ERC_N_5_(93)_2024_Bt_en_Christmas hopes. Our dreams and wishes align like never before.

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№ 5 (93) december 2024


The Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD6-30LD WF eliminates high humidity, mold, unpleasant odors, and allergens.


Mycond Yugo and Roomer Smart series dehumidifiers.


Innovative Electrolux Pure A9 air purifiers.




The SENCOR SWS 9300, SWS 9700, and SWS 9898 WiFi weather stations provide accurate weather data.



Rowenta X-Force Flex 13.60 Animal Aqua RH9AD1WO cordless vacuum cleaner.





TABLE SETTING WITH CHARM Creating a unique atmosphere with ARDESTO tableware.

Bormioli Rocco America'20s glassware collection. 80


The two most popular ARDESTO series: Marmo and Lecco.



Practical and stylish interior solutions. 104 CUPS AND DESSERT GLASSES FOR TRUE AESTHETES

ARDESTO double-walled sets.


Duralex Gigogne products embody quality, elegance, and practicality.


ARDESTO teapots complement modern kitchens.

112 EVERY MORNING – A GOOD START! ARDESTO toasters and electric kettles.


Catler Porto capsule coffee machine


The KRUPS INTUITION EXPERIENCE+ EA877 enriches warm moments with a cup of coffee.


Enjoy hassle-free brewing with Philips LatteGo.


New horizons of coffee making with NIVONA CUBE.


Modern Cata & Can Roca Giga stoves.


Faber Cor appliances.


Cooking is a pleasure with Tefal Start&Cook frying pans.


Effortless cooking with ARDESTO AIFO.


The Tefal Easy Fry&Grill EY501 reflects modern kitchen trends.


Electrolux 300 and 500 series update.



The SENCOR SFD7750SS simplifies drying vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and more.


Modern GROHE Blue systems with reverse osmosis filters.


The Beko BDFN26522XQ and BDFS26121XQ dishwashers.


New LG refrigerator collection.


Philco wine coolers combine advanced technology, stylish design, and ease of use.


ARDESTO WMW series simplifies daily garment care.


LG washing machines with AI DD technology.



WASHING OF THE FUTURE IS HERE! The Haier HW70-B14929 I-PRO series washing machine.


The Whirlpool FFWDB864349BVUA offers convenience and time savings.


Beko washing machines featuring EnergySpin technology.


Beko models provide fast, gentle garment care.


The Whirlpool FFT M22 9X2B UA dryer combines performance, energy savings, and convenience.

192 WATER HEATERS FOR VARIOUS NEEDS: FROM COMPACT TO CLASSIC ARDESTO water heaters ensure reliable hot water solutions.


Ariston Velis minimizes energy consumption.


TESY water heaters incorporate innovative technologies.


ARDESTO heated towel rails combine elegance, technology, and quality materials.


ARDESTO towels offer tenderness and practicality.



Beurer electric blankets, heating pads, and sheets.


ARDESTO handheld steamers.


SteamOne offers solutions for tasks of any complexity.


Electrolux 500 and 700 series handheld steamers deliver perfect results.


Philips Lumea photoepilator ensures effective hair removal at home.

Communicating in Ukrainian

is fashionable and modern

Speech errors in daily business activities. Part 6

Once again, we write about the real, hard-won present and the need for communication in Ukrainian. We offer advice on improving its usage and analyze typical mistakes in both business and everyday speech.

It’s unfortunate that not everyone pays attention to these articles. We ask you to reread the publications in previous magazines and correct the mistakes. Gently and with humor, when appropriate, let’s help each other improve. Let’s stop using calqued words, phrases, and expressions.

We encourage everyone not to be ashamed to start speaking Ukrainian – even with mistakes, even with an accent. The situation allows for this, and people around us understand. Sometimes it’s said that one needs to be at the front, where the language is used in its raw form, with all sorts of swearing, not refined. We’ll get there – time will tell. We’ve heard such comments. There are different stories – simple and complex – just

like the history of the formation of our nation.

However, we believe that soft Ukrainian phrases and the typical Ukrainian swearing will have nothing to answer to supporters, friends, and allies. It will only irritate the enemy.

If you don’t want to or can’t speak Ukrainian –that’s fine. But the question arises: why does "don’t want to" sound increasingly worrying? Meanwhile, the attitude towards those who "can’t" is generally more sympathetic, understanding that there might be embarrassment due to imperfect pronunciation or difficulties in communication because of a limited vocabulary. This is exactly where publications in magazines and many other resources can be helpful. Yes, it’s not easy to start speaking Ukrainian if you lack the experience and the right environment. However, such a start can be surprisingly interesting and might impress everyone around you. After all, it’s each person’s choice.

But if you’ve already begun speaking Ukrainian, let’s improve it together! Not everyone can recall how it was in childhood, how their parents or grandparents spoke, and not everyone’s childhood or later life was filled with the Ukrainian flavor of songs, holidays, and traditions. Not everyone even learned Ukrainian in school, and do all of us read world literature in Ukrainian? However, speaking correctly is not only pleasant for yourself but also for those around you. Let’s help each other in this!

Let’s stop saying "доля" when we mean "частка", "вірно" when referring to correctness, "оберт" when we mean "товарообіг", "відношення" when describing an attitude towards something or someone, "беремо участь у заходах", and not "приймаємо"; let’s not confuse when to use "налічує" and when to use "нараховує", when to say "вважаємо" and when "рахуємо". Let’s start using the vocative case correctly and properly decline names when addressing people! Let’s rejoice in enriching our vocabulary and speaking more freely and colorfully.

Відволікати or відвертати?

Let’s admit it: we often say "не відволікай мене", "я відволікаюсь" and so on. This habit stems from the calquing of the Russian words "отвлекать" and "отвлекаться". In the Ukrainian language, "відволікати" is used only in its literal sense and is derived from the word "волокти", meaning to pull or drag something/ someone along the ground. Instead, in the usual context, we should use "відвертати увагу", "відвертати(ся)", "відривати(ся)" or "відхиляти(ся)".

Миттєвість or мить?

Two words that are often used with the same meaning – a very short period of time. However, their semantics are still different. The Ukrainian "мить" corresponds to the Russian "мгновение" while "миттєвість" is analogous to the Russian "мгновенность", which denotes not time, but a quality (fleetingness, transience).

Миючий or мийний засіб?

The word "миючий" appeared in the Ukrainian language as a calque of the Russian "моющий." Academic translation dictionaries indicate the correct Ukrainian equivalent – "мийний."

This is just one of many similar calques. It should be noted that active participles ending in -уч(ий) or -юч(ий) (for example, "керуючий", "мотивуючий", "омолоджуючий") are not typical in modern literary language, so their usage should be limited. Instead,

there are Ukrainian equivalents: "керівний," "мотивувальний," "омолоджувальний."

Дорогі ціни.

Prices can be high (високими), and goods can be expensive (дорогими). However, the phrase "дорогі ціни" is incorrect and should be avoided. Instead, use "високі ціни" for high prices and "дорогі товари" for expensive goods.

Усміхатись or посміхатися?

Do people in portraits smile or grin? If a person's expression is friendly, gentle, or affectionate, they are smiling (усміхаються). However, if someone is mocking or scoffing, they are grinning (посміхаються). So, let’s remember: a soft and gentle smile is "усмішка", while a mocking or skeptical smile is "посмішка."

Заставляти or примушувати?

Why can’t you "заставити" Saint Nicholas to give out candies, but you can "заставити" a room? The words "заставляти" and "примушувати" have radically different meanings in Ukrainian. "Заставляти" is used in two contexts: to pawn something at a pawn shop, meaning to offer it as collateral, or to fill a space with items, such as furniture. On the other hand, "примушувати" means to compel someone to do something. For example: "After I filled (заставив) the room with toys, my mom forced (змусила) me to clean up".

Білет or квиток?

Why don’t you need to show "білет" to the controller, and why can’t you ever pull out "квиток" during an exam? Because the words "білет" and "квиток" are not synonyms. "Білет" is a card with exam questions or a card for a lottery. It is typically used in phrases like "екзаменаційний білет" (exam ticket) or "лотерейний білет" (lottery ticket). "Квиток," on the other hand, is a card for travel or one purchased for entry to a venue. Additionally, "квиток" can serve as a document that certifies membership in a particular organization, such as "студентський квиток" (student ID).

Бувший у використанні (б/в) –уживаний/вживаний

Another example of calquing from Russian, mentioned in many dictionaries. The abbreviation "б/в," which often appears in advertisements, corresponds to the phrase "бувший у використанні," which has nothing to do with literary norms. The correct terms to use are "уживаний" or "вживаний".

Surzhyk Correct form of the phraseEnglish

в любий день у будь-який день on any day

вибачте мене


вибачте мені forgive me

виняток exception

гарно виглядати мати гарний вигляд look good

заказати товар

заключати договір

згідно закону

здавати екзамен

кілька років назад


на протязі місяця

замовити товар order goods

укладати договір sign a contract

згідно із законом in accordance with the law

складати іспит take an exam

кілька років тому a few years ago

заходи measures / actions

протягом місяця within a month

на рахунок цього щодо цього regarding this

нанести збитки

завдати збитки cause damage

interfere in matters

не дивлячись на перешкодипопри перешкоди despite the obstacles

оточуюче середовище


at least потрапити на очі


catch one's eye

приводити приклад наводити приклад give an example прийняти міри

прийшло в голову

заходів take measures

спало на думку it occurred to me

проблема заключаєтьсяпроблема полягає the problem is слідуюча зупинка наступна зупинка next stop

терпіння лопнуло терпець увірвався patience ran out

приймати участь брати участь take part

ведучий інженер

більше ста

інженер lead engineer

сто over a hundred







Correct form of the phraseEnglish

перепрошую excuse me

листування correspondence

говорю на українській говорю українською I speak Ukrainian


так як

задавати питання

полягає consists of (lies in)

оскільки since

ставити питання ask a question

на рахунок роботи щодо роботи regarding work

рахую правильним

робити вигляд

вирішувати проблему

приймати участь

вважаю правильним I consider it right

вдавати pretend

розв’язувати проблемуsolve the problem

брати участь take part

виключення з правилавиняток exception



збіг coincidence

українськомовний Ukrainian-speaking

відмінити скасувати cancel

вважати необхідним

багато в чому

давайте писати


deem it necessary

значно significantly

пишімо let's write

давайте вчити нові словавчимо нові слова let's learn new words

давайте співати

велике дякую

співаймо let's sing

дуже дякую thank you very much

Communicate with inspiration, create with joy, and may your words always find a way to the hearts of others.

Innovative CERAMIC PANELS for efficient heating

When autumn slowly turns into winter, it’s time to take care of coziness. What could be better than soft and pleasant warmth that spreads through the room from a stylish ceramic panel? ARDESTO heaters are a perfect choice.

ARDESTO ceramic infrared heating panel advantages


ARDESTO ceramic infrared heating panels can be used for heating apartments, private houses, offices, restaurants and even social facilities such as kindergartens, schools or hospitals. The moisture resistance of the devices makes it possible to safely install them even in bathrooms and rooms with high humidity.


One of the key advantages of ARDESTO ceramic heating panels is the possibility of programming operating modes, in particular, you can set the minimum temperature for the period when there is no one in the room, thus significantly reducing energy costs. Due to the uniform and long-term heating of the room, the panels retain heat even after being turned off, creating a cozy atmosphere.


ARDESTO ceramic heating panels are designed for maximum safety and long service life. The panels with 1mm thick metal body are made of ceramic granite resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage. The nichrome wire heating element is protected by double insulation, which provides up to 30 years of safe operation. Due to the internal "sandwich" of several layers (heat-resistant and insulating), the panel back wall temperature does not exceed 50°C, and the front - 85°C, which makes it impossible to burn.


Installation of ARDESTO ceramic heating panels is quick and easy. They can be easily and, most importantly, safely fixed on the wall, because all models have fasteners with special safety latches, so it is impossible to remove the heater from the bracket by accidentally pulling it on.


ARDESTO ceramic heating panels emit infrared waves similar to the natural heat of a fireplace, which makes them safe for health. They do not burn oxygen, do not raise dust and do not overdry the air, providing a comfortable indoor microclimate. Moreover, panels of this type have a positive effect on health, increasing immunity and accelerating cell regeneration. Additionally, they are made of ecological materials and do not harm the environment.

Choose efficient heating with  ARDESTO!


Power 1,000 W

Heating area 20 m2

Heating volume 50 m2

Convection 15% of the time


ECONOMICAL AND SAFE heating of any space

ARDESTO fan heaters and heat guns are perfect for bringing warmth and coziness to the home or workspace. These devices are reliable assistants during cold periods, ensuring comfort and efficiency. Don’t wait for the frosts—choose ARDESTO heaters now and enjoy warmth and comfort every day!

Compact and efficient helper

The ARDESTO FHY-2000WB fan heater helps to quickly and effectively heat any space. This device offers three operating modes: fan or heating at 1,000W or 2,000W power levels. Its heat-resistant plastic housing ensures safe operation even at high temperatures, while the built-in thermal safety switch protects against overheating by automatically turning off the device when needed. Thanks to its compact design and convenient carrying handle, the FHY2000WB fan heater is a portable and essential assistant for any situation.

Heat guns: heating of large spaces

For heating larger areas like garages, workshops or construction sites, ARDESTO heat guns are the perfect choice. The IFH-02B model, with a 2,000W ceramic PTC heating element, effectively heats spaces up to 20 m 2

With a performance of 197 m not only provides fast heating, but also saves energy, making it a cost-effective solution. Safety is ensured by an overheating protection feature, while mechanical controls allow precise adjustment of operating mode.

The 3,000 W IFH-03B model quickly heats up a room up to 30 m2, while the 5,000 W IFH-05B is a good choice for spaces up to 50 m2

Both models are equipped with an adjustable thermostat for setting the operating mode, and also have protection against overheating and are distinguished by the compact size, making them

Heaters: MAXIMUM


The efficient ARDESTO electric heaters are a true lifesaver on cold days: they make the space warm and cozy, providing even heating throughout the room.

Who doesn’t dream of a cozy home where every corner is full of warmth? During the cold autumn and winter months, when the weather rages outside, it’s so comforting to feel the warmth of

home. In these conditions, ARDESTO electric heaters are indispensable helpers. They not only heat the room but also bring a true sense of home warmth, uniting family and loved ones under one roof.

The device's operating princi-

ple is quite simple: cool air enters through the lower part of the heater, gets heated by a thermal element and rises, ensuring natural convection and even heat distribution throughout the room. This allows to feel comfort in every corner of the room.

Product code:


Electric heater

CHK-2000MW: classic and simple

The ARDESTO floor-standing heater efficiently heats rooms up to 20 m². With its minimalist design and compact size, the device will fit into the interior of almost any style.

Three operating modes: precisely adjust the heating intensity to suit the needs with three power levels (750, 1,250, and 2,000 W).

Rapid heat distribution: a standout feature of

this model is its open heating element and convection grille, enhancing warm air circulation and ensuring efficient heating.

Safety: there’s no need to worry about operational safety, as the device features IP20 protection, Class II energy protection and overheat protection. All internal components are securely housed in the lower part of the body, and the convection grid openings are designed to prevent even small children's fingers from getting through.

ARDESTO convectors are more than just heaters, but a source of warmth that creates a special atmosphere of comfort at home!

MCA series convection heaters: versatility and safety

СThe ARDESTO MCA convector series embodies true versatility, making these units suitable for both residential and non-residential spaces. With power options of 1,500, 2,000 and 2,500 W, these models efficiently heat any area, offering quiet and durable operation.

Reliable components:

MCA series units feature a closed finned heating element from the German manufacturer Eihenauer and a high-precision Italian bimetallic thermostat.

Two installation options: these heaters are adaptable for both wall-mounted and floor-standing installation. The brackets and supports are included.

Safety: the design includes an enclosed heating element for quiet operation; protection against overheating and freezing ensures these models are safe and reliable. With IP24 protection, these heaters are suitable even for areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms.

Your Personal Home Climate Controller DEHUMIDIFIER:

The compact and multifunctional Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD6-30LD

WF will be a true assistant in the fight against excessive humidity, unpleasant odors, and allergens.

Pantone Coated 280 C
Pantone Coated
1795 C

Would you like your home to always have optimal humidity levels and fresh air? The Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD6-30LD WF dehumidifier can make this a reality.

Effective Moisture Removal

Comfortable living is impossible without optimal humidity levels in the home. The Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD630LD WF dehumidifier can handle excessive humidity anywhere in the house: whether it’s a basement where wine is stored or a bedroom where you want to create a comfortable microclimate. Dehumidification helps prevent condensation on walls and ceilings, mold growth, and unpleasant odors. With its built-in high-precision humidity sensor, the dehumidifier can automatically maintain optimal humidity levels between 30-80%.

The Heart of the Dehumidifier

One of the device’s key elements is a powerful and energy-efficient compressor, which allows for moisture

removal of up to 30 liters per day. This enables quick and effective reduction of humidity levels in the space. The updated dual-chamber compressor operates reliably and steadily, ensuring consistent power throughout its lifespan. This allows the dehumidifier to quickly reach the desired humidity level and maintain it for an extended period. Additionally, this type of compressor is quite economical, reducing energy costs. Thanks to modern technologies, the compressor operates quietly and smoothly, without creating unnecessary noise.

A True Multitasker

One of the main advantages of the Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD6-30LD WF is its versatility. This device combines the functions of a dehumidifier, air purifier, and clothes dryer. In addition to dehumidification, the device provides comprehensive air purification. The filtration system, consisting of a coarse filter, HEPA filter, and UV filter, effectively captures dust, allergens, bacteria, and absorbs harmful gases and specific odors.

Thanks to ionization technology, this device creates a fresh and healthy atmosphere in the room. The high-frequency generator of negative ions neutralizes

bacteria and other harmful impurities while saturating the air with beneficial ions. This is especially important for people suffering from allergies and respiratory conditions. Moreover, ionization contributes to improved overall well-being and increased productivity.

The Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD6-30LD WF features a special mode for quickly drying clothes. This function is particularly useful during cold weather or rainy days when natural drying takes a long time. With a powerful airflow and optimal temperature, you can quickly dry damp clothes without damaging the fabric structure. When drying clothes, place the device in a small room to reduce drying time. The larger the drying room, the slower the process. In winter, to achieve better drying results, you can raise the temperature in the room.

Smart Control

The Cooper&Hunter CH-D014WD6-30LD WF is equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi module that allows you to control the device using your smartphone or tablet. With the EWPE Smart APP, users can set a timer, choose the operating mode, monitor air quality, and control other functions remotely.

Effective Humidity Control Assistants

Mycond Yugo and Roomer Smart dehumidifiers redefine comfort by combining style, compactness, and high efficiency.

High humidity can become a significant challenge for any home. The discomfort caused by "sticky" air, including difficulty breathing and the growth of mold, threatens both comfort and health. Moreover, in such conditions, household appliances tend to fail more often, and furniture and renovations require frequent updates, consuming both time and money.

But there's a solution –the advanced Mycond Yugo and Roomer Smart home dehumidifiers.

Roomer Smart:



Spaces Up to 50 m 2

Roomer Smart series dehumidifiers are ideal for

rooms ranging from 25 to 50 m2

The most budget-friendly model, Smart 12, removes up to 12 liters of water from the air per day. Its performance reaches

approximately 100 m2 of air per hour. In a room of 20 m2 with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the entire air volume passes through the dehumidifier twice per hour, each time reducing excess

With Mycond, your home will always "breathe" comfort, no matter the weather outside.

moisture to achieve the target level set by the user.

With Smart 25 model, you can effectively regulate relative humidity in rooms up to 50 m2, significantly reducing the risk of mold development and spread. The model's performance allows it to extract up to 25 liters of water per day.

Both models can be controlled via the built-in panel on the top or remotely through Mycond smartphone app, providing convenience and efficiency at your fingertips.

Yugo: Optimal Microclimate Without Excess Noise

For most people, the "golden mean" of relative humidity is approximately 45-50%. These levels can be achieved using specialized equipment, such as the professional YUGO 16 dehumidifier.

It performs its functions efficiently and effectively. The main features of this series are

its almost silent operation and high performance.

Innovative Approach to Cleanliness and Health

Mycond dehumidifiers do more than just reduce humidity. By using eco-friendly refrigerant R290 and advanced features, they provide complete control over the indoor microclimate, including:

ƒ Air purification through ionization;

ƒ Child lock;

ƒ Timer;

ƒ Color-coded humidity level indicator;

ƒ Setting humidity levels between 30-80%;

ƒ Filter contamination indicator;

ƒ Container full indicator;

ƒ Drying mode;

ƒ Night mode;

ƒ Wi-Fi control;

ƒ Auto-restart.

Advantages of Mycond Roomer and Yugo Smart Dehumidifiers

ƒ The advantages of the Roomer and Yugo Smart series dehumidifiers include:

ƒ Prevention of mold growth;

ƒ Effective drying of damp and flooded spaces;

ƒ Positive impact on health and well-being;

ƒ Elimination of unpleasant odors;

ƒ Air refreshing effect;

ƒ Efficiency under the most challenging operating conditions;

ƒ Air drying even at temperatures as low as 0°C;

ƒ Solution for foggy windows;

ƒ Accelerated drying of walls after plastering or painting. Yugo and Roomer Smart series dehumidifiers are true leaders in their field. They are designed to combat high humidity in apartments and homes, ensuring a healthy microclimate. Reliable, durable, and functional, these dehumidifiers are indispensable for maintaining optimal humidity levels, protecting furniture, appliances, and surfaces from mold.

Smart Control with the MYCOND App

Thanks to their minimalist design, the devices seamlessly complement the interior of any style, while their technological capabilities will impress even the most discerning users.

Breathe Deeply: Transform Your Home into an Oasis of Clean Air

Innovative devices from the Electrolux Pure A9 line not only effectively purify the air but also become a true highlight of your interior.

Clean air is not just a trend; it’s an investment in health. The quality of the air you breathe directly affects your well-being and productivity. Allergens, dust, and harmful substances can negatively impact your body. That’s why air purifiers are becoming increasingly popular.

The Pure A9 is a device that acts as your personal expert on air quality. Thanks to its intelligent system, it continuously monitors the air quality in your home and automatically adjusts its operation. Users can control the purifier remotely via a smartphone, ensuring fresh air even when they are away.

Clean Air Is the Key to Health

Do you suffer from allergies? Are you a pet owner? Don’t worry!

With its multi-stage filtration system, including a HEPA filter, the Pure A9 effectively captures up to 99.5% of pollutants such as pollen, pet hair, dust, and other allergens. Breathe easily

and enjoy fresh air in every corner of your home!

Silence and Calm

The Pure A9 operates almost silently, allowing you to rest or work without disturbance. Additionally, its stylish design harmoniously complements any interior.

Personalize Your Comfort

Everyone has unique needs, which is why the Pure A9 allows you to customize its operation according to your preferences. Choose from several operating modes, set the desired air quality level, and enjoy a comfortable microclimate at home.

Ensure clean and fresh air for yourself and your family with the Electrolux Pure A9, creating a true oasis of health and wellbeing in your home.

Model Electrolux Pure A9

Product Codes PA91-404GY PA91-604DG

Max Cleaning Area 92 m2 129 m2

Control Manual, automatic, app

Features 5 filtration levels and ionization

Number of Speeds 9

Additional BREEZE filter included


CADR (AHAM cigarette smoke standard) – 442 m2/h, AHAM room size – 37.5 m2, Boverket room size – 92 m2

CADR (AHAM cigarette smoke standard) – 620 m2/h, AHAM room size – 52.6 m2, Boverket room size – 129 m2

Color Gray Graphite

As the cold season approaches and the heating season begins, the task of creating a comfortable indoor climate becomes particularly relevant. Dry air not only causes discomfort but also negatively

affects health and well-being. In such circumstances, air humidifiers are indispensable helpers: from compact and easy-to-use models to advanced solutions for large premises –ARDESTO offers a solution for any need

Breathe Easy: Solutions for a Comfortable Microclimate

ARDESTO ultrasonic humidifiers are the key to a healthy and comfortable microclimate in a home or office.



This model is a true find for those who value simplicity combined with efficiency. The USH-MBTN-4L-W is equipped with a mechanical vapor intensity regulator, allowing manual adjustment of humidity levels. With a 4-liter tank and a performance rate of 300 ml/hour, it provides

up to 10 hours of continuous operation. Its ergonomic design, featuring a top-fill water inlet, makes maintenance quick and convenient. The humidifier operates quietly, making it ideal for bedrooms or nurseries. Automatic shutdown in case of emptying the tank adds confidence in the safety of operation.


For those seeking more features and appreciating stylish design, the USH-M-LCD-4L-W model is a perfect choice. This humidifier is equipped with an LED display with blue backlighting, a remote control and an automatic vapor intensity

regulator. Designed for rooms up to 40 m2, it features a 4-liter tank, ensuring extended operation without frequent refilling. Built-in temperature and humidity sensors allow to control the room’s microclimate. A convenient timer helps set the operating time, and the option to turn off the display backlight enhances better sleep conditions.

Choose comfort and health with



For spacious rooms and offices up to 50 m2, the USH-M-CNTRTCH-8L-W is an excellent choice. With its large 8-liter tank and a performance rate of 300 ml/hour, the humidifier can operate continuously for up to 24 hours. The model features an LED display and a remote control, offering three humidity intensity levels: low, medium and high. Built-in temperature and humidity sensors help to control the desired indoor climate, while the automatic shutdown function protects the device from overheating when the tank is empty. Its quiet operation and the option to turn off the display backlight make it ideal for premises where silence and calm are essential (offices, meditation rooms, etc.).

Personal Forecaster

The SENCOR weather stations SWS9300, SWS9700 and SWS9898WiFi provide precise weather data and maximum convenience with innovative features and technologies.

Everyone wants to be prepared for weather changes. Whether planning a walk or an important outdoor event, SENCOR weather sta-

tions are reliable companions for obtaining the most accurate weather data. These modern devices come with various features that provide compre-

hensive information on temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, precipitation and other essential indicators.

Product code: SWS9300


The SENCOR SWS9300 is equipped with a solar panel for automatic brightness adjustment of the display; both table and wall installation are possible.


basic accuracy

If you're looking for a reliable tool for weather forecasting at home or at cottage, the SENCOR SWS9300 is an excellent choice. Thanks to its wireless 5-in-1 sensor, the model offers a wide range of features for all weather scenarios.

Color display with the 5.4" (13.8 cm) screen provides easy viewing of weather data.

Weather forecast: the station displays a forecast for the next 12–24 hours based on air pressure and temperature changes, with corresponding icons (sunny, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow).

Wireless 5-in-1 sensor measures wind speed and direction, rainfall, outdoor temperature and humidity.

Temperature and humidity: indoor temperature range: from -5°C to +50°C, outdoor temperature: from -40°C to +80°C. Humidity range: from 20% to 90% indoors, from 1% to 99% outdoors.

Other features: memory for maximum and minimum readings with time stamps; alerts for high/low temperature and humidity; rainfall or pressure change histogram for the last 5 days; alarm function with a pre-warning signal for low temperatures.

Product code: SWS9700


Add modern technology to the home with SENCOR weather stations. Whether the user needs basic func-

Brighter, more accurate, more informative

The SENCOR SWS9700 is another weather station with a wireless 5-in-1 sensor, but with an enhanced TRUE COLOR display.

The TRUE COLOR display, with a 5.8" (14.7 cm) diagonal, shows 256 color shades, has an ultra-high contrast ratio and a wide viewing angle, ensuring clear visibility even in direct sunlight. Three color-changing modes are available: “LOOP” (automatic cycling through 256 shades), “Rainbow” (8 shades) and “Outdoor Temperature” (17 shades).

Functionality: The SWS9700 has all the features of the SWS9300, including the wireless 5-in-1 sensor, weather forecast, histograms, alerts and alarm function.

Additional features: displays wind direction with 16 divisions (using the compass scale); providing data in various units of measurement (mph, m/s, km/h, knots).

This model also supports data transmission over a distance of up to 150 meters in open areas, making it optimal for use in any conditions.

tionality, an upgraded display or remote control via Wi-Fi, each device will become a reliable tool for

accurate weather monitoring – simply choose the level of convenience and functionality that suits the needs.

Smart comfort with Wi-Fi

For those who want to stay one step ahead and receive weather data even remotely, the SENCOR SWS 9898 WiFi is the optimal solution - an advanced weather station with Wi-Fi support.

Wi-Fi connection: with Wi-Fi support, the user can remotely view weather data on the smartphone or tablet.

Display: like the SWS 9700 model, the SWS 9898 features a TRUE COLOR display with a 5.8" diagonal, supporting three color-changing modes and ensuring clear data visibility, even in bright sunlight.

Forecast and measurements: this model offers the same features as the SWS 9700, including the 5-in-1 wireless sensor that measures wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity and rainfall.

Comfort use: the display offers three brightness levels, allowing to adjust the screen for optimal visibility based on lighting conditions.

SENCOR SWS9898WiFi is suitable for users who want to have access to meteorological data anytime and anywhere.

code: SWS9898WiFi



Double Power for Absolute Cleanliness

The THOMAS DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY is a washing vacuum cleaner that combines German quality with high-tech solutions.

Manufactured at the THOMAS factory in Germany, this vacuum cleaner embodies reliability, versatility and timetested quality. Modern technologies and userfriendly features make this model a favorite among consumers. Moreover, the THOMAS DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY stands out with its affordable price, making it an excellent choice for the modern family.

When it comes to perfect cleanliness, there’s no room for compromise. With the THOMAS DRYBOX

AMFIBIA FAMILY, the user effectively gets two vacuum cleaners in one, thanks to its dual innovative filtration systems – AquaBOX and DryBOX. Each has its own advantages and is suited for different cleaning needs.

Two filtration systems – double efficiency

When it comes to cleaning, families prioritize not just cleanliness, but also health care. The THOMAS DRYBOX

AMFIBIA FAMILY is a unique vacuum cleaner designed to perform any task with maximum efficiency. Its standout feature is its dual filtration systems, which ensure thorough air and surface cleaning.

AquaBOX: absolute protection against dust and allergens

This is a real breakthrough in the field of water filtration. Thanks to Wet-Jet technology, the debris is moistened at the suction stage into the vacuum cleaner, effectively ensuring 100% of pollen and 99.99% of dust. This innovative approach is far superior to traditional hookah-style water filters, delivering dramatically better results. No speck of dirt is released back into the room – only fresh, purified air remains, cleaner than the natural dust levels typically present indoors. This system is a lifesaver for allergy sufferers and anyone who values clean air at home.


Hygienic cleaning without the hassle

The most efficient cyclone dust collector: thanks to fractional separation technology, coarse debris is collected in one compartment, while dangerous fine dust is isolated in another. Cleaning frequency is minimal: the large compartment doesn’t need to be emptied after every cleaning session, as it doesn’t affect suction power. Fine dust, harmful to health, remains securely sealed in small compartments that require cleaning only rarely – for instance, once every six months. Plus, the user doesn’t even need to touch the dust during disposal – just rinse with water. It’s incredibly simple and hygienic!

Freedom of choice

A significant advantage of the THOMAS DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY is the ability to choose between two filtration systems based on the needs. Want to clean quickly and with minimal hassle? Choose the DryBOX. Have a bit more time and want to refresh the air? AquaBOX will be a reliable ally in the fight for cleanliness. Switching between filtration systems takes just a few seconds.

Health care

The vacuum cleaner is also equipped with a washable HEPA 13 filter, which effectively traps even the smallest dust particles and allergens. This provides an added layer of cleanliness and safety for the family.


The THOMAS DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY vacuum cleaner is designed to the smallest details to make cleaning convenient and effortless:

four power levels with smooth adjustment, including an ECO mode for air purification;

vertical parking capability, saving storage space;

front and large rear wheels for excellent maneuverability;

automatic cable rewind and an extended operating radius for ease of use;

onboard accessory storage during cleaning.

Product code: 788599


Two filtration systems

HEPA 13 filter

Power: 1,700 W

Four-level power regulator

Automatic cable rewind

Operating radius: 11 m



is a versatile assistant to ensure cleanliness and create a healthy microclimate at home.

A reliable helper for any task

The advantages of a highquality washing vacuum cleaner are undeniable.

Ideal for cleaning carpets and upholstery, saving from the hassle of visiting professional cleaning services. The DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY model makes floor cleaning more effective than traditional mops or cloths. The vacuum cleaner always delivers clean water at high pressure for washing, simultaneously vacuums dirty water into a separate container, and dries the surface with a strong air stream. This leaves the floor genuinely clean and streakfree after wet cleaning.

This assistant will also help get rid of stains - both fresh and old. Moreover, only a washing vacuum cleaner is able to remove dust deposits and harmful microorganisms from the depths of carpet pile, as well as from under furniture upholstery.

And in addition:

THOMAS DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY not only cleans effectively, but also makes a significant contribution to the prevention of allergies and respiratory diseases.



The DRYBOX AMFIBIA FAMILY vacuum cleaner helps with:

Thoroughly removing dust and debris from carpets and hard flooring;

Deep cleaning upholstered furniture;

Gently cleaning dust from delicate surfaces such as polished furniture, decorative items and electronics, etc.;

Easily reaching hard-toaccess areas like crevices and joints;

Effectively cleaning carpets with the wet cleaning mode;

Efficiently washing hard floors;

Performing deep wet cleaning of upholstered furniture;

Removing wet dirt or quickly collecting large amounts of water (this function is especially handy for spills or emergencies like a pipe burst).

Easy Cleaning from Floor to Ceiling

The cordless Rowenta X-Force Flex 13.60 Animal Aqua RH9AD1WO vacuum cleaner combines exceptional efficiency with remarkable flexibility, providing a completely new user experience.

ROWENTA X-FORCE FLEX 13.60 is a cordless vacuum cleaner that delivers high suction power. It is designed and manufactured in Vernon (Normandy) to provide users with French quality backed by 38 years of innovation and expertise.

Product Code: RH9AD1WO

Type of Cleaning Dry, Wet, Dry + Wet

Power 380 W

Suction Power 150 W

Noise Level 84 dB

Run Time 60 min

Battery Charging Time

180 min


Dust Container Volume 0.65 L

FLEX Technology

Body Control

Battery Type Li-ion

Dust Container Type Cyclone

Parking Vertical

Turbo Mode


Active Cleaning Head

Aerospin with LED Lighting

Microfiber Cloths for Wet

Cleaning 4 pcs

Mini Turbo Brush for Pet Hair and Hair with LED Lighting

Weight of Hand Unit 1.6 kg

Total Weight 2.5 kg


X-Force Flex 13.60 cordless model features a suction power of 150 W and is equipped with a modern turbo brush. It also includes automatic suction power adjustment for effective cleaning on all types of flooring, especially carpets.


Aerospin active washing attachment helps reduce cleaning time by half! It performs two tasks simultaneously: active washing with rotating mops that remove stubborn stains and powerful suction.


X-Force Flex 13.60 offers up to 60 minutes of continuous operation in Eco mode. The handheld unit weighs just 1.6 kg, making it easy to use.


If you have pets at home, you can use the mini turbo brush with LED lighting to effectively remove cat or dog hair from upholstery.

X-Force FLEX 13.60

Versatility in Cleaning for Every Home

Electrolux introduces its new 300 Series cordless vacuum cleaners, ensuring efficient and convenient cleaning.

With the new Electrolux 300 Series vacuums, comfort and efficiency become the standard for daily cleaning.

The Electrolux 300 Series models

EP31CB21TG and EP31CB21GP are designed to tackle any type of dirt on various surfaces.

Whether you need to clean carpets, hard floors, or upholstery, these vacuums will help achieve excellent results.

Thorough Cleaning

Both models in the 300 Series feature two power modes and can remove up to 99% of dust from hard surfaces, ensuring efficient and thorough cleaning. Additionally, the compact and lightweight design (2.18 kg) guarantees easy handling and maneuverability.

Removable Battery

With the removable battery, users can clean for up to 42 minutes. The battery can be charged via a charging cable (direct connection), ensuring longer operation.

Effective Filtration

The special cyclonic filter system separates dirt from the air, creating a vacuum to maintain optimal performance and powerful suction throughout the entire cleaning process.

Easy Maintenance and Storage

The vacuums are easy to maintain, thanks to washable filters and a 0.5-liter dust container. For convenient storage, there is a wall-mounted bracket with a charging option.

Versatile Attachments

The vacuum cleaners come with various attachments that are ideal for effective cleaning in hard-to-reach places. For example, the EP31CB21TG model includes a universal nozzle, a 2-in-1 brush, and an upholstery tool.

The EP31CB21GP model is equipped with a universal brush, a 2-in-1 dusting brush, an upholstery tool, a soft brush for delicate cleaning, a pet hair brush, a mattress and pillow nozzle, and a flexible hose.

Electrolux 700 Series Robot Vacuums with LiDAR technology, powerful suction, and self-cleaning features make household chores significantly easier and more enjoyable.

Forget about holding a vacuum in your hands all the time!

The modern Electrolux 700 Series models are not just cleaning devices but true technological masterpieces that revolutionize the approach to maintaining a clean home.

Precise LiDAR Technology for a Tailored Approach

At the heart of the Hygienic 700 robot vacuum is LiDAR technology, which accurately maps your home's layout, creating a detailed map and adapting to its unique features. The robot easily navigates around furniture, performing its tasks safely and efficiently. Moreover, ergonomic wheels overcome 20-mm thresholds, and cliff sensors prevent falls, ensuring thorough cleaning in every corner.

Powerful Suction for All Surfaces

With a suction power of 4,000 Pa, the Hygienic 700 effortlessly tackles all types of dirt—from fine dust to larger debris. Whether your home has carpets or just hard floors, this robot vacuum guarantees the best cleaning results.

Complete Control v ia the App

Electrolux app allows you to set a cleaning schedule or monitor progress in real-time, and upon completion, it provides a detailed task report. With the proprietary software, it’s easy to plan dry or wet cleaning for any time, as well as define specific cleaning zones and no-go areas in your home.

Wet Cleaning Function for Extra Freshness

The Hygienic 700 is equipped with a mopping feature, enabling simultaneous vacuuming and wet cleaning. This is especially convenient for households with young children or pets.

Extended Battery Life for Greater Efficiency

With an increased runtime of up to 140 minutes and a large water tank, the Hygienic 700 is perfect for cleaning large spaces without the need for recharging.




One of the key differences of the Ultimate 700 model compared to the Hygienic 700 is the presence of an integrated automatic cleaning station: after each cleaning cycle, the robot vacuum automatically empties its dustbin, leaving the user only to periodically replace the dust bag in the station. The rest of the features of the Ultimate 700 are identical to the Hygienic 700 model: LiDAR technology, powerful suction, floor mopping function, and extended runtime. This makes the Ultimate 700 an excellent choice for those who value convenience and seek to fully automate the cleaning process.

Cordless Vacuum Cleaners for Dry and Wet Cleaning

Electrolux introduces a new line of stick vacuum cleaners from the 800 series, specially designed for those who value their time and seek uncompromising cleanliness in their homes.

Features of the Electrolux 800 Series

PowerPro nozzle for all surface types with LED lighting

Powerful suction and a brushless DC motor Up to 90 minutes of continuous cleaning

Easy transition between different surfaces with the automatic mode

6-stage air filtration system captures up to 99 % of dust and allergens

PowerPro Mop+ nozzle with built-in water tank and spraying function (WET 800 model, product code: EP82H25WET)


Electrolux vacuum cleaners from the 800 series offer a convenient and efficient cleaning solution for all types of surfaces thanks to their ergonomic design and powerful suction capabilities.

Effortless Cleanliness

The Electrolux 800 Series stick vacuum cleaners are reliable helpers for fast and effective cleaning of any surface. Their maneuverability and power make it easy to tackle any dirt – from dust to larger debris. Thanks to their thoughtful design, these devices ensure exceptional cleaning results with minimal effort.

Innovative Technologies for the Best Results

Each model comes with a PowerPro nozzle, suitable for all types of surfaces, which collects up to 99 % of dust from hard floors in a single pass. This is made possible by the combination of a durable brushless DC motor and unique rubber blades that effectively trap dirt. The PowerPro nozzle also features the BRC (Brushroll Clean) system for easy removal of tangled hair. The built-in LED lighting ensures flawless results every time.

Long-Lasting Autonomy

The built-in battery provides up to 90 minutes of continuous opera tion, allowing you to clean an area of up to 188 m 2 This means you can tidy up the entire house without needing to  pause for a recharge.

Adaptability to Any Surface

The Electrolux vacuum cleaner is equipped with an automatic suction power adjustment feature, adapting to any surface type – from hard floors to carpets. This not only ensures optimal cleaning results but also promotes efficient battery use, extending the device's lifespan.

Long-lasting Performance and Easy Maintenance

The advanced multi-cyclonic dust separation system reduces filter contamination by five times, ensuring consistently high suction power This significantly decreases the need for frequent filter cleaning and replacement, making the vacuum cleaner more convenient to use.

Thorough Filtration for Clean Air

The six-stage filtration system captures up to 99.99 % of microdust particles ranging from 0.3 to 10 microns. This guarantees thorough air cleaning, even from the finest dust, creating a healthier atmosphere in the room.

Motorized PowerPro Mop+ Nozzle for Wet Cleaning

The WET 800 model comes with a motorized PowerPro Mop+ nozzle for wet cleaning. Its rotating pads efficiently handle even the toughest stains on hard floors. The powerful suction ensures deep cleaning, removing old stains. The bright LED lighting allows you to spot the smallest dirt particles in dark corners, under furniture, and in other hard-to-reach areas. The spray function optimally moistens the surface during cleaning, making stain and dirt removal more effective.

*The PowerPro Mop+ nozzle can be purchased separately and is also compatible with the ULTIMATE 800 model (product code: EP82UB25UG).

Want to Expand the Capabilities of Your Vacuum Cleaner?

Electrolux offers a wide range of additional accessories: ensure maximum cleaning efficiency, consider purchasing Performance Kit filter set (SKW6).

owners will benefit from the PetPro+ nozzle (ZE155).

Extend the device’s operating time with an additional battery (ZE176).

For comprehensive cleaning of your home and car, the KIT23 set is a great option.


ARDESTO glass collection is the best choice for those who want to add elegance to their table setting and make meals unforgettable.

Nothing adds elegance to table setting like highquality colored drinking glassware. ARDESTO collection is the true embodiment of luxury and practicality, harmoniously blending with any style of table setting. Moreover, glassware makes a perfect gift for loved ones.

Carafes: The Embodiment of Elegance

ARDESTO carafes are a true decoration for the table. These pieces embody sophistication, adding a touch of luxury to any beverage. Made from durable glass, they not only please the eye but also ensure reliability during use. With a capacity of 800 ml, this glassware is ideal for serving drinks in a small family circle or with a group of friends. After use, it can easily be cleaned in the dishwasher, making it practical for everyday use. ARDESTO carafes come in various colors – graphite, golden, blue, green, and pink, so choosing the perfect one is surprisingly easy.

Glasses: Sophistication in Every Drop

Elegant ARDESTO glasses are designed to enhance the aroma and taste of beverages. Made from durable glass, they ensure longevity and safe use. The 300 ml glass sets are perfect for serving various drinks, from wine to cocktails. Thanks to their dishwasher-safe design, maintaining the glassware is effortless. Additionally, the

bright packaging makes these glasses an excellent gift for loved ones and friends.


Practicality with Aesthetic Charm

ARDESTO tumblers are distinguished by their versatility, suitable for both home use and for restaurants, bars, or hotels. The tall tumblers have a capacity of 380 ml, the ideal size for serving a variety of drinks. Made from high-quality glass, these items retain their original appearance even after longterm use.

In addition to tall tumblers, ARDESTO collection also features low-colored glasses, which will brighten everyday table settings and add charm to special occasions. These sturdy glasses are crafted with modern technologies, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and practicality for many years to come.

ARDESTO glass collection is a combination of elegance, practicality, and reliability.

The pieces will add a special charm to your table setting, creating an unforgettable atmosphere. Moreover, they make an excellent gift for loved ones.

Table setting with charm

ARDESTO turns daily meals into sophisticated rituals.

ARDESTO tableware is an indispensable element for creating a unique atmosphere. The new collection of glassware has an elegant design and is made of highquality material.


ARDESTO glassware collection embodies elegance and practicality in every detail. Dew, Bell, Leaf, Mallow and Commelina series bowls impress with their transparency and corrugated surface, adding a unique charm to table setting. The tableware is made of high-quality glass, which ensures its durability and preservation of its original appearance for many years. Although these bowls are not dishwasher or microwave safe, careful hand care ensures glass transparency.

Ice-cream bowls, sauce boats and plates

The collection also includes Verbena and Mallow series ice-cream bowls, sauce boats and plates, which are no less impressive in design. They harmoniously combine elegance and practicality, which makes them a perfect choice for everyday meals and special occasions. Additionally, they are dishwasher and microwave safe.

All the tableware of the collection was designed to emphasize the natural beauty of dishes and give uniqueness. ARDESTO products are the best choice for creating a cozy and aesthetically attractive atmosphere for every day and holidays.






AR5005 AR5006



ARDESTO will help you master the art of creating a cozy atmosphere, where every detail emphasizes the beauty of dishes and adds sophistication and special charm to table setting.

Для Вашогокомфорту!

AR5013 AR5014












AR5026 AR5027

AR5028 AR5029 AR5030

AR5031 AR5032 AR5033



With a unique approach to serving drinks, the user can make evenings warm, as well as special occasions bright and unforgettable. The Bormioli Rocco America '20s glasses and tumblers help to achieve both options.

Sophistication and Style: Drinkware for Various Beverages

The Bormioli Rocco America '20s collection of glasses and tumblers helps to create an unforgettable atmosphere, perfectly complementing the table setting.

Enjoy drinks in style!

The Bormioli Rocco America '20s collection combines elegance, practicality and quality, making it a perfect choice for anyone who appreciates refined design and convenience.

Retro charm and modern quality

The Bormioli Rocco America '20s series is inspired by the luxurious 1920s—a time of glamour and sophistication. Each glass and tumbler in this collection stands out with its classic design and elegance. Made from high-quality glass, the products not only look stunning but also last a long time, withstanding even the most frequent use.

A variety of options for any drink

The Bormioli Rocco America '20s collection offers a wide selection of glasses and tumblers suitable for various beverages.

Cocktail glasses (250 ml and 745 ml) – ideal for serving sophisticated cocktails that impress with both appearance and taste.

Martini glasses (245 ml) – perfect for serving classic martinis and other mixed drinks.

Low glasses (370 ml) –great for whiskey, bourbon or old-fashioned cocktails.

High glasses for long drink (400 ml and 490 ml) –ideal for serving refreshing lemonades, iced cocktails or beer.

Brandy glasses (650 ml) – designed for connoisseurs of elite alcoholic beverages.

Liqueur glasses (80 ml) –optimal for serving dessert wines or strong alcoholic beverages.

A special charm for any occasion

Add a touch of style and sophistication with Bormioli Rocco America '20s drinkware.

With its carefully crafted design and high-quality materials, these glasses and tumblers not only enhance the appearance of the drinks but also add a unique charm to any event. Whether it's a quiet family dinner or a gathering with friends, drinks served in America '20s glassware always look impressive.

Practicality and convenience

Beyond the aesthetic appeal, Bormioli Rocco glassware is highly practical. All items are dishwasher-safe, making them easy to care for. Additionally, the glass resists staining, maintaining its original look even after prolonged use.

Refined Beauty of Ceramics

ARDESTO offers two of the most popular series – Marmo and Lecco, which differ in their features, yet both embody a love for details and are made from quality materials.

Why Choose

ARDESTO Ceramic Tableware?

Aesthetic appearance: elegant design, variety of colors and shapes.

Durability: thanks to high-quality materials, a long service life is guaranteed.

Practicality: easy to care for, as they are tableware safe.

Safety: made from eco-friendly materials.

Versatility: suitable for both everyday use and special occasions.

ARDESTO ceramic tableware represent a harmonious blend of style, quality, and practicality. Whether you prefer the classic design of the Marmo series or the modernity of the Lecco series, everyone will find tableware that best fits their interior and enhances the sophisticated style of serving.

ARDESTO ceramic tableware: marble luxury or unique modern accents?

Lecco Series: the Uniqueness of Each Product

The Lecco series embodies modern trends in tableware design. Thanks to the use of reactive glaze, each item features unique color variations and patterns that make it one of a kind. No two pieces are alike – each plate, cup, or bowl acquires its own special character. Furthermore, Lecco tableware is not only stylish but also surprisingly practical: it is dishwasher safe and can be safely used in the microwave.

Product Codes:


Marmo Series:

Elegance of Marble

The classic Marmo series is popular for its stylish «marble» design. This allows for the creation of many harmonious stylistic solutions: the beige and white colors of the Marmo series can each serve as a foundation for creating a unique table setting. Additionally, Marmo ceramics are not only aesthetically pleasing but also reliable: the products are resistant to temperature changes, making them suitable for serving both hot and cold dishes. With a wide range that includes plates, cups, and bowls, you can fully equip your kitchen with refined and practical tableware.

Product Codes:




Serving with Style

ARDESTO cutlery sets: elegance for special moments.

Celebrations are always about atmosphere and details. How can you make your table setting stylish and refined? The ARDESTO Gemini cutlery set includes accessories that will add a touch of elegance and luxury to any celebration.


All ARDESTO Gemini cutlery sets are designed to make your celebration truly special. Made from 18/0 stainless steel, the cutlery are corrosion-resistant and dishwasher safe, making them practical.

Gemini Lecco: Golden Shine for a Festive Mood

The golden shine of the Gemini Lecco cutlery will make your table setting truly impressive. This set, available in two variations – gold and white gold and black – includes four items: a knife, fork, tablespoon, and teaspoon. Made from high-quality stainless steel, these utensils combine elegant design with durability, while the matte finish gives them a modern look.

For those who appreciate restrained luxury, the Black Mars Trento set is an excellent choice. With its deep black and matte finish, this cutlery will add a modern and elegant touch to your table. The set includes a knife, fork, tablespoon, and teaspoon –everything needed for a successful special meal. The black matte color harmoniously complements various decorations and serving styles. Product

Black Mars Trento: The Embodiment of Modern Elegance


Midori and Aosta:

The Best Choice for Large Gatherings

For cozy family dinners or friendly get-togethers, the Gemini Midori and Gemini Aosta cutlery sets are perfect. They will beautifully complement your table setting, creating a special atmosphere.

The ARDESTO Gemini Midori set, with its mirror polish, adds sparkle and elegance to any presentation, while the handle design emphasizes its sophistication.

The ARDESTO Gemini Aosta features a classic black handle, adding a touch of minimalist restraint that makes celebrations truly special.

and Spoleto: Luxury and Practicality in Every Detail

The Gemini Marmo and Gemini Spoleto series are the

The golden/silver and black shades, paired with elegant handles, create a distinctive design for these utensils. dishwasher safe.

Blue and Gold: a Harmonious Combination in Elegant Tableware

ARDESTO offers a complete table-setting solution to create a fabulous atmosphere for winter celebrations.

New Year is a time to gather with family and friends around a warmly set table.

Andria Plates: The Basis of a Festive Table

Elegant ARDESTO Andria plates will become a true decoration for the New Year’s table. Made from durable ceramic, the smooth surface in a blue-gray hue evokes a sense of peace and luxury. Thanks to their versatility, Andria plates are perfect for both light appetizers and hearty main courses. To create a festive atmosphere, try serving traditional New Year’s dishes on Andria plates, pairing them with vibrant garnishes and original sauces. Moreover, their practical care ensures the plates maintain their pristine appearance for a long time.

The combination of deep blue and noble gold lends elegance and sophistication to the tableware. ARDESTO's

stylishly colored products bring unique accents, enhancing the mood during joyful gatherings.

Product codes: AR2926AB, AR2920AB, AR2920ABD

Gemini Marmo Cutlery: A Touch of Sophistication

Add a touch of sophistication to the New Year’s table with the ARDESTO Gemini Marmo cutlery set . Made from 18/0 stainless steel and adorned with marble-patterned plastic handles, they bring a striking accent to the table setting. The knife, fork, tablespoon and teaspoon are ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in the hand, enhancing every bite. The set includes 4 pieces of each item.

Gemini Marmo cutlery pairs perfectly with Andria plates, creating a stylish ensemble. The gold and black tones of the cutlery beautifully contrast with the blue-gray hues of the plates.

Black Mars Orion Glasses: The Glow of a Festive Night

The Black Mars Orion glasses, crafted from transparent gray glass, are a true treasure for those who appreciate beauty and elegance. The radiant coating adds a touch of sophistication, perfectly highlighting the contents within. The Black Mars Orion collection includes glasses for juices, wine or champagne, each designed with a unique shape to enhance the aroma and flavor of the drink.

Product codes: AAR2655TG, AR2640GL, AR2659TG, AR2622TG, AR2620TG

Celebrate New Year 2025 with the ARDESTO collection: blue and gold is the most relevant color combination of the season!

Textile Accents: Tablecloths and Napkins

Textiles play a key role in table setting. ARDESTO tablecloths and napkins not only protect the table but also add elegance and style.

The ARDESTO Shine tablecloth, measuring 120 × 140 cm, will be the centerpiece of the table. Its silvery shimmer beautifully highlights the depth of the blue color and the sophistication of ARDESTO’s golden tableware elements, creating a harmonious composition.

The ARDESTO placemat, with a diameter of 38 cm, stylishly complements the tablecloth. Place it under main course plates or beneath a vase with a festive arrangement. These two elements create a harmonious duo, adding refined charm to the table setting.

Product codes: ART07SS, AR3327GR

ARDESTO elegant cups and platters add a touch of fairy-tale magic and style.

When snow dances outside the window and the house is filled with the aroma of festive dishes, it’s time to create a truly warm atmosphere. ARDESTO cups and platters make the perfect addition to the festive table

A New Collection of Tableware for an Unforgettable Christmas

Add a Fairy-tale Atmosphere to the Holiday

Let every sip of a hot drink or delicious treat served in ARDESTO tableware bring warmth and comfort. Create your own Christmas coziness— choose tableware that becomes a part of the holiday traditions. Order ARDESTO tableware now to make this Christmas unforgettable!

ARDESTO ceramic and porcelain cups: adorned with New Year's motifs, snowflakes and festive inscriptions.

• ARDESTO New Year’s Cup (product code: AR3058AS), 440 ml, ceramic, vibrant New Year design.

• ARDESTO Snowflake Cup (product code: AR3059AS), 320 ml, ceramic, decorated with a delicate snowflake pattern.

• ARDESTO Merry Christmas Cup (product code: AR3060AS), 360 ml, porcelain, perfect for fans of classic Christmas charm.

• ARDESTO Gnomes Cup (product code: AR3065AS) is a porcelain mug with an adorable gnome design that brings a smile at first glance.


• Material. High-quality porcelain ensures durability and an elegant appearance.

• Design. Festive gnome illustrations in cheerful red-and-white tones add a magical touch.

• Functionality. Safe for use in microwaves and dishwashers.

• Easy maintenance: Scratch-resistant and easy to clean.

• Various sizes. Rectangular platter measuring 20 × 15 cm (product codes: AR3063, AR3064), rectangular platter with side handles measuring 30 × 12 cm (product codes: AR3061, AR3062).

Cups and Platters That Inspire

This year, ARDESTO presents a special collection to make Christmas night magical. Vibrant cups with New Year's motifs and elegant porcelain platters will create a unique festive mood.

ARDESTO porcelain platters of Gnomes series are stylish and practical solution for both festive and everyday tables. Featuring charming cute gnome designs, they bring a cozy and joyful atmosphere while enhancing winter or New Year table settings.

The ARDESTO Gnomes platters make a delightful gift for loved ones or a stunning addition to the personal tableware collection.

New Year's Textiles: Comfort and Style

The ARDESTO textiles are not only a stylish addition to the interior but also provide practicality and comfort.

During the winter holidays, there’s nothing better than crafting a warm and welcoming home environment.

Kitchen textiles and more


With the ARDESTO table textiles, a special mood will certainly reign in the home. The wide range includes napkins, gloves, potholders, kitchen towels, tablecloths, runners and cushions, all boasting a variety of designs and colors. Each of the elements performs not only a decorative, but also a practical function, complementing the interior of any kitchen.

The ARDESTO tablecloths protect countertops from scratches and stains, reduce noise from cutlery, and thanks to the dense structure, they do not slip on the table. The size of the tablecloths is 120

The runners measuring 40 a great addition to serving, providing surface protection and giving original accents. With napkins measuring 30 × 45 cm, cleanliness will be maintained and the atmosphere of comfort will be emphasized.

The gloves, which are made of durable materials, reliably protect hands from burns during cooking. The apron is made of polyester and cotton, it becomes a practical and at the same time aesthetic accessory in the kitchen.

The ARDESTO decorative pillows keep the shape well thanks to high-quality polyester filler. They suit a sofa, soft chair or bed, adding a joyful atmosphere to the home.

Throws: New Year's magic of comfort and style

Product codes: ART0110PB, ART0111PB, ART0116PB, ART0117PB, ART0118PB, ART0119PB, ART0120PB, ART0715PB, ART0716PB, ART0717PB, ART0718PB.

The throws with holiday patterns add a special charm to any interior. ARDESTO offers two types of throws in its range. The throws measuring 160 × 200 cm with a density of 240 g/m2, made of polyester, ensure softness and durability. Their designs, featuring festive motifs, bring a cozy and cheerful holiday atmosphere.

The line also includes fleece throws measuring 130 × 160 cm with a density of 180 g/m2. These lighter throws are ideal as decorative accents for any interior. Like the larger throws, they are adorned with a variety of holiday patterns that enhance the festive mood during the winter season.

The ARDESTO New Year's textiles are a perfect blend of aesthetics and practicality, bringing joy and creating a cozy ambiance in every home.

Cups and dessert glasses

ARDESTO double-walled dish sets provide comfort and add charm to daily rituals.

The modern pace of life sets new standards for comfort, making every detail. Even kitchenware reflects style and taste. Doublewalled dish sets are designed for those who appreciate elegance in small details without sacrificing practicality.

Stylish Minimalism

ARDESTO double-walled cups are made from borosilicate glass — a high-quality material known for its durability and heat resistance. These cups withstand temperatures ranging from –20 to +150 °C, making them perfect for serving any drink — from hot tea to iced coffee. The double walls not only add a sense of

lightness and elegance to the cups but also provide extra insulation, helping maintain the drink’s temperature for much longer. This means your tea stays hot and your cold beverage remains refreshingly cool, even minutes after pouring. Available with or without handles, these cups are ideal for lovers of minimalist design.

Dessert Glasses: A New Approach to Serving Desserts

A harmonious complement to the cups, ARDESTO’s doublewalled dessert glasses come in sets of two, available in 170 ml or 220 ml capacities. Also crafted from borosilicate glass,

these dessert glasses offer the same durability and elegance. They are a stunning addition to any table setting, adding a touch of sophistication to each meal. Designed for those who appreciate not only taste but also presentation, they elevate the experience of dessert.

Effortless Care

The ease of maintenance is a top priority for modern consumers. ARDESTO doublewalled cups and dessert glasses are dishwasher-safe, enduring up to 50 wash cycles without losing their appeal. They’re also microwave-safe up to 100 °C, offering versatility and convenience for everyday use.

Elegance and durability in every bowl

Duralex Gigogne products are versatile, have a simple and at the same time elegant design, and made of high-quality materials.

Duralex Gigogne bowls are suitable for both table setting and storing food. They can be used at home and during various events. Duralex Gigogne range includes bowls of different volumes: from 205 to 5,800ml.

Important features

One of the main advantages of Duralex Gigogne bowls is durability and impact resistance. The glass is resistant to friction, scratches and heavy loads without the risk of breaking. This makes the products suitable for daily use, guaranteeing a long service life.

Wide application

Due to its convenient shape and ergonomics, Duralex Gigogne bowls can be used for salads, desserts and fruits, as well as for kneading dough, etc. Duralex Gigogne bowls can be washed in the dishwasher after intensive use, and they will not lose their original appearance.

Tea time with pleasure

The ARDESTO teapots for modern kitchen: a harmonious balance of tradition and modern technology.

Elegance, reliability and practicality make ARDESTO teapots a true highlight of any kitchen.

This is not just a utensil for making drinks, but also a stylish decor element that adds a special charm to every tea time.

In the world of modern design and practicality, there is always room for products that combine functionality and aesthetic perfection. Such are the ARDESTO teapots, which embody a balance between traditional craftsmanship and innovations, making every moment of brewing a pleasure. Made from borosilicate glass, known for its strength and resistance to temperature changes, these teapots ensure durability and safe use. The Midori and Gemini series are crafted to satisfy the most discerning tea enthusiasts: the products not only provide comfort during the brewing process but also captivate with a refined design that can truly be considered a work of art.

Design born in craft workshops

The defining feature of ARDESTO teapots is the hand-blown glass. These handmade teapots feature thicker glass compared to machine-made counterparts, making them more durable and resistant to temperature changes. Masters carefully control each production stage—from material selection to shaping details. For instance, the Black Mars (product code: AR0710FP) and Golden Moon Diamond (product code: AR3010GBH) models captivate with every line and contour, delighting the eye with the refined design. Only handcrafted work can offer such uniqueness in each piece and the exceptional quality that sets ARDESTO apart from massproduced products.

Practicality in every detail

The ARDESTO teapots in the Midori series (product codes: AR3006GB, AR3008GB, AR3010GB, AR3012GB, AR3015GB), Gemini Roma series (product codes: AR1908GM, AR1910GM) and Midori Bubble (product code: AR3015GBI) are thoughtfully designed to the smallest detail. They feature conveniently placed strainers, stylish metal or bamboo lids, sturdy handles and robust glass walls. Elegant models, like the AR3010GL with an all-glass construction, become an essential kitchen accessory, perfect for brewing tea or serving other beverages.

Elegance, style and versatility – all in one ARDESTO offers teapots for every taste: clear, graphite or golden, including models like Golden Moon (product code: AR3010GBG) and Graphite (product code: AR3010GR), and even textured surfaces like the Iceberg model (product code: AR3010GA). With a diverse color range, everyone can find the preferred option. The ARDESTO teapots are also versatile: they are compatible with various types of stoves (gas, electric, ceramic and halogen), can be gently heated and most models are dishwasher-safe, excluding bamboo elements.


a good start!

Choosing the ARDESTO toaster and electric kettle is a choice for quality, style and convenience at an affordable price. The mornings become not only productive but also aesthetically pleasing with devices that bring comfort every day!

The electric kettle and toaster are indispensable helpers for an easy and enjoyable start to the day. Compact and convenient, they make it quick to prepare a hot beverage and crispy toast. Want to give the kitchen a stylish look and ensure maximum comfort? Pay

attention to the ARDESTO appliances.

Choosing ARDESTO kitchen appliances offers many advantages. First and foremost, there’s design harmony: the devices are crafted in a unified style, enhancing the space’s aesthetics and adding a touch of modernity to the interior.

ARDESTO offers the following functional pairs – stylish, reliable and affordable:

electric kettle EKL-F420BWD and toaster T-F420BWD; electric kettle EKL-F420WWD and toaster T-F420WWD; electric kettle EKL-F500L and toaster T-F50.


The stainless-steel electric kettles come with a colored exterior finish (white, black or lilac), depending on the model, and a capacity of 1.7 liters, with a concealed heating element of 1,850-2,200 W. The design includes reliable STRIX and OTTER controllers (optional), supporting up to 12,000 boiling cycles, equivalent to 10 years of use. Automatic shut-off and boil-dry protection enhance safe operation.

With the stylish design, the EKL-F420BWD and EKL-F420WWD kettles blend seamlessly into modern interiors, including contemporary styles, while those who appreciate a more classic or retro aesthetic finds the EKL-F500L model appealing.


The ARDESTO toasters are designed with a unified series look; all models share the same features and functionality, differing only in color. Power of 800 W, two wide slots with automatic centering and seven levels of browning allow to prepare toast for every taste. Additional functions like defrosting, reheating and automatic toast serving make the devices versatile helpers in the kitchen.


Purchasing a functional duo like the ARDESTO toaster and electric kettle brings several significant advantages, making them an excellent addition to the kitchen arsenal.


high-quality materials, rigorous manufacturing control and adherence to international standards ensure the devices’ long service life.


the ARDESTO appliances feature stylish and modern design that suit kitchens of any style. In addition, various colors and finishes are available: minimalist, restrained body lines and pleasant colors create an aesthetic appearance, making the kitchen more comfortable and organized.


the electric kettles have a powerful heating element, an automatic shut-off function and overheating protection, while the toasters offer multiple browning settings to achieve a successful result every time – from light browning to crispy crust.


the ARDESTO devices stand out for the excellent price-quality ratio, making them accessible to a broad audience.


designed with energy-saving features, the ARDESTO electric kettles heat water quickly, helping to conserve electricity, while toasters use minimal energy to deliver maximum efficiency.


the ARDESTO products have garnered numerous positive user reviews, highlighting the reliability, ease of use and aesthetically pleasing design.

Fragrant Coffee in a Few Minutes

Catler Porto Capsule Coffee Machine –Maximum Flavor, Minimal Effort.

Who doesn’t dream of a cup of fragrant coffee prepared in just minutes? The Catler Porto coffee machine is a true discovery for lovers of aromatic beverages who don’t want to spend time on long preparations. This coffee maker combines simplicity, speed and stylish design, offering the chance to enjoy high-quality coffee right at home.

The Catler capsule coffee machine is perfect for those who value quick and effortless preparation of the favorite drinks. This coffee machine is designed specifically for use with capsules, allowing to prepare a variety of coffee drinks in just a few minutes.

Product codes:


Power: 1,350 W

Pressure: 15 bar

Control: Mechanical

Water tank capacity: 0.8 l

Functions: coffee, hot water

Capsule type: Nespresso

Compatibility: Nespresso, Tassimo, Nescafe Dolce Gusto capsules

Coffee types: ground, capsule-based

Dimensions (w × h × d): 16 × 32 × 37 cm

Gross weight: 4.36 kg

Included in the package: 3 × capsule adapters (S, M, L), 1 × adapter for ground coffee

High pressure of 15 bar

This coffee machine delivers a high pressure of 15 bar, fully unlocking the aroma and flavor of each coffee capsule. Such pressure is optimal for preparing espresso, ensuring a thick and stable froth, which is a hallmark of high-quality coffee.

Compatibility with various capsule types

One of the key advantages of the Catler coffee machine is its compatibility with multiple types of coffee capsules, including Nespresso, Tassimo and Nescafe Dolce Gusto. This offers users a wide selection of favorite drinks and coffee brands to explore.

Compact and elegant design

With its compact dimensions (16 × 32 × 37 cm), this coffee machine seamlessly fits into any

interior without taking up much space. Its metal and plastic body lends it a modern look, while the elegant design underscores its premium status.

Automatic shut-off and electronic controls

The automatic shut-off function ensures safe use and energy efficiency. With electronic controls, the user can easily adjust the portion size, making the coffee preparation process simple and convenient.

Water level indicator

The built-in water level indicator helps monitor the amount of water in the reservoir, ensuring uninterrupted coffee preparation. This feature prevents situations where water runs out during the brewing process.

Brand history and philosophy

Catler specializes in the production of premium household appliances, focusing on quality, reliability and elegant design. Founded with the goal of providing consumers with the best solutions for food and beverage preparation, Catler emphasizes the development of innovative and user-friendly products. The brand's primary mission is to empower consumers to enjoy a professional cooking and beverage-making experience right in the comfort of the homes.

Special coffee stories

KRUPS INTUITION EXPERIENCE+ EA877 is a coffee machine that brings cozy and warm moments with a mug of favorite drink anytime.

Autumn and winter are not just a time for cozy blankets and quiet evenings with favorite books, but also the best time to enjoy aromatic coffee. When nature offers a wealth of colors and cool mornings, having a reliable coffee machine at home becomes truly valuable.

A wide variety of drinks to satisfy even a connoisseur

The KRUPS INTUITION EXPERIENCE+ coffee machine creates real magic with just one push of a button. Dying to enjoy a hot cappuccino or latte on a rainy day? Or perhaps there is a need for a morning boost with aromatic espresso? No problem! This coffee machine offers over 20 drink recipes to choose from, including three iced options, such as the popular nitro coffee with liquid nitrogen added. Choose the brewing strength, portion size and beverage temperature, and save the favorite settings, because the KRUPS INTUITION EXPERIENCE+ coffee machine allows to

create up to 8 user profiles, perfect for every family member. For something unique, the KRUPS recipe book provides various and unusual coffee drink recipes to explore.

Delicious to drink –easy to clean

When choosing a coffee machine, the first thought

is often about enjoying a fragrant cup of coffee every day. To ensure the machine lasts long and the drinks stay delicious, it requires proper care and cleaning. If this process is inconvenient, it can spoil the shopping experience. The experience of using the KRUPS coffee machine is not only pleasant, but also simple and convenient.

In KRUPS automatic coffee machines, the cleaning process is highly automated. There is no need to disassemble the brewing unit and wash it manually, as it automatically cleans itself at high temperatures after every cup, preventing bacteria growth.

Deep cleaning is required just three times a year.

In addition, the device automatically notifies when it is needed: simply use one cleaning tablet every four months with no manual disassembly or washing required.

Every coffee brewed by the KRUPS machine tasteі great, and there's no need to worry about complicated cleaning processes.

Enjoy every sip of aromatic coffee without any worries about cleaning with the KRUPS INTUITION EXPERIENCE+ coffee machine.

Stylish design and proven quality over the years

The KRUPS INTUITION EXPERIENCE+ coffee machine grabs attention at first glance and serves as a stunning accent in any modern kitchen. Its stainless steel body, highlighted by elegant cup-illuminating lights, makes it hard to ignore such a striking design.

The KRUPS coffee machines are made in France with strict adherence to quality standards, so the devices will serve reliably for years, delivering not only delicious drinks but also dependable performance for years to come.

Favorite Coffee at Home

With the Philips LatteGo coffee machine, the user gets a unique cup of coffee every time to recharge, fill with energy and create own valuable ritual of enjoyment without any hassle, thanks to its perfection and ease of use. Philips offers advanced and unique solutions on the market to make this possible.

With the Philips LatteGo coffee machine, the user gets a unique cup of coffee every time to recharge, fill with energy and create own valuable ritual of enjoyment without any hassle, thanks to its perfection and ease of use. Philips offers advanced and unique solutions on the market to make this possible.

Delicious froth

The LatteGo milk system consists of two parts that are easy to clean and creates incredibly silky and dense froth from any type of milk, including plant-based options. This patented

unique Philips solution makes maintenance particularly convenient, as it only takes 10 seconds to clean under running water.

Even grinding

With the SilentBrew technology , grinding and brewing coffee are quiet and don’t disturb during the work time. The Philips LatteGo coffee machines have been awarded the QuitMark for caring about the sound background in users' homes. The ceramic grinders are designed for reference quality grinding beans into even particles — even after 20,000 cups.

Always quality coffee

The coffee machine's menu offers both hot and cold drinks to satisfy every user's preferences. The AquaClean water filter ensures consistent coffee quality with pre-filtered water for brewing. Additionally, the filter extends the coffee machine's lifespan.

Useful smart assistant

The HomeID app complements the coffee machine's drink menu with a list of various recipes that are constantly updated and expanded. The app also provides tips and useful information about the coffee machine.

Philips LatteGo coffee machine

Product codes: EP3347/90 (black), EP3343/50 (white)

LatteGo milk system

5 coffee drinks: espresso, black coffee, iced coffee, cappuccino, latte macchiato

Hot water dispensing

Adjustment of strength, coffee volume and milk

3 levels

Adjustment of drink temperature 3 levels

Ceramic grinders 12 grinding adjustment levels

Touch display with color icons

Simultaneous preparation of 2 cups of black coffee

Eco mode: automatic shutdown when not in use

Adjustable coffee spout height

HomeID app with extended drink card, video instructions

Fully removable brewing unit

Automatic descaling

Milk system auto-cleaning 10 seconds to manually clean the LatteGo milk system

Enjoy Coffee Anywhere

The NIVONA CUBE coffee machine opens new horizons for coffee brewing. In its compact design, inspired by capsule machines, the CUBE combines the functionality of both fully automatic coffee machines and espresso makers.

Each coffee variety has its unique aromas, which can be fully unlocked with NIVONA's advanced and sophisticated coffee machines. With NIVONA, the favorite drink always meets the taste preferences, delivering enjoyment with every sip.

Personal barista at home

One of the main advantages of automatic coffee machines is the full process autonomy. With the NIVONA CUBE, coffee brewing has never been easier. Thanks to complete automation, the user can prepare the desired drink and enjoy it within seconds. From grinding beans to tamping and brewing, everything happens effortlessly for the user. With just one button press, NIVONA does it all—simply select the desired extraction strength and savor the aromatic drink.

Aroma balance: maximum flavor in every sip

Experienced coffee lovers know that each coffee variety has a unique flavor profile. The Aroma Balance system brings out the full aroma and taste of the favorite beans. With three pre-set extraction profiles, the user can effortlessly prepare espresso that perfectly aligns with even the most refined taste preferences.

Tamping coffee in one motion

The Click Cup system in the CUBE coffee machine simplifies the brewing process to the maximum: simply select the grind size and place the container with ground coffee into the brewing unit. Thanks to the smart pressure control system, the coffee will be optimally tamped. After brewing, just twist the lower part of the Click Cup to remove the solid coffee puck.

Compactness in every detail

Enjoy the favorite coffee anywhere, anytime with the NIVONA coffee machine. The compact design of the CUBE makes it an ideal travel companion, and with a special carrying bag*, transporting the device becomes even easier.

*The carrying bag is sold separately.

NIVO 8000 is the future of automatic coffee machines

The NIVONA NIVO 8000 series also opens new horizons of coffee enjoyment, designed for those with a true passion for coffee preparation and tasting. The 8000 series features two models: the NIVO 8101 in matte black and the NIVO 8103 in elegant titanium.

and rinse it under running water.

Aroma Balance System with 5 profiles

The Aroma Balance System offers a fresh coffee-tasting experience. The RomaticaPlus brewing unit provides five extraction profiles, allowing to choose the one that best matches the taste.

Intuitive control

The 8000 series coffee machines are controlled with just one button: scroll it and select the desired type of coffee drink, and press it to start brewing.

Additionally, the machines are equipped with a Bluetooth module for remote control via the NIVONA App.

Created in Collaboration with the World’s Best Restaurantі

The modern Cata & Can Roca Giga appliances add individuality and character to any kitchen, regardless of its design style.


One large heating zone with 40 cm diameter is perfect for large pots and pans.

Two dual heating zones, each measuring 235 × 185 mm, can be used separately or together for a larger heating area.

Four independent heating zones: each burner operates independently, allowing to cook several dishes at the same time.

Cata & Can Roca is the result of a partnership between the renowned home appliance manufacturer CATA and the team from El Celler de Can Roca , a three-Michelin-starred restaurant recognized as the best in the world. This collaboration aims to produce high-quality kitchen appliances that combine innovative technology with aesthetic design. Among the range are the Cata & Can Roca Giga hobs, which are distinguished by the modern design and wide functionality.

Induction technology

Equipped with four induction zones, Giga hobs ensure fast and efficient heating, enhanced with a Booster function.

Touch controls

All models feature intuitive touch controls with adjustable power settings, offering convenience and precision during use.


Built-in safety features, such as residual heat indicators and child lock, guarantee safe operation.


The hobs are made of tempered glass, making them aesthetically pleasing and suitable into any interior.

Additional features

The compact Giga 600 model is ideal for most kitchens, thanks to its dimensions of 59 × 52 cm. It is also equipped with timers for each burner to program cooking time, as well as an automatic shut-off system for added safety. The model is available in three colors, allowing users to match the hob to any kitchen style.


Aesthetic Appeal and Superior Ventilation

Faber Corinthia Isola and Cylindra Isola series are characterized by their modern design, high functionality, and ability to efficiently remove kitchen fumes and odors.


Innovative Design. Faber places a strong emphasis on the aesthetics of its range hoods, ensuring they complement any kitchen interior.

High Performance. Equipped with powerful motors and advanced filters, these hoods effectively remove grease, steam, and odors.

Quiet Operation. Thanks to advanced noise reduction technologies, Faber hoods operate almost silently, making them perfect for daily use.

Energy Efficiency. Faber employs energy-efficient solutions to reduce electricity consumption without compromising performance.

Product Codes: 110.0332.308, 335.0572.104, 110.0456.220, 110.0456.219

Faber island range hoods are a perfect blend of style and performance. Designed to be installed above kitchen islands, Faber island range hoods not only give your kitchen a modern look but also ensure efficient air purification.

Corinthia Isola Series

Corinthia Isola series is one of Faber's most luxurious island hood collections, combining elegant design with high functionality.

Design. These hoods feature a unique design with rounded shapes and metallic elements, giving them a refined and contemporary appearance. Made from high-quality materials, they ensure durability and resistance to wear and tear.

Performance. Equipped with a powerful motor, Corinthia Isola hoods deliver efficient suction even during intense cooking. This makes them an excellent choice for spacious kitchens where high performance is crucial.

Control. Convenient touch controls allow users to easily adjust operating modes and lighting.

Lighting. ¬Integrated LED lamps not only provide sufficient illumination for the cooking area but also add a touch of ambiance to the kitchen space.

Cylindra Isola Series

Cylindra Isola series combines minimalist design with advanced

technology, offering a perfect balance of style and performance.

Design. Featuring a sleek cylindrical shape, Cylindra Isola hoods add a modern touch and become a focal point in any kitchen. Available in various finishes, they can seamlessly match any interior style.

Functionality. These models deliver high performance with multiple operating modes, allowing users to tailor the hood’s functionality to their needs.

Technology. Cylindra Isola hoods are equipped with advanced filters that effectively remove grease and odors. They also operate with a remarkably low noise level, making them among the quietest in their class.

Ease of Use. With an intuitive control panel, these hoods are user-friendly and allow quick adjustments to settings as needed.

Faber embodies Italian passion for design and quality. Corinthia Isola and Cylindra Isola series are not just appliances — they are works of art that enhance your kitchen while ensuring clean air during cooking. If you’re seeking a reliable and stylish solution for your kitchen, Faber will not disappoint.

Learn more about the range: Faber Range Hoods | ERC Ukraine

Culinary masterpieces without extra effort

Tefal Start&Cook frying pan will give you real pleasure during use.

By adding Tefal Start&Cook to your kitchen arsenal, you can easily make culinary delights.

With the specially designed Tefal Start&Cook frying pan, making delicious meals will be easier than ever before.

Light roasting

The highly effective Titanium non-stick coating is a guarantee of durability, quick cleaning and ease of use. Forget about frying problems - with this pan, you will be able to achieve good results every time without extra effort and oil.

Smart assistants

Thermo-Signal technology is a reliable assistant that accurately determines the optimal start temperature. Due to this innovation, the user will always know exactly when to add ingredients so that the food is tasty and aromatic. With Tefal Start&Cook, ordinary dishes will turn into real culinary masterpieces that impress with their quality and rich taste. Cook easily and with inspiration every day!

Frying pan

Tefal Start&Cook, 24 cm, aluminum, Bakelite, black Product code: C2770453

Frying pan

Tefal Start&Cook, 26 cm, aluminum, Bakelite, black Product code: C2720553

Main features

Non-stick coating

Made of aluminum

Bakelite handle

Compatible with induction, gas, halogen, ceramic and electric hobs


Frying pan

Tefal Start&Cook, 28 cm, aluminum, Bakelite, black Product code: C2720653

Crepe pan

Tefal Start&Cook, 25 cm, aluminum, Bakelite, black Product code: C2723853


Oven, steamer, multi-cooker and grill in one device

ARDESTO AIFO Air Fryers: Cook Easily, Healthily, and with Pleasure Every Day!

Air fryer is an innovative kitchen appliance that combines the functions of an oven, multicooker, steamer, grill and several other devices. It will be a good

choice for those who value convenience, multi-functionality and a healthy way of cooking.

The modern rhythm of life is extremely fast, so everyone strives for maximum efficiency and convenience in everyday life. ARDESTO offers AIFO-A145 and AIFO-A150ST air fryers, which will turn the cooking process into a real pleasure!

5 Key Features of an Air Fryer

1 Multifunctionality:

From baking, stewing, and frying to grilling and steaming, an air fryer can do almost everything. Its variety of programs allows you to prepare a wide range of culinary masterpieces quickly and easily.

2 Convenience: Most devices of this type feature intuitive controls, providing an easy and enjoyable cooking experience, even for beginners in the kitchen.

3 Energy Efficiency:

An air fryer heats up quickly and consumes significantly less energy than a traditional oven, allowing you to save on electricity bills.

4 Compact Size: Taking up minimal space in the kitchen, an air fryer is an optimal choice for small spaces or as an additional appliance.

5 Even Cooking:

Many models are equipped with a convection fan that helps heat food evenly and achieve optimal cooking results.


ARDESTO AIFO-A145 is an optimal choice for those who value multifunctionality and compactness. With this device, you can dry vegetables and fruits, roast chicken, prepare baked goods, crispy French fries, toasts, and even skewers without adding oil. Moreover, with a capacity of 14.5 L, you can cook two dishes simultaneously, saving time and effort.

With AIFO-A145 air fryer, you can prepare healthy meals with little to no oil. The model is equipped with three convection modes, an efficient air circulation system, and 16 automatic


Power: 1,700 W

Capacity: 14.5 L

16 automatic programs

Convenient LED display

Delayed start

Touch control

programs; it also allows you to adjust the temperature and cooking time. Innovative features such as rotisserie, delayed start, defrosting, and keep-warm functions, along with the LED display, internal lighting, and touch control, make cooking incredibly easy. Additionally, process completion indicators, a safety switch, and overheating protection ensure user safety. The package includes a rich set of accessories: a rotisserie, grilling rack, mesh tray, rectangular basket with a handle, rotating basket, skewers, rotisserie tongs, and a drip tray for collecting liquids and crumbs.


For those who want even more possibilities, ARDESTO AIFO-A150ST is a true find. This model includes all the features of AIFO-A145 but


Power: 2,250 W

Capacity: 15 L

16 automatic programs

Steaming function

Convenient LED display

Delayed start

Touch control

adds the capability for steaming and has an increased capacity (15 L). Using this air fryer, dishes will not only be delicious but also healthy and maximally beneficial.

Why should you choose ARDESTO Air Fryers?

Increased Capacity:

Models with 14.5 and 15 L are an optimal choice for large families or those who love to cook in bulk.

Healthy Eating:

The ability to cook without oil or fat while preserving maximum nutrients in the food.

Time Savings:

Quick and convenient meal preparation using automatic programs.


One air fryer can replace several kitchen appliances.

Ease of Use:

Intuitive control and easy maintenance.


Do you really need another appliance in your kitchen when you already have a multicooker and an oven? The answer is yes, if it’s a Tefal multicooker.

Multicookers have become a real trend and have won the hearts of many. And this is not surprising, because they have completely revolutionized the way we cook familiar dishes, especially those that are considered «unhealthy».

Universal Assistant for a Variety of Dishes

The Tefal Easy Fry & Grill EY501 multicooker is a truly multifunctional device that can replace most kitchen appliances. It can bake, bake, fry, even grill. The bowl volume is 4.2 l, so it will be suitable for preparing a delicious dinner for up to 6 people. So if you need to feed the whole family or a large group of friends, the Tefal Dual Easy Fry & Grill EY905 multicooker is a real find. It is equipped with two bowls with a volume of 5.2 l and 3.1 l – there will definitely be enough goodies for everyone.

And thanks to the 7 automatic programs, you can cook a wide variety of recipes: from fries to desserts. But that’s not all. With the Tefal Dual Easy Fry & Grill EY905 two-bowl multicooker, you can cook any two dishes at the same time! Now the side dish won’t be cold while you're waiting for the meat, because both dishes will be ready at the same time thanks to the synchronization function.


Oil-Free Dishes

The main secret to the popularity of Tefal multicookers is the ability

to cook your favorite dishes with minimal or no oil. Thanks to the Extra Crisp technology, which balances the temperature and hot air flow, you can get a crispy golden crust on the outside and juicy food on the inside. Now you can cook your favorite fast food at home, preserving the benefits of the products and your favorite flavor. Just imagine: crispy French fries, juicy grilled

You no longer have to choose between delicious meals and healthy eating. Prepare your favorite dishes in a healthy way every day with the Tefal Easy Fry & Grill and Dual Easy Fry & Grill multicookers!

chicken, and appetizing grilled vegetables will taste delicious, and all without any extra oil. Eating healthy is easy with a Tefal multicooker!


Usage and Energy Efficiency

And that’s not all the benefits of a Tefal multicooker: not only can you cook healthy and delicious meals, but you can also save time and energy. The Tefal Dual Easy

Fry & Grill EY905 cooks 41.2% faster than an oven, while the Tefal Easy Fry & Grill EY501 cooks 56.1% faster*. They also save up to 70 % on energy costs**.

Tefal multicookers are also very easy to clean, as the pans and racks are dishwasher safe. Enjoy your favorite meals without worrying about cleaning –this Tefal assistant is top of the line!

**Compared to a traditional A-class

*Internal test of 600 g frozen French fries, 2023 – for the Dual Easy Fry & Grill EY905 model; internal test of 300 g of frozen French fries, 2023 – for the Easy Fry & Grill EY50 model.
oven. Internal comparison test of frozen French fries, 2022. Depending on the model.

Updated Mixers: More Powerful, Stylish, and Efficient

Are you looking for the perfect kitchen assistant? Electrolux has expanded its range of 300 and 500 series mixers. Modern design, innovative materials, and a powerful motor ensure successful results every time, even when performing the most challenging tasks.

Why Choose Electrolux ?

Ergonomic Design: comfortable for long-term use.

Improved Performance: 20% more power and 20% less energy consumption.

Easy Maintenance: parts are easy to detach and dishwasher safe.

Durability: made from high-quality materials, including stainless steel, ensuring long-lasting use.

300 Series Hand Mixers for Everyday Tasks

Product Codes: EHM4W, EHM4B

The 300 series hand mixers feature a modern design made from recycled plastic, making them an eco-friendly choice. These models have an increased motor power of 500 W, up from the previous 450 W, allowing for faster whipping and more effective mixing of dense ingredients. With five speed settings and a Turbo mode, you can achieve the desired consistency for all your favorite recipes. The ergonomic handle and soft-touch finish ensure comfortable use, enabling maximum productivity.

500 Series Stand Mixers with Bowl: Professional Solutions for Demanding Chefs

Product Codes: ESM4W, ESM4B

The 500 series cont emporary stand mixers are designed for those seeking a reliable kitchen assistant. With a powerful 500 W motor and a large 3.6 l bowl, these models easily handle complex tasks, such as kneading dough or preparing thick creams. Additionally, the rotating bowl can be cooled for bett er whipping results. For effective preparation, five speed levels and a Turbo mode are included. The updat ed design adds attractiveness and makes these devices a stylish addition to any kitchen.

Food Dehydrator: Simple, Tasty, Healthy

Vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms can be dried in the sun, in the oven, or even in the microwave. However, the most convenient option is a special device – a dehydrator.


SFD7750SS, you can dry mushrooms, herbs, vegetables, and even meat, pasta, or flowers. The dehydrator works by removing moisture from food, preventing it from rotting and spoiling. Simple and intuitive to use, the dehydrator maintains a constant temperature that does not exceed 75°C. This way, the food isn't cooked but simply loses moisture, preserving vitamins and minerals.

Drying Time and Temperature

You can adjust the necessary drying temperature and operating time for SFD7750SS,

then turn it on to start the process and activate the hot air flow.

The working temperature and thickness of the product are two variables to consider when calculating drying time. The higher the temperature, the faster the drying process. Similarly, the thinner the slices of food, the sooner you can turn off the device.

Additionally, it’s important to note that the dehydrator can achieve different stages of drying for fruits and vegetables. This factor also affects the drying time. For example, drying fruits takes 8 hours at 45°C, but if you want to achieve a chip-like texture, it will take 10 to 12 hours.

High Power

A good fruit dehydrator is characterized by high power. With its 600W power, SENCOR SFD7750SS can quickly and efficiently dry even the most moisture-rich foods. High power means that the air inside the device heats up faster, and the airflow is often used to remove moisture from within.

Easy Maintenance

SFD7750SS dehydrator is equipped with removable trays (7 pcs.) for sliced or chopped foods. This model requires no special maintenance – just clean the trays, removing all residues, and check to ensure that no pieces have fallen inside the device's body.


z Large capacity with a total drying area of 0.59 m²

z Adjustable time and temperature settings according to needs

z Power of 600W

z 7 metal trays for maximum convenience

z Horizontal airflow technology

z Even heat distribution

z No need to rearrange trays during drying

z LED display

z Adjustable drying temperature (30-75 °C)

z Electronic timer for automatic shut-off

z Mesh design of drying trays prevents mold formation and optimizes airflow

z Tray size: 300 280 mm

z Transparent doors and trays allow you to monitor the drying process

z Overheat protection

z Suitable for preparing, for example:

z Dried fruits (cruciferous, plums, apricots, bananas, etc.)

z Raisins

z Dried vegetables for soups

z Dried tomatoes

z Dried herbs

z Herbal teas (mint, lime blossom, chamomile, etc.)

z Dried mushrooms

z Dried oranges

z Dried pumpkin seeds

z Dried petals for aromatic blends

z Dried meat

z Dried fish


With the dehydrator, the family will be stocked with dried vegetables for use in soups, sauces, and other dishes. Carrots, broccoli, sweet peppers, and zucchini will make great additions to the diet. For example, dried tomatoes can become the highlight of culinary masterpieces. Fresh tomatoes can be transformed into fragrant slices, perfect for adding to pasta and sauces or for garnishing appetizers. Drying helps preserve excess tomatoes from your garden, extending their shelf life and enhancing the flavor of dishes. Do you love chips? With the dehydrator, you can prepare delicious and healthy fruit chips: from apples and bananas to mangoes and pineapples — the possibilities are endless. These nutritious snacks will make a great on-the-go treat or an interesting addition to your favorite dishes.

Thanks to the dehydrator, you can preserve the aroma and flavor of fresh herbs. Parsley, basil, dill, and other herbs will enhance dishes any time of the year while retaining their beneficial properties. This is a great solution for those who want to have fresh seasonings constantly without repeatedly buying fresh herbs.

In addition to fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs, you can also dry fish and meat. It may seem that everything is suitable for drying, but that's not the case. You can only dry foods that are dry and have not started to spoil. Additionally, you should exclude vegetables that need to be boiled before consumption, such as potatoes, from the drying list.



The drying process involves four steps.

Cut the products into thin slices, typically no thicker than one centimeter. However, the thickness can be influenced by the moisture content; for example, apricots or cherry tomatoes can simply be halved.


Place the slices in the trays without overlapping them to avoid uneven drying and mold that may develop from under-dried

pieces. After that, place the tray in the central compartment of the dehydrator.


Turn on the dehydrator and set the temperature. Usually, the device comes with user’s manual that specify the drying time and temperature for each category of products.


Wait until the device finishes the drying process.

Thanks to this kitchen appliance, you can quickly and gently dry fruits, vegetables, herbs, peels, seeds, mushrooms, flowers, and many other products. They will lose only water, but not beneficial nutrients – especially when compared to drying in the oven or in the sun.

FAUCETS for Connection to Water Filters

The modern GROHE Blue filtration system with a reverse osmosis filter ensures purified water free from harmful contaminants, provides a natural taste, and enriches the water with essential minerals.

Drinking water from the tap is becoming an increasingly popular choice in kitchens, with many homeowners preferring this convenient option for daily use. Faucets with the modern GROHE Blue filtration system, featuring a reverse osmosis filter, are being installed more frequently for several reasons.


Tap water never runs out –it’s available 24/7, making it the most convenient option for any home. There’s no longer a need to worry about having enough bottled water or when to purchase more.


The production of plastic bottles for water leads to an increase in waste. Using tap water reduces the need for bottles, promoting environmental care and cutting down on carbon emissions.


Modern filtration systems, especially the reverse osmosis system with the GROHE Blue faucet, provide clean water by removing harmful substances like chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, and other unwanted contaminants. This ensures safe and healthy drinking water and water for cooking, without the need to buy bottled water.

Purification Filters

GROHE faucets use filter cartridges, offering a simpler and more convenient solution. These filters provide fresh, clean-tasting water, free from chlorine or unpleasant odors.

However, if the water supply in your home is heavily contaminated (for example, in private homes), or if you desire thorough removal of plastics and other harmful impurities, a reverse osmosis system with a GROHE faucet is the best choice for superior water purification.

Pull-out Spout

If you’re looking for a functional kitchen faucet, consider models with a pull-out spout, such as the GROHE Via (product code: 30406000). These faucets feature a long hose that can be pulled out of the main body for easy filling of large pots, rinsing dishes, or reaching every corner during cleaning. Pull-out spouts are also useful for washing and rinsing various surfaces.

Spout with Spring

For maximum functionality, the GROHE Via Cosmo –a professional kitchen faucet with a spring spout – rotates 360° to provide a wide range of motion. This model allows you to easily switch between an economical spray mode using the aerator and full flow mode. At the same time, its sleek and refined design makes it a stylish centerpiece in your kitchen, suitable for numerous tasks.

High and Convenient

If you need a simple yet stylish and convenient model, the GROHE BauClassic kitchen faucet with a high spout is the perfect choice. The BauClassic model is equipped with a 28 mm ceramic cartridge, a 360° rotating function, and flexible connection hoses. Additionally, the faucet features GROHE Long-Life technology, which ensures the durability of the finish and includes internal water channels that separate water from harmful traces of lead and nickel.


When purchasing a kitchen faucet, several factors need to be considered, as the faucet plays an essential role in both the aesthetics and functionality of the kitchen. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Functionality of the faucet: size, number of modes, and spout tilt.


Kitchen layout.

Design and color: GROHE offers models with stylish chrome or black finishes, as well as graphite, brushed, and rose gold options.

Installation: models with easy-installation systems are ideal.

In the fast rhythm of life, the automation of household tasks, such as washing dishes, allows to focus on what truly matters—family, hobbies or work. Additionally, using a dishwasher significantly reduces water consumption compared to handwashing. There are many options on the home appliance market, but it is important to choose the model that best meets the needs. The Beko BDFN26522XQ and BDFS26121XQ dishwashers are excellent choices, offering reliable performance and efficiency.

Clean Dishes with Minimal Effort

The Beko BDFN26522XQ and BDFS26121XQ dishwashers stand out for their extensive functionality, convenience and modern design.

Common features

Motor type: both models are equipped with a ProSmart inverter motor, ensuring quiet and long-lasting operation. An important advantage is the economical water and electricity consumption.

Number of programs: each model has 6 washing programs. Special programs: “Auto program”, Quick&Shine 58 min, “Mini 30 min”, “Delicate 40 °C”.

Technologies: AquaIntense and HygieneIntense for effective cleaning and destruction of bacteria.

The “Acrobat” system and a sliding cutlery tray are the key to convenient dish organization. Lock and button control on the door.


Type: freestanding, narrow

Capacity: 11 sets of dishes

Water consumption: 8.7 l per cycle

Noise level: 46 dB

Dimensions (w × h × d): 44.8 × 85 × 60 cm

Delayed start: the function is available in both models; the available adjustment range is from 30 min to 24 h.

Which model to choose?

For those who want to simplify the routine, both models provide real advantages: from saving time to reducing electricity costs. The BDFN26522XQ is the best option for large families or those who often entertain guests. If the kitchen is compact, pay attention to the BDFS26121XQ model: it takes up less space, but at the same time retains all the key features.


Type: freestanding, full-sized

Capacity: 15 sets of dishes

Water consumption: 9.5 l per cycle

Noise level: 43 dB

Dimensions (w × h × d): 59.8 × 85 × 60 cm

Modern Refrigerators:

Step into the future

More Space, Functionality, and Freshness

with LG's new refrigerator lineup.

With the revolutionary InstaView Doorin-Door system, you no longer need to open the refrigerator to see inside; you can simply knock twice on the glass doors to view the contents.

Technology Balance

InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators provide longlasting storage and freshness for your food thanks to their rich functionality.

The Hygiene Fresh+ UV LED is LG's new photocatalytic air purification technology,

which eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria.

FRESH Balancer maintains optimal conditions for food preservation by regulating temperature. Stable humidity levels around 17% help reduce moisture loss in fruits and vegetables by up to 60%.

Fresh Zone is a special compartment for fruits and vegetables, maintaining a temperature of approximately 0°C. These conditions slow down the growth of harmful microbes, allowing products to retain their original appearance for longer.

Utility Box is a convenient small compartment with an optimal microclimate for storing items like deli meats or cheese.

Thanks to the technologies in InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators, users can maintain a healthy diet.

Convenience in Every Detail

InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators are a harmonious addition to your interior and feature a thoughtful internal storage system.

Advantages of the Premium Line:

ƒ A completely flat Ultra Sleek Door surface transforms the refrigerator into an elegant accent for modern kitchens.

ƒ Available models in stainless steel and black allow you to maintain your favorite interior style.

ƒ A horizontal handle with a hidden opening button ensures a clean surface without fingerprints.

ƒ A massive capacity of 647 liters means you can store more products.

ƒ Soft LED lighting guarantees quality illumination even when shelves are fully stocked, with a 21% longer lifespan.

ƒ A wine rack is a must-have for connoisseurs of fine beverages.

And of course, who could forget the intelligent assistant? With LG ThinQ technology, users can remotely control the device via Wi-Fi. Adjust the temperature, activate modes, or easily identify minor issues.

Smart technologies perfectly complement the functionality of modern appliances. Enjoy an additional 10 years of free warranty service on the energyefficient and silent inverter compressor.

Resource Savings: Increase Comfort While Reducing Costs

InstaView Door-in-Door design, made with low-emission glass, reduces cold air loss by up to 41%, helping to save energy.

LG inverter compressor regulates cooling power, achieves an energy efficiency rating of A+, and operates at a low noise level of 36 dB.

Door Cooling technology cools the shelves on the door 32% faster and helps prevent moisture loss.

Metal Fresh plate installed on the back wall maintains the desired temperature and protects against corrosion


Philco devices are designed for storing various wine collections under optimal conditions for aging and enhancing flavor qualities.

Wine cabinets combine advanced technologies, stylish design, and ease of use. By choosing Philco, the user invests in reliable equipment that preserves wine in the best possible way.

Storage Technologies

One of the key advantages of these cabinets is the modern methods of maintaining optimal temperature and humidity. When storing wine, it’s important to ensure stable conditions that allow the beverage to age and preserve its properties. The devices are equipped with measurement systems to control the temperature, allowing precise adjustments to within one degree.

For Different Beverage Collections

With a wide range of options, users can select a wine cabinet that suits their needs. The available equipment comes

in various capacities, from compact models for small home collections of a few bottles to devices designed for storing large wine collections that can hold dozens of bottles.

Storage Zones

One of the features of some cabinets is the presence of multiple storage zones with separate temperature settings. This allows both red and white wines to be stored under optimal conditions simultaneously.

Design and Ease of Use

Wine storage cabinets have a modern look, making them a perfect fit for any interior. The equipment is made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and reliability. Additionally, the ergonomic shelves provide easy access to the bottles, while the lighting system adds elegance and allows users to easily find the desired wine even in the dark.

Energy Efficiency

During the production of the cabinets, special attention was paid to energy efficiency. Most models are equipped with energy-saving technologies to reduce costs without compromising the quality of the beverages. This is important not only from an economic perspective but also for minimizing the environmental impact.

Quiet Operation

Another important feature of wine cabinets is their low noise level during operation. Thanks to the advanced cooling system and insulation, the cabinets operate almost silently, making them an excellent choice for any room, including living rooms and kitchens.

Highlight Models

Philco offers a variety of models with unique features. Two of them, PW6GBI and PW38GDFB, stand out for their functionality and design. Both models are highquality solutions for wine storage, but they cater to different needs. PW6GBI is suitable for small collections and limited spaces, while PW38GDFB is ideal for those who wish to store a larger number of bottles with the option to customize storage zones. Choosing a Philco wine cabinet ensures high quality and reliable wine storage, as a wine cabinet is not a luxury but a necessity.

Philco PW6GBI

A compact wine cabinet designed for storing a small number of bottles.


PW6GBI holds up to 6 bottles of wine, making it an ideal choice for small collections or limited spaces.


The cabinet allows temperature settings from 5°C to 18°C, ensuring optimal storage conditions for different types of wine.


This model can be integrated into kitchen interiors or installed as a standalone unit. Thanks to its compact size, it fits even in small spaces.


PW6GBI is energyefficient, making it a great choice for long-term use.


With its modern black design and glass doors, the cabinet showcases the wine while protecting it from light exposure.


The cabinet can hold up to 38 bottles of wine, providing ample space for a large collection of beverages.

Philco PW38GDFB

A larger and more functional model, ideal for experienced wine collectors.


PW38GDFB features an electronic control panel with touch-sensitive buttons, making it easy to adjust storage settings.



One of the key features of PW38GDFB is the presence of two temperature zones, allowing both red and white wines to be stored under optimal conditions. Each zone can be set to a temperature range of 5°C to 18°C, ensuring ideal storage for each type of wine.

Thanks to the advanced cooling system, this model operates almost silently, making it an excellent choice for installation in living spaces.


The cabinet has a sleek design with black doors and a glass front panel with LED lighting. This not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also allows for easy viewing of the contents without opening the doors.


The model is equipped with a compressor cooling system that ensures temperature stability inside, even with significant fluctuations in ambient temperature.

Washing Machines for the Most Demanding Customers

ARDESTO WMW series models are reliable assistants for daily garment care. High energy efficiency, preservation of the original condition of items, and many useful features make them the best choice for those who value comfort and quality.

In the world of modern technology, comfort and quality remain key criteria for choosing household appliances. ARDESTO WMW series washing machines fully meet these requirements, providing professional care for clothing while harmoniously complementing the interior. Expanding its range, ARDESTO offers contemporary models that will satisfy the needs of the most demanding users. Each washing machine in the WMW series combines advanced technology and stylish design, turning everyday routines into a pleasant process.

Modern Design and Convenience

ARDESTO WMW series washing machines harmoniously fit into the interior of any style, adding elegant accents to the kitchen or bathroom. The digital display and electronic control panel simplify the settings, making the process intuitive even for inexperienced users. These machines do more than just wash clothes — they enhance everyday life.

Innovations for Daily Use

WMW series machines offer a wide range of automatic programs, including 16 different modes for washing and drying*. Quick wash, daily modes, or "Night Wash," where the machine operates at reduced speeds to lower noise and vibrations — everyone can find an option that suits their needs. The "Anti-Allergy" program is a true find for those who care about hygiene and health: washing at high temperatures helps eliminate bacteria and allergens, making it ideal for washing baby clothes, bedding, and items used by people with sensitive skin or allergies. Other essential everyday washing programs and useful features are also available, such as delayed start, extra rinsing, and control panel lock, all of which add convenience.

Careful Cleaning

High-quality and gentle cleaning of garments from dirt is guaranteed thanks to the special honeycomb structure of the drum. With this feature, a layer of water forms between

the drum's wall and the laundry during rotation, ensuring deep absorption of the detergent, water, and air mixture into the fabric. As a result, the laundry glides smoothly, fabric fibers are protected, and clothes maintain their original condition for a long time.

Energy Efficiency and Convenience

WMW series machines stand out with high energy efficiency — no less than A++, which helps reduce electricity and water consumption. Additionally, thanks to the reload function, forgotten items can be added even after the cycle has started. This feature makes the washing process more adaptable, allowing you to easily handle unforeseen situations.

Thoughtful Design. Removable Drum

The design of ARDESTO washing machines is carefully thought out, with a removable drum that allows individual parts to be replaced, extending the device's lifespan. This means that in case of wear, such as bearings or other components, there is no need to buy a new washing machine — simply replace the parts, saving both time and money.

Memory Function

If a disruption occurs during washing, such as a power outage, the washing machine will automatically resume the cycle from the point where it was interrupted. This ensures confidence in the stability of its operation.

When a user chooses ARDESTO WMW series

washing machine, they receive not just a household appliance, but a reliable assistant that takes care of comfort and time efficiency.


Product Codes: WMW-6101W, WMW-6100WB

Load Capacity: 6 kg

Spin Speed: 1,200 rpm

Energy Efficiency Class: A++

Nominal Washing Power: 250 W

Nominal Spin Power: 250 W

Nominal Heating Power: 1,800 W

Maximum Power: 2,000 W

Noise Level (Washing/Spinning): 62/75 dB

Dimensions (W × H × D): 59.8 × 84.5 × 44.5 cm

Weight: 50 kg

*Products differ in design, technical specifications are the same.

Product Codes: WMW-6102WBD, WMW6103DGBD

Load Capacity: 6 kg

Steam Washing Function

Spin Speed: 1,200 rpm

Energy Efficiency Class: A++

Nominal Washing Power: 200 W

Nominal Spin Power: 250 W

Nominal Heating Power: 1,800 W

Maximum Power: 2,000 W

Noise Level (Washing/Spinning): 62/75 dB

Dimensions (W × H × D): 59.8 × 84.5 × 44.5 cm

Weight: 50 kg

*Products differ in design, technical specifications are the same.

Product Code: WDMW-106ISBD*

Load Capacity (Washing/Drying): 10/6 kg

Inverter BLDC Motor

Steam Washing Function

Energy Efficiency Class: A+++

Spin Speed: 1,400 rpm

Nominal Washing Power: 250 W

Nominal Spin Power: 500 W

Nominal Drying Power: 1,300 W

Nominal Heating Power: 1,800 W

Maximum Power: 2,000 W

Noise Level (Washing/Spinning): 62/75 dB

Dimensions (W × H × D): 59.8 × 84.5 × 60.8 cm

Weight: 66 kg

*ARDESTO Washer-Dryer Machine


One of the main advantages of LG models with AI DD technology is the TurboWash quick wash function, which provides:

• halving washing time,

• up to 15% energy savings,

• up to 40% water savings.

An alternative to dry cleaning at home

With LG washing machines equipped with AI DD technology, technical excellence reaches a new level. These machines can now handle the most delicate fabrics and bulky items while efficiently using space, time, and resources.

The latest LG models incorporate AI DD technology, delivering a professional dry-cleaning effect:

ƒ over 20,000 fabric data points stored;

ƒ precise determination of weight, composition, and texture of items for optimal washing patterns;

ƒ automatic formation of washing algorithms using the proprietary 6 Motion technology;

ƒ up to 18% reduction in fabric fiber damage.

With LG washing machines, delicate blouses and soft

sweaters will maintain their quality for longer.

Steam and Steam+: Cleanliness and Protection

Smart technologies not only refresh clothing but also remove up to 99.99% of viruses,

bacteria, and allergens. The steam treatment, integrated into the "Allergy Care" and "Baby Clothes" programs, ensures maximum hygiene, which is especially important for infants and people with allergies.

Disinfection at Any Stage

Steam treatment with Steam+ technology is available for 7 programs at the end of the washing cycle, with 6 of them also featuring the "Wrinkle Reduction" option.

LG washing machines with AI DD technology combine washing, disinfection, and ironing in a single cycle.

Big Potential in Compact Washing Machines

Modern LG washing machines with AI DD technology offer maximum convenience for everyday life.

Time-saving: Models with an increased drum capacity (up to 32%) allow you to load up to 1.5 kg more laundry while maintaining nearly the same external dimensions. You can even wash large blankets and pillows.

Smart use of space: Slim models gain just 2 cm in drum depth to increase load capacity without sacrificing space, ensuring ease of use and efficient functionality.

Quiet operation: Enjoy a calm and comfortable atmosphere with a noise reduction of up to 15 dB.

Enhanced rinsing: The powerful rinsing option replaces two traditional rinses, delivering fresh and clean laundry even with a shortened washing cycle — just 14 minutes.

ThinQ – A Smart Assistant that Expands Comfort

With LG washing machines equipped with AI DD technology, the latest artificial intelligence capabilities work to your advantage. ThinQ app allows you to:

ƒ Control the washing machine remotely;

ƒ Start programs remotely;

ƒ Download new programs;

ƒ Analyze performance efficiency.

Trust LG's technical leadership and enjoy an additional 10 years of warranty coverage on parts!

TurboWash 360 Function –The Expert in Savings

• Up to 34% reduction in washing time;

• Up to 39% energy savings;

• Up to 34% improvement in washing efficiency;

• Up to 16% reduction in fabric damage.

TurboWash 360 function is available for 10 washing programs.

Washing of the Future Is Here!

Combining innovations in cleanliness with the highest class of energy efficiency, the Haier HW70-B14929 washing machine from the I-PRO 3 series guarantees a new washing experience.

The Haier HW70-B14929

washing machine features a Direct Motion inverter motor. Thanks to the absence of belts and pulleys, it significantly reduces energy consumption while ensuring exceptionally quiet operation. This achievement is backed by a 10-year warranty on the motor, a testament to its quality and reliability.

Intelligent Water Dosing

The washing machine automatically adjusts the amount of water and the duration of the washing cycle based on the load volume determined by built-in electronic scales. This mode is particularly effective for washing smaller loads. Such an intelligent approach makes washing not only economical but also ecofriendly.

Refresh – Refreshing Without Washing

Haier’s innovative Refresh program effectively revitalizes clothing. It uses steam treatment technology to remove odors, fine dust, and

allergens while reducing wrinkles and softening fabrics. This program is suitable for all types of fabrics, even delicate ones.

Variety of Programs for Every Need

The Haier HW70-B14929 washing machine supports a full set of washing cycles for different load volumes, allowing users to select the optimal setting for each case. The wide range of programs includes special modes for allergy sufferers and delicate fabrics. Choose the Quick 15 program for a rapid refresh in just 15 min or the hygienic «Allergy Protection» program, which thoroughly eliminates all allergens. Other modes include «ECO Cotton», «Duvets», and cycles for various fabric types, such as wool and synthetics.

Gentle Care for Fabrics

The special drum structure and the Easy Iron function, which uses steam to smooth wrinkles, ensure gentle washing of the most delicate fabrics. This helps keep

clothes in excellent condition for years.

Less Foam – Better Washing Quality

Excessive foaming can reduce washing quality and complicate rinsing. The «Minimum Foam» system prevents excessive foaming of the detergent, ensuring better rinsing and reducing the risk of allergies on sensitive skin.

High-Level Hygiene

The Haier ABT system ensures hygienic washing by eliminating 99.9% of bacteria in the most vulnerable areas of the machine. This exclusive material protects the detergent drawer and door seal from mold, ensuring not only the cleanliness of the laundry but also the hygiene of the machine itself.

Wide Door for Easy Loading

The 36 cm wide door opens at a wide angle, significantly easing the loading and unloading of bulky items.


Haier I-Pro 3

Model HW70-B14929

Energy Class

Load Capacity

Max Spin Speed


7 kg

1 400 rpm

Number of Washing Programs 15


Motor Type


Additional Features

Size (W × H × D)

«Cotton 90 °C», «Synthetics», «Mixed Fabrics», «Duvets», «Allergy Protection», «Baby Clothes», «Shirts», «Spin», «ECO 40-60 °C», «Cotton 20 °C», «Delicate Wash», «Wool», «Quick Wash», «Quick Wash 15 min», «Refresh»

Direct Motion Inverter Motor

Digital with Electronic Control

Steam treatment; antibacterial ABT system; Refresh program; delay start (up to 24 h)

60 × 85 × 43.7 cm

Warranty / Motor Warranty 3 years / 10 years


A Smart Choice for the Modern Home

No more exhausting hours spent by the dryer with wet clothes! Whirlpool FFWDB864349BVUA is an innovative solution designed for those who value time and comfort.

Whirlpool FFWDB86439BVUA

It doesn't just wash clothes, it also dries them, saving both time and effort.

Don't hesitate! Make your household more comfortable and efficient right now with Whirlpool FFWDB864349BVUA washer-dryer. Experience the difference with appliances that take care of your clothes while saving you time!

Product Code: FFWDB864349BVUA

Energy Efficiency Class: A

Drying Capacity: 6 kg

Maximum Spin Speed: 1,400 rpm

Noise Level (Washing): 55 dB (A)

Noise Level (Drying): 61 dB (A)

Noise Level (Spinning): 81 dB (A)

Technology: 6TH Sense

Water Consumption: 100 liters

SteamCare Technology

FreshCare+ Option

Delayed Start: 1–24 hours

Steam Refresh Program

Wash and Dry in 45 Minutes Program

Wash and Dry in 90 Minutes Program

Quick Wash 30 (Program Chrono)

Eco Cotton Program

Delicate Wash Program

Not Like Any Other

Its main advantage is the exclusive 6th SENSE function, which continuously monitors the moisture level in the drum and automatically adjusts the settings for each washing and drying cycle, ensuring maximum efficiency and gentle care for your clothes.

No Reasons to Worry

Thanks to FreshCare+ technology, you don't have to worry about wrinkled clothes if you can't remove them from the machine right away. The special drum rotation and delicate steam keep your clothes fresh and soft for an extended time after the washing cycle ends. Additionally, the SteamCare technology gently smooths out wrinkles and refreshes fabrics, reducing the need for frequent ironing.

Smart and Hardworking

Whirlpool FFWDB864349BVUA , with an 8 kg washing capacity and 6 kg drying capacity, is the perfect choice for large families and active individuals who value their time. With its intuitive interface and 14 different washing programs, it guarantees a truly enjoyable experience. For example, with the 45-minute combined program, you can wash and dry 1 kg of laundry, achieving great results.

A Motor That Takes Care of Everything

The powerful inverter motor, backed by a 10-year warranty (with purchase registration on the manufacturer's website), automatically adjusts settings and minimizes vibrations and noise during operation, ensuring efficient and quiet washing and drying. This means you can now wash laundry at night without disturbing your family's rest.

Significant Savings

Another important feature is the machine's economical consumption of electricity and water . Whirlpool FFWDB864349BVUA has an energy efficiency class of A, making it not only an effective but also an eco-friendly choice. Moreover, 90% of the device's components are recyclable.

Energy Saving and Clothes Care

Beko washing machines with the innovative Energy Spin technology meet modern needs.

The Energy Spin technology dissolves the detergent immediately after the program starts and uses higher-than-usual drum spin speeds to accelerate the dissolution process. As a result, the user achieves excellent washing performance at lower temperatures while reducing energy consumption by up to 35%.

Beko brand technologies for washing machines

Steam Cure – utilizes steam for pre-treating stains, making washing more effective. AddXtra – adding items during the washing cycle.

Water Mode – saves up to 10% of water while maintaining washing quality.

Aqua Wave – a unique drum design with an imitation of a natural wave, gently soaking the laundry without damaging it. This helps clothes retain the original appearance much longer.

*Cold Wash (cold wash 15°C), Super Express Daily 28/14 min, Hygiene+, Drum Clean, Stain Expert (stain removal).

Features of washing machines

• Energy Spin technology, which provides high washing efficiency while saving electricity

• ProSmart inverter motor

• 15 washing programs

60 × 45 (49,6) × 84,5 cm

60 × 50 (54,6) × 84,5 cm

**Steam Therapy (refresh in 17 min), Cold Wash, Super Express Daily (cold wash 15°C), Hygiene+, Down, Drum Clean, Iron Fast (50% less creases with the Shirts program). For different loads (6 kg, 7 kg, etc.), there are two types of machines. The difference is the presence or absence of additional special programs and/or functions (Steam Therapy, Down, Iron Fast).

Narrow Tumble Dryers

Thanks to the heat pump and specialized programs, users can save money while ensuring quick and gentle care for the clothes.

Heat Pump

The heat pump reduces energy consumption by utilizing renewable heat during operation. It works at lower temperatures, gently drying clothes while preserving the shape and color.

Specialized programs

Beko tumble dryers offer a wide range of programs to meet various needs:

ƒ Steam Cure – removes creases and bacteria using steam.

ƒ Super Express Daily – quick laundry drying.

ƒ Down – protects clothes from losing volume with a specialized drum motion during the drying cycle.

ƒ Refresh – freshens clothes without excessive thermal exposure.

ƒ Hygienic Refresh – hygienic freshness.

Intellectual and economic clothes drying

In a world where every minute counts, modern technologies serve as reliable assistants, allowing us to take care of ourselves and our loved ones while efficiently balancing work, household chores, and leisure time. One such device that is changing the approach to home care for clothes is Whirlpool FFT M22 9X2B UA tumble dryer. It combines high performance, energy efficiency, and ease of use.

Whirlpool FFT M22 9X2B UA provides gentle, fast, and energy-efficient drying.

Whirlpool FFT M22 9X2B UA tumble dryer is an excellent choice for those who value comfort, quality, and modern technology

Large Capacity –Big Possibilities

One of the key advantages of this model is its large capacity – it can handle up to 9 kg of laundry. This allows you to dry a large volume of clothes in a single cycle, saving time. Whether it's a big family or just a week’s worth of laundry, the tumble dryer can handle any task.

6th SENSE Intelligent Technology

At the heart of the Whirlpool FFT

M22 9X2B UA is the innovative 6th SENSE technology. This system continuously monitors the humidity level inside the drum and automatically adjusts the drying parameters according to the fabric type and laundry load. This ensures that your clothes will never be overdried or under-dried. You will get the best result every time.

FreshCare+ Technology for Long-Lasting Freshness

After the drying cycle is complete, the FreshCare+ technology* continues to work by periodically rotating the drum and controlling the internal temperature. This prevents unpleasant odors from forming and keeps clothes fresh, even up to 6 hours after the drying cycle is finished.

Gentle Drying with a Heat Pump

The dryer is equipped with a heat pump, which ensures gentle drying at low temperatures. This preserves the brightness of colors and the softness of fabrics, so your favorite clothes will retain their original appearance even after many drying cycles. Moreover, the heat pump is energy-efficient, helping to reduce electricity costs.

Quiet Operation and Simple Interface

Whirlpool FFT M22 9X2B UA operates very quietly, without generating unnecessary noise, allowing you to rest or work undisturbed. Additionally, it features an intuitive interface that makes it easy to select the desired drying program.

A++ Energy Efficiency

Whirlpool FFT M22 9X2B UA cares not only for your clothes but also for your budget. With an energy efficiency rating of A++, this model ensures low electricity consumption while maintaining high performance.

*The function is not available with delicate care programs or the "Extra" and "To Wardrobe" drying levels.


Energy Efficiency Class A++

Max Load: 9 kg

6TH Sense Technology

Heat Pump Technology

FreshCare+ Option

Delayed Start: up to 24 hours

Drying Duration Selection

Adjustable Drying Levels

Programs: "Delicate", "Quick Dry" (Rapid), "Eco Cotton", "Wool", "Mix", "Duvets" (Large Items), "Jeans", "Sport"

WATER HEATERS for Various Needs: From Compact to Classic

Providing hot water for the home is one of the essential components of comfort. For those seeking an efficient and reliable solution, ARDESTO devices will be the optimal choice.

ARDESTO range includes compact models for small spaces and classic boilers with a capacity of up to 100 liters, making it easy to choose a device that meets your needs.

Compact Solutions: Convenience in Every Detail

Limited space is no longer a problem! ARDESTO compact water heaters with a capacity of 10 and 15 liters are the perfect solution for small areas. They can be easily mounted above or below the sink, saving space and ensuring convenient maintenance. Thanks to vertical installation, the boiler will harmoniously fit into the kitchen or bathroom interior, and the mechanical control unit with a status indicator on the front panel ensures ease of use.

Product code: EWH­15UMWMI

Product code: EWH­15OMWMI

Product code: EWH­10UMWMI

Power and Performance You Can Rely On

ARDESTO employs modern technologies to maximize efficiency, including a wet heating element with a power of 1,500 W. To prevent limescale buildup, a magnesium anode is included, extending the boiler's lifespan. For those seeking a larger capacity solution, EWH­30OMWMI model with a capacity of 30 liters is an excellent choice: thanks to the powerful 1,500 W heating element, the boiler heats water to the desired temperature in just 2 hours. The safety valve, which is part of the design (included in the package), is responsible for automatic pressure reduction in the water heater.

Product code: EWH­10OMWMI Product code: EWH­30OMWMI

Classic Large Capacity Boilers

For large families and those who value comfort, ARDESTO offers water heaters with capacities of 50, 80, and 100 liters. These classic boilers (round shape) are designed for vertical installation and feature a powerful 1,500 W heating element that quickly heats water up to 75 °C. The mechanical control panel is located externally (at the bottom), while the heating indicator is on the front panel. With 19 mm insulation and an enamel­coated tank, heat is retained longer, contributing to energy savings. The magnesium anode minimizes limescale buildup, ensuring a long service life.

Product code: EWH­50ACWMI

Product code: EWH­100ACWMI

Product code: EWH­80ACWMI

Ariston Velis – a Path to Comfort, Style, and Environmental Responsibility

Reliable Water Heater FOR THE MODERN HOME

Ariston Velis ensures clean water in your home with minimal energy consumption.

Ariston Velis has rightfully earned a place in the prestigious The GOOD DESIGN Awards 2020, a recognition that highlights its innovation and contribution to the development of industrial design. However, beyond aesthetics and functionality, this device also promotes energy efficiency, contributing to environmental care.

Water heaters has long been an integral part of modern households, and Ariston Velis is a prime example. With its stylish design and advanced technology, it has become an icon of interior comfort, providing a perfect blend of design and innovation that helps create true comfort in the home.

The Key to Peace of Mind

Velis features fully electronic controls, which ensure reliable operation even at high temperatures, guaranteeing stable performance of all additional functions.


«Dry» Heating Element

Overheating Protection

Frost Protection

Automatic Self-Diagnosis

Security and Protection Technologies –a Constant Priority

The «Silver Protection» System (AG+) ionizes and sterilizes the water, providing an antibacterial effect, eliminating 99.9 % of bacteria, including E. coli and golden staphylococcus. This ensures that the water remains clean and safe. The PRO TECH technology with titanium anodes and magnesium prevents corrosion, extending the water heater’s lifetime.

Control from Anywhere

You can now control your comfort directly from your smartphone: integration via Wi-Fi with the Ariston NET app makes using Velis even simpler and more efficient. You can adjust temperature settings, receive real-time device status updates, and even save up to 25 % on energy – all from your smartphone. The Ariston NET app also provides real-time notifications about any malfunctions, ensuring quick resolution of any issues.

SMART CHOICE for the Home

TESY water heaters with innovative technologies not only provide comfort but also significantly reduce costs.

TESY stands for:

• experience: over 30 years on the global market;

• quality: production in modern factories in Europe;

• innovation: constant development of new products and technologies;

• reliability: a strong reputation and satisfied customers in more than 60 countries worldwide.

Ready to make your home even more comfortable and energy-efficient? Choose a smart TESY water heater and enjoy all the benefits of modern technology.

Imagine hot water is always ready and electricity bills significantly reduced. This becomes a reality with TESY smart water heaters. Let’s explore why choosing TESY is the right decision.

Modern smart water heaters are significantly different from conventional ones. Beyond simply heating water, these devices offer programming and control options that make them much more convenient and economical. Thanks to artificial intelligence, TESY models like ModEco and BelliSlimo adapt

to user habits, optimizing energy consumption.

Key advantages of TESY Energy efficiency. TESY water heaters with ECO Smart functionality save up to 18% on electricity every week.

Convenience and comfort. Enjoy programmable operation modes and remote control through a smartphone.

Adaptation to consumer habits. The water heaters analyze water usage and automatically adjust the operation to minimize energy consumption.

Innovations. TESY incorporates advanced technologies, such as a mobile app, to fully meet consumer needs.

TESY advantages for the home

TESY smart electric water heaters enable users to monitor energy consumption and save money. With programmable settings, users can tailor the water heater’s operation to the personal schedule. This enhances comfort and ensures a reliable supply of hot water at any time.

TESY is a global leader in the production of innovative heating and hot water solutions. Since its founding in 1993, TESY has rapidly earned a reputation as a top manufacturer of electric water heaters in Europe. With production facilities across four plants in Bulgaria, TESY exports its products to more than 60 countries. Thanks to innovations like a mobile app with augmented reality for convector heaters, electric and thermodynamic water heaters, the company remains at the forefront of the industry.

Maintenance and recommendations

Maintaining TESY smart water heaters is similar to conventional ones. It is recommended to periodically check and replace the magnesium anode to prevent limescale buildup, as well as to use the “Vacation” mode during extended absence from home.

The ARDESTO towel dryers are designed for those who value comfort, energy efficiency and style in every detail. These are not only reliable and functional devices but also a decorative element that will enhance the unique style of the interior.


The ARDESTO towel dryers are modern solutions for ensuring comfort in the home, harmoniously combining elegant style, advanced technologies and high-quality materials.

Choosing a towel dryer is not just about practicality, but also about creating a unique atmosphere in the bathroom.

Fascinating design

In line with modern trends, ARDESTO towel dryers stand out with the understated yet refined design. The elegant lines of the products will harmoniously complement any contemporary interior. Regardless of the color

chosen – matte white or matte black – the models will look luxurious, adding perfection to the premise.

High-quality materials

The highest-grade steel used in production undergoes a phosphating process to protect the metal from corrosion. This ensures that the towel dryer will reliably serve for a long time in high-humidity environments.

Durable coating

The ARDESTO towel dryers are coated with high-quality powder paint, which not only adds an attractive appearance but also protects the products. Two color options are available – matte white and matte black – both of which will seamlessly complement any interior. The powder coating provides resistance to scratches, fading and wear, maintaining the aesthetic look for many years.

Dry heating element for even heating

The innovative dry heating element provides uniform heating across the entire surface of the device, ensuring effective and rapid towel drying. This technology makes using the towel dryer as efficient as possible.

Timer regulator and energy savings

For convenience, ARDESTO towel dryers are equipped with a timer regulator that allows to set the operating time (3 or 6 hours) or choose from three temperature settings – 45, 50 and 55 °C. Thanks to the built-in Eco Mode, the user can turn off continuous heating, thereby reducing electricity consumption up to 87%. This mode is ideal for those looking to make home energy efficient and significantly reduce electricity costs.

Maximum convenience during connection

The special connector allows to connect the power cable from any convenient side. Additionally, the towel dryers come with an accessory for hidden connection, helping to maintain a neat and orderly appearance in the premise. No extra costs – the product is ready for installation literally out of the box.

Variety of models for any interior

ARDESTO offers two models of towel dryers, each available in three sizes. With this in mind,

regardless of the design and size of the bathroom, it’s easy to find the optimal option to meet the needs.

Silicone insulation of the Ist level
Silicone insulation of the IInd level



Patented Time and heating control Easy to control Modern design




More energy saving with the new mode


Possibility to place the plug on either side



Every home deserves coziness and comfort, and it’s the little things that create this unique atmosphere. The ARDESTO terry towel sets are a harmonious blend of aesthetics, quality and practicality, transforming daily care into a delightful ritual of self-care for you and your loved ones.

The ARDESTO towels are designed for those who value comfort and practicality without compromising on quality.

The ARDESTO towel sets are more than just a practical accessory, but an investment in comfort and coziness.

They are a great gift for loved ones on special occasions, offering a daily reminder of care and warmth.

Made from 100% cotton, the ARDESTO towels not only enhance the home’s aesthetic but also provide a soft, gentle feel. Thanks to the use of natural material, they absorb moisture well, dry quickly and retain the original appearance for a long time.

Essence: lightness and softness

The ARDESTO Essence towels have a density of 400 g/m2, providing softness and comfort after every shower or bath. The set includes two pieces 50 × 90 cm and 70 × 140 cm— that absorb moisture well, dry quickly and seamlessly fit into almost any bathroom decor. These towels bring a feeling of lightness and tenderness with every use.

Holiday: the best festive gift

What could be better than a gift that provides not only comfort but also a festive mood? The ARDESTO Holiday towels with a density of 450 g/m2 feature a soft texture and sturdy structure, designed to leave a warm feeling of coziness after each use.

Splendid: premium quality

Looking for true luxury and durability?

The ARDESTO Splendid towels with a density of 500 g/m2 stand out for the exceptional wear resistance and softness, which remains even after numerous wash cycles. This is the best choice for those who appreciate a combination of premium quality that meets the highest standards and style.

Lotus: бa balance of comfort and practicality

РThe ARDESTO Lotus towels with a density of 420 g/m2 embody the optimal balance between comfort and durability. The set includes two towels of different sizes - 50 x 90 cm and 70 x 140 cm, which makes it perfect for everyday use.

ARDESTO towels care

To keep the ARDESTO towels soft and maintain the original appearance over time, it is recommended to wash them at 40°C and iron at temperatures up to 110°C (up to 150°C for products from the Lotus and Holiday series).

Avoid bleaching and drying in the machine at low or medium temperature settings. Proper care is the key to long-lasting use.

Comfort and support for healthy sleep

Recuperate with incredible comfort of ARDESTO orthopedic pillows.

Healthy sleep is very important. With ARDESTO Sleepwell orthopedic pillows, you can recuperate as comfortably as possible and meet every day full of energy. Due to the high-quality materials and innovative technologies, these pillows are the best choice for those who want to ensure a high quality of sleep and proper support of the neck and spine.

Personalized comfort

Each Sleepwell pillow has an ergonomic design: a removable cover for easy care and an additional inner cover to ensure hygiene and preserve the original shape of the product.

Black/white Overprint


(60 × 40 × 11/9 СМ, WAVE-SHAPED)

Product code: ART6040COP

The shape of this pillow ensures optimal head and neck position, while the AirCell memory foam filling adapts to the contours of the body for personalized support and comfort. A zipper cover is made of jacquard fabric (70% polyester) and bamboo fibers (30%), which makes the pillow soft and durable.



Product code:

This pillow provides stable support for the spine during the night. As in the previous model, the AirCell memory foam filling adapts to the shape of the head and neck. A highquality zipper cover made of jacquard fabric and bamboo fibers is the key to easy care of the product, and the inner cover made of knitwear provides additional hygiene.



Product code: ART5070SHP

Due to its increased size, this pillow provides more space for a comfortable rest. Its rectangular shape and the AirCell memory foam filling ensure the correct position of the head and neck, reducing the strain on the spine. A zipper cover and an additional inner cover are the key to easy care and long service life of the product.


(34 × 29 × 10 СМ, U-SHAPED)

Product code: ART3429NEP

This travel pillow provides neck comfort and support during long journeys. The AirCell foam filling keeps the pillow plump, and a closure makes it easy to adjust its position and attach to luggage. The cover is made of jacquard fabric and bamboo fibers, and the inner cover is made of knitwear for more softness.

Ensure a healthy sleep with a wide range of Sleepwell orthopedic pillows.

Electric Heat for Healthy Sleep

As we seek warmth on a cold night, we dream of a comfortable sleep. For over a century, Beurer has been providing warmth and comfort: thanks to electric heating pads, blankets, and electric sheets from the brand, you can enjoy sleep with open windows, immersing yourself in soft warmth while feeling the freshness at the same time.

Electric blankets, heating pads, and sheets warm the body and bed, not the room. This makes them efficient and economical, as they consume significantly less electricity than conventional heaters. For example, an electric sheet uses only 0.25 kWh when used for three hours, while an oil heater uses 1.5-2.5 kWh. In addition, all Beurer heaters comply with European quality standards and are Öko-Tex

certified, so they do not cause the air to dry out, maintaining a healthy room climate. Moreover, Beurer electric heaters warm and relax muscles, reducing tension and relieving pain, for example, in rheumatism. Choose Beurer electric heat for daily comfort and coziness. It’s a thoughtful and practical gift for yourself and your loved ones, providing warmth and showing care.

Since 1919, the German brand Beurer has been creating reliable heating pads, blankets, and electric sheets that make sleep comfortable, especially during the cold season. Beurer represents innovation, allowing you to enjoy warmth even with open windows, ensuring fresh air and individual comfort.


Cozy and pleasant to the touch, these products are available in two sizes –180 × 130 cm and 200 × 150 cm, made from soft fleece. All models have a power of 100 W and feature 3 to 6 temperature settings, depending on the model.


Convenient for quickly and effectively warming the back, abdomen, and legs. Available in three sizes: 40 × 30 cm, 44 × 33 cm, and 60 × 40 cm. All products have a power of 100 W and feature 3 to 6 temperature settings, depending on the model.


Warm and effective, some models, including large double sheets, have separate zones for feet and body, allowing individual adjustment. Depending on your needs, you can choose sizes: 130 × 75 cm, 150 × 80 cm, or larger 200 × 90 / 200 × 100 cm. All models have a power of 60 W and feature 3 to 9 temperature settings, depending on the model.

Why Choose Beurer Electric Heat?

• Reliability and Safety: Made from high-quality materials with Öko-Tex certification, Beurer electric devices are long-lasting. The patented BSS safety system protects against overheating and automatically turns off the device when necessary. Additionally, the stylish design and convenient backlit remote control ensure ease of use.

• Energy Efficiency: These products consume minimal electricity, warming the body and bedding rather than the air in the room. They do not dry out the air, ensuring economical and effective heating.

• Comfort and German Quality: The warmth helps you relax, promoting healthy sleep. The heating elements are tightly arranged but are completely unnoticeable during use, providing quick and even heating. The backlight display for convenience and the selection of modes (from 3 to 9 depending on the model) allow you to set the optimal temperature and create the most comfortable conditions.

• Ease of Use: Simple controls, quick heating, and the ability to machine wash with the cable detached (for most models) make these devices convenient and practical.

Looking for a simple yet effective way to care for the clothes without hassle? The ARDESTO handheld steamer is the best choice. Speed, mobility and minimal effort are just some of its advantages.

The ARDESTO range includes two models of handheld steamers, each with unique design and functionality to meet different user needs. Both are equipped with a 1.8-meter-long cable to ensure freedom of movement during use.

Modern Solutions for Clothing Care

Indispensable helpers at home and while travelling: discover the benefits of ARDESTO handheld steamers.


The handheld steamers are gaining popularity for several reasons that make them more appealing than traditional irons:

1. Convenience and speed: these devices heat up faster and are easier to use; no need to waste time setting clothes on an ironing board.

2. Wrinkle minimization: the steamers are mostly effective at smoothing light wrinkles and reducing the chances of their reappearing, making the devices optimal for daily use.

3. Lower risk of fabric damage: since steamers do not come into direct contact with the fabric, the risk of overheating and burning is minimized, which is especially important for delicate items.

4. Versatility: the devices can refresh clothes by removing odors and clean fabrics from dust and allergens.

5. Portability and lightness: the handheld steamers are smaller and lighter than traditional irons, making them easier to store and transport.

6. Less hassle: no ironing board is needed, saving time and space. These advantages make handheld steamers a popular choice for users seeking a simpler and more convenient way to care for clothes daily.


Product code: SI-S1200W

Power: 1,200 W

Water tank capacity: 120 ml

Folding handle

7 holes for steam supply

Constant steam supply at the push of a button

Nozzle for delicate fabrics

Cable length: 1.8 m


The ARDESTO SI-S1200W model is a lightweight and convenient option for those who value mobility. Thanks to its compact size and foldable design, this steamer is easy to take with you on trips or business travels. The model features a ceramic soleplate and comes with a nozzle for delicate fabrics. The power of 1,200 W and continuous steam output of 22 g/min ensures fast and efficient steaming. The 120 ml water tank allows for prolonged care without frequent refills, keeping the clothes looking impeccable.


Product code: SI-S1400

Power: 1,400 W

Removable water tank

Water tank volume: 280 ml

Automatic shutdown

LED button lighting

Two nozzles for delicate fabrics

Cable length: 1.8 m


The ARDESTO SI-S1400 is better suited for home use. This model features a ceramic soleplate, 1,400 W of power and continuous steam output of 22 g/min, along with a "steam boost" option. Equipped with LED lighting for ease of use and an automatic shut-off function, this steamer is an indispensable tool for daily clothing care. Its removable 280 ml water tank allows for longer use without frequent refills, and the two nozzles for delicate fabrics ensure safe steaming of any material. In addition to its functionality, the modern design gives it a stylish look, making it a great fit for almost any interior.

A Revolutionary in Clothing Care

Unveiling the Secrets of SteamOne – the No. 1 French Brand in Fabric Care.

The modern world sets high standards for appearance, and looking sharp is not just a requirement, but a necessity. But how can we keep our clothes in impeccable condition when time is one of our most valuable resources?

The answer to this question was discovered long ago by the Gabisons brothers, the founders of SteamOne. Since its inception, SteamOne has been a true breakthrough in fabric care, winning the hearts of both fashion professionals and everyday users. Let’s explore why this brand is so beloved by millions of consumers worldwide and whether it truly deserves the title of a revolutionary in this field.

Unique Features

Exclusive Design: Each SteamOne steamer is not just a device, but a true masterpiece of design that harmoniously complements the interior of any style.

Speed and Power: The devices are equipped with a powerful aluminum heating element that ensures highquality and efficient steaming, allowing clothes to look impeccable in just a few minutes.

Safety and Functionality: Intelligent protection systems and a wide range of settings guarantee safe use for all types of fabrics.

Eco-Friendliness: SteamOne’s production meets the highest environmental standards.

Patented Start&Stop

Technology manages the steam flow automatically for maximum convenience. Thanks to an infrared sensor, steam is only released during active steaming, and when the steam head is placed on the station hook, the device stops the steam flow and activates a "sleep mode" after a few minutes of inactivity.

SteamOne: From Idea to Global Leader

The story of SteamOne began with a simple yet ambitious dream – to simplify people's lives. Passionate about fashion and eager to create a better tool for clothing care, brothers Olivier and David Gabisons, experienced designers, transformed a complex and exhausting process into a more convenient and quicker one – effective steaming. Their efforts culminated in the creation of their own brand, which became a market leader in France and continues to expand its horizons. SteamOne steamers stand out with innovative technologies, stylish design, and functionality.

Compact and Lightweight: An ideal choice for travel and quick clothing refreshment.

A Range for Diverse Needs

SteamOne offers a wide variety of steamers that are suitable for tasks of any complexity and meet the demands of even the most discerning users.

Vertical Stationary Steamers: Optimal for household use, combining power and convenience.

Portable Steamers: Compact and lightweight, an ideal choice for travel and quick clothing refreshment.

Professional Devices: Perfect for tailor shops, showrooms, and other professional needs, providing high-quality garment care.

Steam Disinfection: An Additional Advantage

SteamOne not only helps care for clothing effectively but also disinfects it. The powerful steam jet effectively eliminates up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, ensuring hygiene and freshness.

SteamOne is a symbol of quality, innovation, and style in the world of clothing care.

Handheld steamers have become indispensable assistants for many, as they allow you to quickly refresh clothes and remove wrinkles. The use of steam extends the lifespan of clothes, as the fabric does not wear out during steaming. Electrolux offers new models of steamers from the 500 and 700 series, which promise to take garment care to a new level. Let’s take a closer look at their features and benefits.

Speed and Convenience

Electrolux Care 500 series includes two models: E5HS14WP and E5HS1-6UG –compact and efficient helpers

for garment care, refreshing clothes between washes and eliminating unpleasant odors. A foldable handle makes the steamers convenient for transportation and storage, which is especially relevant when traveling.

Unlike the E5HS1-4WP, the E5HS1-6UG model is equipped with a GLISSIUM 10 metal plate, which heats up quickly and allows you to instantly smooth out wrinkles, restoring freshness to clothing.

500 series devices come with a heat-resistant cover, which can also be used as a glove, protecting your hand from hot steam.

Power and Versatility

For those looking for a more powerful and functional device, the Refine 700 line with models E7HS2-6UG and E7HS2-8WB is the optimal choice. Powerful steam output and the advanced GLISSIUM 30 metal plate allow you to quickly smooth even the most stubborn wrinkles on any fabric. For the best results, it is recommended to steam clothes directly on a hanger or horizontal surface. The steamers are equipped with a loop for comfortable use and convenient storage – simply hang the device on a hook after use. Refine 700 is a versatile assistant capable of handling any task.


Despite some differences, the devices from both series provide delicate fabric care, effectively eliminating 99.99% of bacteria and removing unpleasant odors. Thanks to innovative technologies, Electrolux steamers help quickly and easily refresh clothes with minimal time and effort. Additionally, the models feature a stylish design and are distinguished by Swedish quality, proven over the years.

Up to 12 Months * of Smooth Skin!

Philips Lumea photoepilator: effective hair removal at home.

Tired of painful and ineffective hair removal methods? The Philips Lumea photoepilator is a reliable partner for long-lasting smooth skin, thanks to its advanced IPL technology. Developed in collaboration with dermatologists, this innovative device allows for easy, safe and effective hair removal at home.

A unique approach for every area of the body

The Lumea BRI977/00 photoepilator is equipped with four attachments designed to contour specific body areas, ensuring optimal effectiveness:

Body: the largest window and curved design for efficient coverage of the necessary areas.

Underarms: medium window and curved design for precise treatment of underarms.

Bikini: medium window and curved design for precise treatment.

Face: the smallest flat window and curved design for precise treatment, featuring an additional built-in filter for extra skin protection.

*Average hair reduction after 12 treatments: up to 86% on legs, up to 70% on bikini area, up to 67% on underarms. Individual results may vary.

How does photoepilation work?

1 Gentle light pulses penetrate the hair roots.

2 Hair follicles weaken, enter a dormant stage, and hair naturally falls out.

3 Regular treatments prevent hair regrowth.

Philips Lumea Prestige photoepilator is the result of 14 years of research and development in collaboration with leading dermatologists.

A new level of photoepilation: smooth skin all year round

Discover the benefits of photoepilation with a device that ensures up to 12 months of smooth, hair-free skin. With Philips Lumea and its IPL technology, used in beauty salons since 1997, the user can achieve professional results right at home.

Safety first

Philips Lumea is a reliable choice for safe photoepilation at home.

Developed in collaboration with dermatologists, its IPL technology ensures effective and gentle skin care, allowing to achieve desired results

without pain or unnecessary risks. The device guarantees safety and comfort during every session.

Gentle care and comfort with SenseIQ technology

The Lumea 9900 series photoepilator is equipped with SenseIQ technology, which automatically adjusts light intensity based on the skin type.

Five light intensity settings and smart attachments help determine the most optimal settings for painless use, making hair removal comfortable for every area of the body – whether it’s legs, underarms or the face.

Quick result with minimal effort

Achieve up to 92% hair reduction after just three treatments**! Initially, use the device every two weeks, then reduce to once a month, and you'll soon see the difference. Fast treatment – just 8.5 minutes for both legs below the knees – and long-lasting results of up to a year of hair-free hair are guaranteed.

For different skin and hair types

IPL technology requires a contrast between hair pigment and skin pigment. This makes the device suitable for a variety of skin

**Measured on legs when following the treatment schedule (after 3 sessions). Individual results may vary.

tones – from light to dark brown (I–V) – and hair colors, delivering optimal results for dark blonde, brown and black hai r.

Cordless freedom of movement

Philips Lumea stands out for its convenience and ease of use: when plugged in, it’s perfect for quick treatments on large areas like legs, while its cordless mode is ideal for comfortably reaching tricky spots.

Convenience and time-saving

Philips Lumea save the time and money. Forget about dependence on beauty

salons, as photoepilation can be done at home in comfortable conditions, choosing own schedule of procedures.


Almost all hair removal methods require maintenance procedures, including salon treatments. The photoepilator is equipped with a lamp with a lifespan of 400,000 flashes, equivalent to nearly 39 years of use***. Clearly, purchasing the Lumea is not only an investment in self-care but also in the future, saving on expensive salon treatments.

***Designed for use on legs below the knees, bikini area, underarms and face. The lamp's lifespan does not extend Philips' 2-year warranty.

Modern care options with the Lumea App

The Lumea SkinAI app enhances the experience with the latest artificial intelligence features. From skin analysis to result control – everything to achieve optimal results with the Philips Lumea 9900 series photoepilator.


Take a selfie, and the Lumea SkinAI app will provide a detailed skin analysis and personalized care recommendations. Learn more about the skin and improve its condition with simple tips!


Photoepilation procedures have never been easier! The realtime flash sound counter in the app ensures every area of the skin is treated with maximum efficiency and precision.


Want to know how the skin changes between treatments? Lumea SkinAI monitors hair reduction progress and provides recommendations to achieve better results, considering the unique hair regrowth process.

30 years from the beginning to an

Moving forward into a victorious

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• Graphics Cards AFOX, ASUS, Biostar, GIGABYTE, HP, Inno3D, MSI, SAPPHIRE, Zotac

• FDD, HDD, SSD ADATA, Apacer, ASUS, GIGABYTE, Kingston, Netac, Patriot, Samsung, SanDisk, Seagate, Synology, Toshiba, Transcend, WD

• Sound Cards ASUS, EPOS

• PC Cases 2E, 2E Gaming, CHIEFTEC, SilverStone, Zalman

• Motherboards AFOX, ASRock,


• Storage Devices ADATA, Apacer, Kingston, Netac, Samsung, SanDisk, Seagate, Sony, Transcend, WD

• RAM ADATA, Apacer, Kingston, Netac, Patriot, Synology, Transcend

• Cooling 2Е, 2E Gaming, ASUS, CHIEFTEC, SilverStone, Zalman

• CPUs AMD, Intel

• Thermal Paste 2E, Zalman


• PC Accessories and Options 2E, ASUS, Belkin, C2G, Dell, DIGITUS, HP, MikroTik, TP-Link, Trust

• PCs and Workstations Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo

• Monitors 2E, 2E Gaming, Acer, ASUS, ASUS ROG, Dell, HyperX, LG, MSI, Samsung


• Computer and Console Furniture 2E Gaming, ASUS, HyperX, Playseat, Razer, Trust

• Standard Desks 2E, 2E Gaming, DIGITUS, Trust


• Data Storage Accessories ASUS, Transcend

• Memory Cards Apacer, Kingston, Netac, Samsung, SanDisk, Sony, Transcend

• Network Storage Systems QNAP, Synology


• Additional Services 2E, Dell, HP, Lenovo

• Laptops 2E, Acer, ASUS, Dell, Dream Machines, GIGABYTE, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft, MSI

• Laptop Bags/Backpacks/Cases 2E, Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Trust, Tucano, UAG, Wenger

• Holders and Stands 2E Gaming, Acer, Belkin, C2G, Dell, DIGITUS, HP, Trust


• Document Shredders 2E

• Calculators 2E, Canon

• Laminators, Binders, Cutters 2E

• Presentation Devices and Accessories magnetoplan


• Adapters, Docking Stations, Converters 2E, Acer, Belkin, C2G, CHIEFTEC, D-Link, Dell, DIGITUS, hama, HP, Kingston, TP-Link, Transcend, Trust

• Webcams and Microphones 2E, 2E Gaming, ASUS, AVerMedia, Canon, Genius, HP, HyperX, Microsoft, Nikon, Panasonic, Razer, Sony, Trust, Vaddio

• Electronics Cleaning Products 2E, Electrolux, Kärcher

• Video Capture ASUS, AVerMedia, Razer

• Power Cables, Extension Cords 2E, ASUS, Belkin, C2G, Dell, DIGITUS, HP, MikroTik, TP-Link, Trust

• Mats 2E Gaming, Akko, ASUS, ASUS ROG, Cherry Xtrfy, DIGITUS, Dream Machines, HP, HyperX, MSI, Razer, Trust, Varmilo

• Keyboards and Accessories 2E, 2E Gaming, Acer, Akko, ASUS, Cherry Xtrfy, Dell, Genius, hama, HP, HyperX, Keychron, Lenovo, Microsoft, MSI, Razer, SteelSeries, Trust, Varmilo

• Mice and Accessories 2E, 2E Gaming, Acer, ASUS, ASUS ROG, Cherry Xtrfy, Dell, Dream Machines, Genius, GIGABYTE, hama, HP, HyperX, Lenovo, Microsoft, MSI, Razer, SteelSeries, Trust

• Holders and Stands 2E Gaming, Razer


• Home Workstation Virtualization Parallels

• Operating Systems and Office Applications Microsoft


• Information Panels and Accessories 2E, LG, Samsung

• Projection Equipment 2E, Acer, ASUS, Canon, Epson, Panasonic


• E-books PocketBook

• Protective Glass and Films, Plotters 2E, Belkin, Spigen

• Mounts and Stands 2E, ASUS, Belkin, Samsung, Spigen

• Tablets Blackview, DOOGEE, Durabook, Microsoft, OnePlus, Samsung, TCL, TECLAST, UMIDIGI

• VR Systems Epson, PlayStation

• Smartwatches, Fitness Bracelets, Trackers 2E, Blackview, GoGPSme, Samsung

• Smartphones and Mobile Phones 2E, ASUS, Blackview, DOOGEE, OnePlus, Samsung, TCL, TECNO, UMIDIGI

• Landline Phones and Faxes 2E, Alcatel Lucent, D-Link, Fanvil, Gigaset, Panasonic, Poly

• Cases and Styluses 2E, Koss, Samsung, Spigen, UAG


• Video and Photography Equipment Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Panasonic, Sony

• TV Mounts 2E, Chief, Dell, DIGITUS, hama, HP, HyperX, KSL, Samsung, Sony, ZPAS

• TVs, Soundbars 2E, LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, Sonos, TCL


• Photo/Video Accessories Canon, Fujifilm, hama, Nikon, Panasonic, Sony, Trust, Tucano, VARTA

• Video and Photo Equipment Canon, Fujifilm, Nikon, Panasonic, Sony

• Optical Devices Bosch

Household Appliances, Housekeeping and Care


• Cooktops ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Cata, Electrolux, Gorenje, Haier, Hotpoint, Siemens, Whirlpool, Zanussi

• Wine Coolers Candy, Electrolux, Haier

• Range Hoods beko, Bosch, Cata, Electrolux, Faber, Franke, Gorenje, Siemens

• Ovens beko, Bosch, Candy, Cata, Electrolux, Gorenje, Haier, Siemens, Whirlpool, Zanussi

• Coffee Machines Bosch, Electrolux, Siemens, Whirlpool

• Microwave Ovens beko, Bosch, Candy, Cata, Electrolux, Gorenje, Siemens, Whirlpool

• Freezers beko, Electrolux, Liebherr

• Dishwashers ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Electrolux, Gorenje, Haier, Hotpoint, Indesit, Philco, Siemens, Whirlpool

• Washing Machines beko, Candy, Electrolux, Whirlpool, Zanussi

• Refrigerators ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Electrolux, Faber, Franke, Gorenje, Hotpoint, Indesit, Liebherr, Siemens, Whirlpool


• Wine Coolers ARDESTO, Candy, Haier, Philco, SNAIGE

• Freezers ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Electrolux, Gorenje, Indesit,

Liebherr, SNAIGE, Whirlpool

• Stoves ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Electrolux, Gorenje, Indesit, Zanussi

• Household Chemicals, Accessories Electrolux, Kärcher, THOMAS

• Dishwashers ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Electrolux, Gorenje, Indesit, Liebherr, Philco, Siemens, Whirlpool

• Washing Machines ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Electrolux, Gorenje, Haier, Indesit, LG, Philco, Siemens, ТСL, Whirlpool, Zanussi

• Drying Machines ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Electrolux, Gorenje, Haier, LG, Siemens, Whirlpool

• Refrigerators ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Electrolux, Gorenje, Haier, Hitachi, Indesit, LG, Liebherr, Philco, Siemens, SNAIGE, ТСL, Whirlpool


• Home and Garment Care Equipment ARDESTO, Bosch, Brother, Dyson, Einhell, Electrolux, Gorenje, GRAPHITE, Janome, Kärcher, LEADER, LG, Makita, Metabo, Miele, Minerva, Panasonic, Philips, Roborock, Rowenta, RYOBI, Russell Hobbs, SENCOR, SteamOne, Tefal, THOMAS, TP-Link, VERTO

• Beauty and Health Care Equipment ARDESTO, BaByliss, Beurer,

Dyson, Moser, Panasonic, Philips, Remington, Rowenta, SENCOR, WAHL

• Small Kitchen Appliances ARDESTO, beko, Bosch, Candy, Electrolux, Gorenje, KRUPS, LG, Makita, Miele, Moulinex, Nivona, Panasonic, Philips, Russell Hobbs, SENCOR, Siemens, Tefal, Whirlpool


• Cooking Accessories ARDESTO

• Home Decor ARDESTO

• Food Storage ARDESTO, Avent, Duralex, Nuvita, Tefal

• Glassware ARDESTO, Tefal

• Cookware ARDESTO, Fiskars, Gorenje, Tefal, Termisil

• Tableware ARDESTO, Bormioli Rocco, Duralex

• Cutlery ARDESTO


• Garment Care Accessories ARDESTO

• Decorative Textiles ARDESTO

• Kitchen and Table Textiles ARDESTO

• Towels and Bathroom Textiles ARDESTO

• Bedroom Textiles ARDESTO

• Household Goods ARDESTO

Power Supply and Lighting. Alternative and Smart Technologies


• Batteries 2E, SHOTO, Vision

• Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries Panasonic, Philips, VARTA

• Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Systems 2Е, АРС, Dell EMC,

DIGITUS, Eaton, FSP, Legrand, Lenovo, Panasonic

• Portable and Versatile Battery Power 2Е, Könner & Söhnen, RYOBI

• Voltage Stabilizers and Regulators AWATTOM



• Electrical Cabinets APC, DIGITUS, ETI, KSL, MikroTik, MIRSAN, ZPAS


• Electric Transport 2E, SegwayNinebot

• Charging Stations, Devices and Cables 2E, DIGITUS, SegwayNinebot

• Protective and Additional Equipment 2E, DIGITUS, SegwayNinebot


• USB Cable Chargers Belkin, Samsung, Sonos

• Wireless Chargers 2E, Belkin, DIGITUS, hama, Samsung, Sonos, Spigen

• Portable Power Supplies 2Е, Könner & Söhnen


• Controlled and Uncontrolled Lighting 2E, Govee, LEDVANCE, NEO TOOLS, Osram, Philips Hue, Philips lighting (Signify), RYOBI, TOPEX, TP-Link Tapo, Twinkly, Twinkly PRO, VARTA, V-TAC, WiZ


• Automation Systems, Smart Home, IoT FIBARO, MCOHome, Philips Hue


• Generators 2Е, EnerSol, GRAPHITE, Kärcher, Könner & Söhnen, NEO TOOLS

• Alternative Power Systems 2Е, Alcatel-Lucent, АРС, AWATTOM, Dell EMC, DIGITUS, Eaton, FSP, Legrand, Lenovo, Panasonic, RYOBI

Tools, Garden/Car Products


• Car Electronics 2E

• Car Lamps Osram, Philips, WiZ

• Car Maintenance 2E, Bosch, Einhell, Könner & Söhnen, Makita, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley

• Car Batteries and Jump Starters 2E, Einhell, Könner & Söhnen, NEO TOOLS, TOPEX

• Car Care Bosch, Kärcher, Könner & Söhnen


• Tool Consumables Bosch, Dremel, Einhell, GRAPHITE, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley, TOP TOOLS, TOPEX, VERTO

• Measuring and Marking Tools Bosch, Einhell, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley, TOPEX

• Electric Tools Bosch, Dremel, Einhell, GRAPHITE, Kärcher, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, TOPEX, VERTO

• Pneumatic Tools Bosch, Einhell, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, TOPEX

• Hand Tools, Wrenches and Sets Bosch, Dremel, Einhell, GRAPHITE, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley, TOP TOOLS, TOPEX, VERTO

• Machine Tool/Construction/ Rigging Equipment Bosch, Fiskars, GRAPHITE, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley, TOP TOOLS, TOPEX, VERTO

• Clothing, Footwear, Personal Protective Equipment Cellfast, GRAPHITE, Makita, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, TOP TOOLS, TOPEX, VERTO

• Tool Organizing Bosch, Einhell, GRAPHITE, Makita, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley, TOP TOOLS, TOPEX, VERTO


• Water Supply and Irrigation Systems 2E, Bosch, Cellfast, Kärcher, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, VERTO

• Garden Equipment 2Е, Bosch, Einhell, GRAPHITE, Kärcher, KSL, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, TOP TOOLS, VERTO

• Garden Tools 2E, Bosch, Cellfast, Einhell, Gerber Gorge, Kärcher, Makita, Metabo, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, TOPEX, TOP TOOLS, VERTO

Climate, Heating, Plumbing, Comfort


• Household Fans ARDESTO, Einhell, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI

• Air Conditioners ARDESTO, Bosch, Cooper&Hunter, LG, Panasonic

• Ventilation Systems beko, Bosch, Cata, Electrolux, Faber, Franke, Gorenje, Siemens


• Electric Water Heaters (Boilers) ARDESTO, Ariston, Bosch, Gorenje, TESY, Zanussi

• Instant Water Heaters ARDESTO, Ariston, Bosch, Zanussi


• Consumables and Accessories Bosch, Brita, Ecosoft, Kärcher, Бриз

• Pool Maintenance Equipment Ecosoft

• Drinking Water Filters Brita, Ecosoft, Kärcher, Бриз

• Household Water Filters Ecosoft


• Air Humidifiers ARDESTO, Cooper&Hunter, Electrolux, Govee, Philips, Rowenta

• Climatic Complexes Cooper&Hunter, Panasonic, Philips

• Weather Stations, Thermometers, Hygrometers Beurer, hama, SENCOR

• Air Dehumidifiers Cooper&Hunter, MYCOND, NEO TOOLS

• Air Purifiers ARDESTO, beko, Beurer, Cooper&Hunter, Kärcher, NEO TOOLS, Philips, Rowenta



• Diesel Heaters NEO TOOLS

• Electric Heaters 2Е, ARDESTO, BRADAS, Cooper&Hunter, Einhell, Electrolux, Gorenje, NEO TOOLS, Rowenta, STANLEY, Sun Way, Teploceramic, TESY, UFO, Zanussi


• Heating Tanks Ariston, Bosch, TESY

• Heating Boilers ARDESTO, Ariston, Bosch, Buderus, Immergas

• Pumps Optima, Wilo

• Installation Radiators and Convectors Kermi, REHAU

• Towel Warmers ARDESTO, Hygge Family, Mario

• Snow Melting and Anti-Icing DEVI

• Underfloor Heating Danfoss, DEVI, REHAU, Veria

• Heat Pumps Ariston, Bosch, Buderus, Immergas


• Drainage REHAU

• Bathroom Plumbing Deante, GROHE, Hygge Family, Mario

• Kitchen Plumbing Deante, Franke, GROHE, hansgrohe

Network Equipment, SCS, CCTV Video Surveillance


• Video Surveillance Cameras Bosch Security, DIGITUS, D-Link, Hanwha Vision, Panasonic, Tiandy, TP-Link


• Adapters, Modems, Print Servers 2E, APC, ASUS, Dell EMC, D-Link, Eaton, hama, HPE Aruba, Legrand, Lenovo, MERCUSYS, NETGEAR, Nikon, Tenda, TP-Link

• Wireless Systems and Equipment Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, ASUS, Cisco, D-Link, Fortinet, HPE Aruba,


• Switches 2E, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, ASUS, Avaya, Cisco, Dell EMC, DIGITUS, D-Link, Fortinet, HPE Aruba, Lenovo, MERCUSYS, MicroTik, NETGEAR, NETIS, Tenda, TP-Link

• Routers ASUS, Cisco, D-Link, Fortinet, Honor, HPE Aruba, NETGEAR, NETIS, Tenda, TP-Link, Vaddio

• Media Converters and Transceivers DIGITUS, D-Link, TP-Link


• Network Interface Cables and Modules 2E, APC, Belkin, C2G, DIGITUS, Legrand

• Twisted Pair Cable 2E, DIGITUS

• Fiber-Optic Cable DIGITUS, Legrand, Lenovo

• Telecommunications Cabinets and Racks APC, Dell EMC, DIGITUS, Eaton, ETI, HPE, Lenovo, Middle Atlantic, Mirsan, ZPAS

System Solutions and Products for Enterprises


• Extended Warranty and Support Licenses Cisco, Dell EMC, Lenovo, Oracle

• Information Security Solutions Cisco, Fortinet, Microsoft, Oracle


• Intercom Systems Ajax, BAS-IP, Bticino, Slinex


• Workstation/Server Virtualization Microsoft, Oracle, Parallels

• Database Management Microsoft, Oracle, Vertica

• Server Operating Systems Microsoft, Oracle, SUSE

• IT Management Software АРС, Cisco, Micro Focus by OpenText, Microsoft

• Workplace Software Microsoft, SUSE, Synology

• Application/Business Software Microsoft, Oracle

• Data Backup, Restore and Management Commvault, НРЕ, Microsoft, Oracle, Veritas

• Cloud Technologies Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle


• Expanded Functionality and Warranty Cisco, Dell EMC, HPE, Lenovo, Oracle

• Servers ASUS, Cisco, Dell EMC, HPE, Lenovo, Oracle

• Data Storage Systems Dell EMC, HPE, Lenovo, Oracle, QNAP, Synology, WD


• Video Conferencing Equipment and Solutions AVer Information, Bosch Security, Cisco, EPOS, LENOVO, Poly

• VoIP Products Cisco, Yeastar

• Telephony Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Fanvil, Gigaset

Tactical/Tourist Equipment and Gear


• Remote Antennas, Amplifiers and Cables 2E, 4Hawks, Alientech, Yuneec

• Drones Autel, Yuneec

• UAVs Detection and Influence Equipment 2Е, 4Hawks, Alientech, Autel, Skyfend, Yuneec


• Backpacks and Bags 2E, Tucano, WENGER

• Tactical Clothing and Footwear 2E

• Tactical Gear 2E


• Outdoor Equipment 2E

• Eye Protection 2E

• Hearing Protection 2E

• Knives, Shovels, Tomahawks 2E, Cellfast, Fiskars, Gerber Gorge, NEO TOOLS, TOPEX, VERTO

• Tactical Optics 2E

• Personal Heating Devices 2E

• Radio Equipment and Navigation 2E

• Tactical Lighting Devices 2E

• Flasks and Hydration Systems 2E


• Clothing and Footwear for Outdoor Activities 2E


• Gas Equipment BRADAS, Cellfast, EL GAZ, GOK, Hexagon Ragasco

• Camping 2E, NEO TOOLS, Philips, VARTA

• Lanterns and Lights 2E, Bosch, Einhell, GRAPHITE, hama, Makita, NEO TOOLS, Panasonic, Philips, RYOBI, TOPEX, VARTA

• Knives and Multi-Tools Fiskars, NEO TOOLS, RYOBI, Stanley, TOP TOOLS, TOPEX

• Travel Goods EL GAZ, NEO TOOLS, Nuvita, sigikid, Tucano, UAG, WENGER

Children's Goods and Toys


• Car Seats Avionaut

• Strollers Greentom, Jedo, Miqilong

• Electrical Appliances Avent, Nuvita

• Bunting Bags Nuvita

• Children's Furniture Janod, Kaloo, Nuvita, Oribel, sigikid

• Children's Sunglasses KOOLSUN

• Nursing and Pregnancy Products Avent, Nuvita, Philips Avent

• Baby Care Products Avent, Heimess, Nattou, Nuvita, Same Toy


• Outdoor Toys Fun Promotion, Gazillion, nic, Same Toy

• Toys for Babies goki, Janod, Heimess, Nattou, Nuvita, sigikid

• Soft Toys CoComelon, DevSeries, Fortnite, Kaloo, Mattel, Nattou, Our Generation, Same Toy, sigikid, Spidey

• Radio-Controlled Toys Fortnite, New

Bright, Same Toy, Spidey

• Toys – Weapons and Accessories NERF, Same Toy, Silverlit

• Toys - Musical Instruments goki, Janod, Same Toy

• Action Figures and Sets Build a Bot, CoComelon, DevSeries, Domez, Fortnite, Funko, Janod, Li'l Woodzeez, Lori, MONKART, Nanables, Our Generation, Rev&Roll, ROBLOX, Sponge Bob, Super Wings

• Dolls Lori, Our Generation

• Cars and Robots CoComelon, DRIVEN, Flip Cars, goki, Janod, Li'l Woodzeez, Makeblock, nic, Rev&Roll, Same Toy, Spidey, Wonderworld

• Soap Bubbles and Accessories Gazillion

• Story-Role-Playing Sets goki, Janod, Same Toy


• Educational/Interactive Toys

CoComelon, goki, Janod, nic, Oribel, Same Toy, Wonderworld, ZANZOON

• Educational and Research Toy Products Same Toy

• Creativity Toys goki, Janod, Nattou, nic, PAULINDA, Same Toy, Scribble Down, Sequin Art

• Board Games goki, Goliath, Janod

• Building Sets fischertechnik, goki, Janod, LEGO, MagPlayer, nic, Same Toy, Super Wings, Wonderworld

• Puzzles goki, Janod, Same Toy

• Robotics and Drones Drone Force, Makeblock, Same Toy


• Trampolines and Accessories Salta

• Bicycles and Balance Bikes Janod, Miqilong, Yvolution

• Protection and Accessories Janod, Miqilong, Yvolution

• Scooters, Skateboards and Roller Skates Miqilong, NEON, Yvolution

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