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Stevie Tate


When I write, I am expressing my feelings, emotions and thoughts through words. Those words are transposed onto paper in sentences, paragraphs and chapters. 7KH reader LV H[SHULHQFLQJ ZKDW , ZDQW WKHP WR EHFDXVH ZH KDYH DVVLJQHG PHDQLQJ WR WKH ZRUGV WKHUHIRUH ZH KDYH D UHIHUHQFH DQG VLJQLILFDQFH 7KHQ D VWRU\ :e are all expressing WHOOLQJ DQG demonstrating our RZQ story 7KRXJK WKH VWRULHV PD\ YDU\ ZKDW FUHDWHV WKH VWRULHV IRU HDFK RI XV LV QRW WKDW PXFK GLIIHUHQW When you look at my paintings, you are experiencing what I am feeling, WKLQNLQJ and dreaming about much the same way as when you read what I write. It’s just that now those emotions are expressed through color, WH[WXUHV DQG EUXVK VWURNHV RQ FDQYDV LQVWHDG RI LQN DQG ZRUGV RQ SDSHU


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Tate Art Gallery . Com

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The Story A Complex Man

uncomplicated his life in a seemingly complex way.

The art is as diverse and complicated as its creator Stevie Tate. His life and his art has gone from one extreme to the other and back again. How great it is to be alive! “his says” While spending 16 years in the corporate world with many hours devoted to the love of his company, Steve’s inner creative voices would not quiet themselves. In between raising a family, corporate meetings, conference calls and long hours in airports to and from business trips, Steve wrote the rough drafts to several books he hopped to one day publish; he wrote songs that he loves to play on his guitar. He recorded in his journal many thoughts, ideas, inventions, created business plans and ideas for new business concepts, but only dabbled with the idea of painting on canvas. With 16 years experience working with paints, it was intention that led Stevie to put emotions and paint on canvas. For some years he painted on nights and weekends all the while creating a following of admirers for his art. It was quickly realized from others that his art was something to be shared with the world. But not him, yet! Steve’s art took on many transformations, as did he, no two pieces are alike. With Steve’s technique it is all but impossible to recreate one piece to the next. The beauty, energy and depths of his painting he states “comes from a place he can not explain” Asked? What do you feel when you paint? “Oh that question…” I feel love, anger, excitement, confusion, and peace. I’m usually very happy because I have the music cranked up, I’m rocking and full of energy. I’m doing what I want to be doing. I find myself again, and then I can give to others. What inspires you to continue painting? The element of surprise, wonder and revelation. Not knowing what will come out of the painting. It’s like coming to corner in my life and not knowing what’s around it. Its all about being in the present moment! What do you want people to see or feel when they view your art? My art is created to be viewed up close and personal, It is designed to be enjoyed. Iike looking at a snowflake or spider web I don't want my art to appear restricted. I want it to carry ones mind off of the canvas to somewhere special for them. Like it does for me. Why do you put your poems and writings with your art? Because to me they come from the same place within me. My words are the way that I describe my feelings, and my feelings are what creates the art! To me they are one in the same, just different ways if expressing it. Now sitting at the same desk he used to make million dollar deals at Stevie prepares for the day at the studio and contemplates the things that are important in life. He calls the kids, prays and dreams about the next painting. With an upcoming art show there is still much work to be done, but work that brings a smile to his face and the people around him. Life is to short to die to quickly!

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The character of a man is demonstrated by his honor, integrity, and the truth of his word. May each of us be reminded of that before the decisions that we may make . or live with the disappointment they may bring? Let each of us also be reminded of that at some point we will have our lives reviewed by not only those who know us but the one who watches and sees all. " " #


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Life is a continual process of preparation. Though do we rarely know what for? It’s difficult to understand this process because the preparation seems to be harder than the actual thing you are being prepared for. This is faith‌the knowing that is necessary to go through what you must, to be successful at what is next. Faith = Preparation

The struggle we face each day is the conflict between our mind and spirit. We are a genealogy of the beginning of time. And over time, we have accumulated all the stories that were played out before us. It is only the spirit that has stayed pure to our real purpose. Make every effort to live from spirit “the truthâ€? and your mind may‌. be convinced! And peace will be discovered.


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Even the past and future can only exist in this "the present moment" You should just except that the now is all there is and live it to the fullest. All the power, or lack of power in life is In the thoughts you are having now. It is in the very next thing you do or say, it is in the next direction you take. Everything is predicated on your thoughts about what you are going to think about now

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To understand my own brokenness, my own frailty, my weaknesses. To know my fears, my shame and guilt. Without this knowledge I am ignorant to life, love and happiness and not capable of possible change and healing.

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Just like you must set yourself up for a great day by speaking encouraging, powerful, positive words about how your day will go. You must also put into your mind how you want your dream state to go as well. Before you shut your eyes think about beautiful, loving and happy thoughts and you will have a good night.

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Perhaps life has intelligence‌? So, it’s not a matter of bad luck, unfortunate circumstance, a bad result, an unhappy situation. It very well could be that we misunderstand, and the happening is possibly a sign, an urge, a directive, a push, a revelation that there is a change, direction, response or a new beginning needed ?

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How do you live each moment for all its worth? How do you extract, and squeeze everything from it‌? First be aware of the greatness of it. Be thankful for the food you are eating, enjoy the presence of the person in front of you. Be grateful for your work. Stop and look at the trees, stars, miracles all around. Just stop and breathe. Chose to be free, to live this moment as if it was your last.

Acceptance is power; Love overcomes everything; Joy of just being is peace; Enthusiasm is aliveness; Thankfulness brings abundance; Forgiveness creates happiness; Respect builds character; Giving leads to receiving. Life truly is a decision making process! The quality of your decisions dictates the quality of your life!



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But yesterday is over so I will only believe in today: Focus on living not life, be committed all in, plow the fields, sweep the floors, train the mind-body-spirit-soul, don't give up on love, seek the truth and live it, speak great words into your life, look for every reason to be happy, let go the past, live only in the present moment, and give everything over to God. Believe that today there is a new beginning, new opening, a fresh and clean new start: All new! Don't look back, hold your head up be powerful and put all your energy into this present moment.

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As I began yet another new chapter in my life, I am reminded that we really do start our lives over each morning as we awake. Each new day is another path of thousands on our journey, and we are the authors of how each of those days, and how they Begin and End. We are the writers, actors, editors and critics. How incredibly beautiful to be responsible for our own lives.



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LIFE~ the current circumstances that make up your journey, circumstances that happen mostly out of your control that have nothing to do with you. Circumstances and events together create your platform for Knowing. LIVING~ the understanding that life has nothing to do with you. You always have the ability to choose how you experience and live out life. Living is being what you want to be, happy, at peace.

If my life merely comes down to, and only adds up to, the single moments of prayer and contemplation of God, than it has been a life worth living, and still is. Live today in “this� the only moment we have


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Love like there is no yesterday. Yesterday belongs to a sun that has already set. Yesterday belongs to the tears that have dried, and words that have washed out to sea. Today belongs to those who believe in the power of forgiveness witch is the highest form of Love.

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Surly we have every reason in the world to be happy, and to be happy for every reason. Even on days like this when I struggle to keep my head up and see the reasons I should be happy.......... I know they are there!


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Rarely is there anything worth arguing, bickering, or disagreeing about when it is so easy to just to relinquish. All too often we convince ourselves that our opinion, view, and decisions are way to important. Looking back we now conclude that it truly wasn’t worth the cost to be right. Our relationship with others is the most important thing we have. It’s better to be wrong sometimes than to be right all the time and alone a lot! ! # "


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How can we ever expect to rule the cosmos as we are meant to, if we are still afraid of just entering the forest? Expanding your idea and consciousness of how powerful you really are gives you the ability to be the ruler of your universe.

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Our lives add up to and are measured by... the ordinary simple moments. The great accomplishments and celebrations are in themselves wonderful blessings. But as we string together this thought and that experience and another feeling, we come to the conclusion that the real joy is just each breath we take, and how special it is. That at some point we will not take another. Breathe and be present!

If you were blind, would you beg to see the stars? If you were deaf, would you dream of sounds? If you were crippled, would you long to run? If there were no laughter, would you seek to feel joy? If there was no sun, would you wish for warmth? If you had no family or friends, would you desire to share? Yet, you have some or all of these things and more!


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The thoughts you begin your day with are significantly important. Those thoughts, feeling and emotions will surly manifest and create the outcome that there definition describes. Whether in the shower in the morning or head on your pillow at night, take note your individual moments to come are a direct reflection of the thoughts you just had!


Be not indifferent in this life neither hot nor cold, but all in and absolute. There is power in yes or no but not in maybe! There is greatness from commitment and deciding that unlocks unknown powers and peace to be. Waves in the sea come in and out and are beautiful as they are tossed about but mountains stand for ever and give life to all that see.



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Listen to one another with intent and feeling. Trust one another and be trustworthy. Look at each other in the eyes knowing that this gift that you give is worth a king’s ransom. And remember, you have the strength of a warrior, the words of a teacher and the love of a mother. Accept your path, your truth and your highest self. This is who you are, and you know it in your heart.

If you have more than you need... You are Rich! If you are healthy, You are Blessed! If you have love‌‌You have Everything !

The past and the future are gateways into your present consciousness. They are essential parts of your journey. Not to be discarded, but examined for the pearls of wisdom that they have to pass along to this moment of the NOW. Be thankful, with out the old experiences and the thoughts of the new ones life would be very boring!

Sometimes no matter how hard you focus on Living, Life just wins! When it does beat you, the only thing you can do is keep training and go back to the starting line to compete again.



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As many of us do, we send out our request and concerns through prayer. The ability to receive and hear the answers is just as important. The quiet and silent ways of meditation allows a window for those answers and insight to be brought to consciousness. Both prayer and meditation are necessary tools for navigating our relationship with the universe and with ourselves.

The breath of my spirit awakens me. Truth of this moment inspires my soul. I yearn for the truest of love before I depart. The walk of aloneness has been a long path, but has been essential to my awakening. Freedom teases me like a playful lover who delights in the passion gleaning in my eyes. Liberation from suffering comes at a price, yet the mere contemplation of it is the beginning of peace.


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There can be nothing more meaningful, more special, more important than the moment of the realization of love. The heavens open and all of creation sees itself and dance’s and sings. For why else would we be here? What else would be the meaning?



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You may not ever Win a Masters Jacket, or a Super Bowl, or become CEO. But what you can do is to truly live in this present moment whilst you wait on what you will achieve or become. Be happy...life is about the journey not the destination and the journey happens one moment at a time THIS DAY.

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Imagination is the power of God to create and manifest. Like infinity it is multi-dimensional and has no end to the depth of its capacity. And as importantly, love and imagination have the same origin. They both are divine and Holy.


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Do not fall into the pits of resignation, bitterness or despair. Do not give up on you! Fiercely and deliberately, push yourself forward and dive into the ocean of hope, faith and forgiveness. For pits are lonely, but oceans are teaming with life ..

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Even if I missed my opportunity, my shot at being In Love in complete happiness and bliss, I still have a life in front of me that must be lived! Your journey may not always turn out like you wanted but we still have a responsibility to keep living, and allow life to be what it will be with or without what you wanted.

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Bless those who are unfortunate, for they suffer! Bless and have compassion for those who are angry, spiteful, and mean spirited. Bless those who cannot understand reason. Forget and forgive those who hate and resent, for they agonize a cruel life! Understand we all have a ways to go in our journey. Hold nothing against anyone, and take nothing personally. We each have our ways of thinking about something, and it does not make us wrong or right. Our conclusions and opinions about something are revealed by the paths we have taken and by the truths in which we live.


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As we all work so hard to be different from one another we have forgotten how many wonderful similarities we have. In this attempt to be singular, distinctive and unique we have achieved the opposite. We have been successful at becoming alienated, separated and disconnected from each other; young from old, rich from poor, race from race even to the point that a man - woman relationship seems that it may not survive. Maybe we should just try to be the "same"‌..good, compassionate, caring, kind, loving, giving, encouraging, and similar.

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Though it may feel like the satisfaction in life comes from going, doing and ceaseless movement. More importantly the peace that we really desire comes from the stillness, deep in breath present moment. To take 10 minutes and clear your mind, connect with your spirit, release the residue of the past and be conscious of the source must be a priority if one is seeking a happy day! Close thy eyes quiet the mind, let go and seek truth.


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You cannot be who you want to be today, if you act like you did yesterday. The greatest loop whole in life is "you get to start over every day" Love more today, be kinder today, give more today, be happier today, work harder today, forgive more today, be more committed today, have more fun today, live more today, let go of the past today, be in moment today, start something new in your life today,

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Imagination is the opposite of imitation. Let you be you, but don't be afraid to copy something that works. No need to re-invent the wheel. Most all successful people look to other successful people, the smart ones anyway. Imagination is your heart telling your mind what to think. Imitation is your mind telling your mind what to think.


Formula for Love; ~ God Ordained 
~ Magical Chemistry
 ~ Right Time 
~You Accept Now hold on with on your might and don’t ever let go.




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What are you holding on too? What consumes your mind? What keeps you from being free? What keeps you from living in the moment? These addictions and attachments are the roots of the tree that holds you down. Your freedom will come when you ask these questions and accept the truth. Who are you? What are you? Why are you? When are you?

Thank you for allowing me to do what I love ! The thousands of hours I have spent painting in the studio have been the greatest blessing in my life. All those hours have taught me to Love first, be patient; believe in the present moment and to not worry about the next. Love Stevie~+~

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