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Inside Austin All Natural
HOW TO WIN THE LOTTERY – Dr. Joe Vitale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 AWAKEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FREQUENCY OVERLOAD In a high-tech world – Phyllis Light, Ph.D. SEE-ING THE MARFA LIGHTS – Bruce P. Grether ARHATIC YOGA Secrets of the Golden Body – Michael Abedin TAKING RIGHT ACTION – Crystal Nuding ELEMENTAL BIRTH IMPRINTS – Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess Your pre-personality self COSMIC CRADLE Spiritual Dimensions of Life After Birth, by Elizabeth and Neil Carman – Book review, by Rev. John W. Sloat MAD BEAT HIP & GONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 A Zach Theatre production, reviewed by Michael Abedin VIBRATING TENSION The key to creativity – Daniel Barrett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 EASY AND HEALTHY HOMEMADE KETCHUP RECIPE – Nerissa Oden . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 GETTING RUSTY Aging, oxidation, and phytonutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A MOTHER’S TOUCH – David Lauterstein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Loss, the Feminine Archetype in massage, and healing the world UPCOMING EVENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 AUSTIN NATURAL RESOURCE GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 publisher/ editor Michael Abedin (512) 382-7354 Office (512) 879-7299 Mobile michaelabedin@yahoo.com art director Pun Nio associate ad design Sioux Storm advertising Don Draper distribution Charles Martin Cover art: Dragonfly Medicine by Sharon George Austin All Natural © 2013. All rights reserved. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate, and Austin All Natural will not be held liable for the performance of goods and services provided by advertisers or any other portion of this publication.
Austin All Natural is printed on environmentally sound paper certified under the rigorous production standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, an international organization devoted to creating true sustainability. For environmental reasons, we do not use soy-based inks. See www.AustinAllNatural.com for details. 100% Natural. No preservatives or additives.
SAN ANTONIO AND HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCE GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 DEAR ASHTARA – Ashtara Sasha White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A FEW TIPS ON HOW NOT TO TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 HeatherAsh Amara
ASTHMA, AUTISM, AND CHIROPRACTIC CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 BACH CHRONICLES: ROCK ROSE The Panic Remedy – Michael Abedin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A letter to Our Readers
It’s a beautiful spring afternoon in April as the May issue gets ready to go to press – as green and gold as the cover of the May issue. Been awhile since Austin had one of its trademark springs, because it’s been awhile since we had enough rain to green things up. It’s a wistful sort of beauty at times, made even more wistful by the strange outbursts of violence that cropped up in mid-April. Difficult call when you publish a magazine for a readership made up largely of folks who’d rather not hear about such matters, matters – but it is a part of the planet. The best resolution seemed to be to frame it in the context of a regular series of articles about healing remedies from the flower kingdom, created by Edward Bach – an article that required several rewritings, and a couple of doses of the remedy itself. Nature creates, and nature destroys. May celebrates Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, birth and death, two sides of the planet’s face. Right now, though, the last of April celebrates green and gold. –Michael Abedin
The Reiki of the Fire Dragon A new look at the history of Reiki and its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, with Reiki Master Teacher Michael Abedin
Everything you need to be a Reiki Master
• History and concepts of Reiki. • How to do treatments on yourself and others, in-person and long-distance. • What the Reiki symbols are, and how to use them. • Attunement to First Degree, Second Degree, and Master levels. • A powerful Journey into Mastery meditation. • How to attune others. • Reiki Master certificate, and a chart tracing your lineage from Reiki founder Mikao Usui. • An opportunity to assist in future classes to receive Reiki Master Teacher certification. • Tips on setting up a practice, or incorporating Reiki into a current practice • Introductory manual, and illustrated handbook.
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woman sitting beside me on a flight recognized me from my Law of Attraction books and movie appearances and said, “Joe, I keep trying to use that stuff to win the lotto, but it just isn’t happening.” I figured we were seated together for a reason, and took this as my opportunity to offer some help. “You know why you haven’t won the lotto?” I asked. “I need to buy the winning ticket?” “Well, there’s that,” I said. “But most people are insisting that the money they want come in one way – from the lottery.” “Yeah, that’s me,” she said. “If you don’t mind my being blunt, that’s small thinking, and closed minded thinking, ” I explained. “The Universe is bigger and smarter and far more resourceful than that. You don’t need to win the lottery to get the money you want. You need to be open to it coming to you in any number of other ways.” She seemed to reflect on what I said. “I never thought of it that way.” “You don’t really want to win the lottery,” I said. “What you really want is the money. The lotto is just one way it might come to you. Focus on what you want, not on how you’ll attract it.” She really seemed to enjoy this discussion, so I proceeded. “And if you want to go deeper into this, you don’t really even want the money,” I said.
That startled her.
by Dr. Joe Vitale
Photo by: Brian Fitzsimmons
Joe Vitale is a star of the hit DVD The Secret and author of The Attractor Factor and dozens of other best-selling books, including his latest, Faith. Hear and order his new music CD Sun Will Rise at www.HealingRockMusic.com More about Joe Vitale at www.JoeVitale.com
“I don’t?” “No, you want what the money will get you. The money is a means to an end. What you really need to do is focus on what you want, not on the money. The money is a tool or a vehicle. It’s just one way you can have what you really want.” I paused as she reflected on what I just said. When I spoke at the Hay House event in Austin in March, I told the two thousand people in attendance that as soon as they appreciated where they were and what they had in life right now, the faster they could speed up their ability to attract what they wanted. In other words, it’s the underlying sense of urgency that keeps most of what you want away. The signal you’re sending out is one of desperation or demand, which the Universe will respond to by matching. Do you really want more desperation, demand, impatience or dissatisfaction? I doubt it. As I explained to the woman on the plane, most people are insisting that things happen a certain way, not realizing that approach is based on what the ego considers possible. Yet, the “Universe of all possibilities” can surprise you by bringing you what you want in a fresh way. Declare what you really want, appreciate what you already have, be looking for opportunities, and take action when you see them That’s where miracles begin. It just might include winning the lottery – or something even better.
A Request from the Late Debbie Ford One of the greatest books to influence my life was The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford, one of my top ten picks for life-changing reads. Debbie later became a dear friend of mine. Sad to say, she passed away in February. I’m shaken by the loss. Debbie was a mentor, endorsed me and my books, believed in me, and was always a phone call away. I loved her. While Debbie’s gone, her message is alive and well through her books. One of her final wishes was to get more people to read her work, especially the book that opened my eyes so many years ago. If you haven’t read it, or you’d like copies to give as gifts, please visit: http://shar.es/YQeQB I mention this at Debbie’s request, and as a way to support her family, as they get the royalties from sales. Please live your life with passion, grace and love, just as Debbie Ford did.
Awaken There’s an old Chinese proverb
– well, for just about everything. There must have been a time when, if you got to be an old Chinese, your job was to spend most of your time just sitting around spouting proverbs. This one is about how you wake up. This particular old Chinese wasn’t a morning person, apparently. His proverb says it’s not good for you to jump up out of bed and hit the ground running as soon as you wake up. It’s better to rest there for a moment, let your soul completely return to your body after its dream journeys – maybe even hit snooze on the hourglass, and see if you can get back to that dream with the comely fox spirit in the ruins of the forbidden temple. Good advice for making the journey to being awake in a metaphysical sense, as well. Awareness is an important part of becoming awake – trying to hop right into full awakening without being fully aware can be pointless at best, painful at worst. You don’t want to stub your toe on the side of the bed, or on any old remnants of weirdness from whatever dream reality you’re leaving.
Dream reality?
Okay, it’s an oxymoron, but not a bad description of where you probably spend a lot of your time – whether you’re asleep or awake, literally or figuratively. If you want to shatter that illusion, it’s a good idea to have your ducks in a row first – not much fun to break out of the matrix and have a bunch of confused ducks following you around. In fact, it may not be that you’re stuck in a false reality, it may just be that you’re looking at things as if you’re underwater (segue into May cover coming – get ready), looking up through the surface of a pond (tah-dum). What you’re seeing may not be wrong, in other words, it’s just distorted. Rise slowly, and savor the moment – like an old Chinese getting out of bed.
Dragonfly Medicine.
May’s cover goddess knows these things – knows many things, from the look in her eyes as she rises into full awakening. She’s a Nature Goddess, says artist Sharon George, surrounded by lotus blossoms and calla lilies, symbols of emergence and feminine energy, and crowned with golden blossoms of divine awareness. A lotus graced our May 2012 cover, and it’s easy to imagine Sharon’s goddess sleeping beneath it, waiting for the dragonflies to escort her into awakening. Dragonflies spend most of their life in water, and the Hopi and Navajo, who see water as a precious gift, see the dragonfly as a symbol of purity and good fortune. So do the Japanese, who know something of dragons. Dragonfly is a magical totem, says Sharon. “Its iridescence and shifting colors lift us into dreamtime, where we understand that reality is the illusion. Dragonfly was once Dragon, covered with beautiful, shimmering scales and wielding great inner strength. It could change form at will, and light the darkness with the fire of its breath.” Dragon got caught up in its own illusion, the story goes, and became tiny Dragonfly. Deep inside though, its powers are still there, and all it takes to bring them back into full realization is – awakening. Sharon George is an award-winning fantasy artist published in countless books and magazines, and with her husband Stan has been active in a movement to neuter and spay feral cats and rescue kittens in her San Diego neighborhood, practicing Trap, Neuter, and Release as taught by the Feral Cat Coalition and feeding several stable colonies. They’re members of PETA, vegetarians, love all animals, and have merged creative abilities with their passion to end animal suffering by writing a fantasy novel about the tribulations of homeless animals – The Prophecy, Part One of a trilogy titled My Name Is Red – A Cat’s Tale (soon available on Amazon). Read sample chapters at www.my-name-is-red.com Prints of Sharon’s artwork, including Dragonfly Medicine, are available at www.fantasy-goddess-art.com.
To the Other Side Š Kell Creative.
P h o to g ra p hi c I n terpret at i o ns
Archival prints in custom sizes available at leslie-kell.fineartamerica.com lesliekell.com | 512.917.0104 Please visit website for exhibition schedule and complete collection.
FREQUENCY OVERLOAD In a High-Tech World by Phyllis Light , Ph.D. Do you ever feel overwhelmed in life? Exhausted? Like you don’t have enough time or energy to get everything done? Life in today’s world can be quite overwhelming and exhausting – but it’s not because of what you may think. The culprit happens to be completely invisible, so it often escapes your view. Think about how often you interact with anything electric, electronic or battery-powered. You probably carry a cell phone with you all the time. There’s a battery in the cell phone, and there are electronic frequencies that get beamed to the cell phone to make it work. Some people even sleep with their phone under the pillow, or beside the bed, exposing themselves throughout the night to electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) the phone generates. You might use that cell phone or other wireless device daily, checking your emails, texting your friends and family, or connecting with Facebook and other social media. Or you probably use a computer daily, at home or work. When you get in your car, you may listen to Sirius radio, filling you with electronic frequencies from overhead satellite transmissions. When you go to your local coffee house, those same electronic frequencies are often being broadcast. You might enjoy movies and videos that are being streamed to your TV, computer, or other mobile device via the internet, which is loaded with all kinds of detrimental fields and frequencies from all the electronic devices connected to it. Some people use a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), where they communicate on phone lines via the internet, also exposing themselves to the internet’s myriad of electronic frequencies. Often, people use Skype, or post videos of themselves online, putting their faces and bodies in the electromagnetic fields of the camera, computer, and internet as well.
Is there a problem here?
So what’s the problem with being exposed to all these EMFs? Isn’t this just a “normal” part of life? Here’s the problem – anything electric, electronic, or battery-powered creates an unnatural electromagnetic field that has a weakening effect on the human energy field surrounding a person’s body. The more your energy field gets weakened, the more health problems that can ensue – fatigue, headaches, eyestrain, allergies, asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and a variety of autoimmune system disorders that plague people in today’s world. In addition to creating health challenges, exposure to EMFs also creates depression, irritability, and stress. How many people feel the need to take anti-depressant medication, but
can’t figure out what’s making them feel depressed? When you fight an invisible enemy, you have no idea what you’re up against. You’re swimming in a soup of life-damaging frequencies daily, from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep, and throughout the night as well! Here are some suggestions as to what you can do: • Limit your use of electronics. Take a thirty-minute rest from your computer or other mobile device every thirty minutes. • Don’t give up your landline. (In other words, use your cell phone only for emergencies). • Install your wireless internet service in a way that you can turn it off at night, so the frequencies don’t continually bombard you while you’re sleeping. • Get a regular alarm clock to help you wake up, and turn your cell phone off at night. • Don’t sit with the TV remote control on your lap. (Remember, it has a battery in it.) • Don’t post “a million” photos of yourself – or your newborn baby – on the internet, or on your cell phone! These suggestions may seem impractical, but the more you can reduce your exposure to all the high-tech frequencies in today’s world, the more your mind, body, and spirit will thank you. Phyllis Light, Ph.D. in Psychology, counselor, and author, is an expert in ‘Telepathic Healing’. With over thirty-five years of experience, Dr. Light has done pioneering subtle energy research, creating the Rejuvenizer technology to repair damage to a person’s energy field from life in a high-tech world. For more information: (512) 301-2999 or www.lighthealing.com
SEE-ing the Marfa Lights
Google Map
by Brue P. Grether Recently: I stand near Highway 67 outside Marfa, in far West Texas, watching intently. Daylight fades over the area called Mitchell Flats, and in the direction of Chinati Peak, at a certain point, a little spot of brilliance like a star appears against the landscape. The mystery comes alive within me! Before long, other lights that behave in strange ways begin to appear and disappear. Right here in Texas, we have one of those curious phenomena that have never truly been explained! Of course, it’s something of an inkblot test – some skeptics feel compelled to explain away the Marfa Lights. Viewed clearly with an open mind, you can discern that none of the explanations truly explain the Lights. Thank goodness!
“Seeing is believing.”
It’s a common, though seriously flawed, saying. Obviously, we can believe almost anything, far beyond what we actually witness – plus, we may see certain things and not believe we really saw them. We may not trust our perception. Of course, to “see” is not necessarily to SEE! In Carlos Castaneda’s books about his teacher don Juan Matus, perhaps the most important practice was not just to look at things but to SEE, meaning to perceive directly the energetic reality. Only when your mental chatter or inner dialogue pauses does this kind of SEE-ing become possible. This is no mere visual sighting of something. Rather, you perceive with your entire being, the universal flow of energy. So it is when you SEE the Marfa Lights. Most important is that by using both reason and intuition and then surrendering, I could SEE the Lights for what they are, however briefly. What I recognized is the mystery itself, the unknown and inexplicable that makes life a rich gift of endless exploration and adventure. This marvelous phenomenon exists practically in our back yard for those who live in Austin or anywhere nearby. Quantum physics suggests that when you observe deeply, you ultimately observe yourself. Who can say for sure? When you SEE the Marfa Lights—they may SEE you! If you haven’t SEEN them and you do go, tell the Lights that Bruce sent you. Bruce P. Grether is a published novelist, Wizard, and regular Austin All Natural contributor. He offers personal consultations via A.E.S.O. both online and in person. Learn more about him at www.9realities.com
sales rep for natural magazine • SALES EXPERIENCE, PREFERABLY IN AD SALES • WRTING AND/OR GRAPHIC SKILLS A PLUS • INTERNET SALES EXPERIENCE A BIG PLUS • HOLISTIC BACKGROUND REQUIRED • LOCAL AND NATIONAL PROSPECTS Must be able to make your own hours, keep a call sheet, and work for commissions.
MICHAEL ABEDIN (512) 879-7299 9
The Secrets of the Golden Body by Michael Abedin Whether it’s on the physical or spiritual plane, there’s one symbol that’s used to describe something of great value, highly sought after. It’s the standard, as good as it gets, what an opportunity looks like, what kingdoms and nations rise and fall for, what million-selling records become.
Ancient alchemists tried to create it from lead, and esoteric Chinese texts speak of a legendary Golden Elixir of Immortality. If you actually mixed up the physical ingredients and managed to choke it down, it could indeed make you immortal, in a sense. It contained a lot of pretty toxic stuff that could very quickly relieve you of the limitations of a physical body, something a number of Chinese emperors reportedly found out – and not the easy way. Turns out those texts were more esoteric than most folks thought, and were actually a coded method of describing secret techniques of meditation and circulation of breath and energy, not a cocktail recipe. If you mastered those practices, legends abound about what might transpire once you transmute your physical form into what’s known as the Golden Body – which was actually a Golden Light Body. The legends are pretty cool, though, claiming you glow in the dark, you no longer cast a shadow. Some ancient texts say you grow wings and fly to the heavens, where you frolic with celestial beings.
Kundalini Syndrome.
Flying and frolicking aside, the spiritual manifestation of the Golden Body is a byproduct of very advanced and highly evolved techniques of circulating Kundalini energy throughout the body. Awakening Kundalini from where it rests at the base of the spine, activating it, and raising it through all the energetic centers of the body is a way to achieve the highest stages of development on all levels of being. It may not be immortality, but it’s the next best thing – if it’s done properly, and safely. If not, or if it’s done too quickly, well – Kundalini is powerful stuff, rising like a serpent from a basket, and the serpent can bite. It can open up old closets on the way up, places where dark things hide from the light, where negative karma and latent tendencies are waiting to be resolved. That golden apple may look good, in other words, but be careful about eating it too fast. Consequences can include symptoms of Kundalini Syndrome, often seen by spiritual aspirants – overheating, fevers, insomnia, hallucinations, obsessive compulsions, uncontrollable sex drive, apathy, relationship problems,
physical and psychological ailments, even financial disasters. One safe way to move Kundalini is through Arhatic Yoga, derived from the ancient term arhat, a highly evolved being. It’s an advanced system of yoga given to Pranic Healing Master Choa Kok Sui and taught by Master Stephen Co. It’s yoga in the purest Sanskrit sense of the word – to yoke, or join together, the energy of the body, mind, and spirit. The origins of Arhatic Yoga date back to China, India, and Tibet, and it isn’t an exercise system, as yoga is usually seen in the West. It’s a spiritual and healing practice that distills and concentrates the essence and powers of the Seven Yogas – Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Laya/Kundalini Yoga, Gnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Mantra Yoga, and a simplified version of Hatha Yoga. The energy circulation techniques of Arhatic Yoga have some unique features: • Special meditations move soul energy through a series of channels called the microcosmic orbit, helping extract ancient seeds – pent-up emotions and crystallized negative thought patterns. • A current of universal force quickly and safely awakens and regulates Kundalini energy, opening the microcosmic orbit in less than forty-five minutes with an advanced technique that nourishes and activates chakras. • Crippling negative emotions are diffused, allowing the soul to control astral and mental bodies. • Charisma, healing powers, sexual energies, and other qualities can grow as your chakras and aura increase in size and power. • Ten different Kundalini Syndrome symptoms are identified – and their remedies. • You can become part of an energetic and spiritual support environment, with opportunities for higher Arhatic development. Master Stephen Co will present MCKS Arhatic Yoga, The Golden Body, June 7-9 in Austin. Information and registration: (512) 772-1001, www.AustinPranicHealing.com
TAKING RIGHT ACTION The Austin Chapter of the national Holistic Chamber HCC AUSTIN meets the of Commerce by Crystal Nudingis going into its third year, and new second Wednesday of each month President Anne Marie Pizarro is bringing the grassroots Too often, you rush into action. energy of BLEND Connection into HCC Austin to spice up 6:30pm, Beets Café, 1611 W. 5th St. medicine, not the cream. Use your mind to support you in Societyeclectic tells youholistic if you’re not busy, you’re a procrastinator. Austin’s community! FREE ATTENDANCE creating the life of your dreams, rather than one you worry into Oh, andThis don’tsynergistic be slow. That’s worst thing – slow! blendthe brings innovation, creativity, existence. Action for the sake of action, however, doesn’t always yield members and non-members and opportunities for holistic practitioners to grow their You have the power already. When your mind is the businesses, best results.network, and expand their visibility on and INFO: supporting you, you’ll always be inspired to take the right • Should you jump into action before you really know off-line. meetup.com/Austin-Holistic-Chamber-of-Commerce/ action, living the life you’ve always wanted, with the health, what the best solution is, because waiting would By establishing fun educational events, information wealth, and relationships that make your heart sing. you look slow andand indecisive? richmake networking meetings, community outreach AUSTIN ALL NATURAL Austin’s • If you really don’t know and need time programs, the Austin HCC iswhat here to do, support holistic homegrown naturalindividuals publication, to figureinout the correct course to take, will you be businesses becoming more professional, profitable, Crystal Nuding is a Consciousness Coach, helping and in its seventh year, is a them as ainlazy procrastinator, good for nothing? andviewed successful what they do. businesses find and move oldnow stagnant energy that keeps charterinmember of theHer Austin stuck. Phone, Skype, or live sessions South Austin. new • Once you’ve made a decision, do you stand by it, HCC. program of FOR ON HCCeven AUSTIN eBook 4 Tips for Living a Happy LifePartnership is available at CrystalNuding. whether it INFORMATION works or not – because worse than ads, articles, and professional ANDorHCC MEMBERSHIP: com or as a Kindle book at Amazon.com procrastinating being slow is admitting you’re marketing assistance. (512) 665-4414 – Crystal@CrystalNuding.com anne@HolisticChamberofCommerce.com wrong? Discounts HCC members. Mention Austin All Natural and receive afor special discounted OR VISIT Michael Abedin, Publisher, Editor session. Yikes! www.HolisticChamberofCommerce.com (512) 879-7299 You’ve tricked by in your own mind into Now been with Chapters San Antonio andbelieving Houstonthat www.AustinAllNatural.com finding the problem will solve it – if you look long and hard enough at all the things that could go wrong, you’ll be able to arm yourself with enough defenses to protect yourself and your stuff (umm – and your family, too, of course). Problem with this is, you live in a universe based on a Law of Attraction. Whether you believe it or think it’s all just a bunch of hokum, it’s true. What you focus on, think about, speak about – comes about. Looking for and finding problems ANNE MARIEmore PIZARRO, RN, BSN COACHING only brings problems. President, Holistic Chamber Commerce. grade Body Life Destiny mentoring If youAustin remember fromofseventh Science withwith Bright Michelle. Energy Connection, Akashic Records, Integrated Energy Global clientele, phone and Skype. Romantic relationships, oldTherapy Mr. Wilson (or whoever), the Earth and all matter in it are (IET), Alchemy of DNA. business, career, spiritual mastery, stress management, atoms, vibrating. Magnified even further, you – and everything Clearing pathways to consciousness self-coaching Start with an activation session at – are just oscillating fields of energy. Science has been saying www.bodyenergyconnection.com www.BrightLightCoach.com/activation-session 588-3405don’t this(512) for 291-8061 over a hundred years, but the majority(512) of people know it. EARTHSONG POMEGRANATE Of those that do, most still live like someone else is WINGS OF HEALING WELLNESS BREAST OIL controlling lives. The government’s Teresa Lylestheir Licensed Massage Therapist and Esthetician. taking my rights Yes! It’s possible to reduce breast away, my boss undervalues me, my parents don’t understand Passionate about healing inside and out. cancer risk. A healthy lifestyle that Skincare, Wellness. Smooth Sculptme, children don’t respect me, me,Massage, partner doesn’t appreciate includes self-massage with Earthsong contouring. Pomegranate Breast Oil puts the theHolistic sun’sbody terrible forSince my 1999. skin, high-fructose corn syrup causes (512) 970-9445 future of your breasts in your own diabetes, it’s the terrorists, the media – and everything I love www.wingsofhealingmassage.com two hands. makes me fat or is bad for me! www.pomegranatebreastoil.com REV.are MICHAEL ZARCHIAN You in control.
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Take the medicine, use the creams with awareness, allow them to work. It’s your MIND that ultimately heals – not the
Your pre-personality self by Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess We have been gifted by the Elementals. Quite simply, each person incarnates with an Elemental Birth Imprint, much the same as they incarnate with an Astrological Imprint. The Astrological Imprint is a specific moment in time, space, and planetary alignment chosen by your soul to manifest your particular personality, and lands the first moment you, as a physical being, breathe outside your mother’s womb. The Elemental Birth Imprint is chosen by your soul for a particular Elemental geometry, coalesced in the last moment before exiting your mother, while still in the fluid of the womb. It is pre-astrological, before the full commitment to separation and forgetting happens.
The Elements.
Everything on this planet is made up of some combination of Elements. Common characteristics of each Element are: • Earth – Structure, limits, grounding, strength, embodiment. • Fire – Life force, creativity. • Water – All emotions. • Air – The mind, communication. • Ethers – The Spirit that Moves in All Things, Universal consciousness.
The Elemental dance.
Elements act in combination for humans in the same way they interact in Nature – symbiotically or non-symbiotically. Air feeds Fire (symbiotic), but Water puts out Fire (non-symbiotic). Most humans incarnate with two of the five basic Elements, non-symbiotically, to have a way to evolve and compare. If you came in with all five Elements in total harmony, there really wouldn’t be a reason to be here. Earth and Water are symbiotic, and Fire and Air are symbiotic. The others are non-symbiotic. The Ethers Element is a wild card, and can join with all other Elements as it chooses, and be different each time. Each Element has its own characteristics, but on this planet of polarization these characteristics have the potential to display themselves on either end of the spectrum. An Earth person could either be very grounded, or not grounded at all. There’s also a Conception Imprint, the combination of how your parents were Elementally dancing at the exact moment of your conception. This is an evolved layer, and you should first have a good relationship and experience with your Elemental Birth Imprint before moving into the Conception Imprint. Join Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess at Nature’s Treasures Community Center for three days of workshops, book signing, private consultations, crystals, jewelry, and stone-essences. May 31-June 2. (512) 369-2104, or community@ntrocks.com
COSMIC CRADLE Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth
by Elizabeth and Neil Carman
Book review by John W. Sloat Do we choose our parents before we’re born? These Austin authors interviewed over one hundred-fifty people from a number of countries, “a rare group of individuals who possess pre-birth memories.” While most of us have a form of amnesia, as if we arrived from nowhere, there are individuals who clearly recall existing as souls in the spirit world, making the decision to be born into the physical. They remember preparations – choosing parents, sex, siblings, nationality – fully aware of life in the womb during gestation. The child’s spirit is not only able to think deeply while its future body is developing, it’s strongly influenced by what’s happening outside the womb. Incoming spirits can pre-plan the circumstances of their lives, and conflict in the family may cause it to decide to change its mind about incarnating.
Previews of coming attractions.
One startling revelation is that souls can hover around the mother for years before conception, trying to convince her to have a baby. Psychics can communicate with these souls on a remarkably high level during this period. For the child to be born, egg, sperm and soul all need to come together, so conception and birth aren’t random events – they’re the result of a high degree of planning and agreement on the part of the participants, and the child conceives the man and woman into parenthood, as much as they conceive the child into flesh. • Mothers have been known to have visions of what the baby will look like, and hear announcements such as, “I’m coming to you to be born.” • Some mothers can also sense the moment in which conception takes place, and the spirit enters the fetus. • Souls nearing perfection don’t need a long life, which may explain such events as stillbirth and crib death. These events aren’t accidents, but the result of a specific interaction between the parents and the soul of the child.
The conclusion?
Birth isn’t an isolated event happening as a mere whim, but a spiritually engineered event, a daily miracle in a world often blind to spiritual energies. Christianity can be opposed to the idea of pre-birth existence, since it leads to conclusions about reincarnation, not part of the Christian belief system. As a pastor, I find this resistance to a belief in life before birth to be a rejection of a basic belief about the nature of God, and our own nature.
We believe that we’ll live for eternity in heaven with God after death. But eternity cannot be eternal on only one end – we can’t begin from nothing at the moment of conception and then live for eternity. Eternity means no beginning as well as no end. Belief in eternity after death assumes the fact of eternity before birth. We are part of God, and therefore have always existed with God, so memories of life before physical birth are perfectly consistent with an understanding of our creation by a God who has never had a beginning. Rev. John W. Sloat hosts the spirituality website www.BeyondReligion.com, featuring mystical stories from around the world. Cosmic Cradle is available at bookstores, and Amazon.com Join Elizabeth and Neil Carman for a booksigning and talk Sat. June 1, 4pm, at BookPeople, 6th and Lamar. (512) 288-0042, www.CosmicCradle.com
MAD BEAT HIP & GONE All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey, or a stranger comes to town. – Leo Tolstoy
and they tag along in the madmen’s wake as best they can, all the way to “San Fran”.
The mad ones.
A Zach Theatre Production. Reviewed by Michael Abedin Somewhere between World War II and Woodstock, there was the Beat Generation, the anti-Mad Men, trading the American Dream for the freedom of endless highways. They were stereotyped as finger-snapping beatniks with goatees, sunglasses, and bongo drums, but the original Beats were some of the finest writers and poets of their day. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs – and Jack Kerouac, who wrote the bible. On the Road was recorded in notebooks on Kerouac’s journeys back and forth across America with Neal Cassady, and became a roman à clef of drinking and drugging, loving and leaving, always chasing something just out of reach. Playwright Steven Dietz took a pair of fictional Midwest kids just out of high school and plopped them down in a bar in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where Kerouac, offstage, is wooing the comely Juanita – and sets the premise for the April premiere of Mad Beat Hip & Gone at Zach Theatre’s spiffy new Topfer stage. Seems Rich and Danny are also on a journey, searching for adventure and Danny’s long-gone father, who set out on an adventure of his own when Danny was a little guy and never came back. The road – and Honey, a blonde, ponytailed good girl trying to go bad with Kerouac and Cassady – lures the guys on,
Beat has layers of meaning. Beat down by society was the original premise, but Kerouac called it beatific, a high and holy madness. Buddhism, meditation, and a mystic’s faith in getting higher by going deeper were key parts of the original beat persona, and so was music – the beat of jazz, hot and cool and off the planet. (MBH&G had the wonderfully named Austin saxophonist Topaz McGarrigle on hand to wander in and blow a few timely riffs to punctuate the dialogue.) On the Road, finished in 1951, wasn’t published until 1957. America was ready to settle down into a safe, secure, buttondowned future, but both Kerouac’s novel and one published the year before – the steamy bestseller Peyton Place, about the sordid, sexy secrets of small-town Middle America – were anything but safe and secure. They were some of the first buttons to be unbuttoned on the way to a decade that would become a synonym for both freedom and sex – the Sixties. Both Kerouac and Cassady drank and drugged themselves to death by 1969, but Cassady made the crossover from Beat to Yippie with Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters, and Kerouac hung around until just after Woodstock. If the Beats were the Daniel Boones of the American counterculture, the Sixties and early Seventies saw wagon trains full of settlers following them into new territory. Bob Dylan took On the Road back out to Highway 61, and Hunter S. Thompson savagely drove it back into the heart of the American Dream in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in 1972. Oh, and speaking of craziness and the Sixties, Zach’s May and June productions are Harvey, about a guy and his invisible sidekick – a six-foot rabbit – and A Night with Janis Joplin.
The road hits back.
And Rich and Danny – do they make it? That would require major spoiler alerts, but here’s a hint. Instead of reading the play’s title as a string of hipster slang, see it as a timeline, an arc of possibility. You start out mad, crazy with possibility, hit the road – and it hits back. You’re beat up, or down, maybe make it to hip for a bit. Then you’re gone – gone as holy madmen drunk dead before their time, gone as Burma Shave signs, gone as a guy sitting in a rocking chair reading about other people’s adventures. Take the journey anyway, though, and don’t worry about the end of the line – there’s always one more adjective left. Mad, beat, hip, gone… Retro. Zach Theatre, 202 S. Lamar. 476-0541 or www.zachtheatre.org
VIBRATING TENSION Communication is vibration, and no one knows that better than a musician. Guitar, piano, drums, horns – all of them produce vibrations that soar into the ear, the mind, and the heart of the listener. All music, all art, all creation is the product of keeping a finely tuned balance between points of tension, creating just the right frequency of vibration.
by Daniel Barrett Most artists who successfully actualize their vision find the intersection between two points – indomitable will, and stark acceptance of what is. Let’s explore both.
First, indomitable will.
Indomitable will is aligning with the great I am. I am that this article will light a sweet, positive fire in the right people. It’s not finished at this point, but I am already being that the article is potent. There is certainty in my attitude. Within indomitable will, there’s room for basic, commonsensical actions. I write the article, make that time, plan a bit, make a mind map. I listen to some good writing music. There’s a natural order to life – go with that flow. Where things really take off is the being nature of my will. I breathe, and sit tall with the confidence that it must be so, since I am so. My energy waivers a bit, and I gently herd my posture and thoughts back – I am that this article is potently helpful.
you embody both sides simultaneously, life starts to flow in a way you previously only imagined. I wish this for you, today! What song will your life sing when you embrace these divine, dynamic tensions? Daniel Barrett is the CEO and Chief Producer at Rubicon Artist Development, a world-class recording studio that features a yearlong holistic musical development program. Daniel, with coauthor Joe Vitale, wrote the book The Remembering Process. (2013, Hay House) His band, porterdavis, won the Austin Music Award for best Roots Rock Band and has toured internationally. Watch for his regular music features in Austin All Natural. www.RubiconArtistDevelopment.com
Now for stark acceptance.
I accept myself exactly as I am, right now. My mind wanders to distractions and doubts, and I gently corral my thoughts back to this moment. The air conditioner fighting the muggy April air. The impatience and Ruta Maya medium roast coffee in my belly. The limitations of my words, and of the space to convey my meanings. My doubts about my validity. I accept my monkey mind. I accept that I have a range of thoughts. I accept that my offering may not be as eloquent as Lao Tzu or Dr. Wayne Dyer – and it’s not my job to assess that, anyway. Here’s the twist. I also accept my strength, wisdom, and the potential that I could be of service to someone. There’s a stark awareness that all of this is happening in my mind, and it’s okay. Will and acceptance create tension in my being, like two ends of the guitar string. If either pulls too hard, the string will be in danger of breaking. If either gives up, there’s too much awkward slack. Just the right balance, and a tuneful ear, and I can express my heart’s wisdom and truth. What other dualities create a positive tension in your creative path? Work and rest? Creating and allowing? When
Easy and Healthy
Homemade Ketchup Recipe for Summer by Nerissa Oden Summertime has arrived! Picnics, cookouts, and other social occasions demand that longtime favorite condiment, ketchup. And yet, you hold your breath every time you buy pre-packaged brand names containing corn syrups and “natural flavorings”. You feel you have no other choice, but you’re wrong – it’s easy to make your own. You can even avoid food sensitivities to sugar or vinegar by using substitute ingredients. People who are sensitive to both brewers yeast and bakers yeast should avoid sugars and fermented foods, including vinegar. Even people diagnosed with candida should avoid all sugars and fermented foods, including vinegar. Vinegar is the main ingredient that makes tomato paste a ketchup instead. It’s found in every brand name ketchup on the shelves. Vinegar can be good for reducing overgrowth of gut bacteria for some people. But, too much vinegar in yeast sensitive people can allow yeast to get out of control by killing off its bacterial competition, leading to yeast infections. How do you make ketchup without vinegar? Use lemon juice instead – of course!
1 can organic tomato paste (6 oz.) 3/4 cup water (which is also 6 oz.) 3 tablespoons white vinegar (or apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice) ½ teaspoon salt Combine ingredients in small bowl and mix with whisk. Feel free to add more of any ingredient for personal taste. Optional fun flavors to consider are cayenne pepper, jalapeno oil, onion powder, garlic powder, sugar, or stevia. Use kitchen funnel to fill dispenser. Some grocery stores, and most kitchen supply stores, sell red ketchup dispenser bottles. These containers are considered seasonal products and may not be available during fall and winter months. Basic plain dispenser bottles can often be found year round. You may also use any small food container with an airtight lid to store your condiment – or simply wash out and re-use your last bottle of store-bought ketchup. Think of it as a trophy to your new independence. Nerissa Oden is a citizen advocate for knowing your unique individual food sensitivities via laboratory testing. Annual testing from one of a variety of sources can be an important aspect of individual wellness. Testing options, testimonials, and FAQS are available on her website, FoodPowers.com Use code AAN for 10% discount.
Aging, oxidation, and phytonutrients There’s a quiet revolution brewing in natural health supplements. Instead of being stand-ins for drugs prescribed to kill something off or interfere with a disease process, the new generation of supplements is designed to kick-start specific beneficial processes deep within your own cells. One of the not-so-beneficial things happening in your cells is they’re oxidizing, from exposure to rogue cells called free radicals. The process is called oxidative stress – the result of a lot of what you eat, drink, and breathe. You can see an example of oxidative stress outside your body. It’s rust – and everyone knows why things rust.
They’re getting old.
Aging is a natural process programmed into human DNA, but human DNA wasn’t designed to withstand everything it’s bombarded with these days – over-processed and genetically modified foods, toxic air and water, constant electromagnetic frequencies. Your DNA is pretty resilient, though, and manufactures its own antioxidants, including glutathione and the enzymes SOD (superoxide dismutase) and CAT (catalase). If you want to slow down – maybe even reverse – the aging process, the trick is to signal your DNA to crank out more of these natural antioxidants. You can do that with phytonutrients, potent nutrients from plant sources: • Milk thistle extract supports a healthy liver, where glutathione is made. • Bacopa extract increases SOD and catalase production. • Ashwagandha, from Indian ayurvedic medicine. • Green tea extract, said to increase metabolism and burn fat. • Turmeric extract, said to control levels of inflammation.
The combination of these five botanical ingredients creates a synergistic effect, far more effective than any single one of them. Together, they’ve been clinically shown to increase antioxidant production by as much as three hundred percent, and have the potential to control some of the other culprits that contribute to aging. Excess weight, for instance, creates stress on every system of the body, and inflammation plays a big part in heart and circulatory disorders. It’s the rust that can get you in the end, though, so don’t get rusty – get your DNA in gear to produce its own antioxidant enzymes. Protandim is a patented combination of five natural phytonutrients that signals genes to increase antioxidant production. To purchase Protandim or become a distributor, contact Adam Pawlik, (512) 999-4337, or Mara Madrid, (830) 387-8778. www.lifevantage.com/542281
(All statements for educational purposes, not evaluated by the FDA or intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)
A MOTHER’S TOUCH Loss, the Feminine Archetype in massage, and healing the world by David Lauterstein On April 15, my wife and I said goodbye to our Golden Retriever of thirteen years who had been suffering – thankfully, for not too long – with cancer. Her name was Phoebe. She was the only dog I’ve had as an adult. Many of you can imagine the pain we’re in at her loss. Not more than an hour later, we received news of the tragedies at the Boston Marathon. These, in turn, brought up feelings related to my mother’s passing many years ago, at the age of forty-seven. All this and Mother’s Day brought up many feelings and thoughts about loss. The absence of the loving touch of parents, beloved animals, the senseless destruction of the triumph that is a marathon – these and other losses leave us challenged to deal with the hurting places in our lives.
Touch – the bridge to love.
Maybe all massage and bodywork is about loss – loss of comfort, of physical ease, peace of mind, spiritual connection. The restorative quality of touch “heals over the scarred place, makes a road” (Naomi Nye). Perhaps the comfort of touch gives it its most tremendous power. The touch of mind, the moving back and forth with feelings, the literal experience of pain at many-sided loss has left me – left
all of us – with a raw wound that will take time to heal. Here are important lines from a poem about loss, recently read at a friend’s memorial: Grief is a walk over a bridge Back and forth Forth, to where the other has gone And back to where one was with her. One must wander through the land of the Past Back and forth Until the walk over that bridge Leads to a new path. (Anonymous) We need the comfort that touch can bring. As the hand of the mother gently rubs back and forth across hurt places, we find a new path. The touch of comfort takes us along the path that caring women and men have been pointing out since time immemorial – the path of love. David Lauterstein is co-founder of the Lauterstein-Conway Massage School in Austin. His latest book is The Deep Massage Book: How to Combine Structure and Energy in Bodywork, available at the Deep Massage Book page on Facebook, or www.TLCschool.com
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UPCOMING EVENTS THAI MASSAGE May 24-25, 10am-4:30pm. Learn the ancient art of Thai massage, revised for the table. This beginner class was created to introduce massage therapists to this technique while allowing them to protect their backs and knees. This profound bodywork benefits the giver and the receiver, physically and spiritually. 12 CE’s are available for LMT’s. $300 for two-day course. To register, contact Kimberly Sybilla at (512) 771-6421. Limited Space. Venue – Casa de Luz. DO WE CHOOSE OUR PARENTS and our future lives, before we’re born? Cosmic Cradle – Booksigning and talk by Austin authors Elizabeth and Neil Carman Sat., June 1, 4pm BookPeople, 6th & Lamar (512) 288-0042 www.CosmicCradle.com THE GOLDEN BODY MCKS Arhatic Yoga, Master Stephen Co June 7-9, Austin. Information, registration: (512) 772-1001 www.AustinPranicHealing.com BASIC WATSU CLASS May 25-26 or June 29-30 Watsu 2, six-day intensive, June 5-12 Sessions in Round Rock and Central Austin (512) 496-1833, www.texaswatsu.com BECOME A PROFESSIONAL LIFE COACH IN ONLY TWO DAYS Affordable certification. Two-day Intensive. Colorado Springs, CO: May 18-19. San Antonio: June 29-30 Information and Registration: (877) 500-5242 or visit: www.lifecoachingamerica.com
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KUNG FU MOVIEMAKING: A SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS June 10-14; 17-21. Kids learn kung fu and self defense, shoot their own kung fu movie, build creativity, inner strength, teamwork. Del Sol Martial Arts, (512) 535-4749 www.AustinKungFuSummerCamp.com HEARTS WIDE OPEN YOGA AND SEVA RETREAT, NICARAGUA June 29-July 6 Yoga, relaxation, and gourmet healthy food in a tropical paradise. Vinyasa, AcroYoga, Thai Massage, and sacred service to an orphanage and elderly community. www.YogaSevaRetreat.com AHHHMUSE Join Marilyn and Tohmas Twintreess (AhhhMuse), authors of Elemental Birth Imprint, for a three-day event. Workshops, book signing, private consultations, and an assortment of crystals, jewelry, stoneessences, and more. May 31-June 2 Information: Kathleen, (512) 369-2104 or community@ntrocks.com ASHTARA SASHA WHITE’S EVENTS TRANSFORMATION & ASCENSION AT THE HIGHEST Monthly Spiritual Group Meetings At Ashtara’s NEW Healing Light Center 2nd Thursday of Each Month Next Meeting: Thurs., May 9 6:30PM: Potluck | 7-9PM: Group 3116 Argento Place | Cedar Park, TX 78613 Call for a Private Session including Psychic, Medical & Extraordinary Healings: (512) 278-0559, Ashtara@SashaWhite.com See Testimonials: www.AshtaraSashaWhite.com
UPCOMING EVENTS Upcoming Classes
Austin All Natural
May 11 Intro to Aston® Kinetics May 26 Free Intro to Supreme Science Qigong June 1-July 13 Overcoming Anxiety Workshop June 8 Breath Empowerment June 9-30 Supreme Science Qigong Series June 21 Shamanic Ritual 101 More information at:
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EBB & FLOW INTEGRATION THERAPY (EFI) (512) 420-0068 • www.meetup.com/Austin-Breathwork/ Learning to use breath consciously opens the door to greater health – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Three monthly groups and private sessions. Hypnosis PAST LIFE MEMORY THERAPY Kelly Burnett LCSW (512) 940-5580 austinmemories@hotmail.com Curious about your past lives? Past life therapy uses hypnosis to explore your subconscious and past lives. Train by Dr. Brian Weiss. Relief from anxiety, relationship challenges, grief & loss.
Counseling KELLY KIMBERLIN, LMSW (512) 861-8991 AustinCounselorKelly.com Living an authentic life starts with healing from the past and regaining self-compassion. You can rid yourself of self-defeating thoughts and embrace hope, health, and happiness. Psychics and intuitives DANI STAITE (512) 772-1001. Phone/personal sessions www.TheHealingState.com info@TheHealingState.com Healer, prophet, clairvoyant, psychic. Medical intuitive, energy worker, coach, teacher, friend. ASHTARA SASHA WHITE (512) 278-0559. Phone/In person sessions www.AshtaraSashaWhite.com Angels@AshtaraSashaWhite.com Master teacher. Speaker. Psychic. Medical intuitive. Healer. Questions answered. Problems solved. Pain alleviated. Deep, gratifying readings.
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PRANIC HEALING For local San Antonio classes, meditations, and pro bono (free) Pranic Healing sessions, contact Bernie Kosta (210) 257-5991 (Se habla Espanol) www.AustinPranicHealing.com
HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCES CENTERS THE SPIRIT QUEST CENTER (281) 288-7815 www.TheSpiritQuestCenter.com 240 Noble Street, Spring, 77373. Retail, classes, practitioners. Crystal Color Light and Sound Bed. Ghost tours. Rent for parties, weddings, workshops. SPECTRUM CENTER (713) 840-8957 www.spectrumcenter-houston.com 4100 Westheimer Road, 77027 Psychotherapy, coaches, spirituality, massage, acupuncture, Zero Balancing, naturopathy, energy medicine. Workshops, space rental.
EDGAR CAYCE’S Association for Research and Enlightenment www.edgarcaycehouston.org 7800 Amelia Road, Houston, 77055 (713) 263-1006 Researching and presenting concepts in Cayce’s work. Events, practitioners, activities at the Houston Center.
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Dear Ashtara:
Messages from Your Angels and Master Teachers Dear Ashtara, My health has shifted in the past month. Suddenly I’m getting dizzy and feeling faint. What’s going on? How do I restore balance in my body? Jessica, 31, Austin, TX Dear Jessica, It looks like you’ve become quite tired and your endocrine system needs a lot of raw food. You need to juice organic red apples and drink them three times a week for one month. You have some colitis the apple juice will take care of. Eat a lot of avocados and your very acid stomach will begin to turn alkaline. You should also drink honey, lemon, and water daily for three weeks, which will help you turn completely alkaline. Then you will begin to “hear” your master teachers guide you. You need to have a little more protein so eat a bunch of almonds, daily for six weeks. Your guardian angel is Gabriel. Dearest Ashtara, Will you please assist me in how I can move forward in my career and living space? I’m also curious about who my master teachers are. Sarah, 29, Austin, TX Dear Sarah, Move forward in your career with a lot more gusto! As a matter of fact, you were born to be an M.D. or healer. I feel you’re quite artistic and should always have art hobbies on the side, if you don’t already. As far as a living space, a quiet and serene space is what your soul is looking for to combat your hectic schedule. Your master teachers are Maitreya, Sandalfon and Ashtar, via Ashtar’s Command. You are a very advanced soul. Dear Ashtara, I’m so frustrated with my migraines. My doctor keeps giving me ‘preventive medicines’ to try and they end up making me sicker. My current migraine has not let up for a week. I’m so worn out with a pounding head and upset stomach. I’d love to hear your advice. Sherri, 39, Cedar Creek, TX
Dear Sherri, Your migraines are a result of collapsed circulation in your forehead due to the fact there’s too much toxic fluid in your system. You also have circulatory dysfunction in your entire system. To rebuild circulation you must have a radical shift in your diet, 80% raw, 20% cooked. That amounts to about three cooked things a week, which doesn’t mean three whole meals. Do this until the headaches disappear. I’d say approximately four months to make sure your body’s totally healed. Congratulations, I do believe you are going to do it and get well. Sananda is your master teacher and Gabriel is your angel. If you get their pictures and frame them, they will assist you with your cleanse. Dear Ashtara, Since the new energies of 2013 have come in and ushered many changes, I feel it’s paramount for people to visit ancient sacred locations around the globe. Can you please tell me why? Noelle, 28, Manor, TX Dear Noelle, Spiritual people have been going to sacred sites for the last forty or so years to elevate their consciousness and improve their automatic DNA for channeling, healing, and more. During 2012 and beyond, the message is to incorporate light within the holy temple, thus, your master teachers and ark of the covenant archangels will begin shifting the DNA in which you have built, allowing one to “ascend” while on earth. Many capstones are “gifted” during the years following 2012. Therefore, to keep going to sacred sites and venues is a continuance of spiritual progress. I see Ashtar’s Command at your beck and service. Private Sessions can be scheduled (in person or phone) that include psychic, medical, profound healings, questions answered and more. Ashtara/Sasha is a ‘gifted’ psychic, healer, and channel from the Ascended Masters/Archangels. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Current Healing Master Teacher, mystic, speaker, and minister. She speaks the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Healing Light Center. See her events at www.AshtaraSashaWhite.com. Call (512) 278-0559 or email Ashtara@SashaWhite.com to submit your question for ‘Dear Ashtara’ (10 to 20 words) with name, age, city, and state.
A Few Tips on How Not to Take Anything Personally by HeatherAsh Amara Sometimes it’s easy to know another person’s action has nothing to do with you. At other times, a person’s action can feel like an arrow shot directly into your heart. It seems too painful, too pointed, too wounding, not to take personally. The wound you feel when you take something personally doesn’t come from outside – it’s a wound within you that, when touched, causes pain. Here’s an example. Imagine your entire life you were told you were smart. Let’s say your family held intelligence as being incredibly important, and you were always rewarded and respected for being brilliant. If you knew without a doubt you were a smart person and someone said to you, “You are so stupid!” how would you react? Since you wouldn’t have any inner resonance with their statement, you wouldn’t take it personally. It wouldn’t matter if they felt you were stupid, because that wasn’t part of your reality.
Old wounds.
Now imagine as a child you were repeatedly told you were dumb, while your sibling was praised and rewarded for being smart. Imagine covering up the pain of not being loved and supported by studying really hard, and trying to do well in college so you’d be seen as smart. If someone came up to you one day after class and said, “I can’t believe you said that, what a stupid thing to say!” how would you feel? Most likely the old wound from childhood would be touched, and you’d take their words personally. You’d have an emotional reaction, but it’s not the words you take personally – it’s the painful false beliefs the words touch within you. While learning not to take anything personally is a practice, it’s also a healing. When you take something personally, instead of making the other person wrong or justifying being upset, become curious. It’s an opportunity to explore what exactly has been touched within you. By becoming aware of old beliefs that cause pain, you take responsibility for healing past hurts. When you’re aware of taking something personally, it becomes a gift, and it leads you to let go of false beliefs. Excerpted from the new ‘Living the Four Agreements’ blog. For more tips, visit www.facebook.com/LivingTheFourAgreements HeatherAsh Amara is the author of The Toltec Path of Transformation and founder of Toci in Austin. www.toci.org
ASTHMA, AUTISM And Chiropractic Care
Submitted by Dr. Jeff Echols, D.C.
From a recent issue of Today’s Chiropractic comes a study report on asthma, noting that approximately fourteen Americans die each day from the disease, making it one of only three that have shown an increasing death rate in recent years – up 58% since 1979. Current estimates say seventeen million Americans suffer from the disease, making it the most common and costly illness in the United States today, costing over $13 billion annually. Presently, asthma causes more hospitalizations of children than any other childhood disease. In the study, forty-seven patients were observed for a twoyear period. These patients had all been medically diagnosed with persistent asthma ranging from mild persistent in eleven cases, moderate persistent in twenty-eight cases, to severe persistent in eight cases. • The care consisted of specific chiropractic adjustments. • The range of visits was from fourteen to forty-four, with the average being twenty-six during the study period.
• Most patients in the study began care at a rate of three visits per week, with this frequency being reduced after four to eight initial weeks. • The patient results were very good, with all fortyseven showing a marked improvement, ranging from eighty-seven to one hundred percent. • Observed improvement was measured by a decrease in symptoms, as well as a decrease in usage of acute asthma attack medication. • Even more impressive was that all patients in the study reported maintaining improvement, after a two-year follow-up.
From the British publication the Manchester Evening Star comes an article about Daniel, an eight-year-old boy classified autistic whose life was changed for the better by chiropractic. The story starts with Daniel’s mother, Susan Crisp, taking him to the chiropractor, and notes that Susan and her husband firmly believe this care has been key to recent improvements they’ve seen in Daniel’s development. “His communication has improved tremendously,” says Susan. She chronicled Daniel’s progress. “He’s started putting three or four words together, and it’s not in response to questions from us. It’s spontaneous. At one time, if he wanted something out of the fridge he would drag me to it and point. Now he’ll say, ‘Mummy, I want’. He doesn’t seem so closed in as he once was, and is interacting more with his three older sisters.” Daniel’s success adds weight to two separate papers published in scientific journals where studies documented a significant improvement in autistic children under chiropractic care. In one of those studies involving fourteen children, twelve showed significant improvement, and two of the children improved so much they no longer met the criteria to be classified as autistic. The British article concludes with comments from Daniel’s mother, noting how he enjoys the care. “But it’s not just a matter of Daniel enjoying it. Within four to six weeks, we noticed a huge improvement in his condition. We took him in June, and by August people who don’t see him regularly commented that his speech had come on tremendously. He started to initiate sentences – it was a real surprise to us.” She concluded by saying, “The chiropractic was like turning a key, opening the door, and it all came out of him. It’s not a cure, but it can alleviate some of the difficulties.” Dr. Jeff Echols, D.C., United Bodyworks, 3809 S. 2nd, 78704. (512) 447-2422 www.JeffEchols.com
Rock Rose The Panic Remedy
Bach Chronicles, Part Sixteen
by Michael Abedin
In the 1930’s, English physician Edward Bach created a series of thirty-six flower remedies, prepared from plants found in his native England, to address underlying mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of physical disease. This is part of an ongoing series describing those remedies. Fifty years ago, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, and the safe, secure fabric of modern American life was torn. Twelve years ago, 9/11 ripped it completely apart. In recent months, so many insane acts of violence in public places have happened that, unthinkably, we’re almost becoming immune to them. The Boston Marathon bombings, however, blew that immunity to pieces, in a firestorm of panic, fear, and mayhem. That emotional mix is easily summed up in a single word – terror. Not politically charged Terror with a capital T, but personal, in-your-face terror that races through the collective, freezing you in stunned shock. Boston is now a laboratory for Edward Bach’s remedy for terror, panic, and uncontrolled fear – Rock Rose, one of the five ingredients of Rescue Remedy. The emotional impact of a sudden, immediate, and overwhelming threat like the bombing – a horrific accident, physical attack, or sudden medical emergency – is a shock to the nervous system that’s energetically driven deep into the bones, into every cell of your being. Fortunately, most of us weren’t there to experience that in Boston – were we?
We were.
One of the main differences between Dallas 1963, New York City 2001, and Boston 2013 is – smartphones. Almost everyone is an instant photojournalist now, and there aren’t many filters to protect you from immediate on-the-scene images of pain, suffering, and chaos.
Most anyone with a smidgen of spiritual awareness decided long ago that watching TV news ain’t your best bet for a high-vibration lifestyle, but the Boston drama blasted its way into mass consciousness. Like it or not, watch it or not, you’re so wired in that it takes an effort of will not to be affected. You want to celebrate the heroism of those who ran, not away from the scene but towards it, to offer help – but it’s hard to celebrate it without acknowledging the horror. In the aftermath, one phrase is being heard over and over, from victims and rescuers.
“I’ll never forget.”
In truth, we haven’t forgotten the collective gut shot of 9/11, and the resulting war that decimated America’s economy, confidence, and role in the world did nothing to shake the horror. Snuffing the mastermind helped, but it was a furtive endeavor, cloaked in secrecy, and post-Boston celebrations by crowds literally wrapped in American flags, chanting USA, proved we still needed to win something. Nailing the guys that sent shrapnel flying into an innocent crowd, and getting to see it in real time, was instant gratification – we got the so-andsos this time. That’s the danger of unresolved shock and horror that crystallizes in your cells – like a ticking time bomb, it can explode any moment. Release it too quickly, without defusing, and it can blow up in your face. Terror is a peek into the void, the dark and empty space where none of your defenses work. It’s a place often encountered on a spiritual path, and Rock Rose is the talisman that can shine a light that makes the dark things vanish – the remedy of choice when, like it or not, you have to look at the scary place that doesn’t have any way around it, and decide whether to walk through it. If you can’t – well, Rock Rose is also a good call for nightmares, post-traumatic stress syndrome, drug addiction, and the other places terror can hide. It’s doubtful that everyone in Boston last week will be lining up for doses of Rock Rose, but Bach’s remedies are vibrational, so send some of those vibes Boston’s way, and maybe a little ho’oponopono-style cleaning while you’re at it – and the occasional prayer or call for angelic protection probably wouldn’t hurt, either. Michael Abedin, publisher and editor of Austin All Natural, is a Reiki Master Teacher who offers classes and consultations on personalized flower remedy combinations. (512) 879-7299. (Information only, not intended to diagnose, blah, blah, blah…)
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