
Page 1

The Taiwan Malacofauna IV. Gastropoda-Hetergastropoda, Heterpoda, Opisthobranchia and Pulmonata

Wen-Lung Wu, Ph. D. (Manchester, UK) Research Fellow and Professor of Zoology Institute of Zoology and Research Center for Biodiversity Academia Sinica, Taipei 115-29, Nankang, TAIWAN Telephone : 02-27899547,02-27899553 Fax : 02-27899547 E-mail : malacolg~,gate.sinica.edu.tw Web-site : http://shell.sinica.edu.tw http://shellmuseum.sinica.edu.tw -


Copyright O 2004 by Taiwan Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, TAIWAN

Editorial Office Laboratory of Malacology Institute of Zoology and Research Center for Biodiversity Academia Sinica, Taipei 115-29, Nankang, TAIWAN

On the Cover : Photograph of the Taiwan Hetergastropods, Heterpods, Opisthobranchia and Pulmonates by Yen-Chen Lee and Wen-Lung Wu GPN : 1009304248 ISBN : 957-0 1-9860-5 First published 2004

$H%NEH%sB *#HSH% (( 3 @ W 233. H$3) ZiFRB+gH%EB%@+%FfiB*TB3$%1kR%+ii\$A%@ T@g@+zgFfi@GFJ [e@!HBs&J$ The Taiwan Malacofauna Database] Ffi@% @ aj$jgg$$@Bgi3jBB3,100 fgFJ3g$W@. , £gp@,@i@B[+@j$fgB% 3 , Httgt.~%Fgf;;m-=;:@W%Ra% , 53ZrJfz :

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I @EM- Ef&@E H ( Gastropoda -Archaeogastropoda ) 11 @EM- +@E H ( Gastropoda -Mesogastropoda ) I11 @EM H ( Gastropoda -Neogastropoda ) IV @E#H ( Heterogastropoda ). B EH ( Heterpoda ) f&BR%M ( Opisthobranchia) BGH%M (Pulmonata ) V ( Bivalvia ) VI ( Cephalopoda ). mE# ( Scaphopoda ) ( Polyplacophora )

$ %FfiigHD9fi%%$%S$R#B Vaught ( 1989


?$SSR?%P3RD9R& ,q tt$2%-&RB%%FfiB?2igHEtZgD9%$% BE%* g-%@2+-$%FJEg& %%! , iiltE?ii$2@%FJfi%%$%, %m%+fz+E*ELfiR%B%%Ffi;,3RB9 SiilS $ H%%H@2%F3BAfi%B%$%B9RH lZIB$%$%D9+BEZ Hfg%+€I%@* , mtt P%?%E8$g a ( Heterogastropoda ) B E g ( Heterpoda ) 1

Vaught, K. C. 1989 A ClassiJication of the Living Mollusca. (Eds. R. T. Abbott and K. J. Boss) XII+ 189. American Malacologists, Inc., Melbourne, Florida 32902, USA.




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Order Aplysiacea $&& Family Aplysiidae $&B# Genus Aplysia Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 : Jimbriata Adams et Reeve, 1850







igJEBi&E - L5MzggiEgTg:@jg


@%%@ : 200002 . 200008




Aplysia juliana Quoy et Gaimard, 1832 m@Rg : sibogae Bergh, 1905 o

B-Bfi* : jtEBi&E- jzjtR@j%

- 200020 . 200021 . 200022 . 200023 O


: 200014


A:@E A @fie : jtEBi&E- jzjtR:@jg ; :g@li&E - jg@ljzEb$gjg ; $jEBi&E Ejz gg1p7jgqq$,;$gjg

Aplysia kurodai (Baba, 1937)



@%%a : 20000 1 - 200002 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 8.2000 10 .2000 11 .2000 13 .2000 16 .2000 17 . O


2 0 0 0 2 0 ~200021 200022~200023 o

Aplysia oculifera Adams et Reeve, 1850 BfgRg : hirasei Baba, 1949



&@fi* jtgBi&E- jzjtR$gjg ; rnEBi&E- RjzggJBgTgJ:&jg @%%@

: 200002

. 200014 . 200020 . 200021 . 200022 . 200023




Genus Dolabella Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786) %@j:&@ m@Rg : scapula (Martyn, 1784) : $j<@i&E - $j@$&@ ; igJEBi&Ig - RjzggdpBgTgJ@jg a &I%@ : 200001 200002 o




Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Rang, 1928)






@%%@ 200014 200020 . 200021 . 200022 . 200023


Family Notarchidae Genus Bursatella Bursatella leachi leachi Blainville, 1817 s$@&E'@q BfgRg : Aclesia freeri Griffin, 1912 hirasei Eales et Engel, 1935




$j:@i&E - j$j@jjzEB:@jg


@%%@ : 200016 20001 7




Order Archaeopulmonata RBbGm Family Carychiidae g@j$!i)q$" Genus Carychium Carychium hachijoensis Pilsbry, 1902 )(Zag%@+ A. a&% d*



@+%a : gg;zg&

Carychium pessimum Pilsbry, 1902

%ZBi&E-Egg$; EZbi&E- gk#gg

: : 0001 24

@%%a . 100070 . 200001 . 200120 Carychium noduliferum Reinhardt, 1877 $@** : $:Egg,





3 $h,fE&%

@%z@: 200155

Family Ellobiidae S@$" Genus Allochroa Allochroa afinis (Gray, 1825) $$j&BkT


jglg13i&E-JgBg%1Egyg O

@%%I& : 000124 . 100070 . 100368 . 200001


Allochroa pfe~fferi(Dunker, 1860) gI$kg /EJ@Ef&: conica Pease, 1862 o



: $jw$%lj# : 200001


. 200120

Genus Cassidula Cassidula nucleus (Gmelin, 1791) @I$@ /EJ@!$g mustelina Deshayes, 1830 o


Bgbi&E- $%$%

: @ % 2 % : 000124


pEigbi&E- $pEi*ST &L#E% A





RR$%%$B O

100070 20000 1 2001 14 2001 20

/]\@I$kT 6 1 pEiZBi&E E313%%3iEiZfE#% Z%$%~%%E~$PPE~$?R~&

Cassidula paludosa nigrobrunnea Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 k n.E 2h\



000124 . 100368 . 100070 @%%a



Cassidula sowerbyana (Pfeiffer, 1853) k'9 \

6 : EgBi&E-$E$zT


@%%& 200114 Genus Ellobium q @ M Ellobium aurisjudae (Linnaeus, 1758)





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E.40 g O'pJ ZSJs qn

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Genus Discotectonica Discotectonica acutissima (Sowerby 111, 1914) jSj$$iSii!&$

3:efi;5tJ @%g@

: j$jEj3i&E -Ej$j:@ig


000060 200122



Discotectonica nipponicus Kuroda et Habe, 1971


3B** A tEbi&E 3jt!$?$33@i% @%Z@ : 100127 -


Genus Solatisonax Solatisonax acutecarinata (Thiele, 1925)

3$gfi$fi : jgj+m:gi$(i&Jlg @%Z@ : 100358






Genus Psilaxis Psilaxis radiatus (Roeding, 1798) $E@$$$iSii!&% flfljgg : hybrida Linneaus, 1758 layardi A. Adams, 1855 undata Hanley, 1863





A tEj3j&E- gm!$?$mj$%$i% : j$jEj3i&E Jg%!$?$/]\%f$ llBgq%@ -

i$, '&n j$j+m'&igi&E- m?$kqg @%Z@ : 20000 1 200008 2001 17





Family Epitoniidae .$@!@jgfq Genus Acrilla Acrilla acuminata (Sowerby, 1844) Jg$:@@@!&%

3@fi* EEj3i&E ~$E!j:&l@@q~~~@fig@ @%Zjj#: 200135 -



Genus Amaea Amaeaflammea Lee, 200 1

k$fj'&!/!@!&q 3@fi* : A tEEi&E Bm!$%%mg&ig -

@%%@ : 100358



Amaea gazeoides Kuroda et Habe, 1961 $Mflh?@!/!@% flfggg : sericogazea Masahito, Kuroda et Habe, 1971

+$@tB:@:&j% @%Z@ : 100222 A$@** a




E:&$#!&% 3@fi* : j$jEj3i&E-jF,kf?gig @%ZB: 200001

Amaea magniJica (Sowerby, 1844)



Amaea martini (Wood 1828)




: @gj3j&lg-3@:@@ O



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"\ fag@; I =, B #.nugI+ g z g g.-3, %%3$ 52% 10 .-

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" n G J J ] ~ * ~ " cd K*gD#Uy a . m z ag %arn ;.s4ni?!I" 1%8



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e g g m a g - ,, *=o %2"@0S .nu 2 % nunu .9 E s S-trg%%!g, E .... .. $ .... S 2 % k-~ * % id :aid z Y@w E@@ w

.s 4n @t\



Iniforis poecila (Hervier, 1897)


2@8*: REFi&E 2R%%,%E - i%m; fiEFi&E-gRg%/j\R3*@jg @%%B : 000008 - 000027 - 2-00001 - 200007 - 200013 - 200024 -


$I%$ff$fikg +3f?$%l@?g

Iniforis speciosa (Adams et Reeve, 1850)


: %EFi&lj@%%% : 000027 200013


- 200024 O

Genus Litharium Litharium bilineata (Kosuge, 1962)






@%%# : 000027 . 20001 3 200024


Genus Mastonia Mastonia aegle (Jousseaume, 1884) %3%s$Ekg A' a $986 jtELi&E- sjtg%3Z; REFi&E- sR$%I%g o @%%B : 000027 100127 20001 3 200024 o




E{QRZ$fEk! 2:@8*: RELi&E- *Rg%l%g RM ; @EbitbE-gR$%/l\R3$ l E g y g gig @%%B: 000008 - 000027 - 100368 ~ 2 0 0 0 10 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 7~ 2 0 0 0 0 8.2000 13 .200024

Mastonia limberti (Hervier, 1897) O

Z&$fE$fik% -=;@8* : RELi&E-k.R$%I@?g

Mastonia monilifera (Hinds, 1843)




@%%@: 000027 200013 200024 Mastonia panites (Jousseaume, 1884) &@$fE$fi@ Rf@?% : squamosa Kosuge, 1962 o

H!kB6 %EFi&E sR$$%g : @EFi&E - Jg3f?g%/j\$$3$jgfg


- 200001 - 20001 3 . 200024 -

: 000027



%s@k% 2:@fi6 : REbi&E- $Rg%i%M: fiEFi&E ER$%/j\R3$&fg

Mastonia papillata (Hervier, 1897)



@+%@ : 000008 200001 . 200007 200024 Mastonia quadrimaculata (Hervier, 1897)









@RZ$f$'kg 2Bfi6 : jLELi&E $jt$%ZZ 6F Y ' ; REFi&E sR$Ji1!&,E$ ; fiELi&EJgg?g%/J\$$3$ . lBByg:@fg

Mastonia rubra (Hinds, 1843) -



Genus Echinophoria Echinophoria carnosa Kuroda et Habe, 1961 3Ii$'t@@

$@fi& A tELi&E Bm$$%mEEi% -


: 100358 o

Genus Galeodea fHJfi#@B Galeodea echinophorella Hirase, 1936

$:@fi* : mgLi&E fifijgig



@ % q @ : 0001 77 200 122




Galeodea echinophorella suzumai (Sakurai, 1984)


: At%Li&E - Bm$%%mE%i% o @ % q a : 100358


Genus Galeoocorys Galeoocorys leucodoma (Dall, 1907)

s:fI!lfi& : $-@:gig



@ % q @ : 100057


Genus Phalium g s B Phalium areola (Linnaeus, 1758)

@@gkg 9$5!fi&: mgbi&E-fi+j@ig gg$$g$tJ ; g$$i&@ -zgj@ig o


: 000177

. 200001 . 200118


&#$%kg $$gfi& : $jgLi&E -fi$jgig ; m+m:gigi&E-gi$$#g

Phalium bandatum (Perry, 1811) @% #jqj

: 000177

. 000273



Phalium bisulcatum (Schubert et Wagner, 1829) B.Rgk! nfS$2$&: japonica Reeve, 1848 pila Reeve, 1848 minor Kuster, 1857 persimilis Kira, 1959



A > A \ TJ1




AtEbi&E-AtEL?@% %AtBW% $At$%BB$PL@T% ; fiEV&E $,$!$:@I@ ; $$j:mi&E - j$g:mjgig ; mgbi&Tg- gk#jgig gg$$g $tJ ; &,gi&E-&pyjgig ; $j+mgigi&E-m$$#g, -


@%2j&: 000 177 . 000273 . 000274 . 100298 . 200001 * 2001 18 $!@kg $Efi& : $$gj@i&E-gjj;mjgig ; mELi&E- gkfE$gig

Phalium bisulcatum japonica (Reeve, 1848) @ % q @ : 200001


Phalium bisulcatum pila (Reeve, 1848)



jtELi&@ jtEB@ig -




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aggsp .- flu g {a z

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<I/ c\l , , "$ "flu go" 2 zg@*g 2 .. .. .. 5 % E@ *M &W









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aI a%,, g m ,,

~ I H @ - g S 8 - 8 % KEH?

Distorsio perdistorta Fulton, 1938 Q@y&@

+@8* pq$bi&E- $$gj&@ ; fiEbi&@ -Rg'z#$jgtI

@%g@ : 000172



Distorsio reticularis (Linnaeus, 1758)


- jtgb$gig g'zjtB?&i$: E$$i&E $:@:&@ ; @jEBi&E -+@j**q gjk#@ig Rg'z#$g'zB; @j+m$gigi&@-@j$$kq

+:@$+j* : jtEbi&@ s



@ % g @ : 000172. 000273

. 100059. 200001 . 200114.

Genus Fusitriton Fusitriton galea Kuroda et Habe, 1961 +:$gfi* : jtgbi&@- g'zjtB$gig;




H $&@ @j+H$@i$i&Gfi+m:$gig -

E%fi* : fi*fi+Ej tATSD9 B$ZSB @ % g @ : 000172



a ~ B g ' zt?gi%h9i%@EfEmNPA j

. 1003 16

Fusitriton midwayensis Habe et Okutani, 1968


+$$fie : jtgbi&G-g'zjtB$gig E%8* : E%nR@zRfi++$g EZX~3:@g'zj ~B%~%EJ~&B@~R o

@ % g @ : 1003 16 o

Genus Gyrineum g&@B Gyrineum bituberculare f cuspidatum (Reeve, 1844) Q @ZjQ&&g +#fie j tEBi&G- $ j tg$ZpY$gig

~ g f i * c%nfi*fi+%@g ~ ~ ~ + I I E E P B % ~ & @%g@ : 100316

$il,RZ@j&&g +@fie jtEBi&E jtgB$gig E#fi* : E*EAT% W@jB$$!jt?%?4ll%fiB%! $fZEEBfl2EPE%GfS n9mE2 a$:@KtssBqPAj&$!J Jj

Gyrineum gyrinum (Linnaeus, 1758) -



@%g# : 000172 . 1003 16 . 200001

gljXs$&&g L, a $!&h 8; 1 jtgbi&E g'zjtB:&ig ; g'zgBi&@- xXi&&s ; figbi&G-Rg'z#$@ lEBTgjgig : &,Ri&E-&pYq&a&pY E%fie : EeEPE-ATFF f ~ g ' z $ b EPE . EPE . $ E % B $ %fi@%!


Gyrineum natator (Roeding, 1798) -



: 000274

. 100316.



g$&&g +:@fi* jtEBi&E g'zjtB:&ig: EEBi&@$$g:gh*

Gyrineum perca (Perry, 18 11) -


; @jEBi&E - gk#:&ig


m C\1

0 8 f&@ *

@ 130 EM '

!@%E 2k



E2 Z -!00E. g130

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2 4n %i


Family Dendrodorididae Genus Dendrodoris Dendrodoris denisoni (Angas, 1864) BR%!i@$%!'&&@@

$@fi* : j33@li&E -~3@lg%~~~&ig @%g&f : 000161 o


Dendrodoris tuberculosa (Quoy et Gaimard, 1832)

3@**jtEBi&E-RjtRS% @%g&f

: 200020

. 200021



200022 200023

Family Gymnodorididae Genus Gymnodoris Gymnodoris alba ( ~ e r g h 1, 877) 8&%%@@@ $@fi6j t-EBi&E tg%g3@RRjtR@i$t; $jgFi&E- gRg~@@&ig 000161 200012 200020 200021 200022 200023 @%g%




Family Halgerdidae Genus Halgerda Halgerda graphica Basedow et Hedley, 1903 3@**j tEBi&E-RjtR:&ig @%gj# : 200023






Family Hexabranchidae fijaEf4 Genus Hexabranch us Hexabranchus sanguineus (Riippel et Leuckart, 1931) nfggg : marginatus Quoy et Leuckart, 1832





jtgBi&E Rjt@:&fg ; j$j@i$Jg -j$@@jjtgbjgig jg;@m:&:&ig RgBi&E- $Rg%,j$ig; $jgLittJg gRf&:&&ig lBgTg:&ig -




@%gj# : 000 161 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 0 0 6~ 2 0 0 0 0 8 2000 12 .2000 13 .2000 15 ~ 2 0 0 0 1 8 200019. 2 0 0 0 2 0 ~200021

. 200022~200023

Family Miamiridae Genus Miamira Miamira sinuata (van Hasselt, 1824) $i$$@$E:&q n@Rg: magnijca Eliot, 1910 flavicostata Baba, 1949


3E** : jtEBi&E- 3 B R i t R @%gB: 200020 . 200021 . 200022 . 200023 O

Family Phyllidiidae %$@$@$ffq Genus Fryeria Fryeria riippelli Bergh, 1 869 B&g@$@#j$$



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"88 o O m g z ,


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m oz oo g 88%

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Sggm 2 % 8 ."* 9 m 6s % ** adz -~2 eE g SH@

2 4 1 %


sg - g % .s r w o m 0 Lr)2flu& 088 gd+FaPSgom

Aegista lautsi brachylasia (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891)

$@fi$ : jgiGbi&E-g@sm ;*: sg!f?jgG@O : 000 133

$ g if@ & '


- 100070 . 200001 . 200120 . 200139


/J\%FEf$$q 2Bfi* : EEbi&E-2fiE%3#$PL E@#%Ffh$PL R%#&lEB+%

Aegista lautsi micra (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905)




100070 200001

- 200003



Aegista mackensii (Adams et Reeve, 1850) $@gf$$q m$EJ%g% : mackensii formosa Pilsbry, 1902 o

sgfi* jtEbi&E- 2jtij72mz A&m 2jtE%BE% %7k %!Em T3 m#%&mB$fiTT#%MB@ ; BELf&E B%#% : %Ebf&E%BE!& k@j% : EEbi&E-E%#%mgm R%#&%% 4F%Z%% -


@%gm: 000050



000 133 000 191 0002 16 000229 100027 100070 100115 100315 200001 200066 200109 200120. 200121




Aegista osbeckii (Philippi, 1847) %&rs'Jgf$$q /EJ$Zg%: inornata Pilsbry, 1901

2@fi$: Itgbf&E-ltEbmE BmE%%mB : 0001 33

- 100070 - 200001

9:$f$A@$$!& 2Bfi$ : jtGbi&E-6itij7234Z BW~2jt#&BE% %TTg%ME;@ %Eb i&E-%BE%k@+d : EEbf&E-3%#%mLEm BL#i&E ER#% pl ?J$$+g$ %$g %%%J&: 000050 000133 100027 100070 000191 000216 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 3 200120

Aegista subchinensis (Moellendorff, 1884)











2@ : &@$ fj$q IA, $ ' -% 3$ : %Ebi&E 2%E%A&$PL : REbf&E - E$gE%mgm R%#%4F%Z% 2 Jp?J$$+gmgi&E @%gI& : 000133 100070 000191 000229 000244 200001 . 200120

Aegista taiwanica Hirase in Kuroda, 1941






Aegista shermani (Pfeiffer, 1865) @&@f$$+

$@fi* : %Ebi&E 2%$!%$%i&E ; fi33f&E gL@i&E R%!&i1BB+% i&lg E 3 : %42%$EJ% @%%I& : 200155 -





Genus Bradybaena Bj!f&m Bradybaena similaris (Ferussac, 1822)


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q g g a : ::





q .? = 3 rru lo@ .rtS Q W l

Family Clausiliidae @@J$#$q Genus Euphaedusa / ~ \ B @ $ $ ! J ~ R Euphaedusa aculus (Benson, 1842) %q/J\@g$&q : Phaedusa sheridani shihi Chang, 1982 LA\



@%2j# :X 0001 33




100051 100070 0001 20

Euphaedusa eumegetha (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891)

Bjfg536 $?,kBi&E E 3 : $hfiZ%% @ % 2 m : 2001 55





Euphaedusa sheridani (Pfeiffer, 1865) ~ R / J \ ~ Z ~ B @ J + kurodai (Habe, 1943) aculus (Benson, 1842)


B@536: itEbi&E-2 i t 8 3it#$tEB ZZ$PL 66BPL : +Ebi&E-jqif2 #$j%GR : REbi&E-2R#$, E,@ R%R$lEgyE$ >


@%2j# : 000035 X 200121



000050 000133 000264 100070 200001 2001 09 .200120



Genus Formosana BwBe$$&M Formosana formosensis (H. Adams, 1866) .f;:@@@&q flfggg : albida Chang, 1991 Clausilia hotawana Pilsbry, 1901 formosensis var. chitouensis Chang, 1984 formosensis var. tsengwenensis Chang et Wu, 1987 paraformosensis Ehrmann, 1929 BE536 : +Ebi&E-R#2g$gs: %Ebi&E-EZR$, 2%#%%U$ : jqiELi&E



-BZ#%%f&$PL@EG - FJLiZLll BjqiE%@27kiSBkH$Z$$$Pb R%#&%%/J\%ÂŁ$ ~ E g y grn2i&E E%$ O



%+~@~@B%+o @%2@ : 000035 000046 .000129 000133

0001 60 .000187 0001 91 .000216 100070 200001 200120. 200121


000244 000264


Formosana formosensis albiapex (Chang et Ookubo, 1994) albiapex Chang et Ookubo, 1994



BBfi6 : %$Li&E-EBR%%f%$Pb3Z$g i2%f$%~$

@%%@ : 000208 . 000264





0 4

0 0 0


:: P

=.Ia g Ig %i02 XE




0 0

4n 4n g s

o * , 0\





s l g .c m e r n

0 - 0 0

Ygs = am

;./#(g .. .. .rn

:*% g*i4


2 4n 4x4


Hemiphaedusa odontochila clava Chang et Ookubo, 1994 .fEF?Z!BMq Of%%% : odontochilafulvicollis Ehrmann in Zilch, 1954 o

2Efi6 Rgbi&E gjzg%Zi&py @%2@ : 000214 . 000264 -


Hemiphaedusa ooi Kuroda, 1941 Z&@EMq : maanliauensis Chang et Wu, 1978



B E GBEJ AihL4 ?UF$Pb; jzgbi&E

A' -

a #5+6 BEbi&E- 2+#3,%@@

-E%#%k@M 3 8@B,%E%EBM+ O



@%%a : 000035 ~ 0 0 0 0 5 0.000 133 .000 150 .000166 200121


000264 100070 ~ 2 0 0 0 10



Hemiphaedusa ooi kosakai Kuroda, 1941 /j\&j5'$$jg@i+ WfZ%% takkiriensis Chang, 1985 o

3@e?fi pgbi&E 1




+gbi&E; jzgbi&E- E%f4j@$f+$Pb

REbiftE - -= %*~%rnZL4



: 000 133 0001 36 000 191 00020 1 000264 100070 100 121 ~ 2 0 0 0 10 o

Hemiphaedusa ooi lushanensis (Chang et Maeda, 1 982) lushanensis Chang et Maeda, 1982






+gbi&E- $@+gb ggp , $337&,g O

@%%a : 000118


jzgbi&E- E%gfi$Pb; figbi&E R$g#&iI -



000133 000264. 100070 200155


fU%&EgMq 3E536 1 REbi&E-G@$3m E%!#iA@JB ?%+bl$Pb B%%j&f : 000 133 000 158 000225 .000264 100070 . 100 121 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 3* 200 139

Hemiphaedusa pseudosheridani (Zilch, 1954)



Hemiphaedusa similaris ( H . Adams, 1866) : similaris clava Schmacker et Boettger, 1891 similaris var. ventriosa Schmacker et Boettger, 1891 similaris nigra Chang, 1990 2Bfi?fi: j tEbi&E- 2jtg&G$Z$Pp ; fiEbi&E- i%kfE$sm Ejz#%1Egq3$







%e%.!!3. i*:sBR6f%~x%E&QuE~Mq0 O

@%%@: 000035 ~ 0 0 0 0 5 0 000133 .000158 000176 .000225 000229~000264.


100016 100021 * 1 0 0 0 7 0 ~100121 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 0 3~ 2 0 0 1 0 9200120 ~ 200121 2001390

#A@~$,!J 3@5+6 %Ei&E +Ebi&E fi$gg&igg$pb#Afg

Hemiphaedusa tantaensis Chang et Wu, 1977 -


Genus Heterozaptyx Heterozaptyx diacoptyx (Pilsbry, 1905) $fj@$m@@@~+ MfEliBg : Zaptyx diacoptyx hassenensis (Kuroda, 194 1)

$@536 : BELt&E- 3+%% ; EELi&E-Bkf$%%

- 200120 o

@%%a : 0001 33


100070 200001

Heterozaptyx ilanensis Nordsieck, 2003 g m @ g M q

E h 6 : A tEbi&E gmg%t&E @%gF& : 200159

A,_* n \


Heterozaptyx santiaoensis (Chang, 1982)


3-@53* jtELt&E-jtgbi&E* 3Atg%z!$G@ @%g# : 000133 000264 100070 0001190

~@E$~EB$$?J+ n8% 6 %ELt&E 3%F%mm @?jqj& 000008 000133 .000264 100070 200001 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 7 200024 ~ 2 0 0 1 2 0

Heterozaptyx takahashii (Kuroda, 1932) A - r$ \


Genus Phaedusa l@g@&R Phaedusa eumegetha (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891)

* EELt&E-gkf$*sm R%g&Jm@*g .

: @ % g m : 0001 33

% ? ,A a $ ! >r$




Phaedusa hayashii Kuroda, 1941

100070 200001



$:$gfi* : EELt&E-gkf$$&gkf$*%m $2 : 3gq+jgfg


: 0001 33



100070 200001

2001 39


Phaedusa hayasii chipenensis Chang, 1986 %U*@~@J+

3t5?wfJ: %m!!E @%gj&

: 000148



. 000264


Genus Proreinia @g&+@ Proreinia eastlakeana layalis (Kuroda, 1941) $@% tl $83536 : tELf&E - 3jt%%,%R$Pl BEj$%A@%7!~?~%%i/i$Pl 000 133 000264 100070 000 114 100004 100121 200001 .200 120 200121





Proreinia eastlakeana yami (Kuroda et Kano, 194 1) %%%tl @@&!J+ A


6 : %Ebt&E 3%E&Ei8@




Genus Selenoptyx @&/E@@$!f@J+B Selenoptyx bivincta (Pilsbry, 1908) & @ E @ $'$$$,E

+@53$ @%?@


jtZI3itjE - $jtR%f$$ZZ; %ZI~~&E-~$~EI~LLIE >

: 0001 33

- 000264 - 100027 - 100070 - 200001


Genus Sfereophaedusa :@#&E@!f@J+B Stereophaedusa horikawai (Kuroda, 1941) ig)I 1 fiEB@q n @ s g : horikawai ishizakii (Kuroda, 1941) o

$@536 : j t Z ~ i t j ~ - BRE%Ai% ~ ~ ~ %fi?qR%%6$PP A ~ ~ ~ B 3:x%6mfiEEB+o



@ % 2 @ : 000 127 0001 33 ~ 0 0 0 1 2 8~ 0 0 0 1 4 4.000264 100004 100070 ~ 2 0 0 0 10 200120 200121 O

Genus Thaumatoptyx Thaumatoptyx alloptyx Nordsieck, 2003

$@fi* : $Ei&E : 200159


Thaumatoptyx aptyx Nordsieck, 2003

+:j%gfifi: fi@itjE &$2@ : 200 1 59 Thaumatoptyx changi Nordsieck, 2003 @fi$$@g@q

$:@fifi : $:&i&E @ % 2 @ : 2001 59 Thaumatoptyx euptyx Nordsieck, 2003





: 200159

Thaumatoptyx gonyptyx Nordsieck, 2003 A'



+@ji&E o

: 2001 59


Thaumatoptyx oligoptyx Nordsieck, 2003 +:$E$fj* : +@i&E @%%@ : 2001 59 O


Thaumatoptyx orthoptyx Nordsieck, 2003



s:&i~E O






0 0








+ 0 0 0


a m '






0 + m







4-;2 g Mo go



RI 0 f,

'GFO $do

a: % s


'@ g - E

2-38 5 INE 2 IF ZjgZ 8

% InF $ c? 1 -





5 In@ 8 .a l + Z B




.z g Z

Z*M $ 40 4%) 6




2eo .. ..



SE 8 9 .. ..

-5 e s



3 40 nj






gg6izG$q $j-@g!$fl

Genus Parakaliella Parakaliella depressa (Moellendorff, 1883) qZf$@$ A: a&$ -*@


jt%Bi&E -jtSBi&E 9jtg%?$i7&

: 000133

100070 200001

Parakaliella nahaensis (Gude, 1900) #b%%@q flfEJ@% : kunchana Pilsbry, 1902

9Bfi6 : #2w&E- 9 j t 8 Brn%%%?B

&?%%a : 000133 - 100070- 200001


Parakaliella venusta (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) fi?$%@$

9Bfi6 %SBf&E - SkE#% @%g@ : 000133 . 100070 200001 . 200120 O

Genus Parasitala Parasitala reinhardti (Pilsbry, 1900)

B?j$@$ s,g$*fi: $Sbi&E $EBi&E; fiSBi&E-$j%!i&E -

: 200155



Genus Parmarion

Parmarion martensi Simroth, 1893 ,@&%F @$

9:@fi6 %Ebi&E i%EG#%Ffh$PL



: 000 189 000265 Genus Petalochlamys

Petalochlamysformosana (Schmacker et Boettger, 189 1) .=i'@%f% flBgg : Macrochlamysformosana var. atypa Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891 Macrochlamys hypograpta Pilsbry, MS +gfi* : $@+E ; jtEBi&E- Sjt%%#k?Bigm : %Ebi&E-9%%%3#-



gkE*s$m skEg% R%#%llEig?EB+e%1E8?E s m %i&E R 3 :Sg%gf2O @%g@ : 000050 .000 133 000244 . 100021 . 100027 100070 . 100115 ~ 2 0 0 0 10 . %b




200121 200139

Petalochlamys nitidus (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905)

%xg% @$


3B536 1 &@if+& ; jtEBi&E-Sjtf&E Bi?i4$%%fTg% ; +ZBf&Ei&E; %%Bi&E -s@g% 9


&?%%a: 000050 . 000133 . 100070 . 200001 Petalochlamys par (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891)

SBfi* : %%Bi&E - GkEi&@

@+ga : 000133


100070 200001


. .

% %

5 5



+ 0



2 ,o .- % b .ag * 3


.c e E 8 2 1 - . .. . S@@W 4 n &


.L=s .h N Q N



5zs$ ~

Deroceras varians (A. Adams, 1868) Bh&f!& A'

a@fi6 : +E2E+f&E -


@%2a200 155

Family Philomycidae @&fi@!/!@# Genus Meghimatium Meghimatium fruhstorferi (Collinge, 1901) m@?$g : melachloros Simroth, 1903 ~ ~ ~: A ;' - A J m@+E+



@%2&( : 000133 . 00019 1 . 000225

. 100070 . 100141 . 000244

Meghimatium bilineatum (Benson, 1842) g$$h&& fl@gg: confusa Cockerell, 1900 o

3BA ;ifJ


T%E~~&E-ZS&#%N~L~ RJ@88R$!Z ?&+li$@P

: 000191

. 000216


. 100141



Meghimatium formosana (Cockerell, 1893) %?$?@&$

+@** : g:@+g


: 000133


. 000216 . 000265 . 100070 . 100141 - 200001


Meghimatium taiwanensis Simroth, 1903 3 @ @ & -I~@*;AJ:~B*EO : 000133


. 100070 . 100141 . 200001



Family Punctidae Genus Punctum Punctum taiwanicum Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 -9 $ 536

A' D



+$E!$%&M+ i tEEf&E- +A t#8?%7+~?$&$ ; T%ZEf&lS& m$bfijE BkfE#% 100070

. 100115 . 200001



@%&M+ 3Efi6 : itEbf&E-AtEEEmf&E % iwR&z%@o

Punctum atomus Pilsbry et Hirase, 1904


: 200155


$g&$/$q 3Bfi6 : ItEbf&B-AtEa?G@R*if;+EEf&E fki zz $fifi?%fS

Punctum japonicum Pilsbry, 1900

@%2&f : 200155


Family Pupillidae @j&$+fGenus Nesopupa Nesopupa yamagutii Kuroda, 194 1 f;:$&R@~q



i€ I





E. I€

a O


* 4



0 0



0 0 0 3


0 0 0 0 c\l

b 0

+-g 0 Z1fii-i 8 @*$El-



+#4n E @ ; @ I I %%8 gp(pJ@* 8 flrn+ju%mrn $ S 0

z g g , .2 6 . -* B O %i?-3#7 "&fib.$


%jtrrewZ a


E@ *1)(

u L g 2 4 n s sg .. .. ..

2 0 .t3_



B Q i e g$ m E #


g GQJ 4 u a L3

z + 'P

G o ZB 7%

4 03 5 8 @ l g $5 .2 2%-z aag 5 83 $.. 4.. ~ ~ E



" q *$ @o W( X? -i $ 45 $GG

Genus Videnoida Videnoida borealis (Moellendorff, 1888)

E@,E$$$+ 2B*% : jtEbi&E- jtEb1&@fWclrE O

@%zm : 200155

Videnoida cultrata formosana (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) +@E$$$+ m$g%% : Trochomorpha formosana Pilsbry et Hirase in Kuroda, 1941

2B*% +Ebi&E +Ebi&E; %Ebi&E -EB$$*$2,lgj ; REbi&E E$g#$ FJgclr BE$$F/CLI$PISE%$$JlEiS~k2, @%2& 000050 . 0001 33 . 000242 . 100070 . 200001 . 200066 . 200121 -





Videnoida haenseli (Schmacker et Boettger, 189 1) k




jtawiG +jt#$@aLl REF -


ma$$; %Ebi&E $%$$R!&@ : -

%Ebi&E-+R* ~EE#%Eclr R%$$R$g 1EB*k2, fk@%g$ A


@%z& 000008 .000050 .OOO 133 .0002 16 .000242 . 100027 . 100070 . 100115 . 200001 . 2 0 0 0 0 7 ~200024~200109 1


Videnoida pellucida (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) %:&g$$$+ +@*% j tEbi&E- 2jti&@; +Ebi&E- +Ebi&E; %Ebi&E - $%$$R@@ :

%Ebi&E - SEE$$




000008 .000050 .000133 100070 ~ 2 0 0 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 0 7.200024 .200120


qg$$$+ 28953% 1 jtEbi&E +jti&E 2jt$$BE? BR$$; +Ebi&E +Ebi&E; %Ebi&E +%$$AZ$PIS ; %Ebi&E GEE$$ mf?$$4334x&g E

Videnoida shermani (Pfeiffer, 1865) -




% * o

@%2& : 000050 . 0001 33 . 000229 . 100027 . 100070 . 200001

. 200120


Family Vertiginacea T@jHqfq Genus Vertigo Vertigo eogea stagnalis Kuroda, 194 1 A:*$ \

a k h $ : ;rtEai&E--=;;rt* @%2m : 000124 . 100070 . 200001


Family Zonitoidae $&a$$ /qq f Genus Hawaiia Hawaiia minuscula (Binney, 1840) /J\$&F~$$$+ +@*$: jtEbi&E- 3 jt$$$&7j~&b$ ; REbi&E- +%$$R@@ o @%2@ : 000008 000133 100070 100115 200001 200007 200024




Genus Zonitoides Zonitoides fromosana (Hirase, MS) j$$$f&3Q$$$+





8-. lg

w\ 4






$$%S %%%


@st 4a 7 - -


mPE % *

-k E5-U m &g% g o t a8 5s l R2 %E!L$JoQ,



O - U /


g 2Q,zm a%@!$




g g g El

g g El

- 4kh%G!4Fl


(Mollusks of Lan-Yu 000008 $$$j% ( C, C. Lin) 1974 ml@QRBES@%i&@ (Orchid Island), and their zoogeography ) $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:42-63. 000009 $figE( K. Y. Lai ) 1974 RJ$J,rP,g( The conch shells ) Rg3bE (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:64-75. 000010 @%B( W. Y. Tseng ) 1974 ~ ~ & i E @ j B R B f i Z ~ E 2 (~Cause M Bof mass mortality among cuitured marine bivalves) R@,$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:76-85. 00001 1 EDGE-@gz(C.T. Lane and C. T. Lo) 1974 $$7kB3jX%@2&4%( A study on pearl culturing in freshwater mussels ) R@,$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:86-90. 000012 PgBl'Eij ( C. C. Chen) 1974 ~$7J+J+~@~(Corbicula subsulcata C1essin)xE @ (Corbicula formosana Dall) 2 @, $E ( The extinction of Corbicula subsulcata Clessin and Corbicula formosana Dall from the Tansui River) EB,g$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:9 1-92. 000013 RZZZ ( C. T. Lo 1 1974 SBi&EZB%A23*JI%%&EERB%Z ( Flukes of medical and veterinary importance in Taiwan, and their snail hosts ) R@ q $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:93- 104. 000014 S. N. Chen) 1974 @sf$m$$3&g2'@2jE!J$$j@Z( Molluscan hosts of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Taiwan ) j E! BE$?@(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1: 105-108. 00001 5 #g@$H 1974 $~f&@~f@!$5?$ff~Zfj'%( Malacological Periodicals ) Bq$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:109-110. 000016 EBB ( N . P. Shih) 1974 %R3# (Three merits of shell collecting) R B q $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:111. Z!BR%3!lrl ( A shell collector's code of ethics ) RB!$?$E 000019 %@$H 1974 j (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:116. 000021 ,%$@$El 1974 -b.:@ (&?f;$@g) 6BW2$A@BT@%% ( Bibliography of mollusks of Taiwan, including offshore islands ) R@s$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:118-125. 000022 ,#?@$El 1974 BWfi$R@$q$%%@ ( On the standardization of Malacological (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1:126-127. terms in Chinese ) !%!@9$E 1974 /]\B ( Misecllamea) ,s\B%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 000024 #$@$fl 1:129. 000025 $@ ( Kuan-Min %,@ Chang !I ) 1975 $F?fF(fij$!~q ( The Giant African Snail ) %%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:5-20. 000026 $$$%$ ( C. C. Lin) 1975 Miocene Pleurotomariidae from Nantou Prefecture, RJ$$j$$E (Bulletin of Central Taiwan. (6@@fif$$%2$$fiB%zrP,%f41k;ti) Malacology, Taiwan), 2:21-3 1. 000027 fi&Bg( Nai-Pu Shih) 1975 ,#&/]\fF$Rg ( Small Sea Shells from Lu-Tao, Taiwan ) RBqbE (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2: 33-46. 000028 Pace, G.L. 1975 The Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia : Unionidae) of Taiwan ( 6 :@E2Zf?%%7kF! ) RRE39E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:47-61.

( Wan-Nien Tseng ) 1975 3$f!$fLTLg@2Eg ( Prospects of Abalone 000029 Culture in Taiwan) RBE$3$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:63-67. 000030 ( Shi-Kuei W u ) 1975 The Chitons of Lanhsu, Taiwan ( 3'@~@fl96 % ) R%F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:69-75. 000032 EFjFg ( Tsu-Chiao Lan ) 1975 e@$$9gH ( 11) ( Rare shells of Taiwan ( 11) ) R%%$F (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:77-79. ( Hsin-sheng Lo and Ping-chin Fan) 1975 Survival of Bithynia 000033 E R g manchourica out of Water under Laboratory Conditions ( /]\Elk%Z7k9+!kGBEAZ ) R@T$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:8 1-85. El 000034 $Bx& ( Kin-yang Lai ) 1975 ';$gGs ( Shell palance and romance ) R B F $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:87-94. 000035 $?&,@$! ( Chin-Tsong Lo and Kuan-Min Chang ) 1975 Chromosome )W numbers of some clausiliid snails from Taiwan ( 3$!$Z1j?34@q2%&%%H B$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2:95- 101. 000038 EFjFE ( Tsu-Chiao Lan) 1975 A new apecies of Lyria from off Northeast of R@F$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwh), Taiwan ( 3-@ZRfi3$495%2+$6) 2:103-105. 000040 ( Whei-Kuo Wu and Kuan Min Chang ) 1975 Antomy of the Land Snail Ganesella (Coniglobus) nux (Moellendorff) ( ~fSjZ!@jq Ganesella (Coniglobus) nux 2 @ g [ l ) HB,F$F (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2: 107-1 11. 00004 1 G%(S. Chuang ) 1975 E8%D@Hg2Zg%&95%2j%@f&Bkf%@ On the Locality of the Fourth Specimen of Pleurotomaria rumphii) H@F$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2: 1 12. 7 6 :( ) 2 ( Bibliography of 000042 $ mollusks of Taiwan, including offshore islands-2 ) RBq$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2: 113- 115. 000043 @3?$ glMfB ( Yanung Wang Chu, Pan Yue-hwa and Tan Bing-yang ) 1976 ~ ~ ~ ~ & k ~ ( P l e u r o t o rumphii m a r i a Schepman)@&2RBB%'F%B $2@f % ( Scanning Election Microscope Study of the Radular Teeth of Pleurotomaria rumphii Schepman) RBT$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:5-12. 000044 if;$$gE( C. C. Lin) .I976 Discovery of a new Oligocene Pleurotomariid from RBF$E (Bulletin of Taipei Prefecture, Taiwan ( 3jt$!$t#f$fiE?&$?,k%$9%@) Malacology, Taiwan), 3: 13-19. 000045 EFjfE ( T. C. Lan) 1976 ~@$lf"YRfE@$.@k~2'+14:6 ( A new Subgenus and species of Epitonium from off Southwest of Taiwan ) RB,g$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3 :2 1-23. 000046 %g@fr ( Kuan Min Chang and Chin Tsong Lo) 1976 Anatomy of Formosana swinhoei and Formosana formosensis (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae) ( *[El [ l ) R %F$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:25-34.


- $js&

Rsz -



. @sz




@%+ . $$%fib


- B R El .&k%Gi!fl

( Wann-nian Tzeng and Fang-yuh Lin ) 1976



%Z$H$Bs@fR (Histological studies on the gonadal Maturation of the abalone, !! %9$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta Lischcke ) Z Taiwan), 3:35-45. 000048 ( K. Y. Lai ) 1976 Eg$qttEJ3( The specific gravity of shell ) !Z!g 3$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:47-50. 000049 EFfg ( T. C. Lan ) 1976 $@$"J!Z! (III) ( Rare Shells of Taiwan (III) ) !Z! Bs$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:5 1-54. 000050 $@$&t ( Kuan Min Chang ) 1976 .=i@P$fgE%#$fZf:& ( A collection of land Mollusca in Taiwan (Formosa) ( I ) ) R@%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:55-77. 00005 1 JJgB EgkfE ( W. L. Wu and K. H. Chang ) 1976 6@$$@'1$E3REEE3 fitfi( Statatistical analysis of the yield of Mollusca in Taiwan )F$R3$6;(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:79-94. ( W. L. Wu and Kuan-Yi Tsai ) 1976 e@$!Z!%7t)~S$$~l$?1 000052 ErJtfi (Studies in shell processing and trade of Taiwan) EB%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3:95-99. 000053 I $ 1976 @ jE!@%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 3: 101- 104. 000055 BBfB ( Ih-Hsiu Tung ) 1977 j$j:$!jfggj&%$&s ( An artificial key to the squids of Pescadores Islands ) ,#,gg$iE(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:5-11. 000056 g g m ( Whei-kuo Wu and Kuang-Ming Chang ) 1977 Comparison of the land snail Hemiphaedusa odontochila and Hemiphaedusa exilis ( .=i'@$fj$@Be (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4: 13-18. @~@?9&7kBg#ZJ2bt@) 000057 ( Kuang-Ming Chang and Whei-kuo Wu ) 1977 A new species of Hemiphaedusa (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae) from Taiwan ( I ) ( egg%fZ&Egk% 222a(I ) ) !Z!%%$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4: 19-24. ( Wen-Lung Wu and Kun-Hsiung Chang) 1977 +:$!$jt$3$& 000058 JJgk f%$k@%f@tB0qBb3'1$fitfi ( Species diversity of Molluscan fauna in Chin-Shan area, Northern Taiwan) H%%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:25-29. 000059 $!BEE( K. Y. Lai ) 1977 e@$g@k$. ( Murex Shells of Taiwan ) E%E$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:3 1-40. 000060 ( T . C. Lan) 1977 +$?$m@E (IV) (Rare Shells of Taiwan (IV)) E Bg$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:4 1-42. 000061 Wurzinger, K. H. 1977 DDT metabolism by Otala lactea (Stylommatophora : Helicidae) ( % $11 P 3 #ZJ +\#{k D.D.T. {t fF Fa ) % % $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:43-46. 000062 French, John Robert Putnam III 1977 A laboratory guide for culturing Oncomelania hupensis (Gastropoda : Hydrobiidae) ( $1!&ig B T9J ) E %9$iE (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:47-54. 000063 f!%&G( Yung-Fu Wen ) 1977 ERfZmt$&;i%$F3j1lA@+%mh;J$SE@%f8E ( The study of the migration route and development of % 3 !R $%$9@f





Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Achatina fulica ) RB,E$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:55-62. 000064 P$ijgE( Peter S. M. Chen) 1977 g%%Gf&EE!%f&!ii?-@f%( A study of the Stratigraphy and Molluscan fossils of the Tunghsiao Area, Miaoli, Taiwan, R.O.C. ) JE!%%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:63-75. 000065 $ 1977 9 @ @. $ 2% @$ ST % !Z! % $4 $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 4:69-75. 000068 ( K. Y. Lai ) 1977 @ @ @ ~ @ $ 3 ~ ~ @ -(1Malacogical terms-1 ) R% !$3$E(BuIletinof Malacology, Taiwan), 4:8 1. 000069 Chen, Chin ( P%&B) 1978 Ecology of Thecosomatous pteropods in the scotia ) !Z! sea and adjacent areas, antarctic ocean ( +j@@g@E:&-?#EI5@ZZBIB%@? %$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5: 1-22. 000070 $@@j!( $$$JjE( K . M. Chang and C. C. Lin) 1978 Description of a new subspecies of Pisidium taiwanense from Tienchi, Taiwan ( &@*:&g#i%j@%G! @252@ ) W%BE$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:23-28. 000071 a2Pg ( W. L. W u ) 1978 Geographical distribution of the Formosan patellid limpets ( 9$9$33!!$$34@~f&F3!534? ) 8,g,E$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:29-34. 000072 Egg2 &5$% ( K. M. Chang and W. K. Wu ) 1978 Hemiphaedusa maanliauensis n. sp. from Taiwan ( $ @ $ g , E @ g @ g @ (%@) ) R BE$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5 :35-42. ) RBE$3$E 000073 $BgB ( K. Y . Lai ) 1978 Tonnidae of Taiwan ( (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5 :43-54. 000074 Egg2 ( K. M. Chang ) 1978 Hemipgaedusa amphileuca n. sp. from Taiwan ( 3EEF@%Q@EH (&@E%fZ@EH2Z28n ) 1 !Z!B%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5 :55-6 1. ( T . C. Lan) 1978 Two new cones from NE off Taiwan and the 000075 EF$% ) HBE$3$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Philippines ( $@7StE@3@%@F!!$!2@% Taiwan), 5:63-67. 000076 Bk @? ( David Chao ) 1978 Study on a-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase isozyme of Oncomelania hupensis formosana from different localities in Taiwan ( sf; flf&7?$3a,$%$J!k%!% a-EBT@IR~@7R33-~fi ) JE!%E$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:69-76. 000077 E?$%( T. C. Lan ) 1978 Rare shells of Taiwan (V) ( $@EIqEjR ( V ) ) R %RE$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:77-78. 000078 EFjF,% ( T. C. Lan ) 1978 Cypraeajoyace Clover, 1970 Synonym of Cypraea porteri Catw, 1966 ( Z fiE !$% - ?fjf8R @!!$A2 R % ) R B $4 $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:79-80. 000079 EF$% ( T. C. Lan ) 1978 9@jJ!!$$7St5fJZ&@&@!!$$Q~~~ ( More data on Lyria taiwanica Lan, 1975 and Epitonium (Laniscala) eboreum ) R%E$3$B (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:8 1-82. 000080 $ 1978 $ : @ J E ! % $ 2 % @ $ 5 % W%$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 5:83-89.





PJ@$LEBHg ( H . C. Chen and G. S. Jaw)


i5&+2$Z,%#$%3@f% g@?

( Studies on the oxygen consumption of freshwater mussel, Union douglasiae)

!$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 87- 100. ( The important edible 000105 AJgB ( W. L. Wu ) 1980 #EjEj@&~~~R$R@f% %$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 10 1- 114. bivales in Taiwan) 000106 aqg PJ@$Lfi( M. H. Hsieh and H. C. Chen) 1980 %&RF$$#PsEj?/?k$% 2 % ( Studies on the toxicity of heavy metals to the intertidal snails) g$% $3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 115-125. 000107 %zTg/J\fiB 1980 $$ZjB %$ gg#zTg ( Establishment of Chinese name of the Taiwan molluscs ) R @ 3 $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 127-129. (Katura Oyama) 1980 ~ R % 3 & 8 k ~ % @ , k $ ~ 8 ~(~ A% ' ~ @ 000108 collection of the Entemnotrochus rumphii Schepman from Taiwan ) R %!$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 13 1- 133. 000109 IJ@jEG ( H. Y . Chen) 1980 0 ~~F$)\IAM+~%3R@%%~~3n$$E$ (A preliminary study to discovery and propagation of albescent Achatina fulica Bowdich from Taiwan ) R%gs$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 135- 137. ( C. C. Lin and W. L. Wu) 1980 %szTfi (Books review) 0001 10 $$$I@KJ&2k â‚ŹI %i,.;i+ =$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 7: 139-141. 000111 $ 5K . Y. L a 1981 ~ ~ ] f ~ ~ ~ ( ~Study~ on ~ + $ Morphology and Ecology of the land snail Pancalana batanica pancala) R%!$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 8: 1- 10. 0001 12 EF.fg( T. C. Lan ) 1981 Description of a new subspecies of Muricidae from the Philippines and Taiwan. ($$SjZ%Gfg@kg$Sfi,@) R%E$%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 8:11- 13. 0001 13 Rockel, Dieter EFtE ( Dieter Rockel and T. C. Lan ) 198 1 Description of a %@F!l@$9 fi$B ) g%9$E new species of Conidae from Taiwan. ( $ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 8: 15-17. ( K. M. Chang ) 198 1 Reinia (Proreinia) eastlaeana tayalis Kuroda, 000 114 1941 from the mountain side of Urai, Northern Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae).( ;It a DL o 6 @$,%%LLJ%!Bs@g!I!@@H ) wB$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), / \

8: 19-25. 0001 15 @%@2( K. M . Chang ) 1981 Antomy of Coniglobus mellea (Pfeiffer, 1865) from Taiwan (Pulmonata Camaenidae). ( (Coniglobus mellea) 2 &gg ) W %$3$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 8:27-32. 0001 16 %%@2 ( K. M. Chang ) 1981 ) D I L @ @ E ~ P D( The ~ Giant African Snail, Achatina fulica Bowdich (Supplement), albino type of Achatina fulica ) R%g$E (Bulletin of Malacologv, Taiwan), 8:33-42. 0001 17 !Z%ZT%ffB 1981 ~'$$j%l@$~gf$ETg ( Establishment of Chinese name of the Taiwan Molluscs ) R%q$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 8:43-45.




E B $ n l @ ) 1982 Hemiphaedusa 0001 18 Chang, K. M. and Kazutoshi Maeda ( @ ~ ~ RBq$E (Bulletin of lushanensis n.sp. from Taiwan. ( 3 & ~ J j & h 1 ($fi@)) Malacology, Taiwan), 9: 1-7. ) 1982 Zaptyx (Heterozaptyx) santiaoensis n. sp. from 000 119 Chang, K. M. ( gR@P; -<nbTaiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( . = ~ B E z $ ~ T B & / J \ E E M (%fg) ) !%!%%% (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 9:9- 14. 000120 Chang, K. M. ( ) 1982 New subspecies Phaedusa (Euphaedusa) sheridani shihi from Taiwan (Pulmonata Clausiliidae). ( $@E~.I%@%?!&!I (%% f g ) ) W%F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 9: 15-2 1. 000121 T. C. Lan ( g F j f & ) 1982 A new coralliophilid species from Bohol Island, Philippines. ( g@gE$fifgElh$$g ) R @ s $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 9:23-25. 000122 @ 2 s ( W. C. Chang) 1982 Q i k @ $ ~ # 1 ' 1 A @ ~ b g f i ~ s( A @n~observation on the cultivation of the albino type of Achatina fulica from Taiwan) R%%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 9:27-33. 000123 %%%$ @%% Ig@P;g (T. C. Hung, C. Y. Kuo, M. L. Loh and M. H. Chen) 1982 3 $ ? $ ! ~ ~ ~ 3 @ B ~ % @ ~ & ( Bioaccumulative ~H'F-28% factors of heavy metals in bivalves cultured along the Western Coast of Taiwan) gq$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 9:35-86. 000124 WB$T&fB 1982 3@WB$%&f@ZT& ( Establishment of Chinese name of shells ) RBT$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 9:87-88. 000125 $!flgB ( K . Y. Lai ) 1984 j $ j e g F l h E % f g $ j & $ $ g i k 6 ( A new Miocene pleurotomariid from Chiasien, Southern Taiwan) R @ q $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:1-5. 000 126 Bert, Carlo 1984 New form of Oliva mustelina Lamarck, 1811 from SW Taiwan. ( +@@$$gfiSz$2@%z-d$$ ) W%&$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:7-8. 000127 Chang, K. M. and Kazutoshi Maeda ( @%@P; @ a $ U l g ) 1984 Notes on the Systematics of Stereophaedusa horikawai (Kuroda) of Taiwan. ( ;tEII I&@g$@Jqz fiBf&f$ ) RBq$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:9-17. 000128 Chang, K. M. (@g@P;) 1984 Note on over sized form of Stereophaudesa horikawai (Kuroda) from Taiwan. ( k & g E @ ) I1jF3g$@J29?jAf&3?3 ) WBg (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:19-25. 000129 Chang, K. M. ( Egf$P;) 1984 A new form of Formosana formosensis from BgT$E ER~$$$B@ Chitou : Forma chitouensis. ( ~ $ $ B E ~ $ ! ~ J @ ~ $ @ J ~ )- @ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:27-34. 000130 % B (!?!$ K. Y. Lai ) 1984 %J-E5$$@Jqfig@g$U&)E( Studuy on Morphology and Ecology of the landsnail Acusta tourannensis (Souleyet) ) R@q$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:35-41. 000131 g%s @g@ ( W. P;C. Chang and K. M. Chang ) 1984 ~ ~ f & l G ~ @ l ~ $ & ? ( A study on Morohology and Ecology of a land snail of Subulinidae from Pingtung area ) R%F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:43-48. 1

. $Psg.







000132 g2S ( W. C. Chang ) 1984 #$$)lAf@J+2gP@ ( The cultivation of the Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) in commerical scale in Taiwan) H%%$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:49-57. 000133 R%zT$$fH 1984 3@R%$2%@STg (Establishment of Chinese name of shells ) R%E$3$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 10:59-64. 000134 Lan, T. C. ( EFtE ) 1985 A new Cypraea from Philippines ( g&.pf& ) Is\gQT$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:1-5. 000135 Lan, T. C. ( E F t g ) 1985 A new species of the Family Acteonidae from Philippines ( %@gj&%@@,%&.fif&) R g g $ b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:7-9. 000136 Chang, K. M. ( @%&) 1985 Hemiphaedusa takkiriensis n. sp. from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( 3 @ j & C s @ g H ( % $ S ) ) H % g $ b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:11- 16. 000137 Chang, K. M. ( @%&) 1985 Note on Otesiopsis taiwanica (Kuroda) from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Helicarionidae). ( ~:$3~$3#3+2&5$ ) H%3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:17-23. (F. G. Liu) 1985 $$$j@E+@-/BlIP$(Anodonta woodiana)j$?&mE7Ft$E 000138 7 k s Z & f R ( Studies on the Feeding and Filtration Rate of Freshwater Pearl Mussel, (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:25-34. Anodonta woodiana) 000139 ( K. Y. Lai ) 1985 EH+b"J@g$U&f% ( Study on Morphology and Ecology of the Landsnail Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer)) H%q$b(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:35-41. 000140 % 2 g ( W. C. Chang ) 1985 &g&.Z*@&fR( The ecological studies on the Ampullaria snail (Cyclophoracea : Ampullaridae) ) 3 $ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:43-5 1. 000141 g2g ( W . C. Chang) 1985 $&~-f$H$&+2$&g&f~ ( A tentative study on the cultivation of the escargot Helix aspersa Miiller ) 9 $b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:53-59. 000142 g g @ ( K . M. Chang ) 1985 3@9j&fSH% : (g%%@ (%EZ%fS)(Newly introduced false mussel to Taiwan (Bivalvia : Dreissenidae) ) Hj@$3$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:6 1-67. ) 1985 Note on Subulinidae species from Pingtung. ( 000143 Chang, K. M. ( @g@t (Bulletin of Ri&EB@1B%%29+%fSBH+f4EH (?f?EZ%@) H %%$E Malacology, Taiwan), 11:69-70. 000144 Chang, K. M. ( @%&) 1985 Note on Stereophaedusa horikawai (Kuroda) from Shuangchi. ( 3 j t $ $ ~ $ ~ @ 3 ~ 2 t M l l l & E @ H%g$b f @ J ) (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:7 1-74. 000145 ETtg ( T. C. Lan ) 1985 t & Z $ R % ~ $ b ~ 6 @ ~ ~ t % f @ @ ~ T ~ b " J % f ER% (Review of new marine mollusks published in the Bulletins of Malacological Society of China and the Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum) Rgq$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 11:75-80. 000146 3$%%@%f& ( H. C. Wang and K. M. Chang ) 1985 $&7k.jq$fL ' i$@ff$Bf@ ZH&@7kg?T(&(Note of Mollusks survey and its relation to Biological assessment


Morphology of the radulae in four gastropods ) Rgs$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 1 3 51-6 1. 000160 Chang, K. M. and W. L. Wu (@%@A B T F g ) 1987 A new form of Formosana formosensis var. forma tsengwenensis from Tsengwen Dam (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( Q27&@g.f;@@gMqZ-%@g8@T@ ) % g?$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 13:6 1-69. ~ J.Y. Pai and K. C. Hsha) 1987 000161 ZgXfZ Q f E q ~ ~ f( T .; H.: Tan, @E+$$$, a$i@@T@l;R$Sfi#fiaJ&( An investigation on distribution of nudibranch molluscs along the Coast Taiwan, R.O.C. ) Hgg$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 13:7 1-90. 000162 BA@j $$%f@(David Chao, L. C. Wang and W. L. Ong ) 1987 $2 ( A Survey on the Freshwater Snails in Kinmen) 7 %$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 13:91-96. 000163 3 X f Z QfE? ( T . H. Tan, J. Y. Pai and K. C. Hsha) 1987 ?JSg gg (Limnoperna fortunei Dunker) k?.f;'@;ltEaE$fi$$$A@g3!Z$!8 ( The recovery of fouling clam, Limnoperna fortunei from Taiwan) R%s$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 13:97-100. 000164 Chang, K. M. ( @%@A ) 1989 Anatomy of Coniglobus nux paiwanus (Kuroda) and Coniglobus pekanensis (Rolle) from South Taiwan. ( s$$fEg!@?%@$qEk& %j@+ZfiqgrJ) Rg,F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:1-8. 000165 JJXTB %g ( W. L. Wu and C. Sun ) 1989 RJ3553$5@$7Zf3@Rk$34$9@f (Isozyme study of the Taiwan abalones) EBg$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:9-18. 000166 Chang, K. M.( @%@A ) 1989 Note on two groups of Hemiphaedusa ooi Kuroda from Kukuan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( .f; $ ga 8M E 4: & @ g j$$ q Hemiphaedusa ooi $9 { ) $ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:19-27. 000167 @,{Ii:T aTpB ( R . S. Dai and W. L. W u ) 1989 .f;'@EfiTL(Haliotis diversicolor) #{k%E$Sfi@rl@%(Anatomy on the digestive system of Haliotis diversicolor ) jZ!jfg%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:29-39. 000168 Chang, K. M. (@%@A) 1989 New species Formosana lingchuanensis from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( +gE%B@g@$+ ( R E )) HgF$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:41-48. 000169 JJXTR Z!l*F ( W. L. Wu and H. P. Liu) 1989 T$&B@&f-% II.*@T$$ @%$9Bgq#Eg(Malacological research on Meretrix resources in Taiwan 11 History review and evaluation on the studies of the Taiwan Meretrix) jE!@F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:49-6 1. 000170 BTP2 Zmh ( W. L. Wu and Y. R. Huang) 1989 $iE@%&g$9@% III +:@E?@H#!gW&*kb@@f%( Studies on the radulae of Taiwan molluscs III Comparison on the radulae of landsnails and marine molluscs ) Rgg$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:63-92.













rv. ggga . gga . jgislsjn.


@,{I+?. JJ&xPg ( R . S. Dai and W. L. W u )

1989 e@$SfLTLmf%H@$j%f& $3( Historical review and outlook on the studies of abalone from Taiwan ) R%s$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:93-106. 000172 $gEB ( K. Y. Lai ) 1989 e@j$S'i4;kg( The Family Cymatiidae of Taiwan) HBE$?$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14: 107-128. ) 1989 Description of a new Coralliophilid from Japan. ( El 000 173 Goto, Y. ( f%#@%g $~$fifgx{h$$!zfi$& ) gRT$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 14:129- 131. ) 1989 A new trochid gastropod from the Midway Island. 0001 74 Lan, T. C. ( EFtf& $fif%@ $$!2 f i $6 ) g @%$F (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), ( q $$ 15:l-3. 000175 Chang, K. M.( $EB@$!) 1990 A new species of land snail, Coniglobus carinatus from Taiwan.( .f;.$!$j2j5~@+j2#$fifg : ~&&J@J+ ) R $ g s $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:5-13. 000176 Chang, K. M. ( %%@$!) 1990 A new subspecies of landsnail, Hemiphaedusa similaris nigra (Pulmonata : Clausillidae) from South Taiwan. ( gfiGf%%Tj2j5$& $ %!%?@+ ) R %g%$F(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15: 15-2 1. ( K . Y. Lai) 1990 ~ @ ! F j ~ ~ k (The g f ~Family W ~ Cassidae of 000177 $gg/$$ Taiwan ) R%j353$F(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:23-34 . 000 178 Chang, K. M. ( $?+%@$! ) 1990 Systematics on Trichochloritis hungerfordianus from Taiwan. ( R@E$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:35-41. 000179 @gg . $l'lj11$B ( H . W. Chung, C. T. Liao, L. L. Chang and ( T h~ e density O ~and$ g I. C. L i u ) 1990 ~ f % ~ + ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ distribution of two land snails on the Southern tip of Hengchun Peninsula) R$j39$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:43-48. 000180 ?3q$!J$3${1 ( C. H. Wang and T. R. Peng ) 1990 Zf%gZR$9@gM{$ ( Oxygen and carbon isotopic records in shells of Cyclotellina remies, Meretrix lusoria and Pecten byoritsuensis ) B $RE$5$F (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:49-58. 000181 @S$ ( C. T. Lo ) 1990 k%$@fllnB&E$$gm$$z ( Snails, blood flukes and a Malacologist ) Ra%$F (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:59. 0001 82 $Egg$!J!@&&&JZ( K. M. Chang and C. Cliff Coney ) 1990 '@,f$%?& (Collecting minute landsnails by means of screen method) R&E$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:60-6 1. 000183 5!&%Pg( W . L. W u ) 1990 $AE$h$@E$3'tiR%3?&$S$gfi&2T{& (Review on some Malacological research Methodology) E$gq$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:61-63. 000184 $EEL$$ ( K . Y . Lai) %$ifEfiB%bSgZR-[EZ@%5BZ@ (Information on Systematics of Gastropoda and Cephalopoda) R%Bs$F(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 15:65-78. 000171


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000185 EFjF# ( T . C. Lan) 1991 fB$Jb1jb~a:&f~~fB@kgEtfifi~ ( A new trochid gastropod from North Australia) jE!Bg$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:l-4. ) 1991 A new 0001 86 Kanazawa, Toshio and Yoshihiro Goto (&$$skfk f&@E#? species of pleurotomariid gastropod from the Philippines. ( %f$BE%@%&k%z fir% ) w$@$?$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:5-11. 000187 Chang, K. M. ( ) 1991 A new species Formosana albida from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( re$!$@^@$^ ($,@) ) !E!Bg$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:13-24 . 0001 88 Chang, K. M. ( ) 1991 A new species Hemiphaedusa magaensis from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( g g @ g B + ( R f B ) ) jE!%$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:25-35. 000 189 Chang, K. M. ( ) 1991 Parmarion martensi from Chiasien, Taiwan (Pulmonata : Helicarionidae). ( e'$!!!$E,RR%F$&@$Sj%~~(sjTfrj%m : % F%?I +f$) ) g$$$3$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:37-45. 000190 @j$a(gY. W. Chiu ) 1991 e:@JZ$,$$g Babylonia formosae (Sowerby) $S%@ jT%E%@%$fr;fiq$2$!$$$$ ( Observation on the reproductive system and behavior of the Babylonia formosae (Sowerby) (Prosobranchia : Buccinidae) ) g B g $ b (Bulletin ofMalacology, Taiwan), 16:47-56. 000191 j@Af@j ( David Chao and K. T. Huang ) 1991 mZmi&E/@Z@Jg ( A survey on the gastropod fauna of Alishan) E @ s $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:57-65. 000192 Raut, Srimanta K. and Tapas K. Misra 1991 Effect of salinity on the growth of three medically important snail species ( ~ @ ~ j Z ~ ~ g 1 ~ ~ $ 9 f g 7 &) $ $ g $ S ~ B$g%$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:67-74. 000193 Raut, Srimanta K. and Tapas K. Misra 1991 Natural history of the tree snail Rachis bengalensis Lamarck (Gastropoda : Enidae). ( s B n E i U E E M + $ 9 $$% gBs$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:75-80. 000194 Chang, K. M. ( Egg2 ) 1991 Catalogue of fresh weater shells of Taiwan. ( BEf&7&jF3?HB & ) %B%$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 16:85-96. 000195 Chang, K. M. ( Egg2 ) 1992 Hemiphaedusa arikangensis, new species of land snail from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( e@F{b@e$&+ (RfB)) E j!BE$? $b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:1-9. 000196 Chang, K. M. ( Eg@) 1992 Dwarf type of Camaena batanica pancala (Schmacker and Boettger) from south cape, Taiwan and its allied species (Pulmonata Camaenidae). ( ~@~lll~Efj4~f~M+fiS@/J\~$EBi~ +fiq@%@$$$) HCBg$E(BuZletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:11-20. 000197 Chang, K. M. ( E g g 2 ) 1992 Camaena batanica pancala (Schmacker et Boettger) from a new locality : Shihtan, Miaoli County (Pulmonata : Camaenidae). !!hk?~i% SfifB E +*i(ff g%$%$ifjfS ) w B g $ b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:21-27.





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000198 @ m a JZJrdm agpg ( K. Y. Liao, H. Q. Pai, J. L. Chou and W. L. W u ) 1992 ~@$$M~E!BE~~&B$J~@E (The heavy metal contents in the edible molluscs from Taiwan ) R g 9 $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:29-36. 000199 PggE * * a % @ (T.C. Chen,K. Y. Liaoand W. L. Wu) 1992 &'@ $@ (Corbicula jluminea) 75$@z@R@ES (The research and evaluation on Corbicula jluminea in Taiwan (Bivalvia : Corbiculidae)) Bg9$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:37-49. 000200 j@A@T gljgE %9q( David Chao, Z. H. Liu and H. W. Chang ) 1992 & LL & 9@ ( Ecological and parasitological g j q 7;:IJ$ $&7& jE!2 & 3 studies on fresh water mollusks of the Kaoping River) !E!?@%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:51-57. ) 1992 Anatomy of Hemiphaedusa ooi kosakoi Kuroda 000201 Chang, K. M. ( %g@J Hemiphaedusa ooi from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( s@g/J\i&fiBB$!/$ kosakoi z H $ j ) H@,s$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:59-67. 000202 glJ*q Jl&qFg( H . P. Liu, K. Y. Liao and W. L. W u ) 1992 ?&7& ( Comparison on the reproductive ecology of B Meretrix lusoria from Tamshui and Lu-kang area ) g % g $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:69-77. 000203 JJKq@ gI*q ( W . L. Wu and H. P. Liu) 1992 Developmental rhythm on @ qg$& @ #$l@ f$& $@ lf gamete and gonad of Meretrix lusoria from Taiwan ( & Bqfi?fi@36fiR ) HR%$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:79-86. 000204 %g@J ( K . M. Chang and P. S. Chung) 1992 qaAp2$fiEZf@fji : A B ~ @ JRumina ~ ( decollata (Linne, 1758) from China (Pulmonata : Subulinidae)) R%fig$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:91-98. 000205 JJKgB glJsq ( W. L. Wu, H. P. Liu and K. Y. Liao) 1992 2% fF3 @ @@ ElJ9H ( The morphology and anatomy of Meretrix lusoria from Taiwan ) R g s $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:9 1-98. 000206 Fan, P. C., C. C. Wu and C. T. Lo (%5f?&. $$&iE. @g$ ) 1992 Molluscan fauna of Cheng-Ching Lake, Kao-Hsiung County, Taiwan, and comparative efficiency of four collection methods. ( ~ & # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z W ~ E P 4 Ek?; ) g%g%$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 17:99-105. ) 1994 A new buccinid 000207 Okutani, Takashi and T. C. Lan ( EagEiJ whelk collected from Pratas Islets, South China Sea. ( @jqm?&%?$%%z%fji@ kg ) R%F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:1-4 . 000208 Chang, K. M. and Kanji Ookubo ( % g @ J A A j g G E i J ) 1994 Formosana albiapex, a new species of land snail from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( QJB Be$!/$+($fifg) ) W%g9$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:5- 11. 000209 Chang, K. M. ( $E @ ) 1994 Anatomy of Aegista (Plectotropis) lautsi (Schmacker and Boettger) from Taiwan and its systematics. ( j$$$g%F$!/$qB.(7@ 3JEJ$%$R9B5%@ ) jE!@@$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:13-20.





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000210 BA@f %!lgE* %$!3? (David Chao, Z. H. Liu, H. W. Chang and T. C. Huang ) 1994 A $?B ?%7k jElg 2 fi {$ $@ $E ( Distribution and disappearance of fresh water snails in the midstream reaches of Tachia River) jEl%F $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:2 1-27. ( W. L. Wu, T. C. Chen and K. Y. Liao) 1994 +:$$! 00021 1 JJj?Pg. 4 g b g ~ ~ f i j F f i - ~ ~ ~(Population ~ $ ~ ~ bgenetics g ~ Ron Corbucila fluminea of Taiwan) H%BE$3$E(Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:29-53. dAgPg ( T. C. Chen, W. L. Wu and K. Y. Liao ) 1994 2@ 000212 @ g E 4 ~ 8 9 9 ~ + @ , 9 2 & (fReproductive ~ Ecology of Corbucilafluminea in Taiwan) jEl%!$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:55-73. %{I?? @jgt;f @-kg ( W. L. Wu, J. S. Dai, J. T. Chien and S. C. 000213 dAgP5$j Yu ) 1994 $AE$JT@~?F{E,$B{%@&~R( Cryopreservation of gamates of mollusks ) Hg!$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:75-8 1. A A { % E q ) 1994 A new 000214 Chang, K. M. and Kanji Ookubo ( subspecies, Hemiphaedusa odontochila clava from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( $EF@g@!& ($fig*%) ) H @ q $ E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:83-90. 00021 5 Panigrahi, A. and S. K. Raut 1994 Status of Noradrenaline and Adrenaline content in the brain of the garden slug Laevicaulis alte (Ferussac) (Pulmonata : Vaginulidae) in respect to age. ( @ i ~ $ & % & % @ ~ b g ~ $ % %kb%%&k$fiBk%t% 2 ( ) H@F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:91-95. ZSg Bfi/II ( D . Chao, M. W. Lu, C. L. Lin, T. 000216 j!%A@f' gB!{$ W. Wang and L. C. Yang ) 1994 %%i&EG!B%T@&kJ$fi{$2a& (Gastropods and their distribution in Lai-yi ) H%B!$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 18:97-102. 000217 Chang, K. M. ( %%@A) 1995 Anatomy of Nesiohelix kanoi (Kuroda, 1932) from Lan-yu Island, Taiwan (Pulmonata : Bradybaenidae). ( +@$Ed$QE@@fi&$+ Nesiohelix kanoi (Kuroda)2&$!I) jElB$!3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 19:l-7. 000218 P!gg dAgB ( T . C. Chen, K. Y. Liao and W. L. Wu) 1995 B@ 4HbSBF81J (Anatomy of Corbicula fluminea) H@F$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 19:9-19. 000219 dAgB BzkB ( W . L. Wu, K. Y. Liao and S. J. Yu) 1995 +'@% %HB6$J&~$TI$fitfi( A preliminary study on the arsenic contents of bivalves from Taiwan ) H@,E$3$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 19:2 1-25. 000220 Chang, K. M., Akira Tada and Kanji Ookubo (E%@A @HBE A A { % E q) 1995 Hemiphaedusa antuensis, n. sp. (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae) of Taiwan. ( @&%@Bg&$q ( % f ! ) H@!$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 19:27-34. 000221 @,{I$? ( R . S. Tai and W. L. Wu) 1995 + ~ ~ ~ $ J f ~ h ~ / & E ! $@!k?i@$g32&fR (Developmental rhythm on gamete in Haliotis diversicolor from the Chen-Kong area, Eastern Taiwan) H@!$?$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 19:35-41.


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'OS-CP:OZ ' ( U D M ~' J~ 0 ~ 0 3 q w ~u!yallng) Jo g$&'&g ( U E M ! ~u! (6 18I ' y m w e 7 ) D J D ~ ~ ~ ! ~ D U~ D ~D ~ UuoO Aprils ~ ) zj&(6 18I ' ~ ~ J E U rI nE~~l n) 3 ! l ~ u ~ 3 *a3Wwod 9661 ( n '7~.M Pue 391 '3 ' A ) %zB &$g&PCZOOO 'ZP-1C:OZ'(UDM!DJ ' L ~ O ~ O ~ u!yallng) D ~ D ~ g$&& J O g ( ueM!eL u~ ( £ 6 1~' 8 ~ a q u n y ~5~8.18 ) DaAJSOSSWl3 UO Aprils ) ( £ 6 I~'8mquny,~~ ~ 8 D 1 ~8~ / S O S S W A ~ ) & 9661 ( n M '7 'M Pue 8ueA 'N 'IIV) ZdzD &&% CCZOOO 'OC-SZ:OZ '(~~JM!DJ, 'a0103~1VYJ0 u!lalln8) g$&'&g ( $& j bg$#$f& j! H$#&' g8s ) U' "!EL UIOlJ ( 0 ~ 8' s U I B ~ V 'H) DP!qlW D1UnSJDSUO A U I O ~ E U V 966 1 ( @$ & 3 %1 ~ ~ E M'3H '3 PZ"! 8 ~ " ~'M3 'H "IIV .X '8uey3 ZCZOOO 'PZ-S I :OZ '(UDM!D'J, 'a0103DlDmJ0 U!la!lng) g$&&g ( 8 I8 1 ' 7 3 1 ~ S~ ~7U I I O ~ ~ ~ U ~ A DU!ydZU0g UO AUIO~EUV) z-@bg@&!j (8181 'y31~UI~7 S ! ~ U I O ~ ~ ~ U DU!ydu10g) ~ A 32 9661 ( n M '7 ' M PuC OH 'L ' M '!EL 'S '2)SdzB g s k j &*I)%I CZ000 'P 1-6:oz '(UDM!DJ, ' a o l o 3 q ~ mJO urlallng) g$&&g (z+$j$jQ$g$g&g&@$$g) .(aep!uaeqApel~ : E ~ E u o U I ~UEM!eL ~) UIOy 1p61 '~p0.UlX D l D ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ lDn ~U~4 D ~ ~ ~ D S D ~ D J , uos3!leUIalsAs 9661 ( k % # v y \ @%%) o q n ~ o O ! ~ u Pue ~ X 'IIV 'X68u"y3 OCZOOO -8-1:oz '(UDM!DJ' A ~ O ~ O ~ D ~ ullallng) D ~ J O g$& (UEM!" "B!Y~BJAJ PUB IBY30BH UI UO!lnq!llS!p l!ayl PUr! ~ p ~ d ~ l l )~ gpE&g €?f) MXZiBQ$g%r%£$ 966 1 ( 8 ~ 3 .S ~pue oey3 3 p v a ) gE@%!4YR 6zzooo 'Z6-68:6 I '(uDM!DJ ' a o l o 3 ~ l ~ m Jurlallng) o g$&&g ( ~ j & ~ ~ ~ g ~ & # g&$l& &pig#&-%[&Hy I{.(;kig) 'Y3!PMOH D ~ ! ~ ~ ? D U ! I D Y30 ~ V ~ ! 1 8 Ielqala3 ~ ~ 8 ayl u! slualuo:, auqeualpv pue aur1rrualpeloN ~ 6 6 1l n e ~*)I 'S pue 'v '!yel8!ued 8 ~ ~ 0 0 0 '88-C8:6I '(UDMID'J, ' X ~ O ~ O ~ Du!yallng) ~ D ~ J Og$&'&g ( e a s e u y 3 ylnos ayl 'PUEISI e y s - 8 u n ~ 30 euneJ u~3snlIoUJPueI T L ) @@$@#@g$%dg$k& S661 ( 8 u e y 3 'IIV 'X Pue nI7 '3 'X ' Z ~ ~ M '3 H '3 ' 8 ~ c 'M ~ 3'H ) @%% $$Hb% @$gg LZZOOO ' I8-6L :6 1 '(UDM!D'J,' a 0 / 0 3 ~ l ~ m Ju!lallng) o g$&g$'#' ( (s$B2:%) g ) 'ueM!eL 'ual/~-!,~-uesUIOJJ ( e a ~ )syollajso3 w!uDlaurouaiS JO P1033J Mau V S66 1 ( &8%% ) n!7 '3 '1 Pue 'IIV 'X '8uey3 9ZZOOO ' 8 ~1-~ :1 6'(UDM!DJ,' & o ~ o ~ L ) ~ Du!~allng) ~Jo g$&&g ( 9 gg2/&$@gy$z+gdgQ$j,],(rg& ) Aluno3 BunL-urd '13pls!a noy3-ueN u! uo!~nq;r~ls~p ~ ! a ypue ~ sysn11011~5661 ( ~ U E M'M 'L PU" OW ' a ) 5 % !%Y@ ~ szzooo 'OL- 19:6 I '(u"M!~J ' A ~ O ~ O ~ D ~ D N J Oulyallng) g$&&g ( UEM!" JO uo!l~npold sa!laysrJ ue3snIIol/y ) g$,4 $$~'@&@$@'$sg@@ S66 I (8ueA 'N 'IIV PU" nM '7 'M ) @&% 8dzB PZZOOO '09- 1s:6 1 ' ( U D M ~' JX ~ O ~ O ~ Du!gallng) ~D~JO g$&g$g ( u e ~ malseg ! ~ 'ealr! 8 u o ~ - 8 u a y 3ayl UIOJJ rol03!s~an!p s!lo!lw~ J Oj A80103a @ s ? a~!13npoldaX ? j % @ -) % s&!j&$1k'IC?@fB@g&@ S66 I (!EL 'S 'X PU" nM '7 ' M ) &*I)@* %zBCZZOOO ' O S - C PI : '(UDM!DJ, ~ ' ~ 0 1 0 3 ~ l w ~u!pallng) Jo ( aep!.unL JO uo!le3g!sse13 ayl JO Uo!lcnI"AaaX) &z@z&Gk$&$j%% S661 (8uey3 'X ' 3 ) @%% ZZZ000











000235 Chang, K. M. and Kanji Ookubo ( 75;AgEq) 1997 Hemiphaedusa buduiensis n. sp. (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae) of Taiwan. (Z $Jji!f$%@ if @&$+ (% a ) H%%$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2 1:1-8. 000236 Chang, K. M. and Akira Tada( @%@ 3HBg ) 1997 Two new Diplommatina from high mountain area of the Central Taiwan ( Prosobranchia : Diplommatimidae ). ( fi:@$gag mEIRfgzj@f$$+ ) w@$$E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 21:9-12. 000237 Chang, K. M. ( @ % @ ) 1997 Diplommatina tadai n. sp. of Taiwan : ) H% (Prosobranchia : Diplommatinidae). ( figEzj$$f$$+Ra %$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 21 :13-15. 000238 Lan, T. C. ( E F j F g ) 1997 A new volute from the South China Sea. (j$j$m '@zRfEj?$fik? ) W$$jE$3$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2 1:17-19. 000239 Lan, T. C. ( gF&) 1997 A new olivid (Gastropoda : Olividae) from the South fR jZ f?@ ji )!, jE!$$j$$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), China Sea. $(@g@@ 21:21-24. 000240 Lan, T. C. ( E F $ g ) 1997 A new form of Babylonia areolata Link, 1807 from Thailand. ( ?$$ $j2 33 kg 2 ) H%3$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 21 :25-27. 000241 Lee, Y. C. and W. L. Wu ( q B $ q azB ) 1997 A new olivid (Gastropoda : Olividae) from the South China Sea. ( j$j$ H$@EFj'Rfg@k!& Q$!$@k! ) jE!@F $E (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 21 :29-32. 000242 Chang, K. M.( @%@ ) 1997 Anatomy of Videnoida haenseli and V. formosana )u j@ $' @ j+$$f@ g+ from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Trochomorphidae). ( mgf$$+ $g%$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2 1:33-40. 000243 Chang, K. M. ( @%&) 1997 Antamy of Coniglobus arisanus (Kuroda) from H % F $ b (Bulletin Taiwan (Pulmonata : Camaenidae). ( -fj.@Em9mf$$+zfj@u) of Malacology, Taiwan), 2 1:4 1-48. 000244 @A@j!@$J@P E%,B( D. Chao, S. C. Chen and C. D. Young ) 1997 'B %%,!$$~ ( Mollusks and their distribution in Neiwen, Ping-Tung Co., South Taiwan ) Z j ! @E$3$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 21 :49-56. 000245 Lan, T. C. and Y. C. Lee ( E F j F g $ g $ q ) 1997 Radula and operculum of gE$ ) jE!%E$%$b (Bulletin of Neritopsis radula Linnaeus, 1758. ( @$$Ek!EIl Malacology, Taiwan), 21 :57-59. 000246 Lan, T. C. and Y. C. Lee ( E F $ % q g @ ) 1997 New findings on radula of Conus chiangi (Azuma, 1972). ( g j 3 , T k ! @ g z R E $ ) H$g%$b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 2 1:61-62. 000247 @% H75;f$j ( C . Chang and D. Chao) 1998 75;Fg$iE?&7kk%?%6@zzqi& ( Justifications for disappearance of freshwater snails from the Tachia River)H@% $b (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 22: 1-6. %











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JJXgPg g@f{~ $g$q( W. L. Wu, P. J. Chang and Y. C. Lee) & ( The Malacofauna of Kinrnem ) R @ g $ E (Bulletin of W


2000 &FY Malacology,

Taiwan), 24:47-52. 000275 Chang, C. K. ( ) 2000 Small shells of the classic Turridae from Taiwan IV Daphnellinae and Philibertinae. ( ~ B E / ] \ @ % g k % $ q R $ -IV ?%k%$qb!l ) BB?$?QE (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 24:53-70. 000276 Chang, Chen-Kwoh (@$Em ) 2001 New turrid Taxonomy and three new RBg$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), species. ( %%gfP$$$!l%%BZ%@) 25:l-6. 000277 BfQg( Bor-Sheng Jung ) 2001 @ ~ ~ @ Q d @ E ? ~ j & R $ R ~ M & f(ZA%survey of shells in Ponso no Tau (Lan-yu Island) RB$$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 25:7-16. 000278 Chang, K. M. ( @ g @ j ) 2001 Anatomy and Systematics of two species of clausiliid snails from China (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( i$ E $9g $J$ Hemipaedusa pluviatilis (Benson) B E @ g @ q ) %R9 $k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 25 :17-26. ) 2001 Anatomy of Coniglobus arisanus takkiriensis 000279 Chang, Kuan Min( gg@j (Kuroda) and its albino type from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Camaenidae). @ e(& jk@$4 @ q 2 fi@ E $ {-I:@ ) $ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 25:27-32. 000280 $$$%@ %j3{$% Z@q ( Yih-Tsong Ueng, Chung-yao Cheng and Jiang-Ping Wang ) 2001 $!f!%&%J$!Z&% B (Sacoglossa) 2$fifZBE?l?R?$5fieXfP% Ercolania boodleae (Baba, 1 9 3 8 ) 2 % 3 ( Ercolania boodleae (Baba, 1938) new record of B $$k (Bulletin of Sacoglossa (Mollusca Opisthobranchia) from Taiwan ) Malacology, Taiwan), 25:33-38. 000281 $$jg@ 3@q ( Yih-Tsong Ueng and Jiang-Ping Wang ) - 2001 B (Sacoglossa) 2 $fi ZZ % E E & ' X q (Elysia chilkensis Eliot, 1916) 2Zij 3 (Elysia chilkensis Eliot, new record of Sacoglossa (Mollusca : Opisthobranchia) from Taiwan ) !Z! %%$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 25:39-44. 000282 Lee, Yen-Chen and Wen-lung Wu ( $g$$ a g B ) 2001 The cyclophorids ) W a g @ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), fauna of Taiwan. ( ~'@$~@q!@?$J~~ 25:45-78. 000285 EFfg P&Zg( T . C. Lan and C. Y. Chen) 2002 +@j$j'$$J~&E~~tj$ k % 2 % * i & @ % f ~ @ ~ 7 ~ , A B %( A further study on Nerita squamulata as a new local form from the Pescadores Island, Taiwan) B%,$$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 26: 11- 16. 000286 Chang, Kuan-Min ( gg@ ) 2002 Luchuena species from Pahsientung, Taitung (Genus Luchuena) $J$ County (Pulmonata Enidae). ( /[{11IjMER3${U@g@qm q 2 @$ gg E % ?%$ b!l % %% ) !Z! 3 $[Ti (Bulletin of Malacoloa, Taiwan), 26: 17-26. 000287 Chang, Kuan Min ( % g @ j ) 2002 Oversize form of Luchuena taivanica (Moellendorff, 1884) from Hsinchu and Miaoli Counties, Taiwan (Pulmonata :





Enidae). ( -f;j@${M@g$@+ Luchuena taivanica l?!JRjd&%?i! ) R%s$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 26:27-34. 000288 Chang, Kuan Min ( g g @ j ) 2002 Description and anatomy of Coniglobus pekanensis insularis Kuroda et Kano MS from Lutao, Taiwan (Pulmonata Camaenidae). ( +@,@&E$IgjX$@+fiSRzElZEfi$grJ ) !E!%F$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 26:35-40. 000289 Lan, T. C. ( ETjFg) 2003 A new Microstelma in the Family Rissoidae from ) F!%%$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Japan. ( $jB%BRk%fq%fifS#ql?7%BRk% Taiwan), 27: 1-4. 000290 Chang, Kuan Min and Akira Tada ( gg@fr 3 Hfig ) 2003 Diplommatina torokkuensis n. sp. from Taiwan (Prosobranchia : Diplommatinidae). ( &$$jBzfi$@ +$fit3 : ) F!B3$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 27:5-8. 000291 Chang, Kuan Min and Akira Tada 3EElflG) 2003 Diplommatina pilanensis n. sp. from Taiwan (Prosobranchia : Diplommatinidae). ( $fifS : ) jE!ggF$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 27: 11-15. 000292 Lee, Y. C. and W. L. Wu ( +g$$ Jl&qPg) 2003 Hemiphaedusa kuanmini n. sp. from Taiwan (Pulmonata : Clausiliidae). ( # S $ ~ ~ f i ! / $ ! j ~ % @ ) B%B$k \*,\+ (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 27: 17-22. 000293 $$$$@@,. Z@q ( Yih-Tsong Ueng and Jiang-Ping Wang) 2003 B:@F= +*kg fq$i5k%RzI(@%fSsm$i5kg Stenothyra tainanica @,gzkg S. chiaochiensis EE(@$!fifiz@fS ( Two new species and three new records of the Genus Stenothyra (Mollusca : Steothyridae) from Taiwan ) R$R3$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 27:23-40. 000294 %$!$I%Z@F (ZTE ( Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang and Ping-Chun Lucy Hou ) 2003 $A@@@qjgz (Mesogastropoda) ~ : @ R ~ ~ & / ] \ ~ ~ f ' ! & g f q (Elachisinidae) @i&/]\z*f'kg (Elachisina ziczac Fukuda et Ekawa, 1997) ( Elachisina ziczac Fukuda et Ekawa, 1997 new record of Elachisinidae (Mollusca : Mesogastropoda) from Taiwan) flgZ$%$k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 27:41-49. 000295 %$!$I% Z@q (gqg ( Yih-Tsong Ueng, Jiang-Ping Wang and Ping-Chun 91 J Ez (Mesogastropoda) e@RzEl%fiS kgfq Lucy Hou ) 2003 $AE@@ (Iravadiidae) ( Three new records Iravadia of Iravadiidae (Mollusca : Mesogastropoda) from Taiwan ) R B3 $k (Bulletin of Malacology, Taiwan), 27:5 1-59.
















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( Y . C. Lee) 2003 $$3$g&&%zz (Shells observing trip in Okinawa) (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:13-17. 1, 100375 lgzf,s( W. D. Chen ) 2003 R$&&Zeuxis E$B$jrk! ( Zeuxis in Tung-Kang ) H z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29: 18-19. ( Some uncommon shells 100376 lgzf$ ( W. D. Chen) 2003 sf5j/?$&$$gEfYjHB in Tung-Kang ) H z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:20-21. 100377 E F f g ( C . C. Lan) 2003 $ ~ ~ $ @ E 5 Z f $ k(The ~ @ species of Genus Littoraria in Taiwan) E z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:22-29. 100378 ( B. S. Jung ) 2003 $'@@J5!&! +$j( Two additional species of Family Naticidae in Taiwan) H z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:30. 100379 PgZB Jl&zPg ( C . Y. Chen and W. L. W u ) 2003 @l$%B?@Z (The cultivation of neritid snail ) H z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:3 1-33. Heterozaptyx uraniscoptyx 100380 $&@( Y. C. Lee ) 2003 $fl%x&$m@@@tq ( The story behind Heterozaptyx uraniscoptyx ) j E! (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:34-35. 100381 $ RE3 R ~ &El : ( K . Y. Lai) 2003 ~ ~ j E ~ R Q q j ~ f ~ @ Z & ~,.&(The X f i fnew iqeB classifications based on gastropod phylogeny ) R z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:36-40. 100382 $g$$( Y. C. Lee) 2003 g g k ! vs (Septaria porcellana vs Septaria cumingiana ) (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:41-42. 100383 +,&@ /iJi@ j ( Z ) ( Miscellaneus shells of Taiwan ( Y. C. Lee ) 2003 $@$figZ III ) H z (The Pei-Yo, Taiwan), 29:42-52. 100374




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IV. g a g €I g g €I q$ifisci.@J *flci!!4

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jkfi%32.m *%G@l

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. @%,a



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$ & ,.H @ o j g ~ , # $ o / \

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sf$% 1




( K. Y. Lai ) 1990 @ q $ g g %


%@ , +At*





( The Landsnail World)



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&$I , eit* , ego




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200156 Roper, Clyde F.E., and Michel J. Sweeney 1984 Cephalopods of the World, F A 0 Species Catalogue, vol. 3. 277pp. 2001 57 Lee, Shu-Chuan and Shyh-Min Chao ( %#JPi ) 2003 Shallow-water marine shells from Northeastern Taiwan. Collection and Research, 16:29-59. 200 158 Lai, K. Y. and S. C. Ou-Yang ( $j3'gB ) 1999 A newly recorded species of family Personidae from Taiwan (Mollusca : Gastropoda). Journal of the National Taiwan Museum, 52(2):29-3 1. 200159 Nordsieck, H. 2003 New zaptychoid Phaedusinae from Taiwan (Gastropoda : Stylommatophora : Clausiliidae). Arch Molluskenkunde, 132(1/2): 105-1 19.

. . !!QB@z

B abbreviatum (Sowerby, 1874)

9%%G I 18

Achatina %?!ElAh%qR ( Z%%h%qB ) 55 Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 #?!l(A@q 56 Achatinidae $p#\[A&&$q ( Z@@@~q$q ) 55 Aclesia freeri Griffin, 19 12 3 Aclophora 22 Aclophora xystica (Jousseaume, 1884) /J$#?&@k% 22 Acrilla 17 Acrilla acuminata (Sowerby, 1844) JRe&@@&% 1 7 Acteocina 10 Acteocina coarctata (A. Adams, 1850) A%k% 10 Acteocina decorata (Pilsbry, 1904) 10 Acteocina oyamai Kuroda et Habe, 1954 $jB%$$%10 Acteocina sp. 10 Acteocinidae 10 Acteon %!!$% 10 Acteon sieboldi (Reeve, 1842) fi@$&&10 Acteonidae %@$q 10 aculus (Benson, 1842) 64 Acusta 56 Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866) g k # @ @ q 56 Acusta despecta (Sowerby, 1839) %5$5$@q 56 56 Acusta fragilis (Kuroda et Kano,q@ @ MS) $&$ Acusta kotosyonis (Kuroda et Kano, MS) md@F$@q 56 Acusta plicosa (Martens, 1894) &@F$@q 56 Acusta tourannensis (Souleyet, 1842) F$@q 57 Aegista 57 Aegista granti (Pfeiffer, )865) gm&E@q 57 Aegista granti browmt@ilsbry et Hirase, 1905) { & R E @ + 57 Aegista hebes (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) g%B@q 57 Aegista impexa (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) 57 Aegista inrinensis (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) B j f ; . B @ q 57 Aegista lautsi (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1890) %Fg@q57. Aegista lautsi brachylasia (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) & E @ q Aegista lautsi micra (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) / J \ % F E @ q 58 Aegista mackensii (Adams et Reeve, 1850) e@E@q 58 Aegista osbeckii (Philippi, 1847) %&adE@q 58 Aegista shermani (Pfeiffer, 1865) @&B@$q 58 Aegista subchinensis (Moellendorff, 1884) e:@7t;~@q 58 Aegista taiwanica Hirase in Kuroda, 1941 &@j@g@q 58



R&R El

.W R

~&~SG.@ 4HBjfl I.

Africa Landsnail 56 Aglajidae 11 albiapex Chang et Ookubo, 1994 64 albida Chang, 1991 64 albivaricosa (Reeve, 1844) 2 7 albus Muller, 1774 8 Aliculastrum 11 T Aliculastrum @ $cylindricum @ (Helbling, f $1779) E 11 Allochroa 4 Allochroa afJinis (Gray, 1825) $[l@E/J$T 4 Allochroa pfeifleri (Dunker, 1860) EGkT 4 Allopeas 77 77 Allopeas clavulinum (Potiez et Michaud, 1838) @4.$!~+ Allopeas gracilis (Hutton, 1834) A@$$# 77 77 Allopeas javanicum (Reeve, 1849) flP%@f@~q Allopeas pyrgula (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) f@ff@& 77 Allopeas turgidulum (Hutton, 1882) $H$@f!/$q 78 Amaea 17 Amaeaflammea Lee, 200 1 k$@&!@$kT 17 Amaea gazeoides Kuroda et Habe, 1961 fi..BIm@J@kT 17 Amaea magnifica (Sowerby, 1844) E$@@@@ 17 Amaea martini (Wood 1828) ,RT&!@ifi@17 Amaea nebulodermata (Azuma, 1972) sm:@mkT 18 Amaea rubigosola Lee, 2001 f&E$&$@k$ 18 Amaea sericogazea (Masahito, Kuroda et Habe, 1971) fi~fifBI~$@@@kT 18 'Amaea thielei (de Boury, 1913) E f m $ $ & 18 Amphibolidae j@@@$q 7 amplus Philippi, 1848 39 Ancylidae @&$q 7 antonii Philippi 35 Aplysia 3 Aplysia dactylomela ang, 1828 3 Aplysia juliana Qu et Gaimard, 1832 $@Bl?&E 3 Aplysia kurodai (Baba, 193 7) A:@B 3 Aplysia oculifera Adams et Reeve, 1850 BRBl$@B 3 Aplysiacea &EB 3, Aplysiidae &B@ 3 Archaeopulmonata @#!kgaifi 4 Architectonica $a%M 16 Architectonica maxima (Philippi, 1849) Es$$jkT 16 Architectonica perspectiva (Linnaeus, 1758) %f$$$$j@ 16 Architectonica trochlearis (Hinds, 1844) $$@kg 16 Architectonicidae Z@m%$q 16


Ariophanta 78 Ariophanta taiwanica Moellendorff, 1885 ZBgT $@& 26 Atlanta %!!$$@&l# Atlanta peroni Lesueur, 18 17 igW$&:@%$$! 26 Atlantidae .@@@f$26 Atyidae @j@Bf411 Atys 11 Atys debilis Pease, 1860 gR$j@%&!% 11 australis Morch, 1852 50 Austropeplea /j\#f!f@@ 7 Austropeplea ollula (Gould, 1859) /j\$f@f&!% 7 avriegatum Perry, 18 11 31


B bairdii (Verrill et Smith, 1881)

49 Balcis 32 Balcis acicula (Gould, 1849) 32 Balcis cumingi (A. Adams, 1854) 32 Balcis grandis (A. Adams, 1854) 32 32 Balcis luchuana (Pilsbry, 190 1) $$,3:$%$$! Balcis martini (A. Adams, 1854) ,BT%&!! 32 Balcis persimilis Kuroda et Habe, 1971 32 Balcis solidula (A. Adams et Reeve, 1849) 33 balteata Reeve; 1858 22 Basommatophora &@ 7 bensoni A. Adams 22 Boninena 70 Boninena leptostraca (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) jz{UBE$/Z& 70 Boninena warburgi (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) EE{U1EE@$+ 71 Bradybaena 58 Bradybaena similaris (Ferussac, 1822) 58 Bradybaenidae j$j$!&+f4 56 brunnea Habe et Kosuge, 1966 18 26,27 Bufonaria $?@@&l# Bufonaria albivaricosa (Reeve, 1844) @@&!! 27 Bufonaria crumena (Lamarck, 1816) %E@&!!26,27 Bufonaria echinata (Link, 1807) E$$@&!! 26 Bufonaria elegans (Sowerby, 1835) {gg@&!g26 Bufonaria gnorima (Melvill, 1918) B$.@$ 26 $$ Bufonaria margaritula (Dshayes, 1832) E%$f$$! 26 Bufonaria nobilis (Reeve, 1844) &g@&!%26 Bufonariaperelegans (Beds in Sowerby 11, 1836) $$$f&!% 27 Bufonaria rana (Linnaeus, 1758) &?&@ 27




J%&R a

. W R a . %&k%B$fl . g@B$fl

Bufonaria subgranosa (Sowerby 11, 1836) #H&f!3kT 27 Butla 11 Bulla ampulla Linnaeus, 1758 g@Rk% 11 12 Bulla cruentata A. Adams, 1850 EPB:#%$$% Bulla punctulata A. Adams, 1850 %-k$%$$% 12 12 Bulla vernicosa Gould, 1859 %%% Bullacta 11 11 Bullacta exarata (Philippi, 1848) ?E$$% Bullidae s@fq 11 B i n , 12 Bullina lineata (Gray, 1825) &$%$$% 12 Bullina virgo Habe, 1950 %&@$%$$% 12 Bullinidae &e@fq 12 27 Bursa @@B Bursa bufonia (Gmelin, 1791) @@&$$$% 27 Bursa cruentata (Sowerby, 1835) rhl@&$$$F 27 Bursa granularis (Roeding, 1798) %#?I&$$$% 27 Bursa lamarckii (Deshayes, 1853) %a&$$$%28 Bursa rhodostoma (Sowerby, 1855) @El$$$$%28 Bursa rosa (Perry, 18 11) % q&$k%28 Bursa tuberosissima (Reeve, 1844) %@&$&% 28 Bursatella 3 Bursatella leachi leachi Blainville, 18 17 glJJz,&&q 3 Bursidae @@fq 26 Bursidae &$kg@ 27


El Cadinella



w f


51 Cadinella ornatissima (Risbec, 1928) g&j&g:@j@@$ 51 Cadlinidae 51 Cadrina 51 Cadrina sagamiensis Baba, 1937 gE]&q51 Camaena $j@@~qB 60 Camaena batanica boteltobagoensis (Kuroda, 1932) m@@!@q 61 Camaena batanica pancala (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) fjI*$G!@q Camaenafriesiana (Moellendorff, 1884) g!@q 60 Camaena succinctus (H. Adams, 1866) /I\%!@+ 60 Camaena succinctus amblytropis (Pilsbry, 1901) ! @ 60 Camaena succinctus rubrotinctus (Kuroda, 1941) @ $!sI + 61 Camaenidae j$@HFfq 60 carinata Eliot, 1910 54 carinatus Chang, 1990 63


Chromodoris 51 Chromodoris alderi Collingwood, 1881 52 51 Chromodoris elizabethina Bergh, 1877 {j+$iJ%$%$3?@EQ@$ 52 ChromodorisJidelis (Kelaart, 1858) {gg%$2?&&Q@$ 52 Chromodoris geometrica Adams et Reeve, 1848 i&B%$3?@k&@$ 52 Chromodoris maritima Baba, 1949 $@'#%$g?@k@@$ 52 Chromodoris odhneri Risbec, 1953 %93%$2?@kQH Chromodoris sibogae (Bergh, 1905) 5jil@%WBkQB 52 Chromodoris tinctoria (Ruppel et Leuckart, 1828) $Bg%$2?@E&@52 52 Chromodoris youngbleuthi Kay et Young, 1969 @&%%?@kQ!&$ cingulatum Lamarck, 1816 41 Cingulina 15 Cingulina cingulata (Dunker, 1860) 15 cinnamoma Menke, 1830 35 Cirsotrema 18 18 Cirsotrema varicosum (Lamarck, 1822) ,f$'$fi?@@$k$ clandestina Lamarck, 1843 48 Clausilia hotawana Pilsbry, 190 1 64 Clausilia odontochila nigra Pilsbry in Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 66 Clausiliidae @gM+fq 64 Clio 81 Clio cuspidata (Bosc, 1802) S%%k.! 81 colomnaris Recluz, 185 1 39 Common Frog Shell 27 complanata Gegenbaur 80 confusa Cockerell, 1900 75 conica Pease, 1862 4 Coniglobus %@+jf#j 61 Coniglobus albida (H. Adams, 1870) %@g@@+ 61 61 Coniglobus arisanus (Kuroda, 194 1) Coniglobus arisanus takahasii (Kuroda, 194 1) 61 Coniglobus arisanus takkiriensis (Kuroda, 194 1) k@,m@+ 61 Coniglobus arisanus tani (Kuroda, 194 1) RE@$+ 62 Coniglobus bairdi ( H . Adams, 1866) $&7k@+ 62 Coniglobus contrarius (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1908) +J!/!zifg 62 Coniglobusformosensis (Pfeiffer, 1865) +:@!/!J+ 62 Coniglobus kasyotonis Kuroda et Kano, MS ,$$kg%@@$+ 62 Coniglobus melleus (Pfeiffer, 1865) Bz@J+ 62 Coniglobus nux (Moellendorff, 1883) 62 Coniglobus nux litus Chang et Tada, 2000 R%%@J+62 Coniglobus nux paiwanis (Kuroda, 1941) @@%@J+63 Coniglobuspekanensis (Rolle, 1911) EEz!/!J+ 63 Coniglobus pekanensis insularis (Kuroda et Kano, 194 1) fiIkfi$%@+ 63

mgm@J+ A



Coniglobus sphaeroconus (Pfeiffer, 1865) &g@+ 63 Coniglobus tadai Kuroda, 1960 %BIfi@+ 63 Coniglobus var. campochilus Pilsbry 63 Corillidae @H+$q 70 crenellus Habe, 1961 21 crenulata hotawana Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 74 Cresies 81 Cresies acicula Rang, 1827 !?!%@B%tBk% 81 Cresies virgula Rang, 1827 &R$B E,$@$g 81 Cuvierina 81 Cuvierina columnella (Rang, 1827) j%jg@ 81 Cymatiidae 41 Cymatium @E%B 41 Cymatium aquatile (Reeve, 1844) @%$&kg 41 Cymatium caudatum (Gmelin, 1791) ?%@$&$&kg41 Cymatium comptum (A. Adams, 1855) %%:/4;kg 42 Cymatium cynocephalum (Lamarck, 1816) @@&$&kg 42 Cymatium dunkeri (Lischke, 1868) Bfi&$&k% 42 Cymatium encausticum (Reeve, 1844) ,%B&$&kg 42 Cymatium exaratum kiiense (Sowerby, 1915) $ZfF$&k% 42 Cymatium exile (Reeve, 1844) %%&,&kg 42 Cymatiumflaveolum (Roeding, 1798) &@%$&k% 43 Cymatium gemmatum (Reeve, 1844) gfi$&kg 43 Cymatium grandimaculatum (Reeve, 1844) %BX&$$$&kg 43 Cymatium gutturnium (Roeding, 1798) 3 2 & $ & k ! 43 Cymatium hepaticum (Roeding, 1798) &&%$&kg 43 Cymatium labiosum (Wood, 1828) jXjZE$&k! 43 Cymatium lotorium (Linnaeus, 1758) &&$&kg 44 Cymatium moritinctum (Reeve) 42 Cymatium mundum (Gould, 1849) /J\Qj&k% 44 Cymatium muricinum (Roeding, 1798) $IU:/4;kg 44 Cymatium nicobaricum (Roeding, 1798) & q $&kg 44 Cymatium parthenopeum echo Kuroda et Habe, 1961 %@$&kg 44 Cymatium pfeiflerianum (Reeve, 1844) %&@$&kg 45 Cymatium pileare (Linnaeus, 1758) %$&kg 45 Cymatium pyrum (Linnaeus, 1758) *&$&kg 45 Cymatium rubeculum (Linnaeus, 1758) %$I%$&k! 45 Cymatium sarcostomum (Reeve, 1844) m@&$f;-k! 45 Cymatium sinense (Reeve, 1844) +$&'&kg 46 Cymatium springsteeni Beu, 1987 3q &$&kg 46 Cymatium tenuiliratum (Lischke, 1873) @%$&kg 46 Cymatium testudinarium (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) ;iEg&$&k% 46

IV. W b R El

- E X El \4&,k%Q.W .

Cymatium vespaceum (Lamarck, 1822) @I@$&$$% 46 Cypraecassis 29 Cypraecassis rufa (Linnaeus, 1758) %g$$%29


M Dendrodorididae

53 Dendrodoris 53 53 Dendrodoris denisoni (Angas, 1864) â‚ŹiE%&@f$!?@J@g@ Dendrodoris tuberculosa (Quoy et Gaimard, 1832) $$@t#$2?@+53 depressiuscula Bayer, 1948 21 Derjuginella 15 Derjuginella rufofasciata (Simith, 1875) &$gig@ 15 Deroceras 74 Deroceras varians (A. Adams, 1868) $!j%&@ 75 deshayesii Reeve, 1842 50 Diacria 81 Diacria quadridentata (Lesueur, 1825) 81 Diacria trispinosa (Blainville, 1821) Zs&e@kg 81 Didontoglossa 14 Didontoglossa cf. decoratoides Habe, 1955 15 DidontogIossa koyasensis (Yokoyama, 1927) ;iiZjFfi$H3ft$$g14 Diniatys 11 Diniatys dentifer (A. Adams, 1850) /]\@@kg 11 Discoconulus 71 Discoconulus lamprobasis (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) g@/]\g F H + 71 Discoconulus lissobasis (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) Tj$fqm/]\EFM+ 71 Discoconulus radiata (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) $ H $ ] 72 Discoconulus sinapidium (Reinhardt, 1877) F+&$ 72 Discotectonica 17 Discotectonica acutissima (Sowerby 111, 1914) @$$$j$$% 17 Discotectonica nipponicus Kuroda et Habe, 1971 @&@$i$$$j$$%1 7 distinctus Gredler, 1859 8 Distorsio 46 Distorsio anus (Linnaeus, 1758) By&$$% 46 Distorsio muehlhaeusseri Parth, 1990 333&B?&$$ 46 % Distorsio perdistorta Fulton, 1938 Q )Bj&$$g 47 Distorsio reticularis (Linnaeus, 1758) sfB.i4;$$%47 Distorsio reticulata (Linnaeus, 1758) s)%j&k% 41 Distorsioninae )%j&kgGfq 41 3 Dolabella Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786) $E$j:&@ 3 Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Rang, 1928) %%:&@ 3 Dolicheulota 59




Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866) +@jF#~q 59 Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1865) ftA2@&f$~q 59 dorsuosus Hinds, 1844 21 dunkeri Kira, 196 1 2 7 dussumieri Reeve, 1847 34

M eboreum Lan, 1976

18 Echinophoria 30 30 Echinophoria carnosa Kuroda et Habe, 1961 3Z$8j@ $ Eglisia 18 18 Eglisia lanceolata Reeve, 1865 E*$@#ik!$ 18 Eglisia tricarinata Adams et Reeve, 1850 @gB@#ik!$ Elegantiscala 18 Elegantiscala edgari (de Boury, 1913) 3fjZ!?~!#ikg 18 Ellobiidae ag#q 4 Ellobium 4 Ellobium aurisjudae (Linnaeus, 1758) $@Ask% 4 Ellobium chinense (Pfeiffer, 1955) 9 g A a k g 5 Elma 76 Elma oblongata Yen, 1939 Egg!!$& 76 elongata Gray, 1839 34 Elysia 55 Elysia chilkensis Eliot, 1916 EB?%xq55 Elysiidae $&xq#q 55 Ena luchuana kashotoensis Kuroda et Kano, MS 71 Endodontidae n@@Jq#q 70 Enidae & -i@ fE@q#J 70 Enteroplax 77 Enteroplax kashotoensis Minato et Taba, 1992 ~ f j j m ' ~ ~ @ 77 ~ q Enteroplax taiwanica Minato et Taba, 1992 $:@~$$$@& 77 Entomotaeniata B.@ 15 Eoscaphander 15 Eoscaphander fragilis Habe, 1952 #H%$$ 15 Epzyoris 23 Epforis projecta (Laseron, 1958) 23 Epitoniidae :&@g#q 17 Epitonium @@?i$@R 18 Epitonium abyssicola Lee, 200 1 f~$@@j$,!$kg 19 Epitonium duocamurum Lee, 200 1 $$%:&@@kg 19 Epitonium liliputana (A. Adams, 189 1) 3$f&fi$$&!#ikg 18 Epitonium pallasii pallasii (Kiener, 1838) f&fi$$@#ik$ 19 Epitonium scalare (Linnaeus, 1758) #$@$% 19




Ercolania 55 Ercolania boodleae (Baba, 1938) fi&%bEk% 55 Eucharilda 22 Eucharilda sinensis (Fischer, 1867) J?&$$$% 22 Eudolium 49 Eudolium lineatum (Schepman, 1909) $$$2$@% 49 Eudolium pyriforme (Sowerby, 1914) gfF$$,@k%49 Euhadra 59 Euhadra eoa communisiformis Kanamaru, 1940 @ f g j @ M q 59 33 Eulima &j!j@Ej Eulima bifasciata (A. Adams, 1863) PRgk% 33 Eulima maria (A. Adams, 1861) 33 Eulimidae 32 Eulimitra 33 Eulimitra distorta (Pease, 1860) S&,R%k% 33 Eulimitra metcalfei (A. Adams, 1854) 33 Eulimitrapeasei Tryon, 1886 &$?%kg 33 Eulota ampla Plisbry, MS 57 Eulota fulvicans browni Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 57 Eulotaperplexa Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 57 Eulota sieboldiana Pfeiffer in Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 56 Eulota toyenmongaiensis Rolle, 1908 56 Eunaticina 34 Eunaticina papilla (Ginelin, 1791) $LBZk% 34 64 Euphaedusa ~j\E@#$+j$@ Euphaedusa aculus (Benson, 1842) $$fj\EgJ$j+ 64 Euphaedusa eumegetha (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891) I Euphaedusa sheridani (Pfeiffer, q $ $ j@E1865) \ j f&a 64 eupunctata Sowerby, 1907 23 euzonata Recluz, 1844 35 exigua Lamarck, 18 16 22 exilis karenkoensis Kuroda, MS 65 exilis minor Moellendorff, 1883 66 A

0 Ficidae &@@fq 33,34 &@@m

Ficus 33,34 Ficusficus (Linnaeus, 1758) %3$ftt;+E$!% 34 Ficusfilosa (Sowerby, 1892) @?fjftt;+Ekg 34 Ficus gracilis (Sowerby, 1825) AfLf;+Ek%34 Ficus subintermedius (d'orbigny, 1852) fJ\ftf;+Ek%33 Fig Shell 34 fimbriata Adams et Reeve, 1850 3 flavicostata Baba, 1949 53



Formosana fi@@jg#qj$i# 64 64 Formosanaformosensis (H. Adams, 1866) e$$@$$fiq Formosanaformosensis albiapex (Chang et Ookubo, 1994) f Formosana swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1865) ftfiqgE$$fiq65 Formosana taiwanica (Pilsbry, 1909) s$i!JX@@gfiq 65 formosensis var. chitouensis Chang, 1984 64 formosensis var. tsengwenensis Chang et Wu, 1987 64 Fryeria 53 Fryeria riippelli Bergh, 1869 %@%[&&@$$ 53 fulgida Godwin-Austen, 1907 72 fulvicans dormitor Kuroda, MS 57 Fusitriton 4 7 47 Fusitriton galea Kuroda et Habe, 1961 Fusitriton midwayensis Habe et Okutani, 1968 $i%g&k% 4 7


H Gadinia

9 Gadinia kurodai Habe, 1958 EBl@jrkki 9 Galeodea *HFfig@)'$$ 30 Galeodea echinophorella Hirase, 1936 $HFfiski 30 30 Galeodea echinophorella suzumai (Sakurai, 1984) $$?FB'~S~T Galeoocorys 30 Galeoocorys leucodoma (Dall, 1907) X%%k% 30 Ganesell albida insignis (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) 61 Ganesella albida kasyotonis Kuroda et Kano, MS 61 Ganesella albida mollicula (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1908) 61 Ganesella nux sericatus Kuroda, 1941 62 Gastrocopta 71 Gastrocopta ooi Kuroda, 194 1 ti$.@$+ 71 Gastrocoptidae ti$@&@ 71 Globiscala 19 Globiscala bullatum (Sowerby, 1844) :&B?@$@k% 19 goodwini Smith, 1876 7 Granosolarium 20,22 Granosolarium mirabilis (Schepman, 1909) @$&J\$$jkg 21,22 granti daemonorum Kuroda, MS 57 granulata Habe, 1962 21 Gymnodorididae 53 Gymnodoris 53 Gymnodoris alba (Bergh, 1877) Q & % % $ & 53 Gyraulus BUB&j$i#7 Gyraulus chinensis spirillus Gould, 1859 7 Gyraulus illibatus (Westerlund, 1883) 8 Gyrineum g%@j$i# 47




Wax €i . WK €i

- ~&%ZB@I\ %%B@J

Gyrineum bituberculare f cuspidatum (Reeve, 1844) Q @z?&$$g47 Gyrineum gyrinum (Linnaeus, 1758) Bl,EjZjZ?&k? 47 Gyrineum lacunatum (Mighels, 1845) ~$$@&!&g 48 Gyrineum natator (Roeding, 1798) $i$@ZjQ&$$g47 Gyrineum perca (Perry, 18 11) Zj@&kg 47 Gyrineum pulchrum (Gray, 1836) /]\Zj!@&kg 48 48 Gyrineum roseum (Reeve, 1844) £2@@Tj&kg Gyroscala 19 Gyroscala lamellosa (Lamarck, 1822) /J\:$@k@k~ 19

Halgerda 53 Halgerda graphica Basedow et Hedley, 1903 @g?@+53 Halgerdidae 53 Haloa 12 Haloa binotata (Pilsbry, 1895) m&%%k$ 12 Haloaflavescens (A. Adams, 1850) ,@@%kg 12 Haloa japonica (Pilsbry, 1895) 12 Haloa vitrea (A. Adams, 1850) 13 Haloa yamaguchii Habe, 1952 UE@@k! 13 Haminoeidae 12 Hawaiia 79 Hawaiia minuscula (Binney, 1840) /J\3&5Q@J+79 Heliaciidae /J\$&j@$S/ 20 Heliacus /J\$&BB 21 Heliacus areola (Gmelin, 1791) ~E$$$jkg 21 Heliacus enoshimensis (Melvill, 1891) &{fj/J\$&kg 21 Heliacus fenestratus (Hinds, 1844) 21 Heliacus implexus (Mighels, 1845) %&@ $$$$kg 21 Heliacus infundibuliformis (Gmelin, 1791) R/J\$$jkg 21 Heliacus stramineus (Gmelin, 1791) gs$$$jk! 21 Heliacus variegatus (Gmelin, 1791) ,@$2@$$jk!21 Helicarionidae %T$,&)q$q 71 Helicostyla 59 Helicostyla okadai Kuroda, 1932 59 Helix fulvicans H. Adams, 1866 57 Helixpancala var. trfasciata (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891) 61 Hemiphaedusa ~j@@@@jEJ$f~q~ 65 Hemiphaedusa amphileuca Chang, 1978 j$j$$ Q@g@$ 65 Hemiphaedusa antuensis Chang, Tada et Ookubo, 1995 %j&@@@~+ 65 Hemiphaedusa arikangensis Chang, 1992 T/hBg@J+ 65 Hemiphaedusa bagsana Schmacker et Boettger, 1891 65 Herniphaedusa baibarensis Chang, Tada, Hwang et Ookubo, 1998 %zj2$jf$-#7 65~+ A



Hemiphaedusa buduiensis Chang et Ookubo, 1997 geEE$&q65 Hemiphaedusa exilis (H. Adams, 1866) $%7k1EE@+66 Hemiphaedusa gochishanensis Chang, 1999 Ti)Eu@g@!~q 66 Hemiphaedusa kanaganensis Chang, 1980 $Tlll@E$!~+ 66 Hemiphaedusa kuanmini Lee et Wu, 2003 %@$!'@@gq 66 Hemiphaedusa lini Chang et Tada, 2000 ⁢@%@Ej@q 66 Hemiphaedusa montuosa Nordsieck, 2003 66 Hemiphaedusa myersi (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) @&EEMq 66 Hemiphaedusa odontochila (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891) e'@$fi$@EE$E'~q Hemiphaedusa odontochila clava Chang et Ookubo, 1994 fEFE@@&67 Hemiphaedusa ooi kosakai Kuroda, 1941 I @ 67 Hemiphaedusa ooi Kuroda, 1941 £&@@@jq 67 Hemiphaedusa ooi lushanensis (Chang et Maeda, 1982) @uE@$J$+ 67 Hemiphaedusa pseudosheridani (Zilch, 1954) fuaEE@@q67 Hemiphaedusa similaris (H. Adams, 1866) B ! I 67 Hemiphaedusa tantaensis Chang et Wu, 1977 fiAB@d$~ 67 Hermaeidae @!@# Heterogastropoda 1 16 Heteropoda B@H 26 Heterozaptyx 68 68 Heterozaptyx diacoptyx (Pilsbry, 1905) ,@j@#$jl@Ea+ Heterozaptyx ilanensis Nordsieck, 2003 BEBE%+ 68 Heterozaptyx santiaoensis (Chang, 1982) ~-$dan.kT g , @ ~ @ j @ q 68 Heterozaptyx takahashii (Kuroda, 1932) g@$E$BBf$$&q 68 Hexabranchidae fi&Efq 53 Hexabranch us 53 Hexabranchus sanguineus (Riippel et Leuckart, 193 1) m$Ifi$$@/@@ 53 hiemantium Westerlund, 1883 7 Hinemoa 15 Hinemoa indica (Melvill, 1896) BZiZg 15 Hippeutis FR&m 8 Hippeutis carntori (Benson, 1850) ggTB$-f$8 Hippeutis umblicalis (Benson, 1855) q@$@ 8 hirasei Baba, 1949 3 hirasei Eales et Engel, 1935 3 hirsuta Garrett, 1863 5 Hirtoscala 19 HirtoscaZa pyramidale (Sowerby, 1 844) 19 horikawai ishizakii (Kuroda, 194 1) 69 hybrida Linneaus, 1758 17 Hydatina 13 Hydatina albocincta (van der Hoeven, 1811) ZF'fakg 13 Hydafina amplustre (Linnaeus, 1 758) FA£s:&kR 13 A



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&&g, .-.G . 2 Crs E * q & g -2 .2 2:zss .s .s g 3 2u G G = w % 'Y,'Y,"h%3 %%=$a

Litharium bilineata (Kosuge, 1962) I$$$fEffikg 24 longijs Troschel 80 Luchuena ~ ~ 71 f Luchuena luchuana (Pilsbry, 1901) @L5${u@g@J 71 Luchuena taivanica (Moellendorff, 1884) 2:@Iu@g@J 71 lucidum Gould, 1859 8 lurida Philippi, 1870 35 lushanensis Chang et Maeda, 1982 67 luteus Quoy et Gaimard, 1832 5 Lymnaeidae #$!$f@$q 7

maanliauensis Chang et Wu, 1978 67 mackensii formosa Pilsbry, 1902 58 Macrochlamys formosana var. atypa Schmacker et Boettger, 1891 Macrochlamys hypograpta Pilsbry, MS 73 maculosa Lamarck 36 magaensis Chang, 1991 66 magnijca Eliot, 1910 53 magnificum Sowerby, 1904 50 Malea pomum (Linnaeus, 1758) fJJ@$$@ 49 mammata Roeding, 1798 28 Mammila 34 Mammila kurodai Iw. Taki, 1944 %B3k! 34 marginatus Quoy et Leuckart, 1832 53 martinii A. Adams, 1854 32 Mastonia 24 Mastonia aegle (Jousseaume, 1884) %5$?i@k$ 24 Mastonia limberti (Hervier, 1897) gIQR?i$gk$ 24 Mastonia monilifera (Hinds, 1843) Z&@ffik$ 24 Mastonia panites (Jousseaume, 1884) $Q@j$gffik! 24 Mastonia papillata (Hervier, 1897) QE?i@k$ 24 Mastonia quadrimaculata (Hervier, 1897) fZ$g?i$g$$$ 24 Mastonia rubra (Hinds, 1843) 24 Mastonia ustulata (Hervier, 1897) $ E?i@k$ 25 Mathilidae R$f&&$2f22 matudai Hirase in Kuroda, 1941 78 Meghimatium 75 Meghimatium bilineatum (Benson, 1842) EJ$f$@@ 75 Meghimatium formosana (Cockerell, 1893) %%$,&kf$j 75 Meghimatium fruhstorferi (Collinge, 1901) 75 Meghimatium taiwanensis Simroth, 1903 2@$,&$$ 75 melachloros Simroth, 1903 75 Melampus 5






Melampus castaneus Miihlfeld, 18 18 @!$!!Fi%I$kg 5 Melampus cristatus Pfeiffer, 1855 $ a s k g 5 Melampusflavus (Gmelin, 1791) S B k ! 5 Melampusflavus fasciatus (Deshayes, 1830) {$$@j'T$k% 6 Melampus granfer (Mousson, 1849) $B$$i%@kg 6 Melampus taeniolatus (Hombron et Jacquinot, 1854) @f%I$kg 6 Miamira 53 Miamira sinuata (van Hasselt, 1824) 73,@3$&&+ 53 Miamiridae 53 Micromelo 14 Micromelo guamensis (Quoy et Gaimard, 1824) Bi,!$j$&:&kg 14 minor Kuster, 1857 30 miyadii Habe, 1946 14 Moellendorjjja #@ 63 Moellendorfla hiraseana Pilsbry, 1905 &$ 63 monovitta Laseron, 1958 23 multitecta Kosuge, 1962 23 mustelina Deshayes, 1830 4



Natica 34 Natica alapapilionis (Roeding, 1798) $j$J@3k$ 34 Natica bibalteata (Sowerby, 1914) % @ 3 k i 35 Natica euzona (Recluz, 1844) 35 Natica excellens (Azuma, 1 96 1) {g3$@ lf 35 Natica fasciata (Roeding, 1798) %%3kg 35 Natica gualteriana Recluz, 1844 /J\&3kg 35 Natica hilaris Sowerby, 1914 @f3..3$$g35 Natica janthostomoides Kuroda et Habe, 1949 &&Zk% 35 Natica kushime (Shikama, 197 1) ,$@D3kg 37 Natica lineata (Roeding, 1798) $B$23kg 35 Natica lurida (Philippi, 1870) %kg 36 Natica nipponensis Kuroda, 196 1 EZ3kg 36 Natica onca Roeding, 1798 q q 3 k g 36 Natica pseustes Watson, 188 1 EB13kg 36 Natica sagittata (Menke, 1843) %@3kg 36 Natica shoichiroi Kuroda, 196 1 /J\f3.33@ 37 Natica stellata (Hedley, 19 13) Ef3.33kg 36 Natica tabularis Kuroda, 196 1 Hfi13kg 36 Natica tigrina (Roeding, 1798) %B3$$% 36 Natica undulata (Roeding, 1798) f3.3,%3@37 Natica vitellus forma spadicea (Gmelin, 1791) 37


IV. A&R !A

- A R !A ~4&k?~Ci.@I. &%Gi.Q

Natica vitellus Linnaeus, 1758 m%3Zk$ 37 Naticidae Z@fq 34 Nesioheliv 59 Nesiohelix kanoi (Kuroda, 1932) E@%@+59 Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1865) fth%sA@+ 59 Nesopupa 75 Nesopupa yamagutii Kuroda, 1941 $fi.,,bE@+ 75 N o 33 Niso brunnea (Sowerby, 1834) 33 Niso hizenensis Kuroda et Habe, 1950 @?L%%%k$ 33 Niso regia Kuroda et Habe, 1950 B?Lg%gk$ 33 nitens Menke, 1828 22 nitidella von Martens, 1867 8 Nodiscala 20 Nodiscala monovaricosa Kuroda et Habe, 1961 -f2'fj'&~ 20 Nordjaponica 12 Notarchidae 3 Notoseila 32 Notoseila laqueata (Gould, 186 1) f-J@jg@&k$ 32 nozirienssi Mori, 1938 8 Nudibranchia 51 nuxcastaneus Kuroda, 1947 5 nuxshiia Kuroda, 1947 5


obsoleta auct., non Ruppel et Leuckart 52 odontochila fulvicollis Ehrmann in Zilch, 1954 67 Onchidiidae Z@fq 80 Onchidium 80 Onchidium verruculatum Cuvier, 1830 66.8 80 Oophana 76 Oophana heudei (Schmarcker et Boettger, 1891) @@@ 76 J+ opacus Recluz, 185 1 39 orientalis Habe, 1950 12 Otesiajaponica Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905 not Moellendorff, 1885 72 Otesiopsis 72 Otesiopsis taiwanica (Kuroda, 1941) 2,@B$g@+ 72 Otopleura 15 Otopleura auriscati (Holten, 1802) 2jj!Ziqgk$ 15 Otopleura mitralis (A. Adams, 1855) 15 Ovachlamys 72 Ovachlamys fulgens (Gude, 1900) ?53$% fs @+ 72

BPancala Ffi+EB+M

63 Pancala bacca (Pfeiffer, 1865) N@@+63 papyracea Busch, 1845 38 Papyriscala 20 Papyriscala latifasciata (Sowerby, 1878) gE$@!$$kg 20 paraformosensis Ehrmann, 1929 64 Parakaliella 73 Parakaliella depressa (Moellendorff, 1883) q3j$@+73 73 Parakaliella nahaensis (Gude, 1900) #b@3j$@+ 73 Parakaliella venusta (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) $?@j$@+ Parasitala 73 Parasitala reinhardti (Pilsbry, 1900) B3j$@+ 73 Parmarion 73 73 Parmarion martensi Simroth, 1893 , & R E F @ + Pawiscala 20 Parviscala chinglinae Lee et Wu, 1998 @%$@&@$$% 20 Parviscala paumotense Pease, 1867 @/%%$@!$$kg 20 peasiana Pilsbry, 1894 12 Pedipes j!k@B 6 Pedipes jouani philippinica Moellendorff, 1893 BIt:k% 6 peipinensis Ping et Yen, 1956 8 pellistigrina Deshayes 36 pelplexa (Pease, 1867) 19 persimilis Kira, 1959 30 Personidae 41 pervia Martens, 1867 7 Petalochlamys 73 Petalochlamys formosana (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) 3$!?$% F@+ 73 Petalochlamys nitidus (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) %'@gF@+ 73 Petalochlamys par (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) /J\%F@+ 73 Petalochlamys vesta (Pfeiffer, 1865) %gF@+ 74 Phaedusa 68 Phaedusa eumegetha (Schmacker et Boettger, 189 1) g&fEEg@+ 68 Phaedusa hayashii Kuroda, 194 1 $$REP@+ 68 Phaedusa hayasii chipenensis Chang, 1986 @@@@@+ 68 Phaedusa sheridani shihi Chang, 1982 64 Phalium g@m 30 Phalium areola (Linnaeus, 1758) @&%kg 30 Phalium bandatum (Perry, 18 11) &%@kg 30 Phalium bisulcatum (Schubert et Wagner, 1829) @.%%kg 30 Phalium bisulcatum japonica (Reeve, 1848) El *%kg 30 Phalium bisulcatum pila (Reeve, 1848) F$@IEj&l$% 30

Phalium coronadoi wyvillei (Waston, 1886) $h&gk$? 31 Phalium decussatum (Linnaeus, 1758). $$2@kg 31 PhaliumJammferum (Roeding, 1798) {&@@kg31 Phalium glabratum bulla (Habe, 1961) %R$Sk$ 31 Phalium glaucum (Linneaus, 1758) &gkg 31 Phalium inornatum (Pilsbry, 1895) EJgsk$ 31 Phalium kurodai Abbott, 1968 H@!@ 31 Phalium muangmani Raybaudi et Prati, 1995 z & g k % 31 Philine 14 Philine argentata Gould, 1 859 f%g%:&k% 14 Philine otukai Habe, 1946 $,@$j'&$$ 14 Philine vitrea Gould, 1859 a$$ !%$&% 14 Philinidae @:&@@ 14 Philinorbis 11 Philinorbis teramachii Habe, 1950 $BJB:&kg 11 Philomycidae ~ ~ 75 & ~ ~ Phyllidia 54 Phyllidia nobilis (Bergh, 1869) ZjZgm@q 54 Phyllidia ocellata Cuvier, 1804 $@lEg@j@@ 54 Phyllidia pustulosa Cuvier, 1804 gfig$@@!J@ 54 Phyllidia varicosa Lamark, 180 1 g$@q 54 Phyllidiidae g&mBTq 53 Physa 7 Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805 $$$kg 7 Physidae 7 picta Recluz, 1844 35 pila Reeve, 1848 30 Placobranchidae 55 Placobranchus 55 Placobranchus ocellatus van Hasselt, 1824 @ 55 Planorbidae 7 Plectopylis 70 Plectopylis ishizakii Kuroda, 1941@ = i@ .@ $q 70 plicfera Philippi 34 37 Polinices @@ZBJ@ Polinices albumen (Linnaeus, 1758) @3$3kg 3 7 Polinices aurantius (Roeding, 1798) %&3kg 37 Polinices bathyraphe (Pilsbry, 1 9 1 1) /j\gSB,Xkg 38 Polinices bicolor (Philippi, 1848) f=j$&3kg 38 Polinices didyma (Roeding, 1798) $,3kg 38 Polinices didyma amplus (Philippi, 1848) g3kg 38 Polinices effusus (Swainson, 1820) 38






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8f &Jz Q ( 8 s 1~ 'snaeuuq) wl~~luluwu sa3lu!lod 8f &$$s&gt( 8 6 1~ 'su!paoa) snlwuuwu sa3!ullod - 8f &J~gg$ ~ 9 18' a ~ a a alaunj~oJsa3lullod 8f &$$F 51 (PP8 1 'zn13aa) snu~l2u!U43,$sa3!ullod




Pupoides 76 Pupoides coenpictus taiwanicus (Kuroda, 194 1) f&l,$@Mq76 pusillum (Broderip, 1833) 48 pygmaea Boas, 1886 81 pyramidatus Kiister, 1852 6 Pyramidella .&&@# 16 Pyramidella dolabrata (Linnaeus, 1758) @E@$k% 16 Pyramidella sulcata (A. Adams, 1854) {&$2igkg 16 Pyramidella sulcata forma terebella (A.Adams, 1854) 16 Pyramidellidae @@$4 15 pyriformis Recluz, 1844 38 Pythia 6 Pythia castaneus (Reeve) 6 Pythiapachyodon Pilsbry et Hirase, 1908 AB@ftlg 6 Pythiapantherina ( A .Adams, 185 1) z a @ k ! 6 Pythia pollex (Reeve) 6 Pythia scarabaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) %Bkg 6



Radix 7 Radix swinhoei ( H . Adams, 1866) e@Jf@@kq 7 Ranellidae 41 Ranellidae %@$4 40,41 Recluzia 22 Recluzia lutea (Bennett, 1840) $&%%$!%22 reevei Hanley, 1 859 50 reiniana Kobelt, 1876 5 reticulata Pease, 1866 52 Retusa 14 Retusa boenensis (A. Adams, 1854) @@$@$! 14 Retusa insignis (Pilsbry, 1904) i7j$&&%14 Retusidae 14 Ringiculidae g@&$4 14 14 Ringiculina B@@B Ringiculina doliaris Gould, 1860 B g E @ k ! 14 rollandiana Recluz, 185 1 22 rubella Heude, 1882 non Pease 78 Runcinacea 55

0 Sacoglossa agB

55 . Salinator 7 Salinator takii Kuroda, 1928 Sassia 49

%z@mf8k% 7

~ & & z Q . @$*!3#Pl

Sassia semitorta Kuroda et Habe, 1952 yg.ik$$$ 49 Sassia semitorta sakuraii (Habe, 1961) @#Tj%j&$$! 49 Saul's Triton 40 Scaphandridae $H*@f4 14 scapula (Martyn, 1784) 3 Scholifera &@Q 55 sealpta A. Adams, 1862 14 Selenoptyx @!@&@JB@@!&B 69 Selenoptyx bivincta (Pilsbry, 1908) @$$$BEE$&+ 69 Semicassis 31 Semicassis obscura Kuroda in Habe, 1961 rL@23$% 31 semigranosa Lamarck, 1822 27 sericogazea Masahito, Kuroda et Habe, 1971 17 sibogae Bergh, 1905 3 similaris clava Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891 67 similaris nigra Chang, 1990 67 similaris var. ventriosa Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891 67 Sinoennea 76 Sinoennea microstoma (Moellendorff, 1881) /J\U $fig&$&+ 76 Sinoennea swinhoei (H. Adams, 1866) $Z&$&+ 76 Sinum RtAZ@B 40 Sinum incisum Reeve, 1864 40 Sinum japonicum (Lischke, 1868) 40 Sinum javanicum (Griffith et Pidgeon, 1834) Tejxga3$$$ 40 Sinum planulatum (Recluz, 1845) 40 Sinum undulatum (Lischke, 1872) $$jf$340 $$!$! Siphonaria jrkgm 8 Siphonaria atra Quoy et Gaimard, 1832 %PA$$$ 8 Siphonaria japonica (Donovan, 1834) ,#,f2PA$$$ 9 Siphonaria laciniosa (Linnaeus, 175 8) EVA$$$ 9 Siphonaria rucuana Pilsbry, 1904 /J\PAH 9 Siphonaria sipho'sowerby EVA$$$ 9 Siphonaria siquijorensis Reeve, 1843 9 Siphonaria sirius (Pilsbry, 1894) %Q$$? 9 Siphonariidae jrkgf4 8 siphonata Reeve, 1844 28 Sitalina 74 Sitalina angulifera (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) R/j\@jq 74 Sitalina circumcincta taiwanica (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) @ q 74 Sitalina hirasei (Pilsbry, 1905) ZH tl/J\$&+ 74 Sitalina latissima (Pilsbry, 1902) F HtA 74 Sitalina trochulus formosana (Schrnacker et Boettger, 1891) gRB U/J\$&+ 74 Smaragdinella $$R@B 15







0 +zt-a 22

23 E%

% 2 2~ .2 g .A d PI e

t r A

- 3 &jSeS E C S Q



Q tr ..E: Q e o

Q t r


e e 9 2 22

Thaumatoptyx 69 Thaumatoptyx alloptyx Nordsieck, 2003 69 Thaumatoptyx aptyx Nordsieck, 2003 69 Thaumatoptyx changi Nordsieck, 2003 E E f i M B @ ~ 69 Thaumatoptyx euptyx Nordsieck, 2003 69 Thaumatoptyx gonyptyx Nordsieck, 2003 69 Thaumatoptyx oligoptyx Nordsieck, 2003 69 Thaumatoptyx orthoptyx Nordsieck, 2003 69 Thaumatoptyx paraptyx Nordsieck, 2003 70 Thaumatoptyx ypsilonptyx Nordsieck, 2003 70 Thecosomata g @ g E 80 Tonna $!$$@M49,50 Tonna allium (Dillwyn, 18 17) %$!i$$@k% 49 Tonna canaliculata (Linnaeus, 1758) qN$%k% 49 Tonna chinensis (Deshayes, 1817) $$$@k% 50 Tonna dolium (Linnaeus, 1758) j$jzEgk$!$k% 50 Tonna lischkeana (Kuster, 1857) E$!$k% 50 Tonna luteostoma (Kuster, 1857) $@kg 50 Tonna marginata (Philippi, 1845) z$!$k% 50 Tonna melanostoma (Jay, 1839) %El $!$kg 50 Tonna olearium (Linnaeus, 1758) z&$!$k% 50 Tonna perdix (Linnaeus, 1758) $!$kg 50,51 Tonna sulcosa (Born, 1778) %@?@!I@ 50 Tonna sulcosa (Born, 1778) ;i4ijR$@k% 51 Tonna tessellata (Lamarck, 1816) J$Z%$!$k% 51 Tonnidae @@$q 49,50 Tornatellidae 2&l#q$q 78 Tornatellides 78 Tornatellides boeningi (Schmarcker et Boettger, 1891) %$$$+ 78 Tortaxis 78 Tortaxis mirus (Gredler, 1884) Z$mw+ 78 Trichochloritis 63 Trichochloritis hungerfordianus (Moellendorff, 1884) $:@fiifiw+ 63 Triforis 25 Triforis elegans (Hinds, 1843) @$fit% 25 Trimusculidae $$$pA$@fq 9 tringa A. Adams, 1870 49 Triphora gf$$@m 25 Triphora episcopalis (Hervier, 1897) 25 Triphora granulata (Adams et Reeve, 1850) $IZ?fCZ$E@ 25 Triphora hervieri (Kosuge, 1962) I&$E$fik% 25 Triphora otsuensis (Yokoyama, 1920) \g@$fi&g 25 Triphora tessellata (Kosuge, 1963) z$d$E$fi$g 25






Ex a



&k%%.t!q *A$%.tfl

Triphoridae s$E@$ 22 q Trochochlamys 74 Trochochlamys crenulata (Gude, 1900) +g%@$!& 74 Trochochlamys izushichitoensis (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1903) fj+aSjz@+ 74 Trochochlamys longa (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) EZ@+ 74 Trochomorphaformosana Pilsbry et Hirase in Kuroda, 1941 79 Trochomorphidae g@+$q 78 tuberculata Baba, 1930 non Risbec, 1928 54 tuckeri Pfeiffer, 1877 77 tumidus Swainson, 1840 38 Turbonilla 16 Turbonilla monocycla (A. Adams, 1860) j"$~$fQ@$!@ 16 Turbonilla scrobiculata (Yokoyama, 1922) K@&@ifj 16 turrita taiwanica Pilsbry et Hirase in Kuroda, 1941 74 Tutufa A&@R 28 Tutufa bubo (Linnaeus, 1758) *$$$kg 28 Tutufa bufo (Roeding, 1798) $1tl$%kg 28 Tutufa oyamai Habe, 1973 Am$%kg 29 Tutufa ranelloides (Reeve, 1844) /J\m@&g 29 Tutufa rubeta (Linnaeus, 1758) &tl$$k! 29

El undata Hanley, 1863



Vaginulus 55 Vaginulus alte (Ferussac, 1821) @@I&@ 55 Vaginulusplebeius (Fischer, 1868) E % / j # & @ 55 Variciscala reticulata Lee et Wu, 1998 @&'@$@kg20 variegata Philippi, 1847 50 variegatus Gmelin, 1791 21 Vayssierea 54 Vayssierea elegans Baba, 1930 @%?@&IJ#j$54 Vayssiereidae 54 velum Gmelin, 1791 13 Veronicellidae &@@@fq55 Vertiginacea TJ@j$!&fq 79 Vertigo 79 Vertigo eogea stagnalis Kuroda, 1941 5f$m@$+ 79 Videnoida 79 Videnoida borealis (Moellendorff, 1888) ;F6;.$%@$+ 79 Videnoida cultrata formosana (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) $@%@+ Videnoida haenseli (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) Bg@+ 79


Videnoida pellucida (Pilsbry et Hirase, 1905) %$?$!%$$$+79 Videnoida shermani (Pfeiffer, 1865) q%$$$$79 vineomarginata Kuroda et Kano, MS 59 Violetta 22 Violetta globosa (Swainson, 1823) %3@!&i$! 22 Viriola 25 Viriola bilix (Hinds, 1843) B~g$f$f,j$T 25 Viriola cancellata (Hinds, 1843) @@$fEf,j$! 25 ViriolafIammulata (Pease, 1860) 26 Viriola incisa (Pease, 1860) 26


yokoyawai S. Hirasei, 1932


70 Zaptyx crassilamellata (Pilsbry, 1941) %T$a@g$$$$ Zaptyx diacoptyx hassenensis (Kuroda, 1941) 68 Zaptyx kotoshoensis Kuroda, 1932 m@$+B@@$$$$ 70 Zaptyx uranicoptyx (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) X&$BJ@B$$$+ 70 zebra Lamarck, 1822 3 7 zonaria Lamarck 34 zonatus Anton 6 Zonitoidae @a@$fq 79 Zonitoides 79 79 Zonitoides fromosana (Hirase, MS) B'@%fim@~$

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