Outlook Basics Working With Contacts
Alex Reyes
Dijital Maestro
Copyright ŠCopyright 2014 by Alex Reyes Cover design by Alex Reyes This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of
this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/.
Every effort has been
made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is provided without warranty, either expressed or implied. Neither the author, nor any distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.The author has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, the author cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
Š 2014 i
Add Contacts
Click in the search box above the My Contacts list.
Select People in the Office 365 Web App.
Enter the first name of a contact and either press the enter key on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass.
A list of all employees in the district with that first name will be displayed.
Let's narrow our search by providing a last name. Enter the last name.
The list of district contacts that match this name is now much smaller. If you know the contacts email address this information can be used to quickly find the contact.
Click once on the contact. The contact will be highlighted.
On the right panel you will see all the information related to the contact. In the first column we see the contact's email address, and phone number.
In the second column we have additional information about the contact.
If this is the contact you want to add, click the Add To Contacts link on the far right of the panel.
A pull down menu option will open. Click add to contacts.
The contact does not automatically get added. A panel opens where you can update the contacts information. You can also add information for the contact.
In this example the contact's phone number is wrong. I will update the phone number.
Change the phone number and any other information as needed. This information is only changed in your contact list and does not affect the contact information for the rest of the district.
When you're finished changing and adding information for the contact, click the save button.
The contact information will be saved and added to your contact list. Click the clear search box button to view all your contacts.
The contact you've added will appear in the list with all your other contacts.
Non District Contacts
Click the new button to create a new contact.
Click on the People menu item to access your contacts list. This contact list is your own personal list.
Click the Create Contact button.
Enter the contacts first, middle and last name.
Enter the contacts email address.
Outlook automatically places the contact's name and email address in the appropriate field.
You can change the display information and enter something you prefer, to identify this contact.
Some contacts have more than one email address. You can add additional email address information for each contact. 
 Click the email button to add another email address.
Enter the second email information.
You can have different display information for this email.
If you need to remove the email information, erase the email.
Click the phone button to add phone information.
If you don't need to enter another email for this contact, leave it blank and the information will not be recorded.
Three basic phone categories will appear in a pull down menu. These are business, home and mobile. A fourth option is other. Let's see those other options.
There are several phone categories to add.
A phone field for the category you select will be displayed.
Enter the phone information as needed.
Click the phone button and add another phone option if necessary.
Add more phone contact information as needed.
Use the IM button to add Instant Messaging information.
An IM field will appear for the information.
Enter the IM information as needed.
Click the Notes button.
A notes field will open for any information you would like to include about this contact.
Enter any information into the notes field.
To add work information, click the work button.
Enter any relevant work information into the appropriate fields.
To add address information, click the address button. A pull down menu will appear with the two most common address choices.
Enter any relevant address Information.
Click the other button option to see a list of other information fields you can add to a contact.
As you add additional fields, they will be added and the list of available fields will get smaller.
Enter the information for any of the other fields as needed. If you leave a field blank, it will not be saved and removed from the contact information.
When you are done adding the contact information, click the save button. You can also click the discard button. This will not save any of the changes.
Delete Contact
Click the three dots on the right side of the contact's information page.
To delete a contact from your contact list, select the contact.
Click on delete.
A confirmation box will open on the page. To confirm you want to remove this contact, click delete.