August ‘13
San Antonio
| Houston
Green Oil Crossing the Rubicon Dog Walks into a Brewery…
Stay Cool
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Inside Austin All Natural
WHERE MONEY HIDES – Dr. Joe Vitale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 STAY COOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TOOTH TRUTH Why the MGM lion has no cavities – Michael Abedin DOG WALKS INTO A BREWERY… – Skip Looper DOGANANDA Becoming one with your Dogi – Darla Buckner IS YOUR PET ON DRUGS? – Nerissa Oden WHAT IS ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SHAPESHIFTING? – Bruce P. Grether CROSSING THE RUBICON – Michael Abedin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Caesar, Yoda, and holistic music training REDOX SIGNALING MOLECULES – Teri Gouldner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Creating the prefect machine for an imperfect world THE ENNEAGRAM What your Instincts tell you – David Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 HOME GROWN TOMATOES A primer for success – George Altgelt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 GREEN OIL One step closer to a green car nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 UPCOMING EVENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 NATURAL RESOURCE GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ENTER CONNECTED Saints, crop circles, and the Matrix – Anyah Dishon . . . . . . . . . . . 22 CARVER OF THE SKULLS Geraldo Leandro de Souza – Robert Simmons. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 publisher/ editor Michael Abedin (512) 382-7354 Office (512) 879-7299 Mobile art director Pun Nio associate ad design Sioux Storm advertising Don Draper distribution Charles Martin Cover Design: Leslie Kell Austin All Natural © 2013. All rights reserved. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate, and Austin All Natural will not be held liable for the performance of goods and services provided by advertisers or any other portion of this publication.
Austin All Natural is printed on environmentally sound paper certified under the rigorous production standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, an international organization devoted to creating true sustainability. For environmental reasons, we do not use soy-based inks. See for details. 100% Natural. No preservatives or additives.
DEAR ASHTARA – Ashtara Sasha White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 THE FLUIDITY OF NOT ASSUMING – HeatherAsh Amara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 BACH CHRONICLES: VERVAIN – Michael Abedin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A Letter to Our Readers
So whaddaya do when you need a magazine cover for a month with no holidays, no special occasions, no change of seasons? August in South Texas doesn’t really have much going on, except for blazing, mind-numbing heat most of the time. Don’t sweat it. Stay cool, and fall back on a tired and true (umm… make that tried and true) formula that’s worked time and again when your back’s to the wall and a nasty deadline is rearing its head.
Slap a pair of sunglasses on an animal.
It’s usually the traditional go-to cover for November, a turkey in shades trying to make it through the holidays by keeping a low profile. Since the annual critter with shades quota is now used up, no telling what’ll show up on the November cover -- but right now it’s August. You do what you gotta do. Just to make sure the sunglasses thing gets stretched to the snapping point, might as well use the Palm Springs poolside summer vacation editor’s shot one more time – but no critters with sunglasses there, nosirree. Have to maintain some semblance of dignity. –Michael Abedin
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Where Money
by Dr. Joe Vitale
“Couldn’t you just buy it off the shelf?” I was trying to tell a friend about a cholesterol-lowering natural health product I had invested in, called Ideal Cardio Formula. I explained that I spent $12,000 on it so I could personally have it to use myself.
He didn’t understand.
“Couldn’t you just buy the key ingredients of the formula in separate bottles and then take that?” he asked. “It would have cost you far less.” He was thinking like most people think. He was trying to save a buck and take care of himself. In his mind, the “buy the basic ingredients” approach was smart thinking. It was efficient and frugal. From that limited perspective, he was right. But he was missing a secret few people know. I figured he could make $100,000 or more if he knew this secret, so I proceeded to explain it to him. “Look, when my doctor said I had high cholesterol,” I began, “I wanted a solution without taking his prescribed drug, which I knew had potential dangerous side effects. So I went to a friend of mine who is also a medical doctor, but with an interest in handling health problems with herbs first.” “I understand that,” my friend said. “Let me continue,” I said. “My herb-loving doctor told me he had a formula that he developed himself that was a blend of twelve ingredients that he guaranteed would lower cholesterol in thirty days. I naturally wanted it.” “I would, too,” he said. “But he said he didn’t have any of the product, and added it would take twelve thousand dollars to make a batch of about two thousand bottles of it as a minimum run from a manufacturer.” “Two thousand bottles!” my friend exclaimed. “Again, couldn’t you just go to a health store and buy the ingredients and take those?” he asked. “You wouldn’t have to spend twelve grand!” He was making the mistake most people do. He was thinking of only himself. As long as he did, he wouldn’t have the secret for success. I saw this moment as a prime chance to transform his life forever – if he’d listen. “If you don’t mind, let me give you a lesson in prosperity,” I continued. “You’re right. I could buy the ingredients in separate bottles, spend a hundred bucks, and lower my cholesterol. I’d be doing a smart thing. I’d be taking care of myself. But the smarter approach would be to take care of others and myself.” He still didn’t get it. So I made another attempt to explain my thinking. “By investing twelve grand in 2,000 bottles of the cholesterol lowering material, I’d become an entrepreneur who changes lives. How many people need to lower their cholesterol? Millions? I could sell those extra bottles to those other people. I just went from taking care of just me to taking care of others – and being rewarded with money!”
This is the secret few know.
Most people don’t think beyond themselves. That’s fine for survival. You do need to take care of yourself. But the real secret to success is when you take care of others and yourself. I’m talking about a shift in perception. You might think that this is a mental operation that you’ll never be able to do. It might seem like a foreign way of perceiving the world around you. I used to believe I couldn’t think like this, too. I remember thirty years ago listening to marketing genius Jay Abraham say he’d walk into a gym and see a hundred ways they could make more money. He’d then rattle them off. I’d listen to him and say to myself, “How do you think like that?”
There have been clues along the way.
When I was conducting research for my book on P.T. Barnum, the great circus promoter I later wrote about in There’s A Customer Born Every Minute, I was baffled to learn that he could see what others could not. For example, when he heard of a little boy who would never grow over three feet tall, people told Barnum it was sad. But when Barnum met the little boy, his eyes saw Super Star! Barnum transformed that little boy into the man the entire world loved and paid to see – General Tom Thumb. Both Barnum and Thumb became multimillionaires. I marveled that Barnum had the ability to see gold in what others saw as nothing special. But today I do think like that. How did I go from poverty thinker to million-dollar thinker? By reading books, listening to audios, going to events, getting coaching, and retraining my brain. Now I can’t turn it off. Now my brain looks around and sees opportunities everywhere. I talk to people and can hear their “hidden wealth” within minutes. In my book, Attract Money Now, I say one of the seven steps to financial freedom is to think like an entrepreneur. How do you think like an entrepreneur? By hearing your doctor say you need to lower your cholesterol, and then realizing others might need to do so, too. As you discover your own solution, you turn that solution into a product others will buy. Win-win.
Guitar in a weekend.
Here’s another example to help you integrate this new way of thinking. A decade or so ago, a young woman wrote to me, asking questions about making money online. I met with her and listened to her story. She talked about her life, her interests, her hobbies and so forth. She actually didn’t believe people could really make money online, and certainly doubted her own ability to do so. But as I listened, I heard an opportunity. She mentioned she had taught herself how to play the guitar in a weekend.
“A weekend?” I asked, a little in disbelief myself. At the time, I was an aspiring musician. (Today I have six albums out.) I wanted to know more. “I created a basic method that let me play popular songs without much effort,” she said, completely clueless to the goldmine she was sitting on. “Can you teach others to play guitar in a weekend?” I asked.
She said she could.
I then encouraged her to write an eBook on her method. That came as a surprise to her. She never thought of it before. She didn’t know how to write an eBook, but I told her lots of how-to manuals are available, including the one I coauthored with Jim Edwards, How to Write and Publish Your Own EBook – in Only 7 days! She went on to write her eBook, put up a site, and start selling it. To her amazement – as she didn’t think the idea would actually work – she started making sales. But the story gets even better. She was a struggling college student. She was borrowing money from her parents. With the eBook selling, she had cash coming in. A little at first. But then more. One of the people who bought her product, and loved it, offered to buy the rights to her eBook – for ten thousand dollars! For this broke college student, it was like winning the lottery. But it wasn’t from the lotto. It was from thinking beyond herself. It was from thinking about all the other people who want to play the guitar, too. In short, money isn’t really hiding from you. It’s simply waiting for you to serve people other then yourself. Said another way, money likes it when you serve yourself and other people. Think about it.
Joe Vitale is a star of the hit DVD The Secret and author of The Attractor Factor and dozens of other best-selling books, including his latest, Faith. Hear and order his new music CD Sun Will Rise at More about Joe Vitale at
Photo by: Brian Fitzsimmons
Dog Daze Stay cool.
umankind’s dealings with other critters on the planet have been benchmarks on the journey to what we call civilization, for better or worse. Horses gave us mobility, cows let us settle down and become herders and build fast-food franchises, and chickens gave us the ability to describe what other things taste like. No other animal, however, has formed a bond with humans like the one whose ancestors first came in from the shadows of the forest to share the circle of firelight, who’s been companion, guardian, and fellow hunter with man – the chupacabra. Hah – just kidding. It’s dogs that earned the title of man’s best friend by their loyalty, by eating anything we toss them, and by constantly running to get the same stick over and over, without ever once asking why the heck we threw it again, when they just brought it back. In return, we’ve honored dogs by naming one of the hottest, stickiest, slowest times of the year after them.
Are you Sirius?
The ancient Romans and Greeks both called the last part of the summer the dog days, because that’s when Sirius, the Dog Star, came scratching at the door just before sunrise, needing to go outside. Sirius was called the Dog Star because it’s in the constellation Canis Major, the Big Dog, so called because the Dog Star appears in it, and because it looks nothing whatsoever like a dog. Got that? It actually explains a lot about the origins of modern scientific thought. In Texas, of course, ask someone why August is called the dog days of summer, and you’ll get a much clearer answer. It’s so dang hot all you wanna do is pant, lay around like a big dog, and occasionally let out a big ol’ sigh. Stay cool – slap on a pair of shades and forget about chasing rabbits in your sleep. Dream about palm trees and a frozen limeade, with a shot of agave juice and a touch of salt on the rim.
Speaking of stars…
In the south of France, the hot summer wind called the mistral is said to make folks a little crazy. The dog daze can have that effect on Austin sometimes.
Astrologically speaking, rumor has it that just about every planet in the known universe has apparently been going backwards, sideways, or off the reservation lately, prior to yet another a big ol’ multi-dimensional universal alignment of some kind. Such cosmic occurrences can tend to shake things up a bit, but to paraphrase Dr. Gonzo – when the going gets weird, the weird stay cool. Stick your head out the car window and let your tongue hang out, sleep on your back with the breeze on your belly, and remember your mantra – shades, palm trees, stay cool. Shades, frozen limeade, stay cool…
How 2 Right, Real Good.
If you’re of the holistic persuasion, there’s plenty of energy in the home stretch of the summer. Nature’s Treasures Community Center is cranking up more events, and Spiritual Life Productions, producers of Austin’s quarterly two-day Metaphysical Fair, is introducing a companion quarterly Holistic Fair starting in September. Call (512) 247-9887 or email to find out. Of the holistic persuasion, and write or want to write articles for a magazine, blog, or newsletter? Boy, are you in luck. The Austin Holistic Chamber of Commerce meets the second Wednesday of every month at Beets Café, and the August speaker will be none other than (ahem) Austin All Natural publisher, editor, and holistic gadfly (google it) Michael Abedin. (Tah-dum.) How 2 Right, Real Good will give you a few tips about knocking out titillating prose, just like you’re reading at this very moment! • Know the first two keys to writing a good article? • Know what three words to do without? • Know what an Oxford comma is, and why it’s your friend? Well, then – see you at Beets, Wednesday, August 14, 6:30pm. It’s free, and open to HCC members and nonmembers. Bring an article if you have one – and a red pencil.
Why the MGM lion has no cavities by Michael Abedin (Cue SFX – thunder, lightning, ominous music. A deep, sonorous voice speaks.) In the beginning, in your mouth, there were bacteria, and there were sugars, and they came together. Let us live here on the teeth, they said, and they began to make holes. And the Dentist saw it, and it was not good. ‘I will make larger holes,’ the Dentist said (inexplicably), ‘and refill them.’ And the holes were drilled and filled with strange substances, silvery metals or exotic alloys or plastics, and they grew old and weakened, and the holes were drilled and filled again and again, until the very roots and vessels of the tooth were exposed, and finally died. And it was not good. (Cut to roaring lion – whose teeth, actually, look pretty good…) Good story, huh? It’s the old myth of the bad guys (germs!) wreaking havoc on your body. Here’s another good one – once your teeth begin decaying, there’s nothing you can do about it except repair the damage, since teeth can’t heal. How about this? All you have to do is brush and floss after every meal, and that’ll keep cavities away. Like all myths, there are truths to be found beneath the surface. Bacteria and sugars can indeed combine to attack tooth enamel, and brushing and flossing can help get rid of them, but here’s the real kicker. A healthy system isn’t as susceptible to their attacks, and a really healthy system not only can prevent that first filling, it can actually re-mineralize tooth enamel – and even has the potential to reverse decay. Think about it – how is it that with no toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, fluoride, or dentists, anthropological studies show that ancient hunter-gatherers – and the wild animals they hunted – had better teeth than a whole lot of us civilized folk? (Better arches, too, but that’s another story.) The answer? One word – diet.
Rocks in your head.
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body – a living rock that changes, based on factors like diet and stress. Like the rest of your body, this living mineral can repair itself – if you give it the tools it needs. As Dr. Matthew Carpenter of Transcend Dental Health explains, “The component most lacking in modern diets is fat-soluble vitamins, particularly those found in animal fats – vitamins A, D, E, and K. By restoring fat-soluble vitamins to your diet, you can regain your immunity to cavities. Fatsoluble vitamins are essential for your physical health, not just because they provide nutrients to the body, but because
they’re activating substances that help your body utilize the minerals in your diet.” That’s an important distinction – you can eat a mineralhealthy diet and take the right mineral supplements, but without the necessary delivery system of fat-soluble vitamins, those minerals are all but useless. In fact, you could be eating what’s considered a healthy diet – lots of whole grains, raw nuts and seeds – and actually be working against the minerals that protect and repair your teeth, since a lot of those foods contain substances that are considered anti-nutrients that can block the absorption of minerals. If you’re a cow (or other multi-stomached ruminant) or a rodent, you have the equipment to digest those anti-nutrients. If you’re a human, though, you have to take steps to keep them from acting as chelating agents, binding to minerals and keeping them from being absorbed by your body – and your teeth. Researchers who’ve placed people back on an ancestral diet have seen tooth decay re-mineralize, but it’s not an exact science, or simply a matter of popping a few vitamins (really just another version of the quick fix advertised by drug companies). Get processed foods out of your diet, get existing decay repaired with minimal amounts of biocompatible material, and get the right guidance from your holistic dentist. And lo, the body will receive the bounty of living minerals, and there will be no wailing – or gnashing of teeth. Transcend Dental Health, with Dr. Matt Carpenter and Melissa Russ, ND, offers a full range of holistic dentistry and supportive natural healthcare, including fat-soluble vitamins to reverse decay and prevent future decay. 7215 Wyoming Springs, Bldg. 3, Ste. 800, in Round Rock. (512) 255-3618
Dog walks into a brewery. . . by Skip Looper, Beverage and Pet Editor How do you recycle beer? If you’re of the male persuasion, you might step outside and water the yard after a couple of cold ones – a deeply satisfying experience that brings you closer to nature, and really embarrasses your significant other. If you’re a brewer, however, you have to get a little more creative. Seems one of the key parts of the brewing process is something called the wort, a fun word to say out loud – again, if you’re a guy. (Emphasis on the “o”, as in woart, as opposed to wahrt, which is what you get from playing with toads.) The wort is a sugary liquid derived from sprouted, malted grain, mostly barley, and its job is to feed little yeasties, who turn it into alcohol. The grains are removed after the wort’s extracted, but there’s good stuff left – malted grains are actually more digestible for critters without multiple stomachs (including humans and canines), and they’re full of fiber, protein, and other nutrients. The folks at Hops and Grain, an Austin craft brewery, decided to bake up those leftover grains with whole wheat flour, eggs, cinnamon, and a few secret ingredients, and give them the time-honored treatment for leftovers.
Toss ‘em to to the dogs.
The end result was Brew Biscuits, an all-natural doggie treat created after (gasp) extensive animal testing. Hold that call to PETA – test subjects aren’t complaining. Suzy, H&G’s resident Golden Retriever, gives each recipe a rigorous taste test before it gets bagged up and goes to the dogs. Brew Biscuits are part of H&G’s commitment to sustainability. Their signature brews are distributed in aluminum cans, one of the easiest materials to recycle, and they re-use old whiskey barrels to brew up special batches. (Wear cowboy boots to taste them – beer with a bourbon kick can knock your socks off.) The biscuits are a good way to reward a good dog, and a nice snack when not-so-good dogs get together for poker games, and to pose for cheesy portraits for saloon walls. If you’re of the human female persuasion, you could maybe even use them to yard-break your significant other, and keep him from watering the lawn. Brew Biscuits are at Hops and Grain, 507 Calles (at the end of E. 6th), at in.gredients, Thom’s Market, and other select stores, and at
Becoming one with your Dogi by Darla Buckner Dogs have given us their absolute all. We’re the center of their universe, the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps… without a doubt the best deal man has ever made. – Roger Caras The original Sanskrit word for yoga means to yoke, or create a union – doga is about creating that union between you and your dog. You get so busy in your everyday life that sometimes you don’t take the time to spend true, one-on-one bonding time with your four-legged companion. Doga is an opportunity to do just that, for about an hour: • You and your pet get centered, and you focus on breathing and touching your dog, feeling each other’s energy and love, being grateful for the unconditional love your companion gives you every day. • You move to stretches, together and separately, stretching their limbs and torso (and your own). • It’s a perfect time to check for any unusual lumps or bumps on your dog you might not notice with a quick pat on the head. • Finish in relaxing savasana, corpse pose, with your BFF by your side, allowing body and mind to absorb the physical, mental, and emotional part of the activity.
Humans have a lot to learn from their pets.
Their love is truly unconditional, they don’t hold grudges, and they’re always present in the moment, not thinking about the past or future – and they’re pretty good about allowing themselves to have fun and not feel guilty about it! Studies have shown the human heart rate slows when petting a dog – imagine how calm you’ll feel when you combined it with yoga. Keep an open mind and let go of any expectations. Your dog doesn’t have to be mellow to enjoy doga – he just wants to spend quality time with you. It may take a few times for a dog to get used to being on the mat, but the same can be said for humans. The most important thing? Have fun, and appreciate the time with your beloved pet.
Darla Buckner is a certified yoga instructor leading Doga classes at Stay N Play Pet Ranch, providing green and natural pet products, boarding, grooming, training, and massage. 2500 E. Hwy 290, Dripping Springs (512) 894-7387
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Is Your Pet on DRUGS? by Nerissa Oden Can you help your cat or dog ditch their allergy drugs by changing their diet? A pet’s health issues can be directly related to the food they eat. Simple foods like fish, lamb, beef, peas, and potatoes can create havoc in their systems.
Nona the Nebelung.
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Nona is a Nebelung cat who developed mild asthma when she reached nine years old. She often coughed, as if trying to release a fur ball. Steroid and antibiotic shots did improve her quality of life in the short run, but her life was expected to be shorter in the long run, due to the steroids. As the shots were becoming less effective, Nona’s mom asked her vet for a food allergy test via blood draw. Nona tested positive to fish, duck, soy, egg, oat, and wheat. After putting Nona on her allergy-free diet, it was clear that the only time Nona coughed and wheezed was after eating any treat that contained one of her confirmed food allergies.
Chrissy, another cat, adopted her parents two years ago. Their vet found bad breath, inflamed gums, skin sensitivity, and noncancerous palm-sized lumps on her body. Chrissy’s food allergy test results had twice as many confirmed food allergies as Nona’s. Chrissy adapted to her new diet more easily than Nona, because Chrissy’s younger and was still dealing with issues over lack of food. Chrissy lost her lumps and bad breath in just two weeks. Her sensitive skin that jumped when you touched her took longer to clear up, but it too went away. Both Nona and Chrissy are healthier cats today because their diets omit their personal food allergens. It’s easier than ever to feed an allergen-free diet to your pet. A large variety of pet foods and treats has appeared in just the last couple years. Cookbooks for pets are gaining in popularity. If your pet has a chronic health issue, consider testing them for food allergies -- instead of a lifetime of drugs. Nerissa Oden is a citizen advocate for knowing your unique individual food sensitivities via laboratory testing. Annual testing from one of a variety of sources can be an important aspect of individual wellness. Testing options, testimonials, and FAQS are available on her website,
What Is Ancient Egyptian
SHAPESHIFTING? by Bruce P. Grether (Part 1)
Shortly before 5AM, because I’m awake anyway, I take my little flashlight and go outside into the garden. It’s almost the New Moon, so it’s very dark as I sit on a barn-wood bench at the edge of the ravine and look up at the stars. I hear something like a million bugs singing. Though I plan to meditate for a while, before long the wheels spinning in my head drive me back inside, to start writing… The fact that we cannot so easily shut off that Monkey Mind, the incessant chatter of thoughts in our human heads, is the very point here! Not that thinking is bad, but it can get in the way of the truly direct, immediate experience of living. You can train yourself to listen to the Silence. Modern languages have become so abstract, so dissociated from their content, that language often acts as a veil, separating you from the immediacy of unfiltered experience.
What does the capital letter “A” represent to you? As a symbol in written language, it has several possible sounds. It might suggest a beginning, as it’s the first letter of the alphabet. But with the horizontal line extended a bit for ears, turned on its side, three thousand years ago the “A” represented the head of an ox. What if there was a language that could close this gap of separation between what’s represented, and what we speak of? In fact, the most elaborate and visual of ancient languages – that of Ancient Egypt – does precisely this. How the language worked for those ancient people isn’t easy for us moderns to grasp at first. Still, it can tell us a lot about ourselves, and our use of language. In a real sense, the ancients would shapeshift – they flowed through the many forms of their language, and it always returned them directly back to the actual world they lived in. Hieroglyphs, wall art, sculptures, and architecture used the same imagery and merged seamlessly. Everyone on Earth still has an Ancient Egyptian Shapeshifter alive inside – and this means you! (More about that in Part 2.)
Bruce P. Grether is a many times published novelist, Wizard, and regular Austin All Natural contributor, and he offers personal consultations, online and in person, via A.E.S.O. Learn more at
CROSSING THE RUBICON Caesar, Yoda, and Holistic Music Training by Michael Abedin In 49 BC, Julius Caesar marched a Roman legion from conquered territory in Gaul back onto Italian soil, an action specifically forbidden for Roman generals as a way of preventing coups – and punishable by death. The boundary between Gaul and Italy was a river, the Rubicon, and “crossing the Rubicon” has become synonymous with passing a point of no return, going for broke, putting your cards on the table – kind of like deciding to become a professional musician.
Capital offense.
Going for a paying music career probably isn’t quite as risky as invading Rome (Caesar didn’t have a girlfriend with a day job), but it’s still a pretty ballsy choice, even right here in River City – the (all together now) Live Music Capital of the World. That tired ol’ horse has been rode half to death by T-shirts, bumper stickers, and Chamber of Commerce press releases, kept alive mainly by giant corporate-sponsored events like SXSW and ACL. Truth is, you pretty much can’t toss a guitar pick in Austin any more without hitting a good musician who’ll grab it to save a few coins earned as a waiter or bartender, so how do musicians who make it – who get a CD, a hit, regular gigs, a career – make it? Get ready, artistes. You may not want to hear this.
If you’ve got a job that pays the bills and want to get a band together and have some fun, go for it. If you want a career, be ready to work – practice, study, learn the business. The road to success is littered with the wreckage of talented musicians and songwriters chewed up and spit out by managers, booking agents, record companies, and ego trips. You can learn the hard way, by trial and error – or you can get a guide who’s been there, done that, got lots of T-shirts. When you’re serious about getting down to biz, whether you play rock, country, or New Age, think about finding an actual training program that balances artistry with practical technique.
Find yourself a Yoda.
“A holistic program for musicians Rubicon is,” says Daniel Barrett. (Okay, he doesn’t really talk like Yoda. Take two – rolling.) “Rubicon is a holistic training program for musicians,” says Daniel Barrett, part of the Austin Music Awards winning roots
rock band porterdavis and a veteran producer. Rubicon Artist Development is his baby – a world-class studio and downhome training center smack dab in the middle of South Austin. “If I had a religion, music would be it. I’ve recorded, taught music lessons, read and studied, made my own music – and learned that artists’ biggest stumbling blocks are the limitations they place on themselves. Rubicon offers a program designed to tackle those obstacles.” Successful businesses and artists, he realized, have a more defined worldview than less successful counterparts, and can articulate it clearly. It’s a compass – without it, you’re just floating. Some of the points on the Rubicon compass: • Responsibility for your artistic life. Show the world how to treat you, and accept full responsibility for the exact amount of your own success and happiness. • Training. Raw talent only takes you so far. Weekly sessions include lessons, ear training, life coaching, business development, social media coaching, songwriting. • Accountability. Productivity, organization, and weekly email check-ins form a safety net and sense of community, allowing artists to blossom and grow. • Documentation. Forget that lyric idea? You didn’t write it down. Same thing goes for your vision and values. • Recording. At the end of the program, you use your tools and knowledge to record an EP, an accurate and articulate manifestation of your heart, soul, and music.
For the record.
Rubicon, Barrett points out, is first and foremost a recording studio. “Our goal and greatest joy is to make records. Not everyone who records participates in the mentoring program, but we approach every project with the same core beliefs – and the same love and attention.” Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his best legion at his back, and became emperor. When you make your move – or your CD – you want all the support you can get, too. For information on the Rubicon program and a free consultation: (512) 900-9644, or
REDOX SIGNALING <<<MOLECULES>>> Creating the Perfect Machine for an Imperfect World
by Teri Gouldner
Now Available: THIEVES Essential Oil Blend Call About Our Aromatherapy Workshops
Imagine a perfect machine. This machine would operate just as it’s designed. It would perfectly and efficiently produce its own energy, and would repair, rebuild, and replace itself when needed. Sound far-fetched? It’s not – this perfect machine is the human cell. When you’re young and in good health, each cell typically operates at virtually perfect efficiency, producing essential energy for the rest of the body, and repairing itself whenever needed. As you age, however, your cells – these otherwise perfect machines – become less efficient. Moreover, the modern world is particularly threatening to your cells, with poor diet, high stress levels, and constant bombardment by free radicals and toxins. The result? Damaged, distressed, and poorly functioning cells – which translates to an unbalanced state of overall health.
Redox signaling – the health activator.
Fortunately, this problem can be addressed. More than sixteen years ago a group of medical professionals, engineers, and researchers discovered a proprietary method for creating and stabilizing molecules native to the human body. This work led to the creation of a foundational technology that provides a way to deliver to the body stabilized redox signaling molecules, necessary for optimal cellular health. Redox signaling research is relatively recent, but it is now recognized as an essential process in body functions, most notably antioxidant and immune activity: • Redox signaling molecules are critical to the performance of antioxidants. Before they can do their job of neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants have to be “turned on” – or activated – and it’s redox signaling molecules that flip the switch. • Cells that communicate effectively are also able to repel unwanted health threats. • A trained athlete’s body is the perfect machine performing under extreme stress, every cell working like part of a finely tuned racecar. It’s redox signaling activators that keep blood and oxygen pumping to supercharged muscles, and quickly and efficiently get rid of metabolic waste products that interfere with performance. Redox signaling molecules are responsible for your cells’ essential processes – without them, your perfect machine would stop working within minutes.
ASEA is a bioactive solution of stabilized Redox Signaling molecules. Teri Gouldner is an independent Associate offering the ASEA product and business opportunities. (512) 219-6003,
THE ENNEAGRAM What your Instincts tell you
by David Gray You may have heard of the Enneagram – a typology of personality, with origins as far back as Ancient Egypt. It’s a blueprint of human temperament made up of nine different personality types, represented as interconnecting points on a geometric figure. Each type represents inner mechanisms and psychological processes, allowing you to see deep into the background programming of human motivations. Not as widely known as the Enneagram are three Instinctual Variants (the Instincts) that work in conjunction with your Enneagram type, roughly equal in influencing the personality: • Self-Preservation (SP). This Instinct’s eye habitually lands on the physical self – me. Concerns are shelter, food, health, finances, and immediate tactile environment (hot/cold, light/dark, dry/humid). On some level, SP-dominant personalities continually monitor their gauges, weighing how much energy’s required for actions and interactions. They cultivate resources – money, tools, time, practical know-how, material provisions – stockpiling for survival and comfort, getting things done, building things that last. The majority of the population is SP-dominant – one reason the world is so easily swung on the end of a stick by news of natural disasters and imploding financial markets. • Sexual (SX). Besides the desire for sex itself, this is the need for speed, the hunt for juice, using excitement and intensity as narcotics – pushing the envelope, seeking that peak something. The SX-dominant eye sees the world as a mating dance and broadcasts beautiful attractive colors, casting a net (or a pheromone) out for that special someone to complete an electrical circuit, a nose for the individualized scent of the soul you long to burn your imprint into – and they into yours. Archetypally, this Instinct rules alchemical processes – transformation and transmogrification, base metals into gold, phoenix rising from the ashes, the wild-eyed shaman whirling in fire, blood, and radical rebirth. Some authors try to tame this Instinct with new names, such as intimate or one-to-one. This attempt at reworking the Instinct into something righteous, spiritual, or romantic misses the mark – the Sexual Instinct is raw, unbridled wanting, untethered by ethics or morality. It’s reckless, a live wire longing to be burned to death. • Social (SO). The eye lands on the health of the collective, building mutual support, being for someone or some group – affiliating, co-creating, participating, contributing, being involved. Bonding and relationship building belong in this category, not with the Sexual Instinct. Social is the intelligence to read people, adapt to them, and communicate and interpret subtleties. All language, words, verbal exchanges fall under this Instinct. It can still go low, though. Social burns witches at the stake, exterminates populations that
are deemed diseased vermin, and can be consumed with status and position. Otherwise, wholesome cleanliness and the Apollonian elements of order, law, history, government, and lofty eternal principles reside in the Social department. In evolutionary biology, this Instinct is the latest to have emerged, the more advanced Instinct – the stuff of humanity, altruism, good will, the higher good.
How do you stack up?
Instinctual stackings are the hierarchies of the three Instincts in a given person. They’re a typology unto themselves, adding their own distinct colors and tones to the personality. For better self-observation, determining your Instinctual stacking – separate from your Enneagram type – clicks another lens into place, pointing up that one missing piece of your psycho-spiritual growth and emotional wellbeing that’s long eluded you. David Gray is an Enneagram specialist, available for phone consultations. For appointments, call (210) 215-9307 or visit
Home Grown Tomatoes A Primer for Success by George Altgelt August is the time to think about tomatoes for a fall garden, and here are a few tips for a successful crop: • When you plant tomatoes, dig your planting hole two and a half times the depth of the root ball. The buried tomato stalk will grow roots, as well as the root ball, and help the tomato develop an extensive root system. • This next tip will help all garden plants, especially tomatoes. Place a quarter cup of rock phosphate in the bottom of the hole before placing the plant, giving it access to phosphorous in the first twenty-five days of development. • Next, fill in the hole to the top of the root ball with good garden soil. If there’s any doubt about your garden soil’s available calcium – the “Chief of Minerals” in your plant’s physiology – now’s the time to sprinkle a quarter cup of powdered or pelletized gypsum into the hole. The roots will find both minerals, and make very good use of them. • When back filling the hole around the plant, it’s important not to pack the soil. The soil should be placed firmly enough to hold the plant upright – packing the soil tightly retards root development. • Next, finish filling in around the tomato stalk with good garden soil, leaving a bowl-like depression around the stalk. This is important – it’s a must to have every drop of water make it to the roots and root ball of that tomato.
Speaking of watering…
The time to water that transplanted tomato is immediately. Don’t wait until you have all your transplants in the ground. By the time you get the last one planted, the first ones could be wilted. If you let them wilt, even just one time, red spider mites can come out of nowhere and attack your tomatoes – and for tomatoes, the red spider mite is the deadliest of all pests Remember, many of these young plants have never been in full sun all day long. Sometimes, they’re coming out of a shade house or green house, much dimmer than the full sun they now find themselves in. Now that you’ve planted your tomatoes in the garden and they’re growing, it’s time to mulch! Obviously, a layer of mulch is going to conserve water. All garden plants need this conservation measure, and tomatoes need it most of all – a large, producing tomato plant will pull a lot of moisture from the ground. Your tomato plants can’t afford to lose any water from the soil that surrounds the plant
Hot soil loses water even faster.
Now you can understand the two-fold benefit of mulch as it affects production. Sun-heated soil loses moisture faster, and without adequate moisture the soil won’t retain its load of nitrogen. Because nitrogen is the essential building block of protein, all plant growth and fruit production comes to a halt. In addition to the problem of scorching the nitrogen out of the soil, enzyme activity in both the plant’s roots and the soil microbes comes to a dead halt when the temperatures go above 90°F. Keep the roots cool and you’ll keep the production coming. A simple cooking thermometer from the grocery store will verify your results. One final note. Don’t fertilize tomatoes with any nitrogen until you see evidence of fruit. Unless you can see developing tomatoes, nitrogen fertilizer will only make the plant produce vines – and not tomatoes! George Altgelt is the owner of Geo Growers, and a specialist in custom soil blends. Geo Growers carries organic soil blends, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides – as well as rock phosphate, gypsum, and All Seasons Oil Spray®, an oil-o-cide for red spider mites that can be used in the worst summer heat – non-toxic to plants, people, or pets. (512) 892-2722,
One step closer to a green car nation Eat vegan? Recycle? Buy local, organic produce? Drive a car? Oops – dead dinosaur alert. There aren’t many viable alternatives to petrochemical fuels yet, except maybe all-electric or full-blown biodiesel, but lubricants are another story. Every vehicle needs oil – and the good news is there’s a bio-based synthetic motor oil made from renewable plant sources. Oh, sure, you’re thinking – another ethanol, a greenwash job that has oil companies laughing all the way to the bank. Nope. Green oil is the real deal: • Biodegradable and renewable, made from plant oils. • Tested and approved for all makes, whether you drive a Ford, Toyota, Mercedes or VW, and all engines – gas, hybrid, or diesel. • Made in the good ol’ USA, not a far-off land that doesn’t like us all that much. • High performance. If your vehicle’s rated for 3,000mile oil changes, you can safely change it at 6K.
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Save the dogs!
Green oil spinoffs include bio-based and biodegradable automatic transmission fluid, greases, gear oils, power steering fluid, other lubricants, and non-toxic antifreeze that can last up to 300K miles or seven years, and isn’t a skull and crossbones doggie treat if it leaks. Are American-made green auto products more expensive than Chinese or Third World knockoffs? Sometimes – but environmental issues aside, it’s one of the few chances you have to buy something that isn’t cranked out in a Chinese sweatshop by child labor, or a border town maquiladora where chemical wastes in open dumps are bagged up, sniffed, and sold as drugs by kids. (Try, f’rinstance, finding American-made electronic equipment.) Basic car maintenance is like preventive healthcare – it saves you a lot of expensive repairs later. A well-maintained car also gets better mileage, and doesn’t leave a cloud of nasty exhaust that makes bicyclists, pedestrians, and more responsible car owners start wondering if they can still get their hands on a rocket launcher somewhere. It’s not massage and acupuncture for your car – but it’s the next best thing. Green Earth Automotive carries G-Oil brand green motor oil and a full-range of green fluids and lubricants, and offers full-service repairs and maintenance at reasonable labor costs. All cleaners are biodegradable, containers and metal parts are recycled, and supplies are bought from local vendors whenever possible. 2716 S. Congress, (512) 926-AUTO (2886).
PAUL HUBBERT SOUND HEALING AND THE MASTERY OF THE CRYSTAL BOWLS • Crystal bowl technique, and playing the crystal bowls. • Healing frequencies. • Sound healing applications. • Chakra activations. • Personal healing experience • Activations and ascensions. Concert: August 16, 7-8:30pm $20.00 Class: August 17, 9am-5pm $155.00 ($50 deposit required. Bring a bowl if you have one, or bowls available in class.) Nature’s Treasures Community Center 4103 N. I-35 For information, contact: Kathleen, (512) 369-2104 e-mail:
CARVER OF THE CRYSTAL SKULLS Leandro De Souza, world-renowned Crystal Skull carver, lecturer, and artist, is coming to Nature’s Treasures to share his knowledge about Crystal Skulls and how to communicate with them.
Join us
Sept. 6 for his free lecture Sept. 7 for the seminar. Nature’s Treasures Community Center 4103 N. I-35 For information, contact:Kathleen, (512) 369-2104 e-mail:
TAOIST COSMIC QIGONG HEALING August 2-4, with Jampa Stewart. From the Healing Tao System of Taoist Master Mantak Chia. To register, and for more information: (512) 291-8363
AUSTIN HOLISTIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Receive Discount Coupons From some of Austin’s top alternative and holistic practitioners, with entertaining, educational articles and a calendar of events. Subscribe at
PEACE WAVE Free Concert! Sat. August 10, 7pm Dougherty Arts Center Theater 1110 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX Offered by Awesmic City Austin Texas Details: Info:
GABRIELLE ROTH’S 5Rhythms® in Austin Galaxy Studios, 1700 S. Lamar #338 Offered by Lisa DeLand (512) 444-0443
Ron Northcutt Custom Web Sites 512-850-4569
Grow your own Organic Web Site Starting at $297
SPIRIT OF ALL THAT IS HOLISTIC HEALING ARTS FAIR Aug. 10 (every second Saturday) 10am-5:30pm This fair is focused on presenting the very special talents and products of a community dedicated to healing Body, Mind and Spirit as One. Find something that you’re familiar with, or try something new. Nature’s Treasures Community Center Auditorium, 4103 N. IH-35 FREE Admission. BECOME A PROFESSIONAL LIFE COACH IN ONLY TWO DAYS Affordable certification. Two-day Intensive. Dallas, Aug. 10-11. Austin, Sept. 28-29 (Austin advanced class, Oct. 19-20) San Antonio, Nov. 2-3 (SA advanced class, Dec. 14-15) All classes Sat.-Sun., 9am-5pm Information and Registration: (877) 500-5242 or visit: ASHTARA SASHA WHITE’S EVENTS JOIN ASHTARA ON A 7-NIGHT BAHAMAS CRUISE: 2/8/14 – 2/15/14 Including the famous Atlantis Resort For details: (512) 696-0564 TRANSFORMATION & ASCENSION AT THE HIGHEST Monthly Spiritual Group Meetings At Ashtara’s NEW Place 2nd Thursday of Each Month Next Meeting: Thurs., Aug. 8 6:30PM: Potluck. 7-9PM: Group Austin, TX - Call (512) 278-0559 for Directions Call for a Private Session including Psychic, Medical & Extraordinary Healings: 512-278-0559, Testimonials:
UPCOMING EVENTS Chinati Ixtlan Presents
A Fall Equinox Celebration
Join us in welcoming the New Mysteries Sun., Sept. 22. Ceremonies begin 5 PM Guided by renowned Mayan Elder Tata Apolinario Chile Pixtun from Guatemala, carrier of the Mayan Prophecies. Bring chairs, water, blankets, flashlight, honor gifts of honey, chocolate, pecans, corn meal, flowers (red, yellow, purple, white). Donation Request: $40. Potluck to follow. 989 E. Zipp Rd., New Braunfels, 78130
With Jampa Mackenzie Stewart This profound beginner workshop in Chinese Medical Qigong energy healing gives you tools to discover and deepen your energy healing abilities. Easy to learn, yet vast in scope. Open the doors to a vast universe of healing energy to benefit both yourself and others.
Chris Sacco (830) 629-5700 (English) Felipe Guate (210) 276-1291 (Espanol)
To register, and for more information: contact Healing Tao Institute at (512) 291-8363, or go to
August 2-4
DR. LYN SCHROEDER Crystal Energy Reiki Master/Teacher • August 6, Tuesday, 6:30-9:30pm Using Gem Sticks for Healing $20 • August 13, Tuesday, 6:30-9:30pm Meet Your Inner Child Presentation and Meditation to connect with your Inner Child. Cost: $20 • August 27, Tuesday, 6:30-9:30pm 8-week Basic Crystal Workshop using DaEl Walker’s method This Is a series of 8 classes every Tuesday. Cost: $20 each class. +$20 1st class for crystal supplies • September 14 & 21, 1-4pm Talking Stick Class, (Part 1) Nature Walk and (Part 2) decorating and activating your stick. $20+$10/supplies to decorate • September 19, 6:30-9:30pm Autumn Equinox & Magic Box Create or bring a Magic Box, taper candle $5 suggested donation. Refreshments. Inn 333 N IH-35, Georgetown, $1.00 entry • (512) 639-9105
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Hypnosis PAST LIFE MEMORY THERAPY Kelly Burnett LCSW (512) 940-5580 Curious about your past lives? Past life therapy uses hypnosis to explore your subconscious and past lives. Train by Dr. Brian Weiss. Relief from anxiety, relationship challenges, grief & loss. Psychics and intuitives DANI STAITE (512) 772-1001. Phone/personal sessions Healer, prophet, clairvoyant, psychic. Medical intuitive, energy worker, coach, teacher, friend. ASHTARA SASHA WHITE (512) 278-0559. Phone/In person sessions Master teacher. Speaker. Psychic. Medical intuitive. Healer. Questions answered. Problems solved. Pain alleviated. Deep, gratifying readings.
ENTER CONNECTED Saints, Crop Circles, and the Matrix
by Anyah Dishon Seems there’s been a lot of effort put into creating devices that can help us connect with one another. The communication industry has made a quantum leap in the past two centuries, evolving from the Pony Express to digital screens you can command with the movement of the eye and deliver a message in less than seconds. Soon we’ll use our skills in communicating telepathically, reaching out faster and farther than technology can support. The energy field created through our intentions maintains (or fails to maintain) the potential for us to connect on certain levels. The resonance in this field interlaces and interacts with other resonating fields with ease or discord, and can reach out a short distance – or across light years. Our thoughts and beliefs are visible, and they form the matrix that becomes our outer garment. We un-consciously or consciously (the latter preferred) create thoughts that affect our life, health, and everything that manifests around us.
One of the saints, St. Hildegard Von Bingen, created sacred art from contemplating and observing energy patterns she could sense, feel, see and translate. Science is demonstrating that things exist like the things Hildegard could see and sense, that others could not. These energy fields are being documented, patterns are being photographed, and we’re seeing a matrix that interweaves with other existing energy fields. Crop circles are examples of such matrices. They give keys and codes on how to create a harmonious field in and around this planet, and our selves. It appears to some crop circle researchers that messages from supra-intelligences are manifesting that assist this planet during these quantum changes and transformations we’re experiencing. On many levels, we’re receiving assistance to move forward into peaceful unity. Within our own planet, the health of our noösphere – the sphere of human consciousness – has always been of concern to indigenous people. They’ve maintained their commitment to sustaining the health and well being of the planet and its future. They understand we’re responsible for creating realities, beneficial or non-beneficial.
A wave of intention goes out and affects everything in its path. Indigenous people use an expression after an intention is stated, to remind us of our connection to all things. And All My Relations – Mitakuye Oyasin. I choose to believe that there is peace out there in the expanse. If here is to be the same as out there, then There should be Peace Here – (T)Here Peace! We can choose to be creators of peace by expressing from the balanced creative through arts, science, and education, which can generate a peaceful state. Humanity is becoming Awesome and Cosmic and marvelously universal. We are human beings – becoming Awesmic! When engaging in anything, enter connected with this vast universal force by being a part of the Peace Wave propelling us forward into our healthy, evolutionary, holistic growth. Anyah Dishon is a TV producer, recording artist, international performer, music producer, and director of Awesmic City Austin Texas, LLC, promoting peace through performance art, science, holistic well-being ventures, and education. Her current project is PEACE WAVE, a free concert August 10 at Dougherty Center, where she’ll be joined by Peggy Wright, Gary Graves, Ravner Salinas, and the Downhealers – Claudine Meinhardt, Jeremy Youngblood, and Alexander Camargo – with a special appearance by Dr. Ashin Ariyadhamma from the Theravada Stiagu Dhamma Society.
Geraldo Leandro da Souza
CARVER OF CRYSTAL SKULLS by Robert Simmons If you’ve been tuned in to the crystal realm at all, you’ve heard of crystal skulls. You may have seen the Indiana Jones movie, in which a crystal skull was the central treasure around which the plot revolved. You may know that crystal skulls have been reputed since ancient times, especially in the Mayan culture, to be the dwellings or the embodiments of powerful spirit entities. Some of the largest and finest crystal skulls reputed to be of ancient origin have made their way, with their keepers, onto the metaphysical workshop circuit, and people who encounter these skulls often report significant spiritual experiences the skulls have apparently engendered. For the past ten to twenty years, untold thousands of people have chosen to purchase their own crystal skulls, made from every material from rose quartz to azeztulite.
Hearing the stone.
Geraldo Leandro de Souza is a talented carver from Brazil who has made himself famous among crystal skull aficionados. His pieces are known for quality, fine detail, uniqueness, and a wide variation of materials and sizes. Leandro has created many skulls that are half carved and half natural, so the form and articulation of the original crystal is worked into the design. These pieces are felt to be among those with the greatest energetic potency, and are not easily copied, for Leandro lets each crystal “tell him” what its most efficacious form should be. He has carved what is likely the world’s largest crystal skull, the three-hundred-fifty pound Akator. Leandro is more than a carver of crystal skulls – he’s an artist as well, and his skills have been earned by over twenty-five years of constant improvement and refinement of his works with his hands, his heart, and his mind. He has been honored by Flordemayo, one of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, who presented him with prints of paintings that her son, an internationally renowned artist, was moved to create upon viewing one of his crystal skulls. Leandro De Souza, world-renowned Crystal Skull carver, lecturer, and artist, is coming to Nature’s Treasures to share his knowledge about Crystal Skulls and how to communicate with them. Free lecture, September 6, and seminar, September 7. Information: Kathleen, (512) 369-2104, or
Dear Ashtara:
Messages from Your Angels and Master Teachers DearAshtara, Please tell me what I need to do to improve my quality of life and health. I need more energy and focus. Keli, 39, Round Rock, TX Dear Keli, Thank you for asking. You could vigorously walk three or four times a week or work out in a gym. If you do, it will give you a lot more energy and thus, you will feel better. You have a couple of allergies – wheat and gluten. You also are not good with green foods – therefore, do not eat bread, pasta, or anything green for three or four weeks. If you will do this, your health will be back. After three weeks, load up on salads and all raw food for as many days as you can. You will be thrilled. Melchizedek is your angel.
Dear Ashtara, I’ve studied and worked in different fields, including my own business briefly. Yet at 54, I’m feeling like something is missing. What else am I here to do? Or should I mainly be focusing on fun? Elena, 54, Austin, TX Dear Elena, When you were birthed via the Light Systems above, God and His A-Team suggested that you become a dentist, M.D., chiropractor, or a health expert, as well as other things. I suggest you have two hobbies, like dancing and yoga. Both of those would be a lot of fun. You are here to enjoy life. Gabriel is your angel. God Himself is your high teacher.
Dear Ashtara, I was recently separated from a seven-year off-on-again relationship and discovered many inconsistencies with this individual after we recently ended things. Should I allow this person back into my life, and should I give them another chance? If not, what is the next chapter for me in life? Marie, 29, Austin, TX
Dear Marie, It looks like you are in a Catch 22 – darned if you do, darned if you don’t. You are at a perfect age to find someone new. If I were you, I would get on eHarmony right now, and it seems to me that an eligible person will eventually find you. No more chances for your X. Your twenties have been a mess. Please do not ruin your thirties, for God has more in store for you than that. Your highest teacher is Sandalfon. Your angel is Raphael.
Dear Ashtara, Widowed by cancer in December 2011, I am alone, raising a teen son. I’m trying to decide if I should move back to New Jersey next summer to be near family. Where do I belong in order to live my life’s purpose? Barbara, 47, Pflugerville, TX Dear Barbara, It seems that you are to stay in the Austin area and meet your next husband. If you stay, you will meet him in life, versus online. His name is Love personified. So stay here and enjoy the summer fun. If you go back to New Jersey, you will also meet someone else. So, you really cannot make a wrong decision. Stay tuned in, because your Prince Charming is going to arrive by 2016 wherever you are. Your top teacher is Melchizedek, and he is also your leading angel.
Private Sessions can be scheduled (in person or phone) that include psychic, medical, profound healings, questions answered and more. Ashtara/ Sasha is a gifted psychic, healer and channel from the Ascended Masters/Archangels. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Current Healing Master Teacher, mystic, speaker, and minister. Join her group on the 2nd Thursday of each month. See her events at www. Call (512) 278-0559 or email to submit your question for ‘Dear Ashtara’ (10 to 20 words) with name, age, city and state.
The Fluidity of Not Assuming by HeatherAsh Amara
The scene…
Eight AM, July 4th, driving to San Antonio to get on a plane to Mexico City with seven other women for a weeklong retreat to the pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico. Planning this for months. Half-hour from the airport, the phone rings, heralding a thirty-six hour adventure in not making assumptions. “Our flight’s been canceled,” Katie says. “What should we do?” No problem. I call the airline, which tells me the flight’s been canceled due to weather. (Fact – it was canceled due to an erupting volcano.). Next flight we can get all seven people booked on isn’t until July 9, the day we’re supposed to return. (Fact – we’re already rebooked on a flight the next day.) In this past, this false information would be enough for a minor freakout and a bunch of assumptions. The flight’s canceled, we’re going to have to cancel the trip and refund everyone’s money, we’ll lose all the money paid to the retreat center, everyone’s going to be disappointed. When you make assumptions that information you’ve received must be absolutely, completely true, you don’t explore options. “Nothing we can do about it,” you sigh. Instead of putting attention on finding creative solutions, you shut down.
Next day…
Hour and a half into our rebooked flight to Mexico City, the pilot announces we’re turning around and returning to San Antonio – due to the volcano. What?!? Valuable lesson – don’t assume just because you’re on a plane to Mexico City, the plane will actually land there. Back in San Antonio, we agree to let go of assumptions (again), and brainstorm on how to get to Mexico City. Three hours later, we’re on an AeroMexico flight to Mexico City. Choosing to put our assumptions aside and investigate directly, we discovered we could do what’s usually impossible. AirTran agreed to refund our tickets. AeroMexico had seven seats. Mexican pilots had no worries about ash from the volcano. Throughout our thirty-six hour delay, our group was flexible enough to stay open to other possibilities. As don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, says, not making assumptions keeps all the doors open. And the skies, as well. HeatherAsh Amara is founder of Toci, the Toltec Center of Creative Intent in Austin, and author of The Toltec Path of Transformation. For more inspiration, ‘like’ HeatherAsh Amara on Facebook. For August events, visit
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Vervain The True Believer Remedy
Bach Chronicles, Part Eighteen
In the 1930’s, English physician Edward Bach created a series of thirty-six flower remedies, prepared from plants found in his native England, to address underlying mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of physical disease. by Michael Abedin
Cruisin’ the holistic expo. You make eye contact with someone, feel the tractor beam lock in, know something’s wrong – smile’s a little too wide, way too much white around the eyes. They make their approach. Nowhere to hide. Next thing you know, you’re hearing about their spiritual path, their guru, how life has changed since they found whatever it is they’re gonna tell you all about. Even worse, it’s not a guru – it’s an amazing new product that’s changed their life, their health, their income. (Okay, maybe not the income yet, but as soon as they sign you up…) Oh, and it was discovered by a doctor, and if you’ll watch this 45-minute video, you’ll understand why it’s going to change your life – and you would like your life to change, wouldn’t you? What you’d like is to escape, but but by now, your options are: • Look over their shoulder, wave, and say, “Excuse me. I see someone I know.” Walk away quickly. (Caution – they may follow, hoping to nail two converts at once.) • Hold your fingers up in a cross and scream “Begone, vampire!” (Caution – they may join in.) • Carry a small spray bottle with some Vervain in it. Hit ‘em like a shot of Mace.
Be like me!
Vervain is Edward Bach’s remedy for True Believers – folks who really, honestly believe the world will be a much better place as soon as everyone believes what they believe – and their mission is to bring that about ASAP, with all the considerable fast-talking charisma and powers of manipulation they can muster. Not everyone who finds the perfect spiritual path or multi-level is a candidate for Vervain – just the ones who won’t rest until you find it, too. If there’s any doubt, sneak a peak at the base of the skull – you can usually spot a small scar where the antenna was installed. Michael Abedin offers classes on flower remedy combinations. (512) 879-7299. (Information only, not intended to diagnose, blah, blah, blah…) Purchase discounted Bach products at – use code PKB615 for up to 10% off first order.