This collaboration project with Mtix is part of Tokopedia's digital goods product line. It was designed as an awareness campaign showcasing film-themed posters displayed in Cinema XXI alongside other movie posters for a year. The poster featured a man already seated in a movie theater while others waited in line to purchase tickets. This individual represented a user who had pre-booked movie tickets through Tokopedia.
The process started with collaborative brainstorming sessions alongside the copywriter. Following that, rough sketches were developed, and the photoshoot requirements were organized. The photoshoot took place in Cinema XXI to authentically capture the theater's seats and atmosphere.
Finally, the editing and design were completed.
Art Director and Designer: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo
Copywriter: Liany Sri Sejati
Led by: Doni Alexander
Besides directing & Designing, I was also the additional talent
VIDEO 01:30 min
This video aims to promote Tokopedia's often overlooked self-service feature. We made it relatable through humor and local insights, showcasing a family with distinct personalities: a bewildered mom, a relaxed gamer named Tatang, and an inquisitive dad. This inventive strategy began with a humorous introduction, followed by a tutorial video to bridge the awareness gap.
Art Director and Designer: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo
Copywriter: Maulana Fadilah
Led by: Naika Gaeri Guna
Video Director: Sadam Dwi Satria
Sering Lupa Catat Utang? Ini Cara Anti-Lupa Utang ala Mitra Tokopedia!
*Click play button to see the video
VIDEO 01:43 min
This promotional and tutorial video showcases the debt tracking feature in Mitra Tokopedia. It narrates a story illustrating the experience of borrowing money from a small shop, presented in a cartoon format with simple animations to e ectively communicate the message. Each character and decorative element is styled like an '80s cartoon, infused with modern and vibrant touches.
Art Director and Character Design: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo
Copywriter: Raditia Aulia
Led by: Wira Sanjaya
Motion Grapher: Asyraful Umam
VIDEO 30 sec
Although we may not be able to celebrate Ramadan with our families as we used to because of the COVID pandemic, Mitra Tokopedia is here to provide partners with the warmth of daily benefits through BEDUG Ramadan (Bersama Dapat Untung).
In support of the Big Campaign Promo Ramadan Mitra, we developed a communication piece featuring a fresh execution for Mitra Tokopedia. This promotional video merges a film trailer style with blockbuster slow-motion e ects, all accompanied by a voiceover from a well-known religious speaker.
Art Director: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo & Hasbul Hadi
Copywriter: Raditia Aulia
Led by: Wira Sanjaya
Video Director: Denny Yanuar
*Click play button to see the video
Birthday ver.
VIDEO 01:30 min
Cerita Tentang Kita: Nakama Talks About Growing with Tokopedia
*Click play button to see the video
Cerita Tentang Kita is a monthly feature that showcases inspiring stories from Tokopedia employees. This video series transforms storytelling into a lively variety show, incorporating visual elements like bumpers and other decorations to enhance clarity, making it more engaging and refreshing.
Creating Cerita Tentang Kita is always a delight, as it allows us to share motivational stories from our team members. The Creative Team consistently shows in this series that we are dedicated to exploring new ideas while preserving the essence of what makes this series special.
Copywriter: Maulana Fadilah
Led by: Secilia Koeswardini
Art Director and Designer: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo
Motion Grapher: Asyraful Umam & Widi Kurniawan
*Click play button to see the video
Tokopedia Daily Banners
A carefully curated selection of promotional banners I created for Tokopedia's marketing requirements from 2017 to 2024. The majority of these key visuals were designed for Digital Goods, O cial Store, Mitra Tokopedia, and Fintech products.
Art Director and Designer: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo
This project o ers a creative opportunity to delve deeper into the assets of Tokopedia's mascot, Toped Universe. Drawing inspiration from comic illustrations, I reimagined Toped to demonstrate the extent to which a graphic designer can explore a visual concept. By utilizing Toped Universe, the project became not only more engaging but also infused the key visual with life, all while retaining the essential technological elements.
Illustrator: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo
Led by: Secilia Koeswardini
Here are a selection of digital illustrations I crafted during my leisure time, along with some created for commercial use. I hope you enjoy them!
Illustrator: Dimas Eryanto Dwiprasetyo