Grain - Belgrade photo month New talents 2017

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GRAIN Digital

Elektronski magazin za dokumentarnu i uliÄ?nu fotografiju


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Uvod Prva nagrada: Luka Trajković Druga nagrada: Paweł Starzec Treća nagrada: Oleksandr McQuartz

Ostali učesnici 036 Aurelija Karaliunaite 046 Ružica Milovanović 058 Isabel Rosado 068 Julia Pamies 080 Milutin Marković 092 Pablo Miranzo

uvod Pred Vama je posebno izdanje “New talents 2017”, nastalo u saradnji sa festivalom fotografije “Belgrade photo month” koji se ove godine po drugi put održava u Beogradu i s tendencijom da postane jedan od najvažnijih fotografskih događaja u ovom dijelu Evrope. Grain kao medijski partner u posebnom izdanju posvećenom konkursu “Novi talenti” donosi radove nagrađenih fotografa, kao i učesnika finalista konkursa. Pobjednik ovogodišnjeg konkursa je mladi beogradski fotograf Luka Trajković sa serijo fotografija pod nazivom U podnožju Eagle Hills-a Ovogodišnji žiri:

IMPRESSUM: Digital Grain, elektronski magazin za dokumentarnu i uličnu fotografiju Specijalni broj “New talents” u saradnji sa Belgrade Photo Month festivalom Izvršni direktor: Marina Kovačević Urednik: Igor Čoko Ko/urednik ovog broja: David Pujado Saradnici: Momčilo Uzunović, Mira Vujović Izdavač: Centar za rehabilitaciju imaginacijom Izlazi periodično. Kontakt: Sve fotografije objavljene u magazinu GRAIN isključivo su vlasništvo samih autora i nije dozvoljeno njihovo preuzimanje i korišćenje u bilo koju drugu svrhu bez njihove saglasnosti.

Milan Živković – Photographer and Teacher ReFoto Studio and School of Photography Boogie – Photographer – Nikola Lautliev, Phd – associate professor at the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in Plovdiv Graham Diprose – Speos Institute, Paris & London, UK Academic Advisor Fernando Bayona – Plastic Artist & Cultural Manager – Uživajte u novom broju!

Marina Kovačević i Igor Čoko

Prva nagrada 1st Prize

Luka Trajković

Serijom fotografija pod nazivom U podnožju Eagle Hills-a imao sam nameru da kreiram univerzalnu priču o sudbini i propasti jednog naroda kroz svedočenje o svakodnevici emigranata trenutno smeštenih u napuštenim beogradskim skladištima. Baš zbog sveprisutnosti ove teme, pokušao sam da lišim svoju priču vremenskog okvira i time jasnije ukažem na ovaj ogroman svetski problem. Luka Trajković je rođen 1994. godine u Beogradu u Srbiji.

Luka Trajković

Through a photography series titled In the Foothills of the Eagle Hills witnessing everyday life of immigrants currently housing abandoned Belgrade warehouses, I intended to create an universal story on fate and downfall of a nation. Due to the omnipresence of the topic of the migrant crisis, I wanted to deprive my story of its time context thereby pointing out to that huge world problem more clearly. Luka Trajković was born in 1994 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Druga nagrada 2nd Prize Paweł Starzec

Makeshift is a project on rewriting history of mass atrocities of Bosnian War and erased historical context of locations where they were carried out. In most cases, places used to commit atrocities are renovated to serve their former purpose as public housing buildings or other kind of public facilities. History is a collectively set narrative, so it has the ability of being rewritten from a scratch in order to omit things that have to be forgotten. In present Bosnia, most of the people were directly or indirectly affected by Bosnian War of 1992-1995. The entire landscape bears contamination which newly written history wants to erase. Paweł Starzec was born in 1992 in Wrocław, Poland.

Pavel Stažec

Projekat Makeshift govori o prepravljanju istorije masovnih zločina počinjenih tokom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini i brisanju istorijskog konteksta lokacija na kojima su se oni dogodili. U većini slučajeva mesta na kojima su počinjeni zločini su renovirana kako bi bila ponovno privedena prethodnoj funkciji koju su imala kao stambene zgrade ili prostori javne namene. Istorija je narativ koji se kolektivno izgrađuje, pa je moguće od početka je ponovo napisati izostavljajući stvari koje treba da budu zaboravljene. Najveći deo stanovništava današnje Bosne je bio posredno ili neposredno pogođen ratom koji je trajao od 1992. do 1995. godine. Ceo taj prostor zagađen je događajima koji treba da budu izbrisani ponovnim pisanjem istorije. Pavel Stažec je rođen 1992, u Vroclavu u Poljskoj.

Treća nagrada 3rd Prize Oleksandar Mekvarc

SurrealReal je nadrealistički fotografski projekat koji čini serija fotogarfija snimljenih u različitim enterijerima. Ideja je bila da se običan svakodnevni prostor pretvori u mesto na kom se odvija nadrealni scenario, a da se posmatrač ostavi da se pita o poreklu te fotogarfije. Odatle i naziv SurrealReal (NadrealnoRealno): ideja i nadrealni lik + realni prostor daju fotografski rad sa nadrealističkim prizvukom. Realnost ne postoji, realnost je ono u šta verujemo. To su prostori u kojima sam ja bio, prostori u kojima principi realnosti ne funkcionišu na uobičajen način. Oleksandar Mekvarc je rođen u Červenogradu u Ukrajini, a živi u Španiji.

Oleksandr McQuartz

SurrealReal is a surrealistic photographic project that consists of photo series shot in different interior sceneries. The idea was to convert a common everyday space into a place where a surreal scenario is unfolding and let the viewer wonder about the history of that photography. That’s why the name of the series is SurrealReal: idea and surreal character + real space leads to a photographic work with a surrealistic flavor. Reality does not exist, reality is what you believe in. Those are the spaces that I have been in, the spaces where principles of reality do not function as usual. Oleksandr McQuartz was born in 1992 in Chervonograd, Ukraine, but lives in Spain.

Aurelija Karaliunaite The first cities started to grow a few thousand years ago. It seems as a long period compared to the lifespan of a human being. Yet it is only a mere blink of an eye in contrast to the time needed for an organism to adapt to its surroundings. Rapidly advancing habitats, social relations and evolving tools are challenging humans in the ability to accommodate the change. And still, the human eye is adapted to see mostly green color tones. "The Incarnations" is a series of atmospheric portraits trying to depict the ongoing change of one's personal projections and the ease which is felt when we remember the sometimes forgotten part of ourselves.

Ružica Milovanović A multimedia project PROCES is based in three parts: - photography - sculpture - video The idea of this project is to show the process of making from the start, from three different perspectives. Viktor Kiss made a man sculpture from iron belts, Ruzica was capturing the process from her point of view and making some collage photos, and Nikola made a video about Viktor in his workshop.

Isabel Rosado “The Truth Is Out There” is a photographic project about an unsolved mystery. Something odd happen in an ordinary house, the FBI begins an investigation, but the mystery is never resolved. The project shows the scenarios where all this could happen. However, these are not just places, they are models in miniature made by hand with cardboard, although their photographs are taken from a realistic point of view imitating actual light that made us look at them twice. We can recognise in some of them references from the TV serie “The X files” with artistic license. The aim of “The Truth Is Out There” is to show fictional places through the truth hunter, the camera. The truth of a photography is always behind itself, and this project evidences that. Besides, the use of cardboard take us to childhood and crafts, when the main theme of these images is far from childish, which is another irony. All the sets from the project were destroyed after finishing the pictures. Everything was build with the only purpose of being registered by the camera, because in the end, what lasts is the photography, not the places nor the moments, but the images.

Julia Pamies We hide secrets. We have secrets inside, deep in ourselves; maybe it’s a thought, maybe it’s a moment, a dream, a desire… It’s so immersed inside that sometimes we don’t even realize it’s there. The mind is complex, the heart is complex, and in between lie time and memories carried by our being. Only we lighten our memories by thinking them, dreaming them, sharing them. The light of these moments irradiates through our surroundings, our conversations, our laughs, our gatherings with friends... But this soft blueish light is shy and frosty. It’s a light that dies before it could cross the thick darkness that surrounds some of our feelings and thoughts; not even the smallest glimmer could escape. Humans, each and everyone. We incarnate our biological pattern, our nature is adjusted and altered by the contact of society and the environment. Like ADN, we conserve the mark that records our path. Every mark is different: we share feelings and sensations, but that doesn’t mean that we are the same way. We have the same mechanism but we don’t fabricate the same fabric. That’s why everyone is unique inside this shared psychological and physiological similarity. Dissimilarities are far more valuable. They’re the way in which we assimilate every moment and how they mold us. It’s the way in which we fight or perhaps not fight for our big little secret, our “I” that only oneself can appreciate with one’s own viewpoint. There are some who hold it with strength, others in a more gentle way, and others simply carry it on their backs with rejection. These are ten surreal portraits of beings personifying their own secret. All the represented individuals of this project are characterized by their facial trait, the mark: they are similar in texture and color, but not in shape. The shape expresses the authenticity of every person inside the biological affinity that we share. We are similar but we are unique. No one will ever be able to totally discern how we are. We all share this collective discretion. This Unknown Light that we will never expose to the real world, that will die with us.

Milutin Marković Displaced Migrants on the Balkan route, mostly from Afghanistan and Pakistan, shelter from cold weather in Belgrade's abandoned warehouses. They call it Cardem. Few volunteer non-governmental organizations help them with food, medicine and clothes. They stay in touch with their friends and family using social media apps like Facebook and Whatsapp on their personal mobile phones. They spend their time playing sports using improvised props and singing with the backing of music produced by banging on plastic cans. Even in sub-freezing weather they keep their personal hygiene by bathing outdoors every day, usually naked. They warm up by burning possibly cancerogenic railroad ties moved there because of the construction of the Belgrade Waterfront. Born in Belgrade 1998, Markovic is currently completing his final year of high school at Mihajlo Pupin in Belgrade. Since developing an interest in photography during 2015 he currently works in the national press agency Tanjug as a photojournalist. With a keen interest in documentary photography and photojournalism, he also works on various other independent documentary projects within Serbia.

Pablo Miranzo The State of Veracruz, in Mexico, was a peaceful area until recently. Today it is immersed in a spiral of violence due to fights between different narco groups over the control of the area. The former governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte, escaped justice on October 17, 2016 after being accused of corruption and collaboration with organized crime. Thousands of people have seen their relatives disappear. Some bodies appear in the sides of the roads of Veracruz. Others disappear forever, tying the mothers to a never­â€?ending quest to discover the truth about what has happened to their sons. Lots of people with missing relatives feel that the most difficult thing is not being able to say their last goodbyes to them. The disappearance makes the families live in despair and anxiety, since it's impossible for them to know if their relative is dead or alive. This photographs try to face the feeling of absence, doubt and sometimes fear among the relatives of the missing people in Veracruz.

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