Park City • Salt Lake City • Sandy • Snowbird Resort
Eyes of God
3000 Cups of Tea
Paul’s Boots
Canyon Song
A to B Rollerski
My Hero Brother
Holy (un)Holy River
Wisdom of the Mountains
Under an Arctic Sky
Holy (un)Holy River
Elk River
Holy (un)Holy River
Devotion Under an Arctic Sky
Ueli Steck
Fledglings Dodo’s Delight
CONTENTS 05 06 07 10 12 28 31 34 40 44
Board of Directors Festival Sponsors A Word About Public Lands The Story Behind 3000 Cups of Tea 2017 Film Catalog Where Are They Now? Capturing the Perfect Shot Jim Harris & the Perpetual Weekend 2017 Mallory Award: Ueli Steck 2017 Festival Schedule
In 2013, Stuart Derman and Shane Baldwin began working on a project aimed at connecting people with the outdoors. Over the past few years this project has snowballed into the local non profit organization, Wasatch Mountain Arts. Early on, the team identifed film as an incredibly powerful medium to create a lasting bond. It was in that moment that the Wasatch Mountain Film Festival was born.
WMA was started in 2014 with the foundational ambition to change what being passionate about the Wasatch Front really means. As an organization, Wasatch Mountain Arts has a vision that extends far beyond the annual film festival. In time WMA aims to develop consistent year round program as well as the construction of a mountain culture and arts center to serve as the hub of all outdoor program in the area.
With your continued help and support we can make this dream into a reality. Please visit our website to learn more about getting involved.
BOARD of DIRECTORS Our Mission: Wasatch Mountain Arts is dedicated to providing limitless inspiration to our communities along the Wasatch Front by creating diverse year-round events and programming that emphasizes mountain culture, sustainability, and the outdoors.
Stuart Derman
Angela Brown
Stuart is a Co-founder of Wasatch Mountain Arts and currently
Angela ran SLUG Magazine for 15 years—turning a small black &
serves as Chairman & CEO of the organization. He is driven by his
white ‘zine into a full-color print and digital magazine. In her spare
passion for the outdoors and connecting people with nature.
time, Brown loves to print silver gelatin images..
Shane Baldwin
Kyle Muir
Co-founder and treasurer, Shane sees each day is an opportunity
For the past few years Kyle has founded and run numerous
to grow and learn.. Growing up in Utah he has been skiing, and
businesses. His passion for entrepreneurship and the community
hiking the Wasatch Mountains for 40 years.
led him to WMA where he currently serves as board secretary.
A Word About Public Lands
consists of red rock, high plateaus, juniper forests, Native American artifacts, and the pair of towering buttes that it gets its name from. It was given the status of national monument shortly before the end of President Obama’s term.
Chris Andrews, Wasatch Backcountry Alliance When the new president came into office an executive order Spending time in the outdoors is a popular activity, especially was signed that threatened Bears Ears and all national for people who live in Utah. We like to go hiking, camping, monuments that had been made in the past 21 years. This backcountry skiing, biking, trail running, climbing, kayaking, is a controversial act by the administration because it is not and so much more. There are so many things to do outside clear whether the Antiquities Act can be used to shrink or on such beautiful land that it’s no surprise that public lands rescind a monument. always seem to be swarming with people. Yet, despite the popularity of the outdoors and public lands, these lands consistently come under threat to be taken away. In the
Since the executive order, a 15-day comment period was
effort to keep these public lands open for all, many
opened up so that the public could submit their comments
individuals and groups have come together to do what they
about the monument to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. The
can to protect them.
option to comment on the matter closed on May 26 but a large number of people commented and the vast majority of
Bears Ears
those 658,000 responses urged Zinke to keep the monument
Bears Ears is a 1.35 million acre national monument that
intact as it is.
Bonanza Flats
18,000 skiable acres and include over 100 lifts.
Bonanza Flats is the alpine forest you see when driving
However, not everyone thinks One Wasatch is a good idea.
through Guardsman Pass. These 1,350 acres of backcountry
Chris Adams is the Board President for Wasatch Backcountry
access lead to many trails and lakes such as the Wasatch
Alliance - an organization that’s mission is to be a voice for
Crest Trail and Bloods Lake, and is home to black bears,
human-powered winter recreation such as backcountry
moose, elk, birds of prey, and other wildlife. The property,
skiing, splitboarding, and snowshoeing – and doesn’t want to
which was privately held, went up for sale last year. Those
see One Wasatch become a reality.
bidding on the piece of land are a high-end private developer
“Our group is about backcountry skiing,” Adams says, “if you
and Park City who wants to preserve the land.
connect these resorts it is going to inherently impact the
In November 2016, Park City residents overwhelmingly voted
backcountry. That is what’s going to be taken away – more
to tax themselves up to $25 million dollars to purchase the
backcountry access.”
land. However, the amount needed to obtain the land is $38 million - $13 million more. In order to bridge that gap, support
“There is no real data that if we connect these resorts then
from the public and government agencies are needed. In the
all of a sudden our numbers will jump from 4 million skier
effort to preserve the land, individuals have donated money,
visits a year to 5 million,” Adams says. “When ski resorts were
events and auctions have been held with all proceeds going
connected in the past, the numbers increased slightly but
towards purchasing Bonanza Flats, and nonprofits have
didn’t jump through the roof.”
joined together to fundraise. Adams says he and his group are not anti-ski resort but that If the amount needed for Park City to purchase Bonanza Flats
they do want to have a balance between ski resorts and
is made, the land will forever be preserved, undeveloped, and
land for backcountry skiing. He says that there is very little
open for the public to use as well as for wildlife to live on.
backcountry available already and that One Wasatch would
If the land is bought for development it will likely become a
just take more of that away.
gated community, changing the landscape from scenic alpine forests to a field of houses and rooftops.
To get their message out, WBA attends community events where they pass out stickers and have conversations with
One Wasatch
the community. They also have a regular presence at
One Wasatch is a concept or idea to connect the seven
backcountry trailheads where they gather user information
central ski resorts around the Wasatch mountains to each
and educate backcountry skiers on the issue.
other through lifts. Proponents say that by connecting all
seven resorts Utah’s ski industry will be differentiated from
In the end, the people and groups that come together to take
the competition by offering the largest contiguous ski circuit
a stand typically go through two steps: realizing what is
in North America. The proposal would encompass more than
important to them and deciding how involved they want to be.
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KARL MALONE TOYOTA Draper 801-553-5800 malonetoyota.com
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Prototype shown with options.
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YOUNG TOYOTA Logan 435-752-5636 youngtoyota.com
The Story Behind 3000 Cups of Tea: The Mission and the Madness Jennifer Ringger
The film 3000 Cups of Tea: The Mission and the Madness addresses allegations leveled by the television program 60-Minutes and author Jon Krakauer against philanthropist Greg Mortenson. Jennifer Jordan explores the controversial fall of Mortenson, the once beloved founder of the Central Asia Institute and the subject of the international best-selling book Three Cups of Tea.
In 2011, a scathing report was broadcast on national TV accusing Mortenson of lying about the events that led to his founding a successful non-profit organization dedicated to building schools and educating children
philanthropist was taken down by one of the world’s most
in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Jordan says, “I couldn’t
powerful news organizations.
reconcile the person I knew with the villain that was
In her film, 3000 Cups of Tea, Jordan aims to answer the
portrayed on television. I’d been to Pakistan and I’ve seen
questions that remain uvnanswered from the 60-Minutes
the schools with my own eyes. I know Greg and I know
report. Having returned to Pakistan and visited the schools
his character.” She continues “The things I saw in the
and interviewed witnesses, she saw for herself the evidence
60-Minutes broadcast didn’t match my experiences of the
behind the accusations of wrongdoing against Mortenson.
man or what I had witnesses on the ground.”
3000 Cups of Tea suggests that there is more behind this story that’s worth exploring.
That’s when Jordan decided to launch her own
investigation into what had happened. The result was a
Jordan interviews Mortenson’s supporters in this new film
story worth telling – one of how a successful education
who refute the claims of the 60-Minutes piece. Some of these
backers accuse CBS and 60-Minutes of poor journalism.
don’t want to join the Taliban. They don’t see Americans as the
Jordan examines the damage this report did to the Central Asia
enemy. We’ve lost potentially thousands of people who won’t
Institute, founded by Mortenson, and its work in Pakistan and
turn the Taliban away now. To lose the presence of schools is
Afghanistan. She says, “The Central Asia Institute took an 80%
donation cut. Schools and teachers have suffered immensely. The Institute is beginning to recover, but some schools have had
While Jordan addresses the accusations leveled against
to close. Scholarships have dried up. Children are now back in
Mortenson and his Central Asia Institute, the film also focuses
their villages, without the education they need to change their
on Mortenson’s mission to build schools and educate children,
lives and circumstances.”
particularly girls, in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The mission that Mortenson began has been wounded by scandal, but it is
Jordan continues, “The false claims against Greg Mortenson
certainly not dead yet.
will have a long-term impact in the region. Educated children
2017 FIL Film: Alpine Wall Tour
Directed by Jennifer Jordan | 60 mins
Directed by Graham Zimmerman & Jim Aikman | 7 mins
This is the story of bringing education and peace to a corner
Beth Rodden is one of the greatest climbers in history.
of the world largely without either. It is also the story of Greg
‘Above the Fray’ tells her story, starting with a terrifying
Mortenson (author, ‘Three Cups of Tea’) and of the difference
expedition to Kyrgyzstan and recurring injuries while
his work is making in some of the most remote and dangerous
being wholly self-defined by athletic ambition. Through
parts of the world, his meteoric rise, and the scandal that
reflection on these experiences and the joy of her son
brought him to his knees and nearly destroyed his mission.
Theo, Beth discovers a new-found community of mothers and the ability to open up to a balanced life defined by love rather than fear in the stunning Yosemite Valley.
International). The film is an invitation to discover Antarctica
Directed by Stéphanie & Jérémie Gicquel | 30 mins
through the eyes and feelings of Stéphanie. It highlights
2045 km, 74 days, -50°C. From November 14, 2014 to January
some of the moments she experienced during this long
27, 2015, Stéphanie Gicquel (French woman) skied across
expedition - when she waited at Union Glacier base camp,
Antarctica through the South Pole, with two other polar
started the expedition on the coast at the same place
explorers, including her husband Jérémie. An expedition
where the mountaineer Reinhold Messner began his
she had imagined, planned and prepared for three years.
own kite-ski expedition across Antarctica in 1989, when
This is notably the longest ski expedition for a woman in
she skied up and reached the South Pole on Christmas
Antarctica without kiting (Sources: Guinness World Records,
eve and arrived on the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf floating
ExplorersWeb, AdventureStats, Adventure Network
on the Weddell Sea after 74 days of extreme effort.
Directed by Otávio Lima & Mickael Couturier | 9 mins
Directed by Jen Randall | 10 mins
Agora is a poetic Docufiction about the physical and
The Bothy Project is about exploring the wilds on your
mental journey of climber Lucas Lima who tests his
own terms, in your own style. Artists Tessa Lyons, Natasha
determination on a difficult ascent. A story of discovery
Brooks and writer Claire Carter take themselves into the vast
and awakening through a communion with nature
emptiness of the Sheneval bothy in the Scottish Northwest to let go and unravel. A run, a hike, a swim; a painting, a poem,
an animation. Each woman’s experience is woven into this
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 10 mins
beautiful short film by Jen Randall of Light Shed Pictures.
Opposites attract. There isn’t a more appropriate statement to describe the unlikely yet formidable climbing partnership
that is Nick Bullock and Tim Neill. They met on the
Directed by Peter Mortimer & Nick Rosen | 18 mins
mountains of Scotland in winter, and despite walking
Matt Segal and Will Stanhope have spent a decade
their own paths in the mountaineering world they are
climbing the world’s hardest cracks. Crack climbing is
both drawn inexorably back there each winter. The fickle
a bold, traditionalist discipline in which climbers “jam”
conditions that define Scottish winter climbing frequently
their hands, feet and even entire bodies into cracks,
lead to frustration, but the prospect of discovering an
while skillfully protecting themselves from a fall by
obscure gem presents an irresistible allure to them both.
placing their own removable gear in the rock. In an age of elite athletes, fad diets and training regimes, Matt and
Will harken back to the old school of climbing, where
Directed by Arnis Aspers | 100 mins
guts and spirit make up for their lack of planning and
“A to B Rollerski” is a feature documentary film that
healthy lifestyle. Now they travel deep into the Canadian
tells the story of Raimonds Dombrovskis’ epic rollerski
wilderness to the infamous Bugaboo Mountains where
journey from Arctic to Baja back in 1988, covering 4200
they are looking for the ultimate next-level crack climb
miles in 90 days. Raimonds is a Latvia-born US Olympic
– following a long, thin break in the rock so narrow that
biathlete whose sudden life-threatening health condition
only the tips of their fingers fit inside. It’s the beginning
forces him out of the 1988 Winter Olympic Games. Instead
of an epic, multi-year quest that will change their lives.
of giving up on his dreams, Raimonds recovers and
embarks on a 90-day rollerski trip from Inuvik, Canada,
to Baja, Mexico. Fast forward 26 years, and Raimonds,
Directed by Josh Lowell & Nick Rosen | 17 mins
now an experienced adventure traveler in his 50’s, is
24-year old Brette Harrington is a rising young talent
back to Inuvik to relive the trip, try find the same people,
in the climbing world. From overhanging free climbs
and reflect on how his life turned out after A to B.
to long alpine solos, she excels at all disciplines of the
sport, while forging a life path defined by adventure. Join Brette on a global journey from the frozen waterfalls of the Canadian Rockies, to the big wall free climbing proving ground of Yosemite’s El Capitan, and onto a landmark solo of Chiara di Luna in the alpine mecca of Patagonia’s Cerro Torre Range.
CANYON SONG Directed by Amy Marquis & Dana Romanoff | 14 mins A Navajo family balances modern life with the traditional “Navajo Way,” teaching their children their language, Film:Boys in the Bugs
culture, and ceremony within the sacred walls of Canyon de Chelly National Monument. This is the second film in the National Park Experience film series.
Directed by Jon Glassberg | 20 mins
Directed by Josh Lowell, Nick Rosen,
China Doll is a provocative exploration of gender stereotypes,
& Peter Mortimer | 28 mins
romance, and rock climbing. Witness Heather Weidner battle
Jump on board a madcap sailing adventure to the biggest
personal demons in the world of hard traditional climbing.
rock walls in the Arctic Circle with a team of elite climbers
With her ascent of China Doll, a 5.14- R traditional route in
as zany as they are talented. Sean Villanueva, Nico
Upper Dream Canyon, Colorado, U.S.A., Heather Weidner
Favresse, Olivier Favresse and Ben Ditto have made cutting
nabs the first female ascent, and becomes the fourth woman
edge first ascents in remote mountain ranges around
in the world to climb a 5.14 traditional route. In the process,
the world -- climbing hard, making music and goofing off
she discovers that loving herself is the ultimate project.
thousands of feet in the air. Now they embark on their greatest expedition yet, voyaging to the massive walls
of Greenland and Baffin Island on the good ship Dodo’s
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 5 mins
Delight, skippered by the spry 79-year old Captain Bob
Libby Peter is one of the UK’s most respected climbers, with
Shepton. Amongst rough seas, falling rocks and freezing
years of experience in expeditions, instructing, coaching and
temperatures, this hilarious and badass gang of adventurers
guiding around the world. In “Devotion” Libby reflects on
forge bold new routes and have the time of their lives
how - quite unintentionally - climbing has shaped her life.
Chinese border. The Eyes of God are in fact two huge
caves in the rock face that look like a pair of eyes.
Directed by Jenny Nichols | 28 mins Scientist Arthur Middleton, photographer Joe Riis, artist
James Prosek and filmmaker Jenny Nichols join forces in
Directed by Cedar Wright | 18 mins
this documentary that captures the migration of elk in the
As longtime professional climbers who eat, sleep and live
Yellowstone area through a multidisciplinary lens. For many
the sport, Cedar Wright and Matt Segal are used to being
of the elk herds that summer in Yellowstone National Park,
competent, comfortable and at the top of their game. Then
home is outside the protected park boundaries the rest of the
they get into paragliding, and what starts as a toe dip turns
year, as far as 70 miles away. Mirroring a similar expedition
quickly into a consuming addiction, as well as a lesson in
undertaken in 1871 that fused science and the arts, this
what it’s like to be bumbling, naïve, gung-ho beginners.
modern band of explorers join their ungulate counterparts on
Tree landings, sketchy moments and junkshow launches
a trek from Wyoming’s rangeland through snowy mountain
become part of the new normal. With only six months of
passes and treacherous river crossings to the rugged beauty
flying under their belts, and professional flier Matt Henzi
of Yellowstone’s high-alpine meadows. Along the way, they
as a sensei, Wright and Segal embark on an audacious
meet backcountry guides and cattle ranchers whose lives are
objective: to climb and fly off Orizaba, the third-highest peak
intricately tied with the fate of the elk and other migratory
in the America’s and the highest in Mexico. What ensues
species that call the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem home.
is disaster-style climbing, iffy weather, broken gear and a lesson in jumping into the deep end and being forced to swim.
EMPOWERED Directed by George Wilson | 5 mins
Climber, Molly Mitchell, searches for first ascents
Directed by Wojtek Kozakiewicz | 3 mins
in the Utah Desert with Pamela Shanti Pack. She
G4G Project is a collaboration between 4 slacklining and
ends up putting up two hard sketchy routes.
highlining females from 4 countries, who all share similar passions and hope to encourage and promote more women
to participate in the sport of slackline and the lifestyle it
Directed by Olaf Obsommer | 31 mins
between men and women, but more as a focus on females
Tomass Marnics from Latvia has put together a team
and their limitless possibilities, even in male dominated
of the world’s best extreme kayakers. Together they
extreme sports such as slacklining and climbing. They hope
plan to descend the legendary Saryjaz River in the no-
this project will become a global movement connecting girls
man’s land between Kyrgyzstan and China. The ultimate
everywhere in the knowledge that they can do everything
goal of the expedition is the final gorge before the
they want, and nothing should or can stop them.
entails. Their project is not meant so much as a separation
GOOD AS EVER Directed by Nate Gunn | 6 mins Nate Leavitt and Spencer Higa take their fishing passion to new regions in hopes to explore a bit of the unknown. We present a film that explores modern fishing, while staying true to anglers and their craft.
HAPPINESS – 99 YEAR OLD SKIER GEORGE JEDENOFF Directed by Timothy Roberts | 4 mins 99.5 year old skier, George Jedenoff is back at Alta and Snowbird for his 57th consecutive year of skiing in Utah. George reflects on the happiness skiing has given him throughout his life.finding value in that and I fear that brand of satisfaction is, ultimately, pretty unsatisfying for most people.
HOLY Directed by Lindsay Daniels | 9 mins When opportunity knocks, a middle-aged man told he should never run again defies doctors’ orders and ends up finding himself doing 100-mile mountain races. More importantly, he finds a holy awe in the Wasatch mountains and through thoughtful poetic writing shares what he sees and feels as he runs with his dog Echo.
HOLY (UN) HOLY RIVER Directed by Jake Norton & Pete McBride | 60 mins Holy (un)Holy River follows the world’s most revered and reviled rivers, the great Ganges River of India. The film’s directors, Jake Norton and Pete McBride, followed the river source-tosea in 2013, documenting its intense beauty and struggles. The film tells the story of the River and all its dichotomies
Film: Holy (un)Holy River
and complexities; a river that is revered by a billion people, depended upon by 500 million, and is at once a source of life and inspiration as well as death, pollution, and tragedy.
JOHN SHOCKLEE: A FAIRY TALE Directed by Grayson Schaffer | 9 mins Refusing to act his age has worked out well for John Shocklee. The 51-year-old has devoted his life to doing what he loves, skiing. Powered by old school hip hop and a passion for fresh powder, Shocklee makes turns down untamed slopes with the vigor and freedom of a man half his age. He’s found the fountain of youth and has no plans to grow up anytime soon.
JOYFUL IN THE NIGHT Directed by Matt Pycroft | 5 mins What is it that draws climbers from the warmth of their beds to the dark and foreboding mountains of Scotland and Alaska? Why do they endure hardship, misery and fear? Is it masochism, is it intrigue, or is it something else entirely? Written by poet Ben Silvestre and directed by Matt Pycroft, Joyful in the Night is a gloomy love letter to the darker mountains.
THE LAPPNOR PROJECT Directed by Ville Kurru & Tommy Vänskä | 34 mins In 2013 Nalle Hukkataival was introduced to a boulder project that came to occupy him for the following seven seasons. In late October 2016, he finally managed the first ascent, naming it “Burden of Dreams” and suggesting the unprecedented grade of 9A. The film follows Nalle’s efforts over the seasons as the original physical challenge of climbing the world’s hardest route becomes more of a mental battle against himself and uncontrollable variables.
19 Film: John Shocklee: A Fairy Tale
Film: The Never Melting Story
MIRROR WALL Directed by Matt Pycroft | 39 mins The need for adventure and a changing horizon is a natural instinct for many people. In the case of renowned adventurer Leo Houlding, this has manifested itself in the form of completing world class expeditions with tight-knit teams to unclimbed peaks around the world. Following the death of his long term climbing partner Sean ‘Stanley’ Leary and birth of his daughter Freya - ‘Mirror Wall’ finds Leo approaching his latest expedition with a reconsidered mentality and a completely new team.
Parks, a Powder Productions Original presented by REI CoOp, celebrates the 100-year anniversary of the U.S. National Park Service by paying homage to these monuments of nature and solitude, reminding us skiers where we came from, and that we belong to something greater than ourselves. Follow contemporary explorers through the lens of KGB Productions with skiers Andy Mahre, Lynsey Dyer, Griffin Post, Colter Hinchliffe, Kalen Thorien, Greg Hill, Max Hammer, and Connery Lundin at Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Glacier National Park, and Olympic National Park.
Directed by Chris Kitchen | 45 mins
A group of remarkable young people with Down syndrome
A ski film unlike any other, Monumental: Skiing Our National
embark on a demanding trek through the Indian Himalayas,
Directed by Yonatan Nir | 80 mins
accompanied by their brothers and sisters. Unresolved
in the movie business unless you make at least two of
conflicts and the complexities of growing up with a Down
something—more is always better right? And this is serious
syndrome child in the family come to surface, while a
business. Serious off-road bicycle riding business. So get
heart-warming and special closeness develops among
ready for a whole lot of more. More antics. More deep
the siblings as they deal with formidable physical and
thoughts. More Xtreme mountain cycling. And more slow-
emotional challenges. The difficult trials and poignant
mo… especially more slow-mo. Yeah… that sounds Not2Bad.
relationships, set against the richly colorful backdrop of India, open new horizons and greatly deepen our understanding of special needs people and their families.
OBSESSION Directed by Matt Pycroft | 7 mins Tom Randall is a modern-day institution in the world
of British climbing. Well known for his acquired taste
Directed by Guillaume Bertocchi | 23 mins
for offwidth crack routes, Tom consistently sets himself
They had never met before, but they shared the exact
the highest standards and the hardest lines. For Tom,
same dream. So the two young Frenchmen Guillaume
climbing is all consuming, but this hasn’t always been the
and Manu left together for an island far from home,
case. In ‘Obsession’ Tom provides a unique insight into
covered in snow, ice and white isolation: Baffin Island in
his formative years spent in a world entirely different
Canada’s Arctic. Their ski expedition was as demanding
to the one we associate him with now, and how he
as it was magical, after a false start that almost made
copes with conflicting priorities that are fundamental
the whole expedition fail from the very beginning…
to his continued happiness and ambitious drive.
Directed by Darcy Wittenburg, Colin Jones
Directed by Fitz Cahall | 38 mins
& Darren McCullough | 25 mins
M’Lynn’s husband, Paul, passed away in July 2015. He left
Anthill Films—the crew that brought you unReal and
behind polished hiking boots and a backpack for his dream
NotBad—and the Trek C3 Project have joined forces yet
hike: the 2,189-mile Appalachian Trail. “How good would it be,”
again, this time in Spain, to bring you more shenanigans &
M’Lynn asked, “for his boots to make the journey even if Paul
unbelievable bicycle riding than ever before. And of course,
couldn’t?” Her plea launched an incredible journey. Paul’s
more unbelievable riding and bicycle mastery you’d come
Boots follows the boots and the people who carried them
to expect from the Trek C3 Project. What’s better than one of something? Two of something. One is less than two.
Therefore, logic dictates that two must be better than
Directed by Brody Leven | 9 mins
one. Faced with these indisputable facts, we realized that
A small team of skiers strapped an obnoxious amount
we needed to make a sequel. No one takes you serious
of gear to bicycles and rode through arctic Norway.
Connecting craggy islands by underwater tunnels, they
frequent activity is optimal for research, but the volcano
climbed and skied mountains along the length of the
poses a significant, growing risk to the local population, in
Lofoten archipelago. Gear failed, partners bailed, and spirits
addition to severe hazards for the scientists who study it.
wavered. But after camping on snow-covered beaches, what they found at the end of the peninsula made them
look deeper inside themselves and their motives.
Directed by Celin Serbo | 5 mins Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the
first person to walk up to a wall with no established
Directed by Rob Aseltine | 7 mins
climbing routes anywhere in site? That sense of curiosity
Driven by a pursuit of adventure and a quest to
and a desire for solitude and adventure are what spurred
explore new terrain. Two friends escape to the north
myself and other three like-minded friends to take a chance
in a small plane to chase winter and deep powder.
and float a forty-five-mile roadless stretch of the Green River in southeastern Utah to see what we could find.
Inspired by the desert climbing pioneers that came before
Directed by Stefan Huynt | 11 mins
us and eager to make our own small contributions to our
In 2011, Norwegian Model Aleksandra Orbek-Nilssen was
sport, we quickly realized that the experience would have
living in New York City full-time when she began to strongly
lasting impressions that went well beyond the climbing.
desire a life with more substance and purpose. With the turn of a globe she sought adventure in Namibia, Africa.
Throughout her two week trip, she was exposed to new
Directed by Max Lowe | 9 mins
cultures, environments, wildlife and what she described
Slacklining to many is a mystery, a line where impossible
as poverty. Instead of returning home to continue her
and possible collide. For Terry Acomb it’s simply a way of life.
career, she extended her stay with the hope to learn more
This Fruita based geologist has pioneered the sport in North
about an indigenous tribe called the Ju/’Hoan San and
America and is doing everything it takes to spread the passion
see how she can help them out of their impoverished
nationwide. “Slacker” takes you inside Terry’s life uncovering
life. It didn’t take long for Aleks to gain the knowledge
his fundamental role in the slackline community and the work
that these people were not living in poverty, but that it
he’s put into the progression and accessibility of this sport.
was her own poverty of perception that needed help.
Directed by Tim Roberts | 5 mins
Directed by Zach Voss | 10 mins
Take a look behind the scenes with the men and
With constant eruptions, the Santiaguito Volcano in
women who make our powder days a possibility. In
Guatemala is a volcanologists’ laboratory in the field. Its
this episode of Powder People, Ski Utah teams up with
Film: Not2Bad
Film: The Eyes of God
Snowbird Ski Patrol to show you what really goes into safely
they share the blood, bond and belief of brotherhood–and
managing a resort like Snowbird. From avalanche control to
something even deeper–the desire to answer the question
responding to injuries, Ski Patrollers work hard so we can
their grandmother instilled in them: Why ration passion?
have fun. Ski Utah says thanks to all of Utah’s ski patrollers for keeping us safe on The Greatest Snow on Earth®.
Directed by Dom Bush | 8 mins
Directed by Craig Norris | 41 mins
Tom is 11 and just loves riding his bikes with his dad, no
Surviving the Fundy Footpath follows first-time hiker, Bruce
matter what the terrain, no matter what the weather. Having
Persaud, as he attempts to complete one of Canada’s toughest
completed 2 Strathpuffer 24hr races he has racked up the
multi-day hikes. Follow along as Bruce and his team of guides
miles over the last few years. Driven to just enjoy being
climb in and out of nineteen steep ravines, traverse stunning
out, he has big plans as he looks to drag his dad along the
Bay of Fundy mega tidal zones, and navigate their way through
2,700+ miles of the Great Divide route later in the year.
65 kilometers of dense old growth Arcadian fog forest.
TIGHT LOOSE Directed by Blake Campbell | 30 mins Come join us to celebrate TGR’s 21st Birthday. The tighter your show the looser you can be. With over 21 years of traveling the globe and pushing the boundaries of what is possible we have experienced the full spectrum of adventure. Our latest film “Tight Loose” is TGR’s highest achievement to date. From India to Alaska, come join us as we discover unridden spine walls, massive airs, and full throttle riding in
Film: Paul’s Boots
some of the wildest and most spectacular places on earth.
THE TIME IS NOW Directed by Margaret C King Mike Libecki has been seeking out the most remote first ascents on the planet for almost two decades. When he finally has a chance at a climb he’s been denied for over a decade, he invites his brother to go with him for the final attempt…. The only problem is his brother is not a climber. But,
Film: Tom Siepp: A Mountain Journal Short
Film: The Time is Now
Directed by Chris Alstrin | 12 mins
Directed by Anson Fogel | 12 mins
Carlo Traversi is no stranger to difficult bouldering. He
How can you express everything that you want to
has ticked some of the most difficult boulder problems
somebody you love, knowing that if you don’t, that
in the world. He spends much of his time traveling and
might be the last opportunity that you have? That is a
searching out new routes to climb. The summer of 2016
reality that we all face, but for BASE jumpers, the risk
he opted to stay in Colorado and climb a goal he and
of death sometimes results in something amazing and
many other professional climbers have talked about
unexpected - love. This is the real story of a pure love
but such a featl nobody has accomplished or even
between two friends in the face of risk and tragedy.
tried. This film showcases Carlo’s longtime dream to climb the Triple 14 in Rocky Mountain National Park.
WILD AND WONDERFUL Directed by Mike Call | 13 mins
That wild and wonderful West Virginia. The first deep-water-
Directed by Chris Burkard | 45 mins
solo climbing competition ever held on real stone in America.
A group of surfers along with photographer Chris Burkard,
The Catch? Deep water soloing on Summersville lake is
journey to Iceland’s north coast in search of perfect waves
illegal and these bold solos over warm lake water have never
during the largest storm to make landfall in 25 years.
been attempted. Watch a community of volunteers, athletes,
Film: Dodo’s Delight
sponsors, spectators, representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers, rescue divers, medical personnel, and a whole film production team converge in a once in a lifetime event, where the impossible becomes possible for just one day.
YOUNG GUNS Directed by Josh Lowell & Peter Mortimer | 28 mins Meet the new faces of climbing: 14-year-old Ashima Shiraishi and 15-year-old Kai Lightner are the leaders of a new generation poised to take the sport to the next level.
Ashima, a New York City native, has already become the
Directed by Daan Jongbloed | 38 mins
youngest person and the first female to climb the benchmark
The Pamiri people of Afghanistan and Tajikistan are among
elite grades of 5.15a and v15. Kai, one of the few African
the most isolated communities in the world. They live
American climbers rising to the top of the sport, became a
according to centuries-old traditions. Slowly but surely
national climbing champion as a high school sophomore.
Western influences enter this remote mountain region.
Now these two prodigies and friends travel to the rugged
In this documentary film we travel through the Pamir
coast of Norway, where a legendary cave is filled with
Mountains with Frederik van Oudenhoven. He is the author
the most difficult climbs on earth. Pushed outside their
of ‘With our own hands’, a book about the traditional
comfort zone, Kai and Ashima learn some hard but important
dishes and the food and farming culture of the Pamiri
lessons that will carry them to even greater heights.
people. It is the first written source about their culture that is accessible in their own language. Frederik brings his book back to its source. He speaks with farmers about the struggles they are facing: can the Pamiri people stay true to their old traditions while adapting to a new world?
Film: Fledglings
Film: Under an Arctic Sky
Our favorite part of the Wasatch Mountain Film Festival is the amazing and diverse group of people that we get to work with each year. Over the past couple of years we have bonded with filmmakers and adventurers from around the globe. We have listened to their tales of exploration and seen first hand their desire to experience life to the fullest. However we wanted to catch up with some of them from last year to find out what they have been up to and where life has taken them.
Mike & Lilliana Libecki Mike is back at it again with his new film, The Time is Now, where he and his brother travel to a remote part of Greenland to climb and explore new and exciting terrain. While he may be a local, Mike and his daughter can typically be found traveling the globe from one expedition to the next.
Mathieu Le Lay In 2016 Mathieu was the recipient of our Cinematography Award for his beautifully shot film, The Quest For Inspiration. Since then he has gone on to produce direct Several new films including a feature film In The Starlight. He also released A Sense of Wonder which recently received a Vimeo Staff Pick Award
Peter McBride Last year Peter’s film, Martin’s Boat, was a huge hit at the festival The film swept both our Environmental Awareness Award and People’s Choice Award. This year he has teamed up Jake Norton and Created a new film, Holy (un)Holy, which has already been nominated for several awards.
Conrad Anker Way back in 2015 Conrad Anker was the first recipient of the George Mallory Award. This is our lifetime achievement award for adventure and exploration. Conrad was recently the 2017 Commencement speaker for the University of Utah.
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Capturing The Moment: The Search For the Perfect Shot Michael Adam Fondren
With camera in hand, you can then begin to think about the photo you wish to capture. Photography is using the dance of light to paint an image, so seeing the light is paramount. Always notice the light around you and what it is doing. Keep your eye out for the long shadows; high noon sun makes for the worst photographs. The closer the sun is to the horizon,
As Ansel Adams, arguably the greatest outdoor photographer,
the more interesting the photograph will be.
once said: “The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!”. Photography equipment doesn’t matter; the newest and most expensive gear will not make great photographs. It is the photographer that makes great images. When going on an adventure, the single best camera to have is the one you take with you.
Light is an obvious necessity for a photograph, but equally as important are the aesthetics of an image. Every outdoor photograph should have a proper foreground, mid-ground and background. Foreground is about scale and context— photographs need to be relatable on a human scale. So, when planning outdoor shots, place an item such as a person,
tree, or animal in the foreground to give the image context and relatability. Mid-ground is about subject—this is where you tell the story of your photograph. Every photograph needs to tell a story to have interest. Finally, background is about depth and ensuring that your story is told without interference, as the story within the image needs to have a clear message. This is where most photographs fall short failing to provide a clutter free medium to tell the story of your image. Make sure your background is clean and free of distractions. You do not want the background to distract from the story told by your mid-ground.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” —Ansel Adams As every photograph has an end, the process of making a photograph has an end, too. That ending is the editing process where your image will emerge in its final state. Here expense isn’t a necessity as there are many editing options. In the end, all that really matters is you as the artist. The process of making an outdoor image is simply a matter of having a camera, being aware of your surroundings, and using the available light to your advantage.
Photo: Michael Adam Fondren
Jim Harris and the Perpetual Weekend
For the last two and a half years, Harris has been working his way to recovery one movement at a time. After seven long months relearning how to simply walk, he finally made his way back to the slopes. On the one-year anniversary
Megan Richardson of the accident, Jim was making victory turns on the bunny slope at Alta. He suspects he won’t regain the same level of He’s been called the ultimate badass. Paralyzed in 2014 while athleticism he had before, but he’s found another good outlet preparing for a 30-day ski traverse of the southern Patagonia in mountain biking—something he can crush whether or not Ice Cap, artist and adventurer Jim Harris has come back the legs get shaky. braver, badder, and more inspired than ever. The physical pursuits aren’t all that have changed since the It was nothing like the the hazards he was used to facing accident. Since well before he formed his business, Perpetual while photographing expeditions in some of the world’s Weekend, in 2009, Jim had been filming, photographing, and most remote and unforgiving places. It was not a scenario writing for increasingly rad projects and expeditions (think he would have taught in his Utah Avalanche Center safety Camp 4 Collective, Powder Magazine, National Geographic). courses. This was totally different: a small snow kite in a But now, having moved from Utah to small-town Carbondale, cow pasture [grassy knoll strikes again] and a rogue gust of Colorado, Harris has been taking more time to focus his wind that picked him up and slammed him into the ground, creativity on printmaking and illustrating. breaking seven vertebrae and leaving his entire body below his sternum without feeling or mobility. Printmaking is something that had come rather naturally to
Jim, channeling his former 15-year-old graffiti-artist self,
But it’s in a flow state, Harris says, where some of the most
when he took art classes in college. It was here that he honed
critical healing takes place—that state where the conscious
his relief printing techniques and his ability to pre-visualize
mind, the decision-making prefrontal cortex, pipes down
sequences of color, light, and structure.
and lets the back of the brain make quicker, more accurate, non-conscious decisions. Just like creating art. Just like skiing
This mental sequencing—seeing a finished piece from back to
through trees. Rather than thinking about every detail and
front and piecing together all the steps needed to get there—
trying to maintain control, the flow state allows the brain to
is a lot like Jim’s recovery strategy. Severed nerve pathways
do the work that the conscious mind can’t always process
don’t reconnect unless they are used. Visualization helps the
fast enough. For Jim, this is a boon to the healing of pathways
brain to send signals to the right places, eventually healing
that his mind couldn’t otherwise access.
pathways as the nerves realize there are signals trying to get through. Harris is even using 3D modeling to help his brain
So what is his advice for adventurers and folks in recovery
visualize his shattered spine being made perfect again.
like himself? Say yes to new experiences; don’t be put off by imagined or surmountable barriers. And remember
On the macro level, a string of goals keeps him moving
that passions are flexible. The things you love are often
from one success to the next: stand, walk, ski . . . drive, trike,
just means to greater ends: connecting, learning, moving,
mountain bike . . . ride the Wasatch Crest with a shuttle one
mastering . . . Whether you’re learning wheelies on a bike or
way, then do it again (only one month later!) as a full loop.
in a wheelchair, exploring deep wilderness or pottering in
Next on his list are bikepacking and river trips, if he can ever
your own garden, there is always joy to be found. Jim Harris’s
score a permit (hint, hint).
indomitable spirit is living proof of this.
Photo: Jim Harris
Photo & Artwork: Jim Harris
Created in honor of the great explorer George Mallory this award is given to an individual who has consistently worked to push the boundaries of exploration and adventure. Recently the outdoor community lost a giant. Ueli Steck, known as the
“Swiss Machine�, recently passed away on an expedition in the Everest region. Ueli is best remembered for his almost inhuman athleticism and ability to climb at speed. In 2015 he was the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year and holds numerous records including the fastest ascent on the grueling North Face of the Eiger and the first Solo Climb on Annapurna. Given his unquestionable life devotion to pushing the limits, we have decided to Award Ueli with the 2017 George Mallory Award.
We reached out to members of the mountaineering community to find out how what Ueli Steck meant to the climbing community.
“All I can say is that it was a tragic loss of one of the greatest
“Today the heart of our climbing community has been
of our times. Pushing standards to that level exposes one
taken. I met Ueli a few times and always enjoyed his talks.
to extreme risk and that he achieved so much at the cutting
His humble style, matter of fact delivery on feats that in
edge is testament to his skills. ”
some case only he had achieved and no one ever repeated,
Guy Cotter
captivated my spirit and feed my imagination. Ueli never sought publicity, or blogged while climbing, keeping his focus
“Ueli Steck was one of those climbers a generation witnesses
on the task at hand. Only after his achievement did he reveal
once. He ushered in a completely new mentality on how
the details, and the challenge. Thank you Ueli for showing us
mountains can be climbed. While few if any will be able to
what could be done, to live bravely and give back unselfishly
follow in his tracks, within the boundaries of our own abilities,
with your generous spirit. You will be missed.”
we can be inspired to know that while we can’t do everything
Alen Arnette | Speaker, Climber, Alzheimer’s Advocate
we put our minds to, we can do a helluva a lot more than we think. His approach and humble attitude and all he did will carry forward forever as inspiration in the same way that the
“Ueli was a kindred soul but completely unique in his talent
legends like Shipton and Tillman and Messner and Habler
and vision. I’ll miss marvelling at his next great cliimbs, and
have before him.“
I’ll miss his friendship.”
Mike Marolt| Owner at 8K Peak Technologies
Jeff Lowe
Film: Under an Arctic Sky
Co-Founder & CEO
Stuart Derman
Co-Founder & Treasurer
Shane Baldwin
Board Member
Kyle Muir
Board Member
Angela Brown
Festival Director
Kelly Kloser
Director of Marketing & Communications
Ozzie Tomas
Experience Director
Eric Lundquist
Outreach Coordinator
Emilia Szubzda
Video Content Manager
Michael Armacost
Marketing Coordinator
Mallory Dalley
Film Review Coordinator
Forrest Craig Sawyer
Graphic Design & Branding
Incline Design Group
Jim Santy Auditorium/ Park City Library, Park City, Utah 7:00PM Screening
Directed by Nate Gunn | 6 mins
BRETTE 4:00PM Screening Cliff Lodge
Directed by Josh Lowell & Nick
1:00PM Screening Cliff Lodge
Rosen | 17 mins
SCENES FROM THE GREEN Directed by Celin Serbo | 5 mins
Directed by Craig Norris | 41 mins
Directed by Timothy Roberts | 4 mins
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 5 mins
Directed by Jenny Nichols | 28 mins
Directed by Max Lowe | 9 mins
Directed by Zach Voss | 10 mins
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 10 mins
HOLY (UN) HOLY RIVER Directed by Jake Norton & Pete McBride
Directed by Lindsay Daniels | 9 mins
Directed by Ville Kurru &
DODO’S DELIGHT Directed by Josh Lowell, Nick Rosen, & Peter Mortimer | 28 mins
THURSDAY JUNE 22ND Mt Jordan Middle School Sandy, Utah 7:00PM Screening
Tommy Vänskä | 34 mins
TUESDAY JUNE 20TH Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (UMOCA) Salt Lake City, Utah 7:00PM Screening JOHN SHOCKLEE: A FAIRY TALE
7:00PM Screening Cliff Lodge 3000 CUPS OF TEA
WHEN WE WERE KNIGHTS Directed by Anson Fogel | 12 mins
9:00PM FREE Screening Tram Deck
Directed by Olaf Obsommer | 31 mins
Directed by Josh Lowell & Peter Mortimer | 28 mins
PAUL’S BOOTS Directed by Fitz Cahall | 38 mins
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 39 mins
TOM SEIPP: A MOUNTAIN JOURNAL SHORT Directed by Dom Bush | 8 mins
EMPOWERED Directed by George Wilson | 5 mins
SNOWBIRD SKI PATROL Directed by Tim Roberts | 5 mins
BOYS IN THE BUGS Directed by Peter Mortimer & Nick Rosen | 18 mins
FRIDAY JUNE 23RD Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort 10:00AM Screening Cliff Lodge
WILD AND WONDERFUL Directed by Mike Call | 13 mins
PEREGRINE Directed by Rob Aseltine | 7 mins
4:00PM Screening Cliff Lodge A TO B ROLLERSKI Directed by Arnis Aspers | 100 mins
7:00PM Screening Cliff Lodge NOT2BAD Directed by Darcy Wittenburg, Colin
Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort 10:00AM Screening Cliff Lodge
Directed by Jon Glassberg | 20 mins
Gicquel | 30 mins
Directed by Chris Burkard | 45 mins
Directed by Blake Campbell | 30 mins Directed by Daan Jongbloed | 38 mins
23 mins
Directed by Brody Leven | 9 mins
G4G 1:00PM Screening Cliff Lodge
Directed by Wojtek Kozakiewicz | 3 mins
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 7 mins
Directed by Yonatan Nir | 80 mins
CANYON SONG Directed by Amy Marquis & Dana
Romanoff | 14 mins
Directed by Stefan Huynt | 11 mins
THE FLEDGLINGS Directed by Cedar Wright | 18 mins
THE NEVER MELTING STORY Directed by Guillaume Bertocchi
Directed by Matt Pycroft | 5 mins
Directed by Chris Kitchen | 45 mins
Aikman | 7 mins
Directed by Stéphanie & Jérémie
Directed by Graham Zimmerman & Jim
Directed by Chris Alstrin | 12 mins
Jones & Darren McCullough | 25 min s
Mt Jordan Middle School Sandy, Utah 7:00PM Screening
Couturier | 9 mins
Directed by Jennifer Jordan | 60 mins
Directed by Grayson Schaffer | 9 mins
AGORA (NOW) Directed by Otávio Lima & Mickael
THE TIME IS NOW Directed by Margaret C King
60 mins
Directed by Jen Randall | 10 mins