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Issue 20


Sept/Oct 2015













In This Issue

Editor's Note

tasha Cobbs ......................................6

I can’t believe that we are celebrating our 20th issue this month. Six years and 20 issues. Not bad for an industry that the naysayers said was dying. None of it could have ever been possible if God was not in the midst and I’m sure it helps that we are highlighting his music. It is indeed an honor to present this magazine during Bishop T.D. Jakes’ MegaFest in Dallas, Texas. Bishop Jakes has been a mentor of mine for quite some time and I am not even a preacher. For me, it is bigger that just preaching. Bishop Jakes is a man about the people. He is a family man, entrepreneur and a visionary and that is to be commended. You can read more about Bishop Jakes in an article entitled “What describes Bishop T.D. Jakes.�

Not aNother Child .....................‌..10 Who got Next? .‌‌..........................12 Global United .‌........................‌‌14 Flip Cover The benediction...............................30 Jonathan Mcreynolds....................27 t.D. Jakes ..........................................24 James Hall ......................................22 The Gospel Box ...............................21 Travis Greene .................................19

Editor-In-Chief: Hasan James Senior Art Director Fatima Williams-Burke Contributors Bettine Bowsky Gene Burke Chandra Deal Jeanelle Drysdale Torin Derek Michael Gordon J.S. Williams Martin Williams Chloe Vanderpoole

Management Shawn Gibbs for The Firm Artist Management

I’m especially excited about this issue because it features two of the humblest, anointed and uber gifted musicians on planet earth, Tasha Cobbs and Jonathan McReynolds. These two are what Gospel music has been in need of for many years and they are apart of a new regime; Vashawn, Anthony Brown, Kierra Sheard, The Walls, Tasha Page Lockhart (you get the picture), who unequivocally created a new sound for a newer generation. That is why “Leaders of The 0GY 5EJQQNĹŹ KU C VKVNG DGĆ’VVKPI QH DQVJ 6CUJC CPF ,QPCVJCP CU VJG[ VCMG VJG IQURGN OWUKE VQTEJ CPF TWP with it! But as much as I love gospel music and raise the flag for it, there are many things that frustrate me about it. It’s not so much about the artists more so than the politics and “so calledâ€? gospel music consumer. In any event you can read more about my rant lol in a feature entitled “The Gospel Box.â€? Outside of the gospel box is this month’s “Benedictionâ€? feature dedicated to Sandra Bland. This piece was probably the most heart wrenching missive I had to edit because it really hit home. Race aside, I can’t count how many times I was pulled over by a cop for making a wrong turn, a broken light or even for speeding and I was never really scared. Now in this day and age where we have an African American 2TGUKFGPV + CO RGVTKĆ’GF 5QOGVJKPI PGGFU VQ DG FQPG UQ VJCV VJGUG CEVU QH XKQNGPEG CICKPUV RGQRNG VJCV are supposed to be protected, don’t stay a common practice. Again, it is with great pleasure that we present another great labor of love from Root Magazine to you. And please don’t forget that you can get all of your gospel music news and beyond on our online component, Also, please be on the lookout for our upcoming documentary entitled: Root and Grounded: The Evolution of Gospel Music that will be released in 2016.

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Photography Derek Blanks

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Leader of the New School TASHA COBBS breaks down her latest album “One Place LIVE� and what it’s like being apart of a new unit of emerging gospel artists. AS TOLD TO HASAN JAMES


asha Cobbs is a praiser in every sense of the word. It is simply what she was put on earth to do. At this year’s BMI Trailblazer’s Awards, the 30 something year old Grammy Award winner, gave a rousing performance in tribute to Israel Houghton, wearing an all white ensemble with no intention of keeping it clean. You see, this daughter of a Preacher Man is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and her major label debut “Graceâ€? is a clear indication that her music reaches the masses, as it is almost at gold status in an industry where even Hip-Hop acts are struggling to sell records. The legendary Diana Ross recorded for the same label (Motown) that Tasha records for and never won a Grammy (crazy, ULJKW" VR LW PXVW EH GLIÂżFXOW WR KDQGOH DOO RI WKH success and accolades without being a bit jaded. “I’ve spent all of my life in ministry serving my Father, the late Bishop Fritz Cobbs and my spiritual father, Bishop William Murphy. The training that I received from them taught me the importance of true humility. What God has entrusted me with is a matter of GRACE! I minister every week through the revelation that I don’t deserve to, but God chooses me anywayâ€?! As we prepared for this interview, Tasha was in three states in about two days and two coasts. A Grammy Foundation event, a funeral the late DeVaughn Murphy, Tye Trbbett’s “The Chosenâ€? &RQIHUHQFH DQG SUHSDULQJ IRU WKH PRVW GHÂżQLQJ moment in every artist’s career- the sophomore album. “One Place LIVEâ€? was presented to gospel music enthusiasts and industry elite on Monday, October 13th, 2014. Thousands from near and far

gathered for the live recording as she documented a body of work, that although done in the same vein of GRACE, will certainly stand alone because of its progressive and crossover approach. Many have already deemed this offering a classic. Your new album, “One Place Live� is really taking it to the next level from your last album “Grace.� Not saying that is necessarily better, it’s just on another level, if that makes sense. Would you agree and how would you describe this album and your experience while recording it LIVE in front of an audience of thousands? I believe “One Place Live� is going to be one of my favorites for years to come. You will hear a more mature Tasha on this album! I experienced some things in life leading up to this recording that cultivated a fresh sound in me! Sometimes life will throw some hard blows, but always allow hardships to lead you back to the feet of Jesus! He’s causing all things to work together for our good. I was telling someone the other day that you were the cover story for this issue and they went on and on about when you get out there on that stage. It is like you are in a room all alone with God! To all of the praise and worship leaders out there, what is the key to being a successful worship leader? There are several, but I will say the main “key� to being a worship leader is having an authentic relationship with God. That is the “key� that gives you the access necessary to lead others in worship. How can you introduce people to someone you

don’t know?! It’s impossible. What do you love most about being a recording artist? I love when people experience God through what he has given me. I love to see people who came in the room depressed, had the most amazing worship encounter with the Lord and leave with a true smile! I love seeing people healed, set free, delivered and redeemed! You are now considered one of gospel music’s elite and I am pretty sure you are living out your dream. +DYH \RX HYHU ZRUNHG D UHJXODU QLQH WR ÂżYH" You know, I never dreamt of being a gospel artist. , DFWXDOO\ ZDQWHG WR EH D PDWK WHDFKHU *R ÂżJXUH I’ve actually had a few jobs in my day! In my junior and senior year in High School, I worked during the summer at the Georgia Department of Transportation. My uncle owns a car wash and I worked there as the secretary for two years. I had several jobs that lasted for very short periods of times and if you ask my brother he would say I’ve never had a “real job.â€? (Laughter) Are you dating? I’m enjoying my life! Do you want to get married and eventually start a family? Absolutely!!! I look forward to being a housewife and a Mom! (Smile)

Photography: Derek Blanks Styling: Melissa Hibbert for the GLAM Agency

My laptop recently crashed and I lost a ORW RI PXVLF DQG \RXU ¿UVW LQGHSHQGHQW album “Smile” was one of the albums I lost. That album is currently out of print and I am pretty upset about it. Do you think you could get me another copy? (Smile) I get that question all the time... Maybe one day we’ll release a “classics” version of that album! We’ll see if we can work on getting you a copy! (Smile) You are a part of a regime of new generation artists like VaShawn Mitchell, Anthony Brown and Group TherAPy, Jonathan McReynolds and many others. All of you guys are really making a huge impact in an industry that has been insular for so long. What are your thoughts on that? /HW PH ¿UVW VD\ WKDW , DEVROXWHO\ ORYH and adore each of these guys. There are covenant relationships that have been birthed between us and so many other gospel artists. The future of gospel music is bright and I believe that we can be trusted with the torch! I believe God trusts us to make his name famous, so he is opening doors outside of the four walls of our “genre” and into the market place. I’m excited about where God is taking us! What is your assignment? I am called to be a worship bridge!

N.A.C. M.O.M.

Not Another Child, Inc. M.O.M. (Mother on a Mission) turned her tragedy into triumph, as she makes a difference in the very same neighborhood that ended her son’s life so abruptly almost a decade ago. By Bettine Bowsky One fateful night in August, a mother by the name of Oresa Napper’s life forever changed. Her oldest son, Andrell Napper, was innocently gunned down in the summer of 2006. Wife, Mother, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Activist, Trailblazer, Advocate, Change Agent, Innovator, Leader, Survivor and Overcomer are just a few words that describe the now Oresa Napper- Williams. Affectionately known as “Reeseâ€?, her life’s journey may have begun on the mean streets of Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood, but her destiny has brought her through tears and triumphs, QRGPKPI FQQTU UJG EQWNF JCXG PGXGT KOCIKPGF ÇĄÇĄÇĄ ÇĄÇĄ Transforming her pain into power, Oresa founded Not Another Child, Inc. (NAC) an organization that implements change in today’s youth and urban communities. When asked how this initiative has changed her life she stated, “It has made me more aware of the travesties and situations our youth face on a daily basis and the need to help them attain a successful future. I have also become aware of the hurt that a mother feels after the loss of a child; and how their life is never the same.â€? N.A.C. also provides outreach and support to families of gun violence and was recently featured on BET’s “My Two Centsâ€?. Under the umbrella of N.A.C., she KORNGOGPVGF VJG Ć’TUV 8CNWG .KHG 2GCEG /CTEJ KP +P CFFKVKQP VJG ĹŤ-KPI 4QP 2NC[KPI HQT %JCPIG 6QWTPCOGPV ĹŹ PQY KP KVU VJ [GCT KP $GFHQTF 5VW[XGUCPV CPF %JCPIG /CMGTU $GPGĆ’V )CNC EQPVKPWGU VQ DG UWEEGUUHWN KP HWTVJGTKPI VJG OKUUKQP of N.A.C.

ÇĄ #NN RTQITCOU RTQXKFGF D[ 0 # % QHHGT C VJGTCRGWVKE CURGEV 0 # % ŨU CPPWCN “King Ron Playing for Change Tournamentâ€? started as a one- day event in the neighborhood where Andrell was killed, in order to give Mrs. Napper- Wlliams a RNCVHQTO VQ CFFTGUU [QWVJ ÇĄ#V VJG FGOCPF QH VJGÇĄ[QWVJ KP VJG EQOOWPKV[ ÇĄ2 % has turned into a full blown sports program which teaches, as well as allows participants to play in memory of someone they have lost to gun violence. #FFKVKQPCNN[ KV IKXGU RCTGPVU YJQ JCXG NQUV EJKNFTGP VJG QRRQTVWPKV[ÇĄVQ URGCM VQ [QWVJÇĄTGICTFKPI EJQKEGU EQPUGSWGPEGU CPF FGEKUKQPU 1TGUC 0CRRGT 9KNNKCOU KU the embodiment of “Become the change you want to see.â€? and is committed to changing lives one person at a time. About NAC

Here’s a known fact‌.We cannot control the volume of handguns that flood our EQOOWPKVKGU ÇĄ 1XGT VJG NCUV [GCT ETKOG JCU IQPG FQYP KP 0GY ;QTM ÇĄ+P &GEGODGT 26, 2007, Mayor Michael Bloomberg indicated that overall crime had gone down in New York City! I know you are elated, yet although it has gone down in New York, murder has gone up 26% in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn YJGTG VJG UGTXKEGU QH 0#% CTG TGPFGTGF ÇĄ0QV CPQVJGT %JKNF YCU HQWPFGF YKVJ one purpose; to save our children from senseless killings. NAC is committed to changing the mindset of our youth. Our mission is to enlighten our youth of RQUKVKXG CNVGTPCVKXGU UVQR VJG IWP VTCHĆ’E CPF RTGXGPV VJG UCNG QH KNNGICN JCPFIWPU Oresa also has a long standing relationship with the Kings County District all the while securing our youth for a successful future. #VVQTPG[ŨU 1HĆ’EG CPF YCU CYCTFGF CP ĹŤ'ZVTCQTFKPCT[ 9QOCP QH $TQQMN[PĹŹ CYCTF for her work in the community. She was also featured in the documentary, ÇĄ “Charge it to the Game; the Effects of Gun Violence in Brooklynâ€? and in “25 Faces 016 #016*'4 %*+.& KU C 0QV HQT 2TQĆ’V QTICPK\CVKQP GUVCDNKUJGF KP #WIWUV QH %QWTCIG ĹŹ C EQHHGG VCDNG DQQM RTQĆ’NKPI YQOGP YJQ JCXG HQWPF VJG EQWTCIG VQ KP NQXKPI OGOQT[ QH #PFTGNN & 0CRRGT ÇĄ #PFTGNN YCU C RQRWNCT 0GY ;QTM VGGP VJCV YCU KTQPKECNN[ C FQWDNG XKEVKO QH IWP XKQNGPEG ÇĄ 6JG UGEQPF KPEKFGPV TGUWNVGF KP face life after tragic circumstances. his tragic & untimely death. One of the young men that plead guilty in Andrell’s Over the years N.A.C. has become a staple in the community. The therapeutic murderer was 15 years old at the time and was recruited by a 32 year- old to services in which they provide for families and communities that experience retaliate the murder of his loved one; an incident that had nothing to do with JQOKEKFG QP C JKIJGT NGXGN JCXG DGGP WUGF CU C YTCR CTQWPF UGTXKEGÇĄHQT 0GY Andrell. NAC is founded under the premise that they will not let another child ;QTMÇĄ %KV[ŨU %WTG 8KQNGPEG +PKVKCVKXG 2CTGPVU YJQ JCXG NQUV EJKNFTGP VQ IWP to be manipulated and prostituted to do the work of another individual and that XKQNGPEG TGEGKXG VTCKPKPI VQ DG Ć’TUV TGURQPFGTU HQT UJQQVKPIU ÇĄ 0 # % CNUQ another child’s life will be taken before their time. Oresa Napper, Andrell’s mother, IKXGUÇĄ HCOKNKGUÇĄ VJGÇĄ QRRQTVWPKV[ VQ URGCM FKTGEVN[ÇĄ VQ ICPI OGODGTUÇĄ CV ĹŤ%CNN KPUĹŹ is survived to make a positive change, a change in choices, a change in lifestyle YJKEJ CTG QTICPK\GF D[ VJG 0;2& -KPIU %QWPV[ &KUVTKEV #VVQTPG[ŨU 1HĆ’EG CPF CPF C EJCPIG KP QWVEQOGU ÇĄ the Federal Bureau of Investigation. According to attendees, the “Voice of Painâ€? ÇĄ YJKEJ KU YJCV VJGUG HCOKNKGU TGRTGUGPV KU VJG XQKEG VJCVÇĄKU OQUV JGCTF


Artists like Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, and Mary Mary are household names now, but believe it or not, they were once aspiring artists on the come up and just wanted to be heard. Here are 10 artists who want a shot at being NEXT at household name status.


In the year 2015, if you want to be seen, heard, or taken seriously as an artist, it’s all about being ever present on social media. In the world of Gospel Music, the latest social media discovery is singing sensation, Briana Babineaux or “Briâ€? as she is so affectionately called. The beautiful, 20 year-old, Louisiana native has already debuted at the number one spot on Billboard’s Digital Gospel chart with JGT FGDWV '2 ĹŤ+ŨNN $G VJG 1PG ĹŹ 9KVJ PQ TCFKQ CKTRNC[ CPF PQ FGĆ’PKVKXG UVTGGV FCVG Bri pulled a “Beyonceâ€? move and surprisingly released her debut EP last spring, sending “Bri-nationâ€? (her over 300,000 Instagram followers) in an uproar.

Janice Gaines already has Erica Campbell, Donnie McClurkin, Natalie Grant, and Donald Lawrence as references. But even without these mega-talents in her corner, Gaines is guaranteed to have you hooked HTQO VJG XGT[ Ć’TUV NKUVGP 6JG HQTOGT seventh grade, Bronx, NY, Math teacher, is C NQXGT QH CNN IGPTGU QH OWUKE HTQO 6QR to Urban AC. Her upcoming Motown Gospel debut “Greatest Life Ever,â€? was solely produced by Super Producer/Reality TV Star, LaShawn “Big Shizâ€? Daniels. Daniels has written and produced tracks for Tamar Braxton, Destiny’s Child, Brandy, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson. SENSERE This nine- member band hails from South Florida and comprise of an eclectic mix of vocalists and instrumentalists. The protĂŠgÊ’ of Da Gospel Truth founder, Gerald Jones, has taken the industry by storm with their project “The Soul of Future Worship, Volume 1â€?. Their sound is a mixture of Rock, Soul and Gospel, and if you are wondering, the Gospel music genre hasn’t seen a band even close to Sensere since the release of the Gideon Band out of the DMV area over 15 years ago. Gospel radio should embrace this sound, as it is most needed to diversify the airwaves. TONYA LEWIS- TAYLOR Tonya Lewis- Taylor went from being a highly sought after publicist for stars like Jay-Z and Kanye West, to soaring to the Top 10 on the Billboard Gospel charts with her Ć’TUV UKPING ĹŤ6JCPM ;QWĹŹ CP WRDGCV JGCF bopping, feel good, track reminiscent of the

I think it’s safe to say that we have not had a female duo in gospel penetrate since Mary Mary burst unto the scene at the top of the millennium. Erica and Tina made history then and emerging female duo AsOne, has also OCFG JKUVQT[ CU VJG ƒTUV KPVGTTCEKCN HGOCNG FWQ across all musical genres. Their self-titled debut knocked international star Susan Boyle out of the top spot after she spent 35 weeks on Billboard’s Top Inspirational Albums chart. Considering the current climate of the United States as it relates to race relations, AsOne is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air.

Philadelphia native, Jermaine Dolly is one of the hottest artists to come out this year. Just a year ago, he was traveling the world as a background singer for Grammy Award winner, Tye Tribbett. A few years prior, he was the sidekick to fellow Philly singer/rapper Prayz1. Now, Dolly is out on his own with a smashing new single entitled “You,� which is climbing up the Billboard radio charts. His smooth falsetto and playful demeanor is what Gospel Music needs. He too has a huge social media following where he showcases his music, comedic skills, and even promotes his “Hello Dolly� merchandise.

Walter Hawkins song of the same name. Last fall, the Brooklyn, New York native took a chance and sent an e-mail to a promoter of an upcoming gospel tour inquiring if they needed an opening act. Her faith and determination paid off, as she became the opening act for the 32-city Festival of Praise Tour with Fred Hammond and Donnie McClurkin.

Musick� was just released this month on Central South Distribution and is a force to be reckoned with on the indie circuit.

DR. LARRY D. REID & THE BREAKTHROUGH SINGERS Dr. Larry Reid has already showcased his ministry to over 12,000 people at JoyFest, released an EP entitled “The Set� earlier this year, and shot to #10 on the Billboard Gospel Sales Chart. His current single “Can’t Take God from Me� is already gaining rave reviews and is in the Top 20 on the Billboard Gospel National Airplay Chart. Straight out of RaleighDurham, North Carolina, this Pastor/Singer’s worth ethic is to be commended so early in his career. His latest full length project, “One

TERRIE RIMSON 9G YGTG Ć’TUV KPVTQFWEGF VQ 6GTTKG 4KOUQP KP WRQP VJG TGNGCUG QH JGT Ć’TUV UKPING “Zion,â€? a classical piece with a rousing Pentecostal flavor. Now after 18 months of growing and developing as a solo artist, Terrie comes back to produce a fresher sound with “I Was Created.â€? The unmatched tones and dynamic nuances of the sounds of Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia collide with this remarkable new single by the unsigned artist. “I Was Created,â€? is an upbeat, feel good song reminiscent of an ŨU )QURGN ITQQXG YKVJ C ŨU 4 $ *KR *QR twist. 6Q JGKIJVGP JGT CTVKUV RTQĆ’NG 4KOUQP created her own docu-series entitled “All About Terrie,â€? which airs weekly on All Nations Television, Living Witness Television, and the Inspirational Faith Network.

TIFF JOY She not only sang, she also wrote the biggest gospel song of Ricky &KNNCTFŨU ECTGGT CPF QH 6JG song- “Amazing.â€? Her name- “Tiff Joy.â€? Tiffany Joy McGhee is a native of Chicago and always had a passion for God and music. She has yet to release her solo debut and is already a Dove Award nominee, a Stellar Award winner, and has been blessed to work with artists like Kevin Vasser, Fred Hammond, Anita Wilson, and Vashawn Mitchell. To make her star shine just a little brighter, Tiff Joy recently signed an album deal with Mitchell’s Walkway Music Group in partnership with Tyscot Records. Her album is slated for an early 2016 release. JAVIS MAYS Javis Mays has already made quite a name for himself as a Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist, Worship Leader, and as the Founder of the singing aggregation Javis Mays & Restoration. Over the years, he has released two projects. As the saying goes, three is a charm, and his third offering #PLUGGEDIN is an impressive array of songs that get right to the heart of whatever matter you’re dealt. “Glory to the Lordâ€? and “I Need You Jesusâ€? are songs that set the tone of the album and simultaneously puts Mays in a class by himself, as well as in the same class with his peers.

GLOBAL UNITED FELLOWSHIP- Bishop Clarence McClendon, Dr. Susie Owens, Bishop John Guns, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Dr. Deanza Cunningham, “THE GATHERING 2015� By Hasan James

In it’s second year, Global United Fellowship, lead by Bishop Neil Ellis, presented their annual conference “The Gathering� to thousands of attendees from all

Dr. Leonard Smith, Bishop Craig Johnson and Bishop C. Alexander Williams III, were all on one accord as every UKPING OGUUCIG VKGF KPVQ VJG PGZV CPF EQPĆ’TOGF VJG vision for the young organization.

IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR Sibling group, The Showers, have a rich history of music and ministry that has attributed to their

The Showers The Bishops praying for “The Bishop�

In his opening night address, “A Leader of Leaders,â€? Bishop Neil Ellis, spoke about the effect that the “Clean Water Initiativeâ€? GUF participates in had on 26 countries, Bishop Ellis didn’t let a broken foot stop the 2nd Annual GUF Conference inclusive of a voodoo nation in West Africa. A total of 5,200 people heard the gospel due to something that across the globe in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. Root the average American takes for granted, clean water. /CIC\KPG YCU QP FGEM CU CP QHĆ’EKCN OGFKC RCTVPGT CPF “We have to reverse the spirit of hypocrisy amongst the as usual, the hospitality was top notch, as the week’s events began with a media dinner at Ruth Chris Steak House with other notable media personalities; Gerard $QPPGT $QPPGTĆ’FG 4CFKQ -JCNKH 6QYPGU 7)QURGN Gerald Jones (DaGospelTruth) and Jawn Murray (Always A List). The dinner began as a casual networking event,

Dr. Marvin Sapp is consecrated as Bishop during “The Gathering 2015�

fervor and commitment to Gospel music. Children of pastors, The Showers were surrounded by a host of singers and musicians, and were heavily involved in church ministry growing up. In every genre of music people look for the newest and next voice(s), the artists who will carry the genre’s legacy. The Showers have emerged as those next voices and are primed to carry on Gospel music’s legacy of dynamic family groups. They are resolute in their commitment to present a standard of excellence in music and ministry. Regina, Tabitha, Titus, Melody, Angela, Ciara, and Tiffany are a group of siblings from Hammond, Louisiana that have been groomed in church ministry and are poised to carry the torch of Gospel music greats. The Showers are dedicated to making sure that the Gospel is shared and they are passionate about serving as examples of what a Godly life resembles. Collaborating with respected producers and songwriters including Bruce Robinson, Jr., Deon Kipping and Myron Butler, The Showers have created an album – their selftitled national debut - that resonates with a vast audience.

bretheren,� said Ellis, as he spoke candidly about the current state of the church. “If we are going to unite, this is not just gonna be an African American movement. I want some white people up in here,� he went on to say. Ellis’ stirring opening message came from Luke 17: 11

Patrice Ellis prays for her husband, Bishop Neil Ellis during service

but by the time Bishop Neil Ellis stepped in the room, it turned into a prophetic meeting of the minds, as Bishop George Bloomer and First Lady, Patrice Ellis, spoke KPVQ VJG NKHG QH $KUJQR 'NNKU CPF )7( +V YCU FGĆ’PKVGN[ C FGĆ’PKPI OQOGPV VJCV UGV VJG VQPG HQT YJCV YCU CJGCF the rest of the week. Earlier in the week, Bishop Ellis was coming from a series of meetings regarding “The Gathering 2015,â€? and as he was coming down a flight of steps, he missed a step and broke his foot, but “The Gatheringâ€? did not miss a beat as the week featured a line-up of dynamic speakers and preachers from across the United States and beyond.

In a sacred and grand Episcopal Consecration Service held Friday, July 10th, Marvin Sapp was elevated to Bishop within the Global United Fellowship (GUF) under the leadership of Presiding Prelate, His Grace, Bishop 0GKN % 'NNKU 6JG UGTXKEG YCU JGNF QP VJG Ć’PCN FC[ QH GUF’s second annual National Gathering. More than 20 members of Sapp’s family, including his mother, as well CU OGODGTU QH .KIJVJQWUG (WNN .KHG %GPVGT %JWTEJ traveled to Jacksonville and joined thousands of GUF delegates and attendees in witnessing the event. In addition to workshops and seminars, there were therapists on site for the more than 150 pastors who are apart of GUF. I thought that was an amazing gesture, as many of our shepherds need someone to talk to considering they give so much of themselves. This is what makes Global United Fellowship unique. Global United Fellowship (GUF) is one of the fastest growing fellowships in Christendom and is comprised of more than 600 churches from 11 countries and provinces including the Bahamas, England, Jamaica, Pakistan, South Africa, West Africa, the Philippines, the Turks & Caicos Islands, and The United States. Next year “The Gathering 2016â€? will be hosted in Bishop Ellis’ hometown of Nassau, Bahamas.

Shelby 5 Sibling group, Shelby 5 YCU Ć’TUV KPVTQFWEGF VQ the world on the hit reality docu-series, Preachers QH &GVTQKV +VŨU FGĆ’PKVGN[ PQV C DCF VJKPI YJGP [QWT introduction to the world is on a weekly basis in front of millions of people. However, that could be a gift and a curse for the young quintet, as expectations for their debut are high. Don, Courtney, Andrea, Trenton and Amber Shelby have already made quite a name for themselves in the state of Michigan with their edgy style and rich harmonies and their current song “No Brainerâ€? is a blend of Hip-Hop, R&B and Gospel, and has their social media fans yearning for more. As of right now there is no estimation of when their album will be released, but if manager Holly Carter (Executive Producer of Preachers franchise and manager for Deitrick Haddon and Kierra Sheard) has her way, their debut will be nothing short of extraordinary. Just this year alone, Shelby 5 has appeared at various gospel events like “Praise in the Parkâ€?, “Urban Soul CafĂŠâ€? and even performed on the “30th Annual Stellar Awardsâ€? this year in Las Vegas alongside Deitrick Haddon, Dorinda ClarkCole, Kierra Sheard and others on the song “My City.â€? -Chloe Vanderpoole


As a native of South Carolina, what do you make of the recent church UJQQVKPI CPF VJGÇĄEQPHGFGTCVG HNCI controversy?

I believe the recent attack was the enemy’s strategic plan to usher fear and disunity, not only in the state of SC, but across the country. 6JG $KDNG UVCVGUǥVJCVǥō)QF JCU PQV IKXGP WU C spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind�. In addition, it is perfect love that casts out fear. My heart breaks for the families and communities who were affected by the shootings and my prayers are with them. Our authority is not in politics or policies, but on our knees crying out to a God who is full of justice ...........................................................As told to Hasan James CPF ITCEG ǥ+P VJG #HTKECP #OGTKECP EQOOWPKV[ the confederate flag has always been a sign of racial divide and tension. It reminds us of VJG KPLWUVKEG CPFǥ KPJWOCPGǥ VTGCVOGPV VJCV our ancestors had to endure. I believe South Carolina is headed in the right direction with JQRG NQXG CPF WPKV[ ǥ ǥ


It is evident that your song “Intentional� is a future classic. How will the “Intentional� album differ from your debut album “Stretching Out�?

Wow! Future classic? That’s pretty awesome lol. The Intentional EP comprises of four songs VJCV YKNN DG TGNGCUGF QP #WIWUV VJ 6JG HWNN album, entitled “The Hillâ€? will be released this Fall. It’s different from “Stretching Outâ€? in many ways. My new album was recorded LIVE CPF KU Ć’NNGF YKVJ JKIJ CPF GPGTIGVKE YQTUJKR I think I’ve also evolved through the years. I’m married now with a one- year old son and I’ve overcome many hardships and experienced OCP[ XKEVQTKGU QXGT VJGÇĄ RCUV Ć’XG [GCTU VJCV JCXG FKTGEVN[ KORCEVGF O[ÇĄ YTKVKPI CPF O[ music.


ÇĄ What inspired you to write such a powerful song?

scripture. I work it into almost every sermon that I give. It states, “All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.â€? So everything that’s happening in our lives, is not happening TO us, but FOR us! The second part of the inspiration was just a powerful word that God kept speaking to me in prayer, “Intentional.â€? The reason it’s all working for us is because God intentionally allowed it! In short, He’s been FQKPI KV HQT C NQPI VKOG ÇĄ ÇĄ What does the date January 5, 1911 mean to you and why is it UKIPKĆ’ECPV!


6JG Ć’TUV VJKPI VJCV EQOGU VQ OKPF YJGP + TGCF that date is Kappa Alpha Psi. It’s a fraternity that I joined in college and was heavily KPXQNXGF KP 6JG UKIPKĆ’ECPEG HTQO VJCV VKOG KP my life was that I honestly wasn’t ready for the temptation that came along with being in the spotlight on campus. I eventually found myself in a web of sin and shame. God literally rescued OGÇĄ CPF WUGF VJG KPHNWGPEG VJCV + JCF ICKPGF from being a Kappa to help spark a revival on my college campus. We saw dozens, if not hundreds, of college students come to know and love God. Today, I am still passionate about college ministry. Beginning in September, we’ll be doing a monthly night of worship, every 1st Tuesday at Benedict College in Columbia, 5 % +P #WIWUV YGŨNN DG QHĆ’EKCNN[ launching a church catered to “college-agersâ€?, ECNNGFÇĄ(QTYCTF %KV[ÇĄ%JWTEJ ÇĄ How often do you get compared to /CNK /WUKE!ÇĄ


Mali and I are compared pretty often. We’ve been very close friends since we were teenagers and he’s family! I believe that the release of my new album will lessen the comparisons a bit, but GXGP KH KVÇĄFQGUPŨV +ÇĄFQPŨV OKPF DGKPI EQORCTGF to greatness. Mali is iconic in my opinion. He loves God CPF KU UWRGTPCVWTCNN[ IKHVGF ÇĄ

The inspiration was two-part. Romans 8:28 has always been my favorite

It seems like Gospel rap is still on an uphill battle as it pertains to being played on radio. Does that frustrate you as a rapper who has the same message that a gospel singer does?

TEXTING WITH TWYSE As told to Hasan James

Yes and no. Yes because... “Even though I sound like Bishop Walker I’m only good enough to pacify those in walkers�. No because... I think there’s still no real unity in Gospel Rap, Christian Hip Hop (or whatever people are calling it nowadays). And until that takes place God will never allow it to be as big as it could be... Just my opinion.

Add Descriptive, One- Line, Sentence Here

Are you looking forward to getting back on the road again? Absolutely! And I’m not just excited about getting on the road but I’m excited about doing a concert for my teens in my local church (Agape Family Worship Center || Youth min: Agents of Change) who have no idea about T-Wyse and a Bandwagon (not unless they googled/youtubed me at some point). Because God told me coming in that He didn’t want me to rap to them but He wanted me to rap with them. And so with that being said I’m excited to see the major things God has ALREADY done with this “indie� artist. Dope!!! I'm assuming this was the interview? Lol Yup! Lol Dope... Can't wait to see what comes out of this.


have a confession to make. I have a Love/ Hate relationship with Gospel Music. Now I know what you’re thinking, how can an Editor-In-Chief of a Gospel Music publication and host of a Gospel radio show have a Love/Hate relationship with Gospel Music? I haven’t always felt this way but the days when Gospel Music was trendsetting and innovative are long gone. When you listen to Gospel radio nowadays you can pickk the format in which songs will be played and better yet, what songs will be played. It is a rotation of the same 20 songs. How can an industry who is relatively in last place afford to be so selective, so uninspiring? Besides, isn’t Gospel Music made to inspire or is it just made to inspire a certain demographic? Let’s take Kierra Sheard for instance. Around this same time last year, Kierra released an album entitled “Graceland,â€? which in my humble opinion was one of her best works. She and her brother J. Drew Sheard really pushed the envelope as far as sound, songwriting, production and sampling. “NO MATTER WHERE I GO I BE OUT THE BOX. IT MAY SEEM STRANGE BUT WE WANT TO CHANGE THE GAMEâ€?‌.. KIERRA SHEARD- “REPIN MY GODâ€?


The two of them did what I have been wanting Gospel artists to do for years‌.sample other Gospel Music. Not only does it diversify the genre and give it new flavor, it also stimulates the bank accounts of those artists who came before us through publishing. The way in which J. Drew sampled those vintage Clark Sisters songs like “They Were Overcome,â€? “There Is a Balm In Gileadâ€? and “He’ll Turn Your Scars Into Starsâ€? was pure genius, but it seems like not too many people cared about the innovation. Hip Hop was birthed from sampling and if it wasn’t for greats like James Brown and George Clinton, VJGTG YQWNF DG PQ *KR *QR CU YG MPQY KV *QYGXGT HCUV HQTYCTF [GCTU NCVGT and Hip-Hop is the biggest genre in music. Why is that? Because Hip-Hop not only took, but they continue to take risks and we as the Gospel community are at least a decade behind. Maybe we have to continue to gradually feed the Gospel community like Kirk Franklin did over 20 years ago with “Why We Sing.â€? It was a simple song that ultimately made people take notice and embrace the young, charismatic Texan before he slapped us all in the face with “Stompâ€? and other Hip-Hop tinged songs that were a far cry from “Why We Sing.â€?

but nothing seemed to hit and although Wilson stays working, her album didn’t do that well from a sales perspective, in a genre that already has lackluster album sales to begin with. How is it that there are hundreds of conferences in the “Black Churchâ€? on a yearly basis and we jump and shout CHVGT VJG RUCNOKUV KU Ć’PKUJGF singing and walk past their product table at the end of the night? Where is the support? With all of the people out there who claim to love Gospel Music, we should be selling tens of millions of albums. There are so many talented and anointed artists out there but we still have that “One artist at a timeâ€? mentality and it’s going to cost us big time! And don’t even get me started on Erica Campbell’s “I Luh God!â€? If I read one more comment about trap music having no place in Gospel Music and her singing devil music I am going to scream! The song is catchy, has a nice beat, is very youthful and has a place in Gospel Music and the church. I have a 12 year- old daughter and she loves the song and so do her friends. Even with it’s broken English and chopped and screwed beat, there is still a message in the music, so lighten up! We have to make music for the next generation so they can love Gospel just like we did growing up. How soon we forget that The Hawkins,

By Hasan James

Anita Wilson’s last offering, “Vintage Worship� was another album that had a very creative approach. The lyrics were heartfelt and the production top notch,

The Crouches and The Winans were all too contemporary for the church at one point in time. Artists like Hezekiah Walker and Ricky Dillard are trying to save choir music but why is it a dying breed anyway? There should be room for all types of Gospel Music on Gospel radio! The choir is the soundtrack for the church. How can an artist like Lecrae be the biggest selling Christian/Gospel artist, sell out stadiums, “turn upâ€? on the Stellar Awards, and not get any airplay on Gospel radio? Something is wrong. Something is missing. I remember back in the days “Posse cutsâ€? were huge in Hip-Hop and as a matter of fact, they still are today. It would be normal to hear three or four rappers on one song. Why can’t our Gospel artists follow the same model? Now don’t get me wrong, I really do love Gospel Music but like a parent, I care about the genre too much not to say something. I love that new Travis Greene song, “Intentional‌â€? it’s hot! Jonathan McReynolds is a freaking God-send to this industry. But we have to let more people in the room. If the gospel community does not wake up soon, it will be the death of Thomas Dorsey’s Gospel Music as we know it. All I can say is “Precious Lord, Take Our Handâ€?.

B r o o k l y n ’s O w n


H A L L’ S

Professor James Hall & Worship & Praise have always been in a class all by themselves. With choir music not being as present on radio as in times past, does the Brooklyn native and his extraordinary choir have what it takes to re-emerge in this NEW ERA of Gospel music? By J.S. Williams ROOT: There’s a rumor going around that choir music is dead. As the architect of a particular choir sound, what do you say to that? Choir music dead? It never died and I don’t believe it ever will. The sound of the music airwaves has changed, so what people hear more of is what they gravitate to. We live in a P&W era which LV Ă€QH EXW WKHUH¡V VWLOO QRWKLQJ OLNH D FKRLU in the choir stand, setting the house on Ă€UH EHIRUH WKH SUHDFKHG ZRUG FRPHV forth. Even in movies, whenever there is a church scene, you will always see the model church; choir in the choir stand and preacher in the pulpit! Even the world sees the church that way, so there LV QRWKLQJ WR Ă€[ EHFDXVH WKH FKRLU LV QRW EURNHQ DW DOO ROOT: James Hall and WAP created a sound that had never been heard before in Gospel music when you arrived on the scene in the early 90’s. Were you skeptical about coming out not sounding like everyone else? :KHQ , VWDUWHG :$3 P\ Ă€UVW SUD\HU was that GOD would give us something different, something original and he did just that. We were judged and sometimes even made fun of, but here we stand 28 years later...often imitated, but never duplicated. When you give God your gift and you allow him to use you the way he chooses, you will always stand in your own lane. It’s a blessing when I hear people say, “That’s that James Hall soundâ€?! My name has become a musical term. (Smile)



WAP’s New Era means so many things. We lost such a great component of our PLQLVWU\ ZKHQ 0HOYLQ &ULVSHOO SDVVHG DZD\ ODVW \HDU 7KLV LV WKH Ă€UVW SURMHFW WKDW he was not apart of and things just seem so weird and out of place not having KLV LQSXW :KDW , NQRZ DERXW *RG LV WKDW KH ZLOO DOZD\V VHQG VRPHWKLQJ RU VRPHRQH \RXU ZD\ ZKHQ KH WDNHV VRPHWKLQJ RU VRPHRQH DZD\ $OWKRXJK 0HOYLQ could never be replaced, God allowed me to partner with a new Co-Producer by WKH QDPH RI 7UR\ &KDPEHUV +H DQG , DOZD\V ZDQWHG WR ZRUN WRJHWKHU EXW ZH GLGQ¡W WKLQN LW ZRXOG KDSSHQ VR VRRQ ,W¡V D 1HZ (UD IRU :$3 Ă€UVW EHFDXVH 0HO is not here anymore and second, because some of the faces have changed. Many of my older singers have either grown weary or they simply are not able to travel as much anymore. I have some new singers now that are not even 28 years old, so we’ve been singing longer than they have been alive. (Smile) Don’t get me wrong, we still have several pillars still holding the Worship and Praise banner! We still sing Gospel the James Hall way! Many of the songs are new, and we even reached EDFN DQG JUDEEHG VRPH WLPHOHVV SLHFHV that no one in this generation has heard. <RX FDQ VWLOO H[SHFW WZLVWHG YLEUDWRV KLJK singing, good squalling, a touch of jazz, a touch of classical, traditional, churchy and even something to bop your head to! The band is still tight too! Mo Horns, Troy Chambers, Reggie Young, Nathaniel Townsley, Greg Moore, John Peters, DW Wright and Eddie Heyward are doing the thing! ROOT: You all are known around the world for your unique sound and impeccable style. Who inspired your sound and your sense of style?

ROOT: You recently signed with eOne. What are you most excited about with this partnership? ,¡P YHU\ H[FLWHG WR EH D SDUW RI WKH H2QH IDPLO\ DQG ZH KDYH D JUHDW UHODWLRQVKLS Our partnership actually began when they re-released my last project “Trip Down Memory Lane.â€? I believe with them starting at ground zero, with this New Era project, we have a great engine that will get it to the masses! ROOT: We got a chance to hear some of your new music and it is classic WAP! Are you gonna keep the sound the same with this next project or should we really expect a New Era for James Hall & Worship and Praise?

Growing up, there were many people that planted seeds in my musical growth. I’ll start with the ones who really impacted my sound the most, starting with my mom, Lula Mae Hall. My mom enrolled me in Classical training at a young age. My Pops, Jimbo, was a huge Jazz fanatic and 3URIHVVRU %XWFK +H\ZDUG ZDV D GHÀQLWH LQà XHQFH DV ZHOO *URZLQJ XS DV D WHHQDJHU LQ 7KH ,QVWLWXWLRQDO & 2 * , & DOORZHG P\ PLQG WR JURZ PXVLFDOO\ 7KHQ RI FRXUVH WKHUH ZHUH RWKHUV OLNH 7KRPDV :KLWÀHOG 7KH +DZNLQV 5LFKDUG 6PDOOZRRG 7KH 7RPPLHV DQG WKH list goes on! Now as far as my style of dressing, that came from my Mom and Pops! Both of them were heavy in the fashion game! My mom was a seamstress VR VKH DOZD\V PDGH VXUH , ZDV VKDUS , DOZD\V IHOW OLNH , ZDV RYHU GUHVVHG WKHQ , was taught you’re never over-dressed, everyone else is under-dressed! (Smile) My Pops wore a suit everyday so I got it honest and yes I am my own stylist!

Sunday Best: Season 2 of was undoubtedly one of the best seasons of the franchise’s eight- year history. A young man by the name of Zebulon Ellis was one of the standout performers with his zany style and infectious tenor. That season, the wild card was sent home but he gained a plethora of fans, who voted for him to come back to the same stage some six years later.


Root +V JCU DGGP UKZ [GCTU UKPEG [QW Ć’TUV appeared on Sunday Best. Although you didn’t win, you were one of the stand out performers. How has life changed UKPEG [QW Ć’TUV CRRGCTGF QP 5WPFC[ $GUV Season 2? Zebulon Ellis: Season 2 of Sunday Best was like an advanced class, so I wasn’t quite ready for where God wanted to take OG VJG Ć’TUV VKOG CTQWPF 6JGTGŨU CPQVJGT level of anointing that comes with EQPUGETCVKQP CPF VJG Ć’TUV VKOG CTQWPF + FGĆ’PKVGN[ UJQWNF JCXG EQPUGETCVGF OQTG I didn’t fully understand the difference between artistry and ministry, so now that I’ve gone through a few things, he’s been preparing me for something much greater. Root: You have been working in the play circuit for quite some time. What was it like working with Tyler Perry? Zebulon Ellis: That was a great experience. I went to a Performing Arts middle school and high school, so musical theater has always been apart of

ZEBULON ELLIS me. Working with Tyler Perry was great and the one thing about working with his productions is that there is always an underlying spiritual message. I got the chance to play a Pastor in the play that I was in and in real life I am a “Pastor’s Kidâ€? who didn’t have the greatest relationship with my father. I got a chance to see what of him was in me. Truthfully, I hated being a P.K. because I hated my father, so playing a pastor for 125 shows, I got to witness what it was like to minister to that main character and also to a crowd of people as a pastor and even KP C Ć’EVKQPCN UKVWCVKQP [QW TGCNK\G YJCV

are always great and the best part is I get to redeem myself to myself because I feel like + HCKNGF O[UGNH VJG Ć’TUV VKOG around. I had a conversation with Season 1 winner Crystal Aikin, and I shared with her that during the competition I had always arranged my own songs and when I got to my last song before I was eliminated, which was “Precious Lord,â€? I did not arrange that song myself and I was sent home. I let the band dictate how I sang the song and that wasn’t true to my artistry. In the back of my mind, I always wish I had just one more chance to redeem myself and I would see the A Martin Williams producers of the show over Interview time and tell them that they should do an All-Stars version of Sunday Best. So kind of blood is on your hands. I learned so much working with Tyler Perry and I I’m gonna really take credit for that. actually got called back to do another stage play with Madea this time, but I Root: What’s next for you if you win had to choose between that and Sunday Sunday Best All-Stars? Best All- Stars. I wanted to do that play so bad but God told me that he wanted to Zebulon Ellis: Before getting the call make my name great on my own terms, for Sunday Best All- Stars, I was more so I decided to step out on faith and do VJCP JCNH YC[ Ć’PKUJGF YKVJ O[ CNDWO Hopefully if I win, Kirk will let me record, Sunday Best All- Stars instead. write a couple of songs for me, and also Root: How does it feel to be given a let me write a few songs, but if not, I am going to keep on singing! second chance to showcase your gift? Zebulon Ellis: I think second chances

ROOT: Your current single “All the Glory� hit number one on the Billboard Gospel charts. How does that feel?

ROOT: When you say the name Alexis Spight, people automatically think about the red hair and the colorful QWVĆ’VU 9CU VJCV UQOGVJKPI KPVGPVKQPCN!

AS: Absolutely! I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. Me and Uncle G’s motto is “We’ll keep showing up regardless if the door is open or not.â€? So whether they play our music or put us on the program, we will still show up ready. Some things happen just by showing up and we’ve seen the DGPGĆ’VU QH VJCV +VŨU C ITKPF CPF [QW JCXG VQ RWV VJG YQTM KP Some things just don’t happen magically; you literally have to work your tail off to ensure that every dream God has spoken over your life will come to pass.

AS: It was really a smooth transition because you know how it can be going from one label to another, but that JCU PQV DGGP VJG ECUG HQT OG DGECWUG )QF KU FGƒPKVGN[ KP the midst. I’m really excited about the new level of control I now have being on this new label as it relates to my music. I wake up with a billion ideas everyday and I have permission to infuse my ideas and concepts to build my brand and every artist does not have that luxury.

ROOT: Do you plan on being apart of the industry for a long time?

ROOT: How has the transition been going from Music World to Uncle G Records?

AS: Initially it didn’t start off like that. Really it was just me being myself. When I saw that it inspired people to be themselves, it became a great asset to building my brand. I plan on doing things in fashion and hair and makeup and I want to use all these tools to minister and help someone in need. I believe I can be effective.

AS: I’m excited about it man! When I set out to do this project, I wanted it to be universal, so people of all ethnicities, ages and genres would be able to enjoy it. “All VJG )NQT[ĹŹ KU VJG Ć’TUV UKPING HTQO O[ UQRJQOQTG RTQLGEV “Dear Diaryâ€? that comes out Aug 28th CPF KV KU CNUQ VJG Ć’TUV single being released on my brand label, Uncle G Records. I’m just thankful for all of God’s blessings.

ROOT: How did you and Uncle G begin working together?


by Michael Gordon

Like American Idol, BET’s Sunday Best has birthed a plethora of stars and Season 3 winner, Le’Andria Johnson, even won a Grammy. Now Gospel’s favorite red head Alexis Spight, can add a #1 song to the Sunday Best resume, hoping to make history with her sophomore project, “Dear Diary.�

AS: It was crazy because after Sunday Best, I was getting a lot of offers from different people who wanted to manage me and I actually had someone representing me at the time, but I knew it wasn’t anything permanent and I would need someone long term to represent me. I met Uncle G through Music World about four years ago and he was one QH VJG ƒTUV RGQRNG VJCV GODTCEGF OG CPF O[ HCOKN[ *G UCV us down and gave it to us straight about the business and what he could offer. Before signing the contract, I prayed about it and God came to me in a dream and we have been on the road ever since. ROOT: What are some life lessons you got from being on Sunday Best? AS: The mentorship was just phenomenal and the relationships that were formed off stage were amazing. Being on Sunday Best, I gained support from around the world and it sustained me for three years of traveling and singing before I ever put an album out.

ROOT: What can we expect on this new album? AS: People are really going to be blessed by this album. ;QWT UQRJQOQTG RTQLGEV KU CNYC[U VJG OQUV FKHĆ’EWNV because as an artist, you don’t always know what your fans want. When I prayed about the direction of the album, I decided to sing what was in my heart. I have been through quite a few things over the past three years, so you will hear that in the music. I’m singing my heart out this time CTQWPF CPF [QW YKNN FGĆ’PKVGN[ JGCT VJCV + OCVWTGF XQECNN[ “Dear Diaryâ€? is modern enough that radio will love it, but also transparent enough that it will hit home. I worked with some amazing Grammy award winning and platinum selling producers and songwriters on this album; Rodney Jerkins and Dark Child, Pierre Medor and Bruce Robinson. I’ve also been campaigning for 10,000 people to pre-order the album before the release date on August 28th. Something like this has never been done before in gospel and I believe God can do it for me. Let’s make history!

What Describes T.D. Jakes? By Chandra Deal

THE MAN Profound minister, trailblazing entrepreneur and generous philanthropist. Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes is one of the most influential black leaders in America today. He is a phenomenal visionary whose enterprise has blessed millions around the world. Time Magazine named him among “The 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America.” Bishop T.D Jakes, CEO of TDJ Enterprise LLC, has continued to use his dynamic platform to deliver nearly four decades of powerhouse ministry and outreach worldwide. Under his award-winning corporate umbrella, Jakes is author of more than 30 published books and producer of more than eight gospel albums and nine films. His 2001 film, “Jumping the Broom” grossed over $37 million and had a budget of only six million. His most notable philanthropic endeavors include most notably, his humanitarian missionary work in Africa that provides more than 6,000 Kenyans with medical care and contributing the largest Tsunami relief donation received by UNICEF from a faith-based organization. Jakes continues to donate funds to many social, economic, and environmental causes on a global level.

VISION Ordained as a prodigious spiritual shepherd, Bishop Jakes began transforming lives as a pastor of a small 10-member congregation in Montgomery, West

Virginia in 1979. With a vision that was unshakeable, and a calling that was irrefutable, Bishop Jakes and his church relocated to Dallas Texas in 1996 to expand their ministry as The Potter’s House (TPH). TPH has produced four major national conferences: The Pastor’s & Leadership Conference, ManPower, Woman Thou Art Loosed, and MegaFest. Bishop Jakes is admirably revered as the Preacher of America and is now the leader of one of the country’s largest mega churches. Rivaling many other megaministries, The Potter’s House congregates more than 30,000 members for evangelical sermons, powerful breakthroughs, and prolific empowerment seminars.

INFLUENCE With the success of hosting many independent conferences and seminars, particularly Woman Thou Art Loosed and ManPower, Jakes combined those two symposiums along with MegaKidz presents “Destiny World” and MegaYouth presents “Fire Code” to create the mega-conference, “MegaFest.” This annual three-day spiritual entertainment festival attracts more than 100,000 people from all over the United States and in 30 countries across the globe. The “Essence Fest” of the faith- based community has included star studded appearances from entertainers, dignitaries and profound ministers. Icons including Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, DeVon Franklin, Kerry Washington, gospel super stars Smokie Norful, Kirk Franklin, Mary Mary, John P. Kee, and broadcast preachers Joel Osteen and Creflo Dollar have all participated in the festivities in year’s past Since its inception in 2004, MegaFest has been

recognized as the largest faith-based gathering in the country and has reached nearly 1 million people from around the world. After years of hosting the symposium in Atlanta, and traveling the conference as far as Johannesburg, South Africa in 2008, Jakes decided to bring MegaFest to Dallas where he has rooted his congregation. “I’ve always wanted to do it here in Dallas not only because my church members would get a chance to enjoy it, but this is my home city,” Jakes said. “This is home now, and I wanted to be able to impact my home city. Bishop Jakes created MegaFest as a festival for fellowship, spiritual rejuvenation and personal growth. Being a pastor of a mega church comes with mega responsibility. Bishop Jakes continues to promote spiritual fellowship, self-empowerment, and entrepreneurial growth. His undying commitment to ministry and outreach united with his prophetic spiritual guidance, has made him perhaps the most influential leader in America today.

FAMILY Bishop Jakes extends his leadership beyond the pulpit; he is not only a dynamic minister but also an incredible husband to his wife of 34 years, Serita Jakes. Together, the duo has five children: Sarah, Jermaine, Jamar, Cora and Thomas Jr. From their humble beginnings, Serita Jakes reinforced his calling as both a pastor and husband to their family. Together they lead over 20 local ministries and continue to travel the country, ministering and serving communities through various humanitarian projects.

performing at Essence Fest in tribute to Kim Burrell on her hit song “I Come To You More Than I Give,â€? Jonathan made the song his own, forcing the honoree out of her seat and creating a classic jam session featuring India Arie, Chrisette Michelle, Lalah Hathaway, Jason Nelson and others. In the early stages of Jonathan’s career, he uploaded two of his songs to Facebook believing that to be the pinnacle but things kept progressing from that point. Humbly accepting each successful stage of his career, Jonathan is amazed by how his career is on such an upward move. Humility is the key to staying successful, but pride always creates a path towards destruction. Jonathan McReynolds is truly the epitome of humility. He remembers how he arrived at this point of his career because of the hand of God being over his life. However, he also understands that as rapidly as God allowed his career to excel, it can all be gone in an instant. “If you remember you didn’t deserve it, that should keep you humble,â€? he said. “Understanding that all of this is a gift‌ I am really excited and humbled by that.â€? “I’m kind of a blunt person‌ sometimes I lack tact anyway,â€? he replies to my question of how he creates his music from the lyrics to a melody. Being raised in church, he knew all of the Christian colloquialisms; but he always believed that phrases like “A leak in this buildingâ€? raised a question mark in the minds of other people. His way of answering all questions, was to be as blunt as he possibly could in his songwriting by using simple words and phrases. “I don’t always feel like I take the artistic way out. I feel like I take the logical way out,â€? he said. Jonathan has always been somewhat of a “nerdâ€? of which translates over to his songwriting. Instead of using complicated phrases like, “Lord I am crest fallen and my mind is in a pit of despair,â€? he’ll just simply say, “Lord, I suck right now.â€? It’s the simplicity of life and how to translate that into lyrics is the route he decides to take. He tells me that the majority of his lyrics came from real life conversations he had with his friends and family. “If you understand how to tap into what you’ve experienced, you’ll never run out of UQPI KFGCU CPF OGCV VQ Ć’NN [QWT UQPI YKVJ ĹŹ Though humility is a great asset to the success of someone’s career, it also can blind someone to believing phenomenal things can happen to

them. When the opportunity presented itself The Campbell’s and Mr. McReynolds have truly for Jonathan to collaborate with India Arie at built a great relationship, more like family than $'6ŨU %GNGDTCVKQP QH )QURGN KP JG VJQWIJV colleagues. Jonathan recorded, wrote and the notion alone was too ambitious. As time offered everything he wanted to his upcoming progressed, he said to himself with all humility album Life Lessons: Stage Two. To give his in his heart, “If that happens, then I can truly say album another sound, he was asked who he that I’ve made it.â€? Although he has never been YCPVGF VQ YQTM YKVJ *KU Ć’TUV VJQWIJV CPF TGRN[ too impressed with his own accomplishments, was “Warryn Campbell.â€? Jonathan, PJ Morton he believed that if the opportunity came to and Warryn Campbell all worked together to be true to share the stage with India Arie, he create the added piece to the puzzle for the would feel consummated. “I’m the type of new album. “I always say, PJ Morton drew the person that quickly brings everything down to picture, I colored it and Warryn Campbell cut it size,â€? he says; but he believes that he doesn’t out.â€? really understand the magnitude of that accomplishment. He maintains the mentality As a guy who’s constantly on the move but of a Football player, believing that every always has his eyes open, there’s always somebody you’re evaluating to see if they’re accomplishment is considered a “First Down.â€? C TKIJV Ć’V 9JGP + CUMGF JKO KH JG YCU UGGKPI He has always admired India, but he’s even more anyone, he replied: “No, I am single.â€? Although excited to be able to forge a friendship with her. dating someone is not currently in his view, It became refreshing to him to know that she he believes that everything he is doing is in could relate to his challenge of being his type preparation for his future wife. of singer/ songwriter, because she also had to come into an already established R&B genre to Next month, Jonathan McReynolds will release bring a new perspective 15 years prior. Being his most important body of work of his career, VJG V[RG QH CTVKUV YJQ KU ENCUUKĆ’GF HQT DGKPI his sophomore album. When I asked him what different in a genre that can sometimes be we should expect, he answered me with an complacent with its current sound, Jonathan’s assurance a music lover wants to hear. “I think friendship with India became a way for him to that I am a much better writer, producer, and learn how to deal with the internal issues he singer than I was four years ago, therefore can accrue by presenting music in another way the music will be better.â€? He plans to present an updated version into who he is as an artist. and still be accepted. 9JGP JG TGEQTFGF JKU Ć’TUV CNDWO JG YCU C student at Columbia College. Now for the release of his second album, he’s a teacher at Columbia College with a Master’s Degree. He expects this album to have a further reach than JKU Ć’TUV CNDWO CU JG CRRTQCEJGF TGEQTFKPI VJKU album believing that people from all walks of life would be able to relate. One thing that will be heard on this new album is his same ability to write transparent and authentic lyrics.

Real music lives on through singer/ songwriter Jonathan McReynolds and continues to carry the message that transcends age and race, while showcasing the truth of our reality.

“Warryn counted me hanging out and doing a song with Erica to be the beginning of the back and forth relationship,� he said as we talked about his new single “Gotta Have You.�

“I grew up in the black church, Church of God in Christ. I had a white uncle who listened to Jim Croce and Bob Dylan on all of the road trips. I went to school for music. I’ve studied Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney,� he says giving us a glimpse of sounds that we are sure hear on his new album. He considers the release of his 2nd album the beginning of the second stage of his life, which displays a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, excitement and humility.

It seems as though Jonathan is the new “Goto Man� for collaborations, as he also teamed up with label mate Erica Campbell on the “All I Need is You� Remix from her Help 2.0 project. “I think the album is great and I certainly thinks it’s worth all the awards it has won. It’s an incredible album and she’s an incredible artist.� When Erica’s album “HELP� was released, Jonathan wanted to promote the album in is his own way. Instead of posting a flyer, he posted on Instagram a cover of “All I Need Is You.� Once Warren and Erica Campbell saw the Instagram post, they reached out to him asking him to be a part of “Help 2.0.� Jonathan humbly accepted the invitation to give Erica Campbell’s “All I Need Is You� an acoustic sound. “It was just another one of those collaborations that made sense. They get me and I get them. I was just blessed to have that opportunity with them�

musical choices. He stresses the importance of people, especially Gospel artist, using their gifts and methods that God gives them, because there are a vast majority of people that can relate. “My music has been very relatable to the younger generation. I want to keep it that way‌ I don’t think it’s something that I aimed for, but it just something that just happened‌.â€? From my vantage point and through the eyes of the general public, it seemed that Jonathan McReynolds came out of the shadows and brought a new sound to Gospel music at a rapid pace. As quickly as his notoriety increased, his personal life and the way he conducted himself had to be re-directed just as rapidly. “When you’re 21 and just learning about life, relationships, and spirituality, you have to be mindful of the learning process on stage for people to see.â€? He understood early on in his career that he had to monitor how he learned his life lessons because he was representing Christ to a large audience in a new way. “With my whole heart, I want to represent HIM well,â€? he said. Jonathan quickly realized how discerning and guarded he had to be when it came to choosing to attend different events or approaching women whom he thought were attractive. “When you’re letting people into your music, sometimes you’re letting them into your life as well.â€? “It’s amazing, because I never expected the music to come VQIGVJGT KP VJCV YC[ ĹŹ JG UC[U TGHNGEVKPI QP JKU QHĆ’EKCN Ć’TUV album, “Life Music.â€? Jonathan had already recorded an EP he VKVNGF ĹŤ6JG 8GT[ 7PQHĆ’EKCN '2 QH ,QPCVJCP /E4G[PQNFUĹŹ FWTKPI JKU LWPKQT [GCT KP EQNNGIG KP DWV JG YCPVGF JKU OWUKE VQ be released on a greater scale. As he began to continue to write songs like “Smileâ€?, “No Longerâ€?, and “Coming Out,â€? he never knew that they would all come together as an album. ĹŤ.KHG /WUKEĹŹ DGECOG C EQNNGEVKQP QH YQTM URCPPKPI C Ć’XG [GCT period. “It’s very interesting. Some songs I wrote when I was 17 and some right before the album came out when I was 21. My entire college life experience is chronicled on Life Music.â€? God’s RNCP CNYC[U UGGOU VQ OCMGU UGPUG QPEG KV JCU DGGP HWNĆ’NNGF With each piece of music Jonathan wrote during his college life, there was a thread of cohesion that only God could have created. “Life Music, in my head, is a classic moment for me.â€? Jonathan began writing while in college as a music major but he never knew why he created his music. He couldn’t say for certain if it was because he wanted to present his music to the world, but he knew for sure he created music because it was fun. “I appreciated the looks and criticism from friends and family, really expecting them to be the end of it,â€? he said; but he never knew that it was only the beginning. His career has been on the rise over the past few years, most recently

Leader of the New School When Jonathan McReynolds burst onto the scene a few years ago, he was a breath of fresh air. How can this 25 year-old keep the momentum going on his sophomore project, Life Music: Stage Two? By Torin Derek Where does real music live? Real music lives in the mind and heart of an individual that understands, cherishes, and believes in the power it possesses. True life stories of love, loss, and triumph births sweet melodic tones, soultouching lyrics, and life changing melodies that can stop the bleeding of our hearts and bring peace to our chaotic reality. Not everyone has that God-given ability to make music become real in the lives of others; but musicians like Jonathan McReynolds creates the music that makes one stop, think, and reflect on their life to make their next decision. Music to Jonathan McReynolds is more than chords in a melody or a chance to scat, sing, or play an instrument; but, music to Jonathan is a

message carrier. He gains excitement and rich enthusiasm with wrapping a great message into music. Artistically, Jonathan would much rather present music to the world that he thinks needs to be heard; but more importantly as a Gospel artist, music with the message that God intends to share with the world. “I’m a singer/ songwriter,” Jonathan tells me as I talk with him on clear summer day in June. I wanted to know what made him different and set him apart from any other male vocalist. He really couldn’t answer that question and I supposed it was his humility speaking for him; of which I can appreciate. He proceeds to tell me of his approach to writing music to be very authentic, pure, and reflective of his current

life situation. We laughed as he joked about JKU XQKEG DGKPI UKIPKƒECPVN[ JKIJGT VJCP [QWT average male vocalist, but he humbly admitted to being different because of his ability to be a songwriter and singer. Gospel music as a whole, has the connotation of being relative to an older generation. I wanted to know what he felt his responsibility is to the current generation. “I have a responsibility to reflect where I am in life,” he replied to me. “I don’t want to just try to sing for older people or try to sing for younger people. I’m just going to be me and we’ll see who gets the music.” He just happens to be a 25 year- old male vocalist whose music attracts a younger audience that understands his slang terminology and

Š2015 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment.


#Sandra Bland

die in a Texas county jail cell. Dead because a state trooper decided he didn’t like her attitude. Sandra was neglected, slammed, and pushed aside. Her rights as a human being were ignored, and she wasn’t alone. %QWPVNGUU DNCEM OGP YQOGP CPF EJKNFTGP JCXG DGGP XKNKĆ’GF CPF DTWVCNK\GF CV VJG JCPFU QH NCY GPHQTEGOGPV QHĆ’EGTU Why? Because their lives were perceived to have no value. Their lives weren’t worthy of justice. Their lives didn’t matter. So, what will we do now that Sandra, a beautiful, intelligent, black, 28 year- old, Sigma Gamma Rho Soror, she who earned a degree in in agriculture, a musician, a lover of people, and a civil rights activist who spoke out against social injustice, is gone? Will I be next? Will it be me driving down 58th street in West Philadelphia? If they stop me, will it all stop for me? Now that Sandra is no longer here, how will what she stood HQT KORCEV QWT Ć’IJV HQT LWUVKEG CPF GSWCNKV[! 0QY VJCV YGŨXG said our goodbyes, how will we move on? Rest in peace, Sandra. #BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName

By Gene Burke I have to be honest with you. When I was asked to write this edition of The Benediction, it gave me pause. I paused because I felt hopeless. Hopeless like a flower in the desert and no rain. I paused because I was frustrated, like two pawns from opposites ends of the board now standing face to face. I paused because I was confused; I didn’t understand how a seemingly progressive society could regress into such chaos and division. I paused because I realized that I was in grief. Did we really have to lose her? Did we have to lose them? Haven’t we been through enough? Is there a light at the end of this long, cold, dark tunnel? It seems like every other day it happens to more of us. Us‌ meaning our people. Our black men. Our black women. Our black children. How many more? When will it end? I watched the videos. I watched in horror, in anger, and in sadness as a Texas State Trooper threatened Sandra Bland. I heard it loudly and as clear as the eerie wind that sent chills down my spine as he said, “I’m gonna light you upâ€? with his weapon drawn to her face. I heard her cries, her wails, and protests as her head was violently used as a shovel as he dug into the ground and she exclaimed, “I have epilepsy!â€? Yet, the trooper carelessly and angrily dismissed her like a used napkin and responded, “Good!â€? All of this because she failed to use her right turn signal?

“I have epilepsy!�


She was young. She was excited. She was starting a new chapter in her life. She took a leap of faith by moving from Chicago, IL to Waller County, Texas. That leap was preparing her to fly. She was a dreamer and she was chasing a dream, only to have that dream

Gene Burke is a contributor for Root Magazine, Co-owner and Program Director at Look Up Radio, and Social Justice advocate based in Philadelphia.








©2015 RGM NewBreed under exclusive license to RCA Records.

Issue 20



Sept/Oct 2015







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