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Austin TEXas Edition : the roots of inland surf sports (p. 30)

austin, texas keep austin surfing


09 Summer 2015

Featuring austin keen | payette river games | dam that cancer


Summer 2015 |



World Champion Keenan Flegel #TeamCenturionBoats | Summer 2015




Summer 2015 |

12’6” x 25.5” / 12’6” x 27.5” / 14’ x 25.5” / 14’ x 27.5”



Custom Race Shape


LiftSup Handle


Carbon Fiber Construction


Performance Fin





Summer 2015 | w ww ww. boa arrde ders rsm ma ag g..cco om | S Summer Su um mm me err 2 2015 0115 0


Tyler, JB and Raleigh Hager at Hula Hut dock on Lake Austin

Publisher & Business Director Chris Wielinski

Advertising Director Danny Braught

Editorial Director Tyler Marshall

Design Jase Bloor TEXAS ALOHA

Contributing Writers

It is a privilege to be apart of the inland surf movement and grassroots efforts in Texas and beyond. I have met so many great people along the way who embrace a “Texas Alohaâ€? attitude that is both passionate about surfsports and welcoming to its community. Individuals like Matt Thomson who had the profound intuition to buy a canoe paddle and stand up on his windsurfboard before starting to teach others how to do the same (p. 30). I have had the chance to paddle with SUPATX founder Nick Matzorkis (p. 34) whose passion and vision gave thousands of inland Americans the opportunity to be like a “surfer.â€? Thanks to Buck Ashcraft and his dog Steve (p. 60) for extending some local Austin hospitality from day one. If you are looking for some love to your dinged up favorite board then Slim with Austin 7HKKSL :WVY[Z W PZ `V\Y THU 0 Z[PSS V^L T` PU[YVK\J[PVU VM ^HRL Z\YĂ„UN to the notorious Mr. Billy Clark with Austin Surf Company; although this guy PZ H SP[[SL JYHa` OL ^V\SK HS^H`Z W\[ [OL J\Z[VTLY Ă„YZ[ 4` U\TILY VUL phone call in Austin is to one of my best friends Parker Dunagan, graphic designer and photographer for Boarders issue # 1, always there to get the shot for the cause. Here’s to everyone in the community who embraces a foundation that is both Texan and Aloha! You are the reason why we grow! -Tyler Marshall

Tyler Marshall Paul Aitken Justin Hammond Adam Moller Buck Ashcraft Mark Garza Bonnie Starak Mike Shore Ryan Light Matt Thomson Nick Wiersema Ashley Kidd

Photographers Tyler Marshall Tim Marek Danny Braught Korinn Woodard Gabe Tiano Tim Walker Parker Dunagan Mike Shore Ryan Light Taylor Thorne Slayshtank

Contributing Athletes Grant Begley Hunter Clement Chris Wolter Austin Keen Ashley Kidd Raleigh Hager Morgan Lohmeier Buck Ashcraft

Dwight Mudry Andre Magarao Howler Brothers Peter Ching Justin Hammond Jessica Cichra Austin Surf Company

For advertising information: 214.683.8317 or Boarders Magazine is a publication distributed to a targeted list of consumers, board shops and dealers throughout the United States. Copies are also available upon request. Boarders Magazine is a trademark of Lokal Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved without prior written permission of publisher. Copyright Š2015 Subscriptions to Boarders Magazine may be purchased online at Boarders Magazine Address 1665 Keller Parkway, Suite 400, Keller, TX 76248 Phone 214.683.8317 Texas Aloha “Slimâ€? at the new Austin Paddle Sports shop


Summer 2015 |


14 austin keen The dreads, the man, the wake

GO PRO HERO 4. P. 24

Summer 2015


Stand ALONEmatt thomson 8

The Competitor Grant Begley


Bench Boarding Steven Stout & Mikey Grossee


Picture Perfect Hunter Clement & Chris Wolter


Austin Keen - The Dreads, The Man, The Wake


POV Camera Guide


US Open Flowboarding


Keep Austin Surfing Ashley Kidd

On the Cover: Austin athlete and current World Wake Surfing Champ Ashley Kidd surfing near the iconic 360 Bridge. Photo by Tyler Marshall on Ashley Kidd’s Centurion FS44. | Summer 2015


Featuring Summer 2015

52 barrel boss


Stand Alone -Matt Thomson


Vision - Mike Shore & Ryan Light


Barrel Boss - Bonnie Starak


Dam That Cancer -Mark Garza


Payette River Games

56 68


dam that cancer

80 The Nautical COWBOY 8

Summer 2015 |

Set up your shop, retail store, or become a featured dealer. More info at



For Free Samples & Bids Please Contact | 512-480-0860 Hassle Free Publication Printing...& More | Summer 2015




H Jessica Cichra ½ Lake Tahoe 10

Summer 2015 |

Ankle surgery has kept Grant Begley out of the water for three months, but that did not stop him from getting on board DQG SURQH SDGGOLQJ KLV ZD\ WR WKH Ă€QLVK OLQH DW WKLV \HDU¡V annual Race the Lake of the Sky in Lake Tahoe. Since being LQMXUHG *UDQW KDG WR Ă€QG DQRWKHU URXWH WR JHW RQ WKH ZDWHU he got into prone boarding and since then, he has competed DW WKH &DUROLQD &XS .H\ :HVW DQG 7DKRH¡V IRXUWHHQ PLOH paddle around Emerald Bay.

´, FDQ¡W VLW VWLOO DQG NQRZLQJ WKDW P\ IULHQGV ZHUH RXW UDFLQJ PDGH P\ LWFK WR FRPSHWH HYHQ VWURQJHU , FRXOGQ¡W IDWKRP going to races and not being part of them. Beyond the competition, there is a whole underlying community in the sup world who train on prone and race standupâ€? says Grant. | Summer 2015


BENCH BOARDING The year of the flood in Texas does not stop local outfitter, DFW Surf, from its eco tours and lakeside adventures. That’s when Steven Stout and Mikey Grosee discover new ways to get on board by using a washed away park bench.


Summer 2015 |

H Tim Marek | Summer 2015


½ Wake Shredder Throwdown H Tim Walker


Summer 2015 |

Hunter Clement

Chris Wolter | Summer 2015


Austin Keen The Dreads, the Man, the Wake. By Paul Alexander Aitken

H Paul Alexander Aitken


Summer 2015 |

OUJL UHTLK VUL VM [OL ¸TVZ[ PUÅ\LU[PHS ¹ WLVWSL PU ^H]L sports of 2014,” and winner of the World Championship of Skim boarding, Austin Keen has dominated the skim boarding ^VYSK 5V^ ^P[O OPZ L`LZ ZL[ VU >HRL :\YÄUN OL OHZ HSYLHK` [HRLU [OL ZWVY[ I` Z[VYT /L KLI\[LK PU [OL ^HRL Z\YÄUN JVTT\UP[` PU 7HYRLY (YPaVUH K\YPUN [OL :\WYLTL >HRL :\YÄUN Championships where he managed to podium. Keen, famous for hijacking boat, took Parker by storm when he ran from the beach, jumped on his board and hijacked the wake of Chad Hudson’s Centurion FS44. (See here: https://www.facebook. com/XTvideo/videos/10153028204966871/?pnref=story)

Austin is never one to talk about his national news attention or OPZ ÅH^SLZZ ZRPT IVHYKPUN ZRPSSZ /L NYL^ \W VU [OL ILHJOLZ of Tybee Island, Georgia where he began riding 14 years ago. Constantly searching for long point break liner spots and JSLHY ^H[LYZ `V\ JHU UVYTHSS` ÄUK (\Z[PU PU 3HN\UH )LHJO California. He has become accustomed to hunting the perfect wave on the ocean. Skim boarding has more variables, between the beach, the break of the wave and the weather… there are fewer opportunities for the perfect wave while skim boarding. 6UJL (\Z[PU KPZJV]LYLK [OL JVU]LUPLUJL VM ^HRL Z\YÄUN HUK the opportunity for an endless wave, he naturally immersed himself into the community. /PZ SV]L NYL^ MVY ^HRL Z\YÄUN ^OLU OL SLHYULK HSS VM [OL advantages over skim boarding; the smooth waters, an endless wave and never ending fun! When we asked Austin how he see’s the difference between ^HRL Z\YÄUN HUK ZRPT IVHYKPUN OL [VSK \Z ¸0U ^HRL Z\YÄUN `V\ JHU JVU[YVS HUK L]LU JYLH[L [OL environment to ride… Its water displacement vs. an ocean wave that is energy that has traveled thousands of miles. The positive about wake Z\YÄUN PZ `V\ JHU Q\Z[ [\YU VU `V\Y ^H]L HUK NV @V\ KVU»[ have to forecast the waves.. you can ride that wave until you run out of gas..” ¸>OLU 0»T ^HRL Z\YÄUN 0»T WYL[LUKPUN 0»T VU [OL VJLHU HUK 0 JHU Q\Z[ RLLW YPKPUN ;OL NVVK [OPUN HIV\[ ^HRL Z\YÄUN PZ that I can really dial down my control, and its given me so much more wave time. It’s helped me bring out my style and individuality!” Keen began skim boarding when VHS tapes were still a big deal and began blazing his own trail to the national stage. 0[ OHZ [HRLU `LHYZ [V KL]LSVW [OL SL]LS VM ÄULZZL [OH[ (\Z[PU demonstrates in his extremely unique style of riding. Austin has already made his own waves in the industry, now its time [V ZLL ^OH[ PTWHJ[ OL ^PSS OH]L VU [OL ^HRL Z\YÄUN ^VYSK >L ^HU[LK [V ÄUK V\[ TVYL HIV\[ (\Z[PU ZV ^L ZH[ OPT KV^U VU the hot seat for a Boarders Mag exclusive interview! | Summer 2015


Name: Austin Keen Age: 25 Hometown: Tybee Island, Savannah, GA Favorite Beach: Laguna Beach California @LHYZ >HRL :\YÄUN! <1 Years Skim Boarding: 14 Paul: >OH[ KV `V\ SVVR MVY ^OLU ÄUKPUN [OL WLYMLJ[ ^H]L while ocean skimming? Austin: I look for long point break liner spots, I look for breaks that are close enough to ride out to then continue on. H Andre Magarao

H Korinn Woodard

Paul: /V^ HYL [OL ^HRL Z\YÄUN HUK ZRPT IVHYKPUN JVTT\UP[` different in your eyes? Austin: >HRL :\YÄUN PZ H JVTT\UP[` ZWVY[ PUK\Z[Y` IHZLK around fresh water lakes and the boat industry, It is a totally KPMMLYLU[ ]PIL¯ )\[ ^P[O >HRL :\YÄUN `V\»YL JYLH[PUN [OL environment, which is more consistent, you can turn it on and turn it off. Its a little more expensive. But the positive is you can just turn on your wave and go. You don’t have to forecast the waves, you can ride that wave until you run out VM NHZ ;OL NVVK [OPUN HIV\[ ^HRL Z\YÄUN PZ 0 JHU YLHSS` dial down my control, and its given me so much more wave time. its helped me and allowed me to bring out my style and individuality! H Andre Magarao

With Skim Boarding: So much that goes into predicting waves, having the right beach, right setup, right weather… you’re riding bigger waves! It’s not just about riding the ^H]L [OL ÄYZ[ Z[LW PZ SLHYUPUN [V NL[ [V [OL ^H]L ;OPZ PZ ]LY` different because you’re always revolving around a natural force.

H Dwight Mudry


Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015


H Korinn Woodard

Paul: >OH[ PZ VUL [OPUN `V\ ^V\SK SPRL [V KV PU >HRL :\YÄUN Paul: What is your favorite aspect of riding in general? that hasn’t been done before? Austin: My favorite thing about riding, I am constantly getting Austin: I wanna get shacked (barreled) on a boat wake. better by practicing and it makes everything easier, and I have more opportunity to enjoy it. Paul: You want to get what?!!? Austin: I would love to one day ride a barrel behind a boat.. You know…Getting shacked. I would really love to bring ocean tricks to the boat.

H Korinn Woodard


Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 |

Rio De Janeiro Ipanema Beach

H Andre Magarao | Summer 2015


H Andre Magarao

Paul: What is the craziest time you’ve had while riding? Austin: I was teaching some SUP lessons in Cali and I took a family out. I had their little girl on the front of my board practicing riding.. Then we saw a pod of dolphins… and they went under our boards.. So I started following the dolphins.. I still had the girl on my board and i just paddled following the dolphins for about a mile… The dolphin was next to us the whole time just cruisin’. It was just amazing, this is the whole reason I go out to the ocean. I love to catch a wave and enjoy the crystal clear water of laguna beach and see all the marine life. its amazing.” Paul: Everyone wants to know, what do you love more? Skim )VHYKPUN VY >HRL :\YÄUN&

Paul: A lot of my friends have been asking me to relay this question, How do you ride from the beach to a wake? Austin: Good luck.. I think it takes a lot of practice. But if you try, speed up and focus on dropping in and applying your momentum to the board without sinking or slowing down. Transferring your momentum into the board ^P[OV\[ JYLH[PUN HU` KYHN PZ KPMÄJ\S[ I\[ WVZZPISL

Austin: Skim boarding is more natural and is also lifestyle, the energy is different. I can boost big on an ocean wave.. there are so many things that cannot be re-created. The possibilities are more endless and more gratifying… because it’s a better bigger wave… Paul: How long have you had the dreadlocks? Austin: I’ve had them for years, it really just happened naturally.. It wasn’t really a conscious decision, it is a biproduct of who I am. Paul: What do you like to do in your spare time? Austin: While i was living in the Philippines, I learned how to play ukulele and I love to play. Its a part of my lifestyle. I like [V JHSS P[ IVUHÄKL SP]PUN `V\ HYL H\[OLU[PJHSS` `V\ HUK PM `V\ don’t know who that person is…discover it! Paul: If you could go back in time to any generation, when would that be? Austin: If i could snap back to any era, would be the 70’s… i love funky jazz, bossa nova, classical jazz, modern Jazz and the funk!

H Andre Magarao


Summer 2015 |

Paul: Do you have any advice for new up-and-coming riders? Austin: I’d say… stay motivated and always enjoy what you’re doing.. that’s most important. You can’t improve unless you’re enjoying what you’re doing.” Paul: Thanks again for the interview Austin, you are truly inspiring to many, is there anything you want the boarding community to know? Austin: 3P]L H\[OLU[PJHSS` [V `V\ ¸)VUHÄKL SP]PUN ¹ Written by: Paul Alexander Aitken DroneU 5310 Homestead NE Suite 300 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

H Andre Magarao | Summer 2015


POV Camera Guide Garmin VIBR Elite True 1080p HD Action Camera with Wi-Fi, GPS VIRB records true HD 1080p video that lets you relive every minute of your adventure in full, highcontrast, undistorted detail. The VIRB is rugged and waterproof to IPX7, and comes bundled with a selection of mounts for attaching to your helmet and other equipment.

Drift Ghost-S

• 1080p HD video recording with megapixel CMOS image processor


• 1.4” Chroma display Capture more of the action with the Ghost-S and a OV\Y YLJVYKPUN [PTL -LH[\YPUN H ¸ 3*+ ZJYLLU • High-sensitivity GPS, accelerometer and barometric altimeter rotatable lens, video resolution up to 1080p, up to 60 frames per second, new scene modes and much • Rechargeable lithium-ion battery (record more. up to 3 hours at 1080p) • 300° Rotating Lens • Rugged, durable and water resistant (IPX7) with an aerodynamic design • 3.5 Hour Battery Life •

2” LCD Screen

1080p HD & 60 fps

Waterproof to 3m


Summer 2015 |

gopro hero 4 black HERO4 Black takes Emmy® Award-winning GoPro performance to the next level with our best image quality yet, plus a 2x more powerful processor2 that delivers super slow motion at 240 frames per second.1 Incredible high-resolution 4K30 and 2.7K601 video combines with 1080p120 and 720p240 slow motion to enable stunning, immersive footage of you and your world. Protune™ settings for both photos and video unlock manual control of *VSVY 0:6 3PTP[ ,_WVZ\YL HUK TVYL >H[LYWYVVM to 131’ (40m) with 12MP photos at 30 frames per second and improved audio,2 HERO4 Black is the ultimate life-capture solution for those who demand the best. •


240 Frames Per Second

Waterproof with housing

Ion Air Pro 3 The Air Pro® 3 HD Video Camera is designed for professionals and consumers alike. Waterproof without the need for a case down to 49 feet and free cloud storage. It also records HD video up to 60 frames per second at 1080p, and up to 120 MYHTLZ WLY ZLJVUK H[ W +\HS ÄSL YLJVYKPUN HSlows for simultaneous ‘shoot and share’ capability.

Polaroid XS100I Capture your adventures, watch video in real-time, adjust settings remotely, and share videos instantly with built-in Wi-Fi on the Polaroid XS100i action camera. Shock-proof and waterproof, this action cam is ready for anything. • Built-in Wi-Fi • 1080p, 960p, and 720p video options • 170 degree viewing angle • High-quality still image options • Shock-proof exterior • Waterproof up to 30 ft • G-Sensor (Auto Rotation) for “which end is up” assurance • Weighs 4.8 oz


Crystal Clear 12MP Stills

G-Sensor Stabilization


Up to 120 FPS | Summer 2015



The California crew, Eric Silverman, Chris Childers and Amy Stevens defended their home wave against the best boarders from around the world at the Inaugural US Open Of Flowboarding on June 20, 2015 hosted by WaveHouse San Diego.

only standing room left available, hundreds of spectators NH[OLYLK HYV\UK [V ^H[JO [OL OPNO Å`PUN HJ[PVU ;OL L]LU[ featured a unique format where top seeded competitors were ranked, but riders could advance or drop in the seeding based on how they performed in a qualifying jam session.

;OL JVU[LZ[ MLH[\YLK [OL ILZ[ ÅV^IVHYKLYZ VU [OL WSHUL[ as they were invited to the beautiful beaches of Southern California to battle it out on the famous Brutimas Maximus (BMAX) FlowBarrel wave simulator for $10,000, and also to celebrate the 10 year Anniversary of the WaveHouse San Diego.

“We wanted the event to be a showcase of the sport and excellent riding, engaging for spectators but still providing a MHPY WSH`PUN ÄLSK MVY [OL JVTWL[P[VYZ¹ TLU[PVULK >H]L /V\ZL Waves Division Manager, Jake Fasset.

The FlowRider FlowBarrel is a 10 foot padded wave machine, shooting 100,000 gallons of water per minute over the ride surface, allowing riders to perform technical and elevated maneuvers that you might only see at the Winter X-Games.

In the Men’s Flowboard Strapped and Strapless Finals we saw RUV^U UHTLZ HUK ]L[LYHU JVTWL[P[VYZ Z\JO HZ .YLN 3HaHY\Z (SA), Mak Sokolov (UAE), Wesley Fischer (SA), Brandon Stevens (USA), Chris Childers (USA) and Eric Silverman (USA).

Prior to the big show, the venue hosted an AM Champs JVTWL[P[PVU ^OPJO HSSV^LK -36> ;V\Y JVTWL[P[VYZ HUK amateur local riders a chance to make it into the main event and go toe to toe with the crème of the crop. Having home wave advantage may have played a small part in the success at the top of podium, but take nothing away from the 2015 US Open Champions (Silverman, Childers, Stevens) as they were all put to the test and had to throw down against the best from around the globe.

As the sun set over the beaches of San Diego, 6x World Champion and hometown favorite, Eric Silverman, took top honors in both Men’s Strapped and Strapless division, earning him the overall men’s title and bragging rights until the World Championships in Abu Dhabi happening in November. ¸0 ^HZ KLÄUP[LS` Z[VRLK [V ^PU [OL L]LU[ ^P[O Z\JO H KLLW talent pool, but I am probably more stoked on the opportunity to hang out with some of my best friends from around the world!” Silverman said. “It’s always a good vibe on and off the wave, plus we all push each other to go to the next level.”

WaveHouse San Diego is the hot spot in Mission Beach. With

The Bodyboard Divisions provided the anticipated matchup

¸>P[O VUS` VUL ZJVYL JV\U[PUN MYVT [OL ZLTP ÄUHSZ VU P[ provided the opportunity for the riders to go big and leave it WaveHouse San Diego is home to two of the original wave HSS V\[ VU [OL ^H]L¹ L_WSHPULK 9VI *OHSMHU[ -36>»Z /LHK H[[YHJ[PVUZ [OH[ OH]L [YH]LSLK HSS V]LY [OL ^VYSK ÄUKPUN H Judge. “It also made it very engaging for everyone watching because the riders were going for broke!” Chalfant added. permanent home at Belmont Park.


Summer 2015 |

between the current World Champion Billy Tennant and friendly rival Chris Childers, which did not disappoint. “It was an honor to be invited into the event and I’m pleased with resultâ€? Tennant explained. “I came to win but Chris is such a beast on the wave and goes and big as anyone!â€? Chris Childers is a member of the Wave House SD Flow Team and is known for going big above the lip, making him a rider to watch. “Billy out did me at World’s but this was my turf!â€? said Childers. “I knew I had to bring my A game and stay focused out there if I wanted to win. I’m happy it all came together in the end.â€? As for the ladies, Amy Stevens stood tall on top of the podium HZ ZOL [OYL^ V\[ IHJR Ă…PWZ HUK Z[`SPZO YPKPUN [V V]LYJVTL tough competition amongst a diverse group of boarders from Chile, UAE and USA. -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU VU [OL <: 6WLU VM Ă…V^IVHYKPUN MVSSV^ @Flowboarders on Twitter and Facebook and check out the hashtags: #USOpenOfFlowboarding, #FLOWmovement, #WHTenTear The 2015 US Open OF Flowboarding would not have been possible without the staff at WaveHouse San Diego and the generous support of sponsors including Espolon Tequila, Corona Extra, Captain Morgan, Quicksilver, Kreed, Crush ,`L^LHY HUK -SV^IVHYKPUN 3LHN\L VM [OL >VYSK -36> WaveHouse San Diego is scheduled to host the US National Championships in late August or early September, which will qualify riders for the World Championships in November at Yas Water World, Abu Dhabi. National Champions will also

represent Team USA during the event.

Overall Results: Men’s Flowboard 1. 2.

Eric Silverman Max Soklov .YLN 3HaHY\Z

Men’s Bodyboard 1. 2. 3.

Chris Childers Billy Tennant Wesley Fischer

Women’s Flowboard 1. 2. 3.

Amy Stevens Jessica Nichols Crystal P H Gabe Tiano | Summer 2015





Summer 2015 |

#SURFSUPREME | Summer 2015


Keep Austin Surfing Words | Photos | Passion by Tyler Marshall


Summer 2015 |

Ashley Kidd + 360 Bridge | Summer 2015



its culture, its people, have never ceased to stop Z\YÄUN -YVT [OL ^H]L VM (UNSV (TLYPJHU PTTPNYHU[Z PU [OL 1830s to the explosion of live music in the 1970s, Austin, just [OYLL OV\YZ MYVT [OL JSVZLZ[ Z\YÄUN [V^U KVLZ UV[ ULLK [V venture far to catch a buzz. In fact, it has been making waves MVY `LHYZ Z[HY[PUN PU [OL Z HUK ÄUHSS` JYLKP[LK HZ [OL ¸SP]L T\ZPJ JHWP[HS VM [OL ^VYSK¹ I` " P[ PZ H [V^U KLÄULK I` P[Z local vibe, a bike to work and laid back attitude that lives for [OL V\[KVVYZ ;OLYL HYL \Z\HSS` [^V [OPUNZ [OH[ OLSW KLÄUL H surf town- its environment and its people. For Austin, its rich rolling hills, year round climate and clean protected waterways provide the perfect conditions for inland surf sports- wake Z\YÄUN HUK Z[HUK\W WHKKSL IVHYKPUN HUK L]LU H ULHYI` YP]LY Z\YÄUN ^H]L ([ ÄYZ[ [OL MLH[\YL ^HZ NVPUN [V IL [P[SLK! (\Z[PU ;?! 0USHUK Surf Capital of the World. Being from Texas and a part of the movement, I felt somewhat compelled to deliver this bold statement; a statement that almost seems like it is bragging, one that must have been delivered by a local who also believes that everything is bigger in Texas. Perhaps Munich Germany can stand up to the challenge with its inland surf culture immersed on the Eisbach river wave. Perhaps Orlando Florida can stand up to the challenge with its growing ^VYSK VM ^HRLZ\YÄUN [OL -HU[HZ` :\YM PUKVVY ÅV^ THJOPUL [OL ;`WOVVU 3HNVVU Z\YM WHYR HUK :\YM ,_WV It seems to me that there is something wrong with claiming such an exclusive statement like “our wave is the best.” Our ^H]L V\Y IVH[ V\Y IVHYK PZ ¸[OL ILZ[ ¹ ¸[OL ÄYZ[ ¹ VY ¸[OL original.” Such is the wave of competitive evolution. Being there from the beginning, I know what it feels like to be territorial, to have started something and wanting to control P[Z KLZ[PU` 3VJHS ;L_HU 4H[[ ;OVTZVU KPZJV]LYLK Z[HUK \W paddle boarding on his wind surfboard and a canoe paddle, I\[ H[ ÄYZ[ OL VUS` WHKKSLK I` OPTZLSM H[ UPNO[ ZV [OH[ UV VUL would see him, but why? Yet amidst the onset of surf sports, amidst the competition IL[^LLU UL^ JVTWHUPLZ HUK PUKP]PK\HSZ ^OV ÄUHSS` MV\UK surf within the surf, Austin has never ceased to be who it iseclectic and free. Today in 2015 inland surf sports have become like its local music scene- popular and weird. “Keep Austin Weird” is a motto for its diversity amongst individuals who demand pluralistic equality and who, although dress differently than other Texans, respect and understand a unique looking book cover and the willingness to try something new. Similarly, the new surf scene has bloomed into popular demand, generating a bigger market, creating heaps of new companies and clubs HUK L]VS]PUN ZV THU` ^LPYK ^H`Z [V NL[ VU IVHYK ([ ÄYZ[ it was weird that you could surf behind a boat and today it PZ ^LPYK [V OH]L IVH[Z ZWLJPÄJHSS` KLZPNULK [V WYVK\JL H WLYMLJ[S` ZOHWLK ^H]L ([ ÄYZ[ P[ ^HZ ^LPYK [V ZLL WLVWSL standing up and paddling on boards and today it is weird


Summer 2015 |

if you do not see more than a hundred on a summer ^LLRLUK VU ;V^U 3HRL 3VVRZ SPRL P[ PZ NVPUN [V NL[ ^LPYKLY ^P[O UL^ 53HUK :\YM 7HYR IHJRLK I` >H]L Garden surf technology.

My Roots I YLTLTILY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL 0 SLHYULK OV^ [V ^HRLZ\YM VU 3HRL ;YH]PZ ULHY (\Z[PU 0 ^HZ TVKLZ[ VUL VM [OL last ones to go, started up backside, fell twice and then my third time I let go. The feeling, the rush and the excitement of not knowing what I was doing, but knowing the possibilities of what could be done. We had a lot of people on the boat that day and we all felt a little proud. We surfed by other boaters who Z[VWWLK ^OH[ [OL` ^LYL KVPUN ¸>L HYL Z\YÄUN ¹ ^L ZOV\[LK PU L_JP[LTLU[ 0 OHK [YPLK Z\YÄUN ILMVYL I\[ never like this, this was different, it was intimate and inviting, everyone was piled on one side of the boat and ^L JV\SK [HSR [V [OL WLYZVU Z\YÄUN HUK MLLK VMM VM [OLPY energy. This was our wave, it was endless and we all wanted it to last forever. A month later I teamed up with Austin Surf Company shaper Billy Clark and we proceeded to start up the ÄYZ[ ^HRL Z\YM ZJOVVS PU ;L_HZ 5V[ VUS` KPK ^L ^HU[ to ride the wave, we wanted to grow it and sell it. At VUL WVPU[ PU [PTL ^L OHK H Z\YM ZOVW VU :V\[O 3HTHY next to Maria’s Tacos and even a shaping room. A lot VM SVUNIVHYKPUN HUK H SV[ VM ^HRL Z\YÄUN WS\Z [OL NYLH[ thing about Austin was that the town was so centralized and the lake was just a bike ride away. What a ride! We rode it out for as long as we could until our waves WHY[LK )PSS` JVU[PU\LK [V [LHJO SLZZVUZ VU 3HRL (\Z[PU while I helped pioneer the sport near my hometown in North Texas via my new company- DFW Surf. The waves were different now, however, and now we could stand up and paddle thanks to guys like Matt Thomson, (UK` 3\RLP HUK 5PJR 4H[aVYRPZ ^OV PU[YVK\JLK :<7 [V ;L_HZ Z[HY[PUN PU (\Z[PU 3HRL SPML ^V\SK MVYL]LY IL changed along with my life. After discovering SUP it seemed that I longed to be on the water even more. It has felt nice to have been there since the beginning, a WHY[ VM ZVTL[OPUN HUK HU PUÅ\LUJL \WVU P[Z NYV^[O (Z H ZWVY[ P[ ^HZ OLYL VU 3HRL (\Z[PU PU ^OLU boards, events and boat technology started to take shape. If you saw another boarder on the lake you were wondering who they were and what kind of board [OL` ^LYL VU )` ^HRL Z\YÄUN NYL^ PU[V H ZTHSS community of locals and grassroots events like Barrel Boss, Paddle for Humanity and Dam that Cancer. Today in 2015 it is nice to see the movement develop into such a great community. 3L[»Z [HRL H SVVR HUK ZLL OV^ P[ HSS Z[HY[LK


My good friend Nate Richard and I longboarding down South Congress | Summer 2015


O Sep On September 1, 2005 I bought an early 80’s Mistral Windsurfer off Craig of Craigslist. My wife and I were living in Waco at the time while ZOL ÄUPZOLK SH^ ZJOVVS 6\Y HWHY[TLU[ ^HZ YPNO[ VU [OL )YHaVZ river so I kept the windsurfer on the river bank and would take it out each day. On afternoons with no wind, I would leave the sail on shore and just paddle the board to stay in shape for Z\YÄUN ;OL IVHYK ^HZ O\NL HUK JV\SK LHZPS` ÅVH[ TL Z[HUKPUN so I would often paddle as fast as I could and then jump up into a surfer stance for fun... I’m sure many desperate land locked surfers can relate. One day I was knee paddling along the river bank and found a SVUN IYHUJO ÅVH[PUN 0 Z[VVK \W HUK \ZLK P[ [V WVSL T`ZLSM HSVUN the river bank like a Venetian gondolier. I immediately thought a paddle would work even better. I went to the Waco Academy store that night and purchased the longest canoe paddle they had. The next morning I hurried out to the water to test my new idea. It worked! I told my wife the next morning I had a surprise for her. We drove one of our cars with the board and paddle about two miles up river to a canoe put-in. My wife sat towards the front of the board and I stood on the back paddling us the two miles back to our apartment. It was right at dawn and still fairly dark on the water as we slid along the mirror smooth surface. We saw a Nutria and many water birds, it was so peaceful, relaxing and magical. We knew that morning we were on to something special. After that paddle I realized a longer paddle was needed so I took the closet rod out of the spare bedroom in our apartment and cut a piece of plywood into a paddle blade shape attaching it to [OL JSVZL[ YVK ^P[O TL[HS IYHJRL[Z =VPSH 0 OHK T` ÄYZ[ :[HUK \W paddle! It was very heavy but worked marvelously compared with the short canoe paddle. That all happened in the fall/early winter of 2005. During that winter I ditched the sail and mostly paddleboarded on the Brazos ILJH\ZL ^PUKZ\YÄUN YLX\PYLK MHSSPUN PU[V [OL JVSK ^H[LY [VV VM[LU I also remember during this time seeing an ad in the back of a SVUNIVHYK Z\YÄUN THNHaPUL ZLSSPUN H ¸Z[HUK \W WHKKSL¹ ;OH[ ^HZ [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL 0 OHK HU PKLH [OH[ :<7 ^HZ H SLNP[PTH[L HJ[P]P[` Summer of 2006 we moved back to Austin where I continued to ¸:<7¹ HSVUL VU ;V^U 3HRL MVY [OL UL_[ `LHY 7YPTHYPS` 0 ^V\SK paddle early in the morning or after sunset so as not to draw any attention to what I was doing as I wasn’t sure if it would be allowed. At some point my wife was on a run and saw someone else stand up paddling on the lake. She saw him again a couple ^LLRZ SH[LY ZV 0 Z[HY[LK WHKKSPUN K\YPUN [OL KH` [V [Y` HUK ÄUK him. Eventually I ran into him, he was from Hawaii. That was late 2007 I believe. About that time I also found a real paddle board for sale at Sound Waves in Houston, a Southpoint Takayama model, 11”6’ long with no handle. Not too long after that I bought two more boards and paddles and starting giving SUP lessons VU 3HK` )PYK 3HRL ( SV[ OHZ [YHUZWPYLK ZPUJL [OVZL LHYS` `LHYZ it’s been amazing for me to see the sport grow so explosively. In the early years I knew every single SUP paddler and board on the lake. If I saw a SUP board on a car I didn’t recognize I would follow them so I could say “hi” and get to know them. It was a small tight knit community in those years, I think we all k knew we nk w got in at the beginning of something really special. ecial. 34

Summer 2015 |

;V^U 3HRL (\Z[PU | Summer 2015



Be Being a surfer in Austin has had many meanings for me over [OL WHZ[ ML^ KLJHKLZ 0 ÄYZ[ TV]LK OLYL PU [OL LHYS` Z [V attend the University of Texas. The school didn’t have a surf club but there were a few surfers here and there. No different than today we lamented our distance to the coasts and were always on the watch for a swell that would last more than a few hours. Eventually I ran into a few guys that were out VU 3HRL (\Z[PU YPKPUN [OLPY SVUNIVHYKZ HUK [V^PUN HYV\UK VU shortboards behind the boat. It didn’t matter back then, any boat would do, inboard, outboard, no worries. The best days were when we could get two boats and create a sizable bowl section to ride.

adjacent music venues on side streets, and the lake. Town 3HRL ^HZ YPNO[ PU [OL TPKKSL VM [V^U I\[ HSS `V\ JV\SK KV PZ paddle around on a canoe or kayak while dodging the rowers. 0[ ^HZ [LJOUPJHSS` PSSLNHS [V Z^PT PU ;V^U 3HRL 6M JV\YZL that didn’t stop a few of us from paddling our surfboards up and down Barton Creek below the pool, a great way to stay in paddle ready shape for surf trips.

You know how they say history always repeats itself; well V\[ VU 3HRL (\Z[PU [OLYL ^LYL H OHUKM\S SP[LYHSS` H OHUKM\S VM WLVWSL KVPUN H SP[[SL ^HRL Z\YĂ„UN )\[ UV^ P[ PZ KPMMLYLU[ than before, they are not just riding longboards or tethered to the boat whipping and launching shortboards. Modern In 2002, fate brought me back to Austin on a permanent basis, ^HRLZ\YĂ„UN PZ L]VS]PUN YPNO[ PU [OL TPKKSL VM ;L_HZ HUK [VKH` although at the time, I told myself I would be moving back to VU 3HRL (\Z[PU [OLYL HYL KVaLUZ VM IVH[Z ^HRLZ\YĂ„UN VU HU` San Diego in a couple years. Once again, I found myself, given day and hundreds of Austinites that identify themselves H Ă„ZO V\[ VM ^H[LY H Z\YMLY YLHS Z\YMLY YLZPKPUN PU (\Z[PU as wakesurfers (surfers). This growth has spurred a number 3\JRPS` [OL *LU[YHS ;L_HZ *OHW[LY VM [OL :\YMYPKLY -V\UKH[PVU VM OVTL ZW\U I\ZPULZZ MYVT ^HRLZ\YĂ„UN SLZZVUZ J\Z[VT had been up and running a few years, so I found a group of board manufacturing and video and media production. n. like-minded landlocked individuals. Nick Wiersema - Chaos Customs and Shredstixx Aside from the University, Austin back then really had two main social scenes; downtown, centered around 6th street with



Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015


Nick featured in Issue # 1 of Boarders Mag ,]LY ZPUJL [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL OL ^LU[ WHKKSL IVHYKPUN PU 4HSPI\ Nick Matzorkis was hooked. Ever ZPUJL [OVZL ÄYZ[ TVTLU[Z [OH[ OL NSPKLK HJYVZZ [OL ^H[LY HUK JH\NO[ OPZ ÄYZ[ ^H]L OL LU]PZPVULK H future that today we know as “the fastest growing watersport in the world.” Five years later we can thank Nick for the enormous growth of the standup paddle market, starting right here in Austin, TX. (M[LY [OH[ ÄYZ[ KH` VU [OL ^H[LY 5PJR Z[HY[LK [OPURPUN HIV\[ H ^H` [V NL[ [OV\ZHUKZ VM TPKKSL JSHZZ Americans on board. His idea was simple: to make boards more affordable to the masses and to promote the experience through free local demos and pictures on social media. Two years later SUPATX was the number one board sold worldwide. “Austin just so happens to be the perfect place to paddleboard,” according to Nick. So in 2008 the SUPATX team left Malibu and made there way across country to inland paddle paradise, to the YVSSPUN OPSSZ VM 3HRL (\Z[PU H `V\UN HUK V\[KVVYZ` SVJHS JVTT\UP[` HUK OVTL VM [OL <UP]LYZP[` VM Texas. Along with an adventurous demographic Nick was excited about all of the places to paddle and Today SUPATX continues to spread its love of the water in Austin and beyond. You can still hop in a free paddleboarding demo, or head to a local rental concession like the Rowing Dock, grab a SUPATX rec, yoga or racing board, paddle-back and enjoy the local scenery and skyline views amidst hundreds of other boarders, kayakers and rowers. From time to time you might even see Nick cruising over to the Hula Hut, Austin’s legendary lakeside surf shack bar and grill. You can even grab that new paddleboard that you have been dreaming of at the SUPATX store near downtown. 5PJR WHKKSPUN ^P[O OPZ KH\NO[LY :OHUSL` VU 3HRL (\Z[PU


Summer 2015 |

:<7(;?ÂťZ 4PRL )PSS H[ [OL :<7(;? Z[VYL VU :V\[O 3HTHY

H Danny Braught | Summer 2015


VISION Mike Shore and Ryan Light From over the years, I have watched and admired the videos and photographic talent of these two guys. We loved the sport and they gave us something to watch, admire and re-play over and over again. Together as a team they have slowed down and tweaked the subtle details and they have been able to create another moment from a different point of view. “There is always a secondary moment for anything we do,� says Mike

(above). Over the years they have pushed the progression of wake surf action sports videography through the use of chase boats. “Precision boat driving,� Ryan (right) calls it. Today they have moved on to a different angle, one from above, through the use of drones and even helicopters.

Much like Ryan, I just wanted to bring back photos Much from fr om the t things I was doing. My love with the camera started with articles in Rock Climbing Magazines and Outdoor Adventure Clothing companies. The camera could accompany me to a place that very few people could go, and that H[FLWHG PH /LYLQJ LQ 1HZ +DPSVKLUH VXUĂ€QJ ZDV D year round activity, even in 38F water, and I always loved photographing that lifestyle, my lifestyle at the time. Work brought me to Austin in 2007, there ZDV QR EHDFK DQG , KDG QHYHU VHHQ ZDNH VXUĂ€QJ or even wakeboarding. There was an evolution RI VXUĂ€QJ KDSSHQLQJ LQ P\ EDFN\DUG WKRXJK DQG progression is an understatement when you look back on how far people like Chase and Ashley have come and what they have brought to the sport. 7KH\ KDYH WKH WUXH YLVLRQ DQG LW¡V EHHQ DZHVRPH WR HVRPH WR be a part of it. Mike Shore @_mikeshore_


Summer 2015 |

On set with the Slayshtank and Shredstixx crew

H Mike Shore

Austin has always been known as a mecca for water sports dating back to 1985 when Jimmy Redmon decided to add straps to his Redline Designs ski board. Step forward to today and you have pros like Ashley Kidd and Chase Hazen riding that same water pushing WKH VSRUW LQ QHZ GLUHFWLRQV , ERXJKW P\ Ă€UVW camera when I started wakeboarding back in 2003. I started out just recording my friends and I riding and it progressed to the career I KDYH WRGD\ ,¡YH DOZD\V KDG D WKLUVW WR NQRZ everything about my profession. Learning about cinematography, about editing, about music recordings, as well as post-production. Pushing the limit on how to tell a story by adopting new technologies and techniques KDV DOZD\V EHHQ P\ SDVVLRQ , GRQ¡W WKLQN ,¡OO ever stop learning and If you think you know HYHU\WKLQJ \RX¡UH REYLRXVO\ RYHUORRNLQJ something. 9`HU 3PNO[ 'Y`HUSPNO[Ă„STZ | Summer 2015




Summer 2015 |

Austin is one of the fastest growing cities in the US and has been dubbed “the nation’s capital for population growthâ€? with thousands of new movers each year. It is a young town with the University of Texas at its epicenter and big corporations like Facebook and Dell. While it TPNO[ IL OHYK [V Ă„UK H [Y\L SVJHS HU`TVYL `V\ ILJVTL local pretty quick. For the local surf industry there are several small businesses that started here and continue to thrive. You can HZR 3HRL 3LZZVUZ ^HRLIVHYK Z\YM JVHJO .YLN 3H^YLUJL or Billy Garcia at Freeride Wakesports about the popularP[` VM SHRL SPML Z\YM SLZZVUZ HUK JHTWZ VU 3HRL (\Z[PU HUK 3HRL ;YH]PZ *OLJR V\[ [OL UL^ (\Z[PU :\YM *S\I H MYLL ^HRL Z\YĂ„UN JS\I HUK [OL SHYNLZ[ PU [OL ^VYSK ^P[O Q\Z[ V]LY ZP_ O\UKYLK TLTILYZ 3VVRPUN [V YLU[ H IVHYK VU ;V^U 3HRL& ;OLYL HYL ULHYS` H KVaLU WHKKSLIVHYK YLU[HS companies to choose from! In case you still have not tried it, SUPATX offers free monthly and weekly SUP demos, then once your hooked, you can stop by their shop just ZV\[O VM [OL SHRL VU 3HTHY HUK I\` `V\Y Ă„YZ[ IVHYK @V\ can book a private party with local grassroots company Austin Paddle Sports, or stop by the Rowing Dock to rent a board. Austin might be the paddleboard rental capital of the world thanks to its young demographic nearly 100,000 college students alone, around 52,000 at the nation’s second biggest University- of Texas. “Austin has become the center of the wakesurf movement and its been amazing to watch the transformation from ZDNHERDUGLQJ WR ZDNHVXUĂ€QJ RQ /DNH $XVWLQ RYHU WKH SDVW VHDVRQV Âľ VD\V &OLQW 6PLWK RI 6KUHGVWL[[ &OLQW¡V good friend Rusty (pictured) here helped foster the Keep $XVWLQ 6XUĂ€QJ VORJDQ

Ski Shores Cafe

H Slayshtank | Summer 2015


;OL SHPK IHJR ÅPW ÅVW ^LHYPUN ]PIL ^PSS MVYL]LY IL [YLUKPUN Tyler’s is the perfect local surf shop destination for you to buy a new pair of sandals (until you lose them at the next party). The Howler Brother’s started here too- take Costa Rican Howler Monkeys + Beach Apparel + Austin- and you too will want to support and rock your new Howler hat or t-shirt. Head over to Wahoo’s Fish Tacos, a big supporter of local events and ^H[LYZWVY[Z HUK NYHI `V\YZLSM H MHTV\Z ÄZO [HJV ;OLU OLHK down to the lake and grab a savory margarita at the famous Hula Hut. Hang out for a while and you might be able to see 2X World Champ Raleigh Hager surf by. Get on a boat, go for a surf, or paddle down to Ski Shores Cafe, open since 1954. 3VJHS H[OSL[LZ PUJS\KL UHTLZ SPRL (ZOSL` 2PKK 9HSLPNO /HNLY 4VYNHU 3VOTLPLY 1HJR 6THU )\IIH .HPUHU =PUJL *VZ[H and Ford Chupik. Raleigh (top right) is the youngest World >HRL :\YÄUN *OHTWPVU ^P[O [^V [P[SLZ \UKLY OLY ILS[ HUK P[ HSS Z[HY[LK YPNO[ OLYL VU 3HRL (\Z[PU ^OLU OLY +HK 1) ^V\SK tow her up and down the lake on an ocean board starting at [OL HNL VM >HRL Z\YÄUN Q\Z[ ILJHTL SVJHSS` HK]LY[PZLK VU a #besomebody billboard featuring new Waterloo team rider 4VYNHU 3VOTLPLY ILSV^

Brooke and Ken at Tyler’s in Austin showing off that everything is BIGGER in Texas, even the Rainbow Flip Flops.


Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015


A City At C Surf Austin we provide an off water, on board training session that isolates the same muscle groups used ZKLOH VXUĂ€QJ 2XU ZLGH UDQJH RI FODVV offerings will get you in surf shape in no time! H Parker Dunagan

Andrew Heller City Surf Austin

H Parker Dunagan


Summer 2015 |

Austin Surf Company Board featurd in the window of St Bernard Sports, Downtown Austin | Summer 2015


Raleigh and JB at Hula /\[ VU 3HRL (\Z[PU 48

Summer 2015 |



I ha have always joked that Austin is like a beach town without a beach. If we had D FRDVWOLQH LW ZRXOG EH WKH SHUIHFW FLW\ :LWK ZDNHVXUĂ€QJ LW IHHOV OLNH ZH GR ,W¡V EHHQ DPD]LQJ EHFDXVH QRW WKDW ORQJ DJR RQ WKH ZDWHU SHRSOH ZHUH SRLQWLQJ and going “What is that?â€? Now you might hear the lake Austin riverboat Tour *XLGH DQQRXQFH ´-XVW DKHDG \RX¡OO VHH VRPH RI WKH ZRUOG IDPRXV /DNH $XVWLQ Wakesurfers.â€?

<RX GRQ¡W KDYH WR VXUI OLNH D ZRUOG FKDPS IRU LW WR EH IXQ 7KH st time anyone successfully drops the rope, screams erupt. ,W¡V FKLOO LW¡V VRFLDO XVXDOO\ LQYROYHV VRPH %RE 0DUOH\ DQG LW¡V DQ RSWLRQ RQ D KRW GD\ÂŤDQG ZH KDYH D ORW RI those. :KHQ 5DOHLJK Ă€UVW JRW LQWR LW KHU FODVVPDWHV GLGQ¡W NQRZ ZKDW LW ZDV QRZ VKH¡V WHDFKLQJ WKHP DOO DQG WKH\¡UH KRRNHG ,W¡V VR FRPPRQ WR KHDU $XVWLQ teenagers today talking boards, boats and waves. ves. JB Hager- The Voice of Austin Radio | Summer 2015


The first time that I wakesurfed on Lake Austin I felt right at home. It has the feel of a beach town without a beach. I love how beautiful and welcoming it iss Ashley Kidd


Summer 2015 |

“I love my Centurion because it has the most powerful ocean feel wave. It is long with tons of push and the perfect amount of steepness for boosting big airs.� | Summer 2015


Grassroots 52

Summer 2015 |

I remember relaxing the night before the annual Barrel Boss grassroots surf event and an announcement came on the radio with some background surf music- “come out to Steiner Ranch Pavilion this Saturday and watch some of the best surfers in the world,â€? that’s when I knew [OH[ ^L OHK Ă„UHSS` THKL P[ ;OL L]LU[ \Z\HSS` [HRLZ WSHJL [V^HYKZ [OL LUK VM 3HRL Austin at Steiner Ranch. It goes down in September, the perfect time of year to surf in Texas. You are surrounded by Austin’s rich rolling hills and, while other lakes around ;L_HZ HYL ^HYT 3HRL (\Z[PU THPU[HPUZ H JVVSULZZ


Special thanks to Sail and Ski and Barrel Boss founder, Bonnie Starak, for all of their hard work and effort year after year. Sta


Ba Barrel Boss was created in 2008 and has been going VWURQJ HYHU VLQFH :DNH 6XUĂ€QJ KDV TXLFNO\ EHFRPH a huge part of the water sports industry and we saw it coming way back then. Sail & Ski has always tried to provide grass roots events to the lake community that everyone has an opportunity to compete in. Low pressure and a good experience for the entire family is the goal which makes our competition a little bit different. There are plenty of high pressure comps RXW WKHUH WKDW DUH JUHDW EXW IRU XV LW¡V DERXW EULQJLQJ the community together regardless of skill level. 7KDW¡V QRW WR VD\ WKDW ZH GRQ¡W KDYH WDOHQWHG ULGHUV compete because we absolutely do! Ashley Kidd, Raleigh Hager, Chris Kinsey are just a few names that have all competed in Barrel Boss. BB was 5DOHLJK¡V YHU\ Ă€UVW FRPSHWLWLRQ HYHU DQG VKH DQG KHU parents had no idea the talent she had before she ZUHFNHG VKRS DQG ZRQ 7KDW¡V P\ DEVROXWH IDYRULWH part of putting this on every year. I get to watch not only the sport, but the riders grow. And grow they do! We are proud to provide a competition that touts VR PDQ\ DPD]LQJ ULGHUV¡ VWDUWV LQWR WKH LQGXVWU\ DV well as something the entire family can participate p in. -Bonnie Starak | Summer 2015


H Photos by Tim Marek

;OLYL OH]L ILLU ZVTL NYLH[ `LHYZ VM ^HRL Z\YÄUN MYVT talented athletes like (from left to right) Bubba Gainan from *VYW\Z *OYPZ[PL 3HUKVU 9LPJOSL MYVT (\Z[PU Z\YM JOHTW Wes Beck from Corpus and Jack H2Oman from Westlake Austin. 0M `V\ ^LYL UV[ ^H[JOPUN VY Z\YÄUN [OLU `V\ ^LYL V\[ paddling or swimming. (Right) Barrel Boss was one of the ÄYZ[ L]LU[Z [OH[ IYV\NO[ HSS VM [OL PUSHUK Z\YM ZWVY[Z HUK boarders together.

;OPZ PZ OV^ (\Z[PU OHZ RLW[ Z\YÄUN V]LY [OL `LHYZ HUK P[ PZ through events like this that the young locals look forward to. Getting out on the lake and feeling free, truly enjoying what it is to live in the present moment, and later pulling up the TLTVY` HUK YLTLTILYPUN OV^ ZWLJPHS P[ ^HZ PZ ^OH[ Z\YÄUN is all about. 2LLW (\Z[PU Z\YÄUN& >L KV [OPZ I` JVU[PU\PUN [OLZL grassroots moments, keeping our Texas aloha and building upon a foundation that remains passionate.


Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 |



H Taylor Thorne | Summer 2015


THE MISSION Paddle 21 Miles Dam to Dam on Lake Austin

THE GOAL $400,000 fundraising goal to benefit the Flatwater Foundation. 58

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of taking care of your mental heath as a survivor or a caregiver amidst cancer diagnosis. News crews and radio stations heard our message, and support rolled in… That was just the beginning and I knew that my purpose was to reach as many people as possible with this message. In addition, I saw a giant lack of access to mental health support. While many agencies could help, it was for four VY Ä]L ZLZZPVUZ K\L [V [OL OPNO JVZ[ VM [OLYHW` (SZV SVUN term care could potentially be forever. We saw the need and I decided to create an organization that would focus on just this—long-term access to mental health support for families coping with cancer and at no cost to those in need! Every year, our paddlers raise the funds and 100% of the donations are used to pay for access to mental health support for those in need. Stand up paddle boarding is saving lives! We intend to expand to Houston in Dallas in partnership with our major sponsor, Tyler’s. In doing so, we hope to make Texas the best place to live, with full access to mental health support for those in need, coping with cancer.

Tyler’s Dam That Cancer was initially a PR stunt on the water

in 2010 after I realized the effects that one cancer diagnosis can have on so many people.

To date, Tyler’s Dam That Cancer paddlers have raised over $1,000,000 for the cause, setting the stage for many families to get the access to care that they so desperately need. The need is huge, and growing. We currently have over four O\UKYLK HUK ÄM[` MHTPSPLZ HUK PUKP]PK\HSZ PU JHYL HUK ^L OVWL to someday expand across the country, using non-traditional events and fundraisers to change the lives of those in need.

When my Dad was given eight to twelve months to live, a lot changed in my life. I witnessed the ripples and waves that are sent in all directions, touching so many lives. The mental health of so many people was affected in a major way. I set Learn more at: out with a group of fourteen friends to make a statement on ÅH[^H[LYMV\UKH[PVU VYN [OL ^H[LY I` WHKKSPUN KHT [V KHT VU 3HRL (\Z[PU [OL 3V^LY Colorado River, and it worked. Our message: the importance Mark Garza, DTC Founder


Summer 2015 |

I a appreciate DTC’s work as my Mother succumbed to cancer and I see cancer’s effect daily in my line of work. Everyone is affected by cancer eventually. DTC is d. addressing an unmet need. – Peter Ching

-Mark Garza61 | Summer 2015

“Since day one Dam that Cancer has been a staple event for paddleboarding in Texas. It started out as a local event with the support of local companies like mine, Austin Paddle Sports, paddling for a cause, helping raise awareness and getting new people on board. Each year we have new paddlers, getting on boards for their first time and are able to finish the journey through will power and mental strength- such is the meaning of DTC.” . Ryan Stephens aka Slim - Austin Paddle Sports

“I recently lost my Father and Grandmother to cancer. Participating in this year’s Dam that Cancer was a way for me to honor them and to support other families who struggled through the effects of cancer. I remember sprinting the last mile in remembrance of Dad.” Don Anderson


Summer 2015 |

“Four years ago I lost my mother to liver cancer. If it wasn’t for SUP I am not sure where I would be today, it has changed my life for the best and it has been an honor to be a part of Tyler’s Dam that Cancer and to support the Flatwater foundation. I can’t imagine not being a part of the amazing DTC family and I am already looking forward to year 5, DTC 2016, see you there!” Juliet and Randall Urushima | Summer 2015


I hav have been fortunate enough to be a par part of Dam that Cancer from the very first year. Every year as it grows and new faces appear it is a constant reminder of the support needed to face a cancer diagnosis. It takes a group, a family, and a support team to make it through and oddly enough it takes the same thing to finish nish tthee 21-mile Dam That Cancer paddle. ddle.


Summer 2015 |

11’6 Adventure The 11’6 Adventure from SUPATX is one of my favorite all around boards. First off, it is covered from tip to tail with EVA foam traction so you will not slip. This also JVTLZ PU OHUK` PM `V\ OH]L H ÄM[` LPNO[ WV\UK KVN VU the front who likes to walk around on the nose. It also OHZ H 30-;:<7 OHUKSL [OH[ THRLZ P[ LHZPLY [V JHYY` HUK it’s great for storage because you can slip a rope lock around it and keep your board safe. The third feature that I like on the board is the SUP-connect plugs in the front of the board, which are basically removable plugs that allow you to attach a camera, rod holder, or water bottle, which are all interchangeable on any board with sup connect. The Adventure model overall is the SUV *HKPSSHJ VM IVHYKZ HSSV^PUN TH_PT\T ÅV[H[PVU TH_Pmum traction, and maximum functionality. This board covers all of the bases for everyone and is my go to each year when I paddle 21 miles from dam to dam on 3HRL (\Z[PU Z\WLY Z[HISL JVTMVY[HISL WS\Z 0 JHU IYPUN my dog Steve along for the ride. | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 |

“Tyler’s Dam That Cancer is an incredible experience and it is a huge honor to be a part of such a powerful event. As an Austin based company, it is very important to us that we support our local communities and Tyler’s Dam That Cancer is one of our favorite ways of doing so. Partnering with The Flatwater Foundation has been a wonderful journey and one of the goals of our partnership is to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. The relationships we have with our current brands like Roxy, Quiksilver, Nixon, Hari Mari, Dakine and Sun Bum help to make it happen. We are proud to carry such supportive brands that help us make a difference in being the title sponsor of Dam That Cancer.” -Brooke Bucherie 7\OHU·V | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 |

ÓĿ̓Ʀ˔ƪ ØȂ̀Ʀʦ cĿȺƦʵ 7+( 3(23/(¶6 &+$03,216 BY JUSTIN HAMMOND

Photos by Danny Braught and Justin Hammond | Summer 2015


Next on the list was no stranger to the games, as he was [OL ÄYZ[ H[OSL[L [V L]LY IL VMMLYLK ZWVUZVYZOPW I` 2LSS`»Z Payette River Games from the eyes of the athletes and the Whitewater Park (KWP). Derek Rabelo, a big wave surfer from minds behind last year’s event. This issue, we want to share Brazil, was born blind and demonstrates what it truly means to the inspiration that transpired when moments of true human overcome life’s obstacles. He inspired the Boarders crew at strength simultaneously brought spectators, commentators, KWP when he took on the river wave that was a challenge for vendors, volunteers and athletes alike to their feet and even some of the more seasoned river surfers. He originally cheering to their lung’s capacity. It is not the winners that tackled this 2000 CFS obstacle at the games last year, and we are talking about, because one of these foresaid amazing this year he braved it again. With his father at his side for people was not even a competitor, but instead originated the instruction and encouragement, Derek paddled into the wave, L]LU[ 5V [OLZL ^LYL [OL 7,673,»: *OHTWPVUZ ferried for position, and got up on his board. His skills and abilities have far surpassed his disability. Now his passion ;OL ÄYZ[ VM [OL HSS Z[HYZ PZ UV[ VUS` HU OVUVYHISL TLU[PVU I\[ and dedication has spread beyond his home of Brazil, through he is also the town of Cascade, Idaho’s people’s champion. the Payette River Games, made its impact at the North Shore The Payette River Games would not have been possible VM /H^HPP HUK ÄUHSS` VU [V [OL IPN ZJYLLU >H[JO ¸)VYU )SPUK! without the generosity and ingenuity of Mark and Kristina The Derek Rabelo Story” to see how faith can surpass sight. Pickard, who built this park in loving memory of Kristina’s It is available now for viewing. sister Kelly Brennan. Mark’s generosity was sung by all of the local business owners I had the pleasure of running into. Downriver whitewater standup paddling is a whole other He has given people yet another reason to make the hike up ILHZ[ ^OLU JVTWHYLK [V ÅH[ ^H[LY VY L]LU ZVTL SPNO[ :<7 [V [OL ILH\[PM\S TV\U[HPUV\Z JV\U[Y`ZPKL ÄSSLK ^P[O ^VUKLY Z\YÄUN *\YYLU[Z YHWPKZ \UKLYJ\YYLU[Z YVJRZ HUK ZTHSS LKK` and excitement, and enjoy year-round extreme sporting currents are all just the natural obstacles. On top of that, the opportunities. The Pickard’s hospitality has not only created JV\YZL KPYLJ[VYZ [OYL^ PU [OL L]LY JOHUNPUN ÅVH[PUN JV\YZL a mecca for us lovers of water, but has single handedly driven markers that forced the riders to choose new runs down the summer revenue for the mountain town of Cascade, Idaho. YP]LY KHPS` 3PRL 0 ZHPK [OPZ ^HZ H ^OVSL V[OLY ILHZ[

In the last issue we gave you the top 5 reasons to attend


Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015


It was this event that pushed all athletes to their limits, but there were two competitors here who stood out as the people’s champions. 1VUHZ 3L[PLYP YPNO[ HUV[OLY L_[YHVYKPUHY` O\THU ILPUN OHPSPUN from Brazil, suffered from electrocution while volunteering at his church that led to both of his arms being amputated below the elbow. This didn’t slow Jonas down one bit. This guy, with OPZ J\Z[VT WHKKSL YL[YVÄ[[LK [V LUHISL OPZ KPZHIPSP[` SP[LYHSS` proved that there are no excuses when he shot through the rapid and executed a textbook cross-stern turn that put him PU [OL SLHK VU [OL ÄYZ[ [\YU (M[LY [OL MLYY` HJYVZZ ^OP[L^H[LY OL ZWYPU[LK KV^U J\YYLU[ ^P[O H MVYJL [OH[ SLK OPT [V ÄUPZO SPUL ahead of his competitors and on to the next heat. He didn’t win the podium, but he won all of our hearts. Another people’s champion, and a real man in the making, fourteen year old Miles Harvey (below) threw down some serious board control and mental dedication to overtake his grown superiors, and almost took his heat’s win in this sup cross event. Much to the excitement of the crowd and fellow athletes, he executed a perfect drop down the main feature to [PNO[S` ZX\LLaL [OL ÄYZ[ [\YU HUK MLYY` HJYVZZ [OL ^OP[L^H[LY After a ferocious sprint down the current and around the last turn Miles was neck and neck into the home stretch, and the crowd was on their feet following him down stream. At fourteen years old, he place 14th in the sup cross event and 17th overall at the Payette River Games against some of the best SUP’ers and surfers in the world.


Summer 2015 |


The 2015 Payette River Games at Kelly’s Whitewater Park may be remembered for the $50,000 in cash winnings dispersed to the top 10 athletes, it could be remembered for attracting some of the world’s best surfers and SUP’ers alike, or it could be a combination of the two along with the collaboration of an entire town to bring together Idaho’s best whitewater downriver race. | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 | | Summer 2015



Summer 2015 |

UE ROLL is the powerful, pint-sized wireless BluetoothŽ speaker that blasts unapologetically awesome 360-degree sound. It’s waterproof and designed for adventure, so dunk it, drop it, toss it, and take it everywhere. With 9-hour battery life and 65-ft wireless range it will go as hard and long as you do.

U LT I M AT E E A R S . C O M | Summer 2015



Where? Lake Cascade, ID Board: Slingshot Crossbreed 11’ inflatable Boarder: Associate Editor Justin Hammond


Summer 2015 |

H Danny Braught | Summer 2015




SEPT 24-26 2015 WORLD WAKE SURFING CHAMPIONSHIP ;OL [O HUU\HS >VYSK >HRL :\YÄUN Championship will be held on September 24-26 at BlueWater Resort & Casino in Parker, Arizona. The World >HRL :\YÄUN *OHTWPVUZOPW PZ [OL sport’s pinnacle event and no place has ever hosted the World Championship like the BlueWater. Centurion Boats, a brand that has been buildPUN ^HRLZ\YÄUN ZWLJPÄJ [V^IVH[Z since 1995, will provide the event’s VɉJPHS ÅLL[ VM >VYSK *OHTWPVUZOPW ^HRLZ\YÄUN [V^IVH[Z TM




Win a Trip to Costa Rica! For your chance to win a 5 day surfcation with the Triple X Surf crew visit

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Born of the sea EVA GRIP | 17 OZ | CARBON FIBER


Summer 2015 |

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