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the Editor
Letter from
pring is the air! La La La La La
I feel it, and it’s wonderful. My family is so over the cold and ice. There is a newness and freshness about the Season of Spring. A resurrection of life from death. This is truth. As with everyone else, it seems to me that everything is passing by so quickly; the days merging into weeks, months and years pass by with the blink of an eye. I still have Christmas boxes to lift upstairs, and now there are Easter eggs to add to the mix! Spring may be the perfect time to reflect on the rest of this year. What’s your focus? For my family, it will be recognizing that time is valuable, and as a family we are to value each other and be recognized for our contribution to the welfare of our family unit. That’s a funny term, “family unit.” But that’s what families are; they are the nucleus of civilization. Research clearly shows that the institution of the family is the first form of community. We learn inside the family, how to act outside the family. We need to get this right! And the only way to do this is to have conversations, identify what our morals are, stay faithful to God and to each other, and remain open to the mysterious workings of the Holy Spirit. My husband and I have two amazing kids; okay one is a young adult. They are a sweet mix of worldliness and at times would-be saints. Yes, they have cell phones, listen to pop music and one of them thinks leggings are pants! And at the end of the day when I hear “come say prayers with me,” I can only give thanks for my family unit and know that the request I just heard was a prompting by the Holy Spirit. I pray we are getting it right! I also pray for all the readers of this publication. Thank you for all your kind words and for doing business with us and for doing business with the advertisers inside these pages. We are a community unit! And we should support each other and recognize our contributions to the welfare of the community. Be well,
Mary Ellen May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. ~ Romans 15:13
Lakeside Parent Magazine 8344 Sterling Street Irving, Texas 75063
(972)887-7779 (972)827-3743 fax Irving Parent and Suburban Parent are registered trademarks. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited.
Cover Model Riley O., age 6 Our cover child this month is Riley. Her mom tells us she is a true miracle and a blessing. Riley enjoys “rectangle noodles”, aka, Fettuccine Alfredo! She also likes apples, strawberries and lil’ cuties. Her favorite activities are horse riding, playing soccer, baseball and swimming. She wants to be a singer, artist, famous swimmer, horse rider and horse teacher when she grows up! Wow! Her mom reports that she is a social butterfly, enjoys music, loves all animals and being outdoors and she always has a smile on her face! Cover photography by
Misty Stagnone Photography
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Barefoot is Best! While shoes sure look cute on your little one’s feet, they’re not necessary when learning to walk. In fact, shoes can even hinder a child’s walking and cerebral development, says Tracy Byrne, a podiatrist specializing in podopediatrics. “Toddlers keep their heads up more when they are walking barefoot,” she says. It’s the looking down that throws them off balance making them fall down. Plus, walking barefoot helps develop the muscles and ligaments of the foot. The real purpose for shoes is to protect tiny feet from rough or hard surfaces, so they should be worn outdoors. But when you’re inside, especially now that it’s warmer, leave the shoes at the door.
Lazy Eye Amblyopia is the medical term used when the vision of one eye is reduced because it fails to work properly with the brain. This common cause of visual impairment affects approximately 2 to 3 out of every 100 children. A common treatment may be to patch the “good” or stronger eye and force the brain to use the weaker eye which makes it stronger. Optometric Association recommends that children have a comprehensive optometric examination by the age of 6 months and again at age 3. Lazy eye will not go away on its own.
Plan, Shop, Save! Want to save money at the grocery store? Plan your meals for the week based on what’s on sale. Most grocery stores run their specials Wednesday through Tuesday. Grab the circular or go online; find out what’s on sale and plan your menus accordingly. Salmon on sale? Asparagus too? Sounds like a perfect pairing. Many stores also have reward programs and savings apps that allow you to load coupons right onto your savings card. It takes a little extra effort in planning, but the savings are worth it. Remember to have a snack before shopping. Studies show you could save even more, as well as make better choices!
6 / Lakeside Parent
The Perfect Gift!
What Do Parents Think About Camp? According to ACA - Youth Outcomes of the Camp Experience report, parents cite the following as the most important reasons for sending their children to camp:
Breastfeeding is a wonderful gift for both you and your baby. Thanks to the hormone prolactin, mothers get to enjoy the peaceful, nurturing sensation that allows them to relax and focus on their child, as well as the hormone, oxytocin that promotes a strong sense of love and attachment between the mom and the baby. Another bonus; breastfeeding leads to getting your body back faster!
• Camp helps build self-confidence and self-esteem • Camp is a safe environment • Camp is a place to build social skills and make friends
ou Y Know
See more at
The Only Thing You Need to Say Parents, listen up! If your kid’s an athlete (or artist, a performer, or anything really), it’s time to stop with all the fuss. Quit praising, criticizing or even sympathizing with your child about a job well (or not so well) done. Simply love them and be their biggest fan. An informal survey initiated by two former coaches (and summarized in an article titled What Makes a Nightmare Sports Parent and What Makes a Great One, by Steve Henson), asked college athletes what their parents said that made them feel great about themselves and their chosen sport. What are the magic words? (insert drumroll here) “I love to watch you play.” That’s it. It’s that simple. Try it this weekend and relish your child’s relieved reaction.
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Below 40 Degrees, Please! Set your refrigerator temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This keeps harmful bacteria from growing. Storing food in a refrigerator with temperatures higher than 40 degrees increases the likelihood of foodborne illness. Temperatures inside a refrigerator can vary, especially from season to season. Control the temperature by keeping a refrigerator thermometer in the center of the middle shelf (not on the door). Check the thermometer often to be sure the temperature remains below 40 degrees. See more refrigerator tips by visiting us at
A Teaching Moment With Nutella! Favored by many on toast or banana slices for breakfast, this hazel-nutty, chocolate goodness can also be a teaching moment on how global supply chains and agribusiness value chains work. What goes into making this delish product? Well, get out your world map! A single jar contains sugar from Brazil, cocoa from Nigeria, hazelnuts from Turkey, palm oil from Malaysia and vanilla from France. With factories located close to the end markets in Australia, North America and Europe. About 250,000 tons (yes, tons!) of this spread are sold in 75 countries around the world. There is also a World Nutella Day devoted to it! What about a parade! We love parades!
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MomSolvers is now on
! k o o b e c a F “like” MomSolvers on Facebook at
Dear “Momsolvers”, “My toddler (2 yrs.) has not breastfed since he was 11 ½ months old. When he sees other babies breastfeeding he pulls at my shirt and says, “me do”. Sometimes I get embarrassed. How do I handle this without making him feel he is doing something wrong?” ~ Liz, mom of 1 u No need to get embarrassed. He’s just figuring out what’s going on in the world around him. He sounds adorable. I’d just scoop him up and hug and tickle him and change the subject. He may just want to snuggle with you, so by all means snuggle with him. And then go get a big boy snack together. Hold on tight to the little guy. They grow up fast! ~ Ellen, reader and mom of 2
u Get ready mama, there will be more embarrassing moments for you. J But, truth be told, try not to fret about these things. Children are so precious and innocent. He is a big boy now and you can tell him that he can pick out his very own sippy cup with his name on it, or his favorite character. Keep him close to you as often as possible; those loving moments are very important to a toddler too. Just because breastfeeding is over, the cuddling should never stop. ~ Miranda, reader and mom of 3
u I can remember those days too! My little one breastfed until she was 2. Occasionally, she would just walk up to me and start to unbutton my shirt! I would just pick her up and kiss her up and ask if she was hungry. I always keep small snacks with me, so she would get that until her scheduled feeding time. We were weaning to the cup at that point and mostly breastfed in the morning and in the evening. ~ Doris, reader and mom of 2
Dear “Momsolvers”, “I have recently become the caretaker of my grandchildren. I run into the “my mom always let me!” when I need to set boundaries. How do I override what their mother permitted and now I will not. I really want them to have some great memories of our time together. P.S. I do get great info and ideas from this magazine. Thank you.” ~ Barbara, grandma of 2 u Good for you grandma, for taking care of your grandkids like that! I can see how this might be challenging for you. I would think that it’s just a matter of time before they figure out the new rules in their new living arrangements. But, I would also think their ages will make a difference in how long it takes. If they’re young, it won’t take long. If they’re older, just be loving and consistent. Provide plenty of empathy (not sympathy), but stick to your guns. Say things like, “I know this is hard for you,” or “I hear what you’re saying, but these are the rules now. You’ll get used to them.” ~ Susan, reader and mom of 2
u You just have to lay down the law. Tell them I know mommy has let you do these things in the past but you live with me now and we have new rules. Maybe make a chart with the new rules and go over some of the things mom let them do before and explain why things will be different with grandma. Kids like structure! Just be patient with them but make sure they know there is a new sheriff in town! J ~ Cindy, reader and mom of 4
u From your question, I gather that one of them may be a bit older, maybe a tween? Know that this is an age when kids test the boundaries. Be as loving as you can, and never say anything negative about their mom. Just smile and tell them that you love them and want to make sure they are safe, and your boundaries are to be respected out of love from
Got a dilemma?
Send it to us, and we’ll see how our MomSolver volunteers (our savvy readers!) would handle it. Enter your advice online or email it to and put MomSolvers in the subject line.
them too. Make sure you are consistent with providing unexpected treats, like homemade cookies when they get home from school, or family game night with snacks or a walk in the park on a certain night each week. These are important and they will always be remembered. Many blessings to you! ~ Fran, reader and mom of 3
Dear “Momsolvers”, “My 13 year old is begging to have social media sites. I have been able to escape this because of the 13 year rule for most sites. But now I have to set boundaries and monitor. I know she will be active on social media and I want her to be careful and mindful of the dangers associated. Any advice about parenting a social media novice and teen?” u Social Media is scary; I’m with you on that one. But, it sounds like you’ve already set some good boundaries by waiting this long to allow her to get on these sites. Be sure to go over the dangers with her. Don’t scare her, but teach her to be wise in how she uses them. Talk about appropriate and inappropriate uses of the media. Remind her that what goes online stays online… forever, and someday, she’s going to want to get into a great college or apply for a job. And, here’s the other thing, mom. You’re going to have to get on some of these sites yourself to monitor what’s going on. Oh and if she’s doing this on a smart phone, it needs to be charging in a central location (not next to her bed) every night, so there’s no temptation to get online when she shouldn’t be. ~ Bea, reader and mom of 1
u I know how you feel! My son also wanted to be on these social media sites as well. We compromised with Instagram. We discussed up front the rules and I told him if he couldn’t be responsible and listen then he couldn’t have this. I have the password to his account and I go on check it from time to time. He isn’t allowed to follow anyone or add any friends without my approval. If he posts something I don’t like he is to immediately take it down. It has worked well for him and me. He knows I am monitoring and he is fine with it. He understood the rules from the beginning and we haven’t had any issues with it. We also have his account set to private so no one can see any of his information without being his friend. ~ Maggie, reader and mom of 2
u Well you certainly set the stage for rules in the beginning by having her wait until 13 years! Kudos to you. Make sure she understands that you will be monitoring her and reading her twitter, instagram, texting, etc... Now you have to educate yourself too, there is lots of information online. Ask you daughter what applications she will be using and research them. Also have a contract of guidelines. Here is an example you can download. http:// Just stay close and available without judging and she will be more willing to share! ~ Gloria, reader and mom of 2
Next month: How would you handle these dilemmas? Find these online at I am a stay at home of two (8 & 11years) mom and need to return to work to help with our finances. Any suggestions to make this an easy transition for my kids? My child complains that her teacher is mean to her. Where do I start with this? My husband tells me I must follow through with the consequences of our child’s bad behavior. I’m a wimp when it comes to my teen saying “I’m sorry”; how do I stay strong with the consequences and recognize their apology?
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Outstanding Youth Making a Difference. Editor's
Arun Yagnamurthy and Alberto Him, two boys on a mission to change the world, created
EverCare Medical.
hey attend the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, a residential school located at the University of North Texas where students complete their high school diplomas while finishing two years of their undergraduate degrees. They started EverCare Medical to improve the overall health of the global community. Born and raised in Venezuela, Alberto saw the injustices of the medical system in his home country. He saw people waiting in lines for hours in front of the clinics, hoping to receive treatment. Alberto realized that the long wait was due to the clinic’s lack of medical supplies and refused to let the situation continue. Alberto met with Arun to discuss a plan to change the status quo.
You can help!
Visit our facebook page or our website to donate and to get involved with our activities. Over the six months it took to start this project, the business partners raised donations, and Alberto traveled to Venezuela, disbursing medical supplies and equipment worth $3,000 to the CEMO Clinic. The donation included nebulizers, oxygen masks, otoscopes, 200 yards of gauze, and more. Visit the gallery to view pictures of the first of many donation trips. While Alberto was in Venezuela, Arun went to Mazatlán, Mexico on a similar trip to help children, whose village was devastated by a hurricane. These two experiences helped Alberto and Arun understand that they can make a difference in the lives of needy people in the world. EverCare Medical has now become a reality. After the overwhelming requests from the medical institutions in Venezuela, EverCare has a set a goal to go back this June with $12,000. This time Arun will accompany Alberto on this life-changing journey. They feel it is necessary to give back to the global community that lacks the necessities we take for granted every day in America. So take their hands and join them in this mission to change the world, a box of medical supplies at a time. •
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The Know It All
April 2014
Lakeside Community Calendar Parents: Some programs require tickets and/or reservations, always contact event locations to confirm times and requirements. Apr 1. Family Story Time at the Walnut Creek Branch Library Tue 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Family story time! Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland, Texas, www.
Apr 01 - Free Computer Basics Class at the Mesquite North Branch Library Tue. 9:00am 11:00am Registration is required for all classes at the Reference Desk, 972-6810465. Mesquite North Branch Library, 2600 Oates Dr.,972-681-0465 www. Apr 01 - Photo Contest in Garland. Have an eye for photography? Capture compelling still photos while getting to Apr 01 - 15. Evening Story know Garland from a different point Time at the Mesquite Main of view. Shutterbugs of all ages can Library Tue.7:00pm-7:30pm For all showcase their work for the community to ages. Mesquite Main Library, 300 W. enjoy. Detailed info and dates at http:// Grubb Dr., Granger Recreation Center, 1310 W. Avenue F, Apr 01 - 22. Family Story Time at the Walnut Creek Branch Garland 972.205-2771 Library Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Family Apr 1. Story Time at Pottery Barn story time! Walnut Creek Branch Library, Kids EVERY Tue - 11:00 am - 11:30 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland www. am Join us for story time every Tuesday. Become a book club member and receive a book club passport at your first story Apr 01 - Rodeo Parade in time and a special gift after attending 5 Mesquite Sat. 10:00am-12:00pm story times! Pottery Barn Kids Locations in Currently, we are seeking participants Dallas and Frisco, , Dallas, Texas, www. for the parade that will take place on April 1,8,15,22,29 Saturday, April 5 beginning at 10 a.m. If you are interested in participating please Apr 1. Free LEGO Mini Build. contact Heidi Lyon at 972.288.4145 or Tue - 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Children ages by email at 6-15 ONLY can celebrate every month with a free mini build at LEGO stores at Apr 02 - Computer Basics Class Stonebriar Mall & Northpark Center.First at the Mesquite Main Library Wed. Tuesdays beginning at 5:00pm until all 9:00am-11:00am. Registration is not the kits are gone. LEGO stores in Dallas required. SEATING AVAILABLE ON FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. & Frisco, , Dallas, Texas,
Mesquite Main Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr., Mesquite, 972.216-6220 www.
the Helping Hands Booth. Rockwall High School, 901 Yellow Jacket Ln., Rockwall, Texas,
Apr 2. Disney on Ice: Let’s Celebrate! Matinee & Evening Performances $10$78 Join Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse as they celebrate a Very Merry Unbirthday Party and much more. American Airlines
Apr 03 - Thrilling Thursdays Games & Gabs at the Mesquite North Branch Library 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Play games and talk with your friends or make new ones! Mesquite North Branch Library, 2600 Oates Dr., Mesquite, Texas,
Apr 02 - May 21. Police Youth Program. EVERY WED. Wed 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Ages 7-14. Garland Police Officers help with homework assignments & school projects. Gain the knowledge needed to resist peer pressure & how to avoid involvement with drugs, gangs & violence. Parent must register in person. Fields Rec Center, 1701 Dairy Rd, Garland, Texas, 972.205-3090 http:// Apr 03 - “Dearly Beloved” by the Company of Rowlett Performers Join the Company of Rowlett Performers for their production of “Dearly Beloved” April 3-6 at the Plaza Theatre. Granville Arts Center, 300 N. 5th St., Garland, 972.977-7710 Apr 3. Taste of Rockwall. Thu - 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm The 2014 Taste of Rockwall and Business. There will be something to delight every taste bud and satisfy every sweet tooth. Be sure to look for
Apr 3. Free Health and Wellness Seminar. Thu - 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. General public invited to attend this free seminar. For more information and to RSVP, please visit the website. The Exercise Coach, 14891 Preston Rd. Ste. 100, Dallas,
Hap py Birthday!
6 years W Apr 7
2 years W Apr 7
Apr 03 - Book Club at the Mesquite Public Library 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm This month’s title is The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. Mesquite Main Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr., Mesquite, 972.216-6220 Apr 03 - Dec 04. Inspirational Book Group at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall 7:30pm-8:30pm Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Apr 4. Mother Son Dance in Mesquite 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Ages 4-12. Fabulous music, light refreshments
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7 years W Apr 7
5 years W Apr 21
Upload your Birthday
Kids picture at
Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month of their birthday to be included in our print edition. No copyrighted photos please.
Lakeside Parent / 13
The Know It All cont.’d
Lakeside Community Calendar
COMMUNITY STORY TIMES All Story Times are free
Note: these are the regularly scheduled sto rytimes, call to confirm as schedules are subject to change.
300 W. Grubb Dr., 972-216-6220
Tues - Preschool Story Time 10:30am, ages 3-5; Evening Story Time 7pm, all ages Wed - Infant Lapsit Story Time 9:30am, ages 6-12mo; Young & Restless Story Time 10:30am, 13mo -2yrs Thursday - Toddler Time 10:30am, ages18mo-3yrs Saturday - Story Time 11am, ages 6-18mo
Garland - Central Branch 625 Austin St., 972-205-2517
Monday - Toddler Time 10am, ages 18-36mo.; Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 3-5
Mesquite - North Branch 2600 Oates Dr., 972-681-0465
Garland - North Branch
3845 North Garland Ave., 972-205-2802 Wednesday - Wee Read 10:30am, ages 0-17mo. Friday - Toddler Story Time 10am, ages 18-36mo; Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 3-5
Garland - South Branch
4845 Broadway Blvd., 972-205-3933 Wednesday - Toddler Story Time 10am, ages 1836mo; Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 3-5 Saturday - Family Story Time 10:30am, all ages
Garland - Walnut Creek
Tuesday - Preschool Story Time 10:30am, ages 3-5 Thursday - Toddler Time 10:30am, ages18mo-3yrs
Rockwall County Library
1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., 972-204-7700 Monday - Toddler Story Time 10:15am, ages 2-3yrs; Preschool Story Time 11:15am, ages 3-6 Tues - Preschool Story Time 11:15am; ages 3-6 Wed - Toddler Story Time 10:15am, ages 2-3yrs; Preschool Story Time 11:15am, ages 3-6 Thu - Walkers Story Time 10:15am, ages 12-24 mo. Fri - Walkers Story Time 10:15am, ages 12-24 mo.
Rowlett Public Library
3319 Edgewood Dr., 972-205-2585
3900 Main St., 972-412-6161
Thursday - Family Story Time 7pm, all ages
Mon - Baby Story Time 10:30 (walking babies) & 11:30am (lapsit babies), ages 0-18mo Wed - Toddler Story Time 10:30am, ages 18mo-3yrs Friday - Preschool Story Time 10:30am, ages 3-5
Sachse Public Library
3815 Sachse Rd. Bldg. C, 972-530-8966 Thursday - Preschool Story Time 11am, ages 2-6
& dancing. Mesquite Convention Center, 1700 Rodeo Dr., Mesquite, Texas, Apr 4. 2014 NCAA March Madness Music Festival FREE, three-day music festival. To access the latest concert announcements and specific times visit the website. Reunion Park, Reunion Blvd., Dallas, www. Apr 4. Coaches’ Huddle. Fri - 6pm-8pm Join us in support of your favorite team - and the fight against cancer! Admission: $75 per person. See website for full details. Adolphus Hotel, 1321 Commerce St., Dallas. Apr 4. The Dallas Opera. 2014 Spring Gala Fri - 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm A Texas Homecoming, The Dallas Opera Spring Gala invites you to a private recital followed by a gala dinner on the stage of the Winspear Opera House. Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St., Dallas, 214.443-1063 special-events/gala/ Apr 4. Jillian Michaels Maximize Your Life Tour. Fri - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Jillian provides you with the tools and motivation to harness your potential, kick-start your goals, and live the exceptional life that you’ve always wanted. Tickets start at just $25! McFarlin Auditorium, SMU, 6405 Boaz Ln., Dallas, Apr 4. Soundings: New Music at the Nasher.
14 / Lakeside Parent
Mesquite - Main Branch
Fri - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Soundings: New Music at the Nasher. Admission: $10 Students, $20 Members, $25 Nonmembers Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora St., Dallas, 214.242-5100 Apr 5. Rodeo Parade in Mesquite. Sat - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm This year’s rodeo parade Grand Marshall will be Kloie Oguntodu, a 2nd grader at Shaw Elementary. Kloie won the girls, ages 6-7, NFL National Championship Punt, Pass and Kick competition, bringing national attention to Mesquite. Apr 5. Junk Prom Flea Market. Sat - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Rockwall County Helping Hands Centsible Thrift Store, 950 Williams St., Rockwall, Texas, 972.7714357 Apr 5. Family Story Time. Sat - 10:30am-11:30am. South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas, Apr 5. Saturday Movie + Popcorn at the Library! Sat - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Bring the family to the library the first Saturday of the month from 10:30 a.m. to noon for a free G or PG rated movie. Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, 972.4126161 Apr 5. Special Story Time. The Pigeon Needs a Bath! at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 11:00 am - 11:30 am Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall, 190
Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, 972.496-2000 www. Apr 05 - Garland ISD Middle School Art Show at the South Garland Branch Library The annual GISD Art Show. Opening Reception April 8 6-7:30 p.m. South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, 972.205-3920 Apr 05 - Mesquite Symphonic Band Concert Sat - 7pm-9pm Mesquite Symphonic Band will present a concert entitled Enjoying the Classics. Tickets are free, but donations are accepted. Mesquite Arts Center, 1527 N. Galloway Ave., Mesquite, 972.216-8125 www. Apr 05 - 19. Lego Club at the Mesquite North Branch Library Sat - 3:00pm-4:00pm Mesquite North Branch Library, 2600 Oates Dr., Mesquite, 972.6810465 Apr 5. Get Kidz Fit 2014. Sat - 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm North Texas Families: Get ready for fun and non-stop excitement! Join us for a free fitness festival in Dallas! Kids experience a series of physical activities, interactive games, obstacle courses and inflatables, and then dance along with the high-energy performances at the Radio Disney Main Stage party. Parents you will receive information on healthy habits and nutrition, food demos and more. Admission and Parking: Free, Dallas Market Hall, 2200 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas, www. Sponsored by Suburban Parent Magazines/ Lakeside Parent Magazine. Apr 7. Silver Cinema at the Rowlett Public Library. Mon. 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. All Ages. April: Harvey, May: Gone with the Wind. Complete with popcorn! Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, Texas, Apr 8. Family Story Time. Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland, Texas, Apr 08 - 15. Evening Story Time at the Mesquite Main Library Tue - 7:00pm-7:30pm For all ages. Mesquite Main Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr., Mesquite, Apr 9. MOMS Club of Rockwall Monthly Meeting. Wed - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm MOMS Club of Rockwall Monthly Meeting. For more information email or visit http:// Apr 9. The Mystery Book Club at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Wed - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Join our group of mystery lovers to read new mysteries and discuss them the second Wednesday of every month. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, Apr 10. La Leche League of Garland. Thu 10:00 am - 11:00 am. Diana 972-202-7644 Se Habla Espanol Hannah 972-414-0527 Alison alisonegrady@ Peace Lutheran Church, 2929 S. First St, Garland, Texas,
Apr 10 - Oct 30. Cool Thursdays Concert Series Thu - 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm. Cool Thursdays return in April with new and exciting national cover bands, some of the Metroplex’s best food trucks, and weekly prizes. See website for performance detail and admission prices. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas, Apr 11 - “The Butler Did It” by Garland Civic Theatre will close its current season with a production of “The Butler Did It” by Walter Marks and Peter Marks. Performances are in the Small Theatre of the Granville Arts Center. Ticket info online at GarlandArtsBoxOffice. com or by calling 972-205-2790.Granville Arts Center, 300 N. 5th St., Garland Apr 12. Breakfast with the Bunny in Mesquite. 8:00am - 10:00am Meet and greet the Easter bunny at this year’s, Breakfast with the Bunny. Pancake breakfast for $5, as well as, pictures with the bunny, which will be an extra fee of $3. Egg hunt for infants to 9 years of age. Evans Recreation Center, 1116 Hillcrest St, 972.2166260 Apr 12. Easter Egg Hunt in Rockwall. Sat 10:00 am - 11:00 am “Egg-citement” is in the air for the 12th Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Look for special eggs that could win you “eggstraordinary” prizes. Bounce house, games, and more. Ages 0-12 years. Harry Myers Park, 813 E Washington St, Rockwall, Apr 12. Quack, Hop and Read! at the Rowlett Public Library Sat 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Hop on in to the Rowlett Public Library for photos with Dewey Duck. Fill your basket with eggs, put on your bunny ears and join the fun! Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, 972.412-6161 Apr 12. Easter Egg Hunt City of Rowlett. Sat 10am-12pm. Grab your Easter basket and hippity-hop on over to 3900 Main St, Rowlett, Apr 12. Family Story Time. Sat - 10:30 am - 11:30. South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas, Apr 12. Special Story Time Skippyjon Jones at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 11am-12pm. Join us as we welcome Friends of The Smith Public Library as they kick off their bookfair with a special Storytime and special guest, SkippyJon Jones! Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, Texas, 972.496-2000 Apr 12. Spring Campout in Mesquite Sat 3:00 pm - 10:00 am The City of Mesquite Parks and Recreation Department invites you to sleep under the stars at Camp Rorie Galloway. Registration is in progress for the spring family camp out beginning at 3 p.m. Saturday, April 12, until 10 a.m. Sunday, April 13. Camp Rorie Galloway Park, 3100 Lawson Rd, Mesquite, 972.2167790 Apr 12. Saturday Craft at the Rowlett Public Library Sat. 10:30 am – noon. Families are invited to make crafts, browse the library for a great selection
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Lakeside Parent / 15
The Know It All cont.’d
Lakeside Community Calendar
Be h! nch! Benc The Be hindd The Behin TEXAS RANGERS Globe Life Park • Arlington •
Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr
1-2 11-12 13 14-16 17 18-19 20 28-30
7:05 7:05 2:05 7:05 1:05 7:05 2:05 7:05
Philadelphia Phillies Houston Astros Houston Astros Seattle Mariners Seattle Mariners Chicago White Sox Chicago White Sox Oakland Athletics
Golden State Warriors San Antonio Spurs Phoenix Suns
Apr 15. Evita! at the Music Hall at Fair Park. For Showtime and performance details go to www. Music Hall at Fair Park, 909 First Avenue at Parry, Dallas, 214.421-5678
American Airlines Center • 2500 Victory Lane, Dallas
Apr 17. Come Build with Legos at the Mesquite Public Library. Thu - 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Mesquite Public Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr., Mesquite, Texas,
Nashville Predators Columbus Blue Jackets St. Louis Blues
Apr 17. Egg Hunt in Garland. Thu - 6-7pm. Hop into spring EGG-citement! Hunt for colorful eggs. Bounce around in a jump house, go through the obstacle course, and more! Get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny for a small fee! Ages up to 10 Years. Central Park, 1310 West Ave F, Garland, 972.205-2771
FRISCO ROUGHRIDERS Dr. Pepper Ballpark • Frisco •
Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr
3-5 6 7 8 17-19 20 21-24
7:05 4:05 7:05 11:05 7:05 2:05 7:05
NW Ark. Naturals Arkansas Travelers Arkansas Travelers Arkansas Travelers Corpus Christi Hooks Corpus Christi Hooks San Antonio Missions
Apr 18 - New Lego Star Wars Miniland Model Display Area Opens. Legoland Discovery Center, Grapevine. Book your special offer online at www. See ad in this issue.
Apr 18 - “The Misconception of Love” by MGK Productions in Garland Fri - 7pm-9pm For tickets visit Call 678-9133144 or email for more information. Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State St., Garland, 678-913-3144
Toyota Stadium • Frisco •
Apr 12 7:30 Apr 19 7:30
Seattle Sounders FC Toronto FC
TEXAS REVOLUTION Allen Event Center • Allen •
Apr 19 Apr 25
7:00 7:00
Apr 19 - Lego Club at the Mesquite North Branch Library Sat - 3-4pm Mesquite North Branch Library, 2600 Oates Dr., 972.681-0465
Apr 15. Dallas Puppet Theater at the Rockwall County Library. Tue 7pm-8pm The fairy tale Jack and the Bean Stalk! Rockwall County Library, 1215 E. Yellowjacket Ln., Rockwall,
DALLAS STARS 7:30 7:30 7:30
Apr 15. Sachse-Wylie Authors Group (SWAG) Monthly Meeting. Tue - 6:30-8pm. If you love to write, please attend. Sachse Public Library, 3815-C Sachse Rd, Sachse, Texas, 972.530-8966
Apr 15. Sci-Fi and Fantasy Book Group at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Tue 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Join us for the ultimate in science fiction and fantasy books. Barnes and Noble, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland,
American Airlines Center • 2500 Victory Lane, Dallas
Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 11
craft. Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, 972.496-2000
Apr 15. Family Story Time. Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland,
DALLAS MAVERICKS Apr 1 7:30 Apr 10 7:00 Apr 12 7:30
register your pup for this event! 972-412-6170. Herfurth Park, 4601 Centennial Dr., Rockwall,
Colorado Ice Cedar Rapids Titans
of books and more! Free and open to all ages. Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, 972.412-6161
Apr 18 - Garland Symphony Orchestra Performance Fri - 8:00pm-10:00pm To purchase tickets call 972-205-2790 or visit www.GarlandArtsBoxOffice. com. For more information: Granville Arts Center, 300 N. 5th St., Garland, 972205-2790 Apr 18 - Easter Craft at the Mesquite Main Library Fri - 4:00pm-5:00pm Craft time is recommended for ages 5 and up, though younger children may join us if accompanied by an adult. Mesquite Main Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr., Mesquite,
Apr 12. North Dallas Mother of Twins Club Consignment Sale. Sat 8:30 am - 12:30 pm The NDMOTC Twice As Nice Consignment Sale is one of the largest nonprofit consignment sales in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth Metroplex. Admission is $1.00.Shoppers are encouraged to bring a large bag or rolling suitcase to carry their items. Richardson Civic Center, 411 W. Arapaho, Richardson,
Apr 19 - Garland ISD High School Advanced Art Show at the South Garland Branch Library Opening Reception April 22 6-7:30 p.m. South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas, 972.205-3920
Apr 12. DeafNation Expo. Sat - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm DeafNation Expo touring trade show for, by, and about deaf people. DeafNation provides exhibitions and entertainment around the United States at no charge to the public. FREE. Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas , 500 West Las Colinas Blvd, Irving
Apr 19 - Sep 20. The Marketplace in Garland Sat - 9am-3pm Come down to Historic Downtown Garland for the Marketplace every 3rd Saturday of the month. For additional information please contact Kirk Lovett at 972-978-7759 or 214-704-1967
Apr 12. 8th Annual KidsFest in Garland. 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. The 8th Annual KidsFest at Firewheel Town Center in Garland, This year’s theme is “Keep It Moving” and the focus will be on teaching children the benefits of healthy living. Come out and enjoy the afternoon! Firewheel Town Center, 245 Cedar Sage Dr, Garland, Sponsored by Suburban Parent Magazines/Lakeside Parent Magazine
Apr 19. Educator Open House at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Don Tate, an award-winning children’s author and illustrator, will give a special presentation at 11:00 am. Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, 972.496-2000
Apr 13. Easter Pup-a-Palooza. Sun - 2:00 pm 4:00 pm. Bring you Pup, your Easter basket, leash and proof of rabies vaccination! Please contact the Rowlett Community Centre for additional information and to
16 / Lakeside Parent
Apr 19. Family Story Time Sat - 10:30 am - 11:30 am. South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas, Apr 19. Fabulous Saturday Story Time at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat 11-11:30am Fabulous for kids of all ages, followed by an activity or
Apr 19 - Free Movie at the Plaza Theatre in Garland Sat - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm FREE showing of “West Side Story.” Presented by the City of Garland,. All proceeds from concessions go to the Garland Good Samaritans. Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State St., Garland, 972.205-2790 Apr 22. Family Story Time. Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Walnut Creek Branch Library, 3319 Edgewood Dr., Garland, Texas, Apr 22. Friends of the Sachse Public Library Monthly Meeting. Tue - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. We are a group composed of people who believe in the importance of books, reading, learning, and libraries for people of all ages. Sachse Public Library, 3815-C Sachse Rd, Sachse, 972.530-8966 Apr 24 - 26. Friends of the Mesquite Public Library Spring Book Sale All proceeds benefit the library. Mesquite Main Library, 300 W. Grubb Dr. For more details: Apr 24 - Thrilling Thursdays-Library Land at the Mesquite North Branch Library Thu 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm A board game where everyone plays and everyone wins! Mesquite North Branch Library, 2600 Oates Dr., Mesquite, Apr 24 - D.I.Y. Garland Landscaping Class Thu - 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Join the Revolution! Sign up for our free D.I.Y. Garland - Landscaping Class. To register or call 972.205.2451. Apr 25. Real Texas Festival. Festival hours are 5-11pm on Friday; 10am-11pm on Saturday, April 26. Mesquite ProRodeo at Mesquite Arena, 1818 Rodeo Dr., Mesquite, Texas, 972.204-4928 Apr 25. Charlotte’s Web at Dallas Children’s Theater. Enjoyed by ages 5 and up. The best-loved children’s story of all time and winner of The Newbery Honor Medal! See website for performance dates and times. Dallas Children’s Theater, 5938 Skillman St., Dallas, Texas, Apr 25 - Mesquite Community Theatre Presents “Dearly Departed . 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays; 2:30 p.m. Sundays Tickets are $15 Adults; $12 Students/ Seniors Over 55. Mesquite Arts Center, 1527 N. Galloway Ave., Mesquite, 972.216-8126 Apr 25. Art from the Heart Celebrity Art Auction and Benefit Fri - 7-11pm. At Seven For Parties, 150 Turtle Creek Blvd. Ste. 107, Dallas, 972.566-4680
Apr 26. Kid Fish in Rowlett. Sat - 9am-12pm. FREE event! Community Park will be stocked with 500 pounds of adult catfish prior to the event and prizes and trophies will be awarded to winners in three age divisions. Community Park, 8500 St. Andrews, Rowlett, Apr 26. Family Story Time. Sat - 10:30 am - 11:30 am. South Garland Branch Library, 4845 Broadway Blvd., Garland, Texas, Apr 26. Fabulous Saturday Story Time at Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall Sat - 11:00 am 11:30 am Followed by an activity or craft. Barnes and Noble, Firewheel Mall, 190 Cedar Sage Dr., Garland, 972.496-2000 Apr 26. Rowlett Cardboard Boat Regatta Sat - 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Make boats out of cardboard and tape and will rely on your inventions to keep them afloat! Pre-registration is required and some building supplies will be provided. Life jackets are required. Call the Rowlett Community Centre at 972-412-6170. Registration ends on Saturday, April 19th. Community Park, 8500 St. Andrews, Rowlett, Apr 26. Gardening Class at the Rowlett Public Library Sat - 2pm-3pm. Rowlett Public Library, 3900 Main St., Rowlett, 972.412-6161 Apr 26. Earth Day Texas 2014. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Free Earth Day Texas is a two-day, free event that seeks to celebrate the planet and educate Texans on the many ways we can protect our environment. Fair Park, 3939 Grand Ave., Dallas, 214.310-1200 Apr 26 - Ballard School of Performing Arts Recital and Concert Sat - 7pm-9pm Tickets are $5 each and may be purchased by stopping by Ballard Street Music in Wylie, Texas. Hours are Monday-Thursday 12-6, Friday 12-4 and Saturday 10-2. For more information call 972-429-0047. Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State St., Garland, 972-429-0047 Apr 29 - “Rock and Roll Forever” by Coyle Middle School. Tue - 7:00pm-8:30pm Join the Coyle Middle School 6th grade choir while they sing & tell the story of how Rock & Roll began. No tickets are needed. For more information contact Kimber Rodriguez at 972475-3711. Plaza Theatre, 521 W. State St., Garland, 972-475-3711
Upcoming May 3 - 3rd Annual Motherhood Matters Pregnancy Expo presented by Wings for Wellness. Valuable resources for new and expectant moms including pregnancy/baby photography, car seat safety, pre/postnatal massage, infant CPR, baby boutiques and more. 10am-2pm. Fellowship Dallas, 2nd Floor Atrium, 9330 N Central Expy. Free. For more info, visit See ad in this issue.
For detailed information on these plus many more events visit our online calendar at
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d i K o t Kid
rs soned campe
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f Advice to and
year, but has stuck with her since last summer’s camp. She has since expanded her knowledge and delved into different artistic mediums with the help of an art teacher she sees outside of school. Dakota reminisced about the sketches she and her roommates were tasked with writing and performing at Soccer Camp last summer. “It was SO COOL!” she said. “We got to perform it in front of all the other campers and the coaches. That was the best part of camp.” It was also unexpected. She was expecting all things soccer. But her favorite memory from Soccer camp had nothing to do with soccer.
Anna says
“Just Have Fun!” This sounds like a pretty straightforward bit of advice, but sometimes children need to be reminded to have a little fun, lest they get caught up in the stress of the “new.” A new environment, new rules, new daily activities and routines. “I love camp!” says five year old Anna F. “I don’t ever miss my mom because I’m too busy having fun.” Anna attended Princess Dance camp last summer, and is looking forward to “more and more and more camp” this summer.“I didn’t think I would like the hiking, but it ended up being pretty cool” said Michael.
by Kimberly Carlson
hen we were kids, summer camp meant something different to
us than it does to our children. For us, camp meant camp: cabins or tents, canoeing, hiking, singing songs around a campfire, and general camaraderie. Children today are much more active, much more schedule-oriented, and generally just busier. Consequently, the very dynamics of summer camp have changed. Camps offered now are much more focused and detail oriented. There’s soccer camp, art camp, violin camp, space camp, leadership camp, paleontology camp, etc.
But there are some things about camp that truly haven’t changed: the general apprehension your son or daughter might feel the first time they attend camp. Here’s what seasoned camp veterans had to say to children that are going off to camp for the first time.
Dakota says
“Everyone Gets Homesick!” Some kids handle being away from home better than others. In a dorm room with 9 other campers, fourth grader Dakota L. recalls 2-3 kids that got homesick. “We felt bad for them, but we all tried to make them feel better. We brought them junk food and soda.” It’s a great opportunity for the kids that don’t get homesick to step up and show their sympathy, and their new
18 / Lakeside Parent
friendship skills. And the ones that do get homesick learn just how much they can rely on their peers to get them through difficulties. It’s a great learning experience for all campers. “I didn’t like missing my mom,” said 10 year old Michael. “But when the kids cheered me up instead of teasing me, I felt better.”
Elise says
“You will Learn Something New!” As a sixth-grader, Elise F. is a seasoned camper. She’s been attending summer camps since she was in first grade. “Camp is great because you get to explore things you wouldn’t get to do in school or learn about,” she says with a smile. Elise has found a new love of art that wasn’t cultivated during the school
“No Need To Be Shy!” says Dakota
One of the best parts about summer camp is the ability to “make new friends,” says Dakota L., a fourth grader. “Some of them I’m still friends with from last summer’s soccer camp.” Every child I asked had the same bit of advice right from the start: don’t be shy. “Camp only lasts a week, and if you wait until the last few days of camp to make friends, you’ve missed out on half the fun” says Elise. Regardless of the type of camp you and your children have chosen, make sure they make the most of it. It will go by faster than either one of you expect. If your child can embrace the opportunities presented before him, he will have a much more enriched experience. Elise says that “summer camp is much cooler than regular school because although we’re still learning stuff, we’re not stuck behind a desk all day.” Even Michael, who was the most apprehensive about attending summer camp, says he would “do it again” this summer. He found confidence and security in knowing he can rely upon himself, and trust in his peers to help him if he feels homesick. “Riding horses was pretty cool too,” he said. While summer camp may only last a week or so, the memories really do last a lifetime. See for yourself: ask any child you know about their summer camp experiences and you’ll see their faces light up with the memories. Have your first time camper talk to other children that have already attended. They are more than willing to share their experiences and their energy and excitement about it can be quite contagious! •
Don’t forget to tell our advertisers you saw them in Lakeside Parent!
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Lakeside Parent / 19
rent a P e d si e k a L
Fun Page A
How do
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Gotta Love‘Em
Be inspired!
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Kid’s Invention!
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that the tastiest spring and summer time treat was created by accident - by an 11 year old boy? It happened back in 1905 when young Frank Epperson left his sugary drink on the porch overnight with a stirring stick in it. It was winter and when Frank woke up the next morning, the concoction was frozen. And it tasted great! He named his new invention the “Epsicle.” He continued making it for his friends growing up and then later for his own children. He finally patented it in 1923 and renamed it Popsicle because his kids always called for “Pop’s ‘sicle.”
Our neighbors
had a trampoline, and they would occasionally invite us to bring our 2 and 3 year old over. My 3 year old son began asking if we could come over every time we saw them outside, so I had to teach him that is was impolite to invite himself over. The next time we were visiting outside I watched my son agonizing, trying not to ask – finally he said in the most grown up voice a 3 year old could muster, “So, how’s that trampoline been working out for ya?” I shot him a look and he flashed an innocent smile at me. I have to admit it worked, our neighbor was laughing too hard to turn him away. Do you have a funny story about your child? We’d love to hear it. Send them to:
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Lakeside Parent / 21
I’m constantly sticking my head out the back door yelling: “Get back to work!” “I am,” he argues. It takes everything I’ve got not to lose my mind. “You are? I can see you on the shed’s roof, you know. It might be easier to pull the weeds if you were closer to the ground.”
Ke n Sw arn er
y children have been weed-
ing the backyard lately on the weekends. I give each child an equal section of flowerbeds to work. My son, who is a year older than his sister, gets immediately to work...digging holes with a stick, following ants on their gathering paths, de-veining leaves. He’s a regular Farmer in the Dell minus the farmer part. He’s more like loafing in the Dell.
22 / Lakeside Parent
My daughter is the opposite. She just cries. No matter how much work I give, her first reaction is always that of anger and tears. “It’s not fair,” she argues. “My friends don’t have to pull weeds!” “That’s true,” I told her the other day. “That would be weird if I made your friends pull our weeds.” I’ve often thought back to that time when my children were younger and not quite ready to help with the chores. I used to move about the yard dragging hoses, pushing mowers and yanking weeds, watching the kids play - thinking to myself: One of these days they’ll be strong enough to help their dear old dad. Little did I know, at the same time, my kids were looking back at me do all of those things thinking: If he tries, we’ll bring him to his knees.
Daughter: What weed?! I pulled them all. Where do you see a weed? Me: (Pointing) There - blocking the window. And what about all of those weeds over there? Daughter: (Crying) Where? Me: Growing out of the drain spout. (Frustrated) Did you really weed this area? Daughter: Yes. (Sniveling) I’ve been out here for hours and hours and hours. Me: Okay, then - show me all of the weeds you pulled. Daughter: (Reaching into her shirt pocket) See. Why do I put myself through this torture? It isn’t JUST the free labor. I have better things to do than play foreman all day. I guess I want to teach my children that a family has the responsibility to pull together and share the workload. I want them to know it takes hard work to keep a home in presentable shape, and that doing their fair share is the right thing to do. At least, that’s what I told my son as I ordered him down from a tree yesterday. Me: Find many weeds up there? Son: Huh?
They’ve come close... Daughter: Dad, I’m done weeding my area. Me: (Inspecting for the tenth time) What about that weed?
Yep, it’s going to be another fun summer of supervising the children. So, does anyone know the number to a good landscaper? (sigh) W
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