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The Taiwan Malacofauna I. Gastropoda-Archaeogastropoda

Wen-Lung Wu, Ph. D. ( Manchester, UK ) Research Fellow and Professor of Zoology Institute of Zoology and Research Center for Biodiversity Academia Sinica Taipei 115-29, TAIWAN Telephone : 02-27899547 02-27899553 Fax : 02-27899547 E-mail : zomalacolg@ccvax.sinica.edu.tw Web-site : http://shell.sinica.edu.tw


Copyright @ 2003 by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, TAIWAN 37, Nanhai Road, Taipei 100, TAIWAN

Editorial Ofice Laboratory of Malacology Institute of Zoology and Research Center for Biodiversity Academia Sinica Taipei 115-29, TAIWAN

On the Cover : Photograph of the Taiwan Archaeogastropods by Yen-Chen Lee and Wen-Lung Wu

GPN : 1009204454 ISBN : 957-01-5923-5 First published 2003



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CHEN JTF 1960 A check-list of mollusk shells of the Biology Department, Science College, Tunghai University. Biological Bulletin, Tonghai University, 2: 1 - 16. CHEN TC, LIAO KY and WU WL 1993 The research and evaluation on Corbiculafluminea from Taiwan (Bivalvia:Corbiculidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 17: 37-49. CUMING H 1865 List of species of mollusks recently collected by Mr. R. Swinhoe in Formosa. Proceedings Zoological Society of London, 1 865: 196- 197. DAI RS and WU WL 1988 Historical review and outlook on the studies of abalone from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 14: 93-106. DAVIS GM 1968 A systematic study on Oncomelania hupensis chiui (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). Malacologia, 7: 1 7-70. HABE T 1942 Classification of Japanese Assimineidae. Venus, 12: 32-56. HABE T 1943 Supplemental notes with corrections on the Japanese Assimineidae. Venus, 13: 96- 106. HIRASE S 1932 Notes on Formosa Lymnaea. Biologica, 2: 1-15. HORIKAWA Y 1935a A list of fresh-water shells of Taiwan. Venus, 5: 26-33. HORIKAWA Y 1935b Distributions of fresh-water shells of Taiwan. Transactions Natural History Society of Taiwan, 25: 226-23 1. HORIKAWA Y 1937 Human life in relation to the fresh-water shells of Taiwan. Trasactios Natural History Society of Taiwan, 27: 177-182. HUBENDICK B 195 1 Recent Lymnaeidae. Their variation, morphology, taxonomy, nomenclature, and distribution. K. svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl., (Ser. 4), 3 : 1-223. HSIEH PJ and WU WL 1999 The shell characters of Clausiliidae from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 23: 47-54. JIANG L, WU WL and HUANG PC 1995 The mitochondria1 DNA of Taiwan abalone Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, 1846 (Gastropoda:Archaeogastropoda:Haliotidae). Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnolgy, 4(4): 353-364. KANO T 1933 Zoogeography of Botel Tobago. Chirigaku Hyoron, 9: 59 1-6 13. KURODA T 1929a Note on the nomenclature of the Japanese species of the genus Viviparus. Venus, 1: 98- 102. KURODA T 1929b On Japanese Melanians. Venus, 1 : 179- 193. KURODA T 1932 Land molluscan fauna of Kotosho, Taiwan. Venus, 3: 187-192. KURODA T 1939 Angulate pond snail from Taiwan. Venus, 9: 47-49. KURODA T 1941a A catalogue of Molluscan shells from Taiwan (Formosa), with descriptions of new species. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University, 22(4): 65-2 16.

KURODA T 1941b Description of a new pond snail from Taiwan. Venus, 10: 129-130. KURODA T 1962 Notes on the Stenothyridae (Aquatic Gastropoda) from Japan and adjacent regions. Venus, 22: 59-69. LEA I and LEA HC 1850 Descriptions of a new genus of the family Melaniana, and of many new species of the genus Melania, chiefly collected by Hugh Cuming, Esq., during his zoological voyage in the East, and now first described. Proceedings Zoological Society of London, 1850: 179-197. LEE YC and WU WL 1996 Study on Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1819) in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 20: 43-50. LEE YC and WU WL 1997 A new Olivid (Gastropoda: Olividae) from the South China Sea. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 21 : 29-32. LEE YC and WU WL 1998a A new Trochid (Gastropoda: Trochidae) from the Kue-Shan Is., NE of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 22: 57-60. LEE YC and WU WL 1998b A new subgenus and three new species of Epitoniid (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 22: 6 1-66. LEE YC and WU WL 200la The Cyclophorids fauna of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 25: 45-78. LEE YC and WU WL 200 1b Four new bathyl Trochids (Gastropoda: Trochidae) from Indo-Pacific region. Memoir of the Taiwan Malacological Society, 1: 10-13. LIN HJ, SHAO KT, CHIOU WL, MAA WCJ, HSIEH HL, WU WL, SEVERINGHAUS, LL and WANG YT 2003 Biotic communities of freshwater marshes and mangroves in relation to saltwater incursions: implications for wetland regulation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 1 2: 647-665. MARTENS E von 1879 Die Gattung Neritina. In: Systematisches Conchylien Cabinet, von MARTINI und CHEMNITZ, Vol. 2, Pt. 10. 303p, 33 pl. (Edited by KUSTER, H.C. von BAUER und RASPE) Nurnberg, German. MATUDA EA 1924a Taiwan no kai mi-umi-Gai, 1. Transactions Natural History Society of Taiwan, 14: 1-4, 1-40. MATUDA EA 1924b Taiwan no Kai mi mokuroku, 11. Transactions Natural History Society of Taiwan, 14: 40-59.

MOLLENDORFF OF von 1888 Materialien zur fauna von China. Malakozool. Blatt., 10: 132-143. MORI S 1938 Classification of the Japanese Planorbidae. Mem. Coll. Sci., Kyoto Imp. Univ. (Ser.

B), 14: 279-300, pl. 12-18. PACE G 1973 Freshwater snail of Taiwan (Formosa). Malacological Review, Supplement, 2: 1-108.







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WU WL 1982 Phylogenetic studies of Taiwan freshwater mussels (Biva1via:Unionidae). Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 2 l(1): 145-153.

WU WL 1985 The history review and overlook on the Malacological Research in Taiwan. Chinese Fisheries Monthly, 396: 2 1-23

WU WL 1988 Studies on the radulae of Taiwan molluscs, 11. SEM study on the radulae of Archaeogastropods. Proceedings of IVth Asia-Paczjic Conference and Workshop on Electron Microscopy, Bangkok, Thailand, 1988: 477-4 80.

WU WL 1989a SEM studies on the radulae of the Taiwan molluscs. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Supplement, 14: 9 1- 100.

WU WL 1989b Microarchitecture of the shell from Taiwan marine mollusks. Abstracts for the Third ROC-ROK Seminar on Oceanpgraphy, 1989:63.

WU WL 1991 SEM comparison on radula of six Taiwanese archaeogastropods. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 30(4): 299-3 10.

WU WL 1998a The Malacofauna of Taiwan Mangrove wetlands. In: Mangroves of Taiwan. p.56-93. Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, Nan-Tou, Taiwan.

WU WL 1998b The Taiwan Melongenidae. The Pei-Yo, 24: 7-12. WU WL, LAN TC, LEE YC, LA1 CY and CHONG PS 1999 Latin-Chinese / Chinese-Latin Seashells Names Dictionary in the World. (Ed. WU WL), V+476. The Aquaculture Press, Keelung, Taiwan.

WU WL 2000a The Economic Mollusks in Taiwan (with CD). IV+103. The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, Republic of China. Taipei, Taiwan.

WU WL 2000b EM studies on Taiwan mollusks. Instruments Today, NSC, 2 l(4): 4 1-50. WU WL and CHANG KH 1977 Species diversity of molluscan fauna in Chin-Shan area, northern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 4: 25-29.

WU WL and CHANG KM 1979 Geographical variation in the landsnail, Formosana swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1865) from northern Taiwan (Pulmonata:Clausiliidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 6: 33-45.

WU WL and CHANG KM 1980 Geographical variation of the landsnail, Hemiphaedusa exilis (Adams, 1866) from northern Taiwan (Pulmonata:Clausiliidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 7: 73-85.

WU WL, CHANG PJ and LEE YC 2000 Tha Malacofauna of Kinmen. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 24: 47-52.

WU WL and CHANG PJ 2000 The Common Mollusks in Kinmen. III+58. The Kinmen Fisheries Research Institute, Kinmen, Republic of China.

WU WL, HSIEH PJ, WU SP and WU SK 1997 The Landsnails fauna of Tai-Tung County, Taiwan. The Taitung Historical Journal, New No. 1: 68-83.

WU WL and HUANG YR 1988 Studies on the radulae of Taiwan molluscs, 111. Comparison on the radulae of landsnails and marine molluscs. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, Republic of China, 14: 63-92. WU WL, LEE YC and CHANG KM 1999 The Taiwan Landsnail Databank. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 23: 29-32.

WU WL and LIN H 1987 Studies on the radulae of Taiwan mollusks, I. Functional morphology of the radulae in four gastropods. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, Reupublic of China, 13: 5 1-60. WU WL and LIU HP 1988 Malacological reserch on Meretrix resources in Taiwan, 11. History review and evaluation on the studies of the Taiwan Meretrix. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 14: 49-6 1 . WU WL and WU SK 1995 The molluscan fauna and distribution of the Mangrove wetlands in Taiwan. Proceedings of Symposium on Mangrove Ecosystem, 1 995: 1 55- 1 78. YANG MN and WU WL 1996 Study on Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Republic of China, 20: 3 1-42. YU HP, WU SK, WU WL, DAI CF and CHEN CP 1992 Investigation of Marine Invertebrates in Taiwan. The Biological Resources of Taiwan: A Status Report. Academia Sinica, Monograph Series No. l 1 : 159- 17 1 .

Institute of Botany,

E3@ SB5.36 : it%i&E-itm&a~ E $ S % ESitf$$U% @E %B 7G 3g:B %ltB%%, BHf$@!&. &Ill$ . %?%: ?3Hi&EBW{&a @@%%%a BHm'&%B; $%i&E - R?ef$SGB ; %%i&EE%%g: HEbi&E- R%$%%%lEB?E ; &,%i&E - &FTf$f&M

Notoacmea schrenckii (Lischke, 1868)


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. 100048 .100315 . 100318 ~ 2 0 0 0 10 ~200008. 200009 .200014 .200016 .200017 .200019 ~200020.20002 1 .200022 .

: 000 102 000 151 .000274

200023. 2 0 0 0 8 2 ~ 2 0 0 1 1 8200142 ~

@E3$,!! 2B5.36 itSbi&E- SitA$B?.'W/&E

Notoacmea schrenckii gloriosa Habe, 1944

@%zJ&f : 100298


Patelloida lentiginosa (Reeve, 1855)


SB5.36 : itSbi&E BR#$%?% ; R%i&E E%#%/j\R% @%ZJ&f : 200001 -




Patelloida pygmaea (Dunker, 1860)

SB5.36 : itSbi&E itSF&@ , BJ@$$UTE, Sit!!%azm ?BE $US % itB?&@ BRf$Z% %?% %fw&a : ?3H&E-WM@f3 :% %i&E-EB?@ES%#%&E : &Ri&E - &FTf$f&M /j\&FT -


@%xJ&f : 000027 ~000088.000 102 .00015 1 .000274 . 100048 . 100318 ~ 2 0 0 0 10 . 200013 .200014 ~200020.200021 .200022 .200023 .200024 .200082 . 200142 Patelloida pygmaea lampanicola (Habe, 1944) %%@

SB5.36 : SW/&f3

@%z@ : 100048



Patelloida pygmaea forma conulus (Dunker, 186 1)

SB5.36 : &,Sf&% - &FT?&%




@%x& : 100368

Patelloida saccharina (Linnaeus, 1758)


SE5.36 : it%i&E-eit#%$US ,%M

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,Diodora octagona (Reeve, 1850) $ S@*61 jtEbi&E-gjt$!!ZZ @%Z# : 100127 . 100368

EZ/5i&E-RR#%&U- 'EST&




Diodora quadriradiata (Reeve, 1850)


n@fZB%ticaonica Reeve, 1850 eE*6 : j tELi&E- j tEb?@@: %E/5i&E&& : BEbi&E R%$%/j\EEjto







Diodora semilunata Habe, 1953




100368 200001 200008



gg*6 : %%i&E-SR#%%G O

@ % z m : 000027


@gE?L!i@ g%B*fi: rnEbi&E-R%#%ES?&

Diodora sieboldi (Reeve, 1850)

@%g@ : 100072

. 100368


%jJUf:&s?Lk% +$!#*If? : j%:@Ji&E -g:#j$g@

Diodora singaporensis (Reeve, 1850)


@ % z @ : 100368 o

Diodora suprapunicea Otuka, 1937 s z s ? L k ! ~jJ!g** : g@Ji&E - j$$@@i$ : %Ebi&E - gRg%%g,: rnEbi&E- E%#%%


@ % z m : 000027

. 100072 . 200118




Emarginella biangulata (Sowerby, 1901)

g@*6: EEbi&E-R%#%EST& O

@%gm: 100368


Emarginella eximia (A. Adams, 1852)



: %Ebi&E- eR#!%s : 000027 100072 * 200013




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Trochus hanleyanus Reeve, 1842 $5,RB@ : lineatus Larmarck o

; BHi&E %3@l%%b?@@ : *$@*6 d tEbi&E-%d tB%@ BBR%&hE %Ebi&E - E s & s ; msi&E R%#%f&$@@f& ; m+H@@i&E -




@ 3 $ 2 m : 100315 100318 200008 200009 200012 200014 200016 200017 200020 200021 200022 200023 200117




rft;B$&l$g -12393-6 : ;lt3i&E-~dt#$Bmf l b 6 6 B T & V l - !REF% %!3GBS*g Brnf$&hE Bj%; ?3Mi&E -?3M%%@@ ; %%bi&E E%?@ J? EE#%6B@ S%#%BR%g$ ; R%bi&E-R%f$JIBB?E ; m+a$@f&i&E -%$$gfE j$jj+*qg

Trochus rnaculatus Linnaeus, 1758






100318 200001 200016 - 200017

200002 - 200006 - 200007 - 200009 - 200013 200020 20002 1 200022 200023 200024 200106 - 200117

@3$2m : 000008 000058 000102 000273 100047 100059 100123 100298 100315 200014 200054 200062



Trochus sacellurn Philippi, 1854 &i&jg@ : rota Dunker, 1860 0


: d t3f&E -

2&w&aS d t#%BgGBS*s %d tB@a

Brn#$& he, BI%; $3Mi&E-~3M$%*Be, &ijMdtS&@ ~ 3 M r n 3 ? @ @ ; %%i&E -EK@S rft;%#%6BfT S%#%ER ; R3i&ER%#%fJ\EE8 EB?E









200024 -

: 000008 100123 100315 100318 200001 200007 200008 200009

2000 15 2000 18 2000 19 200020 20002 1 200022 200023 200054 200084 200142



/J\--?gl@ *@*6 : d t%bi&E -BE#$%?% ; %Ebi&ES%#%%&

Trochus sacellurn rota Dunker, 1860


@3$2m : 000027 200013 200024 200106


mB$ji@ *@*6 d tEbi&E- *d tf$!REF% Brnf$&hE Bi%; ~3Mi&E~3MFJ

Trochus stellatus Gmelin, 1790


z#E@ 6B536 : it%f&E -B 33R%a

Bolma girgylla (Reeve, 1843)

@%2@ : 100175


Bolma guttata millegranosa (Kuroda et Habe, 1958)


6B536 : i t%f&E-%itsR@&a @%2B: 200137


Bolma henica (Watson, 1879) @ g @ flag& : abyssorum Schepman, 1908 ; gloriosa Kira, 1959 6$&536 : jt%f&E-%jt%j?#&&a

@%2@ : 200137

BE@ 6B536 : itSBf&E-w3!!B$!!G%LYit its&a %itB%a; %%f&E3 % E a 3%#&%% : B%f&E-R%#%lEBY%

Bolma modesta (Reeve, 1843)


: 000027 .000086

. 100175 . 100325 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 0 8.200013 .200024

Collonista glareosa Gould, 186 1 @6@@ fl@g& : granulosa Pease, 1869 o

6B536 itSbf&E sE&a BR#%%?E ; B%f&ER%#*BU iEBY gj -



@%2m: 200001 . 200008 EB 3@fi$fi : #&j$&!l&; :&$@jf&E-g+$&a : jq-qB%af&E-B$$**g

Guildfordia triumphans (Philippi, 184 1)

@%2@ : 000086 . 200001 . 2001 17

E$PEk% 3B536 : sm&!l&mBEF&a

Guildfordiayoka Jouseaume, 1888


@%2@ : 000086


Homalopoma eoa Azurna, 1972 fl@g& : striatum Suzuki, 1972


3B536 : itSBf&E-%itB%a

@%2m: 200122





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I l l l l U z g g -+a=;'!@ og mg mg 2 3 , 0 0 0 < ~ . @ O 0 0 1 s g g g g a @ B # y ? ? 4UBU327g s 2 *#U g g g


~ ~ -

00"0",a@@Eg3g + 6 2 1 g C K # g, o, z, 2.2B+g-K*. 0 0 0 0 F 2 g g p E l @ m m 0d C E t t ? " E Z B go omo o a 8gD$@)ssg2% *-.







g@m$$l@ 2BB-6 : %EBi&E-$%#$%&

Neocollonia pilula (Dunker, 1860)

@%T&: 000027

- 200013 - 200024

Pomaculax japonicus (Dunker, 1844) El $Ek!


: R$H&%i&E-#j?9AF&


@%Tm: 100059

@@Ek! $$gfi;As : R3i&E-Ern&% @%TB: 100368

Senobolma venusta Okutani, 1964

$E ask! $$qfi* : S@i&E -?3@%EF&%: REBi&E- %&% E%$@% E%q$&; RSBithE R%!#!/I\%$$ * R B * lEBT @W $%!!.!Em& : R$H$gi%i&E-Rj9gf&

Turbo argyrostomus Linnaeus, 1758




- 000086 - 000277 - 100047 - 100123 - 100175 200007 - 200008 - 200009 - 200010 - 200011 200013 200024 - 200054 - 200062 200117

@%Tj#: 000008




1003 18 * 20000 1 *


200016 * 200017



Turbo brunneus Roeding, 1798 &@"k$$@

fl@B% : articulatus Reeve, 1798


$EB-6 : A tSBi&E z@&&% $At!!.$?%7k- B#P* E 3 B * %AtB$@f%B E!$!gG@* %@ : ?3@i&E-@@!$!%A&G * ~Y@AtEV&% * ; REBifjE R%5$.R/]\E3$ ; R$H$@%i&E - R?9gf,!Si -


- 000273 - 20000 1 - 2000 15 - 2000 18 200019 200021 - 200022 200023 - 200054 - 200084 2001060

@%T@ : 000086 * 000102



Turbo chinensis Ozawa et Tomida, 1995







SBB-6: SB$&@ O

@%T#: 100358

&a$!$@ $$gfi$fj : jtEBi&E- %At@$&@ ; :@@i&E - ?$Y@$&% : %Ebi&E ER$@Z E%!#$G@F A%n $%!$!gmm : R3i&E-R%%/I\E3$ 7% @&% - JpjBT&- @j# : @j$~gi%i&E-%j9gf& Rj9AF%

Turbo chryostomus Linnaeus, 1758





Turbo cornutus Solander, 1786 &I!.$$@

2@+fi : jtZbi&E-%jtB&% O

@%xJ# : 000086 . 000088 . 200001


Turbo marmoratus Linnaeus, 1758 @%@% 3@$+fi: j tZbi&E-i&p/@a

$,F#&a; %Zbi&E-E%:&z EBR%A-$B . R@ E%i&E-E%#&/J\%£$ . KtB . q . Ei@fT 2%%!%%E 'EBTS @%xJ# : 000008 .000086 .000277 . 100123 . 100175 . 1003 18 ~ 2 0 0 0 1 0 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 7. O

200008 ~200009~200010~200011.200013 .200024 .200054 .200062

Turbo petholatus Linnaeus, 1758



$@+fi : jt%i&E- 2jt#&$.gFgi ; BHi&E $gaj t%%@% @am3:&a ; $j%f&Egw/@aR%#&m@lpjBTg : H+H&i%i&E -m ?$AqX& . %?$gf& -



@%xB : 000086 .000273 . 100298 ~ 2 0 0 0 1 0 ~200002~200008.2000 15 .2000 18 . 200019. 200054. 2001170

sfi@@ 2B+fi : @ii&E-BH%!%ABS -Eijt*%ga $3iamZF&a ; %ZLi&E 3%#&R@; Ei3bi&E BW@%E%#&WB/I\%£$ EBT .g: +j+H$@gQ&Efi?$Aqg

Turbo reevei Philippi, 1847 -



@%xJ# : 000086 .000277 . 100059 ~ 2 0 0 0 1 0 ~200008.2000 15 .2000 18 .2000 19 . 200084. 200117. 0 0 0 0 0 8 ~2 0 0 0 0 7 ~200024


Turbo setosus Gmelin, 1791

2@+fi : jtZLi&E- BB!$%R?% ; ?$jHi&E$ga%ZF&i%; %ZLi&E E% SF? EBf&Ei@fTABU 2%R%R@ : E%i&E-E%#&TkB @$. m e JmTa -



@%xB : 000008 .000086 .000277 . 100123 . 1003 18 ~200001~200007~200008. 200009 ~ 2 0 0 0 1 0~200011.200016 .200017 .200024 .200054 .200062




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~%%J,@g E % & ! A g..w .- ..


#is1 : $B%G IH@~BW%B2@%Z%B~% %-%$~%~~OOOOl I%(( R B S $ E ) fl92s; %zw6% â‚Ź3 100001 M?& 2 3 ( ( R E ) B92S ; %3%$6%$ 20000 1 I%?& , W'J* $ E?Sl&2@ B@l5&EEI%%B$gE@R%%@ 1 Pfi&iE!B9 #is2 : %!R%%@ (@I@E? 1970 7

%$?l!k'f.'J?@J@%(Bulletin of the Malacological Society of China@,$EZ%%%


(Bulletin of Malacology, Republic of China-R%q$E)

(( Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan - Z !!



$ Sj;;


@ 9%) $$%& ,!jj/@ fl9 ( Newsletter of the $ %fiB,$EZ%%B ( The Pei-Yo - R E ) $

MaIacoIogical Society of China-@Ej.Eijl) (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan -H z )

B $@&--@%

00000 1 Chin, L. C. (&BE)1974 Discovery of Pleurotomaria rumphii and the foundation of the Malacological Society of China. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 15-9. 000002 Lan, T. C. (E?@) 1974 Rare shells of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (Rg%



000003 Tan, T. H.

(SXfg) 1974 A preliminary study on the anatomy of Pleurotomaria rumphii

Schepman, 1879. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( E g % $ E ) 1 : 15-20. 000008 Lin, C. C. ($$$Fj%)

1974 Mollusks of Lan-Yu (Orchid Island), and their zoogeography.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 1:42-63. 000009 Lai, K. Y.

($aBE)1974 The conch shells. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%B%$E)

1 :64-75. 00001 1 Lane, C. T. and Lo, C. T. (ED&% @g$) 1974 A study on pearl culturing in freshwater mussels. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R B % $ E ) 1 :86-90. 000012 Chen, C. C. (P$s@) 1974 The extinction of Corbicula subsulcata Clessin and Corbicula formosana Dall from the Tansui River. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 1:91-92. 000013 Lo, C. T. (RE$)1974 Flukes of medical and veterinary importance in Taiwan, and their snail hosts. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R@%$E) 1:93-104. 000014 Chen, S. N.

(I$%%) 1974 Molluscan hosts of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R$$@$E)

1 : 105-108.

000025 Chang, K. M. (E%&)1975 The giant African snail. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R



000026 Lin, C. C. ($$$a%) 1975 Miocene Pleurotomariidae from Nantou Prefecture, central Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R$j!@$E)

2:2 1-3 1.

000027 Shih, N. P. ($&fig) 1975 Small sea shells from Lu-Tao, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RRE$3%) 2:33-46. 000028 Pace, G. L. 1975 The freshwater mussels of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (H%

9%) 2:47-6 1. 000029 Tseng, W. N.

(%&%) 1975 Prospects of abalone culture in Taiwan. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, (Rg%$E) 2:63-67. 000030 Wu, S. K. (sf$$) 1975 The chitons of Lanhsu, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacolo~,Taiwan,

(W$@$?G#) 2:69-75. 000032 Lan, T. C. (ETtE)1975 Rare shells of Taiwan ( II ). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (g

BE$3$E2:77-79. ) 000033 Lo, H. S. and Fan, P. C. (@%&

. B%g)1975 Survival of Bithynia manchourica out of

water under laboratory conditions. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%F$E) 2:8 1-85. 000034 Lai, K. Y. ($!fiBB) 1975 Shell palace and romance. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RgB



000035 Lo, C. T. and Chang, K. M.

( R s Z * %%&)

1975 Chromosome numbers of some

clausiliid snails from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R %B%$E) 2:95- 1 0 1 . 000038 Lan, T. C. (ET@,) 1975 A new species of Lyria from off northeast of Taiwan, Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%%)2: 1 03- 1 05. 000040 Wu, W. K. and Chang, K. M.

(sga . %%&) 1975 Antomy of the land snail Ganesella

2: 1 07- 1 1 1 . (Coniglobus)nux (Moellendorff). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (g%%$E) 000041 Chuang, S. (Rg) 1975 On the locality of the fourth specimen of Pleurotomaria rumphii. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E)2: 1 12. 000043 Wang-Chu, Y. N.; Pan, Y. H. and Tan, B. Y.

(%G@. iBXZjZ . %'ME)

1976 Scanning

election microscope study of the radular teeth of Pleurotomaria rumphii Schepman. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (Hg%$E) 3 :5-12. 000044 Lin,C. C.

($$$as) 1976 Discovery

of a new Oligocene pleurotomariid from Taipei

Prefecture, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan,

3: 13-19.

000045 Lan, T. C. (ETtG)1976 A new subgenus and species of Epitonium from off southwest of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%%) 3:2 1-23. 000046 Chang, K. M. and Lo, C. T. (Eg&

.@%%) 1976 Anatomy of Formosana swinhoei and

Formosanaformosensis. Bulletin of Malacoloa, Taiwan, (g%$@$E) 3:25-34.


000047 Tzeng, W. N. and Lin, F. Y. (%$&% $$%fin)

1976 Histological studies on the gonadal

maturation of the abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta Lischcke. Bulletin of Malacology, 3 :35-45. Taiwan, (WB%$E) 000049 Lan,T. C. (ET@,) 1976 Rare shells of Taiwan (m).Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan,(H%g



000050 Chang, K. M.

(@%&) 1976 A collection of land mollusca in Taiwan (Formosa) ( I ).

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 3 :55-77. 000055 Tung, I. H.

(s&@) 1977 An artificial key to the squids of Pescadores Islands. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, (H%@$fi) 4: 5- 1 1 . 000056 Wu, W. K. and Chang, K. M.

(%%a - a%&)1977 Comparison of the

land snail

Hemiphaedusa odontochila and Hemiphaedusa exilis. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( g g s$fi) 4:13-18. 000057 Chang, K. M. and Wu, W. K. (%%&

- %Ern)1977 A new species of Hemiphaedusa

(Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) from Taiwan ( I ). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R g @ $ E ) 4: 19-24. 000058 Wu, W. L. and Chang, K. H. ( a 2 P g

- @E@) 1977 Species diversity of molluscan fauna

in Chin-shan area, northern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (Hg@$fi) 4:25-29. 000059 Lai, K. Y. (!@BE) 1977 Murex shells of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan,(R%% $fi) 4:3 1-40. 000060 Lan, T. C. (ETtB) 1977 Rare shells of Taiwan (IV). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R %@$fi) 4:4 1-42. 000064 Chen, Peter S. M.

(PgfgE)1977 A study of the stratigraphy and molluscan fossils of the

Tunghsiao area, Miaoli, Taiwan, R.O.C. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%@$fi) 4:63-78. 000070 Chang, K. M. and Lin, C. C. (@%&A

- #$$BE)1978 Description of a new subspecies of

Pisidium taiwanense from Tienchi, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (E%@$fi) 5:23-28. 000071 Wu, W. L. ( a 2 B ) 1978 Geographical Distribution of the Formosan Patellid Limpets.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RE%$fi) 5:29-34. 000072 Chang, K. M. and Wu, W. K. (@%&A

- %,@m)1978 Hemiphaedusa maanliauensis n. sp.

from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R %%$E) 5:35-42. 000073 Lai, K. Y.

($ffgE) 1978 Tonnidae of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R E 9

$l;i). 5:43-54. 000074 Chang, K. M.

(@%a) 1978 Hemipgaedusa amphileuca n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, ( H %@$fi) 5:55-6 1 . 000075 Lan, T. C.

(EF;fg)1978 Two

new cones from NE off Taiwan and the Philippines.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R %R@$E) 5:63-67. 000076 Chao, D.

(aA f&)

1978 Study on a-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase isozyme of

Oncomelania hupensis formosana from different localities in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( W B S f f i ) . 5:69-76. 000077 Lan, T. C. (ETB,)1978 Rare shells of Taiwan (V). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R E%$fi) 5:77-78.

000078 Lan, T. C. (EF@,) 1978 Cypraeajoyace Clover, 1970, synonym of Cypraea porteri Cate, 1966. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$/$)


000084 Wu, W. L. (JJX2B) 1979 Morphometric studies on Corbiculafluminea (Muller, 1774). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E). 6: 1-12.


000085 Chang, K. M. and Wu, W. I,. (%%@ JJX2B) 1979 Hemiphaedusajanshanensis n. sp. From Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 6: 13-20. 000086 1979 Lai, K. Y. (!@iB) Turban shells and star shells of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R g s $ E ) . 6:2 1-32. 000087 Wu, W. L. and Chang, K. M. ( a 2 E .


1979 Geographical variation in the

landsnail, Formosana swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1865) from northern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 6:33-45. 000088 Wang, C. C. and Tan, T. S. (X@,%,* S X f S ) 1979 Numerical analysis on intertidal mollusk fauna on rockyshore at northeastern part of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (WgE$$E) 6:47-65. 000090 Wu, W. L. (JJXgP$)

1979 Geographical distribution of Unio douglasiae (Grifith et

Pidgeon, 1834) in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R$R%$E) 6:69-74. 000091 Chinese shell-name Committee (i33$3+555$3#3)

1979 Establishment of Chinese name

of the Taiwan molluscs. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( RB%$E) 6:75-78. 000099 Chung, K. J. (gag) 1980 Study on Pancalana batanicapancala (Schmacker et Botter) from the region between Feng-chui-sha and Chuan-fan-shih of southern part Hengchum Peninsula, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R@@$E)

7: 1 1-18.

0001 00 Chang, K. M. (%BE&) 1980 A new species of Hemiphaedusa (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) from Taiwan V. Hemiphaedusa kanaganensis n. sp. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%% $E) 7:19-25. 000101 Lai, K. Y. and Pan, C. W. ( $ R s B * @$%&)1980 The Rapana shells of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R%%$E) 7:27-32. 000102 Tan, T. H.; Wang, C. C. and Chen, C. H. ( 8 X g

. Z#,e,, .g@Z)1980 The gastropod

and bivalve fauna in intertidal area of northeast part of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RR%$E) 7:33-7 1. 0001 03 Wu, W. L. and Chang, K. M. (JJX2Fg


%%@) 1980 Geographical variation of the

landsnail Hemiphaedusa exilis (Adams, 1866) from northern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RR%$E) 7:73-85. 000104 Chen, H. C. and Jaw, G. S. (Pg$L@,


Bag)1980 Studies on the oxygen consumption of

freshwater mussel, Union douglasiae. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R % s $ E ) 7:87- 100. 000 105 Wu, W. L. JX (gSI$)

1980 The important edible bivales in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology,

Taiwan, ( B R s $ E ) 7: 101- 1 14.

000107 Chinese shell-name Committee

(WB+gZTgfiH)1980 Establishment of Chinese name

of the Taiwan molluscs. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 7: 127- 129. 000109 Chen, H. Y. (P&lB@) 1980 A preliminary study to discovery and propagation of albescent Achatina fulica Bowdich from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R %% $E) 7:135-137. 000 1 1 1 Lai, K. Y. (j?#g@) 1981 Study on morphology and ecology of the land snail Pancalana batanica pancala. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W %%$E) 8: 1- 10. 0001 12 Lan, T. C.

(ETg,)198 1

Description of a new subspecies of Muricidae from the

Philippines and Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$E) 8: 11-1 3. 0001 13 Rockel, D. and Lan, T. C.

($&z&E ET@)

1981 Description of a New Species of

Conidae from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$E) 8: 1 5- 1 7. 000 1 14 Chang, K. M. (ER&)1981 Reinia (Proreinia)eastlaeana tayalis Kuroda, 1941 from the mountain side of Urai, northern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (WR%$E) 8: 19-25. 000 1 15 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ J )1981 Antomy of Coniglobus mellea (Pfeiffer, 1865) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( W g % $ E ) 8:27-32. 0001 16 Chang, K. M.

( E g @ J1981 )

The giant African snail, Achatina fulica Bowdich

(Supplement), albino type of Achatina fulica. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 8:33-42. 0001 17 Chinese shell-name Committee

(jZ!g+gZTgfiH) 1981 Establishment of Chinese name

of the Taiwan molluscs. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$E) 8:43-45.


0001 18 Chang, K. M. and Maeda, K. (ER@JEB$U{@) 1982 Hemiphaedusa lushanensis n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%B%$E)9: 1-7. 0001 19 Chang, K. M.

(EBB)1982 Zaptyx

(Heterozaptyx) santiaoensis n. sp. from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%B%$E)9:9- 14. 000120 Chang, K. M.

( s R & )1982 New

Subspecies Phaedusa (Euphaedusa) sheridani shihi

from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$E) 9: 1 5-2 1 . 000122 Chang, W. C.

( E g g ) 1982 An observation on the cultivation of the albino type of

Achatina fulica from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 9:27-33. 000123 Hung, T. C.; Kuo, C. Y.; Loh, M. L. and Chen, M. H. (:&%3$.

E%%. P%&z)

1982 Bioaccumulative factors of heavy metals in bivalves cultured along the western coast of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 9:35-86. 000124 Chinese shell-name Committee (R@@gZJgfiH)

1982 Establishment of Chinese name

of shells. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$E). 9:87-88. 000125 Lai, K. Y. (@%@) 1984 A new Miocene pleurotomariid from Chiasien, southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (jZ!%B%$E)1 0: 1 -5.

000 126 Bert, C.

(a%+@)1984 New from of Oliva mustelina Lamarck, 18 1 1 from SW Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( B B % @ ) 10:7-8. 000127 Chang, K. M. and Maeda, K.


(%%& EB$U{@) 1984 Notes on the systematics of

Stereophaedusa horikawai (Kuroda) of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 10:9-17. 000128 Chang, K. M. (E%&) 1984 Note on over sized form of Stereophaudesa horikawai (Kuroda) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 10:19-25. 000129 Chang, K. M. (%%&) 1984 A new form of Formosana formosensis from Chitou: Forma

chitouensis. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 10:27-34. 000130 Lai, K. Y. ( $ g s B ) 1984 Studuy on morphology and ecology of the landsnail Acusta

tourannensis (Souleyet). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 1 0:35-4 1 . 0001 3 1 Chang, W. C. and Chang, K. M.

(%x%- %%&)

1984 A study on morohology and

ecology of a land snail of Subulinidae from Pingtung area. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W@s$E) 10:43-48. 000132 Chang, W. C. (E2EJ5)

1984 The cultivation of the giant African snail (Achatinafulicu) in

commerical scale in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R S g Q E ) 1 0:49-57. 000133 Chinese shell-name Committee (R@$2ZT%#$J)

1983 Establishment of Chinese name

of shells. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 1 059-64. 000 1 36 Chang, K. M. (%%@) 1985 Hemiphaedusa takkiriensis n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 1 1 : 1 1 - 16. 000137 Chang, K. M. (%%&) 1985 Note on Otesiopsis taiwanica (Kuroda) from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (H@%$E) 1 1 :17-23. 000138 Liu, F. G.

(BIJS*) 1985 Studies on the feeding and filtration rate of freshwater pearl

mussel, Anodonta woodiana. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R B % @ ) 1 1 :25-34. 000139 Lai, K. Y. ($EBB) 1985 Study on morphology and ecology of the landsnail Dolicheulota

swinhoei (Pfeiffer). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$E) 1 1 :35-4 1. 000142 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 1985 Newly introduced false mussel to Taiwan. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, (Bg%$@) 1 1 :61-67. 000143 Chang, K. M. ( E B B ) 1985 Note on Subulinidae species from Pingtung. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, (Hg%$E) 1 1 :69-70. 000144 Chang, K. M. (%%&J)

1985 Note on Stereophaedusa horikawai (Kuroda) from

Shuangchi. Bulletin of Maiacology, Taiwan, (BB%$E) 1 1 :7 1-74. 000146 Wang, H. C. and Chang, K. M.


(Ejgg %%@A) 1985 Note of mollusks survey and its

relation to biological assessment of water quality in the Tanshui River Basin. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, ( R %S$E) 1 1 :8 1 -92.

000148 Chang, K. M. (@B$p) 1986 New subspecies Phaedusa hayasii chihpenensis from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (EBs$l;i) 12:s- 1 1. 000149 Chang, K. M. ( E B & ) 1986 Note on Pupinella (Pupinopsis) species from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (EBs$l;i) 12: 13- 1 8. 000150 Chang, K. M. ( E B B ) 1986 Note on Hemiphaedusa ooi Kuroda albino population from

Pailu. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (W%%$l;i) 12: 19-25. 000151 Tan, T. H.; Pai, J. Y. and Hsha, K. C. ( s X f 8

. QfET g H $ $ )

1986 A survey on

seashells (gastropod and bivalve) of northeastern coast, Taiwan, ROC. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( W B F S ) 12:27-47. 000154 Wu, W. L. and Liu, H. P. (Jj&%R

.@JET)1987 Malacological research on Meretrix

resources in Taiwan I. Preliminary report on isozyme study. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R g q s ) 13: 1-7. 000155 Chang, K. M. (@B@) 1987 Anatomy of Luchuena luchuana from Urai, Taiwan. Bulletin

of Malacology, Taiwan, ( E g q $ l ; i ) 1 3 :9- 14. 0001 56 Lai, K. Y. (@iH) 1987 The Family Bursidae of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan,

(W%s$l;i) 13:15-27. 000158 Chang, K. M. ( E B B ) 1987 Anatomy of Hemiphaedusa similaris (H. Adams) and H.

pseudosheridani (Zilch) from southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%E$3%) 13:43-49. 000159 Wu, W. L. and Lin, H. (Jj&qE

.$#I&) 1987 Studies on the radulae of Taiwan molluscs I.

Functional morphology of the radulae in four gastropods. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( g @IF#$)


000160 Chang, K. M. and Wu, W. L. ( E g $ p


1987 A new form of Formosans

formosensis var. forma tsengwenensis from Tsengwen Dam. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (WBF$[;i)


000161 Tan, T. H.; Pai, J.Y. and Hsha, K. C. ( s X f 8


g H $ $ ) 1987 An investigation on

distribution of nudibranch molluscs along the coast Taiwan, ROC. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (WB%$l;i) 13:7 1-90. 000 162 Chao, D.; Wang, L. C. and Ong, W. L.

(@A@. 3gfi . %%#$)

1987 A survey on the

freshwater snails in Kinmen. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R B S S ) 13 :9 1-96. 000163 Tan, T. H.; Pai, J. Y. and Hsha, K. C. ( S X B

. QfET)$JJtg

1987 The recovery of

fouling clam, Limnopernafortunei from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%s$l;i) 13:97-100. 000164 Chang, K. M. ( E g B ) 1989 Anatomy of Coniglobus nu\: paiwanus (Kuroda) and

Coniglobus pekanensis (Rolle) from south Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%% $l;i) 14: 1-8.

1989 Isozyme study of the Taiwan abalones.

000165 Wu, W. L. and Sun, C. ( a q @

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (WB%$E) 14:9- 1 8. 000166 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 1989 Note on two groups of Hemiphaedusa ooi Kuroda from

Kukuan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$k) 000167 Dai, R. S. and Wu, W. L.


14: 19-27.

a q @ ) 1989 Anatomy on the digestive system of

Haliotis diversicolor. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%%) 14:29-39. 000168 Chang, K. M. ( @ g & )

1989 New species Formosana lingchuanensis from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 14:4 1-48. 000169 Wu, W. L. and Liu, H. P. (JlJqlg

@]ST) 1989 Malacological research on Meretrix

resources in Taiwan II. History review and evaluation on the studies of the Taiwan Meretrix. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 14:49-6 1 . 000170 Wu, W. L. and Huang, Y. R. Jl(&?B

- 3mA)1989 Studies on the radulae of Taiwan

molluscs ID. Comparison on the radulae of landsnails and marine molluscs. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( g % g $ E ) 14:63-92. 000171 Dai, R. S. and Wu, W. L.

(@,{I# aqlg) 1989 Historical review and outlook on the

studies of abalone from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$lTi)

14:93- 106.

000172 Lai, K. Y. ( $ B s H ) 1989 The Family Cymatiidae of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology,

Taiwan, (R%%$E)

14: 107- 128.

000175 Chang, K. M. ( @ g @ j ) 1990 A new species of land snail, Coniglobus carinatus from

Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 000176 Chang, K. M. (@gf&)

15:5- 1 3.

1990 A new subspecies of landsnail, Hemiphaedusa similaris

nigra from south Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$lTi) 15: 15-2 1. 000177 Lai, K. Y. ( $ a s @ ) 1990 The Family Cassidae of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 15:23-34. 0001 78 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 1990 Systematics on Trichochloritis hungerfordianus from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 15:35-4 1. 000179 Chang, H. W.; Liao, C. T.; Chang, L. L. and Liu, Y. C. ( @ % q

@Eg $f$$$@j %('1'*

E ) 1990 The density and distribution of two land snails on the southern tip of Hengchun

Peninsula. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 0001 80 Wang, C. H. and Peng, T. R. (yE+$U


1 5:43-48.

1990 Oxygen and carbon isotopic records

in shells of Cyclotellina remies, Meretrix lusoria and Pecten byoritsuensis. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (Ri$R%$E) 1 5:49-58. 000187 Chang, K. M. ( E g g ) 1991 A new species Formosana albida from Taiwan. Bulletin of

Malacology, Taiwan, ( R % q $ E ) 16: 13-24. 000188 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ j ) 1991 A new species Hemiphaedusa magaensis from Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (Hi$.%$E) 16:25-35.

0001 89 Chang, K. M. ( @ g & ) 1991 Parmarion martensi from Chiasien, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 16:37-45. 000190 Chiu, Y. W. (EPfiag) 1991 Observation on the reproductive system and behavior of Babylonia formosae (Sowerby). Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( g % % E ) 1 6:47-56. 000191 Chao, D. and Huang, K. T.


g m @ ) 1991 A survey on the gastropod fauna of

Alishan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( R g % $ E ) 16:57-65. 000194 Chang, K. M. ( @ g & ) 1991 Catalogue of fresh water shells of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (R %%$E) 16:85-96. 000195 Chang, K. M. ( @ g & ) 1992 Hemiphaedusa arikangensis, new species of land snail from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 17:1-9. 000196 Chang, K. M. ( E g & ) 1992 Dwarf type of Camaena (Pancala) batanica pancala (Schmacker et Boettger) from south cape, Taiwan and its allied species. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( g % # % E ) 17:1 1-20. 000197 Chang, K. M. ( @ g & ) 1992 Camaena (Pancala) batanica pancala (Schmacker et Boettger) from a new locality : Shihtan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( g % s $ E ) 17:21-27. 000198 Liao, K. Y.; Pai, H. Q.; Chou, J. L. and Wu, W. )L. ( @ iH a




EJE@#j Q *$

1992 The heavy metal contents in the edible molluscs from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( g % % E ) 17:29-36. 000199 Chen, T.C.; Liao, K. Y. and Wu, W. L. ( F g s g * @ H a* XlAgF2) 1992 The research and evaluation on Corbicula fluminea in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( H % % E ) 17:37-49. 000200 Chao, D.; Liu, Z. H. and Chang, H. W. (j&A@j


@]RE* @ % g )

1992 Ecological and

parasitological studies on fresh water mollusks of the Kaoping River. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (Hg%$E) 1751-57. 000201 Chang, K. M. (@%&) 1992 Anatomy of Hemiphaedusa ooi kosakoi Kuroda from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (g%%$E) 1 7:59-67. 000202 Liu, H. P.; Liao, K. Y. and Wu, W. L. ( @ J E T *

@ H a*

1992 Comparison on the

reproductive ecology of Meretrix lusoria from Tamshui and Lu-kang area. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (HE%$$)


000203 Wu, W. L. and Liu, H. P. ( G g F 2 * @JET) 1992 Developmental rhythm on gamete and gonad of Meretrix lusoria from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (H$#%$E) 17:79-86. 000205 Wu, W. L.; Liu, H. P. and Liao, K. Y. (XJXgR


@JET * @ m a )

1992 The morphology

and anatomy of Meretrix lusoria from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 17:91-98.

000206 Fan, P. C.; Wu, C. C. and Lo, C. T. (%%&

.$$&E.EEZ)1992 Molluscan fauna of

Cheng-Ching Lake, Kao-Hsiung County, Taiwan, and comparative efficiency of four collection methods. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R @ q $ E ) 17:99-105. 000207 Okutani, T. and Lan, T. C. (





J1994 . A~new~ buccinid $ ~ whelk ) collected from

Pratas Islets, South China Sea. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 18:1-4.


000208 Chang, K. M. and Ookubo, K. (%%@ A A f g E Z J ) 1994 Formosana albiapex, a new species of land snail from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (E%%$E) 185- 1 1. 000209 Chang, K. M. (%%@) 1994 Anatomy of Aegista (Plectotropis) lautsi (Schmacker et Boettger) from Taiwan and its systematics. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (%B%$E) 18: 13-20.

BJBE. %%g -33%)

00021 0 Chao, D.; Liu, Z. H.; Chang, H. W. and Huang, T. C.% .A (@ !!

1994 Distribution and disappearance of fresh water snails in the midstream reaches of the Tachia River. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 18:21-27. 0002 1 1 Wu, W. L.; Chen, T. C. and Liao, K. Y. ( a % @

. PgBg .@H&)1994 Population

genetics on Corbicula Juminea of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 18:29-53. 000212 Chen, T. C.; Wu, W. L. and Liao, K. Y. ( P g s g

. @a&.B g R ) 1994 Reproductive

ecology of Corbicula Juminea in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 18:55-73. 0002 13 Wu, W. L.; Dai, J. S.; Chien, J. T. and Yu, S. C. ( a g @

- @f7i:?.f$$%jFq.@kg)1994

Cryopreservation of gamates of mollusks. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R @ S $ E ) 18:75-81. 000214 Chang, K. M. and Ookubo, K. (%%$p

.A A l g E Z J )

1994 A new subspecies,

Hemiphaedusa odontochila clava from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R@%$E) 18:83-90. 00021 5 Panigrahi, A. and Raut, S. K. (EfH,

.sf%) 1994 Status of noradrenaline and adrenaline

content in the brain of the garden slug Laevicaulis alte (Ferussac) in respect to age. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (Wg%$E), 1 8:9 1-95.


3gg .efiijlll) 1994 Gastropods and their distribution

in Lai-yi. Bulletin of Malacology,

Taiwan, (R%%%) 18:97- 102. 000217 Chang, K. M. (%%$p) 1995 Anatomy of Nesiohelix kanoi (Kuroda, 1932) from Lan-yu Island, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 19:1-7. 000218 Chen, T. C.; Liao, K. Y. and Wu, W. L. ( P g B g

.@H&- a%@)1995 Anatomy of

CorbiculaJuminea. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (E@@$jj) 19:9-19.


.@*g) 1995 A preliminary study

000219 Wu, W. L.; Liao, K. Y. and Yu, S. J. (GT@ @El%

on the arsenic contents of bivalves from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 19:21-25. 000220 Chang, K. M.; Tada, A. and Ookubo, K.

- %HB&- AA{%%q)


Hemiphaedusa antuensis, n. sp. of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, 19:27-34. 000221 Tai, R. S. and Wu, W. L. (@{I@



- GTPg)1995 Developmental rhythm on gamete in

Haliotis diversicolor from the Chen-kong area, eastern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 19:35-4 1. 000223 Wu, W. L. and Tai, R. S.

(aT@- %{I#) 1995 Reproductive ecology of Haliotis

diversicolor from the Cheng-kong area, eastern Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R



(aTB- @@E) 1995 Molluscan fisheries production of Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R@%$E) 19:6 1-70. 000225 Chao, D. and Wang, T. W. (BA@j- Egg)1995 Mollusks and their distribution in Man-chou district, Pin-tung County. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 19:7 1-78.

000224 Wu, W. L. and Yang, M. N.

000226 Chang, K. M. and Liu, J. C.

(@%a - @I@=)

1995 A new record of Stenomelania

costellaris (Lea) from San-ti-men, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, 19:79-81.


- SgB - %@EJS% -

000227 Chang, H. W.; Hwang, C. C.; Liu, K. C. and Chang, K. M. (@ST

@g@) 1995 The land molluscan fauna of Tung-Sha Island, the South China Sea. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%%) 19:83-88.


000228 Panigrahi, A. and Raut, S. K. (E{R %@) 1995 Noradrenaline and adrenaline contents in the cerebral ganglia of Achatina fulica Bowdich. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (B%%$E) 19:89-92. 000229 Chao, D. and Chuang, S. C. (%A@.

- z$fjE)1996 Gastropods and their distribution in

Haochar and Machia, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (g%%$E)20: 1-8. 000230 Chang, K. M. and Ookubo, K.


. AA{%%q)

1996 Systematics on

Takasagohadra multifasciata Kuroda, 1941 from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R


20:9- 14.



000231 Tai, R. S.; Ho, W. T. and Wu, W. L. ($@,{I% {@SS aTPB)1996 Anatomy on Gomphina veneriformis Lamarck, 1818. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R % 9%) 20: 15-24.


000232 Chang, K. M.; Chang, H. W. and Hwang, C. C. (Eg@ @%T

- %BB)1996 Anatomy

on Satsuma albida (H. Adams, 1870) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R g 9

$E) 20:25-30.

000233 Yang, M. N. and Wu, W. L. ( f g @ E - G % R ) 1996 Study on Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B S E ) 20:3 1-42.


000234 Lee, Y. C. and Wu, W. L. (ZjSBB a % R ) 1996 Study on Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1819) in Taiwan. Bulletin ofMalacology, Taiwan, ('gB%$E) 20:43-50. 000235 Chang, K. M. and Ookubo, K. ( E g @

- A R l z E E J ) 1997 Hemiphaedusa buduiensis n.

sp. (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$1;i) 2 1 :1-8. 000236 Chang, K. M. and Tada, A. ( E g g

- %Ha&)1997 Two new Diplommatina from high

mountain area of the central Taiwan (Prosobranchia: Diplommatimidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B S E ) 2 1:9- 12. 000237 Chang, K. M. (EgBP:) 1997 Diplommatina tadai n. sp. of Taiwan (Prosobranchia: Diplommatinidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( g % S $ E ) 2 1: 13-15. 000238 Lan, T. C. ( E T e , ) 1997 A new volute from the South China Sea. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R B q $ E ) 2 1:17- 19.

- G % B ) 1997 A new olivid (Gastropoda: Olividae)

000241 Lee, Y. C. and Wu, W. L. (+&@

from the South China Sea. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B s $ E ) 2 1:29-32. 000242 Chang, K. M. ($?g&)

1997 Anatomy of Videnoida haenseli and !I formosana from

Taiwan (Pulmonata: Trochomorphidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B % $E ) 21 :33-40. 000243 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 1997 Antamy of Coniglobus arisanus (Kuroda) from Taiwan (Pulmonata: Camaenidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (HfB%$E) 2 1:4 1-48.


000244 Chao, D.; Chen, S. C. and Young, C. D. ( B A @ j P*$JO@P

- f g , e , S ) 1997 Mollusks and

their distribution in Neiwen, Ping-tung Co., south Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (g%%$E) 2 1:49-56.

- ZjSBB) 1997 Radula and operculum of Neritopsis

000245 Lan, T. C. and Lee, Y. C. (ETiFf;fi,

radula Linnaeus, 1758. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B s $ E ) 2 1 :57-59. 000246 Lan, T. C. and Lee, Y. C. (ETiFf;fi,

-ZjSjSj@) 1997 New findings on radula of Conus chiangi

(Azuma, 1972). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 2 1 :6 1-62.

- @ A @ ) 1998 Justifications for disappearance of freshwater snails from the Tachia River. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 22: 1-6. 000248 Chang, K. M. and Tada, A. ( E g @ - %BIB&) 1998 Diplommatina pilula n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( g B q $ E ) 22:7- 12. 000249 Lee, Y. C. and Wu, W. L. (ZjSjSjB - a % @ ) 1998 Morphological study on Pomacea

000247 Chang, C. and Chao, D. ( E R

canaliculata (Lamarck, 1 8 19) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( f l R q $ E ) 22: 13-28.


000250 Yang, M. N.; Chen, C. Y. and Wu, W. L. (.f:8@%

a % @ ) 1998 Anatomy study

on Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793 from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B % $E) 22:29-34. 000251 Chang, K. M.; Tada, A. 2nd Hwang, C. C. (%R$P;

- 9HBs. %%@)1998 Diplommatina

(Benigoma) tattakaensis n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (!Z!@%$E) 22:35-38. 000252 Chang, K. M. and Ookubo, K.


A A l z G q ) 1998 Diplommatina (Benigoma)

$ ! $@H ( akirai n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology,) ETaiwan, 000253 Wu, S. P. and Wu, W. L.

($$gq .B g @ )


1998 The distribution of Camaenidae in

Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 22:43-48. 000254 Chang, K. M.; Tada, A.; Hwang, C. C. and Ookubo, K. (%%@


%HB& si3$m

@& 4) 1998 Hemiphaedusa baibaraensis n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (HB%$E) 22:49-56. 000255 Lee, Y. C. and Wu, W. L. (?$5B@B. B g @ ) 1998 A new trochid from the Kue-Shan Island.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 2257-60.


000256 Lee, Y. C. and Wu, W. L. (+$ZB B g B ) 1998 A new subgenus and three new species

of epitoniid from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, Z !B (!%)s


000257 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 1999 Anatomy of Stereophaedusa horikawai ishizakii (Kuroda, 194 1) from Chinping, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 23: 1-6. 1999 Hemiphaedusa gochishanensis, n. sp. from Taiwan. Bulletin 000258 Chang, K. M. (E%@)

of Malacology, Taiwan, (H%%$E) 23:7- 14. 000259 Chang, K. M. and Hwang, C. C. (%RE&

- gi3$@) 1999 Systematucs of Pseudobuliminus

incertus (Pfeiffer, 1865) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (HB%$E) 23: 15-20. 000260 Chang, K. M. and Ookubo, K. ( E % @


1999 Antomy and systematics on

Plectopylis (Sinicola) ishizakii Kuroda, 1941 from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( H B S S ) 23:21-28. 000262 Yang, M. N. and Wu, W. L. (@@%

- B g B ) 1999 Gametogenesis of Crassostrea gigas

Thunberg, 1793 from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 23:33-38. 000263 Wu, W. L. and Yang, M. N . ( B 2 P $

- .f:g@%) 1999 The reproductive cycle of Crassostrea

gigas Thunberg, 1793 from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (!Z!B%$E) 000264 Hsieh, P. J.; Lin, Y. H. and Wu, W. L. (a{Qj!#'$$@&.&gP2)

1999 The shell characters

of Clausiliidae from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan,B Z!% ($E) 000265 Chao, D.; Wu, C. L. and Cheng, C. C. ( B A B


23 :47-54.

- $$,%,%.PglRR) 1999 Land and

freshwater mollusks in Tungkang, Pingtung, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R R 9 % ) 23:55-60.

000266 Chang, C. K. and Wu, W. L. ($@@m JJ&qFg)

1999 Small shells of the classic Turridae

from Taiwan I : Introduction and reclassification. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( R B g

s)23:61-68. 000267 Chang, C. K.

($?&a) 1999 Small shells of the classic Turridae from Taiwan II . Clavidae.

Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( R @S$E) 23 :69-77. 000268 Fan, P. C.; Wu, C. C.; Yen, C. W. and Huang, P. (%%g



@3%3%) 2000

Survival of Pomacea species out of water kept in 25째C laboratory condition. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (%%%$E) 24: 1-6.

3BEIG) 2000 Coniglobus nux litus n. subsp. from

000269 Chang, K. M. and Tada, A. (%BE&

Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB%$E) 24:7- 12.


000270 Chang, C. K. and Wu, W. L. ($@@a

2000 The Taiwan inquisitors (Gastropoda:

Turridae). Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (B@%$E) 24: 13-26. 000271 Chang, K. M.

(E@@) 2000 Small shells of the classic Turridae from Taiwan III.

Mangeliidae. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (W%%$E) 24:27-30. 000272 Chang, K. M. and Tada, A. (E%&P:

Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( R 000273 Cai, Y. Y. and Chen, T. Z.

9BIBE) 2000 Hemiphaedusa lini n. sp. from Taiwan.

gss)24:3 1 -36.

(EgE. Pgflg) 2000

The Prosobranchia (Mollusca:

Gastropoda) of the Nansha Islands, Hainan, China Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R B . 9

$B) 24:37-46. 000274 Wu, W. L.; Chang, P. J. and Lee, Y. C.

(a?% %!&{I

of Kinmem. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, (R@$3$E)

3BB) 2000 The Malacofauna


000275 Chang, C. K. ( B E D ) 2000 Small shells of the classic Turridae from Taiwan IV.

Daphnellinae and Philibertinae. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (RB&$3$E)


000276 Chang, C. K. ( @ E m ) 2001 New turrid taxonomy and three new species. Bulletin of

Malacologv, Taiwan, (g%$$E) 000277 Jung, B. S.


25: 1-6.

A survey of shells in Lan-yu Island. Bulletin of Malacologv,

Taiwan,, (R%F$E) 25:7- 16. 000279 Chang, K. M.

($@%&)2001 Anatomy of Coniglobus arisanus takkiriensis (Kuroda) and

its albino type from Taiwan (Pulmonata: Camaenidae). Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( R B s $ E ) 25:27-32. 000280 Ueng, Y. T., Cheng, C. Y. and Wang , J. P. $($s4% ,

- s{$g. X @ q ) 2001 Ercolania

boodleae (Baba, 1938) new record of Sacoglossa (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R%%$E) 25:33-3 8.


000281 Ueng, Y. T. and Wang, J. P. ($&354,$j! E @ q ) 2001 Elysia chilkensis Eliot, new record of

Sacoglossa (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan, ( B B s $ E ) 25:39-44.

000282 Lee, Y. C. and Wu, W. L.



2001 The cyclophorids fauna of Taiwan.

Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R g % @ ) 25:45-78. 000285 Lan, T. C. and Chen, C. Y. (E=f-$6

p g s s ) 2002 A further study on Nerita squamulata

as a new local form from the Pescadores Island, Taiwan. Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( a

%%@)2611 1-16. 000286 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 2002 Luchuena species from Pahsientung, Taitung County (Pulmonata: Enidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, (R@%$F) 26:17-26. 000287 Chang, K. M. (E%f&) 2002 Oversize form of Luchuena taivanica (Moellendorff, 1884) from Hsinchu and Miaoli Counties, Taiwan. (Pulmonata: Enidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan,, ( R B S s ) 26:27-34. 000288 Chang, K. M. (Egf&) 2002 Description and anatomy of Coniglobus pekanensis insularis Kuroda et Kano MS from Lutao, Taiwan (Pulmonata: Camaenidae). Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan, ( R % s $ F ) 26:35-40. 100004 Chang, K. M. (E%@) 1977 p % E M R % % @ j t B % % @ @ R % $ S B R .

The Pei-Yo,

Taiwan, ( R E ) 1 :2-3. 100014 Wu, W. L. ( Q g R ) 1979 $&$%7k11%@%%%zZ.

The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( H E ) 3:1-4.

100016 Chang, K. M. ( E g @ ) 1979 %TBRfSi;'%; ( I) . The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 3:s-9. 10002 1 Chang, K. M. ( E g & ) 1980 %Tp2R%%zZ ( 3 ) . The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 4:7-9. 1 00027 Chang, K. M. (E%&) 198 1 B@p2R$$%;Z.

The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( B E ) 5:3-8.

10003 1 She, N . P. (&fig)198 1 F R @ / l \ $ S @ R . The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 5:17. 100040 Tao, S. J . (j%Jf$@)

1982 p%EHR%%@F!fP+-R%$&@$Z.

The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E )

6:s-8. 100041 Chen, J . C. (Pg$Z$k) 1982 M%%RzZ@. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 6:9-10. 100042 Lai, K. Y. ($BEE)1982 /l\mE$$R;Z.

The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 6:1 1 -1 3.

100043 Chang, K. M. (E%@) 1982 $IM~~fiZR%-+jtrf!7i:/~~El3R$IMif;$%~~~ The Pei- Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 6:1 4-2 1 . 100047 Wu, C. C. ($$3@) 1982 %.i$%a%R;Z. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 7:2-4. 100048 Chinese shell-name Committee ( R % p g z T % $ B ) 1982 +@ijR%~~.

The Pei-Yo,

Taiwan, ( R E ) 75-35. 100051 Lan, T. C. (E=f-@,)

1982 %@jSIW-Z&$E@@Zf#jfi. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 7:44.

100057 Chinese shell-name Committee ( R % p g z T % $ L ) 1983 +@R@mz2 ( 2 ) . The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 8:3-25. 100059 Wu, C. C. ($$$@)

1983 ~P$AFa:&#E%%*%B$B2WS@%.

The Pei-Yo,

Taiwan, ( H E ) 8:27-35. 100064 Chen, J . C. (Pg#$l$k) 1983 ~ ~ # $ 1 ' 1 A @ The~ Pei-Yo, . Taiwan, ( H E ) 8:43-57. 1 00070 Chang, K. M. (E%f&)

1984 $.@EP2$3R% H @. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E ) 9:2-19.


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100285 Lin, S . R. ($$fig) 1997 ~$!$IY@~&HRB. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)23:38-39. 100286 Yu, W. M.

(g2Ba)1997 Gfi#@@.PF&ESE,%@%EEPB?%%F%. The Pei-Yo,

Taiwan, (RE)23:40-4 1. 10029 L a , T. C.

( 3 )1998 :


i The Pei-Yo, Taiwan,

(Is\E)24:4. 100292 Lan, T. C. (EFfg)1998 @%fi%gfi9Z%$W%k%. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)24:5-6. 100293 Wu, W. L. (agP2)1998 s@!fiQZj-@$q. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)24:7-12. 100294 Lee, Y. C. (+g$$) 1998 s@!fi9B@l$%. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)24: 13-1 5. 100295 Lee, Y. C.

(+Egg) 1998 s@jjt;2a@ifiB9E%%RB. The Pei-Yo,



24: 16-20.

. $g+Q%) 1998 s$Sf@lThe @ Pei-Yo, q!& Taiwan, .

100296 Lai, K . Y. and Chung, B. S. ($BgB

(RE)24:21-28. 9 RPei-Yo, R . Taiwan, (RE)24:29-30. 100297 Lai, K . Y. ($fisE)1998 ~ H @ f i 9 ~ & ' ~The 100298 Lan, T. C. (EFtE) 1998 @efi9E$i-Q ?9@!$$EFEB9 R T$4 €I @. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)24:31-37. 100308 Wu, W. L. and Wang, W. J. (a2@ . 32{%) 1999 6$6~%$9!k$@7%@. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (gE)25:8-9. 100309 Wu, W. L. (XJgPg) 1999 fEtij5$@$(kE@~%B32B9!j$B. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE) 25:lO-11. 1003 10 Wu, W. L. and Wang, W. J.

( G 2 @. 32{%) 1999 6$6%%$9RE-6$;6%%R%. The

Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)25: 12-1 3.

1 003 1 3 Lee, Y. C. (+g$$) 1999 M%Zk% vs

@%Zk%. The Pei- Yo, Taiwan, (RE)25:1 8. 1003 14 Lee, Y. C. (+E$$)1999 sEFk%.M.{$. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (EE)25:19. 1003 15 Chung. B. S . and Lai, K. Y. (@+Q% $fl%B) 1999 &LllEf%RSZE#j%. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)25:20-22. 1003 16 Lai, K . Y. ($flgB) 1999 +@EfikF?$fi9j&@. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (BE)25:23-33. 1003 18 Lai, H . R. ($BYE%) 1999 Ew&%fiqRB@f&. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)25:35-43. 1003 19 Lan, T. C. (EFtE)1999 2%t$%ZZ. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)25:44-53. 100321 Lan, T. C. (EF@,) 1999 j%%$E@R@. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)2555. 100324 Lan, T. C. (EFtffi,) 1999 EJZg+%B. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)25:60. 100325 Lan, T. C. (EFe)1999 4R4RR. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (HE)25:6 1-79. 100325-1 Wu, W. L. and Lee, Y. C. (@&@ . Z$SE$$)1999 s:&?is@g. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)2 5 : 8 2 ( 8 E ) . 100327 Chen, C. Y. and Ho, S. J . (Igzg . {EJ$fJjZ) 2000 The ecology o f Gyroscala lamellosa. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, (RE)26:4-5.

100330 Chung. B. S.

(@m+) 2000 Four n. sp. bivalves from Taiwan. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( R E )

26:8-9. 10033 1 Lan, T. C. (EFB,)2000 Another Philine species in Taiwan. The Pei-Yo, Taiwan, ( H E ) 26: 10. 100336 Lee, Y. C.

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Calliostoma haliarchus (Melvill, 1889) PC!l$R@@ 36 Calliostoma katoi (Sakurai, 1944) &@@@ 36 Calliostoma koma (Shikama et Habe, 1965) 36 Calliostoma problematicus (Kuroda et Habe, 1971) rL@fj@!l$R36 Calliostoma rubroscalpta Lee et Wu, 1998 &$!$@@ 36 Calliostoma shinagawaense (Tokunaga, 1902) 36 Calliostoma soyoae Ikebe, 1 942 ##I@@ 36 Calliostoma tosaensis (Kuroda et Habe, in Habe, 1961) *@&!l$R 36 Calliostoma unicum (Dunker, 1860) Jj$@#@!l$!3 7 Calliotropis annonaformis Lee et Wu, 200 1 Q @@ 37 Calliotropis sakashitai (Sakurai, 1994) kkT@@ 3 7 Calliotropis scalaris Lee et Wu, 200 1 p&@Q$2j3@ 3 7 Camitia rotellina (Gould, 1849) j@>fi@&. 37 Cantharidus callichrous (Philippi, 1850) &5%93!l$P 37 Cantharidus forma bisbalteata (Philippi, 1901) $13A5~@!l$R3 7 Cellana grata (Gould, 1859) -+E!l$R 30 Cellana grata forma eucosmia Pisbry, 1895 30 Cellana grata forma steansii Pilsbry, 1911 30 Cellana nigrolineata (Reeve, 1854) $.E$?!S!l$P 31



Cellana profunda mauritiana (Pilsbry, 1891) 31 Cellana radiata Born, 1778 $@%@, 31 Cellana radiata orientalis (Pilsbry, 1891) 31 Cellana rediana eneagona Reeve, 1854 &BIB&. 31 Cellana testudinaria (Linneaus, 1758) 31 Cellana toreuma (Reeve, 1854) z g @ 31


Cellana toreuma forma amussitata (Reeve, 1855) 32 Cellana steansii (Pilsbry, 189 1) mgs@30 Chlorostoma argyrostoma (Gmelin, 179 1) %@@ 3 7 Chlorostoma turbinata (A. Adams, 1853) @m%f&l$!$ 38 Chlorostoma xanthostigma (A. Adams, 1853) %EX@@38 Chrysostoma paradoxum (Born, 1780) &U @@ 38 Clanculus bronni (Dunker, 1860) %Bag@ 38 Clanculus bronnifraterculus Pilsbry, 1904 38 Clanculus clanguloides (Wood, 1828) 38 Clanculus denticulatus (Gray, 1827) @%@@ 38 Clanculus gemmulifer Pilsbry, 1901 $$I@@ 39

Clanculus margaritarius (Philippi, 1846) /J\s@@@ 39 Clithon chlorostoma (Broderip, 1832) & D z g @ 23 Clithon corona (Linnaeus, 1758) /I\SBEk% 23 Clithonfaba (Sowerby, 1836) E L ~ E23@ Clithon oualaniensis (Lesson, 183 1) /J\j5@@ 23 Clithon retropictus (v. Martens, 1879) fig@ 23 Clithon souverbiana (Montrouzier, 1 866) g F g @ 23 Clithon sowerbianus (Recluz, 1842) $$&zEk$24 Collisella dorsuosa (Gould, 1859) 14 Collisella heroldi (Dunker, 1861) 14 Collisella heroldi luchuana (Pilsbry, 190 1) @Z$B@ 14 Collisella 1ang;fordiHabe, 1944 sE3@ 14 Collonista glareosa Gould, 1 86 1 @fie@ 47 communis Quay et Gaimard, 1832 29 concinna Reeve, 1846 21 Conotalopia musiva (Gould, 1859) E@l@k$ 39 L



coreensis Recluz, 1853 48

Dentarene sarcina Iredale, 1929 $@R%sk$ 22 Diloma piperina (Philippi, 1 849) i!$J$@@@ 39 Diloma suavis (Philippi, 1849) 39 Diodora mus (Reeve, 1 850) %@3ZTL@ 16 Diodora octagona (Reeve, 1850) & & % @ Z T J/ 17 Diodora quadriradiata (Reeve, 1850) fi,gzTL@ 17 Diodora semilunata Habe, 1953 @EXZJ$ 17 Diodora sieboldi (Reeve, 1850) EBB?/@17 Diodora singaporensis (Reeve, 1850) %j~nf&ET/@ 17 Diodora suprapunicea Otuka, 1937 @%Bf/@ 17

~ m a r ~ i n e lbiangulata la (Sowerby, 1901) gBgk$ 17 Emarginella $ eximia (A. $ Adams, 1 852) # 17 Emarginella incisula (A. Adarns, 1852) #.81$$5 18 Jg@

Emarginula concinna A. Adams, 1852 $I%g&$ 18 Emarginula crassicostata (Sowerby, 1863) 18 Emarginulafiagilis (Yokyama, 1920) s g g @ 18 Emarginula hataii (Habe, 1953) mlg&@ 18 Emarginula imaizumi Dall, 1926 18 Emarginula maculata Sowerby, 1866 18 Emarginula variegata (A. Adams, 1852) 18 Eotricolia megastoma (Pilsbry, 1895) $I:$@& 35 Ethminolia stearnsii (Pilsbry, 1895) 39 Euchelus aspera Gmelin, 1793 39 Euchelus eucheliformis (Nomura et Hatai, 1940) %BE%@39 Euchelus foveolatum (A. Adams, 1853) Sfi@ Q E%@40 Euchelus instrictus (Gould, 1849) RE$&@ 40 Euchelus lischkei Pilsbry, 1904@&$@?j&% 40 Euchelus pauperculus (Lischke, 1 872) $AafiJ,@@@ 40 Euchelus rubra (A. Adams, 1853) $I&!$&@ 40 Euchelus verrucus Gould, 1860 @a%@ 40


eucosmius Pilsbry, 1895 30

Fautor camptus (A. Adams, 1853) %lR%&$&@ 40 Fissurellidae g&!$q 16 fuliginea A. Adems, 1 852 18

Gaza sericata Kuroda in Kira, 1959 ?$V?@@ji@ 40 Geophorus sulfureus Kuroda et Kano, 194 1 j-$fi@+ 21 Ginebis argenteonitens (Lischke, 1 872) 3R$E$&@ 41 Ginebis argenteonitens hirasei Taki et Otuka, 1943 F$@3R$E%&$ Ginebis convexiuscula tosana (Shikama, 1 962) %m$E@@ 41 Ginebis convexiusculus (Yokoyama, 1920) % B 3 R $ E % @ 41 Ginebis crumpii (Pilsbry, 1893) @ R E @ 41 gloriosa Kira, 1959 47


Glyphis galeata (Helbling, 1779) @31$5fL@,18 granulosa Pease, 1869 47 gruneri Philippi, 1848 20 Guildfordia triumphans (Philippi, 1841) E@, 4 7 Guildfordiayoku Jouseaume, 1888 E$$E%47

Haliotidae &@fq 20 20 Haliotis asinina Linnaeus, 1 758 Haliotis discus (Reeve, 1846) &&kg 20 Haliotis diversicolor (Reeve, 1846) fL3L@ 20


Haliotis dohrniana Dunker, 1863 20 21 Haliotis jacnensis (Reeve, 1846) I%{%&@ Haliotis ovina (Gmelin, 1791) @f@@ 21 21 Haliotis planata Sowerby, 1887 Haliotis varia (Linnaeus, 1758) @f@@ 21 Helicinidae 21 Hilon megastoma (Pilsbry) /J\$g@33 hindsii Recluz, 1842 27 hizenensis Pilsbry, 1901 38 48 Homalopoma eoa Azuma, 1972 @jE&@ 48@ Homalopoma laevigatum (Sowerby, 1914) *#!I@ 41 Hybochelus cancellatus orientalis (Pilsbry, 1904)


lwakuwatrochus vittatus (Pilsbry, 1903) 41

laevilirata Sowerby, 1914 24 1ang;fordi Dall, 1 926 22 Lepetidae %&EZ%fq 22 Leptothyra rubricineta (Mighels, 1 845) tBEm&kg 48 34 Leucorynchia tricarinata Melvill et Standen, 1895 Q3$$j@

Limalepeta lima Dall, 19 1 8 B@@!$@ 22 lineata Gmelin, 179 1 24 lineatus Larmarck 45 Liotiidae %@@ 22 Liotina peronii (Kiener, 1 839) /J\&RIJ!I@B 48 Liotina solidula (Gould, 1859) @ / J \ T B @ 22 Lischkeia alwinae (Lischke, 1 87 1) Bg @ 41 Lottia kogamogai Sasaki et Okutani, 1994 /J\ls,aBzgh% 22 Lottia tenuisculpta Sasaki et Okutani, 1994 @@BE%@ 23 Lottidae Bxgk%fq22 Lunella cinerea (Born, 1778) 48 Lunella coronata (Gmelin, 18 18) %@ 48 Lunella granulata (Gmelin, 1791) @%@ 48

Macroschisma dilatatum (A. Adams, 185 1 ) ,$?(fis3lB 19 Macroschisma sinense (A. Adams, 185 1) + $ z 3 1 @ 19 Microgaza corona Lee et Wu, 2001 41 Microgaza kutoi (Kuroda et Habe, 196 1) fiI@@@ 42 Monilea callifera (Lamarck, 1822) 42 Monodonta labio (Linnaeus, 1758) S E g @ 42 Monodonta labio forma confusa Tapprone-Canefri, 1874 m$Zf@.jE$@ Monodonta neritoides (Philippi, 1850) g S E @ h % 42 Monodonta perplexa Pilsbry, 1 889 f3@@ 42 Montfortista eurythma (Dautzenberg, 1908) &&f@ 19 Montfortista oldhamiana (Nevill, 1869) %?%Oh% 19


Neocollonia pilula (Dunker, 1860) 49 Nerita albicilla Linnaeus, 1758 '&&s@ 24 Nerita balteata Reeve, 1 855 @$ft@@ 24 'Nerita bensoni Recluz, 1 850 g & f i s @ 24 Nerita chamaeleon Linnaeus, 1758 24 Nerita costata Gmelin, 1 79 1 %@J@@ 25


Nerita exuvia Linnaeus, 1758 ji%g@ 25 Nerita helicinoides Reeve, 1855 f%@g$$g 25 Nerita helicinoides tristis Pilsbry, 1901 % @ f % R g @ 25 Nerita incerta (Busch, 1844) 25 Nerita insculpta Recluz, 1842 @,@g@ 25 Nerita japonica (Dunker, 1860) EBE@26 Nerita ocellata Leguillou, 1841 26 Nerita planospira Anton, 1839 qJgg@26 Nerita plicata Linnaeus, 1758 26 Nerita polita Linnaeus, 1758 S&g@26 Nerita reticulata Karsten, 1789 $ . B E @ , 27 Nerita rumphii Recluz, 184 1 mzgkg 27 Nerita squamulata Le Guillou, 1841 EH@@ 27 Nerita sriata Burrow, 18 15 &Re@,27 Nerita undata Linnaeus, 1758 fH,@g@, 28 Neritidae g@fq23 Neritina auriculata Lamarck, 18 16 @]$g$$g28 Neritina crepidularia (Lamarck, 18 18) mfiE@ 28 Neritina parallella (Roeding, 1798) ~ f ~ , @ 28 ~ $ $ ~ Neritina plumbea Sowerby, 1849 @g@, 28 Neritina pulligera (Linnaeus, 1767) g$$g28 Neritina turrita (Gmelin, 1791) m $ % E @ 28 Neritina variegata (Lesson, 1830) fa@Ig@ 28





Neritina violacea (Gmelin, 179 1) E@29 Neritina waigiensis (Lesson, 183 1) 29 Neritina yoldi Recluz, 1841 &,@g& 29 Neritopsidae gRg@fq30 Neritopsis radula (Linnaeus, 1758) gRg@30


nigricolor Dunker, 1860 38 Notoacmea concinna (Lischke, 1870) &3@ 14 Notoacmea schrenckii (Lischke, 1868) X%@ 15 Notoacmea schrenckii gloriosa Habe, 1944 A

ochotensis Philippi, 1846 43


oishii Shikama, 1973 33 Omphalius nigerrima (Gmelin, 1791) 42 Omphalius rusticus (Gmelin, 179 1) $g@gf&i@ 43 Omphalotukaia hajimeanum (Yoshida, 1948) Ef&i!$$ 43 Omphalotukaia nobilis (Hirase, 1922) Rf&i@ 43 optima Pilsbry, 1927 32


parvulus Philippi, 1848 51 Patellaflexuosa Quoy et Gaimard, 1834 32 Patellidae %@$430 Patelloida lentiginosa (Reeve, 1855) @%%@ 15 Patelloida pygmaea (Dunker, 1860) E@%@ 15 Patelloida pygmaea forma conulus (Dunker, 1861) &EEm3@15 Patelloida pygmaea lampanicola (Habe, 1944) %%@ 15 Patelloida saccharina (Linnaeus, 1758) g g s @15 Patelloida straita (Quoy et Gaimard, 1834) &ff&%@ 16 paumotensis Gould, 1846 32 Pectinodonta orientalis (Schepman, 1908) $QTj3$%@%@ 32 Pectinodontidae @@%@,$4 32 Phasianella modesta (Gould, 186 1) 33 Phasianella solida (Born, 1780) %$$$33 Phasianella variegata Lamarck, 1822 @@I$@@ 33 Phasianellidae 33 Phenacolepadidae 33 Phenacolepas crenulata (Broderip, 1834) .f;SFR@@33 Phenacolepas galathea (Lamarck, 18 19) @kR@$$T 33 Pleuropoma badium (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) 21 Pleuropoma hungerfordiana (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) $@$#@+ Pleurotomaria hirasei (Pilsbry, 1903) $I@@,$$% 33 Pleurotomaria rumphii (Schepman, 1879) @S$$j@,@ 34 Pleurotomaria salmiana (Rolle, 1899) gE$$j@,$$T 34 Pleurotomaria teramachii Kuroda, 1955 +HJ$$j@,$$$ 34 Pleurotomariidae $$j@,@$4 33 Pomaculax japonicus (Dunker, 1844) B *E@ 49





Pseudotalopia sakuraii Habe, 196 1 @#BE43 Punctrella dorcas Kira et Habe, 1949 jF/@ETLk%19 Punctrella nobilis A. Adams, 1860 @@ETL@ 19

radiatus Gmelin, 1791 44 Rimula exquisita A. Adams, 1853


rota Dunker, 1860 45 Roya eximia (Nevill, 1869) 34

schmaltzi Shikama, 1961 34 Scutus sinensis (Blainville, 1825) Ifl.f#i$@, 19 Senobolma venusta Okutani, 1964 ERE@ 49 Septaria janelli (Recluz, 1841) %%@Sk% 29 Septaria lineata (Lamarck, 1 8 1 6) jF&ES@, 29 Septaria porcellana (Linnaeus, 1758) %Sk% 29 Septaria porcellana cumingiana (Recluz, 1843) %P,%E@,29 signata Macleary, 1822 2 7 Skeneidae Z.$&J@@ 34 Smaragdia paulucciana Gassies, 1870 MZE@ 29 30 Smaragdia rangiana (Recluz, 184 1) zgZ$2s@ stellaeformis Reeve 32 Stomatella planulata (Lamarck, 1 8 16) @ q kg 34 Stomatella varia (A. Adams, 1850) /J\@U@ 35 Stomatellidae @ q J@$q 34 striatum Suzuki, 1972 47 Stromatia phymotis Helbling, 1779 )f@U @ 35 supertexta Lischke, 1870 20 Synaptocochlea concinna (Gould, 1 845)

$I#$@$ q kg


Tectus conus (Gmelin, 1791) $1#3@@ 43 Tectusfenestratus (Gmelin, 179 1) am@@43 Tectus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1767) qi@@@ 43 Tectus niloticus maximus (Philppi, 1844) ,%i%@k! 43 Tectuspyramis (Born, 1778) $Eif.@@44 Tectus triserialis (Lamarck, 1820) &b@@ 44 Teinostoma lucidum (A. Adams et Angus, 1863) Q i$%$S;i@ A

textilis Gould, 1859 18 ticaonica Reeve, 1850 17 Tosatrochus attenuatus (Jonas, 1845) Tricoliidae :&%$435 Trochidae @@$435


B%g@ 44

Trochus calcaratus Souverble, 1791 bff$@@ 44 Trochus chloromphalus A. Adams, 1853 &RE@44 Trochus hanleyanus Reeve, 1842 $I$?@@ 45 Trochus maculatus Linnaeus, 1758 Z#l@k! 45 Trochus sacellum Philippi, 1854 @%$&kg45 Trochus sacellum rota Dunker, 1860 /j\-?#lk! 45 Trochus stellatus Gmelin, 1790 mE@@ 45 Turbinidae @@$$ 46 Turbo argyrostomus Linnaeus, 1758 $ED@@ 49 Turbo brunneus Roeding, 1798 %ÂŁA!@@ 49 Turbo chinensis Ozawa et Tomida, 1995 +$@@ 49 Turbo chryostomus Linnaeus, 1758 &D@@49 Turbo cornutus Solander, 1786 B@@50 Turbo marmoratus Linnaeus, 1758 @%&@ 50 Turbo petholatus Linnaeus, 1758 50 Turbo reevei Philippi, 1847 gfi&@, 50 Turbo setosus Gmelin, 179 1 B!@@ 50 Turbo sparverium Gmelin, 1791 .=;@!I$$@ 51 Turbo stenogyrus Fischer, 1873 51



Umbonium monilferum (Larnarck, 1822) @%$H@'$ 46 Umbonium suturale (Lamarck, 1822) 46 Umbonium thomasi (Crosse, 1863) :&jgfi$t",!& 46 46 Umbonium vestiarium (Linnaeus, 1758)


urashima Shikama et Oishi, 1977 34

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