IKKiCON 2017 - 2017 Program Guide

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Convention Hours Registration Thu., Dec. 29th Fri., Dec. 30th Sat., Dec. 31st Sun., Jan. 1st

7pm - 9pm 9am - 9pm 9am - 9pm 9am - 3pm

Info Table

Table of Contents

Fri., Dec. 30th Sat., Dec. 31st Sun., Jan. 1st

Convention Hours ............................... 3 Letter from the Chairman.................... 3 Convention Rules ............................... 4 Weapons & Props Policy ...................... 4

9am - 9pm 9am - 9pm 9am - 3pm

Exhibits Fri., Dec. 30th Sat., Dec. 31st Sun., Jan. 1st

1pm - 7pm 11am - 7pm 10am - 3pm

Dance Policy ...................................... 4 Dealer’s Room Policy .......................... 5 Events/Line Policy .............................. 5 Harrassment Policy ............................. 5 Convention Floor Map ......................... 6 Guests .......................................... 7-10 Funimation Convention Premieres...... 10 Fashion Show................................... 11 Exhibits Map .................................... 15 Giveaway Info .................................. 19 Scavenger Hunt Info......................... 21 Staff Credits ..................................... 22

Letter from the Chairman Dear Attendee, We’re are thrilled that you are joining us at IKKiCON 11! Last year, as you know, we hit an amazing milestone. 10 Years was challenging all the way, and this year has been no different. As we work towards the next 10 years, we are eager to accept any challenge and meet it head on. We strive to bring you more exceptional programming, amazing guests, innovative forms of entertainment, and safe place to express yourself. Over the last 11 years, you have been dedicated to helping us grow, and challenging us to be better. So, don’t stop now! It is my sincerest hope that all of you have amazing experiences, make wonderful memories, new friends, and return to next year’s IKKiCON for an even better time. From the all of us here with IKKiCON, we welcome you. Have a Happy New Year!

Convention Rules & Polices Convention Rules 1.

Convention Staff, Guests, and Attendees may not engage in any activities that are prohibited by law. This includes, but is not limited to: harassment, substance abuse, public intoxication, etc. 2. Treat the Hotel and Convention Staff with respect. 3. Convention Staff, Guests, and Attendees may not be in possession of any item GHÂżQHG DV D ZHDSRQ ,OOHJDO RU QRW 4. Convention Staff and Attendees may not bring any animals onto the convention premises, with the exception of ADA working Animals. 5. Badges must be worn and visible at all times. 6. Shoes must be worn at all times. 7. No sleeping in any Convention area at anytime. 8. Badges must be purchased in order to be allowed into the Convention space, if you do not have a badge you will be asked to leave until you purchase one. 9. Do not run in the Convention space. 10. Be mindful of those around you at all times.

Weapons & Props Policy 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Wooden swords, bats, prop canes, staffs, etc: permitted, and all props/weapons must be checked into the safety desk upon entering the convention, or (in the FDVH RI D 'HDOHUœV 5RRP SXUFKDVH ULJKW DIWHU \RX ¿QLVK \RXU WUDQVDFWLRQ 5HDOLVtic looking weapons will not be allowed. Any and all LIVE Weapons are NOT allowed. This includes individuals who possess a weapons permit, or a concealed weapons permit. Live Steel is not allowed in Convention Space. This includes blades, blunt, etc‌ If Safety decides a prop/weapon is too dangerous you will be asked to return the item to your room/car. If you take this as a mere suggestion, you will be expelled from the convention without refund. 1R VZLQJLQJ SOD\ ¿JKWLQJ XQDUPHG LQFOXGHG RU WKURZLQJ RI SURSV ZHDSRQV ZLOO be permitted. 5HDO *XQV *XQV DQG RWKHU ¿UHDUPV DUH QRW SHUPLWWHG 1R H[FHSWLRQV HYHQ LI \RX have a concealed carry license. Realistic ammunition and other realistically-colored weapons (ie: grenades): No live or spent ammunition, shells , or explosive incendiary devices. Whips: allowed, must be kept on the hip at all times.

DANCE POLICY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4

NO BAGS ALLOWED. Nothing attached to a string/chain that can be swung will be permitted. No cosplay props or weapons are allowed into the Dance/Rave area, this includes lightsabers. 1R ÂżJKWLQJ RU GDQFH ÂżJKWLQJ If you have a history of seizures, asthma, or heart attack, please avoid the


'DQFH 5DYH 7KH KHDW DQG ÀDVKLQJ OLJKWV PD\ WULJJHU DWWDFNV Harassment will not be tolerated.


Keep your hands visible and above the tables. Theft is no small charge, and the dealers WILL press charges. If the room enters a lock down, please remain calm and slowly make your way to the door. If Safety Personnel request that you open your bags please be polite and open them.

EVENT/LINES POLICY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

7R DYRLG ¿UH KD]DUGV NHHS OLQHV VLQJOH ¿OH DQG VWD\ FORVH WR WKH ZDOOV Please wait your turn in line. Don’t argue with the staff if they attempt to correct you. Keep in mind that the staff is not yelling at you, they have to speak loudly enough IRU WKH HQWLUH OLQH WR KHDU ZKLFK FDQ EH GLI¿FXOW DW WLPHV &RPSOHWHO\ ¿OO LQ VHDWV WU\ QRW WR OHDYH HPSW\ VSDFHV $Q\ HYHQW VSHFL¿F UXOHV ZLOO EH DQQRXQFHG DW WKH VWDUW RI WKH HYHQW SOHDVH OLVWHQ while they are being announced. ID will be required for any 18+ panels, and recording devices therein will also be prohibited.


The most productive and satisfying environment is one in which work is accomplished in a spirit of mutual trust and respect. Harassment is a form of discrimination that is offensive, impairs morale, undermines the integrity of relationships and causes VHULRXV KDUP WR WKH SURGXFWLYLW\ HI¿FLHQF\ HQMR\PHQW DQG VWDELOLW\ RI RXU RUJDQL]Dtion. All staff and attendees have a right to an environment free from discrimination and harassing conduct, including sexual harassment. Harassment on the basis of someone’s race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, age, disability, sex, arrest or conviction record, marital status, sexual orientation, gender preference, membership in the military, or use or nonuse of lawful products away from the convention space is expressly prohibited under this policy. Harassment on any of these bases is also illegal under Section 42.07, Texas Statutes. This policy will be issued to all current staff and all attendees.


Convention Floor Map IKKiCON is Sponsored by:


Guests Christopher Ayres

Christopher Ayres has been working professionally in theatre, WHOHYLVLRQ DQG ÂżOP VLQFH WKH DJH RI +LV ZRUN KDV EHHQ VHHQ Regionally, Nationally and on Broadway. He currently works as a A.D.R. director at Sentai Filmworks and as a voice actor KDV ZRUNHG IRU 6HQWDL )LOP :RUNV $'9 ÂżOPV $PXVHPHQW SDUN Media, New Gen Pictures Okratron 5000 and FUNimation Entertainment. Some of the roles as a voice actor Chris is best known for are Frieza in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Z Resurrection F Kei Kourono in Gantz, Arthur in Tears to Tiara, Suitengu in Speed Grapher, and The Covenant Commander in +DOR /HJHQGV &KULV DOVR ZRUNV DV D SURIHVVLRQDO ÂżJKW GLUHFWRU DQG KDV HQMR\HG EULQJing his workshop “Mock Combat for Cosplayâ€? to many conventions.

Greg Ayres

Greg Ayres has spent the last fourteen years working in an industry he had admired for years as a fan. With over 200 credits to his name, this fan-boy has managed to get to play a variety of characters that are almost as colorful as his hair. He’s thrilled to splash his way into 2015 in the role of Nagisa Haruki in Free Eternal Summer, and equally as excited to “killâ€? as MonoKuma in Danganronpa, and Doug in Gangsta. When he’s not in a ERRWK ZLWK KHDGSKRQHV RQ \RX FDQ XVXDOO\ ÂżQG KLP VSRUWLQJ KHDGSKRQHV EHKLQG ÂłWKH decksâ€?at many a music event. Greg is also a member of Project BECK, who perform music from the anime Beck Mongolian Chop Squad, and has had blast reliving the music from the show with his friends. Always thrilled share his love of music with anyone willing to listen – from packed rooms at anime conventions, to the legendary stage of The Knitting Factory (NYC), he’s always ready to make a little noise.

Tia Ballard

Raised on generous helpings of wacky cartoons, this Southern blonde goofball works in the animation industry as an actor, writer, and director. With over 150 animation and video game roles under her belt, plus writing and directing, she is well trained in the art of not sleeping! Most recently, Tia has been announced as Rinko Yamato in the hit show “My Love Story�. A few other roles include: Happy the Cat (Fairy Tail), Tifa Lockhart (Screwattack Death Battle), Chiho (The Devil is a Part-Timer), Shao May (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood), Eris (Cat Planet Cuties), Rea (Sankarea), Hare (Guilty Crown), Megumi (Shiki), Kusano (Sekirei).. Plus many others!


Guests Carli Mosier

Carli Mosier is a native Texan and is incredibly excited to be back at one of her most favorite conventions. Carli has been performing since the age 6 when she started doing musical theatre with the Houston Independent Theatre School and opera with the Houston Grand Opera and hasn’t stopped. In 2004, after years in the theatre she began working at ADV Films, appearing in such shows as Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok, Godannar, UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie, Moeyo Ken TV and Xenosaga: The Animation. Carli is probably best known for her performance as the sexy Detective Yukika in Nerima Daikon Brothers. She’s also voiced Aunt Bitzi in Shin Chan, Akira Yoshii in Baka and Test and Astraea in Heaven’s Lost Property. Most recently, she was cast as Wilhelmina Carmel in Shakugan no Shana and Toko Fukawa/Genocider Sho in Danganronpa. When she’s not recording or traveling, Carli spends her time as a singer and guitar player for several bands. Music is just the best magic.

Andrew J. Love

Winner of Behind the Voice Actor’s Anime Male Voice Actor of the Year for 2013 and having voiced over 100 characters since 2006, Andrew is most notably know for his work in such titles as My Love Story (Takeo), Parasyte (Uragami), Log Horizon (Naotsugu), Clannad and Clannad Afterstory (Akio Furukawa), One Piece (Mr. 5, Kumadori, Akainu), High School of the Dead (Soichiro Takagi, others), Kids On The Slope (Sentaro), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Gerso), and Akame Ga Kill (Ibara) among others. Andrew performed motion capture and facial capture for the roles of Carl Jenkins and Bugspray, as well as voicing Bugspray, in Starship Troopers: Invasion. He also did the motion capture of Two-Horns in Appleseed Alpha and was a part of the voice acting ensemble. He is a native Texan and an avid comic book reader.

Erica Shroeder


Erica Schroeder is one of New York’s premier voice actresses. She has provided the voice for over 100 characters in the world RI DQLPDWLRQ IRU WHOHYLVLRQ ¿OP DQG YLGHR JDPHV RYHU WKH SDVW \HDUV 6KH KDV YRLFHG WHQ FKDUDFWHUV LQ WKH ¿YH GLIIHUHQW <8 GI-OH series including: Mai Valentine, Akiza Izinski, Dark Magician Girl, Rally Dawson and Cathy Catherine. Over the years VKH KDV YRLFHG RYHU ¿IW\ FKDUDFWHUV DQG YDULRXV 3RNHPRQ RQ POKEMON including: Nurse Joy, Fantina, Bianca, Meloetta, Pidove, Panchum, Sylveon , Grace and many more. As a theater and musical theater actress, Erica has also appeared on Broadway, Off-Broadway and regionally and sings on the original cast recordings of JANE EYRE, SHOUT! THE MOD MUSICAL and a bunch of other concept albums. You can see what she’s up to on her fan page, https://www.facebook.com/Erica-Schroeder-164914246916696/

Saki Tachibana Saki Tachibana studied pattern making in fashion design school, and she began working at BABY, The Stars Shine Bright while still a student. Many of her designs draw inspiration from fairy tales, black cats, and other magical themes. Saki’s designs are elegant yet still cute and sweet parts of BABY’s collections. :LWK KHU ¿UVW RYHUVHDV IDVKLRQ VKRZ DW $QLPH1(;7 LQ WKH 86 VKH KDV DOVR DWWHQGHG events in China and at Japan Expo in Paris.

Meg Turney

Meg Turney is a nerdy web hostess whose professional adventures include performing with Cirque du Soleil for Nerdist News, interviewing comic greats for deviantART, and covering video game and world news for SourceFed and SourceFedNERD, where she did everything from shooting guns in the desert to exploring Tokyo’s hotspots. After SourceFed, she covered all things geek on Rooster Teeth’s news channel, The Know, where she helped grow the small channel to over 1 million YouTube subscribers. Meg is also a 14-year cosplay veteran, who’s been internationally recognized for her work and appeared in Syfy’s Heroes of Cosplay.

Twin Cosplay

TWIN cosplay is a cosplay duo formed by Jose Maria Arroyo also known as Shema Arroyo and his partner Juan Carlos Tolento, both mexican cosplayers who started cosplaying 2 years ago.

Âł&RVSOD\ IRU XV LV WUXO\ D SDVVLRQ EXW PRUH VSHFLÂżFDOO\ LV DQ DUW is the challenge to bring the impossible into reality. Better said, we think of it as the art to became dreams true. It’s truly a unique and personal challenge and an adventure where we can discover that there is nothing impossible when someone loves enough what he does so his passion take him trough any challenge just to create his art. We are focused on keep growing as an artists cause Cosplay has become our full time passion, that’s why we are committed to it completely. Even when we are aware that one never stops learning new things, and that we have so much more to learn still, we feel really blessed that in this 2 years and a half since our very beginning we have achieved so much and have counted with the support of so many people, friends and other artists to do so. Thank you!â€?“ TWIN cosplay have been considered one of the best cosplayers in their country, they have been invited in several events in Mexico and also international conventions around Latin America, Europe, Asia and United States. They also have participated in several national and international competitions including the WORLD COSPLAY SUMMIT CHAMPIONSHIIP 2015 where their dream to bring home the FIRST PLACE as WORLD GRAND CHAMPIONS became true! 9

Twinzik Twinzik was created in 2006 by Texan fraternal twins Hee-Hee and Hopie. Known for their obscure and fun character choices, award-winning skits, and detailed prosthetics, makeup, and wig styling, the twins try their best to be an example of how fun and friendly cosplay should be. From Adventure Time to The Wild Thornberrys, Final Fantasy to X-Men, Twinzik has a broad range of character personalities and skills, which range from comedic to dramatic. Taking over twenty awards in cosplay contests, Twinzik hopes to meet new friends and create wonderful memories, while teaching a thing or two in their panels! So make sure to say hello, and don’t forget– Cosplay Fearless!

Gareth West Gareth West is a Texas based Voice Actor, working for Sentai Filmworks in Houston. He can be heard as Dinkuron in Log Horizon, .LULO LQ &KDLND &RI¿Q 3ULQFHVV WKH $YHQJLQJ %DWWOH )XGR LQ 0\ Love Story, and Sakurai in Re Hamatora. He can also be heard in Monthly Girls Nozaki Kun, Hakouki: The Movie, Cross Ange, Aoharu X Machinegun, Gatchaman Crowd Insights, and few more that he can’t mention just yet.

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Exhibits Hall Map

List of Artists Artist Name

Artist Name

Artist Name

idrawrainbows HOHÀXII Zyeph Art Allyssinian Cute ‘n’ Deadly ToriKat Tama Twins Pew-Pew Studio FaintSayu Art Studio TipTop Aphelioinix Noble Demons Pandan Pandan Cabbits Co. Hobbit.Town Jewelry Kiriska

The Marshmallow Kitten dream cosplaya Pineapplebananacurry Studios Hinonekart Studio Pen Pen Frostyshark unco Kawaii Meadows Lunarwhal Chibi&Kiwi Keri Ruediger Seiya Fantasy Alternate Universe Kari’s Korner Lesly’s Plushes

ZombiesGoRawr Kawaii Clay Creations SaBasse Studios Sarah Johnson-Squirrel with Hammer Internecine Visual CLIR Studio Cici’s Art & Stuff The Flying Pig Phenomenon Gatti Land Apocalyss Stacy Bridgeman/Viahunter Silly Sweet Shop WhiteOblivion 15

Fort Worth, Texas Convention Center June 8th - 11th 2017

Save 15% when you register with promo code:“HOLIDAY15”





Staff Credits Title Chairman Vice-Chairman Executive Director Resources Director Sales Director Programming Director )LQDQFLDO 2I¿FHU /RJLFVWLFV 2I¿FHU Art Show Manager Conventions Operations Manager Cosplay Manager Exhibitors Manager Event Coordinator Gaming Room Manager Guest Relations Manager Information Desk Manager Lolita Coordinator Maid Café Manager Medical Manager Merchandise Manager Photo Suite Manager Staff Suite Manager Registration Manager Technical Manager Screening Room Manager Volunteer Coordinator Anime Lounge

Special Thanks to:

Name Michael L. Ken W. Michael P. Seth J. Michael F. Alex W. Craige H. Jesus S. Alfred B. Brandon M. Michelle H. Steven C. Kati B. David A. Kayla R. Leslie H. Olivia K. Candice D. Derek P. Charlie B. Filmshooter Cheryl Q. Shayne B. Scott H. Alex K. Leo Courtney P.

Tara McKinney, Jay Perez, TR Troubleshooters, Peter Jiang, Franklin Moormann, the Wyatt family, San Japan, A-Kon, Anime Matsuri, Ushicon, Realmscon, Mark Del Bosque, Kathie Wilson, River and Ronin Loredo, Marina Loredo, A Certain Graphic Designer, Steve Lin, Ben Hamby, Robert, Anime Pop, Chris Fedor, Michael Fellers, Alex Whiteley, Michael Peacock, a certain bearded staff member, the City of Austin, Lisa Baxtor, Shayne Bachman, city of Austin, and all the fans. 22

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