The Whole Kid-and-Kaboodle

Page 1


An Activity and Resource Guide for Families


Make Money with BPL Kids Eat FREE Local Events Helpful Hands Are YOU the reason for your Headaches? Children are more than a State Test Score Shepherding Your Son


Un Mensaje de Dia del Padre Pastoreando Su Hijo, Pagina 11. Rev. Gabriel Delgadilla



2019 -2020


The Team

Summer Jerri Bankston


Table of Contents Kids Eat Free....................................................6 Are You the Reason for your Headaches?..............................................8 Shepherding Your Son..................................10

Eric Cabrera

Graphic Designer

Local Events.............................................12-13 Helpful Hands..........................................16-17 Children are more than a Test Score.....................................................20 Vacation Bible School...................................26

Chelsea Bankston

I am a Ramsey Kid........................................30

Marketing Manager & Sales

Advertise with Us!

Contact us to reserve your ad in this publication.

Jerri Bankston 281-703-7742 Chelsea Bankston

On the Cover The two sweet friends having a picnic are Kendal and Kayleigh. Kendal is the granddaughter of Estelle Reed of Humble and Juanita Few and the late Harvey Few of Humble. Her cute little friend is Kayleigh who resides in Kingwood.

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All publications of The Whole Kid and Kaboodle can be viewed on our website: kid-and-kaboodle. com and also on our FaceA TiMMark Publication book Page, The Whole Kid and Kaboodle. To receive the magazine by mail, submit your address to: Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcomed and encouraged, but we reserve the right to edit and reject all submissions. Advertisers assume all liability for content in their ad, and Kid and Kaboodle assumes no responsibility for sales or misleading advertisements.


Jerri ’s Corner But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance Galatians 5:22 & 23 As Christians and all God loving people do we take this message from the Bible seriously? Have we thought of what it is actually conveying to us? If we truly have the Spirit in us as scripture teaches, then these fruits should be manifest in our lives. Love is one of the most powerful attributes and it brings about peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, and temperance. Think about that for a minute. Examine your faith and if it is there in the way it should be you will have everlasting love for the Father as He has for you. The word tells us that when we repent of our sins, have faith and accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross FOR our sins, then the love of God will be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. If you are missing the feelings of joy and peace or you are not patient, gentle and kind consider that you may need to go back to the beginning of your journey with God. Examine your heart and ask God to bring remembrance of your conversion and your salvation. Just remembering that day and that time should either bring new joy to your heart or will convict you to start over and make sure of your salvation by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 May God bless us all as we enter into troublesome and fearful times. Take your family to Church and focus on leading your children into a relationship with God.



Marsala’s Italian Grill

12 and under. Kids meal Only with purchase of adult entree. Tuesdays, 3 – 10 PM.

Three B’s Bar and Grill

Dickey’s Pit Barbeque Kingwood

Huffman - 24501 FM 2100 E, Huffman, TX 77336 Atascocita - 5324 Atascocita Road, Atascocita, TX 77346

IHop Humble


Sunday-Saturday 4 – 10 PM

The Fish Place Atascocita

Sundays 4 – close

Fiesta Azteca Kingwood Tuesdays after 5 PM

Angie’s Mexican & Seafood 5105 FM 1960 E. Tuesdays with purchase of Adult entree


Hectors Mexican Restaurant Sundays and Tuesdays – 10 and under

Tuesdays 5 – close with purchase of adult meal

Denny’s Tuesdays and Saturdays – 4 PM – 10 PM Kingwood - 22671 Eastex Fwy, Kingwood, TX 77339 242 & 59 - 23412 TX-242, New Caney, TX 77357

Zachary’s Cajun Café Kingwood Smash Burger, 59 & Northpark

La Casita, Porter Monday and Tuesday with purchase of adult meal

Saturday 11 – 4 PM

Kings Crossing - 4590 Kingwood Dr., Kingwood Tuesdays, 3 – 10 PM – 12 and under. Kids meal Only with purchase of adult entree.

Huddle House Huffman 24110 FM 2100 Suite 100, Huffman, TX 77336 Mondays and Tuesdays


ARE YOU THE REASON FOR YOUR HEADACHES? By Dr. Lewis Clark D.C. Headaches, unfortunately, are a common problem in America. According to the National Women’s Health Information Center, 45 million Americans are victims of chronic headaches with 20 million of those being women, and according to the 2001 National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey, more than 9 million people in the United States alone visit the doctor for a headache. One would imagine this isn’t just a mild passing headache that sends these people to the doctor’s office.

Most Common Causes of Headaches

to be reduced or eliminated completely to alleviate the debilitating effects of headaches. A comprehensive blood analysis should be ordered to assess all bodily function. Lastly, all patients suffering from headaches should be assessed from a musculoskeletal standpoint. The following areas can cause headaches; misalignment of the vertebral segments of the spine (especially upper cervical vertebrae), muscular imbalances (strains, spasms, adhesions), ligament, tendon and fascial adhesions and scar tissue.

The list of headache causers is very long. In this context we will discuss headaches that are not caused by serious medical conditions.

If you currently suffer from chronic headaches, it is imperative you find the root cause of your problem. Headaches can result from a vast majority of health issues ranging from stress and muscular tension all the way to a space occupying lesion like a brain Some of the most common but least recognized causes of headtumor. Unfortunately, many Americans suffering from chronic aches are the following: headaches have been blindly taught to mask their headaches with over the counter and even prescription medications. It should be Dysautonomia very clear that this approach does not fix your underlying prob Anemia lem, but instead simply numbs the pain sensations from reaching Food allergies conscious awareness in the brain. The problem with this method Chemical toxicity is that most people take these mediations to get through the day, Nutrient Deficiencies which could result in more damage to the affected area. Remem Thyroid issues ber, pain is a sign from the body that you should avoid doing Hormone imbalances certain activities for protective purposes. Some of these drugs are Vitamin or mineral toxicity highly addictive. There are 500% more people addicted to pre Skeletal structural issues scription drugs than illegal drugs. Pharmaceutical side effects Let us discuss only a few conditions in more detail. One of the most common causes of headaches results from changes in blood flow as a result of over-active sympathetic function leading to blood vessel constriction and less blood flow to the brain. Stress will also drive the sympathetics and lead to the same problem. The neurologic components must be determined and corrected to ultimately fix the underlying problem. A complete neurologic examination is imperative when dealing with headaches. Metabolic function must be thoroughly assessed as well. Many people suffer from food allergies/intolerances, nutrient deficiencies, and even toxicity. An individual can be reactive to any food product; however, the most common foods that are reactive include wheat (gluten), dairy (casein), soy, and corn. Excess sugar and caffeine is also a major issue with headaches, and may need


If you or a loved one is suffering from chronic headaches, contact our office today to schedule a $47 complete examination and analysis to determine the underlying cause(s) of your problem.

Dr. Lewis Clark D.C.

Certified Gluten Practitioner Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner Board Certified Integrative Medicine Church in Humble, Texas in 1995.

Dr. Lewis M. Clark, DC, CCWP, BCIM, CGP is a Board Certified Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner, Board Certified in Integrative Medicine and a Certified Gluten Practitioner with extensive studies in: Functional Neurology, Functional Nutrition and Functional Blood Analysis.


SHEPHERDING YOUR SON By Gabriel Delgadillo Just recently my kids and I attended a local Houston theatrical production of David and Goliath where the play opens with David taking care of his sheep. In comical fashion, this rendition has the young cowboy shepherd running from one corner of the ranch to the other chasing down one sheep getting ready to walk off the edge of the stage, while quickly coming to the aide of another that can’t stop running into a wall. Another slightly mischievous member has to be caught in the act and stopped by the shepherd. It was a classic picture of one man’s heart felt attempt to bring order to innocent and unsuspecting lives who need, but may not even know they need, direction. Years ago, a very talented and passionate counselor who had already practiced in the northwest area of town for years introduced me to a series of lessons by Dr Douglas Wiess called “Shepherding Your Sons.” While both a candid and graphic approach to working through issues of common themes in sexual development and identity for young boys, it also made me acutely aware of something I really needed to acknowledge. In fact, I am convinced that both this and the cowboy David speak to all of us as fathers about our sons. They need us. This thing we call life is not something they were ever meant to figure out on their own, nor is it something that we can leave up to society or place the full weight on mothers, no matter how much they would give their lives to do it. Fatherhood is far more than propagation and provision. We are far more than a seed to start a life and check to finance it. The impact and raw requirement for a man in the life of his son is deeper at every age and expands far into the years of life. That is why the shepherd is most impactful metaphor for this relationship.

that maintained our active lifestyles as a family. Like most situations, unfortunately, something had to happen to shake me from my apathy and I realized just short of his preteen years that I neglected this well-behaved, cheerful spirited boy. I took for granted that he was okay. I told myself it was faith and trust in him, but it was my laziness and convenience. Shepherding my son meant I had to be intentional and constant. There were nights during the week, after a long day of work, that we sat at the dinner table and went through activities and stories from material I had to choose and plan to deliberately teach him on a topic I had to select for his time of life at his level. This meant I had to know what he needed and when he needed it. As Josiah grew older, aside from some of the practical things (cars, money, grades, etc.) that a father teaches his sons about, I developed a system of accountability, like an ever-present check engine light that was on our father and son dashboard of life. There were areas of his life, often mirrored in my life, that I kept up with him on a regular basis. If I want to prevent a moral, emotional, spiritual, or sexual breakdown, there had to be a fatherson maintenance program that only a dad could walk his boy through. This is my story with my son. The Bible is the story of a Perfect Father loving broken children in a broken world. This story gives us hope that in the chaos and confusion of our culture we can help create character that will stand. Hope that they will become men. Hope that, if at all possible, they will become even better men than we ever were.

That journey with my son began later than I would like to admit. Josiah was our firstborn, so I was focused on providing for our new family and very much engaged in the daily stream of activities and schedules Rev. Gabriel Delgadillo, Pastor of Family Fire UPC in New Caney, TX for the last three years was also Associate Pastor at Christian Life & Family Center in East Houston where he served for 18 years. All throughout this time he ministered together with his wife of 23 years, Esmeralda Delgadillo, who is also an ordained minister and LPC Intern practicing in the Kingwood area. He is also father to Hannah and Josiah. Gabriel is an alumnus of Boston University, Rice University, and the University of Houston. As a bi-vocational pastor, he is a Software Developer who has contracted for companies such as BP, Hewlett Packard, and NASA. He has led as an Administrator for a Christian Academy for 15 years and Dean for a multi-campus (Spanish and English) Bible training institute for 8 years. He also serves on the board for the Center for Apostolic Counseling, has written several handbooks for curriculum taught in the local church, and is in the revision process of his first book. 10

PASTOREANDO TU HIJO By Gabriel Delgadillo Recientemente mis hijos y yo asistimos una producción teátrica en Houston de David y Goliat donde la obra abre con David cuidando a sus ovejas. En forma chistosa, esta rendición tuvo al pastorcito vaquero corriendo desde una esquina del rancho al otro persiguiendo una oveja lista para saltar del borde de la plataforma, y rápidamente llega a ayudar a otra obeja que no para de toparse contra un muro. Otro miembro que fue poco travieso fue atrapado en el acto y parado por el pastor. Fue una imagen clásica del intento del corazón de un varón de traer orden a las vidas inocentes y sin sospecha que necesitan, aunque no saben que necesitan, dirección. Años atrás, un consejero talentoso y apasionado que ya habia practicado en el área norte-oeste del pueblo por unos años me introdujo a una serie de lecciones por Dr. Douglas Wiess llamado “Pastoreando Sus Hijos.” Mientras que los temas comunes eran francos y gráficos sobre el desarrollo y identidad sexual de muchachos jóvenes, me hizo bien consciente de algo que realmente yo necesitaba reconocer. En realidad, soy convencido que tanto esto y el David vaquero nos hablan a nosotros como padres sobre nuestros hijos. Ellos nos necesitan. Esta cosa que llamamos la vida no es algo que ellos fueron destinados a descubrir a solos, ni es algo que podemos dejar a la sociedad o poner el peso completo en las madres, no importa que ellas darián sus vidas para hacerlo. La paternidad es mucho más que propagación y provisión. Somos más que en semilla que comeinza un a vida o un cheque para financiarlo. El impacto y requisito central para un varón en la vida de su hijo es más profundo en cada edad y aumenta en los años que vienen. Esto es porque el pastor de ovejas es la metáfora más impactante para esta relación. Aquella jornada con mi hijo comenzó más tarde de lo que me gustaría confesar. Josías era mi primogénito, y yo estaba enfocado en la provisión de nuestra familia

nueva y participaba en la rutina de actividades y horarios que mantuvo nuestros familia. Como muchas situaciones, desafortunadamente, algo tuvo que suceder para conmoverme de mi apatía y me di cuenta solamente poco tiempo antes de sus años preadolescentes que habia descuidado a este muchacho de bien comportamiento y de buen ánimo. Yo di por sentado que el estaba bien. Me dije a mi mismo que era fe y confianza en él, pero era mi pereza y conveniencia. Pastorear a mi hijo significaba que necesitaba estar intencional y constante. Hubo noches durante la semana después de día larga de trabajo, que nos sentabamos en la mesa del comedor y hacianos actividades y historias de material que tuve que escoger y planificar para enseñarle con intención en un tema que escogia a su nive para su tiempo de vida. Esto significaba que yo tenia que saber lo que necesitaba y cuando lo necesitaba. Como Josías creció, aparte de algunas cosas practicas (carros, dinero, notas de la escuela, etc.) que un padre enseña a sus hijos, desarrolle un sistema de contabilidad, como una luz de motor que estaba ence encendida en el tablero de la vida de padre e hijo. Era áreas en su vida, como en mi vida, que yo mantuvo con él en una frecuencia regular. Si quisiera prevenir un fracaso moral, emocional, espiritual, o sexual, necesitaba un programa de mantenimiento de padre-hijo donde solamente un padre puede guiar a su hijo. Esta es mi historia con mi hijo. La Biblia es una historia de un Padre Perfecto amando a sus hijos quebrantados en un mundo quebrantado. Esta historia nos da esperanza que en la mitad del caos y confusión de nuestra cultura podemos crear ub carácter que permanecerá. Esperanza que serán hombres. Esperanza que, si es posible, serán mejores hombres de lo que fuimos nosotros.

Rev. Gabriel Delgadillo, Pastor de Familia en Fuego IPU en New Caney, TX por las últimas tres años fue también Pastor Asociado en Centro Cristiano Vida y Familia en el Este de Houston donde sirvió por 18 años, ministrando junto con su esposa Esmeralda Delgadillo. Gabriel es alumno de Universidad de Boston, Universidad de Rice, y la Universidad de Houston y ha sido en la Escuela Graduada de Teología de Houston en el programa de M. Div. El es un pastor bivocacional quien trabaja como Programador en diferentes industrias para compañías como BP, HP, and NASA. El ha sido Administrador por un academia cristiana por 15 años y decano por un localidad (Español y Inglés) de instituto Bíblico por 8 años. También sirve en la mesa directiva para el Centro de Consejo Apostólico, ha escrito manuales de estudios enseñado en la iglesia local, y es en el proceso de revisión de su primer libro. 11


June 1 Moonshine Hill Trade Days 10 AM · Humble Market 2803 FM 1960 Rd E Humble, Texas June 1 HealthFest Houston at Discovery Green 10 AM - 1500 McKinney St, Houston, TX 77010


JUNE 2 Moonshine Hill Trade Days 10 AM · Humble Market JUNE 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Art of Parenting Class 9:30 AM · Humble First 1915 FM 1960 Bypass Rd E, Humble

05 08 18 21 22



JULY 4 Red, Hot & Blue Festival 6- 10 PM The Woodlands, Texas Town Green Park 2099 Lake Robbins Hughes Landing at Grogan Mills and Lake Woodlands Dr. Waterway Square Park 31 Waterway Sq. Rob Fleming 6055 Creekside Forest Dr. Northshore Park 2505 Lake Woodlands Dr.

JUNE 8, 9 Celebrate Humble Day! 9 AM · Humble Market JUNE 18 Free CPR Class Tuesday 6 - 8 PM Kingwood Emergency Hospital

JUNE 22 Mud Dawg - NCC Mud Run 8 A.M.- 901 Wilson Rd, Humble TX, 77338. JUNE 22, 23 Kidprenuer Market 10 AM · Humble Market JUNE 22 Kidsfest 11 AM · 315 Gentry Street, Suite A1, Spring, Texas 77373


JULY 4 Fireworks Show 6 PM - Kingwood Town Center JULY 4 Valley Ranch 4th Fest 2 PM · Valley Ranch Town Center

JUNE 5 Nutty Scientist of Houston: Mission To Space 10 - 11 P.M. 202 Bessie Price Owen Dr, Montgomery, TX 77356

JUNE 21 Live Fire Strategy and Tactics with FD Tactics and Curt Isakson 8 AM · Harris County Sheriff’s Training Academy

JUNE 29, 30 Outdoor Game Day & Market 9 AM · Humble Market -

July 4 Fourth of July Celebration 9:30 PM Music and Fireworks over Galveston Bay Kema Boardwalk

06 12

JULY 6, 7 Moonshine Hill Trade Days 9 AM · Humble Market JULY 12 Movies Under the Moon 8:30 PM · Kings Harbor JULY 13, 14 Family Game Day & Market 9 AM · Humble Market


JULY 20 Humble Pray Unity 4 - 6 PM - Humble Civic Center 8233 Will Clayton Pkwy, Humble, Tx 77338

JULY 20, 21 Vintage & Antique Market 9 AM · Humble Market


JULY 27, 28 Christmas in July 10 AM · Humble Market


JULY 31 Build a Space Colony at Your Library 2 PM · Octavia Fields Branch Library

AUGUST 03 09 10 17 31

AUG 3, 4 Vendor Village Market 9 AM · Moonshine Hill Trade Days

SUMMER AT THE KEMA BOARDWALK ROCK THE DOCK Summer Concert Series Thursday nights at 7PM. (starts 5/9) FIREWORK FRIDAYS Fireworks show Over Galveston Bay 9:30 PM Beginning 6/7 SCHOOL’S OUT SUMMER BASH June 1-2 Summertime fun with entertainment, ride promotions and more KID KRAZY MONDAYS through 8/12 Discounts on Kids’ Meals, all day ride passes and The Boardwalk Beast

AUG 9 Movies Under the Moon 8:30 PM · Kings Harbor AUG 10, 11 Summertime Game Day & Market 9 AM · Humble Market AUG 17 Kid’s Jubilee 12 PM · Town Center Park - Kingwood AUG 17, 18 Vintage & Antique Market Days 9 AM · Humble Market AUG 31 2nd Annual Labor Day Celebration 9 AM · Humble Market 13

LOCAL PARKS AND ACTIVITIES Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center 20634 Kenswick Drive in Humble. JUNE 1st 9 AM National Trails Day: Creek Bash JUNE 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27 / JULY 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 / AUGUST 1, 2 9 AM Summer Nature Camp 2019 | True Texas Natives JUNE 8th 1 PM Second Saturday Settlers: Woodworking JULY 2nd 9-2 Junior Canoe Training JULY 3RD 9-2 Texas Bound JULY 13TH 1-3 Second Saturday Settlers: Pioneer Tools JULY 13TH 5-7PM Evening Canoe Trip AUG 3RD 10-12 Backyard Reptiles AUG 10TH Second Saturday Settlers Homestead Fun AUG 24TH 9-3:30 Hunting Education Certification AUG 31ST 10-12 Scavenger Hunt

Mercer Botanic Gardens 22306 Aldine Westfield Rd, Humble, TX 77338 Garden Explorers • Garden Explorers: Butterflies and Bees. June 4 through June 6, from 9 a.m. to noon. ages 6 - 8. • Garden Explorers: World Travelers. June 11 through June 13, from 9 a.m. to noon. ages 9 - 11. • Garden Explorers: A-B-Seeds. June 18 through June 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. ages 6 - 8. • Garden Explorers: Birds of a Feather. June 25 through June 27, from 9 a.m. to noon. ages 9 -11

STORYTIME 10:30 AM JUNE 3, 10, 17, 24 JULY 1, 8, 14, 22, 29 AUGUST 5, 12, 19, 26


Lunch Bunch | Behind the Scenes at Mercer Botanic Gardens JUNE 12th 12Noon Tropical Symposium JULY 13th 8:30 AM Summer Movie Nights Begin at Dusk and Refreshments will be provided. 101 Dalmatians Monday, June 3rd Lindsay/Lyons Park, 2310 Atascocita Rd, Humble Frozen Friday, July 12th Doss Park, 2800 Frick Rd, Houston Lilo & Stitch Monday, August 5th Pundt Park, 4129 Spring Creek Lane, Spring

Other Local Parks Lake Houston Wilderness Park 25840 FM 1485 New Caney, TX 77357 River Grove Park Woodland Hills Dr, Kingwood, TX 77339 Schott Park 8510 Will Clayton Pkwy, Humble, TX 77338 Alexander Deussen Park 12303 Sonnier St, Houston, TX 77044 The Park at Fall Creek 7930 Fall Creek Bend, Humble, TX 77396 Madera Run Park 11939 Madera Run Pkwy, Humble, TX 77346 Greens Bayou Wetlands Mitigation Bank 9110 St Laurent Ln, Houston, TX 77044 East End Park Kingwood, TX 77345 (Very end of KW DR.) Liberty Park Trailing Vine Rd, Spring, TX 77373 Bull Sallas 21675 McCleskey Rd, New Caney, TX 77357 15




Too much to do & not quite enough time on your hands? In the 1950s, scholars worried that, thanks to technological innovations, Americans wouldn’t know what to do with all of their leisure time. What wishful thinking!! Today, Americans are overworked, putting in more hours than ever. Technology disturbs our leisure time, our family time and even our consiousness. Juggling between work, family and personal needs makes it easy to get sucked into the never-ending list of to-dos and end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

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CHILDREN ARE MORE THAN A STATE TEST SCORE By Dr. Elizabeth Fagen Humble ISD Superintendent of Schools I grew up in Iowa, a state where all children have taken the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS), Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITED), and ACT for over 40 years. I never felt anxiety about those tests. I never felt that they judged or separated my classmates. It was just something we did each spring, and from a student’s point of view, it had little impact on my life. I am sure my teachers used those results, and many others, to monitor and plan for us like all good educators do -and always have. Today, I wish I felt calm. Instead, I worry about my daughters and students their age because unlike my experience, the world of longitudinal assessment has changed drastically for today’s generation of students; and despite all that we have learned about its unintended consequences, the system continues. What about the long-term cost to children?

exact same timeline? Intuitively we know this is not true. We see the uniqueness in our own children, and we recognize that if their strengths and developmental timelines happen to be aligned to what is tested when it is tested, they are the lucky ones. If their strengths and interests are not what is tested, or if their developmental timeline is different, we understand the consequences of that too. Education must shift our focus to knowing and preparing each child for his or her life’s journey. This means really valuing the knowledge and skills that will be necessary and then creating the opportunities to learn that information and develop those skills -- and to do this in real-life situations so that we know they can transfer their knowledge and their skills to their own lives. Quality assessment is about demonstrating knowledge and skills in a real-world application.

It has made me sad to watch the impact of these assessments on students over the past 10 years. Many people assume that an assessment built by a big name company must be good. That is not an accurate assumption. Imagine your physician using a test that is 50 percent accurate to diagnose and treat you. Imagine your physician giving you horrible news when it might not be correct. This is exactly what happens to some of our students and, in some cases, our very own children. They take a mediocre assessment and then are judged, sorted, and put on pathways according to the results. Imagine an 8-year-old being told that he or she cannot read on grade level or isn’t good enough at math. If you have experienced this, you know the impact. As a parent and an educator, it scares me that too often it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. I believe that if we tell children they are broken, they will believe us. It is not motivational at 8, 9, or 10 years old to hear that you are behind. It is devastating; and what is worse than that, much of the time, it is not true. Most of the time, all of these children, under the guidance and care of a quality, professional educator, will develop the skills they need to be successful in their lives. Children develop at different rates. We embrace this when they are young, learning to crawl, walk and talk; so what happens as they get older? Why do we all of a sudden think that all children should be able to do the exact same things on the


You can follow Dr. Fagen on Twitter @ElizabethFagen. 21


The Buckner Family Hope Center at Aldine has an excellent after school program for teens. As we know, there is not enough time during the school day for our teens to learn a lot about daily living skills, job readiness, and character building needed to ensure a successful future, so this program helps bridge the gap. The teen program has 2 parts-Life and Leadership for 13-15 year olds, taught by Kiara Johnson and Empower to Employ for 16 - 18 year old, taught by Wesley Bumpus. A variety of educational, vocational, personal skills and spiritual development are taught in preparation for higher learning after graduation, along with planning special community service projects. Buckner Teens and Pilgrim Place 2 Senior Citizens have worked together for over a year with the influence from Baker Ripley Community Center on engaging in several intergenerational activities. Every other Tuesday, 14 of our Teens spent time interacting with the Seniors and sharing their experiences and comparing stories from their lives. Some of the activities they did were storytelling poems, sharing their own personal stories from their childhood and favorite memories of their family, and enjoying karaoke night singing songs from the past and present. The group also attended the National Night Out where together they created a life-sized Jenga game and made crafts. Through many conversations, this has been an amazing opportunity for our Teens to be exposed to the valuable wisdom of the older generation and really lean into the differences and similarities that they have with one another. Bringing generations together, teaching honor and respect, seeds an understanding of the past and allows the strengthening of the future. "Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisors, they succeed" Proverbs 15:22.

Jose Rivera, Director of Senior Engagement at Baker Ripley, pitched the idea of making a video to capture and share the very unique and personal stories from the two different generations. The group loved the idea so The Buckner Teens and Pilgrim Place 2 Seniors have been working tirelessly interviewing each other and gathering footage from both generational backgrounds. This has given them the opportunity to improve communication skills, while learning about video production and editing. On Thursday, May 23rd, at Baker Ripley Community Center, 3000 Aldine Mail Rt., the video they created "Wisdom Exchange" will be presented at an event planned by the Teens. This will allow the community as a whole to see the value of the coming together of our teens and senior citizens. Together we can make a positive difference and new and lasting friendships, making our community stronger!!

Sylvia Bolling Buckner Community Liaison Buckner Family Hope Center at Aldine 4700 Aldine Mail Rt., Houston, TX 77039 713-459-7640 / The Buckner Family Hope Center at Aldine is partnered with schools, churches, businesses, agencies, government officials and talented volunteers to provide such programs as GED, after school and summer, Teen Enrichment Academy, resale shop, job training program, senior programs, counseling, English as a second language, sports, field trips, family activities, programs for youth, and adults on probation, job search and many others. The Center serves over 5000 households annually, empowering youth, healing families and impacting the community.

22 23

“PIECES OF PAPER… FASHIONED IN LOVE” Behind a desk in a small little room, Working hard on a task that she’ll finish soon, Sits a small little lady whose life has been hard, But she continues her mission paying no regard, To the pains in her body, the limitations in her mind, She methodically works as not to get behind. Her purpose is clear, her mind is set, She has all this work she hasn’t finished yet. Her scissors are cuttng, her pen all ablaze, She is preparing her papers for important days. Pictures from magazines of Brides to be, She laughs and giggles her mind so free. She organizes the stacks of her finished treasure, Handing them to people brings so much pleasure. For many years she has touch so many hearts, With her pieces of paper, doing her part To spread her ministry of love and cheer To hundreds of people throughout the year. The pieces of paper are not understood. She would gladly explain them if she only could. But that’s not important to those who receive. They know in her heart what she tries to achieve. Pieces of paper, fashioned in love, Sending out a message of God’s love from above. In pockets and Bibles, in purses and coats, Are little pieces of paper she lovingly wrote, Reminding all who have the privilege to know, A little down syndrome lady with heart white as snow. Dedicated to my little sister, Billie Karen Cox February 25, 2019 Ron Ramey


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(832) 616 - 5974 HOURS: TUESDAY - THURSDAY 11:00 - 8:30 FRIDAY - SATURDAY 11:00 - 9:30 25

Vacation Bible School 1st Baptist Humble June 10-13 | 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Seek out exotic animals and find snapshots of reallife encounters with Jesus in Scripture. Go from bewildered to believing as you get In The Wild! 1st Methodist Humble June 24 - June 27 | 6-8pm POWER UP this summer with a fun-filled week of worship, bible stories, crafts, recreation, drama and more Kingwood United Methodist June 24th – June 28th 9am To Mars and Beyond

Woodridge Baptist Church Kingwood June 24-28 9am Join us at “In the Wild™ for a week of amazing encounters with Jesus. Lamb of God Lutheran Humble July 22, 2019 — July 26, 2019 9-12:00 am ROAR and Make your VBS the mane event! This epic African adventure engages the whole herd. At Roar, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.

Atascocita United Methodist June 24th to June 27 9– 12 Discover the wonders of God’s universe through singing, dancing, crafts and more! To Mars and Beyond

Kid-friendly and FREE to the public. Music On Main at Uptown Park in downtown, 308 Main live outdoor concerts showcasing local artists, songwriters, musicians and bands from the Humble and Greater Houston areas. Every 2nd Friday, 7-9 PM from March through December, Bring your family, friends and lawn chairs and come out to hear some great, live music by local bands!


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LIBRARIES Atascocita Branch Library 19520 Pinehurst Trail Dr, Atascocita, TX 77346 Hours: Mon. 11a-8p / Tue. 1p-9p / Wed. 10a-6p / Thu. 10a-8p / Fri. 1p-6p / Sat. 10a-5p Phone: (281) 812-2162

Octavia Fields Branch Library 1503 S Houston Ave, Humble, TX 77338 Hours: Sunday Closed Mond 1p-7p / Tues 10a - 9p / Wed 10a - 7p / Thurs 10a - 9p / Fri 1p - 6p / Sat 10a - 5p Phone: (832) 927-5500

Kingwood Branch Library 4400 Bens View Ln, Kingwood, TX 77339 Hours: Sunday Closed Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am - 9pm Phone: (281) 360-6804

Library Services Include: WIFI / Programs for all Ages / Computer Classes / Meeting and Study Rooms For more information please contact your branch library or visit


Melissa Rae Lanier Attorney at Law 316 E. Main Street Humble, Tx 77338 Ph: 281-446-1000 Practice areas: Bankruptcy, Debt Settlement, Probate and Estate Planning 29

I AM A RAMSEY KID By Beth Ann Johnson

WHITE LIGHTNING My Daddy was a moonshiner and made no bones about it! Nestled in the back of the fridge was a glass gallon jug conveniently and presumptuously camouflaged as water (or as Dad would say ‘liquid fire’). The shine was retrieved only for special occasions and was preambled with a ceremonial story that boasted language more colorful than any rainbow. When I married; oh, so many moons ago, I would not have guessed, lest I should forewarn, that our first visit to the in-laws would surround this family tradition, or better stated ‘rightof-passage’ into the clan. Shots were poured then lifted in presence, several times, in order to build anticipation and allow you time to whet-your-whistle. Once the trap had been set and the victim sufficiently snared, the show began. Downing the colorless, odorless, and silky smooth shine, only a moment of time need pass when upon a single swallow, a six foot square of space turns into a pinball machine and guess who is the steely? Mercy has no place here so no amount of prayers or charades will summon you a fix. It’s all over but for the crying and the band of characters who take pleasure in witnessing your recovery back to the land of the living as a member of the clan. For those of you who knew me as a kid growing up, you know I don’t speak of my grandfather who raised me, but of my biological dad, Tim J. Johnson. He was the funniest person I ever knew and the happiest. I didn’t meet him until I was twelve years old and only had a dozen or so short visits till after I graduated high school. It wasn’t until I became an adult that we began a relationship…and it was GRAND! Full of gaiety, laughter, stories, and more stories…most so exaggerated they translated you into his world. A world where lies had no place and the enjoyment of every moment was paramount… and he created that world for you. They were his gifts to me.


I miss my dad…

Tim J. Johnson Sep 4, 1931 - Feb 21, 2008 I must say that being raised A RAMSEY KID was a godsend. As much as I loved and enjoyed my dad…I would not have been raised in church. It was the love, sacrifice, and imprinting of my grandparents that nurtured my belief in the living God. They also raised me to not judge the faults and failures of others…no matter how closely those actions may have impacted my life. It is because of this that I was genuinely able to both love and respect my dad deeply. How big my grandparents are in my eyes…still! Beth Ann Johnson is an Ohio Buckeye transplant that has called Humble, Texas her home for over thirty years. She is a GRAMM to Marissa, Sophie, Keira, Landon, & Baron, a USAF veteran, and a NASA bedrest control subject contractee. She has done mission work on four continents and is presently working on two new books; IF and MY SHEEP KNOW MY VOICE. Questions or comments for Beth Ann? Contact her at 31





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Excludes online bookings. Birthday party must be held by June 25, 2019, in order to redeem offer. Offer not valid on holidays or with any other offer or discount. Reservations required, 10 child minimum. Certain restrictions may apply.

$20 Arcade Game Play Offer: Valid for arcade game play only. Card is not entitled to a cash refund July 30, 2019. for unused portion, unless required by law. One coupon per person, per day. Expires April

FIND A LOCATION AT MAINEVENT.COM *Where available. Double Arcade Game Play offer: Excludes online bookings. Birthday party must be held by June 25, 2019, in order to redeem offer. Offer not valid on holidays or with any other offer or discount. Reservations required, 10 child minimum. Certain restrictions may apply. $20 Arcade Game Play Offer: Valid for arcade game play only. Card is not entitled to a cash refund for unused portion, unless required by law. One coupon per person, per day. Expires April 30, 2019. All promotional FUNcard values valid for arcade game play only and cannot be used as cash or payment towards an activity, food, beverage or group event. Offers subject to change, may end at any time without notice and cannot be combined with other offers. Must bring coupon in from original advertising. Copies or duplicates or digital renditions will not be honored. Laser Tag has a height requirement of 48” to play.


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1/29/19 1:58 PM

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