Data sift to provide brands with consumer insights through topic data

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Data Sift to Provide Brands with Consumer Insights through Topic Data Fa e ook has i trodu ed a e produ t Topi Data that ill pro ide i sights to arketers o discussions being held across the social media site by users. Facebook has partnered with DataSift to launch this new product in the US and UK. As re ealed y Fa e ook, Topi data sho s arketers hat audie es are sayi g o Fa e ook a out e e ts, ra ds, su je ts a d a ti ities. Facebook is hoping this information will help brand develop products that are yet not available but wanted by people. Topic Data gives a brand the advantage of knowing when the time is right to make a move onto its target audience. Sentiment, location, volume of mentions and words that are being mentioned along a brand can be pulled by interested marketers.

Twitter has already been offering such services for some time. Facebook on the other hand might have waited for so long because of the arising privacy concerns among users that are sure to follow. Through Topic Data, Facebook has tried to offer a privacy-safe way for brands to seek information without infringing on any personal information of users. This has been made sure by aggregating and anonymizing the data thereby restricting brands from knowing who exactly said what on Facebook

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