Daily Healthcare Tips for Senior Citizens
Daily Healthcare Tips for Senior Citizens on Business Standard. Senior Citizens in the age group of 65+ require special attention to their health is no secret. Getting older shouldn't mean illnesses, ailments and a poor quality of life.
Latest News Senior Citizens in the age group of 65+ require special attention to their health is no secret. Getting older shouldn’t mean illnesses, ailments and a poor quality of life. It is seen that young people with healthy habits age well, thus it is always good to start early. But understanding that it’s never late to start living healthy is also important. With old age comes decline in both physical and mental health. With age there will be changes in skin, bones, brain, teeth, eyes and much more of a person. Thus it becomes doubly important for senior citizens to take extra care of themselves. Firstly it’s extremely vital for a senior citizen to take control of his or her health. Some basic healthcare tips related to diet, activities and lifestyle for senior citizens are mentioned below: Staying Active
Adequate amount of daily or regular physical activity will go a long way in keeping senior citizens both healthy and happy. This also helps fight a number of lifestyle diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, colon cancer and more. Depending upon one’s age, likes and current health condition one can decide upon various activities. Formulating a sensible routine or exercise program is important. One can always seek professional help of a doctor or of a health professional. Also it’s important to understand the significance of maintaining appropriate intensity levels and heightened importance of safety from any physical injury in case of senior citizens. Any sign of discomfort or pain however mild shouldn’t be ignored. For senior citizens it’s best to take it slow; always take appropriate time for warm-up and to cool off, stay hydrated and wear appropriate shoes and clothing.
Other physical and leisure activities such as brisk walking, sports like badminton, water aerobics, dancing, dog walking, Yoga and more are also recommended. One must try and include varied exercises that will help improve flexibility, balance and build strength and stamina. Indulging in regular physical activity also has a positive impact on the mental health of senior citizens. It can help improve memory, keep the person mentally alert and active and helps fight depression.