Voice january 2014

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FA R M   L A B O R   I N F O R M AT I O N   B U L L E T I N

Voice of the Fields California

January 2014


Unemployment Insurance


he Unemployment Insurance Program, also known as UI, provides workers who lose their steady income with weekly monetary payments. The UI program pays benefits to individuals to help pay for necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. The UI program is administered by the Employment Development Department (EDD). We have asked the EDD for their most commonly asked questions, and we have answered them for you below:

What are the eligibility requirements? To be entitled to benefits, you must be: Out of work due to no fault of your own, physically able to work, actively seeking work and ready to accept work.

How soon can I file a UI claim? If you have been laid off or are working less than 40 hours a week because work is slow, you should file a claim right away. Call the EDD Unemployment line at 1-800-300-5616 (English) or 1-800-326-8937 (Spanish). Representatives are available to help you over the phone from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on state holidays. You can also visit the EDD’s website http://www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/ to open/re-open your claim. What is the correct way to report weekly earnings on your UI form? You should add up the hours you have worked in a week, and multiply that number by your hourly wage. This amount is what you must report on your UI form. You must report the total amount earned before deductions. You should not wait until you receive your paycheck to report your earned wages, the wages must be reported when you work, not when you get paid. Reporting wages incorrectly may jeopardize your eligibility to receive benefits. How much can I expect to receive from my Unemployment Insurance claim?

Weekly benefit amounts range from a minimum of $40 to a maximum of $450 depending on the claimant’s earnings.

If I work with different companies in a week, how do I report how much money I earned from each employer, and which of the companies do I need to report as the last company I worked for each week? You must add together all of the hours worked in a week for each employer; you then multiply this number by the hourly wage for each employer. This is what should be reported on your UI benefits’ form each week. If you worked for more than one employer during the same week, be sure and list the last day you physically worked during the week and list the name and address of the last employer. You must report all the money you earned and all the employers you worked for. I have tried to call the EDD to open an unemployment benefits claim, but I am unable to get through to a representative. While I am trying to contact the EDD, I am called back to work. What can I do regarding the weeks that I did not work and was unable to file a claim via the telephone? If you want to file a claim for the previous weeks, you must call the EDD and give the reason why you were unable to file a claim as soon as you qualified for benefits. Depending

Volume 24, Number 1 on your reason, the department will mail you a telephone appointment to determine whether or not your reason for not calling sooner is valid. It’s important that you call as soon as you‘re no longer working, no matter the reason. If I have exhausted my UI benefits, how soon can I apply for benefits again? You may open a new claim after one year has elapsed from the date of your original application. Before re-applying, you should contact the EDD to see if you qualify for a Federal extension. What do I need to do to qualify or get an extension if I have not found a job or the season has not started and I have exhausted my UI benefits? If you exhaust your unemployment benefit money but cannot open a new claim because a year has not passed since the initial claim, the EDD will automatically file for an extension on your behalf as long as you are eligible and the Federal Government is offering them. As an agricultural worker you may have been out of work for quite some time, and your UI benefits may be close to expiration. If this is the case, you need to contact the EDD to inform them you will be back to work, as you may be exempt from having your claim expire. If I am working part-time in another state, but also have wages from California, can I file a claim from outside of California? Yes. You may call in from any state to open or re-open an unemployment claim. Your claim may be based on wages earned from both states. What happens if at one point I was working without the proper legal documents, but since then I have become a legal resident. Can I collect unemployment benefits? You must be in this country legally to be Continued on next page

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