This book was created for the young and the ‘young at heart’. So often we see children at Mass strugling to participate in the Mass, but they find the missalettes too difficult to follow.
Other children’s Mass books may contain additional information such as puzzles and coloring pages which often distract the children at Mass.
This book includes the responses that are used at Mass in accordance with the New Roman Missal. The children can follow along with the Priest and learn the correct responses so that they can fully participate in every aspect of the Mass.
Also included are prayers and the rosary (including the mysteries and a brief explanation of each). An examination of conscience based on the Ten Commandments helps the children to reflect on their day and offer prayers.
Each page contains Scriptural References and symbols of our faith which correspond with the Mass Prayers.
The colorful pictures and easy to follow text makes this book an invaluable tool for the children.