
Two years ago, one of those things happened that you hope never happens. My sweet Wes woke me in the middle of the night and said, “You better get me to the ER. I’m having chest pains.” I threw clothes on, jumped in the car, and said, “Which way? Are we staying in Huntsville or headed south?” He replied, “Go to HMH.”
I have made a habit in this column of being as real and transparent with you as possible. Many of you have told me you feel like we are friends, even though we’ve never met. That is more special than you know. So, I am sharing this story for a few important reasons.
First, multiple doctors have told us had we driven 30 minutes, my husband would not be here today. That decision saved his life. Second, yes, I had a moment’s hesitation about “which way was better.” Our local hospital had been through a tough season, but with new management, better things were happening. I am thankful Wes knew his body, and I trusted him.
Over the past few months, I have been working with the team at HMH as they prepare to offer our community the opportunity to have a new hospital. During this time, I have come to have great respect for the management at our hospital. They inherited a lot of problems, many more difficult than I realized. They are working hard every day to get better and better. They are honest and will tell you everything isn’t perfect…yet. But they are committed to our community and to making it so. The other thing I can tell you is they WANT to hear from you. Whether your experience is good or not so good, they truly want to know.
Here’s what I know. I am thankful for HMH. I am thankful we have accessible, quality healthcare at home. I am thankful for their leadership, and for every single person who works there to care for each of us when needed. For me, I no longer have to ask, “Which way?”
Until next time,
I have made a habit in this column of being as real and transparent with you as possible.
On behalf of the CASA Board of Directors and staff, THANK YOU for making the decision to support CASA’s Parade of Playhouses Raffle! Parade of Playhouses helps provide funds to ensure that every child placed in the foster care system in our three counties has an advocate representing them on a daily basis. Our advocates travel to visit their assigned children regularly, show up at court hearings to represent the needs of the child, and keeps in touch with attorney, caseworkers, teachers, counselors, doctors, and more throughout their case. They
couldn’t do what they do without YOU! Thank you for your generous support. Every Child Deserves a Chance… It’s you!
Kim Weiser, Executive Director
Whispers and Shouts by Karen (Altom). Excellent article concerning "Love for One Another." I am afraid love and kindness are being replaced with rudeness and hate.
Edward Woodfield
Thank you for expanding your Postcards mailing routes. It keeps me from having to hunt one down every month. I enjoy everything in it every month. Y'all are great!
accomplishments, as well as larger contributions
• Graduate of Huntsville High School at least 15 Years ago; Or
• Former HISD employee or trustee whose contributions left a lasting impact on the community; And
• Accomplished outstanding lifetime achievements as described above
This local veteran is living proof one person CAN make a difference.
Liesa Hackett has spent her life serving others – it’s what she feels called to do. She feels it deep in her bones that she must because she can Where does this come from? Shouldn’t we all feel so compelled? A conversation with Liesa left Postcards writer Katherine E. Stephens in tears, which continues the legacy Liesa has of touching lives wherever she goes.
Liesa Hackett grew up in Crockett, Texas, the youngest of 5 siblings to her parents. “I call myself an old folk baby,” Leisa says. Her father was
up in age when Liesa was born, and Liesa’s grandmother helped raise her alongside her parents – that being so, many of those closest to her were elderly. This is something that would forever affect Liesa as she found her way in life…and found her calling.
When Liesa was a senior in high school, she found herself feeling the tug to get out of Crockett, Texas. Having already proven herself a hard worker and capable of leaving an impression – she was the first black employee at a local upscale restaurant and also the first black employee at a pharmacy in town – Liesa knew there were great things awaiting her future. Her supportive bosses encouraged her to pursue greatness in the form of becoming a doctor or an attorney, but with little funds for such a dream, Liesa set her sights on the ticket out of town that would align with her heart’s desire to serve – the military.
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
Leisa was only 17 when she enlisted in the army, and being under 18, she had to have her parents sign off on the decision. Liesa’s parents couldn’t have been prouder to sign those forms. So with that, Liesa was off to boot camp after high school.
Training kept Hackett in the states, but she would go on to serve a oneyear tour in Egypt – and later Bosnia and Cozumel. Liesa started out with a finance/accounting focus in the army, but was eventually promoted to criminal investigator while serving. And she continued to serve proudly for fourteen years. Then…it was back to East Texas.
Instead of going back to her hometown of Crockett, Liesa would make a new home in Huntsville. One of her sisters resided there at the time, and Liesa also wanted to finish out her degree at SHSU.
After graduating, Liesa worked for 15 years as an accountant for the City of Huntsville. Now retired from the City, she owns her own mediation business called Crystal Resolutions, LLC and she pours out her heart into many organizations.
Liesa serves on the Board of CASA; she works on the Disaster Action Team of Red Cross; is an active member of Huntsville’s Lions Club; she serves on the board of the HEARTS Veteran’s Museum; and more!
Her “old folk baby” upbringing shows
up in her daily life, as Liesa expresses it is her life goal to help the elderly and veterans. Being a veteran herself, she is the right person for the job – but her heart for giving is even more.
When a child who is in foster care needs an advocate, Liesa is there. If disaster hits and someone has a housefire, Liesa is there with her ADAT team. If you are a veteran who doesn’t know where you fit into the world anymore…Liesa surely wants to be there. She started a monthly breakfast for veterans at the HEARTS museum. One can hear in her voice how much the project means to her.
“My mission and vision is that veterans can come together to talk...
many have PTSD. Sometimes you can’t talk to anyone or open up. This gives veterans a chance to come together and talk. We have benefits and resources we talk to the veterans about also,” Liesa explains. “There are people who come to talk to the disabled veterans, along with VA representatives.”
With an average of 100 veterans showing up for the breakfast each month, Liesa knows there are more out there who could benefit. “Please come,” she says when speaking to veterans who may not have community or a place to network about resources within the VA.
Additionally, Liesa has started a new program – Veteran’s Yoga
– that can be attended twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. “It has improved more lives than I could have imagined. I get to help seniors enjoy their lives,” Liesa continued.
The Why…and a Message for Others
When asked what she would share with today’s youth or young adults who are looking for their path in life, here is what Liesa has to say: “I love God. I love serving. It’s not cliché; it is deep in my heart. I’m grateful to be able to serve.”
Liesa shares that she has her aches and pains just like anyone, especially like other veterans. But as long as God gives her the energy for the day, Liesa says she will be serving and taking care of others. “Serving others is helping
yourself more than you know. I truly believe that. Giving back is giving yourself also.”
Liesa urges today’s youth to ponder on this quote: “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” --Muhammad Ali “Think about what that means,” said Liesa. I’m thankful to be able to serve.”
Liesa’s life of service in the military, along with serving children, the elderly, and adults is a touching story that deserves to be championed. Liesa points to her parents when asked how she got here in life, saying, “I turned into my parents. Bottom line. I see them in me every single day. And my family says that all the time.”
The story of Liesa Hackett is told here in Postcards, but no doubt the story will continue to be told through all the lives she touches along her way. She makes it clear –as long as she is able, she will serve.
Alpha Omega Academy Head of Secondary
Huntsville High School
Favorite Food:
I love watching new movies, trying new foods, and listening to new music, so I don’t have a favorite.
“LIfe is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.”Forrest Gump
Laney is a senior at Huntsville High School and is the daughter of Mandy E. Lang and Raymond Reynolds. Her activities include drama, FFA, CTE ambassador, working on CNA certification, and participating in church youth group. Following graduation, Laney plans to study at Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M University and earn a DVM.
FAVORITE MUSIC/ARTIST: Sonder (Brent Faiyaz)
Favorite Food: Pizza
“I had a purpose before everyone had an opinion.”Jayson Tatum
Mason is a senior at Huntsville High School and is the son of Kathy Leigh and Ricky Smith. His activities include photography, baseball, and fishing. Following graduation, Mason plans to study ag business, continue to play baseball, and spread His word. He believes, “Walk in love.”
FAVORITE MOVIE: 10 Things I Hate About You
Favorite Food: Acai Bowls
“Let your smile change the world; don’t let the world change your smile.” - Connor Franta
Kendall is a senior at Alpha Omega Academy and is the daughter of Mike and Kim Tran. Her activities include student council, Interact, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, house leader, and tutor. Following graduation, Kendall plans to study business with a focus in marketing (hopefully at Baylor University). She believes, “Your attitude toward life determines life’s attitude toward you. Stay postive!”
Alpha Omega Academy
FAVORITE MUSIC/ARTIST: Country / Zach Bryan Favorite Food: Chicken Strips
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” - Winnie the Pooh
Savannah is a senior at Alpha Omega Academy and is the daughter of Sharon Valles. Her activities include athletic trainer, basketball, and dance team. Following graduation, Savannah plans to be a 4th or 5th grade teacher and work in cosmetology over the summers. She believes, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Your attitude toward life determines life's attitude toward you.
Col M.B. Etheredge
Isaac Barcenas-Pina
Grandchild of Catherine Pina
Grandchild of Roy & Sabrina Castleberry
Great-grandchild of Gayle Metcalf
Southern art teacher turned viral influencer because he talks…a lot!
Thefirst time I heard Landon Bryant speak, I thought: I love this guy. When I finally met him, I really did love him. In fact, we’re both convinced we must be long-lost cousins from way back—there’s just no other explanation.
Landon Bryant is as genuine as they come. Sitting down for this interview in Laurel, Mississippi felt exactly like watching one of his videos—except better, because it was like catching up with an old friend who wouldn’t know how to be “stuffy” if he tried.
Whether settling the great pecan pronunciation debate, schooling nonsoutherners on funeral procession etiquette, or bravely moderating the ageold cornbread-and-sugar controversy, Landon has a way of making you laugh, think, and maybe even learn a thing or two. Like just how naked (or nekkid) a person can get—because, yes, there are levels!
Landon is one of my absolute favorite people because he’s the real deal—a real Southerner, a real family man, and just a genuinely kind soul. I’ll admit, I’m still a little bitter that his hair is better than mine, but I suppose I’ll survive.
How in the world did this all start?
I talk too much. I always have. My papa was a talker. I see so much of myself in him, and I’ve always enjoyed conversation.
My wife and I grew up together since second grade. So, basically, she’s been there for all the stories. One day, I was talking about something, and it was probably the 90th time she had heard it. She said, “What if you told your stories to the internet?” So, I did! I started talking to the internet. She got a break. And I just got to talking.
Like about your experience with Walmart High School?
We really did go to Walmart High School. Our school got blown away by a tornado. Nobody was hurt. It was on spring break, so nobody was there. So the best and brightest minds of this town got together. We had just gotten the new super Walmart, and their brilliant solution was to put us in that old empty Walmart for the last nine weeks of school. The 7th through 12th grade all in one Walmart. In cubicles, literally, plywood cubicles. It was a maze. It was a mess. The class under the Baby Department sign didn’t think it was as funny.
And I can talk about it all day long. So, I talked about that on the internet. And that went nuts, viral. In the comments, people were saying things like, “What do you mean you were ‘fixin’ to’?” And I was like, “How do
you not know what that means?” And they said the same thing about “might could.” And so, the next video I did was “Let’s Discuss Fixin’ To.” And “Let’s Discuss Might Could.”
“Let’s Discuss” was born from there. So, it was like a total accident, but it quickly turned into a celebration of things I love. Each of us live in a culture, but you often don’t realize it. It’s hard to turn a lens inward and see it from the outside. This whole thing has helped me see Laurel, Mississippi from a different perspective. And now I celebrate it.
How long have you been married?
Kate and I have been married for 13 years. And we’ve been together for 15, but we were best friends growing up. I just wasn’t eligible. I hadn’t grown into my ears yet. We were driving back from Orlando, and her grandmother said, “Wouldn’t it be nice if you could marry your best friend?” And I thought, “Hold on. I didn’t know I was in the running.” And then like two weeks later, we were dating.
So, what were you doing before?
What was your real job?
I was an art teacher. I was even teacher of the year for the state of Mississippi. And I really loved it. I never expected to do anything else.
there. It was a great time. This blew up in February of 2023. And it just was so nuts, so fast. We had to think about whether to continue teaching the next year or not. It was very scary because I wasn’t sure I could support our family without that. But I signed a book deal in May right before the school year was over so, it was like okay, I can take the time to do it.
Do you still do art?
I think you never “not” do art. I feel like probably you always do art. But I don’t have to teach. I really like collage. I like multimedia stuff. I like to throw everything at the canvas and see what sticks, and my wife is a portrait artist. She was featured on an HGTV episode two weeks before I went viral. We were shifting our thinking to how we support her art career in this new world where she’s getting all this attention, and then I just blew up. And so now we’ve got both of them going… and it’s really wonderful!
How has Charlie adapted to all of this? He’s mostly mad that I’m not at school with him anymore. They’re a different generation, though. Me being an influencer is not cool to them. He recognizes that he’s getting more opportunities to go do things and go to
different places, but what I do is cringy and embarrassing.
Do you find your audience is primarily women?
I looked at that, and it’s like 89% women, 11% men. But you know what surprised me with analytics? My largest city, where I have the most percentage of my followers, is New York City! I’m just so thrilled by that. That’s fascinating. What are y’all doing in New York?
But it’s people all over the world. I get comments from people from Vietnam and Uganda and all over the place that watch this stuff. <laughs> Basically, anywhere that’s hot and poor, they can relate to the things that I’m saying!
I think there are a lot of men who see your stuff watching it vicariously with their family.
Well, when people come up to me, the man in the family usually has something to say, too. And I like that a lot.
But I’ve always gotten along with all the ladies in my life. I grew up waiting around at the beauty shop. Now, people go to daycare all the time. When we were growing up, we just stayed with my great-grandma. We were always around family, and they were always at the beauty shop. Some of my earliest memories are listening to them there.
How did you start doing stand-up comedy?
I didn’t tell the truth one time, and I ended up doing stand-up comedy. Seriously.
This lady, Heather Land, is a comedian on the Internet. She messaged me, “I’m having a show in Columbia, Tennessee. I heard that you do stand-up. Do you want to come?” I don’t know who told her that, but I was like, “Yeah.” And I had never done it.
I remember when I got there she asked, “What’s your process before the show?” I looked at her and said, “What’s YOUR process?” <laughing>
I just stand-up and talk. I have a list of topics, and I know how to segue between them. I get up there and story tell. At the end, it was a great show, and I loved it. She was like, “That was so good! We’ve got to do more shows together.”
It’s so different from doing it for a camera, with no reaction. But if I think about it, family lunches are stand-up comedy because everybody practices our material on each other every Sunday. You learn real quick what you can and can’t say, and what’s funny and what’s not. So, I feel like I’ve been doing stand-up my whole life. Now, I’m just actually on the stage doing it. This spring will be a mix of comedy shows and book signings.
Tell us about your new book. It’s called Bless Your Heart, A Field Guide to All Things Southern. And it is just that.
It’s very funny what it turned into. I got it done and turned the manuscript in, and it wasn’t a field guide at that time. It was just Bless Your Heart. Then all the editors got hold of it. None are Southern. Some are not even American. My manuscript, when they sent it back to me, was just covered in red “what is” questions, and “this is wrong.” We spent two months arguing, with me saying, “No, that’s how it is; I understand it’s not grammatically correct. This is how it has to be said.” So, it was very fascinating.
They had no concept. I was constantly going back trying to explain. It turns out we had to put in cross references and footnotes. It turned into this very scientific thing.
Was Instagram your initial social media platform?
It was and it’s still my main one. I’m most comfortable there. My audience is just the best people. Honestly, if you’ve never seen my account, go watch my videos, sure, but the comment section is the gold. It’s so good. When I started this, I was actively teaching four-year-olds every day. I
Scan code to watch Landon's explanations of the levels to "nekkid" and why it's important to label them appropriately!
think I speak to four-year-olds the way I’m speaking on the internet. Kindness has been at the forefront of the whole thing. It’s built a kind community. So, I love Instagram.
TikTok is similar. It’s just a little more unhinged. They’re sillier over there. And Facebook can kind of get scary sometimes, people are really serious. And YouTube is the wild west!
What is it you think people relate to best?
People are looking for a place that’s not ugly, where they can say stuff and not be attacked in the comments. There’s plenty of division. People are looking for more community.
It’s turned into this table we’re all at. I think it’s very important we’re at this table arguing about mayonnaise... or cornbread. Then maybe later we can learn to argue about even bigger things. But right now we’re here, and we’re going to argue about pear salad, and learn to be kind.
It’s very easy on the Internet to be a keyboard warrior. People wouldn’t say those things to people’s faces. The Internet has turned into this insane thing that, in real life, people wouldn’t
Our attorneys have been staples of the legal community in Walker County and surrounding counties for many years.
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act that way. We just have to recultivate the way we act on the Internet. And people are looking for authenticity. The younger generation can sniff out fake so quick. If you’re acting or copying a trend, they know immediately. This is all I know how to be. So that’s what I’m going to be on the Internet. And I love to make my videos.
Kate and I have a new podcast. I’m also pitching a television show that’s set in Laurel. I can’t believe they would even listen to me for that. It’s called Cousins. Basically, cousins coming back to live with their mom on Fifth Avenue. And shenanigans ensue from there. I wrote myself into the show as the narrator-just narrating from afar.
But we’re going to let the Lord lead. Whatever happens happens. I’m not going to be disappointed if things don’t pan out. I am very grateful for everything. If it stopped right now, I would be like, “Wow. What a ride.”
For more information on Landon and his videos, his book (release April 2025), or his new podcast “LandonTalks with Kate,” visit
When I yell at my dog to stop barking, I wonder if he’s like, “This is awesome! We’re barking together!”
I wanted to be a monk…but I never got the chants.
My wife says I’m getting fat, but in my defense…I’ve had a lot on my plate lately.
Your fingers have fingertips, but your toes don’t have toetips…yet you can tiptoe, but not tipfinger.
Kids these days are soft. I’m pretty sure I died once when I was 7, and my mom made me walk it off.
My wife is using the word “mansplaining” incorrectly, and I don’t know what to do about it.
Interviewer: So, where do you see yourself in five years?
Me: I’d say my biggest weakness is listening.
A duck, a skunk, and a deer went out to dinner at a restaurant one night. When it came time to pay, the skunk didn’t have a scent and the deer didn’t have a buck. So they put the meal on the duck’s bill.
Therapist: You saw the red flags though, right?
Me: I thought it was a carnival.
I got called “pretty” today! …Well, the full sentence was “You’re pretty annoying,” but I only focus on the positive things.
My daughter said, “Daddy, we are not friends with Susie, because she said I dress weird.” No questions asked. Now I gotta beef with a 7-yo named Susie and her father. I don’t make the rules. I just play my role.
We have a couple of Star Wars kids' books, and my 19-month old daughter has decided she has a favorite character. She kisses his face on the page when she sees him and was BEYOND delighted when he showed up in some clips from the movies with him in it. It's Jabba. Jabba the Hutt.
Our toddler informed me she used the "poop spray" after she used the potty.
I said, "Oh, cool! You're so smart."
Then I realized we don't have poop spray. What poop spray?
Thinking she meant Febreze, I checked-we're out.
Then she said she found it in the kitchen.
COOKING SPRAY, y'all. If I don't show up for work tomorrow, you can find me concussed from a fall, because it's basically a skating rink in there.
It's fine...everything's fine...
5-yo: I don't like it. It's too spicy.
Me: 5-yo:
Me: 5-yo:
Just asked my 9-yo son what he learned in school today. He said, "Apparently, not enough, because I have to go back tomorrow."
Texas experienced several measles outbreaks in 2024, primarily affecting unvaccinated individuals, and we are currently experiencing another outbreak in West Texas.
Measles is a highly contagious viral illness that primarily affects children, but can also impact adults. The measles virus spreads easily through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, and it can remain in the air for up to two hours, making it incredibly easy to contract in crowded places. Before the vaccine was widely used, measles was one of the leading causes of death in young children worldwide.
Symptoms usually appear 7-14 days after exposure, and include high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. A few days into the illness, a red, blotchy rash will appear, starting on the face and spreading to the rest of the body. This is often how doctors make the diagnosis.
Some people may experience more serious complications like ear infections, pneumonia, or even brain swelling
(called encephalitis), which can be life-threatening. The virus is most dangerous for the very young, for the older population, pregnant women, and immunocompromised patients. While most recover from measles, some may experience long-term health consequences.
The best way to protect yourself and your family is through vaccination. The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR vaccine) has been used for decades. Vaccination has dramatically reduced the number of measles cases in the United States, and it is widely regarded as one of the most successful public health interventions in history. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the measles vaccine is 97% effective when both doses are administered, making it the most effective way to prevent this dangerous disease.
Extensive research has shown the MMR vaccine is both safe and effective. Side effects are generally rare, and when they do occur, they are usually
Dr. Lane Aiena Family Practice
mild—such as a low-grade fever or a slight rash. Serious side effects, such as allergic reactions or seizures, are extremely uncommon.
The MMR vaccine does not cause autism. This misconception originated from a discredited study in 1998, which was later retracted. The overwhelming body of scientific evidence supports the safety of the MMR vaccine.
Children should receive two doses of the MMR vaccine: one at 12-15 months and another at 4-6 years. Adults who have not received the vaccine should talk to their healthcare provider about getting vaccinated, especially if they are at higher risk of exposure, such as healthcare workers or international travelers. For adults vaccinated as a child with only one dose or unsure of their vaccination history, a second dose may be recommended.
For certain populations, such as pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems (e.g., individuals undergoing chemotherapy or living with HIV), the MMR vaccine cannot be given. In these cases, it is important to discuss alternative ways to prevent measles exposure with your healthcare provider.
While measles was once considered a disease of the past, outbreaks still occur in areas where vaccination rates have declined or where people travel from regions where the disease is more common.
As a physician and a father, I understand family healthcare decisions can sometimes feel overwhelming, but vaccinating your child and yourself is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your family and the community. The MMR vaccine is vital for preventing the spread of measles.
Billy Cauthen Funeral Director
Who Do You Admire?
My dad. Although he is no longer with us, he set a great example on how to live and be a good dad. He never spoke ill of anyone, and made a friend everywhere he went.
Advice You’ve Ever Gotten?
Cecil Trantham once told me the best business advice, “Quality, Integrity, and Professionalism are the three keys to success.”
Advice To Your Younger Self? Don’t do stupid stuff.
You seem to have lived through a lot of April Fool’s Days. What were some favorite pranks you’ve seen?
I’m not admitting to which ones I pulled personally, but here are some good ones. Did you know that if you pick an apple sized onion, place a popsicle stick in it and dip it in red sugar syrup, it looks just like a candy apple? If you save your empty Amazon boxes for months and stack them all on the porch on April Fool’s, your significant other may faint when they drive up. Another good one is to bring a toaster to the work breakroom and turn the levers to the wall. A little “voice activated” sign is all you need for a day of giggles.
Some of my friends are so rigid about their diets that they won’t vary them one iota. This drives me crazy, and I eat lunch alone many days because of it. They may be thinner, but I’m happier.
Here’s my theory… Some days you eat salad and go to yoga. Some days you eat cake and refuse to put on pants. It’s called balance! If you ever need an honest, disinterested third-party opinion about your weight…intoxicated people, children, and leggings always tell the truth.
Yes, I am older than the internet. So, I do remember…before the internet, people thought the cause of stupidity was the lack of access to information. Apparently, it wasn’t that.
Welcome back to the Dear Gabby advice column. April showers bring… nope, allergies. April Fool’s Day is on the first, and tax day is the fifteenth. There must be some correlation there. Ironically, April Fool’s is the only day of the year when people properly analyze news articles to see if they’re true. Good Friday is April eighteenth, and Easter is on April twentieth. Life is full of Easter eggs; you just have to find them! I won’t say my memory’s bad, but I can hide my own Easter eggs! Easter advice: it’s still not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. Send me your questions by clicking on Dear Gabby at MAY THE MIRACLE OF EASTER BRING YOU RENEWED FAITH, HOPE, AND STRENGTH. WISHING YOU A JOYFUL AND BLESSED EASTER.
As summer approaches, many of us begin dreaming of a tropical escape. You can create a tropical look by adding a few beautiful blooming accent plants such as hibiscus and bougainvillea or go all the way and create your own “tropical resort look”. Do not be afraid…go for color, and lots of it. If you want the whole deal (outdoor cantina bar, outdoor kitchen, waterfalls, lanai, pool, and lush landscape), create exactly what you want. Professional landscape design ers can create amazing outdoor spaces, all ranges of budgets.
If you would like to add a few tropical blooms, consider the following plants for hardiness, heat resistance, and “wow” factor.
Chinese Hibiscus - a personal favor ite of mine. The large, colorful blooms only last a day, but the profusion of blooms is amazing. Hibiscus range in size from 2’ max. on the miniatures to 6’, depending on the variety. Hibiscus, like other tropical plants, grow well in containers that can be easily moved when the threat of freezing weather occurs. I prefer to plant in raised beds around the lanai, prune all back to 12”, and cover with freeze cloth when temperatures approach 35 on a consistent basis. Leave the freeze cloth in place (it is water and air permeable) until spring, and your plants will be beautiful. Hibiscus do best when fertilized with hibiscus food that has a very low phosphorous level. Never use super bloom, miraclegrow, or other very high phosphorous fertilizers on hibiscus. This can prove deadly.
Bougainvillea – consider if “watering” is not your favorite activity. Bougainvillea are evergreen, thorny, desert vines that redeem themselves in the broiling heat and drought by displaying hundreds of brightly colored brachts that resemble blooms.
Kim Bius President, Kim's Home & Garden Center
They love being rootbound and just enough water to keep the leaves from drooping. As a matter of fact, bougainvillea need to be rootbound to bloom. Overwatering will stop blooming, and no amount of fertilizer will force bougainvillea into bloom. My kind of plant!
Ixora – These lush evergreen shrubs bloom large clusters of orange/red blooms throughout the year. In the tropics, ixora are as common as boxwoods and used as low maintenance “hedges.” In our area, they make great accent plants, grow well in containers, or can be grown as a great hedge around a pool. Ixora are fairly cold hardy, can withstand temperatures into the upper 20s, reach 4’ x 3’ at maturity, and grow well in half sun to full sun. Considered deer proof. Plumbago – These hardy, sun-loving perennials have all the traits we love. Beautiful blue blooms, deer proof, and super low maintenance, plumbago grow “freeform” in large, arching branches. A splash of sky blue gives any landscape a cool, tropical feel.
Monstera Philodendron – The large tropical, Swiss cheese foliage will vine and grow over 20’. These are more cold tender than other tropical plants, but can be mulched heavily, covered with freeze cloth, and survive many winters. I plant these vining philodendrons at the base of arching palms to create a rainforest look. Philodendrons will need afternoon shade and will not tolerate direct summer sun after 1:00 pm.
Plumeria – the queen of the tropicals. Plumeria have a cult following, and many gardeners have risked customs to smuggle an exotic variety back to their garden. The neat trick about plumeria is only a 4” piece of stalk is needed to start your own plant.
Plumeria love a sunny location, with good water, excellent drainage, and plumeria food.
Summer is well on the way, so have fun and enjoy the lazy days to come.
1 lb skinless boneless chicken thighs
1 (15-oz) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup frozen whole kernel corn
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp ground cumin
2 (10-oz) cans medium red enchilada sauce
1 (8-oz) pkg shredded Mexican blend cheese, divided
8 (6-inch) corn tortillas, cut into 1-inch pieces
shredded iceberg or Romaine lettuce
chopped fresh tomato
chopped green onion
sour cream
Step 1: Combine chicken, beans, corn, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and cumin in a 3 1/2- to 4-quart slow cooker. Cover with enchilada sauce.
Step 2: Cover and cook for 3 to 4 hours on High or 6 to 7 hours on Low.
Step 3: Shred chicken in the slow cooker using two forks.
Step 4: Stir in half the cheese and the tortillas. Top with remaining cheese.
Step 5: Cover and cook on High until tortillas are softened and cheese is melted, 30 minutes.
Step 6: Top servings with lettuce, tomato, green onion, and sour cream.
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1 cup dry white wine
1 cup peach schnapps
½ cup sugar
1 tsp chopped fresh mint leaves
½ tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
2 cups half-and-half cream
10 fresh peaches, sliced
Step 1: Place white wine, peach schnapps, sugar, mint leaves, cinnamon, and nutmeg together in a bowl. Stir in half-and-half and mix until well blended and sugar is dissolved. Add sliced peaches, and transfer to a saucepan.
Step 2: Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring frequently and reducing heat if necessary to prevent scorching cream. Remove from heat when peaches are tender. Cool to a safe temperature for blending.
Step 3: Process in a blender or food processor until completely smooth. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve chilled.
2 cups dry pancake mix
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 large eggs
1 cup applesauce
1 tsp lemon juice
½ cup milk
Step 1: Stir pancake mix and cinnamon together in a large bowl; make a well in the center and add eggs, applesauce, lemon juice and milk. Stir mixture until smooth.
Step 2: Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake; cook until bubbles form and the edges are dry, 1 to 2 minutes. Flip and cook until browned on the other side. Repeat with remaining batter.
Thursday, April 17th
Between hours of 8 am - 6 pm
Friday, April 18th
Service of Darkness 8 pm
Saturday, April 19th
Fellowship Fish Fry 3 pm - 6 pm
Sunday, April 20th
Easter Services 9:00 am and 11:00 am
1 Tbs olive oil
½ cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 cups cauliflower florets
¾ cup vegetable broth
6 oz multigrain spaghetti, uncooked
½ cup finely shredded Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish
⅓ cup water
⅛ tsp black pepper
4 cups broccoli florets, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 red bell pepper, cut into bite-sized strips
2 Tbs sliced fresh basil
1 Tbs lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest (optional)
Step 1: Heat olive oil in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring occasionally, until onion is tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in cauliflower and broth; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, until tender, about 15 minutes. Uncover and let cool slightly.
Step 2: Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook spaghetti in boiling water until tender yet firm to the bite, 7 to 10 minutes, adding broccoli and bell pepper for the last 5 minutes. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup cooking water. Return spaghetti to the pot and set aside.
Step 3: Transfer cauliflowerbroth mixture to a food processor. Add Parmesan cheese, water, and black pepper. Cover and pulse until sauce is smooth.
Step 4: Pour cauliflower sauce over spaghetti in the pot. Cook over low heat until heated through, stirring in reserved cooking water to reach desired consistency. Garnish with basil, lemon juice, zest, and Parmesan cheese.
You can substitute green beans (cut into 1-inch pieces) for broccoli. Or mix and match!
You can double the sauce in Step 1 to keep the dish creamy.
Golf is a common interest... but when it comes to community service, these ladies definitely don’t play.
Every Tuesday morning at Elkins Lake Golf Course in Huntsville, the turf decidedly belongs to the ladies. At 8:00, the 18-hole group gathers. The roll is called to match up with the signup list, information is shared, announcements are made, and then the group are off to the course to play their match.
At 9:00, the process repeats for the 9-hole group, before they also tee off. When their play is complete, both groups gather at the clubhouse to share lunch and conversation. On days when the weather doesn’t cooperate, a time of table games ensues in the clubhouse. We visited with Diane Eddington, president of the organization, and quickly learned that the bonds that join this group together transcend Tuesdays and tee times.
The Tuesday player groups are considered the “mini-meetings” of the organization. The group has full (non-golf) meetings in March, July, November, and December. The organization has several events during the year, including tournaments and a Christmas gathering. For each event, a charity of choice is selected to benefit. On April 23-24, ELWGA will be holding their annual Divot Damsels Invitational Tournament, with proceeds going to benefit the Rita B. Huff Humane Society of Walker County.
Another annual event is the Ladies Member-Guest tournament, which will be held this year on September 24-25. Last year, nearly $14,000 was raised and donated to the Sam Houston State University Food Pantry, which was a record-setting total for ELWGA, in large part due to the work of Shirley Enloe in obtaining sponsors.
While their Christmas event is a large social gathering minus the golf, the group selects a cause to support from that event as well. In line with the holiday season community needs, that giving is usually connected with food items and toys. The Christmas event includes a luncheon, awards ceremony, and installation of officers for the upcoming year, as well.
Other past beneficiaries of the organizational giving include the Huntsville Educational Foundation; Parkview Place Apartments, Sundale
Living Center, and Creekside residents; local HFD toy drive; Good Shepherd Mission; Hospitality House; SAAFE House; CASA; and HISD teachers.
Eddington credits the growing success of the groups charitable arm to crossover relationships and improved communication through technology. “With the Nextdoor app, as well as email and our Facebook group page, it feels like there is more giving now that we have all these ways to disseminate the information. And it’s not just getting the word out about the fundraiser itself. We are finding people are more willing to give when we put out more information about the need and the group who will be benefiting. People want to know about the cause they are supporting.”
Jan Simmons, who passed away a few months ago, had the idea for the group to go in and decorate the doors of seniors at residential facilities for Easter and Christmas. They also put together grocery and supply gift bags for the seniors. “Jan, who didn’t even play golf, is the one who spearheaded it, and Norma Diamond. They kind of were partners in crime, said Eddington. “Barbara Barnes is our ‘crafty one,’ and she would pick the craft we would make to decorate with.” A lot of needs are communicated and shared through ELWGA members who are members of (or friends with members of) other groups, such as the Elkins Newcomers or Bark Park group or local churches.
A favorite past project was when the 9-hole player group came up with the idea to provide care dolls to memory care patients. Similar to music, these patients seem to respond well, take comfort, and do better when given a doll.
Last year, Nancy King, with the help of “a bunch of Elkins Lake ladies and a friend of hers from Minnesota” put together an additional tournament, Golf for the Girls, in 84 days. This event raised $16,000 for the Huntsville Memorial Hospital imaging center to perform mammograms for noninsured and underinsured women, and it set another new record for the organization. “And she had never run
a golf tournament before in her life,” said Eddington. “She did an amazing job. But that’s the kind of spirit so many people have here.”
A Place for All Eddington points out that their group, over 120 strong this year, also has many members who don’t play golf. “We have members who used to play, but can’t currently due to health conditions; members who have since moved away, but are still connected across the miles; and strictly social members, who use their strengths to support our events or giving with decorating, cooking meals or providing transport for ill or bereaved members, or working on logistics, crafts, projects, and such.” With exceptions for special events (there are also annual couples and men’s member-guest events), guests of members, and prospective residents, Elkins residency is required to play on the golf course; however, Eddington says there are several active non-golf members of ELWGA who live outside the community. She adds, “The same applies to Elkins Newcomers and to the bunko group that meets out here. You don’t have to live here to participate.”
The 2025 ELWGA officers are Diane Eddington, President; Sandra Clark, Vice President; Nancy King, Secretary; Julie Newberry, Treasurer; Cindi Slaughter, Tournament Chairman;
Julia Woods, Rules Chairman; and Carol Cole,
Community really is larger than golf…or a subdivision. Concludes Eddington, “We have an amazing group of ladies with giving hearts for those in need—and there is so much need. We are blessed to be able to help make a difference.”
For additional information, visit WGA.
In today’s digital age, financial scams are increasingly sophisticated, leveraging technology to exploit unsuspecting individuals. As financial literacy becomes a priority, it is crucial to understand the types of scams currently targeting people. Below are a few examples of the most prevalent:
• Phishing remains one of the most common tactics used by scammers in recent years. Emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate financial institutions or well-known companies trick individuals into sharing sensitive information such as passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card details. These messages often create a sense of urgency, prompting victims to take immediate action without verifying the sender’s authenticity.
• Personal relationships are also a target. Scammers will call or text, from a random number, posing as a friend or family member in need of money due to a dire situation. Always hang up and try calling the person, at a known number, requesting the money or even other close family or friends that know them to investigate whether it is a scam.
• In a world increasingly reliant on technology, tech support scams have become rampant. Scammers often pose as representatives from major tech companies, claiming that your device has been compromised or infected with a virus. They typically ask for remote access to your computer, allowing them to steal personal information or install malware.
• Scammers also will pose as government entities or even law enforcement. Saying you missed jury duty, or owe the IRS money, overdue bills etc. You can easily hang up and call or go online to find out the validity of these claims but never give them personal information over the phone or computer.
To avoid these scams, remember that legitimate companies or government agencies will never ask for remote access to your computer, phone or accounts. NEVER click a link from a text message or email, instead go to the government or company website and further investigate the claim.
Financial scams have evolved in tandem with technology, becoming more intricate and harder to detect. Awareness and vigilance are your best defenses against falling victim to these scams. Stay informed, educate yourself and others, and trust your instincts. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. By taking proactive steps, you can help protect your financial future from scammers lurking in today’s digital landscape.
Family, friendliness, and food are the foundation of a legacy.
Young entrepreneurs often wonder how to make their business successful. Online searches offer advice: post more on social media, offer coupons, set goals, be organized, welcome pets! If you ask Moe, Joe, and Abe Carter--sons of James Otis Carter, the founder of TX Burger--the secret to success is much simpler. “You serve people a good product; you are kind to them; you thank them; you do it in a way that’s genuine, and they want to come back and eat with you. I think that’s what has made us successful for all these years we’ve been in business,” said Moe.
“You serve people a good product; you are kind to them; you thank them; you do it in a way that’s genuine”
All Hands on Deck
James Otis grew up in Madisonville cooking with his mother. His parents, Mary Frank and John Dean Carter, owned a grocery store in town. Inspired by his mother’s cooking, he opened TX Burger (then known as Dairy Palace) at its present location at 2902 East Main Street in Madisonville in 1973. The business has grown over the years, now with 11 locations all around East Texas. That original location will always have a special place in the hearts of the Carter family; their loyal employees who they consider family; and the Madisonville community, because it was the first. “This has always been our ‘baby,’ if you will, because this is what dad started with, and this is where Barbara and Minnie and other long-term employees have worked. We care about the restaurants all the same, but this one has a different feel to it,” said Moe.
His sons attribute the success of the business to James Otis’ hard work, dedication, and kindness. “He worked for nearly 15 years open to close every day to get this business to where it is today,” said Moe. “Dad has always instilled in us being respectful and treating people the way you want to be treated. We’ve tried the best we can to do right by our employees and just appreciate our customers.”
In the early days of the business, James Otis’ wife Tracy helped out in the restaurant and went on to bring up their family of seven children. The couple has been married for 48 years. The brothers laugh as they recall Moe being in a crib in the back of TX Burger. Moe, Joe, and Abe remember working at TX Burger and other Carter family restaurants as teenagers, and some of their children have worked in the business as well. It’s this kind of “all hands on deck” dedication that is the foundation for TX Burger.
While James Otis continues to provide input on a daily basis, Carter Enterprises, the family business, is now primarily managed and operated by his three sons. They operate a number of businesses--including TX Burger, Lakeside Restaurant, Pizza Hut, Subway, and Shipley Donuts in Madisonville. The business is continuing to grow, with more restaurants stretching to southern parts of Dallas. It isn’t any wonder they’ve found success and maintained it. The testament of having employees who have been with the company since the start says something significant about the way it operates.
“I work for a good family. They’re just like family to me,” said longtime employee Barbara Bridges.
customers. We have coffee drinkers who come every morning. They drink coffee and eat breakfast. They’re just like family. I enjoy working here, and I don’t even want to quit.” She’s been with TX Burger since 1976 and continues with the restaurant today. James Otis trained her in the kitchen to start, and she moved to the front counter after her first year. Given the choice to work up front or in the kitchen, she chose to cook.
Minnie Nixon started with TX Burger in 1973 - the year the doors opened. She stayed with the business and ultimately retired from there after working for the Carters for 50 years. She later went to work caring for James Otis’ mother in her last years. “She went from cooking hamburgers here to caring for Mia (their grandmother). They had a
lot of years together,” said Moe.
One might think it’s tough working with family; while it’s not perfect, the Carter brothers find a lot of joy in supporting one another as a team. “I think Moe and Joe are different, and I’m somewhere in the middle,” said Abe. “I’m sure there are days we get on each other’s nerves, but overall, it’s a blessing to love the people you work next to, and they happen to be your brothers and your friends, too.” Joe affirms those thoughts. “I think we all love our family,” he said. “We’re always wanting to make sure our parents are doing okay. When we think back on when our dad was getting going, he just had himself to lean on. Now, we can lean on each other. That’s been one of the most fulfilling things for me, that we can all count on each other
The Food!
TX Burger is known for quality food. Lifelong customers Billy and Jean Tinsley are quick to pay tribute to what has kept them coming back for so many years. There’s no hesitation as they shout, “The food!” Like Bridges and Nixon, the Tinsleys see the Carters as family, and their histories intertwine from years of life in a small community. For travelers who make the drive up and down Interstate 45, the TX Burger billboards with comic book graphics and sayings that stick are iconic to the trip. Even Texas treasure and baseball hall of famer Nolan Ryan has been turned into a comic character for the billboards. TX Burger serves hamburgers made using Nolan Ryan Angus Beef, so it’s only fitting his likeness would join their billboard campaigns. All variations of burgers, chicken sandwiches, steak fingers, chicken fingers, spicy and plain fries, and onion rings are on the TX Burger
menu. Another Texas icon that’s sure to please is also offered--Blue Bell Ice Cream. Northerners will argue that their ice cream options are better, but that’s only because they haven’t had the good stuff shipped out of Brenham, Texas. With the Ryan Express and Blue Bell on their side, it’d be tough to say another restaurant is more Texan than TX Burger.
Legacy Today, James Otis inspires young businesspeople when he speaks at
Texas A&M University. He continues to cook for his wife every day, according to Moe. TX Burger and the other Carter Enterprises restaurants show no signs of slowing down, in large part due to the dynamic culture the Carter family has produced. “I think we’re all aligned in how we view the world. We all care about people, and we want people to have a good experience in our restaurants and good lives. Dad taught us to be involved in the communities, to reach out and do all we can to help those in need,” Joe said.
For more information about TX Burger, visit and follow them on Facebook.
The Business Focus is chosen each month by random drawing from among Postcards contract advertisers.
Bath, originally called Possum Walk, was a community on Farm Road 1374 eight miles west of Interstate Highway 45 in southwestern Walker County. Bath Cemetery, near Union Hill Church, was established in the 1870s. The earliest recorded burial is that of William Arnold (d. 1877). The burial ground has served the Bath community, locally called Possum Walk since that time, and area residents and descendants of settlers continue to maintain the property. Bath Cemetery is shaded by trees planted more than 100 years ago, and the community’s rich history can be found in the cemetery’s markers inscribed with the names of teachers, veterans, ministers, postmasters, and other early Bath residents.
The marker is located off Possum Walk Road (FM 1374), south of Bath Road, on the east side of the road behind Union Hill Church.
Here in Walker County, spring is upon us! We see these magical transitions we have become accustomed to happening all around us. From budding trees and fresh sprouts of vegetation to the reemergence of various birds and insects, spring defines itself as a season of growth and life. Here at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office in Walker County, we can watch Mother Nature begin to work. Our Master Gardener demonstration garden is teeming with life! The garden is full of luscious plants spanning from natives and ornamentals to valuable species of nectar plants providing sustenance to the bees and butterflies. The trees and rain garden create a haven for a multitude of bird species to call home. An entire ecosystem is created within the flora and fauna this space provides. This garden serves as a prime example
of what is ecologically achievable in our community. The grounds are maintained year-round by our Master Gardeners to create this spectacle, and when spring rolls around, the fruits of their labor are displayed through a bright and vibrant display of plant and animal life.
The demonstration garden is an interactive walk that highlights a range of styles and techniques of gardening. There is an assortment of mediums all with unique purpose. We boast a rain garden, butterfly garden, vegetable garden, and much more throughout this interactive tract. In addition to the garden spaces, there are also various bird boxes and other artificially created habitats to support birds and insects scattered about the property. The demo garden is open to the public for walks, viewing pleasure, and amazing opportunities to see firsthand what can be done
Ryan McCormick
Walker County Extension Agent
on your own private property as well. The purpose of this garden is education and insight, so if you see any Master Gardeners around, please feel free to ask questions or come into the extension office and we can assist you there as well.
The Master Gardeners have tons of projects on the horizon, and many have already been implemented into the garden. For instance, the Texas Bluebird Society, in conjunction with our local 4-H, have two bluebird boxes on site. Bluebirds have many attributes that can enhance your garden such as harmful insect predation. Specialized plants and habitat encourage many species of butterflies to utilize the butterfly garden. A tagging project allows local youth to tag and release Monarchs into the garden so they may track the journey these butterflies take. We add many new features and projects to the garden each year, so there is always something new to see and learn.
If you are interested in touring the garden, it is located at 102 Tam Rd, Huntsville TX 77320. It is directly adjacent to the Extension office, with easy parking and ADA accessible trails. If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener, call the Walker County Extension office at 936-435-2426. This volunteer opportunity focuses on educating the public through various programs and events that span many topics. Join a caring and close community of friends who direct education in gardening and our outdoor world!
An entire ecosystem is created within the flora and fauna. " ”
Social media is a haven for those seeking advice and commiseration on a number of topics. I feel compelled to revisit a topic that comes up frequently during wildlife “baby season”—raccoons taking up residence in attics. There are effective, non-lethal strategies to remove raccoons from your home—allowing both you and the animals to thrive in our shared environment.
These opportunistic rascals with the masked faces are everywhere. They’re highly intelligent, with amazing problem-solving skills, and they thrive in cities. Although nocturnal, you might see one during the day. Don’t automatically conclude they must have rabies. Most likely, they are pregnant or nursing moms foraging for food.
Like any good mom, pregnant raccoons seek out den sites that offer protection from predators and the elements. Acceptable sites are tree cavities, underground burrows dug by other animals, rock crevices, brush piles, fallen trees—and even sheds, garages and attics. Why do they choose human dwellings to give birth? Because they can.
Raccoons can enter your attic or other structures through ventilation openings. Any warping or tears in siding is another easy way. Structural problems in trim boards and dormer junctions can provide easy access as well. In early spring, check for any damages or structural issues. Get them repaired now—birthing season is upon us.
By Cheryl Conley Lake Creek Nature Preserve Board of Directors
for the lives of the animals. Let me share a method to strongly encourage Mom to move out and take her kits with her.
The most effective way to evict your raccoon mama is to make it unpleasant for her to stay. You must “attack” her three senses—sight, sound and smell. Since raccoons are nocturnal, they don’t like lights. If you know how she’s getting in, put a light at the entry point or in the area where she’s living. If you use the entry point, be sure you don’t block it or she won’t be able to leave. Leave the light on 24 hours a day. Now place a radio in the area tuned to talk radio and play it loudly. Raccoons don’t like the sound of the human voice. The third step is smell. There are commercial repellants you can buy from Amazon or a big box store. One of them is called Repels-All. Better yet, purchase fox or coyote urine at Academy or from Amazon and soak several rags with it. Put the rags in a plastic tub with no lid and then place it in the attic. If animal urine grosses you out, you can try peppermint oil or vinegar. By doing these three things, she will move her babies out of your attic to a more suitable location. She may move out immediately, or it may take a few days. Be patient. Don’t try to trap her! When a mom is separated from her babies, she will severely injure herself trying to get to them. If you’re willing to wait, mama will leave on her own when her kits are about 8-10 weeks old. This option won’t cost you anything but a little patience.
If you find an unwanted guest, your first reaction may be to call an exterminator. For several hundred dollars, they’ll set a trap to catch the mom. What do they do with her, and what about the babies? That’s the million-dollar question. There are some ethical companies who will do their best to save the mom and babies, but there are also many who may have no regard
The most important thing in this whole process is to repair any holes or damaged areas once the family moves out. If you don’t find the entry point and repair it, you’ll be going through this again.
Remember to be kind and humane. Our responsibility is to learn how to coexist peacefully with the wildlife we share our planet with.
Thru 5
HUNTSVILLE Walker County Fair & Rodeo
Thru 6
BRENHAM “Embraceable Me”
Thru 6
PALESTINE “The Sound of Music”
Thru 6
ROUND TOP Spring Antiques Show
John Conlee
HUNTSVILLE “O and Company”
LIVINGSTON Piecemakers Quilt Show
Greater Conroe Arts Alliance Film Festival 5
SPRING Canadian Brass
5 - May 6
WAXAHACHIE Scarborough Renaissance Festival
8 - 13
HOUSTON “Mamma Mia” 8
SPRING Chelsea and Chloe de Souza
HOUSTON Disney on Ice 10
HUNTSVILLE Sundown at Sam’s
SPRING “A Night in Nashville”: MOW Benefit 10 - 12
TOMBALL Art League Spring Art Show
ENNIS Bluebonnet Trails Festival
GRAPELAND Bluegrass Fun Pick
POTEET Strawberry Festival
THE WOODLANDS Waterway Arts Festival
BRENHAM The Isaacs See More Events Online!
By Linda W. Perkins
How do we change our attitudes and actions? By staying close to Jesus.
There is a lot in the Bible: stories, songs, proverbs, instructions and laments. Where do we begin in seeking truth and goodness? For me, it is an easy answer: Jesus. He is the only incarnate Son of God; the only one who has seen the Father and knows His heart; the only one who can save us from our sins. He is the Word incarnate, in whom all truth is found.
Years ago, there was an expression, “What would Jesus do?” The Bibles back in those days often had the words of Jesus printed in red in order to easily identify them and to set them apart from the words of the men and women who authored and/or were featured in the Bible.
In today’s world, we may find ourselves confused as to what is right and wrong. It seems like the world’s ideas are always
changing. But God stays the same. Jesus said He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Find His words in your Bible. Look at the life He lived, as a model for us to follow. Find Him, and you will find goodness and life.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
- John 8:12
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
- Matthew 6:33
Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow his steps.
- I Peter 2:21
Caring for the land is hard work. And although not everyone is built for the amount of effort it takes to get the job done right, you are. We know because we are caretakers ourselves, which means we also know exactly what you need to succeed. The best equipment you can buy, backed by over a century of industry experience, supported by trained professionals who know the machines and the people like you who operate them. You’re built for hard work. And we’re built for you.