Southeast Texas Family

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Family April 2017

Southeast Texas

G et Connected

Port Arthur Smiles Next to Wal-Mart

(409) 548-0685

on Twin City Hwy.

Medicaid & CHIP accepted Interest Free Financing Weekend and Evening Hours Dr Mahesh Dholariya | Dr Dhaval Thakkar

$29 X-Rays and Exam for Kids. {$241 value}

FULTSChiropractic FULTSChiropractic $35 Adjustments ~ $19 First Visit

$35 Adjustments ~ $19 First Visit

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No X-Ray Required

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3939 Dowlen Ste 10 in Beaumont next to Kroger


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M a g azi n es • C atal o g s • Postca rds C a l e n d a r s & B ro ch u res 4 9 5 4 S p a c e C e n t e r D r. , S A , T X 78 2 1 8 2 1 0 . 8 0 4 . 0 3 9 0 • w w w. s h w e i k i . c o m

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Orange Family Dental (409) 330-4252 Next to Wal-Mart Medicaid & CHIP accepted Interest Free Financing Weekend and Evening Hours Dr Yukti Gulati | Dr Dhaval Thakkar

$29 X-Rays and Exam for Kids. {$241 value}

Now Enrolling Call for an application packet or schedule a tour of our campus! Accepting students from PK3 - 8th Grade 409-892-1755 April is a gateway to Summer. This is when busy families start to plan their summer activities. We make hotel reservations for road trips, search SETX Church Guide for Vacation Bible School schedules, and coordinate our vacation requests to ensure we can get our children to all of their summer activities. Take advantage of a great planning resource this April – the Southeast Texas Summer Camp and Family Fun Preview. The event will be held on Saturday April 22nd at Central Mall. Admission is free and there will be lots of organizations on hand to talk with you about their summer camp, VBS, and summer entertainment options. We’ll see you there!

Daryl & Jessica Fant

In this issue: Pg 8

Pg 10

Pg 12





Pg 24


To Advertise Call (512) 567-8068



Cell 512.567.8068

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April 3 - May 3 SAT B o ot Camp. Mondays & Wednesdays. 5:30 - 7:30

March 14 - April 6

AC T B o ot Camp. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 4:30 - 6:30

May 16 - June 8

AC T B o ot Camp. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 4:30 - 6:30


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Southern Oaks Dental p provide provides es g gentle ca care for all ages, from citizens. We are m children hild th through gh senior i r citizen iti happy to assist with general and cosmetic dentistry. 2627 Calder Ave. Beaumont ~ 409.835.6257

To Advertise Call (512) 567-8068


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Everything you need to know about eating out in SETX... All in one place!

Brookeland Lake Sam Rayburn KOA

Enjoy a great family trip to beautiful Lake Sam Rayburn Cabins RV Sites Upscale Tent Camping - Water and Electricity Rustic Campsites Available Enjoy fun family activities including fishing, swimming pool, canoeing, kayaking, and much more. Pet friendly - and there is a 45 stall horse barn 505 Co Rd 212, Brookeland, TX 75931 (800) 562-1612 or 409-698-3422

Ernest Bost Portraiture A R E Y O U LO O K I N G TO G I V E A G I F T T H AT W I L L L A S T A L I F E T I M E ?

A portrait is a "legacy" item - one that hat you can enjoy for a lifetime and pass ass on to the next generation. Ernest Bost can work from a photograph for: - Baby and Children's Portraits

- Bridal Portraits

- Veterans Portraits

- Family Portraits

- Company C p y CEO Co Compa EO O Portraits Portra Port Po P Portrai rtrai t aiit trai it its

One things O ne of ne of the tth hee tth h hing hi h iin ngs ng n gs that gs tth tha hat ha h a att mak makes m ma make akes ak akes kess Ernest popular with ke our ou o ur Southeast Sou So out uth the hea eas ast st Te Texas Tex Texa T ex exas exa exas xas xa as Families Familie Fa Fam Fami F a am ami amil milie mi mili milie ilie il liiee is the way he can capture cap ca apt ptu tur ure re your you yo our ur loved lo llov o ov ved ved ve ed ones one on nes es in in the settings and activities that they enjoy most.

C a l l M r. B o s t F o r M o r e I n f o r m a t i o n : 4 0 9 - 9 2 4 - 7 1 8 1 Say, “I saw it in SETX Family Guide�


Would your family like something special? Ask Gina to create it for you. Does your child have a special birthday coming up? Maybe a graduation party? Gina C’s Catering would love to create a special menu for you! • Chicken Pot Pie • Chicken Spaghetti • Spaghetti with Meat Sauce • Corn Casserole Entrée (with beef and rice) • Chicken and Dressing • Creamy Beef Casserole • Chicken Tortilla Casserole

• Weddings • Lamar Football Tailgating • Graduation Parties • Company picnics & holiday parties • Family holiday & Birthday dinners • Celebration or Thank k You cookie trays

Order Entrées in Quantities of 8 or 16 Side Dishes by the Quart


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TTelling e lli n g the Stories that Bring Southeast Texas Christians & Sout h Southeast Sout h ea s Texas Churches together. Say, “I saw it in SETX Family Guide”


Southeast Texas

a n d f am il y f u n

Saturday, April 22Nd 10A – 2P


central mall in port arthur It is time to choose the perfect summer camp and activities for your children – and we are ready to help! Come out to Central Mall to talk with representatives from a wide range of local camps, Vacation Bible Schools, and to learn more about family friendly summer events and venues. What are your child’s passions? Dance? Martial Arts? Painting? In Southeast Texas, there is a “just right” camp for every child from theater camp to band camp to baseball camp.

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Is your budget super tight this summer? In the Golden Triangle, Vacation Bible Schools are super popular – and almost always free to attend. Children enjoy crafts, activities, games, and learning songs. Whether you regularly attend church or not, VBS programs are a great way to help your child develop their relationship with Christ. Most VBS programs offer snacks; a few will offer a full meal. Typically, there will be some kind of “family night” where you will be invited to see what your child learned over the week. Some Vacation Bible School programs are in the morning. Others are in the evening. If you’re looking for more information on local VBS opportunities, visit or “Like” the SETX Church Guide Facebook page. SETX Church Guide acts as an online directory for local worship centers. Of course, there is more to summer than camp. What other experiences would you like your child to have? Within a short drive, you have access to miniature golf, bowling, laser tag, family friendly campsites, live theater, nature hikes, and a great deal more.

Come out to find out about early bird offers, teen nights, and special events that will be held throughout the summer. Best of all, this is a FREE Southeast Texas Family Event!

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April Events March 27 Lights Camera Math Lutcher Theater First Showing 9:30am. Second Showing 11:30am. 707 West Main in Orange TX (409) 886-5535 Danny Carmo hates match. He wants to be on stage – or maybe in the movies as a world-famous magician. One day he learns that match is the secret to lots and lots of great magic. March 30-April 9 YMBL South Texas State Fair Ford Park Beaumont Generation after generation, families create wonderful memories at local fairs. The South Texas State Fair is one of the biggest. Enjoy a world class rodeo, huge carnival, and lots and lots of food. Fried 7ZLQNLH" &UDZ¿VK 3LVWROHWWH" 3RUN Kabob? They will have it all.

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April 1 April Fool’s Day Show with Grant Freeman Two shows: 2:30p and 7:30p $12 - $15 4701 Jimmy Johnson Boulevard in Port Arthur Grant Freeman has earned a big following by reviving the art of blending magic and comedy. ([SHULHQFH KLV VKRZ OLYH LQ 3RUW Arthur – one night only. April 1 Queen's Weekend - Tyler County Dogwood Festival 409-283-2632 Enjoy booths, arts, crafts, and great food. There will be lots of antique vehicles: trucks, cars, and motorcycles. Don’t miss the Dogwood Festival Queen and royalty with a coronation ceremony – and a great family friendly parade, Tyler County style. April 1 Symphony of Southeast Texas Symphonie Fantastique 7:30p $26-$46 Does your family enjoy experiencing live classical music together? 'RQ¶W PLVV WKH VHDVRQ ¿QDOH IRU WKH Symphony of Southeast Texas. They have truly saved the best for last: 5DFKPDQLQRII¶V ³3DJDQLQL 9DULDWLRQV´ and Hector Berlioz’s “Symphonie )DQWDVWLTXH´


April 1 Silsbee 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run for First United Methodist Church Youth IMPACT 7a registration, 8a 5K Run Walk, 8:30 Fun Run $10 - $50 409-201-2405 or 281-813-2437 Email: or Is your family working to get in shape WRJHWKHU" (QMR\ D IXQ UXQ EHQH¿WWLQJ WKH ,03$&7 SURJUDP DW 6LOVEHH )LUVW United Methodist. April 7 – 22 Steel Magnolias Betty Greenberg Center for the Performing Arts 7:30p 2p Matinee 4155 Laurel Avenue in Beaumont (409) 833-4664 %HDXPRQW&RPPXQLW\3OD\HUV FRP Is Steel Magnolias your favorite movie? It just might become your IDYRULWH SOD\ DV ZHOO &RPH ¿QG RXW For generations of women in the South, Steel Magnolias has struck a chord. Bring a friend, bring your sister, bring your mom. Come early in the run, so you can come back and see it again. And again? April 10 Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters Lutcher Theater Two shows: 9:30 and 11:30 707 West Main in Orange TX Are you looking to share a cultural experience with your child? “Mufaro’s 'DXJKWHUV´ LV WKH WDOH RI D JUHDW African king who had two daughters. As they travel through an African jungle and along a great river, the daughters are tested for: courage, kindness, and strength of spirit.

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April 15 Easter Egg Hunt – John Jay French Museum $5 3025 French Road in Beaumont (409) 898-0348 Check out the John Jay French Museum for major holidays. They celebrate them in the style our ancestors would have. This Easter they offer an Easter Egg hunt, pictures with the Easter bunny, and tours of WKH ¿UVW ÀRRU RI WKH KLVWRULF -RKQ -D\ French home. April 15 Once – Lutcher Theater Two shows: 3p and 9p 707 West Main in Orange TX Finally, the award-winning Broadway show (eight Tony awards) has made it to Orange. The show has been celebrated by theater goers and critics for the vivid storytelling and the quality of actors – many playing their own instruments live on stage. April 15 Walk with the Doc Sandy Creek Park in Jasper 8a – 9a Dr. Larry Brown invites you to join him for a morning walk. The goal is to give you motivation to start walking for your health. Dr. Brown will even answer a few medical questions from attendees. Have you been meaning to walk more? This event is a great opportunity to get started.


April 20 Heritage Happy Hour Magnolia Cemetery 5:30p – 7:30p $10 2291 Pine Street in Beaumont The Heritage Happy Hour series celebrates the historic locations that make Beaumont so unique and special. The Magnolia Cemetery is a EHDXWLIXO RDVLV ¿OOHG ZLWK ORFDO KLVWRU\ and the resting place of many of those who built Southeast Texas. Come learn more – and enjoy craft beer, wine, and soft drinks.

(at least four will be given away), trucks (four), and cash. Do you watch all of the major bass tournaments RQ 79" 7KLV LV WKH FKDQFH WR OLYH the experience for a weekend. This tournament is not just for guys – women and children have won trucks, boats, and money.

April 21 – 23 Dance Unleashed Lamar University Studio Theater 7:30p Matinee 2p $7 - $15 4400 South MLK Boulevard (409) 880-8037 Lamar University has polished the training of many very strong dancers. Come see some of the best at the Lamar Spring Dance Concert. Whether you and your child are just dance fans or if you’d like to show them what they can achieve if they keep up the hard work, this is a wonderful event for all ages.

April 22 Summer Camp Preview Event 10a – 2p FREE Southeast Texas Family Magazine Event Central Mall in Port Arthur What will your kids be doing this summer? Head to Central Mall Saturday April 22nd to explore your options. Find out about some of the top Southeast Texas summer FDPSV 9DFDWLRQ %LEOH 6FKRROV DQG summer entertainment options. You will be able to ask questions, pick up literature, and even reserve your child’s place.

April 23 Southeast Texas Bridal Fair Port Arthur 12p – 4p FREE Bridal Fair courtesy of Hampton Inn & Suites Port Arthur. 7660 Memorial Boulevard April 21 – 23 What do you need to make your Sealy Outdoors Big Bass Splash wedding day perfect? Come out to $160 - $360 to enter (free for spectators) WKH +DPSWRQ ,QQ DQG 6XLWHV 3RUW Umphrey Family Pavilion Jasper TX – Arthur on Sunday April 23rd to talk 5438 Sam Rayburn Parkway with top local wedding vendors. You will have the opportunity to The Big Bass Splash has become share your ideas with experts and to a very big deal. The basic idea choose vendors that can best help LV WKDW LW JLYHV FDVXDO ¿VKHUPHQ you achieve your vision – on your the opportunity to experience the budget. You can even secure your excitement – and payday – of a dates with your chosen wedding edding professional bass tournament. Anyone vendors. can enter and prizes include boats

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April 23rd Jeff Dunham Ford Park in Beaumont 3p $36.50 - $46.50 5115 Interstate 10 South The popular ventriloquist has made a number of trips to Beaumont and the shows sell out consistently. Get your tickets early, get a baby sitter, and enjoy a memorable date night with your spouse! April 28 Re-Charge Student Rally

festivals that celebrate the coming of Spring – and the pending harvest. Enjoy carnival games, face painting, and activities and crafts for children. 9LVLW WKH %HDXPRQW 0D\SROH )HVWLYDO )DFHERRN 3DJH IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ

7p – 9p Silsbee High School 1575 Highway 96 in Silsbee Even in Southeast Texas, youth occasionally need to recharge their faith and dedication. Fortunately, we KDYH D QXPEHU RI ¿UVW FODVV \RXWK rallies every year across the Golden Triangle. If you’re looking for a great youth opportunity in Silsbee, come out and re-charge!

Sundays Swingout Sunday at the American Legion in Beaumont 8p – Midnight $7 3430 West Cardinal Drive in Beaumont (409) 338-9099 /RRNLQJ IRU D QRVWDOJLD ¿OOHG 6XQGD\ date night? Enjoy line dancing, R&B Swingout, and Zydeco at the American Legion Hall 817. The event will bring back memories of the days when whole families gathered on the weekend at Cajun dance halls across the Golden Triangle and parents danced while children dozed at the family table.

Each Tuesday Mommy and Me Yoga Miller Library April 30 9:15a Sunday in the Park 1605 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, TX 77706 First Baptist Church Lumberton (409) 866-9487 10a – 2p Lumberton City Park - 1300 FM 421 As your child grows, you will treasure Enjoy a special outdoor service and activities you can share with your meal. The featured speaker will be child – particularly if you can still do Jimmy Neal. Have you been looking them together after they are grown for a meaningful family fellowship experience? The congregation of Frist and gone. Yoga is a great example. It Baptist Church in Lumberton would EXLOGV ÀH[LELOLW\ love for you to join them. strength, and more. May 13 Mommy and Beaumont Maypole Festival Beaumont Botanical Garden - 6088 Babe Me Yoga is the perfect Zaharias Drive introduction Enjoy the 23 acres of the Beaumont to yoga for Botanical Garden during this family you and your friendly festival. The event is loosely child. based on the European May Day

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Each Tuesday Sahaja Yoga Elmo Willard Library 6:30pm 3590 East Lucas Drive in Beaumont Ankur (409 201 9918), Baylee (409 828 1714) Sometimes yoga can be a little more…. meditative without your child. Leave them with your spouse, and head to this FREE yoga class held each Tuesday. Relax, stretch, and tone. Sometimes moms have to destress, and Sahaja Yoga will help! Each Tuesday Hebrew: Intermediate Miller Library Beaumont TX 6pm 1605 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, TX 77706 (409) 866-9487 Are you and your child studying Hebrew? It can be a challenging language to grasp on your own. If you are ready for intermediate lessons, come out to the Miller Library. The Bible has been translated a number of times, so when you are ready to go back to Hebrew versions this class will help you greatly. It will also give you a head start if you would like to make a pilgrimage to Israel.

Each Wednesday Music on the Patio Miller Library - Sessions are designed for toddlers – 5 years’ old 1p 1605 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, TX 77706 (409) 866-9487 Music stimulates the mind, it can soothe or inspire. Bring your child out weekly to enjoy the popular “Music on the Patio” series.

Each Wednesday Sign Language for Kids Miller Library 1p 1605 Dowlen Rd, Beaumont, TX 77706 (409) 866-9487 We regularly run into Southeast Texas moms who take sign language with their child, despite not having any close relationships with people who are hearing impaired. Have you been thinking about sign language lessons? Head to Miller Library and check them out.

Each Thursday Quilting Circle First Baptist Silsbee 350 Hwy 96 South in Silsbee 409-385-2819 Are you looking to share your love of quilting? Maybe you are just looking to fellowship with Hardin County women? The weekly quilting circle at First Baptist Silsbee is a great opportunity to do both! Are you looking for more fellowship opportunities? Check out SETX Church Guide – SETXChurchGuide. com.

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Each Wednesday Afternoon Story Time Theodore Johns Library 4:30p 4255 Fannett Road in Beaumont (409) 842-5223 Reading to your child is a key part of their development. It introduces them to the worlds that await them within the pages of books. It also shows the importance you set on both reading and spending one on one time with them. As important as it is to read to your child, they also enjoy the magic of the experience of having someone read to them in a group setting. Bring them out to the Theodore Johns Library for Afternoon Story Time.


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Southeast Texas Bridal Fair Series – Coming to Hampton Inn Sunday April 23 SETX Weddings brings brides information about wedding planning 365 days a year. They can give you a lot of ideas and information on their SETX Weddings website, Facebook, and Instagram. In short, they provide an online Beaumont bridal fair you can access 24/7. We understand that in addition to these online resources, brides sometimes really want to see things live and in person.

The SETX Weddings Bridal Fair Series gives local brides this opportunity – and the chance to talk one on one with top Southeast Texas wedding vendors. Brides will even have the opportunity to start the process of planning their wedding and reserving their chosen dates with a wide range of vendors. x Southeast Texas Bridal Fair Port Arthur – Hampton Inn & Suites x Sunday, April 23rd x Noon – 4pm x 7660 Memorial Boulevard in Port Arthur (about two blocks from Central Mall) x Free admission: no cost for brides, grooms, bridal party, friends, and family

Come hungry. Their Southeast Texas caterers will have great appetizers, cookies, and cakes for you to sample. Are you planning a wedding in Southeast Texas? What kind of wedding vendors do you need to bring your dream wedding to life? Meet them Sunday April 23rd at The Hampton Inn and Suites Port Arthur. Say, “I saw Sa w it in SETX XF Family a il am ilyy Guide” Gui u de””

16 6 ww ww. w SE ET TX XFa Fami amiily ly.c .com .c m

Would you like to be a Southeast Texas Bridal Fair vendor? There is an online registration link on Do you have questions or special needs? Call or e-mail today. Daryl Fant, Host. Southeast Texas Bridal Fair Series. SETX Weddings contact phone: (512) 567-8068 SETX Weddings contact email:

Can’t make it as a vendor to this edition of the Southeast Texas Bridal Fair Series? No problem, they will look forward to having you at the next one. They would also love to tell your story on SETX Weddings. After all, SETX Weddings is the online bridal fair for Beaumont and Southeast Texas, 365 days a year. Be sure to ask about their Southeast Texas Search Engine Optimization service. No one does more to make it easy for Beaumont area brides to find your services online via Google Searches, Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram. We look forward to seeing you Sunday April 23rd for this special Southeast Texas Bridal Fair with SETX Weddings and the Hampton Inn and Suites. Say, Sa ay, y “I sa ssaw aw it iin n SE SETX TX F Family am milly Guide” Gu uiid de”

17 7 w w.SE ww SETX SE T Family.ccom m

Hablamos Espanol


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NEC24.COM Say, “I saw it in SETX Family Guide”






Ages 12 months — Pre-K K 4’s Mondayy – Friday 8:45 a.m.–1:40 p.m.


1350 N 23rd Street Beaumont 409-892-8246



Braces Consultation

Consultation could result in treatment recommendations to which fees would apply.

$100 OFF

BRACES Actual retail value varies

Exam, X-Rays & $50 Cleaning for children under 12

Two Locations to Serve You! Beaumont Port Arthur / Mid County (409) 899 4867 (409) 433 9254 4179 Dowlen Rd 2780 FM 365 We accept most insurance, medicaid, discount dental plans and CHIP. Actual retail value $225: Exam, X-Rays and cleaning could result in treatment recommendations to which additional fees would apply

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Southeast Texas


S AT U R D AY, J U N E 2 4 9:00AM - 3:00PM Journey Church, Lumberton, TX E N T R Y AT D O O R : $ 1 0 P E R A D U LT (CASH PLEASE) STUDENTS 18 & UNDER FREE NO STROLLERS PLEASE

H o w To : -Transcripts - Te s t i n g a n d D i a g n o s t i c To o l s -How to Homeschool High School -Veteran Homeschool Q&A

-Is homeschooling for my family? Legal rights & first year questions -Local SETX Destinations for Field Trips -More Meet Co-Ops, local businesses that serve homeschoolers, & other SETX homeschooling families

ADVENTURE AD DVENTUR IS WAITING, BUILD YOURS BOY B O & CUB SCOUT BADGES Learn New Things Have Fun With Fellow Scouts Earn Badges The Museum offers scouts the opportunity to connect with their Gulf Coast heritage history, culture, and community through hands on activities and exhibit tours all while earning their merit badges.

Tiger Adventures Tiger Adventures Wolf Adventures Bear Adventures Weblos Boy Scouts Adve w w w. M u s e u m O f T h e G u l f C o a s t . o r g


Pediatric Rehabilitation of Texas Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy 1 on 1 appointments with your child Accepting most insurances We assist patients from newborns to age 21 Hablamos Espanol 3195 Calder Ave. Suite 201 Beaumont Tx (409) 833-4115 EM: Say, “I saw it in SETX Family Guide”


Southeast Texas

Sunday, April 23rd Noon Until 4:00pm

7660 Memorial Boulevard in Port Arthur (about two blocks from Central Mall)

Come Meet The Best Wedding Vendors in Southeast Texas Come hungry - The Golden Triangle's best caterers and restaurants will be serving appetizers, cookies, and wedding cake! There will also be some great drinks to sample.

n o i s s i m d A

! e e r Is F

m Groo our ineds Y g r n Bri ily & F Fam

Do you offer a service that is key in helping the Bride & Groom plan their dream wedding? Become a vendor!

Please Contact

Vendors: Online registration link available on Questions? Call Daryl Fant. (512) 567-8068.

Brought to you by SETX Weddings & Hampton Inn Port Arthur Say, “I saw it in SETX Family Guide�


WEDNESDAY JUNE 14, 2017 Stay tuned to for information. Vendors, Break Out Sessions and Prizes! You won’t want to miss this fun & informational day!

Lumberton ISD Dome 10am-2pm Vendor Spaces Available Daryl Fant, Publisher (512) 567-8068 To Advertise Call (512) 567-8068


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Silsbee Downtown Celebration Thursday May 4th 5p - 7p

Come downtown and experience the flavor of Silsbee A number of Silsbee's best restaurants are pairing up with our downtown merchants for a night of: • Great food • Shopping specials • Entertainment • Family friendly activities • Prizes • Vendors Downtown merchants will be open late - visit them all to check out their specials - and all of the great food from our local Silsbee Restaurants. This event is sponsored by: • Silsbee Chamber of Commerce • Our Silsbee Restaurants • Our Silsbee Downtown Merchants • Southeast Texas Family Magazine SSay, ay, ““II saw w it iin n SET SETX TX Fam Family a ilyy Guide” am Guide de” de e

24 4 www..SSE ww www. ETX XFa F mi m om om

Getting Married? Tune in 52 weeks a year for:

Hot local wedding trends Southeast Texas Wedding Vendorr Recommendations Ideas on how to stay in budget Tips for your bridal shower and bachelorette party Bride approved bachelor party recommendations

We do the research for brides so you can have a stress free dream wedding.

INSPIRING FUTURE INNOVATORS Sign up by March 20 to save $25 using promo code INNOVATE25

For children entering K-6th grade — Led by experienced local educators • Hands-on Fun • Teamwork

• STEM Concepts • Problem Solving

• Design & Build Prototypes

Regina-Howell Elementary School - Beaumont, TX June 19 - 22, 2017 | 800.968.4332 In partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

To Advertise Call (512) 567-8068


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There was a time when ancient people understood the nutritional and healing power of seeds.

WHY RAIN? Rain International is changing the world with seed nutrition. By creating a new category in health suplements, Rain is transforming an industry. Now is the ideal time to make a change in your personal health. NUTRITION REDEFINED. CORE IS A CLEANSING VITAMIN BLEND OF SEEDS AND GREENS THAT CONTAINS 20 TIMES THE NUTRIENT DENSITY OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.



Stacy Prioux | 409-730-3723 | Website:

w w w. R a i n I n t l . c o m

n Stitches


Monograms & Spirit Wear Purses, Bags & Duffles Polo’s, Button Downs & Outer Wear Wedding , Baby & Graduation Mementos

Gabe Oliver 409-338-6929 F I N D



To Advertise Call (512) 567-8068

F A C E B O O K 27 Say, “I saw it in SETX Family”

SEE YOUR AD HERE! Call SETX Advertising to create an advertising package that is just right for you business Daryl Fant | 512.567.8068 |

Full Academic c Programs Pre-K 3


St. Anne C Catholic School

8 th grade

375 North 11th Street Beaumont, Texas 77702 409-832-5939

Faith-infused learning Extended day after-school program

Focus on values and service TCCED & AdvancED Accredited

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What are your child's goals this year? Increased strength? Agility? Confidence?

What are your goals for your child? Increased activity level? Discipline? Focus?

Tiger Rock Martial Arts can help with all of these and more. Visit your Southeast Texas Tiger Rock location to learn more. Mid County 1427 US-69 (409) 724-6668

Winnie 2028 State Highway 124 (409) 724-6668

To A Advertise dveertise C dv Call all (512) al (51122)) 567-8068 567-80668

29 29

Bridge City 1955 Miller Drive (409) 920-1462

SSay, Sa y, “I ssaw aw w it in n SSETX ET E TX F Family” amily” y


June 5-9, June 12-16, July 10-14 1/2 Day L'il Cardinals Camp (9-11:30am) Boys and Girls ages 5 & 6 ~$135 L’il Cardinals Camp is designed for boys and girls ages 5 and 6. This is a fantastic camp for players who are new to the game as they will be introduced to the building blocks of proper technique through a series of fun exercises and small-sided games. Campers will train under the instruction of the Lamar coaches and players! Camp runs from 9 am - 11:30 am.

Full Day Camp (9-3:30pm) Boys and Girls ages 7 to13 ~$275 Day Camp is open to boys and girls ages 7-13. Day Camp focuses on the development of fundamental skills through enjoyable exercises and competitions. This is an outstanding camp for local players with a desire to improve by training with Lamar coaches and players! Camp runs from 9 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Thursday and 9 am to 11:30 pm on Friday.

ALL CAMPS INCLUDE A CAMP T-SHIRT. Full day camps include afternoon break at the Lamar pool and all you can eat lunch in the Lamar dining hall.

Register online at

Questions? Call Henry Zapata (409) 651-3156 or Say, “I saw w iitt in SETX X Familyy Guide”


Vinyl Decals



$II 8T OIb +IbJ C ,8C O,+ $G J#J8

Check out our 4&59 'BNJMZ Facebook Page


Looking for more family and Kids events? Log onto year round for programs for children, teens, moms, dads, and families. Like SETX Church Guide on Facebook to receive special event notices and for great prizes 4PVUIFBTU 5FYBT 'BNJMZ and contests year round. SETX Church Guide To Advertise Call (512) 567-8068

Friday 9pm-midnight $20 includes pizza and drink 2651 South 11st Street, Beaumont, TX 77701 - 409.554.4717


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