Show Daily - Spring Show 2025 - Issue 50

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Show Daily news office: 979-249-4149

Show Places Calendar

Spring 2025, Antiques Week Your check-list to the area’s events!

Spring 2025: March 20 - April 6, 2025

NOTE: Some areas open slightly earlier. *

Spring 2025, Antiques Week. Your check list to the areas events!


Show Daily, LLC

The only “Who’s Who” guide to Texas’ most important antiques event

Editor & Publisher

Roberto Alvarado

General Manager

Roberto Alvarado

Graphic Design

Cynthia Casarrubias Bello


Sean Godfrey


Ava Anderson

Janice Teinert

Joe Hickey

Cynthia Casarrubias Bello

News O ce and Correspondence

6231 State Hwy 159

Rutersville / La Grange, Texas 78945


Mobile phone: 979-702-1861

O ce phone: 979-249-4149

Email: Website:

Join us at the COLLECTORS CLUB

Rutersville Convention Center

6231 State Hwy 159

Rutersville, Texas 78945

Antiques, Folk Art, European, Mexican.

Deadline: All material for submission must be received by July 15 for the Fall edition & January 15 for the Spring edition. The Show Daily reserves the right to edit all material for style and content. Thanks for your support, and please send your information on time!


With that said, I'd like to dedicate this issue to the creators of this publication, Roberto and Suzy, along with Lou Christine. May they rest in peace. Like the antique show, we have come a long way, and now we get to celebrate this grand milestone of achievement. The show has evolved, and there's no sign of it slowing down. With the number of venues now open year-round, there's definitely more activity during the off-season, which is turning into all seasons.

This year, we have a special presentation of silver art showcased by model Tori Hart with Coalesce Creative, in conjunction with creative director Michelle Garcia, assisted by Tory Vick, and produced at Vincent Peach headquarters in Nashville, TN.

A shout-out to our participants: Vincent Peach Fine Jewelry at Market Hill, Stash Style Bader Ranch in Round Top, Richard Schmidt Jewelry in Round Top, Ed Gage at Marburger Farm Antique Show (booth Aa3), and Bobbed-Tail Bay Antiques and Estate Jewelry at The Venue (building E).

Thank you to all who helped make this edition of Show Daily a special one.

I hope everyone enjoys this edition as much as I do. Happy shopping, and don’t forget to mention Show Daily to our advertisers when you visit them!

Roberto Alvarado Pulido, 75.

Founder of Show Daily Magazine. Born on June 28th,1949 in Guadalajara, Mexico. He is survived by his son Roberto, 2 grandchildren Aundrea and Lilliana, and 3 great-grandchildren, Malcomb, Levi, and Isabel. Ascended to Source on February 28th, 2025 in Austin Texas. Lived and thrived in Rutersville Texas for over 25 years and was an ambassador of the Round Top- Warrenton Antiques Week Events. It is my deepest regret to announce that my father Roberto “El Diablo from Chihuahua” passed valiantly at 10:22 on a Friday night. A Vietnam War Veteran who fought for his country serving two years in battle. A father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, widow, a lover of antiques, art, literature, reading, and writing. His passion and drive have allowed him to be a great entrepreneur for 80% of his life. He owned multiple businesses including two meat markets, an auto plate-glass center, five antique galleries, two restaurants, two publications, El Antiquario and Show Daily, all the while doing antique shows in between. Needless to say, that’s a commendable track record. A collector of antiques for 50 years. He will be greatly missed. Gone too soon! Rest In Peace Pops.

"We thank you for all you have done for our community. Thank You for Show Daily! You’re back with Suzy and Lou." His funeral was held at the Houston National Cemetary where he was given a 21-gun solute.

Please look for a memorial service during the first week of the antique show in Warrenton between Zapp-Hall and the Old Feed Store. Please come to show your support.

Thank you, Jr.

A Coin Silver Bowl Tells The History Of Texas Independence

This is an incredibly fascinating and detailed story about a silver bowl, its historical connections, and the important figures involved in Texas’ fight for independence. Discovered in Utah at a rock and mineral shop, it was immediately recognized as dating to circa 1830, based on its construction. The bowl’s form, with its seam at the base, suggested a “rolled-sheet” manufacturing method commonly seen in Southern Coin Silver bowls from the early 19th century. The floral border further confirmed this. However, the bowl’s marking—[N: HERNANDEZ]—was unusual. A colon had never been seen on a Southern Coin Silver bowl, and HERNANDEZ was unfamiliar. It took one year of investigating to uncover a single letter in a Texas archive, unraveling the mystery.

The bowl holds a significant place in the history of Texas Independence, marking the transition from Mexican control to the formation of the Republic of Texas. Its story is intertwined with key figures who played critical roles in defeating the Mexican army and establishing the Republic. In the early 1830s, many Southern Americans moved to Texas to settle and support the Texian cause. Among them was NOAH TURNER BYARS, a blacksmith from Georgia, who brought a silver bowl he had crafted. BYARS presented this bowl at the Customshouse in Galveston, which, in 1835,

was under the control of ANTONIO GIL HERNANDEZ. A letter found in a Texas archive confirmed that HERNANDEZ was responsible for collecting taxes on goods passing through Galveston. The bowl was stamped [N: HERNANDEZ] as a tax mark, and it fell under the jurisdiction of the Department of Nacogdoches within the Mexican State of “Coahuila y Tejas”—the name Mexico used for Texas before it became the Republic.

NOAH TURNER BYARS played a key role in the 1836 Texas Convention, which quickly drafted the Constitution for Texas Independence. Amid the advancing Mexican Army led by GENERAL SANTA ANNA, BYARS produced weapons and ammunition for the Battle of San Jacinto, earning the title of “Master Armorer” for the Republic of Texas army. The Battle of San Jacinto also brought forward SIDNEY SHERMAN, the commanding general, and JAMES AUSTIN SYLVESTER, the soldier who captured GENERAL SANTA ANNA, securing Texas’s freedom. The day after the battle, SHERMAN purchased SANTA ANNA’S silver saddle at a “booty auction,” melted it down, and had it transformed into napkin rings, a fork, and a ladle for his family, now displayed at the San Jacinto Battle Museum. This raises the question: Who melted down the silver saddle and turned it into silverware? The work required a skilled silversmith, yet no silversmith is recorded in Texas before 1852 when SAMUEL BELL emigrated from Tennessee. But clearly, someone in Texas around 1836 had the silversmithing skills to transform the saddle. The answer points to NOAH TURNER BYARS, who also helped organize

the 1836 Texas Constitutional Convention and manufactured arms for the Battle of San Jacinto.

The HERNANDEZ bowl was engraved with “J.A.S.” within a wreath and presented to JAMES AUSTIN SYLVESTER, known as “The Hero of San Jacinto,” for discovering GENERAL SANTA

ANNA in disguise and preventing him from reaching Mexico to rally an army. The engraving style on the bowl is strikingly similar to that on Sidney Sherman’s napkin ring, suggesting both items were engraved by the same craftsman.

Unfortunately, most of Sidney Sherman’s papers were destroyed in a fire at his mansion in the early 1840s, leaving only fragments of the story. The remaining documents of JAMES AUSTIN SYLVESTER, housed at the Rosenthal Library in Galveston, make no mention of the silver bowl. Had the letter not been discovered from the Texas archive, linking ANTONIO GIL HERNANDEZ to the Galveston Customshouse in 1835, the bowl may have remained a mystery.

Connecting these puzzle pieces led to identifying this long-lost silver bowl that tells the story of Texas Independence.

Blue Ocean Traders

Jason Mulvene, the new owner of the former Cole’s building, shares his reasons for investing in Fayette County. He and his wife began searching for a home in the Round Top market years ago, and with Warrenton already known for wholesale and trade, it felt like the right place to establish their business. Their primary focus is wholesale, and the long-standing relationships they’ve built with dealers in the area made Warrenton an obvious choice. Jason is confident that the town provides excellent opportunities for business growth.

The plans for the building involve a major renovation. Once completed, the space will feature a 10,000-square-foot showroom and 50,000 square feet dedicated to antiques, vintage items, and select categories from the Blue Ocean Traders catalog. Jason intends to use most of the twelve-acre property, while carefully selecting a few vendors from various categories. He aims to partner with tenants who already have a customer following, and new vendors will need to offer products that appeal to wholesale and design trade customers. Jason is also exploring hosting guest tenants, such as an artist-in-residence program. In addition to retail, he envisions the location as a logistics hub for wholesale customers, complete with shipping services and storage space for Blue Ocean Traders.

Though Jason plans to open the new space in time for the Fall 2025 show, he will be operating out of the roll-up door building along Hwy 237 in the interim, offering a curated selection for the upcoming Spring Show.

Jason’s career in merchandise began at a young age. He learned the antique trade from his father, who started selling polished brass and copper in the 1980s. Each summer, they would travel to California to source antiques, selling items like brass fire extinguishers and light fixtures, and on the way home, they would stop in Mexico to purchase items they believed would yield a profit. Jason’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited when he began selling Mexican chicklet gum on the playground, which started his

lifelong passion for business.

In 2001, just before finishing college, Jason founded Blue Ocean Traders with the help of his family and some European dealers. In the early years, he traveled frequently, often spending over 150 days a year abroad, concentrating on sourcing rather than selling. One of his father’s key lessons was that profits are made when buying, not selling. This mindset has led Jason to focus strictly on his time and energy on sourcing.

Another valuable lesson from his father: “Two fast nickels are better than one slow dime,” which encouraged Jason to prioritize quick turnover and helped him focus on wholesaling. Over time, he learned that the key to success lies in focusing on quality basic materials—wood, stone, glass, brass, and clay. Items with solid form and good quality naturally carry “gravitas” or soul.

Jason advises others in the industry to seek out rare and hard-to-find items. The more challenging it is to source, the better. Efficiently acquiring goods at the source and bringing them to market is crucial. This approach is at the heart of Blue Ocean Traders and its success.

Show Places

Bar-W Field |

Located at 4001 S SH-237, Free admission and lots of free parking. A huge variety of antiques and more. Dealers start setting up early.

Coin-operated showers. ATM. Storage units. Large dealer spaces with electricity and water.

More Information Roy Wied 979-885-8762

Blue Ocean Trader |

Located at 3637 S. Hwy 237

Great Finds From Around The World

More Information

Bull Market |

Located at 3570 SH 237 just north of FM-954, Look for the bulls! European antiques and primitives, architectural, unusual, vintage and collectibles. Free admission. Free on-site parking. Covered outdoor space.

More Information

Dillard’s Field |

Located at 4407 SH-237. County Road Market, Dazzel Me with Gifts, Dry Creek Farm, Martha’s Hidden Treasures, South Fringe/ Wildflower, The Post Yard, The Sassy Spur Boutique, The White Cotton Gown. Free admission. RV hook-ups.

More Information Mrs. Kathy Dillard 979-249-3779


Located at 3907 SH-237 at FM-954, Fantastic field of finds on Hwy 237, and across the Hwy from the original location! Free admission.

More Information Susan Miller 817-980-8872 or

Good Ground Trading |

Show through Nov. 7th.

Located at 1910 E. State Hwy 237

Great finds at great prices. Architectural Salvage, Bronze Statues, Rocks, Gems and Crystals, Turquoise Jewelry, Signs, Doors, and more

More Information 631-835-9703

Green Acres Field |

Located at 4418 SH-237, Next to St. John’s Church. Parking available.

More Information 979-540-9359

Granny McCormick’s Yard |

Located at 4246 SH-237, Across the Hwy from the gas station. Paid parking is available. Indoor & outdoor dealers, and food vendors. More Information Betsy McCormick 979-966-2970

Little House on the Hill |

Located at 4401 SH-237. Free admission. Paid parking. RV space.

Marketplace at Warrenton |

Located 3960 S SH 237, Across the Hwy from Bar W Field. Covered pavilions with dealers in new and vintage items, food court, cantina, large screen TVs for sports, live music, RV spaces.

More Information Group W Productions 817-599-7664, or

North Gate Field |

Located at 3955 SH-237. Antiques, Vintage, and More Quality dealers, large spaces, tons of variety. More Information Danny Spencer 409-201-1748

Old Feed Store & Warrenton Grocery Field |

Located SH-237, down the dirt road past Warrenton grocery, across from the fire station.

More Information Doris Eckermann 979-249-3144

Old Town Market |

Located at SH-237 just north of FM-954, Free admission, free parking, RV space, indoor & outdoor vendor space.

More Information 281-894-7778, 832-250-0893

Punkies Place |

Open Hours 9am- 6pm (during show).

Located at 4218 S. Hwy 237.

Free Admission Free Parking.

More Information Diane (210) 393-3927

Renck Hall Field |

9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Located at 4123 SH-237. Free admission. Great offering of treasures, hot food and snacks on-site. Tent & Table Rentals available from Bowie Table Company. Please call (979) 966-9260 to reserve tables & tents.

More Information Marlene Rooks Cell: (512) 922-7330

Sommerfeld Place |

Located at 4143 SH-237. between Zapp Hall and Renck Field. Antiques, collectibles, clothing, crafts, and more.

More Information 979-242-5797

Stone Meadow- Home of Dead Peoples Stuff |

Located at Hwy 237, corner of Rohde Road. Join us! Quality dealers. 1000s of treasures. Dealers welcome!

More Information Chris Stone 405-915-9155, Glenita Hayden 405-566-9066

The Blue House |

Located at Hwy 237, in the heart of town. Guest house with rooms for rent. Parking and Lodging available.

More Information Denise Wolff 512-567-9177

The Campbell Building |

9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. Located at 4328 SH-237, Warrenton. Painted furniture, estate jewelry, vintage clothing, textiles, garden furniture, lighting, bling and more. More Information

The Chicken Ranch |

Located 4150 S SH-237, between The Marketplace and The Lone Star Gallery. A fun venue featuring antiques, hip finds, and real Cajun cooking!

More Information Andrea Canova 225-936-9269

The Gin |

Located at 4261 SH-237, Parking, Scooters and Golf Cart Rentals Lodging and RV Spaces. More Information 979-966-7995

The Lone Star Glamp Inn |

Located at 4212 S SH-237. From quality antiques to funky up-cycled creations inside two air-conditioned buildings. Food and beer/wine bar with TVs, pool table. Ask about Glamp Inn, unique indoor RV rentals and tent camping. More Information 432-847-9654 or

Tin Star Field Antique Show |

Located at S SH-237. More Information 817-680-7420

Tree Park Antiques & Collectibles |

Located at 4635 S SH-237. Parking RV spaces, storage units, and ATM. Inside & outside dealer’s spaces. Food on-site. More Information Darrold Mertz at 979-224-6471

Warrenton Inn & The W Venue |

Located at 4339 S State Hwy 237 Inn & W Venue. Over 100 dealers. Restaurant open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Live entertainment. ATM on-site. More Information 210-990-1111

Zapp Hall Antiques & Artisans Show |

Located at 4217 S SH-237. Over 150 booths indoors & outdoors. Live music all afternoon and nightly in the Beer Garden. More Information 713-824-1157 or /


Abbieland Antiques Field & RV Park |

Located at 2326 Hwy 237 Round Top.

Free Admission, Free Parking, more info. RV hookup

More Information 405-301-1874

Bader Ranch at Round Top |

Located at 470 S Washington St., Round Top. Fine European antiques. More Information 830-426-6453 or

Big Red Barn Event Center |

Located at 475 S SH-237, Carmine.

Original Round Top Antiques Fair. North of Round Top. Admission fee. Free on-site parking. Air-conditioned indoor space & tents. Food vendor. More Information

Blue Hills at Round Top | 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.

Located at 1701 Texas 237 Great Venue. Well-arranged barns, free parking, clean permanent restrooms and great food. More Information

Cowboy Corner |

Located at SH-237. Just south of Round Top. Free admission. Free on-site parking. Tent and outdoor space.

More Information CowboyCornerTX Facebook pg

Round Top Hotel |

Located at 701 N SH-237, Round Top

More Information 832-978-2007

Curate by Stash |

Located at 111 Bauer Rummel Rd, Round Top. More Information 281-212-3929

Gasoline Hill Antique Show |

Located at 1901 SH-237, Round Top. More Information 512-627-1657 or Gasolinehillantiques Facebook pg

Henkel Square Market | |110 N Live Oak St, Round Top, Multiple dealers inside the air-conditioned. More Information Gerald or Debbie Tobola 979-249-5840 or

Junk Gypsy Company- World Headquarters |

Located at 1215 S SH-237, Round Top More Information 979-249-5865 or

Knutzen Square |

Located at 123 East Mill Street, Round Top. More Information 832-752-1544

Marburger Farm Antique Show |

Show dates: March 25th-29th. Early Admission $40. Gates open at 8am for parking, complimentary co ee, mimosas and shopping in seven of the historic buildings. Opening Bell rings at 9am for the tents and other buildings. General Admission begins at 2:00 pm. $15 admission, tickets good all week. 300+ dealers in ten historic buildings and nine huge tents plus golf cart rentals, ATM, a variety of food options, co ee truck the Mar Bar, Wine Bar, Wi-Fi and two on-site shippers. More Information 800-947-5799

Market Hill |

Located about one mile north of Round Top Square, across from Arbor Antiques on Hwy 237. Home decor, antiques, original art and more. More Information Paul Michael

McLaren’s Antiques Interiors |

Located about one mile north of Round Top Square, next to Arbor Antiques on Hwy 237. Look for the red English phone booths out front. Discover an enormous selection of inspirational interiors and antiques from all over the world. Free parking, real restrooms, complimentary drinks. More Information 917-900-5036 or

The 303 |

Located at 303 N. Washington. Right in the heart of Round Top, TX. The 303 is a curated collaboration of artists, makers, and entrepreneurs, where the modern rustic aesthetic invites you to come gather, shop, eat, and sleep.

More Information 979-249-5240 or

The Arbors |

9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Located one mile north of Round Top. Free admission and parking. AC hall, big top tents, RV spaces, clean comfort station, and food vendors.

More Information Curtis Ann Davis 281-388-1075, or, email:

The Compound Antique Show |

Located at 2550 S SH-237, Round Top. Just south of Round Top. Free admission. Free on-site parking. Indoor & outdoor space.

More Information 979-551-5916 or

The Continental Tent |

Located at 475 N SH-237, Carmine. Original Round Top Antiques Fair. Admission fee. Free on-site parking. Air conditioned indoor space & tents. Food vendor. More Information

The Porch |

Located at 306 N Washington St. SH-237, Round Top.

More Information 949-248-8810

The Venue |

Located at 2000 N. State Hwy 237 Round Top.

More Information Wesley Beard 903-586-7952

Townsend Provisions |

Located at 101 Bauer Rummel Road, Round Top

More Information 512-468-0580 or

River Oaks Farms |

The Round Top Honey Company, Past and Present Consignments

Devonshire Garden. Vendor spaces are available. More Information 949-248-8810 or

Round Top Triangle |

Located at 204 N Washington St. SH-237, Round Top on SH-237 near the square, Round Top. Free admission. Free on-site parking. Tent and outdoor space

Round Top Vintage Market |

10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A quality venue featuring antiques, vintage, collectibles and art. Open every weekind throughout the year. More Information Barbara Grin 281-731-5132 or


Bootlegger’s Antiques & Unique Decor |

Located at 13129 Hwy 290 West, Burton. Antiques, collectibles, re-purpose, and signage. More Information 979-251-2982

Junk In Yer Trunk |

Location 12601 Washington St. Burton TX 7783. Antiques, Vintage, and more. Please find us on social media.

La Bahia Antique Show & Sale | 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily, closes at 4:00 on Saturday.

Located at the north of Round Top on Hwy 237 almost at the junction of Hwy 290. Free admission, 70+ select dealers. More Information Carol & Rosy Schmidt 979-289-2684 or

Poor Richards Antique Show |

Located at 19205 SH-237, Burton. Free admission. On-site parking.

More Information Chris Hammond 850-748-0914

Sophie Moore |

Bill Moore Antiques. County Line Antique Show. Moore’s Boers.

More Information 760-587-1300

Texas Cotton Gin |

The Oliver Whitener-Roy Winkler Pavilions at the Texas Cotton Gin Museum offer 9,000 square feet of open-air shopping (antiques/collectibles/ clothing/jewelry/handmade items and more). The pavilions are located in the shadow of the oldest operating cotton gin left in the U.S. You can tour the cotton gin and view exhibits year-round. More Information call 979-289-3378 or visit

Ty’s Little Red Barn Antique Show |

Located at 107 Hwy North 237, Burton TX. 77835 South of 290. Antiques, Vintage and More. More Information (713) 305-4533

Antiques & Interiors |

Located at 2110 N SH-237, Carmine.

Carmine Antiques |

Located at 106 E Sylvan (SH-290), Carmine. Antiques, collectibles, home decor, yard & garden art. The Wade Collection — Texana, country primitives, Texas pottery and quilts. More Information 979-278-4255

Carmine Dance Hall |

Located at 300 N Hauptstrasse, Carmine. Free admission free. Free on-site parking. Air conditioned indoor space. Food vendor. More Information carminedancehallantiqueshow-texas.

Carmine Trading Post Antiques & Collectibles |

Located at 248 Centennial Street, Carmine. Antiques, collectibles, home décor, furniture, art china, silver chandeliers, stained class, crystal neon, clocks, vintage clothing, shabby chic & more! More Information 979-278-4040 or

County Line Antique Show |

8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Located at the intersection of Hwy 237 and FM 458. Indoor & outdoor dealers, plus air-conditioned buildings. Over 100 dealer spaces, great antiques, collectibles, food, free parking and free admission. More Information Shophie & Bill Moore 760-587-1300

Grace’s Treasure Hunt Antique Show |

Located at the Carmine Y. Dealer friendly! Bargains galore! Big top tents and indoor dealers. More Information Grace Young 713-557-5991

High Country | “New Venue” Located at 1720 S. Hwy 458 Carmine Shop the finest flow blue, antiques,}Native American Jewelry, folk art, furniture and more. More Information 303-909-2724

Lulubelle’s |

Located SH-237 at Spur 458, Carmine

Mc Call Style |

Located 107 E. Thigpen, Carmine

More Information 817-304-0707

Neeses’ Antiques |

111 Thigpen, Carmine.

More Information 979-278-3280

Perez Imports |

Located at 19205 SH. 237, Carmine. Cantera stone, concrete decorations, day pottery, palapas, rustic cedar furniture, metal art, and more.

More Information 832-480-0636

Stoney Creek Antiques |

Located at 125 Augsburg St, Carmine.

Very rare & old electric collection of toys, rail road lamps, locks, fire equipment, china, pottery, decoys, fishing lures & reels, small vices & anvils, musical instruments and cowboy items.

More Information 979-278-3977 or 713-898-7667

Unique Antiques |

Located at 138 E Sylvan SH 290, Carmine

Quality American furniture & accessories, unique collection of Daisy BB guns & toys.

More Information 979-278-3690

Y Station |

Corn Dog on the Corner Late Night Tuesday, Tuesday, April 1st, 5:30pm - 8:00pm March 22- April 5th Early shoppers are welcome. More Information Len Peters 770-940-4002.


Antiques Off the Square |

Located in 507 East Main Street, Fayetteville. Super deals! Happy hour daily at 5:30. Antiques Off The Square is an “early” show on the Round Top roster, opening approximately 5-7 days before other major Round Top venues. Excellent for antiques dealers, early bird shoppers and collectors, Antiques Off The Square features authentic antiques, Americana primitives, furniture and smalls, farmhouse and ranch furnishings, fine art, folk art, mid-century modern, industrial, garden decor, plants and more. The show features a live no-reserve auction on the final evening of each show. Free admission. Free parking. Great restaurants. Happy Hour daily at 5:30 pm. Think Square. Be There.

More Information Lisa 318-465-1603

Arts for Rural Texas |

114 N. Live Oak St. Fayetteville. Tue.- Sat. 10am- 4pm

More Information 979-378-2113

Bloom & Co |

126B N. Live Oak St. Fayetteville. Thur.- Sat. 11am-5pm Sun 12- 3pm More Information 979-541-1708

Yesterday’s Past |

112 N. Live Oak St. Fayetteville Thur.- Fri. 10 am- 5pm More Information 979-378-4273

Show Daily Magazine is not responsible for differences in opening and closing times

Restaurants & Food Vendors

96 West

103 S. Baylor St. Wed.-Thurs. 2pm-9pm

Fri. 11am-10pm Sat. 11am-10pm Sun. 11am-3pm


112 S. Park St.

Tue. 9am-5pm

Wed.-Sat. 11am-2pm 4pm-9pm

••• BRENHAM •••

30 North

302 E. Alamo St. Wed.-Thurs. 11am-9pm Fri. 11am-10pm Sat. 11am-10pm Sun. 11am-6pm

The Tilted Windwill

– An Eclectic Cafe

3 302 S. Charles St.

02 S. Charles St. Tues.-Sat. 8:30am-3:30pm Sun. 10am-3pm

Brossa’s Cibe e Vino

6035 S. Market St. Mon.-Sat. 11am-2pm Lunch 4:30pm-9pm Dinner

Yumm! Sweets & Eats

106 E. Alamo St. Mon.-Sat. 11am-9pm 979-451-7437

Haak Wines

109 S. Baylor St. Thur. 3pm-9pm Fri.-Sat. 3pm-10pm Sunday 2pm-8pm

Show Daily Magazine is not responsible for

Restaurants & Food Vendors

Duo Modern @ Market Hill

1542 N State Hwy 237

Round Top, TX 78954

Closed Mon. & Tue. Wed. 5pm-9pm Thur. 11am-3pm 5pm-9pm Sat. 11am-3pm 5pm-9pm Sun. 10am-2pm (979) 702-2084

Paw Paw’s Firehouse & Cafe

Chelsea’s Meadow

Open 11am-8pm During Show Dates

••• ROUND TOP •••

Prost On Block 29 en su lugar 112 Bauer Rummel

Mon.-Sun. 11am-3pm 5pm-9pm During the show

Round Top Coffee Shop 111 W Wantke St

Round Top, TX 78954

Mon.-Fri. 8am-12pm Sat. 8am-5pm Sun. 8am-5pm (214) 356-3280

Royers Round Top Cafe 105 Main St

Round Top, TX 78954

Closed Mon. & Tue. Wed. 11am-2pm Thur. 11am-8pm Fri. 11am-9pm Sat. 11am-3pm 5pm-9pm Sun. 11am-2pm (979) 249-3611

Boon & Company 206 S Washington St. Mon.-Sun. 11am-3pm 5pm-9pm Durning the show


Dead People’s Beer Stream @ Stone MeadowField October 10th-26th Open 9am-5pm

La Jeanseria Mensa Italian Cuisine Granny McCormick’s Yard 917-686-5925 Open 9am-8pm

Red Beards Cook Out Warrenton Inn Open 7:30am-5pm During Show Dates

Alejandras Mexican Grill

403 N Jefferson St

La Grange, TX 78945


Tues.-Thurs. 11am-9pm Frid.-Sat. 11am-10pm Sun. 11am-9pm

Bodega Wine Market

201 W Travis St

La Grange, TX 78945

Mon.-Fri. 11am-7pm Sat.-Sun. Closed

Stone Meadow’s Double D’s Pizzaria Best Pizza in Town October 10th-26th 9am-5pm

Stone Meadow’s Food Truck Mafia Mama Mae’s Tasty Treats Papa T’s Shared Ice Plus More October 10th-26th 9am-5pm

••• LA GRANGE •••

Jay Deez Sports Grill

2001 W State Hwy 71. Unit E

La Grange, TX 78945

Mon.-Thur. 11am-11pm Fri.-Sat. 11am-12am (next day) Sun. 10am-10pm (979) 206-2066

Reba’s Pizzeria & Deli 539 E Colorado St La Grange, TX 78945 Mon.-Sun. 10am-9pm (979) 968-3100

The Old Firehouse Cafe & Pub Old Town Market October 4th-27th 8am-6pm

Toritos Tocos Old Town Market Open 8am-6pm Weekends Open Late Pre-order | text 979-451-7437

Riverside Cafe 1225 Carroll Ln

La Grange, TX 78945

Open 7am-2:30pm (979) 968-5506

Weikel’s Bakery 2247 W State Hwy 71 La Grange, TX 78945 Open 5am-9pm (979) 968-9413

Cole’s Former Dealers Find a New Home

Wesley Beard’s The Venue has become a thriving destination for quality goods and specialty items, and it’s no wonder. After spending 10 years as a vendor at the show, Wesley purchased the 40acre property five years ago. When he first acquired it, there were only two buildings, but now, with six more completed and three more under construction, The Venue will soon boast 11 buildings, including, space for dozens more vendors at the renowned Show at Round Top. Wes is making a significant investment to create the ultimate solution to the ongoing “homeless vendor crisis” and provide a permanent home for these artisans and collectors. Let’s show our support by exploring what’s on offer. The Venue offers free admission and parking, making it an easy stop for anyone looking for a diverse selec-

“Penny’s Pyrex”

tion of high-quality antiquities. From vintage furniture and postcards to antique wagon wheels and exquisite Louis XIV fixtures, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re on the hunt for budget-friendly treasures or priceless finds that’ll take your breath away (and still feel like a deal). While the word “rare” has become a buzzword in the world of online market-

places, the vendors at The Venue truly specialize in the hard-to-find and the one-of-a-kind. Now that’s what we call rare.

Several new vendors who recently made the move from Cole’s Antique Show are bringing their unique offerings. Check out Penny’s Antique Recycling Company, William Reed’s Antique Golf, Michele and Peter from Barrister’s Estate Jewelry, B.J. The Outboard Motor Guy, Chris Mulloy’s Fine Jewelry, Carol Mitchel Antiques, Kacer Enterprises Sterling, Crocket Artifacts, Hub Gallery, Ed the Glass Guy, Chelly Boykin of Bobbed-Tail Bay, Gary and Eve Lickver, Glenn Smith’s Global Icon, Vicki’s Antics, and Matt & Baron of American Bygone Antiques. Don’t miss out on this gem in Round Top—come visit The Venue, located at 2000 N State Hwy 237! (Other dealers have found a new home at Old Town Market. Please visit them at 3620 S. State Hwy 237, across from Blue Ocean Traders)

Ed the Glass Guy at The Venue

When you walk into the 2,000-plus square foot showroom of Ed Sawicki’s Memories Antiques, you will be met with a big smile, and Ed certainly has a lot to smile about these days. To say he carries all things china and glass is an understatement. Simply put, he has one of the most extensive displays in Round Top, consisting of thousands of pieces of glass and hundreds of sets of plates and stemware. While he specializes in American and European brilliant cut

glass and stemware, he offers everything from American Elegant Depression glass to funky vintage MCM barware. With the recent move to The Venue, he’s expanded his China room and can expertly match unique and vintage service plates and stemware to create the tablescape of your dreams. So, Ed is your guy whether you’re looking for a single stem or plate to replace a broken or missing piece or a complete set of china or stemware for a wedding or social occasion.

For more information, contact Ed Sawicki at Memories Antiques: 646-522-1506 or

High Country

Debra Sherman has been a staple in the antique and resale business since the 1980s, and now she can be found at her newly opened, air-conditioned venue at 1720 State Loop 458, Carmine, TX 78932. Known as Dancing Wolf Gallery, this location has welcomed visitors since October 2024.

Debra is no stranger to the area—she’s been showcasing her merchandise and selling at Marburger Farms and The Big Red Barn since 2004. While she does offer some vintage items, her primary focus is on high-quality antiques. Debra specializes in furniture, Native American vintage jewelry and art, cowboy artifacts, and original oil paintings. Additionally, expect to find a vast collection of Flow Blue pieces, offered by none other than Jeff Weller, the “Flow Blue King,” along with a selection of other unique and hard-to-find treasures.

The Shermans are renovating a 900-square-foot house on the property, set to open this spring as an ad-

ditional gallery space. Plans are also in the works for four to six charming cottages behind High Country, which will be available for dealers to showcase their wares. These cottages will be ready in time for the Fall 2025 Antiques Fair.

Debra’s vision is to bring a piece of old Round Top, Texas, back to life by offering antiques that have drawn visitors from all over the world. Her dealers are committed to exceptional customer service and eagerly share their expertise and passion. The goal is to create a destination where visitors can immerse themselves in the rich history and timeless charm of antiques. This gallery will be known as “WHERE HISTORY LIVES!”. by Janice Teinert.


Accessories- Fashion

Cowboys Ride Away

Boutique..... p.28


Antiques Off

The Square..... p.65

Renck Hall..... p.18

Y Station..... p.72

American Furniture

Y Station..... p.82

Amish Furniture

The Grainery..... p.22


Acanthus Antiques..... p.57

Bar WField..... p.16

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Blue Ocean Traders..... p.27

Campbell Building..... p.29

Crow..... p.77

Engle Emporium..... p.71

Eve Lickver Jewelry..... p.51

Flown The Coop..... p.71

Gary Lickver..... p.51


McCormick’s Yar..... p.63

High Country..... p.75

Joe Pete..... p.24

Junk In Yerk Trunk..... p.71

La Grange Shops..... p.66

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Nomads Loom..... p.57

North Gate..... p.20

Pamela-Kay Designs..... p.76

Punkie’s Place..... p.30

Renck Hall..... p.18

R.T. Vintage Market... p.54

Texas Rose Antiques..... p. 7

The Blue House & Field..... p.19

The Grainery..... p. 22

The KCBoys..... p.51

The Venue..... p.53

Tree Park..... p.24

Ty’s Little Red Barn

Antique Show..... p.77

Y Station..... p.72


Old Feed Store..... p.21

Buyer’s Guide

•••••••• Spring 2025 ••••••••

Your A to Z list! Take the guesswork out of where to go. Look under the heading of your favorite items, the dealers listed there carry exactly what you’re seeking! Flip to the page their ad is placed on for more information about where to find them during the shows.

Antique Firearms

Axe Antiques..... p.63

Antique Jewelry

Campbell Building..... p.29

Southern Classic Jewelry..... p.57

Antique Military

Axe Antiques..... p.63

Antique Windows

Paynes Stained Glass... p.18

Antler Chandelier

Y Station..... p.72


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Apparel- Women’s

Soho McKinney..... p.58

Warrenton’ s

Old Feed Store..... p.21



The Texas Auction..... p.83


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

JillSuzanne..... p.36

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

North Gate..... p.20

The Graiery.... p.22

Y Station..... p.72


Axe Antiques..... p.63


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p.5

Campbell Building..... p.29

Cheryl Long Pure West..... p.61

Cowboy Corner..... p.57 Crow..... p.77

Ed Gage..... p.25

Y Station..... p.72


Bar WField..... p.16

Fayette Savings Bank..... p.67


Stepp Law Firm..... p.76


Antiques Off The Square..... p.65


The Texas Auction..... p.83


Baby Apparel

Cowboys Ride Away Boutique..... p.28


Weikel’s..... p.64


Fayette Savings Bank..... p.67

Bar & Grill

Mac’s Daqs Bar & Lounge..... p.66

Jay Dee’z Sports Grill..... p.68

Barn Beams

The Grainery..... p.22


Soho McKinney..... p.58


Vincent Peach..... p. 3



96 West..... p. 6


96 West..... p. 6 C


JillSuzanne..... p.36

Carnival Glass

Baca Ranch Antiques..... p.25


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Charles Keyton..... p. 2

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Thechandelierlady..... p. 28

Y Station..... p.72

Children’s Clothing

Cowboys Ride Away

Boutique..... p.28


Y Station..... p.72


Punkie’s Place..... p.30

Soho McKinney..... p.58


Old Feed Store..... p.21


Round Top

Coffee Shop..... p.59


Vincent Peach..... p. 3


Campbell Building..... p.29

Engle Emporium..... p.71

Gasoline Hill & Antiques..... p.61

R.T. Vintage Market..... p.54

Ty’s Little Red Barn

Antique Show..... p.77

Y Station..... p.72

Concho Belts

The Good Stuff..... p.57

Container Storage

Container Source

Storage and Roll-Off..... p.78


Eve Lickver Jewelry..... p.51

Country- Antiques

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Engle Emporium..... p.71

Y Station..... p.72

Covered Shopping

Warrenton Old Feed Store..... p.21


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5


Texas Rose Antiques..... p. 7

Trini & Julie’s

Minerals..... p.24


JillSuzanne...... p.36



Campbell Building..... p.29


Y Station..... p.72

Deli / Dining

96 West..... p. 6

Bodega Wine Market..... p.64


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

The Grainery..... p.22

Dumpster Rentals

All Star Roll Off..... p.77


Early Painted Furniture

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5


Vincent Peach..... p. 3


Joe Pete..... p.24



Old Feed Store..... p.21

Estate Finds

Y Station..... p.72

Estate Jewelry

Bobbed Tail Jewelry..... p.54

MJ Jewelers..... p.55

Southern Classic

Jewelry..... p.57

Y Station..... p.72


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

North Gate..... p.20

European Country

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

The Grainery..... p.22


Furniture Antique

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8


Fabulous Finds

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Farmhouse Decor

Tree Park..... p.24

Y Station..... p.72


Soho McKinney..... p.58


Bar WField..... p.16

North Gate..... p.20

Renck Hall..... p.18

Tree Park..... p.24

Warrenton Old Feed Store..... p.21

Fine Jewelry

Bobbed Tail Bay..... p.54

Vincent Peach..... p. 3

Flow Blue

High Country..... p.75

Folk Art

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Renck Hall ............. p 18

Y Station..... p.72

Folk Art- Mexican

Punkie’s Place..... p.30

Food Booth

Nana’s Snack Shack..... p.24

Food Vendors

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Double D’s Pizzeria..... p.38

R.T. Vintage Market..... p.54

Warrenton Inn and The WVenue..... p.38

French Antiques

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8


Y Station..... p.72

Funky Vintage Punkie’s Place..... p.30


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Punkie’s Place..... p.30

Y Station..... p.72


Garden Antique

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Garden Art

Y Station..... p.72


Warrenton Grocery and Gas..... p.35


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Gary Lickver..... p.51

Payne Glass..... p.18

The Venue..... p.53

Y Station..... p.72


Charles Keyton..... p. 2

Golf Collectibles

BJ Pawlaczyk..... p.56

Engle Emporium..... p.71

Gold Filled Jewelry

Y Station..... p.72

Good Stuff

Joe Pete..... p.24

Grain Bags

Bill Moore

County Line..... p. 5

Vintage Fabrics..... p.61


Warrenton Grocery and Gas..... p.35


Axe Antiques..... p.63

Global Icons..... p.51


Handcrafted- Handmade

Vincent Peach..... p. 3

Hippie Vibes

Junk In Yer Trunk..... p.71

Home Decor

Flown The Coop..... p.71

Junk In Yer Trunk..... p.71

Vintage Fabrics..... p.61

Y Station..... p.72

Indian Beaded Jackets

The Good Stuff..... p.57


McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Renck Hall..... p.18

Y Station..... p.72

Jams & Jellies

Dry Creek Farm..... p.24


Bobbed Tail Jewelry..... p.54

Campbell Building..... p.29

JillSuzanne..... p.36

MJ Jewelers..... p.55

Southern Classic

Jewelry p.57

The Venue..... p.53

Vincent Peach..... p. 3

Y Station.... p.72


Punkie’s Place..... p.30

The Blue House & Field p.19



Charles Keyton..... p. 2

Y Station..... p.72


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Le Petite

Gourmet Shoppe..... p.66

La Grange Shops

5 Antique Shops

On The Square..... p.66

Law Firm

Stepp Law Firm..... p.76

Leather Accessories

Vincent Peach..... p. 3


McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Thechandelierlady..... p.28

Y Station..... p.72

Linens/ Lace- Estate

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Vintage Fabrics..... p.61


Warrenton Inn and The Wvenue..... p.38 M

Meat Market

Brenham Quality Meat Market ..... p.72

Mexican Clothing

Punkie’s Place..... p.30

Mexican Treasures

Punkie’s Place..... p.30

Mid- Century

Y Station..... p.72


Antiques Off The Square..... p.65

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Y Station..... p.72

Music- Live

Warrenton Old Feed Store..... p.21

Feed Store..... p.21

Navajo Jewelry

Crow..... p.77


Mobile Notary..... p.32 O Oak Furniture

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Y Station..... p.72

Office Supplies

LGPrint Co..... p.66

Outboard Motors

BJ Pawlaczyk..... p.56 P

Painted Furniture

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p.5

Y Station..... p.72


Bar WField..... p.16

North Gate..... p.56


Weikel’s..... p.64


Vincent Peach..... p. 3

Pickers’ Paradise

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Y Station..... p.72


Dry Creek Farm..... p.24


Charles Keyton..... p. 2

Gary Lickver..... p.51

Renck Hall..... p.18

Y Station..... p.72


LGPrint Co..... p.66

UPS..... p.70


Thechandelierlady..... p. 28

Purple Glass

Texas Rose Antiques..... p. 7

Q Quilts

Antiques Off The Square..... p.65


Y Station..... p.72 R

Record Albums

Y Station..... p.72

Religious Artifacts

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p.5

Y Station..... p.72


The Blue House & Field..... p.19

Y Station..... p.72

Restaurants/ Sit-Down

96 West..... p. 6

Bar WField..... p.16

El Vaquero 2..... p.66

Hank’s Expres..... p.70

Jay Dee’s Sports Grill..... p.68

Riverside Cafe..... p.66

Round Top

Coffee Shop..... p.59

Royers Round Top Café..... p.55

Warrenton Inn and The Wvenue..... p.38

Late Nights

Antiques Off

The Square p.65

Native American

Bobbed Tail Jewelry..... p.54

Ed Gage..... p.25

Global Icons..... p.51

High Country..... p.75

Warrenton Old

Primitives American & European Antiques Off The Square..... p.65

R.T. Vintage Market..... p.54

Vintage Fabrics..... p.61


McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Y Station..... p.72


Thechandelierlady..... p.28

Rugs- Antique- Vintage

Nomads Loom..... p.57

Turkish Rugs Co..... p.84

RV Parking

Colorado Landing

RV Park..... p.64

Tree Park..... p.24



Baca Ranch Antique..... p.25

Salvaged- Structural

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8


McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Shaved Ice & Iced Coffee

Wild Ice..... p.33


UPS..... p.70


Antiques Off

The Square..... p.65

Bar WField..... p.16

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Campbell Building..... p.29

Cowboy Corner..... p.57

Granny McCormick’s Yar..... p.63

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

North Gate..... p.20

R.T. Vintage Market..... p.54

Tree Park..... p.24

Warrenton Inn and The Wvenue..... p.38


Gasoline Hill & Antiques. p.61

Signs- Vintage

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Y Station..... p.72


Bobbed Tail Jewelry..... p.54

Crow..... p.77

Eve Lickver Jewelry..... p.51

Indian Creek Antiques. p.58

Texas Rose Antiques..... p. 7

The Venue..... p.53

Vincent Peach..... p. 3

Silver Buyers

Indian Creek Antiques...p.58

Silver Plate

Indian Creek Antiques. p.58


El’s Handcrafted Soap.... p.24

Sporting Collectables

BJ Pawlaczyk..... p.56

Sports TV

Jay Dee’s Sports Grill..... p.68


Baca Ranch..... p.25

Cowboy Corner..... p.57

Stained Glass

Payne’s Glass..... p.18

The Grainery..... p.22


Charles Keyton..... p. 2

Indian Creek Antiques. p.58


The Good Stuff..... p.57 T


Antiques Off

The Square.... p.65

Texas Boudin

Y Station..... p.72


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Nomads Loom..... p.57

Texas Rose Antiques..... p. 7

Vicki’s Antics..... p.51

Vintage Fabrics..... p.61

Tools- Vintage Antiques Off

The Square.... p.65

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Y Station..... p.72

Tote Trays

Charles Keyton..... p. 2

Turquoise Jewelry

Cowboy Corner..... p.57

Ed Gage..... p.25

The Good Stuff..... p.57


Old Feed Store ..... p. 21



Y Station..... p.72

Uranium Glass

Baca Ranch Antique..... p.25 V

Vendor Space

Bar WField..... p.16

Y Station..... p.72


Charles Keyton..... p. 2


Campbell Building..... p.29

Flown The Coop..... p.71

Junk In Yer Trunk.... p.71

Pamela-Kay Designs..... p.76

Punkie’s Place..... p.30

R. T. Vintage Antiques..... p.54

The Blue House & Field..... p.19

Vintage Apparel

Charles Keyton..... p. 2


Old Feed Store..... p.21

Vintage Baths & Kitchens

LooLoo Design.... p.28

Vintage Finds


McCormick’s Yar..... p.63

Joe Pete..... p.24

R.T. Vintage Market..... p.54

Tree Park..... p.24

Ty’s Little Red Barn Antique Show..... p.77


Old Feed Store..... p. 21

Vintage Jewelry

Soho McKinney..... p.58

Vintage Native American

The Good Stuff..... p.57


Old Feed Store..... p.21

Vintage Turquoise

Ed Gage..... p.25

The Good Stuff..... p.57

Vintage Western

High Country..... p.75


Western Art

Cheryl Long Pure West..... p.61

Western Decor

Y Station..... p.72

Western Tack

Baca Ranch Antique..... p.25

Western Wear

The Good Stuff..... p.57


Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Windows Payne Glass..... p.18

Wine & Wine Accessories

Bill Moore/ County Line..... p. 5

Blue Mule Winery..... p.69

Bodega Wine Market..... p.64


Blue Mule Winery..... p.69

Y Yard Art

Jill Suzanne..... p.36

McLaren’s & Interiors..... p. 8

Y Station..... p.72

Year Round Market

R.T. Vintage Market..... p.54


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