Village Tribune 124

Page 9



No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start a new day with a song.

" Kingfisher Apologies for over-sharing, but I was so pleased that the kingfisher finally stayed still just long enough for me to get a couple of photos this morning. Angela Trotter

Lobelia This plant is Lobelia siphilitica, a perennial native to the eastern United States. It is easily grown in this country, from preference in a damp position, and it makes an attractive plant for either full sun or light shade. The flowers are usually light blue but may be a deeper blue or white. It is easily propagated by division in autumn or spring, or by seed. Trevor Harvey

NHS stones Just seen this on a COVID group I’m a member of and wondered if villages were going to do the same with the NHS stones? Donna Grooms

vil agetribune


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