Houston Latino Family Magazine-Vol. 1 No. 2-Nov/Dec 2024

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Dear friends and readers of Houston Latino Family Magazine,

It is a great honor to present our second edition, especially during this special time of year when we celebrate the holiday season and share moments of reflection, gratitude, and hope with our loved ones. From our families to yours, we wish you a joyful, peaceful, and united holiday season.

Houston Latino Family Magazine was born with a clear vision: to be a space where the stories, values, and traditions of our Latino community are celebrated and recognized. Our mission is to highlight the cultural richness that unites us, share inspiring stories, and provide valuable resources for families, including education, local events, and growth opportunities.

In this edition, we are proud to feature the team from Toyota of Katy on the cover—a wonderful family committed to our community. In a special interview, they share their perspectives and values, as well as their dedication to the Toyota community and the importance of being part of Houston’s growth and development. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the team that is always ready to serve you.

This edition is especially dedicated to the importance of family, faith, and the values that guide us every day. We believe these pillars are the strength of our community, and we hope the articles, interviews, and advice we have prepared will inspire and support you during this time of year.

I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all our advertisers. Thanks to your support, we have been able to continue our mission of connecting with our community and providing quality content. I invite you to explore the pages of this edition, where you will find local businesses and services that have believed in us and, like us, are committed to serving the Houston community.

For those interested in collaborating or promoting their business in Houston Latino Family Magazine, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. It would be a pleasure to help you reach new audiences and strengthen your presence in our community.

“At Toyota of Katy and within the Don McGill Automotive Group as a whole, we take pride in building strong and reliable relationships in our community. The Latino communities make up a large portion of our workforce and clientele. It is our desire and specifically my daily task to know what is needed in our backyards. To show up and have a presence at events and to make sure not only the Hispanic community but all of our neighbors know that we are here. We’re one family and anyone they may come in contact with at Toyota of Katy will treat them as such!”

Clariona C. Randolph Maria V. Matheus

“I believe that supporting and sponsoring events that celebrate Hispanic culture is not only a meaningful way to promote diversity and inclusion, but also a strategic opportunity for companies to connect with a growing and culturally diverse market. Toyota of Katy strives to demonstrate its commitment to supporting diverse communities, enhance its brand visibility, and strengthen relationships with the Hispanic population.”

Frank Pena Carlos Salguero

“I believe that it’s not only a powerful way to promote diversity and inclusivity, but also a valuable opportunity to engage with a rich and vibrant community. By actively participating in these events, companies, like Toyota of Katy, can demonstrate their commitment to supporting diverse communities and foster stronger relationships with the Hispanic population.”

“Toyota of Katy offers several specific services and resources for Latino customers. Toyota of Katy has bilingual staff who can assist customers in Spanish. Additionally, Toyota provides materials and resources in Spanish, including user manuals, websites, and marketing materials. This helps ensure that Spanish-speaking customers receive the same quality of service and support as English-speaking customers.”

Paola Muñoz

“The Hispanic community is huge here in Katy, so it is very important to us to focus on building a strong relationship with them daily. Hispanic people love our products. As a dealership, we have plenty of employees who are bilingual, because we want every customer to feel understood. We want, at the end of the day, for every customer who walks inside this dealership, to feel that this is their second home.”

Samuel Raga

“About 60% of our customers are Hispanic, and a lot of people feel overwhelmed or sometimes even scared to walk into a building so big. What we do here is welcome everyone and show them how easy it is to be part of the Toyota family. Whether it’s by guiding them through the purchase of their new vehicle or helping them get the service or parts they need for their vehicle, we have a team that is always ready to help and make things easy for our community.”

Mike Jacksis

“Toyota of Katy promotes inclusion and diversity within its dealerships in several ways. Regarding staff, we strive to hire employees from diverse backgrounds and cultures, ensuring that the workforce reflects the diversity of the community it serves. We offer ongoing training on diversity, and we have a weekly book club open to all employees from any department that encourages participation and open discussion every Friday. In terms of customer experience, Toyota of Katy ensures that materials and resources are available in multiple languages, including Spanish, to better serve customers from different backgrounds. Toyota of Katy also organizes community events and participates with local charities and school fundraisers.”

Kevin Jackson

“At Toyota of Katy, we place a strong emphasis on building meaningful relationships within the Hispanic community. We collaborate with local and state organizations, such as the Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas and the RGV Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, who recently joined us as guest speakers. They provided valuable insights on topics like knowledge sharing, business development, and women’s empowerment. These collaborations reflect our dealership’s ongoing investment in our team’s growth and our commitment to fostering deeper connections with the communities we serve, especially the Hispanic community.”

Antoine Baxter

“Quality resonates the most with Latino culture because just like Toyota, Latinos value quality in their products. ‘Act for others’ is also another value that would fit the Latino culture. Historically, Latinos have always been selfless, offered their services, and offered a helping hand to others in need. Toyota’s commitment to community involvement and support for local initiatives reflects the Latino community’s values of solidarity and connection.”

Cedric Washington Gianfranco Carrizo

“At Toyota of Katy, we understand how important it is to have a car your family can rely on. With personalized service and Spanishspeaking staff, we make sure you feel comfortable and well taken care of every step of the way with a lifetime warranty on new vehicles free.”

“The relationship of Latinos with the Toyota brand transcends borders and oceans. Latin America loves Toyota, and in Katy, the demographic has grown a lot. Toyota has been part of that. Toyota of Katy is present in the hearts of Latinos and the relationship grows stronger every day. The participation of salespeople and managers with the community has created an unbreakable relationship that allows the customer to be loyal and have a lot of confidence when visiting the dealership.”

The Power of Giving Thanks

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that has the ability to transform our lives. It is an expression of thankfulness that can bring joy, peace, and contentment to our hearts. The act of giving thanks has been an integral part of Christianity. In fact, the Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

The power of giving thanks is not just a principle but a universal truth that has been recognized in various practices and beliefs. In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to overlook the importance of gratitude and get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, taking the time to cultivate a heart of thankfulness can bring about remarkable changes in our lives.

The Scriptures remind us to be thankful in all circumstances, not just when things are going well. This means giving thanks even in the midst of difficult situations, for it is in those moments that we need to express our gratitude the most.

As Philippians 4:6 states, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” This verse teaches us that through giving thanks, we can find comfort and peace in the midst of our anxieties.

One of the most significant things we can be thankful for is the cross. We often see the cross as a symbol of suffering and pain, but it is also a symbol of sacrificial love and redemption. We can never fully comprehend the depth of God’s love for us, but through the cross, we can see a glimpse of it. As we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we are reminded of the immeasurable grace and mercy that God has bestowed upon us. This realization should lead us to a place of thankfulness and humility.

The resurrection of Jesus also gives us all reason to be thankful. It is through His resurrection that we have new life and hope. Without the resurrection, our faith is in vain, and we would be lost. The resurrection is a powerful reminder of God’s power and love for us. It is through His resurrection that we have the promise of eternal life, and this is something to be eternally grateful for.

In addition to being thankful for the cross and the resurrection, we should also be grateful for our families. Our families are a gift from God, and they are an essential part of our lives. They provide us with love, support, and a sense of belonging. Our families are there for us in both the good times and the bad, and we should never take them for granted. As we express our gratitude for our families, we strengthen our bonds with them and create an even deeper sense of love and unity.

On a societal level, the power of giving thanks has the potential to bring about tremendous change. In a world filled with turmoil and division, gratitude has the power to unite and heal. When we choose to focus on what we have instead of what we lack, we shift our perspective and find contentment. Gratitude also fosters a culture of kindness and compassion, as we are more likely to show kindness and generosity toward others when we are thankful for what we have.

In conclusion, the power of giving thanks cannot be underestimated. It is a transformative emotion that can lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves, our faith, and our relationships. As we cultivate a heart of gratitude, we not only bring joy and contentment to our own lives but also to those around us. So let us remember to be thankful for the cross, the resurrection, and our families, and in doing so, let us experience the power of God every day.

The Magic of Family Traditions

In our Latino families, there’s something very special that brings us all together: our traditions. Traditions are customs that we repeat over and over, like celebrating a birthday, cooking a sentimental recipe or telling stories before bed. These are moments we share with the people we love, and they help us feel connected to our family and our culture.

Meals That Tell Stories: Have you ever sat down at the table with your family and enjoyed a delicious meal? In many Latino families, food is more than just something to eat; it’s a way to be together and share stories. For example, when mom makes tamales or grandma cooks arroz con pollo, they’re not just cooking—they’re also remembering their own moms and grandmas who taught them those recipes.

When you eat with your family, you’re not only filling your belly, but also filling your heart with love and memories. Plus, while you enjoy those traditional dishes, you’re learning more about your roots and your culture. The best part is that you can share these meals with friends and neighbors, so everyone can enjoy the rich flavors of Latino food!

Parties and Celebrations: Unforgettable Moments. In our families, we love to celebrate. Whether it’s a birthday, a wedding or a holiday like Christmas, every celebration is a chance to be together and have fun. But it’s not just about having fun; it’s also a way to keep our customs and traditions alive.

For example, during Christmas, many Latino families celebrate with a special dinner, Christmas carols, and maybe even a piñata. These parties remind us of the importance of being with our family and sharing with others. When you help decorate, cook or sing, you’re becoming part of a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Power of Stories: In our families, storytelling is very important. You may have heard your grandparents talk about what life was like when they were young, or perhaps your parents have told you

about their childhood adventures. These stories teach us valuable lessons and make us feel proud of our family and our history.

Additionally, telling stories is a great way to learn more about our country of origin or our cultural traditions. When you listen to these stories, you can imagine what life was like before, and that helps you understand why we do things a certain way today.

Creating New Traditions: While it’s very important to keep our ancestors’ traditions alive, it’s also fun to create new traditions in the family. Maybe you decide to have a family movie night every Friday, or take a walk together every Sunday morning. These new traditions become special moments that everyone looks forward to with excitement.

By creating new traditions, you’re helping to keep your family close and happy, and you’re adding your own special touch to the family story.

Family traditions are a treasure we hold in our hearts. They teach us about our past, connect us with our loved ones and bring us joy. Whether it’s enjoying a meal together, celebrating a holiday, listening to stories or creating new customs, each tradition helps us feel like we’re part of something bigger: our family and our culture. So, the next time your family does something special, remember that you’re part of a magical tradition that can last forever!

The Real Meaning of Christmas

CChristmas is often seen as a time of festive decorations, gift-giving, and joyful celebrations. Many people, especially children, look forward to Christmas as a time to receive presents from Santa Claus. However, it is important that we begin to understand the true meaning of Christmas, beyond the commercialized aspects. The real meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who came into this world to save us from our sins.

The real meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who is not just a historical figure but God Himself. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and through Him, we can have eternal life with God. This Christmas, let us remember the true significance of this holiday and joyfully proclaim, “Immanuel, God with us!”

One of the most significant aspects of Christmas is the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” This prophecy, given centuries before the birth of Jesus, was fulfilled in the birth of the Messiah, as stated in Matthew 1:23: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). This is a powerful reminder that Jesus is not just an ordinary man; He is God Himself, who came down to dwell among us.

Jesus declared in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” These profound words reveal that Jesus is the only way to reach God the Father. He is the way to eternal life, as only through Him can we be reconciled with God and have our sins forgiven. This is the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus came to show us the way to salvation and eternal life with God.

Jesus is not only the way, but He is also the truth. In a world where truth is often relative and subjective, Jesus stands out as the ultimate source of truth. He proclaimed, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jesus came to shine a light in the darkness of our world, to show us the path of righteousness, and to reveal the truth about God and His love for us. Through Jesus, we can have a personal and intimate relationship with God, who is the source of all truth.

Furthermore, Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die” (John 11:25-26). This is the ultimate promise of salvation and eternal life that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death and provided the way for us to have eternal life with Him.

In a world filled with darkness, hatred, and despair, Christmas reminds us that Jesus is the light that brings hope and salvation to all who believe in Him. He is the light that shines in the darkness, bringing love, peace, and joy to our lives. As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the true meaning of this holiday—that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to redeem us from our sins and to be with us always.


Sometimes I wonder why some people can go so far while others do not, why some try so hard to reach their goals while others remain halfway. As time goes by, I have encountered these two types of people many times, though with different faces; that is to say, people may differ, but the attitude is often the same. Many times, even we can act one way at one moment and another way at a different time. We feel encouraged and motivated to achieve something, but at other times in life, we allow ourselves to be defeated along the way.

One day, I heard the story of a man who changed my way of thinking: Harland Sanders. From a very young age, at 6 years old, he faced many difficult situations and had to get by after the death of his father, dropping out of school to help his mother and siblings. He started cooking early and created a unique recipe for fried chicken. As a young man, he enlisted in the army to escape poverty, and after his service, he tried several jobs, failing until he began doing something he always loved—cooking.

He developed the idea of selling fried chicken with his recipe at a small service station, which became a popular stop for visitors. His fame grew, allowing him to expand his restaurant to other locations. At the age of 40, he started this venture, and by the age of 62, he had become a successful entrepreneur by creating the wellknown franchise KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), which is still thriving today.

There are so many incredible details in this story, but I want to emphasize that age does not matter when you want to develop an idea and bring it to fruition, despite the difficulties, struggles, and adversities you may face. They say that what costs us more sacrifice, we take care of more. Age is not a limit for those who want to achieve something!

There must be some essential ingredients to achieve your dreams: perseverance, effort, determination, and the belief that your product or service is valuable. Believing in yourself and your project is the foundation for moving forward and overcoming obstacles.

Being a dreamer and entrepreneur does not exempt you from having fears or insecurities; rather, it requires you to confront and overcome them, silencing those doubts to keep moving forward and conquering each challenge with your eyes on the goal.

This magazine in your hands today is the dream of an enterprising, tenacious, and determined woman. Thanks to her effort and that of a great team that has joined her vision, we can now see it materialized.

We are excited for another year—a year of challenges and conquered goals! Where others have closed their doors, we continue to move forward with solid steps and our eyes on the target. We look forward to what is to come and firmly believe that with love, passion, and good intentions, there will always be beautiful gifts to receive!

This is a gift to you:

“Be strong and of good courage. Fear not, nor be dismayed; for I am the Lord your God, and I will be with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9 KJV

“The horse is prepared for battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” —Proverbs 21:31 KJV

Pastora de Carismah Church (Katy) y Casa de oración (Spring)


Communication in the family is the pillar upon which strong and meaningful relationships are built. Although it seems like an obvious concept, few families reach the true potential that effective communication can offer. We live in a time where the speed of information is immediate, yet we fail to authentically connect with the people closest to us: our family. Today, I want to invite you to rethink family dialogue as much more than shared words but as a transformative channel.

By Evis Martinez
Are you ready to reprogram the way your family communicates? The time is now.
Family communication is not a passive act; it is a living strategy that requires constant innovation. Being disruptive in the way you talk and listen to your family not only strengthens the bond but also creates a family culture where everyone feels valued and understood.

Key 1: Talk Less, Listen More: In a world where everyone is talking (or shouting), the act of listening has become revolutionary. Listening doesn’t mean waiting for your turn to speak but absorbing what the other person is really expressing. This is the foundation of empathy, and it’s amazing how this very basic skill can transform family dynamics. A communication strategist knows that the success of a message depends, in large part, on the receiver. In your family, you are both the sender and the receiver.

Key 2: Powerful Questions, Transformative Answers: We’ve become accustomed to routine, superficial questions—“How was school?” or “How was work?” Change these questions to ones that invite deeper reflection. For example, ask, “What was the best thing about your day today?” or “What made you proud today?” By opening the door to more intentional conversation, you create space for your family members to feel valued and heard.

Key 3: Nonverbal Communication: What You Don’t Say Also Speaks: As communication experts, we know that 93% of communication is nonverbal. Families also need to pay attention to what is not said: looks, gestures, and physical proximity. A supportive look can speak louder than a long talk. Use the power of hugs, physical presence, and eye contact to create an understanding that doesn’t require words but is just as powerful.

Key 4: Be Vulnerable: Don’t Be Afraid to Show Yourself Human: Vulnerability is the most powerful form of connection. In the family, we need to practice it the most. We don’t need to show perfection. Admitting our insecurities, mistakes, and concerns humanizes communication and allows others to do so as well. In a world that promotes the perfect image, being human in your own family is the greatest act of courage.

Key 5: Upgrade Family Software: Just as businesses reinvent and evolve, so must the family. The family dynamics of 10 years ago may not be the same today. Children grow, adults change, and contexts change. If we do not update the way we communicate, we risk becoming obsolete in our most valuable relationships. Think of communication as “software” that must be constantly updated to remain relevant and effective.



R aising C anes .C om









Roasted Sage Turkey with Vegetable Gravy



•1 turkey (14 to 16 pounds)

•1 tablespoon kosher salt

•1 teaspoon ground sage

•1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

•1 large onion, chopped

•3 celery ribs, chopped

•3 medium carrots, chopped

•1-1/4 cups water, divided

•3 tablespoons canola oil

•1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper


•3/4 cup white wine

•3 fresh sage sprigs

•4 fresh thyme sprigs

For the Gravy:

•1 to 1-1/2 cups reducedsodium chicken broth or homemade chicken stock

•1/4 cup all-purpose flour

•1/4 teaspoon minced fresh sage

•1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1.Remove giblets and neck from turkey. Reserve turkey neck and refrigerate, covered, overnight. Place turkey in a 15×10-in. baking pan, breast side up. Secure skin to underside of neck cavity with toothpicks. Mix salt, sage and garlic powder. Tuck wings under turkey; tie drumsticks together. Pat turkey dry. Rub outside of turkey with salt mixture. Refrigerate turkey, loosely covered, overnight.

2.Preheat oven to 475°. Place onion, celery, carrots and reserved neck in bottom of a broiler pan; add 1/2 cup water. Place broiler pan rack over top; transfer turkey to rack. Rub outside of turkey with oil, sprinkle with pepper. Pour wine and remaining water into turkey cavity; add sage and thyme sprigs.

3.Place turkey in oven, legs facing toward back of oven. Roast, uncovered, 40 minutes.

4.Reduce oven setting to 350°. Cover breast tightly with a double thickness of foil. Roast until a thermometer inserted in thickest part of thigh reads 170°-175° (thermometer should not touch bone or fat), 1-1/2 to 2 hours longer.

5.Remove turkey from oven. Let stand, uncovered, 20 minutes before carving. Using a turkey baster, remove liquid from turkey cavity to a large measuring cup. Line a strainer or colander with cheesecloth; place over measuring cup. With a slotted spoon, remove vegetables from bottom of broiler pan, reserving 1-1/4 cups. Discard turkey neck. Strain cooking liquid into a measuring cup. Skim fat, reserving 1/4 cup fat. Add enough broth to the cooking liquid to measure 2 cups.

6.In a large saucepan, mix flour and reserve fat until smooth; gradually whisk in broth mixture. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly; cook and stir until thickened, 1-2 minutes. Add half of the reserved vegetables. Puree gravy using an immersion blender; or cool gravy slightly and puree in a blender. Stir in sage, pepper and remaining vegetables, heat through. Serve with turkey.

christmas ham


•1 (12 lb.) bone-in ham

•1/2 c. whole cloves

• 1 (20 oz.) can pineapple rings in heavy syrup

•1/2 c. packed brown sugar

• 1 (12 fluid oz.) can lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage

•1 (4 oz.) jar chopped maraschino cherries


You can use aluminum foil to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier. Prep: 20 min. Cook: 4 hrs.


1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

2. Place ham in a roasting pan. Score the rind of the ham with a diamond pattern. Press a clove into the center of each diamond. Drain the juice from the pineapple rings into a medium bowl and stir in the brown sugar and lemon-lime soda. Coat the ham with this mixture. Arrange the pineapple rings over the outside of the ham. Place a maraschino cherry in the center of each pineapple ring, and secure it with a toothpick.

3. Bake uncovered for 4 to 5 hours, basting frequently with the juices, until the internal temperature of the ham is 160 degrees. Be sure the meat thermometer is not touching the bone. Remove toothpicks before serving.

Cognitive Health Care Tips

During the months of December and January, we offer these tips to reduce the risk of cognitive decline:

1.Exercise regularly: Cardiovascular exercise helps increase blood flow to the body and brain. There is strong evidence that physical activity is related to better memory and thinking.

2.Maintain a heart-healthy diet: Follow a fruit-filled eating schedule and limit the intake of ultra-processed foods such as soda and fried foods. The Mediterranean and DASH diets, which emphasize whole grains, vegetables, and fish, help reduce the risk of heart disease.

3.Sleep well: Maintaining a regular, uninterrupted sleep pattern benefits both physical and psychological health. Adults should aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night and try to maintain a consistent bedtime routine.

4.Stay socially and mentally active: Meaningful social engagement supports cognitive health, so stay connected with friends and family. Engage your mind by participating in challenging activities, such as completing puzzles or playing strategy games.

These are good guidelines to follow at any age. Research suggests that incorporating these behaviors in combination will have the greatest benefit; however, even if you start with one or two, you’re moving in the right direction.

For more information on ways to reduce the risk of cognitive decline through lifestyle changes, visit ALZ.ORG.


As people reflect on their New Year’s resolutions for 2025, the Alzheimer’s Association encourages everyone to include activities that take care of our cognitive health. While some brain changes are inevitable as we age, adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Alzheimer’s Association of Houston and SE Texas Alz.org 800-272-3900

True or False Quiz: Natural vs. Pharmaceutical Medicine

1)Natural medicine is not an effective therapy and is more about speculation. Answer: False

Explanation: Natural medicine is increasingly effective in its therapy and is a specialization that has become more sought after.

2) Natural medicine is more effective than pharmacochemistry medicine. Answer: False

Explanation: Pharmacochemistry medicine is successfully used to save lives, and doctors are educated in medical school to treat urgent matters with high efficiency. Natural medicine seeks to rebalance the natural instincts of the organism so it can self-repair its functions.

Those instincts are:

•Positive thoughts (peace of mind)

•Movement – daily exercise is a necessity

•Hydration – drinking water

•Nutrition – each person should have their own nutritional strategy

•Rest – 8 to 10 hours of healthy sleep per night

•Sex – healthy sexual relationships

3)Natural medicine does not have secondary effects. Answer: True

Explanation: When we talk about natural medicine, we refer to healthy habits that typically do not have adverse secondary effects. However, if we discuss the intake of natural products, yes, it can present undesired effects.

4)Natural medicine is only speculation and is not effective. Answer: False

Explanation: The only reason natural medicine may not be effective is if there is no real participation from the patient. The commitment to changing toxic habits is the first step in starting a natural treatment.

5)A lot of people speculate about natural medicine that is not well taken, and by doing that, they stop taking their prescription drugs. Answer: True

Explanation: To use a natural supplement effectively, we need to have exams and consultations that allow us to determine the appropriate dosage.

The dosage suggested on supplements is usually for preventing health conditions. When treating a chronic disease, we may need higher dosages depending on the case. It is also important to know if there is a preexisting condition or the consumption of a drug that affects the effectiveness of the supplement. A natural supplement is not more important than regulating natural instincts and does not replace a prescription drug.

6)When we take a natural supplement, we need to stop taking prescription drugs. Answer: False

Explanation: Reducing the dose or stopping the consumption of a chemically synthesized drug should only be done under the supervision of your primary physician. Natural supplements and natural medicine seek to rebalance the natural instincts of your body. Once that goal is reached, your primary care physician will likely decide whether to change or stop prescription drugs.

7)The root of diseases is imbalanced emotions. Answer: True

Explanation: How we think influences how we act. Each person experiences emotions differently; some calm their sadness and fears. An emotional imbalance can lead to a metabolic imbalance.

Examples include:

•Not feeding, losing appetite

•Eating fats and flours

•Smoking or using drugs

•Remaining silent and overthinking

•Aggressive or passive behavior


The deepest emotional imbalances are the root of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, colitis, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

8)Natural medicine cannot cure cancer. Answer: False

Explanation: When we talk about natural medicine, we need to address the root of the disease. This involves rebalancing emotional and physical health through habits. Natural medicine is the ideal support for the most successful chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments today. Cases of cancer relapse and metastasis are more common when the underlying issue—a lifestyle exposed to toxicity—is not addressed.

9)A naturopathist only has empirical knowledge. Answer: False

Explanation: Everything evolves, and knowledge is updated. In the field of natural medicine, there are faculties where specialties in natural medicine are taught. A natural doctor must have training in psychology, acupuncture, homeopathy, and pure naturism. Each of these subjects provides effective therapeutic tools, but the foundation will always be the study of conventional medicine.

10)There is some protocol in treatment with natural medicine. Answer: True

Explanation: Yes, there are three stages of a natural treatment:



•Cellular regeneration

Each stage has a supervised nutritional direction.


Latino Christmas in the United States is a celebration that reflects the rich diversity of Latin American cultural traditions. Although traditions may vary by country of origin and specific family customs, some common elements unite Latino communities during the holiday season in the United States.

The Latino Family

At these family gatherings, food plays a central role in Latino Christmas celebrations. Each country has its own traditional dishes, but in general, festive and delicious meals are prepared that reflect the family’s cultural identity. Tamales, bacalao, hallacas, lechón asado, and pasteles are examples of typical dishes in many Latin cultures.

Latin American Flavor

At these family gatherings, food plays a central role in Latino Christmas celebrations. Each country has its own traditional dishes, but in general, festive and delicious meals are prepared that reflect the family’s cultural identity. Tamales, bacalao, hallacas, lechón asado, and pasteles are examples of typical dishes in many Latin cultures.

The Sound of Joy

After a great feast with loved ones, music and dancing are integral to Christmas celebrations. Carols, traditional music, and folkloric dances fill the atmosphere with joy and festive energy in homes. The traditional exchange of gifts is also a significant part of the Christmas celebration.

Unique Decorations

Latino Christmas in the United States is celebrated with great intensity and reflects the importance of family, food, music, and cultural traditions. The season is a time to share, be together, and celebrate the cultural roots that make each Latino family unique. It is important to personalize these spaces with holiday decorations that reflect their cultural heritage and individual preferences. Families can incorporate elements specific to their countries of origin or family traditions into their homes, using traditional Christmas colors such as red, green, and white, which are often popular and timeless. These colors convey a warm, festive atmosphere that many people associate with the holiday season.

For Latinos, being part of the space is essential. The details give the final touch to the decoration, such as personalized ornaments with names, app-controlled lights, and opting for reusable ornaments, recycled materials, and sustainable Christmas trees. Cultural diversity can be reflected in Latino Christmas decorating in the United States. Latino families can incorporate cultural elements specific to their countries of origin, such as traditional crafts, representative colors, and holiday symbols.






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