Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

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Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

CHAPTER #1 The meeting I have only a few days to tell you what happened to my life the last year. As you already know I had no interest in women in the past. You have always been worried about me and you weren’t the only one. All this time I was keeping a diary addressed to you. Our relationship never was the best since we were kids, we were so different. A jobless brother without a girlfriend, without education, without interests was a family problem. I was always feeling that I want more time with you, talking with you but you were always busy for me, so I was writing whatever I would like to share with you, so I wasn’t feeling lonely. In five hours I will put together some parts of a subject that is the one I should really tell you, all the others has no meaning this moment. Now is time for you to read. Everything changed one evening after sun went down. I cup of coffee with Edward after the gym. He ordered an orange juice. I admire his discipline. Edward is the person who follows the nutritionist’s instructions strictly and he is working out every day! –Not even coffee! You are a saint my friend!!! –Ha ha let’s find where I put the halo! Take care of your body! You kid if you listen to me the perfect woman you dream of will chaise you soon. It hasn’t to be only one. Look at me, I’m a

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

married man, a happy husband and I can have whichever chick I want. –Until your wife finds out and take the halo and put in... . - Ha ha you are a funny guy Lefteris, funny and romantic. You remind me at your age. Now I see life differently. You know me two years since I changed gym. At the last one I had problems. - Women, that is your only problem. Are you in love with Julia? –I used to be. Now I love her. She gave me the best present in the world, my little princess. Julia is a good mother and a wonderful wife but there no spark between us anymore. - Your desires Ed, can be fulfilled by your wife. - Some of them. To be with the same woman for many years makes a man loses his interest. –But you are happy with her you don’t want a divorce and find someone else. - Of course not. She is the one I can trust, she’s always there for me and she is the mother of my child. Let’s talk about something kid. A man has his needs. When you look at a beautiful woman, you want to go to bed with her. That’s nature Lefteris. –I don’t want to go to bed with anybody right now. - Well there are many options, a bed is not necessary. All furniture is fine. The toilettes of a club are acceptable just be careful. And of course there is no reason to eat every time all the pie some or a blow sometimes is like a vitamin.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

Conversation with Ed about women is hopeless. How is he capable to touch someone if he loves as he claims his wife? What kind of love is that? I guess we are not all people the same. Nobody understands the others. As for the women... .I don’t know they seem to be all the same to me. The weird of the situation is that I already know that I am wrong but this is how I feel. No one attracts me since I was at school. When I was 15 I had a crush on Scarlett Johansson. You must remember that, the posters in my room. At the same time you were 22 and you brought home a real woman, not a fantasy. I never had a girlfriend. You think that is something wrong with me. You always had girlfriends and now you have a serious relationship for two years. You live together. Ed believes that my problem is hormonal and he insists that I should change my daily program. He has many theories about why my situation is like that. He says that a job will change the way I think and feel more secure about myself. He thinks that the fact that I live with my family is not normal for my age. He may be right but I don’t think is the perfect time for me to live by my own. At the way home, I stopped to a closed shop and stared for a while. Except for some cars every minute the street was pretty quite. A strange feeling that someone was looking at me but there was no one around. I was alone. Maybe somebody would try to rob me. I never was afraid of anything. That night everything was different. Then I heard wings and started to run like a maniac to my neighborhood. Then I saw people walking and I finally breathed. A question in my head why I heard something fling and what was it. Maybe a bird, what else? - Mom, dad, hi

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- Your dinner is in the kitchen! Don’t forget it. - Ok! Thanks mom! I wasn’t hungry that moment. I went directly to open my laptop and start my secrete work. Nobody knows what I am doing and everybody believes that I am wasting my time in front of the computer playing games or watching stupid videos all night long. I don’t care. When I make the big bang I will inform everyone. After two hours working, I felt a headache, time to stop for a break. I lighted up a cigarette and opened from my files the picture. This is about a woman. Almost a year before that night I was searching for painting and this was come from a website of European art. The name of the artist didn’t mention. Somebody discovered the paint between some rocks many decades before somewhere in Corsica of France. I am not a huge fun of art like you, but I couldn’t stand you marking me that I have no clue, so I was looking for something you didn’t know about to take my revenge. In front of my eyes many meaningless paintings and then that face! A beautiful woman, just the face. It has something that face that magnetized me and I kept the picture like a teenager does with pictures of necked women. That woman must have lived centuries ago. Brown eyes, blond hair, pretty face. My loneliness plays games with me some times. I reject real women and I admire drawn pictures. She must existed, she looks real, not an imagination. Someone was looking at her and drawn her. And that moment I remembered the food. ‘’Sweaty I’ll be back in a minute. Stay pretty.’’ As I was walking through the stairs I was thinking the possibility to find a woman that attracts me as that

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

one. I returned to the room with my plate and I said to the picture of the woman ‘’Why don’t you be real right now? Please be! Please be and come to me!’’ From my half opened window which automatically opened totally something went inside. The noise made me stand up and see. I freaked out. It was a creature that looked like a woman! She looked me in the eyes and fainted away. I came closer to her and as I was wondering how a woman could climb to my window and why to do something like that, I noticed that she had an extremely white skin, the color of the dead. I was totally freaked out! I was watching a woman who came from nowhere dying in my room! I had to take her pulse. Dear lord! There was no pulse! As I was holding her hand, I saw her nails were long and sharp. Quick thoughts were coming. What I was going to do? How could I explain to my parents, to the police, to the whole world that a stranger come to my room from the window and died? How to explain something that I couldn’t understand? Her head moved! How stupid am I! It is not possible somebody died at the moment and her skin has been white before. She is still alive but she is ill. - Miss, talk! Can you hear me? Miss, who are you? What are you doing here? Is somebody chasing you? How could you come in? She opened her eyes. There were yellow! That moment I understood. That wasn’t a woman. That was a vampire! A vampire in my room! My god they exist! It was true! I had to kill it! I grabbed a baseball bat that I had next to my desk to stick to its heart. She said ‘’Please don’t’’ with slow voice and she

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

closed her eyes again. I stopped and looked at her. That face! It was the same face I was looking one minute before! It was the woman of the portrait! I was dizzy. I turned around to my laptop and I watched again the picture. Yes, it was the same face. It was her. I dropped the bat. - Can you speak? - Yes, I can. - Who are you? - I am what you already thought. But I am not going to hurt you. - Why are you here? - I was in the neighborhood and I felt weak and then... . - You speak with difficulty. How can I help you? - I need some blood. I haven’t tasted for a really long time. - Ok. Wait a minute. I almost fold down the stairs to go quickly to the small bathroom. There was a first aid kit. I took a syringe and punctured myself with it, filled it with my blood. I went back to her. She was still lying down with her eyes closed. - Here, drink. - I can’t hold... . - Here, just open your mouth. - How you fell now? - Wait... .…Aaaaaaah! What’s your name?

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- I am Lefteris. And you are... .? - Does it matter? - You asked first. - I think I am better now. First of all thank you. That was yours right? I nodded and showed her my arm with the gauze. - Why you did that? Don’t you know that now I have the power to destroy you? Don’t you know that I am ten times stronger than any man? Her facial expression had changed. She seemed confident with a light smile, maybe irony. Her yellow eyes were trying to read my fear, my deep thoughts. She made a step closer to me. I had to say something… - You said you are not going to hurt me. - And you believed me? How foolish you are! - Stay away! - A ha ha! Now you are afraid of me. Ok my hero, I’m living now. It was really nice to meet you. - Wait wait!!! - What do you want? You have questions don’t you? You are confused. You wonder about my kind. You didn’t believe our existence and know you can see me and talk to me. And this is your only chance to know. Am I wrong? - No, you’re not, but... .

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- But? - There is also something else. - What? Her ironic face marked me and tried to make me insecure. As she was smiled satanically I could see her two longer teeth. A vampire, the woman of my dreams was in front of me and it was an undead creature that had just drank my blood whilch I gave to her by my own. - Do you recognize this woman? I saw to her the picture from the laptop and I stepped aside. It was her turn to get confused. She was surprised. - How you found that? Why I came to your room? Who are you mortal? - It is you! But you are different now. Your hair was blonde and curly. Now there is black and straight. Your eyes were brown and now are yellow. Your skin was normal and now is white. You used to be a woman. Before I answer your questions, you answer mine first. - I used to be human, like you. Suddenly, everything changed. - How? - It was her. She attacked me. - Who? She stopped talking, a long silence. I couldn’t understand why she didn’t tell me about.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- You seem not to remember. Give it a try. - I don’t remember but I know it was her. - So, one day, you become vampire and you don’t remember how. - No. It was one night. She smiled and I saw her two sharp teeth again, without those she would have the best smile in the whole world. I smiled too. And her voice was so magical. About the face I had already loved it. As I was admiring her look she continued talking. - I wake up and I saw faces around me. Somebody said ‘’welcome to our world’’. He helped me to stand up. His name was Black Dragon. Then, everyone stepped aside and Lilith came to me. ‘’Now you belong to me, I am Lilith your creator’’. She was very beautiful. I followed her. I looked around deep night, full moon, music in the air. She took my hand and we kept walking. Trees and animals were around and the two of us walking. There was a young boy tied to a tree. Lilith suggested me bite him. I did nothing. Lilith bit him. I saw the boy suffered but he couldn’t scream, even his mouth was tied. Lilith forced me drink from his wound in the neck. I drank too much, I couldn’t stop. I was so thirsty. His blood ended and he died. - You killed him. - I didn’t know that I was doing that. I didn’t realize what I was doing at that moment. The first words that came from my mouth were ‘’What is going on?’’ Lilith explained me that we need blood to survive.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- So, you didn’t know what you were. - I followed her. We walked on a path that led to an underground tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was a staircase leading to the inside of a castle. That was it. My life was beginning by living there. The rest crew was inside the castle before us. They introduced themselves one by one. And it was time to give me my name. That night was dedicated to Satan, so my name would be something to remind that. Black Dragon suggested Lucy, from Lucifer. Everyone agreed. Then he asked me if I accept it and I said yes without thinking. They led me to an underground room with coffins and they showed mine. ‘’You have to get rest my dear, they day is coming.’’ - What do you mean they gave you a name? You have another name before? - Yes, but I don’t remember it. - You don’t remember your own name? That means you don’t remember anything of your life before. - That’s true. I have already told you what you want to know and now it is your turn to answer my questions. - Just a second! You have no memories from your human past? - Yes. But you know something don’t you? You have a picture of me. Tell what do you know about me? - Nothing at all. I had found your picture months ago. Suddenly she got angry and with a quick move that I didn’t manage to see she grabbed me by the throat and lifted me to the ceiling.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- Are you marking me mortal? Her eyes got fire and I felt pain in the neck. - Please, let me explain. My voice was barely audibly, her hand left my neck and I fell to the floor coughing. - I found your picture from a website almost one year before. - Website? - Here, come to see! I opened again the laptop which had closed after much time being out of order and I opened my files again. Then, I search on internet to find out the website. I noticed that she was looking carefully and curious all that time. She must have no idea of technology. - Whatever you want to see you have to search. All the information of the world is here. - How this works? I mean where all this information came from? - It started from the 90’s and involved quit fast. Before that the web was different, only for government uses. Now anybody with personal computer or phone ever tablet is able to use. When somebody put information controlled by reliability mechanisms. I found the European art website with her picture and all information I’ve seen before. We read them together. - The only thing that I understand is that you must be French or somebody who lived that period in France.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- Or the person who drawn me took the portrait to France. So, you know nothing about me... .But tell me one thing. Why you kept the picture? I couldn’t say a word. She was waiting for my answer. - You like me. Isn’t it? - Yes. - And how I came here? You must know from the movies and the novels that my kind can’t go somewhere, especially in a house without invitation. You must have called me. - Yes, but I didn’t know that you are a vampire. - Acceptable. - And you... I mean how could you hear me? You were out of house, of my window. And my wish made you come in. You... .you were watching me! I felt it in the street. You were planning to harm me, attach me! - No, I didn’t… It’s true, I was watching but I didn’t plan to attach you. - Then why? You like me too! - I have to go now. - You can’t leave like that! Answer me! - If you want to see me again I have to go, or else the sun is coming and is going to kill me. - I want to see you again.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

- Wait for me tonight. - I will. After she left, I was trying to realize what had just happened. I had to talk to someone. No way, I couldn’t. I started looking for information on the internet about vampires. Movies, television series those didn’t help at all. The articles were in order. Scientists have been explaining why people believed in the past ages in existence of vampires while they reject it with arguments. They helped even less. Then I went to magic- related websites which supported the existence of vampires but on an intangible, spiritual level. I fell asleep at noon. My mother’s voices woke up some hours later.

Wait For Me Tonight – Athineou Cleopatra

CHAPTER #2 A vampire’s life - What will happen with you? Are you planning to destroy yourself? You intend to spend your whole life in this room. - Mom, please I have a headache. - Of course you have a headache! You stay awake all night long in front of this thing destroying your eyes, your mind and your health. Sleep at night is not replaced by sleeping during the day…


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