‘Writing a Poem about the Sea’ Grade 2 – Antiparos Primary School
The Sea of My Heart The deep-blue sea that washes my island beautiful Antiparos I have in my soul. Wherever I turn to see little boats ply the sea and fill my little soul with tranquility. In the morning when I go down to the little harbour fishermen call out ‘Good fish here.’ And when I leave here leave my beloved island this blue of the sea I will always keep inside my heart. Michalis Kalargyros
The Sea The blue sea clear and bright has in it a thousand fish conches and shells. On the wide beach children make sandcastles chase little crabs catch little octopuses. Into the sea I dive swim like a dolphin play with pebbles and little white waves. The blue sea I take good care of it I don’t throw litter or bags and little tins in it. Panayiotis Marinatos
At the Sea Sea, blue, sea still I come to you and wade I put on my mask and gaze at you how much I like you, I love you Fish, shrimp, little shells multicoloured shiny seaweed how much I like to gaze at them I’m never coming out again! I built a castle on the sand and follow my army I throw my ball, dive again into the white foam of the sea. Damianos Marinatos
The Sea My sweet little sea, you are so brilliant. Everyone loves you, dives into you. The ships travel and the fish swim. The mermaids bewitch them and all the people look on. Chryssostomos Faroupos
The Sea The blue sea, which is so clear. I am delighted when I swim in its cool water. The beauty of the sea is a joy in summer. And its golden sand is flooded with children. Eleni Triantaphyllou