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BILINGUAL (English - Español) Cha
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liViNG WEll
What Good is Gratitude? Consejos
Cuidados Para El Cabello Teñido FASHION
Iggy Azalea
Year 4 – Number C19 – Nov 2014 – Oklahoma City – OK.
Tofu, Red Onions, Walnuts, and Blue Cheese
Photo Contest
www.magazinethinkbig.com 405•882•7175
liViNG WEll What Good is Gratitude?
FashiON Winner MISS HOT Autumn Contest
VEGETARIAN FOOD Tofu, Red Onions, Walnuts, and Blue Cheese
8 11 13
WELCOME • BIENVENIDOS Think, Believe, Dream and dare! In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double, don’t worry, be happy.
Piensa, Cree, Sueña y Atrévete!
En toda vida hay algún problema, cuando te preocupas lo agrandas el doble así que no te preocupes, sé feliz.
Merry Christmas and happy New year
FASHION Iggy Azalea
Salud Remedios caseros y naturales para Reducir La Celulitis
Feliz Navidad Y Prospero Año Nuevo
Think Big
Consejos Cuidados Para El Cabello Teñido
ganadores del concurso de niños Editorial DIRECTORA EJECUTIVA Vanesa Lucero Tel. (405) 882-7175 DIRECTOR EDITORIAL Javier Soria Edición, Redacción y Traducción Dr. Scott, Yeli Villareal, Víctor Michel
Ejecutivo de Publicidad Nelson Vega Tel. (405) 885-0931 Roberto Quijano 405-408-8356 Maquetación DIRECTOR DE ARTE Gilmar Pérez DISEÑO GRAFICO Jinna Espíndola, Gilmar Pérez, Juan José Heredia
1145 W. I-240 Service RD Bldg C Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73139 Think Big Magazine es una revista bimensual. Los artículos firmados son responsabilidad de sus autores y no reflejan necesariamente la opinión o punto de vista de Think Big Magazine.
¿QUIERES OPINAR? Escríbenos a latvoklahoma@gmail.com Think Big Magazine no se hace responsable por los negocios aquí publicados.
10,000 copies Bimonthly
Joel Catalan:
For more information contact righshoot@gmail.com Teléfono: (405)-201-4104 Correo electrónico: rightshoot@gmail.com Sitio web: www.rightshootphoto.com 4
What Good is
specially around this time of year we have frequent reminders to be thankful, and to count our blessings. But what good is gratitude?
divided volunteers into two groups. In one group he asked them to keep a “gratitude journal” – to list 5 things for which they are thankful each day. He then asked the other group to keep a “complaint journal” – to list 5 things which aggravated them each day. At the end of 3 weeks he evaluated their blood pressure, and asked them questions about their health and happiness. He found that the grateful group had about 10% lower blood pressure, had exercised more, had fewer aches, slept longer, and awakened more refreshed than the complaint group. It turns out that being thankful has lots of benefits. It helps us to feel more positive, have better relationships, and helps our health. So on Thursday when you sit down to that turkey dinner, take a moment to list 5 things for which you are grateful. Then continue that practice every day. Happy Thanksgiving!
1. Having an attitude of gratitude allows us to celebrate the present. Did you pause today to notice the beauty of the sky? The warmth in the smile of your child? The magic in having drinkable water in hot or cold with the turn of a faucet? Being thankful for the wonders that are all around us lets us focus on all of the good things we have, rather than what aggravates us. 2. Gratitude strengthens social ties. Gratitude has been called a “relationship strengthening emotion” because it helps us to think well of others. If you are thankful for a good meal, it causes you to think positively of the one who prepared it, or the one who worked to earn the money to buy it. If you are grateful for the beauty of a tiny flower or a grand old tree, you improve your relationship with Nature or the Creator who caused it to be. 3. Being grateful improves your health. A psychologist named Dr. Emmons has done a series of simple experiments. He randomly
Dr. Scott is a Licensed Psychologist in private practice in Norman: www.DrScottPsychologist.com
Fotos de las consursantes Miss Hot Autumn Contest
Jake Simpson, Angel Samples, Josh Norris
Photographers: Makeup & Hair: Katie Cotton, Angel Samples, Katie Cotton
Brittany Guilfoyle
Model: Email: bgurl88@msn.com
Tofu, Red Onions, Walnuts, and Blue Cheese INGREDIENTS
• 1 cup uncooked long grain white rice • 2 cups water • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts • 1 tablespoon butter • 1 large red onion, sliced, separated into rings • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 cup vegetable broth
• • • • •
1/2 teaspoon dried sage 1/2 teaspoon dried tarragon salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 (14 ounce) package firm tofu, drained and cut into 1/2 inch strips • 1 cup crumbled blue cheese
PREPARATION 1. Bring the rice and water to a boil in a pot. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer 20 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Place the walnuts on a baking dish, and bake 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until lightly toasted. Remove from heat. 3. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat, and cook the onion until tender. Mix in garlic, and cook 1 minute. Stir in the broth, and season with sage, tarragon, salt, and pepper. Continue cooking 10 minutes, stirring often. Heat the oil in a separate skillet. Dredge the tofu in the toasted walnuts, and cook in the skillet about 4 minutes on each side, until lightly browned. Mix any remaining walnuts and the onion and broth mixture into the skillet. Cook until heated through. Serve over rice, and top with blue cheese. 7
Iggy Azalea Biography
relocating to Los Angeles. A video for her song “Pu$$y� was uploaded to the Internet and became a YouTube favorite due to its explicit nature. In pursuit of her desire of moving to America, Azalea dropped out of high school; instead choosing to work and save the money she earned by cleaning hotel rooms and holiday houses with her mother. She claims
In one of the more unlikely crossover success stories, blonde Australian beauty Iggy Azalea (born Amethyst Amelia Kelly) segued from a high-profile modeling career to become a Southern hip-hop star. Influenced in her childhood by Missy Elliott, TLC, and Tupac Shakur, she absorbed the Southern-style drawl of her surroundings and released a trap-inspired mixtape titled Ignorant Art in 2011, shortly after
to have hated school, which, besides her art class, only made her miserable. She also said she had no friends and was teased for her homemade outfits.She moved to the United States in 2006 at age 16, stating that she was drawn to the birthplace of rap. Moving from Miami to Houston to Atlanta She told her parents she was going “on a holiday” with a friend, but eventually decided to stay and shortly after told them she was not coming back home.
Quotes: “I do absolutely nothing, actually, believe it or not. People will probably hate me for saying that, but I guess I’m one of those lucky horrible people who, no matter what I eat, I don’t gain a pound. My whole family is just like that. They’re all skinny and tall, and I guess, so am I.” “My real name is Amethyst. It sounds like a stage name. My mom is kind of crazy.” “I think stupid people are surprised that I’m Australian. It’s a small-minded; we live in a global community, but I suppose some people still are smallminded.”
Servando Morales
Jess Greene
Model: Email: jfp061000@hotmail.com
Chuck Edwardsa
Photographer: Email: chuckedwardsimages@yahoo.com Facebook: chuckedwardsimages
Jessica White
Model: Email: whitejessicad@yahoo.com
Remedios caseros y naturales para
Reducir La Celulitis
a celulitis es más común alrededor de los muslos y los glúteos, pero también se puede encontrar en los senos, el abdomen y la parte superior de los brazos. Remedios caseros para la celulitis 1.Terapia de aspiración: Para combatir la celulitis frótese la parte afectada con aceite de bebés. Después con una aspiradora de
mano, dése un masaje succionador en el área afectada 4 o 5 veces por semana. 2. Aceite de maíz contra la celulitis: 1 taza de aceite de maíz, ½ taza de zumo de pomelo y 2 cucharaditas de tomillo seco. Haga una mezcla de todos los ingredientes y úsela para masajear las zonas afectadas. Cubra las piernas con un plástico de esos que se usan para tapar comidas. Déjeselo
por media hora. 3. Posos de café: Frote la zona afectada con un guante de crin y agua hasta que la piel se ponga roja. Después tome un puñado de posos de café (residuo del café después de chorrearlo) y aplíquelo con movimientos circulares. Después limpie la zona con agua tibia y jabón.
Victor Harris
Photographer: Versatile Photography, LLC Contact: (918) 510-1704 Model:
Martina Love
Ruth Pulido Vergel
Facebook: Ruth Pulido Vergel
Cassie Lindeberg
Model: email: cassieforte82@yahoo.com
Reggie Clemons
Photographer: Facebook: Reggieclemonsphotography
Para El Cabello Teñido
uego de aplicar el tinte se debe dejar el cuero cabelludo al aire, pues si se cubre, no permitirá que se oxigene correctamente la coloración y además, el cuero cabelludo producirá sudoración que alterará el resultado del tinte. Cuidados luego de la coloración: Una semana después de la coloración, lavamos el cabello con el shampoo para cabello teñido. Luego secamos con toalla y aplicamos un baño de crema a partir de los 2cm desde la raíz, hacia las puntas. Envolvemos el cabello con una toalla caliente o con gorra de baño y pasamos el secador durante diez minutos. Luego enjuagamos. Repetir cada quince o veinte días. También están los aceites y reparadores de puntas, que son más efectivos que los baños de crema.
Para cabellos teñidos constantemente: Uno de los peores enemigos del cabello teñido es el sol. En temporada de playa, es conveniente cubrir el cabello o usar productos protectores que se aplican antes de la exposición al sol y que actúan filtrando los rayos UV. Luego del sol, aplicaremos mascarillas suavizantes o productos de cuidados postsolares. El secador de pelo maltrata también el cabello teñido. El uso ocasional de mascarillas de miel o limón, protege de los efectos del aire caliente. El uso de cepillos de cerdas naturales evita el frisado del cabello y menor maltrato que el de cerdas sintéticas. 13
La coloración rubia, en cualquiera de sus tonos, se ve afectada por los rayos UV y por el cloro de las piscinas, pudiendo tomar tonalidades verdosas. Para evitarlo, es recomendable el uso de sombrero o gorra en la playa y en la piscina. Y Bueno esperando que estos consejos te sea de utilidad, recuerda, que cada organismo es diferente y muy atenta ante cualquier irritación, porque como son productos químicos, cuidado que nos salga más caro el cambio de look.
Vader Photography
Photographer: Fabebook: Vader Photography Instagram: Vader Photography Email: vaderphotography@gmail.com
Zakia Smith
Model: Facebook: Zakia Smith Instagram: zakia2525 Twitter: zakia2525 Email: zakia25252@gmail.com
Lyndon Enriquez Maristela
Natalie Von Blair
Mimo bloree
Model: Facebook: Mimo Modeling/Acting Facebook Photographer: Remedy Photography
Model: Tattoo by: Paula Diamond of Diamond Tattoo Parlor