Lakeside Parent March 2014

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! March is National

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t h g i l t o p S B usiness Lakeside Parent Magazine


Letter from


the Editor

elcome to March!

One of my most favorite months. I feel I may say this often about most months! It’s true; March is a favorite and brings so much for us to look forward to. We can anticipate the signs of Spring! This is the time of year when all nature seems to come back to life. Its nature’s time to shout: all things will be new! We see new growth on trees, beautiful flowers in all the colors of a rainbow blooming, birds chirping, ladybugs, and bird nests, to name a few. It’s nature’s renewal! And, of course, I encourage you to “Love the Season you’re in!” And this, my friends, is our season of renewal! Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is when we make commitments to spiritual practices like Fasting, Prayer and Charity (almsgiving). Its intent is to help us grow in our faith, towards a personal conversion, that brings us closer to God. You may have friends that may refuse something and say, “I gave that up for Lent”. It’s the small sacrifices that help us remember the big sacrifice that was made for us a very long time ago. This year may bring my family a bit of a twist from our traditional commitments. Since we already ate all the Thin Mints, which are usually placed in the freezer for storage until Easter, I would like us to fast from other things. Like those moments lost in cyberspace that take away from our family being really together (hmm, do my kids remember board games or yard work!) That’s one; and two, make a commitment of praying for strangers that we see on the street, or around us. And consider that we may have been the only person to have prayed for them that day! And finally, for almsgiving, we could set aside (daily), money that we may have used for something truly unnecessary to give away to a charity of our choice. I encourage you to love this season of renewal; find ways to encourage others, a few actions to show love, a few prayers to seed in them the hope of their own renewal. Remember, love begets love. When we show love to others, they respond by doing the same. We are human. We respond to the goodness of love with joyful blooms. Prepare your heart to be filled with the love of God.

Mary Ellen Season after season, Lord! Show us your glory as we cling to you as life changes colors, for better and for worse.

Lakeside Parent Magazine 8344 Sterling Street Irving, Texas 75063

(972)887-7779 (972)827-3743 fax Irving Parent and Suburban Parent are registered trademarks. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited.

Cover Model Maybrie, age 18 mos. Our cover model this month is Maybrie. She is little sister to Madelyn (5 yrs). She also shares her life with the family’s two dogs, Heidi and Henry. So far, mom can tell us that she loves oranges, shoes, shopping and playing in the park. Her most favorite of all is playing with her best-friend and big sister Madelyn. Ahhh! Cover photography by

Misty Stagnone Photography

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It’s about

an Dietiti ! ed Approv

Teens: Religion Is Important


For your kid’s sake, parents should focus on their kid’s health, rather than weight. Stop the discussions about the numbers on the scale and talk about the numbers associated with nutrition. How many grams of fiber, percent of vitamins per serving, fat content (good or bad.) Teach your kids to choose wisely by knowing how to read the nutrition facts label. Another number to talk about – how much time spent on physical activity! To learn more about the Nutrition Facts label check out our “Better Homes & Bodies” feature online.

Life Skills Falling to Wayside While access to technology is important, research is finding younger children lack knowledge in basic life skills. One study found that kids ages 2 to 5 on average could turn on a computer, point and click a mouse, and play computer games, but were not as likely to be able to tie their shoelaces, make themselves breakfast, or swim.

Are You Working Harder Not Smarter? While technology makes it easier than ever to work non-stop, unplugging and spending “down time” actually increases the quality of work. According to recent research, workers who step back from their work to spend evenings relaxing are more energetic and efficient during the work hours, as well as more dedicated employees. So put away that laptop and break out the Scrabble, dad!

6 / Lakeside Parent

Why Camp? At camp our youth learn so many life lessons. Being on their own at camp fosters independence, leadership and most of all self-confidence. Trained camp counselors prepare for and find many teachable moments. Through fun and hands-on experiences, campers find themselves growing and developing the skills needed to be successful, confident, young adults. Relish the moments when your child returns home and notice the difference.

A new survey finds that while a relatively high number of U.S. teens are active in church and describe their faith as important, many are not well-educated in their beliefs. Many described God as important in their life, but had a hard time communicating exactly what they believed and why. Many large churches offer youth programs that are strong on entertainment value, if faith is important to your family be sure to choose a Bible based church that focuses on content and learning as well.

ou Y Know Should

Why A Registered Dietitian? A registered dietitian nutritionist or “RDN” serves as an integral liaison in helping individuals and communities make changes for a healthy delicious diet. See how registered dietitian nutritionists can improve the health of Americans and save health care dollars. 1. You have prediabetes and want to stave off diabetes. A registered dietitian nutritionist can change your life by teaching you skills that will help you lose and keep off weight and keep diabetes at bay. 2. Your community has high levels of obesity. A registered dietitian nutritionist can work with public health, government, school and other local leaders to create wellness programs that promote healthful eating and physical activity for everyone. See 7 more reasons at

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Is LASIK Right For You? With the advancements in technology over the past 20 years, more and more people are now good candidates for LASIK eye surgery. LASIK surgery can treat Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and even Astigmatism. LASIK is a great option for people who are constantly losing or breaking their eyeglasses. It’s becoming a common alternative for people who experience contact lens discomfort or rejection. Be sure to do a lot of research and visit a reputable provider to determine if you are a good candidate for this life changing procedure.

Nothing But “D” Truth Too important to ignore! Vitamin D levels should be determined and, if low, eat foods rich in vitamin D, like fish, eggs, fortified milk and soy product, like edamame; and mushrooms. Take vitamin D supplements and/or get at least 10 minutes of sun exposure each day to ensure that vitamin D levels are normalized. Two forms important to humans: Vitamin D2, which is made by plants (and used to fortify foods), and Vitamin D3, which is made by the human skin when exposed to sunlight. Major role of Vitamin D is to maintain normal blood level of calcium and phosphorus.

an Dietiti ! ed Approv

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Lakeside Parent / 7

MomSolvers is now on

! k o o b e c a F “like” MomSolvers on Facebook at


Dear “Momsolvers”, “I would like to take better care of my Husband. He is overworked and stressed. He will not go to a doctor. Surely, others have a man who carries the world on his shoulders. Thank you in advance for your answers.” u I completely feel your pain. I think there are many wives who would like their husbands to take better care of themselves both physically and emotionally. And that’s the point right there, I am sure YOU do a good job of taking care of him, it’s HIM that has to care enough about himself and his family to make healthier choices. Have you tried talking to him at a time when he isn’t stressed? About the importance of taking better care of himself? I would also suggest a wonderful movie called Courageous; it would be a great way to spend an evening together relaxing!

Got a dilemma?

Send it to us, and we’ll see how our MomSolver volunteers (our savvy readers!) would handle it. Enter your advice online or email it to and put MomSolvers in the subject line.

u Wow, I think you could be on to something. This could be a unique blog. Maybe you could start out as introducing some of the recipes and then actually making them. Blog about the ingredients, if unusual, or how long it took, or any techniques that you remember from the original recipe’s creator (mom, grandmother...) Feature a story and a recipe a few times a week. Good luck with this and I wish you well. ~ Brian, reader and dad of one big baby boy. (I make homemade baby food!)

Dear “Momsolvers”, “My husband wants to adopt a puppy. Don’t laugh but I am scared of most dogs, even puppies. Should I work on myself or keep saying, no way!”

~ Kimberly M., reader and mom u Make it easy for him by doing most of the work. Locate the doctor. (He may be more comfortable with a male.) Make the appointment at a convenient time and go with him. After the appointment, do something fun, like go to dinner or a movie. Also, write down all your questions ahead of time, along with symptoms and family history of disease. Most of all, avoid nagging! Be loving and encouraging. Remind him that he is putting you in a position of worrying about his health. ~ Grace, reader and mom of 2

u I say, figure out why you are so fearful of dogs. Maybe visit places where you would come in contact with dogs in a controlled environment or through family and friends that have well behaved dogs. Puppies, dogs, cats, most domesticated animals are like people; they want to loved, fed, exercised and given boundaries to follow. In return, they will love you tenfold without condition. It will be well worth getting over your fear. Good luck. ~ Kathy Z., reader and mom

u I also went through this with my husband. He would not go to the doctor until I made the appointment myself. I told him we would be charged a “no-show” fee if he did not go. He was a bit irritated, but he went. He had a good experience and is glad he went.

u WORK ON YOURSELF! A puppy can be so cute and loving. If you grow up together you will be fine. Don’t go for a big dog. Start off small and before you know it you will be in love and the puppy will be sleeping with you!

~ Ellen, reader and mom of 2

~ Marie F., reader and mom of 5

Dear “Momsolvers”, “I would like to know from the Momsolver community if anyone has experience with starting a blog? I have a collection of recipes I have been holding for many years and would like to blog about them. Any suggestions on how to get started? Any “momsolver bloggers” out there?”

u I can remember my neighbor came over my house to let me know she was worried. Her daughter just brought home a puppy, and she was not comfortable with dogs! I assured her she would be okay and the puppy will love her new home. Well, it wasn’t 2 weeks later that I invited her to come over for some coffee and she brought Lulu over too, in a basket, and exclaimed; ”look how sweet she is!” I pray you will adjust so easily as well. Animals are so loving, and more so when they feel loved as well. Give it a try! ~ Ellen, reader and mom of 2, with a cat and a dog!

Next month: How would you handle these dilemmas? Find these online at

u After self-publishing a book about some life struggles I encountered, I started a website because I realized just how much I loved to write! I write about marriage, parenting, faith, personal growth and addiction. Check it out at my advice for you is to go for it!! ~ Kimberly M., reader and mom of 5 u Hi, I think if you have been holding recipes for so long, they must have a great sentimental value! This is fantastic, because readers love stories. And recipes with stories are exceptional! You could private message a blogger you admire and ask for advice too. Good luck. Also, maybe you could let us know when you launch by sending an email to Suburban Parent. ~ Beth, reader and mom of 5, food lover, food blog stalker (just kidding!)

My 13 year old is begging to have social media sites. I have been able to escape this because of the 13 year rule for most sites. But now I have to set boundaries and monitor. I know she will be active on social media and I want her to be careful and mindful of the dangers associated. Any advice about parenting a social media novice and teen? I have recently become the caretaker of my grandchildren. I run into the “my mom always let me!” when I need to set boundaries. How do I override what their mother permitted and now I will not. I really want them to have some great memories of our time together. P.S. I do get great info and ideas from this magazine. Thank you. ~ Barbara, grandma of 2 My toddler (2 yrs.) has not breastfed since he was 11 ½ months old. When he sees other babies breastfeeding he pulls at my shirt and says, “me do”. Sometimes I get embarrassed. How do I handle this without making him feel he is doing something wrong? ~ Liz, mom of 1

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Mom’s App!

! n i B

Okay, it’s a trash can!

. . . s i h T e ov

But a trash bin like

none other! This bin was

designed with functionality

and aesthetics in mind. Birchwood dust

broom attaches to the side of the powder

coated iron bin and the lid detaches and works as a dust pan. 3 colors, 2 sizes. We found it at

L e W on sale now $79

Skin Savers!

Keep your little one’s skin safe from the sun with SnapperRock’s UV50+ swim wear. We love the durable, easy to wear fabrics. Get extra protection with the long sleeve sun suit. Both give 98% blockage of all harmful UVA and UVB rays!

Swimsuit w/Rash Top


one piece swimsuits and rash top combos are always a big hit with girls and moms alike.


Win it!

at Click on “We Love This” Feature!

Where to Play? “Mom Maps” is a free app that gives moms quick information about different “kid spots” in your area. Even sorts those spots into different categories, including parks, playgrounds, restaurants, museums and indoor play areas! You can use your phone’s current location to view spots that are nearby. They’ll appear on a map, and you can tap on the spot you’re interested in to see the address, directions, phone number, URL and reviews. Free

Kick - in Pudding

/1 2

teaspoo 3 tablespo n cinnamon 2 teaspoo ons cornstarch ns /1 2 c up sugar instant espresso p owder pinch of s a lt 2 cups low 2 ounces -fat chocolate milk 1 teaspoo bittersweet choco n vanilla ex late, chop ped finely tract Whisk the salt in a la cinnamon, cornstar cook for frge saucepan. Stir ch, coffee, sugar an thickens t ive minutes, stirring in milk over medium d add chocoo pudding consiste gently until mixtur heat, smooth. Slate and vanilla, whisncy. Remove frome cups for la erve warm, or plac king until chocolate heat, surface to ter. Use plastic w e in five individual p is ra u keep a sk in form fo p directly on the pudding rming. Re frigerate. dding

1 piece UV50 Zip Sunsuit Long Sleeve


Easy open front zip with zip protection flap. $42


St. Francis of Assisi “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

10 / Lakeside Parent


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Enjoy the be protein, ca nefits of lcium an cinnamon. Antioxidan d ts protect ag ainst diabe that tes and heart disease!

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Lakeside Parent / 11

all over the blanket. Jessie ripped off her shoes and socks, as all picnics require bare feet. She then carefully unwrapped the aluminum foil from the items she had packed. We had cheese, raisins, nuts, and crackers for dipping in the peanut butter and honey she had mixed. She also packed juice boxes, fruit cups, and granola bars. Jessie even remembered napkins and plastic ware. Of course, we had dessert, too – a piece of chocolate candy for her, Oreo cookies for me. Okay, lunch may not have covered all the basic food groups, but we were having an enjoyable daddy-daughter picnic.

d a o l truck of


y nine-year-old daughter,

Jessie, loves to have picnics. I can’t tell you how many we’ve shared in her young life. Our picnics can be held anywhere. We sometimes park the family van under the shade tree in our yard and open the sunroof and windows. On other occasions, I’ll throw a blanket in the bed of my pickup truck or on the garage floor. For our dog, Sadie’s first birthday, Jessie held a picnic party on her bedroom floor and invited several stuffed animals. Rice Krispies covered the just-vacuumed floor, and Jessie sat on the tiny cup of peanut butter she had made for Sadie, but Jessie had fun and Sadie appeared to have a happy birthday. Jessie often asks, “Could we have a picnic?” so I wasn’t surprised that she requested one for our last lunch of 2013. With the weather cloudy and cool, I voted to eat at the kitchen table, but she really wanted to have a picnic outside. I vetoed throwing a blanket on the lawn and told her the garage floor was too cold. My wife, Mattie, had

12 / Lakeside Parent

s e s kis by

Pa t r ic k H e m p f in g the van at work. My “never give up” daughter suggested the bed of the pickup truck. We had washed it recently, so she knew I couldn’t use the “it’s dirty” excuse. So I made the logical choice; I surrendered. It’s happened before and it will happen again. Jessie said, “Don’t look, please” about five times as she prepared the picnic for the three “D’s” (dad, daughter, and dog). She likes to surprise me with the menu. When she had everything ready, we took our picnic outside, which required a few trips. I threw an old blanket in the truck bed, and then retrieved Sadie, who attends every picnic. The temperature was in the low 50’s and the breeze made it cool, but not like the winters where I grew up in Pennsylvania. Sadie promptly spilled her water


. . . how d id we go from butterfly kisses to teenage topics?

As we ate, I played one of my favorite songs, “Butterfly Kisses,” on my phone. I was enjoying the lyrics when Jessie asked, “Do you know there are five different kinds of kisses?” I was afraid to ask, but did anyway. “What are the five kinds?” Jessie responded, “regular, butterfly, blown, Eskimo, and French.” Luckily, I wasn’t sitting near the edge of the open truck gate, lest I would have fallen out onto the concrete driveway. I bravely decided to ask a follow-up question. “What is a French kiss?” Jessie responded, “The tongues touch when kissing.” Apparently, Mattie had covered this topic with her. For sure, I hadn’t. I admire Mattie for always answering Jessie’s questions. But how did we go from butterfly kisses to teenage topics? When the song ended, Jessie reached over and found Taylor Swift’s “22” on my phone. She played it twice. I’m definitely not ready for Jessie “feeling 22.” As I’m finishing this column, I’m hungry. My picnic lunch has worn off. In a few hours, the giant ball will drop over Times Square. Prior to midnight, I’ll lean over my sleeping daughter and give her forehead a “regular” kiss before I go to bed. I’m glad she’s nine, not 22, so I still have a few years to give her bedtime kisses. I’m sure the future holds many more picnics, too. Maybe I can convince her to pack me a sandwich next time. I also think we’ll have more of our picnics in the yard. The grass makes for a softer landing. Until next month, remember to cherish the moments … and the kisses. •

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The Know It All

March 2014

Lakeside Community Calendar Parents: Some programs require tickets and/or reservations, always contact event locations to confirm times and requirements. Mar 01 - May 03. TARGET FIRST SATURDAYS at Nasher Sat - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Children’s Art Activities, Art in Action Sculpture Demo, Art Scavenger Hunt, Family Tours and more. Free to everyone. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas, www. Mar 01 - 02. North Texas Irish Festival in Fair Park Sat - 10:30 am - 11:30 pm Southwest Celtic Music Association Fair Park Centennial, Automobile, Women’s Building & Esplanade area National Celtic & Irish performers, Dance, Storytellers, Vendors & Much, Much More!!! Fair Park,Dallas, Texas, Mar 01 - 02. The Little Mermaid Sat - 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm The Little Mermaid. Matinee & Evening Performances. The Little Mermaid is making its Dallas debut at the Music Hall at Fair Park. So dive on in! 909 1st Ave, Dallas, Texas, 214.421-5678 www. Mar 01 - Perot Museum of Nature & Science “Dig Those Dinos!” at Klyde Warren Park Sat - 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Science Surrounds Us: Hands on investigations and experimentation. Klyde Warren Park, Children’s Park, 2012 Woodall Rogers Frwy., Dallas, Texas, Mar 01 -

Special Story Time with

Clifford at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Join us for a special Storytime with Clifford, the Big Red Dog! Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 01 - LEGO Movie Building Event at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall. 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Build a scene from the movie! This event is great for ages 4 and up. Space is limited. Please sign up with any bookseller. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 01 - 22. Garland Civic Theatre Presents The Great Gatsby Sat - 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm The Great GatsbyBy: F. Scott Fitzgerald, adapted for the stage. Friday through Sunday, February 28 - March 22, with Thursday performances on February 27 and March 5. Tickets are $22 with discounts for groups of more than 10. Call box office at 972-205-2790. Granville Arts Center, 200 N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas, Mar 03 - 31. Mommy and Me Mondays at the Dallas Arboretum Mon - 10 am - 2 pm. Children’s activities include face painting, petting zoo, nature art and Kindermusik. In case of rain, please check our website or Facebook page, or call 214.515.6500 the morning of the event. Activities may take place indoors. Dallas Arboretum, Pecan Grove, 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas,

Mar 03 Read Across America Event at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall. Mon - 11:00 am 12:00 pm. Join for the NEA’s Read Across America, featuring the exclusive B&N Edition of Green Eggs and Ham. Storytime and fun activities. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, www. Mar 03 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, www.rowlett. com/library Mar 03 - May 05. Silver Cinema at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm All Ages. Enjoy Rebecca complete with popcorn. Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 03 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, www.rowlett. com/library Mar 04 - May 06. First Tuesday at the Dallas Museum of Art Tue - 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Designed for children ages 5 and under, but all ages are welcome. Enjoy thematic art-making activities, story times, performances and gallery activities. Runs September - May. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 North Harwood, Dallas, Texas,

Mar 04 - 25. Tech Ed Tuesdays at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 10:30 am - 11:30 am 3/4 Basic Computer Security3/11 LinkedIn3/18 Free Alternatives for Popular Software3/25 Online Job Searching Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Hap py Birthday!

Mar 04 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, www.rowlett. com/library Mar 04 - Apr 22. Family Story Time at the Walnut Creek Branch LibraryTue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Family story time! Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland, Texas,


6 years W Mar 3


2 years W Mar 12

Mar 05 - Apr 23. Wee Read at the North Garland Branch Library Wed 10:30 am - 11:00 am Wee Read for babies from birth to 18 months. North Garland Branch Library, 3845 N. Garland Ave., Garland, Texas, Mar 05 Story Time Dinosaurs Love Underpants at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Wed - 10:30 am - 11:00 am Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, www. Mar 05 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Wed - 1:00 pm

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4 years W Mar 17


3 years W Mar 29

Upload your Birthday

Kids picture at

Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month of their birthday to be included in our print edition. No copyrighted photos please.

Lakeside Parent / 13

The Know It All cont.’d

Lakeside Community Calendar

COMMUNITY STORY TIMES All Story Times are free

Note: these are the regularly scheduled sto rytimes, call to confirm as schedules are subject to change.

Mesquite - Main Branch

300 W. Grubb Dr., 972-216-6220

Tues - Preschool Story Time 10:30am, ages 3-5; Evening Story Time 7pm, all ages Wed - Infant Lapsit Story Time 9:30am, ages 6-12mo; Young & Restless Story Time 10:30am, 13mo -2yrs Thursday - Toddler Time 10:30am, ages18mo-3yrs Saturday - Story Time 11am, ages 6-18mo

Garland - Central Branch 625 Austin St., 972-205-2517

Monday - Toddler Time 10am, ages 18-36mo.; Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 3-5

Mesquite - North Branch 2600 Oates Dr., 972-681-0465

Garland - North Branch

3845 North Garland Ave., 972-205-2802 Wednesday - Wee Read 10:30am, ages 0-17mo. Friday - Toddler Story Time 10am, ages 18-36mo; Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 3-5

Garland - South Branch

4845 Broadway Blvd., 972-205-3933 Wednesday - Toddler Story Time 10am, ages 1836mo; Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 3-5 Saturday - Family Story Time 10:30am, all ages

Garland - Walnut Creek

Tuesday - Preschool Story Time 10:30am, ages 3-5 Thursday - Toddler Time 10:30am, ages18mo-3yrs

Rockwall County Library

1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., 972-204-7700 Monday - Toddler Story Time 10:15am, ages 2-3yrs; Preschool Story Time 11:15am, ages 3-6 Tues - Preschool Story Time 11:15am; ages 3-6 Wed - Toddler Story Time 10:15am, ages 2-3yrs; Preschool Story Time 11:15am, ages 3-6 Thu - Walkers Story Time 10:15am, ages 12-24 mo. Fri - Walkers Story Time 10:15am, ages 12-24 mo.

Rowlett Public Library

3319 Edgewood Dr., 972-205-2585

3900 Main St., 972-412-6161

Thursday - Family Story Time 7pm, all ages

Mon - Baby Story Time 10:30 (walking babies) & 11:30am (lapsit babies), ages 0-18mo Wed - Toddler Story Time 10:30am, ages 18mo-3yrs Friday - Preschool Story Time 10:30am, ages 3-5

Sachse Public Library

3815 Sachse Rd. Bldg. C, 972-530-8966 Thursday - Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 2-6

- 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 05 - Listeners Story Time at the Rockwall County Library Wed - 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Listeners Story Time (Strictly ages 4-8) enjoy stories, activities and a craft project for good listeners ages 4 & up. Parents with younger children will need to supervise them outside the programming room. Rockwall County Library, 1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., Rockwall, Texas, Mar 05 - May 21. Police Youth Program Wed 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Police Youth Program. Ages 7-14. Garland Police Officers help with homework assignments & school projects. Gain the knowledge needed to resist peer pressure & how to avoid involvement with drugs, gangs & violence. Parent must register in person. Fields Rec Center, 1701 Dairy Rd, Garland, Texas, 972.205-3090 http://

Mar 06 - 27. Prime Time Book Club at the Rowlett Public Library Thu - 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Prime Time Book Club for ages 6-11.3/6 Ziggy and the Black Dinosaur3/20 Katie Kazoo Switcheroo3/27 Jigsaw Jones Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Mar 07 - Messy Hands Art Fri - 10:00 am - 11:00 am $10 Ages 3-6. Get your hands dirty while making a variety of arts & crafts. Holford Recreation Center, 2314 Homestead Pl., Garland, Texas, Mar 07 - Walkers Story Time at the Rockwall County Library Fri - 10:15 am - 10:45 am Walkers Story Time (ages 12-24 months) Music, sensory activities, and short books followed by a social time for the adults and children. Rockwall County Library, 1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., Rockwall, Texas, Shake, Rattle and Read for Mar 07 - 28. Preschoolers at the Rowlett Public Library Fri 10:30 am - 11:00 am Continues a child’s introduction to the alphabet and promotes early word recognition by encouraging little ones almost ready for school to read along and learn rhymes.3/7 Up, Up and Away3/14 Lots of Spots3/21 Hear a Moo, There a Moo3/28 Messy Mud Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 07 - Walkers Story Time at the Rockwall County Library Fri - 11:15 am - 11:45 am Walkers Story Time (ages 12-24 months) Music, sensory activities, and short books followed by a social time for the adults and children. Rockwall County Library, 1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., Rockwall, Texas, Mar 08 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Sat - 10:00 am - 11:00 am Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 08 - Apr 26. Family Story Time at the South Garland Branch Library Sat - 10:30 am - 11:30 am South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas,

Mar 07 Dallas Children’s Theater Presents Beauty and the Beast Fri - 12:00 am - 12:00 pm Enjoyed by ages 5+. Brought to life through the magic of Kathy Burks Theatre of Puppetry Arts. Runs March 7-30. Matinee & Evening Performances. Rosewood Center, 5938 Skillman, Dallas, Texas,

Mar 08 - 15. Family Saturdays at the Rowlett Public Library Sat - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 3/1 Enjoy a movie and popcorn (Legend of the Guardians)3/8 Crafts3/15 Games Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Mar 05 - 22. Garland Civic Theatre Presents The Great Gatsby Wed - 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm The Great Gatsby By: F. Scott Fitzgerald, adapted for the stage. Granville Arts Center, 200 N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas, Mar 06 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Thu - 10:30 am - 11:30 am Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Mar 07 - 28. Parent’s Time Out in Garland Fri 9:00 am - 11:30 am $7/Class Ages 3-6. Take some time for yourselves wile the kids play games, dance, do arts &

14 / Lakeside Parent

Shake, Rattle and Read for Mar 07 - 28. Preschoolers at the Rowlett Public Library Fri 10:00 am - 10:30 am Continues a child’s introduction to the alphabet and promotes early word recognition by encouraging little ones almost ready for school to read along and learn rhymes.3/7 Up, Up and Away, 3/14 Lots of Spots, 3/21 Hear a Moo, There a Moo, 3/28 Messy Mud, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Mar 06 - Dec 04. Inspirational Book Group at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Thu - 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas,

Mar 07 - 09. DFW Golf Show Fri - 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Admission: Adults $11; Seniors (60+) $9; Kids 12 and under Free. Location: Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas The DFW Golf Show returns to the Irving Convention Center in its second year to bring a threeday golf extravaganza unlike any before hosted in North Texas. The show’s Main Stage will be a hub of activity all weekend, featuring free seminars on golf instruction, fitness and more. Irving Convention Center, 500 West Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, Texas,

Mar 05 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Wed - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

crafts & more! Fields Recreation Center, 1701 Dairy Rd., Garland, Texas,

Mar 08 - American Girl Truly Talented You at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Girls ages 8 to 12 -- Join us at 11:00 am for a special American Girl Event. Truly Talented You features fun activities, puzzles and crafts inspired by the newest Girl of the Year. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 10 - 15. Spring Break at the Rowlett Public Library. Mon - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Enjoy a variety of activities at the library for Spring Break! Monday, 3/10 The Magic Tree House Building: Based on the popular book series. Build life-size tree houses at the Library! Tuesday, 3/11Scary Weather: Learn the science behind scary weather! Wednesday, 3/12 Faster than a Locomotive: How


fast do trains really go? And, how do they go that fast? Get all your train questions answered at this fun event! Thursday, 3/13 Engineering with Legos: Be a master builder! Use thousands of Legos to build your dream creation.Friday, 3/14 International Pi Day: Celebrate Einstein’s birthday with Pi! Saturday, 3/15 Irish Movie and Popcorn: Darby O’Gill and the Little People Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 11 - DALLAS TENNIS CLASSIC - LAS COLINAS. Admission: General Admission Adults $50 Children $25 Location: Four Seasons Resort and Club 4150 N. MacArthur Boulevard . More info Mar 11 - 25. Tech Ed Tuesdays at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 10:30 am - 11:30 am 3/4 Basic Computer Security3/11 LinkedIn3/18 Free Alternatives for Popular Software3/25 Online Job Searching Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, www.rowlett. com/library Mar 11 - Wild Encounter with Jungle Jim Klinger at the Rockwall County Library Tue - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Be ready to learn about reptiles, amphibians, insects and more as Jungle Jim brings live specimen as well as fossils and other exhibits to share. Arrive about 6:15pm to get a good seat up front-if you dare! Rockwall County Library, 1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., Rockwall, Texas, www. Mar 11 - Apr 22. Family Story Time at the Walnut Creek Branch LibraryTue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Family story time! Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 12 - Dec 10. MOMS Club of Rockwall Monthly Meeting Wed - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm MOMS Club of Rockwall Monthly Meeting. For more information email or visit http:// Being a stay-athome mom doesn’t have to mean staying at home. Why not join us for speakers, crafts, playgroups, field trips, MOMS Night Out, and more? Come join us, we would love to meet you! For more information email RockwallMOMSClub@ Rockwall Free Methodist Church, 315 Dalton Rd, Rockwall, Rockwall, Texas, 972-772-7577 www. Mar 12 - May 21. Police Youth Program Wed 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Police Youth Program. Ages 7-14. Garland Police Officers help with homework assignments & school projects. Gain the knowledge needed to resist peer pressure & how to avoid involvement with drugs, gangs & violence. Parent must register in person. Fields Rec Center, 1701 Dairy Rd, Garland, Texas, 972.205-3090 http:// Mar 12 - Dec 10. The Mystery Book Club at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Wed - 7 pm - 8 pm. Love to dive into a good mystery? Join our group of mystery lovers to read new mysteries and discuss them the second Wednesday of every month. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 13 - 27. Pajama Story Time Thu - 7:00 pm 7:30 pm For all ages! Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 14 - 28. Parent’s Time Out in Garland Fri 9:00 am - 11:30 am $7/Class Ages 3-6. Take some time for yourselves while the kids play games, dance, do arts &

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To Advertise in Lakeside Parent, Call 972-887-7779

Lakeside Parent / 15

The Know It All cont.’d

Lakeside Community Calendar unique neighborhood. The 2800 block of Main St is shut down to make a walkable, urban area. Deep Ellum, 2800 Block of Main St, Dallas, Texas, 214.785-9285 www.

Be h! nch! Benc The Be hindd The Behin DALLAS MAVERICKS

Mar 15 Family Saturdays at the Rowlett Public Library Sat - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 3/1 Enjoy a movie and popcorn (Legend of the Guardians)3/8 Crafts3/15 Games Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

American Airlines Center • 2500 Victory Lane, Dallas

Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar

7 9 17 19 21 23 25 27 29

7:30 6:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 6:30 7:00 7:30 7:30

Portland Trail Blazers Indiana Pacers Boston Celtics Minnesota Timberwolves Denver Nuggets Brooklyn Nets Oklahoma City Thunder Los Angeles Clippers Sacramento Kings

Mar 15 - 29. Fabulous Saturday Story Time at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 11:00 am - 11:30 am Fabulous for kids of all ages, this story time event features a great story reading followed by an activity or craft. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 16 - Texas International Pageant Sun - 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Watch ladies from across the state compete for the coveted titles of Mrs. Texas International, Miss Texas International and Miss Teen Texas International. 2014 queens for each division will be crowned, answering the question on everyone’s minds: Who will be the next to wear the most beautiful crown in the Lone Star State? The Texas International pageant system celebrates women for their achievements, and honors ladies for who they are in age groups ranging from 13 to 57. Granville Arts Center, 200 N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas,

DALLAS STARS American Airlines Center • 2500 Victory Lane, Dallas

Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar

1 3 6 8 10 14 22 24 28

2:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 2:00 7:30 7:30

Tampa Bay Lightning Buffalo Sabres Vancouver Canucks Minnesota Wild Columbus Blue Jackets Calgary Flames Ottawa Senators Winnipeg Jets Nashville Predators

Mar 17. St. Patrick’s Day. Wear green or get pinched! Mar 17 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,


Mar 18 - 25. Tech Ed Tuesdays at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 10:30 am - 11:30 am 3/4 Basic Computer Security3/11 LinkedIn3/18 Free Alternatives for Popular Software3/25 Online Job Searching Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, www.rowlett. com/library

Toyota Stadium • Frisco •

Mar 8 Mar 22 Mar 29

7:30 7:30 7:30

Montreal Impact Chivas USA Portland Timbers

Mar 18 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

ALLEN AMERICANS Allen Event Center • Allen •

Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar

1 19 21 22 26 28 29

7:05 7:05 7:05 7:05 7:05 7:05 7:05

Arizona Sundogs Wichita Thunder St. Charles Chill St. Charles Chill Quad City Mallards Denver Cutthroats Denver Cutthroats

Mar 18 - Apr 22. Family Story Time at the Walnut Creek Branch Library. Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Family story time! Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland, Texas, Mar 18 - Knitting Club at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 18 - Dec 16. Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Group at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Join us on the third Tuesday of each month for the ultimate in science fiction and fantasy books. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, www.

TEXAS REVOLUTION Allen Event Center • Allen •

Mar 23


Green Bay Blizzard

crafts & more! Fields Recreation Center, 1701 Dairy Rd., Garland, Texas,

Mar 19 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Wed - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Mar 14 - 28. Shake, Rattle and Read for Preschoolers at the Rowlett Public Library Fri 10:30 am - 11:00 am Continues a child’s introduction to the alphabet and promotes early word recognition by encouraging little ones almost ready for school to read along and learn rhymes.3/7 Up, Up and Away3/14 Lots of Spots3/21 Hear a Moo, There a Moo3/28 Messy Mud Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Mar 19 - May 21. Police Youth Program Wed 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Police Youth Program. Ages 7-14. Garland Police Officers help with homework assignments & school projects. Gain the knowledge needed to resist peer pressure & how to avoid involvement with drugs, gangs & violence. Parent must register in person. Fields Rec Center, 1701 Dairy Rd, Garland, Texas, 972.205-3090 http://

Mar 14 - Garland Symphony Orchestra Concert VI Fri - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Many great composers have done their finest work when inspired by the beauty of dance. Some have written full-length ballets intended for virtuoso dancers. Other compositions use the compelling rhythms of dance in works intended for concert performance. For March, the Garland Symphony Orchestra will feature pianist Sara Daneshpour performing Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20. Granville Arts Center, 200 N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas, Mar 14 - 22. Garland Civic Theatre Presents The Great Gatsby Fri - 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm The Great Gatsby By: F. Scott Fitzgerald, adapted for the stage. Friday through Sunday, February 28 - March 22, 2014 with Thursday performances on February 27 and March 5. Tickets are $22 with discounts for groups of more than 10. Call box office at 972-205-2790. Granville Arts Center, 200 N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas, Mar 15 - Deep Ellum Outdoor Market Sat - 11:00 am - 5:00 pm The Deep Ellum Outdoor Market features local artists, live music, and food trucks in Dallas most

16 / Lakeside Parent

Mar 21 - 28. Parent’s Time Out in Garland Fri 9:00 am - 11:30 am $7/Class Ages 3-6. Take some time for yourselves wile the kids play games, dance, do arts & crafts & more! Fields Recreation Center, 1701 Dairy Rd., Garland, Texas, Mar 21 - 28. Shake, Rattle and Read for Preschoolers at the Rowlett Public Library Fri 10-10:30am Continues a child’s introduction to the alphabet and promotes early word recognition by encouraging little ones almost ready for school to read along and learn rhymes.3/7 Up, Up and Away3/14 Lots of Spots3/21 Hear a Moo, There a Moo3/28 Messy Mud Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 21 - 22. South Garland High School Southern Belles Performance Fri - 7pm-9pm Join the South Garland High School Southern Belles for “A Collection of Our Favorite Things,” a unique and creative night of dance. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. To purchase tickets or for more information contact Kara Guinn, Southern Belles Director, at Granville Arts Center, 200 N. Fifth St., Garland, Texas, Mar 21 - 22. Greater Tuna by Actors Anonymous Fri - 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Actors Anonymous Theatre Company presents GREATER TUNA by Joe Sears and Jaston Williams at the Plaza Theatre in downtown Garland. Tickets are $10 at the door; seating is first come, first served. Join the Drama Kings and Queens as they bring this small town comedy to life! All proceeds will benefit the Naaman Forest Speech and Debate team. More information available at Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State St., Garland, Texas, Mar 22. The 5th Annual DFW Family Expo. Fun for the whole family with product samples, play areas, an indoor trampoline park, petting zoo, face painting, live performances and more. 10am-5pm. Dallas Market Center, Main Hall. $5, all proceeds donated to Children’s Medical Center 214-6050006 See ad in this issue. Mar 22 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Sat - 10:00 am - 11:00 am Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 22 - Apr 26. Family Story Time at the South Garland Branch LibrarySat - 10:30 am - 11:30 am South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas, Mar 24 - 29. ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 25 - Tech Ed Tuesdays at the Rowlett Public Library Tue - 10:30 am - 11:30 am 3/4 Basic Computer Security3/11 LinkedIn3/18 Free Alternatives for Popular Software3/25 Online Job Searching Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 26 - May 21. Police Youth Program Wed 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Police Youth Program. Ages 7-14. Garland Police Officers help with homework assignments & school projects. Gain the knowledge needed to resist peer pressure & how to avoid involvement with drugs, gangs & violence. Parent must register in person. Fields Rec Center,


1701 Dairy Rd, Garland, Texas, 972.205-3090 http:// Mar 26 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Wed - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 27 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Thu - 10:30 am - 11:30 am Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 27 - Prime Time Book Club at the Rowlett Public Library Thu - 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Prime Time Book Club for ages 6-11.3/6 Ziggy and the Black Dinosaur3/20 Katie Kazoo Switcheroo3/27 Jigsaw Jones Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 27 - Pajama Story Time Thu - 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm For all ages! Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 28 - Parent’s Time Out in Garland Fri - 9:00 am - 11:30 am $7/Class Ages 3-6. Take some time for yourselves wile the kids play games, dance, do arts & crafts & more! Fields Recreation Center, 1701 Dairy Rd., Garland, Texas, Mar 28 - Shake, Rattle and Read for Preschoolers at the Rowlett Public Library Fri - 10am-10:30am Continues a child’s introduction to the alphabet and promotes early word recognition by encouraging little ones almost ready for school to read along and learn rhymes.3/7 Up, Up and Away3/14 Lots of Spots3/21 Hear a Moo, There a Moo3/28 Messy Mud Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 29 - 5th Annual Green Door 5K, 10K and 1 Mile Fun Run in Rockwall. Sat - 7:30 am - 11:00 am. A run to help the hungry here and there! 5K, 10K and 1 Mile Fun Run benefitting Helping Hands food pantry. 7:30am Registration 8:30am 1 Mile Fun Run 9:00am 5K and 10K Live music, food and fun! Harry Myers Park, 815 East Washington St., Rockwall, Texas, www. Mar 29 - Energy for Life Walkathon in Garland Sat - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. The United Mitochondrial Diseases Foundation is excited and energized to be able to reach out to the community to raise awareness as well as support those who are fighting mitochondrial disease in our area. The walk kicks off at 11 am.For more information about the Energy for Life Walk, visit or www. Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State St., Garland, Texas, Mar 31 ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 31 ESL Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 31 GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Mon - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

Submit your club or event information to us by the 10th of each month. Email or fax to (972)887-9997.

Mar 19 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Wed - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 20 - 31. GED Class at the Rowlett Public Library Thu - 10:30 am - 11:30 am Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 20 - 27. Prime Time Book Club at the Rowlett Public Library Thu - 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Prime Time Book Club for ages 6-11.3/6 Ziggy and the Black Dinosaur3/20 Katie Kazoo Switcheroo3/27 Jigsaw Jones Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Mar 20 - May 15. Come Build with Legos at the Mesquite Public LibraryThu - 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Mesquite Public Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr., Mesquite, Texas, Mar 20 - 27. Pajama Story Time Thu - 7:00 pm 7:30 pm For all ages! Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas,

It’s FUN art, not fine art! Weekend kids’ Classes during the sChool year lots of kids’ Classes during the summer

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3046 Lavon Drive, Ste 145 • Garland, Texas 75040


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them at home. And if

to fall into this trap. Let your child be different and be

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challenged. Try having them learn an



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play a sport, or

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Camp Overview Which one is

RIGHT for my child

While we know

Summer Camp can offer great benefits to our children,

finding the right one can be a challenge. Camps are designed in a variety of styles and formats and provide activities that vary to meet many interests. This overview of the types of camps available will help you get started in your planning. Photos co urtesy

Resident Camps Resident Camps are designed for campers staying at camp from several days to one or more weeks. Campers sleep overnight in cabins, tents or other forms of shelter, and participate in a variety of supervised activities. Most resident camps offer a general program of outdoor activities including hiking, swimming, sports and games, plus arts and crafts and nature awareness. Camp counselors are on hand to help kids fit in and get them past any homesickness they may experience.

of Americ an

Camp A ssociatio

n (ACA)

Special Interest Camps Do your kids aspire to be an Olympic gymnast? A marine biologist? Or maybe a Drama Queen? Special Interest Camps provide focus on specific activities , such as gymnastics, music, computers, sports, drama and more. These camps are usually day camps, but some are offered as an over-night or resident camp.

Day Camps Day Camps offer a wide variety of activities as well, with one main difference‌the campers get to go home at the end of each day. Day camps are available in half-day and full-day programs, and regularly Camp provides growth experiences for youth that can benefit them through adulthood. In a national include field survey, camp directors reported that parents rate trips to local the most important benefits of camp to be: museums, 1 2 3 4 parks and Increased Providing Making Offering other recreational places. Day camps can New Fun Self-Confidence a Safe be a great way to prepare younger kids Friends Activities & Self-Esteem Place for future summers at a resident camp.

Family Camps Great for building fun family memories, these camps are usually located in wooded areas, may offer lake activities, and fun in the great outdoors. Since families usually eat in large dining halls, no need to worry about meal planning on this vacation. Many families use this option as a chance to coordinate vacation times with other family friends or relatives. •

Summer Camp & Activity


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rent a P e d si e k a L

Fun Page Who is the St. Patrick we celebrate on

St. s ’ k c i r t Pa Day! He was not a leprechaun!

What do


Why can’t

you a

do for


four leaf clover? ca Be

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a living?

t” r o h r h ey a


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What do


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Gotta Love‘Em

Born 385 AD in Scotland. At age 14 years, he was captured and taken to Ireland as a slave. He was to herd and tend to the sheep. During his captivity he only had God to turn to. He prayed throughout the day, almost like an ongoing conversation with God. He wrote this: “The love of God and his fear (awe) grew in me, as did my faith, and my soul was raised, so that in a single day, I might have said as many as 100 prayers and in the night, nearly the same.” “I prayed in the woods, on the mountain, even before dawn. I felt no hurt from the snow, ice or rain.” Patrick escaped his captivity at the age of 20 years, after having a dream from God who told him to leave Ireland and go to the coast. Some sailors took him back to Britain, where he reunited with his family. He studied to become a Priest. After a recurring dream where the people of Ireland were calling out to him, “come back to us young, holy one, and walk among us once more”, he knew he would return to Ireland. After becoming ordained, he was asked to bring the Gospel to Ireland. He did this and converted thousands to Christianity. A legend says that a Chieftain of a local tribe tried to kill Patrick, however, the Chieftain’s arm could not move to strike him. His message, many more miracles, and forty years later, Patrick had converted all of Ireland to Christianity. It was St. Patrick that used the 3-sided Shamrock as a tool to explain the Trinity (Father, Son & Holy Spirit). The four-leaf clover is lucky because Christian’s hold that the fourth is the Grace of God.

ma h A

SRock! On a recent outing


Lucky you to find one!

to an Aquarium

my five year old daughter and I stopped to watch some jelly fish in their tank. I said “Look

Honey, these are jelly fish!” She looked intently

“Mommy, where’s the peanut butter fish?” for a few moments then asked,

Do you have a funny story about your child? We’d love to hear it. Send them to:

Knock, Knock!there? Who’s

“May your blessings outnumber the Shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”

An Irish blessing

Irish! Irish


Irish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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To Advertise in Lakeside Parent, Call 972-887-7779

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! h c in



The Adolescent joy of St. Patrick’s Day!

by Ken Swarner


he other day, I reminded my son that St. Patrick’s Day was coming up, and he’d better not forget to wear green. “You don’t want to get pinched to death by your friends,” I warned.

He seemed non-plused by my advice. “If I forget to wear green, my teacher will paint a shamrock on my face to protect me.” I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. When I was a kid, all a teacher did on St. Patrick’s Day was send you to the nurse when your welts started to bleed. “Not wearing green was like wearing a sign on your

22 / Lakeside Parent

back that said ‘KICK ME,’” I told him. “Even the gym coach would pinch us.”

my youth, underwear came in one style for boys: white and tight. It would be a mistake of gargantuan proportions to say your underwear was green - a boy might as well say he was wearing a green bra.

“Couldn’t you sue for that?”

“No, but the kindergartners were allowed to cry.”

My son also told me that students these days have to sneak around on the playground to pinch kids because school rules forbid such behavior. “Not in my day,” I retorted. “They sold tickets and printed a program guide. ‘Step right up ladies and gentlemen - come see Little Kenny Swarner mutilated by his peers. If he doesn’t wet his pants, you get your money back.’” The playground duty had a front row seat. I guess I was adamant with my son because I can still vividly remember St. Patrick’s Day 1974. I was in the 3rd grade, and I forgot to wear green in an unforgiving school. I recall how traumatic it was to stand by the coat rack trying to devise a way to see my 10th birthday. As I tried to look inconspicuous, I could sense the other kids searching around the classroom like a pack of hungry wolves for the green-less lambs. I still have nightmares about it. Of course, some kids back then would try anything to avoid a beating. But, the one thing no one with half a brain did was claim they were ‘unpinchable’ because they were wearing green underwear. In the days of

Getting pinched lasts one day. Green underwear heckling could still come up in a high school yearbook: Ken Swarner was voted “Most Likely To Wear Embarrassing Undergarments.” My only real option in the 3rd grade was to hide. During recess, I stowed away in the coat closet. At lunch, I ate my sandwich in a toilet stall. Finally, as the end of school neared, I realized I’d need an exceptional escape route. With 15 minutes left in the day, I jammed a pen cap up my nose. I remember feeling especially victorious sitting in the nurse’s station with an icepack on my face waiting for my mom to pick me up. After all, it’s not every kid who survives St. Patrick’s Day without wearing green. When my mom arrived, she lectured me for five minutes - a small price to pay. As we were leaving, the principal asked if I was okay. I nodded, trying to mask a smile behind the cold pack. “Uh oh,” he announced, walking up to me. He obviously noticed my swollen nose. “You aren’t wearing green,” he continued. He pinched me so hard that the pen cap shot out of my nose like seeds from a tomato. My son tells me it’s cool to wear colored underwear these days. He’s so lucky! W

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