut microflora, Baby Biotic has been designed to help restore these native strains in times of imbalance, and aid digestion from three months onwards.

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BBJ&K.indd 1

08/02/2021 15:36

“ Baby Biotic has been

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BBJ&K.indd 2

08/02/2021 15:36

Health Check

Adding It In V

itamins are essential for all kinds of child development and growth, but it can be difficult for kids to get all they need from their diet. This is particularly the case for Vitamin D, which relies on sunlight for production in the body, and can become deficient in the winter. Vitamin supplements are an important way of topping up your children’s dietary needs, but what exactly do they require and how do you make sure they get it? Babies who are being breastfed should be given a daily vitamin D supplement from birth, whether or not 52 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Formula 1 The government recommends all children aged 6 months to 5 years are given vitamin supplements containing vitamins A, C and D every day. Babies who are having more than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day should not be given vitamin supplements. This is because formula is fortified with vitamins A, C and D and other nutrients.

you're taking a supplement containing vitamin D yourself. Health visitors can give you advice on vitamin drops and tell you where to get them. You're entitled to free vitamin drops if you qualify for Healthy Start. The NHS recommends vitamin supplements containing vitamins A, C and D, but some supplements you can buy contain other ingredients such a minerals and oils. Your pharmacist can give you advice about which are right for your child. You should stick to the recommended doses of vitamins, and don’t combine two supplements which might have the same ingredients.

Images: Dreamstime

Children may get all the vital ingredients they need to grow and thrive from their diets, but when they don’t, supplements can help

20/05/2021 17:18

Health Check


Optimal intake of nutrients is essential to fully support wellness - RDAs are designed to prevent deficiency disease, not to provide nutrients at optimal levels. Due to multiple factors including soil depletion, farming methods, lifestyle factors and food choices, many people fall short of optimal levels from diet alone. Suboptimal intake of essential nutrients is linked to many of the prevailing degenerative diseases of our generation.

Vitamin D Vitamin D is found in only a few foods, such as oily fish and eggs, and is added to some, such as fat spreads and breakfast cereals, but it’s difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone. Though it’s important to be out in the sun to stimulate Vitamin D production in the body, there is a danger of sunburn, so Vitamin D supplements are valuable.

✎ B abies from birth to 1 year of age who are being breastfed should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D, whether or not you're taking a supplement containing vitamin D yourself. ✎ B abies fed infant formula should not be given a vitamin D supplement if they're having more than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day, because infant formula is fortified with vitamin D and other nutrients.

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✎ C hildren aged 1 to 4 years old should be given a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D.

Vitamin A Vitamin A is important for babies and young children, and some may not be getting enough. It's needed for a healthy immune system, can help their vision in dim light, and keeps skin healthy. Good sources of vitamin A include dairy products, fortified fat spreads, carrots, sweet potatoes, swede and mangoes, dark green vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage and broccoli. The Department of Health and Social Care recommendations for vitamin A are:

✎ 0 to 12 months, 350 micrograms a day

✎ 1 to 6 years, 400 micrograms a day

Vitamin C Vitamin C is important for your child's general health and immune

system. It can also help their body absorb iron. Good sources of vitamin C include oranges, kiwi fruit, strawberries,broccoli, tomatoes and peppers. The Department of Health recommendations for vitamin C are:

✎ 0 to 12 months, 25 milligrams (mg) a day

✎ 1 to 10 years, 30 milligrams (mg) a day Vitamin supplements are available in many forms including liquids, gummies, drops or chewable tablets. The simplest way to ensure your child gets all these essential vitamins is to find a multivitamin product which contains vitamins A, C and D and look at what levels they contain. Other supplements may contain essential minerals such as copper, zinc, magnesium and selenium, or fish oils with omega-3 fatty acids, so with a little help, you should be able to make sure your kids are getting absolutely everything they need in their diet. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 53

20/05/2021 17:18

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14/05/2021 11:50

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14/05/2021 11:50

Health Check

A, B, C, D - it's

Vitaminportant! What are vitamins, why are they so important for child development, and how can we make sure they get enough of them?

56 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:58

Health Check


roper nutrition is essential to give children a good start in life, but all too often they don’t get what they need from their daily diet. Particularly at an early age, some will refuse to eat certain types of food - almost always the types that are good for them! and there can be other causes of nutritional deficiencies, such as disease or being on certain types of medication. To ensure your children develop properly both physically and mentally, you must make sure that their diet contains sufficient amounts of nutritional elements such as vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. But which are the vital vitamins, what role do they play and how can you make sure your children get enough of them?

VITAMIN A Vitamin A is vital for babies and young children, to strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy vision, and keep skin and membranes healthy. Serious vitamin A deficiency is common in developing countries, but rare in the UK. However, according to, depending on age and sex between six percent and 20 percent of children have intakes that are unlikely to be adequate (below the Lower Reference Nutrient intake, LRNI). Good sources of vitamin A include dairy products, fortified fat spreads, carrots, sweet potatoes, swede, mangoes, and dark green vegetables, such as spinach and cabbage. Vitamin supplements containing vitamins A and C are recommended for babies and children aged 6 months to 5 years old, unless they're getting more than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day.

enriched and fortified breads & cereals and mushrooms. If you take a ‘Vitamin B complex’ supplement to boost your vitiaman B intake, it will normally include all eight vitamins in the B complex. They are:

B vitamins are water-soluble, so most of the time the body will excrete extra B vitamins in the urine. But excessively high doses can be harmful, so stick to recommended doses.

✎ B-1 – Thiamin. Essential in the

Vitamin C is very important for the general health of a child and their immune system. Additionally, it can help their body absorb iron. Good sources of vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, and kiwi. The simplest way to ensure your child gets all of the essential vitamins is to find a product which contains vitamins A, C and D at the correct levels. Vitamin A and C levels will vary depending on the product, but remember that the most important level to look out for is vitamin D, as you can't get enough vitamin D from the diet. If you are serving a healthy diet, it can still be difficult to make sure that your children are getting all they need. Dietary supplements can be a remedy for this problem, as they can provide missing vitamins and minerals in an easy-to-manage bundle. To make them more palatable, diet supplements are often supplied in fun forms such as gummy bears.

✎ ✎

Images: Dreamstime

B, THE COMPLEX VITAMIN The term ‘Vitamin B’ actually refers to not one, but eight different vitamins. You should be able to get enough Vitamin B from a healthy omnivorous diet, but a vegan or vegetarian diet may be deficient in some B vitamins. Good sources of include beef and pork, fish, offal, avocado, leafy greens, nuts, legumes, grains, milk, cheese and yogurt,

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✎ ✎

healthy growth and function of organs, including the brain and heart. B-2 – Riboflavin. Needed to break down fat and complex chemicals. B-3 – Niacin. Functions to maintain healthy skin, nerves, and digestion, and is sometimes prescribed to improve cholesterol levels. B-5 – Pantothenic acid. Essential for the health of the brain and nervous system. B-6 – Pyridoxine. Assists in the manufacture of new blood cells and maintains the immune system. B-7 – Biotin. An essential factor in healthy hair, nails, and nerve function. B-9 – Folic acid. Otherwise known as folate, and found in DNA and genetic material. Often prescribed to pregnant women. B-12 – Cobalamin. Required by the nerves and blood cells, it prevents pernicious anaemia.


Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 57

20/05/2021 17:58

Health Check Vitamin D Vitamin D is found naturally in only a few foods, such as oily fish and eggs, though it’s often added to foods such as fat spreads and breakfast cereals. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. This reacts with a vitamin in the skin called 7-DHC, converting it into vitamin D. Vitamin D promotes healthy teeth and bone development in children, so it’s vital they get enough at an early age. The problem of course is that it’s not always possible to get enough sunlight, particularly in the winter months, so it’s advisable to supply young children with Vitamin D supplements. Low levels of vitamin D are common in children in the UK, particularly during the winter. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to the bone deficiency disease rickets, and abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood (hypocalcaemia)--conditions that can be prevented by taking vitamin D supplements. The Department of Health recommends:

✎ B abies from birth to 1 year of age who are being breastfed should be given a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10 micrograms (µg) of vitamin D to make sure they get enough. This is whether or not you're taking a supplement containing vitamin D yourself. ✎ B abies fed infant formula shouldn't be given a vitamin D supplement if they're having more than 500ml (about a pint) of infant formula a day, because infant formula is fortified with vitamin D and other nutrients. ✎ C hildren aged 1 to 4 years old should be given a daily supplement containing 10µg of vitamin D.


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Images: Dreamstime

Nutritionists say that if you take vitamin D supplements, 10μg (micrograms) a day will be enough for most people. This advice applies to adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly, as well as to children aged 11 to 17.

20/05/2021 18:01

The sunshine vitamin that helps maintain the development of strong, healthy bones and teeth

DaliVit The Department of Health recommends that all breastfed children under one year and all children between the ages of one and four years receive a daily supplement of 400IU of Vitamin D. Vitamin D has a crucial role to play in bone development and calcium absorption without which bones may not develop correctly, may become brittle and in severe cases may lead to rickets. A food supplement is not a substitute for a varied and healthy diet.

And for the parents...

The Department of Health states that in the winter, residents in the UK may not recieve sufficient sunlight to maintain an adequate level of vitamin D. This winter, don’t forget that DaliVit D3 Capsules contain 1000IU which has been developed to ensure that vitamin D levels are maintained in most users.

AVAILABLE FROM PHARMACY AND Boston Healthcare.indd 1

23/03/2021 16:57

Health Check VITAMIN D's IMPORTANCE to the sun. This is exacerbated during the winter when, in the UK, the sun is weak, or the sky overcast. As a result, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence estimates that around 10 million people in the UK could have inadequate levels of Vitamin D and it is no co-incidence that recent advice by Public Health England recommends Vitamin D supplementation from Autumn and through the winter months. Vitamin D deficiency varies amongst population groups. In a recent study, 17% of Scottish adults, 16% of adults living in London and 53% of women of Asiatic ethnicity were found to have lower levels of Vitamin D than recommended. Dalivit D3 liquid has been developed using a convenient pump dispenser allowing doses of 200IU or multiples thereof which makes the product suitable for all ages including those adults who find swallowing tablets and capsules difficult.

Multivitamins Research from the University of Southampton and University of Oxford has shown that few multivitamin products for children supply the recommended dose of 10μg a day of vitamin D. This comes from the results of a survey of 91 different products, published online in the Archives of Disease in Childhood. "There is a wide range of both multivitamins and vitamin D supplements available for children in the UK, yet many of these do not provide the

Did you know? The latest nationwide nutrition survey demonstrated that six percent of children have low levels of vitamin D. This means that one child in every class is at increased risk of poor bone development (aged four to 10). Source: Boots

Images: Dreamstime

Vitamin D plays a vital role in enabling the body to use calcium, a process which allows us to build strong bones and healthy teeth. An absence of Vitamin D, leading to reduced levels of Vitamin C absorption, can result in rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Vitamin D is also a contributor to an effective and robust immune system. Our immune system acts to protect us, not only from viruses and colds, but from other diseases including MS, diabetes, and a growing number of internal cancers including breast cancer. Studies show that having low levels of vitamin D can result in symptoms including lack of energy, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain and depression. An average diet provides only around 10% of an individual’s required vitamin D. By far the greatest amount is provided by exposure to the sun but this can obviously be limited for individuals who mostly remain indoors, or who limit their exposure

60 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:19

Health Check


Vitamins are divided into two types based on th eir solubility. Vitamin A , D, E, K are fat-solu ble vitam ins and Vitamin B and C are watersoluble vit amins.

recommended 10μg/day,” said Dr Rebecca Moon, who led the research at the Medical Research Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit (MRC LEU), University of Southampton. "To obtain this, children would either have to take over the recommended dose, which may increase the risk of toxicity from the other components, or they would have to take a combination of vitamin D and multivitamins, which is more expensive." In September 2018, they searched the websites of nine UK supermarkets and high street health product retailers, looking for multivitamins aimed at children under the age of 12. Only one multivitamin from 67 examined was suitable for use from birth, supplying 5μg /day of vitamin D, while for children over 6 months, only between a quarter and a third (25-36 per cent) of the available products supplied at least 10μg/day. Some of the products giving a dose range would only supply the recommended vitamin D level at the highest dose. The vitamin D/healthy bones products supplied between 1.25

HC13 Vitamins.indd 61

and 25μg of vitamin D a day. Six were suitable for use from birth, five of which contained 17-20μg of vitamin D. So it pays to look carefully at the labels of any vitamin or multivitamin you see. Chewable multi-vitamin and mineral enriched products with a pleasant fruit flavour can deliver a lot of necessary supplements and are suitable for older children, teenagers and adults. Vegan options with no gelatine are widely available.

SUPPLEMENTS Nutritional supplements can be aimed at particular areas of health; for instance an immune system booster containing vitamin C, iron, zinc and selenium, or an omega-3 fatty acid supplement aimed at supporting brain development and memory - or they can promote health generally. One advantage of getting your omega-3 fatty acids from a supplement is that it will not contain any of the ocean pollutants often found in fish. But if you feel that the kids are getting all the benefits of diet supplements, remember that they are available for all the family.

Vitamin D supplements particularly are vital at times of year when we aren’t getting enough sunlight, and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may also want to top up on your levels of folic acid, Vitamin D, choline or omega-3. hc

the stuff of life The discovery of vitamins was a major scientific achievement in our understanding of health and disease. In 1912, Casimir Funk originally coined the term "vitamine", and the first commercially produced tablets of yeast-extract vitamin B complex and semisynthetic vitamin C became available in the mid-1930s.

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20/05/2021 17:19

Health Check

Allergic to my House One of the best reason to keep your indoor air clean is to control allergens. But what are they and how can they play you up? immune system to a foreign "invader" which is not native to your body. The immune system releases chemicals called mediators, such as histamine, which cause allergic symptoms. The top causes of allergies are: ✎ Pet dander - caused by substances in the animal's saliva, urine, and skin ✎ Moulds - a type of rootless fungus which releases spores into the air ✎ Insects – such as cockroaches, which die, dry out and fragment Your doctor can recommend skin tests that will identify the cause of your allergic reaction.


he usual symptoms of indoor allergic reactions are those of many other allergic reactions – like asthma or hay fever sufferers exposed to pollens or other outdoor allergens, you can suffer indoors if the air you breathe is full of irritating factors. The main culprit is house dust, but what is this exactly? The makeup of house dust depends partly on the age of your house, its temperature and humidity, and its contents, from clothes to furniture. The airborne mixture might contain fine particles of soil and plant material from indoors or outdoors, particles of human and animal skin (dander) and hair, fabric fibres, mould spores, dust 62 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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mites, fragments of dead insects and their waste, food particles, and other debris. So many of the components of house dust may trigger your allergies, and unlike seasonal allergies, they may affect you all year around, though they tend to peak in summer when dust mites breed.

SENSITIVITY Opening your windows is often no solution, as you can let in outdoor allergens, so you may still suffer allergic reactions such as runny or bunged-up nose, streaming eyes, sneezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. Allergic sensitivity is a reaction of your

There are medical treatments for indoor allergies, including antihistamines, some types of which can cause drowsiness, and nonsedating antihistamines which are convenient to take since they are taken once or twice daily. You can also try decongestants, corticosteroid nasal sprays for limited periods, antiallergy eye drops, prescription medications such as Mast cell inhibitors or Leukotriene inhibitors, or even desensitisation injections. But of course the best solution is to remove the source of the allergic reaction. Keep animals outdoors, shampoo or replace carpets and bedding, clean upholstered furniture and curtains, launder clothes and linen, and look at air purifiers with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters which can trap and remove pollutants such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke before they get up your nose! hc

Images: Dreamstime


20/05/2021 17:28

Air Purifier 3000i

Purify 20m2 room in less than 6 mins*

Clean, ** pollutant-free air in minutes. Effortlessly transform the air quality in your home at the touch of a button. •

The 3-layer filter effectively removes 99.97% of ultra-fine particles, including harmful pollutants, PM2.5, indoor allergens such as dust mites, pet hair or pollen, mold spores, bacteria, viruses, harmful gases and odours.***

Shows real-time air quality for instant peace of mind – with numerical feedback on pollutant and allergen levels displayed clearly on the device, making the air quality immediately visible.

*Calculated using its Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of CADR 520m3/h by the room size of 48m3 (assuming the room is 20m2 in floor area and 2.4 m in height). **99.9% of virus, allergen and pollutant removal. ***Tested on the filter media for 1 pass efficiency at 5.33cm/s air flow, by a third party lab./From the air that passes through the filter, tested to JISB 9908-2015.

Philips Electronics UK.indd 1

17/05/2021 16:04

Images: Dreamstime

Health Check

64 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 18:07

Health Check


Gasping For Air Since you spend most of your time indoors, should you be more worried about indoor air pollutants?

HC14 VOCs.indd 65

ith the UK population spending on average around 80-90% of their time inside buildings, and up to 60% of their time in their homes, buildings are significant modifiers of population health. Among the main indoor air pollutants are VOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds, which are released from synthetic paints, cigarette smoke, fragrances, new furniture and building materials, as well as from natural sources, like fungi and mould. They can cause issues that range from headaches and irritations to major long-term health implications. Poor indoor air quality may cause or aggravate odour and irritation, allergic and asthma symptoms, airborne respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. In addition, there is a correlation between the effects of indoor air pollution exposure on school performance, office productivity, comfort and well-being of occupants. According to the studies, VOCs are most common in the bathrooms, bedrooms, and garages of our homes. The American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found regular use of cleaning sprays has a huge impact on lung health, equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes every day. The research followed more than 6,000 people over a 20 year period and found that women in particular suffered significant health problems after long-term use of these products. VOCs such as acetone, xylene and formaldehyde are found in detergents, furniture polish, air fresheners, carpet cleaners, oven cleaners, paint strippers, varnishes, glues, pesticides and fungicides, and evaporate into the air and can be inhaled. Chemicals with fragrances are particularly likely to contain VOCs. Studies also show that cleaning professionals who use these chemicals over long periods may sustain lung damage. Carpets, furniture and flooring often contain formaldehyde, which can be a lung irritant.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 65

20/05/2021 18:08

Health Check Pollutants So, what can we do to reduce our risk to indoor air pollutants such as VOCs?


Ask smokers in the household to smoke outside, or not at all. This will not only create a nicer smoke-free environment for everyone, it will also keep the VOC benzene, which is released from cigarette smoke, out of the house.


Choose products that are fragrancefree. If you can do this on a daily basis, it will drastically reduce the number of VOC fragrances released into the air.


Investigate using ‘natural’ paints, but bear in mind that some paints advertised as water-based or low VOC may still contain hazardous chemicals. Some "air-purifying" paints can absorb substances such as formaldehyde from indoor air and convert it into harmless compounds. The function of VOCs in paint is to help it to spread across the surface, then to evaporate so the paint dries. It’s no wonder you can get a headache using conventional paint. Paint with less than 250

grams of VOCs per litre is considered low-VOC paint. ‘No-VOC’ latex paint, as regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, will have less than 5g of VOCs per litre. It is common for low-VOC paint to cost more.


When purchasing new flooring or furniture that is not made from 100 percent natural wood, try to keep the rooms well ventilated for the first weeks and months after purchase.


Keep your home free from damp, as fungi generate natural VOCs which can negatively impact on family health.

Bad VOCs The Environmental Protection Agency has found concentrations of VOCs in indoor air to be 2-5 times greater than in outdoor air, or more. During certain activities indoor levels of VOCs may reach 1,000 times that of the outside air.

Aldehydes Aldehydes are volatile organic compounds, and they account for a significant proportion of the compounds which impact the quality of our air. The most harmful of the aldehydes is considered to be formaldehyde; this chemical may cause irritation to the respiratory tract and eyes, even in small concentrations. In the EU, formaldehyde is classified as being of special concern for indoor air quality. As well as building materials, formaldehyde can be found in household chemicals and textiles, so you should make sure your home is well ventilated when you clean, keep children away from cleaning products and dispose of packaging carefully. There are some simple, positive, and consequential steps that we can all take to look after our air quality, and subsequently the health of our family. It is simply a case of making more informed, conscious choices so that we are creating a home environment that is more sustainable, enjoyable, and healthy. hc

did you know?

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Images: Dreamstime

More than one-third of UK homes are at a high risk of containing polluted in door air. 81% of the popula tion are at greater risk of resp iratory or dermato logical con ditions because of this.

20/05/2021 17:20


TIMANTTI® CLEAN is a durable, antimicrobial indoor paint from Teknos, which helps maintain higher hygiene standards in your home by using innovative technology that protects surfaces from harmful microbial growth. Recommended by the Finnish Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation, TIMANTTI® CLEAN is safe to use indoors and easily tinted to all Teknos indoor paint colours, so that you can create your own, personalised style whilst keeping your home’s surfaces cleaner. Teknos.indd 1

10/02/2021 13:19

Baylis&Harding.indd 1

25/03/2021 17:20

Baylis&Harding.indd 2

25/03/2021 17:20

Health Check

Just Say No to Germs

How do you teach kids the essentials of hygiene? More essential than ever, it’s the basic requirement of a healthy environment to grow up in

70 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:20

Health Check


ygiene, an awareness of the basics of avoiding bacteria and infections, is crucial to everyday health, particularly at this time when the coronavirus pandemic has made us acutely aware of the dangers of spreading disease. Bacteria and viruses transferred from the environment to the hands, food, and into the body can lead to all sorts of infections and diseases, so it’s important to teach children who might not appreciate the dangers of messy play to have a basic regard for hygiene. This is not to say that you must keep your children completely insulated from the environment. There’s some sense in the argument that exposure to the outside world helps build immunities, and of course common childhood diseases are impossible to avoid (though that’s no reason not to keep up with standard vaccinations).

pearly whites According to, surveys suggest that up to three quarters of children say they brush their teeth twice a day. It is important that kids are getting the message on good dental health and with their input this figure can undoubtedly increase. (

best way to keep your child clean and healthy. ✤ T each your child to bathe twice a day – before and after school, for example. ✤ Encourage them to gently scrub the armpits, groin, legs, and feet. ✤ Ensure that use soap every time they take a shower. ✤ Take extra care to clear the delicate facial skin ✤ Wash hair at least twice a week ✤ When your child is older, supervise them in applying shampoo and rinsing. ✤ Teach your child to avoid sharing a comb, pillow, hats or caps with others, and treat any case of head lice immediately.

But there are some useful lessons to teach your kids about how they can minimise the spread of infections.

✎ T each them how to sneeze or cough by covering the mouth and nose.

✎ E ncourage them to use a handkerchief or to sneeze into their sleeve or elbow.

✎ R einforce the positive. Praise them subtly, perhaps saying “I saw that you used your sleeve. Thank you for doing that”. This will help them remember to do this again in the future. ✎ T each basic hand-washing techniques: wet the hands with water, apply soap and rub to form a lather, clean between the fingers and under the nails, then wash the soap away entirely with clean water.

Images: Dreamstime

Skin, teeth, hair, nails The most basic essential of hygiene for kids is to keep their hands clean at all times. Let your child form a habit of washing his or her hands after using the bathroom, playing outside, sneezing, coughing, and before and after eating. Regular bathing is by far and away the

HC15 Hygiene V2.indd 71

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 71

20/05/2021 17:20

Sofidel UK.indd 1

14/05/2021 13:50

Sofidel UK.indd 2

14/05/2021 13:50

Health Check

Baylis & Harding

74 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC15 Hygiene V2.indd 74

Children tend to get dirty or broken nails while playing, and this can pose a risk of infection. ✤ Discourage nail biting and cut your child’s nails frequently. ✤ Teach them to scrub under the nails as part of hand washing. ✤ Make sure hands and nails are cleaned after playing outside or petting an animal. ✤ Don’t forget hygienic care of toenails too!

FOOT PATROL When bacteria acts along with sweat on your child’s feet, they can get smelly, particularly if they wear shoes all day without socks.

✎ Keep the feet clean by scrubbing with soap and rinsing with clean water.

✎ Always clean in between the toes, on

did you know?

You should wash you r hands for the amou nt of time it tak es to sing "Happy Birthday" twice (aro und 20 second s). (Source: N HS) the underside of the foot, and under the toenails. ✎ Teach your child to keep his/her footwear clean to avoid contracting germs. ✎ Use a moisturiser to keep the feet soft. Sleep is also extremely important for children and adults alike as the body uses this time to regenerate its cells and record memories. Sleep hygiene includes everything that helps your child get a good

Images: Dreamstime

Baylis & Harding is a quintessentially family-owned British brand founded in 1970. The brand’s principles and ethos stem from the beloved family’s late grannies, Granny Baylis and Granny Harding, which the brand is named in memory of and whose kindness and generosity to others has helped build the brand. Whether it is filling its products liberally with the finest fragrances or packing them to the brim with beautiful ingredients, they deliver uncompromised luxury to everybody in every home – because true luxury does not need to only be for the rich and famous. Their brand vision is to become the personal care brand of choice, striving to be the masters of their craft by bringing a little sense of everyday luxury to people’s homes at an attainable price for all. From the beautiful ingredients and fine fragrances to our packaging, they have carefully crafted each of these elements with consideration of the world around us, and with the environment in mind, to ensure they continue to move forward on their journey of being a sustainable luxury brand of choice. They are a brand welcomed into the homes of many, lovingly used with their carefully crafted formulations, and proudly displayed due to their beautiful designs.

20/05/2021 17:20

Potter & Moore Innovations.indd 1

23/03/2021 17:10

Health Check

✎ Teach your child to wipe or wash after

✎ Avoid letting your child fall asleep at odd

✎ Teach them how to flush the toilet on

Keep the bathroom extra clean and teach your child the right principles of toilet hygiene.

doing a poo.

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

✎ ✎ ✎

hours during the day so that they sleep well at night. The bed should only be used for sleeping and not for watching TV or doing homework. Create a relaxed environment by dimming lights and singing a lullaby. Keep gadgets and alarms away from children to avoid waking them up. Put your child to bed every day at a fixed time. Have the same sleeping hours whether school night or weekends. Don’t let your child sleep hungry. A light snack like milk and low-sugar biscuits is ideal. Avoid caffeinated drinks and chocolates before bedtime. Keep a comfortable temperature in the room. i.e. 24-26 degrees. Don’t use the bedroom for ‘time out’ or punishment.

The bathroom or the toilet is one of the places in the house with the greatest potential for bacterial infection.

their own.

✎ Remind them to wash their hands every time they use the bathroom. Unhealthy food habits can cause food poisoning and lead to conditions like diarrhoea, vomiting, or stomach pains. As a parent, you need to ensure hygiene when preparing, serving, or feeding food. Healthy food habits must include proper storage. Teach your child how to segregate and store food in the refrigerator, tell them which foods can be left outside and which must go in the refrigerator, don’t leave any food uncovered and keep the lids clean to avoid picking up bacteria. When teaching your child about food hygiene, start with the basics and tell them about the germs and bacteria that cause diseases. Let your child understand how these germs can infect their bodies, and spread from their hands to their food. Teaching your child proper hygiene routines will pay off in improved health and fitness in their future – and maybe you’ll learn something in the process too! hc

Did you know? According to Unicef, taking into account the entire world population in 2017, only three out of every five people have basic handwashing facilities available in their homes. Source: WHO/UNICEF JMP (2019)


A new hygienic way of drying hands Nicky Defend Hand Towel is a new product which focusses on personal hand hygiene, as the importance of hygiene continues to grow, in three simple steps. After washing your hands thoroughly, simply use Nicky Defend Hand Towels to ensure your hands are completely dry. Then you can flush the single sheet in the toilet or throw in the bin. A simple but quick and more hygienic good daily practice, compared to a cloth towel. It’s the perfect way to promote hygiene by reducing towel sharing and using individual disposable paper hand towels. The small stylish compact pack can be stored under the bathroom sink or out on display so it’s in easy reach for everyone. To find out more please visit

Images: Dreamstime; Shutterstock

night’s sleep. It helps you create an ‘awake during the day and resting during the night’ pattern for your child to fit in enough sleep at night so they can remain active during the day.

* Winner of Household Paper Category, survey of 9,865 individuals by Kantar

76 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:21

Health Check

How to wash your hands Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from coronavirus, and other illnesses such as food poisoning and flu. But do you know how to do it properly? It might seem obvious, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. If you do not have immediate access to soap and water then use alcohol-based handrub if available.

When to wash your hands

You should wash your hands:

✎ After using the toilet or changing a nappy

✎ Before and after handling raw foods like meat and vegetables

✎ Before eating or handling food ✎ After blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing

✎ Before and after treating a cut or wound

✎ After touching animals, including pets, their food and after cleaning their cages Washing your hands properly removes dirt, viruses and bacteria to stop them spreading to other people and objects, which can spread illnesses such as food poisoning, flu or diarrhoea. It can help stop people picking up infections and spreading them. It can also help stop spreading infections when you're visiting someone in hospital or another healthcare setting. And of course it’s particularly important now during the coronavirus pandemic, when washing your hands can prevent the spread of the virus around the home and to others you contact.

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Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 77

20/05/2021 17:20

Health Check

Clean is Classy A clean home is a happy home, and more to the point it’s a healthy one too. But how do you fit in the chores with a busy schedule? Teaching kids the value of having a clean house and actually getting them to help clean the house will shape them into more environmentally aware youngsters.

Top tips Children exposed to dust, moulds, and bacteria are prone to infection and allergic reactions, and this is particularly true of ‘cruisers’ who like to support themselves using furniture before they learn to walk unaided. Efficient vacuum cleaning is a first step, but regular disinfection of surfaces and the occasional deep clean are vital. Don’t be afraid to call in professionals for difficult jobs like oven or deep carpet cleaning. Make keeping the house clean part of the family routine, and your kids will soon learn to pick up after themselves and help to make your home as clean and healthy as we would all like it to be. hc


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you accumulate a lot of items such as toys, clothes and feeding equipment, all of which will also benefit from good cleaning. Obviously in the era of coronavirus, surface cleaning has also come into focus – along with personal hygiene, keeping surfaces clean is one of the best way to reduce the spread of infection. Research shows that children raised in a clean and organized home will present themselves confidently and will develop discipline and a sense of responsibility.

Images: Dreamstime


t can be difficult to keep a clean house when you are raising young children, but it’s a health essential. Studies show we spend 87 percent of our time indoors, so obviously improving household cleanliness is a big step towards improving our health. A good cleaning leaves fewer places for bacteria and allergens to hide. This applies particularly to carpets, bedding and upholstery, which can be dirt traps. But don’t forget that when you have children,

ROIDMI is a dynamic cordless vacuum cleaner brand, launched in 2019 and already the recipient of six international design awards. Roidmi’s new RS60 cordless vacuuming cleaner is bristling with innovation, including proven Japanese Novaron ION antibacterial technology in the filter and floorhead. This kills bacteria and viruses on contact and its six layer micro-filter captures 99.9% of dust, pollen and common allergens, making the air in your home cleaner as you clean your floors. The Roidmi RS60 brings technology, reliability and style to your everyday cleaning. See more at

20/05/2021 17:23

Cleaner Home Cleaner Air

ZiWei Novaron ION sterilising filter

ROIDMI RS60, the world’s first anti-bacterial and anti-viral cordless vacuum cleaner

Shouldn’t the air in your home be as clean as your floors? Available from Witt UK & Ireland_r1.indd 1

07/05/2021 16:47

You make healthy family choices, Tanita helps you monitor the results When exercising is fun for the whole family, it becomes a healthy habit. Taking regular measurements with the Tanita BC-401 is another healthy habit you can choose.

Measure 10 vital aspects of your health This scale doesn’t just tell you your weight; each measurement gives you a fuller understanding of your health and physical condition, so that you can set the targets that are right for your family.

Total body measurements:

Whole family measurements:

• • • • • • •

• Weight in Kg • Body fat % • Body Mass Index (BMI)

Muscle Mass in Kg Visceral Fat Total Body Water % Basal metabolic rate Metabolic Age Physique rating Bone mass in Kg

Tanita BC-401

Don’t wait to improve your family’s health, visit today

Tanita Europe.indd 1

14/05/2021 13:36

Health Check

A Weighty Problem What are the causes and implications of childhood obesity, and where should we look for the solutions?

Images: Dreamstime


besity is defined by the World Health Organisation as ''abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health''. In the last few years, mainly because of changes in dietary habits, it has become a particular problem in children – and obesity in childhood can persist throughout life and lead to longterm health problems Globally in 2016, the number of overweight children under the age of five is estimated to have been over 41 million. Overweight and obese children are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more

HC20 Child Obesity.indd 81

Did you know? Children living with obesity are more likely to be obese in adulthood and thus increase the risk of obesity for their own children later in life. (Source - Public Health England)

likely to develop noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a younger age. But overweight and obesity, as well as their related diseases, are largely preventable. The fundamental cause of childhood overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Global increases in childhood overweight and obesity are attributable to several factors. First, there has been a global shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 81

20/05/2021 17:24

are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals and other healthy micronutrients. There is also a trend towards decreased physical activity ldue to the sedentary nature of many forms of recreation, changing modes of transport and increasing urbanization. England’s children are consuming too many calories - and, in particular, too much sugar. Teenagers in England are the biggest consumers of sugar-sweetened drinks in Europe. The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recently concluded that sugar consumption increases the risk of tooth decay, and that consumption of sugar sweetened beverages is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes and higher weight. A single 330ml can of a soft drink with 82 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC20 Child Obesity.indd 82

added sugar (which can contain as much as 35g of sugar), may instantly take a child over their sugar RDI. As a first step towards tackling childhood obesity, the Government has introduced a soft drinks industry levy, or sugar tax, designed to encourage producers to reduce the amount of sugar in their products. This is effective, as slowly changing the balance of ingredients in everyday products does not rely on individual behaviour change and takes the onus off the individual. The food and drinks industry have been challenged to reduce overall sugar across a range of products that contribute to children’s sugar intakes, and it has decreased by at least 20 percent between 2017 and 2020.

More than 1 in 5 children in reception are overweight or obese, with overconsumption of sugar as a major cause. Hartley’s No Added Sugar Jelly Pots offer you choice if you want to reduce your child’s sugar intake but don’t want to compromise on a delicious pudding. Packed full of fun and guaranteed to put smiles on faces. Find out more here:

Images: Dreamstime

Health Check

20/05/2021 17:24

No added sugar Easy, peasy pudding Full of refreshing fruity flavour Packed full of wibbly, wobbly fun, for guaranteed smiles on faces!

Find us in the jelly & custard aisle The Hain Daniels Group.indd 1

06/05/2021 13:10

Health Check

tanita scales

Remaining motivated to change your habits for a healthier, happier life isn’t always easy. Research has shown that by regularly monitoring your progress, you are 80% more likely to attain your goal. Tanita Body Composition scales help you to remain motivated and on track by monitoring your progress in the My Tanita App. Weight and BMI do not really tell you how healthy your body is. With a Tanita body composition scale, you can also measure (among 10 different measurements) your visceral fat level, the fat around your organs, linked to many serious illnesses. Knowing your body composition helps identify what you need to work on. And by tracking your progress with the My Tanita app, you are more likely to attain your goals.

ROLE MODELS Be active and eat well yourself to set a good example for your child. Go for a walk or bike ride instead of watching TV. Playing in the park or swimming with your children shows them being active is fun. Changes you make to your child's diet and lifestyle are more likely to be accepted if they are small and involve the whole family. Very overweight children don't need to do more exercise than slimmer children. Their extra body weight means they'll naturally burn more calories. All children need about 60 minutes of physical activity a day for good health, but it doesn't need to be all at once. Several short 10-minute, or even five-minute, bursts of activity throughout the day can be just as good exercise as an hour-long stretch. For younger children it can take the form of active play, such as ball games, chasing games riding a scooter, and using playground equipment. For older children it could include riding a bike, skateboarding, walking to school, skipping, swimming, dancing and martial arts. Simply encourage them to start with what they can do and build up to 60 minutes a day. Try to avoid feeding your child large portions. A good rule of thumb is to start meals with small servings and let your child ask for more if they're still hungry. Try not

to make your child finish everything on the plate or eat more than they want to.

PORTIONS Beware of high-calorie foods. Calories are a measure of the energy in food. Knowing how many calories your child consumes each day, and balancing that with the amount of energy they use up in activity, will help them reach and stay at a healthy weight. Children, just like adults, should aim to eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables every day. They're a great source of fibre and vitamins and minerals. Getting “5 A Day” shouldn't be too difficult. Almost all fruit and vegetables count towards your child's five a day, including fresh, tinned, frozen and dried. Juices, smoothies, beans and pulses can also count towards the total. Be aware that unsweetened 100 percent fruit juice, vegetable juice and smoothies can only count as one portion of their five a day - so two glasses of fruit juice and a smoothie in a day still only counts as one portion. It also helps children stay trim if they sleep well. It's been shown that children who don't have the recommended amount of sleep are more likely to be overweight. The less they sleep, the greater the risk of them becoming obese. hc

84 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

Step into the sunshine with Lindeman's Alcohol Free, now certified carbon neutral! Renowned for consistent quality and timeless appeal, Lindeman’s Alcohol Free range is no different, the winemakers gently remove alcohol while retaining the great Lindeman’s taste. With a choice of Semillion-Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon or Sparkling; these are the perfect food pairing and are available at Asda, Tesco & Morrison’s.

20/05/2021 17:24

Visit our website to enter exclusive free to enter competitions CA competitions 2020.indd 1

13/05/2020 18:45

Sleepy Wilson.indd 1

14/05/2021 12:06

Health Check

Reaching the

Land of Nod

How do you make sure your kids get a good night’s sleep, and why is it so important?

Images: Dreamstime


e all know that sleep is essential for good physical and mental health – you know what you feel like after a few nights kept awake by stress or a crying baby. But good sleep is even more important for children, so making sure they get their ZZZs is essential. The best way to guarantee good sleep for your kids is to establish a relaxing bedtime routine. Do the same things in the same order each night, and don’t vary the routine at the weekends. To start with, make sure you create the right atmosphere for them to nod off and get a good night's rest.

HC17 Sleep.indd 87

✎ D on't put them to bed hungry (but

✎ ✎

don't overfeed them either, as this could also keep them awake) Give them a warm (not hot) bath before bedtime to relax them D on’t let them watch TV or use devices near bedtime as the blue light frequencies from the screens disrupts their natural sleep cycles D im the lights in the bedroom to encourage your child’s body to produce the sleep hormone Melatonin O nce they’re settled in bed, you can let them read or listen to some relaxing music for a short time, or you could read a story to them

Self-Settling The Children’s Sleep Charity advises that if young children are routinely waking in the night, it’s important they learn to self-settle rather than seeking a parent or joining a parent’s bed. This can be difficult to enforce, and may be emotionally challenging – both for child and parent – but parents should remain firm and assertive. If a child leaves their bed, lead them back gently but firmly. If they are anxious, the use of a night light, cuddly toy or baby monitor may help them to feel safe and learn to self-settle.

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 87

20/05/2021 17:22

Health Check Regulation Most importantly, you must make sure that the bedroom is a suitable environment for sleep. Use thick curtains or blackout blinds to keep the room dark, and don’t allow the use of mobiles or other devices in the room. Keep the room clean, clear of clutter, and well ventilated, with a temperature regulated to around 16 to 20C.


If there’s a local noise problem, try to reduce external noise with double or triple glazing, or if that isn't practical, see if your child will tolerate wearing earplugs. So how much sleep do children need? Of course it does vary with age; a five-yearold needs about 11 hours a night, while a 9-year-old needs roughly 10 hours. When they reach the teenage years and puberty, a whole new set of sleep problems may arise. For teenagers, a minimum of 8 to 10 hours' good sleep on school nights is recommended – you might let them stay up later at weekends. But the rules about digital devices in the bedroom still apply, as teens may be even more tempted to stay awake all night using social media. Encourage teenagers to take at least 60 minutes' exercise every day, including aerobic activities such as fast walking and running. Getting out of the house in the daylight will also encourage them to develop healthy sleep patterns.

Advice Encourage them to reduce their intake of caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and cola, and regulate their eating before bed – they should have some supper, to avoid an empty stomach, but should not binge in case it causes stomach discomfort in the night. Of course teenagers may develop problems of stress, depression or social anxiety which could disturb their sleep. It’s important for them to feel able to talk to you about these problems as a way to calm them and regain regular sleep patterns. Keeping a diary or making a to-do list can also be a valuable form of self-therapy. If you have followed all this advice and your child still has problems getting to sleep, or wakes repeatedly in the night, you should speak to your GP or health visitor. They may refer you to a child psychologist or another expert. hc

88 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Images: Dreamstime

The Sleep&Go from Micralite is a co-sleeping crib, travel cot and playpen in one. It works just as well in the home as it does for nights away, offering babies a comfortable place to sleep and a safe, bump-proof space to play. Super easy to use, Sleep&Go sets up in seconds – just shake it out and pop it up! It folds away just as fast and fits in a compact carry case. With a co-sleeping newborn bassinet that sits at bed level, expandable mattress and air-flow mesh panels, Sleep&Go can be used from birth to around three years. It has a little sibling too Sleep&Go Lite – which has all the same great travel-friendly features, just without the newborn bassinet.

20/05/2021 17:22

Sleep&Go The one that lets baby sleep, play and go.



Silver Cross_single.indd 1

16/04/2021 14:23

Health Check

Your Bedroom, Your Space

Healthy sleep is essential for child development, but how do you guarantee their bedroom provides the right environment?


Did you know? Sleep plays a crucial role in the development of young minds. In addition to having a direct effect on happiness, research shows that sleep impacts alertness and attention, cognitive performance, mood, resiliency, vocabulary acquisition, and learning and memory. (Source: Sleep Foundation).

If you're breastfeeding, in the early weeks your baby is likely to doze off for short periods during a feed. Carry on feeding until you think your baby has finished or until they're fully asleep, then you have an opportunity to try to get a bit of rest yourself – but don’t sleep on the sofa with your baby. If you're not sleeping at the same time as your baby, don't worry about keeping the house silent while they sleep. It's good to get your baby used to sleeping through a certain amount of noise.

Images: Dreamstime

ealthy sleep is an essential in child health and development, and of course their bedroom environment is a large factor in the equation. How do we make sure their bed and surrounding features contribute to healthy sleep rather than interfering with it? Babies’ sleep patterns are notoriously variable – some will sleep for long periods, others in short bursts. Their sleep pattern is unlikely to fit in with your need for sleep, so try to sleep when your baby sleeps.

90 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:23

Health Check

Celebrating a long history of sleep smart innovation, Jay-Be® knows that a comfortable and healthy night’s sleep is essential to supporting a child's physical and mental development. And in recognising that every child is unique they have created a simple yet comprehensive range, allowing you to choose the perfect option to support your growing child. Designed with the environment and your child’s health in mind, all their products feature sustainable materials that are great to sleep on and even kinder to the planet. 100% Foam Free and free from harmful chemical emissions, each mattress is designed for durable performance and backed with a 5-year manufacturer guarantee so that you can rest easy too. To discover even more about their children’s mattresses and other Jay-Be products, please visit

From birth, some babies need more or less sleep than others. But what is the average amount of sleep babies and children need during a 24-hour period, including daytime naps? Most newborn babies are asleep more than they are awake. Their total daily sleep varies, but can be from 8 hours up to 16 or 18 hours. Babies will wake during the night because they need to be fed. Being too hot or too cold can also disturb their sleep. As your baby grows, they'll need fewer night feeds and will be able to sleep for longer. By the age of three to six months, some babies will sleep for eight hours or longer at night, but not all. By four months, they may be spending around twice as long sleeping at night as they do during the day. For babies aged six months to a year, night feeds may no longer be necessary and some babies will sleep for up to 12 hours. Teething discomfort or hunger may

HC19 Bedroom Space V2.indd 91

wake some babies during the night. Babies will sleep for around 12 to 15 hours in total after their first birthday. By the age of two, most children will sleep for 11 to 12 hours at night, with one or two naps in the daytime. By the age of three or four, most children will need about 12 hours sleep, but this can range from eight hours up to 14. Some children will still nap during the day When they're older, understanding how to choose the best mattress for your child is crucial. Options include open coil or pocket sprung - the question is which will provide maximum support for your child at night, and comfortable sleep. Most types of sprung or foam mattresses are suitable for children, although foam ones with removable, washable, or dry cleanable covers are a good practical choice. Look for a mattress made in the UK as it will comply with UK health and safety regulations.

Sleepyheads Just as with adults, babies' and children's sleep patterns vary. Child psychologist Dr Laura Kauffman has come up with some handy tips for helping your child sleep happily:

✎ D e-clutter to sleep better - Keep the bedroom clear and free of clutter. A clean space has a decidedly calming effect, helping your child ease into sleepiness. ✎ D evelop only positive associations with the bedroom – don’t use bedtime as a punishment for misbehaviour. ✎ K eep it dark – no more than a small nightlight if your child insists. Too much light is counterproductive to natural body rhythms that trigger sleep, as darkness prompts the pineal gland to release the sleep hormone melatonin. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 91

20/05/2021 17:23

Jay-Be.indd 1

13/05/2021 17:01

100% Foam free and free from harmful chemical emissions. Designed with the environment and your child’s health in mind our children’s mattresses feature sustainable materials, are 100% foam free and offer the support needed for growing bones and muscles. Plus our mattresses are backed with a 5 year manufacturers guarantee so you can rest easy too!

Discover more about our full Children’s mattresses range online at

Jay-Be.indd 2

13/05/2021 17:01

Health Check

On The Nose Mild nasal congestion is common in babies, but can be a worry to new parents. How do you learn to deal with it and keep your baby comfortable?


Did you know? Allergies like pollen allergy or rhinitis (hay fever) are also common causes of nasal congestion in babies. The allergens found in pollen or other substances can irritate the passage in the nose which leads to inflammation and a runny nose. This may be accompanied by stomach pain or diarrhoea. Ask your doctor for advice on antihistamines.


A baby with nasal congestion may have the following symptoms:

✎ T hick nasal mucus ✎ D iscolored nasal mucus ✎ S noring or noisy breathing while asleep

✎ S niffling ✎ C oughing ✎ T rouble eating, as nasal congestion makes it difficult to breathe while they suck Nasal congestion is caused by swelling on the inside of your little one’s nose as

Images: Dreamstime

blocked nose, what we normally call the sniffles, is common in babies under six months of age, and usually caused not by infection, but by build-up of mucus which is difficult for the baby to clear. But of course, a cold or infection can make things worse. A baby who just has the sniffles will be otherwise well, but may ‘snort’ when breathing. However, feeding can become difficult if the baby cannot breathe through their nose easily. All babies under the age of six months can only breathe through their nose, not their mouth, and so can tire very easily if their nose is blocked.

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21/05/2021 09:43

Health Check well as a build-up of gunk. This can be as a result of viruses (e.g. common cold), allergies, dry air or other poor air quality, and even a deviated septum, where the cartilage that separates the nostrils is misaligned. Babies are more likely than older children to get congestion because their nasal passages and airways are small and not yet mature.

DRYNESS Nasal dryness often worsens during cold winter months, when heating makes the air inside the home dry. Try a humidifier or cool-mist vapouriser in the baby’s bedroom. You can even sit with your baby in the bathroom while running a warm shower to let them breathe in the moist air. You should never overlook the possibility that a blocked nose can be caused by a curious child putting something in their nostril. If you think this is the case, seek medical advice immediately – don’t try to remove the object yourself. If your baby has the sniffles but is otherwise happy and able to feed, normally nothing else needs to be done. As normal, keep up regular feedings and monitor for wet nappies. If feeding becomes difficult try gently stroking the inside of a nostril with a wisp of cotton wool to make the baby sneeze and clear the blocked mucus. You can also use small suckers, available from pharmacists or baby shops, to suck the mucus from your baby’s nostrils before feeding and sleep.

Concerns Most cases of nasal congestion in babies are not serious and will clear up in a few days, but of course you shouldn’t ignore the condition just because it’s ‘the sniffles’, and there are signs to watch out for which may suggest a more serious cause. You should also talk to your doctor if there are signs of more serious respiratory problems, such as:

HC21 Nasal Congestion V2.indd 95

✎ A breathing rate of more than 60

snufflebabe The Snufflebabe range is made by Dendron Brands Ltd, based in Watford, UK. Dendron Brands cares deeply about making the right products for you and your family. Congestion can be quite distressing when your baby or child is small. It can stop your little one from sleeping and eating, making them tired and irritable. Snufflebabe gives parents a simple, yet effective routine of decongestant solutions. They have more ways of clearing little stuffy noses than anyone else, so your child can breathe, feed and sleep in comfort – and you can breathe a sign of relief too. Let Snufflebabe help care for your snuffly little loved ones this upcoming season.

✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

breaths per minute that interferes with feeding or sleep; babies naturally breathe faster than older children, usually at a rate of 40 breaths per minute or 20–40 breaths during sleep. R apid or hard breathing that makes feeding difficult. F laring nostrils, which is a sign that the baby is struggling to take in air. R etractions, which occur when the baby’s ribs suck in on each breath. M oaning or grunting after each breath. A blue tint to skin, especially around lips or nostrils.

If the baby is not wetting their nappy, starts to vomit, or has a fever, these are signs of a more serious condition and you should call a doctor immediately. Once you have got through the nasal congestion phase with a first baby, it's perhaps less worrying for the next one but don't turn your nose up at the many helpful solutions available! hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 95

20/05/2021 17:25

Don’t let sniffles get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Snufflebabe now offers a whole range of gentle, effective ways to clear all kinds of sniffles. So your little one can breathe, feed and sleep in comfort. And you can find a bit of peace too.

Phoenix Labs.indd 1

09/03/2021 16:06

...and breathe

To find out more about our extended range visit: Always read the label. Phoenix Labs.indd 2

09/03/2021 16:09

Health Check

Getting Over

Teething Problems

Good attention to oral health in early years can save a lot of discomfort, misery and expense in later life

98 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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It is import ant to kee p on top of your kid s’ (and yo u r) dental hygiene. O ral disease s p o se a major health bu rden for m any countr and affect ies people thro ughout th lifetime, ca ei r using pain , discomfo disfigurem rt, ent and ev en death. (Source: W HO).

If the worst happens and a tooth has to be removed, follow proper post-operative procedures to promote healing and prevent bleeding.

✎ Avoid sports and strenuous activities ✎ Discourage your child from fiddling with the socket

✎ Avoid hard foods for a day or so According to Public Health England, tooth decay is the most common oral disease affecting children and young people in England, yet it is largely preventable.

ELECTRIC DREAMS Regular cleaning with a fluoride toothpaste helps prevent and control tooth decay. Start brushing children’s teeth with a children’s toothpaste as soon as the first milk tooth breaks through, twice daily. By the age of three to six, they should be brushing their teeth at least twice daily for about two minutes, and by seven plus they can use adult toothpaste and brush their own teeth. One of the most common questions parents ask is whether electric toothbrushes are better for their children than manual ones. One of the advantages

decay is not okay A recent survey of three-yearolds in England found that 12 per cent had tooth decay. Furthermore, 21 percent of fiveyear-olds had tooth decay in south-east England compared to 35 per cent in north-west England. (Source – Public Health England)

Images: Dreamstime


ral health is something to be attentive to from the moment your child’s first tooth shows for the rest of their lives. The UK is suffering an epidemic of tooth decay caused by sugary foods and drinks, and insuficcient education about oral hygiene. Tooth decay is damage to a tooth caused by dental plaque turning sugars into acid. If the plaque is allowed to build, it can lead to gum disease, holes in the teeth and abscesses. Unfortunately, tooth decay may not initially cause any pain, making it hard to detect. However, if you have dental caries (holes), you may experience toothache, tooth sensitivity, bad breath, or having grey, brown, or black spots appearing on your teeth. To prevent tooth decay, establish good eating habits by limiting sugary snacks and drinks, make regular visits to dentist and learn proper teeth cleaning routines. Younger children should use a children's toothpaste, but be sure to read the label about how to use it. They should brush their teeth twice a day, most importantly before bedtime.

did you know?

20/05/2021 17:26

Health Check


More than 530 millio n children w orldwide su ffer from denta l caries of their milk teeth . (WHO)

of electric toothbrushes is that they can make brushing easier and more convenient, especially for kids. Their rotation and stroke action mean the toothbrush is cleaning all the time, with the right speed and power. Some electric toothbrushes have

HC22 Oral health.indd 99

features designed to make them even more appealing, such as lights, music and sound effects. As well as encouraging your child to brush, this can also help them brush for the recommended amount of time - two minutes, twice a day. hc

Created in 2016 by sister and dentist duo Dr. Lisa and Dr. Vanessa Creaven, Spotlight Oral Care's goal is to create safe, effective oral care solutions for everyone, including children. “Teaching kids to brush teeth and gums twice a day is the first step towards helping them to establish a positive, lifelong relationship with their oral health - and their smile,” says Dr. Lisa. While most generic toothpastes contain questionable ingredients, are tested on animals and are packaged in environmentally damaging toothpaste tubes, Spotlight Oral Care is different. Dr. Vanessa explains, “We provide clean, toxin-free and cruelty-free prescriptive solutions. Our children’s mouths are 50 times more absorbent than their skin, which means we simply can’t settle for less. "Our Toothpaste for Children contains the active ingredient Fluoride which prevents early tooth decay, and the formula delivers gentle cleansing with a mild mint flavour. "All of our toothpastes tubes are made from 100% renewable and recyclable sugarcane." When it comes to toothbrushes, Dr. Lisa and Dr. Vanessa suggest their sustainable bamboo brushes. "Suitable for kids of all ages, the soft bristles gently and effectively clean teeth, they are naturally antibacterial, 100% recyclable and available in 5 colours, making brushing earth-kind and fun!" Find out more at

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 99

20/05/2021 17:25

Spotlight Oral Care.indd 1

06/05/2021 13:39

As mothers and dentists, creating safe, effective oral care solutions for children is our priority. Teaching kids to brush teeth and gums twice a day is the first step towards helping them to establish a positive, lifelong relationship with their oral health - and their smile! Spotlight Oral Care Toothpaste for Children (£5.95 RRP) contains the active ingredient Fluoride, which is clinically proven to prevent early tooth decay, and unlike generic toothpastes, our formulation is clean, toxin-free and cruelty-free, delivering gentle cleansing with a mild mint flavour that won’t overwhelm little taste buds. For cleaning, we recommend our Bamboo Toothbrushes. Suitable for kids of all ages, the soft bristles gently and effectively clean between teeth and along the gum line, where bacteria can form. Naturally antibacterial, 100% recyclable and available in 5 colours, the Spotlight Oral Care Bamboo Toothbrush (£3.95 RRP) makes brushing earth-kind, effective and fun!

Reviewed & Loved “My son has never been keen on brushing his teeth, this all changed with the kids bundle. The bristles are so soft and the toothpaste is mild, brushing his teeth is never a chore.” Joanne K Use code


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The Spotlight Oral Care Kids Care Bundle (£17.95 RRP) includes a Toothpaste for Children, a 5-pack of Bamboo Toothbrushes plus a free, 100% recyclable Brushing Chart to help make cleaning fun.

Spotlight Oral Care.indd 2

06/05/2021 13:39

Growing up

Not Too Posh to Push

Images: Dreamstime

Choosing the right pushchair can be a challenge, but with the help of our easy guide you’ll soon be strolling in comfort

102 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:26

Growing up


trollers, pushchairs, buggies, car seats, travel systems… baby transport can sound unnecessarily complicated. When browsing for pushchairs, you will likely be faced with the choice between a two-piece and three-piece travel system. Most often, a 2-in-1 travel system will come with a frame, seat unit and carrycot. A 3-in-1 system will contain these parts, with an additional car seat. It's helpful to have a 3-in-1 system when travelling as it means you can move the baby between the car and the pushchair with ease - you won’t even need to move them from their seat. Choosing the right car seat can be particularly difficult, as there appear to be lots of variations, but in fact the most important factor is of course that the seat complies with safety regulations, and is compatible with your pushchair. It can make matters more complicated when you buy a pushchair then have to attempt to match up a car seat afterwards. The best option in this scenario could be to get the 3-in-1 travel system. This is the quickest, easiest way to ensure that the car seat will to fit within the frame.

Fast Fact

The J-PROTECT Stroller Visor from JUNIORJONES

Strollers When looking at strollers (lightweight pushchairs), you should look for one that is lightweight and portable, but also strong and sturdy. Ideally a stroller would weigh around six kilograms, usually accompanied by a nylon carry-bag for travelling, and would fold compactly for easy storage. These kinds of stroller are suitable for children from birth up until they reach a weight of fifteen kilograms, approximately three years old. One of the best things about modern strollers is that they can be accessorised according to your needs and the weather. In chilly parts of the year, a universal footmuff is an incredibly useful attachment. Easy to install, they are designed to provide your little one with maximum comfort while also keeping them nice and warm as you move around. In sunnier weather, a parasol can be the perfect addition.

HC23 Pushchairs.indd 103

The J-PROTECT Pushchair Visor from JUNIORJONES is designed for babies and toddlers who cannot wear a face mask. The visor attaches easily to the pushchair hood offering some protection against viruses when out and about in public. It has been designed as a universal product to fit all pushchairs. The design allows airflow to prevent overheating which can potentially happen if using a raincover in warmer weather or indoors such as a supermarket. The visor can be sanitised using a soft clean cloth and a sanitising spray. For more information visit:

Which?’s top safety tip for baby travel system is to check its weight limits. Overloading can lead to instability and damage. You'll find the weight limit in the instruction manual or technical specifications. Most travel systems also have the option of a ride-on seat that can be attached to the back of easy-to-use attachment clips. In fact the range of accessories available is huge, from changing bags and organisers to sun shades, snack trays, toy hangers, and hand muffs – even designs that can hold your mobile phone, so you can watch a movie as you push!

weight factor If you are buying a double buggy, weight may be the main factor; pushing two children can be hard enough without the additional weight of a bulky buggy. You have a choice of side-by-side or tandem models, where one child is seated in front of the other. Your choice may boil down to which type is easiest to fit into your car. Before making any purchase, make sure the product has passed the UK and European Standards EN 1888 for carrycots and strollers, and either the ECE R44 or ECE R129 standards for car seats. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 103

20/05/2021 17:26

FOR BABIES GOING SOMEWHERE Discover the J-CARBON stroller from JUNIORJONES, the ultimate in style, safety and performance. With its stunning and unique fully formed carbon fibre chassis, it is sure to turn heads wherever you go. Other strollers in the JUNIORJONES range include the J-SPIRIT, a stroller with style and substance, the J-CUB, modern, simple and versatile and the Award Winning J-TOURER, our neat, super compact travel companion. All of the strollers in the JUNIORJONES family are suitable from birth, are tested up to 22kgs, feature luxurious fabrics and are fitted with TRU-RIDE 2 Technology as standard to give pure comfort for baby and an ‘effortless push experience’ for you. With every detail considered to maximise comfort and safety, these strollers are for babies who deserve the best of everything.

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Junior Jones.indd 1

15/04/2021 16:30

Junior Jones.indd 2

15/04/2021 16:31

Growing up

Playing Out While kids may want to stay indoors playing with digital devices, it’s more important than ever to get them to play out in the fresh air night if they’ve had some fresh air and sunshine during the day.

✎ I t’s a learning experience - the changing nature of the natural environment makes it an incredibly stimulating and multi-sensory place to play. This is important as babies and young children learn and gain experience through all their senses.

✎ D evelops motor skills – outdoor play lets children use their whole body and develop their gross and fine motor skills. From your garden to the local park and the great outdoors, as they get older, they’ll be able to explore further.

✎ E ncourages a healthy lifestyle – playing outdoors burns off excess energy, provides physical exercise and encourages them to develop healthy habits later in life.

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children enjoy the sensory experience of being outdoors, the exciting views on offer and the opportunity to explore natural objects like plants, stones, and yes, muddy puddles. Don’t tell them, but playing outdoors is actually a learning experience, and the whole family can benefit from being outdoors together.


Here are just some of the benefits of outdoor play for children according to the NCT.

✎ H elps them sleep better - research shows that children sleep better at

✎ T eaches an interest in the environment - children who gain knowledge and appreciation of nature are more likely to become environmentally aware adults.

✎ E ncourages socialisation – playing outdoors, whether it’s in the family or in organised sports, is a great way to make new friends. In fact outdoor play can have a positive benefit for the whole family. Many NCT branches have sling or buggy walks or hold Big Push events where local families can join in 5km walks, so check out your local branch for upcoming events. hc

Images: Dreamstime


laying outside is fun, exciting and important for children’s learning and development. You should get them used to the idea of being outdoors early on in life by taking them for walks in a pram. The National Childbirth Trust (www.nct. has plenty of good advice for getting kids out into the open air to play. The benefit (apart from getting plenty of healthy physical exercise) is in the sensory and mental stimulation which will encourage their imagination, creativity and social development. They’ll embrace the freedom and space the outdoors gives them to shout, jump and run around. From the time when they are babies,

20/05/2021 17:26

The world’s leading maker of hand carved oak garden swings. Available in a number of sizes personalised with the wording of your choice. Engrave with your favourite sayings, children’s names, house names or significant dates. Visit website for more details The Oak & Rope Company.indd 1

19/05/2021 16:46

Growing up

Toy Story

Images: Dreamstime

Educational toys are a great way for your children to learn new skills while having fun. How do you pick the best ones and encourage healthy play?

108 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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20/05/2021 17:27

Growing up


ducational toys are a great way for your child to learn new skills while having lots of fun. They can enhance problem solving, social skills and physical development as well as boosting their confidence and self-esteem. Research shows that learning through play is an important part of a child’s development, and with a huge range of educational toys on the market, you are spoilt for choice. So which are the most valuable in child development? One of the most essential skills toys teach are fine motor skills. This refers to a child’s ability to use the small muscles in their hands, fingers and the thumb. This allows them to pick up small objects, use pencils and crayons, and turn the pages in a book – essential skills that they’ll use throughout their life. The good news is, there are various educational toys designed to help children develop these

HC25 Educational Toys.indd 109

Fast Fact Puppets or dolls made of wood, clay, wax or cloth may be the earliest known toys. Archaeologists have found them in sites from Egypt, Greece and Rome.

skills. These include lacing toys, threading toys and hand-eye coordination activities and games.

Problems Adults encounter problems every day at work or home, but it’s usually easy for us to resolve them and move on. However, for children, problem solving is an important skill that they need to develop gradually over time. This will allow them to solve problems for themselves, making them happier and more independent. Fortunately, it’s possible to encourage the development of problem solving skills from an early age using educational toys. Good problem solving toys including building blocks, magnetic construction kits and puzzles. These encourage them to think ‘outside the box’ which is a key life skill that they will continue to use throughout their lives. In this modern age where children are constantly surrounded by screens, it’s becoming increasingly important for them to socialise with other children. This is the best way for them to develop social skills. Play encourages children to interact, make friends and learn how to develop positive relationships. There are a variety of educational toys available to help children build their skills in social interaction. With the right toys, children can learn teamwork, compromise and patience whilst developing self-confidence and esteem. Great ideas include role play toys such as dress-up costumes, art and crafts activities and board games. Through this

they'll become more creative as they will learn to share ideas with each other, their communication skills will also thrive as they will be able to talk to a variety of different people.

TOY TALK Hand-eye coordination is one of the most important developmental skills. It helps children to learn how to use their eyes to track the movement of their hands, which is essential for activities like reading. It can also significantly impact their handwriting and writing skills, as they use their eyes to guide and control the movement of their hands across the page as they write. One of the best educational toys for improving hand-eye coordination is stacking toys. Building blocks are not only brilliant for developing hand-eye coordination skills, but also for improving spatial awareness and stimulating a child’s imagination. Shape sorting toys, puzzles and balls are also ideal toys for improving this important skill. The better a child is able to communicate, the better his or her quality of life will be. That’s why it’s so important for children to develop this skill as early as possible. Communication starts the moment a child is born when they let their mothers know they’ve arrived safely with that first distinctive cry. As a child grows, it becomes important for a child to learn how to express themselves clearly and confidently using communication skills. While children largely learn to communicate by listening to their parents and copying their words, educational toys can also play an important role. Counting toys, sequencing toys, rhyming books and puppets are excellent examples of toys that promote communication skills.

CREATIVITY Painting, drawing, cutting, pasting, modelling and make-believe are all examples of creative play. Not only do they promote creative thinking – an important skill which has become highly sought after amongst employers – they Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 109

20/05/2021 17:27

Growing up

also help them develop problem solving skills and the ability to concentrate for longer periods of time. There are many educational toys available to help children develop a love of the creative process, including colouring books, play clay, craft activities, drawing toys such as Etch-a-Sketch, wooden blocks and building bricks. When your little one takes an interest in more complex activities, then science kits would be perfect for them. Children can start benefiting from educational toys as early as one month old. Below we have listed some great ideas for educational toys based on age range and an explanation of their benefits.

1-12 months old

At an early age, sensory play helps stimulate your child’s senses. As your child continues to grow and develops hand-eye coordination, families can begin introducing toys that encourage more interaction. This includes mobiles, soothers, infant play, small portable toys with lights and sounds, stackers and blocks.

12-24 months old

2+ years

As your children become a bit older and more active, you can also introduce toys that promote more physical play. In addition, this is the ideal time to start introducing toys that incorporate cognitive skill building. There are many different toys that can help children practice writing – whether they are drawing or writing their names – and their small motor skills. Toys for this 110 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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age bracket include tricycles, basketball hoops, bowling sets, drawing easels, and counting toys. It is through play that children develop fine motor skills, learn how to solve the problems in front of them, how to use their imagination, and how to interact and communicate with others. The toys that you buy for your children now will make a huge difference to them in later life, so think of them as an investment. The kids might just think of them as fun, but they’ll also be gaining skills and experience essential for later life. hc

play hard Toys are big business: the number of game and toy manufacturers in the United Kingdom had increased from 500 in 2011 to 564 in 2015. The turnover of games and toys manufactures in the United Kingdom reached £469 million in 2015.

Images: Dreamstime

As your child reaches the one-year mark or older, they will soon become very mobile. Introducing the right toys to them will help to teach balance and coordination and will increase your child’s curiosity with their new-found mobility. For example, push cars, walkers, themed toys and books, and stride-and-ride toys.

20/05/2021 17:27

Stuck for ideas to keep your kids entertained? The FREE Make Time 2 Play app has hundreds of FREE play ideas to help you out! Download at

@maketime2play British Toy & Hobby Association.indd 1

@maketimetoplay 28/04/2020 13:19

Kidsnewshoes.indd 1

26/03/2021 10:05

Kidsnewshoes.indd 2

26/03/2021 10:05

Growing up

The Heel Deal


here’s a lot going on beneath the surface in a child’s foot. Each of your baby’s feet starts with 22 partially developed bones, which will grow to around 45 by the time they’re five years old. Those will have fused to create 26 fully-formed bones by the time they’re an adult. If you're starting to think about first shoes, chances are that your baby's begun to master the art of cruising. This usually starts between 10 and 18. Pre-walker shoes are designed to protect 114 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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tootsie tip If possible, buy shoes made from natural materials such as leather, cotton or canvas, as these allow air to circulate. Plastic shoes make feet sweaty and can rub and cause fungal infections. Cotton socks are best. (Source: NHS)

little feet once babies are on the move, when they’re crawling and taking those first tentative steps. These shoes will protect feet from bumps and scrapes that can often happen on hard floors and outdoors. They don’t help a baby to walk but can make them feel secure because the rubber sole unit has great grip and can stop slipping. At some point during this time, that magical moment will arrive – your child’s very first independent steps. There’s no need to rush them; all children will develop at their own pace. But once they’ve reached

Images: Dreamstime

Why is it so important to get it right when buying children’s shoes, and what do you need to look out for?

20/05/2021 17:27

Growing up or health visitor. This could be a sign of rickets (a bone deformity), although this is very rare. Another visible problem can be knock knees, when a child stands with their knees together and there's a gap between their ankles. Knock knees usually correct themselves by the age of seven.

Fitting Before you start thinking about shoe colour and styles, it’s good to know the basic features to look out for. This will make sure your toddler’s first shoes allow them to grow normally and comfortably. The College of Podiatry has this handy checklist:

✎ L ook for close-cropped soles to prevent tripping.

✎ M ake sure there’s room for movement and growth built into the shoe.

✎ T ry to get shoes with soft leather uppers for cool, comfortable feet.

✎ C hoose shoes with lightweight, flexible

this stage, the time has come for that next landmark – their first pair of shoes.

Stages Walking is the last of the big milestones a baby will achieve, usually within their first 12-18 months, and a much anticipated day by parents. Babies will first cruise around the furniture, or walk with push along walkers or hands before taking their first steps. Encourage your child to stand at a surface and walk sideways (cruise) to another adjacent surface. You can progressively increase the gap between these surfaces to challenge them further. Encourage the use of a push along walker or brick trolley rather than ‘sit in’ baby walkers. Before the age of 18 months, it is very common for children have a small gap between their knees and ankles when they stand. If the gap is pronounced or doesn't correct itself, check with your GP

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soles to aid walking development. Most brands have pre-walkers, which are super-soft and actually fine for the first few walking months (according to parents we speak to). ✎ L ook for fully adjustable fastenings. ✎ T ry to find shoes with padded ankles for protection and support. Your toddler’s shoe should always have space at the front to allow those tiny toes to wiggle and spread, so check that they have this. A typical toddler will need a new pair of shoes every two to three months

Fast Fact It's common for children aged three and under to walk on their toes. If you have any concerns, talk to your GP or health visitor. (Source: NHS)

until they’re two-and-a-half; after that their rate of growth slows down a little. Children’s feet are very flexible and not particularly sensitive, so they seldom complain of areas of pressure or friction. That means you’ll need to check their shoes fit regularly. It’s also important to get your child’s shoes professionally checked for correct fit more often than you might have thought. This should be done every four to six weeks for children up to three years old, every six to eight weeks from three to four years, and every 10 to 12 weeks thereafter.

Growing pains Do keep checking your child’s shoes fit as children’s feet grow super-fast until they’re five, and their bones need to grow straight. If they’re cramped by tight-fitting shoes or socks, your baby’s soft toe-bones won’t be able to grow properly. Your baby’s feet will be growing up quick just like the rest of them, so it’s important to make sure their second, third and fourth pair of shoes fit just as well as the first! hc

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 115

20/05/2021 17:27

Natural Mineral Water Sourced from the rolling hills of Cumbria

Roxane UK.indd 1

17/05/2021 16:43

Roxane UK.indd 2

17/05/2021 16:44


Water Carry-On! We’re all around 75 percent water, so keeping hydrated is one of the most essential health factors for kids hydrated when they’re in the learning process. Don’t forget to ask about your school’s hydration policy – many will encourage children to bring shatterproof water containers to school with them. Of course, kids will often want to consume sweet or sugary drinks for the taste – fizzy drinks are bad for their teeth and can contribute to obesity, while fruit juices, though healthier, can also be sugary.

FLAVOUR Getting kids to drink pure water can be a challenge, as they often find it lacking in flavour. But there are ways to keep them hydrated without feeling you’re forcing water down them!

✎ O ffer them a variety of drinks, but

118 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

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Why Kids Dehydrate Children are particularly at risk of becoming dehydrated because their bodies are less effective at perspiring, and so retain more heat during physical exertion. Children also tend to be more physically active than adults, so the result is that they lose more bodily water.

And to get them in the water-drinking habit, it’s a good idea to have a regular routine at home, maybe first and last thing in the day, with meals or before or after exercise. hc

Images: Shutterstock


epending on your age and gender, your body may consist of between 60 percent to 80 percent water, and it’s essential to keep this level right to maintain the body’s functions. Water is found both inside and surrounding the cells of the body, and serves essential functions in maintaining cell structure, removing waste, distributing nutrients and oxygen, and servicing the immune system. So what can we do to make sure that kids have enough water in their systems? Levels of hydration can be linked to energy levels, and to stabilising body temperature, as well as factors like physical endurance, concentration and focus, so it’s particularly important for kids to stay

limit the consumption of caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and cola, as these can be diuretic, leading to increased urination I f your child insists on fruit juices, try gradually diluting them with water. S oups and stews have a high water content, and as a dessert, try offering a fruit salad, as many fruits are high in water volume R educe your kids’ meat intake – proteins require additional liquid to metabolise, so cutting down on them improves hydration B e a good role model; if your kids see you drinking water, they will follow

20/05/2021 17:28


Operation OUCH! Are you ready for basic First Aid emergencies? We give you a run-down of the essentials for treating the cuts, scrapes and bumps all kids seem to attract


id you know that schools are obliged to keep a First Aid kit suitable for treating minor cuts, grazes and bumps? It makes just as much sense for you to have the same at home, and to be aware of how to deal with a minor injury to your accident-prone kids. So what should you find in a wellstocked First Aid kit, according to St John Ambulance?

✎ Sterile adhesive dressing pads – a range of sizes

✎ Waterproof plasters, again in a range ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎

of sizes Instant ice pack – for easing pain Sterile cleansing wipes Powder-free gloves Eyewash phial Hand sanitizer Safety pins Rigid tip thermometer Vomit bag Non-woven sterile swabs Microporous tape Eye pad dressing Disposable non-sterile bandage

can’t stop, you should call emergency services straight away. The correct routine for wound treatment

1 Wash your hands. Possibly the most important step in the First Aid process!

A clean cut or tear in the skin is called a laceration. Most lacerations are superficial and will heal easily with self-care, but deeper lacerations may need stitches. A graze or abrasion, scraping or rubbing away of the skin surface, is also usually superficial and will usually heal within a couple of weeks if cared for. But of course if the injury causes serious bleeding you

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2 Stop any bleeding 3 Clean the wound 4 Apply an antibiotic or antibacterial cream

5 Cover the wound with a bandage 6 Look out for signs of infection Bear in mind that there are different types of treatment cream available. Antiseptics

will slow the growth of bacteria, while antibiotics will kill them. Check whether the injured child needs a tetanus injection – it’s recommended if it’s more than 10 years since your child's last tetanus injection, or five years if the wound is dirty, contaminated or deep. If you have managed to clean and dress the wound, keep an eye on it and consult your doctor if the child has any loss of feeling, numbness or inability to move the limb, there is increased redness, swelling, tenderness or heat from the wound, red streaks develop, there is a coloured or smelly discharge or the wound hasn’t healed after two weeks. hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 119

20/05/2021 17:28

Sponsored Editorial


Brulidine Cream is an essential item for your first aid kit and an ideal friend to have around when you have babies and young children

NAPPY RASH According to NHS statistics up to a third of babies and toddlers in nappies will suffer from nappy rash at any one time. Mild cases of nappy rash are very common in the early stages of a baby’s life, and usually this is nothing to worry about as it will clear up quickly following treatment. Most babies with mild nappy rash don’t feel sore, but if the rash is severe they may feel uncomfortable and distressed. Brulidine acts as a nappy rash treatment and is specially formulated to help soothe and heal broken and inflamed skin. Severe types of nappy rash can also be as a result of fungal or bacterial infection but unlike many plain barrier creams, Brulidine contains both antiseptic and antibacterial properties, that can kill certain types of bacteria and fungi to help prevent any secondary infections. Brulidine Cream has been developed to glide easily onto the skin, thus preventing any friction on application . You only need to apply Brulidine 2 – 3 times a day! 120 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

Manx Healthcare_advertorial_r1_LHP.indd 120

BURNS AND SCALDS The antiseptic and anti bacterial properties of Brulidine Cream are also extremely effective in helping to treat minor (superficial) burns and scalds by soothing the skin and helping to stop infection. When treating minor burns and scolds you can apply a pea sized amount of Brulidine Cream 2 or 3 times per day after cleaning the area with cold or Lukewarm water.

For more information visit or email

Images: Shutterstock

Brulidine is both an antiseptic and antibacterial cream , and can be used to treat a whole array of conditions, including minor wounds and ailments of the skin including nappy rash and minor burns. Brulidine cream will help protect both you and your baby from infection and keep wounds clean as they heal.

21/05/2021 11:25

Nappy Rash Burns Minor Cuts Scalds. Treat them all with Brulidine Antiseptic + Antibacterial Cream

Brulidine is both an antiseptic and antibacterial cream. It can be used to treat a whole array of small wounds and skin ailments including nappy rash and minor burns. Brulidine cream will help protect both you and your baby from infection and keep wounds clean as they heal.

Protect your family today by picking up a pack at your local pharmacy. Brulidine Cream: Dibrompropamidine isetionate 0.15% w/w. Indications: For the first aid dressing of minor burns, scalds, abrasions and other open injuries. Also for the treatment of surface infections (due to susceptible organisms), ringworm of the scalp and other superficial fungal infections, pyodermias (including sucosis barbae), otitis externa and nappy rash. Instructions: Always read the label. Date of Preparation: May 2021.

Manx Healthcare_ad_RHP.indd 1

17/05/2021 17:13


Taking a

(Safe) Back Seat


he good news is that according to the Department of Transport the number of children dying or being seriously injured on UK roads has decreased 84 percent since 1979, when 12,458 incidents occurred, to 2013, where the figure stood at 1,980. Part of this is due to the tightening up of laws regarding children in car seats. The law in the UK states that “children must normally use a child car seat until they’re 12 years old or 135 centimetres 122 | Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh

HC16 Car Seats.indd 122

tall, whichever comes first. You can choose a child car seat based on your child’s height or weight.” The choice of car seats, though, can be complicated and confusing. If you are choosing seats based on height, you will be looking at so-called ‘i-Size’ seats. They must be rear-facing until your child is over 15 months old. Your child can use a forward-facing child car seat when they’re over 15 months old. Only EU-approved height-based child car seats can be used

in the UK. These have a label showing a capital ‘E’ in a circle and ‘R129’. When it comes to fitting the seat in the car, you must only use a child car seat if your car’s seat belt has a diagonal strap, unless the seat is either specifically designed for use with a lap seat belt or fitted using ISOFIX anchor points. It is imperative to deactivate any front airbags before fitting a rear-facing baby seat in a front seat, and you must not fit a child car seat in side-facing seats.

Images: Dreamstime

Choosing and using a baby or child car seat can be confusing, but our simple guide will set you on the road to success

20/05/2021 17:22

Parenting TYPES Baby car seats are rearward facing car seats that will usually go in the back of the car. When they get older they will move on to a toddler seat, designed for kids who have outgrown the baby seats but aren't quite big enough for a child car seat or booster seat. Finally, there’s the child booster seat, for when your little one needs a 'boost' so they can safely use an adult seatbelt. The four most important design issues are safety, ease of use (including the child's comfort), style or appearance, and manufacturing feasibility. Strict regulations govern the seat back height, buckle release pressure, type of impact-absorbing foam, the wording of some labels, and much more. The seat must be able to withstand a crash test of either two cars each traveling at 30 mph hitting each other head-on or a car crashing into a parked car at 60mph. After the crash test, the seat must still meet certain performance criteria like buckle release pressure.


Luxury mode Parents will more often than not go for the tried-and-tested, robust, ugly, bulky, car seats. However, there are luxury options for those with a bit more cash to splash, such as the £430 Cybex Ferrari Sirona S I-Size Rear-Facing Car Seat listed on the Harrods website - a mere 10x the price of standard products! Mind you, Harrods does point out that this seat was designed in collaboration with Scuderia Ferrari, and describes it as “allowing fashion-conscious new parents to change up their stroller across the season... this rear-facing car seat is presented by Cybex in collaboration with Scuderia Ferrari. The reclining headrest supports their head and keeps it in the correct position when in transit, while the energyabsorbing shell reduces the impact of any unexpected collisions.”

✎ Car seat fitting clinics occur across the country so drop in and get your car seat checked.

OPTIONS There are a huge range of car seats to suit all ages available from any competent motoring store, from newborn right up to pre-teen, alongside car seat adapters, accessories and Isofix car seat bases. As you’d expect, booster seats are the cheapest - with the least expensive likely to set you back around £10. A standard 9 months-12 years seat may cost you around £40. hc

Clothing Bulky clothing, including winter coats and snowsuits, can compress in a crash and leave the straps too loose to restrain your child, leading to increased risk of injury. Ideally, dress your baby in thinner layers and wrap a coat or blanket around your baby over the buckled harness straps if needed.

Here are some handy tips to keep in mind when purchasing any car seat:

✎ Avoid used car seats as you cannot be sure of their history.

✎ Research and prioritise safety. All seats must pass minimum standards of safety - some manufacturers test way beyond these standards ✎ Get independent advice from your local authority road safety team. Many have been through the IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) course or can direct you to someone experienced. ✎ In stores, ask for the car seat expert and ask what qualifications they have. If they are IOSH approved, they should be able to provide you with their accreditation number. ✎ Make sure your IOSH expert shows you how to fit the seat correctly in your car.

HC16 Car Seats.indd 123

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 123

20/05/2021 17:22

Car Safety Made Simple

From birth to 12 years

Dream i-Size Infant carrier

Motion i-Size 360° Car seat

Birth – 13kg

Birth to approx 4 years

Silver Cross.indd 1

15/04/2021 17:29

Balance i-Size Multi-Stage car seat

Discover Group 2/3

15 months – 12 years

3 to 12 years

Silver Cross.indd 2

15/04/2021 17:30

You Scream I Scream We All Scream For Malibu Sun Cream! Applying sun cream to a child can be a task in itself but this struggle is worth it! Children have much more sensitive skin than adults and damage caused by regular exposure to the sun could lead to skin cancer in later life. This is why applying sun protection to their skin daily is so important. Don’t be fooled by the clouds, the sun’s rays can penetrate through them leaving unprotected skin exposed! Malibu Sun is committed to providing protection from UVA and UVB rays so they can enjoy the outside safely.


i @malibu.sun f @Malibu.Sun.Protection Malibu Health Products.indd 1

17/05/2021 11:14


Dodge the Burn Once summer comes and we’re allowed to go on holiday, you will remember the importance of sunscreen for the kids, won’t you?


ccording to the NHS, there's no completely safe or healthy way to get a tan – and though sunlight is important for the production of Vitamin D, you have to strike a balance between protecting yourself from the sun and getting enough vitamin D from sunlight. The main reason is that sunburn increases your risk of skin cancer – and sunburn doesn’t just happen on holiday. You can get it at home, even in relatively dull weather. Getting a tan does not protect your skin from the sun's harmful effects, and tanning on a sunbed has its own risks - The British Association of Dermatologists advises that people should not use sunbeds or sunlamps as they can be more dangerous than natural sunlight because they use a concentrated source of UV radiation.

HC31 Sunscreen V2.indd 127

Sunscreen should have a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 to protect against ultraviolet-B light, and at least 4-star UVA protection (UVA protection can also be indicated by the letters "UVA" in a circle, which indicates that it meets the EU standard).

Child Protection Take extra care to protect babies and children, as their skin is much more sensitive than adult skin, and damage caused by repeated exposure to sunlight could lead to skin cancer developing in later life. Children aged under six months should be kept out of direct strong sunlight, and older children should wear protection such as a wide-brimmed hat that protects the face, neck and ears, and at least SPF30 sunscreen applied to areas not protected by clothing. hc

Applying sunscreen to children is difficult, but the struggle is worth it! Children have more sensitive skin and damage caused by exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer in later life. Don’t be fooled by clouds the sun’s rays penetrate through leaving unprotected skin exposed! Malibu Sun is committed to providing protection from UVA and UVB rays, fully protecting their skin so they can enjoy the outside safely. @malibu.sun

Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 127

20/05/2021 17:27

DreamTex.indd 1

14/05/2021 14:05


Duvet Dreams

Let your kids go wild with our five top ideas for bedroom decoration



3 4



Asher’s Room

This project from was created for a boy who has special needs including ADHD and sensory processing disorder, who was having difficulty sleeping. Soothing cream colours, a diffuser with calming scents and sensory accessories help fulfill his needs. He loves his new-look room and now sleeps a full night!


Ava’s Room

This low loft bunk has been converted into a ‘playhouse’ with a cotton-polyester ‘tent’ consisting of panels which are attached and removed using Velcro. For a quick start in the morning there’s also a slide, but we’d advise having some cushions at the bottom!

HC19b Bedroom Designs.indd 129


Hannah’s Room

This wall decoration technique uses fake ‘frame tape’ to display Hannah’s artwork. The paintings are hung using mounting putty, and can be replaced as each new masterpiece is produced!


Carson’s Room

This design from uses a suspended bed to create more floorspace for play and creative time. The chains are connected to roof trusses

for security, the bed is bolted to walls at the head and side to prevent swinging, and there’s a removable siderail that slides under the mattress for night-time safety.


Leilani’s Room

This paint makeover used Frogtape paint masking tape from Shurtape to create geometrical wall patterns. Frogtape has a special formulation to prevent paint bleed and create beautifully sharp lines – the creative bit is up to you! hc Healthy Child with Dr Ranj Singh | 129

20/05/2021 18:18


Treasury Wine Estates.indd 1

14/05/2021 13:16

WHY LINDEMAN’S ALCOHOL FREE? The Lindeman’s winery was founded 176 years ago and has become one of the icons of Australian winemaking. Our wines have won over 900 awards globally and are enjoyed by more than 80 million people in over 100 countries across the globes.

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Working alongside the Carbon Trust, we are proud to have been certified Carbon Neutral on our Lindeman’s product range in Europe, to the PAS 2060 standard. Taking small steps to make a big difference, join our journey.

Available to buy in Asda, Morrisons and Tesco

*Lindeman’s Alcohol Free Chardonnay / Pinot Noir Muscat, Alcohol Free Semillon Chardonnay and Alcohol Free Cabernet Sauvignon wines contain no more than 0.5% ABV

Treasury Wine Estates.indd 2

14/05/2021 13:16

NourishedOfficial_OBC.indd 1

19/05/2021 17:09

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