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Cover Photo: North Shore Community College Designed for Net Zero Energy

THE ART OF BALANCE We help our clients make the world more beautiful, functional + sustainable.

if you have any questions, please contact Alison Nash / Sustainability Practice Leader / anash@dimellasha / 617.426.5004














Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Boston, MA LEED Gold




A Message from Leadership The one inherent principle integrated into our mission, vision, values, and our work has always been and continues to be sustainable design. Signing the 2030 commitment in 2015 was a natural evolution of our investment in helping to make the world more sustainable. The following Sustainability Action Plan, developed by our in house team of experts, has been developed to both document our vision for sustainable design goals on projects but also our in-house operations. In our day to day lives, we strive to prioritize sustainable means and methods in our business practices. To deliver sustainable projects, we educate, advocate, and integrate best practices. We are proud to endorse the Sustainability Action Plan and commit the firm’s resources to achieve these goals and do our part to be a catalyst for positive change in the world.


Randy Kreie, AIA Principal

Ed Hodges Hodges, AIA Principal

Diane Dooley, AIA, LEED A AP P Principal




DiMella Shaffer signed the AIA’s 2030 Commitment letter in February 2015. We committed to the goal of designing every project in our portfolio to be net-zero by 2030 by: •

Annually reporting the progress of our firm’s portfolio of projects towards meeting the 2030 energy reduction targets using the AIA 2030 Design Data Exchange (DDx). Writing a Sustainability Action Plan outlining a strategy for achieving the 2030 goals in our projects and reducing our carbon footprint in our firms’ operations.

Our overall 2017 – 2019 design portfolio reduction has hovered at around 50%. In 2020, the 2030 Commitment reduction goal increases from 70% to an 80% reduction.


Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Boston, MA LEED Gold

This plan seeks to establish a method for measuring and demonstrating progress toward achieving greenhouse gas reductions in our design practice and operational footprint. By outlining a path for our firm to transition to a zero carbon future, we aim to meet or exceed the AIA 2030 reduction target by 2022 and/or design all projects to be carbon neutral by 2030. In order to reach our desired future state, our goals ought to be SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound

Who, what, when, where, why? How is the outcome demonstrated and evaluated? Stretch and challenge the goals that are within our ability to achieve outcomes. Action-oriented. Alignment with key responsibilities or core business objectives Statement of “by when� to guide successful completion.

Sustainability Working Group, 2019 Alex Adkins, AIA, LEED AP Steven McCormack, LEED GA Dikla Mileguir, CPHC Alison Nash, AIA, LEED AP ID+C, CPHC, WELL AP Sapir Ng, AIA Doug Rand, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, CPHC Christian Roidt David Taylor Taylor Walker, AIA, CPHC

Every three years, or by 2023, the goals of this plan will be revisited and updated.




We have implemented the following strategies and firm-wide policies to immediately influence and improve our design outcomes and raise awareness of successful methods to achieve low carbon design for all projects.


MIT Vassar Street Residence Hall Cambridge, MA. Pursuing LEED Gold


During Concept or early Schematic Design phases, every project team explores or evaluates the feasibility of one of the following third-party rating systems: • LEED for New Construction • LEED for Homes • WELL Building Standard • FitWel No later than the Schematic Design phase, each project team selects a designated Sustainability Coordinator responsible for coordinating and tracking the project’s sustainable design goals, 2030 reporting. The sustainability coordinator works with the project manager and team to set energy performance goals and design goals according to the COTE Top Ten Measures framework. Project Sustainability Coordinators meet regularly to facilitate cross-sharing of knowledge and design strategies across our market sectors. These meetings are an


opportunity to learn techniques from each other and serve to establish a community of sharing good ideas and best practices across our markets.


To facilitate communication about design goals and outcomes and foster a sustainable design-centered language, we began to utilize the COTE Top Ten Measures. We developed an internal check-list based on the Ten Measures to be used by each project’s sustainability coordinator and design team to discover design opportunities, create narratives for the project, and facilitate knowledge transfer of sustainable design approaches and methods. Every large project utilizes the Super Spreadsheet to gather measurable outcomes, project metrics, and establish project performance goals that align with client goals. The Ten Measures are:



The creation of a central repository of information and resources useful for all projects: Sustainability Share or “One Resource.” This resource is housed currently in a searchable folder system and contains information and resources that can be accessed by any project team member. The goal is that the information should be searchable, succinct, and answer frequent questions about energy code, resiliency, energy modeling, or any other subject that emerges during the design process across our market sectors.


The cultivation of a group of designers interested in creating a “Design Toolbox” of methods and strategies to streamline design flows across projects. The Toolbox includes sustainable design protocols for in-house early energy modeling, bio-climatic analysis, and passive design to inform performance-based design solutions. The establishment of an intern “sustainability project” program. Each intern will select a special project with the guidance of the firm’s Sustainable Practice Leader that culminates in a presentation to the firm over lunch. The projects seek to build upon the skills and interest of design students in energy modeling, low carbon materials, and sustainable design parametric tools to advance these techniques in our practice. With the goal of creating energy literacy for our wide range of project types, we began to display energy reduction goals and baselines for each project in design on our Lobby welcome screen. In the kitchen eating area wall, a pin-up area displays a grid of all projects with each project’s progress pEUI, GSF, Project Name, and Use Type. Both the lobby slideshow and the pin-up area are updated on a quarterly basis (February, June, October, and December) by the Sustainability Working Group. We have ramped up our technical knowledge of the PHIUS/ Passive House standard with two new Certified Passive House consultants for a total of four CPHCs on staff. A study group has formed to support those interested in pursuing green building credentials like LEED and WELL. The firm currently reimburses the candidate the cost of exams with a passing score.

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In the next three years, we have identified the following strategies to pilot and implement as firm-wide policies to consistently improve our design outcomes and to become an integrated part of our design practice.



Every large project will use in–house concept or schematic energy modeling as a standard service and as a tool to inform design for new construction, renovation, or interior projects. Develop agendas and presentations for early design meetings, such as business development efforts, early conceptual design and project kick-offs, to initiate and facilitate the conversation with clients about performance goals for the project’s operational energy and embodied carbon of materials:

• Information Sharing Meeting: - Presentation of project precedents, post-occupancy data. - Review of return on investment data for green building rating systems and highperformance design approaches - Review design process and milestones

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• Goal Setting Workshop: - Seeks to establish with client project design strategy that aligns with sustainable design goals, 2030 commitment, or Top Ten Measures framework. - Design team establishes an energy baseline and 2030 commitment target - Documentation of a narrative BOD memorandum for reference by design team, project management, and client

• Design Charette: - Project kick-off with the full-consultant team to share client goals and uncover opportunities and challenges Encourage the establishment of a Post Occupancy Evaluation task force to develop protocols for post-occupancy reviews and survey methodology to be offered as a service to our commercial interiors or institutional clients. POE protocols can include a focus on energy, water use, or another sustainable design goal so we can learn from our successes and where we can improve.


Create and implement a basic service sustainable design material and project specification to be used for all projects as a demonstration of our commitment to human health, our understanding of future risk, and recognition of our ethical obligations to protect the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Collaborate with Quality Management team to include sustainable design expectations, design process milestones as part of every project’s standard practice and part of project evaluation. Migrate Sustainability Share “One Resource” from a folder system to a searchable web-based format like a WIKI and/or integrate into company intranet. Evaluate our current roster of consultants by collecting firm-wide information on challenges and successes. Establish and maintain a centralized, firm-wide database of consultants with project history in order to facilitate the evaluation on an annual basis which consultants have led to better design outcomes. Interview and seek a diversity of consultants that can help us achieve higher-performing buildings economically. Create check-lists for project managers to reference when establishing contracts for sustainable design services. The check-list could include sample language to include in order to meet the needs of the design team for energy modeling services, the construction administration team for submittal review, or other sustainable design services like daylight analysis or facilitating design charettes to achieve desired project outcomes.


Encourage project teams to share best practices and lessons learned across project sectors by establishing regular quarterly show & tell presentations and displaying project performance metrics in project pin-up areas. Seek grants and external resources of funding, such as the Massachusetts Workforce Development Grant, to raise the level of knowledge of sustainable design techniques, support the development of project management that achieves high-performance design outcomes, and to attract, inspire, and retain employees. Within three years, publish at least one white paper on a project’s approach to or the firm’s strategy regarding sustainable design.


Revamp policy and incentives to increase % of green building professionals on staff with credentials like Certified Passive House Consultants, LEED AP (with specialty), WELL AP, or International Living Future Institute ambassadors. Consider sustainability credentials as a positive attribute of potential hires.


Recommendation of WELL Silver and LEED Commercial Interiors Gold certification as minimum standards for our next office space in 2020. Integrate sub-metering of electrical plug loads if possible and/or utilize KiloWatt or Watts Up to identify energy-wasting appliances or plug loads. Integrate sustainable and health and wellness standards into Firm Policy Manual:

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Healthy meeting protocol for meetings held in office and for lunch and learns

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Energy conservation policy for office equipment, desktop computers, and monitors

Cleaning & Housekeeping policy

Sample material library labeling and recycling. Office paper recycling and printing Incentivize biking and walking and use of public transportation for commuting or traveling to job sites Food and beverage purchases that encourage less packaging, policy on Kitchen food waste, container recycling.

Consider the evaluation of our firm’s carbon footprint by a third party to reveal opportunities for streamlining business practices with low-carbon operations. Starting in 2021, consider pursuing JUST label to help facilitate the evaluation of HR policies, hiring and promotion practices, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

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43% have been with the firm for over 10 years

70+ talented sta DIMELLA SHAFFER / 16


market sectors

We care deeply, design passionately, listen energetically and partner creatively to find elegant solutions to complex challenges.

We are a team of passionate architects, designers, and planners delivering creative solutions, together. Founded in 1965, DiMella Shaffer is a privately-owned architectural, interior design, and planning firm based in Boston. Our 70+ talented staff create inspiring designs for academic, residential, science, workplace and senior living projects. We are passionate about architecture and design and believe that buildings can positively influence our environment and the people who live in, work in, or experience them. At the same time, we recognize that architecture is a business and a craft, and that success is ultimately

achieved through the right balance of both. Emphasizing a pragmatic approach, we focus on teamwork, strong management, and innovative thinking to ensure our design vision exceeds each client’s needs, goals, and budget. In this age of extremes, we believe “The Art of Balance” is even more critical in achieving the aspirational goals of our clients. Given that major achievements like building projects are the result of team collaboration rather than individual success, the ability to determine and communicate the appropriate balance of project factors is key in all our work.

Achieving this balance is the goal of our process; it defines how we help our clients to make the world more beautiful, functional, and sustainable.

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When it comes to the pursuit of smart sustainability, much of our focus is on the long-term energy performance of the building. The reason is simple—system performance that conserves energy will pay for itself over time while reducing the environmental footprint of the building. Proven technologies that are durable and high-performing make up the core strategies used at almost all of our projects. Building orientation, performance building envelopes, natural ventilation, efficient HVAC systems, smart lighting strategies, and energy recovery are energy saving strategies that are employed. Often, innovations have reduced the long-term maintenance and increased the life-cycle of these projects, innovations like Valance heating and cooling (“chilled beam”). As a signatory firm of the AIA’s 2030 Commitment, we both track through design and report annually the predicted energy use of every project from concept through design final close out.


ZERO NET ENERGY North Shore Community College Health Professions Student Services; Danvers, MA

PLATINUM Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, DC Vassar Street Residence Hall, MIT; Cambridge, MA (pending)

GOLD 55 Wheeler Street; Cambridge, MA (pending) 300 Third Street; Waltham, MA Benfield Farms; Carlisle, MA Cadmus Group; Waltham, MA Cape Cod Community College; Barnstable, MA Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems; Boston, MA Kendrick Place Apartments; Amherst, MA Massachusetts Department of Fire Services; Stow, MA Nixon Peabody; Chicago, IL Olympia Place Apartments; Amherst, MA Salem State University, Marsh Hall; Salem, MA South College Academic Facility, UMASS Amherst; Amherst, MA (pending) North Shore Community College Health Professions Student Services; Danvers, MA

SILVER 165 Cambridgepark Drive; Cambridge, MA 270 Third Street, Cambridge; MA 929, Graduate Student Housing; East Baltimore, MD Throughout the history of our firm, the underlying values of environmentally responsible design along with a dedication to serving our clients has resulted in projects of various scales, budgets, and timelines that meet and exceed client’s performance goals. Our strategies for large-scale projects or master planning include integrative design charrettes, establishing energy benchmarks and targets, early schematic level energy modeling, and site-specific bio-climatic analysis. Our commitment is clear and has recently been recognized nationally as being one of the top-ranked firms in the Boston area and ranked #40 nationally for our commitment to sustainability.

Bridgewater State University, Crimson Hall; Bridgewater, MA East Village at Northeastern University; Boston, MA Fitchburg State University, Hammond Campus Center; Fitchburg, MA Salem State University, Fitness Center; Salem, MA Wheelock College, Riverway House; Boston, MA

CERTIFIED Tufts University, Sackler School of Medicine; Boston, MA 115 Hartwell Avenue; Lexington, MA

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