6:08 PM
R o de o D a n c e
Cowboy Sports News Page 2 - May 2019
Neurologic Form of EHV-1 Confirmed in Two Horses AUSTIN – Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM), the neurologic disease linked to Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1), was confirmed in a Montgomery County reining Quarter Horse on April 9, 2019. The positive horse attended a reining event in Ardmore, Oklahoma the week of March 18. TAHC staff has been in contact with the Oklahoma State Veterinarian to ensure event participants were notified and enhanced biosecurity measures are taken. Since the Oklahoma event, the horse has not traveled to any other event and is under the care of a Brazos County veterinary hospital. The horse was quarantined after showing signs of ataxia and other neurologic signs consistent with EHM. While the risk of exposure to the virus was likely low at the event, owners of horses potentially exposed are encouraged to take precautions. Exposed horses should be isolated and have their temperatures monitored twice daily for at least 14 days after last known exposure. If an exposed horse develops a fever or other signs consistent with EHM, diagnostic tests may be performed. Owners should work with their veterinary practitioners to establish appropriate monitoring and diagnostic plans for any potentially exposed horse(s). For more information on biosecurity measures you can take to keep your horses healthy, visit http://www.tahc.texas. gov/news/brochures/TAHCBrochure_BiosecurityEquine.pdf. A second case was confirmed in a Glasscock County Quarter Horse on April 16, 2019. This is the second case of EHM in Texas this year. The positive horse attended a seven-day event at the Brazos County Expo cen-
ter in Bryan, Texas starting on April 1. Following the event, the horse attended a three-day barrel racing event at the Taylor County Expo Center in Abilene, Texas starting on April 12. At that time, the expo center was also hosting a Region II high school rodeo event. The premises where the EHM positive horse originates is under quarantine and the horse is under the care of a Brazos County veterinary hospital. One of the most common clinical signs of EHV-1 is fever, which often precedes the development of other signs. Respiratory signs include coughing and nasal discharge. Neurologic signs associated with EHM are highly variable, but often the hindquarters are most severely affected. Horses with EHM may appear weak and uncoordinated, urine dribbling and loss of tail tone may also be seen. Severely affected horses may become unable to rise. For more information on EHM visit http:// pdf. It is important to remember these signs are not specific to EHM and diagnostic testing is required to confirm EHV-1 infection. Many horses exposed to EHV-1 never develop clinical signs. If you suspect your horse has been exposed to EHV1, contact your local veterinarian. The equine industry is encouraged to obtain the latest information on this outbreak and other disease events across the country by visiting the Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) website, http://www. Additional Texas EHM cases will be posted on the EDCC.
Cowboy Sports News Page 4 - May 2019
Maci Cook at the YRA Benefit Rodeo in Gonzales, Texas. R&M Rodeo Photos COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
Cowboy Sports News Page 5 - May 2019
“Extra Ordinary Faith” From Pastor Randy Weaver Let’s examine the word and the concept of faith. In Hebrew faith means to question or hesitate. Certainly, this is not the faith of Abraham. While he did have questions and at times wondered when God’s promise would happen, I don’t think he hesitated in his faith in God. Certainly, he didn’t hesitate when God called him out of Ur, the land of his father, to found a new nation. Scripture records that Abram, as he was known then, picked up everything and began the trek to a land unknown to him. What a great act of the word we are defining - faith. Let’s look at “faith” as Paul uses it in the Greek language. In Greek, faith means a conviction in the truthfulness of God. This is the kind of faith Paul’s Abraham had in God. Everyone has faith in something. Even a lack of faith is a kind of faith. Some people have “little faith,” and we feel sorry for them. Some folks have “a desperate faith,” and we pray for them. Some people have a “different faith,” and we fear for them. Some people have “strong faith,” and we admire them. Perhaps one of the best attempts to define faith, what it is and who has it, comes from The Communicator’s Commentary written by Dr. Stuart Briscoe. He writes, “the object of faith is what really matters, more than anything else.” Who is the object of our faith? It is God. The God who created the heavens and the earth. You see, it is important that we understand in whom we believe, in whom we place our trust. Blind faith can get us killed. Trusting in God is always a good idea. Faith must have a cornerstone upon which to build. We are not called to have faith in faith itself. Faith in faith is not faith. The only true foundation for faith is God. Then we might ask, “Why have faith?” Why did Abraham have faith in God? Maybe it was because of God’s promise in Genesis 12:2-3: The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on
earth will be blessed through you.” So, Abram went, as the Lord had told him. There are several benefits of faith for us. The first benefit of faith is that it builds us up or strengthens us. It grows us towards maturity. Exercise faith and it grows. Another benefit is that faith exalts God. It glorifies His greatness. By trusting in God, you are visibly expressing your confidence in Him. Faith establishes us. It gives us a foundation. Another benefit, it gives us possession of the promise. And finally, faith in God is credited to us as righteousness. When it comes to faith in
Cowboy Sports News Page 6 - May 2019
God, what will you do? Will you be faithful in the written promises of God? God has promised through Christ to care for us, to redeem us, to provide for us in His unique way. And yet, many times, you and I want to rely on ourselves. God will provide in His way. If you have faith, somewhere along the line you heard God speak. For most of us it’s not an audible trumpet blast from on high. Maybe you heard God speak through a friend who shared their faith in Christ. Maybe you heard God speak through a teacher or preacher. Maybe you heard God speak to you through reading the Bible. God speaks to us in whatever way our minds will absorb His words and believe. Abraham did not simply believe in the promise that God had given him. Abraham’s basis for faith was God in whom he believed. Abraham believed in God Himself. God must be the clear
object of our faith. He must be the foundation for our faith. He must be the basis for our faith. Our faith rests upon the reliability of God, not upon the changing feelings of the human heart. We put our faith in God’s Word because of God. Faith in God’s Word is faith in God, who stands behind His Word. Human words are unreliable, because humans are unreliable. God’s Word, on the other hand, is reliable because God stands behind it. It is His Word. It has authority because He is the ultimate authority in the Universe. First, we must know God’s Word, then we choose to believe God’s Word, God always stands behind His Word. This is what Abraham did and that is what we should do. That is faith. Pastor Randy Weaver Lone Star Cowboy Church 21627 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356
2nd Annual
COWBOY TOUGH Cole Strong Benefit Team Roping and Barrel Race
May 10-12, 2019 BRACKENRIDGE MAIN EVENT CENTER 284 Brackenridge Pkwy
Edna, TX Card
Live Music by the Matthew Grits Band Open 5D Barrel Race Friday, May 10,2019
Exhibitions are $5 each and will run from 4:30-7pm.
Open 5D- $40/entry Will start at 7:30pm.
We will take entries in the open until the last 25 runners. The open will be a 4D if under 100 runners. You may enter the same horse twice. Incentives- $25. You may roll over open time for 3D incentives. Buckles awarded to the winner of each D!
Team Roping
Saturday, May 11, 2019 Books open @ 9:00 AM – Draw @ 10:00 Am Rope Upon Completion of the Draw
#10.5 (Capped @ #6e) & # 8.5 (Capped @ #5)
Enter 1 Draw 2 or Enter Open Draw 3 for $120/roper – 3 HD PA1 ropings will be ran together in rotations!
Saddle to high point roper of each roping! Buckles to average winners!
Age groups are as follows: Youth (18 & under) Adult (19-49) Senior (50 and up)
For stalls or hook ups call BMEC at 361-782-7272. For questions or pre-entries contact Kristen Hoagland at 361-484-2426 .
For more information regarding the following:
Extra runs : $20 - must pay for extra run prior to running steer. Failure to pay for extra run will result in 1/2 of winnings, no prize and no points!
Kids Dummy Roping:
Starts at @2:00 PM – Age Groups : 5 & under , 6-8 and 9-11
Sunday, May 12, 2019 Church service @ 9:00 AM Books open @ 9:30 – Rope @ 10:00 AM
Silent Auction Items, T-shirts, Raffles: Sarah Rowlands- 361-648-8131, Donna Odem-Nichols- 361-655-1605, Rachel Robbins- 361-894-5749
#15.5 Roping
Enter Up Roping $100/Team – 4-HD Pa1! Followed by
Monetary Donations: Leslie Crews- 361-645-4808 Concession/Food Donations: Dwain Garber- 361-920-8122 Award/ prize Donations: Farrell Jackson- 361-920-1569 Team Roping: Justin Shelton- 361-645-4526 Barrel Race: Kristen Hoagland- 361-484-2426
#13 Slide (Max Add/Deduct 3 Seconds)
Enter 1 Draw 2 or Enter Open Draw 3 for $150/Roper – 4-HD PA 1 SADDLE TO HIGH POINT ROPER OF #13 SLIDE! Buckles to Average Winners! Extra Runs: $40
Failure to pay for the run results in 1/2 winnings, no prize and no points!
CASH ONLY PLEASE! NO CHECKS OR CREDIT CARDS USTRC of world series Number to be utilized. If you do not have a current card, see producer prior to roping. Producer reserves right to reclassify. ELITE NUMBER WILL BE UTILIZED! FMI Call Justin Shelton 361-645-4526 or Amy Burnett 210-508-1223 Proof of negative Coggins Required! * CATTLE FURNISHED BY NA PRODUCTIONS*
Cowboy Sports News Page 7 - May 2019
Big Al’s View Of The World
Like most old people do (I’m 50 so I guess that is old), sometimes I catch myself thinking about the past and often times that means some of the people that I’ve crossed paths with over the years. I’m actually a pretty sentimental person in reality. Not everyone I’ve crossed paths with is gone. Some are still around and still making an impact on people daily. Smokey Davis passed away this past month. Smokey was one of those characters from the past that they broke the mold on when they made him. Smokey and I crossed paths when we first started this magazine. Rafter D Rodeo Company was a regular advertiser in the early days. So much so that when I got married I called Mrs. Betty and asked to put one of my groomsmen in the slack at Rosenberg so he could be in my wedding on Saturday night. Try that today. Later on when I thought I wanted to get in the tripping steer business I went and bought Smokey’s old bull wagon and truck. Everyone about laughed me out of town when I bought it but Smokey let me pay it out and that was good enough for me. There was only one name for the rig, Ol’ Smokey. We still refer to it by that name. Another guy in town has it now and when we see it we say there’s Ol’ Smokey! That truck never left me on the side of the road broke
R&M Rodeo Photos
down. I did run out of fuel one time in the middle of nowhere in Ft. Stockton, but that was my fault, not his. One of my first horseshoers after I got married came to be one of my best friends. He was quite a bit older and I came to learn many things from him over the years. Although he was only in my life for 7 years or so, we spent lots of time together. He had grown up in Idaho and came to Texas in the Air Force and ended up staying out of his love for the state. Lots of what I know today about horsemanship came from him. He was one of those people that wasn’t the best rider himself because he was a big guy but he was such a student of the game that he knew things. He was one of those that listened with his mouth closed if you know what I mean. I still think of him every time I do something with a horse that he taught me. He used to go with us to our ranch in West Texas to gather cattle in the fall. Just the two of us would head out before daylight horseback and start making sweeps. I remember one of our rides before sunup, looking up at the big dipper and he was explaining to me about it. I still think of him every time I look up at the sky and see the big dipper. We still have one of his fillies we bought from him. She is 22 years old and we can never sell her. He passed away from cancer 18 years ago
1 Year Subscriptions $25 2 Yrs for $45 - 3 Yrs for $60
and I probably think about him daily in some way or another. I can’t pass a creek anywhere in Texas without thinking about my grandmother taking us to the creek as kids. She would get all of the grand kids and pack a cooler with orange soda, Big Red and bologna sandwiches and we would head to the creek. It was a little sandy bottom creek that had the clearest water in East Texas. We would walk in the bed of the creek for a hundred yards or so to this little sand bar and we would spend half the day playing in the water. I’m still a sucker for a cold orange soda. Anyone that has ever been in one of Mr. Sikes colt classes at Sam Houston can tie a bowline knot. If you can’t I’m pretty sure you failed the class. I see his face every time I tie or untie a horse. I don’t break colts anymore but when I did break a few I could always envision riding in that old indoor arena in Huntsville riding in line behind him. I wonder just how many people he taught that knot to and how many colts he helped break in all those years at SHSU? Ed Herklotz was another one that I’ll never forget. He had a dryness about him but if he liked you, he liked you. I’ll never forget him coming up to me one night at the first rodeo I had produced and telling me I had done a great job. I was more proud of that compliment than any amount of money I could have made off of that rodeo. I still compare every calf roping judge to him. Another one with a broke mold. There’ll never be another one like him. All of us have people that have come into our lives and made an impact on our future. To realize that impact is age I’m assuming. This list is not complete due to space and my memory. More to come some day.
Remembering, Big Al’
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Parker Fleet winning the Poteet, Texas Strawberry Festival CPRA rodeo on a bronc from the Diamond Cross Rodeo string. William Kierce Photo Volume 28 Number 10
May 2019
The Cowboy Sports News is published monthly from Sealy, Texas. The Cowboy Sports News is distributed by paid subscription and free through a network of over 650 feed and western stores in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and New Mexico. The Cowboy Sports News attempts to ensure the advertising claims are truthful but assumes no responsibiltiy for their truth or accuracy. All call in times, dates and phone numbers are the responsibility of the advertising party. The Cowboy Sports News hereby expressly limits its liability resulting from any and all misprints, errors and/or inaccuracies whatsoever in advertisement or editorial content, to the refund of specific advertisement payment and/or the running of a corrected advertisement or editorial correction notice. Material may not be reproduced without permission from publisher. The opinions and views expressed in all editorial materials are those of the writer or the person interviewed and not necessarily those of The Cowboy Sports News. Deadline for advertising and calendar of events is the 15th of the month preceding publication and must be accompanied with the payment for the ad. Advertising rates available upon request. A one year (12 month) subscription to The Cowboy Sports News is $25. Change of address can not be made by telephone, but must be made by written letter or e-mail and must contain the old mailing address. The Cowboy Sports News is mailed bulk mail and is not forwardable. Failure to notify the office by the 15th of the month will result in no paper for the following month. No exceptions! Mail all correspondence to the following address:
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Office Open 9am-5pm M-F
The Cowboy Sports News reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason! COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
City of Giddings
RODEO GIDDINGS May 17 S 18 2019
7:30 PM Non-Members Welcome with $10 Permit
Concerts After Rodeo Each Night
Friday - Randall King Saturday - Tracy Byrd
Schedule Of Events
Thursday, May 16th Rodeo Slack - 6:00 PM
Rodeo Events Bareback Steer Wrestling Team Roping Calf Roping Ladies Barrel Racing Bull Riding Saddle Bronc Ladies Breakaway
$1000 Added per Event / $2000 Team Roping $2000 Calf Roping/ $2000 Barrel Racing Bob Berg Buckles to Event Champions
kids Mutton bustin 4-7 Years (Less than 50 lbs.) By: Subway of Giddings Limited Entries - Reserve Your Spot
Contact Mark - 979-542-3181
$20 Entry Fee
Ice Cold Beer By Giddings Volunteer Fire Department Budweiser - Mike Hopkins Dist. The Official Beer of the L.C.S.P.
Friday, May 17th
CPRA Team Roping - 9:00 AM Rodeo - 7:30 PM
Saturday, May 18th
Royalty Coronation - 6:00 PM Rodeo - 7:30 PM
Thank You To Our Sponsors! Event Sponsors:
Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative Eyeball Drywall First National Bank Of Giddings Giddings Livestock Commission Goodson-Voight Lumber & Hardware
Your Coronado Paint And YellaWood Dealer (With Garlan Geredes)
J & P Service Inc. Kieschnick Construction Inc. Liquor Depot Los Patrones Pumpco Inc. Rodriguez Construction Ronnie’s Tire & Automotive Center Santa Fe Steak House Subway Of Giddings
B&B Auto Lee County EMS Lee County Jr. Livestock Show Leexus Oil LLC Mike Hopkins Budweiser Paige Tractors Inc. Ryan Noack Fencing Rental Solutions Texas Homelink TriVista Operating LLC
2008 - 2018 CPRA Stock Contractor of the Year CADILLAC RODEO COMPANY Rodeo Announcer - Creed Roberts Barrelman - Gizmo McCracken
15.00 5.00 FREE
Cowboy Sports News Page 9 - May 2019
Lester Meier �
2019 Texas Open Pro Rodeo Tour No Membership Fees or Dues
May 18
✯ Harper Open Pro Rodeo $3,000 added money
May 25 & 26 ✯ Wimberley Open Pro Rodeo
$3,000 added money
For the rest of the rodeo season visit our website Sponsored in part by:
Cowboy Sports News, Wrangler, Cavenders & Easterling Boot Co.
For complete 2019 rodeo schedule visit
Logan McCullough at the YRA Benefit Rodeo in Gonzales, Texas. R&M Rodeo Photos Cowboy Sports News Page 10 - May 2019
Cowboy Sports News Page 11 - May 2019
Seth Wilson winning the free style bull fights at the NPBR event at the Galveston County Fair in Hitchcock, Texas. Kierce Photo Cowboy Sports News Page 12 - May 2019
Joao Cezere winning the Nod And Win Bull riding in Poteet, Texas on a Diamond cross Rodeo Co. bull. William Kierce Photo COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
Cowboy Sports News Page 13 - May 2019
Bear Down
Former UPRA Champion Bareback Rider Leighton Berry Sets His Sights On The PRCA By Krista Lucas Bareback riding may be rodeo’s toughest event. A cowboy tries to stay on a bucking horse without a saddle, requiring balance, timing and coordination. It is hard on a cowboy’s body both physically and mentally. This has not stopped Leighton Berry from wanting to become one of today’s top rodeo athletes. The Weatherford, Texas cowboy comes by the love of the sport honestly. He grew up around rodeo and bareback riding, with his dad, Kirby Berry, being a professional rodeo cowboy. “My dad rode bareback horses professionally for about 15 years, so basically I was born around it and it is just a part of me,” Berry said. He began his riding career at a relatively young age and worked hard to
quickly become successful at it. In the Texas High School Rodeo Association, Berry qualified for the state finals in multiple events and qualified for the National High School Rodeo Association finals twice in the bareback riding. “I started going to
school and pro rodeos in 2017, and aside from having shoulder surgery in July, I was able to win the year-end in the UPRA,” Berry said. The United Professional Rodeo Association has been an irreplaceable stepping-stone in his career. “The UPRA helped pre-
be the winner at the end,” Berry said. With each level Berry moves up comes new challenges. He is now in his rookie year of competition in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. “The plan for my rookie year is to rise up to a new level with my bareback riding and really prove myself,” he said. “I’ve worked hard for this year, and I feel very prepared to win.” As Berry ventures into professional rodeo, he is also attending college and learning to juggle schoolwork, college rodeos and the pro rodeo road. “So far, this year has taught me to just stay relaxed and trust God,” Berry said. “Balancing college and trying to go as hard as I can chasing Rookie of the Year can get a bit hectic. I just know that if I keep my head down, trust God and keep entering, everything will work out.” Berry is a sophomore at Weatherford College and competes on the rodeo team for coach Johnny Emmons. The 2018 National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Southwest Region “Coach of the Year” has been an influential mentor to Berry. “I will graduate this May with an associates in general studies. I think that college is a step everyone should take, whether you’re seeking a degree for a career or not. I really just wanted to see what it was like and win the college finals,” he said. “It’s been a great two years attending WC.” Berry is currently ranked second in the NIRA Southwest Region standings and fifth in the PRCA rookie standings.
“The UPRA helped prepare me for pro rodeo by teaching me how to enter correctly, how to manage travel costs when on the road and how important it is to ride consistent in order to be the winner at the end,” - Leighton Berry UPRA rodeos when I was a junior in high school, around 16 or 17. I made it a goal to win rookie of the year in 2016, and I did. I worked both UPRA, high
Cowboy Sports News Page 14 - May 2019
pare me for pro rodeo by teaching me how to enter correctly, how to manage travel costs when on the road and how important it is to ride consistent in order to
Even though bareback riding is his main event and what he is best known for, Berry also competes in calf roping and team roping at the college ro-
deos. Bareback riding will always be his first love though. “I started roping steers when I was six or seven and started roping calves at 12. I have always competed for the all-around since I was youth rodeoing, and it’s a big goal of mine to win the Linderman Award some day,” Berry said. “I love bareback riding the most because I get a feeling unlike anything else when I’m on a bucking horse. Traveling around rodeoing with your best friends and spurring the best horses in the world is the coolest job I’ve ever had.” It can be poetry in motion when a perfect bareback ride happens. This is something that is easier said than done. One of those times for Berry was a recent ride at the college rodeo in Snyder, Texas. It was a ride he will never forget. “Ever since I started riding I’ve known about this rank bucking horse named ‘X07 Call Me Kendra.’ She comes from the Northcott/Macza Pro Rodeo string up in Canada and
has always been known to make guys look bad. When I showed up to pay my fees and saw what I had I was in shock. I couldn’t believe of all places to draw a NFR eliminator, I get her in the long round of a college rodeo in west Texas. I didn’t change
anything. I knew I had a chance to prove myself on a bucker. I went on to be 87 points and made the short round.” The adrenaline that comes with being a bareback rider keeps the young cowboy burning up the roads. He is following in his father’s footsteps and making a name for himself in the professional rodeo world. “My schedule this summer will be extremely busy,” he said. “There are so many good rodeos all through June to September, and I plan on having my name down at every single one I can make. I’m thankful to be healthy and feeling 100 percent, and I’m stoked to get after it.” None of this would be possible without a support system and sponsors. Family and friends are what keeps him hooked and trying to be the best he can be. He knows he can count on his parents and sister, Maci, who is an accomplished breakaway roper in her own right.
“She’s every bit as dedicated as I am, if not starting to show me up,” Berry said. Maci was the 2018 THSRA breakaway roping champion, qualifying for nationals as well. With rodeo being a family affair, Berry knows he can count on his sister, as well as fellow bareback riders, when needed. “The top 15 bareback riders in the world that I’ve watched on TV all through high school all have something in their riding that is so phenomenal, and I try to take that one piece and put it into my riding with my own style. It’s pretty cool to say that I’m good friends with most of them now,” Berry said. “My sponsors are awesome. I can’t thank Kyle Zanetti Trailer’s, the YNOT Lifestyle Brand, PRX Enterprises, Capri Camper’s, and Triple W metal buildings enough for all they do making sure I’m headed down the road.” There is nothing like the thrill of bareback riding, and Berry is making the most of every horse he gets on. The up and coming rodeo cowboy plans to continue his rodeo career after college. He will have many more rides ahead of him as he tries to make his own mark on the rodeo world.
Above: Leighton Berry on a horse at a PRCA rodeo in Florida. Bottom: Leighton is the first to thank his sponsors including Capri Rodeo Campers, Kyle Zanetti Trailers, YNOT Lifestyle, PRX Enterprises and Triple W Metal Buildings.
Cowboy Sports News Page 15 - May 2019
Wrangler BFI Week announces changes in store for 2019 Organizers revamp #11 with lower fees, add #9 Over-40 and change All-Girl format.
When Perry Di Loretto founded the world’s first million-dollar #11 roping in Reno, Nevada, in 1996, it kicked off a legacy of giving back to the host community. Corky Ullman and Daren Peterson, who bought the roping in 2015, are keeping to tradition. Over the past few years, organizers have auctioned valuable items to raise more than $30,000 for Warriors and Rodeo and $15,000 for the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund. A local charity will benefit in 2019 – Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run. The Reno non-profit provides financial assistance to breast cancer patients undergoing treatment in this part of Nevada. “It’s important to give back, and ever since Perry created it, the #11 roping has given back to Reno,” said Peterson. “Just like the BFI, which raises money for the Reno Rodeo Foundation, Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund, and Warriors and Rodeo, we’re excited to see this roping support Moms on the Run, a great local charity for Reno women.” T h i s y e a r , t h e 2 3 rd edition of the roping on June 25 sports a new moniker – the Wrangler National Patriot. It’s named for the 10-year-old program backed by Wrangler that raises funds for American military veterans and their families while encouraging all Americans to rally with patriotism. Complying with the nationwide tweak in roper handicaps, the roping is technically an 11.5 roping this year, but keeps the invitational format, #6 cap and requirement that entrants be at least 30 years old (the average age of 2018 contestants was 54). Fees have been lowered to $2,000, and organizers who spread the money more evenly last year have gone back to guaranteeing $200,000 for first place. Entries are open now for it and all other events of Wrangler BFI Week, June 22-29. The event actually kicks off this year on Saturday, June 22, with
Right: Jake Long and Luke Brown celebrate winning $120k at the 2017 BFI. Photo courtesy of Olie’s Images. the Hooey BFI Junior Championships, moved in 2019 so as not to conflict with the National Junior High School Finals Rodeo or the
Cowboy Sports News Page 16 - May 2019
Best of the Best Timed-Event Rodeo. Last year, the Hooey BFI Junior Championships winners earned $15,000. And of course, everything is anchored by the 42 nd Annual BFI on Monday, June 24, which features 108 of the world’s best Open teams competing over six rounds for more than $700,000 in cash and prizes. The Wrangler National Patriot #11.5 follows on Tuesday. A brand-new roping is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, this year – the Cactus #9.5 Over 40 that will pay $100,000 for first place (based on 125 teams).
“The #9.5 is a great addition to our roster,” said Peterson. “It allows the older ropers a chance to compete against their peers in a format where they don’t have to rope against the kids.” Also Wednesday, #12 ropers over 21 will play in the High Desert Showdown. And in 2019, the Charlie 1 Horse All-Girl Challenge on Thursday will again be the highest-paying women’s roping in America. It boasts a new pickone/draw-one-for-$750 format, and also offers $7,500 guaranteed to the winners of a #9 Incentive within the roping. The breakaway
Above: In 2017, Texan Ashley Moreau won the inaugural All-Girl Challenge breakaway, which paid the champ $7,000 last year. Photo courtesy of Olie’s Images. jackpot returns, along with the $2,500 bonus for the All-Girl allaround champion. This year’s local BFI Week activities will be especially exciting as they happen in conjunction with the storied Reno Rodeo’s 100th anniversary celebration. Together the two events, plus World Series competitions off-site, bring the collective athlete purse in Reno to roughly $3.75 million. Visit for more information. Reservations with special roper rates starting at $54 are available at the Silver Legacy Resort, Eldorado Resort, and Circus Circus Reno by using rate code BFI19.
About Ullman-Peterson Events The Phoenix-based production company helmed by Daren Peterson and Corky Ullman has owned and produced the Bob Feist Invitational since 2012 and purchased the Reno Rodeo Invitational team ropings in 2015. Founded by notable rodeo announcer and publisher Bob Feist in 1977, the BFI is the richest team roping event for professionals and one of the most prestigious, due to its limited roster and long head-start for steers. Founded by Perry Di Loreto in 1996 and now with additional categories, the high-stakes amateur roping events surrounding the BFI are the most lucrative one-day events of their kind.
Cowboy Sports News Page 17 - May 2019
WOMEN’S BREAKAWAY ADDED TO THE DAYS OF ’47 COWBOY GAMES AND RODEO AUSTIN, TEXAS- World Champions Rodeo Alliance (WCRA) and the Days of ’47 Rodeo (DO47) are pleased to announce that for the first time in history the discipline of women’s breakaway roping will be featured at the Komatsu Equipment Days of ‘47 Cowboy Games & Rodeo presented by Zions Bank. The five-day event will be held July 19-24 in Salt Lake City. “Our mission is to advance the sport of rodeo with our alliance partners like the DO47 who support our decision to provide female rodeo athletes more opportunities,” said WCRA President, Bobby Mote. “This historical addition of breakaway roping at the DO47 will give female ropers more opportunities, including the ability to compete for equal and big-money payouts.” In early January, breakaway roper Jackie Crawford made history when she won the WCRA Windy City Roundup earning more than $52,000, setting the record for the largest payout ever for a single event in the sport at the time. With the win, Crawford automatically qualified into Days of ‘47 that will feature 32 ropers. Other avenues for qualification into Days of ’47 will include: Utah Timed Event Classic-Heber City (May 3-4) WCRA Title Town Stampede-Green Bay, WI (June 1), College National Finals Rodeo-Casper, WY (June 9-15), and the WCRA Virtual Rodeo Qualifier Standings (28 athletes as of July 8). Following the Titletown Stampede, the WCRA will have awarded more than $350,000 to breakaway ropers. Since launching in May of 2018, the WCRA and its partners have awarded more than $3 million in new money to rodeo athletes. “Thank you so much to The Days of ’47 Cowboy Games and Rodeo for giving breakaway ropers the opportunity we’ve been working for our whole lives,” said World Champion Breakaway Roper, Lari Dee Guy. “ Getting onto the WCRA Leaderboard is an accomplishment in itself, and now to have a chance at a gold medal in Salt Lake is unbelievable.” The Days of ’47 Cowboy Games & Rodeo features an Olympic style format offering Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to its
winners. Contestants in bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, saddle bronc riding, tie- down roping, barrel racing, bull riding and now breakaway roping will earn the right to compete at the Days of ‘47 Cowboy Games & Rodeo by winning one of the national Trial Events or through the WCRA’s VRQ standings. The Gold Medal
Cowboy Sports News Page 18 - May 2019
Round will pay $50,000 and a Gold Medal to each winner. “As we continue to look for more additions to the Cowboy Games and for our overall fan experience, we felt that women’s breakaway roping was a perfect fit,” said Tommy Joe Lucia, General Manager of the Days of ’47 Cowboy Games & Rodeo. “With this addition our payout will be over $1 million,
making Salt Lake City a must stop on the rodeo circuit in July.” Qualifying for WCRA events will be based purely on performance and on series points, rather than dollars won, through a new world-ranking points system. For athletes interested in learning more about the WCRA, visit app.
Travis Handley winning the THSRA Region II bareback championship at the finals in Abilene, Texas. Kierce Photo COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
Cowboy Sports News Page 19 - May 2019
Memorial Day Weekend - Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday
May 24, 25, 26 & 27 Ardmore, OK
Hardy Murphy Coliseum & Fairgrounds
Saddles, Buckles, Rope Cans, Boots, Hats & More Saddle To Youngest Roper All Junior Events 3 Head With Finals 10 & Under Boys/Girls Breakaway, Fees $150 12 & Under Boys/Girls Breakaway, Fees $150 12 & Under Tiedown, Fees $150 15 & Under Boys/Girls Breakaway, Fees $175 15 & Under Tiedown, Fees $175 19 & Under Girls Breakaway, Fees $225 19 & Under Boys Tiedown, Fees $225
Qualifier For Las Vegas Jr World Finals Cowboy Auction Held Prior To Each Roping - Cash Please!
Wrangler Presents The 34th Annual
Championship Junior Roping Roundup
2019 Roping Roundup Schedule
Friday- 1pm- 15 & Under Boys/Girls Breakaway 5pm - 12 & Under Tiedown Saturday- 9am- 15 & Under Tiedown 3pm- 10 & Under Boys/Girls Breakaway 5pm - 12 & Under Boys/Girls Breakaway Sunday - 9am - Cowboy Church 10am- 19 & Under Girls Breakaway followed by Ladies Open Breakaway Monday- 9am- 19 & Under Tiedown followed by Open Tiedown American Qualifier
Open To The World Tiedown Roping American Qualifer, 3 for $350 Open Ladies Breakaway - American Qualifier 2+short for $250
Text 580-775-0900 to enter these ropings by May 20th Late Entries Accepted $50 For Entry Blank:
Age Is As Of January 1st, 2019 Two Arena System To Be Used All Jr Entries Must Be Postmarked By May 8th - $50 Late Fee 580-775-0900 Send Entries To: Fees & Proof Of Age Must Accompany Entries!
Barry Burk - PO Box 233 - Durant, OK 74702
Stormy Stokes at the THSRA Region IX rodeo in Bryan, Texas. R&M Rodeo Photos Cowboy Sports News Page 20 - May 2019
Texas Senior Pro Rodeo Association
TSPRA Information: Texas Senior Pro Rodeo Association c/o Beverly Shoaf P O Box 681 – Gatesville, Texas 76528 Call‐In # 254‐223‐2290 E‐mail:
2019 Rodeo Schedule
Saturday Rodeo starts @ 10:00am Sunday Rodeo starts @ 9:00am May 4th – 5th Caldwell May 18th – 19 Groesbeck June 1st – 2nd Hamilton June 15th – 16 Giddings June 29th – 30th Llano July 13th – 14th Hamilton August 3rd – 4th Waco August 17th – 18th Groesbeck September 7th – 8th Caldwell September 21st – 22nd Giddings October 10th – 12th Hamilton (FINALS)
70 – Willie Little
60 – Kym Blanchard 50 – Amye Craig
40 – Cody Lee/Bubba Crow
TSPRA Events/Fees
Caldwell Groesbeck Hamilton Giddings Llano Hamilton Waco Groesbeck
40 – Brandee Hawkins
60 – John Rosanky/Kermit Maass Cindy Laferty
50 & 65 TD 70 TD 40 & 60 TD 50 & 65 TD 70 TD 40 & 60 TD 50 & 65 TD 70 TD
***SATURDAY ONLY*** May 4th Caldwell June 1st Hamilton June 15th Giddings August 3rd Waco September 21st Giddings October 10th – 12th Hamilton ~2 Rounds with Short Go~
May 4th May 18th June 1st June 15th June 29th July 13th August 3rd August 17th
TSPRA Ladies' Barrels
50+ Tiedown
40+ Breakaway
60+ Tiedown
50+ Breakaway
65+ Tiedown
60+ Breakaway
70+ Tiedown
70+ Breakaway/2 head Lds Breakaway/2head 40+ Ribbon Roping 40+ Tiedown
$90 $90 $90/team 2 Head $130 1 Head $65
75+ Tiedown 40‐59 Team Roping 60+ Team Roping Rodeo Office Charge
Todd Parks
70 – VW Grable
2 Head $130 1 Head $65 2 Head $130 1 Head $65 2 Head $130 1 Head $65 2 Head $110 1 Head $55 $55 $110/man $110/man $25
Whitney Parks
65 – Dave Brock
60 – Brad McReynolds 50 – Richard Wood
40 – Johnny Hudson
Visit our Website ‐ Membership Form located at Become A Member Today!
TSPRA ANNUAL RAFFLE: DRAWING TO BE HELD JUNE 15 PURCHASE A TICKET FROM ANY OFFICER/DIRECTOR/MEMBER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN: Smart TV‐$500.00 Consuela Classic Gigi Tote‐$425.00 Classic Equine Saddle Pad‐$275.00 Professional Choice Sports Boots‐$180.00 Kelly Slover Custom Knife/Pendant‐$150.00 Jewlery Set J. Forks Design‐$500.00 Yeti Tundra Haul Cooler‐$400.00 Blackstone Tailgater Grill/Griddle $240.00 Stihl Chain Saw MS 170‐$180.00 Relentless Horse Blanket‐$130.00 $5.00 A Ticket COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
THINGS TO KNOW... TEAM ROPING Team Roping is pick one draw 2 or draw all 3. Total of 3 one head rodeo runs. It is computer drawn. Teams must be confirmed on the Saturday of the rodeo by 1:30pm to the rodeo secretary, NO EXCEPTIONS. Team roping will not start before 4:00pm on Saturday, and will follow immediately after the ladies barrels on Sunday, which begins at 9:00am. 40+ lady team ropers may also compete in the 60+ age group. Courtesy Runs ‐ For courtesy runs, Courtesy Roper (if placing in the money) will receive half the winnings and the other half of the winnings goes back into the jackpot ‐ NO OPTION. BARRELS 70s barrels age group has been added. Barrels now consist of 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s TSPRA barrels use a 4‐D format for entry and pay‐out, however TSPRA points will be kept by age group for 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s on your designated horse. Drag will occur after every five numbers as shown on program/secretary books.
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Cowboys Professional Rodeo Association 7970 FM 787 Rd. W Cleveland, Texas 77327 (281) 592-4900 - Office (281) 592-4902 - Fax
Office Hours: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Friday CPRA 2019 Standings as of April 15, 2019 E-mail:
$3,158.21 $2,402.82 $2,044.78 $1,380.76 $1,155.67 $ 851.36 $ 587.97 $ 567.24 $ 521.89 $ 106.12 $4,984.18 $2,674.36 $2,336.29 $1,834.39 $1,552.73 $1,534.71 $1,523.45 $1,371.36 $1,336.21 $1,283.49 $1,274.33 $1,151.76 $1,102.73 $1,085.66 $1,079.28 $ 934.15 $ 910.07 $ 891.46 $ 888.32 $ 872.99 $7,356.38 $6,617.42 $6,300.60 $5,190.32 $4,440.57 $3,636.39 $3,352.54 $2,868.31 $2,727.10 $1,960.41 $1,946.47 $1,622.43 $1,621.99 $1,602.10 $1,594.79 $1,498.86 $1,454.57 $1,387.70 $1,318.31 $1,306.36 $7,345.42 $1,644.15 $1,635.54 $1,384.70 $1,348.90 $1,179.22 $ 998.00
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
907.10 737.62 582.60 468.97 449.10 362.37 291.30 291.30 220.90
$6,714.29 $6,705.40 $4,252.55 $4,103.31 $3,647.44 $3,596.82 $3,341.51 $2,812.01 $2,702.61 $2,663.52 $2,062.37 $2,055.22 $2,053.73 $1,730.37 $1,425.69 $1,306.98 $1,299.64 $1,224.75 $1,066.66 $1,060.32 $4,736.61 $3,191.53 $2,781.85 $2,452.55 $1,292.30 $1,135.40 $ 783.06 $ 709.62 $ 683.44 $ 579.41 $ 565.13 $ 351.94 $ 318.66 $ 311.28 $ 283.85 $ 193.96 $ 111.00 $ 96.98 $ $ $ $ $
955.50 918.50 739.60 350.44 303.36
$2,688.20 $2,371.99 $1,861.01 $1,680.14
(R) = Rookie
$1,442.28 $1,440.37 $1,290.43 $1,045.69 $1,043.78 $ 844.52 $ 840.36 $ 782.83 $ 773.65 $ 746.20 $ 654.06 $ 576.15 $ 563.41 $ 560.24 $ 506.18 $ 504.08
$3,610.00 $3,227.25 $3,080.00 $2,826.65 $2,411.12 $2,190.00 $2,146.00 $1,880.00 $1,644.19 $1,182.74 $1,093.92 $1,016.00 $ 959.11 $ 866.02 $ 654.10 $ 616.57 $ 565.00 $ 410.22 $ 378.10 $ 342.54
$2,920.00 $2,765.25 $2,637.50 $2,480.00 $2,092.54 $1,929.00 $1,790.00 $1,742.00 $1,722.00 $1,683.12 $1,644.19 $1,589.78 $1,581.00 $1,301.65 $1,093.92 $1,041.58 $ 959.11 $ 866.02 $728.00 $643.38
Cowboy Sports News Page 31 - May 2019
CPRA RODEOS ENTRY INFORMATION: For all CPRA 1st approved rodeos enter at 800-54-RODEO (800-547-6336). Entry dates and hours are posted on each rodeo listing. Contestants will have a 1st preference backed with a 2nd preference on a 1st come, 1st served basis. When entering have your card number or last four digits of your social security and be prepared to write your confirmation number. No call backs. After books have closed the draw will be posted at Trades will be accepted in the CPRA office after books close. All parties involved in trades must contact office. FINES MUST BE PAID BEFORE ENTERING (Visa, MC & Discover accepted)
For Up to date information and complete rodeo listings visit NOTICE: BE SURE TO CHECK ENTRY TIMES AND DATES FOR ALL RODEOS. CPRA FINALS REQUIREMENTS: SOME INFORMATION MAY HAVE You must compete at ten (10) rodeos of which five (5) must be CHANGED SINCE THE LAST PUBLICATION.
CPRA 1st approved. Jackpots (bull ridings, team ropings, etc.) will not count toward your rodeo count.
TURN OUTS: Members and non-members entering any straight CPRA Rodeo or CPRA 1st approved rodeo will be fined for turn- outs. The fine amount is the entry fee plus $25.00. Notified turn-outs are not accepted. VET/DOCTOR RELEASES: Contest a nt s a re ent it l ed to a total of two (2) releases per year. Contestants may use two of either Vet or Doctor release or one of each. Releases must be in the CPRA office within seven (7) business days following the last performance. The release must state the contestant’s name and the rodeo from which you are releasing. WEATHER UPDATES: For weather related cancelations and changes be sure to check on CPRA website, All information received from our stock contractors will be immediately updated at
FEES: All fees MUST be paid in cash ONLY! RANCH BRONC CONTESTANTS: Ranch Bron riding is a sanctioned event. Please look at each listing to see which rodeos offer.
RULE UPDATES: All new and changed Rule Updates and updated rule books are listed on the CPRA Website. Visit
MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership dues can be purchased with a credit card, cash, check or money order to the CPRA office or any approved secretary. Any insufficient membership dues are subject to a $25.00 fine DAYSHEETS It is your resonsibilty to check the daysheet to confirm the perf or slack you are entered in.
UP TO DATE INFORMATION: For up to date information of rodeo listings, visit the CPRA Webiste. All information received from our stock contractors/committees will be immediately updated at www.
10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, May 7 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO Additional Info: - Mutton Bustin enter at arena - Buckle awarded to champion Ranch Bronc rider MAY 3, 2019 Fri, April 26 - Contestant Hospitality BAYTOWN, TEXAS 9:00AM to 4:00PM - $100 bonus given to high point Rough Baytown Fair & Rodeo Bronc Riding Chal- Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday April 29, Stock ride each night lenge Closes @ 5PM __________ Sanctioned: OPEN/CPRA __________ Perfs:1 Perf: May 3 - 8:00PM MAY 10 & 11, 2019 Fees: BB & SB @ $100 MAY 4 & 5, 2019 JASPER, TEXAS Added Money: $2,400 - BB & SB @ TATUM, TEXAS Jasper Co. Cowboy Church $1,200 each Bar None Cowboy Church Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA STK CONT: Hat Brand Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 10 & 11 - 8:00PM BO: Mon, April 22 Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 4 - 7:00PM; May 5 - Slack: Saturday @ 9AM/Friday after perf 6:00PM to 10:00PM 1:00PM Slack Order:GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Tues, April 23 Slack: May 3 @ 8PM Perfs must fill before any slack is taken 6:00PM to 10:00PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Fees: $80/GBK @ $100/TR @ $240 ENTER @ 979-220-4677 Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Added Money: $6,250 - $750/RB @ $250 __________ Fees: RB @ $80/BB, SB, BR & GBR @ Non-Members welcome with $10 permit $100/TR $300/CR, GBK & SW @ $150 STK CONT: SYJ Rodeo MAY 3 & 4, 2019 Added Money: $20,000 - $1,250/CR, SW, ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP LEXINGTON, TEXAS GBK & GBR @ $2,500/TR @ $5,000 App Entries: Lexington Homecoming Rodeo Non-Members welcome with $10 permit OPEN: Wednesday, May 1 @ 9AM Sanctioned: CPRA STK CONT: J&J Rodeo CLOSE: Sunday, May 5 @ 5PM Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 3 & 4 - 7:30PM ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ Slack: Thursday, May 2 @ 7:30PM App Entries: 903-287-7852 Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR OPEN: Wednesday, April 24 @ 9AM BO: Thurs, May 2 Perfs must fill before any slack is taken CLOSE: Sunday, April 28 @ 5PM 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fees: $85/BB & BR @ $70/CR, SW & ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ Fri, May 3 GBK @ $105/TR @ $310 903-287-7852 9:00AM to 4:00PM Added Money: $4,500/$500 per 5 events/ BO: Thurs, April 25 Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 6, GBK, RB & SW @ $400/TR @ $800 9:00AM to 4:00PM Closes @ 5PMDrag after 5 in GBR Non-Members welcome with $10 permit Fri, April 26 Covered Arena: Old Jasper Lions Club STK CONT: Diamond Cross Rodeo 9:00AM to 4:00PM Arena BO: Mon, April 29 Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday April 29, 10:00AM to 5:00PM Closes @ 5PMMix Team Roping (1 lady, 1 MAY 10 & 11, 2019 Tues, April 30 man) $300/Team / 100% payback / En- PALESTINE, TEXAS 9:00AM to 4:00PM tries open 903-520-2481 ACYLA Dogwood Rodeo ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO PERF MAX: Cowboy Camp will be provided for all con- Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA 10 in GBR; 8 in all other TE **perf max testants & families each day Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 10 & 11 - 7:30PM includes multi-event entries** __________ Slack: Friday after perf __________ Slack Order:GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR MAY 10 & 11, 2019 Perfs must fill before any slack is taken MAY 3 & 4, 2019 BURNET, TEXAS Fees: $100/TR @ $300 WHITNEY, TEXAS Burnet Pro Rodeo Added Money: $6,000 - $1,000/CR, SW, Open Range Cowboy Church Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA GBK, GBR @ $500 Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 10 & 11 - 8:00PM Non-Members welcome with $10 permit Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 3 & 4 - 7:30PM Slack: Thursday, May 9 @ 8:00PM STK CONT: J&J Rodeo Slack: Friday after perf Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK (up- ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP Slack Order: TR, GBR, CR, GBK, dated 1-25-19) App Entries: Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Perfs must fill before any slack is taken OPEN: Wednesday, May 1 @ 9AM Fees: $80/CR & GBK @ $100/TR $240 / Fees: $85/BB & BR @ $70/CR @ $125/ CLOSE: Sunday, May 5 @ 5PM BR @ $70- NO STEER WRESTLING SW & GBK @ $105/TR $310 (Updated ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ Added Money: $3,500/$325/BB & SB @ 1-28) 903-287-7852 $350/BR @ $1,000/RB @ $250/TR @ Added Money: $7,400 - $700 Per 4 BO: Thurs, May 2 $500 events/BB & SB @ $750/BR & TR @ 9:00AM to 4:00PM Non-Members welcome with $10 permit $1,250/RB @ $600 Fri, May 3 STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo Non-Members welcome with $10 permit 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 6, App Entries: BO: Mon, May 6 Closes @ 5PM BO: Pending OPEN: Wednesday, April 24 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, April 28 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 KEEP UP WITH UPCOMING EVENTS, BO: Thurs, April 25 CURRENT NEWS OR CHANGES 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Cowboy Sports News Page 32 - May 2019
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook
__________ MAY 10 & 11, 2019 SAN AUGUSTINE, TEXAS San Augustine Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 10 - 7:30PM; May 11 - 7:30PM Slack: Thurs, May 9 @ 7PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/GBK @ $100/TR @ $240 Added Money: $9,500 - $1,000/RB @ $500/TR @ $2,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Hat Brand Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 1 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, May 5 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 2 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 3 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 6, Closes @ 5PM JR Barrel Racing & County Barrel Racing __________ MAY 16, 17 & 18, 2019 WINNSBORO, TEXAS Winnsboro Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA Perfs: 3 Perfs:May 16, 17 & 18 - 7:30PM Slack: Wednesday, May 15 @ 7:30PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: BB, SB, BR & GBR @ $100/RB @ $80/CR, GBK & SW @ $150/TR @ $300 Added Money: $15,000 - $1,500/TR @ $3,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: J&J Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 8 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, May 12 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 9 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 10 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 13, Closes @ 5PM __________ MAY 16, 17 & 18, 2019 LINDALE, TEXAS 32nd Annual Lindale Championship Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA/CRRA Perfs: 3 Perfs:May 16, 17 & 18 - 7:30PM Slack: TE- Saturday, May 18 @ 8 AM; RS -Thurs & Fri after perf (must be min of 8 in perf to offer slack) Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: RS @ $80/TE @ $100/TR @ $300 Added Money: $15,000 - $1,500/BB, SB & BR & TR @ $2,100/RB @ $600 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Wing Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 8 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, May 12 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 9 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 10
9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 13, Closes @ 5PM __________ MAY 17, 2019 GIDDINGS, TEXAS Giddings CPRA Team Roping Jackpot Sanctioned: OPEN/CPRA Perfs:1 Perf: May 17- 9AM Fees: $200, enter twice 4 Head Progressive after 1 - Top 20 to short round, slow back STK CONT: CWD Cattle BO: Sat, May 17 @ 8AM-9AM __________ MAY 17 & 18, 2019 GIDDINGS, TEXAS Rodeo Giddings Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 17 - 7:30PM; May 18 - 7:30PM Slack: Thursday, May 16 @ 6PM SW offered in slack only & CR will run 1st round in slack (top 20 will come back to perfs) Slack Order: GBK, SW, CR, TR, GBR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/SB @ $85/ CR @ $155/TR $250 Added Money: $11,000 - $1,000/CR, GBR & TR @ $2,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, May 13 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, May 14 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO PERF MAX:10 in RS, CR & GBR; all other TE 8 -GBK & TR will have a max of 8 contestatns per perf, including multi-event entries -ALL SW will be in slack - NO SW will be offered in perfs -Drag after 5 in GBR -CR first round- all ropers will rope in slack Thurs night, Top 20 will go back to perf. 11-20 will rope Fridy perf; 1-10 will rope Sat perf. CRs that make the SG can trade with another roper from one perf to the other. Ropers must let secretary know within 1 hour after slack is over. Payoff will be as follows 30% long round, 30% short round, 40% average. -Alll contestants that are entered in rodeo must wear a RAM back number and ride in Grand Entry. -Champion Buckles awarded in each event __________ MAY 17 & 18, 2019 TRINITY, TEXAS Risin Sun Rodeo & Revival Sanctioned: CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 17 - 7:00PM; May 18 - 7:00PM Slack: Saturday, May 18 @ 10:00AM Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $85/BB & BR @ $70/CR @ $125/ GBK & SW @ $105/TR $310 Added Money: $5,000 - $700 Per 6 events/GBK @ $250/TR @ $550 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Branded For Christ Rodeo BO: Mon, May 13 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, May 14 9:00AM to 4:00PM
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice-President Secretary Bareback Tiedown Breakaway Saddle Bronc Steer Wrestling TR Heading TR Heeling Barrels Bull Riding Stock Contractor Judging Contract Acts Ranch Bronc
Todd Arthur Katherine Allen Nicole Brown Lee Cherry Joe Jessee Kaki Herring Bill Hebert Termaine Debose Travis Hobbs Rhett Wilson Kristi Cole Bryan Titman Colten Sullivan John Tom Powledge Britt Walters Coy Rucker
(979) 218-9037 (713) 392-7663 (281) 592-4900 (409) 781-1861 (210) 289-6658 (713) 824-1543 (512) 970-8506 (936) 224-2328 (936) 776-9790 (979) 540-6131 (832) 564-5465 (713) 972-5491 (979) 324-4000 (936) 661-8216 (936) 661-6029 (979) 733-7096
ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO Additional Info: - Mutton Bustin enter at arena - Limited to 30 each perf - 4 contestant minimum each night in each Rough Stock Event or added money will not be offered in that event. - 8 contestant minimum each night in each Timed Event or added money will not be offered in that event.. __________
ALL CONTESTANTS MAY ENTER TWICE / TR MAY ENTER A MAX OF 4 TIMES Added Money: $10,800 - $1,200 BB, RB, SW, TD, GBK, SB, TR, GBR, BR (No added in Jr. Bull Riding) Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Bucking H Rodeo BO: Mon, May 20 6:00PM to 9:00PM TE ENTER @ 505-864-9426; TR ENTER @ 505-864-7200; RS ENTER @ 505-864MAY 17 & 18, 2019 9427 DAYTON, TEXAS - FMI: www.newmexicorodeoassociation. Dayton FFA Rodeo org Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA - ALL CONTESTANTS MAY ENTER Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 17 & 18 - 8:00PM TWICE Slack: Friday after perf - TR MAY ENTER A MAX OF 4 TIMES Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR - MUST HAVE USTRC OR WSTR CARD Perfs must fill before any slack is taken TO BE ELIGABLE FOR THE INC. #12 OR Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/GBR & SB @ #0 $85/TR $310 __________ Added Money: $2,700 - $300 Per 7 events/TR @ $600 MAY 25 & 26, 2019 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit HUBBARD, TEXAS STK CONT: Hat Brand Rodeo Chisholm Trail Lone Star Pro Rodeo BO: Mon, May 13 Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA 10:00AM to 5:00PM Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 25 & 26 - 8:00PM Tues, May 14 Slack: Saturday, May 25 @ 9:00AM 9:00AM to 4:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, CR, GBK ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO Perfs must fill before any slack is taken *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Fees: $80/CR & GBK @ $100/TR $240 NO STEER WRESTLING/BR @ $70/RB MAY 25 & 26, 2019 @$65 CARLSBAD, NM Added Money: $6,200 - $700 Per 6 Carlsbad Memorial Day Rodeo events/BR & TR @ $1,000 Eddy Co. Sheriff’s Posse Arena Non-Members welcome with $10 permit Sanctioned: CPRA/NMRA/PAFRA STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 24 & 25 - 7:00PM ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP Slack: Saturday, May 25 @ 9:00AM App Entries: Slack Order: TR, GBR, CR, GBK OPEN: Wednesday, May 15 @ 9AM Perfs must fill before any slack is taken CLOSE: Sunday, May 19 @ 5PM Fees: JR. GBR @ $65/GBR @ $81/SB @ ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ $85/RB @ $100/BB, SW, CR & GBK @ 903-287-7852 $111/TR @ $222 BO: Thurs, May 16
Cowboy Sports News Page 33 - May 2019
9:00AM to 4:00PM 10:00AM to 5:00PM Fri, May 17 Tues, May 28 9:00AM to 4:00PM 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 20, ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO Closes @ 5PM If mins are not met in both perfs, there wil __________ be NO slack offered in that event Ground Rules: NO horses tied in the areMAY 29, 30 & 31, 2019 na at any time MT. PLEASANT, TEXAS NO back to back runs (including hazers) Longhorn Trailer Sales Mt. Pleasant Ro- NO drag in perf. Drag after 7 in slack. deo __________ Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/CRRA/ARA Perfs:3 Perfs: May 29, 30 & 31 - 7:30PM MAY 31 & JUNE 1, 2019 Slack: TE - Wed, May 28 @ 7:00PM/RS - WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Thurs & Fri after perf (Min of 8 in each per Wichita Co. Mounted Patrol Championbefore slack is offered) ship Rodeo Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Sanctioned: UPRA / CPRA Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 31 & June 1 - 7:30PM Fees: RS @ $80/TE @ $100/TR $300 2 head back to back in SW, CR, GBK & TR Added Money: $10,00 - RS @ $1,500/TE Perf Min: Minimum of 8 & Max of 20 on @ $1,000/RB @ $500 Fri & Sat Non-Members welcome with $10 permit Slack: Thursday, May 30 @ 4PM - both STK CONT: Wing Rodeo go-rounds back to back ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP Slack: Fri & Sat @ 11AM - both go-rounds App Entries: with fastest 8 from 1st go-round back in OPEN: Wednesday, May 22 @ 9AM the perf each night. (trades allowed in CLOSE: Sunday, May 26 @ 5PM perfs) ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR 903-287-7852 Perfs must fill before any slack is taken BO: Thurs, May 23 Fees: RS & GBR @ $100/CR, SW & GBK 9:00AM to 4:00PM @ $400/TR @ $500 Fri, May 24 Added Money: $20,000 - $2,000 per 8 9:00AM to 4:00PM events/TR @ $4,000 Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 27, Non-Members welcome with $10 permit Closes @ 5PMBuckles awarded to event STK CONT: Champion Rodeo champions ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP ___________ App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 22 @ 9AM MAY 31 & JUNE 1, 2019 CLOSE: Sunday, May 26 @ 5PM SAN SABA, TEXAS ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ San Saba Pro Rodeo Days 903-287-7852 Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA BO: Thurs, May 23 Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 31 & June 1 - 8:00PM 9:00AM to 4:00PM Slack: Thursday, May 30 @ 8:15PM Fri, May 24 Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK (up9:00AM to 4:00PM dated 1-25-19) Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 27, Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Closes @ 5PM Fees: $80/CR & GBK @ $100/TR $240/ 2 head back to back in SW, CR, GBK & TR BR @ $70/RB @ $65 30% payout in each go-round & 40% payAdded Money: $2,500 - $300 Per 5 out in average (payout per UPRA ground events/TR @ $400/BR @ $500/RB @ rules) Day money will be paid in the RS, $100 - No added SW $20 with 1 place paid for every 5 contesNon-Members welcome with $10 permit tants STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo __________ ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: JUNE 1 & 2, 2019 OPEN: Wednesday, May 22 @ 9AM NAVASOTA, TEXAS CLOSE: Sunday, May 26 @ 5PM Grimes Co. Fair & Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ Sanctioned: CPRA 903-287-7852 Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 1 & 2 - 7:30PM BO: Thurs, May 23 Slack: Sunday, June 2 @ 9AM 9:00AM to 4:00PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Fri, May 24 Perfs must fill before any slack is taken 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fees: $105/BB, SB, GBR & BR @ $85/ Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday May 27, TR $310 Closes @ 5PM Added Money: $6,000 - $500 Per 4 __________ events/BB, SB, BR & TR @ $1,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit MAY 31 & JUNE 1, 2019 STK CONT: Hat Brand Rodeo YOAKUM, TEXAS BO: Mon, May 27 Yoakum Tom Tom Festival & Rodeo 10:00AM to 5:00PM Sanctioned: CPRA Tues, May 28 Perfs: 2 Perfs: May 31 & June 1 - 7:30PM 9:00AM to 4:00PM Slack: Friday after perf ENTER @ 1-800-54-RODEO Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Perfs must fill before any slack is taken JUNE 6, 7 & 8, 2019 Fees: $105/BB, BR & RB @ $70/SB & JACKSBORO, TEXAS GBR @ $85/TR $310 Jack Co. Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Added Money: $5,000 - $400 Per 4 Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/UPSU events/BB, SB, BR & TR @ $800/RB @ Perfs:3 Perfs: June 6, 7 & 8 - 8:00PM $200 Slack: Friday after perf Non-Members welcome with $10 permit Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR STK CONT: IROC Rodeo Perfs must fill before any slack is taken BO: Mon, May 27 Fees: $80/CR & GBK @ $100/TR @ $240
Cowboy Sports News Page 34 - May 2019
Added Money: $3,800 - RS @ $750/RB @ $300/TR @ $250 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: T-N-T Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 29 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 2 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 30 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 31 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 3, Closes @ 5PM __________ JUNE 6, 7 & 8, 2019 BROWNWOOD, TEXAS Brown Co. Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 3 Perfs: June 6, 7 & 8 - 8:00PM Slack: Thurs & Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: RS @ $80/TE @ $100/TR @ $240 Added Money: $11,000 - $1,000/BB & SB @ $1,500/BR @ $2,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Andrews Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 29 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 2 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 30 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 31 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 3, Closes @ 5PM NO RB OFFERED BB, SB & BR MUST HAVE 10 ENTRIES OR ADDED MONEY DROPS TO $1,000 __________ JUNE 7 & 8, 2019 LLANO, TEXAS Llano Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 7 - 8:00PM; June 8 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, June 6 @ 6:30PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $85/BB & BR @ $70/CR, SW & GBK @ $105/TR $310 Added Money: $6,000 - $500 Per 4 events/TR @ $1,100/BR @ $1,500/BB & SB @ $700 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, June 3 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, June 4 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Additional Info: - Mutton Bustin enter at arena - Covered Arena - Contestant Hospitality PERF MAX: 10 in GBR; 8 in all other TE **perf max includes multi-event entries**
*Stall & RV Reservations - 512-858-4725 __________ JUNE 7 & 8, 2019 COMANCHE, TEXAS Comanche Roping Club Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/UPSU/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 7 & 8 - 7:30PM Slack: Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/GBK @ $100/TR $240 Added Money: $5,000 - $500/TR @ $1,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Diamond Cross Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 29 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 2 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 30 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 31 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 3, Closes @ 5PM __________ JUNE 7 & 8, 2019 NOCONA, TEXAS Nocona Annual Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/UPSU CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 7 & 8 - 8:00PM Slack: Thurs, June 6 @ 8PM & Sat June 8 @ 9AM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/TR @ $300 Added Money: $11,250/$1,250 per event Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Chamion Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, May 29 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 2 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, May 30 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, May 31 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 3, Closes @ 5PM __________ JUNE 14 & 15, 2019 LOCKHART, TEXAS Chisholm Trail Roundup Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 14 & 15 - 7:30PM Slack: Saturday, June 15 @ 9:00AM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: SB, BR & RB @ $85/BB @ $70/ GBR, SW & GBK @ $105/CR @ $125/ TR $310 Added Money: $7,200 - $600/TR @ $1,200/RB @ $500/GBR & BR @ $1,000/ BB & SB @ $850 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Diamond Cross Rodeo BO: Mon, June 10 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, June 11
Please note that at all CPRA first approved rodeos (beginning 1/1/19) the fees have increased $5.00 per entry. For any questions regarding fees please contact your event director or the CPRA office.
9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO PERF MAX: 10 in GBR; 8 in all other TE **perf max includes multi-event entries** *Every contestant gets 1 companion pass for the rodeo & concert on the night they are entered *Mutton Bustin-Go to Lockhart Chamber of Commerce website __________ JUNE 14 & 15, 2019 FAIRFIELD, TEXAS Freestone Co. Fair & Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 14 & 15 - 8:00PM Slack: Saturday, June 15 @ 8:00AM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perf Max @ 8 Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/TR $300 Added Money: $8,000 - $1,000 PER 8 EVENTS Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: J&J Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 5 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 9 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 6 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 7 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 10, Closes @ 5P *NO Ranch Broncs offered* __________ JUNE 16, 2019 MEXIA, TEXAS Mexia CPRA Barrel Race
Sanctioned: OPEN/CPRA Perfs:1 Perf: June 16- 5:30PM Fees: $80 plus $10 office charge STK CONT: Cathey Productions BO: June 10 @ 8AM (by text) & at arena June 16 ENTER @ 254-625-2169 __________ JUNE 20, 21 & 22, 2019 MEXIA, TEXAS 89TH ANN. Mexia Chamber of Commerce Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/ CPRA Perfs:3 Perfs: June 20, 21 & 22 - 7:30PM Slack: Wednesday, June 19 @ 7:30PM Both Runs/Thurs, Fri & Sat @ 11AM - Top 8 advance to perf on Thurs, Fri & Sat Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/CR, SW & GBK @ $200/TR @ $480 Added Money: $15,000 - $1,500/TR @ $3,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Champion Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 12 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 16 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 13 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 14 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 17, Closes @ 5P 2 Head back to back in SW, CR, GBK, & TR - Min 8 & Max 20 NO companion passes __________
JUNE 21 & 22, 2019 UTOPIA, TEXAS Utopia Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 21 & 22 - 7:30PM Perf Max: 8 in all TE, 10 in RS & GBR (including Multi-event entries) Slack: Saturday, June 22 @ 9AM Slack Order: GBR, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: BB, RB & BR @ $70/SB @ $85/ GBR, CR & GBK @ $105/TR $510-2 Header/(NO SW) Team Roping 2 Head - See Below Added Money: $4,500 - RB @ $400/CR, GBK & GBK @ $450/BB, SB, & BR @ $650/TR @ $800 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Diamond Cross Rodeo BO: Mon, June 17 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, June 18 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO 2 Head in TR: -Friday perf: 1st run during perf, 2nd run after perf -Saturday Slack: Both runs during slack -Saturday Perf: 1st run during slack, 2nd run in perf __________ JUNE 21 & 22, 2019 STONEWALL, TEXAS Stonewall peach Jamboree Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 21 & 22 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, June 20 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $85/GBR & GBK @ $105/CR @ $125/TR $310 (NO SW OR RB)/BB & BR @ $70
Added Money: $11,250 - $1,250 / TR @ $2,500 / BR @ $2,000 / BB & SB @ $1,500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, June 17 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, June 18 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* *Concerts Nightly *Mutton Bustin enter at arena __________ JUNE 21 & 22, 2019 GAINESVILLE, TEXAS Gainesville Annual Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 21 & 22 - 8:00PM Slack: Thurs, June 20 @ 7PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/CR, SW & GBK @ $100/TR @ $240 Added Money: $4,200 - $400/BB, SB & BR @ $600 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: United/Flying C Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 12 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 16 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 13 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 14 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 17, Closes @ 5P No Companion Passes __________
Thanks To Our 2018 CPRA Sponsors
Barrel Racing TCB Equine Services GC Electric NRG Ranch GC Electric
Steer Wrestling R & M Enterprises Hat Brand Rodeo Co. Branded For Christ Rodeo Livestock Diamond Cross Rodeo Co.
Bareback Riding Empire Torque Tools Admiral Field Services White Ivy Real Estate, Bill Tutor Realtor Buna Bridle Club JNB Cattle Company Riding With Purpose BB Riding School Rocking W Horses
Breakaway Roping Bayou West Lee County Sheriff’s Posse Nutrena Hat Brand Rodeo Co. Angleton Feed & Supply
Bull Riding TCB Equine Services Houston West RV Park 911 Lawn Services Diamond Cross Rodeo Co. TCB Equine Services Hat Brand Rodeo Co. A & E FIrearms, LLC Bloodline Bucking Stock Branded For Christ Rodeo Co. The Caddell Family #GFPF2EA
Katy ISD FFA Livestock Show & Rodeo
Saddle Bronc Riding TCB Equine Services Hat Brand Rodeo Diamond Cross Rodeo Cadillac Rodeo Rocking Bar M Kelly Stover Custom Trophy Silver
Tie Down Roping Bill Fick Ford Plains Horizon Equine Insurance Alexander Cattle Co. Lee County Sheriff’s Posse Mid Tex Livestock Platinum Roofing Needville Feed & Supply Tres Rios Silver Tanner Equine Big Time Magna Wave Tejas Rodeo Co. Maass Performance Horses Jason Senior Custom Saddles Willard Ropes Team Roping - Heeling TCB Equine Services CWD Cattle Co. Southern Hoss Boutique
Team Roping - Heading TCB Equine Services CWD Cattle Co. Diamond Cross Rodeo Co. Contrac Personnel J.W. Schubert & Co. , P.C Bill Fick Ford Catalena Hatters Wagonwheel Enterprises All Around Rodeo Sports Network
Visit, sponsor page to learn more about our great sponsors Cowboy Sports News Page 35 - May 2019
JUNE 21 & 22, 2019 PARIS, TEXAS Paris Rodeo & Horse Club Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/ CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 21 & 22 - 8:00PM Slack: Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: RS @ $80/TE @ $100/TR @ $240 Added Money: $7,800 - $800/BB @ $500/ TR @ $1,000/BR @ $1,500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Andrewws Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 12 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 16 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 13 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 14 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 17, Closes @ 5P No Ranch Bronc All Around Champion will recieve a 30/30 Rifle & $500 gas card. (Must compete in 2 events to be eligable) __________ JUNE 27, 28 & 29, 2019 TEAGUE, TEXAS Teague 4th of July Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 3 Perfs: June 27, 28 & 29 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, Friday & Saturday after perf/TR slack Thursday ONLY Slack Order: GBR, Co RR, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/TR @ $300/GBR @ $60 Added Money: $7,600 - $850/TR @ $1,900 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: J&J Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 19 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 23 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 20 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 21 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 24, Closes @ 5P GBR jackpot nighly NO SW or RB __________ JUNE 27, 28 & 29, 2019 BOGATA, TEXAS Bogata Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA/CRRA Perfs: 3 Perfs: June 27, 28 & 29 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday & Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, Co RR, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: RS @ $80/TE @ $100/TR @ $300 Added Money: $7,700 - $900/BB, SB & BR @ $1,00/RB @ $200 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Wing Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 19 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 23 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 20 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 21
9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 24, Closes @ 5P 70th Annual custom buckles given in the following events BR - C.R. Williams Memorial, SB - Ray Early Memorial, BB - Pete Belcher Memorial, All Around - Jerald Smith Memorial __________ JUNE 28 & 29, 2019 JARRELL, TEXAS 76th Annual Willilamson Co. Sheriff’s Posse Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/ UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 28 & 29 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, June 27 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $85/BB & BR @ $70/CR, SW & GBK @ $105/TR $240 Added Money: $4,800 - $500/BR @ $1,000/TR @ $800 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: CADILLAC RODEO CO. BO: Mon, June 24 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, June 25 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* *Mutton Bustin enter @ arena __________ JUNE 28 & 29, 2019 MABANK, TEXAS 64TH Annual Mabank Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA Perfs: 2 Perfs: June 28 & 29 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, June 27 @ 7:00PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/CR, GBK @ $100/TR $240 Added Money: $5,800 - $500/BB, SB & BR @ $1,000/RB @ $300 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Champion Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 19 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 23 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 20 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 21 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday June 24, Closes @ 5P __________ JULY 1, 2019 BUFFALO, TEXAS Kickoff To Cowboy Christmas Barrel Race Sanctioned: OPEN/CPRA Perfs:1 Perf: July 1- 8PM Fees: $80 plus $10 office charge STK CONT: Cathey Productions BO: June 26 @ 8AM (by text) & at arena July 1 ENTER @ 254-625-2169 __________ JULY 4, 5 & 6, 2019 WIMBERLEY, TEXAS Wimberley Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 3 Perfs: July 4, 5 & 6 - 8:00PM Slack: Wednesday, July 3 @ 7:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK
For up to date schedule information check
Cowboy Sports News Page 36 - May 2019
Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/GBR & SB @ $85/TR $310 Added Money: $10,000 - $1,500/CR, GBK, SW & GBR @ $1,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 1 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 2 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Mutton Bustin enter @ arena __________ JULY 5 & 6, 2019 LEAKEY, TEXAS Leakey Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 5 & 6 - 8:00PM Slack: Friday, July 5 - after perf Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/CR @ $125/ TR $310 Added Money: $2,500 - $250/BB & SB @ $300/TR @ $400/BR @ $500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 1 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 2 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Mutton Bustin enter @ arena __________ JULY 5 & 6, 2019 COOPER, TEXAS Cooper Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 5 & 6 - 8:00PM Perf Max: 8 Slack: Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/RB @ $80/CR, GBK SW @ $150/TR @ $300 Added Money: $7,500 - $750/TR @ $1,500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: J&J Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 26 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 30 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 27 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 28 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 1, Closes @ 5P __________ JULY 5 & 6, 2019 WHITESBORO, TEXAS Whitesboro Annual Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 5 & 6 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, July 4 @ 7PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/CR, GBK SW @ $100/TR @ $300 - NO BB Added Money: $7,500 - $800/RB @ $500/ SB @ $1,000/SW @ $1,300/BR @ $1,500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Flying C Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries:
OPEN: Wednesday, June 26 @ 9PM CLOSE: Sunday, June 30 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 27 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 28 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 1, Closes @ 5P TR Heeler barrier will be used __________ JULY 12 & 13, 2019 ELGIN, TEXAS Elgin Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 12 & 13 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, July 11 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105 / BB, RB & BR @ $70 / SB & GBR @ $85 / TR $310 Added Money: $4,000 - $400/RB @ $100/ BB & SB @ $500/TR @ $550/BR @ $750 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 8 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 9 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO Mutton Bustin enter @ arena __________ JULY 12 & 13, 2019 MINEOLA, TEXAS Mineola Fire & Rescue Annual Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/CRRA/LRCA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 12 & 13 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, July 11 @ 7:00PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/CR, GBK & SW @ $100/TR $300 Added Money: $8,000 - $850 per event Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Flying C Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, July 3 @ 9PM CLOSE: Sunday, July 7 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, July 4 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, July 5 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 8, Closes @ 5P 2019 UPRA Finals fees paid to champion of BB, SB & BR No Ranch Bronc __________ JULY 12 & 13, 2019 BLUE RIDGE, TEXAS Blue Ridge Riding Club Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/LRCA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 12 & 13 - 7:30PM Slack: Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/RB @ $80/CR, GBK & SW @ $150/TR $300 Added Money: $10,000 - $1,450/BB, SB, BR & RB @ $500/SW @ $750/TR @ $2,900 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: J & J Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, July 3 @ 9PM CLOSE: Sunday, July 7 @ 5PM
ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, July 4 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, July 5 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 8, Closes @ 5P __________ JULY 12 & 13, 2019 LADONIA, TEXAS Ladonia Rodeo Assoc. Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA/CRRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 12 & 13 - 8:00PM Slack: Friday after perf Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/GBK @ $100/TR @ $240 Added Money: $5,000 - $500/SB, SW & RB @ $ 600/BR @ $700 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Wing Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, July 3 @ 9PM CLOSE: Sunday, July 7 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, July 4 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, July 5 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 8, Closes @ 5P __________ JULY 13, 2019 MASON, TEXAS Mason Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CPRA Perfs: 1 Perf: July 13 - 7:30PM Slack: Saturday, July 13 @ 9:00AM Slack Order: TR, GBR, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/TR $240/GBK @ $100 (NO SW) Added Money: $5,000 - $500/RB @ $500/ BR & TR @ $1,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, July 3 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, July 7 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, July 4 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, July 5 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 8, Closes @ 5P Buckle awarded to Ranch Bronc Champion __________ JULY 19 & 20, 2019 TAYLOR, TEXAS Taylor Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 19 & 20 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, July 18 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/SB @ $85/ CR @ $125/TR $310 Added Money: $15,000 - $1,500/BB & SB @ $1,800/TR @ $2,900/BR @ $2,500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 15 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 16
9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Champion Buckles awarded in all events _________ JULY 19 & 20, 2019 MARBLE FALLS, TEXAS Marble Falls Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 19 & 20 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, July 18 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105 / BB, RB & BR @ $70 / SB & GBR @ $85 / CR @ $125 / TR $310 Added Money: $7,500 - $700/TR & BR @ $1,400/RB @ $500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 15 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 16 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO Buckle awarded to Ranch Bronc Champion Mutton Bustin enter @ arena __________ JULY 25, 26 & 27, 2019 BONHAM, TEXAS 64th Annual Kueckelhan Ranch Rodeo Sanctioned: CRRA/UPRA/CPRA/LRCA Perfs: 3 Perfs: July 25, 26 & 27 - 8:00PM Slack: Wednesday, July 24 @ 6:00PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, CR, GBK,TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $100/TR $200/RB @ $65 Added Money: $14,000 - $1,500/TR @ $3,000/RB @ $500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Wing Rodeo BO: Sun, July 21 2:00PM to 9:00PM Mon, July 22 9:00AM to 9:00PM ENTER @ 903-640-8867 Additional Information: Trophy saddle awarded to All Around Champion, Trophy Buckles awarded to champion in each event. __________ JULY 26 & 27, 2019 ELDORADO, TEXAS 50th Annual top of the Divide Pro Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA/UPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 26 & 27- 7:30PM Slack: Thursday, July 25 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GBK Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/SB @ $85/ CR @ $125/TR $310 Added Money: $12,000 - $1,200/TR @ $2,300/BR @ $2,500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 22 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 23 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO *NO Ranch Broncs offered* Champion Buckles awarded in each event Mutton Bustin Enter @ arena __________ JULY 26 & 27, 2019 DRIPPING SPRINGS, TEXAS Dripping Springs AG Booster Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 26 & 27 - 7:30PM Slack: Saturday, July 27 @ 9:00AM
Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: RB, BR, GBR & SB @ $85/BB @ $70/GBK & SW @ $105/CR @ $125/TR @ $310 Added Money: $7,500 - $750/TR @ $1,500/BR @ $1,000/RB @ $500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Diamond Cross Rodeo BO: Mon, July 22 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 23 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO PERF MAX: 10 in GBR; 8 in all other TE **perf max includes multi-event entries** *Stall & RV Reservations - 512-858-4725 __________ JULY 26 & 27, 2019 MERIT, TEXAS Higher Trails Cowboy Church Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/CRRA/CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: July 26 & 27 - 8:00PM Slack: Thursday, July 25 @ 7PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $80/CR & GBK @ $100/TR @ $240 Added Money: $10,000 - $1,000/TR @ $2,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Flying C Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, July 17 @ 9PM CLOSE: Sunday, July 21 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, July 18 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, July 19 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 22, Closes @ 5P __________ AUGUST 1, 2 & 3, 2019 GATESVILLE, TEXAS Gatesville Riding Club Rodeo Sanctioned: UPRA/UPSU/CPRA Perfs: 3 Perfs: Aug 1, 2 & 3 - 7:30PM Slack: Thursday & Friday after Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: RS @ $80/TE @ $100/TR @ $300 Added Money: $10,000 - $1,000/TR @ $2,000 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Champion Rodeo ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, July 24 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, July 28 @ 5PM ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, July 25 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, July 26 9:00AM to 4:00PM Trades: NEXTGEN App - Monday July 29, Closes @ 5P No companion passes __________
Added Money: $9,500 - $1,000/TR @ $2,000/RB @ $500 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Diamond Cross Rodeo BO: Mon, July 29 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 30 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO PERF MAX: 10 in GBR; 8 in all other TE **perf max includes multi-event entries** Mutton Bustin sign up at rodeo Open Barrel Race Wednesday, July 31 __________ AUGUST 2 & 3, 2019 SCHULENBURG, TEXAS Schulenburg Festival & Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: Aug 2 & 3 - 7:30PM Slack: Thursday, Aug 1 @ 8:00PM Slack Order: TR, GBR, SW, CR, GB Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: $105/BB & BR @ $70/SB & GBR @ $85/CR @ $125/TR $310 Added Money: $7,500 - $700/BB & SB @ $800/TR @ $1,200/BR @ $1,400 Non-Members welcome with $10 permit STK CONT: Cadillac Rodeo BO: Mon, July 29 10:00AM to 5:00PM Tues, July 30 9:00AM to 4:00PM ENTER @ 800-54-RODEO NO Ranch Broncs offered* __________
SHORT LISTINGS Junction, TX - Aug 9, 10 LaGrange, TX - Aug 9, 10 West, TX - Aug 9, 10 Sonora, TX - Aug 9, 10 Cedar Park, TX - Aug16 & 17 Crane, TX k- Aug 16 & 17 Fort Stockton, TX - Aug 24 & 25 Dallas, TX - Aug 30 & 31 Uvalde, TX - Aug 30, 31 & Sept Wimberley, TX - Aug 31 & Sept 1 Mt. Vernon, TX - Aug 31 & Sept 1 Henrietta, TX - Sept. 19, 20 & 21 2020 RODEO SEASON Coldspring, TX - Sept 26, 27 & 28 Rockdale, TX - Oct 18 & 19 Bryan, TX - Oct 18, 19 & 20
Visit for additional information on upcoming rodeos or extended scheduule.
AUGUST 2 & 3, 2019 BASTROP, TEXAS Bastrop Homecoming Rodeo Sanctioned: CPRA Perfs: 2 Perfs: Aug 2 & 3 - 7:30PM Slack: Thursday, Aug 1 @ 7:30PM Slack Order: GBR, SW, GBK, CR, TR Perfs must fill before any slack is taken Fees: BB, SB, BR & RB @ $85/TR $310/ CR @ $125/GBR, SW & GBK @ $105
Cowboy Sports News Page 37 - May 2019
Sammy Catalena Rodeo Company * (979) 822-7700 Sammy Catalena -P.O. Box 128 - Kurten, TX 77862 Frontier Rodeo Company *(409)988-3637/(800)541-6090 Jerry Nelson - P.O. Box 6600, Beaumont, TX 77725 Rockin I Rodeo Company * (979)249-6501 Tad Beck - 4515 FM 154 - Muldoon, TX 78949 Andrews Rodeo Company * (903) 784-6474 James Andrews - Rt. 1, Box 1640 - Blossom, TX 75416 Bergeron Rodeo Company * (337) 466-0117 Jay Bergeron - 135 Parish Line Rd. - Lake Charles, LA 70607 CWT Rodeo Company * (254) 998-0140 Charlie Thompson - 2990 Hwy 174, Kopperl, TX 76652 Diamond D Rodeo Company * (832) 401-9016 Dayton, TX 77535 Flying C Rodeo Company * (580) 795-5703 Will Cook - Rt. 4, Box 865 - Madill, OK 73446
Branded For Christ Rodeo Livestock * (936) 662-2642 Bubba Miller - 2954 IH-45 North - Huntsville, TX 77320 Cadillac Rodeo Company * (254) 747-2254 Johnny Hoyle - 6350 FM 39N - Mexia, TX 76667 Champion Rodeo Company * (903) 322-4577 Bob Champion - 1833 CR 278 - Buffalo, TX 75831
J & J Rodeo Compan7 * (903) 217-3572 Jason Muray - Cooper, TX
Diamond Cross Rodeo Company * (512) 229-6242 Wesley McManus - 1066 PR 3071 - McDade, TX 78650
SYJ Rodeo Company * (409) 745-1471 Shane Young - 966 CR 3133 - Buna, TX 77612
Hat Brand Rodeo Company * (979) 324-4000 Colten Sullivan - P O Box 159 - Leona, TX 75850
T-N-T Rodeo Company * (325) 280-3444 Mitch Terrell - 3528 FM 707 - Anson, TX Wing Rodeo Company * (903-632-5440 Joann Smith - 1254 CR 1416 - Bogata, TX 75417
936-577-8835 512-760-0393 806-891-1386 512-913-9535 281-622-9519 325-372-3190 254-421-2773 281-309-6048 979-200-0801 337-383-7561 512-586-4275 940-626-9535 254-640-4630 325-206-1836 254-654-4111 325-430-2705 254-434-3*29 409-594-7696 832-527-6887 832-210-7806 479-747-3082 254-485-7174 979-966-9137 979-587-1941 713-264-1836 361-489-0993
210-364-5042 254-421-2773 512-744-7934 979-715-0071
IROC Rodeo Company * (979)249-6850 Saxon Beck - 4515 FM 154 - Muldoon, TX 78949
AUBIHL, LACEY 979-251-4131 CONN, MICHELE 713-254-1675 CRAWFORD,KATHLEEN 713-299-0890 DUNCAN, JANICE 405-756-6668 FRAZIER, BECKIE 903-873-6692 FURR, LYNNETTE 210-573-3878 JAMES, SHERRY 830-377-2798 JAMES, TRISTA 830-370-7459 LEE, JESSY 936-346-3108 MEYER, MARY JANE 713-501-8843 MINSON, KAYLEE 936-662-9096 RODELL, COURTNEY 281-744-4626 WEEKLY, BEVERLY 281-622-7056 WONER, MARIEN 325-277-6553
Cowboy Sports News Page 38 - May 2019
936-776-6467 806-224-5326 512-699-2213 979-421-0178 832-803-3890 903-692-3472 281-750-2732 979-218-4289 713-851-0560 318-617-8991 512-806-9905 979-203-4636 830-370-7459 936-577-9775 979-830-5769 281-639-1773 936-402-6902 832-538-2523 903-388-2439 325-277-1007
512-619-1824 936-334-4559 903-879-1075 210-313-9839 979-220-4677 512-757-3614 210-452-5694
ATKEISSON, DAVID 903-654-1653 AUBIHL, JEFF 979-251-2140 BREMER, BUTCH 281-914-6061 BROOKS, RODNEY 936-577-5978 BUNCH, BARRY 972-658-1606 BUTTLER, DUDLEY 210-421-2478 COLSTON, ED 903-692-0610 CONN, BUSTER 713-898-1616 DUNCAN, LLOYD 405-756-7171 CRAB, BEN 361-235-4543 DUNKS, BRIAN 817-694-3341 FLORES, BOBBY 254-722-3023 FRENCH, SHAWN 979-212-1935 FURR, MIKE 210-573-3874 GREEN, KEVIN 936-661-0619 HAECKER, RONNIE 830-625-4530 HARE, MILES 281-515-5352 HEATON, RICKEY 817-640-0625 HUMMEL, RUSTY 713-569-4708 JAMES, YANCEY 830-377-4017 JOBE, JOEY 214-364-0279 PABEN, JAMES 281-914-0231 PEARCE, JASON 254-290-7564 POWLEDGE, JOHN TOM 936-661-8216 STATON, DOUG 512-375-0705 STOEBNER, JIM BOB 512-659-3477 TURNER, RANDALL 903-707-0015 WEEKLY, EMORY 832-599-9995
ED CPRA and Brazoria County Fair Association D D A
l a u n n A 27 th
3 1 2 1 2019 11
2016 CPRA FINALS Angleton, Tx A
N O U N C Total Added Money
y e n o M s u n Paid Out Over $195,000 in Prize Money P l u s B o and another $39,000 in Prizes in 2018
Cowboy Sports News Page 39 - May 2019
If you are applying for rookie status you must complete and sign the 2019 rookie application in addition to the standard membership application. If you were a CPRA 2018 rookie and did not win $1,500 or more, and did not win a 2018 rookie championship, then you are still eligible for a 2nd year. However, you still must sign the same forms as those first year applicants. If you’ve recently renewed your membership and did not complete the rookie application, you have 30 days from the date of your membership for the form to be received in the CPRA office.
If you are a minor (under the age of 18) you have 21 days from membership date to have the notarized minors release in the office or your entries will be stopped until the release is received. All minor members are required to have a minor release on file in the office, (one per year). CPRA reserves the right to ask for any additional paperwork/information if the board requests, contestant must provide in a timely manner. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS, ROOKIE APPLICATIONS & MINORS RELEASE forms are available on CPRA website.
NOTICE: EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY The CPRA Office will NO LONGER take membership information over the phone. You will need to fill out the membership and send it and payment via mail, email or fax. Credit card payments will still be honored.
If you are needing to renew your membership in order to have priority when entering a rodeo, please make every effort to do so prior to the date of the books opening. Having an up to date membership will speed up the entering process for both you and the central entry system.
COWBOY’S PROFESSIONAL RODEO ASSOCIATION 7970 FM 787 Rd W - Cleveland, Texas 77327 281-592-4900 or fax 281-592-4902
)___________________________________________ MOBILE #: (
) __________________________________________
DOB: ____________________ AGE _____________ PREVIOUS CARD # _____________________________ If you are under 18 years of age you must have a notarized minors release on file in the CPRA office each year. If you are applying for Rookie status you must complete this application and a Rookie application. E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ S.S. # _______________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________
3XL (Circle size)
DATE: ___________________________________
COMPETING MEMBERSHIP $150.00 (PLEASE CHECK ONLY EVENTS YOU COMPETE IN) BAREBACK ______________ SADDLE BRONC __________________ BULL RIDING ________________ CALF ROPING ____________ STEER WRESTLING _______________ TEAM ROPING _______________ BARREL RACE ____________ LADIES BREAKAWAY ______________ RANCH BRONC ______________ NON-COMPETING MEMBERSHIP $75.00 (PLEASE CHECK EVENTS IN WHICH YOU WORK) ANNOUNCER _________ SECRETARY _________ TIMEKEEPER _________ BULLFIGHTER _________ CONTRACTS ACTS _________ PICK-UP MAN _________ JUDGE _________ OTHER ________________
Cowboy Sports News Page 40 - May 2019
All Calendar Of Events Listings Are Free!!! The Deadline Is The 15th Of The Preceeding Month. Submit on our website at
RODEOS - RODEOS May 03, - May 04, Ft Worth, TX Stockyards Championship Rodeo Every Friday and Saturday night. Cowtown Coliseum. To enter TEXT 254-371-7343 or EMAIL Entries open every Sunday at 8am. Monthly Bull and Ranch Saddle Bronc Series. May 03, - May 04, Refugio, TX NPBR Bull Riding $75 fees. $6,000 Added Call In Monday, April 29th @ 409-925-1695 May 04, - May 05, Caldwell, TX TSPRA Rodeo FMI May 04, Bulverde, TX Tejas Rodeo Every Saturday Night 7:30pm. March through November. Call in every Wednesday, 7-9pm at 830-980-2226. FMI visit or call 830-980-2226 May 10, - May 11, Groveton, TX 46th Annual O. Smith Rodeo and trailride Trinity County fairgrounds 3:00 p.m. sharp added attractions. 7p.m. performance showtime. All and breakaway will be added attractions 3500$ added fmi 9362398234 May 10, - May 11, Ft Worth, TX Stockyards Championship Rodeo Every Friday and Saturday night. Cowtown Coliseum. To enter TEXT 254-371-7343 or EMAIL Entries open every Sunday at 8am. Monthly Bull and Ranch Saddle Bronc Series. May 11, Groveton, TX 46th Annual Smith Open Rodeo & Trailride Trinity County Fairgrounds. 46th Annual Smith Open Rodeo Showtime 7 p.m. Major Event fees $60 Bull Riding, Calf Roping, Ladies Barrel Racing, Team Roping, Ladies Steer Undecorating & Steet Wrestling. Added Money $3500 Preliminary Events start at 3pm Sharp. Pee Wee Events $25, Junior Events $35, Old Timers Events $40 & Open Breakaway $40. Mutton Bustin $20, Junior Barrels $25. Junior Bull Riding $60 & 00 Roping $45 w/$200 added. Buckles awarded to Major Event Champions. Friday, May 10th, Jackpot Calf Roping 1@ $30 Start @ 8pm. Books for Rodeo open Monday, May 6 from 6-10 @ 936676-3387 FMI: Keith Plattenburg 936-239-8234. May 11, Bulverde, TX Tejas Rodeo Every Saturday Night 7:30pm. March through November. Call in every Wednesday, 7-9pm at 830-980-2226. FMI visit or call 830-980-2226 May 17, - May 18, Ft Worth, TX Stockyards Championship Rodeo Every Friday and Saturday night. Cowtown Coliseum. To enter TEXT 254-371-7343 or EMAIL Entries open every Sunday at 8am. Monthly Bull and Ranch Saddle Bronc Series. May 18, Coldspring, TX 2nd Coldspring Rodeo San Jacinto County Fairgrounds 50 Bar Park Loop, Coldspring, TX 77331. 2nd Coldspring Rodeo, Concert, and Trade Show. Over $2500 in added money and prizes. Books open Monday, May 13 from 8am-8pm by text 832-283-4811. ALL contestants must call in! Preliminary events @3pm: PeeWee Break-a-way and Tiedown (13 and under), Jr. Break-a-way and Tiedown (18 and under), 40 & over Break-a-way and Tiedown ($40), Girls Break-a-way, Open Break-a-Way,
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Double Aught Calf Roping. Performance 7pm 10 contestants in each event. Ladies Barrel Racing, Jr. Barrels (18 and under), PeeWee Barrels (13 and under), Bull Riding, Team Roping ($40/man) can enter 3x’s, Open Tiedown, Steer Wrestling,Ladies Steer Undecorating , Jr. Bull Riding, Mutton Bustin’. This rodeo is held in conjunction with the Gypsy Races Open 4D Barrel Race May 19, 2019. Exhibitions@10am~Race@12pm. FMI Curtis 936662-4361 or Krissy 832-283-4811. May 18, - May 19, Groesbeck, TX TSPRA Rodeo FMI May 18, Bulverde, TX Tejas Rodeo Every Saturday Night 7:30pm. March through November. Call
June 2019
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1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29
available, RS fees $70, TE fees $150 per team, calf roping fees $100, #10 calf roping fees $100, ladies breakaway $70 WPRA approved (Ladies barrels $75 jackpotted nightly.) $5 call in fee for all events. Day money paid in every event. $2,500 added money. Performance times, 8:00pm. Slack Saturday after the rodeo. For more information call 830-997-1864. May 25, Florence, TX JR McAndrew Memorial Bull Riding Keith’s Place, 7pm. $75 entry fee. Call in to Bud Lane 512-635-5309 May 25, Bulverde, TX Tejas Rodeo Every Saturday Night 7:30pm. March through November. Call in every Wednesday, 7-9pm at 830-980-2226. FMI
Blaze Byler heeling one for Max Mathis at the YRA Benefit Rodeo in Gonzales, Texas. R&M Rodeo Photos in every Wednesday, 7-9pm at 830-980-2226. FMI visit or call 830-980-2226 May 18, Harper, TX Harper Open Pro Rodeo Lester Meier Rodeo Co. Books open Monday, May 13, 10:00am-4:00pm & Tuesday, May 14, 10:00am-1:00pm at (1-830-997-5351) First preferences available, RS fees $70, TE fees $150 per team, calf roping fees $100, #10 calf roping fees $100, ladies breakaway $70 WPRA approved (Ladies barrels $45 jackpotted nightly.) $5 call in fee for all events. Day money paid in every event. $3,000 added money. Performance times, 7:30pm. Slack Saturday after the rodeo. For more information call 830-997-1864. May 24, - May 25, Ft Worth, TX Stockyards Championship Rodeo Every Friday and Saturday night. Cowtown Coliseum. To enter TEXT 254-371-7343 or EMAIL Entries open every Sunday at 8am. Monthly Bull and Ranch Saddle Bronc Series. May 25, - May 26, Wimberley, TX Wimberley Memorial Day Open Pro Rodeo Lester Meier Rodeo Co. Books open Monday, May 20, 10:00am-4:00pm & Tuesday, May 21, 10:00am1:00pm at (1-830-997-5351) First preferences
visit or call 830-980-2226 May 26, La Grange, TX Marty “Rooster”Norsworthy’s 14th Annual Backyard Bull Bash Buckin N Arena. 30 Open, $65 entry, $2,000 added. 25 Mutton Busters, $25 entry. FMI call Rooster 979-249-6900 May 31, - Jun 01, Ft Worth, TX Stockyards Championship Rodeo Every Friday and Saturday night. Cowtown Coliseum. To enter TEXT 254-371-7343 or EMAIL Entries open every Sunday at 8am. Monthly Bull and Ranch Saddle Bronc Series. Jun 01, - Jun 02, Hamilton, TX Texas Senior Pro Rodeo FMI Jun 05, - Jun 08, Gladewater, TX Gladewater Round-Up Rodeo 2019 Gladewater Round-Up Rodeo Wednesday, June 5, 2019 – Saturday, June 8, 2019 Giddy-Up! The 2019 Gladewater RoundUp Rodeo is ready to bust out of the chute with four great nights of action featuring Xtreme Bulls (Wednesday, June 5th) wild broncos, bull riding, roping, barrel racing, and rodeo clowns. Plus, there’s Mutton Bustin’ and Calf Scrambles for the kids. Tickets are on sale online at (starting April 15th) and at Cavender’s
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Boot City in Longview, TX (beginning May 1st). Tickets are $16-adults; $8-kids 12 and under. Special VIP tickets and group discounts are also available. On June 6th, the Gladewater RoundUp Rodeo will offer a special half-price discount for members of the military and first responders who present their valid ID. For more information, Ticket Office hours, and Mutton Bustin’ registration details, visit or the Gladewater Round-Up Rodeo Facebook page. See you at the rodeo! 2502 W. Upshur Ave. US Hwy 80 Gladewater, TX 75647 Phone: 903-8455126 Cost: $16-Adults - $8-Kids 12 and under Recurrence: Annual Time: Gates open at 6 pm nightly. Kids’ Mutton Bustin’ at 7:45 pm, followed by rodeo action. Jun 08, Hempstead, TX Hookfest II Bullriding Waller Co. Fairgrounds, 2pm. 30 head bullriding, $100 fees. First 30 paid. Call in June 4th, 7-9pm at 832-984-3790. Contact Josh Denman for Bull Teams at 979-204-5031 J u n 1 5 , - J u n 1 6 , G i d d i n g s , T X Te x as Senior Pro Rodeo FMI Jun 21, - Jun 22, Stockdale, TX Stockdale Open Pro Rodeo Lester Meier Rodeo Co. Books open Monday, June 17, 10:00am-4:00pm & Tuesday, June 18 21, 10:00am-1:00pm at (1-830-997-5351) First preferences available, RS fees $70, TE fees $150 per team, calf roping fees $100, #10 calf roping fees $100, ladies breakaway $70 WPRA approved (Ladies barrels $75 jackpotted nightly.) $5 call in fee for all events. Day money paid in every event. $3,000 added money. Performance times, 8:00pm. Slack Friday after the rodeo. For more information call 830-997-1864. Jun 28, - Jun 29, Del Rio, TX Del Rio Open Pro Rodeo Lester Meier Rodeo Co. Books open Monday, June 24, 10:00am-4:00pm & Tuesday, June 25, 10:00am-1:00pm at (1-830-997-5351) First preferences available, RS fees $70, TE fees $150 per team, calf roping fees $100, #10 calf roping fees $100, ladies breakaway $70 WPRA approved (Ladies barrels $75 jackpotted nightly.) $5 call in fee for all events. Day money paid in every event. $3,500 added money. Performance times, 8:00pm. Slack Friday after the rodeo. For more information call 830-997-1864. Jun 29, - Jun 30, Llano, TX Texas Senior Pro Rodeo FMI Jul 12, - Jul 13, Kerrville, TX Kerrville Open Pro Rodeo Lester Meier Rodeo Co. Books open Monday, July 8, 10:00am-4:00pm & Tuesday, July 9, 10:00am-1:00pm at (1-830-997-5351) First preferences available, RS fees $70, TE fees $150 per team, calf roping fees $100, #10 calf roping fees $100, ladies breakaway $70 WPRA approved (Ladies barrels $75 jackpotted nightly.) $5 call in fee for all events. Day money paid in every event. $2,500 added money. Performance times, 8:00pm. Slack Friday after the rodeo. For more information call 830-997-1864. Jul 12, - Jul 13, CLIFTON , TX 68TH ANNUAL CLIFTON TX RODEO BULL RIDING $70, OPEN BARRELS $ 60, JR BARRELS $ 50, TIE DOWN ROPING $70, TEAM ROPING $140, MINI BULLS/ CALVES / BRONCS $65, STEER SADDLING ( 3MAN TEAM ) $100 ENTRIES OPEN JULY 7-8,2019 FROM 5PM TO 10 PM CALL OR TEXT 254-366-0726 MUTTON BUSTIN ENTRIES $25 CALL OR TEXT 254-326-8905 PARADE FRIDAY @ 6PM
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Jul 13, - Jul 14, Hamilton, TX Texas Senior Pro Rodeo FMI Jul 13, Nixon, TX 7th Annual Roger Crouch Memorial Bull Riding 7th Annual Roger Crouch Memorial Bull Riding will be help in Nixon, Texas on July 13, 2019 at 6:00pm at the Nixon-Smiley Livestock Show Arena. Entry fee will be $60. Text entries to Jim West at 830-391-4556. Mutton Bustin’ ages 3-7 and vendors can enter with Paula Crouch at 830-857-2033. Mutton Bustin’ fee $30, Craft vendors fee $25 and Food Vendors $50. Jul 19, - Jul 20, Cuero, TX Cuero Lester Meier Rodeo Co. Books open Monday, July 15, 10:00am4:00pm & Tuesday, July 16, 10:00am-1:00pm at (1-830-997-5351) First preferences available, RS fees $70, TE fees $150 per team, calf roping fees $100, #10 calf roping fees $100, ladies breakaway
for more info Kayla 832-752-2189 May 04, Montgomery, TX He Paid Your Fees Barrel Race Lone Star Cowboy Church. 5D. $2,500 added. Must attend church service at 10am, barrels to follow. FMI 936-524-8314 May 04, Edna, TX Kiss N Kick -Edna by Two Dumb Blindes Productions ð&#x;’‹ Kiss N Kick ð&#x;’‹ Edna BBR Approved WPRA Pending Books open 9:30am on 5/04 Exhibitions from 9:30-1:30 (30 minute increments) Open starts @ 2pm $$Cash Only$$ Open 4D-$40 Youth Incentive, 18 & under (must enter open)-$30 Adult (must enter open)-$25 Senior (must enter open)-$25 Office fee-$10 No Cancellation/Changes Exhibitions-$5 Pre-entries must be paid by cc or check Checks mailed must be received by 5/1 Pre-sign up or questions call or text: 361-550-8872 Upcoming dates: Edna - 2019 -5/17-18, 6/1, 7/17, 8/21, 9/11, 11/20, 12/6-7 Seguin
Cash Enderli at the YRA Benefit Rodeo in Gonzales, Texas. R&M Rodeo Photos
BARREL RACING & PLAYDAYS May 01, MONTGOMERY, TX TWISTED 7 RODEO PRODUCTIONS ***BARRELS & POLES PRACTICE*** Starting Monday April 1st Twisted 7 Rodeo will be having barrel racing and pole bending practice every Monday and Wednesday evenings.. Gates will open at 4pm...Stay as long as you like. POLE BENDING: 4PM-7PM...BARRELS: 7PM to whenever....NO RUSH. $20 per horse. Timed runs available. Arena drag every 30 minutes/no tractor charge. ARENA ETIQUETTE IS REQUIRED. Uncovered arena....So please call before you haul on questionable days due to weather. ***Friday Night Jackpots are possible in the future depending on the turn outs for practice during the week. T7 Arena 21801 Stillwater Blvd. Montgomery,Tx 77316 FMI: Please call Jay at 832-849-6783 May 03, - May 05, Buffalo , TX Rienhardt Clinic Barrel Racing Clinic at the Leon County Expo Center.. Open to all ages! Young/Old.. Started to Finished. Don’t miss out on a lifetime of knowledge in the barrel racing world.. Stalls and Rv available
- 5/11, 6/22, 7/6, 8/10, 9/14, 11/9, 12/7 more dates to announced. Sponsored by: Blackmon Quarter Horses Efficiency Air Willie Nelson with Edward Jones Instant Copy May 04, Cotulla, TX BBRA Point Show #3 Cotulla Rodeo Arena 300 Engineer Ln. Cotulla TX 78014 Books open at 9 AM Barrel exhibitions from 9:30 to 12:30 Future champs at 12:45 Followed by the Combined Race (Combined is Open 5D, Juniors 3D, Youth 3D, Adult 3D, Seniors 3D and Novice Horse Classes) After the race - after show barrel exh. Followed by Pole exhibitions Followed by 3D Pole class FMI: David Leist 361-550-0608 May 04, LaPorte-Lomax Arena, TX Gulf Coast Barrel Racing Assn. Books Open 8 A M –Exh Barrels 8:30-10 Pole Exh to follow then Pole classes (7&Under,18 & Under, Open 3D) all in the same draw-Mid Exh if time allows 7 & Under barrels at 1:45 Open 5D at 2 PM(Yth. Ad. & Sr.) all in same draw/May carry over FMI 713 899 0158 or www. or Gulf Coast Barrel Racing Association 2019 on facebook Cash only no non-member fees May 04, - May 05, Groesbeck, TX Youth RodeoTexas Spring Series 2 weekends. 4 rodeos. 1
average! April 13-14 & May 4-5. All qualifying leadbooks open at 5:30PM Pay at the gate Exhibitions bons will be given at each event. At the final event/ liners will receive a custom prize. Average prizes 5:30pm-7:30pm $5 $10 Office Fee CASH ONLYđ&#x;’° award ceremony, buckles will be given to 1st place for 1st and 2nd place. Goat slapping & tying, chute đ&#x;’°đ&#x;’° Progressive Payout (We follow BBR payout) of each age group in the series and other prizes roping, ribbons, double mugging, barrels, poles, BBR & WPRA pending Pre-entries open Monday will be given to 2nd and 3rd places. -Stick Horse straights, team roping, and more! Contact Monica May 6 by texting 254.625.2169 Pre-entries must Race- Prizes will be given to 1st-3rd place. -MUST at 979-777-8274 or Casey at 903-388-0500 FMI. be paid up 30 horses before their run. The first attend 3 out of 4 events to be eligible for prizes! Visit Youth RodeoTexas on Facebook for more 30 horses must be paid up before 7:30pm. Those -Please check the Triple C Cowboy Church group info and the flier. not paid up will be released. Please follow Cathey page for arena conditions and cancellations. -For May 05, Bryan, TX KRCBRA 5D Barrels and Barrel Productions for a chance to win a prize at this more information, contact Clayton @ 432-270-1407 Buckles Kingdom Ranch Church Barrel Racing show!!! Big Thank you to our sponsors Hay-Rite, May 11, Rosenberg, TX Blazin 3 Barrel Race: Association KRCBRA 5D Barrels & Buckles 9 Bob Wendy Cline Properties Group and Kim Partain REVOLUTION QUALIFIER Race will be held at: Berg Buckles Awarded May 5, 2019 Books Open at with OXY-GEN Leon County Expo Center 3637 4310 TX-36 Rosenberg TX 77471 This race is da 12:30pm Horseless Events: Kid Stick Horse Race: CR 305 Buffalo, TX 75831 Revolution Qualifying Race. Entry fee is $150. -$5 4&Under and 5-7, 8-12 years old. Parent/Child May 10, Edna, TX 5D Cowboy Tough Cole Books will close after the first 25 entries in each Stick Horse Rescue Race $5 (Horseless events Strong Barrel Benefit with buckles to each D section. Section One of the Qualifier will be held at will not start before 3:30) Prizes to best dressed winner Cowboy Tough Cole Strong Barrel Benefit 10:30 AM. Section Two of the Qualifier will be held and fastest time in each division. Barrel Race Prize with buckles to each winner of Open 5D. Brackenat 7:00 PM. $3500 Added to Open 5D Open 5D distribution: 5 Open Buckles/ 3 Youth Buckles/ 1 ridge Main Event Center, 284 Brackenridge Pkwy, starts at 2:30 PM Entry Fees: $50 Open / $45 Youth Pee Wee Buckle Barrels: Exhibitions $5 each and Edna, TX. 70% payback, 30% will go to support Pre-Entries will be accepted my mail from 3/25/19 will not start before 1:00 pm 3D Pee-Wee $15 3D Cole. Exhibitions are $5 each and will run from 4:30 to 4/25/2019. For complete details see entry form Youth - $20 5D Open - $35 (70% payback only PM – 7:00 PM. Open, $40, will start at 7:30 PM. that can be found on our Facebook page listed in 5D Open class) **Barrel Classes will not start We will take entries in the open until the last 25 below. For more information see our Facebook before 4pm** One time $5 office charge per rider runners. The open will be a 4D if under 100 runners. page at: each race. Pre-entires for all classes tions-338467340270176 and exhibitions text to Emily at 979-229May 12, - May 12, Snook, TX STBRA 5170 April 29-30 from 12pm-6pm *** Ray Maass Arena ( Snook TX) SchedPre-entires MUST be checked in and ule of Events ​9:00 AM Books Open paid up as follows: 1-50 by 3:30pm, 8:00-9:00 AM Early bird exhibition 50-100 by 4:30pm, 100-150 by 5:30, barrels (cash at the gate, no tractor fee) 150+by 6:30pm (Unpaid Numbers will ($5 each) 9:00 AM Exhibition Poles ($5 be released) Attend 10am church sereach) Not before 10:00 AM Open 3D vice and get one exhibition for free 7300 Poles ($20) followed by Youth 3D Poles East State Hwy 21 Bryan, Texas 77808 ($20) $1000 Novice Poles ($20) Barrel Outdoor Arena- check our Facebook Exhibitions ($5 each) 2:00 PM| Peewee page for weather updates. Facebook. 8 and under Barrels ($15) followed by com/KRCBRA KingdomRanchChurch. Open 5D Barrels ($30) 3D Youth 18 org and under Barrels ($20) (runs with May 05, Magnolia, TX 18th Annual open) 35 and Over 3D Barrels ($20) Cheryl Krolczyk Memorial Barrel $1000 Novice Barrels ($20) All 3D Bash 18TH Annual Cheryl Krolczyk classes are 1 second splits and equal Memorial Barrel Bash, Magnolia Compayout Jackpots are open to anyone munity Horse Arena, Magnolia, TX. No non-member fees Cash ONLY! ​​Pre Exhibitions 10am -12:45pm ($5 each). Enter Thursday before race starting at Open 5D WITH ADDED MONEY 1pm 9am and Not before until 6pm 832 866 ($40 – no office or processing fees). 2581( Please do not text back or your Youth 3D will be run with the open entry will be moved to the end) Draw ($20, no added money). Pre-entries will be posted on Friday on the Stbra accepted May 1st thru 1pm on May face book page) For any Weather or 4th by email only – ckmf2002@yahoo. cancellation notices and updates follow com. Buckles will be awarded to the us on face book or Stbra web page winners of each division in the open May 17, - May 18, Edna, TX Kiss N 5D only. Silent auction open until 3pm. Kick -Edna 17th & 18th đ&#x;’‹ Kiss N Kick All proceeds to benefit the Cheryl Krođ&#x;’‹ - Edna 17th & 18th BBR & WPRA lczyk Memorial Scholarship Fund. FMI Pending Books open @ 3pm on 5/17 & email, or call/ 9:30 on 5/18 Exhibitions from 9:30-1:30 text Susan Newrones at 713-725-8048. (30 minute increments) Open starts May 09, Orange, TX TxLaBRA Barrel @ 7pm 5/17 & 2pm on 5/18 $$Cash Jackpot - T2 Arena Orange, TX T2 Bradi Good winning the THRSA Region II barrel racing champi- Only$$ Open 4D-$40 Youth Incentive, Event Center - Orange, TX 6:00 Exhi onship at the finals in Abilene, Texas. William Kierce Photo 18 & under (must enter open)-$30 Adult Barrels. $5 ea or 3 for $12. 8:00 Open (must enter open)-$25 Senior (must 4-D Jackpot. $25. After jackpot we run a 2nd set You may enter the same horse twice. You may roll enter open)-$25 Office fee-$10 No Cancellation/ of exhi barrels. Then Exhi Poles. Then 2-D Poles open time for 3D incentives, $25. Age groups are as Changes Exhibitions-$5 Pre-entries must be paid $15 (2 second split) Incentives-rollover only: $15 follows: youth (18 and under), adult (19 – 49), and by cc or check. Checks mailed must be received Youth 3D, $10 Sr. Facebook: TXLABRA or contact senior (50 and up). For stalls or RSVP call BMEC by 5/14 Pre-sign up or questions call or text: 361409-882-4506 at 361-782-7272. For questions or pre-entries text 550-8872 Upcoming dates: Edna - 2019 - 6/1, 7/17, May 10, Buffalo, TX Cathey Productions 5D Kristen Hoagland at 361-484-2426. 8/21, 9/11, 11/20, 12/6-7 Seguin - 5/12, 6/22, 7/6, Barrel Race Friday Night Arena Lights 5D Open May 11, Snook, TX Playday & Mutton Bustin ~ 8/10, 9/14, 11/9, 12/7 more dates to announced. $40 1/2 second splits Rodeo (Straight payout) Style Triple C Cowboy Church Spring Buckle Series Sponsored by: Blackmon Quarter Horses Efficiency Sidepot $50 will pay 1 hole per entries 3D youth Event Dates: April 13th - April 27th - May 11th - May Air Willie Nelson with Edward Jones Instant Copy $25 (18&under) 1/2, 1 second splits will run with 25th -Barrels -Poles -Straight Away -Speed Race May 18, Edna, TX KissN Kick - Edna 17th &18th the open with the option to carry over 2D PeeWee $20 entry fee ($5 each event) -Stick Horse Race đ&#x;’‹ Kiss N Kick đ&#x;’‹ - Edna 17th & 18th BBR & WPRA (8&under) $15 1 second split. Will run before the $5 entry fee -Mutton Bustin’ $20 entry fee -Books Pending Books open @ 3pm on 5/17 & 9:30 on open. Leadline is allowed. Race starts at 8pm. The open at 10am and play day will start at 11:30 -Rib5/18 Exhibitions from 9:30-1:30 (30 minute incre-
Cowboy Sports News Page 43 - May 2019
ments) Open starts @ 7pm 5/17 & 2pm Exhibitions 2-4pm $5 $10 Office Fee on 5/18 $$Cash Only$$ Open 4D-$40 CASH ONLYđ&#x;’°đ&#x;’°đ&#x;’° Progressive Payout Youth Incentive, 18 & under (must enter (We follow BBR payout) BBR & WPRA open)-$30 Adult (must enter open)-$25 pending Pre-entries open Monday May Senior (must enter open)-$25 Office 13 by texting 254.625.2169 Pre-entries fee-$10 No Cancellation/Changes must be paid up 30 horses before their Exhibitions-$5 Pre-entries must be run. The first 30 horses must be paid paid by cc or check. Checks mailed up before 4pm. Those not paid up will must be received by 5/14 Pre-sign up be released. Please follow Cathey or questions call or text: 361-550-8872 Barrel Productions for a chance to Upcoming dates: Edna - 2019 - 6/1, win a prize at this show!!! Big Thank 7/17, 8/21, 9/11, 11/20, 12/6-7 Seguin you to our sponsors Hay-Rite, Wendy - 5/12, 6/22, 7/6, 8/10, 9/14, 11/9, 12/7 Cline Properties Group and Kim Partain more dates to announced. Sponsored with OXY-GEN Crockett Rodeo Arena ( by: Blackmon Quarter Horses EfficienPorth Ag) 1100 Edmistion Dr. Crockett, cy Air Willie Nelson with Edward Jones TX 75835 Instant Copy May 19, Magnolia, TX STBRA MagnoMay 18, Fort Bend Cty Fairlia Community Horse Arena ( Magnolia, grds-Rosenberg, TX Gulf Coast TX) Schedule of Events 9 ​ :00 AM Books Barrel Racing Assn. Books Open 8 Open 8:00-9:00 AM Early bird exhibiA M –Exh Barrels 8:30-10 Pole Exh to tion barrels (cash at the gate, no tractor follow then Pole classes (7&Under,18 Diego Simetal having a hard time on his way to winning the re- fee) ($5 each) 9:00 AM Exhibition Poles & Under, Open 3D) all in the same ($5 each) Not before 10:00 AM Open draw-Mid Exh if time allows 7 & Under serve championship at the THSRA Region II Finals in Abilene, 3D Poles ($20) followed by Youth 3D barrels at 1:45 Open 5D at 2 PM(Yth. Texas. William Kierce Photo Poles ($20) $1000 Novice Poles ($20) Ad. & Sr.) all in same draw/May carry Barrel Exhibitions ($5 each) 2:00 PM| and open. Arena is located on Hwy 95. Information over FMI 713 899 0158 or or Gulf Peewee 8 and under Barrels ($15) followed by can also be found on TLPRC Facebook Page. We Coast Barrel Racing Association 2019 on facebook Open 5D Barrels ($30) 3D Youth 18 and under draw for the drag number in both youth and open. Cash only no non-member fees Barrels ($20) (runs with open) 35 and Over 3D Spring Series # 3 is Sunday May 26th. Come run May 18, Caldwell, TX Burleson County Saddle Barrels ($20) $1000 Novice Barrels ($20) All 3D in an outdoor pen. Arena on Hwy 95 Club Open Poles & Barrels Buddy and Edile classes are 1 second splits and equal payout May 19, Buffalo, TX Cathey Productions 5D BarLightsey Arena - Open 3D Pole Race, Open 4D Jackpots are open to anyone No non-member rel Race 5D Open $40 1/2 second splits 3D youth Barrel Race, 18 & Under Youth 3D Barrel Race fees Cash ONLY! ​​Pre Enter Thursday before race $25 (18&under) 1/2, 1 second splits will run with -EQUAL PAYOUT – BOOKS OPEN AT 8:30 AM, starting at 9am and Not before until 6pm 832 866 the open with the option to carry over 2D PeeWee Pole Exhibitions from 9:00-10:00, Open 3D Pole 2581( Please do not text back or your entry will be (8&under) $15 1 second split. Will run before the Race (whole second splits) at 10:30, Barrel Exhimoved to the end) Draw will be posted on Friday open. Leadline is allowed. 2D Rodeo Style Sidepot bitions from 11:30-1:30, Open 4D (½, ½, ½) and on the Stbra face book page) For any Weather or 1/2 second split 90% payback $100 Race starts at Youth 3D (whole second splits) race at 2:00PM. cancellation notices and updates follow us on face 4:30pm. The books open at 2PM Pay at the gate Youth may roll their time to the open. If we get 100+ book or Stbra web page runs, we will bump to a 5D. Exhibitions May 19, Coldspring, TX Gypsy Races $5 each or 3 for $12, Poles Open $35, 4D Barrel Race San Jacinto County Barrel Open $35, Youth Barrels $25, Fairgrounds. 50 Bar Park Loop, ColdOne Time Office Fee $5. Pre-Entries spring, TX 77331. Open 4D Barrel Race for the Race will be taken on Friday presented by Gypsy Races. Books May 17th from 12:00pm to 7:00pm, open for pre-entries May 15th-16th call or text (text preferred) Kellie Zboril from 8am-8pm daily by text only 832at 979-324-3129. Be sure to follow 283-4811. Day of event books open our Facebook page for any additional at 9:30am. Exhibitions 10am-12pm. information as the race approaches. Church Service will begin at noon. May 19, Elgin, TX TLPRC Spring Message delivered by Tami Anderson Series # 2 Barrel Race Open 4D/Youth of Barrel Racing USA. Tiny Tots (7&un3D (ADDED Money in the Open and in der) $15 @12:30pm. Main race starts Youth) Exhibitions are $4 each or 3 for at 1pm. Youth 3D $25 (1 second split), $10--Cheapest exhibitions around; $20 Open 4D $35 (1/2, 1/2, whole second entry fee in Youth; $35 Entry Fee for splits). Youth may carryover or run Open; $3 office fee per run; Youth can youth only. Youth & Open will run toroll their times over to the open; Sign up gether. 70% Payback, no office charge, starting at 1:30 Exhibitions will start at equal payout with 1D bonus, and buy2;00 START Youth Race at:4:15 Open back option available. This race is held will follow immediately after Youth ; in conjunction with the 2nd Coldspring Must have at least 10 runners in Youth Rodeo May 18th Performance @7pm. class to make. Youth is 18 and under. FMI: Curtis 936-662-4361 or Krissy Concession available, , CALL Carla for 832-283-4811. question and to pre-enter Pre entries May 23, Orange, TX TxLaBRA Barrel accepted starting on Wednesday May Jackpot - T2 Arena Orange, TX T2 15th Call or text 512-913-3978 Average Event Center - Orange, TX 6:00 Exhi Prizes will be awarded in the Open and Barrels. $5 ea or 3 for $12. 8:00 Open Youth in each D for riders that run in 4-D Jackpot. $25. After jackpot we run a 2 of the 3 Spring shows. Youth race is 2nd set of exhi barrels. Then Exhi Poles. 1 second splits; Open is 1/2 , 1/2, 1. Then 2-D Poles $15 (2 second split) Come and run in an outdoor pen. Cash Incentives-rollover only: $15 Youth 3D, and cards accepted. 80% payback . Kyle McDaniels on his way to winning the Hitchcock, Texas $10 Sr. Facebook: TXLABRA or contact This is EQUAL payout in both youth 409-882-4506
NPBR on “70 Ghost� of Mark Swearengin. Kierce Photo
Cowboy Sports News Page 44 - May 2019
May 25, Snook, TX Playday & Mutton Bustin ~ Triple C Cowboy Church Spring Buckle Series 11538 FM 3058 Snook, TX 77878 - Event Dates: April 13th - April 27th - May 11th - May 25th -Barrels -Poles -Straight Away -Speed Race $20 entry fee ($5 each event) -Stick Horse Race $5 entry fee -Mutton Bustin’ $20 entry fee -Books open at 10am and play day will start at 11:30 -Ribbons will be given at each event. At the final event/award ceremony, buckles will be given to 1st place of each age group in the series and other prizes will be given to 2nd and 3rd places. -Stick Horse RacePrizes will be given to 1st-3rd place. -MUST attend 3 out of 4 events to be eligible for prizes! -Please check the Triple C Cowboy Church group page for arena conditions and cancellations. -For more information, contact Clayton @ 432-270-1407 May 26, Elgin, TX TLPRC Spring Series # 3 Barrel Race Open 4D/Youth 3D (ADDED Money in the Open and in Youth) Exhibitions are $4 each or 3 for $10--Cheapest exhibitions around; $20 entry fee in Youth; $35 Entry Fee for Open; $3 office fee per run; Youth can roll their times over to the open; Sign up starting at 1:30 Exhibitions will start at 2;00 START Youth Race at 4:15; Open will follow immediately after Youth ; Must have at least 10 runners in Youth class to make. Youth is 18 and under. Concession available, , CALL Carla for question and to pre-enter Pre entries accepted starting on Tuesday May 21st Call or text 512-9133978 Average Prizes will be awarded in the Open and Youth in each D for riders that run in 2 of the 3 Spring shows. Youth race is 1 second splits; Open is 1/2 , 1/2, 1. Come and run in an outdoor pen. Cash and cards accepted. 80% payback . This is EQUAL payout in both youth and open. Arena is located on Hwy 95. Information can also be found on TLPRC Facebook Page. We draw for the drag number in both youth and open. May 27, Buffalo, TX Cathey Productions RED, WHITE & 5D Barrels Red, White, & Barrels 5D Open $40 1/2 second splits $250 ADDED 3D youth $25 (18&under) 1/2, 1 second splits will run with the open with the option to carry over 2D PeeWee (8&under) $15 1 second split. Will run before the open. Leadline is allowed. Rodeo (Straight payout) Style Sidepot $50 will pay 1 hole per entries Race starts at 3:30pm. The books open at 12PM Pay at the gate Exhibitions 12-3pm $5 $10 Office Fee CASH ONLYđ&#x;’°đ&#x;’°đ&#x;’° Progressive Payout (We follow BBR payout) BBR & WPRA pending Pre-entries open Monday May 22 by texting 254.625.2169 Pre-entries must be paid up 30 horses before their run. The first 30 horses must be paid up before 2:30pm. Those not paid up will be released. Please follow Cathey Barrel Productions for a chance to win a prize at this show!!! Big Thank you to our sponsors Hay-Rite, Wendy Cline Properties Group and Kim Partain with OXY-GEN The Grounds of Huntsville, TX 1297 FM 247 Huntsville, TX 77320 May 31, Bulverde, TX Tejas Fri-Yay Open Barrel Race Exh at 530-730 $5 each. Open 4D at 8pm with $40 fees and Youth $30 fees with a $5 Office Charge if over 125 entries will be a 5D. Books will open every Mondays before race day you can text entries Ashley at 210-273-3820. Spring Dates are April 19th, May 31th, and June 7th. Tejas Rodeo 401 Obst Rd. Bulverde, TX 78163 Jun 01, Edna, TX Kiss N Kick -Edna/Seguin Buckle Series by Two Dumb Blondes Productions BBR and WPRA Pending. Books open @ 9:30 6/1. Exhibitions from 9:30-1:30 (30 minute increments) Open starts @ 2pm. $$Cash Only$$.
Open 4D-$40. Youth Incentive, 18 and under (must enter open)-$30. Adult (must enter open)-$25. Senior (must enter open)-$25. Office fee-$10. No Cancellation/Changes. Exhibitions-$5. Pre-entries must be paid by cc or check. Checks mailed must be received by 5/14. Pre-sign up or questions call or text: 361-550-8872. Upcoming dates: Edna - 2019 - 7/17, 8/21, 9/11, 11/20, 12/6-7. Seguin 6/22, 6/29, 8/10, 9/14, 11/9, 12/7. more dates to announced. Sponsored by: Farmhouse Photos and Videography. Blackmon Quarter Horses. Efficiency Air. Willie Nelson with Edward Jones. Instant Copy Jun 01, Wharton Cty Fairgrds.-Wharton, TX Gulf Coast Barrel Racing Assn. Books Open 8 A M –Exh Barrels 8:30-10 Pole Exh to follow then Pole classes (7&Under,18 & Under, Open 3D) all in the same draw-Mid Exh if time allows 7 & Under barrels at 1:45 Open 5D at 2 PM(Yth. Ad. & Sr.) all in same draw/May carry over FMI 713 899 0158 or www. or Gulf Coast Barrel Racing Association 2019 on facebook Cash only no non-member fees Jun 07, Snook, TX Twisted Summer Nights Snook Rodeo Arena, Snook, TX. Office opens @ 3PM, 4PM Exhibitions $5 each, 7:30 PM Open 4D Barrel Race ($50 fee, 75% payout), GLOW race @ 8PM. Enter Monday, June 3 @ FMI: Shannon Iverson (TEXT 979-220-6804, info@, Jun 07, Bulverde, TX Tejas Fri-Yay Open Barrel Race Exh at 530-730 $5 each. Open 4D at 8pm with $40 fees and Youth $30 fees with a $5 Office Charge if over 125 entries will be a 5D. Books will open every Mondays before race day you can text entries Ashley at 210-273-3820. Spring Dates are April 19th, May 31th, and June 7th. Tejas Rodeo 401 Obst Rd. Bulverde, TX 78163 Jun 07, - Jun 09, Waco, TX Wrapn3 French Streaktovegas $10k Added Open $10k Added Open 5D & more All details and info at Wrapn3. com Renee Spiller (830)305-4108 Jun 14, Snook, TX Twisted Summer Nights Snook Rodeo Arena, Snook, TX. Office opens @ 3PM, 4PM Exhibitions $5 each, 7:30 PM Open 4D Barrel Race ($50 fee, 75% payout), GLOW race @ 8PM. Enter Monday, June 10 @ enterthealley. com. FMI: Shannon Iverson (TEXT 979-220-6804,,
CALF ROPING May 04, - May 05, Navasota, TX Ricky Canton Ropings Spring Series Fairgrounds arena. 12 noon each day.. FMI call/text 281-788-9492 May 10, - May 11, Groveton, TX 46th Annual O. Smith Rodeo and trailride 8:00 jackpot calf roping 1 for $30 call before you haul KEKE CATTLE...9362398234 fmi May 17, - May 19, Wharton, TX, TX 1st Annual Trailride/Calf Roping/Barrel Racing Benefit for the Kidney Foundation Gates open Friday May 17th @5 pm Dance Friday Trailride leaves Saturday @ 12 pm Open To All Barrel Racing @ 2 pm Peewee BAW/TD 1 for 30 Junior BAW/TD 1 for 30 Novice BAW 1 for 30, Open BAW 2 for 85, Open TD 2 for 85, 000 TD 2 for 85, D TD 2 for 85, 00 TD 2 for 85 Buckles to Avg. Winners Gate Charge: 10 per day or 15 for weekend 12 and under free, kids 12 and over 5 Saturday Night Battle of the DJ’s Sponsors: Lowe’s, Home Depot, TG Cattle Co, D Walker, Sam Walker Directions: Google Wharton County Fairgrounds
Livestock provided by TG Cattle Co. FMI: D WALKER 281-657-5978, TRISTAN 979-5596241, SAM WALKER, 281-248-6003, ASHLEY 832-435-0161, for barrel racing ino call Karissa Graves 832-213-7887 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS/LOST/STOLEN PROPERTY THERE WILL BE SECURITY May 18, Snook, TX Ultimate Calf Roping FMI May 19, Rockdale, TX Milam County Cowboy Church Buckle Bonanza Calf roping Sunday, May 19th 2019 Church starts at 10:00 Books open right after church Tiedown is 2 for $100 #12 followed by #11 then #10 Enter twice in Tiedown OPEN 1 for $60 enter 3 times $500 added in the #11 and #10 Open 3D Breakaway 1 for $40 to start after #10 Enter up to three times in Breakaway Buckles to winners of each Tiedown roping Buckles to winners in each 3D Breakaway FMI: (979) 255-5153 May 24, - May 27, Guthrie, OK Chris Neals Future Stars FMI May 25, - May 26, Hamilton, TX Ultimate Calf Roping FMI Jun 01, - Jun 02, Haskell, TX Ultimate Calf Roping FMI Jun 08, Giddings, TX Ultimate Calf Roping FMI
TEAM ROPING May 04, Dayton, TX 6Th Annual Rhett Lathan Memorial Team Roping J Bar Arena. #8,#10, #12. Books open at 9am rope at 10am. FMI Brian Lathan 936-328-6191 or WR Baker 936-327-0791 May 11, - May 12, Edna, TX 2nd Annual Cowboy Tough Cole Strong Benefit Team Roping: Saddle to high point roper of each roping May 11, 2019 - Books open at 9:00 AM - Draw at 10:00 AM. Rope upon completion of the Draw. #10.5 (capped at #6E) & #8.5 (capped at #5). Enter 1 draw 2 or enter open draw 3 for $120/roper - 3 HD PA1. Ropings will be ran together in rotations. Saddle to high point roper of each roping! Buckles to average winners! Extra runs: $20 - must pay for extra runs prior to running steer. Failure to pay for extra run will result in 1/2 of winnings, no prize and no points. Kids Dummy Roping at 2:00. Age groups are 5&under, 6-8, and 9-11. May 12, 2019 - church service at 9:00 am. Books open at 9:30 am - rope at 10:00 am. #15.5 roping, enter up roping, $100/team - 4-HD PA1! Followed by #13 slide (max add/deduct 3 seconds) enter 1 draw 2 or enter open draw 3 for $150/roper - 4-HD PA 1. Saddle to high point roper of #13 slide! Buckles to average winners! Extra runs: $40 failure to pay for the run results in 1/2 winnings, no prize and no points. Cash Only Please! No checks or Credit Cards! USTRC of world series number to be utilized. If you do not have a current card, see producer prior to roping. Producer reserves the right to reclassify. Elite number will be utilized. FMI call Justin Shelton 361-645-4526 or Amy Burnett 210-508-1223. Proof of negative coggins required. Cattle furnished by NA Productions. May 18, Bryan, TX Big Loop Big Money Brazos County Expo. Books open at 9:00am, rope at 9:30am. FMI Kathy 936-870-6548 or John 713806-4407 May 19, Bryan, TX Cowboys Team Roping Series Brazos County Expo. Books open at 9am, rope at 9:30am. All 4HD PA1. FMI Kathy 936-8706548 or John 713-806-4407
Cowboy Sports News Page 45 - May 2019
Britches Rodeo Association Waller Co. Fairgrounds. FMI, Wendy 281-732-6640, Craig 281-889-3492
May 03, - May 05, Bandera, TX Raise Your Expectations Rough Stock School 3rd Annual Rough Stock School, Mansfield Park, Bandera, TX. Bareback, Saddle Bronc and Bull Riding. Ages 10 and up. $200 for a single event or $275 for multiple events. Call for more information or to reserve your spot. Troy 830-446-9284 or Jake 662-574-8498 May 03, - May 05, Buffalo Tx, TX Rienhardt Barrel Racing Clinic Barrel Clinic open to any and all age horses/and or riders. Limited space available. Dan & Vicki do a Christian based weekend of group work.. one on one.. with a final run for PRIZES! Fri evening meet and greet and a run to be video’d (reviewed later with Vicki) Sat is group work followed by one Will Waters saving McKinnon Wimberly at the Red, White on one with Danny.. Sun morning is Cowboy Church followed by Bull Riding in Edna, Texas. William Kierce Photo more one on one.. Final Run Sun May 10, - May 12, Sweetwater, TX AJRA Nolan after noon. Rv and stalls available on site Clinic County Coliseum. FMI is at the Leon County Fairgrounds Buffalo Tx. May 11, - May 12, Midland, TX Cody Ohl World For more info go to the website www.rienhardtJr. Calf Roping Championships Midland County or call/text Kayla @ 8327522189 Horseshoe Arena. FMI www.jrcalfropingchampiMay 18, - May 19, Harper, TX State Finals Calf, 432-940-0385 Roping Tune Up Wild Ride Ministries Church. May 11, - May 12, Wharton, TX TYRA FMI texBreakaway and Tiedown instruction by World Champion Calf Roper Jeff Copenhaver. To register or FMI Rusty Felts 325-347-2545, Cathy Felts 325-805-1086, Mike Weaver 830-456-2674 Jun 4-7, Levelland, TX High Plains Bible Camp. Ages 8-18. FMI Colton Walter 970-260-1632 or Facebook. Jun 27, - Jun 29, Montgomery, TX Lone Star Cowboy Church Rodeo Bible Camp Registration opens March 1st online at rodeo-bible-camp/ Ages 13-18 as of June 27th, 2 php#019. FMI 936-597-5742 ext. 400
May 24, - May 27, Ardmore, OK Barry Burk Championship Junior Roping Roundup Hardy Murphy Coliseum and Fairgrounds. Entries postmarked by May 8, 2019. Open entries call or text by May 20, 2019 to 580-775-0900. FMI May 24, - May 27, Guthrie, OK Chris Neals Future Stars and Ultimate Calf Roping FMI Jun 03, Alvin, TX AYLAA 43rd Annual Speed Evernts. FMI Jun 04, - Jun 07, Levelland, TX High Plains Rodeo Bible Camp Mallet Event Center and Arena. Ages 8-18. FMI facebook: High Plains Rodeo Bible Camp or contact Colton Walter 970-260-1632 Jun 16, Alvin, TX AYLAA 43rd Annual Timed events and roughstock. FMI Jun 17, Alvin, TX AYLAA 43rd Annual Speed Evernts. FMI Jun 19, - Jun 22, Edna, TX YRA Rodeo Finals Entry blanks and schedule are available at www.yratx. & Bulls com or call 713-501-8843. TEXT @ YRA to 512-270-7024 for info texts. Jun 20, - Jun 21, Golthwaite, TX AJRA T.A. Head Arena. FMI Jun 21, - Jun 22, Eden, TX AJRA Ray Dockery Arena. FMI Jun 24, Alvin, TX AYLAA 43rd Annual Speed Evernts. FMI Jun 30, Alvin, TX AYLAA 43rd Annual Timed events and roughstock. FMI
YOUTH RODEOS May 04, - May 05, Gonzales, TX TYRA FMI May 04, - May 05, Groesbeck, TX Youth RodeoTexas Spring Series Best on 4 2 weekends. 4 rodeos. 1 average! All qualifying leadliners will receive a custom prize. Average prizes for 1st and 2nd place. Goat slapping & tying, chute roping, ribbons, double mugging, barrels, poles, straights, team roping, and more! Contact Monica at 979-777-8274 or Casey at 903-388-0500 FMI. Visit Youth RodeoTexas on Facebook for more info and the flier. May 04, - May 05, Groesbeck, TX Youth RodeoTexas Spring Series 2 weekends. 4 rodeos. 1 average! April 13-14 & May 4-5. All qualifying leadliners will receive a custom prize. Average prizes for 1st and 2nd place. Goat slapping & tying, chute roping, ribbons, double mugging, barrels, poles, straights, team roping, and more! Contact Monica at 979-777-8274 or Casey at 903-3880500 FMI. Visit Youth RodeoTexas on Facebook for more info and the flier. May 05, Hempstead, TX Waller County Little
Cowboy Sports News Page 46 - May 2019
Tyler Bednorz at the THSRA Region IX Finals rodeo in Bryan, Texas. R&M Rodeo Photos COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM MISS RODEO TEXAS Miss Rodeo Texas Teen
and Miss Rodeo Texas Princess Pageant
June - San Antonio, Texas MissRodeoTexas. com
or contact Linda Ebest Deadline For All Advertising Is The 15th Of The Month Preceding. May 15th For The June Issue
Kolby Adams coming in for the save on Hagen Helcamp at the THSRA Region IX Finals in Bryan, Texas. Branded For Christ Rodeo. R&M Rodeo Photos Cowboy Sports News Page 47 - May 2019
In The Spotlight With Sunny B’ Hey Rodeo Fans! It has been a while since I have been on here. I look forward to interviewing some of our rodeo talent of today and share what I find out about them. This month I was able to snag a few minutes with Madison Outhier, our latest, youngest and richest Breakaway Champion of The American. Here is what I was able to find out about this talented young lady. Sunny: I guess you pretty much grew up with a rope in your hand? Madi: Well not really! Actually when I was young I had a passion to become and actress. My Mom and I lived iri New York for 3 months one time so I could pursue my dream. I had an agent that was able to get me parts in Wild Horses, starring Robert Duvall & Charlie A Toy Story. It wasn’t until I was 8 that I thought I may want to rope.
my body! Sunny: At that moment what were you feeling? Madi: Just feeling so honored to be there and be a part of something so awesome! I sat there and thought about all the men and women that were serving our country so we could be here doing what we have come to love so much and I was just almost in tears.
grandson of Colonel Freckles. His name is Allo Gallo Colonel “aka” Rooster. My dad broke him and trained him. I wasn’t actually allowed to ride him until my dad thought I roped good enough. So about 3 years ago I was allowed to start riding him and we have just clicked ever since. Sunny: What are some things about you other people may not know? Madi: I like to eat steak, and I like all kinds of music, I really like old rock & roll and rap. I also started my own jewelry line it is called Madison Lyn Jewelry, I like to
Sunny: What were your total winnings and prizes you received the week of The American? Madi: I actually won the Jr. American with a 1.9 so I made the Top 2 going to The AT & T Stadium. Out of the 16 that went, I won 3rd with a 2.5, advancing me back to the Top 8. I was 2.8 in the Top 8 to advance back to the Top 4. I cam back 3rd high call and won it all! I ended
make necklaces. I study really hard and have an all A average while playing select basketball, polo and rodeo.
Sunny: Coming off your win of the biggest show there is “ The American” how does a 16 year old girl feel? Madi: I am still just in awe of the event! I mean I was there with all the greatest ropers in the world! Just being there and hearing the National Anthem and the clip prior to it they showed on the big screen. I literally had chills all over
up with a beautiful saddle, buckle, yeti cooler, a horse trailer & $ 110,000.00 dollars. Sunny: Madi can you tell me how you came by the horse you are competing on? Madi: My Grandparents own LA Waters Quarter Horses, he was one of our colts from the breeding program. He is a 9 year old own
Cowboy Sports News Page 48 - May 19
Sunny: Tell me about Polo? Madi: I started playing when I was about 12. It is like bringing rodeo and basketball together on the field. We have a coach and we strategize our plays. You have an hour or more to make up or mistakes and have a chance to win the game unlike breakaway it is pretty much over in 2 seconds. Sunny: Who is your biggest influence do you think? Madi: 1st and foremost God but
secondly my father. He is always there to push me and is my biggest critic. If it were not for him I would not be where I am today. My family is a great support system. My mother gave up her Polo Career to support and be with me more. My mother was # 1 in America & # 2 in the world in Polo. My dad has been to the NFR in the saddle bronc riding and has been a Lindermann award winner, meaning he works both ends of the arena in rough stock and roping. My brother Ace is not into rodeo but always there to cheer me on. Sunny: What are your plans for the future? Madi: Of course I want to college rodeo and pursue a business degree. Eventually I would like to take over my families breeding program or maybe start my own. I want to continue to compete in the sport of rodeo and mainly the breakaway where I hope one day it will be added to the PRCA as an event and hopefully make it the NFR. Sunny: Who is your favorite Cowgirl & Cowboy? Madi: It is hard to have just one, but Kelcie Chase has been a friend for a long time and is always right there to cheer me on and support me. Lari Dee Guy & Jackie Crawford have also given me huge praise and and have congratulated and complimented me on my roping. This was a huge deal for me as I so look up to these women. Of course I have to say my dad, Mike Outhier is my favorite cowboy. He is harder on me than anyone but also my biggest supporter. Always there every day to help me rope and make sure I have all the tools I need to practice correctly. I don’t think I would be where I am today if it were not for my mom and dad. Sunny: What would you say to all young girls today that are pursuing a dream? Madi: Never give up on something you believe in. If you want it go get it. Practice hard and put God 1st!
Action photo courtesy of Spur of the Moment Photography COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
(going into 3rd gradeGraduating seniors)
PRICE: $2 50.0 0 b efore Ma y1 5 TH $3 00.0 0 a fte r the 15 TH $6 5 pe r ho rse (stall fee) Scholarships Available
Cowboy Sports News Page 49 - May 2019
Cowboy Sports News Page 50 - May 2019
Jonathan Brown winning the Red, White & Bulls Bull Riding in Edna, Texas. William Kierce Photo. COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
Cowboy Sports News Page 51 - May 2019
Madison Crisp about to call for her bronc in the ranch bronc riding. Payden Hurst winning the bareback on a Diamond Cross bronc. Austin Rudloff getting launched trying to save Sandon Uribe from a Diamond Cross Rodeo bull.
Poteet, Texas
CPRA April 6th & 7th DIAMOND CROSS RODEO COMPANY Cowboy Sports News Page 52 - May 2019
532.98 355.32 793.26 656.49 519.73 382.96 246.19 136.77 921.96 691.47 460.98 230.48 686.95 457.97 1306.98 980.24 653.48 326.74 525.65 350.44 702.82 424.70 283.12 840.36 560.24 1364.91 1364.91 1129.58 1129.58 894.25 894.25 658.92 658.92 423.59 423.59 235.33 235.33
Charlie Johnson winning the barrels.
All Photos Courtesy Of William Kierce Photography Sherman Lasker winning the calf roping at the Poteet Strawberry Festival.
Kyle McDaniels winning the bull riding on a Diamond Cross bull. COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
Cowboy Sports News Page 53 - May 2019
Breaking It Down With Speed Williams Teaching my son to heel Teaching my son to heel has been fun for me because I grew up heeling and I’m able to simplify much of it for him. For me, it’s math equations that determine why people have good days, bad days, or why they get along well with some horses and not others. Growing up, when I got home from school my dad would have three or four heel horses saddled. I roped all day until we were done, cow after cow. And as a kid I won pretty much everything back east. When I was 13 or 14, when we would show up to a roping and they would tell my dad I could enter heading, but not heeling. I’ll never forget the heartbreak in my fathers’ eyes when I came home after my first NFR as a heeler and told him I wanted to start heading. He’d never admit I did the right thing, but he did wear my first gold buckle until he died. Gabe didn’t have much to do with roping until a year ago. While we were in Vegas he won some money in the dummy
jackpots and got hooked. When I say hooked, he sets his alarm for 5:30 a.m. and gets up and does his schoolwork so he can be ready to rope when we start our private lessons at 10 a.m. He doesn’t want to miss any opportunity to rope. I did no5 foresee his want to and desire for roping. It far exceeds my dreams… and wears me out. No matter how many he runs each day, it’s always “one more pen Dad.” One of the discussions we’ve had is about how he likes to heel with a small loop. Yes, it’s faster and easier to swing but it’s also harder to get your dally. With a bigger loop you have a little more time before it comes tight. He had a break through when he saw himself on video missing his dally with the little loop. I told him, “Son, there are very few things in heeling I haven’t tried, and many elite heelers I’ve not discussed it with. ” In 1997 I was heading for Clay O’Brien Cooper. We were driving back from Denver and I asked him how he described put-
Improve faster with realistic practice using the new Speed Trainer
ting a heel loop under a cow. For a little over two hours he talked in great detail about it. Normally it wasn’t uncommon for us to drive 12 hours and say very little during the entire trip. The intrigue of the heel loop is a lot like playing golf to me. There are different things you have to do with your hand based on the position and angle of your swing, and the position of the cow to your horse. There are different approaches to heeling steers and many ways that will work if you are in time with the steers’ legs. But to put it simply, you must get the rope behind the front legs, on the ground, in front of the back legs. One thing many heelers struggle with is getting their bottom strand on the ground. When we watch videos of #4 or #5 heelers, they can throw at the correct time but most of them struggle with the bottom strand. The most common way people learn to heel is by letting their horse stop and then roping the cow as it leaves them. The problem is it’s very hard to get your dally when you’re stopped and the steer is six to eight feet from your horse and moving away. One thing I have worked
with Gabe on is riding a good corner. When you ride a good corner and have your horse in your hand it makes heeling a lot easier. I want him to get close to the cow and place his rope on the ground as he engages the bridle reins. I want him to heel steers right in front of his horses’ front feet. This allows him more time to get a dally. For a long time he heeled with one coil. When he would lose his rope and tell me he needed more rope, I would answer, “No son, I need you to heel the cow closer to you.” There are many ways to put a heel loop under a cow. I have seen many different deliveries, angles, and swings. There’s good, bad, and just different. Because my dad trained and sold lots of horses I was able to experiment with my heeling. I believe in having every golf club in your arsenal to pull off all the different shots you’ll be presented with. One of the things Gabe works at on the Speed Trainer is position. A lot of his steers end up to the outside so we practice for that. I move the dummy all around so he gets to practice different heel loops in various situations. I’m a firm believer that heeling a dummy from the ground is math-
developed by
SPEED WILLIAMS 8-Time Consecutive World Champion Header and Professional Instructor
For more information, or to see the Speed Trainer in action, visit For ordering information call Priefert Mfg. at: 844-572-1741
Cowboy Sports News Page 54 - May 2019
ematically different than from the height and position of a horse – whether it’s live or a dummy. It’s completely different and doesn’t transition well. There are so many different ways that work – but the thing that never changes is – you must get your rope on the ground in front of the steers’ front legs without hitting the hind legs. It can be done many different ways but when and how to throw depends on your speed and the distance from the steer.
What’s new with me: Nicer weather means I will be traveling for some clinics. I’m very excited with the progress my kids have made with their roping. Hali was just moved to a #6 header and Gabriel to a #4+ header. I’ve seen a big difference in their riding and how they use their legs and the bridle reins since they’ve been doing their drills on the Speed Trainer. This enables us to target things they need to work on without wearing out steers and horses in the process.
Jordan Lewis coming up with two feet at the THSRA Region IX rodeo in Bryan, Texas. Shelby Conlon Photo
Cowboy Sports News Page 55 - May 2019
RNCFR Crowns Champions Courtesy of the PRCA KISSIMMEE, Fla. – Tyler Pearson picked a heck of a time to take some time off. Pearson, the 2017 Steer Wrestling World Champion, won the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo with a run of 3.9 seconds in the four-man finals Sunday. Pearson also took second in the eight-man round earlier in
the day. All told, he won $13,267, which will give him a boost in the PRCA | RAM World Standings where he stood at 16th with $20,723 entering the RAM NCFR. “That felt good,” said Pearson, who claimed his first RAM NCFR title. Now, the 34-year-old from Louisville, Miss., is going to take a break from competing until the summer run.
Haven Meged - James Phifer Photo “I’m going to take a couple months off, I’ve been rodeoing pretty hard,” Pearson said. “I’ll come back out in June.” Joining him will be Scooter, the 2017 and 2018 PRCA | AQHA Horse of the Year for steer wrestling that Pearson rode to the win Sunday. Three of the four qualifiers in the RAM NCFR finals were riding Scooter. “He gets some time off for sure,” said Pearson, who co-owns Scooter with Kyle Irwin. “We’re going to give him a couple months off, as well. “We’ll let him relax now until June, the summer’s pretty hard. Pearson was making his first trip to the RAM NCFR since it moved to Kissimmee in 2015. Pearson and his family got to enjoy some of the sites in and around Kissimmee, not to mention celebrate Pearson’s victory. “We love the weather, the kids love the atmosphere, the pools,” Pearson said. “People around here are cool. We enjoy it. We went to Disney village or something like that. They liked it – Mickey and Minnie, that rat makes a lot of money.” In addition to the money earned, each event champ also received a voucher toward a new RAM truck; a Polaris Ranger XP 1000; 65 Venture OtterBox Cooler; pair of Justin Boots; a custom champion Montana Silversmiths buckle; and a champion saddle handcrafted by Cactus Saddlery. With the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo on the line, Tilden Hooper delivered. The bareback rider from Carthage, Texas, had a 92-point ride on Hi Lo Pro Rodeo’s Redzilla to win the four-man round Sunday at the Silver Spurs Arena. Hooper’s score broke the RAM NCFR bareback riding record of 91 points set by Cimmaron Gerke on Kesler Rodeo’s Smiling Cat in 2004 in Pocatello, Idaho. “That was one of my most
Cowboy Sports News Page 56 - May 2019
Tilden Hooper James Phifer Photo
91-point ride on Dakota Rodeo’s Cash Deal in the semifinals and an 89.5-point ride on Mo Betta Rodeo’s Sue City Sue in the four-man finals to win the saddle bronc riding and his first RAM NCFR title. “I’d never been on her, but I’d seen her quite a bit,” Brooks said. “She’s an older horse. She felt really good. She was one you could really open up and just have a good time.” Garrett Smith was the only bull rider in the four-man
finals to make the whistle, posting an 85-point ride on Painted Pony Championship Rodeo’s Holly Holy. “This is pretty awesome,” Smith said. “I’ve been here a couple times and had a little bit of success winning a couple rounds, but never made the four man.” In the team race, Texas came in first, winning $133,689. The Prairie Circuit was second with $110,432, followed by the Badlands $91,808 and Wilderness $81,308.
fun bareback rides of my career,” said Hooper, 31, who joined the PRCA in 2006. “There’s nothing better than breaking a record and having all your buddies cheering for you behind the chutes.” Hooper departed the RAM NCFR after earning $19,670 – $7,493 for winning the final round. Hooper entered the RAM NCFR March 21 fifth in the PRCA | RAM World Standings with $44,231. Team ropers Clay Smith and Jake Long capped a superb week at the RAM NCFR by winning the RAM NCFR title with a 4.8-second run in the four-team finals. “This is great to win,” Smith said. “This is a great rodeo down here, especially with as much as it pays and everything you win.” Long agreed. “Honestly, I rode about as poor of a corner since I have been here,” Long said about his team’s run in the finals. “Colonel (Long’s horse) did such a good job and let me set my rope down in a pretty tough spot, and Clay did a good job of keeping it moving and it worked out.” Long also won the RAM NCFR in team roping in 2007 in Pocatello, Idaho. Rookie Haven Meged clocked a 7.4-second run in the final round to claim the title in the tiedown roping. “This is just crazy,” Meged said. “That was my goal to come here and win it, and I achieved that goal, which was really sweet.” Chase Brooks posted a
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your ONE STOP awards shop
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Jordyn Williams at the THSRA Region II Finals in Abilene, Texas. William Kierce Photo
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Photography by Phifer: James Phifer, PO Box 630904, Nacogdoches, Tx 75963. 936-560-6768. R&M Rodeo Photos: Mack Bradford, 8275 Wheelock Rd., Hearne, Tx 77859. 979-589-1579 Jennings Rodeo Photography: PO Box 100 - Roosevelt, Texas 76874. 325-387-2194 Kierce Photography: 444 Mack Hollimon Kerrville, TX 78028 (210)273-4033 Shelby Conlon Photography: 830-285-4476.
Rodeo Photos
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Open 9 to 5:45, Tue. thru Fri., 9 to 4:45 Saturday 15515 Lee Rd • Houston, Tx • 281-987-1906
Brooklyn Lozano at the THSRA Region II Finals in Abilene, Texas. William Kierce Photo COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
Cowboy Sports News Page 61 - May 2019
Cowboy Sports News Page 62 - May 2019
90th Annual
Teague 4th of July UPRA-CPRA Rodeo
June 27th, 28th & 29th, 2019• 8pm Perfs
$7,600 Added Teague, Texas ENTRY METHOD: NEXTGEN APP App Entries: OPEN: Wednesday, June 19 @ 9AM CLOSE: Sunday, June 23 @ 5PM
ENTRY METHOD: CALL OR TEXT @ 903-287-7852 BO: Thurs, June 20 9:00AM to 4:00PM Fri, June 21 9:00AM to 4:00PM N
ed $850 AddTo Money A R Each UP Event 0
TR $1,90
Trades: NEXTGEN App Monday June 24, Closes @ 5P Events & Fees
Bareback Riding $100 - Saddle Bronc $100 Calf Roping $100 - Bull Riding $100 Barrel Racing $60 Fees, Jackpotted Nightly Ladies Breakaway $100 Fees - Team Roping $150 per man NO STEER WRESTLING NO RANCH BRONC RIDING
on-Members Welcome With $10 Per mit
Local Events
Jr Barrels, Ribbons, Cow Milking - Entry Info To Be Posted Next Month
Wild Cow Milking, Open To The World, $100 fees, $1,000 Added Money, $250 Bonus To Fastest On Two Loops Junior barrel Racing, 14 & Under As Of January 1st, 2019, $35 Fees Junior Ribbon Roping, $35 Fees, Must Be In County Roper & Runner and 12 & Under As Of 1-1-19 Senior Ribbon Roping, $60 Fees, Jackpotted Nightly, In County Only
Gist Buckles Given To Winners In Each Event
Negative Coggins Required • J&J Rodeo Company, Jason Murray Barrels Jackpotted Nightly - Calf roping will be last event in slack each night (except Thursday). Contestants competing in the slack must be paid up before the first calf is run in the slack each night. Ribbon roping contestants must live in Freestone County or attend school in Freestone County.
Trailer hook-ups will be available from the City of Teague for $20 per night. COWBOYSPORTSNEWS.COM
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Cowboy Sports News Page 66 - April 2019
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