Outlook Basics Your Profile Picture
Alex Reyes
Dijital Maestro
Profile Picture In this lesson, we’ll learn how to change your profile picture in Outlook for Office 365.
A generic image is assigned to your account when it is first created. Click the change link.
On the right side of Outlook, click on the pull down menu next to your name.
A panel will open that displays a larger grey image. Click the blue folder icon.
A window will open that displays the contents of your computer. Go to the location on your computer where the image is located. Click on the image and select Open or double click the image.
The image will be uploaded into Outlook and placed as your profile image. Click the save button.
If you go back and click the pull down menu next to your name, the image you uploaded will be displayed.
Copyright ŠCopyright 2014 by Alex Reyes Cover design by Alex Reyes This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of
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