Voice of the field august 2014

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FA R M   L A B O R   I N F O R M AT I O N   B U L L E T I N

Voice of the Fields California

August 2014


Back to School


ith summer coming to an end, a new school year will begin. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that your student has a successful school year. your student(s) is protected from danImmunizations California State Law requires students to be vaccinated for various diseases. It is important to check with your health care provider prior to the start of the school year to ensure that

gerous diseases. The law does allow legal guardians to submit an exemption form for immunization based on personal beliefs or medical conditions.

Volume 24, Number 8

Nutrition for a Healthy Mind

Another way to keep your student healthy is to ensure that he or she eats nutritional meals. If you are financially unable to provide your student with meals, you may qualify for the State Meal Program. This program is Continued on next page

Immunizations Required For School Entry: Grades K-12 Vaccine

Required Doses n  4 doses at any age.


n  3 doses meet requirement for ages 4–6 years if at least one was given on or after the 4th birthday. n  3 doses meet requirement for ages 7–17 years if at least one was given on or after the 2nd birthday. n  Age 6 years and under: DTP, DTaP or any combination of DTP or DTaP with DT (diphtheria

and tetanus)

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis

n  5 doses at any age.

n  4 doses meet requirements for ages 4–6 years if at least one was on or after the 4th birthday.

n  Age 7 years and older: Tdap, Td, or DTP, DTaP or any combination of these 4 doses at any age. n  3 doses meet requirement for ages 7–17 years if at least one was on or after the 2nd birthday. n  If last dose was given before the 2nd birthday, one more (Tdap) dose is required.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

n  Age 4-6 years (kindergarten and above): 2 doses either on or after 1st birthday. n  7th grade: 2 doses either on or after 1st birthday.

n  Age 7-17 years and not entering or advancing into 7th grade: 1 dose on or after 1st birthday.

Hepatitis B

Age 4-6 years (kindergarten and above): 3 doses.


1 dose

Tdap Booster (Tetanus, reduced diphtheria, 7th grade: 1 dose on or after 7th birthday. and pertussis)

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