Into Math and Science
Digital Interactive Video Education
Lesson 32 x+3=9 - 3 -3 x=6 “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
College Preparatory
2015-16 CATALOG
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
AP 1
Meet T Teacher he
David Shormann, PhD
Aerospace Engineering, B.S University of Texas
Marine Chemistry, M.S. University of Texas
Limnology, Ph.D. Texas A&M University
Teaching math and science as tools for understanding God and the world he created, Dr. Shormann equips and inspires students to excel. With degrees in science and engineering, he has 25 years of experience teaching math and science from elementary levels through AP Calculus and AP Physics. He has authored over two dozen courses and books which have been used by hundreds of thousands of homeschoolers around the world. David and his wife, Karen, have two children, one at home (Ellie), one a graduate of Texas A&M (Kenny). They have homeschooled since 1993.
What Our Students Say... “I was homeschooled through highschool, using many of your DIVE products and really enjoyed them. They helped me to excel in math and science and earn several college credits by passing AP exams. After completing Saxon Calculus, I started doing math tutoring for some homeschool families in my area. Currently, I am getting ready to start teaching middle and high school math classes.”
“This spring I graduated from high school, and the DIVE CDs have been one of the most important resources of my entire education. I know that my four siblings and I are privileged to have used them; I can’t imagine doing Saxon math without the clear explanations. I also really appreciate your strong Christian testimony and perspective. It is my prayer that God will use me to inspire young people to learn about God’s truth as revealed in His word and His world, the same way He has used my parents and teachers to inspire me.”
A 21st Century Math & Science Education Based on a Distinctly Biblical Foundation
Expert Video Instruction Our courses feature video instruction by Dr. Shormann. Video lectures improve understanding of complex concepts, leading to higher levels of achievement. Biblical Foundation Teaching from a Biblical foundation, Dr. Shormann teaches the purpose and pattern God puts in math and science. Trusting biblical history as real history brings clarity, purpose, and joy to a student’s math and science education. Academic Excellence Our courses are designed to help students achieve the highest levels of math and science education. Students who choose to can earn up to 34 college credits in math and science via CLEP and AP exams. However, our courses can also be used as standard high school courses.
Lesson 27
Lesson 32
x+3=9 - 3 -3 x=6
c2 - b2 = a2 + b 2 + b2 c2 = a2+ b2
Expert video instruction for every lesson in the corresponding Saxon textbook. Because the lesson in the book is not the complete lesson, John Saxon recommended an experienced Saxon instructor to connect the incremental lessons, making complex concepts easy to understand. Includes email support with Dr. Shormann. Learn more about our newest course, Shormann Math!
Expert instruction makes learning science easy! Complete, one year science courses featuring video lectures and labs, workbooks and lab manual, video solutions to workbook and lab exercises, quarterly exams, answer keys, solutions manual, and email support with Dr. Shormann.
CLEP Professor
Earn up to 34 college credits using CLEP and AP exams. Each course includes a diagnostic test, video lectures, practice problems, video solutions, practice exams, and email support with Dr. Shormann.
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
30 3
Connecting 21st Century math to your world and your Creator. first course, our primary goal is to teach mathematics, Standing on the shoulders of math giants like not just algebra. For example, Algebra 1 and 2 will Euclid, Euler, Newton, together with John contain a full credit of geometry, including plenty Saxon’s common sense teaching methods, we of proofs, even some straight out of Euclid’s famous are pleased to present Shormann Math! Taught book, The Elements. But we’ll also introduce nonfrom a Christian foundation, this new curriculum Euclidean geometry, and show students by David Shormann builds on a how the concept of proof applies to all of firm foundation of time tested, “If I have seen a mathematics, not just geometry. In fact, all proven methods, enhanced with little further, it is the algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc. 21st Century content delivery.
by standing on the shoulders of giants”
that a student will find on the SAT (including the new SAT) or ACT will be covered in Isaac Newton Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
Because scholars consider mathematics to be “the language of science,” Shormann Math teaches math like a language. In a foreign language course, you don’t learn nouns for a year, verbs for another year, etc. You learn a little of each concept, combined with lots of practice and review, Then you combine the different concepts together to create more complex concepts. Fluency is achieved through patient practice and repetition. While Algebra 1-level concepts are the focus of our
Shormann Math 8th
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Credits 1
Algebra 1
1/2 Geometry
Algebra 2
1/2 Geometry
Core Topics Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics
Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics
1 Precalculus
Precalculus with review of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics
1 Calculus 1
Calculus 1 with review of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics
1 Calculus 2
Calculus 2 with review of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics
Most modern mathematics curricula ignore math history. But ideas have consequences, and studying history often reveals which ideas are worth repeating and which ones aren’t. There is a rich Christian heritage in math. Whether or not you are using a classical, trivium/quadrivium approach to your child’s education, understanding mathematics within a biblical, historical framework will help students make more sense out of what they are learning and why they are learning it.
Test Prep
Visit our website
to view full course
descriptions, table
CLEP College Algebra CLEP College Math
of contents, sample
video lectures, and
CLEP Precalculus
PSAT, SAT, ACT CLEP Calculus AP Calculus AB
much more!
hormann SAlgebra 1
with Integrated Geometry
A Self- Paced Video Course Featuring Expert Video Instruction from a Biblical Foundation, and Automated Grading
Video Lectures • Incremental lessons make learning easier • Expert video instruction for every lesson • Students work interactively, taking notes and working problems • Lectures average 20 minutes or less
Interactive Homework
Video Solutions
• Video solutions explain each • Continual practice builds fluency • Homework and tests are completed problem step by step • Text-based solutions also online and graded automatically available for faster review • Embeded sample problems • Free email Q and A with Dr. provide helpful review Shormann is also available • A link to the video lecture makes re-learning quick and easy
Available Now: Shormann Algebra 1 with Integrated Geometry
This course teaches math as the language of science, a God-given tool to study His Word and His works (Creation). Using the proven method of incremental development and continual review, Shormann Algebra 1 teaches all the concepts required for a first year algebra course along with integrated geometry concepts plus a gentle introduction to calculus and other important topics. There are 100 lessons with 20 homework questions each, a weekly quiz, and four quarterly exams. Credits: 1 Algebra 1 and 1/2 Geometry
LIVE Online Class $425
• Classes meet weekly online • Curriculum with video lectures provided • See page 14 for details
Self-Paced Course $99
• Hosted online in our eLearning campus • Automated grading and grade recording • Curriculum with video lectures and solutions
Using Math to Reveal God’s Truth, Beauty, and Goodness 936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
DIVE Makes Saxon Math Easier Expert Instruction from a Biblical Foundation Lesson 27
Lesson 32
x+3=9 - 3 -3 x=6
- Ensure Understanding
c2 - b2 = a2 + b 2 + b2 c2 = a2+ b2
- Build Long-Term Retention - Raise Test Scores
The lesson in the Saxon text is a summary. That’s why John Saxon recommended an experienced Saxon instructor to teach how the incremental, stairstep pattern of lessons connect. Without an experienced teacher, the Saxon lessons can appear disorganized and confusing to the student. Dr. Shormann provides this critical instruction by reviewing past concepts and teaching how the new concept adds to it, creating bite-sized lessons that are easy to digest.
Expert Instruction by Dr. Shormann With degrees in science and engineering, Dr. Shormann has 17 years of experience teaching Saxon Math from elementary through AP Calculus. He knows where students struggle and teaches to
Every Lesson & Investigation Taught
Teaching 3-5 practice problems, Dr. Shormann teaches the New Concept for every lesson. Students work interactively, taking notes and working practice problems. All 12 Investiagtions in 5/4 through 8/7 are also taught.
Inspire Godly Character
Teaching math as the language of science, Dr. Shormann encourages students to do math to the glory of God, with perseverance, integrity, thankfulness, and joy.
Quickly Re-learn Missed Concepts
Better than an answer, DIVE make it easy to relearn missed concepts, which builds mastery. Simply click the DIVE lesson that matches the lesson reference next to each question to quickly re-learn that exact concept. The student can then solve the problem. This process builds mastery and retention.
Email Support with Dr. Shormann
Students can email Dr. Shormann anytime they have a question. Often, students will email a picture of the problem and Dr. Shormann can easily show them what they did wrong.
Earn College 14 College Credits
DIVE Algebra 2, Advanced Math, and Calculus courses include a free copy of our CLEP Professor course, a short course that prepares students for CLEP and AP exams. See p.30.
“My son was bored with our previous math curriculum and was discouraged about doing math. We researched DIVE and ordered it right away. Today, he is doing his math quietly and enjoying every bit of it. The DIVE course is awesome. He likes the way the teacher explains the problems with such clarity and without the unnecessary jargon-as he calls it. He also likes the fact that the problems are mixed, so you don't get stuck doing a single line of the same type of problem. He is eager to begin math every morning and does it on his own. We work together checking the problems and so far he has had no problems at all. Thanks so much for bringing the excitement of doing math back to my child! God bless!“
How Does DIVE Work With Saxon Math?
2. Quickly Re-Learn Concepts
1. Watch the DIVE Video Lecture Easily pause, rewind, and fast-forward to learn at your own pace.
The number in parentheses is the Lesson Reference.
2x + 5 = 17 -5 -5 2x = 12 2 2 x = 6
Dr. Shormann teaches every lesson step-by-step on a digital blackboard. He helps the student see how the new concept builds on previous ones, creating bite-sized lessons that are easy to digest.
The Mixed Practice or Problem Set section provides continual practice of all past concepts. It does an excellent job of building long-term retention and fluency. However, concepts not yet stored, may be forgotten.
Teaching 3-5 practice problems, he adds extra instruction where he knows students struggle. He also uses different practice problems than the book, providing extra practice on the new concept.
It is imperative that the student re-learn the concept by watching the DIVE lecture that corresponds to the lesson reference number (see above). Then attempt the problem again. Most of the time the student can solve the problem. This process is critical for developing fluency.
During the daily lecture, students work interactively, taking notes and working problems with Dr. Shormann. They can easily pause and rewind the lecture, learning at their own pace.
3. Grade & Correct
If the solution is provided at this point, it is like doing pushups for the student and expecting them to get better at pushups (See Developing Fluency on page 9.)
The number in parenthese is the Lesson Reference.
The Saxon Solutions Manual provides stepby-step solutions to every homework and test question.
4. WeeklyTest 2.
Parents should grade work for younger students but students in Algebra 1 and up should grade their own work using the Answer Key. Missed problems should be corrected by first watching the DIVE lecture for that problem (printed in parentheses next to each question). Most of the time students only need a quick reminder, then they can solve the problem on their own. Occasionally, the student may need to use the Saxon Solutions Manual which has step- by-step-solutions to every homework and test question (see sample above). If help is still needed, email Dr. Shormann. If you can, take a picture of the problem and email it to him. He will tell you exactly what you are doing wrong.
Generally there is one test per week. The tests are cumulative, meaning they include material from past lessons. Starting in Algebra 1, college-bound students should complete tests in one hour. Tests are administered and graded by a parent. The student should correct the test by attempting to correct all the problems without using any resources. Half credit is awarded for each question corrected this way. For all remaining questions, watch the DIVE lecture that corresponds to the lesson reference (see above). Usually this quick reminder enables the students to correct the problem. If more help is needed, allow the student to use the solutions manual to correct the problem. If this doesn’t help, the student can email Dr. Shormann and he will help you.
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
Math 8/7 or Algebra 1/2: Which one is right for your child?
A pre-algebra course is a normal and recommended part of a child’s math education as they make the journey from a world of mostly numbers (arithmetic) to a world of mostly letters (algebra). Saxon Math published two pre-algebra textbooks: Saxon Math 8/7 and Saxon Algebra 1/2*. Both books prepare a student for either Saxon Algebra 1, or our new Shormann Math Algebra 1. How do you know which pre-algebra course is right for your child?
fluency in these essential skills. Fluency is defined as speed and accuracy. When we talk about fluency we mean the student can accurately reduce 30 fractions in under five minutes. Or the students can convert 30 fractions to a decimal, percent, and ratio. This makes it much easier for the student to focus on learning algebra instead of reducing fractions on the side of the paper.
On the other hand, Saxon Algebra 1/2 primarily Our general recommendation is to complete teaches pre-algebra concepts with some review Saxon 8/7. If the student’s test average in Math of fractions, decimals, and percents. If your 8/7 is 80+, skip Saxon Algebra ½ and go directly child is already fluent in the essential skills listed to Algebra 1. If the student struggles in Saxon above, you can skip Saxon Math 8/7 and use 8/7, complete Algebra ½ before taking Algebra 1. Algebra ½ instead. However, completing Saxon 8/7 is the best way to ensure readiness for The reason we recommend this progression is Algebra 1. because most students who struggle in Algebra 1 do not struggle with the algebra concepts. If you need help placing your child, please They struggle due to a lack of fluency of basic contact us and we are happy to help you. arithmetic skills like division, reducing fractions, and converting from decimals, percents, and *Please note: This article is referring to the third ratios. editions of Saxon Math 8/7 and Saxon Algebra 1/2. This information is not applicable to the The primary focus Saxon Math 8/7 is to develop older editions of these texts.
“As a former math teacher, first, I appreciate the clear and distinct way that Dr. Shorman introduces the material. In addition, the Saxon curriculum has worked extremely well for our family as it reinforces in each lesson from previous lessons. And lastly, the videos and text work beautifully together. The children know exactly what is expected of them with each lesson; and the accompanying solutions guides make it easy to explain any problems. My wife and I heartily recommend the texts and videos.” -John www.DIVEintoMath.com
DIVE VS. Saxon Teacher In 2000, Dr. Shormann created the DIVE into Math series to provide daily instruction for the students in his weekly co-op classes. Saxon Publishers then asked Dr. Shormann to create a secular version of DIVE. He graciously declined because the contract prohibited the continued sale of our DIVE CDs, due to their Christian content.
Harcourt Achieve purchased Saxon Publishers in 2004. A few years later Houghton Mifflin Purchased Harcourt and became Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Shortly thereafter, HMH released Saxon Teacher, a whiteboard lecture very similar to the DIVE into Math series. Following is our comparison of the two products.
Saxon Teacher
Teaches from a Biblical Worldview, Scripture is used to inspire godly character and teach students that math is a tool for unlocking the mysteries of God’s mighty creation.
A secular curriculum owned by Houghton Miflin Harcourt (owned by Irish company, Riverdeep)
Dr. Shormann teaches 3-5 practice problems, reviewing previous concepts and connecting them to new ones.
Reads the exact lessons in the book which do not include connections to previous concepts, lessons can appear disorganized or confusing
Students work interactively, taking notes and working problems with Dr. Shormann.
Students work interactively, taking notes and working problems.
Like a real teacher, Dr. Shormann teaches different practice problems than the Saxon lesson, providing extra practice on new concepts.
No additional practice problems
DIVE makes it easy to re-learn previous concepts instead of seeing the answer. This builds retention and fluency, making math easier. A quick reminder is usually all that is needed. If needed, the Saxon solutions manual provides step-by-step solutions.
Saxon Teacher is a multi-disk program (no iTunes or digital download options), which makes it difficult to go back and review previous lessons. Students typically just watch the solution. Each time they do this, they lose the opportunity to build fluency, making math harder.
A Q&A email service with Dr. Shormann, is included with each course. Questions are answered by Dr. Shormann, usually within one business day. Dr. Shormann has taught Saxon Math and Saxon Physics courses since 1997.
Support provided by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt employees. Experience level may vary.
Earn up to 14 college math credits with the free CLEP and AP preparation program included with DIVE Algebra 2, Advanced Math, and Calculus.
No CLEP or AP prep provided
“My daughter was stuck with Algebra I - she did fine through the first lessons (which are typically review) but then couldn’t figure out the problems. I am an awful teacher with Algebra as I just see it differently than others. So we purchased the iTunesU program so she can learn by herself and go over the problems as many times as she needs to. So far her test scores are excellent and she is studying without me completely!” -DS
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
Preparing for College Entrance Exams For college-bound students, SAT and ACT exams are the gateway to the college of their choice. Unfortunately, the door to many colleges and majors are closed due to low scores on the math section of these standardized tests. The unique teaching methods of Saxon Math plus the expert instruction of the DIVE lectures, provides excellent preparation for the math sections of college entrance exams. Researchers have found that Saxon’s incremental development and continual review builds long-term retention and increases fluency. The result is higher standardized test scores and a better ability to apply math to science. Unlike traditional math programs, Saxon integrates geometry and algebra so the student never stops practicing one to learn the other. This results in students who are fluent in both geometry and algebra, making it easier to apply to new situations as required on college entrance exams, as well as in science. All the concepts tested on college entrance exams are taught in DIVE/Saxon Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. The first 30 lessons of Advanced Math also review these concepts, developing fluency, especially in the heavier weighted questions like rate and ratio word problems. Ideally, students should complete the first 30 lessons of DIVE/Saxon Advanced Math at least six week prior to their college entrance exam. This allows plenty of time to specifically prepare for the exam using a test preparation program like the College Board’s Official SAT Online Course. Visit www.sat. collegeboard.org for details.
High School Transcripts Recording credits on a transcript can be a little tricky. That’s why we recommend a subject transcript, which lists credit by subject, instead of by year. Although Common Core standards now include an “integrated math” pathway similar to Saxon, the subject format is easy for admissions and scholarship personnel to understand. It’s important to list the name of the requirement fulfilled, not the name of the textbook. Below is a sample of a subject transcript which properly lists the Saxon Math credits. Visit our website to learn more about high school transcripts.
Algebra 2
Earth Science
English I
English II
English III
English IV
US History
US Government
World History
World Geography
Social Studies
K- 12 Saxon Math Course Sequence Advanced Schedule
K-7 Course Sequence
Both of these schedules are designed to prepare students to excel on college entrance exams. Since AP Calculus is the number one indicator of college success, the advanced schedule prepares students to take the AP Calculus AB exam in 11th grade so they can submit their scores with their college admissions and scholarship applications. While some students cannot complete this rigorous course of study, we have found that many can. Read more about AP Calculus exams on page 31.
*3 Semester Courses
Saxon Math K-3
Saxon Math 5/4
Saxon Math 6/5
Saxon Math 7/6
Saxon Math 8/7
8th -12th Standard Course Sequence Math Course
Algebra 1
1 Algebra 1
Algebra 2
1 Algebra 2 1/2 Geometry
CLEP College Algebra Exam (3 credits)
Advanced Math
1/2 Precalculus 1/2 Geometry
Saxon Advanced Math and Calculus are generally recommended as three semester courses. An accelerated student can do Adv. Math in a year. These DIVE courses includes weekly assignment schedules for both two and three semesters.
What about Geometry? Like the European and Asian countries that outperform
Advanced Math*
understand, increases long-term retention, and raises
college entrance exam scores.
Course Algebra 2
1 Precaluclus
1/2 Geometry
One-half credit of geometry is earned in Algebra 2 and one-half credit is earned in the first 40 lessons
Calculus* (last 2/3)
1 Calculus
completing the first 30 lessons of Advanced Math will
CLEP Calculus (4) AP Calculus AB (4)*
Algebra 1
1 Algebra 1
Algebra 2
1 Algebra 2 1/2 Geometry
CLEP College Algebra Exam (3)
Advanced Math
1 Precalculus 1/2 Geometry
CLEP Precalculus Exam (3)
(1st 100 lessons)
1 Calculus
CLEP Calculus (4) AP Calculus AB(4)
1 Calculus
AP Calculus BC(4) Details on p
of Advanced Math. While Saxon Algebra 2 teaches all the geometry rquired for college entrance exams,
CLEP Precalculus Exam (3 credits)
Math Course
1 Algebra 2
& Calculus
1/2 Precalculus
8th -12th Advanced Course Sequence
High School Credits 1/2 Geometry
(last 1/3)
(first 1/3)
the US on national math exams, Saxon integrates algebra and geometry. This makes geometry easier to
(first 2/3)
build fluency, raising exam scores. The subject transcript to the left provides an example of how to put these credits on a transcript.
(remaining lessons & AP Calculus BC prep book)
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
4th - 7th Grade Math Products Lesson 27 Lesson 32
x+3=9 - 3 -3 x=6
Saxon Complete Homeschool Kit Student Textbook Solutions Manual Test & Worksheet Booklet See contents below
Saxon Math 5/4, 3rd Edition $72.95 Complete Homeschool Kit Saxon Math 6/5, 3rd Edition Complete Homeschool Kit
Saxon Math 7/6, 4th Edition Complete Homeschool Kit
Saxon Math 8/7, 3rd Editon Complete Homeschool Kit
See page 6 to learn how
DIVE makes Saxon Math easier!
c2 - b2 = a2 + b 2 + b2 c2 = a2+ b2
DIVE Video Lectures
Digital Format
MP4 Download + iTunes U All Mac OS X, Windows XP + iPad, Android, Tablets Details on p. 15 DIVE Math 5/4, 3rd Ed.
DIVE Video Lectures
CD-ROM Format CD Drive Required All Mac OS X, Windows XP + No Tablets or Mobile Devices Details on p. 15
DIVE Math 5/4, 3rd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 5/4, 2nd Ed. $44
DIVE Math 5/4, 2nd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 6/5, 3rd Ed. $44
DIVE Math 6/5, 3rd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 6/5, 2nd Ed. $44
DIVE Math 6/5, 2nd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 7/6, 4th Ed. $44
DIVE Math 7/6, 4th Ed. $49
DIVE Math, 7/6 3rd Ed. $44
DIVE Math, 7/6 3rd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 8/7, 3rd Ed. $44
DIVE Math 8/7, 3rd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 8/7, 2nd Ed. $44
DIVE Math 8/7, 2nd Ed. $49
DIVE Math 8/7, 1st Ed.
DIVE Math 8/7, 1st Ed. $49
Saxon Homeschool Kit
Student Textbook
DIVE Video Lectures • Expert instruction for every lesson in the Saxon text
• 120 lessons inlcude practice over new and previous concepts • Homework questions have a lesson reference number directing students to the lesson where the concept was originally taught
Solutions Manual • Step-by-step solutions to all lesson, investigation, and test questions
including instruction not in the Saxon textbook • Expert instruction for every Investigation • Quickly re-learn forgotten concepts to build retention • Syllabus with weekly assignment chart • Grade-recording sheet
Tests and Worksheet Book
• Daily procedures chart
• Daily facts practice worksheets • Activity sheets provide hands-on learning for complex lessons
• Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann
• Weekly tests with lesson references for quick and easy relearning of • Read more about Digital Combos on page 15 missed concepts
8th - 12h Grade Math Products Lesson 27
c2 - b2 = a2 + b 2 + b2 c2 = a2+ b2
Lesson 32
x+3=9 - 3 -3 x=6
Saxon Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual
Saxon Student Textbook Saxon Answer Key & Test Forms + Saxon Solutions Manual Details on p. 15 Saxon Algebra 1/2, 3rd Ed.
DIVE Video Lectures OR DIVE Video Lectures
Digital Combos
CD-ROM Format
MP4 Download + iTunes U All Mac OS X, Windows XP + iOS 7+, Android, Tablets Details on p. 17
CD Drive Required All Mac OS X, Windows XP + No Tablets or Mobile Devices Details on p. 15
DIVE Algebra 1/2, 3rd Ed.
DIVE Algebra 1/2, 3rd Ed.
Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd Ed.
DIVE Algebra 1/2, 2nd Ed.
DIVE Algebra 1/2, 2nd Ed.
Saxon Algebra 2, 3rd Ed.
DIVE Algebra 1, 3rd Ed.
DIVE Algebra 1, 3rd Ed.
Saxon Geometry 1st Ed.
DIVE Algebra 2, 2nd&3rd Ed*
DIVE Algebra 2, 2nd & 3rd Ed* $49
Saxon Advanced Math, 2nd Ed
DIVE Geometry, 1st Ed.
DIVE Geometry, 1st Edition
DIVE Advanced Math, 2nd Ed*
DIVE Advanced Math, 2nd Ed*
DIVE Calculus, 2nd Edition*
DIVE Calculus, 2nd Edition*
DIVE Calculus, 1st Editon
DIVE Calculus, 1st Editon
Saxon Calculus, 2nd Edition
*Earn Up to 14 College Credits with our CLEP Professor for CLEP and AP exams.
Each DIVE course with an asterisk above includes a free copy of our CLEP Professor course that prepares students for the corresponding CLEP and AP exams. See page 30 for details.
Saxon Homeschool Kit
Student Textbook
DIVE Video Course
• Expert instruction for every lesson in the Saxon text
• Daily lessons inlcude practice over new and previous concepts • Homework questions have a lesson reference number directing students to the lesson where the concept was originally taught
Solutions Manual
• Lectures include essential instruction not provided in the Saxon textbook • Quickly re-learn forgotten concepts to build retention
• Step-by-step solutions to all lesson, investigation,
• Syllabus with weekly assignment chart
• and test questions
• Grade recording sheet
Answer Key (Homeschool Packet)
• Daily procedures chart
• Answers to all homework questions
• Read more about the Digital Combos on p. 15
• Answers to test questions
Test Forms (nested in Homeschool Packet) • Non-consumable weekly tests
• Free CLEP Professor for CLEP and AP prep for College Algebra, Precalculus, and Calculus (p. 30) • Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
DIVE Science
Classes meet online with Dr. Shormann once per week. In class, Dr. Shormann will review new concepts, answer questions, and administer a quiz. During the week, students watch daily video lectures and complete homework. Classes are limited to 12 students each.
Shormann Algebra 1
This class will use the new Shormann Math course, included free with class. See p.4.
Shormann Algebra 2
This class will use the new Shormann Math course, included free with class. See p.4.
Saxon Advanced Math
The Saxon Advanced Math Homeschool Kit and Solutions Manual is required.
Saxon Calculus
The Saxon Calculus Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual is required.
Classes Start August 26, 2015 Tuition $425
Registration Opens April 1 Register online or by phone www.DiveIntoMath.com/classes 936.372.9216 www.DIVEintoMath.com
DIVE into Saxon Math with
Digital Combos
! w e
Anytime. Anywhere. Any Device. Macs
iPad iOS 7+
Windows XP +
Android Tables
Better Together! DIVE Video Lectures for Saxon Math provide expert instruction for every lesson in the corresponding Saxon text. In addition to the CD-ROM format, DIVE courses are now available in a digital combo which includes the MP4 Download and the iTunes U course.
MP4 Download MP4 downloads contain the exact same content as the DIVE CD-ROM but there is no CD to lose or damage. If you lose the download we will send the download link again. We ensure you always have access to your course. And the course can be downloaded to multiple computers and devices in your immediate family, stored in the cloud, or on a USB drive.
System Requirements
All Macs and Windows XP + iPads, iPhone, Android Tablets, Kindle
Internet Access
iTunes U Course iTunes U Courses include the exact same content as the DIVE CD-ROM. However, all the video lectures are stored in the iTunes U app for quick and easy access on an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch . These courses can be accessded on multiple devices for all the children in your immediate family.
System Requirements
iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone with iOS 7+ Apple iTunes U app (free download)
Internet Access
Required only for initial download only.
iTunes U courses can be streamed or downloaded to view without internet access.
“Thank you so much, Dr. Shormann, for this incredible tool! The DIVE download has made it possible for me to help my son keep on top of his math easily and quickly remedy any errors he makes by simply going back and watching you teach the lesson. There is no need for a parent to be a ‘math genius,’ but I have found myself learning Algebra 2 right along with my son!” -Abbie All DIVE courses are protected by a non-transferable End User License Agreement. While the purchaser can use the course with all the children in their immediate family, it is illegal to sell, share, loan ,or give the course away.
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
Calculus: Not Just For Engineers! Calculus began with the ancient Greeks, but their cyclical view of time caused their progress to stagnate. Because their worldview was flawed, they were not able to grasp the reality of infinity. But Christians know from Scripture that God is infinite (eternal). It is no surprise then, that in the 1600’s, Newton and Leibniz (both Christians) discovered calculus. For the next 300+ years, practically every development in science and mathematics was connected with calculus. The discovery of calculus is a powerful lesson that a biblical understanding of the world matters! Many are afraid of calculus because they don’t know what it really is. But I bet you can answer this question: If you drove 60 miles in one hour, how fast were you going? If you answered “60 miles per hour”, then congratulations, you just did calculus! Calculus is nothing more than a tool for studying rates of change. And rate stems from the word ratio, or fraction, so calculus can even be thought of as a study of fractions. Rates of change in position, speed, temperature, volume, etc. can all be studied with calculus. One of the biggest differences between Christianity and other religions is the theme of unity and diversity. Some religions have one god, and others have many gods, but the only true God is both one and many. He is our Father, Son and Holy Spirit, a triune God. God’s invisible attributes have been clearly seen by humans from the beginning (Romans 1:20). The attribute of unity and diversity is quite visible. Tides would cease without the sun and moon, dolphins would starve
without their sonar, and calculation of speed would be impossible without a measure of time elapsed. One cannot study calculus for long without noticing that unity and diversity abounds, and realizing this will help a student understand that a biblically-based math and science education makes the world so much easier to figure out! What often intimidates new calculus students is the host of strange symbols like ∂y/∂x and ∫, and confusing words like function, limit and continuity. However, with a little patience and perseverance, coupled with skill in working with fractions and basic algebra, students will find that difficult things readily become easy things.
Approximately 80% of
undergraduate degrees require at least one
Up to 80% of undergraduate degrees offered at 4-year universities require at least one semester of calculus. Calculus knowledge frees a child up to pursue any college degree. But, calculus should not be considered just by the college-bound. The problem-solving skills and understanding of God’s creation that naturally flow from a study of calculus are invaluable to anyone who loves the Lord and loves to learn. Calculus is for everyone!
semester of Calculus.
Many students are capable of learning calculus. We want to encourage you to set the standard high and plan for your children to take calculus in high school. If they do, they will have a better understanding of His word and His works and they will be better prepared for restoring His kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
In 1996, after building Saxon Publishers into a
$60 million company, John Saxon passed away unexpectedly. Several years later, the company was sold to Harcourt Achieve, which was then purchased by Houghton Mifflin. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), owned by an Irish company (Riverdeep), began revising the Saxon Math texts and released new Saxon Algebra 1, 2 and Geometry texts. But are these new editions worthy of the Saxon name? Or do they go against the very principles on which John founded Saxon Publishers? John Saxon was an Air Force test pilot with three engineering degrees. After retiring, he began teaching algebra at the local junior college. Appalled at the skills his students possessed, Saxon began writing lessons to bring his students up to speed. His “incremental method with continual review” produced great results. In 1981 he published his first high school algebra book. When he died in 1996, Saxon Publishers annual sales were $27 million. Math is the language of science. Just like learning a language, the original Saxon curriculum begins with the fundamentals and provides students ample time to practice these before gently introducing more advanced material. John Saxon created a unique system of incremental development (small bite-sized lessons), continual review and assessment, and the integration of geometry and algebra. Researchers
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
have found these common-sense methods increase long-term retention and fluency, thereby improving standardized test scores. More importantly, students are able to use these skills and creatively apply them to solve real-world problems.
The new editions published by HMH significantly reduced the amount of review over previously learned concepts. The lessons do no not make the proper connections between the incremental concepts, making the lessons appear disorganized and confusing. The most disappointing change found in the new editions is that John Saxon’s systematic integration of algebra and geometry is essentially gone. The European and Asian countries that consistently outperform the United States on international math exams integrate the teaching of algebra and geometry. A student who is learning algebra and geometry together will understand all math better , enabling them to apply math in science and engineering fields. While new Common Core standards offer an “integrated pathway” similar to Saxon’s methods, they fail to fully grasp the importance of “incremental development with continual review.” For example, in the new Saxon Geometry, algebra problems simply appear in the homework, with no explanation!
Since Saxon Publishers was first sold in 2004, I’ve feared that any new Saxon editions might lose their original methodology that strives to teach mathematics like the language of science, which is the best way to build math fluency. I have often prayed that if that happens, Lord willing, I would be able to stand on the shoulders of giants like John Saxon, Leonard Euler, Isaac Newton, Euclid, and others to build an even better math curriculum. The new Saxon-in-name-only editions were confirmation that it was time to get started. Read about Shormann Math on page 4.
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
DIVE into Science
DIVE Science
Expert video instruction from a biblical foundation! • • • • • • • • • •
4 Day Schedule Day 1: Digital Vocabulary Flashcards Reading Assignment Day 2: Review Vocabulary Flashcards Video Lecture (20 min) Review Questions Video Solutions Day 3: Video Lecture (20 min) Review Worksheet Video Solutions Day 4: Video Lab (30 min) Lab Worksheet Video Solutions
7th 8th 9th 10
12th 18
Video Lectures (2-3 per week) Video Labs (1 per week) Video Solutions to Workbook & Lab Activities Quarterly Exams Email Support with Dr. Shormann 32 Week Syllabus and Assignment Chart Answer Key and Solutions Manual Free Internet Textbook Use with Apologia, Bob Jones, Abeka and more Earn up to 24 CLEP or AP College Credits
Life Science
Life Science
Integrated Chemistry & Physics
Earth Science
Algebra 1completed or take concurrently
Pre-algebra or Saxon 8/7 completed or take concurrently
Integrated Chemistry & Physics Algebra 1completed or take concurrently
Chemistry Algebra 2 completed or take concurrently
Precalculus (or Saxon Adv. Math completed or take concurrently
Algebra 2 completed or take concurrently
Earth Science
Physics or Elective
Earn 24 College Credits with CLEP Professor DIVE Science courses are college preparatory courses that provide excellent preparation for CLEP and AP exams. DIVE Biology and DIVE Chemistry teach all the required AP labs. After completing the DIVE Science course, use our CLEP Professor, a three week course that specifically prepares students for the corresponding CLEP or AP exam. DIVE Course DIVE Biology DIVE Chemistry DIVE Physics
There are two reasons to take a CLEP or AP exam. One is to earn college credit. The other is to validate your transcript, showing college admissions and scholarship personnel that you are capaable of college-level work. Therefore, CLEP and AP credits make your application more competitive. See page 28 for more information about CLEP Professor.
CLEP Professor CLEP and AP Biology CLEP and AP Chemistry AP Physcs
College Credits*
CLEP Biology AP Biology
CLEP Chemistry AP Chemistry
AP Physics
*This is the average number of credits awarded. See page 28 for details.
CD-ROM, Download, and Self-Paced Courses DIVE Science courses are available in three formats. All three formats have the same content, including video lectures, video labs, video solutions, and Q&A email support. The only difference is the way the content is delivered. #1:Self-Paced Courses Recommended Format These courses are hosted online in our eLearning campus. Along with all the other content listed above, these courses feature digital worksheets and exams that are automatically graded. The scores are automatically recorded in an online gradebook. Compatibility: All Macs & Windows XP+, iPads, Android, Tablets. See page 20 for details about this new format! #2: Digital Download Downloaded immediately from our website, this is our second favorite format. Internet access is only required during initial download. The course can be downloaded to multiple computers for use by all the children in your immediate family. If you lose it, we will email the download link again. Compatibility All Macs & Windows XP+, iPads, Android, Tablets #3: CD-ROM Because a CD is easy to lose and damage, this is our least favorite format. Compatibility: All Macs and Windows XP+. 936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
Self Paced Science Courses
A 21ST CENTURY SCIENCE EDUCATION FROM A BIBLICAL FOUNDATION Each course is organized into 32 weeks. Click the week to view all the assignments for that week.
Daily assignments ensure students know exactly what do each day.
Assignments are embedded for quick and easy access. Click the assignment and complete online.
Video lectures teach complex concepts, making them easier to understand.
Featuring Automated Grading and Grade Recording Access your DIVE Science course anytime, anywhere, on any computer or device with internet access. These self-paced courses have all the features of the DIVE CD format listed on page 18, plus they feature the most current scientific information, updated graphics, and additional lessons. We recommend this selfpaced format over the CD and download formats.
System Requirements:
Self-Paced Subscription $49
• Browser: IE 8+, Firefox 3.5+, • Chrome, or Safari • Mac OSX , iOs or Windows XP+ • Devices: Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Windows, Android • High Speed Internet Access
• 12 month subscription • Sibling enrolled concurrently $10 • Renewal for sibling in future $20 • Start the course anytime • Available for Earth Science, Integrated Chemistry & Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.
“I have used the DIVE CD-ROMS for years for math. I enjoy hearing Dr. Shoreman explain math to my kids in an orderly manner with scripture intertwined. My son is using the the Chemistry E-learing which includes Chem I and II this year. He has the option of taking the CLEP Chem or AP Chem exam at the end of the school year. Great opportunity! We absolutely love the e-learning! This takes the burden off of me of keeping up with weekly quizzes which ensures he is learning and studying and quarterly testing. The automatic score is very motivating for him. He wants to do well. The result is sent to me via e-mail. The student also develops note-taking skills through this program. The quarterly testing schedule prepare the student for this type of testing in college. E-learning Chemistry is highly recommended!!! “ -DF
Digital Flashcards for Learning Vocabulary
These cards make it easy to learn and memorize the assigned terms and definitions. Knowing the terms improves comprehension of the reading assignment. There is a direct link from the eLearning course assignment to the flashcard set.
Engaging Online Reading Assignments
Featuring colorful graphics and animations not possible in a traditional text, the DIVE Internet Textbook provides engaging 21st Century science reading material.
Video Lectures Provide Expert Instruction
Expert video instruction makes learning complex concepts easier. Each lecture is about twenty minutes. During the lecture the student works interactively, taking notes and working problems along with Dr. Shormann. As opposed to passive, textbook-only science, DIVE students are actively taking notes, solving problems, or completing lab activities.
Homework and Exams are Auto-Graded
Each lesson has a digital worksheet called Review Questions that are graded automatically and include video solutions. The quarterly exams are also graded automatically and the scores for both worksheets and exams are recorded in the online gradebook.
Video Labs Spark Curiosity
These college preparatory labs are based on the scientific method. All of the required AP labs are included for Biology and Chemistry. The videos are about thirty minutes each. Students work interactively, making calculations and recording data in their lab manual. Video solutions are provided for each lab.
Lab Manuals and Lab Kits Available
A printable PDF of the DIVE Lab Manual is included with the course. For your convenience we sell a printed lab manual. Nature’s Workshop Plus has created lab kits for all of our science courses, except DIVE Physics (supplies are too expensive).
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
Audio Adventure
Based on the true story of Dr. Shormann’s research expeditions to a powerful volcano in the remote Alaskan wilderness!
On June 6, 1912, the biggest eruption in over 100 years occurred in what is now Katmai National Park, and The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes in Alaska. Ejecting over 30 times more material than Mount St. Helen’s, Novarupta exploded for more than 60 hours. Catastrophic processes consistent with Biblical history are clearly revealed in the story of Novarupta. The volcano deposited ash and tephra at rates exceeding 10 feet per hour, dropped worldwide temperatures up to 2 °F, caused large parts of mountains to disappear in the blink of an eye, plus a host of other cataclysmic events. Novarupta provides many challenges to the uniformitarian assumption that normal everyday processes are responsible for Earth’s surface features. It is a powerful testimony to the young and active planet we live on, a planet shaped by the hand of God through history as revealed in Scripture.
JourneyToNovarupta.com www.DIVEintoMath.com
DIVE Earth Science will change the way students learn science. While providing a 21st Centrury education, this course will strengthen their faith in the absolute truth of Scripture as a God-inspired work that is a true account of the history of Earth and the Universe. Beautiful, engaging video lectures and labs. Students work interactively, taking notes and working with Dr. Shormann.
Computer-based worksheets and flashcards are graded automatically. Video solutions to homework and lab questions are provided.
Available in 3 Formats P 20 CD-ROM $80.00 Digital Download $69.00 Self-Paced eLearning Course $49.00
Each Format Features
GRADES 7+ See recommended schedule on page 18 PREREQUISITE: Prealgebra (or Saxon 8/7) Completed or Concurrent
• 56 video lectures (2, 20 min lectures/week) • 28 video labs (1, 30 min lab/week)
Biblical Foundation This course trains students to enjoy God’s great Earth while equipping them to make a reasonable defense of biblical Creation and Earth History. It covers four major areas: Earth Science Basics, Flood Geology, Limnology (Freshwater Ecosytems) and Oceanography, and Astronomy and Meteorology.
• 56 Digital Worksheets (2/week)
Video Lectures Do The Teaching for You Set up on a 32 week schedule, students complete two lectures, two digital worksheets, 20 definitions, and one lab each week. Every 8 weeks there is a quarterly review. The video lectures and labs average 20 minutes each.This is a video based course with no required reading assignments. However, a list of supplemental books and videos is provided. Video Labs Spark Interest Based on the scientific method, the weekly video labs teach everything from how to use Google Earth to how to build and fly a model rocket. A hands-on lab kit is available, but not required. Middle School or High School Course Typically recommended for 7th or 8th grade, this course can be modified for use as a high school course by administering the quarterly reviews as exams and adding quarterly research papers on a related topic.
• Printable Lab Manual • Video solutions (worksheets and lab exercises) • Digital vocabulary flashcards • Quarterly reviews • Q&A email service with Dr. Shormann • Grading Calculator (auto-calculate grades) • Solutions Manual (step-by-step solutions) • Supplemental Resources List
• Glossary • Answer Key
Optional: Lab Manual
A printable PDF of this lab is included with your DIVE course. We sell it spiral bound with heavy covers as a convenience for those who do not want to print the 118 pages at home.
Optional: Lab Kit p23
Contains supplies required to complete 22 of the 28 video labs hands-on. Recommended but not required.
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
A complete college preparatory curriculum taught from a biblical foundation Available in 3 Formats The CD and Download have the exact same same content. The self-paced eLearning course has updated graphics and lessons, automated grading, and more. It is our recommended format. See p.20 for details. CD-ROM Digital Download eLearning Course (p. 20)
$49 $49 $49
CD/Download Format Features 29 video lectures (1-2, 20min lectures/week) • 28 video labs (1, 30min lab/week) • Printable workbook(29 worksheets & 28 lab sheets) • Video solutions (worksheets and lab exercises) • Internet Textbook (online reading assignments • Digital flashcards for vocabulary • Quarterly exams • Q&A email service with Dr. Shormann • Grading Calculator (auto-calculate grades) • Solutions Manual (step-by-step solutions) • Glossary • Answer Key •
Optional: Workbook $29 A printable PDF of this workbook is included with your DIVE course. We sell it as a convenience for those who do not want to print the workbook at home. • 138 pages, black and white, double sided • Spiral bound with heavy covers
Optional: Lab Kit $225 Contains supplies required for 22 of the 28 video labs. Recommended but not required.
Grade: 8+ (See schedule on page 18) Prerequisite: Algebra 1 completed or concurrent
Physical Science Now Integrated Physics & Chemistry
Colleges have renamed the requirement for Physical Science to Integrated Physics and Chemistry with one semester of introductory chemistry and one semester of introductory physics. This course provides an excellent foundation for upper level science courses. Since all the biological processes learned in biology are driven by chemical reaction, completing this course before biology will make biology much easier to learn.
Video Lectures & Labs Do The Teaching For You
An introductory chemistry and physics course designed to spark interest while building a firm foundation for advanced science courses. Topics include, electron configuration, chemical bonding, oxidation, balancing equations, nuclear chemistry, chemical bonds and reactions, fluid dynamics, Ohm’s law, gases, and thermodynamics. Based on the scientific method, the video labs have many fun, engaging activities that draw students in and inspire them to learn more.
An Advanced or Standard Course
Designed as an honors course, it can also be used as a standard high school course by administering the quarterly exams as “open note” or with a review sheet.
Internet Textbook
An Internet Textbook with links to weekly reading assignments is included with the DIVE course. If you prefer a physical textbook, we recommend either Bob Jones Physical World, Bob Jones Physical Science (3 or 4th edition), or Abeka Science and Matter, 3rd Edition. A reading syllabus shows exactly which pages to read each in thweek for these texts and many others are posted on our website under Support.
Taught From A Biblical Foundation
Upon completion students will be adept at working with the scientific method, developing lab skills that are above and beyond most of their peers. Most importantly, students will have a better understanding of the laws God has woven into creation and the rich Christian heritage that exists in science.
Biology Instructional CD
A complete college preparatory curriculum taught from a biblical foundation Grade: 9+ (See schedule on page 18) Prerequisite: Integrated Chemistry & Physics (recommended but not required)
Video Lectures & Labs Do The Teaching For You
DIVE Biology is a complete, college preparatory biology course. Topics include Science and Christianity, biochemistry, cells, genetics, epigenetics, natural history (creation/evolution), bacteria, protozoans, fungi, plants, animals, ecology and human anatomy. The 28 video labs include all the required AP labs and emphasize important laboratory techniques used by biologists, including chromatography and gel electrophoresis.
Available in 3 Formats The CD and Download have the exact same same content. The self-paced eLearning course (p. 20) has updated graphics and lessons, automated grading, and more. It is our favorite format. CD-ROM $49 Digital Download $49 eLearning Course (p. 22) $49
CD and Download Features
Honors or Standard Course
Designed as an honors course, DIVE Biology can be used as a standard high school course by administering the quarterly exams as “open note” or with a review sheet.
Taught From A Biblical Foundation
Upon completion, students will be adept at working with the scientific method, developing lab skills that are above and beyond most of their peers. In DIVE Biology, students learn of the truth, beauty, structure, and function of living organisms, and how this negates an evolutionary view of life.
Free Internet Textbook
An Internet Textbook with links to weekly reading assignments is included. This text has the most recent scientific information as well as graphics and animations. If you prefer a physical textbook, we recommend Bob Jones Biology (any edition). However, you can choose any textbook, even a secular publisher. A reading syllabus is available for each text that lists exactly which pages to read each week.
Earn 8 College Credits
After DIVE Biology, use our CLEP Professor Biology, a three week video course that prepares students for the CLEP Biology and AP Biology exams. See page 29 for details about how CLEP Professor works. Apologia Users: Five weeks of human body reading are in the Apologia Human Body text. To complete these reading assignments you can use the internet links in the Internet Textbook. Alternatively, you can purchase the Human Body text. A reading syllabus that lists exactly what to read from the Human Body text is provided.
38 video lectures (1-2, 30min lectures/week) • 28 video labs (one per week;1 hour each ) • Printable workbook (worksheets & lab exercises) • Video solutions (all homework assignments) • Internet Textbook (online reading assignments) • Digital vocabulary flashcards • Quarterly exams • Q&A email service with Dr. Shormann • Grading Caclulator (auto-calculate grades) • Solutions Manual (step-by-step solutions) • Glossary & Answer Key •
A printable PDF of this workbook is included with your DIVE course. We sell it as a convenience for those who do not want to print the workbook at home. • 191 pages • Spiral bound with heavy covers Optional:
Lab Kit
Contains supplies required to complete 18 of the 28 video labs hands-on. Optional: The Exchange of Truth $10
Creation/evolution eBook by Dr. Shormann
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
clep professor
A complete college preparatory curriculum taught from a Biblical foundation Complete One Year Course Available in three formats. The self-paced eLearning course is our favorite format. See page 20 to learn more about these formats. CD-ROM Digital Download eLearning Course
$49 $49 $49
58 video lectures (1-2, 20 min lectures/week) • 28 video labs (1, 30 min lab/week) • Printable workbook(worksheets & lab exercises) • Video solutions (all homework assignments) • Internet Textbook (online reading assignments) • Digital flashcards • Quarterly exams • Q&A email service with Dr. Shormann • Grading Caclulator (auto-calculate grades) • Solutions Manual (step-by-step solutions) • Glossary • Answer Key
Optional Workbook: $29 A printable PDF of this workbook is included with your DIVE course. We sell it as a convenience for those who do not want to print the workbook at home. • 171 pages • Spiral bound with heavy covers
Optional: Lab Kit $270 Recommended but not required. This Contains supplies required to complete 21 of the 28 video labs hands-on.
Grade: 10+ (see schedule on page 18) Prerequisite: Algebra 2 completed or concurrent (ICP recommended but not required)
Video Lectures & Labs Do The Teaching For You
DIVE Chemistry is a complete, college preparatory course, including topics like atomic and molecular bonding, chemical reactions and equations, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, supercritical fluids, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, oxidation/reduction reactions and electrochemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.
Advanced or Standard Course
Designed as an honors level course, DIVE Chemistry includes all the required AP Chemistry labs. These labs emphasize important lab techniques used by chemists, including chromotography, colorimetry, spectroscopy, electroplating, and titrations. However, this course can also be used as a standard high school course by administering the quarterly exams as “open note”.
Taught From A Biblical Foundation
Upon completion, students will be adept at working with the scientific method, developing lab skills that are above and beyond most of their peers. Most importantly, students will have a better understanding of the laws God has woven into Creation and the rich Christian heritage that exists in science.
Free Internet Textbook
The DIVE Internet textbook contains links to complete weekly reading assignments online. Easy to update, this text has the most recent scientific information. If you prefer a traditional hard copy textbook, we recommend either Apologia, Bob Jones, or Abeka. We have a reading syllabus for each text that lists exactly which pages to read each week. If we don’t have one for your text, email us the table of contents and we will make one for you.
Earn 8 College Credits
After DIVE Chemistry, we recommend our CLEP Professor Chemistry, a three week course that prepares students for the CLEP and AP Chemistry exam. See page 28-31 for details on how to earn up to 34 college credits. Apologia Users: Six weeks of reading material required for DIVE Chemistry are in Apologia Advanced Chemistry. To complete these reading assignments, you can either use the internet links provided in the course or purchase the Advanced Chemistry text.
For questions or help, email sales@diveintomath.com
A complete college preparatory curriculum taught from a Biblical foundation Grade: 11+ (see schedule on page 18) Prerequisite: Precalculus or Saxon Advanced Math completed or concurrent
Video Lectures & Labs Do The Teaching For You
DIVE Physics teaches every lesson in the Saxon Physics curriculum. It covers all the topics normally found in an AP Physics B level course including speed and velocity, torque, impulse/momentum, relativity theory, work, gases and thermodynamics, potential and kinetic energy, electricity and magnetism, circuit theory and Ohm’s law, and reflection and refraction. It is also contains 23 video labs and a printable lab manual developed by Dr. Shormann to supplement the Saxon course.
Advanced Placement or Standard Course
This is an Advanced Placement course. However, it can be used as a standard high school course.
Taught From A Biblical Foundation
This course also teaches science history, with a special emphasis on the distinctly Christian foundation of modern science. This foundation is lacking from secular courses and even many Christian courses, but is essential education for the informed Christian that we believe makes it easier to learn physics.
Saxon Physics Bookset Required
Because physics is math-based, the Saxon method of incremental development and continual practice has worked best for our students. Therefore this course was designed to teach Saxon Physics and does not work well with other texts. The complete Saxon Physics bookset, including student text, homeschool packet with test forms, and solutions manual, are required.
Earn 8 College Credits
Upon completion of DIVE Physics, we recommend our CLEP Professor Physics, a three week course that prepares students for the AP Physics 1&2 exams. DIVE/Saxon Physics + CLEP Professor also prepares students for 70% of the AP Physics C exams. See page 28-31 for details.
DIVE Physics Course This course is available in three formats. All formats include the same components. See pages 21 & 23 for more information. CD-ROM $49 ($59) Digital Download $49 ($59) No Self-Paced Course Available
• 100 video lectures (2-4, 20min lectures/wk) • 23 video labs (1, 30 min lab most weeks)
• Printable lab manual • Quarterly exams with solutions • Q&A email service with Dr. Shormann • Grading Calculator (auto-calculate grades) • Glossary • Answer Key
Saxon Physics Kit • • • •
Saxon Student Textbook Saxon Homeschool Packet Saxon Test Forms Saxon Solutions Manual
Optional Lab Manual
A printable PDF of this lab manual is included with your DIVE course. We sell it as a convenience for those who do not want to print the workbook at home. • 74 pages • Spiral bound with heavy covers
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
CLEP Professor Expert video instruction for every topic on the corresponding CLEP or AP exam. Taught from a biblical foundation, each 3-6 week course includes practice problems, video solutions, practice exams, and Q&A email support. For questions or help, email sales@diveintomath.com
CLEP College Algebra CD-ROM.........$39 iTunesU...........$29 Download........$29
CLEP & AP Biology CD-ROM.........$39 iTunesU...........$29 Download........$29
CLEP Precalculus CD-ROM.........$39 iTunesU...........$29 Download........$29
CLEP & AP Chemistry CD-ROM.........$39 iTunesU...........$29 Download........$29
CLEP and AP Calculus AB CD-ROM.........$39 iTunesU...........$29 Download........$29
AP Physics CD-ROM.........$39 iTunesU...........$29 Download........$29 This course provides preparation for AP Physics 1 & 2 as well as 70% of the AP Physics BC exams. See p 31.
EARN UP TO 34 COLLEGE CREDITS “Dr. Shormann and CLEP Professor for Precalculus does it again for son, Nick! Just returned from Austin Peay State University with a completed/ passed CLEP Precalculus test
CLEP Professor
College Board Exams
High School Prerequisite
College Credits*
College Algebra
CLEP College Algebra
Algebra 2
CLEP Precalculus
CLEP Calculus AP Calculus AB
3 or 4
CLEP Biology AP Biology
CLEP Chemistry AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1 & 2
with points to spare. That’s a total of 7 college Math credits since September...couldn’t do it without you, Doc!!! On to Calculus after a day off tomorrow. Not bad for a fourteen year old!” -Peter S.
*This is the average number of credits awarded. However, each college determines how much crediit is awarded and the course the credit is applied to.
Each CLEP Professor title has a diagnostic test that determines which of the 20 lessons to complete.
Twenty video lectures teach every topic on the corresponding CLEP or AP Exam. Students work interactively, taking notes and working problems along with Dr. Shormann.
To reinforce understanding, each lesson has 10-15 practice problems. Video solutions are provided for each question.
COMPUTER BASED PRACTICE EXAMS After completing the prescribed lessons, take the first practice exam. Each question on the practice exam is referenced to the CLEP Professor lesson the topic was taught in, making it easy to re-learn missed concepts. After reviewing, take the next practice exam. Each title contains two or three practice exams. TAKE THE CLEP OR AP EXAM
While AP exams are only offered in early May each year, CLEP exams can be taken anytime at your local university or community college. You do not have to be enrolled in college, nor are there any age requirements. However, a picture ID is required.
Exam scores are stored at The College Board. Upon request, exam scores are sent to prospective colleges. Colleges determine the number of credits awarded for each exam.
Dr. Shormann will personally answer any questions about your course via email.
936.372.9216 | sales@diveintomath.com
CLEP and AP Exams What are CLEP and AP Exams? CLEP and AP exams, administered by the College Board and accepted by over 2900 colleges and universities nationwide, allow students to earn college credit by passing an exam instead of taking the college course. What is the difference between CLEP and AP exams? CLEP exams are 90-minute computer based, multiple choice exams. AP exams are a 90-minute multiple choice section and a 90-minute free response (handwritten) section. When and where can I take CLEP and AP exams? AP exams are administered once a year, in early May at your local high school. CLEP exams can be taken anytime at your local community college or university testing center. Which exams will my college accept? Visit www.collegeboard.com and click on the CLEP or AP link to find out exactly what credits your college accepts. Since most students don’t know which college they will attend until their senior year, we recommend taking the CLEP or AP exam after completing the corresponding high school course. Even if your college doesn’t award credit, good scores on these exams make your college admissions and scholarship application more competitive. We wanted to share with you the joy we had when opening the results of my son's AP Physics B Exam. He received a four out of a possible five. His junior year was a year of diligent study for him. The only materials he used were your Saxon+ DIVE + CLEP Professor Physics. Thank you for your wonderful course! To God be the Glory, Jennifer M
I highly recommend DIVE Science. The DIVE courses are written with the AP and CLEP in mind. My daughter finally made the switch as a senior and wished she would done it sooner. She felt it prepared her to get an A for her two semesters in Anatomy and Physiology. And gave her what she needs to be a 4.0 nursing BSN student. My son who is a national merit finalist was stuck in Apologia Chemistry until we switched to BJU with DIVE. He also did all the Physics APs. He felt this prepared him for the rigors of his electrical engineering program. He is also a 4.0 engineering student.
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These programs in high school really turned things around for them in science. They are both majoring in heavily technical/scientific fields. Here is the proof in the pudding scores, Chemistry 4/5 AP, Biology CLEP 70’s, Physics B and both C exams a 5/5. BTW my daughter who did the Chemistry AP without DIVE and just Apologia got a 3/5. Lisa C .
Advanced Placement Exams
The College Board’s Advanced Placement program enables students to earn up to eight college credits while still in high school. A passing score can also boost admissions and scholarship applications by proving college readiness. Are DIVE courses approved by the College Board? To designate a course as AP on a transcript, each teacher must submit their class syllabus for approval by The College Board.This is not something a publisher like DIVE does for you. In public and private schools, the purpose of designating a course as AP is to raise the grade point scale of that course to 5.0 instead of 4.0. Now, most colleges strip GPAs to a 4.0 scale. Instead of focusing on the AP approval process, we focus on preparing you to pass the exam. How do I earn college credit? College credit is earned by passing an AP exam. Exams are given on one day each year in early May at high schools across the country. To find a school near you, visit collegeboard.org. When applying to college, contact the College Board and request they send your scores to the college.The college will apply credit when your application is accepted.
AP Calculus Exams
Boost College Admissions & Scholarship Applications Administered by The College Board, AP Calculus exams are a primary indicator of college success. A passing score on these exams can earn up to 8 college credits and boost your college admissions and scholarship applications. There are two AP Calculus exams, AB and BC. The first 112 lessons in the DIVE/Saxon Calculus, 2nd Edition course teaches all the concepts required for the AP Calculus AB exam. After completing the DIVE/Saxon course, use our CLEP Professor for AP Calculus. This is a four to six week course that provides specific preparation for the AP exam. To prepare for the AP Calculus BC exam, complete the remaining 32 lessons in the DIVE/Saxon Calculus program, then use an AP Calculus BC prep book for specific prepation for this exam. The DIVE/Saxon lessons for each exam should be completed by mid-March, allowing plenty of time to specifically prepare for these exams. The DIVE syllabus provides detailed information on preparing for these exams.
Does DIVE teach everything required for the exam? Along with our CLEP Professor course, DIVE teaches every topic on the corresponding CLEP and AP exams. For the best results, start your DIVE course in July and complete it by the middle of March. This allows a full six weeks to specifically prepare for the exam using the CLEP Professor course. What are the requirements? To take an AP exam you must register with the high school and have a goverment issued picture ID. There are no age requirements. Why take an AP exam instead of a CLEP? AP exams are more rigorous than CLEP exams and therefore are typically awarded credit in higher level courses. For example a CLEP Calculus exam may be awarded credit in a business calculus course while an AP Calculus exam is awarded credit in an engineering calculus course.
AP Physics Exams Algebra or Calculus Based? The AP Physics B exam has been divided into two exams and renamed AP Physics 1 & 2. Both AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism and AP Physics C: Mechanics remain the same. AP Physics 1 & 2 exams are algebra based and the AP Physics C exams are calculus based. DIVE/Saxon Physics plus our CLEP Professor for AP Physics teaches everything required for the Physics 1&2 exams as well as 70% of the C exams. To prepare for AP Physics 1 & 2, complete the DIVE/Saxon Physics course by early March. Then use CLEP Professor for AP Physics to specifically prepare for the exams. To prepare for the C exams, complete the DIVE/Saxon Physics course, the CLEP Professor for AP Physics course, and an AP Physics C test preparation book. The DIVE Physics Syllabus and Course Instructions are posted on our website under Support and have specific exam praparation instructions. The DIVE/Saxon lessons for each exam should be completed by mid-March, allowing plenty of time to specifically prepare for these exams.
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