Voice of the Fields California
October 2020
Volume 30, Number 10
Make Your Voice Heard this Election
OTING IN STATE AND NATIONAL ELECTIONS means that you can make your voice heard and decide on policies that will affect you and your family for years to come. By casting your ballot, you are directly influencing decisions on labor laws, school policies, elected officials, and many other issues. Families and communities are directly impacted by election outcomes and that requires your input to make a difference. In the United States, Latinos make up Registering to Vote 18% of the population and 13% of eligible voters, indicating that the Latino community is one of the largest electorates in the country. However, they are also one of the most underrepresented in elections and politics. There is a massive opportunity to amplify Latino voices and the issues that matter most to the community by voting in upcoming elections. This year’s General Election will determine this country’s next President, and will also decide congressional leadership that will represent your district, in addition to a host of other ballot measures that directly impact you on a local level. First, determine whether or not you are eligible to vote in the upcoming election on November 3rd. Then, make sure you are registered to vote. Finally, cast your ballot by voting by mail or in person. The future of your family depends on it. Eligible voters include those that are: A United States Citizen and resident of California Will be 18 years or older on Election Day Not currently serving state or federal prison time (or parole) for felony convictions Not currently deemed mentally incompetent to vote by court decision
You can register to vote online or by obtaining a paper voter registration application. To register to vote online, visit www.sos. ca.gov/elections/voter-registration. The website is available in English and Spanish, and you can switch languages by clicking the “Change Language” tab in the upper lefthand corner of the webpage and selecting “Español.” You can obtain a paper voter registration application by visiting your county elections office, library, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices, or U.S. post office. If you would prefer that an application be mailed to you, you can call (800) 345-VOTE. However, keep in mind that the deadline to register is fast approaching and registering online or by picking up an application may help you avoid missing the registration deadline. Your application must be completed and postmarked (or hand-delivered) to your county elections office at least 15 days before the election on November 3rd. To find out if you are already registered to vote, visit voterstatus.sos.ca.gov. Whether you register to vote online or by paper application, your registration must be postmarked or submitted online no later than October 19, 2020.
To find your county elections office and their contact information, you can visit www.sos.ca.gov/elections/votingresources/county-elections-offices or call Secretary of State’s toll-free Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683).
How to Vote
Voters can vote by mail or in person. Across the country, more and more people are voting by mail to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Despite claims about voteby-mail fraud, studies have shown that mail-in ballots are not susceptible to fraud or misuse. To vote by mail, simply fill out the mail-in ballot delivered to all eligible California voters. Earlier this year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an Executive Order requiring that all eligible voters be sent a mail-in ballot automatically. Any registered voter can cast their ballot and return it by mail or in person by November 3, 2020: If you are returning your mail-in ballot by mail, it must be postmarked by November 3, 2020 If you are returning your mail-in ballot in person, you must do so by delivering it to your county elections office or any polling place in your county by 8:00pm on November 3, 2020 To vote in person, you can vote at the polls on Election Day or check to see if your county is offering early voting locations. Contact your county elections office for inContinued on page 4