Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors

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Fishing the Intracoastal By Fred Rodriguez

,W¶V VPDFN GDE LQ WKH PLGGOH RI 6XPPHU DQG ZKHUH GR \RX ¿VK" $V for the Lower Laguna Madre one of my favorite places is up and down WKH LQWUDFRDVWDO $OO DORQJ WKH FKDQQHO DV PRVW SHRSOH FDOO LW WKHUH DUH so many spots. I like to look for a drop off that might have a curve into the channel . What I do is position my boat 10 feet from the channel and anchor. What you want to do is cast your bait about 5 to 15 ft. from the drop off. I use a #4 treble hook , 25lb. shock leader along with my braided line Power Pro. Depending if its windy I will attach a split shot weight. Cast out with your live shrimp and let it drop and remember always have the ZLQG RQ \RXU EDFN GRQ¶W FDVW LQWR WKH ZLQG $IWHU \RX FDVW OHW WKH VKULPS drop and twitch you rod , I like my Quantum 7ft. medium rod and my 30 4XDQWXP 6PRNH ,QVKRUH 6/ 37V$ JUHDW FRPELQDWLRQ 0RVW RI WKH WLPH \RX DUH JRLQJ WR NQRZ LI WKH ¿VK DUH WKHUH ZLWKLQ WKH ¿UVW WR minutes. $QRWKHU WKLQJ WR ZDWFK IRU DUH WKRVH OLWWOH FXWV DV , FDOO WKHP WR WKH west Bay area. We have those mud banks all along the channel. Some RI WKRVH HQWU\ ZD\V DUH GHHSHU WKHQ RWKHUV :KHQ \RX ¿QG WKHVH \RX FDQ ¿VK WKRVH DV ZHOO 'RQ¶W EH VXUSULVHG LI \RX FDWFK D ÀRXQGHU DORQJ the way. It should not be a secret, you just have to spend some time on WKH ZDWHU 1RZ WKLV LV ¿VKLQJ ZLWK OLYH VKULPS <RX FDQ DOVR GR WKLV ZLWK live croaker but you will be using of course your croaker hook. Now, ZKHQ ¿VKLQJ ZLWK FURDNHU LI \RX QHYHU KDG WKHUH LV D VSHFLDO WHFKQLTXH :LWK WKLV W\SH RI ¿VKLQJ \RX KDYH WR ZDLW WLOO WKH WURXW VZDOORZV WKH croaker , it’s so tempting to yank that hook out but you have to give it WLPH <RX FDQ KDYH \RXU URG WLS XS DQG WKHQ ORZHU LW DQG FRXQW WR RU you can open your bail on your reel and let the trout take the bait count WR DERXW RU DQG WKHQ VHW WKH KRRN <RX FDQ ZDWFK WKLV VKRZ RQ P\ <RX 7XEH &KDQQHO ZLWK &DSW $OOHQ 6LIIRUG RU &DSW :DOWHU %RGH Until next issue have a great time outdoors. Come look for us at The Texas Hunters and Sportsman’s Expo July 21-23 2017 Mcallen Convention Center and book you hunting trip. Whitetail and Exotics and hog hunts. Fred Rodriguez Volume 4, Issue 2. April 2017. Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors is a production Sportsman Media LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are strictly those of the writers, photographers and contributors, and are not necessarily those of Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors or its publisher. Every effort has been taken to ensure the correctness and accuracy


in the material published in this magazine. Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors reserves the right to edit, rewrite and refuse editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequence arising from it. Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors shall be held harmless and indemnified against any third - party claims. Advertisements appearing in Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors present only the viewpoint of the advertisers

ON THE COVER Killinger's Water Well Drilling


Fred Rodriguez The Texas Sportsman fredrsportsman@yahoo.com (956)776-4623

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Fred Rodriguez Gus Escobar Brent Johnson Brian Spencer Manny Perez Capt. Alan Stewart Albino Mendoza

PHOTOGRAPHY Albino Mendoza DESIGN Albino Mendoza

Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors is printed in the U.S.A. All correspondence to the publication become the property of Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors. To advertise in Texas Sportsman Tracking Outdoors call (956)776-4623 or email fredrsportsman@yahoo.com



Laissez les bon temps roulez! Let the good times roll! By Nick Lapre Laissez les bon temps roulez! Let the good times roll! Are you looking for an all-inclusive fishing trip to fish in one of the best estuary in the world? Now is the time to give us a call and book a trip at v. For the last two months the fishing has been on fire in the Black Bay areas. The river has been having some effect on clean water along with the late season cold fronts moving through. But the guides have been on point to adapt and get the clients on full boxes! As of recent, the spring trout run has been in full effect. The big bull reds have begun to show their presence and their ability to stretch out the drag before giving up. This spring has been the best that I can remember for a long time. Without a tropical storm coming in and affecting the marsh, the fishing has been amazing. The clients have been throwing live shrimp and Matrix shad to fill the boxes and make memories. We usually rig them under a popping cork down about 20” to 24”. Last week we had a group of 22 people come in and fish for two days. This made this particular groups 10th year fishing with us. They had an amazing two days of fishing. Day one consisted of light winds making the Black Bay area look like glass. With some decent water conditions and a good tide range, the guys stacked over 650 trout and 80 redfish on the cleaning table! Day two was a little different weather wise with some pretty bad storms moving in by


11 am. The crew went to work and added another 300 trout and 50 plus redfish. This put the group at 950 trout and 130 redfish! To date this has been the best two days of fishing Southern Exposure have ever had! Every group and client that has fished with us at Southern Exposure Inland Fishing Charters can attest that we don’t only have great fishing but we also have some of the food the fill your stomach! From Gumbo to Blackened Redfish with a Mango Sauce, and an unbelievable Fried Green Tomato and Crab Meat salad are just some of the local favorites. The lodge is set up to sleep twenty four people and we can also help with company meetings and more. For more information look us up on the web at http://southernexposurefishing.com/ or give us a call at 504-250-9887!


Gus’s Corner

MID SEASON PREPARATION Many hunters ask what do we do now that Summer is upon us, the kids are out of school DQG WKH KHDW LQ 6RXWK 7H[DV LV XQEHDUDEOH" 7KH answer is easy, lets make it a family or group RXWLQJ $OO \RXU IHHGHUV VKRXOG KDYH EHHQ FOHDUHG of any old corn or protein and replaced with fresh QHZ SURGXFW $OO EDWWHULHV VKRXOG EH UHPRYHG RU unplugged if not being used during this time of the year. This time of year is a great time to start the preparation for the upcoming season. Whether its cleaning senderos, clearing in side your fenced pens where the feeders are located or just cleaning out all blinds at your ranch. The work never stops if you want to be successful in your upcoming season. It’s a good idea to have a good chain saw, weed eater, leather gloves, long sleeve shirts, sun block, plenty of water and never go into the brush during this time of the year without your “Snake Boots”. We are approaching the Hurricane season and rainy weather can sometimes put a damper on a planned trip to the ranch!! Don’t let some rain keep you from going as there are still many things that can be done. Get up on the blinds and sit and see if all your shooting lanes are clear of branches. Once you have cleaned out the blind and cleared the shooting lanes then lock all windows and doors to keep your blinds clean. This time of year is a great time to teach the hunters of the future how to be safe while working outdoors. Teaching them about the dangers can make them aware of just how careful one must EH ZKLOH ZRUNLQJ RXWVLGH $W RXU UDQFK ZH KDYH designated June and July as our “Clean the Ranch” months. We send out group messages to our hunters and see who can go out and work a couple of hours a day on weekends. We normally start early and by noon we are back at the lodge and then resume again around six to avoid spending WR PXFK WLPH LQ WKH KRW VXQ :H VFKHGXOH ¿OOLQJ our feeders with protein also either early or late in the day. We make sure all watering holes have water and drive the perimeter of the ranch to make sure there are no holes along the fence. I truly believe that this is a simple but, often overlooked SDUW RI WKH OHDVH <RX PXVW HQVXUH WKDW WKH IHQFH 12- TEXAS SPORTSMAN - JUNE 2017

SHULPHWHU KDV QRW EUHDFKHG <RXU DQLPDOV FRXOG be going to the neighbors and no one is aware that this is happening unless you drive the fence line at least once a week. Coyotes can burrow a hole big enough where a doe, fawn or buck could go through. Remember that during this time of the year bucks are just starting to grow back their horns and at one point during the year had no horns thus, making it easy for a buck to go through a hole in the fence. Check your fences and protect your herd!!! Kids prefer to be outside if given an opportunity to do so. With the proper guidance this can be a very enjoyable time at the ranch for kids. Teach WKHP JXQ VDIHW\ HWLTXHWWH ,I \RX KDYH D VKRRWLQJ range at your ranch this is a great place to properly WUDLQ \RXU NLGV RQ WKH XVH RI ULÀHV RU KDQG JXQV My dad took the time to teach me at an early age and now I must do the same with my kids and grandkids. There is no reason to be scarred of KDQG JXQV RU ULÀHV LI ZH WHDFK WKHP FRUUHFWO\ RQ WKH XVHV DQG WKH VDIHW\ UHTXLUHG ZKHQ XVLQJ JXQV By the time this article is published June is here and deer season is around the corner. So, preparation is essential in any great management plan for your ranch regardless of size (acreage) or whether its high fence or low fence. Start early in the year and have a clear cut plan on what the goals are for your ranch!!

Until next time, Enjoy the outdoors and take a kid with you!!!



Flounder Tips and Tactics By Brian Joseph Spencer

One of my most favorite things about the ÀRXQGHU LV WKH WDVWH RI WKH EHDXWLIXO ÀDN\ ZKLWH meat. I think that in the next issue I will be sharing D JUHDW UHFLSH WKDW , ZDV JLYHQ IRU VWXIIHG ÀRXQGHU Hopefully you have gotten a good picture of the ÀRXQGHU DQG WKHLU OLIH ZLWK VRPH RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ , am sharing. There are still a couple more pieces of this puzzle. One of them is barometric pressure and how LW DIIHFWV ¿VK DQG WKHLU SDWWHUQV ,I WKH EDURPHWULF pressure is rising it would mean that the weather LV SUREDEO\ SUHWW\ JRRG RU JHWWLQJ EHWWHU $W WKRVH times I like to use brightly colored lures that are YHU\ ÀDVK\ OLNH FKDUWUHXVH KRW SLQN RU DQ\WKLQJ ÀXRUHVFHQW When the pressure is high the skies are usually very clear and it is very bright. People say that ¿VKLQJ GXULQJ WKHVH SHULRGV WKDW WKH DFWLYLW\ LV D ORW VORZHU DQG WKH ¿VK KDQJ LQ GHHSHU DUHDV , ZRXOG EH MLJJLQJ YHUWLFDOO\ LQ WKHVH WLPHV RU ¿VKLQJ LQ WKH cover of some weeds or Roseau cane. Next when the barometer is dropping or the weather is getting 14- TEXAS SPORTSMAN - JUNE 2017

EDG 7KH ¿VK ZLOO VWDUW WR EHFRPH ZD\ PRUH active and move more. I like to speed up the retrieve on my lure and work more area with shallow running baits. Lastly is low pressure, this is when it is raining out and stormy. Fish get lethargic and the bite gets worse as the bad weather continues. Slow it down since they are not actively feeding. Hope this helps a little. Since the last issue I was able to up my personal best to twenty-six inches almost eight pounds. 1HHGOHVV WR VD\ WKDW ZRQGHUIXO ORRNLQJ ¿VK ZLOO EH RQ P\ ZDOO ,W LV WKH ELJJHVW ÀRXQGHU , KDYH JRWWHQ P\ KDQGV RQ $OWKRXJK VKH ZDV RQO\ LQ about four inches of water with her back almost sticking out of the water. It was an awesome QLJKW , WKLQN LQ DERXW ¿YH KRXUV ZH KDG RXU FRPPHUFLDO OLPLW /RWV RI WKH ¿VK ZHUH KDQJLQJ out on the furthest sand bar out closest to the deep channel. I guess they would stay deep and then dart in and out while waiting IRU DQ\ HDV\ PHDO 6RPH RI WKH ÀRXQGHU ,

have cleaned had six to eight inch mullet in their EHOOLHV SUREDEO\ WKH VL]H RI WKH ¿VK Just stick to those areas where water comes in and goes out with the tides. Remember as an ambush predator they will lie and wait for their dinner. The tide is another major factor in where WKH ÀRXQGHU DQG RWKHU ¿VK ZLOO EH , ZLOO WHOO \RX that an incoming tide is usually best due to the fact it is pushing in clearer water from the gulf PDNLQJ LW HDVLHU WR VHH 0XG PLQQRZV DQG ¿QJHU mullet are working wonders on a Carolina rig in the channels. Drag it slow and wait for that thump. Until next issue tight lines and sharp gigs. Thanks for the continued support also thank you to my sponsors: chickenboy lures, stinkypants ¿VKLQJ ¿Q DGGLFW DQJOHU WKXPS NLQJV KRRNVSLW URGV UHGWDLO UHSXEOLF 6DOWWKXJ]DSSDUHO $UGHQW reels, hellrazor jig heads and Kelley wigglers. Check out my clothing line at satthugz.com.

Brian Joseph Spencer flounderfanatics@gmail.com Flounder fanatics @ facebook FlounderProfessor @ IG








:DWHU GULOOLQJ LV QR HDV\ WDVN 6RPH GULOOLQJ UHTXLUHV GHSWKV of 60 - 300 feet and some pump out 20 - 100 gallons per minute. Ranches, homes and farms all throughout the valley heavily rely on it. Mr. Killinger said, “Every summer ranches are going into droughts more and more.� There are not enough drillers to keep up with the demand. People are waiting in line IRU .LOOLQJHUV :DWHU :HOO 'ULOOLQJ EHFDXVH RI TXDOLW\ ZRUN DQG treating people right. It’s a well known family owned business passed down from generation to generation and they enjoy what they do by making a difference in peoples properties. Delbert Killinger Jr. is a water well driller. He started very young with his father Delbert Killinger Sr.,also known as Red, working the weekends. He stayed with his father until he retired. Now running the business his son Delbert Killinger III is starting his apprenticeship. he enjoys what he does and is following his fathers footsteps. Mr. Killinger III, also known as Red is a third generation water well driller who has been working in the water industry for over 25 \HDUV $IWHU \HDUV RI ZRUN DQG H[SHULHQFH 5HG GHFLGHG WR VWDUW his own company. Killingers Water Well Drilling is a family owned and operated business since 1999. Reds father came to the Rio *UDQGH 9DOOH\ EDFN LQ IURP $XGXERQ ,RZD 7KH\ ZHUH D pioneer family of the water well drilling business throughout the Rio Grande Valley. Delbert “Red� Killinger started working with his father drilling water well since 1936. He was only 10 years old. He would go half day to school and the other half day help out his father. He became part owner of Killinger Drilling Company. Back when Red worked with his family, he would drill water 22- TEXAS SPORTSMAN - JUNE 2017

wells using cable tool drilling rigs. It was hard work and was a very slow process RI GULOOLQJ 7KDW ZDV WKH ÂżUVW PHWKRG RI drilling wells. The rig would raise and drop a drill steam with a bit at the bottom that would break and crunch the rock into small particles and then use a bailer to collect the drill cuttings from the borehole. $IWHU \HDUV ZHQW E\ KLV IDWKHU KDG D ORFDO PDFKLQH VKRS EXLOW KLV ÂżUVW K\GUDXOLF rotary drilling rig. Making it a little easier. His father always told him, “Son do TXDOLW\ ZRUN RU GRQÂśW GR LW DW DOO ´ 7KH\ EHOLHYH LQ WUHDWLQJ SHRSOH ULJKW DQG TXDOLW\ work at a fair price. Mr. Killinger says,

“I may not be the cheapest person around, but I can guarantee you I will do the job to WKH EHVW RI P\ DELOLW\ , XVH TXDOLW\ SDUWV and stand behind my work. Others seek WR SUR¿W E\ FXWWLQJ FRUQHUV , EHOLHYH WKDW D JRRG UHSXWDWLRQ ZLOO UHDS ELJJHU SUR¿WV in the long run. I am passing along those values on to my son Delbert “Red” Killinger III. He is a well driller and pump installer license apprentice. The fourth generation. I have a wonderful wife Belinda whom has supported me through the years. She works alongside me. Been married for 30 years. I am truly blessed. I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life.”

WHAT WE DO: Groundwater is a very unpredictable natural resource that travels below the surface. Therefore grouting the water well casing in the borehole is critical in construction of a new water well. We might not be the fastest. It’s not about going fast but doing the job right the first time. Well Maintenance - Apart from well drilling, we also offer well maintenance services and repairs. Installation of pumps and services- jet pumps, submersible pumps and solar pumps. We are a licensed, insured and bonded contractor. We provide free estimates for our services.




TEXAS HUNTERS & SPORTSMAN’S EXPO The Original, The Only, The Best... We are the original, the only, the best Hunting & Fishing Show in McAllen, Texas and the Rio Grande Valley. A proven show for over 26 years with proven results‌. Bar None! The 27 th Annual Texas Hunters/Sportsman’s Expo is coming back to the NEW McAllen Convention Center (CORNER OF EXPRESSWAY 83 AND WARE RD.), July 21, 22, 23, 2017. According to show director(s), Chris & Justin Curl, “We have had solid crowds over the past 26 years, and the show’s attendance continues to grow each year. It Really Gets Better each year!!! This 3 day weekend event is expected to draw VHYHUDO WKRXVDQG KXQWLQJ ÂżVKLQJ HQWKXVLDVWV and visitors from both sides of the Texas/Mexico border.â€? The Texas Hunters/Sportsman’s Expo is recognized as the Highest Quality Hunting/ Fishing Trade Show in South Texas, designed for the WHOLE family. “This is a show the entire family can enjoy,â€? The Curl Brothers said. “There is something here for everyone. Wildlife Art, Hand-crafted Rustic Furniture, Bar-B- Q Pits, Smoked Meats,Gourmet Foods and Exotic and Silver Jewelry, are just a few of the exhibits and attractions. Another crowd pleasing favorite is the free samples of the latest homemade jellies, jams, beef jerky and wild game jerky, roasted almonds and much more! We will have several ladies exhibits too! WE KEEP THE LADIES SHOPPING, SO THE MEN CAN SHOP TOO! $OVR IRU WKH YHU\ ÂżUVW WLPH LQ WKH 5 * 9 FRPH see‌ Frank Addington Jr. , A.K.A. “the aspirin 26- TEXAS SPORTSMAN - JUNE 2017

Frank Addington Jr.

buster!â€? Frank will perform all 3 days at the expo. Frank is an instinctive archer that has been shooting a bow and arrow since the age of 4 and on stage at the age of 18 where he has been performing shows the media has dubbed “an amazing array of bow and arrow razzle dazzle.â€? Come see Frank shoot a baby aspirin out of the sky! As mentioned earlier, “There is something here for the entire family. Our goal is to preserve our hunting and ÂżVKLQJ KHULWDJH DQG HQVXUH WKDW WKH VSRUW RI KXQWLQJ DPS ÂżVKLQJ KDV D IXWXUH LQ 7H[DV IRU RXU FKLOGUHQ grandchildren, and their future generations to enjoy. Children under 12 , get free admission to the Expo (Compliments of L&F Distributing & ACADEMY SPORTS) , so bring all the kids out for a good time. It’s all happening at the McAllen Convention Center: July 21, 22, 23 2017 . For more info visit : www.texashunterassociation.com Don’t miss the big expo RGV! It’s all under one roof, over 250 exhibits. A special thank you RGV and Mcallen, Texas for 26 years of support from the Curl Family ..... see you all at the Real Expo.


THE LAST CAST By Brent Johnson

Hello my name is Brent and I am an addict. What LV LW , DP DGGLFWHG WR \RX PLJKW DVN :HOO ÂżVKLQJ RI course and if you are reading this chances are you are an addict too. There is not a better high than working a EDLW RYHU D /DJXQD 0DGUH JUDVV Ă€DW DQG KDYH D PRQVWHU VDOWZDWHU ÂżVK H[SORGH RQ WKH RWKHU HQG RI WKH OLQH ,W LV WKLV VHQVDWLRQ WKDW NHHSV XV GHSHQGHQW IRU RXU QH[W Âż[ I sometimes get frustrated when I drive miles and miles spending lots of my hard earned money only to come up empty handed in an ecosystem I once knew to hold TXDOLW\ QXPEHUV RI ÂżVK , PHDQ ZDOO WR ZDOO I recently had the pleasure of riding around with local Laguna Vista resident Mike Jones. Mike is a good friend of mine and I look up to his experience as he has been ÂżVKLQJ WKHVH ZDWHUV IRU RYHU \HDUV ,I \RX DVN 0LNH KH ZLOO WHOO \RX ÂłWKH ÂżVKHU\ LV DOUHDG\ JRQH ´ :KDW RQFH was considered world class is now mediocre at best. We drove around for 3 hours looking for spots holding good QXPEHUV RI ÂżVK EXW LQVWHDG RI VHHLQJ ZKDW ZH KRSHG ZH VDZ YDVW H[SDQVHV VHHPLQJO\ YRLG RI JDPH ÂżVK 6XUH there was plenty of bait, but not a lot of predators to eat them. $FFRUGLQJ WR -RQHV ZKDW UHPDLQV RI D RQFH KHDOWK\ VWRFN LV QRZ UHGXFHG WR D VPDOOHU SRSXODWLRQ FRQÂżQHG to the deep inter coastal waterways. “There may be VRPH VLQJOHV VRPH SDLUV D IHZ ÂżVK RQ WKH Ă€DWV EXW WKH VFKRROV ZH XVHG WR VHH DUH JRQH ´ Âł$ ORW RI WKH WURXW LQ the 15-22 range are not prevalent anymore,â€? he added. +H VD\V KH VHHV PDQ\ JXLGHV ÂżVKLQJ ZLWK EDLW DORQJ WKH FKDQQHO UDWKHU WKDQ WDNLQJ WKHLU FOLHQWV RQ WKH Ă€DWV ZLWK DUWLÂżFLDO 6RPH JXLGHV ZKR SUHYLRXVO\ WRRN VWDQFHV against his outspoken position, have even admitted WR KLP WKH\ FDQÂśW FDWFK WKH ÂżVK WKH\ XVHG WR ZLWKRXW resorting to live bait. 28- TEXAS SPORTSMAN - JUNE 2017

Fishing is big business providing jobs for countless people in businesses ranging from clothing, boat manufactures, lodging, tackle dealers, restaurants DQG WUDYHO $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ODWHVW VWXGLHV QHDUO\ 60 million anglers in the United States spend an HVWLPDWHG ELOOLRQ SHU \HDU RQ ¿VKLQJ HTXLSPHQW transportation, lodging and anything else associated with the sport. Where there used to be 50 guides along our coast there is now close to 500. With all this money being made is any one going to admit WKHUH PD\ EH D SUREOHP" , WKLQN QRW DV WKDW ZRXOG be like saying you know I don’t think I like having food on my table. $QRWKHU PDMRU VWUDLQ RQ WKH HFRV\VWHP LV WKH QXPHURXV ¿VKLQJ WRXUQDPHQWV JRLQJ RQ HYHU\ weekend. Where there used to be just a handful during the summer, it is now not uncommon for 3 or 4 to be going on in a single day and that is just in our region not counting other parts of the state. The majority of these tournaments are kill competitions where 50 boats with 4 anglers each keep 5 trout DQG UHGV $GG WKDW XS DQG WKDWœV SRWHQWLDO ¿VK NLOOHG LQ RQH WRXUQDPHQW 7KDWœV D WRXJK SLOO WR VZDOORZ ULJKW WKHUH ,W XVHG WR EH SHRSOH ¿VKHG during the warm months and went to the deer lease GXULQJ WKH FROGHU PRQWKV 1RW DQ\PRUH ¿VKLQJ LV VR popular today it can be said that it is a 24-7, 365 day season now. 7KLV ODVW VXPPHU , VSHQW TXLWH D IHZ GD\V ¿VKLQJ many by myself. One day I pulled up to the boat ramp with a limit of trout and a couple of reds. Texas Parks and Wildlife was there to greet me as they were doing a catch survey. The 2 agents were surprised when they saw my catch and asked if I was alone. They were astonished when I said yes

because out of all the boats they had surveyed that GD\ QR RQH KDG EURXJKW LQ D OLPLW $W ¿UVW , ZDV IHHOLQJ egotistical, but later I thought well that ain’t no good. Then I thought about how my day had gone. Originally , ZDV ¿VKLQJ VRPH ÀDWV DQG FDWFKLQJ D IHZ GLQNV EXW nothing I could keep. Then I called up a guide friend of mine who told me of some hot spots and sure enough I ZDV RQ WKH ¿VK :RXOGQ¶W \RX NQRZ WKH VSRW KH SXW PH on was exactly as Jones had described, a deep water area of 4’ next to a channel. If Mike is right about the state of the bay being endangered as he says, drastic measures will need to KDSSHQ LQ RUGHU IRU WKHUH WR EH ¿VK LQ WKH IXWXUH 2QH idea we talked about while riding around in the boat would be a 2 year moratorium where people could still ¿VK EXW QRW NHHS FHUWDLQ VSHFLHV OLNH WURXW DQG UHG ¿VK 7ZR \HDUV ZRXOG EH D JRRG UHFRYHU\ WLPH IRU WKH ¿VKHU\ WR KHDO $IWHU ZKLFK WKH FXUUHQW OLPLWV ZRXOG once again be allowed and the harvests be monitored. $V IRU DQJOHUV LW ZRXOG EH XS WR XV DOO WR SUDFWLFH EHWWHU conservation as the increased amount of demand dictates we do so. This would mean not keeping a full limit, but maybe one or two to eat if any at all. This will not be easy because I believe the desire to keep what we catch is a primordial instinct going back to the caveman where it was a necessity of survival. I am not saying every time we go out we do not keep, I am just saying every time we go out we do not have to keep. There will be times when the itch will need to be scratched and keeping a limit will be our right to do so. The other idea I have been hearing a lot of in FKDW URRPV LV UHJXODWLRQ RI ¿VKLQJ WRXUQDPHQWV ,I D tournament wants to be a kill tournament then a part of the proceeds should go to reestablishing what was taken out i.e. funding restocking programs. Incentives of less taxation could be implemented for tournaments that encourage live weigh ins, or catch and release. Special apps on cell phones could be administered ZKHUH D ¿VK WKDW LV KDQJLQJ IURP D FHUWL¿HG VFDOH LV then photographed through a live feed eliminating those ZKR PLJKW FKHDW DQG DOORZLQJ WKH ¿VK WR EH UHOHDVHG alive. More thought and discussion is needed on this WRSLF IURP ZLWKLQ WKH ¿VKLQJ FRPPXQLW\ EHIRUH RXU government decides what is best for us and takes away our rights like the current red snapper season primarily closed to recreation and opened to commercial interests. Right now two local guides practicing catch and release charters are captains Ernest Cisneros and Wayne Davis. They have started a conservation awareness program WKH\ QDPHG ³(PSW\ 6WULQJHUV´ ,Q WKH ¿UVW \HDU &DSW Ernest was proud to announce that 62 of his charters were exclusively catch and release trips releasing NHHSHU ¿VK EDFN LQWR WKH ED\ 7KH FDSWDLQV DOVR provided incentives to their clients for participating in this act by registering each customer for prizes donated from sponsors like Shallow Sport Boats, Fishing Tackle

Unlimited, Costa Sunglasses and Kelly Wiggler Lures. ,Q WKHUH ZDV D PDMRU UDLQ HYHQW WKDW ÀRRGHG all of the back water estuaries allowing bait to SUROLIHUDWH $W WKH WLPH WKH ED\ ZDV VWDEOH EXW ZLWK WKH DGGLWLRQ RI PRUH EDLW ¿VK GUDLQLQJ RXW RI WKH EDFN ZDWHUV WKH SRSXODWLRQ DQG TXDOLW\ RI WKH JDPH ¿VK VWRFN EHFDPH SKHQRPHQDO ,W ZDV OLNH ¿VKLQJ EDFN in the 80’s where you could go out and catch 50 to ¿VK LQ D GD\ 6HHPHG OLNH LW GLGQ¶W PDWWHU ZKDW you threw at them they were biting. Eight years later the numbers have been a steady decline. Today is more of a grind and while he may not admit it, your ¿VKLQJ JXLGH LV ZRUNLQJ D ORW KDUGHU WKDQ KH XVHG WR One story I heard recently about legendary guide Jay Watkins is that every year from February to May he UHQWV D SODFH LQ 3RUW 0DQV¿HOG SXWWLQJ KLV PRVW OR\DO FOLHQWV RQ VRPH RI WKH EHVW DFWLRQ VDOWZDWHU ¿VKLQJ has to offer. This year the captain may have been so IUXVWUDWHG ZLWK WKH ¿VKLQJ WKDW KH EURNH FDPS HDUO\ LQ March and went back home. I’m as guilty as anybody as I love competing in tournaments and there have been times when I had SOHQW\ RI ¿VK LQ P\ IUHH]HU \HW , IHOW D QHHG WR NHHS ¿VK , GLGQ¶W QHHG WR )RU \HDUV , KDYH SUDFWLFHG FDWFK DQG UHOHDVH RI WURXW RYHU ´ QRZ , SODQ RQ ¿VKLQJ IRU WKH VSRUW UDWKHU WKDQ WKH WDNH LI D EDJ RI ¿OOHWV LV in my freezer. I sometimes enjoy posting pictures of great outings and I like seeing others do it too. The last thing I want to do is to tell anyone their business, but I do feel the need to get folks thinking because we might need answers sooner than we think. Let’s hope I am wrong. See you on the water my friends.

Brent Johnson






FIRE, FIRE, FIRE By Captain James Stewart

Fire aboard a boat can be a terrifying H[SHULHQFH $ SHUVRQ PD\ RQO\ KDYH D VSOLW second to act to save themselves and all passengers. The importance of having fully FKDUJHG ¿UH H[WLQJXLVKHUV RQ KDQG LV YLWDO ,I DQG ZKHQ D ¿UH GRHV EUHDN RXW RQ ERDUG \RXU ERDW QHYHU XVH ZDWHU RQ ¿UHV VWDUWHG electrically, by gasoline, oil, or grease. Water will VSUHDG D JDVROLQH ¿UH DQG VLQFH ZDWHU LV D conductor of electricity, you may receive a GDPDJLQJ VKRFN IURP DQ HOHFWULFDO ¿UH Water should only be used to extinguish burning wood, mattresses, rags, rubbish, and DOFRKRO :KHQ H[WLQJXLVKLQJ WKH ¿UH PDNH VXUH LW is completely out. If not, it may smolder for a long while and possibly start again. If possible, soak burning materials over the downwind side of the ERDW $OVR UHPHPEHU WR DYRLG OLWWHULQJ WKH waterways by removing any debris after the emergency is over. )ROORZ WKHVH VWHSV LI ¿UH EUHDNV RXW ZKLOH \RX DUH XQGHUZD\ LQ RUGHU WR SUHYHQW WKH ¿UH IURP spreading to other parts of the boat: Slow or stop the boat. Wind from the boat’s PRWLRQ IHHGV WKH ÀDPHV 7KH ZD\ LW LV WDXJKW LQ my U.S.C.G. approved classes are to keep the ¿UH GRZQZLQG ,I WKH ¿UH LV DIW KHDG WKH ERZ LQWR the wind. If forward, put the stern into the wind. ,I WKH PRWRU FDWFKHV ¿UH VKXW RII WKH IXHO supply immediately. $OZD\V UHPHPEHU QRW WR SDQLF 0DQ\ ERDWV EXUQ to the water line because people jump overboard 34- TEXAS SPORTSMAN - JUNE 2017

ZLWKRXW DVVHVVLQJ WKH VLWXDWLRQ ¿UVW ,I \RX UHDOL]H WKDW WKH ¿UH FDQQRW EH SXW RXW ZLWK WKH ¿UH extinguisher, put on your life jacket and exit the boat upwind of the burning craft. Use a radio, cellular phone, or visual distress signals to gain assistance and get out your epirb What is it you VD\" :HOO WKLV URXQG WKLQJ LV DERXW ´ WDOO DQG LV placed in the boat someplace accessible and is HTXLSSHG ZLWK D WUDQVPLWWHU WKDW WUDQVPLWV RQ DQ HPHUJHQF\ IUHTXHQF\ DQG FDQ EH SLFNHG XS IRU up to 200 miles by aircraft. It can tell rescuers the exact location of a distress call. If you are in eminent danger or if the vessel you are in is sinking, the water will activate the transmitter and automatically send a distress signal or you can simply turn it on. $QRWKHU LWHP WR NHHS LQ PLQG LV WR WUDLQ everyone on board your boat at that time is the demographics of the extinguisher and gas shut-off line along with the life preservers. This is taught LQ DOO RI P\ FODVVHV DQG LV UHTXLUHG LI \RX FDUU\ clients for hire. $V DOZD\V EH VDIH DQG VHH \RX RQ WKH ZDWHU

James Stewart


Getting Rid of Summertime Fleas and Ticks BY MANNY PEREZ As summer progresses and the temperatures rise, a silent killer can become prevalent in your RZQ EDFN\DUG $GGUHVVLQJ WKH SUREOHP RI Ă€HDV DQG ticks can help you care for your dog and prevent the invasion of these pesky critters. My experience with these pests is quite extensive and I have dealt with several extreme infestations a few times in my life. Today I will share my methods, which have taught me KRZ WR PDLQWDLQ Ă€HD DQG WLFN IUHH SHWV DQG KRXVHKROG :KLOH SUHSDULQJ IRU WKLV DUWLFOH DQG FRQGXFWLQJ ÂżHOG research I visited a local feed store, known as EL PASE (Por Algo Se Empieza) which translates to “You gotta start somewhereâ€?. Local owners, Joe and Lee Saenz, visited with me to share several products that we all use with great success. I will be referring to these products and their uses throughout the article. In my opinion, the most important part of getting rid of these pests is knowing their life cycle and preventative treatments for your pet and property. The OLIH F\FOH RI D Ă€HD EHJLQV E\ OD\LQJ HJJV ZKLFK EHFRPH larvae within one to ten days, depending on conditions.


Fleas thrive in warm, humid conditions and can pretty much survive on any organic matter. Larvae develop into adults inside a cocoon. This cocoon phase is known as pupae. This VWDJH LV YHU\ GLI¿FXOW WR GHDO ZLWK EHFDXVH ÀHDV are very resistant to temperature, drying, and insecticides. The pupae becomes an adult and VWDUWV IHHGLQJ LPPHGLDWHO\ $GXOW ÀHDV DUH known to mature and mate in as little as four to forty-eight hours, after feeding. While feeding, ÀHDV EHJLQ ORRNLQJ IRU D KRVW WR VWD\ DQG OLYH on. The life cycle of a tick, on the other hand, begins by laying eggs, which become larvae, also known as seed ticks. Ticks then become a Q\PSK DQG ¿QDOO\ DQ DGXOW )RU WLFNV WR VXUYLYH during all phases, they must eat blood. The tick life cycle can take as much as three years to complete. Without a host, during all stages of life, ticks will die. So now that you are familiar with the life F\FOHV RI ÀHDV DQG WLFN OHWœV WDON DERXW SURGXFWV

and how to properly use them. Lee, from EL PASE, recommends treating your pet and its living area as often as two times a week, during an infestation. He feels strongly that timing and persistence will remedy an infestation. Although this may seem excessive, it ensures WKDW WKH ÀHDV DQG WLFNV DUH FRQVWDQWO\ EHLQJ NLOOHG DW DOO OLIH VWDJHV GXULQJ DQ LQIHVWDWLRQ ,WœV important to remember that weather conditions, to include extreme heat and moisture (rain), change the effectiveness of these products and the residual value (how long the product lasts after being used). A product known as IGR, Insect Growth Regulator, by the Martin Company is recommended with all pesticide treatments of an area to reduce fertility and JURZWK RI LQVHFWV LQFOXGLQJ ÀHDV DQG WLFNV Another recommendation, by the owners of EL PASE, is to alternate products which helps to FRQÀLFW UHVLVWDQFH ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV VR WKDW WKH\ ÀHDV GR QRW OHDUQ WR VXUYLYH WKH LQVHFWLFLGH 7KH following products are listed as livestock or lawn, garden, and pet products:

It is important to obtain the proper information for treating your pet and its living area to avoid reoccurrences. The products suggested are effective if utilized properly and with the advice of DQ H[SHUW 6XPPHU ÀHDV DQG WLFNV FDQ EH D PDMRU annoyance so getting rid of them for good is the ideal scenario. Remember, frequency of treating your pet and property is the real secret to success.

Manuel Noel Perez Jr. “Mannyâ€? has been an outdoor enthusiast for most of his life. He began training his own hunting dogs at the early age of nine. He has been guiding deer and quail hunts for over twenty years and has a wealth of dog knowledge LQ WKH ÂżHOG :KHQ QRW RQ D KXQW RI KLV RZQ 0DQQ\ ZRXOG UDWKHU be found working behind a blood trailing dog, a water dog, or a well-trained pointer. -CEO of Coastal Concepts, LLC Follow me on Facebook at Coastal Concepts, LLC and on Instagram @coastalconceptsllc

Malathion 55%, Permethrin 10%, VIPER (Cypermethrin), Prolate/Lintox-HD (Phosmet), Co-Ral (Coumaphos) 6.15%, IG Regulator, Flea and Tick Mange Dip, Lyme/ Diatomaceous Earth

These products can all be found at EL PASE and several other livestock and feed stores. Dosages and usage is best by following instructions for each product and visiting with the people behind the counter that sell them and can help you to customize your needs.








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