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Š 2014 i
Add Calendar Event
A page will display so you can enter the information for the event. The first thing you will need to do is provide a description of the event. This information is required. Creating events in Outlook calendar is fairly simple. I will walk you through all the steps in creating an event. Not all the information is required to create an event. I will let you know which information is required and which is optional. To create a new event in a calendar, click new event in the top left corner.
In my example the event description is for developing a science lesson plan. Below the event name is a field to enter the location. Let's enter a location. This information is optional.
When you type a location, Outlook calendar provides a search option. This search option will use Bing to find your location on the Internet. This works best if the location is an actual street address. It doesn't work as well when it's a room in your building. In this example we'll use the room location. Click the Use this location option from the menu.
After entering the location, we need to enter those that will be attending this event. Click in the attendees field.
Start by typing the name of one of your contacts.
This information is optional.
If the contact is in our personal contact list, their information will almost immediately display.
Add other attendees as needed.
Press enter to select the person.
You can also use groups to simplify the process.
The calendar will automatically select the current date and time. Click on the triangle to the right of the date.
A small pull down calendar will display. Use the left and right arrows to move between months. Click on a date to select that date.
The date will be updated automatically.
Let's change the time for this event. Click the pull down menu to see a list of times. Outlook calendar automatically lists all times in half hour increments. Select the closest time for your event.
The date and time for your event is now set. This information can be updated as needed.
The duration for an event is automatically set at thirty minutes.
To change the duration for an event, click the pull down menu and select a duration that closely matches the intended duration of your event. These durations are automatically set at thirty minute intervals. Use the custom option to create a duration that is not available.
A reminder option is automatically created to remind you of the event fifteen minutes before the event takes place.
To change or remove the reminder, click the pull down menu and select a different time. If you don't want a reminder, select none.
When the event is created it marks the event to display as busy. This information is what is seen by anyone with whom you share your calendar. On your calendar the event will display with the event information.
To change the way the information is displayed for shared calendars, click the pull down menu and select one of the choices. This is optional.
An event is automatically set as a one time event. The repeat option is set to never. Use the repeat option to select when this event repeats in the future.
At the bottom you can add notes about the event.
When your done entering information for the event, click the send button. The send button will send an invitation to any attendees, if you've entered attendee information.
If you didn't invite anyone to the event, the button will read save instead of send.
This is what the event looks like in your calendar.
When an attendee receives an invitation from you, the invitation has a lot of information. It displays the date, time and location for the event. The attendee can accept, decline or send a tentative response. The person is informed of any conflicts with their calendars. It also shows a list of all those that received this invitation.