July - September 2018 Issue
GetHealthy A Lifestyle Medicine Magazine
ASSESSING The Prevalence Rate of Overweight and Obesity With The Use of Body Mass Index See page 23 to submit your research article for publication consideration
Timely Rest: Restore, Repair, and Rejuvenate During Sleep Descanso Oportuno: Restaurar, Reparar y Rejuvenecer Durante el Sueño
Healthy Meals & Recipes INTRODUCING
Nutritional Juices & Meal Bowls
Ask The Doctor Foods That Heal
See back cover for details
Changing Healthcare Outcomes GetHealthy with Dr. Cooper-Dockery, Internal Medicine • CooperInternalMedicine.com
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EDITORS Elizabeth Garcia Jacinto Flores EDITING/TRANSLATION Jaime A Mejia-Mazuera Carlos Florez CONTRIBUTORS Dona Cooper-Dockery, MD Christina Phillips Paul Amo Kyeremeh, MPH, DrPH Esther Amo Kyeremeh, MPH Patsy Adams, BSN Seth Agyeman, MD GRAPHIC DESIGN Debra Marcketti
Our motto and the name of our magazine is GETHEALTHY. Each letter represents a healthy lifestyle principle that will lead to optimum health.
OALS: Assess your health risks then establish GOALS for a healthier you. NVIRONMENT: Spend time in the outdoors and enjoy the natural remedies from sunlight fresh air. IMELY REST: Protect yourself from Alzheimer’s and obesity with eight hours of sleep. EALTHY DIET: Choose a diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and seeds. XERCISE: Getting at least thrity minutes of regular physical exercise daily is the key to health. CCESS TO HEALTHCARE: Ask your doctor about Preventive Health screening for your age. IQUIDS: The consumption of about eight cups of water daily is good for your health. IME WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS: Building strong relationships could prolong your life by ten years. APPINESS & HOPE: Positive thoughts, relaxation, optimism and trust in the Creator are essential for complete health. IELD YEARS: Embracing a healthy lifestyle will add years of abundant life.
Get Healthy Magazine is focused on healthy living. All contents are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent from the publisher. The material in this magazine is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments. Get Healthy Magazine and its contributors accept no responsibility for inaccuracies, and the advertiser is solely responsible for ad content and holds publisher harmless for any error. 2 | GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018
CONTENTS July - September 2018 Issue
FEATURES ON TIMELY REST: 4 5 7 9 10 12 13 14
Restore, Repair, and Rejuvenate During Sleep Can A Lack of Sleep Affect Our Memory? The Importance of Rest and Relaxation Adrenal Fatigue Can A Lack of Sleep Make Me Gain Weight? What & How? Getting a Better Sleep In Summary
Restaurar, Reparar y Rejuvenecer Durante el Sueño ¿La falta de sueño afecta nuestra memoria? La importancia del Descanso y la Relajación Fatiga Suprarrenal ¿Puede la falta de sueño hacerme ganar peso? ¿Qué y Cómo? Conseguir un Mejor Sueño En Resumen
25 27 29 30 31 32 33
Foods That Heal Ask The Doctor Healthy Recipes Let's Move
26 28 34 35
Alimentos Que Sanan Pregúntele a la Doctora Recetas Saludables A Movernos
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20 & 23 Assessing The Prevalence Rate of Overweight and Obesity With The Use of Body Mass Index
TIMELY REST: Restore, Repair, and Rejuvenate During Sleep On June nineteenth, 2015, a truck driver by the name of Mark Tipton, age 52, failed to stop in a construction zone and caused a chain-reaction crash involving his Freightliner and 12 other vehicles at 3:50 a.m. on the inbound lanes of Interstate 55 in Illinois. All inbound lanes of the expressway were closed for about two hours and Mark admitted to police that he did not even attempt to stop or slow down. He was going full speed in his semi-truck because he had fallen asleep at the wheel. Sleep deprivation is one of the main causes of vehicular accidents in the United States. In fact, The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that as many as 100,000 accidents are caused by drivers who actually doze off behind the wheel of their vehicles. It is also estimated that as many as 1,500 deaths and 40,000 injuries may be caused by drowsy driving. According to a recent study conducted by the Sleep Medicine division at Harvard Medical School, over fifty percent of participants admitted to driving while drowsy. Another twenty-five percent revealed they had actually fallen asleep at the wheel even if it was only momentarily. The statistics for semi-truck drivers were even more alarming with nearly half of them admitting to actually ‘drifting off’ while driving over-the-road. The lack of adequate sleep will surely take your life or the life of others, whether during a motor vehicle accident or not. Adequate sleep is essential for good health. An inadequate amount of restful sleep not only leads to poor health but to death. It is, for this reason, timely rest is listed as one of the pillars of health. It is a well-known fact that oxygen and water are essential to sustain life, but have you ever stopped to think where sleep falls in that formula for life sustenance? Let’s look in more detail: How long could you sustain life in the absence of the following:
1. Oxygen – five minutes. 2. Sleep – three to possibly eleven days 3. Water – seven to ten days 4. Food – fourteen to twenty-one days. Timely Rest Is Made Law On July 1st, 2013, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced that new federal regulations designed to improve safety for the motoring public by reducing truck driver fatigue would take full effect. This legislation passed due to the increase in motor vehicle accidents as a result of drowsy driving. Drowsy driving is very similar to driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In fact, one study found that driving after being awake for seventeen to eighteen hours is equivalent to driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.05 percent. People who are sleep deprived experience symptoms such as: • Impaired coordination • Slow reaction times • Impaired judgment • Decreased vision The FMCSA estimates that the new safety regulations will save nineteen lives and prevent approximately 1,400 crashes and 560 injuries each year. The importance of proper and adequate rest is not only essential for drivers, but for everyone. The human body and mind require a certain amount of rest so that they are able to perform the everyday activities and processes that we need them to. If we do not get enough sleep, we will be less productive and our moods will change, normally for the worse. Healthy sleep is essential for providing energy enough for the next day and also for processing and retaining information. ►
Can A Lack of Sleep Affect Our Memory? There is no question that sleep, or a lack thereof, affects a person’s brain, but to what extent? Is there a greater chance to memorize the things we learn before we go to sleep? According to recent studies, the answer is “yes.” Sleep can actually trigger changes in the brain that solidify memory by strengthening the connections between brain cells and transferring information from one brain region to another. Researchers did a test on a group of subjects who had learned new material or skills, such as practicing piano scales, and then scanned their brains after a period both with and without sleep. They found that the regions of the brain that control speed and accuracy were more active in those people who had slept than those who hadn’t. People who have a good night’s sleep or even just take a nap after they learn something are more likely to retain that information on a long-term basis.5 Scientists believe that while we sleep, memories and skills are shifted to more efficient and permanent brain regions, making for higher proficiency the next day. Sleep is also known to increase creative ability. Further research has found that there is a possibility that the human brain can learn during periods of sleep as well. In an experiment, scientists exposed a group of people to a sound and a pleasant smell while they slept. After the subjects woke up in the morning, they started sniffing when they heard the sound. In other words, they had learned the association in their sleep.
Working in the U.S.A. Although it cannot buy happiness, money is an important means of achieving a higher quality of life. The United States ranks high on the charts as far as housing, income and wealth are concerned. The average household income per capita is $41,355 a year, which is the highest figure according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. We rank above the average in health status, jobs and earnings, personal security and environmental quality but below average in the work/life balance. As Americans, our economy and consequently our nation is driven by business. The general cultural expectation in the U.S. remains the traditional “nine to five,” but it is increasingly common for most employees to work beyond this point. While eight hours per day is often the “official” expectation, many employees feel they need to work longer. In many industries and regions, over twelve hours per day has become the normal working timeframe. Even when not at work, employees tend to “be on call” with the increase in technology such as email, smartphones, and the Internet. Working long daily and weekly hours on a continuing basis seems normal to most of us; however, these types of lifestyle patterns are associated with a number of serious chronic health conditions such as chronic fatigue, a weakened immune system, mental disorders, anxiety and even auditory and visual hallucinations just to name a few. ► Cont. on page 7
Foods That Heal Plant based diets contribute to longevity and good health
Dragon Fruit: Contains Vitamin C, B, Thiamine, B1, and
Cactus/Nopales: Contains Vitamins Ribofl avin, B6, Copper,
Ribofl avin. High in minerals; Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Sodium. Aids in digestion, reduces risk of cancer, boosts immunity, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, antibacterial/anti-fungal and improves metabolism.
Iron, Fiber, Vitamin A, C, K, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Manganese. Aids in digestion, Improves skin, prevents cancer, maintains and builds strong bones, protects against diarrhea and constipation, maintains blood sugar and relieves stress.
Watermelon: High in Vitamins A, B6, Niacin and Thiamin. Kidney health, hydrating, regulates blood pressure, prevents cancer, controls diabetes and prevents macular degeneration.
Pineapple: Contains Vitamin A, C, Beta-Carotene, Thiamin, B5,
B6 and Folate. Contains Minerals; Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. Eye/ oral health, boosts immunity, reduces infl ammation, helps heal wounds, reduces risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, protects against constipation, helps prevent arthritis, cancer and heart disease.
Red Cabbage: Contains: Thiamin, Ribofl avin, Folate, Calcium,
Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin C, A, E, K, B Vitamins and dietary fi ber. Aids in weight loss, boosts immune system, protects against cognitive disorders, anti-aging, protects against macular degeneration, skin health and reduces risk of cancer.
Rest and Relaxation
The United States is the only developed country in the world without a single, legally required paid vacation or holiday. By law, every country in the European Union has at least four work weeks of paid vacation. Because time-off is time not spent productively working, it would seem to be an expense that countries with struggling economies cannot afford. However, countries such as Germany and France offer about the highest amount of paid time off and were only marginally lower as far as macroeconomic outcomes were concerned than the U.S. Another important note that we must also consider is the fact that the average U.S. employee works approximately twenty percent more hours per worker than employees in Germany or France.
Fight-or-Flight I think that it is fair to say that everyone can appreciate an honest day’s work; however, overworking oneself can actually do more harm than good. Constant stages of work and stress can deteriorate the body at a rapid rate. In the 1930s, a scientist by the name of Hans Selye applied the term “stress” to living
organisms and their struggle to live, cope and adapt to their changing environments. One of his most significant discoveries was that the stress hormone cortisol had a long-term effect on the health of rats. Traditionally, cortisol has played a dynamic role in human survival. We have all heard of the infamous “fight-or-flight” reaction. This is when a hostile situation is deduced by our brains and a chain reaction of signals releases various hormones such as epinephrine, which is also known as “adrenaline,” norepinephrine, and cortisol from the adrenal glands. These resources cause a physiological response to that threat in the form of increased heart rate and faster breathing, and increase the availability of glucose, which fuels our cells. These responses take so much energy that they leave few resources for the other important functions that are necessary for our health. As a result, the hormone cortisol will simultaneously tell other costly physical processes – including digestion, reproduction, physical growth, and some aspects of the immune system – to shut or slow down until the threat passes so that they do not interfere with the defense process from the imminent danger that is presumed. ► Cont. on page 9
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The hormones that cause “stress” are important aspects of survival; however, continuous release of them is hazardous to the body because the results are very taxing. Sometimes, when stress levels go on for extended periods of time, the brain can perceive stress even if it isn’t really there. Adrenal fatigue is a decrease in the adrenal glands’ ability to carry out their normal functions. It is commonly caused by chronic stress from any source including emotional, physical, mental, or environmental that exceeds the body’s capacity to adjust appropriately to the demands for more and more cortisol. Stressors that can lead to adrenal fatigue include anger, chronic illness, depression, high sugar intake and sleep deprivation, just to name a few. Moreover, chronic stress and a prolonged exposure to cortisol inhibit the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus, a brain area essential in forming new memories. In this way, stress directly results in memory impairments and impairs the brain’s ability to put emotional memories into context. It can cause increased growth of the amygdala, the portion of the brain that controls fear and other emotional responses. There are four main phases of adrenal fatigue. The first is the “alarm” phase where the body tries to compensate for the over-production of cortisol and posts a forceful anti-stress response to overcome it. In the second phase, the adrenal glands are eventually unable to keep up with the body’s cortisol demand and although normal daily functions can still be carried out, the body will be exhausted after each day and will require more rest than usual in order to recover properly. If proper rest is not obtained, then the output
of cortisol will gradually decline and the primary goal of the body will be to conserve energy. Energy sources such as muscle tissue are drained and used as fuel in order to ensure survival. At this point, people often cannot function smoothly throughout the day, no matter how hard they try. In stage three of adrenal fatigue or the resistant phase, the endocrine system continues to focus on producing stress hormones at the expense of sex hormones. This then causes a drop in the level of hormones such as DHEA and testosterone. People who find themselves in this phase of adrenal fatigue will experience lower levels of many important hormones that can make a significant difference to the quality of life that they experience. Typical symptoms might include regular tiredness, a lack of enthusiasm, recurring infections and a lower sex drive. This phase might continue for several months or even years. The fourth and final stage of adrenal fatigue is the most dangerous and can sometimes be life-threatening. Addison’s disease is a disorder that occurs when your body no longer produces sufficient doses of cortisol and oftentimes, it produces inadequate levels of aldosterone as well. Over time, a person can experience symptoms of Addisonian crisis when the body is completely exhausted. Such symptoms include chronic fatigue and muscle weakness, loss of appetite, the inability to digest food, weight loss, blood sugar abnormalities, including dangerously low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, moodiness, irritability, and depression.► Cont. on page 10 GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018 | 9
CAN A LACK OF SLEEP MAKE ME GAIN WEIGHT? Traditionally, sleep has been regarded for its effects on the brain and emotions; however, research is showing us that even moderate sleep deprivation in healthy subjects can alter the person’s metabolic state. This change is so significant because it literally mimics the glucose metabolism of diabetics. Going for extended periods of time without sufficient sleep can raise cortisol levels and decrease a person’s insulin sensitivity. Another study showed that after four hours of sleep for six nights, healthy young men experienced a thirty percent decrease in their body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates. Scientists are starting to believe that there may be a
connection between a lack of sleep and the obesity crisis that our country is currently facing. Obesity affects over two-thirds, which is 68.8 percent, of adults in the United States. Although this statistic is incredibly alarming, what is even more alarming is the fact that this crisis is even affecting our future generations. About one-third of children and adolescents ages six to nineteen are considered to be overweight or obese. Four out of five people with type two diabetes, which contributes to the death of 234,051 Americans annually, are overweight or obese. ► Cont. on page 12
Ask The
DOCTOR Ask The Doctor is a regular column in GetHealthy Magazine. Submit your questions to: gohealthquestions@gmail.com Q:
With all the conversations of eating healthy and fad diets being advertised, which is the best diet for longterm health?
A: I do not like to use the word “diet”, as dieting is usually a temporary change. In order for you to attain long-term health benefi t from the food that you consume then healthy nutrition should become a habit or a lifestyle. There are numerous scientifi c research that have shown a plant-based diet is the best form of nutrition to prevent, improve or reverse chronic diseases. Q:
What is the best liquid to consume in the morning?
A: Water is indeed medicine! Pure water has no calories, sugar, or cholesterol, water is used to treat many diseases such as headache, fatigue, constipation, kidney stones, just to name a few. So start your day with a simple glass of water. Q:
I am a fan of drinking coffee for increasing my energy. Is there a better alternative to be drinking?
A: The consumption of coffee is not a very healthy lifestyle habit, the intake of too much caffeine could be harmful to your health. Caffeine is a stimulant which could elevate the blood pressure or over stimulate the heart, it is therefore best to use alternative drinks such as herbal teas. Q:
What are some spices I should be cooking with on a daily basis?
A: There are various spices that have added health benefi ts that you should use as often as possible: Turmeric or Curcumin- this spice has been used for centuries in the eastern cultures. In addition to many other benefi ts, turmeric is used for joint pain, to improve the immune system, it is used to combat various types of infections. Cayenne pepper- this has anti-infl ammatory properties and thus is used for joint pain. Ginger- this is used to build the immune system, it can also be used to treat nausea. Q:
What are some cardiovascular exercises that are easy on the joints, especially my knees?
A: Try choosing low-impact exercises and avoid exercising on hard surfaces. Rowing is a great full body cardiovascular exercise, that is low-impact and involves strengthening the muscles around the knee during the rowing movement. Swimming is also a great form of low-impact cardio that requires you to use your entire body in a weightless setting. Always monitor your heart rate when doing any cardiovascular activity.
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www.XraysOnDemand.com GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018 | 11
WHAT & HOW? Now that we have established the importance of sleep and what can happen to our bodies when we deprive ourselves of adequate rest, we are faced with the question of how much sleep is just right. To put it plainly, there is no secret formula or a one-size-fits-all approach. Every person is created differently and has different needs. However, scientists and researchers have come up with a very basic formula of approximately eight hours of sleep per night for optimal cognitive performance. Although the “eight-hour rule” is the general guideline, each person’s age plays a significant role in how their sleeping patterns should be tailored. For example, anyone who has had children knows that eight hours of sleep each night is only a dream with infants. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that newborns typically get between fourteen to seventeen hours of sleep each day. Because they usually require scheduled feedings, however, newborn babies will typically take naps in one to three hour intervals to get their essential levels of sleep time. After infancy, the amount of time necessary for each age bracket is reduced by about two hours until the eight hour mark is reached at adulthood and remains that way into the senior citizen status. Here is a further breakdown of the daily recommended hours of sleep according to the National Sleep Foundation: • Newborns (0-3 months): Sleep range narrowed to 14-17 hours each day (previously it was 12-18) • Infants (4-11 months): Sleep range widened two hours to 12-15 hours (previously it was 14-15) • Toddlers (1-2 years): Sleep range widened by one hour to 11-14 hours (previously it was 12-14) • Preschoolers (3-5): Sleep range widened by one 12 | GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018
hour to 10-13 hours (previously it was 11-13) • School-age children (6-13): Sleep range widened by one hour to 9-11 hours (previously it was 10-11) • Teenagers (14-17): Sleep range widened by one hour to 8-10 hours (previously it was 8.5-9.5) • Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours (new age category) • Adults (26-64): Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours • Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours (new age category) As with each individual, every slumber is not the same. There are phases of sleep that people slip into that provide for the healing and building processes and mental clarity that we have discussed thus far. The term “deep sleep” is the type of sleep where the restoration and growth of body tissue occur and immunity to infections is strengthened. Electroencephalographic recordings are recordings that monitor brain activity during a person’s sleep in measured wavelengths. The phases of sleep are characterized by wave-like formations that scale up and down in depths. The more brain activity, the greater the formation depths. Rapid-eye-movement sleep is a “deep sleep” where the brain activity actually resembles consciousness or wakefulness. As the name implies, during this phase of the sleeping cycle, both eyes move under closed eyelids as if watching or following fast moving objects. This is where dreaming, sleepwalking, and teeth-grinding occur. Memory organization and reorganization, as well as the refreshing of memories, also take place in this phase of sleep. Rapid- eye-movement sleep is the last and deepest sleep phase. ►
Getting a Better Sleep There are a few things that we can do to ensure that we are getting the proper sleep and rest levels that our bodies need to function properly and have enough energy to help us successfully complete each new day. ◗ We should try to adhere to a timely sleep schedule. Consistency has been proven to reinforce the body’s sleep-wake cycle and help promote a better quality of sleep at night. Try to be in bed by 10:00 PM. The hours prior to midnight allow for more production of the growth hormones. This, therefore, increases the processes of healing and reparation. ◗ Have a bedtime ritual. Do something that will relax you before going to bed so that you can easily drift off. Forcing yourself to sleep tends to have the opposite effect as it can add stress. Also, warm colored light such as those with a yellowish glow has been known to infl uence feelings of rest and relaxation in the brain, helping it to unwind. ◗ Daytime naps can interfere with proper nighttime rest. If naps are absolutely necessary or you fi nd yourself utterly exhausted, you should limit your naps to last only between ten and thirty minutes. ◗ Physical activity such as walking, jogging or even simple house-cleaning can help you sleep better at night. In addition to the other numerous health benefi ts, physical activity can help you fall into a deeper sleep by expending any unused energy that accumulates throughout the day. One thing to remember though is not to exercise too close to bedtime. Try to exercise in the morning or afternoon, because exercising right before going to bed may keep you too energized to fall asleep. ◗ Many people consider stress as the number one reason for not having a quality sleep. There are several ways that you can help to manage stress. Physical activity helps to alleviate stress and the over-production of cortisol during the day which will contribute to better sleep at night. Another good practice is to keep work from interfering with your personal life. Keeping work and home-life separate can greatly increase your chances of falling soundly asleep. Remember, tomorrow is another day. Do not worry about things that you cannot change and always move forward. ◗ Prayer, meditation, and giving thanks for all the day’s blessings will allow for a good night’s sleep. ► GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018 | 13
In Summary Please remember that in order for you to attain health and longevity there are two cycles of rest that must be observed: daily and weekly rest. This allows the body to restore and repair damaged cells, tissues and organs. Even God rested at the end of creation week, on the seventh day. He blessed it and made it holy and asked us to do the same. With so much to do and often, not enough time to do it in, we forget about our health as we focus on what all needs to be done. We tend to overthink and overwork ourselves without even noticing the damage we are doing to our bodies and our minds. Although it sometimes proves very difficult, keeping our daily lives organized will help to ensure that we make time for the important things such as our rest, our family, friends, and most importantly, our faith. By following the simple principles and practices of regular rest time like the Bible says we should, we will be able to live longer and healthier lives. We will find more peace and tranquility through the hectic hustle and bustle of each day and we will learn to have serenity in our lives as we were created to. Remember, it is important to take time to rest, repair, rejuvenate, recharge, and refocus. This is a successful strategy for health. GH
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Dona Coo #1 best per-Dockery , selling 25 year author, M.D., is a board-c and spea s ertified nationally to positivel ker who y has ded physician, the Ame and internatio changing hea icated rican Aca nally. She lthcare Medical outcome over holds Associa demy of Lifes tyle Med active members s both tion. icine and She’s hips in the the Ame Creator, author of Get rican Get Hea Healthy Health. For Life, Dr. Coo lthy Magazin My Hea e, and Cooper per-Doc lth and Fou Inte kery is The Preventio rnal Medicine also the rteen Days to Amazing foun n and Cen der the with Dr. ter and and dire Cooper host Cooper which airs of the popular Wellness and ctor of Disease TV show bi-weekl , Get Hea y locally and on lthy Fox.
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“As a fami not mea ly physician n to navi , To be heal gate I acknowle everybod thy consistsa complex dge the impo med rtanc y to enga in follo wing ical system, e of deliv ge in read ing thispractical step or to use theering health informati book. Hop s as pres mos e you enjo ented in t recent med on in a very Ubaldo simple y it, and this book by ications as Salazar, way. To concurren many time Dr. Family “Dr. Coo tly get Dona Cooper-D s portr get heal Practice M.D. healthy.” your institper-Dockery ockery. ayed in thethy does Physicia I strongly med n retiremen ution, you has brilliantly encouragia. could live t.” craft e smarter, ed a tool that longer, if you take healthier , happier, the time to unde Errol B. save a bundle rstand it and Bryce, of mon Presiden use M.D., FAC for your ey, and self, your P. in the proc Professo t, New Steps ess, help family, and to Hea r of Med secure icine, UNT lth; Adj. Ass your t.
This 28 Day Meal Plan Guide gives guilt free vegan recipes, weekly shopping lists, inspirational Bible text as food for thought, information on dietary supplements and more. HSC
• Reversing Diabetes • Maintaining Healthy Weight & Reversing Hypertension Naturally • Water & Rest • Sunlight & Mind-Body Connection • Active Living • Cancer Prevention & Access to Healthcare Only
incredibly delicious
B y Dona
Cooper -Docke
ry, M.D .
This book reveals nine secret pillars of health that can be used as the ultimate prescription and practical solution for living disease-free. “Discover the 9 SECRET PILLARS of Health to Live a Longer, Stronger, Energetic Life.”
See back cover for details • Women’s Daily Multivitamin • Men’s Daily Multivitamin • Joint Health • Vitamin B12 Tumeric • Omega 3 • Colon Sweep Vitamin D3 • CoQ 10
This book empowers readers to take control of their health using simple yet effective lifestyle modifi cations such as healthy nutrition, regular exercise and stress management. This book features a 14 day kick-start program, exercise section and over 100 delicious plant-base recipes.
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COOPER WELLNESS AND DISEASE PREVENTION CENTER At the Wellness Center we focus on patients with diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other chronic diseases who want to decrease medications or reverse diseases through lifestyle modifications.
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Dona Cooper-Dockery,MD
"Let food be thy Medicine and thy medicine be Food" Get Healthy With Dr. Cooper is subsidiary of the Non-profit organization: Faithful Path International Ministries (501c3 Organization). This TV show is designed to educate communities on various important lifestyle principles, such as healthy nutrition, physical exercise, and stress management which are important in diseases modification and thus could assist in preventing, improving or reversing chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Obesity, Sleep Apnea and even some cancers. Dr. Cooper-Dockery is board certified in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine for about 24 years. Over the past few
years she has integrated lifestyle medicine into her full-time Internal Medicine practice and has seen that her patients disease processes are much better controlled. Many of these patients have even reversed their chronic diseases such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Other patients are losing weight, some are reporting better pain control and while some are enjoying a sense of better overall wellbeing, Dr. Cooper-Dockery is very active in the community giving health lectures, or just volunteering with different non-profit organizations. Her unique brand of healing includes incorporating nutritient-rich meals, exercise, sleep, including a mind free of stress. It is important to ascertain causes; the cure is in the cause!
Mushroom and Kale Frittata
Mushroom and Kale Frittata INGREDIENTS: 1 small onion, chopped 2 cups mushrooms 2 cups Tofu Scramble 4 cups coarsely chopped kale leaves 2 cloves garlic, mashed & minced ¼ tsp salt 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup soy milk ½ cup whole-wheat fl our ½ tsp baking powder 2 tbsp olive oil
Roasted Vegetable Delight
2 cups lentils 1½ cups onion, chopped 2 cups carrots, cubed 2 large potatoes, cubed 8 cups water ½ cup celery, chopped 2 tbsp savory seasoning 4 garlic cloves, minced 1 bay leaf 2 tsp Italian herbs or Mrs. Dash Seasoning 1 tsp thyme
Blend oats; add in wheat fl our, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl mix milk and oil. Then combine both and set aside. Spray large oven proof skillet with nonstick cooking spray; heat over medium heat. Add onion and mushrooms; cook and stir 6-8 minutes or until onion is light golden. Add kale and garlic; cook 3-5 minutes or until kale is wilted. Evenly spread mixture to cover bottom of skillet. Pour Tofu Scramble over Kale mixture. Cover and cook 6-7 minutes or until almost set. Then mix milk, oats, fl our and baking powder. Pour mixture over sautéed vegetable tofu, slightly mix. Preheat broiler. Uncover skillet; broil 2-3 minutes or until golden brown and set. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting into 6 wedges.
Mushroom and Kale Frittata (serving size: 2-5x5 inch squares) 1 cup mixed fruit 2 oz walnuts
1 green zucchini 1 yellow zucchini 3 cups broccoli 3 cups caulifl ower 1 cup carrots 1 cup red pepper ½ cup diced onion 8 oz fi rm tofu 2 tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos or soy sauce 1 package Lipton onion soup mix
Oatmeal Fruit Smoothie
PREPARATION: In a large pot combine the lentils and water and allow to cook for about 60 minutes or until lentils are tender. Add the vegetables and all the other ingredients. Allow to cook for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve hot.
PREPARATION: All vegetables and tofu should be cut into small bite size pieces. Mix together all the ingredients in a large baking dish, cover and bake at 400°F for 10 minutes. Open and mix ingredients together then bake for another 10-15 minutes.
Lentil Soup with Vegetables INGREDIENTS:
Healthy Recipes
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups of water, soy milk or almond milk 1 cup oatmeal (rolled oats) 1/2 frozen banana 4 frozen strawberries * Add spinach & kale leaves if you would like to make green smoothie version.
1½ cups Roasted Vegetable Delight 2 cups raw green vegetables
PREPARATION: Blend all ingredients until smooth.
1 cup Lentil Soup with Vegetables 2 oz nuts
Let's Move
Obtaining 30 minutes of Moderate Physical Exercise daily could add years to your life Squat to Press
Plank with Alternating Shoulder Taps
Targets: Gluteus, Hamstring, Quadriceps, Shoulders
Targets: Core, Shoulders, Gluteus, Hamstring, Quadriceps, Shoulders
Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart with dumbbells above your shoulders. Squat down keeping your back fl at and your knees over your toes. (Goal for Gluteus to end up at parallel with knees or below). Push through your heels to return to standing while pressing the dumbbells overhead with arms fully extended. Return to starting position and repeat.
Start by getting into a pushup position with your hands shoulderwidth apart on the fl oor and your legs straight back and arms fully extended. Keeping your hips square to the fl oor, lift your right hand and tap your left shoulder. Make sure Gluteus and Core do not drop towards ground and body remains in a straight position. Return to start and repeat with the other arm. Sets can be done for time or repetitions.
Bent Over Dumbbell Row
Targets: Middle Trapezius and Rhomboids, Biceps, Erector Spinae Start with a dumbbell in each hand palms facing body, bend knees slightly and bring your torso forward by bending at the waist; make sure to keep your back straight until it is almost parallel to the fl oor. The weights should hang directly in front of you as your arms hang perpendicular to the fl oor and your torso. While keeping the torso stationary, lift the dumbbells to your side (exhale), keeping the elbows close to the body. On the top of movement, squeeze the back muscles. Slowly lower the weight again to the starting position as you inhale. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Scissor Kick
Targets: Core Start by Laying on your back with your legs extended in front of you and your arms by your side, palms down. Keeping your legs straight with your knees slightly bent, lift one leg upward until it is at a 45 degree angle and your toe is pointing to the ceiling. Lower the leg that is raised while raising the other leg that is lowered, keeping your heels a few inches off the ground at all times. Breathing regularly, continue to alternate legs in this scissor motion. Sets can be done for time or repetitions.
BASIS OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION MODEL Date: November 6, 2017 Authors: Paul Amo Kyeremeh, MPH, DrPH. Email: kwamepolycarp@gmail.com Esther Amo Kyeremeh, MPH, Patsy Adams BSN, & Seth Agyeman, MD ABSTRACT Background: One of the main public health hazards calling for global urgent attention with intervention models is the high rate of overweight and obesity gaining grounds in the developing countries. Overweight and obesity is cherished in most parts of the world especially in some parts of the Africa Region. It is considered as a sign of good living to some of the people without counting its health hazards such as heart diseases, stroke risks, and triggering of other metabolic disorders, yet, there are scarcity of data on the prevalence or factors facilitating the risk of high Body Mass Index (BMI) in some parts of Brong-Ahafo Region, of Ghana. This study was conducted from six traditional areas to ascertain whether the residence are at high risk of overweight and obesity in order to encourage researchers to figure out specific Healthy Lifestyle Medicinal models to mediate the problem. Data gathering method: This data was obtained from the Department of Preventive Healthcare and Lifestyle Medicine at Valley View University, Techiman Campus. The BMI of 500 respondents were obtained, both were males and females between 18 and 59 years old. The respondents were from Techiman, Nkoranza, Atebubu, Kwamedanso, Yeji, and Kajiji traditional areas. BMI calculator was used for the assessment. Study design: The study is basically cross sessional.
Delimitations: This paper is to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in order to introduce Healthy lifestyle measures to prevent, arrest and reverse overweight and obesity. It is limited to its causes among the respondents. Also, the respondents were not based on random sampling. The data for this research was obtained from community health screening, those willing were all included in the study. Results: High BMI was detected among the respondents. 235 (47%) of the sample respondents had normal BMI of 18.5- ≤24.9 while 265 (53%) had BMI of ≥25 to≥30 representing overweight and obesity. Considering the gender, 31% of the females and 22% of the males were either overweight or obese. It was observed that significant proportion of the respondents reported of high blood pressure, waist and joint pains, heart related diseases, or either blood glucose intolerance. Conclusion: Policies to control and prevent overweight and obesity should be taken into account respectively. Overweight and obesity is gaining deeper grounds in the selected areas of this study. Without standard and proven Healthy Lifestyle intervention models, complications due to overweight and obesity such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. may seriously affect both individual and the national economic indicators in the context of health. Keywords: Prevalence, overweight, obesity, morbidity, mortality, and body mass index. One of the main public health hazards calling for global urgent attention with intervention models is the high rate of overweight and obesity gaining grounds in the developing countries. This study was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity among the people of Techiman and Knoranza, Kwamedanso, Atebutbu, Yeji, and Kajiji traditional areas. The aim is to find
out whether there is a high prevalence of overweight among the respondance to come out with suggested intervention models aiming at polices focusing on behavioral changes such as physical activities, dietary, and other healthy lifestyle choices. Overweight and obesity in the continent of Africa is mounting very high (Adeboye, B., Giovanna Bermano, G., & Rolland C., 2012). Overweight and obesity is among today’s most transparently observable but neglected as a major public health problems (WHO, 2003). Medical costs associated with obesity increased from $78.5 billion yearly in 1998 to $147 billion annually within ten years (1998 to 2008) respectively (Jeenwon R. & Bhurosy T, 2014). In Ghana, urban and rural areas in Accra, showed overall crude prevalence of overweight and obesity as 23.4 and 14.1% in adults who are 25 years and above. The rate was higher in females than the males respectively (Biritwum R.B., Gyapong J., and Mensah M (2005). In the year 2014, it was estimated that the obesity skyrocketed to 641 million as against 105 million in 1975 constituting 6.1% escalation in the past 43 years (Potenza. A (2016). Overweight and obesity has become a global challenged both in the developed and the developing countries affecting half a billion people (Jeenwon R. & Bhurosy T, 2014). The simplest method of measuring overweight and obesity in a form of BMI is relatively cheaper to be assessed by several billions of people globally, even in the very low income countries. To reduce the prevalence of overweigh and obesity, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; a state-based cross-sectional random telephone survey of the US population for those who are ≥18 years (Nguyen D.M and El-Serag H.B, 2011) proved positive to detect overweight and obesity at the early stage of life with affordable cost. BMI is defined as weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared (kg/m2). It has been defined by WHO and the National Institutes of health (NIH) that overweight is established when the BMI is between <25.0 and 29.9 kg/m2; and obesity BMI >30.0 kg/m2 (Nguyen D.M and El-Serag
H.B, 2011). Multi factors contribute to overweight and obesity but most studies connect imbalance in the amounts of calories consumed and those expended (Kuma D.B etl, 2015). Considering the past and current BMI trends, it is expected that obesity will rise to take a significant scaling, as detected with swiftness (Jeenwon R. & Bhurosy T, 2014). It is apparent that high body weight is associated with an increase in the risks for coronary heart disease, poorer mental health, reduction of optimum health, type 2 diabetes, cancers such as endometrial, breast and colon, hypertension, dyslipidemia, stroke, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, and gynecological problems such as menstrual irregularities and infertility, and morbidity (Jeenwon R. & Bhurosy T, 2014; CDC, 2015). Obesity must be seen as a complex health issue. It resulted from combination of several factors, such as behavior; dietary, physical inactivity, use of medications, and other exposures. Supplementary factors leading to the problem of obesity today are not limited to the food and physical activity environment, knowledge on the required skills, food marketing and promotion (CDC, 2015). The researchers went to the respondents’ localities with announcements in their churches, radio, and on telephones were used to invite the interested respondents to participate in the study. The BMI of 500 respondents were assessed, both married and unmarried ranging between 18 and 59 years old. The respondents were all healthy from the general population from five catchment areas who are predominantly farmers and traders in Techiman traditional area and Nkoranza all in the Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana respectively. The instrument used to check the body weight was BMI calculator. The study is basically cross sessional. At each site where the data were gathered, an hours between six and eight were spent. The Data were gathered within three months ending in July 2017 from six communities. It was obtained from the department of Preventive Healthcare and Lifestyle Medicine at Valley View University, Techiman Campus. GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018 | 21
This paper is to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity. It is limited to its causes. Other researchers could investigate in to that, however, the possible specific causes of overweight and obesity can be obtained from various sources such as peer review scientific journals, textbooks qualitative research and observations studies. Other limitation was that, the respondents were not based on random sampling, the data was obtained from community health screening therefore those who were willing were included in the study. Accra, the capital of Ghana is known for overweight and obesity (Biritwum R.B., Gyapong J., and Mensah M (2005). Using the World Health Organization international classification cutoff point of MBI (WHO, 2006), Techiman and Nkoranza traditional areas overweight and obesity prevalence was highly alarming. The study results shows that there was a high BMI among the respondents. It was shown that 235 (47%) of the sample respondents had normal BMI of 18.5- ≤24.9 while 265 (53%) had BMI of ≥25 to≥30 representing obesity. The graph below give graphical presentation of the BMI of the respondents: Apparently, using BMI to measure body fat it does not take into the accounts age, sex, bone structure, fat distribution or muscle mass making BMI a high tendency to misrepresent its quality (Rothman, 2008). Although, BMI may not be parallel to the same gradation of fatness in all populations, notwithstanding, the health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and may differ among different subgroups (WHO, 2006). It is because random sampling was not conducted, this results may not be generalized for the entire population. It is clearly documented that to control over weight and obesity, regular physical activities and proper dietary measure has to be taken into consideration. Physical activity enhances energy expenditure (Obesity Prevention, 2018).Although some suggested tactics to reduce obesity have been shifted to the use of healthier diet and physical activity. Undoubtedly, there seem to be a failure for some of these intervention models since they have not been successful, the etiology is still doubting, either this is due to failure to restrict energy intake or to maintain high levels of energy expenditure has been the theme involving with a great controversy (Wiklund, 2016). As stated by (Pletcher, 2016) the combination of exercise with a healthy diet is significant effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone. Exercise has the potency of preventing and reversing certain diseases such as lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol, which may prevent heart attack and breast and colon cancers respectively. 22 | GETHEALTHY | JUL-SEPT 2018
Regular BMI checking is a significant component of assessing the body weight. This draws the attention to the body size as a parameter to assess the health status. This suggests that there could be a policy in each organization or family about the consistent education and motivation for the assessment of the BMI on the regular and continual basis. High BMI indicating overweight and obesity was detected among the respondents. Standard policies to control and prevent overweight and obesity should be taken into account respectively. Overweight and obesity is gaining deeper grounds in Techiman and Nkoranza traditional areas. Without implementation of standard polices to reduce the prevalence, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, high lipedeamea, cancers and other chronic diseases with it associated high mortality would be rampant in these areas within the next few decades which would result to high medical cost aside its mortalities. •
It is highly recommended that, programs, policies, education and awareness should be created on the rise BMI and the proven prevention models of overweight and obesity in all the communities in the Northern part of BrongAhafo Region. • Health Directorate in the Municipalities and the Districts of Techiman, Nkoranza, Kwamedanso, Atebubu, Yeji, Kajiji must give serious attention to the prevention and control of overweight and obesity. • Similar study could be conducted using random sampling method to come out with specific intervention models to prevent overweight and obesity. • Finally, other researchers can conduct qualitative research to find out why there was a very high prevalence rate of increase BMI among the sampled population. • Biritwum R.B., Gyapong J., and Mensah M (2005).The Epidemiology of Obesity in Ghana. Ghana medical association. Retrieved on 19/7/17 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC1790818/ • CDC (2015). Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences. https:// www.cdc.gov/obesity/adult/causes.html • Hoffman D.J., (nd). Obesity in developing countries: causes and implications. Retrieved on 18/7/17 from http://www.fao. org/docrep/003/Y0600M/y0600m05.htm • Jeenwon R. & Bhurosy T (2014). Overweight and Obesity Epidemic in Developing Countries: A Problem with Diet, Physical Activity, or Socioeconomic Status? • Kuma D.B etl (2015). Prevalence of overweight and obesity among students in Kumasi Metropolis. Retrieved on 17/7/17
from doi: 10.1155/2015/613207 • Nguyen D.M and El-Serag H.B, (2011). The epidemiology of obesity. Doi: 10.1016/j.gtc.2009.12.014 • Obesity Prevention (2018). School of Public Health, Harvard University. Retrieved on 24/6/2018 from https://www.hsph. harvard.edu/obesity-prevention-source/obesity-causes/ physical-activity-and-obesity/ • Pletcher P.(2016). Exercise and weight loss. Reterives on 24 August 2018 from https://www.healthline.com/health/exerciseand-weight-loss • Potenza. A (2016). There are now more people who are obese than underweight in the world. Retrieved on 17/7.2017 from https://www.theverge.com/2016/4/1/11347292/obesityunderweight-rates-global-study-the-lancet.
• Rothman (2008). BMI-related errors in the measurement of obesity. International journal of obesity. Retrieved from 19th July 19, 2017 from http://www.nature.com/ijo/journal/v32/n3s/ full/ijo200887a.html?foxtrotcallback=true#aff1 • WHO (2003). Controlling the global obesity epidemic. http:// www.who.int/nutrition/topics/obesity/en/ • WHO (2006). BMI classification. Retrieved on July 19, 2017 from http://apps.who.int/bmi/index.jsp?introPage=intro_3.html • Wiklund P (2016).The role of physical activity and exercise in obesity and weight management: Time for critical appraisal. Journal of Sport and Health Science. Retrieved on May 24, 2018 from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S2095254616300060 ■
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DESCANSO OPORTUNO: Restaurar, Reparar y Rejuvenecer Durante el Sueño El diecinueve de junio de 2015, un conductor de camión llamado Mark Tipton, de 52 años, no se detuvo en una zona construcción y provocó un choque en cadena en el que participó su vehículo de carga y otros 12 vehículos a las 3:50 am en los carriles de entrada de la Interestatal 55 en Illinois. Todos los carriles de la autopista estuvieron cerrados por cerca de dos horas y Mark admitió a la policía que él ni siquiera intentó detener o reducir la velocidad. Iba a toda velocidad en su camión porque se había quedado dormido al volante. La privación del sueño es una de las principales causas de accidentes vehiculares en Estados Unidos. De hecho, La Administración Nacional de Seguridad de Transporte en Autopistas (NHTSA) Estima que se causan hasta 100.000 accidentes por conductores que en realidad se quedan dormidos al volante de sus vehículos. También se estima que cerca de 1.500 Muertes y 40.000 lesiones pueden ser causadas por conducir con sueño. De acuerdo a un estudio reciente llevado a cabo por la división de medicina del sueño en la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, más del cincuenta por ciento de los participantes reconocieron que han conducido en estado de somnolencia. Otro veinticinco por ciento reveló que en realidad se habían quedado dormidos al volante, aunque fuera sólo de forma momentánea. Las estadísticas de conductores de camiones fueron aún más alarmantes y la mitad admitió haber estado a punto de dormirse durante la conducción en carretera. La falta de sueño adecuado seguramente afectará su vida o la vida de otros, ya sea durante un accidente en un vehículo a o no. El sueño adecuado es esencial para una buena alud. Una cantidad inadecuada de sueño reparador no sólo conduce a la mala salud sino a la muerte. Es por esta razón que el descanso oportuno se enumera como uno de los pilares de la salud. Es un hecho bien conocido que el oxígeno y el agua son esenciales para sostener vida, Pero ¿alguna vez se ha detenido a pensar en el sueño también es parte de esa fórmula para mantener la vida? Veamos con más detalle: ¿Cuánto tiempo se puede mantener la vida sin tener lo siguiente:
• Oxígeno - cinco minutos. • El sueño – posiblemente de tres a once días • Agua - de siete a diez días • Alimentos - de catorce a veinte-un días.
El descanso oportuno es ley El 1 de julio de 2013, La Administración Federal de Seguridad de Vehículos de Transporte de EE.UU. (FMCSA) anunció la entrada en vigencia completa de las nuevas regulaciones federales diseñadas para mejorar la seguridad de los automovilistas mediante la reducción de la fatiga del conductor de camión. Esta legislación fue aprobada por el aumento en los accidentes de tráfico como consecuencia de conducir con sueño. Conducir con sueño es muy similar a la conducción bajo la influencia de drogas o alcohol. De hecho, un estudio encontró que conducir después de estar despierto por diecisiete y dieciocho horas es equivalente a conducir con un contenido de alcohol en sangre de 0,05 por ciento. Las personas que están privadas de sueño experimentan síntomas tales como: • Falta de coordinación • Tiempos lentos de reacción • Daño al juicio • Disminución de visión La FMCSA estima que las nuevas normas de seguridad ahorrarán diecinueve vidas y evitarán cerca de 1.400 accidentes y aproximadamente 560 Lesiones cada año. El importancia del descanso y sueño adecuados no sólo es esencial para los conductores, sino para cualquiera. El cuerpo humano y la mente requieren una cierta cantidad de descanso para que sean capaces de realizar las actividades y los procesos diarios que necesitamos. Si no dormimos lo suficiente vamos a ser menos productivos y nuestro estado de ánimo va a cambiar, normalmente para empeorar. El sueño saludable es esencial para tener la energía suficiente para el día siguiente y también para el procesar y retener información. ►
¿La falta de sueño afecta nuestra memoria? No hay duda de que el sueño, o la falta del mismo, afecta el cerebro de una persona, pero ¿en qué medida? ¿Hay una mayor posibilidad de memorizar las cosas que aprendemos antes de ir a dormir? De acuerdo con estudios recientes, la respuesta es “sí”. El sueño en realidad puede desencadenar cambios en el cerebro que solidifi can la memoria mediante el fortalecimiento de las conexiones entre las células del cerebro y la transferencia de información de una región del cerebro a otra. Los investigadores hicieron una prueba en un grupo de sujetos que habían aprendido material nuevo o habilidades, como la práctica de escalas de piano y, a continuación, sus cerebros fueron escaneados después de un período con y sin sueño. Encontraron que las regiones del cerebro que controlan la velocidad y la precisión eran más activas en aquellas personas que habían dormido que los que no habían dormido. Las personas que tuvieron una buena noche de sueño o incluso simplemente tomaron una siesta después de aprender algo son más propensos a retener esa información a largo plazo. 5 Los científi cos creen que mientras dormimos, la memorias y las habilidades se desplazan a regiones cerebrales más efi cientes y permanentes, lo que permite tener un mayor dominio al día siguiente. Se sabe también que el sueño aumenta la capacidad de creatividad. La investigación adicional ha encontrado que hay una posibilidad que el cerebro humano puede aprender durante períodos del sueño también. En un experimento, los científi cos expusieron a un grupo de personas a un sonido y un olor agradable mientras dormían. Después de que los sujetos se despertaron en el Mañana, ellos empezado Oler cuando ellos Oyó el sonido. En otras palabras, habían aprendido la asociación En su dormir.
Trabajando en Estados Unidos Aunque no puede comprar la felicidad, el dinero es un medio importante para lograr una mayor calidad de vida. Los Estados Unidos ocupa un lugar destacado en cuanto a vivienda, ingresos y riqueza. El ingreso medio per cápita de los hogares es $41.355 al año, que es la cifra más alta de acuerdo con la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico. Nos situamos encima de la media en cuanto a salud, el empleo y los ingresos, la seguridad personal y la calidad del medio ambiente pero por debajo de promedio en el equilibrio trabajo/vida. 6 Como estadounidenses, nuestra economía y por consiguiente nuestra nación es impulsada por los negocios. La expectativa cultural en general en los EE.UU. sigue siendo el tradicional “de nueve a cinco”, pero es cada vez más común para la mayoría de los empleados trabajar más allá de este horario. Aunque ocho horas por día es a menudo la expectativa “ofi cial” , muchos empleados tienen la sensación de que necesitan trabajar más tiempo.En muchas industrias y regiones, más de doce horas por día se ha convertido en el periodo normal de trabajo. Incluso cuando no están en el trabajo, los empleados tienden a estar “disponibles” con el incremento de la tecnología como correo electrónico, smartphones y el Internet. Trabajar largas horas diarias y semanales de forma parece normal para la mayoría de nosotros. Sin embargo, estos tipos de patrones de estilo de vida están asociados con una serie de problemas de salud crónicas graves como fatiga crónica, un sistema inmune debilitado, trastornos mentales, ansiedad y alucinaciones auditivas y visuales, incluso sólo para nombrar unos pocos. ►
Alimentos Que Sanan
Las dietas a base de plantas contribuyen a tener una vida más duradera y más saludable
Pitahya: Contiene Vitamina C, B, Tiamina, B1 y
Cactus/Nopales: Contiene Vitaminas, Ribofl avina, B6,
Ribofl avina. Alto en minerales; Calcio, Fósforo, Hierro y Sodio. Ayuda en la digestión, reduce el riesgo de cáncer, aumenta la inmunidad, ayuda a prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares, antibacteriano / anti fúngico, mejora el metabolismo.
Cobre, Hierro, Fibra, Vitamina A, C, K, Calcio, Potasio, Magnesio y Manganeso. Ayuda en la digestión, mejora la piel, previene el cáncer, mantiene y desarrolla huesos fuertes, protege contra la diarrea y el estreñimiento, mantiene el azúcar en la sangre, alivia el estrés.
Alto en vitaminas A, B6, niacina y tiamina. Mantiene la salud de los riñones, hidrata, regula la presión arterial, previene el cáncer, controla la diabetes, previene la degeneración macular.
Piña: Contiene Vitamina A, C, Beta caroteno, Tiamina, B5,
B6 y acido fólico. Contiene minerales; Potasio, Cobre, Manganeso, Calcio, Sodio y Magnesio. Es buena para la Salud ocular / oral, aumenta la inmunidad, reduce la infl amación, ayuda a sanar heridas, reduce el riesgo de padecer demencia y Alzheimer; protege contra el estreñimiento y ayuda a prevenir la artritis, el cáncer y las enfermedades del corazón.
Repollo Rojo: Contiene Tiamina, Ribofl avina, Acido fólico, Calcio,
Manganeso, Magnesio, Hierro, Potasio, Vitamina C, A, E, K, Vitaminas B y fi bra dietética. Ayuda a perder peso, mejora el sistema inmunitario, protege contra los trastornos cognitivos, combate el envejecimiento, protege contra la degeneración macular y la salud de la piel, reduce el riesgo de cáncer.
Descanso y la Relajación
Estados Unidos es el único país desarrollado en el mundo sin un solo día pagado de vacaciones o día festivo. Por ley, cada país en la Unión Europea tiene al menos cuatro semanas de vacaciones pagadas. 7 Debido a que el tiempo libre no se usa trabajando de forma productiva, parece ser un gasto que los países con economías en dificultades no pueden permitirse. Sin embargo, países como Alemania y Francia ofrecen la mayor cantidad de tiempo libre pagado y sólo están marginalmente por debajo en cuanto a los resultados macroeconómicos en comparación con Estados Unidos. Otra nota importante que también hay que tener en cuenta es el hecho de que el empleado promedio de Estados Unidos trabaja aproximadamente veinte por ciento más horas que los que los empleados en Alemania o Francia.
Luchar o Volar Creo que es justo decir que todo el mundo aprecia un buen día de trabajo honesto. Sin embargo, el exceso de trabajo de uno mismo en realidad puede hacer más daño que bien. Etapas constantes de trabajo y el estrés pueden deteriorar el cuerpo a un ritmo rápido. En la década de 1930, un cien- tífico por el nombre de Hans Selye aplicó el término
“estrés” de los organismos vivos y su lucha por vivir, hacer frente y adaptarse a sus entornos cambiantes. Uno de sus descubrimientos más significativos fue que la hormona del estrés cortisol tuvo un efecto a largo plazo sobre la salud de las ratas. Tradicionalmente, el cortisol ha jugado un papel dinámico en la supervivencia humana. Todos hemos oído hablar de la reacción de “lucha o huida”. Es cuando nuestro cerebro percibe una situación hostil y se produce una reacción en cadena de señales que libera varias hormonas como la adrenalina, que también se conoce como “la adrenalina, “noradrenalina y el cortisol de las Glándulas suprarrenales. Estos recursos causan una respuesta a esa amenaza en forma de aumento de la frecuencia cardíaca y respiración más rápida, e incrementan la disponibilidad de la glucosa que alimenta nuestras células. Estas respuestas consumen tanta energía que dejan pocos recursos para las otras funciones importantes que son necesarias para nuestra salud. Como resultado, la hormona cortisol simultáneamente le dirá a otros procesos físicos importantes - Incluyendo digestión, reproducción, crecimiento físico, y algunos aspectos del sistema inmunológico – que se frenen o disminuyan la velocidad hasta que la amenaza pasa para que no interfieran con el proceso de defensa del peligro inminente. ►
Pregúntas a la doctora es una columna de la revista GetHealthy Magazine. Envie sus pregúntas a: gohealthquestions@gmail.com P:
Con todas las conversaciones acerca de comer saludable y de dietas que se ponen de moda, ¿cuál es la mejor dieta para una buena salud a largo plazo?
R: No me gusta usar la palabra "dieta", ya que la dieta suele ser un cambio temporal. Para que usted pueda obtener benefi cios para su salud a largo plazo, la nutrición saludable debería convertirse en un hábito o estilo de vida. Hay numerosas investigaciones científi cas que han demostrado que una dieta basada en plantas es la mejor forma de nutrición para prevenir, mejorar o revertir enfermedades crónicas. P:
¿Cuál es el mejor líquido para tomar en la mañana?
R: ¡El agua, la cual es de hecho, medicina! El agua pura no tiene calorías, azúcar o colesterol, el agua se usa para tratar muchas enfermedades como dolor de cabeza, fatiga, estreñimiento, cálculos renales, solo por nombrar algunos benefi cios. Comienza tu día con un simple vaso de agua. P:
Soy un fanático de tomar café para aumentar mis energías. ¿existe alguna alternativa mejor para beber?
R: El consumo de café no es un hábito de estilo de vida muy saludable, el consumo de demasiada cafeína podría ser perjudicial para su salud. La cafeína es un estimulante que podría elevar la presión arterial o sobre estimular el corazón, por lo tanto, es mejor tomar bebidas alternativas como las infusiones o te de hierbas. P:
¿Cuáles son algunas especias con las que deberia cocinar diariamente?
R: Hay varias especias que poseen benefi cios adicionales para la salud que deberias usar con la mayor frecuencia posible: Cúrcuma o Curcumin: esta especia se ha utilizado durante siglos en las culturas orientales. Además de muchos benefi cios, la cúrcuma se utiliza para el dolor en las articulaciones, para mejorar el sistema inmunológico y tambien para combatir diversos tipos de infecciones. Pimienta de Cayena: tiene propiedades antiinfl amatorias y por lo tanto se usa para el dolor en las articulaciones. Gengibre: este se utiliza para mantener y fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y también se puede usar para tratar las náuseas. P:
¿Cuáles ejercicios cardiovasculares puedo practicar que sean suaves para las articulaciones, especialmente para mis rodillas?
R: Intente elegir ejercicios de bajo impacto y evite hacer ejercicio en superfi cies duras. Remar es un gran ejercicio cardiovascular de cuerpo completo, que es de bajo impacto e implica el fortalecimiento de los músculos alrededor de la rodilla durante el movimiento de remar. Nadar es también una forma excelente de cardio de bajo impacto que requiere que uses todo tu cuerpo en un entorno sin peso. Siempre supervise su frecuencia cardíaca cuando realice alguna actividad.
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SUPRARRENAL Las hormonas que causan “estrés” son importante aspectos de supervivencia; Sin embargo, la liberación continua de ellos es peligroso para el cuerpo debido a que los resultados son muy exigentes. A veces, cuando los niveles de estrés continúan por largos períodos de tiempo, el cerebro puede percibir el estrés, incluso si no está realmente allí. La fatiga suprarrenal es una disminución en la capacidad de las glándulas suprarrenales para llevar a cabo sus funciones normales. Es comúnmente causada por el estrés crónico de cualquier fuente incluyendo emocional, físico, mental o ambiental que excede la capacidad del cuerpo para ajustarse apropiadamente a las demandas de más y más cortisol. Los factores de estrés que pueden conducir a la fatiga suprarrenal incluyen la rabia, la enfermedad crónica, la depresión, consumo elevado de azúcar y la privación del sueño, sólo para nombrar unos pocos. Además, el estrés crónico y la exposición prolongada al cortisol inhibe el crecimiento de nuevas neuronas en el hipocampo, un área del cerebro esencial en la formación de nuevos recuerdos. De esta manera, el estrés puede causar de forma directa problemas de memoria y perjudica la capacidad del cerebro para poner los recuerdos emocionales en su contexto. Puede causar un aumento en el crecimiento de la amígdala, la porción del cerebro que controla el miedo y otras respuestas emocionales. Hay cuatro fases principales de la fatiga suprarrenal. La primera es la fase de “alarma” en la que el cuerpo trata de compensar la sobreproducción de cortisol y produce una fuerte respuesta anti-estrés para superarla. En la segunda fase, las glándulas suprarrenales son fi nalmente incapaces de mantenerse al día con la demanda de cortisol del cuerpo y aunque las funciones diarias normales todavía se pueden realizar, el cuerpo quedará agotado después cada día y requerirá más descanso de lo habitual con el fi n de recuperarse
correctamente. Si no se obtiene un descanso adecuado, entonces la salida del cortisol se reducirá gradualmente y el objetivo principal del cuerpo será conservar la energía. Las fuentes de energía como el tejido muscular se drenan y se utilizan como combustible para asegurar la supervivencia. En este punto, la gente a menudo no pueden funcionar sin problemas durante todo el día, no importa lo mucho que lo intenten. En la etapa tres de la fatiga suprarrenal o la fase resistente, el sistema endocrino sigue centrándose en la producción de hormonas del estrés a expensas de las hormonas sexuales. Esto provoca una caída en el nivel de hormonas como la DHEA y trstosterona. Las personas que se encuentran en esta fase de la fatiga suprarrenal experimentarán niveles más bajos de muchas hormonas importantes que pueden representar una diferencia signifi cativa en la calidad de vida que ellos experimentan. Los Síntomas típicos podrían incluir Cansancio regular, falta de entusiasmo, infecciones recurrentes y un Menor deseo sexual. Esta fase podría continuar durante varios meses o incluso años. La cuarta y última etapa de la fatiga suprarrenal es la más peligrosa y, a veces puede ser potencialmente mortal. La enfermedad de Addison es un trastorno que ocurre cuando el cuerpo ya no produce sufi cientes dosis de cortisol y muchas veces, produce niveles inadecuados de aldosterona también. Con el tiempo, una persona puede experimentar síntomas de la crisis de Addison cuando el cuerpo está completamente agotado. Tales síntomas incluyen fatiga crónica y debilidad muscular, pérdida de el apetito, incapacidad paa digerir los alimentos, pérdida de peso, anormalidad de azúcar en la sangre, incluso niveles peligrosamente bajos de azúcar o hipoglicemia, hipotensión, mareos, desmayos, náuseas, vómitos, diarrea, mal humor, irritabilidad, y depresión. ►
¿PUEDE LA FALTA DE SUEÑO HACERME GANAR PESO? Tradicionalmente, el sueño se ha considerado por sus efectos sobre el cerebro y emociones. Sin embargo, la investigación nos ha demostrado que la privación moderada del sueño, incluso en sujetos sanos puede alterar el estado metabólico de la persona. Este cambio es tan importante porque literalmente imita el metabolismo de la glucosa de los diabéticos. Tener largos períodos de tiempo sin suficiente sueño pueden elevar los niveles de cortisol y reducir la sensibilidad a la insulina de una persona. Otro estudio mostró que después de cuatro horas de sueño durante seis noches, los hombres jóvenes sanos experimentaron una disminución del treinta por ciento en la capacidad de su cuerpo para metabolizar los hidratos de carbono. Los científicos es-
tán comenzando a creer que puede haber una conexión entre la falta de sueño y la crisis de obesidad que nuestro país enfrenta actualmente. La obesidad afecta a más de dos tercios, que es el 68,8 por ciento, de los adultos en Estados Unidos. A pesar de que esta estadística es increíblemente alarmante, lo que es aún más alarmante es el hecho de que esta crisis está afectando incluso a las generaciones futuras. Aproximadamente un tercio de los niños y Adolescentes de edades de sis a diecinueve se considera obeso o que tienen sobrepeso. Cuatro década cinco personas con la diabetes tipo dos, lo que contribuye a la muerte de 234.051 americanos al año, tienen sobrepeso o son obesos. ►
¿QUÉ Y CÓMO? Ahora que hemos establecido el importancia de dormir y lo que le puede suceder a nuestros cuerpos cuando nos privamos de descanso adecuado, nos enfrentamos a la pregunta de la cantidad correcta de sueño. Para decirlo claramente, no existe una fórmula secreta o una cifra única para todos. Cada persona se crea de manera diferente y tiene diferentes necesidades. Sin embargo, los científi cos e investigadores han llegado a la fórmula básica de aproximadamente ocho horas de sueño por noche para un rendimiento cognitivo óptimo. A pesar de la “regla de ocho horas” es la pauta general, la edad de cada persona juega un papel importante en cómo se deben adaptar sus patrones de sueño. Por ejemplo, cualquier persona que haya tenido hijos sabe que ocho horas de sueño cada noche es casi imposible cuando se tienen niños. La Fundación Nacional del Sueño recomienda que los recién nacidos suelen tener entre catorce a diecisiete horas de sueño cada día. Debido a que por lo general exigen alimentación programada, los recién nacidos suelen tomar siestas en intervalos de una a tres horas para obtener sus niveles esenciales de tiempo de sueño. Después de la infancia, la cantidad de tiempo necesaria para cada grupo de edad se reduce en aproximadamente dos horas hasta que el nivel de ocho horas en la edad adulta y se mantiene de esa manera hasta alcanzar la edad de adulto mayor. El siguiente es un desglose de las horas diarias recomendadas de sueño de acuerdo con el National Sleep Fundación: • Los recién nacidos (0-3 meses): El rango de sueño se redujo a 14-17 horas cada día (antes era 12-18) • Infantes (4-11 meses): El rango de sueño aumenta dos Horas a 12-15 horas (anteriormente era 14-15) • Niños pequeños (1-2 años): El rango de sueño au menta una hora a 11-14 horas (anteriormente era 12-14) • Niños en edad preescolar (3-5): El rango de sueño
aumenta en una hora a 10-13 horas (antes era 11-13) • Niños en edad escolar (6-13): El rango de sueño aumenta en una hora a 9-11 horas (antes era 10-11) • Los adolescentes (14-17): El rango de sueño au menta en una hora a 8-10 horas (antes era 8,5-9,5) • Los adultos más jóvenes (18-25): el rango de sue ño es de 7-9 horas • Adultos (26-64): El rango de sueño no cambia y permanece 7-9 Horas • Adultos Mayores (65+): El rango de sueño es 7-8 Horas Como con cada individuo, cada sueño no es lo mismo. Existen las fases del sueño que experimentan la gente y que proporcionan los procesos de curación y de recuperación para obtener la claridad mental que hemos discutido hasta ahora. El término “sueño profundo” es el tipo de sueño que produce la restauración y el crecimiento del tejido corporal y fortalece la inmunidad a infecciones. Los electroencefalogramas son grabaciones gráfi cas que monitorean la actividad cerebral durante el sueño de una persona medidas en longitudes de onda. Las fases del sueño se caracterizan por ondas que suben y bajan creando profundidad. Entre mayor sea la actividad cerebral, mayor será la profundidad de formación. El sueño con movimiento rápido del ojo es un “sueño profundo” donde la actividad del cerebro se asemeja al de estado de vigilia. Durante esta fase del ciclo de sueño ambos ojos se mueven bajo los párpados cerrados como si estuvieran viendo objetos en movimiento rápido. Aquí es donde ocurre el sonambulismo, los sueños y se aprietan los dientes. La organización de memoria y la re-organización, así como los recuerdos también se llevan a cabo en esta fase del sueño. La de rápidos movimientos oculares es la última y más profunda fase del sueño. ►
Conseguir un Mejor Sueño Hay algunas cosas que podemos hacer para asegurarnos de que nos estamos logrando los niveles de sueño y descanso apropiados para funcionar adecuadamente y tener sufi ciente energía para ayudarnos exitosamente a completar cada nuevo día. ◗ Debemos tratar de adherirnos a un horario de sueño oportuno. La consistencia se ha demostrado que refuerza el ciclo de sueño-vigilia del cuerpo y ayuda a promover una mejor calidad del sueño en la noche. Trate de estar en la cama a las 10:00 PM? Las horas antes de la medianoche permiten una mayor producción de las hormonas de crecimiento. Esto, por lo tanto, aumenta los procesos de curación y reparación. ◗ Tenga una rutina para dormir. Haga algo que le relajará antes de irse a la cama de modo que usted pueda deriva fácilmente apagado. Forzarse a dormir tiende a tener el efecto opuesto de añadir estrés. También, se sabe que las luces de colores calientes como un amarillo brillante infl uye en los sentimientos de descanso y relajación en el cerebro, ayudándolo a relajarse. ◗ Las siestas diurnas pueden interferir con el descanso nocturno apropiado. Si las siestas son absolutamente necesarias o usted está absolutamente agotado, debe limitar sus siestas a solamente entre diez y treinta minutos. ◗ La actividad física, como caminar, correr o incluso la simple limpieza de la casa puede ayudar a dormir mejor por la noche. Además de los otros numerosos benefi cios para la salud, la actividad física puede ayudar a caer en un sueño más profundo por gastar toda la energía no utilizada que se acumula durante todo el día. Una cosa para recordar, sin embargo, es no hacer ejercicio demasiado cerca de la hora de acostarse. Trate de hacer ejercicio por la mañana o por la tarde, porque el ejercicio justo antes de ir a la cama puede elevarle la energía y hacerle difícil quedarse dormido. ◗ Mucha gente considera el estrés como la principal razón para no tener un sueño de calidad. Hay varias maneras en que puede ayudar a manejar el estrés. La actividad física ayuda a aliviar el estrés y el exceso de producción de cortisol durante el día, que contribuirá a dormir mejor por la noche. Otra buena práctica es evitar que el trabajo interfi era con su vida personal. Mantener el trabajo y la vida personal separados puede aumentar considerablemente sus posibilidades de caer profundamente dormido. Recuerde, mañana es otro día. No se reocupe acerca de cosas ese no se puede cambiar y siempre siga adelante. ◗ La oración, la meditación, y dar gracias por todas las bendiciones del día dormir bien en la noche. ►
En Resumen
Por favor recuerde que para poder alcanzar la salud y la longevidad hay dos ciclos de descanso que se deben tener: descanso diario y semanal. Esto permite al cuerpo restaurar y reparar células, tejidos y órganos dañados. Incluso Dios descansó en el el final de la semana de la creación, en el séptimo día. Él lo bendijo y lo santificó y nos pidió que hiciésemos lo mismo. Con tanto que hacer y, a menudo, no hay tiempo suficiente para hacerlo, nos olvidamos de nuestra salud como nos centramos en las cosas que hay que hacer. Tenemos la tendencia a pensar en exceso y sobrecargarnos sin darnos cuenta del daño que estamos causando a nuestras mentes y cuerpos. A pesar de que eso a veces resulta muy difícil, mantener nuestra vida cotidiana organizada ayudará a asegurarnos el tener tiempo para cosas importantes como nuestro descanso, nuestra familia, amigos, y lo más importante, nuestra fe. Siguiendo los sencillos principios y prácticas de los descanso como dice la Biblia que debemos hacerlo, seremos capaces de vivir más tiempo y más saludables. Encontraremos más paz y tranquilidad a través del frenético ajetreo y bullicio de cada día y vamos a aprender a tener la serenidad en nuestras vidas tal como fuimos creados. | Recuerde, es importante a tomar tiempo para el descanso, reparación, rejuvenecerse, recargarse, y volver a enfocarse. Esta es una estrategia exitosa para la salud. GH
Champiñones con Col Rizada
Recetas Saludables
Champiñones con Col Rizada INGREDIENTES:
Deliciosos Vegetales Horneados INGREDIENTES:
PREPARACIÓN: Licue la avena; agregue harina de trigo, polvo de hornear, bicarbonato de sodio y sal. En otro recipiente, mezcle la leche y el aceite y guárdelos a parte. Rocíe una sartén de hierro fundido grande especial para horno con aerosol antiadherente para cocinar; calentar a fuego medio. Agregue la cebolla y los champiñones; cocine y revuelva durante 6-8 minutos o hasta que la cebolla esté dorada. Agregue la col rizada y el ajo; cocine 3-5 minutos o hasta que la col rizada se marchite. Distribuya uniformemente la mezcla para cubrir el fondo de la sartén. Vierta Tofu revuelto sobre la mezcla de col rizada. Cubra y cocine de 6 a 7 minutos o hasta que esté casi listo. Luego mezcle leche, avena, harina y polvo de hornear. Vierta la mezcla sobre el tofu vegetal salteado, mezcle ligeramente. Precalienta el asador. Destape el sartén; cocine de 2 a 3 minutos o hasta que se vea dorado y listo. Deje reposar 5 minutos antes de cortar en 6 piezas.
1 cebolla pequeña picada 2 tazas de champiñones 2 tazas de tofu revuelto o mezclado 4 tazas de col rizada cortada en trozos 2 dientes de ajo triturados ¼ cucharadita de sal 1 taza de avena 1 taza de leche de soya ½ taza de harina integral ½ cucharadita de levadura en polvo 2 Cucharada de aceite de oliva
Sopa de Lentejas con Verduras INGREDIENTES:
2 tazas de lentejas 1½ tazas de cebolla, picadas 2 tazas de zanahorias, en cuadritos 2 papas grandes, en cuadritos 8 tazas de agua ½ taza de apio, picado 2 cucharadas de sazonador de hierbas aromáticas. 4 dientes de ajo, picado 1 hoja de laurel 2 cucharaditas de hierbas italianas o condimento marca Mrs. Dash 1 cucharadita de tomillo
En una olla grande, agregue las lentejas y el agua y deje cocer durante unos 60 minutos o hasta que las lentejas estén blandas. Agregue las verduras y todos los demás ingredientes. Deje cocinar por otros 30 minutos, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Servir caliente.
Champiñones con Col Rizada 1 taza de frutas variadas 2 oz de nueces
PREPARACIÓN: Todas las verduras y el tofu se deben cortar en trozos pequeños. Mezcle todos los ingredientes en un molde grande para hornear, tape o cubra y hornee a 400 ° F por 10 minutos. Abra y mezcle los ingredientes y luego hornee por otros 1015 minutos.
Batido (Smoothie) de Avena con Frutas.
1 calabacín verde 1 calabacín amarillo 3 tazas de brócoli 3 tazas de jugo de colifl or 1 taza de zanahorias 1 taza de pimiento rojo ½ taza de cebolla picada 8 oz de tofu completos 2 cucharadas de Bragg Liquid Aminos o salsa de soya 1 paquete de sopa de cebolla marca Lipton
INGREDIENTES: 2 tazas de agua, leche de soya o leche de almendras 1 taza de avena (avena arrollada) 1/2 banana congelada 4 fresas congeladas * Agregue hojas de espinaca y col rizada si desea hacer el batido de color verde
1½ tazas de Deliciosos Vegetales Horneados 2 tazas de vegetales verdes crudos
PREPARACIÓN: Licue todos los ingredientes hasta que quede suave.
1 taza de Sopa de Lentejas con Verduras 2 oz de nueces
A Movernos Realizar por lo menos 30 minutos de ejercicio físico moderado por día podría añadir anos a su vida
Flexiones en Cuclillas
Objetivos: Glúteo, Isquiotibiales (músculos situados en la parte posterior del muslo) Cuádriceps, Hombros Comience de pie con los pies separados al ancho de los hombros con mancuernas sobre los hombros. Póngase en cuclillas manteniendo la espalda plana y las rodillas a la misma altura de los dedos de los pies. (El objetivo es que los Glúteos terminen más abajo o en paralelo con las rodillas. Apoyese en los talones para ponerse de pie mientras levanta las mancuernas hasta que los brazos queden completamente extendidos. Vuelve a la posición inicial y repita.
Lagartijas con Topes en Ambos Hombro Alternándolos
Objetivos: Núcleo, Hombros, Glúteo, Isquiotibiales y Cuádriceps Comience poniéndose en posición de fl exión o lagartija con las manos separadas al ancho de los hombros y con las piernas rectas hacia atrás y los brazos completamente extendidos. Manteniendo las caderas levantadas del piso, levante la mano derecha y tóquese el hombro izquierdo. Asegúrate de que su cuerpo y glúteos no caigan hacia el suelo y el cuerpo permanezca en posición recta. Regrese al inicio y repita con el otro brazo. Los conjuntos se pueden hacer por tiempo o repeticiones.
Remo Horizontal con Mancuerna
Objetivos: Trapecio Medio y Romboides, Bíceps, Erector Espinal Comience con una pesa en cada mano con las palmas mirando al cuerpo, doble las rodillas ligeramente y lleve el torso hacia adelante doblándose en la cintura; asegúrese de mantener la espalda recta hasta que esté casi paralela al piso. Los pesos deben colgar directamente frente a usted, ya que sus brazos cuelgan perpendiculares al piso y al torso.Mientras mantiene el torso inmóvil, levante las pesas al lado del cuerpo (exhale), manteniendo los codos cerca del cuerpo. En la parte superior del movimiento, aprieta los músculos de la espalda. Baje lentamente el peso nuevamente a la posición inicial mientras inhala. Repita para la cantidad recomendada de repeticiones.
Patada de Tijera
Objetivos: Núcleo Corporal
Comience acostado de espaldas con las piernas extendidas frente a usted y los brazos a los lados, con las palmas hacia abajo. Manteniendo las piernas rectas con las rodillas ligeramente fl exionadas, levante una pierna hacia arriba hasta que esté en un ángulo de 45 grados y los dedos del pie apuntando hacia el techo. Baje la pierna que tiene levantada mientras levanta la otra, manteniendo los talones a unas cuantas pulgadas del suelo en todo momento. Respirando regularmente, continúe alternando las piernas en este movimiento de tijera. Los conjuntos se pueden hacer por tiempo o repeticiones.
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