Google Site Table Basics Google sites makes it easy to create tables. Tables on web pages can be used to organize information. In this lesson we will learn the basics for creating tables by creating a basic class schedule. Log into your Google sites home page to begin.
A page will open where you will need to provide a name for the page.
Let's create a page to hold our class schedule. Click on the new page icon.
I'll call my page Schedule.
Below the page name title there are options for the template to use for this page. Leave the template set to Web Page. New pages are automatically given a menu location. Google sites automatically places new pages at the current level of the page you are on. In this example we are on the top level with the home page. We can choose to make this page menu item a submenu and it would appear below the home page menu. In this case that wouldn't make sense so we'll leave the menu item set to the top level.
Click the create button.
The page is created and placed in edit mode. Below the page name we have a text area for our page content. The cursor is already in this area and ready for our table.
Select table from the menu options.
Move your mouse cursor over the insert table option. A small table grid will show up to the right.
Move your mouse over the table grid and highlight the number of columns and rows you want for the table. In this example I highlighted three columns and three rows. Click once to create a table with the number of columns and rows you need.
The table will be created in the body of your page. I've created a table with three columns and three rows. I really need a table with five columns and five rows. I can easily add columns and rows. In my example the cursor is on the first row in the first column. This is important to note because we will use this as our reference point to add columns and rows.
Click on table in the menu. We have two options for adding rows. We can add a row above or below the row where the cursor is located. I’ll choose Insert row above.
I've repeated the process twice to add two rows. Let's add two columns.
When adding columns we have similar options. We can add a row to the left or to the right of the current column.
Now I have a table with the correct number of rows and columns for my basic schedule.
Click in the first table cell.
Type Monday. To move to the next table cell either click once in the cell or use the right arrow key to move to the cell to the right. You can use the up, down, left and right arrow keys to move from cell to cell.
I've entered the days of the week in the first row. I think the information is looking a little cramped. Let's give each day some room.
To make the table a little larger, click once on the last cell on the right of the table.
Move your mouse to the right edge of the cell until the arrow changes to a right facing arrow. Click and drag to the right or left as needed.
The last column will stretch out, but the other columns will remain the same size.
To adjust the other columns, repeat the process.
With the table columns adjusted, we can modify the text as needed.
With my basic schedule information filled in, I can begin to format the table text.
I want to center the headings. I can do that by clicking once in each cell and clicking the center align button. That can get a little tedious. Another way to do this is to select all the cells I want to center align.
To select multiple cells, click and drag across multiple cells. The selected cells will be highlighted with a light blue.
Now I can center align and bold the text in the selected cells. Click the save button when you are done with the table. This is the basics for creating and working with tables in Google sites. The tools are limited but are good enough so we can create a basic table of information.
Copyright ŠCopyright 2014 by Alex Reyes Cover design by Alex Reyes This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of
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made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is provided without warranty, either expressed or implied. Neither the author, nor any distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.The author has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, the author cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
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