Control and cure dandruff naturally

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Control and Cure Dandruff Naturally

Control and Cure Dandruff Naturally on Business Standard. There are different types and reason why an individual may have dandruff.

Health News Having dandruff can be a frustrating condition, the white flakes can be just not only annoying and embarrassing but pretty stubborn too. There are different types and reason why an individual may have dandruff. It is important to distinguish between the various types of dandruff because depending on the type of dandruff the treatment may differ. The most common reasons of dandruff are dryness of the scalp, oil related dandruff, fungal dandruff and dandruff due to some disease or ailment. Dandruff due to dry scalp is the most common type of dandruff found in people. Dry dandruff is dry, small and fine flakes that are separate from the scalp. In case of dandruff due to dry scalp the white flakes or dandruff often fall like snow on one’s shoulders especially when the hair is combed. The said type of dandruff is often populated by parasitic microorganisms and tiny fungi thus dry dandruff causes itching too. Dandruff can also be caused by sebum oil secreted from the scalp. If the hair and scalp are not cleaned and shampooed regularly it may lead to the sebum oil combining with dead skin cells and thus causing dandruff. Finally dandruff due to fungus usually appears after puberty and can last for a lifetime; the condition may get aggravated during periods of stress or fatigue. Some Natural Cure for Dandruff

Dermatological shampoos are quite effective and can significantly improve the condition. But did you know that it is possible to get rid of dandruff by using natural remedies? These natural remedies have the advantage of being economical and being without any side effects for the body. Mentioned below are few natural methods to get rid of dandruff.


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