The Coronavirus chronicle in Greece – George Panetas

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Introduction The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 constitutes a turning point in human history, a milestone in world history. From now on, we will be talking about the pro-corona and the post-corona era. It has been characterized by some, as the world war of our generation. In this book, I wrote down how we experienced the situation in Greece starting from the 26th of February until the 3rd of May 2020, the measures that were taken and what has happened every day since the first day of the lockdown. I recorded the events of this so important period, the transition period to a new reality, whose form is still unknown to us. I live and work in Piraeus, Greece. In this city I experienced the quarantine and the lockdown imposed to us, due to the COVID-19. I decided to write about this issue, about this phenomenon, about this invisible global enemy, the coronavirus, to collect as much information as I can, mainly from Greece, but from all over the world as well, since it is something that concerns the entire humanity and therefore it is better to examine it accordingly. The present work constitutes a source of a multiple information about this period. I cite links to news’ websites, both Greek and foreign ones, as well as to other important sources of information, side by side with my personal experiences, feelings and thoughts. In this book, I write down incidents and news that took place every day in Greece and in many countries abroad. The COVID-19 disease hit the whole world, this is why I thought it would be preferable to mention incidents happening in other countries as well, as we all live in a global community and no one is isolated from the other. We are closer than we think, since a virus from China managed to infect Greece and many other countries too. It is something we were watching from afar. We were watching on TV and in the Internet, what was going on in China: the dead, the rapid transmission, the measures taken, the status of the current situation there. We were told it was about a virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which was transmitted to humans from bats. For some this

constitutes a convincing explanation, for others it does not‌ Anyway, we were watching from a distance what was happening, how many people were dying, the quarantine imposed, and we were hoping - praying - that it would not reach us too, but deeply down we all knew that at some point in the future this would happen. . When the first case of COVID-19 was announced here as well, many were taken by surprise and shocked, many realized that the war had come, it was here, and we thought that we too could face the same situation that China faced. Fortunately, in Greece, the right people were in the right place; fortunately, the Mitsotakis’ government took strict measures early on and thus the number of cases and dead was low in comparison to other countries. We have never been through something like this before. We all experienced terror and agony, unprecedented situations. I hope I will soon stop writing about this issue, because it will be soon gone. Will we manage to break free from this curse? Will we survive? Will we remember how our lives used to be before the coronavirus? How will our lives look after it? Will they be the same? How many fellow human beings will the reaper take with him? What will be the consequences? Has the COVID-19 come to stay? How will be the next day for those who shall survive this biological war?

The history of COVID-19 in Greece, the main moments Wednesday, February 26, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic of 2019-2020 appears in Greece, this is when the first case is recorded. A 38-year-old woman from Thessaloniki, who had recently visited North Italy, was found positive and was admitted in the AHEPA University Hospital. Her family, and also those who came in contact with her, were willingly isolated. The majority of cases reported during the first days were related to people who had traveled to Italy, an important epicenter of the pandemic, and to a group of pilgrims who had traveled to Israel and Egypt, as well as these people’s contacts.

Thursday, February 27, 2020 All “Apokries” (Carnival) festivities were canceled in the country.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 Due to the emergence of cases in various places around the country and due to the citizens’ non-compliance with restriction measures, it was decided to close down all the educational institutions of the country, of all levels. The businessman Vangelis Marinakis, announced on his own social media account that he was infected by the virus, while in parallel urging people to adhere to the protection measures.

Thursday, March 12, 2020 The first death from coronavirus is recorded. The ninth case, a 66-year-old man was the first who died from the disease early in the morning. Also, 18 new cases were announced, 10 out of which were characterized as “orphan”, that is it was not possible to identify the carrier from whom they contracted the disease. Furthermore, the first case, a 38-year-old woman and her child were discharged from the AHEPA University Hospital in Thessaloniki.

Friday, March 13, 2020 The functioning of coffee shops, bars, museums, shopping malls, sports facilities and restaurants was suspended.

Sunday, March 15, 2020 It is decided that henceforth the coronavirus diagnostic test will be administered only to those who are hospitalized with pneumonia symptoms and patients with chronic diseases. Overall, by March the 15th there were 331 cases, 44 out of those were locally acquired and most of them in Athens, while51 people remained hospitalized. Also, 8 people were intubated in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras, whose average age was the one of 67 years. All of them received antiviral treatment and 10 out of them were discharged.

Monday, March 16, 2020 Damaskinia and Dragasia villages in Kozani are placed in quarantine. All retail stores were closed and the overall suspension of services of all religions and dogmas was decided. Bakeries, supermarkets, drugstores, private healthcare institutions and some other businesses remain open and e-commerce continues regularly.

Wednesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 19, 2020 The government announces a series of measures of over 10 billion euros, aiming at supporting the economy, businesses and employees.

Sunday, March 22, 2020 Public address by the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis - Suspension of nonessential mobility and transportation of citizens all over the country.

Monday, March 23, 2020 Significant restrictions are imposed on the mobility and transportation of citizens all over the country, apart from exceptions concerning those who commute towards and from their workplace, move to procure essential goods or medication, or visit a doctor or person in need of help or care, among other cases. While being outside, as long as their reason of movement falls within the accepted exceptions, citizens must carry their ID card or passport, as well as some kind of attestation depending on the reason of movement.

Saturday, April 4, 2020 Decision for the extension of the mobility restrictions, until April the 27th.

Monday, April 13, 2020 At 7:30 in the afternoon, the Prime Minister of the country Kyriakos Mitsotakis made a public address.

Thursday, April 23, 2020 Announcement of a renewed extension of the curfew until the 4th of May.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 Public address by the Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, regarding the abrogation of the measures.

Sunday, May 3, 2020 Last day of the lockdown.

Conspiracy theories (?) The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a biological weapon created in a laboratory from where it leaked. The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory and released to the world, in order for some to make a lot of money out of selling the vaccine and the medicine. The coronavirus was created in a laboratory and some people purposefully “released” it into the world, to use it as a biological weapon. The coronavirus was created in a laboratory and was used to injure some country at multiple levels, mainly economic. The coronavirus was created in a laboratory and is being used as practice for future plans. It is an exercise, a rehearsal for something bigger. The coronavirus is a pretext being used to abolish cash, so that transactions take place only electronically. That is, the virus is transmitted through money as well, when it goes from one’s hands to another’s hands, so we must abolish cash for the common good and for everyone’s safety. The coronavirus is being used as a weapon for controlling the masses. The coronavirus is being used for economic purposes, to restart the economy with everything this entails. In his book The Eyes of Darkness (1981), the writer Dean Koontz talks about a deadly virus under the name of “Wuhan-400” and essentially it has the name of the Chinese city from where the coronavirus epidemic started. The coronavirus was created in a laboratory, it is biochemical weapon for reducing and eradicating the human population. The Simpsons had predicted the coronavirus. The COVID-19 disease is caused by waves of radiation released by the 5G network. The coronavirus is being used for the furtherance of microchip implants in humans.

The coronavirus is being used for the advancement of interests and plans, secret societies and those who govern. The coronavirus is being used for increasing the gap between the poor and the rich. The coronavirus is in the interest of the promotion of the digital era.


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